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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 137 Issue 36 Friday, November 15, 2019 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax

Hall of Fame
Honour For All Ages Honour Our Veterans

V eterans were busy

throughout the week-
end at various Remem-
brance Day Services held.
Poppies were worn with
pride by all ages as they
honoured past and present
veterans under the auspic-
es of the Royal Canadian
Legion General Hugh Dyer
Branch #138. Cde. Dan Jar-
dine led the march of vet-
erans at each location with
the playing of bag pipes.
In addition to the com-
munity Remebrance Day
service at the Minnedosa
Community Conference
Centre on the morning of
Photo submitted
November 11th, a number
of others were held on Fri-
day, November 8th.
The Minnedosa Per-
sonal Care Home service
A Manitoba agriculture
hall of famer can now
add the Canadian Conser-
began at 10 a.m. with open-
ing comments by Cde. Dan
Jardine, the singing of O
vation Hall of Fame to his
Canada and a one-minute
impressive resume. The
moment of silence. Jardine
Soil Conservation Council
gave the address, prayer
of Canada (SCCC) has an-
and benediction, and Cde.
nounced that Bob McNabb Photo by Karen Mitchell
Janis Wahoski recited the
is the newest inductee for
poem “In Flanders Field”.
his dedication to soil con- Legion President,
Minnedosa Collegiate
servation and health in Duane LaCoste is
Institute held its service at
11:00 a.m. opening with approached a by
McNabb was officially
honoured Wednesday, No-
Two Minutes of Silence, a Kindergarten
vember 13th at a ceremony
welcome speech by Stu- student and her teacher,
dent Council Co-Vice Pres- Mrs. Kingdon, as they
at the University of Mani-
idents Torynn Dmytriw walk along the lineup
toba – the same institution
and Shayla Woychyshyn of Legion members
he graduated from 50 years
followed by the Candle of
ago. thanking them for their
Remembrance lighting by Photo by Karen Mitchell
Duane LaCoste. service during the TCS
Continued on Remembrance Day Legion members lead a song during the Minnedosa
Page 4 service last Friday. Personal Care Home Remembrance Day service.
on Page 6

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