Seasons Greetings 2020
Seasons Greetings 2020
Seasons Greetings 2020
‘Wonderland of Trees’
spreads Christmas cheer
By BRIAN QUINN one time. And, of course, visitors The grand prize basket is a must wear face coverings and separate raffle from the other
BATAVIA — We need a little follow social distancing guide- baskets.
Christmas, said Ryan Duffy, ex- lines. The musical performances
ecutive director of the Holland Julie Jackson visited the Won- were livestreamed on the mu-
Land Office Museum, consider- derland of Trees in November
seum’s Facebook page and
ing the circumstances that befell along with her mother, Diane
Perozzi, and her stepfather, Dave YouTube channel. Both may be
us this year. found under the name Holland MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS
And so the Wonderland of Perozzi, both of Oakfield.
Land Office Museum. A Santa ornament is seen in the Friends of the Batavia Peace
Trees took shape in the rooms of “I try to come every year. I love
to see the trees and participate in Garden Christmas tree at the Holland Land Office Museum.
the museum as it has for each of
the past 19 years. the raffles,” Jackson said.
“There are about 20 trees Diane Perozzi said the trees
are beautiful.
around and other displays from
“It’s for a good cause. I love
local organizations and busi-
coming here to look at the mu-
nesses that have come together seum things, the displays,” she
to decorate and give us a little bit said.
of Christmas cheer, as our theme The Wonderland of Trees did
was, ‘We Need A Little Christ- include some of its traditional
mas.’ We thought that was pretty basket raffles, a new silent auc-
appropriate for the year we’ve tion of a membership to God-
had — that we could all use a lit- frey’s Pond, and small group
tle bit of that,” Duffy said. performances by members of
The 19th annual Wonderland the Genesee Symphony Orches-
of Trees continues through Dec. tra for a limited audience. Raffle
31. and auction winners were to
There are some changes due be announced Dec. 18, which
to the COVID-19 pandemic. would also feature the final per-
There was no traditional formance of GSO members. MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS
Opening Gala. There is a limit About 40 baskets were avail- Zonta Club of Batavia has this MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS
of 25 visitors at the museum at able to bidders. Christmas tree at the museum. GCASA Recovery Station Christmas tree at the museum.
4 • December 2020 Season’s Greetings
Menorahs are a prominent symbol of Hanukkah.
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Season’s Greetings December 2020 • 5
Holding memories,
honoring loved ones
CHRISTMAS TRADITION: Relatives and friends
place Memory Trees in Pavilion park
By SCOTT DESMIT other towns do a Memory Tree some late orders. program. Oakfield has one. The trees are from McPher-
PAVILION — Town Supervi- Beginning in the fall, people son Orchards in Le Roy,
sor Robert LaPoint was “wax- can order Christmas trees and LaPoint said.
ing poetic” when asked about have them placed in the park. The park is named after
the Memory Trees at Henry B. During the past two years Henry “Hank” Wright and was
Wright Memorial Park. the town could have a lighting dedicated to him in 2004.
“Years ago when I was a kid, ceremony, LaPoint said. Wright was a World War II
“It’s been growing each
you would run into neighbors veteran and served the com-
year,” he said. “We had over
all the time,” he said. “Now, we munity for many years by vol-
100 people at the ceremony
lost our bank, we lost our gro- unteering with Boy Scouts,
last year.”
cery store. We don’t have a lot The town could not have Pavilion United Methodist
of places to gather anymore.” the event this year because of Church, Pavilion Fire Depart-
Which is why, he said, the COVID but still, 44 residents ment and he served as town
Memory Tree program was a bought $30 trees to honor judge for more than 35 years.
great idea. loved ones for Christmas. He was the 1992 recipient
Town Clerk Lucinda Starr The deadline for ordering of the Genesean of the Year
came up with the idea three trees has passed but, LaPoint Award.
years ago after seeing some said, Starr has been accepting Wright died in 2015.
Memory Trees honor deceased loved ones at Henry B. Wright Park
in Pavilion.
651 East Main St., Batavia, NY 14020 • 343-7830
Closing at noon on December 24. Closed December 25 and December 26.
Closing at 3pm on December 31. Closed New Year's Day.
Visit our web site at:
Season’s Greetings December 2020 • 7
Handel’s ‘Messiah’
How do we cope without the soaring melodies and communal experience
By Howard Reich tion with fellow listeners.” has drawn throngs to its annual son but in our common human- and the audience. And when
CHICAGO TRIBUNE(TNS) Indeed, “Messiah” stands “Do-It-Yourself ‘Messiah’” in ity. there isn’t an audience, it’s just
CHICAGO — Imagine a as more than just an epic work downtown Chicago since 1976). “It’s really emotionally just not the same thing.
Christmas season without Santa. illuminating “the scriptural ac- The work has long since be- very difficult to not be with our “Every year I revisit the deci-
Or Christmas trees. count of the birth, life, death, come a communal experience fellow musicians and to not be sion: Should we continue to do
Or mistletoe. and resurrection of Jesus of Naz- – an occasion for everyone to sharing this with a live audi- this? And then we get into doing
The vicious coronavirus pan- areth,” as the International Mu- come together and revel not just ence,” says Andrew Lewis, ar- it, and we have so much fun with
demic can’t stop any of these. sic Foundation describes it (IMF in the spirit of the Christmas sea- tistic director of Chicago’s Bella it, and it’s such an amazing piece
But, unfortunately, it’s robbing Voce ensemble, which has per- of music that it would be a hole,
us of something similarly essen- formed a complete, period-in- personally, in my life, if I didn’t
tial to the holiday season: live struments “Messiah” annually do it. And I think that’s how a lot
performances of George Frideric since 2010 (except in 2018).
Handel’s “Messiah.” of people in the audience feel.”
“Music is an act of commu- So there will be a hole in our
Normally at this time of year, nication, not just between mu-
“Messiahs” would be blossom- sicians, but between musicians See MESSIAH T13
ing in churches and concert halls
across the United States. Virtu-
oso singers would be delivering
its sublime arias. Magnificent
choirs would be thundering the
“Hallelujah” Chorus.
Early music groups would
be attempting to re-create the
way the piece sounded in the
mid-18th century, when Han- CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE/TNS
del premiered his masterpiece Tenor Matthew Dean sings the “Hallelujah” chorus from Handel’s
in Dublin. And everyday music “Messiah” from inside the back porch of his Oak Park home during
lovers would be gathering by the a Zoom session with members of the Rockefeller Chapel Choir,
thousands to sing along with do- Nov. 19, 2020.
it-yourself “Messiahs,” attesting
to the work’s global appeal and
treasured message of comfort
and joy.
Most of these performances Celebrating
have been canceled, with a few
migrating online for truncated, the Gifts of
prerecorded, scaled-down ver-
sions of Handel’s most famous Friendship &
Which raises two uncomfort- Community
able and inseparable questions:
What are we missing? And how
do we get by without “Messiah”?
“We’re missing the sense of
community for the performers
as much as the audience,” says
tenor Matthew Dean, director As we wrap up another year,
of University of Chicago chapels we think about how lucky we are to know
and a soloist in Rockefeller Me- good folks like you. Thanks for making us feel so at home here.
morial Chapel’s annual “Messi-
ah” (and others). We sincerely appreciate your patronage and support.
The University of Chicago’s
“Messiah” has been presented Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
annually since 1930 – until now. from our entire team!
“We’re missing the physical
experience of feeling the sound
in your body as an audience
member,” adds Dean. “There
is nothing like the acoustics of Mark Doerr, MD
Rockefeller Chapel ... the echoes 408 North Main St., Warsaw, NY
bouncing off the space and kind
of going through you. Matthew Sheldon, MD
“It sympathetically vibrates 24 East Main St. (Route 33), Corfu, NY
you in a way that reminds you of 716-677-2273 •
the season and of your connec-
Season’s Greetings December 2020 • 9
Virtual celebrations may continue through the holiday season. Adapting with some video
conferencing tips can ensure everyone enjoys the festivities.
12 • December 2020 Season’s Greetings
Utilizing a slow cooker to make a beef roast reduces time spent in the kitchen, affording hosts more
opportunities to mingle with their guests.
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tablespoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, at room tem-
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
3 tablespoons molasses
4 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract