Evart Seniors Pick Up Caps and Gowns
Evart Seniors Pick Up Caps and Gowns
Evart Seniors Pick Up Caps and Gowns
www.weeklyvoice.net Evart | Reed City | Hersey | Sears | Chase Thursday, May 7, 2020
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Thursday, May 7, 2020 | www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 3
Evart school families receive water and seedlings during food pickup
By Victoria Martin than 2,000 purchased by that it is a big help to be
Weekly Voice Nestle to give out to local able to offer the water along
communities, Evart El- with the food.
EVART — With 420 cases ementary School Principal “It is not necessarily that
of water and 500 tree seed- Sarah Bailey said. Bailey people are in dire need of
lings, Evart School District said the district had been water,” she said. “But many
was able to pass out a little able to give out almost half of these families have not
something different at this of the trees by 5 p.m. left their homes or are only
week’s food distribution. Angie Cushman, a mem- leaving if absolutely neces-
As cars lined up outside ber of the Evart Elemen- sary. So, being able to offer
the Evart Fire Department tary Food Service staff, said water is a big help in that
on Tuesday, May 5, parents the water was not planned regard.”
were expecting to just pick and was more of a “fluke.” While each family that
up meals and homework “We didn’t intend to have goes through the Evart
for their kids but were also water here today,” she said. School’s distribution line
were given a full case of “Nestle offered us the wa- is getting a case of water,
water and were asked to ter to help the local families Cushman said the cases
take one of 500 White Pine and now we have 420 cases will last at least another
seedlings home. of water to give out.” two distributions.
“The seedlings were orig- When going through the “No, we won’t give it all
inally meant for an Earth line to pick up food for the away today,” she said. “We VICTORIA MARTIN | Weekly Voice
Day event,” said Evart week, each family is given will be able to offer families A case of water was placed in each car picking up food during the Evart School Districts food distri-
High School Principal Jes- one case of water which water with their meals for bution on Tuesday, May 5 thanks to a 420 case donation from Ice Mountain.
sica Kolenda. “But, obvi- includes 32 bottles. a few more rounds.”
ously that isn’t happening.” And with volunteers say- The next food distribu-
The 500 trees given to ing the water has been ap- tion date will be on Tues-
Evart are a portion of more preciated, Cushman added day, May 12 from 4 to 7 p.m.
Evart Police damages were caused by a
hit and run accident.
lation. The complaint was
investigated, and it was
have to go through the
proper channels using the
served. He packed his be-
longings and left without
tion was not observed a
verbal warning was issued.
Department, weekly • Hit and Run/Property found that the business court system to have him incident. The officer was assured
report Damage Accident — Offi- was operating within the evicted. The roommate de- • Officers received a re- there would be no further
Monday 4/27 cers received a call regard- scope of the order. cided to stay elsewhere for quest from a neighboring problems.
• Suspicious Situation — ing a hit and run accident Sunday 5/3 the night. police department to do a • Officers responded to a
Officers were called to in- that damaged a mailbox. • Assist — Officers were Monday 4/27 welfare check on a miss- loud music complaint at an
vestigate a suspicious situ- The complaint was investi- dispatched to stand by • Officers responded to a ing female. It was believed apartment complex. Offi-
ation at a local business. gated. with EMS while they were holdup alarm inside a busi- that she may be visiting cers issued a citation to the
Tuesday 4/28 • Malicious Destruction with an intoxicated subject ness. It was discovered that someone at a residence in 43-year-old female regard-
• Property Damage Ac- of Property — Officers that had fallen and injured the wrong button had been Reed City. The officer re- ing the noise ordinance.
cident — Officers were were advised of a MDOP their head. accidentally pressed. Offi- sponded to the address and It was also found that the
dispatched to investigate a to a vehicle complaint. The cers cleared. found the person no longer woman held a warrant out
car/deer accident. No inju- case remains open pending Wednesday 4/29 lived there. When report- of a neighboring county
ries were reported. additional follow up.
Reed City Police • While on patrol officer ing back the requesting and advised she take care
• Hit and Run/Property Wednesday 4/29 Department, weekly found a mailbox laying in department, the officer was of it.
Damage Accident — Offi- • Possible Executive Or- report the yard. Contact was made told the female had been lo- • Officers were dis-
cers received a call regard- der Violation — Offers with the homeowner, who cated. patched to a threat com-
ing vandalism. Upon in- received a tip from Crime Sunday 4/26 stated he was not aware Thursday 4/30 plaint between neighbors.
vestigating the complaint, Stoppers regarding a pos- • Officers were dis- that it was down. It is be- • Officers were dis- The responding officer
it was determined that the sible Executive Order vio- patched to a civil complaint lieved that strong winds patched to a residence re- spoke with both parties
regarding a conflict be- had knocked it down. garding a domestic assault involved and found it to be
tween roommates. The re- • Officers received a re- complaint. The matter has a verbal argument. They
sponding officer explained quest from an apartment been submitted to the pros- were advised to stay away
to the homeowner, that she manager to have a no- ecuting attorney’s office from each other.
could not lock her room- trespass order served on for review. • Officers responded to an
mate out of the house. He a 29-year-old male. The in- Friday 5/1 activated alarm at a manu-
explained that she would dividual was located and • The Reed City Police facturing company. Upon
BUY Dept. has received com- arrival, it was found a new
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6 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2020
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Photos Courtesy: Holly Bailey-Wiltzer, Dave Newhouse, Bruce Oseland, Ellen Vanderwal, Rick Hodges, Gail Gurnee, Cadillac Area Visitors Bureau & Joyce Potter
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