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135 Years

Volume 136 Issue 30 Friday, October 5, 2018 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax

this week
Fundraising Bedpush

Minnedosa to
be Featured
in Bike Movie

Photo by Karen Mitchell

Quilts on U of M Ag students push an old bed down Main Street Minnedosa last Friday as part of their fundraising tour.

Display By KAREN MITCHELL ple students set off on their Friday, September 28th at ing lot. Although not a along their route.

journey with a few RV’s, a 6:00 p.m. long distance down Main Over the last three

F ifty students from the

University of Mani-
toba Agriculture travelled
bed onboard for pushing
and an overwhelming spir-
it that can be felt by anyone
The students, dressed
in bright yellow shirts, ad-
vertising the Ronald Mc-
Street, anyone in the vicin-
ity would be able to hear
them coming.
years, the Aggies Bedpush
has raised over $22,000 for
the Manitoba Heart and
through multiple towns encountering these great Donald House Charities, For over 30 years the Stroke Foundation, Grow-
late last week, on a jour- young adults. were eager to bring atten- Ag students have pushed ing Support for Cancer-
ney to raise money and The route this year tion to their cause. Setting the very same bed over Care and Manitoba Farm-
awareness for the Ronald started at the University off from the Conference the 221 km route. In the ers with Disabilities.
If your label reads McDonald House in Win- of Manitoba campus then Centre, the aggies ran last few years, the students If anyone is interested
18/10/31 nipeg.
Every year, the Uni-
moved on to Elie, Portage,
Gladstone, Minnedo-
south down Main Street,
with signs waving, RV
have changed up their
route a bit. The bedpush
in helping out this great
cause you can visit the
It’s time to renew
versity of Manitoba Ag sa, Killarney, Baldur, St. horns blasting. The large used to be held on High- website at fundraiser@
your subscription! students, affectionately Claude and ending in Car- “yellow group” pushed way #1, but due to safety uofmaggies.ca Here, you
known as the “aggies”, man. Students arrived at an old wrought iron bed concerns, they now push can donate and find more
204-867-3816 choose a charity to raise the Minnedosa Commu- on wheels to the Heritage the bed down Main Streets information.
money for and then multi- nity Conference Centre on Co-op Grocery Store park- of select communities

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