Mtt30dummy MG Final
Mtt30dummy MG Final
Mtt30dummy MG Final
VOL. 125, NO. 30 THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2017 SINGLE COPY PRICE: $1.25
said the people doing it would mothers, a new book telling their stories, is available now.
dressed in colorful garb, their Justice, Public Education and GRANNIES, page 5
A dedication ceremony for the Middleton Community Veterans Tribute took place Saturday, and the event was both a heartfelt celebration of a job well done and a bittersweet remembrance
Above, a scene from last weeks Middleton Common Council meeting at City Hall.
Times-Tribune photo by Cameron Bren Buyers Guide,
CENTER, page 6
please call 767-3655
Making the Good Neighbor Fest a true community celebration
Part of an ongoing series shining a spotlight on those who make GNF happen
Chamber members at a recent monthly Get Moving Middleton breakfast gathering. Middleton Jaycees members at their recent State Convention.
Photos contributed Boys interested in get involved, visit www.middle- munity services. The members
troop membership should con- of the VFW Post 8216 Auxil-
tact Scoutmaster Jan Cermak at iary work to serve the veterans, active duty members, their fam-
ilies and local communities in
Middleton Chamber honor of the sacrifices and com-
Middleton Jaycees of Commerce mitments of every man and
The Middleton Jaycees is an The Middleton Chamber of woman who have or are serving
organization of young profes- Commerce works to promote a in uniform.
sionals, ages 21-40, serving the strong economy and high qual- Kathy Esser, current Presi-
Middleton and Madison areas ity of life for the greater Mid- dent of the Auxiliary states,
of Wisconsin. Their focus is on dleton Community. They are an Being a member of the Auxil-
community service, profes- association of more than 700 iary gives me a chance to help
sional and personal develop- businesses, focusing on facilita- our veterans and their
ment, networking, leadership tion, advocacy, education and familiesreceive the recognition
A recent gathering of VFW Auxiliary members. training, and other fun activi- communication. and assistancethey deserve for
ties. They have helped put on a We have the most engaged the sacrifices theymade and are
childrens Easter Egg Hunt, vol- members that a business organ- making. Ms. Esser is also a
The Middleton Good Neigh- ticle. Optimist Club of Middleton,is unteered with the Junior Na- ization could hope for, says member of the Good Neighbor
bor Festival Board of Trustees Four more of the 13 civic and a diverse, welcoming, and ac- tional Adaptive Sports Executive Director Van Nutt. Festival Board of Trustees,
has chosen the theme of The service groups at work in the tive group of Scouts ages 11 competition, and participate in They understand rising tides serving on the 5K Walk/Run
Year of the Volunteer to honor community and also at work on 17. Besides earning Merit the MOMs Christmas Sharing - that one entitys success helps Committee.
and appreciate all individuals the 54th annual Good Neighbor Badges and working toward Program every year.They also drive community success. Be- Those eligible for member-
and volunteer groups who ded- Festival are featured below. Eagle Rank, Scouts plan and have regular volunteer days yond that, shared goals with the ship must be a US citizen or na-
icate their time, talents and re- Stay tuned for the final article in lead monthly outings, a summer where they spend time helping City and school district put tional and a spouse,
sources to give back to the the series on in the coming high adventure, and a week at out with other groups in the Middleton in a strong, forward- widow/widower or first degree
community. The Good Neigh- weeks. All organizations wel- summer camp in northern Wis- community, such a Reach-A- looking position. family member of a honorably
bor Festival is scheduled for come new members or volun- consin. Troop members volun- Child, Second Harvest, and For more information about or generally discharged or cur-
August 25 through 27 this year. teers at any time. Contact teer for food drives, park theCub Scouts. the Middleton Chamber of rently serving member of the
The Good Neighbor Festival information is provided for cleanup, the Middleton Good The Middleton Chapter was Commerce, go to www. middle- US Armed Forces in any for-
itself has been volunteer-led Middleton citizens who want to Neighbor Festival, and other chosen host the State Conven- or contact eign war, insurrection or expe-
since its inception in 1964. This get involved, contribute their civic celebrations. The program tion earlier this year giving Brenda Delabarre in Member- dition. Membership information
is the second article in a series expertise and give back to the is intended to give young men members an opportunity to ship Development at cham- is available at
that highlights the civic and community. Volunteer and the chance to lead others, learn sharpen their leadership and or
service volunteer groups that membership opportunities can lifelong skills, and spend time networking skills. The (608) 827-5797. ship-leadership.htmlor at the
work together to plan and host also offer many personal re- in the great outdoors. Jaycees has been a great way to carnival ticket booth during the
the Good Neighbor Festival. wards including new skills, The spirit of volunteerism is put new ideas into action. Due Good Neighbor Festival.
The Middleton VFW Post 8216 friendships, community con- instilled in troop members from the support, education and lead- Middleton VFW Those who wish to join the
(William Sonny Simon Post), nections, fulfilling experiences early on. Chase Mueller, Life ership within the group, we be- Post 8216 Auxiliary VFW Post 8216 Wm Sonny
Middleton- Cross Plains Area and self-satisfaction. Scout, says, I like giving back come empowered to make a The VFW Auxiliary is an in- Simon Auxiliary should contact
School District Education to the community, which is part realdifference in our commu- tegral part of the VFW and sup- membership chairperson Sandy
Foundation, Cub Scout Pack Middleton Boy of being a good citizen. nity, says Vice President of ports a host of programs which Shiveler at
240 and Middleton Optimists Scout Troop 940 For additional information on Membership, Anamika Holke pursue issues of national impor- or at
were spotlighted in the first ar- Troop 940, chartered by the Boy Scouting, see www.glaci- For more information or to tance to veterans. These pro- (608) 271-7404. Prospective
grams are designed to preserve members are also welcome to
veterans rights, advocate a attend a meeting, held on the
strong national defense, pro- first Wednesday evening of the
mote patriotism and offer com- month at 7:00 pm in the lower
level of the Postat6710 Cen-
(USPS #347-380)
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proximately 262 apartments, a from the developer. West in- of $8,747,500 and an additional ability features to the develop-
Cross Plains American Legion Recycling is open for
market and food hall area and cluded the TIF request in the de- $1,582,665 in developer fi- ment but would rather not.
10,000 to 15,000 square feet of ferment as well. nanced TIF costs. Treysta says The council voted unani-
business, new address for drop off of metals.
other retail uses at 7622 Lisa The TIF request is broken it could reduce the TIF request mously to defer both items until
2217 American Legion Drive located at the back of
Lane. Along with the proposal into actual improvement costs by eliminating a couple sustain- revised plans were submitted.
Legion Shed there is a new vinyl fence installed, please
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Middleton attorney pleads guilty to fraud
Sweeney is also being sued by UW Athletic Director Barry Alvarez
by KEVIN MURPHY clinic, according to a building Duchemin said. ner. tions until sentencing. ruptcy and Alvarez asked
industry website. Sweeney filed a Chapter 11 In exchange for his guilty Sweeney, a former associate, Sweeney to help get his invest-
Sweeney was the managing bankruptcy in February 2013 plea to bankruptcy fraud, the Cory Buye, and Wisconsin ment back.
member of three Fairview listing the non-existent loan as government agreed to dismiss Lawyers Mutual Insurance, are Sweeney allegedly over-
A Middleton attorney and Ridge LLCs when he told part- debt owed to Fairview. When wire fraud and identity theft being sued by University of stated his skill in bankruptcy
former co-owner of three real ners Michael Casey and Joel the bankruptcy trustee began to charges against him. Those dis- Wisconsin Athletics Director law and hired a Florida firm to
estate development companies Frank in 2007 that he wanted to investigate the nature of loan it missed charges are grounds for Barry Alvarez and his family assist. The lawyers did not tell
pleaded guilty Friday in federal loan Mark Gullickson money at was discovered it did not exist. a pending disciplinary action who lost $1 million in a Florida Alvarez of a June 2010 credi-
court to bankruptcy fraud in 13 percent. Sweeney also said Sweeney admitted in a deposi- brought against Sweeney by the Ponzi scheme. tors meeting and the deadline to
connection with listing on bank- Gullickson would guarantee the tion that he took corporate Office of Lawyer Regulation. According to the suit: file a claim against Shapiro.
ruptcy documents funds embez- loan and sign a promissory note. funds for himself, Duchemin Sweeneys plea agreement Alvarez hired Sweeney, of That prevented the Alvarezes
zled from his partners as loans. By 2011, the Fairview Ridge said. does not allow him to contest a Sweeney & Sweeney, S.C., in from recovering any of their
Patrick S. Sweeney, 62, had companies had not received Sweeney admitted to District sentencing recommendation of 2005 to investigate Nevin money in the bankruptcy pro-
falsely told his Fairview Ridge payments on the supposed Gul- Judge James Peterson that he two years or less in prison. Shapiro, of Miami Beach, Fla. ceeding.
partners that he wanted to loan lickson loan and Casey asked listed the debts as loans to con- At his Nov. 17 sentencing, Shapiro ran Capitol Invest- Sweeneys firm billed Al-
a friend up to $115,000. Instead, Sweeney for the promissory ceal his criminal activity. Sweeney faces maximum ments, Inc. and was a booster of varez at $315 an hour and the
he withdrew for his own use note. Since Gullickson had Creditors forced conversion penalties of five years in prison, the University of Miami foot- Florida attorney billed at a
$420,000 from Fairview Ridge never asked Sweeney for a loan, of Sweeneys Chapter 11 bank- a $250,000 fine, three years su- ball team. higher rate.
corporate accounts, Assistant Sweeney forged Gullicksons ruptcy to a Chapter 7 proceed- pervised release and restitution. Based on Sweeneys recom- Shapiro was sentenced to 20
U.S. Attorney Meredith name on a promissory note and ing, which happens when the The amount of restitution has mendation, Alvarez invested years in prison in 2010 for secu-
Duchemin said. emailed it to Casey, according unsecured creditors become not been agreed upon and the $600,000 with Shapiro, and Al- rities fraud.
Fairview Ridge had or has an to the indictment. convinced that the bankruptcy parties admit it will be a com- varezs son, Chad Alvarez, in- Alvarezs suit against
address on Pleasant View Rd. In The note purportedly author- petitioner will not be able to plex financial matter. vested $416,000. Sweeney is set for trial in May
June 2008, it was awarded an ized a loan of up to $600,000 repay his debts, said Sweeneys Peterson continued Shapiros business went into 2018 in Dane County Circuit
$866,000 bid to build out leased from the Fairview Ridge LLCs, attorney Christopher Van Wag- Sweeneys release on condi- involuntary Chapter 7 bank- Court.
space for a Veterans Affairs
UW-MADISON Bridget Bartell, College of ence, Biochemistry; Anusha Kelshiker, School of ence-Industrial Engineering, In- Letters and Science, Bachelor
Letters and Science, Bachelor Iman Elbeblawy, School of Business, Master of Account- dustrial Engineering; of Science, Neurobiology, Psy-
of Science, Psychology; Education, Master of Science- ancy, Business: Accounting; Liam Patton, College of Let- chology.
SPRING GRADS Kristen Bednar, College of
Ag & Life Sci, Bachelor of Sci-
Special Education, Special Ed-
Carly Kirkpatrick, College of
Letters and Science, Bachelor
ters and Science, Bachelor of
Science, Environmental Stud-
ence, Community and Environ- Euan Findlater, College of of Arts, Communication Arts, ies, Geography, Graduated with (From Cross Plains)
More than 7,000 students re- mental Sociology; Letters and Science, Bachelor Zoology; Distinction; Eric Anderson, College of
ceived degrees during the Uni- Natalie Bernauer, College of of Arts-Journalism, Journalism; Elena Koyun, School of Sarah Perreth, College of Letters and Science, Bachelor
versity of Wisconsin-Madisons Letters and Science, Bachelor Briana Frolov, School of Business, Bachelor of Business Letters and Science, Bachelor of Science, Biology, Graduated
spring commencement cere- of Science, Zoology; Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmacy, Administration, Business: Man- of Arts, Psychology, Spanish, with Distinction;
monies, May 11-12, 2017. The Elizabeth Biermeier-Hanson, Pharmacy; agement and Human Re- Graduated with Distinction; Connor Buettgen, College of
ceremony for doctoral and med- School of Nursing, Bachelor of Hallie Funk, School of Edu- sources; Nicholas Petska, College of Ag & Life Sci, Bachelor of Sci-
ical professional graduates Science-Nursing, Nursing; cation, Bachelor of Science-Art, Rachel Lenhart, School of Letters and Science, Bachelor ence, Agricultural and Applied
wasMay 11at the Kohl Center, Joshua Bunting, College of Art, Graduated with Distinc- Med & Public Health, Doctor of of Science, Computer Science; Economics;
bachelors, masters and law Engineering, Bachelor of Sci- tion; Medicine, Medicine; Griffin Pyle, School of Busi- Teresa Caya, School of Med
graduates received their de- ence-Biomedical Engineering, Stephen Graves, School of Shannon Lins, Law School, ness, Bachelor of Business Ad- & Public Health, Doctor of
greesMay 12at Camp Randall. Biomedical Engineering; Med & Public Health, Doctor of Doctor of Law (Juris Doctor), ministration, Business: Finance, Medicine with Honors in Re-
Steve Levitan, a UW- Jonathan Campbell, College Philosophy, Medical Physics; Law; Investment and Banking; search, Medicine;
Madisongraduate and and co- of Letters and Science, Bache- Kelly Harrigan, School of Sydnie Lund, College of Jennifer Sampson, College Kyoko Dahl, College of Let-
creator and executive producer lor of Arts, Economics; Education, Doctor of Philoso- Letters and Science, Bachelor of Letters and Science, Master ters and Science, Bachelor of
of the ABC hit comedy Mod- Simon Casey, College of Let- phy, Curriculum and Instruc- of Science, Zoology; of Social Work, Social Work; Arts, History;
ern Family, spoke during cere- ters and Science, Bachelor of tion; Jeffrey Maasch, College of Steven Santistevan, School Kenny Gao, College of Let-
monies held at the Camp Science, Computer Sciences; Kyira Hauer, School of Edu- Letters and Science, Bachelor of Human Ecology, Bachelor of ters and Science, Bachelor of
Randall. Hanna Dehnert, School of cation, Master of Science- of Arts, Economics; Science-Personal Finance, Per- Science, Computer Sciences;
Here are the degree recipients Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmacy, Counseling, Counseling; Tyler Markel, College of Let- sonal Finance; Kevin Gao, College of Let-
from the Middleton-Cross Pharmacy; Franklin Hobbs, College of ters and Science, Bachelor of Audrey Simard, College of ters and Science, Bachelor of
Plains area: Tali Despins, College of Let- Engineering, Master of Sci- Arts, Economics, History; Ag & Life Sci, Bachelor of Sci- Science, Computer Sciences;
ters and Science, Bachelor of ence-Materials Science and En- Ann Meinholz, College of ence, Genetics; Matthew Jensen, School of
Science, Psychology; gineering, Materials Science Letters and Science, Master of Ryan Stark, School of Busi- Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmacy,
(From Middleton) Michael Donohue, College of and Engineering; Science-Communication Sci- ness, Master of Business Ad- Pharmacy;
Patrick Barney, College of Letters and Science, Bachelor Naomi Holzmann, School of ences and Disorders, Communi- ministration, Business: General Sara Nonn, School of Busi-
Ag & Life Sci, Master of Sci- of Science, Psychology; Business, Master of Account- cation Sciences and Disorders; Management; ness, Master of Accountancy,
ence-Bacteriology, Bacteriol- Jefferson Driscoll, College of ancy, Business: Accounting; Matthew Meinholz, College Mike Sweitzer-Beckman, Business: Accounting;
ogy; Ag & Life Sci, Bachelor of Sci- Brian Hopkins, School of of Letters and Science, Bache- School of Business, Master of Jeremy Ott-Holland, School
Med & Public Health, Doctor of lor of Arts, History; Business Administration, Busi- of Business, Master of Business
Medicine, Medicine; Jessica Miller, School of ness: General Management; Administration, Business: Gen-
Jaquelyn Janisko, College of Med & Public Health, Doctor of Allegra Tennis, College of eral Management;
Letters and Science, Bachelor Medicine, Medicine; Letters and Science, Master of Emily Padrutt, College of
of Arts, Biology, Psychology; Mckensey Miller, College of Arts-Library and Information Letters and Science, Bachelor
David Jones, College of Ag Letters and Science, Bachelor Studies, Library and Informa- of Arts with Honors in the Lib-
& Life Sci, Master of Science- of Science, Environmental tion Studies; eral Arts, Psychology, Spanish,
Plant Pathology, Plant Pathol- Studies, Zoology; Joclyn Tiedt, College of Let- Graduated with Distinction;
ogy; Jessa Moser, College of Let- ters and Science, Bachelor of Lynae Ripp, College of Let-
Teuta Jonuzi, Law School, ters and Science, Bachelor of Social Work, Social Work ters and Science, Master of So-
Doctor of Law (Juris Doctor), Arts, Legal Studies, Spanish; CSWE Accredited; cial Work, Social Work;
Law; Lindsay Mosher, School of Abby Wanserski, College of Brandon Schaller, College of
Emily Jorgensen, College of Nursing, Bachelor of Science- Letters and Science, Master of Letters and Science, Bachelor
Letters and Science, Bachelor Nursing, Nursing, Graduated Arts-Library and Information of Arts, Religious Studies;
of Arts, Chinese, Environmental with Distinction; Studies, Library and Informa- Erin Schulenberg, School of
Studies; Megan Norton, School of tion Studies; Human Ecology, Bachelor of
Brian Keenan, College of Business, Bachelor of Business Fritz Wells, College of Ag & Science-Textiles and Fashion
Letters and Science, Bachelor Administration, Business: Mar- Life Sci, Bachelor of Science, Design, Textiles and Fashion-
of Arts, Economics, Environ- keting; Biochemistry; Design, Graduated with Highest
mental Studies; Ashlyn Olson, College of Halle Wisniewski, School of Distinction;
Matthew Kelly, School of Letters and Science, Bachelor Nursing, Bachelor of Science- Farin Williams, School of
Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of of Science, Zoology; Nursing, Nursing, Graduated Business, Master of Business
Philosophy, Comparative Bio- Matthew Oswald, College of with Distinction; Administration, Business: Mar-
medical Sciences; Engineering, Bachelor of Sci- Elizabeth Zeker, College of keting.
Some of the Raging Grannies, from left to right: Rebecca Alwin and Linda Roberson (both Middleton residents), along with Marie Martini.
Photos contributed
like it would be fun, but also a one of our outings I commented ously. Can you talk about the grannies shatter those
ton of work. How did you actu- that I was excited to go on an- music thats included? stereotypes?
Q: Anything else?
cluding the ones listed at the be- catalysts in an effort to get peo- work but I think it was worth it (war, Act 10, etc.) that nonethe- few gigs a month with our
ginning of this article. Each ple to think about peace, social to try to describe the lives of less happened. Is telling their have songs, will travel atti-
granny is featured in four justice, public education, and ordinary women for future story inspiring and uplifting, or tude. Because the political at-
already know, tell us a bit most nine decades illustrating become aware and active. This
and responsibilities of women. ments section [of the book] I come from our presence and
Q: Including a CD with
The stories are dramatically dif- thanked my husband for his
1/2 Rack Ribs $15
a group of older women pad- ication to the common good. some winters in Tucson. On the book makes sense, obvi-
dled their canoes into their har- The book includes a CD and the
Prime Rib $22 BAR TEN DER S,
of Grannies in all the provinces tos: one of how she looks now,
OPEN AT 11 A.M. 7 DAYS (In Bar & On Patio)
of Canada and in at least 30 US a Granny Glamour shot, one Re s erve ou MUSIC LINE UP:
states. The Raging Grannies of which represents why she is po- E& 7/27 Sou-Pare PLUS
Madison began in the fall of litically active, and one of her as CLUBHOUS LD for
2003. Our flowered hats, aprons a much younger woman. There
7/28 Primitive Culture 7/29 Mark Croft Trio
with multiple political pins, and are many colored photos of us
WIFFLE BA parties!
shawls invite people to stop, at various gigs throughout the
your upcom
look, and listen to what we sing. years.
Residents and staff of Heritage Senior Living Middleton honored Middletons EMS, fire and police teams with a Brats for Heroes cookout on Tuesday, July 11. The first-of-its-kind event
was a thank you to Middleton area first responders for keeping Heritage Middleton residents safe throughout the years, as well as being a trusted resource for educational and safety-related
We are incredibly thankful for our first responders and their service to our residents, said Jessica Lauer, executive director of Heritage Middleton, which houses independent, assisted
living and memory care residents. They are quick to respond and always professional and compassionate. Plus, theyre a great community partner, whether its teaching our residents and
staff about personal safety or leading an educational event on how to avoid identity theft.
The event took place at Heritage Middleton, 6234 Maywood Ave. All first responders in the area both paid and volunteer were invited to attend, and each received a box with a brat and
bun, chips, potato salad and a bottle of water.
Phil Lewis land between the rail lines the that is highly competent, well ing to the dedication. simple idea, but has the poten- ton published another revision
lasting legacy
wedges would remain mostly trained and dedicated to serving To the Tribute Board, Chair- tial to be quite powerful. Safety of its northern route through
undeveloped agriculture and en- their community. man James Kurtz, members, for all opens the doors to new Grant, Iowa, and Dane counties.
vironmental corridors. I had heard long-time Mid- Doug Zwank, Don Knorr, opportunities and possibilities, Along the route through the
He promoted other big ideas dleton resident, Mike Leckrone Calvin Rigsby and Tank Mur- that could have positive out- Town of Vermont and other
Phil Lewis, nationally known such as Madison in the center of on the radio supporting the Me- doch- Well Done! comes for marginalized groups, places the mile-wide corridor
professor of landscape architec- a regional circle city con- morial Tribute in the park. As a as well as others. has been narrowed to 150 feet
ture, died earlier this month. nected by resources, transporta- friend and colleague at the UW Bill Richardson as would be the actual right-of-
Phils work had a significant tion and development patterns. School of Music, I knew Mike Middleton Zoewei Wyse way should the line follow this
Safety is
impact on the landscape of the He advocated for a regional de- would only lend his name to a Middleton route. Hence what can be called
Madison region, and on the sign center as a hub for design good cause. the Thin Blue Line.
necessary to
field of landscape architecture, professionals to collaborate and The speakers, Calvin J. Not surprisingly those ATC
as well described in local press serve the region and state. And Rigsby II, Commander of the crews spotted in June were in-
here, here and here. he envisioned a Personal Rapid VFW, who served two tours in vestigating spots along this nar-
In addition to his notable Transit system with pods on el- the Airborne Infantry in Iraq, rowed route. In the Town of
contributions mentioned in evated monorails transporting LTC John W Hall, West Point Vermont the powerline comes
those articles, such as his instru- people efficiently while sup- Grad, and the Ambrose-Hessel- near Pleasant Valley Conser-
mental role in establishing the porting good development. tine Assoc Prof. of Military His- Safety for everyone is key to vancy, and then farther on the
Nine Springs E-Way, Phil was As time passed, and growth tory at UW- Madison were navigating important, contro- In schools bullying is a huge land of Vermont Lutheran
also a larger than life figure in did not strictly adhere to his vi- concise, well spoken and effec- versial topics because it in- problem, especially for Church and then across 78 and
the field of regional planning. sions, Phils enthusiasm for re- tive, inspiring orators. creases the chance of raw, open LGBTQ+ youth. There are straight down Union Valley into
His work accompanied other gional thinking and planning as The military precision of pre- conversation to occur. If issues times when kids are shoved into the Town of Cross Plains.
great designers especially Ian key to a sustainable future did senting the Colors (flags) by the are never addressed and dis- lockers or pushed around, but The ATCs John Callaway
McHarg who pioneered the not dim. Well into his eighties UW ROTC Cadets, raising of cussed, they will remain un- thats not the most common explained that crews can walk
concepts of designing with na- Phil remained engaged and the flag for the first time on the solved. form of bullying, the most com- the land near a road up to 32
ture. ready to share his ideas. memorials flag pole, National I have been able to experi- mon types is verbal bullying. feet from the center line and
Their method of designing Thank you Phil for showing Anthem performed by a superb ence both sides of this safety Verbal bullying is often small they do not need to inform the
with nature involved catalogu- us the value of thinking big, brass quintet from the 132nd issue because of two different things like insults that hit close land owner. Deeper on some-
ing important natural and cul- persistence, and for making our Army Band, and Invocation experiences, at two different to home. This can cause mental ones land is trespassing Call-
tural resources, connecting region and world a better place. were all beautifully done. schools. At one school, I was in health issues like depression, away agreed. He said that they
them in corridors for preserva- We will miss you. The actual dedication by un- a class where the insensitive especially when this is on a were looking for more details
tion and access, and incorporat- veiling each of the granite posts joke of two male friends being daily basis. Because of this along the proposed route and
ing those corridors into regional of the five branches of the mili- a couple became quite popular. LGBTQ+ youth are four times mentioned trees and rock for-
plans. Long before GIS com- Steve Steinhoff tary by Post 8216 Vietnam- Era I witnessed both teacher and more likely to commit suicide mations. This is part of the gath-
puter mapping, he used map Deputy Directory, veterans, laying of the wreath, students treating homosexuality due to bullying. ering of information for an
layers to overlay these re- Capital Area RPC 21- gun salute by the Post 8216 as a joke, making it feel unsafe Out of 100 hundred students Environmental Impact State-
Dedication of
sources onto the landscape and squad, followed by the always to come forward and point out who were bullied, 61 percent ment due soon to an agency of
show their patterns and relation- heart-wrenching, somber, but that this joke was more harmful said they never reported the the Department of Agriculture,
ships. Methods such as these are perfectly performed rendition of than humorous. bully and 31 percent said that Callaway said.
now part of standard planning taps by the solo trumpet from So I know what its like to they reported them but the This latest development,
Tribute was
practices. the brass quintet, gave the audi- not feel safe enough to share school took no action to stop it. being more definite about the
Phil also understood the ence an emotional memory they your voice with others, but I We need to stand up and say route and having field crews on
an inspiration
value of robust public participa- will never forget. also know that its possible to that everyone can come to us. the land, comes against wide-
tion. Working for Governor In my many years hearing get to a place where you feel as Because of bullies 32 percent spread questioning about and
Gaylord Nelson, he enlisted cit- and performing in military if you can. At the other school, of LGBTQ+ youth skipped opposition to the line through-
izens to identify natural and cul- bands, I had never seen the I knew I was in an environment school for at least one day due out routes through Southwest
tural resources statewide. He The dedication of the Mid- words to our Service Songs as where my feeling of safety and to feeling unsafe. To prevent Wisconsin. Locally the town
displayed them on a giant map dleton Community Veterans part of the program until last belonging was important to bullying from happening I be- boards of Vermont, Cross
in the basement of the State Tribute in Lakeview Park on Saturday. more than just me. lieve that teachers need to be Plains, Arena and Wyoming
Capitol building for anyone to Saturday July 22 that I attended The words to the five Service According to Maslows Hier- more involved. For example, a have passed resolutions asking
view. presented by the William Songs; The Army Goes archy of Needs, a feeling of teacher could have a rainbow questions that ATC has refused
I had the honor of working Sonny Simon VFW Post Rolling Along, The Marines safety and belonging is vital to sticker in the corner of their of- to answer and to ask for consid-
with Phil later in his career, 8216, turned out to be an inspir- Hymn, Anchors Aweigh, our ability to move forward in fice to show that it is a safe eration of alternatives that at
after he had retired. What was ing way to begin the day. The U.S. Air Force and Sem- life. If we dont feel safe, we place, or posters saying that we least one project manager for
clear to me was that his passion As a member of the Marine per Paratus (Always Ready) cant work towards solving im- do not tolerate bullying. ATC have rudely dismissed.
for making a better world never Band in D.C. 1966 -70 and the were provided with the paper portant issues and making As an incoming high school In the Town of Vermont a cit-
dimmed. many years as the conductor of program. The MC invited the change. student in the LGBTQ+ com- izens committee has been ac-
Phil never shied away from the 132nd Army National Guard audience to sing their service I created a campaign called munity, I want my community tive for over a year. A recently
big visions or pushing the Band in Madison, Ive per- song, or their favorite service #IFeelSaferWhen, that would and school to be a safe place to conducted mail survey had al-
boundaries of thinking in the formed at, or been a part of hun- song, or sing ALL of the songs! help people get what they need learn, I want to be able to learn most 200 respondents of whom
name of achieving a sustainable dreds of Military Ceremonies. as the Brass Quintet performed to feel safe. How it works, is without having to look over my 98% were strongly opposed to
future. He envisioned our re- Being a spectator was a new ex- them. They did! Being Veterans you wear a campaign button, in- shoulder every day for fear of a the line in the town and over
gion growing in the center and perience. and Veteran supporters, the form others of the little things bully. I can not be successful in 90% who questioned the need
along existing railroad lines that I was not disappointed. The singing was enthusiastic, spir- that make you feel safer, such as life unless I get a full education, for the line. When asked about
radiate out in a spoke-like pat- ceremony was beautifully or- ited and a wonderful connection mentioning pronouns during in- and its not just me who is af- areas of concerns, the most
tern from Madison. In this cor- ganized and executed. Middle- of human-voiced outpouring for troductions, and then encourage fected, it is also everyone in this common were increased cost
ridor and wedge vision, the ton is fortunate to have a VFW our veterans, and a perfect end- people to do the same. Its a community. I think we can from the line for all, the loss of
make the change that needs to property values and the threat of
happen now. eminent domain followed by
Emily Smith the desire to explore alternatives
Madison that do not depend on huge
transmission lines flowing
through our area. A recent meet-
about latest
ing at the town hall drew over
70 residents expressing their
ATC line
Nightly Features:
The Vermont group has a
During the last week in June website that gives more infor-
Thursday Night All you
Members of VFW Post 8216 unveil the Tribute Markers, one for each branch of the military.
The military band plays as the large crowd gathers for the ceremony at Lakeview Park.
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Stainless models available, ask about
some with views of the Capitol! our Titanium Series
The Tribute.
A place for
VFW members fire a 21 gun salute.
and quiet reflection The crowd assembled for the dedication.
Times-Tribune photos by Jeff Martin
Follow Rob
Reischel on
Twitter at
drills Dells
HTL team wraps up
No. 1 seed in postseason
by ROB REISCHEL thought the guys responded
really well, Middleton man-
ager Brandon Hellenbrand
said. We really hit the ball
The No. 1 seed is locked
hard today.
Middleton certainly did,
Now, Middletons Home
collecting 15 hits in just five
Talent League team hopes it
pays off in spades.
Josh Hinson led the way
Middleton rolled past
going 3-for-3 with three dou-
Wisconsin Dells, 19-3, last
bles and five RBI. Brandon
Sunday in a game shortened to
Scheidler, Drew Farrell, Ross
five innings due to the mercy
Hellenbrand, Brennan Schmitt
rule. The 29ers improved to
and Alec Morrison all had two
13-2 overall and clinched the
hits for the 29ers.
No. 1 seed in the Northern
Middleton took a 2-0 lead
Sections playoffs, which
in the first when Hinson dou-
begin Aug. 6.
bled to score both Scheidler
last couple games and I Brandon Scheidler and Middletons Home Talent League team rolled past Wisconsin Dells on Sunday.
MIDDLETON, page 16
Allen both
ably one of the hottest hitters in
the league, Meinholz said.
come up big
That ball must look like a
beach ball coming in there. He
is on fire.
Tony Caminiti started on the
by ADAM HATLAN mound and took the loss for the
Bombers, going four-plus
For the Times-Tribune
innings. Caminiti allowed
seven hits, three runs, and
The recipe has been simple
struck out four. Rob Capener
for the Cross Plains Home
came on in relief for Black
Talent baseball team of late:
Earth, allowing only three hits
staunch pitching and a consis-
over the final four innings.
tent offense.
We had great pitching
Let the offense get some
(today), Black Earth manager
runs and the pitching will take
Eric Duhr said. We played
care of the rest.
good defense, turned a couple
After Cross Plains most
of double plays.
recent game, manager Randy
For Black Earth, thats led
Meinholz singled out two play-
to its recent struggles. The
ers that stood out in each cate-
Bombers have recorded 12 hits
gory: Kenny Allen and Will
over their last two games and
have been shutout in both con-
Allen started on the mound
and went the distance, Doherty
Danny Watkins and Curtis
had two more hits, and the host
Barsness were the bright spots
Businessmen beat visiting
for Black Earth, each recording
Black Earth, 3-0, in a Northern
two hits.
East League game on Sunday.
Right now weve gone 20
Cross Plains has now won
straight innings without scor-
three of its last four games and
ing a run, Duhr said. We
has lifted its record to 7-7, just
need that big hit. Were in a lit-
1 games behind second-
tle funk right now.
place Ashton with two games
Cross Plains got on the
News Publishing Co. photos by Mary Langenfeld
remaining in the regular sea-
Will Doherty and the Cross Plains Home Talent League team defeated Black Earth on Sunday. board in the first inning, using
a two-out rally to plate the
Black Earth lost its second
games first run.
straight game and fell to 8-7, 79 of his 115 pitches (68.7%). Allen was also thrilled with around effort today. 10-game hitting streak, and has Doherty had a double into
one game behind Ashton. Great job by Kenny. his performance. Doherty reached base all recorded a hit in all but one the gap to start the rally and
Allen picked up the win and Definitely the player of the I was able to get ahead (in four times he stepped to the game hes played in this year. came around to score on a sin-
pitched a complete game game today, Meinholz said. the count) early, Allen said. I plate, collecting two hits, Doherty is 12 for his last 16 gle by R.J. Sarbacker to give
shutout, striking out five and When (Kenny) is on, hes got into a little bit of a rhythm, reaching on an error, and get- (.750) over the past four Cross Plains a 1-0 lead.
walking none. Allen allowed pretty tough. We had some out- our defense played outstand- ting hit by a pitch. games, raising his average to
Schlicht suffers ACL tear
Middleton High School junior-to-be Max Schlicht, a key
member of the Cardinals boys basketball program, recently
tore his ACL and will likely miss the upcoming season.
Schlicht, a 6-foot-6 left-hander, tore the knee ligament during
an AAU tournament in Wisconsin Dells.
Definitely a tough situation for Max to miss his junior
year, Middleton head coach Kevin Bavery said. He had a
great AAU spring and a great summer with our Cardinal team.
I expected him to be one of the better players, not only for
us, but in the Big Eight this season.
Golf scores
Parkcrest Womens League
June 20
Flight A Monnie Vena, 45
Flight B Audrey Chase, Bonnie Snyder, 60
Middleton senior-to-be Payton Hodson has committed to play collegiate golf at Valparaiso University. Flight C Mareta Van Rens, 66
Hodson was named first-team all-Big Eight Conference last season and was also named honorable-mention all-state. In
addition, Hodson was named academic all-state for a second straight year. June 27
Hodsons nine-hole average last season was 40.67, an improvement of 5.41 shots from her junior year. Hodson also won Flight A Monnie Vena, 47
the Cardinal Invite as well as the Big Eight Conference tournament. Flight B Joyce Bringe, Audrey Chase, 60
Flight C Betty Forest, Barb Saeman, 62
July 11
Flight A Monnie Vena, 49
Flight B Carolyn Coffey, 57
Flight C Betty Forest, 59
July 18
Flight A Ann Athas, 44
Flight B Kathy Kaiser, 58
No doubting
Flight C Mary Nankivil, Kathy OConnor 64
Photo submitted
July 5
Former Middleton Flight A
High School standout Low Gross Joan Pedracine 42
Alexis Thomas won the Low Net Joan Pedracine and Bernie Rongstad, 33
Sheri Steinhauer Play of the day Cindy Klein, Cathy Rechlicz Low, Bernie
Tournament last week. Rongstad high
The first round was held
Monday at Blackhawk Flight B
Country Club and the sec- Low gross Linda Lilledahl. 45
ond round was held Low Net Linda Lilledahl. 28
Tuesday at Pleasant View Play of the day Roxie Gottsacker high, Char Dohm Low
Golf Course.
Thomas entered the Flight C
final round two shots Low gross Eileen Pongratz, 57
behind Waterfords Low net Eileen Pongratz and Mary Ellen Ripp 33
Taitum Beck. But Thomas Play of the day Sylvia Heiser high, Pat King Low
fired a second-day 73 and
finished at 151, two shots
ahead of Beck.
Thomas (far right),
who will play collegiate
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CALL NOW 1-608-338-1170 Please take note that the City of Middleton enacted the follow-
ing Ordinance on July 18, 2017.
Ordinance to Restrict Parking on Maywood Avenue. This
ordinance amends section 15.04(2) of the Middleton Code of
Full text of the above ordinance may be obtained at the City
Clerks office at 7426 Hubbard Avenue. Clerks Phone: 608-821-
YOU COULD make a bundle! Publish: 7/27/17 WNAXLP
Place your ad in any or all of
our papers and let people know
what they cant afford to pass
of your basement needs!Water- cards, cash and checks.
PLEASANT VIEW ROAD: LEFT TURN BAY FOR 201, Madison, WI 53717, until 10:00 AM local time, Thursday,
ETC AND BUS SHELTER August 3, 2017, and then publicly opened and read aloud at said
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The Work includes removal and expansion of 800 feet of
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chure! 1-855-750-1951 (CNOW)
asphalt path; regrading 250 of drainage swale; installation of 300
tions largest senior living referral feet of 6-inch under drain piping and 350 feet of 6-inch drainage
The City of Middleton will receive Bids in electronic format only, pipe; restoration of the work area, and other miscellaneous items
in conformance with the Contract Documents.
1113 Main St., Cross Plains service. Contact our trusted, lo-
through, for street and parking lot work, until
All Bids shall be placed in an opaque envelope addressed to
cal experts today! Our service is
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publicly opened and read aloud. Vierbicher Associates, Inc., 999 Fourier Drive, Suite 201, FREE/no obligation. CALL
The work includes the construction of a left turn bay on Madison, WI 53717, and shall be labeled Town of Middleton - 1-855-385-8739 (CNOW)
Pleasant View Road, bus shelter, 52-stall asphalt parking lot, con- Bid for Pioneer Park Path Reconstruction and incorporate the
Not Less TV! FREE DVR. FREE crete sidewalk, storm sewer, lighting, landscaping, bioretention name and address of the Bidder on the outside of the envelope.
Install (up to 6 rooms.) $49.99/ basin, erosion control, traffic control, restoration, and other miscel- All Bids shall be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond
laneous items. equal to five percent (5%) of the Bid payable to the OWNER.
The Bidding Documents may be examined at the offices of
mo. PLUS Hi-Speed Internet -
Digital Bidding Documents are available at the City of Middleton
Vierbicher Associates, Inc., 999 Fourier Drive, Suite 201,
$14.95/mo (where available.).
web site ( or through the Quest
Construction Data Network ( You may down- Madison, WI 53717.
Call 1-855-997-5088 (CNOW)
load the digital Bid Documents for Quest project #5273756 at a Complete digital project bidding documents are available at
FREE - Learn more biblical infor-
mation about Zionism just before
cost of $10. Please contact Quest at (952) 233-1632 or or You may download
Christs second coming. Send for assistance in free membership registra- the digital plan documents for $20.00 by inputting Quest project
2313 Parmenter Street return address to: Dave Konkel, tion, downloading, and working with this digital project information. #5195485 on the websites Project Search page. Please contact
The online bid form is also accessed through the QuestCDN web- at 952-233-1632 or for
assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and
Middleton 3203 State Highway 17, Phelps,
working with this digital project information. An optional paper set
WI 54554 (CNOW)
608-827-9681 There will be no pre-bid conference for this project.
SPORTING GOODS No Bid will be received unless accompanied by a surety in a of project documents is also available for a non-refundable price
form acceptable to the City equal to at least 5% of the maximum of $50.00 per set. Please make your check payable to Vierbicher
and send it to 999 Fourier Drive, Suite 201, Madison, WI 53717.
Bid, payable to the OWNER. See Instructions to Bidders on City
website for details. Please contact us at 608-826-0532 if you have any questions.
The City of Middleton reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, The CONTRACTOR shall be required to pay not less than the
SHOW: Aug 4&5, Waukesha
to waive any technicality, and to accept any Bid which it deems minimum wage rate as established by law.
Expo Forum, 1000 Northview
Rd., Waukesha, WI. Fri 3pm-
advantageous. All Bids shall remain subject to acceptance for The Town of Middleton reserves the right to waive any infor-
8pm, Sat 9am-4pm. $7 (14 &
85 days after the time set for receiving Bids (consisting of up to: mality and to reject any or all Bids. The letting of the work
BRICK )36*2:;65, Under FREE). BUY/SELL/ 60 days for issuance of Notice of Award; 15 days for Contractor to described herein is subject to the provisions of Sections 60.47,
return signed agreements, bonds and insurance; and 10 days for 66.0901 and 66.0903, Wisconsin Statutes.
Engineer: Owner:
TRADE 608-752-6677 (CNOW)
City execution of agreement).
Contract award shall be made based on the lowest responsive Vierbicher Associates, Inc. Town of Middleton
GOT LAND? Our Hunters will
and responsible Bidder. Attn: Timothy Schleeper 7555 W. Old Sauk Road
/0:;690*(39,:;69(;065 Pay Top $$$ To hunt your land.
Published by the authority of the City of Middleton. 999 Fourier Drive, Suite 201 Verona, WI 53593
Call for a FREE info packet &
608-437-7367 Quote. 1-866-309-1507 www.Ba-
Lorie J. Burns, City Clerk Madison, Wisconsin 53717 (CNOW)
Publish: 7/27/17, 8/3/17 WNALXP Publish: 7/20/17, 7/27/17 WNAXLP
The Businessmen added to bases for pinch-hitter Eric time. I feel like were clicking single, then Jacob Ross sin- more in the third. Ross Scheidler to score.
their lead in the third. Hilton. Hilton, in just his 14th right now, Allen said. gled with two outs. Scheidler reached on an error to start the Hellenbrand was hit by a
Drew Meinholz led off the at-bat of the season, had a Hopefully we can string followed with an RBI double inning, Scheidler singled and pitch, which scored Farrell.
third inning with a single. clutch RBI-single to score together a couple more wins and Farrell reached on an Farrell doubled to score both Schmitt reached on a fielders
Meinholz reached third after a Sarbacker and give Cross here...make this season some- error that plated Ross. Ross and Scheidler. choice that scored
Doherty single and a Caminiti Plains a 3-0 edge. thing to remember. Andrew Zimmerman was Zimmerman doubled to Zimmerman, then Hunter
wild pitch, and scored on a For now, Cross Plains will On deck: Cross Plains trav- hit by a pitch, and Scheidler score Farrell, and Hinson fol- Bindl had an RBI groundout
Sarbacker sacrifice fly to give look to ride their hot streak as eled to Wisconsin Dells in a scored on a wild pitch.Hinson lowed with his third double of that plated Schafer.
Cross Plains a 2-0 edge. far as it will take them. make-up game Monday, then then doubled again to bring the game to score We had timely hitting and
In the fifth inning, (Were) getting clutch hits, travels to Mazomanie Saturday home Farrell and Zimmerman.Hellenbrand sin- were able to move guys when
Sarbacker walked with one out, weve shored up our defense, at 1 p.m. Black Earth hosts Zimmerman. gled to put runners on the cor- we needed to, Brandon
Shane Murphy reached on a Meinholz said. Its going to be Reedsburg Sunday at 1 p.m. Ross Hellenbrand singled ners, then Schmitt singled Hellenbrand said.
fielders choice, and Jeremy a dogfight until the end. home Hinson, and Schmitt home Hinson. Alec Morrison started for
Lochner singled, loading the Well take it one game at a followed with a triple down Middleton struck for four the 29ers, worked three
the right field line to score more runs in the fourth. innings, struck out one,
Hellenbrand. Morrison Scheidler, Farrell and walked one and allowed just
wrapped up the fireworks with Zimmerman all walked to one hit. Dylan Acker threw
an RBI single that scored start the inning, and Jeff the last two innings, allowing
Schmitt. Schafer reached on an error by one earned run, striking out
Middleton erupted for five the shortstop, which allowed one, walking three and giving
up two hits.
Morry did a great job on
W! %2/7(9 Residential, Commercial, Golf Courses
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