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Evart Seniors Pick Up Caps and Gowns

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www.weeklyvoice.net Evart | Reed City | Hersey | Sears | Chase Thursday, May 7, 2020

Evart seniors pick up

caps and gowns

Seniors say they miss final months

of the school year. See page 2

Larry Emig decides not

to seek re-election after
serving 28 years on
Osceola County board
By Victoria Martin ty-minded,” Emig said. “I have
Weekly Voice also served on many boards both
representing the county and on
REED CITY — With almost 30 my own across the state.”
years under his belt as a county When it came to his many
commissioner, Larry Emig will years as a commissioner, Emig
be hanging up his hat with the said he wanted to be on board for
Osceola County Board. as long as he believed he needed
Emig started on the commis- to be.
sion in November of 1992 as an “I always felt that as long as I
appointment when a commis- was offering something to what-
sioner ended their term early. ever position I held, was being
“I have been on the board for useful and learning, I should be
28 years,” he said. “That is a long involved,” Emig said. “That is
time in anywhere but especially why I have been on as long as I
for a commissioner.” have.” File photo
Prior to joining the Osceola But being involved in local Longtime Osceola County Commissioner Larry Emig has decided not to seek re-election ending nearly three decades on
County Board of Commission- government for the past three de- the board.
ers, Emig was on the Reed City cades has to end eventually.
Council for six years, two of “I am going to be 74 in June,” to be able to spend as much time of not feeling useful anymore said. “Now’s the time to retire
which he sat as the Reed City Emig said. “My wife is retired, as I can with them. It is just time but that it was time to get some and let some new ideas on the
mayor. the grandkids are getting older to close this chapter.” new faces on the board. board.”
“I have always been communi- and I am getting older and I want Emig said it was not a matter “The board is changing,” he See Emig on page 2

EGLE says final call on Nestlé will be based on science

By Karen Hopper Usher Nestlé wants to pump 400 Pulter issued a “proposal for bounds of statute that define the or support the petitioners who
Weekly Voice gallons per minute from a pro- decision,” concluding that the options available to EGLE.” were asking the state to exercise
duction well near White Pine permit should stand. Either or both parties could its public trust responsibility to
EVART — They won in the Springs, a 150 gpm increase over It’s not necessarily the final also file exceptions to the deci- defend the waters of the com-
court of public opinion but lost the 250 gpm the well was previ- decision: that’s in the EGLE di- sion, so long as it’s before May mons from exploitation and
on the books, a Michigan-based ously authorized to withdraw. rector’s purview. 15, 2020. depletion,” MCWC said in the
water conservation group said. The request triggered a long “The recommendation of But on Wednesday, MCWC press release. “So, we were not
The statement came from permitting process, and in Judge Pulter is subject to a final expressed some cynicism and surprised that our efforts did
Michigan Citizens for Water 2018, EGLE (then known as the determination by the Director dismay about the process. not result in victory in the court
Conservation after news broke Department of Environmental of EGLE. EGLE will conduct a The group said they had of EGLE, even after a lengthy
that an administrative law Quality) granted the permit. thorough review of the recom- hoped the change in guberna- and expensive legal battle. In
judge had sided with Nestlé Michigan Citizens for Water mendation prior to any com- torial administration would the court of public opinion, we
Waters North America and Conservation filed a “contested ment or decision,” said EGLE lead to a different decision, and had won long ago.”
the Michigan Department of case” in an attempt to block the spokesperson Scott Dean. “The slammed Attorney General Da- Naturally, Nestlé is pleased to
Environment, Great Lakes and permit. The case wound its way EGLE Director’s decision will na Nessel’s office for not meet- have come out victorious in this
Energy regarding a permit the to the state’s administrative be driven by the science of ing with them. decision.
agency had granted the com- law system, on April 24, 2020, protecting the environment “At no time did the organs of
pany. administrative law judge Daniel and public health, within the the state see fit to consult with See Nestlé on page 2
2 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, May 7, 2020

Evart seniors reflect on the year as it comes to a close

By Victoria Martin For seniors, this has been a
Weekly Voice year of missing out.
“Honestly, it’s sad. It really
EVART — Closing schools is,” Kaylee Ladd said regarding
has been tough on everyone in- missing everything from snow
volved. coming to the senior trip to the
Students are stuck at home, Bahamas. “(...) But it’s life. And
teachers are trying to make we are all trying our best to un-
remote learning work and high derstand that.”
school seniors have missed out “I think that the biggest feel-
on what should have been their ing I’ve had in all of this is
most fun year. just shock,” said Evart Senior
As Evart seniors picked up Austin Rueffer. “I mean I was
their locker contents and caps expecting a couple more months
and gowns on Thursday, April with my friends, even my teach-
30, seniors and staff alike re- ers and classes.”
flected on the abrupt end of the But the remainder of the year
school year. hasn’t been all bad, Rueffer
For the staff, at Evart High said, as spending time virtually
School, Principal Jessica Ko- with friends and teachers has
lenda said not being able to see made things a little more bear-
the students every day has been able.
rough. “The one thing I can take
“This has been tough on ev- away from this is gratitude for
eryone,” said Evart High School my friends, my teachers, and
Principal Jessica Kolenda. “I my family,” he said. “I mean I little bit (we have movie nights ate that because it is difficult, I
miss my kiddos. It has been have never missed my friends as together on Zoom). My teachers certainly miss seeing them ev-
hard to not come here every day much as I do right now, but luck- are doing whatever they can to ery day and laughing and talk-
and see them.” ily technology helps us out a keep us learning and I appreci- ing with them about everything
going on in both of our lives.”
After spending more than a
month at home and away from
school, Rueffer said it was just
nice to see familiar faces when
picking up his stuff.
“I didn’t have any strong feel-
ings going to pick up stuff from
school, other than it was really
great being able to see so many
familiar faces, Mrs. Kolenda, VICTORIA MARTIN | Weekly Voice
Mrs. Craven, and others,” he Signs lined the Evart High School park-
said. ing lot to show support for the class
In getting ready to move to of 2020 during locker item pickup on
college, Rueffer said those fa- Thursday, April 30.
miliar faces that he has missed
out on are what he is going got the high school on Thursday
miss the most. and explained to them what
“It’s going to be strange mov- plans were in the works to con-
ing to a place where I’m one tinue celebrating them.
of thirty-thousand instead of “There isn’t much we can do
one of three-hundred, where I until the governor lifts this all,”
won’t be able to go spend time she told the students. “But, we
and talk with my teachers when are still planning on having
my day’s been rough,” he said. graduation, we just don’t know
“That’s what I love about Evart. when that will be. We are also
The staff really do care and ap- planning some other things too,
preciate all of us, individually. so stay tuned for those.”
And I do know that whenever I While not a lot is set in stone
need them in the future they’ll right now and dates are still
be there with a helping hand be- being decided, Kolenda said
VICTORIA MARTIN | Weekly Voice cause that’s just who they are.” she is trying to put a parade to-
A sign the read “We Miss You” sat outside Evart High School on Thursday, April 30 for students to read in their review To help students get through gether among a couple of other
mirrors. this quarantine, Kolenda went surprises that she would like to
to each senior who stopped by keep a secret as of right now.

Judge upholds Nestlé permit

Continued from page 1 said via emailed state- ditional water to Evart, drawal. toring plan indicates that to reduce pumping to 250
ment. “We have confidence where the water is put in A spokesperson said last wetland performance gpm and to notify the De-
“Nestlé Waters North in the science behind our tankers and sent to the week that the company is standards are not met, the partment,” Pulter noted in
America (NWNA) is application, the EGLE’s Ice Mountain bottling “exploring our options.” permit requires Nestlé his decision.
pleased that the Adminis- thorough review, the 18 facilities in Stanwood In his decision this
trative Law Judge upheld years’ worth of environ- (Ice Mountain is a Nestlé month, Administrative
the permit granted to us mental data collected brand). The company and Law Judge Dan Pulter
by the Michigan Depart- near the site since begin- the township disputed a rejected most of MCWC’s
ment of Environment, ning our operations in zoning decision in court, claims that Nestlé used
Great Lakes, and Energy
(EGLE). We firmly believe
Michigan, and the EGLE’s
with the Court of Appeals
ruling in December 2019.
shoddy evidence in its per-
mit application.
Businesses in need
that the EGLE’s decision
to approve our permit ap-
Nestlé recently lost an-
other case pertaining to
The appeals court judge
said bottled water was
Pulter also noted that
the permit granted by
of bulk surgical masks
plication was appropriate,
as it carefully reviewed
the plan to increase the
water withdrawal near
“not essential.”
Without the booster sta-
EGLE includes conditions
that would limit Nestlé call 231-775-6565!
and considered our per- Evart in Osceola County. tion, Nestle will have to ability to withdraw water Minimum of 500.
mit application in what it The company planned to find another way to move if wetlands start to suffer.
called ‘the most extensive build a booster station in the additional water with- “If the foregoing moni-
analysis of any water Osceola Township that
withdrawal in Michigan would make it possible
history,’” the company to pump and pipe the ad-
Let’s spread
Emig stepping away from your Voice!
county board Call Linda today to start
Continued from page 1 ing to miss the board and promoting your business!
the county staff the most.
Looking to the August “Like when you leave
election, Russ Nehmer and anywhere you’ve worked
Sally Momany are run- for a long period of time,
ning for Emig’s District 7 you are going to miss the
seat on the County Board. people the most,” he said.
While Emig did not want “I am going to miss the pot
to support one candidate lucks and the employee Linda Ziska
over the other, he did have appreciations. Getting to Advertising and Marketing Specialist
some words of wisdom for know the county employ- 231-779-4155
whoever takes his spot. ees and seeing the people Cell: 231-920-9486
Fax: 231-876-4155
“I would like to think the who worked over at the an-
person who takes my posi- nex building that we didn’t
tion will be open-minded get to see on a regular ba- 130 N. Mitchell St., www.cnpromotionalproducts.com
Cadillac, Mi 49601-0640 promo@cadillacnews.com
and be a team player,” he sis. I am going to miss all
said. “No matter if you that the most.” Your town. Your Paper. Your VOICE.
agree with someone or

Weekly Voice
not, you have to be able
to work as a team and get
stuff done for the county.
(...) Don’t have any hid-
• available monday thru thursday •
den agendas. Now, I can’t • weekends 5 pm-close • May 7, 2020 • Volume 14, Issue 3
say everyone on the board “pie on the fly” for $8.48 The Weekly Voice retains the publication rights to all content produced or supplied by the Weekly Voice. Use of said
didn’t have one or didn’t
start with one but it is im-
large 1-topping pizza material without the written consent of the Weekly Voice is prohibited. Contents copyrighted; all rights reserved.
portant to be transparent. PICK UP ONLY (not included with 2-FOR-TUESDAY) 130 North Mitchell St. P.O. Box 640 Cadillac, MI, 49601-0640
But most importantly, be
involved. A lot is going to • 2-for tuesday! • large or X-large The Weekly Voice is published You can also submit Newsroom: 1-888-330-4144
weekly and covers Chase, information online to news@weeklyvoice.net
open up when I leave and
Evart, Hersey and Reed City. www.weeklyvoice.net. Advertising representative:
it is important that every-
Linda Ziska
one does their part and is
We accept submissions of Publisher: Chris Huckle 231-779-4155 or 231-920-
involved in the different
photos, articles and opinion Huckle@weeklyvoice.net 9486
committees and other
at community@weeklyvoice. Classified representative:
net or mailed to Weekly Editor: Matt Seward Contact us at (888) 330-4144
And while he is looking
401 W. 7th Street • HOURS: 2 PM-10 PM Voice, P.O. Box 640, Cadillac, mseward@weeklyvoice.net customerservice@
forward to a life of retire-
ment, Emig said he is go- 231-734-3922 • EVART, MI MI., 49601. weeklyvoice.net
Thursday, May 7, 2020 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 3

Evart school families receive water and seedlings during food pickup
By Victoria Martin than 2,000 purchased by that it is a big help to be
Weekly Voice Nestle to give out to local able to offer the water along
communities, Evart El- with the food.
EVART — With 420 cases ementary School Principal “It is not necessarily that
of water and 500 tree seed- Sarah Bailey said. Bailey people are in dire need of
lings, Evart School District said the district had been water,” she said. “But many
was able to pass out a little able to give out almost half of these families have not
something different at this of the trees by 5 p.m. left their homes or are only
week’s food distribution. Angie Cushman, a mem- leaving if absolutely neces-
As cars lined up outside ber of the Evart Elemen- sary. So, being able to offer
the Evart Fire Department tary Food Service staff, said water is a big help in that
on Tuesday, May 5, parents the water was not planned regard.”
were expecting to just pick and was more of a “fluke.” While each family that
up meals and homework “We didn’t intend to have goes through the Evart
for their kids but were also water here today,” she said. School’s distribution line
were given a full case of “Nestle offered us the wa- is getting a case of water,
water and were asked to ter to help the local families Cushman said the cases
take one of 500 White Pine and now we have 420 cases will last at least another
seedlings home. of water to give out.” two distributions.
“The seedlings were orig- When going through the “No, we won’t give it all
inally meant for an Earth line to pick up food for the away today,” she said. “We VICTORIA MARTIN | Weekly Voice
Day event,” said Evart week, each family is given will be able to offer families A case of water was placed in each car picking up food during the Evart School Districts food distri-
High School Principal Jes- one case of water which water with their meals for bution on Tuesday, May 5 thanks to a 420 case donation from Ice Mountain.
sica Kolenda. “But, obvi- includes 32 bottles. a few more rounds.”
ously that isn’t happening.” And with volunteers say- The next food distribu-
The 500 trees given to ing the water has been ap- tion date will be on Tues-
Evart are a portion of more preciated, Cushman added day, May 12 from 4 to 7 p.m.


Nestle donated 420 cases of water to Evart Public Schools. Some of the water was handed out on To keep organization and lines moving during the Tuesday, May 5 Evart School District’s food and
Tuesday during the school district’s food distribution. homework distribution, cars were split into two lines.

Hometown Hardware staying busy

‘Essential’ local
HERE’S MY CARD business is
meeting needs
of customers
• Flowers • Hanging Baskets • Combination Pots • Perennials By Mike Dunn
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• Accessories/Decor
OPEN systems go” for the Home-
9 AM-5 PM Mon.-Sat.
10 AM-4 PM Sunday
town Hardware Store of
Senior & Health Evart during the entire
Compromised Hours
7 AM-9 AM Mon.-Sat. stretch of the pandemic.
724 W. US-10 • EVART • 231-734-2472 The longstanding hard-
ware store, located at the
southwest corner of the in-

WINDOW tersection of Seventh and

Main streets, was deemed

SHOPPING? an “essential” business

and so hasn’t been impact-
ed by the governor’s lock-
Check Out
Polar Seal Vinyl Windows down the way many other
for Your Home! small businesses were.
• Energy Efficient • Maintenance Free • Easily Cleaned Hometown Hardware, in Mike Dunn | Weekly Voice
• FINANCING AVAILABLE • fact, has remained “pretty Smiling Jim Holihan has been busy waiting on a steady flow of customers at the Hometown
“Your Full Service Glass Shop” steady” according to em- Hardware of Evart during the pandemic.
DouGLASS ployees Jim Holihan and
Denise Foster this week. stay home because of the Hardware, which offers a said.
800-922-GLAS • 231-779-3960 Located next to Arby’s • Cadillac
“Some of the bigger governor’s executive order surprisingly large variety One concern they both
stores were affected by the have decided to finally of items (the inside of the shared is that the people
shut down and that’s actu- take on some of the home- store is much more spa- who are home now getting
ally helped us,” Holihan improvement projects they cious than it would appear paid a good deal more per
IS YOUR said, noting that when had been putting off or from the outside), has been week by the government
BUSINESS the larger stores were not they have decided to get one of the beneficiaries. than they were making
READY TO permitted to sell paint,
for example, many people
a head start on “spring
cleaning” and that, in turn,
Holihan and Foster said
the customers have been
while they were employed
may not be in a hurry to
WIN AT THE turned instead to Home- has led to a demand for all respectful of each other, go back to the workforce.
INTERNET? town Hardware, which was
still permitted to mix and
kinds of items, everything
from doors and doorknobs
using social distancing
as a natural course of ac-
And that could create some
potentially serious issues
Call: Kevin D. Mist sell the product during the to boards to roofing materi- tion. They have noticed an when the time comes to get
Digital Marketing Specialist
original lockdown because als to hand tools to garden increase in the number of the economy going again.
231-779-4127 of its smaller size. products to plumbing sup- customers wearing masks Foster and Holihan also
Foster said there were plies to paint. the past few weeks, how- agreed that it would be
numerous phone calls to And that’s been good for ever. nice if the government
the store asking about business. “Most people seem to supplied the same “$600 bo-
Custom paint and paint products Foster has noticed that be handling things pretty nus” for the ones who are
during that time and many people in general seem well,” Foster said. still working.
Branded gallons of paint were sold. to be using the the local The pair agree that re- Even so, they’re both
Apparel But paint hasn’t been the stores and businesses more opening the state for busi- glad to be working during
Mugs & only hot item in the store. frequently during the pan- ness again will take time. the pandemic and glad also
CN Promotional Products Drinkware Holihan said a lot of people demic instead of driving “People are gonna be that the flow of business is
can supply any customized Banners who have been forced to to other places. Hometown cautious at first,” Holihan holding steady.
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with your unique branding.
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Organizations receive almost $117,000 in People Fund grants
Eleven grants were awarded to lo- • Webber Township, Baldwin: their electric cooperative to round
CALL LINDA cal community non-profits through $5,000 for a Community Development up their bill each month to the next
Great Lakes Energy members who Project to remove blight, includes dollar. It averages 50 cents a month.
AT 231.779.4155 DIRECT support the cooperative’s People equipment, supplies, audit, and tele- Great Lakes Energy members can
OR 231.920.9486 CELL Fund program. Since the program’s phone/internet. enroll in the People Fund by calling
TO ADVERTISE IN THE VOICE inception in 1999, organizations have • Stehouwer Free Clinic, Cadillac: 1-888-485-2537 or visiting gtlakes.com.
received more than $3.8 million in $3,000 for emergency dental care and All funds collected from members go
People Fund grants. diabetic education expenses. toward grants.
The People Fund Board of Direc- • Reed City Area District Library, Nonprofit organizations in the
tors awarded $36,284.59 in grants to Reed City: $3,190 for five computers Great Lakes Energy service area can
11 central Michigan organizations, and monitors. request a grant application online
with a total of over $116,819 for all or- The People Fund is supported by at https://www.gtlakes.com/people-
ganizations throughout the coopera- the voluntary contributions of Great fund/. The next grant application
tive’s 26-county service area in 2020. Lakes Energy members who allow deadline is October 15, 2020.
4 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, May 7, 2020

Obituary Evart tables decision on fireworks again

Terry Lee Tupper By Victoria Martin to make any decisions “Without the seasonal With the city facing
Weekly Voice regarding the July show employees to complete some financial difficulties
GRAND BLANC — Ter- and were worried about the special mowing that after Vitro and Ventra
ry Lee Tupper, age 45, of EVART — Despite the the public safety of hold- needs to happen for the decided to close due to CO-
Grand Blanc, passed Evart Chamber needing ing an event with an fireworks, the event will VID-19 and Vitro closing
away suddenly, Tuesday, an answer sooner rather estimated 10,000 people in be a concern for the DPW permanently after June
April 28, 2020. than later, the city council attendance. department,” he said. “(...) 30, City Manager Sarah
Terry was born June tabled the discussion on “If we have to answer I have the same concerns Dvoracek said a lot of
14, 1974 in Flint, the son fireworks for another two today, following the lead with the parade and the time was being spent on
of Dennis and Victoria weeks. of the governor, our an- 5K. I know the public something that was not
(Adams) Tupper. He mar- Still not sure the direc- swer has to be no,” Mayor doesn’t see behind the the city’s biggest issue at
ried Diane M. Loar in tion Governor Gretchen John Joyce said. scenes work that goes into the moment.
Bowling Green, Ohio, on Whitmer was going to With Governor Gretch- these events but we are “Our priorities need to
October 10, 1999. He grad- take in terms of large en Whitmer’s Stay Home currently without all of be elsewhere,” she said.
uated from Montrose gatherings, the city coun- order not up until May 28, our seasonal employees at After voicing concerns
High School and Michi- cil decided to hold off on Osceola County Emergen- this time. We are running and not wanting to make
gan Tech University with who poured his life into making any decisions. cy Management Director tight trying to maintain any premature decisions,
a degree in Electrical En- his kids and inspiring According to a chamber Mark Watkins believed our regular service levels the council decided to
gineering. Terry was em- them to be the best ver- member present at the there to be too many un- with the staff we cur- table the conversation un-
ployed as a Robotics En- sion of themselves. meeting, the May 15 date certainties at this point. rently have.” til June 1.
gineer for 12 years with Terry is survived by was the deadline given to “(...) Unfortunately, we
FANUC America and wife, Diane; children, the chamber by the fire- don’t have a crystal ball
John Deere for seven Ethan A. Tupper, Domi- works company that was on this. We have to rely
years. His name appears nick A. Tupper, Seth I. hired to do the show. on public health data and
on two patents and he has Tupper, and Nora M. This is the third time testing data to plan for
published many profes- Tupper; father, Dennis the topic of fireworks has future events.”
sional articles. Terry was Tupper; mother, Victoria been moved to another Assistant City Manager
the Assistant Pastor at (nee Adams) Tupper; meeting. and Department of Pub-
Calvary Chapel in Flint. brother, Michael (Crys- Though urged by the lic Works Director Mark
He enjoyed hunting, fish- tal) Tupper; father and chamber to make a deci- Wilson was worried about
ing, camping, and hik- mother-in-law, Robert sion, many on the council the employees needed to
ing. Terry was accom- and Lois Loar; and many believed it was too early put on the event.
plished in martial arts nieces and nephews.
having been awarded two A memorial service
black belts in Tae Kwon will be held at a later
Do and one black belt in date. Arrangements pro- Spectrum outpatient labs back in hospitals
Tang So Do. He also loved vided by Sharp Funeral
classic cars. Terry had an Home and Cremation REED CITY — Outpa- Diabetes Education build-
awesome sense of humor Center, 6063 Fenton Rd., tient lab services are once ing in Reed City.
and always stated “other Grand Blanc. again available within Outpatient lab hours
people are more impor- Those desiring may Spectrum Health Reed are weekdays from 7 a.m.
tant,” he was very self- make memorial contri- City Hospital. to 7 p.m. and from 8 a.m.
less! He was a faithful butions to a Scholarship Lab services were tem- to 2 p.m. Saturdays at
and Godly man. Terry Fund for Terry’s chil- porarily moved from in- both locations inside each
and Diane had a love that dren. side each hospital as part hospital.
inspired others. It was Online tributes may be of the hospital’s initial For questions regard-
truly a love of a lifetime. shared www.sharpfuner- response to COVID-19. ing this change, please cal
He was a loving father alhomes.com. Services moved to the 231-832-7130 in Reed City.

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Thursday, May 7, 2020 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 5

Can you harvest a record turkey around here?

By Mike Dunn on May 11, 2000. A location is not
Weekly Voice given for this, though it obvious-
ly was harvested in Michigan,
A search this week of the perhaps in the lower southwest
spring turkey records in Michi- part of the state closest to Illi-
gan on the National Wild Turkey nois. This one had a point total
Federation (NWTF) website of 137.7500 and weighed 23.5
reveals some interesting details pounds with five beards.
for aspiring hunters here in Going down the list of the
northern Michigan. If you’re top 10 we see other record fowl
looking for a record gobbler, taken in Montcalm County in
you’re not likely to harvest it the middle part of the state and
in the north country, includ- also from Allegan, Livingston,
ing Osceola County. The record Kalamazoo, Wayne and a second
turkeys have all been harvested one from Lapeer, which must be
downstate where the winters a turkey haven. Nothing even
are milder than in the north remotely from the true north
and where the environment is country, however.
accommodating for the turkeys The No. 18 turkey on the list
and so they are more apt to live did come from the Upper Pen-
longer and have the chance to insula, but all the way over in
grow multiple beards. Menominee on the Wisconsin
Not to say there haven’t been border. That one had a point
some record turkeys taken in the total of 99.1250 and was taken
north country, however, includ- by Dale Phelps of Michigan on
ing Mackinac County and some April 26, 1988.
in the Upper Peninsula, too. The We did come across a mystery
reality is that most of the record in the No. 40 slot and, perhaps,
turkeys were taken from either even our first record turkey from
downstate or the middle part of the true north! The site of the Photo courtesy of the DNR
the state. harvest was listed as “Antrion” Spring turkey season is drawing hunters to the woods even during the pandemic. There are some beauties to be spotted
Something interesting I but, of course, there is no place out here, like this one here.
learned while researching this called Antrion in the state of
article is that the record turkey Michigan, not even an Antrion
is not the biggest turkey. Size Township. However, this is An- and weighed 19.25 pounds. Not Osceola County, I came across two more recorded turkeys from
is one of the factors taken into trim County in Michigan. Is it bad at all. one harvested in the village of Osceola County, too. On May 3,
account in the NWTF pointing possible that the turkey taken by Just two spots from there, tied Lake in Clare County. It hap- 1989, Brad Meyering took down
system but points are also al- Larry Palma on April 18, 2006, at No. 64, we find another tur- pened a while ago, on May 5, an 18-pounder with a single
lowed for spurs and for beards. with a point total of 84.9650 with key from the northern part of 1983, by a hunter named Ellis beard of 8.5 inches using a
The turkeys with the largest two beards and weighing 21.3 northern Michigan, though as Ditts. The bird had a point total “modern firearm” and on April
point totals are the turkeys with pounds was really harvested we noted taking down a record of 75.8800, good for the No. 68 19, 2010, Randy Morgan used a
multiple beards, are are known somewhere near Mancelona or turkey in the true north is the overall, a nice ranking or a bird “modern loader” to harvest a
as “Eastern A-Typical” turkeys. Bellaire? exception rather than the rule. A with a single beard. It weighed a turkey weighing 17.375 pounds
(Eastern Typical turkeys, as I Yes, probably, but we can’t say hunter named Jeff Middendorf healthy 23.625 pounds. with a single beard that was 9
understand it, have just a single for sure. Sorry. of Michigan harvested a turkey Continuing on, I finally found inches in length. Congrats to
beard.) As we continue to stroll down in Cheboygan on May 1, 2006, the first turkey to make the Brad and Randy.
The biggest turkey on record the list, though, we find at No. 43 with a point total of 76.7500 with NWTF list taken from Osceola There aren’t many turkeys
by far, for example, was taken a turkey taken by Luke Koben one impressive beard and weigh- County. It was recorded by from Osceola County that made
in Lapeer, in the Thumb area of on April 20, 2015, in Mackinac ing 19.5 pounds. Timothy Bailey on May 25, 2011. the NWTF list but we also have
the state. It happened on April County. You can’t get much far- In the No. 99 spot in the WNTF It doesn’t say where in Osceola to consider that there have been
21, 2008. The gal pulling the trig- ther north in the Lower Penin- list, we see the turkey taken by County the bird was taken but it turkeys taken locally that have
ger was a sharpshooter named sula than that for a record fowl. John Howard Nelson in Alpena was a good-sized, single-bearded not been recorded and submit-
Addison Bonneville, a Michigan Luke’s turkey had three beards on May 3, 2002. This impres- bird, weighing 19.25 pounds and ted.
resident. This was one impres- and weighed in at 20.37 pounds sive bird weighed a healthy 24.7 its beard was 10.5 inches. The We do have to admit, though,
sive wild turkey, earning a point with a point total of 84.2500. pounds and had a point total point calculation was 62.7500. from our perusal of these re-
total of 151.2500. That is a whop- At No. 56 we find a turkey har- of 72.0000 with one beard. The Way to go Tim! Hope you’re cords that it’s not very likely to
ping large total for an Eastern vested in Newaygo on April 22, details confirmed that this bird reading this. harvest a turkey in these parts
A-Typical wild turkey! The fowl 1992 by Richard Russell Jr. with was ranked a respectable 20th in I noticed the more I went down that will garner a high point
weighed 21 pounds and had an a point total of 79.8750 with two terms of weight for an Eastern on the list, the more frequently total by the NWTF scoring meth-
incredible seven beards. None beards and weighing 21 pounds. Typical bird taken with a mod- I found locations from northern od. The good news is that while
of the other turkeys on the list Newaygo isn’t quite the north ern firearm in Michigan. That’s Michigan. There were several you may not find a turkey with
had nearly that many beards. but it’s fairly close. Continu- definitely something to applaud. harvested in Benzie County, for multiple beards in this area or
Regardless of the number of ing on we find that last year, on The very next year, the same example, and a few from neigh- throughout northern Michigan
beards, this particular bird no April 22, 2019, a gentleman hunt- Mr. Nelson harvested another boring Wexford County and a that will net a high ranking on
doubt made for one sumptuous er named Brett Zimmerman turkey in Alpena with a point few from Missaukee County the NWTF list, hunters can still
turkey dinner in the Bonneville harvested a wild turkey with a total of 61.1250 on April 22, 2003, as well. There were a few more be satisfied knowing there are
household and that’s important, point total of 77.1250 in Gladwin, weighing 20.75 pounds and good from Gladwin, a few more from an abundance of decent-sized
too. which is indeed officially a part for No. 187 on the record list for the village of Lake and a few turkeys in these parts that will
The second-place record wild of northern Michigan and not Michigan. more from Cheboygan and Al- look mighty good cooking in
turkey of Michigan was taken too far from Osceola County ei- Scrolling down and search- pena. a pot at home, even if it’s not
by Kenneth Schultz of Illinois ther. This turkey had two beards ing for turkeys taken in or near Long down the list, I did find Thanksgiving.

Evart Police damages were caused by a
hit and run accident.
lation. The complaint was
investigated, and it was
have to go through the
proper channels using the
served. He packed his be-
longings and left without
tion was not observed a
verbal warning was issued.
Department, weekly • Hit and Run/Property found that the business court system to have him incident. The officer was assured
report Damage Accident — Offi- was operating within the evicted. The roommate de- • Officers received a re- there would be no further
Monday 4/27 cers received a call regard- scope of the order. cided to stay elsewhere for quest from a neighboring problems.
• Suspicious Situation — ing a hit and run accident Sunday 5/3 the night. police department to do a • Officers responded to a
Officers were called to in- that damaged a mailbox. • Assist — Officers were Monday 4/27 welfare check on a miss- loud music complaint at an
vestigate a suspicious situ- The complaint was investi- dispatched to stand by • Officers responded to a ing female. It was believed apartment complex. Offi-
ation at a local business. gated. with EMS while they were holdup alarm inside a busi- that she may be visiting cers issued a citation to the
Tuesday 4/28 • Malicious Destruction with an intoxicated subject ness. It was discovered that someone at a residence in 43-year-old female regard-
• Property Damage Ac- of Property — Officers that had fallen and injured the wrong button had been Reed City. The officer re- ing the noise ordinance.
cident — Officers were were advised of a MDOP their head. accidentally pressed. Offi- sponded to the address and It was also found that the
dispatched to investigate a to a vehicle complaint. The cers cleared. found the person no longer woman held a warrant out
car/deer accident. No inju- case remains open pending Wednesday 4/29 lived there. When report- of a neighboring county
ries were reported. additional follow up.
Reed City Police • While on patrol officer ing back the requesting and advised she take care
• Hit and Run/Property Wednesday 4/29 Department, weekly found a mailbox laying in department, the officer was of it.
Damage Accident — Offi- • Possible Executive Or- report the yard. Contact was made told the female had been lo- • Officers were dis-
cers received a call regard- der Violation — Offers with the homeowner, who cated. patched to a threat com-
ing vandalism. Upon in- received a tip from Crime Sunday 4/26 stated he was not aware Thursday 4/30 plaint between neighbors.
vestigating the complaint, Stoppers regarding a pos- • Officers were dis- that it was down. It is be- • Officers were dis- The responding officer
it was determined that the sible Executive Order vio- patched to a civil complaint lieved that strong winds patched to a residence re- spoke with both parties
regarding a conflict be- had knocked it down. garding a domestic assault involved and found it to be

tween roommates. The re- • Officers received a re- complaint. The matter has a verbal argument. They
sponding officer explained quest from an apartment been submitted to the pros- were advised to stay away
to the homeowner, that she manager to have a no- ecuting attorney’s office from each other.

could not lock her room- trespass order served on for review. • Officers responded to an
mate out of the house. He a 29-year-old male. The in- Friday 5/1 activated alarm at a manu-
explained that she would dividual was located and • The Reed City Police facturing company. Upon
BUY Dept. has received com- arrival, it was found a new

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plaints regarding loud
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cleaning person had en-
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ing lot. Officers talked to
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Swap or Trade Merchandise Under $300 Merchandise Under $300

(2) antique girls bikes, Schwinn Queen size steel mattress
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plete car stereo system, and a $150. Call (231)839-7527. Cadillac.
Freebies 23" TV with DVD and other stuff, Merchandise Wanted
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can buy a universal remote and running or not. Call (616)836- $100. Call (231)839-7527.
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(2) girls gold/white, (1) male dollars $2.50. Call (231)620- (231)839-7527.
gray, eating hard food, wlll as- 4699.
Young girls swimsuits, new with
sist with food/medical. Call 6 1/2 hp Johnson outboard mo-
tags, (11) Speedo brand, (1) Dis-
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ney, sizes 4-6x, $50 or will sell
gun, under $200. Call (616)836- $250. Call (231)468-2861.
General Help Wanted separate. Call (231)920-0336.
FREE: Glider rocking chair, nev- 5197.
er used, bought new, dark wood, Abu Garcia Silver Max reel, left
light rose cushions, you haul. handed, excellent shape, $30. REAL ESTATE
WANTED: Little Tykes infant/
Call (231)444-6196. Osceola County toddler outdoor swing for
Call (231)775-4626.
Road Commission hanging on tree limb. Cadillac.
will accept applications for Call (231)286-3670. GE side-by-side refrigerator, al-
FREE: Kittens, (2) all black mond, automatic ice maker &
males, (1) black & white male, all summer laborers and/or
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born Feb 17, kittens are a load of WANTED: Small chest deep and looks almost new, $100. Call Wanted to Buy
adventure, litter trained & eating should be accompanied with a
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dry food. Call (231)942-6935 or tion, in or around Cadillac. Call 8179.
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21, 2020 or until the positions (231) 468-2891.
good condition. Call (231)829-
are filled. Application forms are Lowrance Hook 3X fish finder, 3438.
FREE: Litter trained blonde fe- available M-T, 6:00 AM to 4:30 WANTED: Standard TV, ap- like new, $100. Call (231)328-
male kitten, born Feb 7th, and 6 PM, at the Road Commission proximately 21", not flat screen, 4246. No calls after 8pm.
mo kittens fixed with shots, tor- office at: overall no larger then 26" wide X SCAN WITH
toise, light gray, and dark gray ti- 4737 Makwa Drive 22" high. Call (231)824-6322, Planter plates for JD, AC,
gers. Call (231)824-6576. Hersey, MI 49639 leave message. CASE, IH, etc., $5. Call

or by calling (231) 832-5171. (231)328-4246. No calls after
All applicants must be 18 8pm.
Swap or Trade years of age or older and pos- WANTED: Traps all sizes. Call
sess a valid driverʼs license. (231)944-9794.
The Osceola County Road
Queen size box spring mattress, like us on TO LIKE
TRADE: Fifth wheel for nice excellent condition, like new, facebook
Commission is an equal op- WANTED: Used lawn mower $75. Call (231)775-4289. Ca-
dully, or 4x4, or muscle car. Call
portunity employer. that works. Call (231)468-9846. dillac.

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Photos Courtesy: Holly Bailey-Wiltzer, Dave Newhouse, Bruce Oseland, Ellen Vanderwal, Rick Hodges, Gail Gurnee, Cadillac Area Visitors Bureau & Joyce Potter

Your town. Your Paper. Your VOICE.

Thursday, May 7, 2020 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 7

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