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Instructor: MATH 40 Spring 2007: STATISTICS

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MATH 40 Spring 2007: STATISTICS

Instructor: Faith Chao, Professor

Office Information:
Location: 536 Mission Street, San Francisco, California
Telephone Number: (415) 442-6567
Fax Number: (415) 442-7049
E-mail: fchao@ggu.edu

Course Overview:
This course introduces the concepts and techniques of elementary statistics. Topics include
descriptive statistics, discrete and continuous probability distributions, sampling distributions,
confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and linear regression. This course is designed to provide
students with the essential tools used in statistical analysis. The software Excel will be used
throughout the course.

Course Objectives:
 To be able to organize and display data clearly and effectively.
 To be able to describe and compute characteristics of data.
 To understand and use counting techniques: permutations and combinations.
 To understand the concept of probability, including additive and multiplicative rules, mutually
exclusive and independent events.
 To understand and be able to work with discrete and continuous probability distributions, and
their expected values.
 To understand and compute probabilities from sampling distributions.
 To do estimations using confidence intervals.
 To understand and perform hypothesis testing.
 To understand and perform linear regression analysis.

Required Materials:

Text: Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel, 4th Edition, by Davis M.
Levine, Stephan, Timothy C. Krehbiel and Berenson, Prentice Hall, 2005


 Microsoft Excel, version 5.0 or later. (either Mac or PC)

 Adobe Acrobat

Some course materials have been created using Adobe Acrobat in PDF
format, and they require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. If you have not already
installed the free Adobe Acrobat Reader in your PC, you must download it from
Adobe, and install it on your computer. The Adobe Acrobat Reader will allow
you to open and read PDF files used in this course within your browser whether
or not you have installed software that has used created this file. You will not be
able to make changes to the files.

For PC Users:

To download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, go to

http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readermain.html, and download the
appropriate version. Remember the name of the folder in which you saved
the file. Then use "My Computer" to find the file, double click it, and follow
the installation directions on the screen.

For MAC Users:

To download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, go to

http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readermain.html, and
download the appropriate Mac OS version. Save the file on your
computer. Then go to the file on your computer, double click on it, and
follow the installation directions on the screen.


To purchase course books and materials from eFollett, GGU's official online bookstore,
go to www.ggu.bkstr.com/.

University Library

Find the GGU Library Home Page at


There are several databases available through the Golden Gate

University Library for students to conduct research on various topics.
Remote (off campus) access to the databases requires your last name and student
ID# (located on the front of your ID card). Be sure to type in ALL 7 digits, including the
starting 0. Example: 0123456.

Course Procedure


There will be one proctored midterm.

You may bring one cheat sheet no larger than letter size and you can write anything you wish
on it and on as many sides of the paper as you can find.

You may also bring blank scratch paper as well as pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, and a

How many points each question is worth will be clearly marked and you should pace
yourselves accordingly.

Take home Final Project:

Data sets and instructions will be provided before the 13th Session. Please put your name on
anything you turn in. Please note that we have scheduled 2 weeks for you to turn the final
project in. You are encouraged to start working on the project as soon as the instructions are
Grading Policy
Final grades are based on the following distribution:

 13 homework assignments at 2% each, for a total of 26%

 One midterm at 25%
 Discussion Area participation (projects and discussions) 14%
 Final Project 35%

You may submit the extra credit problems at any time, please use Dropbox (see top of this page),
email or fax or snail mail me. (That which you can give me an electronic file, please use
Dropbox.) How many of these extra credit problems you complete successfully will help me
decide when your final score is on the borderline between grades. You should discuss the results
of your projects each week in Discussion Area with your classmates.

Academic Integrity Policy

GGU's Policy on Student Academic Integrity is in effect at all GGU teaching locations, including
regional classroom sites, corporate sites, and distance courses delivered in any medium. This
policy applies to all business, taxation, and technology students at Golden Gate University.

Academic integrity means doing academic work in a manner that strives to achieve the learning
objectives your courses have set out for you. It means that you follow the rules and procedures
prescribed by your instructors so that you acquire the skills and knowledge your courses are
designed to give you. It means that you engage in ethical practices in taking tests and doing
assignments and that you respect intellectual property rights by fully disclosing sources of
information that appear in your papers and presentations.

GGU provides many resources and services that assist you in learning the required
research and documentation skills.
Disability Accommodations

Golden Gate University seeks to ensure that all programs and services are fully accessible to
students with disabilities who identify and express their needs.

Information regarding The Americans with Disabilities Acts and GGU’s policies and services can
be found at: http://www.ggu.edu/student_services/disability_services .

Instructor Bio:
Faith received an M.S. from Emory University and a Ph.D. from University of Toronto. Her thesis
topic was on the Perturbation of Partial Differential Linear Operators. Faith has been a full time
faculty member in the department of Mathematics here at Golden Gate University for ten years,
and her previous teaching experience includes serving as a full time faculty member at Saint
Mary's University in Canada. She has taught a variety of Math courses, from undergraduate
Algebra and Statistics courses up through Functional Analysis courses for graduate students.
Faith has made many conference presentations and her published papers includes those on
Image DeBlurring, Using Collaborative Learning in the teaching of Mathematics, Technology and
StatisticsHow Statistics Excel Online and using writing in teaching Statistics.

Aside from teaching, Faith has worked for Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory as a Mathematician
and has written a number of software programs in FORTRAN, Machine Language, Pascal and C.

Faith founded the Evergreen education foundation which assists Rural China in providing modern
libraries for its high schools and is on the board of HSIN HSIN Foundation.
Course Outline:

Introduction and Data Collection, Part 1.

Presenting Data in Tables and Charts.

Summarizing and Characterizing Numerical Data.

Basic Probability.

Discrete Probability Distributions.

Continuous Probability Distributions - the Normal Probability


Sampling Distributions.

Proctored Midterm. 2 hours. Closed book. One cheat sheet OK.

Confidence Intervals; Part 1.

Confidence Intervals; Part 2.

Hypothesis Testing..

Linear Regression Analysis; Part 1.

Linear Regression Analysis; Part 2.

Linear Regression Analysis; Part 3, Review

Final Project (take home) due

Module 16 Final Project (take home) return

Course Policies:

 Attendance: For the successful completion of this course, it is important for you to
attend every class online and participate in discussions.

 Extra Credits: Extra Credit problems are given each week. You should submit the
solutions the following week using the drop box. If correct, you will be given an extra

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