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School Based CPP

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City



Everyone in the education service plays a part in keeping children safe and sound and
in helping identify welfare concerns, and indicators of possible abuse or neglect, at an early
Department of Education in partnership with government and non-government
agencies developed the Child Protection Policy and Guidelines to provide assistance to public
and private schools regarding child abuse issues and protection from violence and

As an academic institution, ____________________ strongly believes in supporting all

aspects of student’s development and learning and keeping them safe. This school takes
seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of the student. In addition,
the school believes that emotional and social aspects of learning create a foundation for all
academic learning. Their frustrations may cause a range of anti-social, disruptive, overly
compliant or withdrawn behaviors. This leads to the crafting of the School Child Protection
Policy patterned from DepEd Order No. 40, series of 2012.

_______________ is an advocate of positive and non-violent discipline in children. It

is based on the fundamental principle that children are full human beings with basic human
rights. Positive discipline begins with setting long term goals or impacts that teachers want to
have on their students’ adult lives and using everyday situations and challenges as
opportunities to teach life-long skills and values to students.


Every child is protected by the Constitution from adverse maltreatment whether

physical or emotional. Every child has the right to a safe and protected school environment.

The School Child Protection Policy adopted the policy to observe and promote zero
tolerance on any act of child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying, and other
forms of abuse in school.


The School-based Child Protection Policy shall apply to:

1. SCHOOL PERSONNEL – means the person singly or collectively, working in _________. They
are classified as follows:
B. OTHER SCHOOL OFFICIALS – include other school officers, including teachers, who are
occupying supervisory positions of responsibility and are involved in policy formulation or
implementation in a school.
(043) 722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 (043) 723-2816  deped.batangas@deped.gov.ph  depedbatangas.org
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

C. OTHER PERSONNEL – includes all other non-academic personnel in the school whatever
maybe in the nature of their appointment and status of employment. (Security Guard, Utility
and Canteen Helper)

2. CHILDREN IN SCHOOL – refers to bonafide pupils, students, or learners who are enrolled in
the basic education system whether regular, irregular, transferee or repeater, including those
who have been temporarily out of school, who are in the school or learning centers premises
or participating in sanctioned activities.

3. SCHOOL VISITOR OR GUESTS – refers to any person who visits the school and has any official
business with the school, and any person who does not have any official business but is found
within the premises of the school. This may include those who and within the school
premises for certain reasons, e.g. student teachers, catechists, service providers, suppliers,
bidders, parents and guardians of the children.


Appropriate Standards of Behavior:

Teacher should:

1. Treat all students equally, with respect and dignity.

2. Be approachable.
3. Exhibit long patience in dealing with students
4. Put the care, welfare and safety needs of a student first
5. Observe appropriate attire (including the wearing of school ID) and behaviors in
interacting with students.
6. Listen attentively and respectfully to the student’s ideas and views.
7. Respond sensitively to student’s concern
8. Report to the Child Protection Committee any disclosures of abuse from the child, or any
observations of the child being exposed to a potentially abusive situation, harm, exploitation
or neglect, or witness a child in distress.

Inappropriate Standards of Behavior for Personnel:

Teacher should NEVER:

1. Have private or unobserved situations with students including unnecessary one on one
time with a student unless not applicable (such as in guidance counseling sessions)
2. Leave children frequently unattended inside their classroom.
3. Gossip about students which will put children at risk and not be sensitive to children’s
right to privacy
4. Have students do errands outside of school
5. Direct any personal anger towards students
6. Have students do errands in order to pass a subject
7. Behave in a manner that maybe abusive or put children at risk (e.g. verbal bullying, let
children watch inappropriate movies for their age, ignoring illness complaints, etc.)

(043) 722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 (043) 723-2816  deped.batangas@deped.gov.ph  depedbatangas.org
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

8. Engage students in sexually provocative acts, including but not limited to horseplay,
flirting, inappropriate touching, and acting in a sexually aggressive manner, making sexual
innuendoes and telling jokes with sexual undertones.
9. Use green jokes or jokes with double meaning in the class
10. Drink or smoke in front of students, nor to invite students to drink alcohol with them.
11. Develop a relationship with students which could be exploitative or abusive or going out
with the student after class
12. Inflict corporal punishment for purpose of discipline
12. As well as other prohibited acts stated in DepEd order no. 40, Series of 2012

Non-Teaching Personnel (Guards, Utility, Canteen Helper) should:

1. Guard
a. Guide the children in going in and out of the school campus
b. Secure that the gate is closed during class hours.
c. Report to the adviser the observed wrongdoings of a child that may cause harm to
himself. (eg. getting out over the fence)
d. Keep the record of visitors coming to school and incidents happened
2. Utility Worker
a. Guide the pupils in cleaning their assigned area
b. Collect/ dispose garbage.
c. Secure that toilets are clean.
3. Canteen Helper
a. Secure that the food being prepared and sold are hot and nutritious.
b. Maintain cleanliness in oneself and in the work area.
c. Serve pupils in a cordial manner
d. Give the exact change
e. Avoid to humiliate pupils caught stealing, instead report the matter to the
canteen teacher.


Appropriate Standards of Behavior:

Visitors should:
1. As much as possible, transact first with the Principal’s office/Officer of the Day in order to
clarify purpose of the visit
2. Should follow all school regulations including the proper dress code
3. Abide by the Child protection Policy of the School
4. Respect the person in authority

Inappropriate Standards of Behavior for Visitors:

Visitors should NEVER:

(043) 722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 (043) 723-2816  deped.batangas@deped.gov.ph  depedbatangas.org
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

1. Talk to students without the supervision of the School Personnel

2. Smoke, drink or come in drunk to the school
3. Swear, use foul or offensive languages and physically harm students
4. Disturb on-going classes
5. As well as other prohibited acts stated in DepEd order no. 40, Series of 2012


Appropriate Behavior:

Students should:
1. Exhibit mutual respect for teachers and other visitors
2. Exhibit equal treatment to all teachers
3. Go to trusted school personnel if they are feeling unsafe, or is unsure about a school
experience brought about by a classmate, a teacher, a non-teaching personnel or a school
4. Use appropriate language and behavior towards students
5. Develop a healthy teacher-student relationship based on respect and trust.
6. Should say “NO” if someone is making them feel unsafe.

Inappropriate Standards of Behavior for Students:

Inappropriate Behavior
Students should refrain from:

1. Engaging in fights or any aggressive behavior

2. Participating in any behavior of other pupils that is illegal, unsafe or abusive;
3. Engaging discrimination or leading a group of pupils to discriminate another with
reference to one’s physical appearance, weaknesses or status of any sort;
4. Introducing into school premises or otherwise possessing prohibited articles
such as deadly- weapons, drugs, alcohol, toxic and noxious substances, cigarettes
and pornographic materials
5. Swearing and using offensive languages towards school personnel, including giving
offensive nicknames to students and school personnel in any form such as text
messaging, social media and others.
6. Engaging in sexually provocative acts, including but not limited to horseplay, flirting,
inappropriate touching, acting in a sexually aggressive manner, making sexual
innuendoes and telling jokes with sexual undertones nor bring or watch
pornographic materials in school.
7. Use mobile phones inside classrooms.
8. As well as other prohibited acts stated in DepEd order no. 40, Series of 2012

(043) 722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 (043) 723-2816  deped.batangas@deped.gov.ph  depedbatangas.org
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City


The policy guidelines have listed down the specific acts that constitute child abuse and
violence that the school can use as a guide in addressing this silent but very real social
1. Child abuse
“Child Abuse” - refers to the maltreatment of a child, whether habitual
or not.

2. Discrimination against children

“Discrimination against children” - refers to an act of exclusion,
distinction, restriction, or preference which is based on any ground such as
age, ethnicity, sex, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, health
condition and disability.

3. Child Exploitation
“Child Exploitation” - refers to the use of children for someone else’s
advantage, gratification or profit often resulting in an unjust, cruel, and
harmful treatment of the child.

4. Violence Against Children in School

“Violence against children committed in schools” - refers to a single
act or a series of acts committed by school administrators, academic and non-
academic personnel against a child which result in or is likely to result in
physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or other abuses including
threats of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary
deprivation of liberty. It includes, but is not limited to the following acts:
 Physical violence
 Sexual violence
 Psychological violence
 Other acts of violence

5. Corporal Punishment
“Corporal Punishment” - refers to a kind of punishment or penalty
imposed for an alleged or actual offense, which is carried out or inflicted, for
the purpose of discipline, training or control, by a teacher, school
administrator, an adult, or any other child who has been given or has assumed
authority or responsibility for punishment or discipline.

6. Bullying Or Peer Abuse

“Bullying or Peer Abuse” – refers to willful aggressive behavior that is directed
towards a particular victim who may be out-numbered, younger, weak, with
disability, less confident, or otherwise vulnerable, more particularly:

(043) 722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 (043) 723-2816  deped.batangas@deped.gov.ph  depedbatangas.org
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

 Bullying
 Cyber-bullying


1. Violence Against Children in School

2. Bullying Incident

(043) 722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 (043) 723-2816  deped.batangas@deped.gov.ph  depedbatangas.org
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

Who can file a

Where to file the Guidance Counselor The Guidance Counselor and
bullying incident?
complaint? or designated personnel the CPP shall issue
The victim or anyone who
The victim of bullying shall, upon the receipt of the
witness or has personal
recommendation and
incident or retaliation may complaint, fill up the Intake
knowledge of a bullying call the attention of any
findings based on the
incident or retaliation school personnel investigation.

-Physical -School Head CHILD PROTECTION COMMITTEE Students are referred for
-Emotional -Guidance Counselor counseling and other
*indicate the name, designation and telephone number
_Sexual -Class Adviser ) interventions:
-Non-Teaching personnel - Non-punitive measures
*Indicate the name - Punitive measures as last


General Child Protection Principles

1. Ensuring the school practices safer recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and
volunteers to work with students

2. Ensuring that all staff and volunteers understand, and adhere to the school’s code of

3. Establishing and maintaining a safe environment where all students feel secure, can learn
and develop, are encouraged to talk and are listened to, where their valued and respected.

4. Supporting students who have been abused, and carrying out specific actions in
accordance with the child protection policy case management system

5. Including opportunities in the curriculum for students to develop the skills they need to
recognize, and stay safe from the abuse.

6. Ensuring all teaching and support staff are aware of signs and symptoms of abuse, know
the correct procedure for referring concerns, or reporting allegations against staff, and
receive appropriate training to enable them to carry and these requirements.

7. Encouraging and supporting parents, working in partnership with them.

(043) 722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 (043) 723-2816  deped.batangas@deped.gov.ph  depedbatangas.org
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City


A. Violations of students:

defined as an act that is either (1) contrary to the rules and regulations of the
school as stated in the School Handbook or (2) while not resulting to any physical injury
or damage to property, is inherently disruptive in nature.

1. Using profane or vulgar language, insulting remarks and name calling inside and
outside the school premises.
2. Disobedience to directives issued by teachers and other school authorities (Simple
3. Laughing boisterously or shouting inside the school premises
4. Loitering, running in corridors, path walks and places inside the campus or being
in an area designated for authorized personnel only
5. Using of school uniform improperly inside/ or outside of the school
6. Improper Grooming (Disobeying the prescribed hair cut)
7. Inappropriate Attire (Wearing of earrings by male students inside and outside the
school campus while in uniform, Wearing of more than one pair of earrings by
female students inside and outside of the school while in uniform)
8. Littering or disobeying school segregation rules


FIRST OFFENSE: VERBAL REPRIMAND (Positive Discipline) Class Adviser and Student
SECOND OFFENSE: BEHAVIORAL CONTRACT (Agreement between the student,
parents stating that if the student violates the same offense, he/shall be given
disciplinary action.
THIRD OFFENSE: Agreement between the student, parent/guardian and guarantor-
barangay official stating that if the student violates the same offense, he/shall
undergo community service
FOURTH OFFENSE: Supervised Community Service
FIFTH OFFENSE: Refer back to parents/guardians for 3 days with developmental
learning intervention

(043) 722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 (043) 723-2816  deped.batangas@deped.gov.ph  depedbatangas.org
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City


defined as an act that is a willful disregard of school rules and regulations that
results to less serious physical and/or material injury.

1. using profanity or vulgar, racist, or sexually inappropriate language to verbally abuse

another student
2. Engaging in fights or inflicting physical harm against another student
3. Threats to inflict a wrong upon the person or property of the person or on his or her
4. Deliberate destruction or damage to the property of the school or things of other
students, Damaging school properties (Damaging textbooks, periodicals and other
references in the library, school equipment and supplies)
5. Posting offensive and damaging comments on photos and posts in social media (cyber
6. Stalking or constantly following or pursuing a person in his or her daily activities, with
unwanted and obsessive attention
7. exacting money or property from a pupil or student
8. Academic Dishonesty (Cheating, Stealing of test papers, alteration of school records)
9. Disrespecting teachers and school personnel
10. Smoking inside the school premises
11. Falsification or using somebody’s gate pass
12. Altering or deleting of notices or announcements
13. Going to the computer shops, anytime of the day during school days in uniform
14. Cutting classes



between the student, parents and guarantor (barangay captain, councilors, priest, or
anybody that may help the school or parents)

SECOND OFFENSE: Supervised Community Service

THIRD OFFENSE: Refer back to parents for 5 days with intervention and referral if

*the first and second offence must be satisfied first before the third offense

(043) 722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 (043) 723-2816  deped.batangas@deped.gov.ph  depedbatangas.org
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

defined as any act that is a gross and willful disregard of schools rules and
regulations that may result to serious physical and/or material injury.

1. Membership in any organization, group or association that espouses violence or

any illegal or criminal activity (fraternity, sorority, gang), or recruitment of
2. committing theft or assisting in the perpetration thereof inside or outside school
3. possessing or consuming any alcoholic drink or beverage while in school premises
or outside the campus while on official school activity
4. Gambling in any form inside the school premises
5. selling, possessing, or being under the influence of any illegal or controlled drugs
or substances or possessing paraphernalia in connection with the use thereof
6. engaging in any form of voyeurism which includes the posting of indecent or lewd
photos or videos on the internet or possessing of pornographic materials
7. assaulting or assisting in the assault of teachers or other school authorities
8. possessing deadly or pointed weapons inside the school
9. engaging in lewd or inappropriate conduct towards other students, teacher and
other school authorities (public display of affection, kissing and hugging)
10. Engaging in fights or inflicting physical harm against another student
11. exacting money or property from a pupil or student
12. Academic Dishonesty (Cheating, Stealing of test papers, alteration of school


FIRST OFFENSE: Rendering community service for five (5) days to the school or
barangay, intervention and referral if applicable
SECOND OFFENSE: Refer back to parents for five (3) days with intervention and
THIRD OFFENSE: Refer back to parents for (5) days with intervention and referral
FOURTH OFFENSE: Refer back to parents for unidentified number of days depending
on the intervention and referral to be made.

B. Violations of School Visitors

 Reprimand or Apologize to person concern

 No longer allowed to enter school premises
 Report to Barangay and/or Law enforcement depending on the

C. Violations of School Personnel

(043) 722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 (043) 723-2816  deped.batangas@deped.gov.ph  depedbatangas.org
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

Violations of school personnel shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of

case handling as stipulated by DepEd order no. 40, S 2012.

(043) 722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662 (043) 723-2816  deped.batangas@deped.gov.ph  depedbatangas.org

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