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Seasons Greetings 2020

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Special Supplement

December 19, 2020

2 • December 2020 Season’s Greetings

I heard the bells on Christmas Day

By Lynne Belluscio held in Southern prisons. even some of our art students
Le Roy Historical Society Le Roy, like many other towns have created paintings based on
It is 1864, and the United across the north was getting his poetry. These words written
States is in the midst of a bloody ready, as best they could for in the midst of our country’s de-
civil war. Christmas. The Le Roy Gazette spair, are even more poignant
A year earlier, in November, noted that the ladies of Le Roy because it is written from the
the President had questioned prepared a Christmas dinner for depths of the poet’s own per-
whether the “nation, or any na- the sick and wounded soldiers sonal anguish with the death of
tion, so conceived and so dedi- and their families at Starr Hall. It his wife in a horrific fire accident
cated,” could long endure. And was decorated with the nation- and his son’s brush with death
it was in a contentious election, al flag. Just down the street, the at the Battle of Mine Run in Vir-
that Lincoln was elected for a stores offered a variety of Christ- ginia. Listen as the poet brings us
second term on Nov. 8, 1864. mas gifts, from cook stoves to a through the darkness of desola-
Eight days later, he would send fine selection of books. The Pres- tion and finds hope in the joy of
Gen. William Sherman and byterian Sunday School held a the pealing bells. May it remind
62,000 Union soldiers into the festival, complete with a Christ- us, that the promise of Christmas
south on the infamous March mas tree decorated with small will forever prevail, even in the
to the Sea. Atlanta, would fall in gifts. For some lucky children, darkest of times.”
flames. they might receive some coins,
Meanwhile in upstate New which for the first time were I heard the bells on Christmas
York, in the rural town of Le marked with the United States’ LYNNE BELLUSCIO PHOTOGRAPH Day
Roy, soldiers were billeted in motto – “In God We Trust.” Christmas wreaths hang from the front doors of the First Their old, familiar carols play,
the old stone factory buildings During this time, the Rev. Presbyterian Church of Le Roy. and wild and sweet
on Church Street. They would Samuel Cox was living in Le The words repeat
be sent for training and then Roy House on East Main Street, expected to attend elocution practicing her recitation for the
classes and prepare recitations. program at Starr Hall. Of peace on earth, good-will to
join their neighbors on the bat- across from Ingham Universi- men!
tleground. Wives, mothers and ty. He had been called to serve A few years ago, the Le Roy His- “For tonight’s program I will
And thought how, as the day
sisters, rolled bandages, sewed as the Chancellor of this char- torical Society, during its annual recite the poem, ‘I Heard the
had come,
battle flags and sent packages of tered college for women, and Christmas candelight tour, en- Bells on Christmas Day’ written The belfries of all Christendom
fresh food and supplies, not only his teenage daughter, Mary, was acted a scene in the front parlor last year by renowned American Had rolled along
to the soldiers on the front, but to enrolled as a student. As part of of Le Roy House. The scene was poet Henry Wadsworth Longfel-
the many men who were being the curriculum, students were set for 1864, and Mary Cox was low. I would like to mention that See BELLS T9
Season’s Greetings December 2020 • 3

‘Wonderland of Trees’
spreads Christmas cheer
By BRIAN QUINN one time. And, of course, visitors The grand prize basket is a
bquinn@batavianews.com must wear face coverings and separate raffle from the other
BATAVIA — We need a little follow social distancing guide- baskets.
Christmas, said Ryan Duffy, ex- lines. The musical performances
ecutive director of the Holland Julie Jackson visited the Won- were livestreamed on the mu-
Land Office Museum, consider- derland of Trees in November
seum’s Facebook page and
ing the circumstances that befell along with her mother, Diane
Perozzi, and her stepfather, Dave YouTube channel. Both may be
us this year. found under the name Holland MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS
And so the Wonderland of Perozzi, both of Oakfield.
Land Office Museum. A Santa ornament is seen in the Friends of the Batavia Peace
Trees took shape in the rooms of “I try to come every year. I love
to see the trees and participate in Garden Christmas tree at the Holland Land Office Museum.
the museum as it has for each of
the past 19 years. the raffles,” Jackson said.
“There are about 20 trees Diane Perozzi said the trees
are beautiful.
around and other displays from
“It’s for a good cause. I love
local organizations and busi-
coming here to look at the mu-
nesses that have come together seum things, the displays,” she
to decorate and give us a little bit said.
of Christmas cheer, as our theme The Wonderland of Trees did
was, ‘We Need A Little Christ- include some of its traditional
mas.’ We thought that was pretty basket raffles, a new silent auc-
appropriate for the year we’ve tion of a membership to God-
had — that we could all use a lit- frey’s Pond, and small group
tle bit of that,” Duffy said. performances by members of
The 19th annual Wonderland the Genesee Symphony Orches-
of Trees continues through Dec. tra for a limited audience. Raffle
31. and auction winners were to
There are some changes due be announced Dec. 18, which
to the COVID-19 pandemic. would also feature the final per-
There was no traditional formance of GSO members. MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS
Opening Gala. There is a limit About 40 baskets were avail- Zonta Club of Batavia has this MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS
of 25 visitors at the museum at able to bidders. Christmas tree at the museum. GCASA Recovery Station Christmas tree at the museum.
4 • December 2020 Season’s Greetings

The meaning of the menorah FOLLOW THE DAILY NEWS

Metro Creative referred to as the Shamash. It is TheDailyNewsOnline.com | Facebook.com/BataviaDailyNews
Menorahs are a prominent used to light all the other candles.
symbol of Hanukkah. Menorahs The Shamash is raised above the
are seven-branched candelabras other candles to make it kosher.
that have been used in Jewish The lighting of the menorah
worship since ancient times. The over the eight days of Hanukkah
seven branches refer to the seven symbolizes the miracle that oc-
days of creation. The menorah is curred during the rededication
the traditional symbol of Juda-
of the Second Temple in Jerusa-
ism and the emblem of the state
of Israel. lem at the time of the Maccabean
For Hanukkah, a nine- revolt. The sacred oil, of which
branched candelabra called a there was only enough for one
hanukkiah is used, but the word day’s lighting, miraculously last-
“menorah” has become inter- ed for eight days.
changeable. The Hanukkah me- Hanukkah 2020 began in the
norah consists of nine candles. evening of Dec. 10 and ended the
The center and ninth candle are evening of Dec. 18.

Menorahs are a prominent symbol of Hanukkah.

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Season’s Greetings December 2020 • 5

Holding memories,
honoring loved ones
CHRISTMAS TRADITION: Relatives and friends
place Memory Trees in Pavilion park
By SCOTT DESMIT other towns do a Memory Tree some late orders.
sdesmit@batavianews.com program. Oakfield has one. The trees are from McPher-
PAVILION — Town Supervi- Beginning in the fall, people son Orchards in Le Roy,
sor Robert LaPoint was “wax- can order Christmas trees and LaPoint said.
ing poetic” when asked about have them placed in the park. The park is named after
the Memory Trees at Henry B. During the past two years Henry “Hank” Wright and was
Wright Memorial Park. the town could have a lighting dedicated to him in 2004.
“Years ago when I was a kid, ceremony, LaPoint said. Wright was a World War II
“It’s been growing each
you would run into neighbors veteran and served the com-
year,” he said. “We had over
all the time,” he said. “Now, we munity for many years by vol-
100 people at the ceremony
lost our bank, we lost our gro- unteering with Boy Scouts,
last year.”
cery store. We don’t have a lot The town could not have Pavilion United Methodist
of places to gather anymore.” the event this year because of Church, Pavilion Fire Depart-
Which is why, he said, the COVID but still, 44 residents ment and he served as town
Memory Tree program was a bought $30 trees to honor judge for more than 35 years.
great idea. loved ones for Christmas. He was the 1992 recipient
Town Clerk Lucinda Starr The deadline for ordering of the Genesean of the Year
came up with the idea three trees has passed but, LaPoint Award.
years ago after seeing some said, Starr has been accepting Wright died in 2015.
Memory Trees honor deceased loved ones at Henry B. Wright Park
in Pavilion.

Happy Holidays from Merle Maple LLC

We appreciate you shopping with us!
6 • December 2020 Season’s Greetings

Garden club members decorate fountain trees

By BRENDAN MCDONOUGH bers said in addition to getting but it also brought back memo-
bmcdonough@livingstonnews.com the community involved, they ries for some garden club mem-
GENESEO – Instead of dig- also reach out to local school bers.
ging in the dirt members of the children to help with decorat- “I came here in 1987 for an
Geneseo Garden Club spent ing the ornaments. But because interview at the college. It was
an early December Thursday of the COVID-19 pandemic that snowing and the lights were on
morning trimming Christmas did not happen this year. and everyone gathered around
trees in the bear fountain on “Usually we have the kin- the fountain to sing Christmas
Main Street. dergartners and the third grad- carols. I thought it was wonder-
“We have four trees. It looks ers from the school make the ful,” said Wanda Spruill.
like one tree but we are us- decorations but this year it was In all, about a dozen people
ing grapevines, which I tried impossible to do that. This year came out to help decorate the
to spray paint with some red we just gathered our spirits to- trees. Most of them were wom-
paints to get them to show gether and each one of us made en, but a few men did lend a
up well,” said organizer Julie decorations,” said Ehmann. helping hand.
Brocklehurst-Woods. Many decorations were “I am helping my wife who
In a coordinated effort, club made out of Styrofoam meat
members worked together to trays.
to come down and throw some Members of the Geneseo Garden Club placed ornaments on four
place the ornaments on the “Every year it helps put us in
trees, making sure not to leave the holiday spirit,” said Cris- ornaments on the tree, which small trees inside the fountain on Main Street in Geneseo.
any empty spaces. tiansen. I have a lot of training doing.
“We are putting on mostly Brightening spirits and giv- When I drive by I can say hey I
pine cones, grape vine garland ing garden club members put those bows that tree, you
and bows on the top of the trees, something to look forward to gotta do something,” said Phil
which is new this year,” said during the holiday season is one Natoli.
Barb Cristiansen. of the outcomes of the project. The trees will be up for the
Decorating the trees is some- “We are doing this for your- entire month of December
thing that volunteers said is an selves, too, because we also and garden club members said
annual tradition. They said it are missing a lot of Christmas they hope it will not only boost
has been going on for decades. events, so we thought this was community pride, but put those
“We do this every year and something we could all get to- who pass by the fountain in the
it is a tradition. We have been gether and do,” said Brockle- holiday spirit.
doing it probably more than 50 hurst-Woods. “Geneseo Garden Club exists
years,” said Georgene Ehmann. The project not only gave the to make our community beauti-
Normally, garden club mem- club members something to do, ful,” said Brocklehurst-Woods.

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Season’s Greetings December 2020 • 7

Opening pages on Christmases past

Diary entries convey simpler times with quintessential traditions that remain strong
By Ami Alden the evening played at concert morning and returning in the who worked at Our Home on – Christmas day at our home
Livingston County Historian #1 of Y.B.B - Great assemblage. evening. He also carried out the Hillside (Jackson Sanitari- [Jackson Sanitarium}, did not
Residents of Livingston Tuesday, December 25, 1849 numerous other legal or finan- um) in Dansville: go to church. I got some nice
County have likely celebrated – Christmas all about the vil- cial matters in addition to the Sunday, December 24, 1882 presents.
Christmas throughout gen- lage. holiday dinner with close fam- – I was at our home [Jackson n n n
erations the way most people Sanitarium]. I went to church From the diary of promi-
Moses Long’s diaries span ily and friends.
have in rural New York – gath- to Communion this morning. nent farmer James Harrison
from 1842 to 1860. The major- n n n
ering with family and friends J.V.K. was up this eve to see me (1838-1924) of Groveland:
ity of entries on Christmas day From the diary of Maggie Wednesday, December 25,
over a special meal, offering & Mary came up, stayed all
toasts, decorating a tree, carol- show that Long went to work Adelia Crine (birth and death 1907 – Went to Bailor’s for
at his store, sometimes in the dates unknown) of Wayland night and we all went to mid-
ing, exchanging gifts, and go- Christmas dinner. I received
night mass.
ing to church. Monday, December 25, 1882 See PAST T9
Excerpts from diaries in the
County Historian’s archives
reveal some interesting in-
sights into the way Christmas
was celebrated in the 1800s
and in the early part of the 20th
While the entries are varied,
often the passages conveyed
simpler times with quintes-
sential Dickens-like traditions.
n n n
From the diary of entrepre-
of York: This downtown snowscape shows the village of Mount Morris
Monday, December 25, 1843 draped in a seasonal blanket of snow.
– assisted in preparing for con-
cert of the Y.B.B [York Brass
Band] at [Baptist] church – in


A Christmas ad from the Dec.
22, 1950, edition of the Nunda
News offers last-minute gift
8 • December 2020 Season’s Greetings

Handel’s ‘Messiah’
How do we cope without the soaring melodies and communal experience
By Howard Reich tion with fellow listeners.” has drawn throngs to its annual son but in our common human- and the audience. And when
CHICAGO TRIBUNE(TNS) Indeed, “Messiah” stands “Do-It-Yourself ‘Messiah’” in ity. there isn’t an audience, it’s just
CHICAGO — Imagine a as more than just an epic work downtown Chicago since 1976). “It’s really emotionally just not the same thing.
Christmas season without Santa. illuminating “the scriptural ac- The work has long since be- very difficult to not be with our “Every year I revisit the deci-
Or Christmas trees. count of the birth, life, death, come a communal experience fellow musicians and to not be sion: Should we continue to do
Or mistletoe. and resurrection of Jesus of Naz- – an occasion for everyone to sharing this with a live audi- this? And then we get into doing
The vicious coronavirus pan- areth,” as the International Mu- come together and revel not just ence,” says Andrew Lewis, ar- it, and we have so much fun with
demic can’t stop any of these. sic Foundation describes it (IMF in the spirit of the Christmas sea- tistic director of Chicago’s Bella it, and it’s such an amazing piece
But, unfortunately, it’s robbing Voce ensemble, which has per- of music that it would be a hole,
us of something similarly essen- formed a complete, period-in- personally, in my life, if I didn’t
tial to the holiday season: live struments “Messiah” annually do it. And I think that’s how a lot
performances of George Frideric since 2010 (except in 2018).
Handel’s “Messiah.” of people in the audience feel.”
“Music is an act of commu- So there will be a hole in our
Normally at this time of year, nication, not just between mu-
“Messiahs” would be blossom- sicians, but between musicians See MESSIAH T13
ing in churches and concert halls
across the United States. Virtu-
oso singers would be delivering
its sublime arias. Magnificent
choirs would be thundering the
“Hallelujah” Chorus.
Early music groups would
be attempting to re-create the
way the piece sounded in the
mid-18th century, when Han- CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE/TNS
del premiered his masterpiece Tenor Matthew Dean sings the “Hallelujah” chorus from Handel’s
in Dublin. And everyday music “Messiah” from inside the back porch of his Oak Park home during
lovers would be gathering by the a Zoom session with members of the Rockefeller Chapel Choir,
thousands to sing along with do- Nov. 19, 2020.
it-yourself “Messiahs,” attesting
to the work’s global appeal and
treasured message of comfort
and joy.
Most of these performances Celebrating
have been canceled, with a few
migrating online for truncated, the Gifts of
prerecorded, scaled-down ver-
sions of Handel’s most famous Friendship &
Which raises two uncomfort- Community
able and inseparable questions:
What are we missing? And how
do we get by without “Messiah”?
“We’re missing the sense of
community for the performers
as much as the audience,” says
tenor Matthew Dean, director As we wrap up another year,
of University of Chicago chapels we think about how lucky we are to know
and a soloist in Rockefeller Me- good folks like you. Thanks for making us feel so at home here.
morial Chapel’s annual “Messi-
ah” (and others). We sincerely appreciate your patronage and support.
The University of Chicago’s
“Messiah” has been presented Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
annually since 1930 – until now. from our entire team!
“We’re missing the physical
experience of feeling the sound
in your body as an audience
member,” adds Dean. “There
is nothing like the acoustics of Mark Doerr, MD
Rockefeller Chapel ... the echoes 408 North Main St., Warsaw, NY
bouncing off the space and kind
of going through you. Matthew Sheldon, MD
“It sympathetically vibrates 24 East Main St. (Route 33), Corfu, NY
you in a way that reminds you of 716-677-2273 • www.wnyurology.com
the season and of your connec-
Season’s Greetings December 2020 • 9

Of peace on earth, good-will

Past Bells to men!
And in despair I bowed my
From T7 From T2 head;
“There is no peace on earth,”
from the Christmas tree a pair The unbroken song
I said;
of suspenders and a bill book Of peace on earth, good-will
to men! “For hate is strong,
and ink stand. Katie [Harri- And mocks the song
Till ringing, singing on its
son’s new bride] received a way, Of peace on earth, good-will
sugar and milk set…one dollar The world revolved from to men!”
and a little plate. night to day, Then pealed the bells more
n n n A voice, a chime, loud and deep:
A chant sublime “God is not dead, nor doth He
In many ways these tra-
Of peace on earth, good-will sleep;
ditions have carried into the to men! The Wrong shall fail, The
21st century, with events such Then from each black, ac- Right prevail,
as candlelight dinners at the cursed mouth With peace on earth, good-
Mills Mansion in Mount Mor- The cannon thundered in the will to men.”
ris, the community sing-along South,
at the fountain in Geneseo, Lynne Belluscio is the Le Roy
A horse and sleigh are seen during winter in Livingston County. The carols drowned town and village historian, and
and Christmas in the Village in Of peace on earth, good-will director of the Le Roy Historical
and decorations often go moted as a necessary means
Dansville. to men! Society. The story is based on true
up before Thanksgiving and of slowing the spread of the It was as if an earthquake
Every community has host- facts. Mary Cox did exist and was
shopping online has become coronavirus. Clothing, food, rent the daughter of the chancellor of
ed its share of holiday bazaars,
the norm; yet, downtowns and toy drives have taken on The hearth-stones of a conti- Ingham University. The family did
concerts, and visits with Santa. nent,
in the county have benefited a higher level of importance live in Le Roy House. Whether she
Local attendance has soared at And made forlorn prepared and gave this recitation is
from concerted revitalization as so many families struggle
churches for midnight masses The households born unknown.
efforts. Merchants embrace with unemployment and un-
and viewers have bundled up the season and sport the colors
during the darkest and often certainty. Those working in
of Christmas with evergreens, the medical field taking care
coldest time of the year to wit- red and gold ribbons, and can-
ness live nativity scenes. of COVID patients will likely
dy canes in store windows. be working overtime during
Beginning in the 1970s, Although online shopping
shopping locally was replaced Christmas.
has seriously challenged re-
with “shop ‘til you drop” at the Perhaps customs and tra-
tailers, many residents still
malls in Rochester, making it ditions of Christmases past
prefer to stroll along main
more difficult for local stores will emerge in full force as this
streets, soaking up the historic
to compete. And as market- year’s holiday takes on a differ-
ambiance in search of a one-
ing efforts capitalizing on the ent tone and residents of Liv-
of-a-kind gift for a special per-
holiday season increased, jet- son that can’t be found in the ingston County adapt to a new
ting off to exotic places for the big box stores. normal.
Christmas break or spending Despite the global pandem-
thousands of dollars on gifts ic in 2020, the holiday spirit is
or parties became common in apparent, albeit subdued this
many households. year. Social distancing rather
In the present day, lights than social gatherings are pro-
10 • December 2020 Season’s Greetings

Christmas trees continue

giving after holiday
Metro Creative another perch and shelter omatic logs for next year’s
When choosing a real to birds that stick close to yule fire.
Christmas tree for holiday home in winter, such as n Sink an old tree in a
celebrations, consumers chickadees and finches. personal pond. Fish and
should think about the ma- n String the tree with tadpoles will live and lay
ny ways that trees can be various treats for birds and eggs around this sheltered
repurposed after the holi- put it in a sheltered loca- area.
day season. tion. Ideas include home-
n Collect some pine nee-
Some towns collect dis- made suet, cranberries and
dles and sew them into fab-
carded trees to use them millet.
ric packets to make scent-
for various purposes. How- n Mulch the tree and
ever, homeowners can get use it in the garden in the ed sachets for closets or
in on the action as well. spring. drawers.
The Old Farmer’s Alma- n Use boughs to insulate There are many imagina-
nac offers these great ideas perennials in the garden. tive ways to come up with
Medina firefighters Fisher and Justin Morgan from the Village
Long got to perform one of the of Medina’s Department of for post-holiday tree use. n Keep some branches to handy uses for Christmas
department’s long-honored Public Works was spotted n Prop up the tree near use as kindling in a wood trees once the holiday sea-
holiday traditions of placing doing some final preparations a bird feeder to provide stove or fireplace, or as ar- son ends.
Santa’s mailbox at Rotary Park. at the North Pole.

Firefighters decorate in Medina

MEDINA — Members of Park, the department said in a
the Village of Media Fire De- Nov. 24 Facebook post. THE DAILY NEWS
partment helped to decorate Justin Morgan from the vil-
the village for the holiday sea- lage’s department of public TheDailyNewsOnline.com
son. works was also spotted doing Facebook.com/
Firefighters Fisher and some final preparations at BataviaDailyNews
Long got to perform one of the the North Pole. The DPW has
department’s long-honored been busy all week getting the Twitter@Batavia_Daily
holiday traditions of placing decorations up for the com- Twitter@BataviaDNSports
Santa’s mailbox at Rotary ing season.
Season’s Greetings December 2020 • 11

How to host virtual holiday celebrations

Metro Creative with inherent risk factors that ground can set the scene. KEEP PROPS NEARBY when someone has the floor to
The 2020 holiday season fig- make them more susceptible to If the goal is to open gifts vir- speak, such as raising a hand or
ures to be vastly different than illness, sharing the holidays over CHOOSE THE RIGHT even showing a festive picture.
tually, be sure to have everyone
seasons past. video conferencing apps may be CONFERENCING APP gathered and gifts nearby so no
The novel coronavirus the safest way to go in 2020. Certain programs may work one is scrambling out of view. TUNE INTO VIRTUAL WORSHIP
COVID-19 has transformed dai- The following tips can help better than others depending While some places of worship
ly life in many ways. The public holiday hosts make the most of a on your needs. For example, if POSITION THE CAMERA have reopened to some capac-
has become accustomed to virtual holiday experience. everyone has the same operat- AT EYE LEVEL ity, others may still be offering
wearing masks while shopping, ing system platform (iOS or An- Try to set up the camera so hybrid services. If your place of
limiting the number of people in PICK A BRIGHT, FESTIVE SPOT droid), you may be able to use you’re not looking up or down. worship offers online services,
public venues and keeping their Set up your tablet, smart- an app inherent to that system, Practice looking straight into the gather around and watch to-
distance from friends and loved phone or computer in a bright which won’t require a separate camera instead of at yourself in gether and participate just as if
ones. Many events have been area with a festive backdrop. download or login. Apps also the minimized window or even you were there in person. Bet-
reimagined as virtual celebra- You’ll want others who join the may be chosen depending on others on the screen. This way ter yet, share the link with other
tions because of social distanc- virtual hangout to be able to see how many people can be invited you’ll appear engaged. family and friends so they can
ing protocols. you clearly. A Christmas tree or a in Do your homework and con- USE MUTE WHEN NOT SPEAKING tune in as well.
For large families or people decorated fireplace in the back- duct a test run. Muting yourself (and encour-
aging others to do the same) SHARE DINNER “TOGETHER”
when you are not speaking will Set up your camera source
limit the amount of background so it captures the holiday table.
noise. As the host, serve as the All parties gathering virtually
moderator and encourage ev- can then sit down to the holiday
eryone to speak one at a time. meal as one and enjoy one of the
Choose a visual cue to signal season’s endearing traditions.

Travel with Cathy


Happy Holidays friends and family

and let’s just look ahead to 2021
The Best of The Best of Rhode Island – June 9-13, 2021
The More of Nashville, TN Tour – September 29 to October 4, 2021
Canyon Country Tour – October 13-20 2021

Virtual celebrations may continue through the holiday season. Adapting with some video
conferencing tips can ensure everyone enjoys the festivities.
12 • December 2020 Season’s Greetings

Crafts, story times among upcoming holiday events

A selection of holiday-themed Dec. 21 Dec. 30 conducted via Zoom. For infor-
events happening in the mation, go to http://www.
Crepuscular Walk - Solstice Kids’ New Year’s Celebration
four-county GLOW Region hoaglibrary.org/ or call (585)
Sunset: 3:30 p.m. Letchworth on Zoom: 11 a.m. Seymour
in the coming days (due to 589-4246.
State Park, 1 Letchworth Library, 161 East Ave., Brock-
COVID-19 restrictions and State Park, Castile. For infor-
potential changes it is advis- port. Join Miss Natalie for a Le Roy’s “First Night”: Le
mation, call (585) 493-3600 fun New Year’s story followed Roy. Join locals in welcoming
able to call ahead to confirm or visit parks.ny.gov. by some crafts and activities. the New Year. Shops will be
Then we’ll count down to open, purchase warm drinks,
noon and have a treat. Reg- enjoy entertainment and ooo
Dec. 22 istration required. A kit will & ahhh at the fireworks which
Through Dec. 31
Storytime Online with Ms. need to be picked up from the will start at 9 p.m. It’s a
19th annual Wonderland of Mary Ellen: 10:30 a.m. Dans- library. For more information, wonderful family event. You’ll
Trees: Through Dec. 31 at ville Public Library, 200 Main call (585) 637-1050. have a great view of the fire-
Holland Land Office Museum, St., Dansville. Read along works from the Main Street
131 West Main St., Batavia. with Ms. Mary Ellen on Face- Bridge.
All the decorated trees can book at 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays Dec. 31
be viewed during the muse- and Thursdays. Stories by Jan –––
Noon Year’s Eve Virtual Dance
um’s normal business hours Brett. Register for accompa- Party - Zoom: Noon. Hoag For more events, visit our
and visitors will be limited nying Craft Bag. Call (585) Library, 134 South Main St., online calendars at www.the-
to 25 at a time. Masks and 335-6720. Albion. Come dancing to cele- dailynewsonline.com or www.
social distancing protocols
Craft Time: Holiday Crafts: 4 brate 2021. The event will be thelcn.com.
are required. Normal museum
admission rates will apply.
MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS p.m. Seymour Library, 161
For information, visit holland- The Genesee Symphony East Ave., Brockport. Get cre-
landoffice.com or call (585) Orchestra tree is seen at the ative with fun crafts for kids
343-4727. Wonderland of Trees at the going into grades K-5. Regis-
tration required. A project kit
Holland Land Office Museum.
will need to be picked up from
Through Dec. 22 Books from Birth Christmas the library. For more informa-
Storytime - Facebook: Hoag tion, call (585) 637-1050.
Holiday Lights Scavenger
Hunt: Albion. Explore your Library, 134 South Main St.,
neighborhood for holiday dec- Albion. Children enrolled in Dec. 23
orations! Pick up the list from the Books from Birth program
are welcome to watch a spe- Holiday LEGO Challenge: 4
Hoag Library, 134 South Main p.m. Seymour Library, 161
St., Albion, or print it off of cial storytime video. If your
child is under the age of 5 East Ave., Brockport. Grab
the library’s website, http:// your Legos and join us on
www.hoaglibrary.org/. Bring and lives in the Albion area
they can join the Books from Zoom for a variety of holi-
the completed activity to the day-themed building challeng-
library for a small prize; one Birth program. too.
es. Registration required. For
per child. For information, call Drive Thru Country Christmas!: more information, call (585)
(585) 589-4246. Western New York Gas & 637-1050.
Steam Association grounds,
10294 Gillate Rd., Alexander,
Dec. 19 The Western New York Gas & Dec. 24
46th Annual Letchworth-Sil- Steam Association is hosting Crepuscular Walk - Moon-
ver Lake Christmas Bird a Drive thru Christmas Light rise Over Canyon: 3:30
Count: Letchworth State Display contest. Bring the p.m. Letchworth State Park,
Park, 1 Letchworth State family out for a festive holiday 1 Letchworth State Park,
Park, Castile. For information, experience. This is a fundrais- Castile. For information,
call (585) 493-3600 or visit er for the association. $10 call (585) 493-3600 or visit In this season snowy and white
parks.ny.gov. per car. parks.ny.gov.
We send our wishes warm and bright
And hope that the holiday brings to you
Ever ything you want it to!
With heartfelt thanks and warm wishes
from all of us this holiday season.

Advanced Podiatry Associates

Dr. Joseph Canzoneri
Dr. Evan LaTourrette
and staff


Season’s Greetings December 2020 • 13

and in moments of our shared

Messiah Dixon.
Adds “Jazz-Gospel Messiah”
singer Burke, “It feels surreal to
“That certainly would have
been easier,” says Riggleman.
“We really feel a loyalty to our
humanity; and to energize us as
we come together to create a bet-
“I think there’s going to be a
build-up, a hunger (for music)
From T8 not be doing this show.” audience that comes every year. ter tomorrow.” that will be so tremendous.
But the “Messiah” postpone- We know how much they get “I want people to know we’re “Can you imagine coming
musical lives this season, as we ments and cancellations don’t from the experience. not laying over and not doing back and hearing, in person, the
yearn to experience again a mag- mean the work has been com- “Even though we know it’s anything,” says Apollo Chorus ‘Amen’ of ‘Messiah,’ and the im-
num opus Handel composed pletely silenced this year. not going to be the same, we music director and conductor pact that will have? Especially the
in a few weeks in 1741 and pre- The IMF’s beloved “Do-It- wanted to somehow be in touch Stephen Alltop, a senior lecturer way Apollo does it: We sing that
miered during the Easter season Yourself ‘Messiah’ ” will be going with them, let them know we at Northwestern University’s Bi- entire last part by memory, the
the next year. “Messiah” was an online, albeit in reduced form. care about them, and hope they enen School of Music. chorus stands there and sings
instant hit, its Easter-season per- The foundation has filmed vocal come back next year. “We’ve met every Monday directly to the audience, and the
formance tradition eventually soloists Michelle Areyzaga and “Actually, there are some pos- night for these Zoom rehearsals. impact is unbelievable. ... ”
moving to Christmas in the U.S. Mark S. Doss singing arias, and itives here: We did get some new It’s one of the most ambitious Or, as James Kallembach, di-
It’s never easy to explain ex- it has recorded the St. James Ca- partners interested, and the fact things that the chorus has ever rector of chapel music at Rocke-
actly why any particular piece thedral Choir, with organist Ste- that this year will be free to every- done. As you know, virtual cho- feller Memorial Chapel, sees it,
of music becomes universally phen Buzard, performing select one. So we have the potential of ral production is extremely time the eventual return of “Messiah”
revered, but in the case of “Mes- choruses. Find it at https://imf- expanding our audience, at least intensive. We have 90 singers will represent perseverance in
siah” at least one reason seems chicago.org. for this year. Not everything is involved. I wanted to finish with the face of catastrophe.
apparent: Handel’s soaring The organization will post negative.” this piece ‘Unity,’ which is what “I sent out a big email (to the
melodies, stirring solos and re- PDFs of portions of the score on Though the Apollo Chorus of I feel we need most in this coun- choir) at the beginning of the
demptive choruses convey the its webpage, so those who want Chicago will be postponing its try.” year saying: Every time we sing,
same message of hope and faith to sing along at home can print run of “Messiah” performances Alltop remains optimistic singing is a form of resistance,”
as its text. You don’t have to be them out, practice and join in at dating back to 1879, it has come about the Apollo Chorus’ future says Kallembach, who conducts
Christian, religious or classically the appropriate moments. up with an intriguing seasonal “Messiahs” and our musical lives Rockefeller’s “Messiah” every
trained to be profoundly moved “We’re trying to make it as alternative: “Glory: Music for our overall. “We have dates reserved year, drawing roughly 900 listen-
by the score’s aspirational qual- easy and accessible as possible,” World Virtual Concert” (https:// at the Harris Theater for April,” ers. “And the resistance is that we
ities, galvanic climaxes and im- adds Riggleman. “It’s not the tinyurl.com/y2er4gts). he says. “Of course, it’s opti- can’t let the arts die. ... We need
peccable craft. same. We would certainly much The prerecorded perfor- mistic. With the vaccines being it for our communities, and we
All you have to do is sit and lis- rather be at the Harris Theater mance was curated “to reflect talked about now, who knows? need it to be human beings.”
ten – or join in. with everyone live. It’s quite an our shared experiences during Maybe we’ll be coming out of hi- Amen.
“As music directors like to say, exciting performance. Not be- these many months,” accord-
it’s never needed a revival,” says cause it’s the highest quality per- ing to the institution’s website.
Rockefeller Chapel tenor Dean. formance you’ll ever hear, but “It will bring us together to cele-
“It’s been like ‘Cats’ or ‘Phan- everybody gets to participate.” brate frontline workers and hon-
tom of the Opera.’ ... The melo- Why didn’t Riggleman and or the memories of those lost to
dies have become familiar in our colleagues simply skip “Messi- the pandemic; to delight in the
society because they’re often re- ah” this time around? solace we have found in nature
corded. If folks know one major
work of ‘early’ – so to speak – mu-
sic, it very often is this wonderful
Handel oratorio.
“Also, I think there’s a mea-
sure of self-reflection in the text,
when audiences come in and
engage with this libretto,” says
Dean. Its message “is that we
all have hope that there is a re-
deemer out there in these times
of trouble.”
The very first line of the text,
indeed, signals the work’s pur-
pose and tone: “Comfort ye,
comfort ye my people, saith your
Which means that we need
“Messiah” more than ever in this
year of tragic loss.
This helps explain why tenor
Rodrick Dixon, a star of “Too Hot
Leroy’s No Finer Diner!
to Handel: The Jazz-Gospel Mes-
siah” production that has played
the Auditorium Theatre every
January since 2006, keeps hear-
ing the same question.
“People are asking: Is it com-
ing in 2021?” says Dixon, who has
appeared with soprano Alfreda
Burke, his wife, and a large cast in 140 west Main St., Leroy • 585-502-5030
a concert timed to celebrate the
Martin Luther King Jr., holiday. Hours: Mon. - Sat. 6am - 8pm • Sun. 6am - 2pm
“Society both secular and sa-
cred is looking for those divine
moments of connection,” says
14 • December 2020 Season’s Greetings

How to make Kwanzaa celebrations more meaningful

Metro Creative bility. When discussing ujima, more beautiful and fruitful for
Kwanzaa is an opportunity celebrants focus on how they all. Creativity can be explored
for families to gather and cele- can work together to build and through crafts, such as making
brate their rich cultural heritage. maintain their communities. a unity cup or decorating for the
Kwanzaa is a week-long celebra- Organize a community-wide holidays. Listening to or playing
tion that was the brainchild of effort, such as helping to fix up a culturally relevant songs and/or
Dr. Maulana Karenga, a profes- neighborhood garden or raising viewing artwork from Africa are
sor and chairman of Black Stud- money to support a less fortu- just a few other ways to express
ies at California State University nate family, to celebrate collec- your creativity.
Long Beach in 1966. At a time tive work. n Imani: The Swahili word
when rioting was prevalent near n Ujamaa: Ujamaa is dedi-
where Dr. Karenga lived and for “faith,” imani promotes be-
cated to cooperative economics lieving fully in one’s people,
worked, he thought a celebra- and how celebrants can build
tion to unite African Americans parents, teachers, and leaders.
and maintain their own busi-
as a community and help them Faith can be expressed by reli-
nesses and how they can all
reconnect with their African profit from the success of those gious devotion, or through belief
heritage could benefit his com- businesses. This principle can METRO CREATIVE in one’s people, parents, teach-
munity. be perhaps best supported by Kwanzaa is a family-oriented holiday, and it’s easy for everyone to ers, and leaders. Uniting people
The name “Kwanzaa” is from shopping locally. Local busi- play a role in making Kwanzaa celebrations even more meaningful in faith can be another way for
the Swahili phrase “matunda celebrants to enjoy the holiday
nesses owners also can support celebrants to make the building ing it with others through teach-
ya kwanza,” which means “first together.
one another and cross-advertise and development of their com- ing or mentoring.
fruits of the harvest.” Kwanzaa Kwanzaa is a family-orient-
to keep revenue in their com- munities a collective vocation. n Kuumba: Creativity is the
pays homage to the traditional ed holiday, and it’s easy for ev-
munities. Having a purpose in life is im- basis for the principle of kuum-
harvests that take place in Africa eryone to play a role in making
n Nia: “Nia” is the Swahili portant and can keep goals on ba, which encourages cele-
during December and January.
word for “purpose.” The princi- track. Harness this principle by brants to do everything they Kwanzaa celebrations even
Kwanzaa, an annual cele-
bration that begins Dec. 26 and ple of nia is meant to encourage figuring out a passion and shar- can to make their communities more meaningful.
ends on Jan. 1, presents anoth-
er way to reflect on the year that
is drawing to a close and look
forward to the months ahead.
Kwanzaa also presents an op-
portunity to focus on family,
community and traditions –
which already is a hallmark of
the holiday season.
Individuals and families can
harness the meanings behind
the seven principles of Kwanzaa
by incorporating various tradi-
tions into their celebrations.
n Umoja: The Swahili word
for “unity,” umoja is focused
on maintaining and striving for
greater unity in the family, com-
munity, nation, and race. Cele-
brate unity by gathering togeth-
er with other African Americans
to discuss favorite components
of African culture and history.
Share important stories and
traditions with younger genera-
n Kujichagulia: The prin-
ciple of kujichagulia focuses
on self-determination and is
designed to inspire Kwanzaa
celebrants to discuss how they
define themselves, name them-
selves, create for themselves,
and speak for themselves. En-
courage the practice of self-de-
termination by setting goals or
resolutions and seeing at least
one or two through to fruition in
the weeks to come.
n Ujima: Ujima focuses on
collective work and responsi-
Season’s Greetings December 2020 • 15

Slow cooker meal makes holiday entertaining a breeze

Metro Creative to make a beef roast reduc- Beef Roast with 2 cloves garlic, minced cooker. Add 1/2 cup rum,
The holidays wouldn’t be es time spent in the kitchen, Dark Rum Sauce 2 whole bay leaves, broken in half broth, garlic, and bay leaves.
complete without a delicious affording hosts more oppor- 1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar Cover; cook on low 1 hour.
meal to share with family and tunities to mingle with their Makes 6 servings 1/4 cup lime juice 3. In a small bowl, combine
friends. guests. remaining 1/2 cup rum, brown
1 teaspoon ground allspice 1. In a small bowl, combine
That’s just the idea behind sugar and lime juice, stirring
A holiday roast is often the 1/2 teaspoon salt allspice, salt, pepper, and well. Pour over roast. Continue
centerpiece of festive occa- this recipe for “Beef Roast 1/2 teaspoon black pepper cloves. Rub spices onto all cooking on low 4 to 6 hours, or
sions. Having a go-to recipe With Dark Rum Sauce” from 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves sides of roast. until beef is fork-tender. Baste
for this classic main course “Crock-Pot 356 Year-Round 1 beef rump roast (about 3 pounds) 2. Heat oil in skillet over beef occasionally with sauce.
makes holiday preparations Recipes” (Publications Inter- 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil medium heat until hot. Sear 4. Remove and slice roast.
that much easier. national Ltd) by Crock-Pot 1 cup dark rum, divided beef on all sides, turning as Spoon sauce over beef to
Utilizing a slow cooker Kitchens. 1/2 cup beef broth it browns. Transfer to a slow serve.




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150 West Mill Street, Castile, NY

Utilizing a slow cooker to make a beef roast reduces time spent in the kitchen, affording hosts more
opportunities to mingle with their guests.

Christmas Eve (Vigil) Christmas

2:30pm – St. Brigid Midnight – Our Lady of Mercy – Missa Cantata
4:30pm – St. Brigid {Extraordinary Form Latin Mass}
4:00pm – Our Lady of Mercy 7:15am – Our Lady of Mercy
7:00pm – Our Lady of Mercy 10:45am– Our Lady of Mercy
Our Lady of Mercy Parish St. Brigid Parish
44 Lake Street, LeRoy, NY 14482 18 Gibson Street, Bergen, NY 14416
Seating is limited, to make your reservation CALL OR TEXT (585) 709-2764
or email request to events@ourladyofmercyleroy.org
Masses at Our Lady of Mercy will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
16 • December 2020 Season’s Greetings

Celebrate the holidays with a delectable dessert

Family Features then beat in vanilla. Add
With so many traditions flour mixture and mix on low Eggnog is a holiday classic
and ways to celebrate the speed until just combined.
holiday season, the options Divide batter evenly Metro Creative Quick Brandy Eggnog
are nearly endless for fam- among muffin cups, filling No beverage is more associated
ilies looking to spend spe- each about 3/4 full. Bake 30 with holiday parties than eggnog, YIELD: 1 cocktail
cial moments together. One minutes, or until toothpick which is a beloved beverage come 1 ounce brandy
inserted in center cupcake the holiday season. 1 1/4 ounces milk
of the tastiest and most en- While it’s perfectly acceptable
joyable activities you can comes out clean or with 1/2 ounce simple syrup
to purchase store-bought eggnog 1 egg yolk
engage in with family and moist crumbs. Let cupcakes in the dairy case and dress it up
friends is to team up and cre- cool 10 minutes then trans- with a favorite spirit, most eggnog Grated nutmeg or cinnamon for garnish
ate sweet eats in the kitchen. fer to wire rack to cool com- recipes only feature a handful of In a cocktail shaker, combine the bran-
Whether you’re a choc- pletely. ingredients and are quite easy to dy, milk, simple syrup, and egg yolk. Dry
To make whipped vanilla make at home.
olate lover or prefer tradi- Rum, whiskey and brandy are shake without ice.
tional seasonal flavors like buttercream: In large bowl Fill shaker with ice, then shake vigor-
customary liquors to use in eggnog
peppermint and ginger- of stand mixer, beat butter recipes. The Spruce: Eats believes ously for about 30 seconds to ensure the
bread, you can turn to these on medium-high speed until brandy is perfect for the finished egg is well mixed. Strain into an old-fash-
Gingerbread Cupcakes with light and fluffy, about 3 min- product. Here is their version of ioned or cocktail glass. Add a dash of grated
Whipped Vanilla Butter- utes. Add vanilla and, with “Quick Brandy Eggnog”: nutmeg or cinnamon as a garnish.
Tingle your taste buds with these
cream from Milk Means mixer on low, slowly add in
Gingerbread Cupcakes with
More to tingle taste buds powdered sugar, cream and
Whipped Vanilla Buttercream.
while bringing everyone to- salt, scraping down sides of
gether. Set aside. bowl as needed. Once in-
Find more ways to cele- To make cupcakes: In me- corporated, whip frosting
dium bowl, whisk flour, gin- at least 3 minutes on medi-
brate the season with sweet
ger, cinnamon, cloves, nut- um-high or high speed. If
eats at milkmeansmore.org.
meg and salt. frosting is too thick, gradual-
In large bowl of stand mix- ly beat in additional cream.
Gingerbread Cupcakes er, cream butter and sugar Pipe on top of cooled cup-
with Whipped Vanilla until light and fluffy, about cakes and sprinkle with cin-
3 minutes. Add molasses namon.
Buttercream and beat until incorporated. –––
Recipe courtesy of Megan Gundy Beat in eggs, one at a time, SOURCE: UNITED DAIRY INDUSTRY OF MICHIGAN

of “What Megan’s Making” on be-

half of Milk Means More
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Servings: 20

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tablespoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, at room tem-
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
3 tablespoons molasses
4 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Whipped Vanilla Buttercream:

1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
4 cups powdered sugar
2-4 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
1 pinch salt
cinnamon, for topping

Adjust oven rack to low-

er-middle position and pre-
heat oven to 350 F. Line muf-
fin pan with cupcake liners.
Season’s Greetings December 2020 • 17

The origins of New Year’s Eve traditions

Metro Creative FOOD Square Alliance.
Traditions are the glue that People of Japanese heritage
hold many celebrations togeth- might eat soba noodles on New MAKING RESOLUTIONS
er. Individuals and families em- Year’s Eve. The Toshikoshi So- Historians trace the making of
brace many customs that serve ba, which means “year crossing resolutions to the Ancient Bab-
as the script for commemorating buckwheat noodle,” denotes ylonians. Citizens made spoken
year-end holidays. the crossing from one year to the resolutions during their new
Some celebrants may ad- next. Nibbling the noodles rep- year festival known as “Akitu.”
here to traditions without really resent traveling from one year This ritual required making an
knowing how they began or why to the next as well as letting go of oath to the sitting or new king.
they continue. Here is a closer the previous year’s regrets. Romans also swore oaths of loy-
look at some of the most popular In Spain, people gobble alty to the emperor when the
traditions tied to New Year’s Eve, grapes to bring good luck in the New Year started.
both domestically and around coming year. The goal is to eat
the world. 12 green grapes during the 12 re- FIREWORKS AND NOISEMAKERS
maining seconds until the New Fireworks are a big part of
DRINKING CHAMPAGNE Year. Those able to do so will celebrations and are not to be
The use of champagne for cel- outdone on New Year’s Eve. METRO CREATIVE
have 12 months of good fortune. New Year’s Eve traditions abound, and many of these annual
ebrations is rooted in the Chris- Fireworks were invented in the
tian ritual of consuming wine DROPPING THE BALL seventh century in China. Ac- customs have interesting origin stories.
during the Eucharist. In the year Revelers have long watched cording to Anthony Aveni, an as-
496, a wine from the Champagne the giant ball drop in New York tronomer and anthropologist at
region of France was offered City’s Times Square in person Colgate University, the fireworks
during the baptism of the Frank- and on television. This tradition were designed to ward off evil
ish warrior Clovis, according to may be rooted in the custom of spirits. In cultures around the
the Champagne Committee of sailors using “time balls” to set world, fireworks, banging drums
France. It then became custom- their timepieces at sea. These and other efforts were used to
ary for champagne to be used chronometers were employed chase away spooky creatures,
at religious events like conse- by using a spyglass to scan the especially during the transitional
crations and at coronations or harbor looking for balls that period that is the passing of the
soirees. Eventually the tradition were dropped into the water at new year. Today fireworks and
became associated with secular certain times, PBS reports. The noisemakers are employed not
rituals, such as celebrating the Times Square ball was first used for scaring away spirits, but rath- We’re all revved up
new year. in 1907, according to the Times er to add to the revelry. for the holidays and
we can’t think of a
New Year’s resolutions
an enduring tradition finer place to
Metro Creative celebrate than right
The tradition of making New Year’s
resolutions is an enduring one that here at home with
dates back thousands of years.
According to History.com, ancient
good folks like you!
Babylonians are credited with being
the first people to make New Year’s
resolutions. During Akitu, a 12-day
religious festival, Babylonians would
make promises to their gods. These
promises typically focused on being a
better person in the coming year. Cel-
ebrants of the festival, which was held
when crops were planted and marked
the beginning of a new year to individ-
uals in certain ancient societies, would
promise the gods that they would re-
pay their debts and return any items H
they had borrowed in the previous year.
While these promises might have More Than Just a
been the forerunners to modern New “Motorcycle Shop”
Year’s resolutions, there is one dis- Since 1958
tinct difference that separates ancient
Babylonians from people in modern (585) 343-9598
times. Babylonians believed keeping
their word to the gods would curry fa- 4425 W. Saile Dr.,
vor for them in the coming year, while Batavia, NY
failure to keep their promises would do www.stanshd.com
the opposite.
People who make resolutions Tuesday - Friday 9-5
today typically do so to better them- Saturday 9-4
selves and do not fear reprisal from Closed Sunday & Monday
their creator if they fail to live up to their
18 • December 2020 Season’s Greetings

The best ways to store and serve champagne

Metro Creative or artificial light. Chilling also Etiquette experts say it is pref- pagne Laurent-Perrier, advises lip-shaped flutes will produce
No New Year’s Eve celebra- will help reduce the “pop” and erable to open a bottle of cham- taking your time pouring a lit- more bubbles and help capture
tion would be complete without overflow of the bubbly. If you pagne with a hiss rather than a tle champagne into each glass the flavor and aromas of the
a champagne toast to ring in the purchase champagne and need large pop. To achieve this, chill to allow the bubbles to settle. champagne.
new year. to chill it for serving, you can the champagne and open the Then return to the first glass to It’s ideal to drink all of the
Champagne is a sparkling achieve this by either chilling it bottle very slowly and with a pour more, helping to make the champagne in a bottle, as it will
wine from the Champagne re- in the fridge for three hours be- great deal of control. champagne less likely to froth. begin to lose its fizz immediate-
gion of France, though the term fore serving, or in a Champagne When the champagne is Do not tilt the glass like pouring ly after opening. A specialized
“champagne” is often mistaken- bucket in a mixture of ice and opened, Daniel Brennan, com- a beer, rather pour champagne champagne stopper will help
ly used in reference to any type down the inside of the glass. keep the champagne fresh for
water for 30 minutes. munications director at Cham-
of bubbly. The shape of the glass comes up to two days after opening. Af-
Champagne is a wine and, like down to preference. Tradition- ter the bottle has been opened,
merlot or pinot grigio, it has spe- al coupes look the part, but tu- refrigerate it.
cific storage and serving tem-
peratures to ensure top flavor.
According to ThermoWorks,
wines have specific layers of fla-
vor that are most effectively en-
joyed when they’re experienced
at the proper temperature. In Ask me about the 100% Money Back Guarantee!
wine, temperature affects alco-
hol, acid and aromatics. Ther- KAREN GABBEY
moWorks suggests a tempera- Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
570 East Main Street • Batavia, NY 14020
ture of 45 degrees Fahrenheit for
champagne. Cell: 585.734.5734
Office: 585.409.2116 • Fax: 585.343.8502
In addition to controlling karengabbey@howardhanna.com
temperature, there are other HowardHanna.com
ways to help ensure champagne
reaches the palate in optimal METRO CREATIVE
fashion. Grape Escapes, a wine In addition to controlling temperature, there are other ways to
tasting and touring company, help ensure champagne reaches the palate in optimal fashion.
says that champagne is already
aged properly before being sold,
so it does not necessarily bene-
fit from extra aging in the bottle.
When kept too long (beyond 10
years for vintage cuvŽes), some
effervescence may be lost and
the flavor will change.
Bottles of champagne should
be stored horizontally in a well-
chilled environment. They
should be kept away from bright

Not all sparkling

wines are champagne
Metro Creative
Sparkling wines can make spe-
cial occasions more enjoyable. That
is why they’re generally reserved for
big events that warrant toasts such
as New Year’s Eve celebrations.
But many people mistakenly
believe that all sparkling wines are
champagne. However, true cham-
pagne is made in the Champagne
region of France from a combination
of chardonnay, pinot noir and pinot
meunier grapes. It can only be made
in the region’s traditional method,
called MŽthode Champenoise, and
the taste will typically be nutty and
Sparkling wines can be produced
across the globe in various ways.
The taste will vary depending on how
it is produced. Sparkling wines are
named depending on where they are
made. Prosecco is an Italian spar-
kling wine, cava a Spanish variety
and sekt is a German version.
Season’s Greetings December 2020 • 19

Three Kings Day brings holiday season to a close

Metro Creative Christ child of gold, frankin- ring-shaped cakes in which are greatly revered by chil- or names of the magi who
The holiday season begins cense oil and a resin called they will hide plastic baby dren and adults alike. Until visited Jesus. However, oral
with Thanksgiving, and ma- myrrh. The gold represent- figurines that are meant to the 19th century, the Epiph- tradition has it that there
ny people believe that the ed Christ’s royal standing. symbolize Jesus Christ. The any may have been consid- were three and their names
festivities come to a close The frankincense marked cake is called The King’s ered more important than were Gaspar, Balthasar and
after ringing in the new year. Christ’s divine birth. Finally, Ring, or Rosca de Reyes. Christmas day. However, Melchior.
In fact, for the faithful, the the myrrh stood for Christ’s In Latin America, the three those tides have largely shift- Christmas and New Year’s
Christmas season does not mortality. magi are more prominent ed outside of Latin Ameri- garner considerable atten-
end until January 6 (January Many celebrants will bake figures than Santa Claus and ca and areas dominated by tion during holiday celebra-
12 in Eastern churches).
large populations of people tions, but Three Kings Day
January 6 marks the cele-
who have Latin American also is an important holiday
bration of the Epiphany, or
the visit of the maji to the heritage. in the Christian faith, and
Christ child. The day is some- The Bible does not specif- one that brings the holiday
times referred to as Three ically mention the number season to a close.
Kings Day, Little Christmas,
the Baptism of Jesus, and D’a
de los Reyes.
While some people are
very familiar with this feast
day and the customs sur-
rounding it, others are less
The Epiphany is celebrat-
ed 12 days after December
25. That is where the phrase
Three Kings Day is an important holiday in the Christian faith, and
the Twelve Days of Christ- one that brings the holiday season to a close.
mas, and the song of the
same name, originated.
Christians believe that the
real celebration of the hol-
iday season does not begin
until December 24 and then
continues through Three
Kings Day. While the four
weeks preceding Christmas,
also known as Advent, are
supposed to be times of re-
flection and prayer in antic-
ipation of the birth of Jesus
Christ, the 12 days of Christ-
mas are times of great cele-
In Britain and elsewhere,
Twelfth Night is the evening
that precedes the Epiphany,
and Christmas decorations
should remain up until then.
Also, until as recently as the
1950s, Twelfth Night was a
time for wassailing. Was-
sailers went house to house
singing and wishing neigh-
bors good health.
On the Epiphany, children
may leave their shoes out for
presents in a similar fash-
ion to the way stockings are
hung. Gifts are exchanged,
reminiscent of the three gifts
the magi presented to the
20 • December 2020 Season’s Greetings

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