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Ministry of Defence

Defence Standard 02-163

Issue 2 Publication Date 19 March 2010

Classification for Weight Groups for

Surface Ships

Category 3
DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2


Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................viii
1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................1
2 Warning ...................................................................................................................................................1
3 Normative References ...........................................................................................................................1
4 Definitions ...............................................................................................................................................2
5 Abbreviations..........................................................................................................................................3
6 Performance Specification ....................................................................................................................3
7 Classification ..........................................................................................................................................3
7.1 List of Groups....................................................................................................................................3
7.2 List of Groups and Sub - Groups ....................................................................................................4
7.2.1 GROUP 1 - Hull and Superstructure...........................................................................................4
7.2.2 GROUP 2 - Propulsion .................................................................................................................4
7.2.3 GROUP 3 - Electrical....................................................................................................................4
7.2.4 GROUP 4 - Control and Communication ...................................................................................5
7.2.5 GROUP 5 - Ancillary Systems.....................................................................................................5
7.2.6 GROUP 6 - Outfit and Furnishing ...............................................................................................5
7.2.7 GROUP 7 - Armament ..................................................................................................................6
7.2.8 GROUP 8 - Variable Load ............................................................................................................6
7.3 List of Groups, Sub-Groups and Sub-Sub-Groups .......................................................................6
7.3.1 GROUP 1 - Hull and Superstructure...........................................................................................6 Sub-Group 10 - Hull Structure ...............................................................................................6 Sub-Group 11 - Superstructure .............................................................................................7 Sub-Group 12 - Structural Bulkheads...................................................................................7 Sub-Group 13 - Structural Decks ..........................................................................................7 Sub-Group 14 - Doors, Hatches and Scuttles ......................................................................8 Sub-Group 15 - Seats, Supports and Masts.........................................................................8 Sub-Group 16 - Control Surfaces ..........................................................................................8 Sub-Group 17 - Structural Castings and Forgings..............................................................8 Sub-Group 18 - Buoyancy and Ballast Units .......................................................................9 Sub-Group 19 - Fastenings ....................................................................................................9
7.3.2 GROUP 2 - Propulsion .................................................................................................................9 Sub-Group 20 - Propulsion Power Plant (Nuclear)..............................................................9 Sub-Group 21 - Propulsion Power Plant (Non-Nuclear) .....................................................9 Sub-Group 22 - Propulsion Units and Control Equipment ...............................................10 Sub-Group 23 - Main Condensers and Air Ejectors ..........................................................10

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 24 - Shafting, Bearings and Propulsors .........................................................10 Sub-Group 25 - Combustion Air Supply and Exhaust Systems ......................................10 Sub-Group 26 - Steam System ............................................................................................10 Sub-Group 27 - Circulating and Cooling Water Systems, Feed Water and
Condensate Systems............................................................................................................11 Sub-Group 28 - Fuel Oil Service Systems ..........................................................................11 Sub-Group 29 - Lubricating Oil Systems............................................................................11
7.3.3 GROUP 3 - Electrical..................................................................................................................11 Sub-Group 30 - Electrical Main Supply Power Generation...............................................11 Sub-Group 31 - Power Distribution Equipment .................................................................11 Sub-Group 32 - Power Distribution Cabling.......................................................................11 Sub-Group 33 - Lighting Systems.......................................................................................12
7.3.4 GROUP 4 - Control and Communication .................................................................................12 Sub-Group 40 - Navigation Systems...................................................................................12 Sub-Group 41 - Internal Communications..........................................................................12 Sub-Group 42 - Ship and Main Machinery Control Systems............................................13 Sub-Group 43 - Weapon Control Systems .........................................................................13 Sub-Group 44 - Ship’s Protective Systems........................................................................13 Sub-Group 45 - External Communication Systems ..........................................................14
7.3.5 GROUP 5 - Ancillary Systems...................................................................................................14 Sub-Group 50 - Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Refrigeration - Systems and
Equipment..............................................................................................................................14 Sub-Group 51 - Fuel Systems (Excluding Aircraft Systems) ...........................................14 Sub-Group 52 - Sea and Fresh Water Systems .................................................................14 Sub-Group 53 - Air and Gas Systems.................................................................................15 Sub-Group 54 - Hydraulic Systems (Excluding Aircraft Systems) ..................................15 Sub-Group 55 - Aircraft Systems ........................................................................................15 Sub-Group 56 - Waste Disposal Systems ..........................................................................15 Sub-Group 57 - Auxiliary Steam, Exhaust Steam and Steam Drain Systems ................16 Sub-Group 58 - Lubricating Oil Systems............................................................................16
7.3.6 GROUP 6 - Outfit and Furnishings ...........................................................................................16 Sub-Group 60 - General Fittings .........................................................................................16 Sub-Group 61 - Boats and Lifesaving Equipment.............................................................16 Sub-Group 62 - Minor Bulkheads, Partitions, Deck and Bulkhead Coverings in
the Main Hull..........................................................................................................................16 Sub-Group 63 - Furnishings and Fittings in Storerooms and Stowages........................17 Sub-Group 64 - Furnishings for Living Spaces .................................................................17 Sub-Group 65 - Furnishings for Offices, Medical Spaces Etc..........................................17 Sub-Group 66 - Equipment for Galleys, Laundries and Workshops ...............................17 Sub-Group 67 - Minor Bulkheads, Partitions, Deck and Bulkhead Coverings in
the Superstructure................................................................................................................18

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 68 - Portable Fire Fighting, Damage Control, CBRN, and Escape
Equipment..............................................................................................................................18 Sub-Group 69 - Load Handling and RAS Equipment ........................................................18
7.3.7 GROUP 7 - Armament ................................................................................................................18 Sub-Group 70 - Surface/Air Missile Armament..................................................................18 Sub-Group 71 - Surface/Surface Missile Armament..........................................................18 Sub-Group 72 - Anti-Submarine Armament .......................................................................19 Sub-Group 73 - Submerged Launched (Non-Air Flight) Armament.................................19 Sub-Group 74 - Submerged Launched (Air Flight) Armament.........................................19 Sub-Group 75 - Air Launched Armament ...........................................................................19 Sub-Group 76 - Minehunting, Minelaying and Minesweeping Equipment ......................19 Sub-Group 77 - Rocket Launchers, Small Arms and Pyrotechnic Stowages and
Launchers ..............................................................................................................................19 Sub-Group 78 - Gun Armament ...........................................................................................19 Sub-Group 79 - Unmanned Aerial, Surface and Submersible Vehicles (UXVs)
Support Systems ..................................................................................................................20
7.3.8 GROUP 8 - Variable Load ..........................................................................................................20 Sub-Group 80 - Crew, Embarked Personnel, Aircrew and Effects ..................................20 Sub-Group 81 - Ammunitions ..............................................................................................20 Sub-Group 82 - Aerial, Surface and Submersible Vehicles..............................................20 Sub-Group 83 - Embarked Military Force (EMF) Vehicles ................................................20 Sub-Group 84 - Victualling, Accommodation and Medical Stores ..................................21 Sub-Group 85 - General Stores and Marine Engineering Spares ....................................21 Sub-Group 86 - Weapon Stores...........................................................................................21 Sub-Group 87 - Operating Fluids ........................................................................................21 Sub-Group 88 - Stowed Liquids ..........................................................................................22 Sub-Group 89 - Cargo...........................................................................................................22
8 Design Requirements/Guidance .........................................................................................................23
8.1 General Principle.............................................................................................................................23
8.1.1 General ........................................................................................................................................23
8.1.2 Integrated Full Electric Propulsion (IFEP) and Hybrid Electric Propulsion .........................23
8.1.3 Minor Bulkheads ........................................................................................................................25
8.1.4 Main Strength Deck....................................................................................................................25
8.1.5 Integrated Masts.........................................................................................................................25
8.1.6 Control Systems.........................................................................................................................25
8.1.7 Seats and Supports ...................................................................................................................25
8.1.8 Main and Secondary Propulsion ..............................................................................................25
8.1.9 Multihulls.....................................................................................................................................25
8.1.10 Composite Structures................................................................................................................26
8.1.11 Blocks or Modules .....................................................................................................................26

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

8.1.12 Alternatives to Def Stan 02-163 ................................................................................................27

8.2 Details of Weight Groupings..........................................................................................................27
8.2.1 GROUP 1 - Hull and Superstructure.........................................................................................27 Sub-Group 10 - Hull Structure .............................................................................................27 Sub-Group 11 - Superstructure ...........................................................................................28 Sub-Group 12 - Structural Bulkheads.................................................................................30 Sub-Group 13 - Structural Decks ........................................................................................32 Sub-Group 14 - Doors, Hatches and Scuttles ....................................................................33 Sub-Group 15 - Seats, Supports and Masts.......................................................................33 Sub-Group 16 - Control Surfaces........................................................................................34 Sub-Group 17 - Structural Castings and Forgings............................................................35 Sub-Group 18 - Buoyancy and Ballast Units .....................................................................36 Sub-Group 19 - Fastenings ..................................................................................................36
8.2.2 GROUP 2 - Propulsion ...............................................................................................................37 Sub-Group 20 - Propulsion Power Plant (Nuclear)............................................................37 Sub-Group 21 - Propulsion Power Plant (Non-Nuclear) ...................................................38 Sub-Group 22 - Propulsion Units and Control Equipment ...............................................39 Sub-Group 23 - Main Condensers and Air Ejectors ..........................................................40 Sub-Group 24 - Shafting, Bearings and Propulsors .........................................................41 Sub-Group 25 - Combustion Air Supply and Exhaust Systems ......................................41 Sub-Group 26 - Steam System ............................................................................................42 Sub-Group 27 - Circulating and Cooling Water Systems, Feed Water and
Condensate Systems............................................................................................................43 Sub-Group 28 - Fuel Oil Service Systems ..........................................................................43 Sub-Group 29 - Lubricating Oil Systems............................................................................44
8.2.3 GROUP 3 - Electrical..................................................................................................................44 Sub-Group 30 - Electrical Main Supply Power Generation...............................................44 Sub-Group 31 - Power Distribution Equipment .................................................................45 Sub-Group 32 - Power Distribution Cabling.......................................................................47 Sub-Group 33 - Lighting Systems.......................................................................................47
8.2.4 GROUP 4 - Control and Communications ...............................................................................48 Sub-Group 40 - Navigation Systems...................................................................................48 Sub-Group 41 - Internal Communications..........................................................................50 Sub-Group 42 - Ship and Main Machinery Control Systems............................................51 Sub-Group 43 - Weapon Control Systems .........................................................................53 Sub-Group 44 - Ship’s Protective Systems........................................................................55 Sub-Group 45 - External Communication Systems ..........................................................55
8.2.5 GROUP 5 – Ancillary Systems..................................................................................................56 Sub-Group 50 - Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Refrigeration - Systems and

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 51 - Fuel Systems (Excluding Aircraft Systems) ...........................................58 Sub-Group 52 - Sea and Fresh Water Systems .................................................................58 Sub-Group 53 - Air and Gas Systems .................................................................................60 Sub-Group 54 - Hydraulic Systems (Excluding Aircraft Systems) ..................................61 Sub-Group 55 - Aircraft Systems ........................................................................................61 Sub-Group 56 - Waste Disposal Systems ..........................................................................62 Sub-Group 57 - Auxiliary Steam, Exhaust Steam and Steam Drain Systems ................63 Sub-Group 58 - Lubricating Oil Systems............................................................................63
8.2.6 GROUP 6 - Outfit and Furnishings ...........................................................................................64 Sub-Group 60 - General Fittings..........................................................................................64 Sub-Group 61 - Boats and Lifesaving Equipment .............................................................65 Sub-Group 62 - Minor Bulkheads, Partitions, Deck and Bulkhead Coverings in
the Main Hull..........................................................................................................................66 Sub-Group 63 - Furnishings and Fittings in Storerooms and Stowages ........................68 Sub-Group 64 - Furnishings for Living Spaces .................................................................69 Sub-Group 65 - Furnishings for Offices, Medical Spaces, Etc.........................................69 Sub-Group 66 - Equipment for Galleys, Laundries and Work Shops..............................71 Sub-Group 67 - Minor Bulkheads, Partitions, Deck and Bulkhead Coverings in
the Superstructure................................................................................................................72 Sub-Group 68 - Portable Fire Fighting, Damage Control, CBRN, and Escape
Equipment..............................................................................................................................74 Sub-Group 69 - Load Handling and RAS Equipment ........................................................75
8.2.7 GROUP 7 - Armament ................................................................................................................75 Sub-Group 70 - Surface/Air Missile Armament..................................................................76 Sub-Group 71 - Surface/Surface Missile Armament..........................................................76 Sub-Group 72 - Anti-Submarine Armament .......................................................................77 Sub-Group 73 - Submerged Launched (Non-Air Flight) Armament.................................77 Sub-Group 74 - Submerged Launched (Air Flight) Armament.........................................78 Sub-Group 75 - Air Launched Armament ...........................................................................78 Sub-Group 76 - Minehunting, Minelaying and Minesweeping Equipment ......................78 Sub-Group 77 - Rocket Launchers, Small Arms and Pyrotechnics Stowages and
Launchers ..............................................................................................................................79 Sub-Group 78 - Gun Armament ...........................................................................................79 Sub-Group 79 - Unmanned Aerial, Surface and Submersible Vehicles (UXVs)
Support Systems ..................................................................................................................80
8.2.8 GROUP 8 - Variable Load ..........................................................................................................80 Sub-Group 80 - Crew, Embarked Personnel, Aircrew and Effects ..................................80 Sub-Group 81 - Ammunitions ..............................................................................................81 Sub-Group 82 - Aerial, Surface and Submersible Vehicles..............................................82 Sub-Group 83 - Embarked Military Force (EMF) Vehicles ................................................82 Sub-Group 84 - Victualling, Accommodation and Medical Stores ..................................83

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 85 - General Stores and Marine Engineering Spares ....................................85 Sub-Group 86 - Weapon Stores...........................................................................................86 Sub-Group 87 - Operating Fluids ........................................................................................87 Sub-Group 88 - Stowed Liquids ..........................................................................................87 Sub-Group 89 - Cargo...........................................................................................................88
Annex A Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................89
Annex B Group 9 - Design and Construction Services ..............................................................................92
B.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................92
B.2 List of Sub-Groups in GROUP 9 .........................................................................................................92
B.3 List of Sub-Sub-Groups in Group 9....................................................................................................92
B.3.1 Sub-Group 90 - First of Class I ......................................................................................................92
B.3.2 Sub-Group 91 - First of Class II .....................................................................................................93
B.3.3 Sub-Group 92 - Design and Drawing Office Work .......................................................................93
B.3.4 Sub-Group 93 - Management Services .........................................................................................93
B.3.5 Sub-Group 94 - Testing ..................................................................................................................94
B.3.6 Sub-Group 95 - Support Services..................................................................................................94
B.3.7 Sub-Group 96 - Embodiment Loan Items and Shipbuilder Supply Items .................................94
B.3.8 Sub-Group 97 - Sundry Costs and Expenses ..............................................................................94
B.3.9 Sub-Group 98 - Disbursements .....................................................................................................95
B.4 Detailed Breakdown of GROUP 9 .......................................................................................................95
B.4.1 Sub-Group 90 - First of Class I ......................................................................................................95
B.4.2 Sub-Group 91 - First of Class II .....................................................................................................96
B.4.3 Sub-Group 92 - Design and Drawing Office Work .......................................................................97
B.4.4 Sub-Group 93 - Management Services .........................................................................................97
B.4.5 Sub-Group 94 - Testing ..................................................................................................................98
B.4.6 Sub-Group 95 - Support Services..................................................................................................99
B.4.7 Sub-Group 96 - Embodiment Loan Items and Shipbuilder Supply Items ...............................100
B.4.8 Sub-Group 97 - Sundry Costs and Expenses ............................................................................100
B.4.9 Sub-Group 98 - Disbursements ...................................................................................................101
Annex C Summary of Key Changes from Issue 1 of Def Stan 08-140 to Issue 2 of Def Stan 02-163 ..102
C.1 Summary .............................................................................................................................................102
Annex D Alphabetical Index ........................................................................................................................104


Figure 1 - Division of an IFEP System between Groups 2 and 3 ...............................................................24

Figure 2 - Division of a Hybrid Electrical Propulsion System between Groups 2 and 3.........................24
Figure 3 - Division of Multihulls ....................................................................................................................26

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2


Amd No Date Text Affected Signature and Date


This standard is raised to Issue 2 to update its content (details given in Annex C). The standard has been
reclassified from 08 (Restricted) to 02 (Unclassified) and has reverted to its original number 02-163.


This standard supersedes the following:

Def Stan 08-140 Issue 1, 01 Apr 2001

Def Stan 02-163 Issue 1

NES 163 Issue 3 March 2000

NES 163 Issue 2 June 1989

NES 163 Issue 1 June 1982

DGS 105/02/D121

DNC 2/TIC 26


1. This Defence Standard (Def Stan) is sponsored by the Sea Systems Group, Ship Design Section
(DES SE Sea ShipDes), Defence Equipment and Support, Ministry of Defence (MOD).

2. The complete Defence Standard Issue 2 comprises:

Classification of Weight Groups for Surface Ships

3. If it is found to be unsuitable for any particular requirement the MOD is to be informed in writing of the

4. Any user of this Defence Standard either within MOD or in industry may propose an amendment to it.
Proposals for amendments that are not directly applicable to a particular contract are to be made to the
publishing authority identified on the back page of this Defence Standard, and those directly applicable to a
particular contract are to be dealt with using contract procedures.

5. No alteration is to be made to this Defence Standard except by the issue of an authorised


DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

6. Unless otherwise stated, reference in this Defence Standard to approval, approved, authorised or
similar terms, means the Ministry of Defence in writing.

7. Any significant amendments that may be made to this Defence Standard at a later date will be
indicated by a vertical sideline. Deletions will be indicated by 000 appearing at the end of the line interval.

8. Extracts from British Standards within this Defence Standard have been included with the permission
of the British Standards Institution.

Conditions of Release


9. This Defence Standard has been devised solely for the use of the MOD, and its contractors in the
execution of contracts for the MOD. To the extent permitted by law, the Crown hereby excludes all liability
whatsoever and howsoever arising (including but without limitation, liability resulting from negligence) for any
loss or damage however caused when the Defence Standard is used for any other purpose.

10. This document is Crown Copyright and the information herein may be subject to Crown or third party
rights. It is not to be released, reproduced or published without written permission of the MOD.

11. The Crown reserves the right to amend or modify the contents of this Defence Standard without
consulting or informing any holder.

MOD Tender or Contract Process

12. This Defence Standard is the property of the Crown. Unless otherwise authorised in writing by the
MOD must be returned on completion of the contract or submission of the tender in connection with which it
is issued.

13. When this Defence Standard is used in connection with a MOD tender or contract, the user is to
ensure that he is in possession of the appropriate version of each document, including related documents,
relevant to each particular tender or contract. Enquiries in this connection may be made of the Authority
named in the tender or contract.

14. When Defence Standards are incorporated into contracts, users are responsible for their correct
application and for complying with contractual and other statutory requirements. Compliance with a Defence
Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.

Categories of Naval Defence Standard

15. The Category of this Naval Defence Standard has been determined using the following criteria:

a) Category 1. If not applied may have a Critical affect on the following:

Safety of the vessel, its complement or third parties.
Operational performance of the vessel, its systems or equipment.

b) Category 2. If not applied may have a Significant affect on the following:

Safety of the vessel, its complement or third parties.
Operational performance of the vessel, its systems or equipment.
Through life costs and support.

c) Category 3. If not applied may have a Minor affect on the following:

MOD best practice and fleet commonality.
Corporate experience and knowledge.
Current support practice.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Related Documents

16. In the tender and procurement processes the related documents in clause 3 can be obtained as

a) British Standards British Standards Institution,

389 Chiswick High Road,
London, W4 4AL

b) Defence Standards Defence Equipment and Support

UK Defence Standardization,
Kentigern House
65 Brown Street,
Glasgow, G2 8EX

c) Other documents Tender or Contract Sponsor to advise.

17. All applications to Ministry Establishments for related documents are to quote the relevant MOD
Invitation to Tender or Contract Number and date, together with the sponsoring Directorate and the Tender
or Contract Sponsor.

18. Prime Contractors are responsible for supplying their sub-contractors with relevant documentation,
including specifications, standards and drawings.

Health and Safety


19. This Defence Standard may call for the use of processes, substances and procedures that may be
injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. It refers only to technical suitability and in no way
absolves either the supplier or any user from statutory obligations relating to health and safety at any stage
of manufacture or use. Where attention is drawn to hazards, those quoted may not necessarily be

20. This Defence Standard has been written and is to be used taking into account the policy stipulated in
JSP 430: MOD Ship Safety Management.

Additional Information

(There is no relevant information)

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Classification of Weight Groups for Surface Ships

1 Scope
1.1 This Defence Standard lays down a system for the classification of component weights of a ship for
the purpose of weight monitoring, recording and estimating, and for costing.

1.2 The system defined in this Defence Standard is to be applied to naval and other military surface ships
and craft, but not submarines.

1.3 DES SE Sea ShipDes is to be consulted in the event that difficulty is found in applying the weight
breakdown (particularly to multihulls or to unconventional craft e.g. SWATH or ACV).

1.4 This Defence Standard is designed to enable backward compatibility with weight breakdowns based
on previous versions of this standard. This means some weight groups will contain items that are not part of
modern warships, but may have been used for warships in the past, e.g. periscopes which have been used
between the Ops room and the Bridge on some ships.

1.5 Previous versions of this Defence Standard utilised Group 9 to identify the costs associated with
"Design and Construction Services". To separate this group from the other weight groups the breakdown
has been moved to Annex B.

1.6 It should be noted that the use of this Defence Standard for costing purposes is two fold: it is related to
the convenience of using its hierarchical classification system of ship components to account for the cost of a
ship, and it also enables ships to be “costed by weight group” using historical parametric rates.

2 Warning
The Ministry of Defence (MOD), like its contractors, is subject to both United Kingdom and European laws
regarding Health and Safety at Work. Many Defence Standards set out processes and procedures that could
be injurious to health if adequate precautions are not taken. Adherence to those processes and procedures
in no way absolves users from complying with legal requirements relating to Health and Safety at Work.

3 Normative References
3.1 The publications shown below are referred to in the text of this standard. Publications are grouped
and listed in alpha-numeric order.

BR 320 Stores Catalogue Part A Guide to RNSTS Inventory Management Codes (IMC)

Def Stan 02-530 Requirements for Main and Distribution Switchgear

JSP 430 MOD Ship Safety Management System

S9040-AA-IDX-020/SWBS 5D Vol 1 & 2 - Expended Ship Work Breakdown Structure

3.2 Reference in this Standard to any normative references means in any Invitation to Tender or contract
the edition and all amendments current at the date of such tender or contract unless a specific edition is

3.3 In consideration of clause 3.2 above, users shall be fully aware of the issue and amendment status of
all normative references, particularly when forming part of an Invitation to Tender or contract. Responsibility
for the correct application of standards rests with users.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

3.4 DStan can advise regarding where normative references documents are obtained from. Requests for
such information can be made to the DStan Helpdesk. How to contact the helpdesk is shown on the outside
rear cover of Def Stans.

4 Definitions
Definitions referred to throughout this Defence Standard are listed below.

Activated Rudders
Rudders which have a means of propulsion integrated with them. This means they can apply a turning force
when a vessel has no speed through the water.

Agouti Special Air Service
A system used to pump air on to propeller blades to reduce cavitation noise.

Contingency Lighting
Lighting that will allow occupants of a ship to continue work when the primary lighting system fails.

Cycloidal Propulsors
A vertical axis propeller where the propeller blades are vertical and of aerofoil shape (e.g. Voith-Schneider).

Emergency Lighting
Lighting that will aid occupants of a ship to escape in an emergency.

Integral Item
Any item that is manufactured as part of another item and/or delivered for fitting as part of another item.

High Voltage
HV is defined as any working voltage that exceeds 1 kV ac (rms) or 1.5 kV dc, measured between any two
circuit conductors or between a circuit conductor and earth.

Local Items
Any item which is used solely in conjunction with an associated larger item, and is sited adjacent to that
larger item.

Low Voltage
LV is defined as voltages up to 1 kV ac or 1.5 kV dc;

Minor Bulkhead
Any bulkheads irrespective of material that are non-structural, i.e. used for dividing spaces to make

Podded Propulsion
A propulsion system consisting of one or more propellers attached to an electrical motor in a pod directly
adjacent to the propellers. The pod may have fwd or aft facing propellers with either a single propeller or
contra-rotating propeller. The pod may be fixed or rotating.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Remote Items
Any item which is used solely in conjunction with an associated larger item, but which is not sited adjacent to
that larger item.

5 Abbreviations
Abbreviations referred to throughout this Defence Standard are listed in Annex A.

6 Performance Specification
6.1 A record of weight groups is to be provided to the MOD in accordance with the classification system
laid out at clause 7 of this Standard. This classification system applies to naval and other military surface

6.2 The classification system defined by this standard is unclassified information. However, users should
be aware that recording a weight breakdown according to this system may create information that has a
security classification of Restricted or above, due to the fact that recording weights against groups indicates
which systems are fitted to a ship and/or the capabilities of those systems. If in doubt as to the appropriate
security level to apply, users should consult their technical security advisor.

7 Classification
a) This clause details the classification system of component weights for the purpose of weight
monitoring, recording and estimating, and for costing, for naval and other military surface ships and

b) The data recorded will be in a consistent format and will form part of the corporate knowledge base
used to aid future design.

c) Clause 8 should be referred to for additional design requirements/guidance regarding this section.

7.1 List of Groups

GROUP 1 - Hull and Superstructure

GROUP 2 - Propulsion

GROUP 3 - Electrical

GROUP 4 - Control and Communication

GROUP 5 - Ancillary Systems

GROUP 6 - Outfit and Furnishing

GROUP 7 - Armament

GROUP 8 - Variable Load

GROUP 9 - Design and Construction Services (see Annex B for Group 9)

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

7.2 List of Groups and Sub - Groups

7.2.1 GROUP 1 - Hull and Superstructure

10 Hull Structure

11 Superstructure

12 Structural Bulkheads

13 Structural Decks

14 Doors, Hatches and Scuttles

15 Seats, Supports and Masts

16 Control Surfaces

17 Structural Castings and Forgings

18 Buoyancy and Ballast Units

19 Fastenings

7.2.2 GROUP 2 - Propulsion

20 Propulsion Power Plant (Nuclear)

21 Propulsion Power Plant (Non-Nuclear)

22 Propulsion Units and Control Equipment

23 Main Condensers and Air Ejectors

24 Shafting, Bearings and Propulsors

25 Combustion Air Supply and Exhaust Systems

26 Steam Systems

27 Circulating and Cooling Water Systems, Feed Water and Condensate Systems

28 Fuel Oil Service Systems

29 Lubricating Oil Systems

7.2.3 GROUP 3 - Electrical

30 Electrical Main Supply Power Generation

31 Power Distribution Equipment

32 Power Distribution Cabling

33 Lighting Systems

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

7.2.4 GROUP 4 - Control and Communication

40 Navigation Systems

41 Internal Communications

42 Ship and Main Machinery Control Systems

43 Weapon Control Systems

44 Ship’s Protective Systems

45 External Communication Systems

7.2.5 GROUP 5 - Ancillary Systems

50 Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Refrigeration - Systems and Equipment

51 Fuel Systems (Excluding Aircraft Systems)

52 Sea and Fresh Water Systems

53 Air and Gas Systems

54 Hydraulic Systems (Excluding Aircraft Systems)

55 Aircraft Systems

56 Waste Disposal Systems

57 Auxiliary Steam, Exhaust Steam and Steam Drain Systems

58 Lubricating Oil Systems

7.2.6 GROUP 6 - Outfit and Furnishing

60 General Fittings

61 Boats and Lifesaving Equipment

62 Minor Bulkheads, Partitions, Deck and Bulkhead Coverings in the Main Hull

63 Furnishings and Fittings in Storerooms and Stowages

64 Furnishings for Living Spaces

65 Furnishings for Offices, Medical Spaces, Etc.

66 Equipment for Galleys, Laundries and Workshops

67 Minor Bulkheads Partitions Deck and Bulkhead Coverings in the Superstructure

68 Portable Firefighting, Damage Control, CBRN, and Escape Equipment

69 Load Handling and RAS Equipment

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

7.2.7 GROUP 7 - Armament

70 Surface/Air Missile Armament

71 Surface/Surface Missiles Armament

72 Anti-Submarine Armament

73 Submerged Launched (Non-Air Flight) Armament

74 Submerged Launched (Air Flight) Armament

75 Air Launched Armament

76 Minehunting, Minelaying and Minesweeping Equipment

77 Rocket Launchers, Small Arms and Pyrotechnics Stowages and Launchers

78 Gun Armament

79 Unmanned Aerial, Surface and Submersible Vehicles (UXVs) Support Systems

7.2.8 GROUP 8 - Variable Load

80 Crew, Embarked Personnel, Aircrew and Effects

81 Ammunitions

82 Aerial, Surface and Submersible Vehicles

83 Embarked Military Force (EMF) Vehicles

84 Victualling, Accommodation and Medical Stores

85 General Stores and Marine Engineering Spares

86 Weapon Stores

87 Operating Fluids

88 Stowed Liquids

89 Cargo

7.3 List of Groups, Sub-Groups and Sub-Sub-Groups

7.3.1 GROUP 1 - Hull and Superstructure Sub-Group 10 - Hull Structure

100 Hull Plating

101 Hull Longitudinal and Transverse Framing

102 Inner Bottom Plating

103 Hull Structural Walkways/Sponsons

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

104 Metallic Hull Armour and Protection

105 Sonar Domes Forming Part of the Hull Structure

106 Radar Absorbent Material

107 Non-Metallic Hull-Armour and Protection Sub-Group 11 - Superstructure

110 Superstructure Plating

111 Superstructure Longitudinal and Transverse Framing

112 Superstructure Decks and Flats

113 Superstructure Bulkheads

114 Superstructure Hangar

115 Superstructure Structural Walkways and Sponsons

116 Metallic Superstructure Armour and Protection

117 Non-Metallic Superstructure and Armour

118 Ramps to Assist Aircraft Take-Off

119 Radar Absorbent Material Sub-Group 12 - Structural Bulkheads

120 Main Transverse Bulkheads

121 Main Longitudinal Bulkheads

122 Other Bulkheads

123 Funnel, Structural Trunks and Enclosures

124 Metallic Bulkhead Armour and Protection

125 Non-Metallic Bulkhead Armour and Protection Sub-Group 13 - Structural Decks

130 Main Decks

131 Minor Decks and Flats

132 Metallic Deck Armour and Protection

133 Non-Metallic Deck Armour and Protection

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 14 - Doors, Hatches and Scuttles

140 Bridge Windows, Sidelights and Scuttles

141 Watertight and Gastight Doors and Hatches

142 Escape Hatches and Scuttles

143 Manholes

144 Blow-Off plates

145 Bow, Side and Stern Doors Including Associated Ramps Sub-Group 15 - Seats, Supports and Masts

150 Unallocated

151 Seats and Supports for Group 1 Items

152 Seats and Supports for Group 2 Items

153 Seats and Supports for Group 3 Items

154 Seats and Supports for Group 4 Items, and Masts

155 Seats and Supports for Group 5 Items

156 Seats and Supports for Group 6 Items

157 Seats and Supports for Group 7 Items

158 Seats and Supports for Group 8 Items Sub-Group 16 - Control Surfaces

160 Rudders and Skegs

161 Stabilisers (Fixed)

162 Unallocated

163 Hydrofoils

164 Bilge Keels

165 Stabilising Tanks Sub-Group 17 - Structural Castings and Forgings

170 Shaft Brackets

171 Forgings and Castings

172 Sea Chests

173 Anchor Hawse Pipes and Navel Pipes

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

174 Stern Tubes

175 Sea Tubes Sub-Group 18 - Buoyancy and Ballast Units

180 Buoyancy Units

181 Ballast Units Sub-Group 19 - Fastenings

190 Welding

191 Riveting

192 Bolting

193 Bonding

7.3.2 GROUP 2 - Propulsion Sub-Group 20 - Propulsion Power Plant (Nuclear)

200 Reactor

201 Steam Generators

202 Primary Circuit System

203 Primary Circuit Service System

204 Reactor Plant Auxiliary Systems

205 Reactor plant Control and Instrumentation

206 Primary Shielding

207 Secondary Shielding Sub-Group 21 - Propulsion Power Plant (Non-Nuclear)

210 Main Boilers

211 Main Boiler Systems Control and Instrumentation

212 Main Electrical Storage Batteries

213 Main Electrical Storage Battery System, Switchgear and Instrumentation

214 Gas Generators (if Separate from Power Turbine)

215 Gas Generator Systems, Control and Instrumentation

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 22 - Propulsion Units and Control Equipment

220 Steam Turbines

221 Gas Turbines

222 Propulsion Diesel Engines

223 Electric Propulsion Drives

224 Propulsion Unit Control Equipment

225 Clutches, Gearing, Flexible Couplings and Turning Gear

226 Machinery Space Lifting Gear

227 Insulation Sub-Group 23 - Main Condensers and Air Ejectors

230 Main Condensers

231 Air Ejectors

232 Insulation, Lagging and Liners Sub-Group 24 - Shafting, Bearings and Propulsors

240 Shafting

241 Propulsors Including Thrusters and Activated Rudders

242 Shaft Bearings, Bulkhead Glands, Seals, Etc.

243 Torsionmeters and Brakes Sub-Group 25 - Combustion Air Supply and Exhaust Systems

250 Supply Fans or Blowers

251 Supply System

252 Exhaust System Sub-Group 26 - Steam System

260 Main Superheated Steam System

261 Auxiliary Superheated Steam System

262 Saturated Steam System

263 Steam Exhaust System

264 Steam Drain System

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 27 - Circulating and Cooling Water Systems, Feed Water and Condensate

270 Main Circulating Water System to Condensers

271 Cooling Water System for Propulsion Units

272 Feed Water System for Propulsion Units

273 Condensate System for Propulsion Units Sub-Group 28 - Fuel Oil Service Systems

280 Combustion Fuel Oil Service to Propulsion Units Sub-Group 29 - Lubricating Oil Systems

290 Lubricating Oil System to Propulsion Units

7.3.3 GROUP 3 - Electrical Sub-Group 30 - Electrical Main Supply Power Generation

300 Steam Turbine Generator Sets

301 Gas Turbine Generator Sets

302 Diesel Generator Sets

303 Shaft Generators

304 Fuel Cell Generators

305 Ride Through Power Supply

306 Renewable Technology Sub-Group 31 - Power Distribution Equipment

310 Main Supply Equipment

311 Distribution Equipment

312 General Service Conversion Equipment

313 Power Distribution Equipment for Portable Apparatus Sub-Group 32 - Power Distribution Cabling

320 Cabling

321 Glands and Cable Support Equipment

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 33 - Lighting Systems

330 General Lighting Systems

331 Emergency Lighting System

332 Ceremonial Lighting System

333 Contingency Lighting System

7.3.4 GROUP 4 - Control and Communication Sub-Group 40 - Navigation Systems

400 Gyro and Other Compasses

401 Ship Inertial Navigation System (SINS)

402 Navigation Aids and Direction Finding Equipment

403 Log

404 Meteorology and Oceanographic Systems

405 Navigation Radar

406 Viewing Devices

407 Chronometers

408 Plotting and Chart Tables

409 Navigation Lights, Etc. Sub-Group 41 - Internal Communications

410 Broadcasts

411 Internal Telephone Network and Telephones

412 Sound Reproduction Equipment (SRE)

413 Voice and Pneumatic Tubes

414 Television, Radio and Cinema Equipment

415 Alarms and Warnings

416 Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Warning Systems

417 Engine Telegraph and Propeller Orders

418 Rudder Angle Indicators

419 Information Systems

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 42 - Ship and Main Machinery Control Systems

420 Ship Control Console (SCC)

421 Systems Consoles

422 Command Console

423 Rudder Control System

424 Integrated Navigation Systems

425 Moveable Stabilisers and Control System

426 Hydrofoil Control System

427 Tank Stabilisation Systems (Active and Passive)

428 Machinery Control System

429 Integrated Platform Management Systems Sub-Group 43 - Weapon Control Systems

430 Surface/Air Weapon Control Systems

431 Surface/Surface Weapon Control Systems

432 Surface/Anti-Submarine Weapon Control Systems

433 Submerged Launched (Non-Air Flight) Systems

434 Submerged Launched (Air Flight) Systems

435 Weapon and Surveillance Radars

436 Sonars

437 Centralised Weapon Control Systems

438 Electronic Warfare Systems (EW)

439 Control Systems for Autonomous Craft Sub-Group 44 - Ship’s Protective Systems

440 Degaussing System

441 Cathodic Protection System

442 Sacrificial Anodes

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 45 - External Communication Systems

450 Radio Communication Systems

451 Underwater Telephones and Echo Sounders

452 Visual Signalling Equipment

453 Audio Signalling Equipment

454 Satellite Communication Systems

7.3.5 GROUP 5 - Ancillary Systems Sub-Group 50 - Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Refrigeration - Systems and Equipment

500 Air Conditioning Plants

501 Chilled and Tepid Water Systems

502 Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation System

503 Free Standing Air Conditioning Units and Electrical Space Heaters

504 Natural Ventilation Systems

505 Refrigeration Plant and Equipment

506 Unallocated

507 Unallocated

508 Air Conditioning and Ventilation System in Main Machinery Spaces

509 Smoke Clearance Ventilation Sub-Group 51 - Fuel Systems (Excluding Aircraft Systems)

510 Main Fuel Filling, Heating and Transfer Systems

511 Auxiliary Fuel Systems

512 Tank Cleaning Systems Sub-Group 52 - Sea and Fresh Water Systems

520 Sea Water System (Including HPSW)

521 Sea Water Fire Fighting System

522 Flooding and Spraying Systems

523 Pre-Wetting System

524 Ballasting, Trimming and Drainage Systems

525 Sea Water/Fresh Water Cooling System

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

526 Distilling Plant System

527 Fresh Water System

528 Fresh Water Spraying systems Sub-Group 53 - Air and Gas Systems

530 HP Air System

531 LP Air System

532 Breathing Air Systems

533 Control Air Systems

534 Salvage Air Systems

535 Recompression Chamber

536 Special Services Air Systems

537 Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems Sub-Group 54 - Hydraulic Systems (Excluding Aircraft Systems)

540 Hydraulic Systems Sub-Group 55 - Aircraft Systems

550 Unallocated

551 Aircraft Handling Systems

552 Aircraft Lifts

553 Arresting Gear and Barriers

554 Catapults and Jet Blast Deflectors

555 Aircraft Gas Producing Systems

556 Aircraft Liquid Systems

557 Unallocated

558 Aircraft Electrical Systems Sub-Group 56 - Waste Disposal Systems

560 Sewage Disposal Systems

561 Waste Water Disposal System

562 Garbage Disposal System

563 Oil Slick Dispersal System

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 57 - Auxiliary Steam, Exhaust Steam and Steam Drain Systems

570 Auxiliary Steam Generators and Systems

571 Exhaust Steam Systems Sub-Group 58 - Lubricating Oil Systems

580 Main Lubricating Oil Filling and Transfer System

581 Auxiliary Lubricating Oil Systems

7.3.6 GROUP 6 - Outfit and Furnishings Sub-Group 60 - General Fittings

600 Anchors, Cables, Winches, Bollards, Fairleads, Cleats, Etc.

601 Guard-Rails, Stanchions, Rigging, Awnings, Etc.

602 Ladders and Fittings

603 Non-Structural Walkways

604 Miscellaneous Fittings Sub-Group 61 - Boats and Lifesaving Equipment

610 Powered and Non-Powered Boats

611 Davits and Handling Equipment for Boats

612 Liferafts, Lifejackets, Stowages, Floats, Etc. Sub-Group 62 - Minor Bulkheads, Partitions, Deck and Bulkhead Coverings in the Main Hull

620 Minor Bulkheads and Doors

621 Partitions and Linings

622 External and Internal Paint

623 Deck Coverings

624 Deck Treads and Tread Plates

625 Acoustic Insulation

626 Thermal, Thermal/Acoustic Insulation

627 Deck, Bulkhead and Hull Damping

628 Modular Accommodation

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 63 - Furnishings and Fittings in Storerooms and Stowages

630 Furnishings and Fittings in Named General Stores

631 Furnishings and Fittings in Victualling Stores (Including Medical and NAAFI Canteen

632 Spare Gear Stowages throughout the Ship

633 Furnishings and Fittings in All Other Stores Sub-Group 64 - Furnishings for Living Spaces

640 Furnishings for Officers’ Accommodation

641 Furnishings for Crew’s Accommodation

642 Furnishings for Heads and Bathrooms

643 Furnishings for Aviation Crew Accommodation

644 Furnishings for Embarked Forces/Trainees Accommodation Sub-Group 65 - Furnishings for Offices, Medical Spaces Etc.

650 Furnishings for Offices (Excluding Air Offices - 657)

651 Furnishings for Sick Bay and Dental Surgeries

652 Furnishings for Operating Theatres

653 First Aid Equipment throughout the Ship

654 Furnishings for Health Physics Laboratory

655 Furnishings for Operational Rooms and Spaces

656 Furnishings for Amenity Spaces

657 Furnishings for Air Offices

658 Furnishings for Lobbies and Passageways Sub-Group 66 - Equipment for Galleys, Laundries and Workshops

660 Equipment for Galleys, Pantries and Other Food Preparation Spaces

661 Water Coolers, Domestic Refrigerators, Ice Cream Machines, Etc.

662 Equipment for Laundry and Drying Rooms

663 Equipment for Workshops and Repair Spaces

664 Equipment for Air Workshops and Repair Spaces

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 67 - Minor Bulkheads, Partitions, Deck and Bulkhead Coverings in the

670 Minor Bulkheads and Doors

671 Partitions and Linings

672 External and Internal Paint

673 Deck Coverings

674 Deck Treads and Tread Plates

675 Acoustic Insulation

676 Thermal, Thermal/Acoustic Insulation

677 Unallocated

678 Modular Accommodation Sub-Group 68 - Portable Fire Fighting, Damage Control, CBRN, and Escape Equipment

680 Portable Fire Fighting Equipment

681 Damage Control Equipment

682 CBRN Equipment

683 Escape Equipment Sub-Group 69 - Load Handling and RAS Equipment

690 RAS Mast Highpoints and Tripods

691 Stores Handling and RAS Strike Down Equipment

692 Cranes, Lifts and Other Non-Portable Lifting Appliances

693 Portable Lifting Equipment

7.3.7 GROUP 7 - Armament Sub-Group 70 - Surface/Air Missile Armament

700 Mountings and Launchers

701 Missile Handling Systems

702 Missile Stowages Sub-Group 71 - Surface/Surface Missile Armament

710 Mountings and Launchers

711 Missile Handling System

712 Missile Stowages

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 72 - Anti-Submarine Armament

720 Mountings and Launchers

721 Ammunition and Missile Handling Systems

722 Weapon Stowages Sub-Group 73 - Submerged Launched (Non-Air Flight) Armament

730 Mountings and Launchers

731 Weapon Handling System

732 Weapon Stowages Sub-Group 74 - Submerged Launched (Air Flight) Armament

740 Mountings and Launchers

741 Weapon Handling System

742 Weapon Stowages Sub-Group 75 - Air Launched Armament

750 Weapon Handling Systems

751 Weapon Stowages Sub-Group 76 - Minehunting, Minelaying and Minesweeping Equipment

760 Minehunting Equipment

761 Minelaying Equipment

762 Minesweeping Equipment Sub-Group 77 - Rocket Launchers, Small Arms and Pyrotechnic Stowages and Launchers

770 Rocket Flare and Decoy Launchers

771 Small Arms Stowages

772 Pyrotechnics Stowages Sub-Group 78 - Gun Armament

780 Mountings

781 Ammunition Handling Systems

782 Ammunition Stowages

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 79 - Unmanned Aerial, Surface and Submersible Vehicles (UXVs) Support

7.3.8 GROUP 8 - Variable Load Sub-Group 80 - Crew, Embarked Personnel, Aircrew and Effects

800 Crew and Effects

801 Embarked Forces Personnel

802 Flight and Air Group Personnel Sub-Group 81 - Ammunitions

810 Surface/Air Weapons

811 Surface/Surface Weapons

812 Anti-Submarine Weapons

813 Submerged Launched (Non-Air Flight) Weapons

814 Submerged Launched (Air Flight) Weapons

815 Air Launched Weapons

816 Mines and Mine Disposal Weapons

817 Rockets, Flares, Pyrotechnics and Small Arms Ammunition (Excluding air)

818 Embarked Forces Fuel and Ammunitions

819 Ammunition for Unmanned Vehicles Sub-Group 82 - Aerial, Surface and Submersible Vehicles

820 Manned Fixed Wing

821 Manned Rotary Wing

822 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

823 Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs)

824 Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) Sub-Group 83 - Embarked Military Force (EMF) Vehicles

830 Armoured Fighting Vehicles

831 Military Transport

832 Staff Cars, Land Rovers, Etc.

833 EMF Craft

834 Swimmer Delivery Vehicles (SDVs)/Manned Submersibles

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 84 - Victualling, Accommodation and Medical Stores

840 Dry Provisions

841 Mess and Galley Gear

842 Loan Clothing

843 NAAFI/Canteen Stores

844 Refrigerated Stores

845 Bedding

846 Medical Stores

847 Cash Clothing

848 CO’s, Wardroom, Trophies and Sports Gear Stores

849 Stored Garbage Sub-Group 85 - General Stores and Marine Engineering Spares

850 General Stores

851 Marine Engineering Spares (MES)

852 Stationery, Books and Office Equipment

853 Oils and Greases

854 Flammables, Acids, Paints and Gases

855 Rigging Warrant Items Sub-Group 86 - Weapon Stores

860 Air Stores

861 Embarked Forces Stores

862 Weapon Equipment Stores

863 Weapon Equipment Spares

864 Non-Explosive (Gun Wharf) Stores Sub-Group 87 - Operating Fluids

870 Unallocated

871 No longer used (previously Operating Fluids for Group 1 (Free Flooding Liquids)

871 Operating Fluids for Group 2

872 Operating Fluids for Group 3

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

873 Operating Fluids for Group 4

874 Operating Fluids for Group 5

875 Operating Fluids for Group 6

876 Operating Fluids for Group 7 Sub-Group 88 - Stowed Liquids

880 Liquids in Fresh Water Tanks

881 Liquids in Sea Water Tanks

882 Liquids in Fuel Oil Tanks

883 Liquids in Reserve and Main Feed Water Tanks

884 Liquids in Lubricating Oil Tanks

885 Liquids in Hydraulic Oil Tanks

886 Liquids in Pure Water Tanks (Nuclear, Battery) and Detergent Tanks

887 Liquids in Sanitary Tanks

888 Liquids in Aviation Fuel Tanks

889 Liquids in Aviation Lubricating Oil Tanks Sub-Group 89 - Cargo

890 Solid Cargo

891 Liquid Cargo

892 Passengers and Effects

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

8 Design Requirements/Guidance

8.1 General Principle

8.1.1 General

a) The total ship weight is divided into eight groups. These groups are sub-divided into Sub-Groups and
Sub-Sub-Groups which are classified according to functional purpose. Groups are identified by single
digit numbers, Sub-Groups by two digit numbers and Sub-Sub-Groups by three digit numbers.

b) Previously an additional Group 9 titled ‘Design and Construction Services’ was used for cost
accounting of items which have no weight but involve cost, e.g. design work, testing, management and
support services. This group has been removed from the main part of this Defence Standard but is
included in Annex B for information only.

c) Additional weight group subdivision may be used at the discretion of a designer, yard or project office,
depending on the granularity required. This may take the form of a four or five digit classification
system that should continue from the three digit groups provided in this standard. An example of a
four digit approach could be to split group 112 “Superstructure Decks and Flats” up into individual
decks, e.g. 112.1 could represent the lower most super structure (non-strength) deck (01).

d) Users of this Defence Standard that are creating a new weight breakdown for a vessel are advised to
include in their listing a notes column to provide clarification on any items that could not be grouped as
per the classification system, or where assumptions are made in order to resolve ambiguity. Such
notes will greatly assist future users in interpreting a weight breakdown, and can be used by the
sponsor of this Defence Standard to identify areas for improvement. The notes should also include an
explanation of any four or five digit breakdown utilised, or of any suffixes applied to denote multihull or
block/module components (as per the notes below).

e) Where equipment items are multi-purpose their weight should be included in the group which best
describes their primary function, this simplification must be documented in detail in the notes
accompanying the weight breakdown so the approach taken is evident to subsequent users.

8.1.2 Integrated Full Electric Propulsion (IFEP) and Hybrid Electric Propulsion

a) Many RN and RFA ships are now deploying propulsion systems which are either partially (Hybrid) or
fully electric (IFEP). To ensure that the division of weights corresponding to electrically propelled
ships is consistently applied the following guidance is provided.

b) As per Def Stan 02-530 the following definitions apply:

1) LV is defined as voltages up to 1 kV ac or 1.5 kV dc;

2) HV is defined as any working voltage that exceeds 1 kV ac (rms) or 1.5 kV dc, measured
between any two circuit conductors or between a circuit conductor and earth.

c) In order to maintain backward compatibility within the previous standard, Groups 2 and 3 have not
been altered. The items whose weights are to be included in Group 2 (Propulsion) are those which
are directly related to propulsion. This includes the motor drive system for the propulsors, the
propulsors themselves, and any associated shafting. Group 2 should also include any generators
used exclusively for propulsion. The items which are included in Group 3 (Electrical) are generators,
distribution and their associated equipment when they provide power to both propulsors and to hotel
services. Figures 1 and 2 shows the division of weights between the two weight groups for full and
hybrid IFEP arrangements.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2


3 to 8

Generator NER

HV Filter

HV Distribution

LV Distribution
Motor Converter LOAD

Ship Service
Dynamic Transformer


Figure 1 - Division of an IFEP System between Groups 2 and 3


3 to 8
Generator NER

Motor Prime Mover

HV Filter
HV Distribution

LV Distribution



Ship Service
Dynamic Transformer


Figure 2 - Division of a Hybrid Electrical Propulsion System between Groups 2 and 3

d) It should be noted that fuel and lubricating oil systems for an IFEP system will be found in Group 5
rather than Group 2. For normal propulsion, fuel oil service systems are in Sub-Group 28, whilst for
IFEP they are grouped in Sub-Group 51. Likewise, lubricating oil systems for normal propulsion are
grouped in Sub-Group 29, but for IFEP they are grouped in Sub-Group 58.

e) All cabling for IFEP should be included in Sub-Sub-Group 320.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

8.1.3 Minor Bulkheads

a) Minor Bulkheads are bulkheads creating sub-division within the ship, but not providing structural
support. The weights corresponding to non-steel minor bulkheads should be included in Group 6 as
part of the outfit. Steel minor bulkheads are to be incorporated in Group 1.

b) Minor bulkheads are divided between the;

1) hull - 122 or 620, and;

2) superstructure - 113 or 670.

c) These definitions assume the primary structure of the ship to be of steel (see note below regarding
composite construction).

8.1.4 Main Strength Deck

The main strength deck is defined as the uppermost hull deck that contributes to the global longitudinal
strength of the vessel (usually 1 Deck).

8.1.5 Integrated Masts

An integrated mast is one that forms part of the vessel's superstructure and provides internal space that is
used for compartments in common use. Integrated Masts should therefore be incorporated in Sub-Group

8.1.6 Control Systems

There is a tendency for manufacturers to provide an overall weight for Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS)
equipment, inclusive of built in control systems. Every effort should be made to obtain the weights
corresponding to the piece of equipment under consideration and its control system separately, from the
manufacturer. Where this is not possible DES SE Sea ShipDes should be contacted for advice.

8.1.7 Seats and Supports

Seats and Supports are increasingly incorporated with equipment so that separate weights are not
immediately available. Again the manufacturer should be contacted to obtain the breakdown of weights.
Where the required information cannot be obtained DES SE Sea ShipDes should be contacted for further

8.1.8 Main and Secondary Propulsion

To distinguish between main and secondary propulsion in Group 2 the addition of an ‘M’ or an ‘S’ as a suffix
to either the Sub-Group or Sub-Sub-Group number will provide additional clarity when required, e.g. 221-M
and 221-S for a ship with both main and secondary gas turbines.

8.1.9 Multihulls

a) The hull weight of a multihull should be classified using Sub-Group 10 in the same way it is used for a
monohull. Differentiation between the hull weights can be obtained by using Sub-Group 10 for each
hull individually, and applying a suffix to the weight group numbers. It is up to the Project Team to
determine the most suitable suffixes to use according to the type of multihull they are designing. 100-
P and 100-S could be used for the hull plating on a catamaran with Port and Starboard hulls.

b) The cross deck structure should be included in the weight breakdown as a deck except for the lowest
level of plating which would be classed as outer hull plating - 100.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

c) To ensure consistency of division the hulls should be divided at the first horizontal point after the
design waterline on the main hull or for symmetrical catamarans the hulls should be divided at the
centre line. This is shown by the vertical dotted lines in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Division of Multihulls

8.1.10 Composite Structures

a) The design of composite structures is such that equipment can be integrated into the structure. These
systems should be included in the Sub-Group appropriate to the item and not as part of the composite
weight whether it be hull weight or superstructure. For example the SANDOWN Class minehunter has
degaussing coils built into the vessels hull lay-up. The hull weight should only correspond to the
weight of the composite without the degaussing coils, which are included in Sub-Sub-Group 440.

b) It should be noted that in general the wording of this Defence Standard is written assuming a ship
constructed primarily of steel. References throughout the definition text for the classification system
therefore use “steel” and “non-steel” to refer to structural items and outfit respectively. For projects
building a ship that is not steel (for example of composite or aluminium construction), it will be
necessary to read “steel” items as per the main construction material, and pay particular attention to
definitions relating to the differentiation between structural and outfit items.

8.1.11 Blocks or Modules

When ships are constructed in blocks or modules it is desirable to list which weights are associated with
which blocks. The block can be identified by an additional two digit code designating the block number,
which is added to the end of the standard three digit breakdown, e.g. 604-06 for a ships bell in module 6. If
this system is adopted then an explanation of the block numbering system should be given at the beginning
of the weight breakdown.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

8.1.12 Alternatives to Def Stan 02-163

a) There are numerous alternative weight breakdown structures in use throughout the world. These

1) ESWBS (Expanded Ship Work Breakdown Structure)

2) SFI Code (Ship Research Institute of Norway, maintained by SpecTec)

b) The ESWBS has been use by the UK MOD in the past on joint projects with other nations and also on
some vessels built to commercial standards.

c) The importance of consistent capturing of weight data as corporate knowledge for use in future
defence projects must be recognised. In general this Defence Standard is to be preferred to
alternative methodologies, unless otherwise agreed with DES SE Sea ShipDes.

8.2 Details of Weight Groupings

8.2.1 GROUP 1 - Hull and Superstructure

a) This Group includes the main hull body or bodies with all its structural sub-divisions. It includes doors,
hatches, seatings, masts, fastenings and appendages such as bilge keels, rudders, shaft brackets and
transom flaps.

b) All weights are dry weights, the weight of the associated liquids (free-flooding or stowed) being
recorded in 871 or 88 as appropriate.

c) Assuming a ship primarily built of steel, Group 1 excludes non-steel minor (non-structural) bulkheads
which are recorded in 620 if they are within the hull or 670 if they are within the superstructure. For
alternative primary construction materials see notes under General Principles. Sub-Group 10 - Hull Structure

100 - Hull Plating

Includes shell plating up to the main strength deck or flight deck, bulwarks, protective wood planking
fixed to the shell, keel plating, inserts and pads.

101 - Hull Longitudinal and Transverse Framing

1) Includes all longitudinal and transverse frames, vertical keel frames, wing transverses, stringers,
pillars and the associated stiffeners and brackets connected to the hull plating and inserts and
pads to framing.

2) Excludes:

i) Inner bottom stiffeners - 102

ii) Gunwale angles, etc. which belong to decks - 130

iii) Double bottom floors and girders - 102

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

102 - Inner Bottom Plating

1) Includes inner bottom plating, stiffening and brackets which are not primarily associated with
transverse or longitudinal framing. Includes double/inner bottom plating and girders. Includes:

i) Tank tops which serve as watertight flats

ii) Inserts and pads

2) Excludes tank tops that form part of a main structural deck - 130.

103 - Hull Structural Walkways/Sponsons

1) Includes plating, framing, stiffening and brackets of all structure forming sponsons and
walkways outboard of the main hull, and inserts and pads.

2) Excludes:

i) Superstructure sponsons, and walkways - 115

ii) Gratings - 603

104 - Metallic Hull Armour and Protection

1) Includes metallic protection to hull plating, inserts and pads. Also includes arrangements which
form part of the hull for protection to weapons and/or ammunition. Includes appliqué armour.

2) Excludes non-metallic protection - 107.

105 - Sonar Domes Forming Part of the Hull Structure

1) Includes bow sonar domes and their integrated supporting structure.

2) Excludes keel mounted or retractable sonar domes - 436.

106 - Radar Absorbent Material

Includes all radar absorbent material on the hull such as RAM and RASH.

107 - Non-Metallic Hull Armour and Protection

1) Includes non-metallic protection to hull plating, inserts and pads. Also includes arrangements
which form part of the hull for protection to weapons and/ or ammunition. Includes appliqué

2) Excludes metallic protection - 104. Sub-Group 11 - Superstructure

For vessels with integrated masts the structure from which they are constructed should be treated as
superstructure and the component items broken down using the following sub-sub-groups as required.

110 - Superstructure Plating

1) Includes longitudinal and transverse plating above the main strength deck which comprise the
deck house, breakwaters and, in the case of aircraft carriers, islands, and inserts and pads.

2) Excludes all hangar plating, framing and brackets, main hangar doors, inserts and pads - 114.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

111 - Superstructure Longitudinal and Transverse Framing

1) Includes all longitudinal and transverse frames, brackets, etc. above the main strength deck
which comprise the deck house, and in the case of aircraft carriers, islands, and inserts and
pads to framing.

2) Excludes:

i) Longitudinal and transverse framing in hangars - 114

ii) Decks - 112

iii) Bulkheads - 113

112 - Superstructure Decks and Flats

1) Includes deck plating, planking, longitudinal and transverse deck beams and girders and
structural stiffeners which comprise the decks and flats above the main strength deck, together
with any inserts and pads. Also includes ramps which are part of superstructure decks, and
flight decks that are above the main strength deck.

2) Excludes:

i) Ramps to assist aircraft take-off - 118

ii) Ramps for bow, side and stern doors - 145

113 - Superstructure Bulkheads

1) Includes all longitudinal, transverse, other structural and steel minor bulkheads and their
stiffeners, brackets, etc. of structure within the superstructure above the main strength deck,
and inserts and pads. Includes hangar boundary bulkheads for ships with integrated hangars.

2) Excludes:

i) Non-steel minor (non-structural) bulkheads - 620 and 670

ii) Partitions - 671

114 - Superstructure Hangar

1) Includes all plating, framing and brackets, main hangar doors, inserts and pads.

2) Excludes:

i) Watertight and gastight doors - 141

ii) Minor doors - 670

iii) Hangars that are within the main hull -10

iv) Hangar boundary bulkheads for integrated hangars - 113

115 - Superstructure Structural Walkways and Sponsons

Includes plating, framing, stiffening and brackets of all structure forming sponsons and walkways
above the main strength deck, i.e. gun and missile platforms, inserts and pads.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

116 - Metallic Superstructure Armour and Protection

1) Includes metallic protection to decks, bulkheads and side plating of structure above the main
strength deck with associated armoured doors, hatches, fastenings, connections, supports,
inserts and pads. Also includes arrangements which form part of the superstructure for
protection to weapons and/or ammunition. Includes appliqué armour.

2) Excludes:

i) Non-armoured watertight and gastight doors and hatches - 141

ii) Non-gastight and non-watertight doors in the hull - 620

iii) Non-gastight and non-watertight doors in the superstructure - 670

iv) Non-metallic armour and protection - 117

117 –Non-Metallic Superstructure Armour and Protection

1) Includes non-metallic protection to decks, bulkheads and side plating of structure above the
main strength deck with associated armoured doors, hatches, fastenings, connections,
supports, inserts and pads. Also includes arrangements which form part of the superstructure
for protection to weapons and/or ammunition. Includes appliqué armour.

2) Excludes:

i) Non-armoured watertight and gastight doors and hatches - 141

ii) Non-gastight and non-watertight doors in the hull - 620

iii) Non-gastight and non-watertight doors in the superstructure - 670

iv) Metallic armour and protection - 116

118 - Ramps to Assist Aircraft Take-Off

119 - Radar Absorbent Material

Includes all radar absorbent material on the superstructure such as RAM and RASH. Sub-Group 12 - Structural Bulkheads

120 - Main Transverse Bulkheads

1) Includes plating, stiffening and brackets of main transverse bulkheads above the double bottom,
cofferdams, tanks, inserts and pads within the hull.

2) Excludes main transverse bulkheads in the superstructure - 113

121 - Main Longitudinal Bulkheads

1) Includes the plating, stiffening brackets, inserts and pads, etc. of main longitudinal bulkheads
above the double bottom, shaft tunnels sides and tops (where not part of a deck) and internal
hangar sides.

2) Excludes main longitudinal bulkheads in the superstructure - 113

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

122 - Other Bulkheads

1) Includes the plating, stiffening, brackets, inserts and pads, etc. of structural bulkheads above
the double bottom other than those covered in 120 and 121. Includes minor steel bulkheads

2) Excludes:

i) non-steel minor bulkheads - 620 (and partitions - 621)

ii) other bulkheads in the superstructure - 113

123 - Funnel, Structural Trunks and Enclosures

1) Includes all structure forming funnel, access, lift and vent trunks, periscope trunks, sonar trunks,
inserts and pads.

2) Where a portion of a trunk is homogeneous with another prime structure (e.g. bulkhead or
deck), only the independent portion of the trunk in this Group should be included.

3) Excludes trunks and casings that do not form part of the ship's structure - 251, 252. Also
excludes casing and trunking for air for combustion from source of air supply to fan eye and
from blower outlet to equipment connection - 251. Also excludes trunking for air conditioning
and ventilation system in main machinery spaces - 508

124 - Metallic Bulkhead Armour and Protection

1) Includes metallic protection to main longitudinal and transverse bulkheads within the hull,
together with associated armoured doors, fastenings, connections, supports, inserts and pads.
Also includes arrangements which form part of main or minor bulkheads for protection to
weapons and/or ammunition. Includes appliqué armour.

2) Excludes:

i) Non-armoured access doors to boilers - 210

ii) Non-watertight and non-gastight doors in the hull - 620

iii) Non-watertight and non-gastight doors in the superstructure - 670

iv) Non-metallic bulkhead armour and protection - 125

125 - Non-Metallic Bulkhead Armour and Protection

1) Includes non-metallic protection to main longitudinal and transverse bulkheads within the hull,
together with associated armoured doors, fastenings, connections, supports, inserts and pads.
Also includes arrangements which form part of main or minor bulkheads for protection to
weapons and/or ammunition. Includes appliqué armour.

2) Excludes:

i) Non-armoured access doors to boilers - 210

ii) Non-watertight and non-gastight doors in the hull - 620

iii) Non-watertight and non-gastight doors in the superstructure - 670

iv) Metallic bulkhead armour and protection - 124

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 13 - Structural Decks

130 - Main Decks

Includes deck plating, planking, longitudinals and transverse deck beams and girders, beam knees
and structural stiffeners that comprise the main decks within the hull. Also includes wells in decks, the
catapult trough and structure, gunwale angles, spurnwaters, inserts and pads.

131 - Minor Decks and Flats

1) Includes the plating and stiffeners that comprise the minor decks, mezzanine decks, hoistable
decks and flats within the hull, and inserts and pads. Also includes ramps which are part of
decks within the hull, boat ramps (e.g. at the stern) and ramps as on a vehicle deck.

2) Excludes:

i) False floors and gratings - 603

ii) Ramps to assist aircraft take-off - 118

iii) Ramps for bow, side and stern doors - 145

iv) Structure associated with the inner bottom - 102

132 - Metallic Deck Armour and Protection

1) Includes metallic and protection to main decks within the hull, together with armoured hatches,
fastenings, connections, supports, inserts and pads. Includes arrangements which form part of
main or minor decks for protection to weapons and/or ammunition. Includes metallic non-
armoured protection. Includes appliqué armour.

2) Excludes:

i) Non-metallic armour and protection - 133

ii) Non-armoured hatches - 141

iii) Escape hatches - 142

133 - Non-Metallic Deck Armour and Protection

1) Includes non-metallic protection to main decks within the hull, together with non-metallic
armoured hatches, fastenings, connections, supports, inserts and pads. Includes arrangements
which form part of main or minor decks for protection to weapons and/or ammunition. Includes
non-metallic non-armoured protection; e.g. wood sheathing on a flight deck or well dock.
Includes appliqué armour.

2) Excludes:

i) Metallic armour and protection -132

ii) Non-armoured hatches - 141

iii) Escape hatches - 142

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 14 - Doors, Hatches and Scuttles

a) Excludes:

1) Main hangar doors - 114

2) Non-watertight and non-gastight doors - 620 and 670

3) Shutters and decorative grills - Group 6

140 - Bridge Windows, Sidelights and Scuttles

Includes windows, sidelights and side scuttles complete with frames, screens, wipers, operating gear,
fastenings and fittings.

141 - Watertight and Gastight Doors and Hatches

1) Includes watertight, oiltight, gastight and airtight doors and hatches with their associated
frames, wedges, fittings, operating gear and coamings.

2) Excludes:

i) Metallic armoured doors and hatches - 116, 124 and 132

ii) Non-metallic armoured doors and hatches - 117, 125 and 133

142 - Escape Hatches and Scuttles

Includes the covers, frames, coamings, fittings and fastenings of escape hatches and scuttles.

143 - Manholes

Includes watertight and non-watertight manhole covers, fastenings and coamings.

144 - Blow-Off Plates

Includes the frames, coamings, fittings and fastenings of blow-off plates to magazines.

145 - Bow, Side and Stern Doors Including Associated Ramps

1) Includes all bow, side and stern doors and any associated ramps, visors and frames etc. Also
includes all of the mechanical, electrical and hydraulic systems associated with bow, side and
stern doors and associated ramps, including operating gear, platforms, stanchions, stops and
keeps, guides and seals. Includes control equipment solely for bow, side and stern doors and
any associated ramps.

2) Excludes indicators, warnings, and associated cables - 415. Sub-Group 15 - Seats, Supports and Masts

a) Includes structural seats and supports for all items in Groups 1 to 8, masts and flexible machinery

b) Excludes bedplates and mountings associated with individual equipment, which are to be included in
the weight of the equipment. Where equipment of more than one function (i.e. where the weights of
the equipment cover more than one major weight Group) are mounted on a common raft the weight of
the raft and its mountings is to be divided between 151 - 158 in proportion to the total weight of the
items in the particular major weight Groups. Excludes integrated masts - Superstructure - 11.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

150 - Unallocated

151 - Seats and Supports for Group 1 Items

Includes seats and supports for all items that are listed within Group 1 of this classification system.

152 - Seats and Supports for Group 2 Items

1) Includes main boilers, gas generators, steam turbines, gas turbines, propulsion diesel engines,
electrical propulsion generator sets and motors, gear boxes and pumps.

2) Excludes all seats for generators sets included in Group 3 (generator sets which are part of an
IFEP System - 153).

153 - Seats and Supports for Group 3 Items

1) Includes electrical power generation sets, e.g. gas, steam and air turbines, and diesel

2) Excludes all seats for generator sets providing only propulsive power - 152.

154 - Seats and Supports for Group 4 Items, and Masts

1) Includes all items of equipment that require structural seatings or supports, e.g. gyros, consoles.
Includes the steering gear seatings and supports. Also includes plated and lattice masts, down
to the interface with the superstructure.

2) Excludes integrated masts which contain compartments which are included in superstructure -
11 (except for dedicated seats and supports for Group 4 items).

155 - Seats and Supports for Group 5 Items

Includes air conditioning plants, refrigeration plants, sewage plants, auxiliary steam generators and

156 - Seats and Supports for Group 6 Items

Includes equipment for galleys, laundries and workshops.

157 - Seats and Supports for Group 7 Items

Includes all forms of armament.

158 - Seats and Supports for Group 8 Items

Excludes fittings in stores and offices in Group 6. Sub-Group 16 - Control Surfaces

160 - Rudders and Skegs

1) Includes the plating and stiffening of rudders and stocks up to but not including the cross-head,
together with associated bearings stuffing boxes, glands and filling material. Also includes the
structure of skegs.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

2) Excludes:

i) The seatings and supports - 151

ii) Activated rudders - 241

iii) Castings - 171

iv) Control system including cross-head - 423

v) Lifting gear - 693

161 - Stabilisers (Fixed)

1) Includes the structure, fittings and buoyancy filling material of fixed stabilisers only.

2) Excludes moveable stabilisers - 425.

162 - Unallocated

163 - Hydrofoils

1) Includes the complete mechanical and structural components of the hydrofoils as well as all
related items located within or on the foil structure necessary to make it operable.

2) Excludes the control system - 426.

164 - Bilge Keels

Includes the structural plating and stiffening that comprise the bilge keels together with buoyancy filling

165 - Stabilising Tanks

1) Includes the structure and associated venturi and baffle plates that form the stabilising tanks.

2) Excludes:

i) Tank side and tops that are part of main structure (e.g. bulkheads and decks) - 120 or

ii) Active and passive tank stabilisation systems - 427 Sub-Group 17 - Structural Castings and Forgings

170 - Shaft Brackets

1) Includes the casting, forging or prefabricated structure that comprises the shaft brackets and

2) Excludes bushes and bearings - 242.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

171 - Forgings and Castings

1) Includes structural castings and forgings used in connection with the assembly of the stem and

2) Excludes:

i) Forgings and castings for hydrofoils -163

ii) Shaft brackets -170, sea chests-172, hawse and navel pipes -173

iii) Tie downs and aircraft link plates - 551

172 - Sea Chests

1) Includes sea chests (castings or weldments).

2) Excludes where a portion of sea chest is homogeneous with another prime structure (e.g.
bulkhead or deck), only the independent portion of the sea chest in this group should be

173 - Anchor Hawse Pipes and Navel Pipes

Includes castings and weldments used in connection with the assembly of hawse and navel pipes.

174 - Stern Tubes

1) Includes the casting and prefabricated structure forming the stern tubes.

2) Excludes the tube bearings - 242.

175 - Sea Tubes

Includes the fabricated structure forming the sea tubes together with gratings and fastenings. Sub-Group 18 - Buoyancy and Ballast Units

180 - Buoyancy Units

Includes flotation material except where such material is installed in bilge keels and rudders, where it
is included as part of the control surface.

181 - Ballast Units

1) Includes fixed ballast and movable solid ballast units.

2) Excludes fluids grouped under variable load in Group 8. Sub-Group 19 - Fastenings

Includes all structural fastenings.

190 - Welding

1) Includes weld metal (such as bead or fillet).

2) Excludes buttering, cladding, etc.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

191 - Riveting

Includes rivet heads, which are excess weight added to complete the structure and COTS modular
first fixing systems.

192 - Bolting

1) Including armour bolts and nuts and anti-peel bolts.

2) Excludes foundation nuts and bolts - 15;

193 - Bonding

Includes all adhesives and joining methods not covered in 190, 191 and 192.

8.2.2 GROUP 2 - Propulsion

a) The principles involved in the groupings are that:

1) the EQUIPMENT is to include all its internal piping, cables, electrical power and all complete
operational services up to its nearest interface with the external supplies (air, water, oil,
electrics) and seatings, whereas;

2) the related SYSTEM incorporates all else to complete the system circuitry and is to include all
pumps, valves, strainers, filters, coolers, etc. all ready for the complete operation of the

3) all weights are dry weights, the weight of the associated fluids (operating or stowed) being
recorded in 872 or 88 as appropriate.

4) Each Group is intended to cover all items as expanded in the following Sub- and Sub-Sub-
Groups and would automatically include such common items as acoustic-lagging, panels,
cladding, shock/noise mounts (see also Sub-Group 15); thermal-lagging, hangers, integral
control equipment and piping, special lifting gear and distance pieces, which are secured, fixed
or used in association with the EQUIPMENT or SYSTEM as appropriate.

5) Any EQUIPMENT or associated SYSTEM which is used for generating electricity and which is
not used exclusively for propulsion to the propeller shaft should be included in Group 3. This
means that any generating EQUIPMENT or SYSTEM for an IFEP system should not be
included in Group 2. Sub-Group 20 - Propulsion Power Plant (Nuclear)

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 872

2) Stowed liquids - 88

200 - Reactor

201 - Steam Generators

202 - Primary Circuit System

203 - Primary Circuit Service System

204 - Reactor Plant Auxiliary Systems

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

205 - Reactor Plant Control and Instrumentation

206 - Primary Shielding

207 - Secondary Shielding Sub-Group 21 - Propulsion Power Plant (Non-Nuclear)

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 872

2) Stowed liquids - 88

3) Electrical propulsion generator sets and motors solely for propulsion - 223

210 - Main Boilers

Includes non-nuclear equipment installed as a primary source of propulsion power. Includes boiler
casings, all associated attached accessories such as drums, superheaters, internal de-superheaters,
economisers, feed stop, air pre-heaters, external fittings, soot blowers, burners and operating gear,
feed check and safety valves, valve easing gear, vent and drains, access doors and panels, inner and
outer burner plate fronts, furnace lighting tube and inspection hole fittings. Includes integral
combustion and fresh water control instruments, air and feed water flow transmitters, water level
indicators, regulator generator, wind boxes, liners and chocks, smoke indicators, feed water
regulators, drip pans for burners, air casings, piping, glands, hand wheels, control gears for soot
blowers, baffles, fastenings, refractory materials such as brickwork and brick pans, mortar, chrome ore
and brick bolts.

211 - Main Boiler Systems Control and Instrumentation

Includes all controls, manual and automatic, and instruments required in connection with the complete
operation of the boiler. Includes all panels, consoles, etc. used specifically for the boiler, and control
fluidic piping, valves, etc. up to the point of connection with the control system.

212 - Main Electrical Storage Batteries

1) Includes batteries solely used for propulsion.

2) Excludes:

i) Batteries for ride through power - 305

ii) Ship’s battery - 312

iii) Batteries for emergency lighting system - 331

iv) Portable storage batteries for radio communications systems - 450

213 - Main Electrical Storage Battery System, Switchgear and Instrumentation

214 - Gas Generators (If Separate from Power Turbine)

1) Includes the gas generator and its associated fuel and air supply systems up to their interfaces
with the supply system involved. Includes all associated attached accessories such as burners,
fuel pumps, lube oil and cooling arrangements together with all controls internal to the engine.

2) Excludes control instrumentation for the gas generator - 215.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

215 - Gas Generator Systems, Control and Instrumentation

Includes all controls, manual and automatic, and instruments required in connection with the complete
operation of the gas generator. Includes all consoles and panels used specifically for this equipment
and ‘fluidic’ control piping and valves up to the point of connection to the control system. Sub-Group 22 - Propulsion Units and Control Equipment

a) The term ‘propulsion unit’ is intended to cover equipment installed to deliver exclusively propulsive
power to the propeller shafts. The term ‘control equipment’ is intended to cover the unit control
console and/or system when it is fitted integral with the unit or provided solely for controlling a specific

b) Excludes:

1) Machinery control consoles and associated systems which are fitted to control a variety of
systems and equipment - 42

2) Operating fluids - 872

3) Stowed liquids - 88

220 - Steam Turbines

221 - Gas Turbines

Includes gas generator when an integral part of the unit.

222 - Propulsion Diesel Engines

Includes gear box if integral with engine.

223 - Electric Propulsion Drives

1) Includes all generators that only provide power for propulsion purposes. Also includes any
dedicated convertors that supply the propulsion motors. Also includes:

i) Electric propulsion motors

ii) Interconnecting shaft between twin motors on same shaft

iii) Shaft encoders

iv) Motor bearing jacking system cables, controls and pipework

v) Propulsion motor ventilation fan starters / variable speed drives

vi) Motor bearing lubrication system cables, controls and pipework

vii) Motor Earthing or neutral point cubicles

viii) Propulsion converters including cooling and control cubicles

ix) Propulsion transformers

x) Dynamic braking resistors

xi) Shaft Emergency stop system is separate from other systems

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

xii) Holding down bolts and shock / vibration mounts

2) Excludes:

i) All generators that are linked to an IFEP system which should be included in 300, 301 or

ii) Motors that are in podded propulsors - 241

iii) All cabling - 320

224 - Propulsion Unit Control Equipment

1) Includes control equipment solely for controlling specific propulsion equipment.

2) Excludes multi-purpose control consoles and systems - 421.

225 - Clutches, Gearing, Flexible Couplings and Turning Gear

Includes thrust bearings when integral with gearing and associated local control equipment.

226 - Machinery Space Lifting Gear

1) Includes all lifting pads and special appliances required for the removal of repair by replacement
equipment from the ship.

2) Excludes items forming part of the equipment being lifted.

227 - Insulation

1) Includes all thermal and acoustic insulation for the complete installation/operation of the

2) Excludes any insulation included with the equipment or system. Sub-Group 23 - Main Condensers and Air Ejectors

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 872

2) Stowed liquids - 88

230 - Main Condensers

1) Includes main condensers, valves and cocks.

2) Excludes:

i) Injection scoops and overboard discharges - 175

ii) Main condenser circulating water system - 270

231 - Air Ejectors

Includes air ejectors, valves and cocks.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

232 - Insulation, Lagging and Liners Sub-Group 24 - Shafting, Bearings and Propulsors

Excludes operating fluids - 872.

240 - Shafting

Includes line intermediate and propeller (tail) shafting and thrust shaft if independent of other items,
e.g. gearing, couplings and bolts.

241 - Propulsors Including Thrusters and Activated Rudders

1) Includes all types of propellers: fixed pitch, controllable pitch, contra-rotating, cycloidal, podded
propulsors, waterjets, propeller nuts, fairings, keys, activated rudders, propeller shrouds or
nozzles and pump jets. Also includes propeller pitch/feathering, waterjet and podded propulsor
control systems, all activating equipment and control up to the interface with bridge engine
control link up.

2) For Bow thrusters this includes motors, converters, transformers and dynamic braking resistors.

3) Excludes Agouti special services air system - 536.

4) For podded systems this excludes the control, converter and transformer equipment that is in

242 - Shaft Bearings, Bulkhead Glands, Seals, Etc.

1) Includes line shaft bearings, bulkhead glands/seals, ‘A’ bracket and stern tube bearings, thrust
bearings (if separately mounted), plummer blocks, resonance changers and thrust meters (if
incorporated in bearings) together with control equipment.

2) Excludes:

i) Stern tubes - 174

ii) Shaft brackets - 170

243 - Torsionmeters and Brakes

Includes torsionmeters with all associated equipment including locking devices and shaft brakes, with
control gear up to the interface with the engine control system. Sub-Group 25 - Combustion Air Supply and Exhaust Systems

250 - Supply Fans or Blowers

1) Includes boiler fans/blowers and fans/blowers specifically provided for combustion purposes.

2) Excludes:

i) Fans/blowers included with boiler - 210

ii) Fans/blowers included with diesels - 222

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

251 - Supply System

1) Includes all casings, trunking, fixings, hangers and lagging, from source of air supply to fan eye
and from blower outlet to connection to equipment.

2) Excludes:

i) ventilation air supply - 508

ii) funnel and other structural trunking - 123

252 - Exhaust System

1) Includes inner and outer casings (when not part of ship’s structure) smoke stacks with
associated shapes, forgings, supports, distance pieces, bellows/expansion pieces, silencers,
spark arrester, uptake baffles/deflectors, water traps, hoods, gratings, handrails, ladders and
fans if fitted.

2) Excludes:

i) Uptake trunks which form part of ship’s structure - 123

ii) Lagging - 626 Sub-Group 26 - Steam System

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 872

2) Stowed liquids - 88

3) Auxiliary steam systems - 57

260 - Main Superheated Steam System

Includes all pipes, valves, fittings, insulation and supports.

261 - Auxiliary Superheated Steam System

Includes all pipes, valves, fittings, insulation and supports.

262 - Saturated Steam System

Includes all pipes, valves, fittings, insulation and supports.

263 - Steam Exhaust System

Includes all pipes, valves, fittings, insulation and supports.

264 - Steam Drain System

Includes all pipes, valves, fittings, insulation and supports.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 27 - Circulating and Cooling Water Systems, Feed Water and Condensate

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 872

2) Stowed liquids - 88

270 - Main Circulating Water Systems to Condensers

1) Includes inlet and discharge piping and all main circulating items required to complete the

2) Excludes injection scoop and overboard discharge - 175.

271 - Cooling Water System for Propulsion Units

Includes pumps, valves, fittings, etc. in the cooling water system for the main propulsion equipment
and motors, heat exchangers, lubricating oil coolers, thrust and line shaft stern tube bearings, valve
operating gear, expansion tanks and hand pumps.

272 - Feed Water System for Propulsion Units

Includes boiler feed water, feed transfer and emergency feed transfer system with their associated
main feed pumps, booster feed pumps, feed water heaters, de-aerating feed tanks, oxygen and boiler
water sampling equipment, reserve feed and feed water drain tank piping, oil separators, manifolds,
operating gear, valves, fittings, castings, strainers and hangers, necessary for complete operation.

273 - Condensate System for Propulsion Units

Includes associated extractor pumps, operating gear, piping, valves, fittings, castings, strainers and
hangers, necessary for complete operation of the system. Also includes oily discharge automatic
stopping devices to meet MARPOL regulations. Sub-Group 28 - Fuel Oil Service Systems

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 872

2) Stowed liquids - 88

3) Fuel oil service systems for generators in an IFEP arrangement - 51

280 - Combustion Fuel Oil Service Systems to Propulsion Units

1) Includes all piping, valves, pumps, coolers, purifiers, fittings, meters, heaters, strainers, etc.
which form the fuel oil service system from the service tanks to equipment and recirculating
system when applicable. Includes corresponding harbour service system and fuel oil tanks
when not part of ship’s structure.

2) Excludes piping, valves, pumps for fuel oil transfer system - 510.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 29 - Lubricating Oil Systems

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 872

2) Stowed liquids - 88

3) Lubricating oil systems for generators in an IFEP arrangement - 51

290 - Lubricating Oil System to Propulsion Units

1) Includes main propulsion lubricating oil (turbines and reduction gear, diesels and electrical main
propulsion machinery, main shafting, propulsion clutches, etc.) piping, valves, coolers, pumps,
purifiers, thermometers, flanges, fittings, strainers and heaters.

2) Excludes:

i) Auxiliary lubricating oil system - 581

ii) Aviation lubricating oil system - 556

iii) Integral lubricating oil systems (which are included with equipment served) and
lubricating oil systems for electrical generators which are not exclusively for propulsion
power - 300, 301 or 302

8.2.3 GROUP 3 - Electrical

a) Includes ship’s main and emergency generating and distribution systems and lighting, also cabling
and fittings up to the power distribution equipment - 311, or general service conversion equipment -
312, feeding systems in Groups 2, 4 and 5, or equipment in Group 6.

b) All weights are dry weights, the weights of any associated fluids (operating or stowed) being recorded
in 873 or 88 as appropriate. Sub-Group 30 - Electrical Main Supply Power Generation

a) Includes all electrical generator sets (excluding those used exclusively for propulsion), all auxiliary
electrical and mechanical equipment and fittings, piping and fixings installed exclusively for the
working and control of the generators (including uptakes and downtakes provided specifically for the
generator set). Also includes emergency electrical distribution generators.

b) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 873

2) Stowed liquids - 88

3) Generator sets exclusively for propulsion - 223

4) control equipment forming part of an item in 310

5) Steam piping - 260

300 - Steam Turbine Generator Sets

Includes all associated attached accessories including burners, fuel pumps and cooling arrangements
together with all controls internal to the engine. Generator bearing lubrication systems, cables,
controls and pipework.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

301 - Gas Turbine Generator Sets

Includes all associated attached accessories including burners, fuel pumps and cooling arrangements
together with all controls internal to the engine. Generator bearing lubrication systems, cables,
controls and pipework.

302 - Diesel Generator Sets

Includes all associated attached accessories including fuel pumps and cooling arrangements together
with all controls internal to the engine. Generator bearing lubrication systems, cables, controls and

303 - Shaft Generators

Includes all generators attached to propeller shafts, and units that can act as both a generator and a
propulsion motor. Generator bearing lubrication systems, cables, controls and pipework.

304 - Fuel Cell Generators

Includes associated attached accessories.

305 - Ride Through Power Supply

1) Includes batteries specifically for ride through power as well as other miscellaneous systems.

2) Excludes main electrical storage batteries - 212.

306 - Renewable Technology

1) Includes all renewable sources of power such as solar cells, wind turbines and tidal generators.
Includes any associated attached accessories including any local controls.

2) Excludes:

i) Cabling -320

ii) Distribution equipment -31 Sub-Group 31 - Power Distribution Equipment

310 - Main Supply Equipment

1) Includes main supply switchboards, switchboard control panels, shore supply boxes, ship
alongside connection boxes, generator test facilities and all fixings.

2) Also includes:

i) HV Switchboards encompassing tripping supplies and chargers, circuit breaker removal

trolleys/trucks, power management control panels, arc blast removal trunking or
containment curtains

ii) HV motor starters (excluding bow thrusters) if independent of HV switchboards

iii) Current limiting devices (air cored reactors, superconducting fault current limiters where
not part of switchboard)

iv) LV switchboards

v) Shore connection boxes

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

vi) HV Harmonic filters

vii) LV Harmonic filters

viii) Generator neutral earthing resistors

ix) AVR control cubicles including excitation systems

x) Governor control panels if separate from engines

xi) HV/LV Ship service transformers

xii) HV/LV Static link converters

xiii) LV Power factor correction systems

3) Excludes:

i) Generators - 30

ii) Cabling - 320

311 - Distribution Equipment

1) Includes Electrical Distribution Centres (EDCs), moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB) panels,
air circuit breakers (ACBs), change-over switches (COSs), earth monitoring system and fuse
panels for general ship services and all fixings. Zonal power supply units incorporating energy
storage (flywheels, Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storgage, batteries, capacitors, etc.)

2) Excludes:

i) Power distribution equipment for portable apparatus - 313

ii) Cabling - 320

312 - General Service Conversion Equipment

1) Includes general service conversion equipment which is shared amongst multiple systems:

i) Rotary and static equipment (inc transformers and transformer-rectifiers) installed for
Group 4 and 5 systems and Group 6 services (collectively)

ii) Associated switchboards, distribution panels, control equipment, supply switches, ship
battery, battery charging equipment and all fixings

2) Excludes conversion equipment that is used exclusively for a single system:

i) Equipment fitted exclusively for a Group 2 system (e.g. propulsion battery), Group 4
systems (e.g. degaussing, weapon control), Group 5 systems (e.g. aircraft servicing) or a
Group 6 service (e.g. medical and dental services)

ii) Battery charging for emergency lighting - 331

iii) Cabling - 320

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

313 - Power Distribution Equipment for Portable Apparatus

1) Includes transformers, fuse panels, socket outlets and all fixings.

2) Excludes:

i) Cabling - 320

ii) Portable apparatus - Group 6 Sub-Group 32 - Power Distribution Cabling

320 - Cabling

1) Includes all main supply cables, interconnecting items in Groups 30 and 31, also emergency
supply system cabling, terminals and portable fittings, portable apparatus system cabling and
battery charging system cabling. Also includes cabling between items in Group 30 and Group

2) Excludes Group 4 and 5 systems cabling, and cables connecting Group 6 items to the point of
main supply.

321 - Glands and Cable Support Equipment

Includes bulkhead glands, deck tubes, cable hangers and banding, carrier plate, clips and fixings for
cables in 320. Also includes stowages for the emergency supply system cables. Sub-Group 33 - Lighting Systems

330 - General Lighting Systems

1) Includes all equipment (e.g. transformers, fuse panels) and fittings for general lighting in all
compartments throughout the ship, also associated cables, glands, deck tubes, and fixings.
Also includes darken ship, RAS, magazine and dangerous area lighting.

2) Excludes Group 4 items, e.g. navigation light circuits, signalling projectors, Group 5 items (e.g.
flight deck lighting), Group 6 items, e.g. desk and bunk lights, which will be associated with the
compartment in which they are situated. Also excludes hangar lighting - 558.

331 - Emergency Lighting System

1) Includes all fixed and portable equipment and fittings, emergency lanterns, batteries, battery
charging equipment, switches, cabling, cable supports and glands.

2) Excludes contingency lighting - 333.

332 - Ceremonial Lighting System

Includes all permanent cabling, sockets and switch-gear, all portable cabling and fittings and
associated stanchions and rigging.

333 - Contingency Lighting System

1) Includes all fittings and cabling fitted to supply specific illumination in case of failure of general
lighting, e.g. fluorescent fittings fitted with inverters and supplied via a transformer-rectifier and
floating battery, or lighting fittings fed from a 24V ship’s battery, usually used in Switchboard
Rooms, Ship Control Centres and as gauge panel lights.

2) Excludes emergency lighting - 331.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

8.2.4 GROUP 4 - Control and Communications

a) Includes equipment fitted to transmit and receive information externally and to pass information
internally within the ship, also ship and weapon control systems.

b) Includes all electro-mechanical equipment used exclusively for a particular system in the Sub-Group.
For example, conversion equipment, switchboards and fuse panels fitted exclusively for the system,
control panels, junction boxes, data transmission equipment, amplifiers, loudspeakers, telephones,
stowages, cabling, piping and associated glands and support fittings. Also includes the power supply
cables from the relevant electrical distribution equipment in Group 3 and any main supply switch and
change-over-switch in the circuit.

c) All weights are dry weights, the weight of any associated fluids (operating or stowed) being recorded
in 874 or 88 as appropriate. Definitions of integral, local and remote are given in clause 4.

d) Where associated equipment such as glands are used by multiple groups, the weight of the
associated equipment should be split between the groups that use it. The weight of the associated
equipment should be split in proportion to the weight of the multiple groups using it. Sub-Group 40 - Navigation Systems

a) Includes equipment and electrical distribution systems whose primary function is to navigate, control,
or direct the ship, or to assist in those functions. Also includes electronic navigational systems and
control cabling.

b) Excludes:

1) Navigational systems (e.g. aircraft inertial navigation system (AINS)) or lighting systems
specifically fitted for aircraft handling and servicing - 55

2) Items encompassed by Integrated Platform Management Systems - 429

400 - Gyro and Other Compasses

1) Includes the compass transmission system and re-transmission units and repeaters necessary
for the equipment to perform its intended function. Also includes control cabling and power
cabling from the distribution centre.

2) Excludes supports and seats - 154.

401 - Ship Inertial Navigation System (SINS)

1) Includes the transmission system, control cabinets, control cabling, spare gyros and heating
equipment necessary for the equipment to perform its intended function.

2) Excludes:

i) Supports and seats - 154

ii) AINS equipment - 558

402 - Navigation Aids and Direction Finding Equipment

1) Includes the associated power supplies, panels, amplifiers, antennas, cables, wave guides and
supports, insulation, gaskets, nuts and bolts for position fixing equipment etc.

2) Excludes EW systems - 438, and gate valves.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

403 - Log

Includes all electromagnetic pitot-meter and chernikeef logs, etc. fitted for determining the speed of
the ship. Also includes the cabling associated with this equipment.

404 - Meteorology and Oceanographic Systems

1) Includes environmental prediction systems, sea surface temperature systems, automatic upper
air sounding systems, meteorological instruments and associated cables.

2) Excludes:

i) Systems fitted specifically for the control of aircraft - 558

ii) Bathythermograph - 436

405 - Navigation Radar

1) Includes the antenna, electronic cabinets, wave guides and supports, cabling, power supplies,
dry air system, and any displays not part of a centralised display system. Also includes Helo
Transponders (RRB).

2) Excludes seats and supports - 154.

406 - Viewing Devices

1) Includes closed circuit television system complete with all associated equipment, cabling and
fittings. Periscopes and their attached components, binoculars, and EO surveillance.

2) Excludes:

i) Equipment for entertainment - 414

ii) Periscope trunks - 123

iii) EO fire control - 43 or 7

407 - Chronometers

Includes all precise time and frequency systems, chronometers, clocks, as well as synchronous and
digital clock transmission systems, cabling and equipment.

408 - Plotting and Chart Tables

1) Includes the power supplies, lighting and dimming system when integral with the plotting table,
the chart stowage and miscellaneous navigational instruments such as sextants, dividers,
quadrants, etc.

2) Excludes:

i) When fitted as part of an integrated platform management system - 429

ii) Integrated Navigation Systems - 424

iii) Chart boards, plotting boards or miscellaneous furniture - 655

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

409 - Navigation Lights, Etc.

1) Includes navigation, side, running, anchor, not under control and all steaming lights together
with their associated controls, cabling and switches.

2) Excludes signalling projectors and lamps - 452. Sub-Group 41 - Internal Communications

a) Includes all installations that provide a means for transmitting signals, orders, data and monitoring
impulses from point to point within the ship, e.g. internal telephone network, voice and pneumatic
tubes including voice pipe call up system, compressors and controls, entertainment TV systems,
cabling, engine telegraph and propeller order system. Also includes TV’s/VDU’s for transmission of

b) Excludes:

1) Television systems fitted exclusively for weapon missile surveillance - 43

2) Communications fitted exclusively for aircraft systems - 558

410 - Broadcasts

Includes all loudspeakers, microphones, cabling and fixings, for the transmission of information
throughout the ship.

411 - Internal Telephone Network and Telephones

Includes all telephones, sound powered and dial telephone exchanges including associated cabling.

412 - Sound Reproduction Equipment (SRE)

1) Includes studio equipment, loudspeakers and cabling.

2) Exclude broadcast loudspeakers - 410.

413 - Voice and Pneumatic Tubes

Includes voice tubes, message passing tubes and scuttles and pneumatic tubes. Includes the
compressed air system if used for pneumatic tubes only together with all pertinent components for
complete operation of the system.

414 - Television, Radio and Cinema Equipment

1) Includes motion picture equipment, radio or television receivers, antenna, cabling, fitted
primarily for recreation and entertainment purposes.

2) Excludes EO Offboard Surveillance - 43.

415 - Alarms and Warnings

1) Includes all alarms, buzzers, bells, lamps, horns, indicators, displays, and associated cabling.

2) Excludes:

i) Those integral with an equipment or system, e.g. CBRN warning systems - 416

ii) Fire detection system when fitted as part of an integrated platform management system -

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

416 - Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Warning Systems

1) Includes systems such as ship installed radiac system (SIRS), ship installed chemical system
(SICS), etc., fitted primarily to detect and give warning of CBRN attack and associated cabling.

2) Excludes equipments when fitted as part of an integrated platform management system - 429.

417 - Engine Telegraph and Propeller Orders

Excludes equipments when fitted as part of an integrated platform management system - 429.

418 - Rudder Angle Indicators

Excludes equipments when fitted as part of an integrated platform management system - 429.

419 - Information Systems

1) Includes all computers, networks and related equipment, including peripherals and associated
cabling, not used for weapons or ship control. Also includes stand-alone PCs.

2) Excludes:

i) Weapons control systems - 437

ii) Ship and main machinery systems - 42

iii) Removable data storage - 852

iv) Equipment used exclusively for OASIS - 650

v) Broadcast information system - 410 Sub-Group 42 - Ship and Main Machinery Control Systems

Includes all components that comprise the ship, system and command consoles, together with the operating
system required for control surfaces; in the case of moveable or retractable stabilisers, it also includes the
control surface as an integral part of the system.

420 - Ship Control Console (SCC)

1) Includes bridge and navigation consoles fitted for controlling the speed and movement of the
ship including Dynamic Positioning systems (servers, consoles and sensors). Also includes
cabling associated with the system.

2) Excludes:

i) Ship Control Console when fitted as part of an integrated platform management system -

ii) Integrated Navigation Systems (INS) - 424

421 - Systems Consoles

1) Includes any console and associated cabling, fitted remote from a system, including machinery
control consoles which control a variety of auxiliary systems in addition to the main propulsion

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

2) Excludes:

i) Ship Control Console - 420

ii) Systems control when fitted as part of an integrated platform management system - 429

422 - Command Console

1) Includes a console and its cabling fitted exclusively for the command to exercise control of the

2) Excludes:

i) Command consoles when fitted as part of an integrated platform management system -


ii) Combat system consoles - 43

423 - Rudder Control System

1) Includes the main steering gear, secondary steering gear and all fittings and components
necessary for the complete operation of the system, including the cross-head and associated

2) Excludes

i) The rudders - 160

ii) Rudder control system when fitted as part of an integrated platform management system
- 429

iii) The steering gear seatings and supports - 154

424 - Integrated Navigation Systems

1) Includes any Integrated Navigation System (INS), Navigation Bridge System, Integrated
Navigation Displays and Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information System (WECDIS)
or Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS).

2) Excludes:

i) Integrated Platform Management Systems - 429

ii) Dynamic Positioning systems (servers, consoles and sensors) - 420

425 - Moveable Stabilisers and Control System

1) Includes the stabiliser, shafting, integral framing and supports and the control system with its
associated cabling.

2) Excludes:

i) Fixed stabilisers - 161

ii) Movable stabilisers and control system when fitted as part of an integrated platform
management system - 429

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

426 - Hydrofoil Control System

1) Includes all equipment fitted to control the movement of the hydrofoils including cabling.

2) Excludes:

i) The hydrofoil - 163

ii) Hydrofoil control system when fitted as part of an integrated platform management
system - 429

427 - Tank Stabilisation System (Active and Passive)

1) Includes all control gear, piping, valves and fittings used in roll stabilisation by movement of
liquids between tanks.

2) Excludes:

i) Ballasting, trimming and drainage systems - 524

ii) Stabilising tanks - 165

iii) Tank stabilisation system when fitted as part of an integrated platform management
system - 429

iv) Operating fluids - 874

428 - Machinery Control System

1) Includes all piping, cables, and hangers and supports fittings, etc. connecting the machinery
control console to the systems it controls.

2) Excludes a machinery control console fitted solely for controlling a propulsion unit - Group 2,
and machinery control systems when fitted as part of an integrated platform management
system - 429.

429 - Integrated Platform Management Systems

1) Includes integrated platform management systems (PMS) and their components which may
include machinery control and surveillance (MCAS), damage surveillance and control (DSAC),
electrical power control and management system (EPCAMS) and auxiliary control and
surveillance (ASCS), amongst other items.

2) Excludes:

i) Non-integrated main machinery and ship control systems - 420, 421, 422, 423, 425, 426,
427 and 428

ii) Integrated Navigation Systems - 424 Sub-Group 43 - Weapon Control Systems

Includes all components of the weapon control systems which are not integral or attached to the weapon
mount. Where the control equipment has on-mount and off-mount components, the on-mount equipment is
to be included with the mount and the off-mount equipment herein. Includes the weapon system and
surveillance radar, sonars (including non-structural domes), centralised weapon control systems (computers,
TDHS) and EW equipment. Also includes the cabling associated with the above weapon control systems.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

430 - Surface/Air Weapon Control Systems

Includes all gun and surface to air missile control systems (e.g. tracker or director), launcher control
rooms and mounting/launcher operating equipment when not integral with the mounting/launcher, but
when fitted for a particular weapon system.

431 - Surface/Surface Weapon Control Systems

432 - Surface/Anti-Submarine Weapon Control Systems

Includes deck mounted torpedoes control systems, squid, mortar and depth charge control systems,

433 - Submerged Launched (Non-Air Flight) Systems

434 - Submerged Launched (Air Flight) Systems

435 - Weapon and Surveillance Radars

1) Includes all radars not fitted for a particular weapon system. Includes radar beacons, IFF and
SIF radars with their associated motor generator sets, transformers, consoles, electronic
cabinets, switchboards, bearings, cut out panels, air dryers, amplifiers, simulators, antenna,
ram, cooling arrangements when integral with the system or to the point of attachment to the
supply and return in shared systems, waveguide cables and fittings.

2) Excludes:

i) Seats and supports - 154

ii) Navigation radars - 405

iii) Deployed self propelled surveillance systems - 82

436 - Sonars

1) Includes all active and passive; detection, tracking, classification and attack sonars, acoustic
intercept beacon equipment, underwater acoustic noise level monitors and cavitation indicators.
Includes transducers and hydrophone arrays, the associated sonar dome only when keel
mounted, bathythermographs, towed sonar systems including VDS or towed sonar decoys
(UDS), together with the associated power supplies, cooling, electronic cabinets, winches,
booms, davits, and training mechanism.

2) Excludes:

i) Sonar domes that are an integral part of the hull - 105

ii) Liquids in the dome - 874

iii) Seatings and supports - 154

iv) Self propelled Sonar Systems - 82

v) Sonars that are primarily used for finding mines - 760

437 - Centralised Weapon Control Systems

Includes all Command Systems, including but not limited to ADAWS, DNA, CAAIS, TDHS, AIO, multi
function consoles, computers, together with the associated display equipment, data processing
equipment and automatic data links.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

438 - Electronic Warfare Systems (EW)

1) Includes all active and passive EW radar, radio, laser warning equipment and sonar equipment
with their associated transmitters, receivers, consoles, antenna, coders, decoders, converters,
amplifiers, controls, cables, switches, dipoles, transformers, test sets, waveguides, air spaced
feeder cables and air dryers.

2) Excludes offboard active countermeasures - 770.

439 - Control Systems for Autonomous Craft

Includes shipboard control systems for Unmanned Aerial, Surface and Submersible Vehicles (UXVs). Sub-Group 44 - Ship’s Protective Systems

Includes the components that comprise the protective systems for the ship’s hull, such as degaussing,
cathodic protection, zinc protectors and any associated cabling.

440 - Degaussing System

441 - Cathodic Protection System

Includes Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) systems.

442 - Sacrificial Anodes

Includes zinc protectors and similar.

443 - Shaft Grounding Systems Sub-Group 45 - External Communication Systems

Includes installations which provide means of communicating information to or from the ship, such as radio
systems, underwater telephones, visual signalling equipment, audio signalling equipment, and satellite
communications. Also includes any onboard cabling associated with the systems.

450 - Radio Communication Systems

1) Includes all installations which provide means of communicating information to or from the ship
such as UHF/VHF/HF/MF/LF/VLF and cryptographic systems with their associated power
supplies, portable storage batteries, transformers, rectifiers, transmitters, receivers,
multicouplers, teletypes, converters, antennas, antenna exchange systems, tape cutters,
cables, cable fixings, cable hangers and cooling system.

2) Excludes:

i) Audio and visual entertainment devices - 414

ii) Message handling systems - 419

iii) Satellite communications systems - 454

iv) Data links - 437

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

451 - Underwater Telephones and Echo Sounders

452 - Visual Signalling Equipment

Includes signal flags, flag lockers, hand signalling lamps, signal projectors, searchlights, convoy bulbs
and shapes.

453 - Audio Signalling Equipment

1) Includes sirens (electric and steam), whistles, foghorns, fog gongs, fog bells, loudhailers.

2) Excludes ship’s bell - 604.

454 - Satellite Communication Systems

1) Includes all systems which provide means of communicating information to or from a ship via a
satellite. Includes the antenna, antenna support, cabling, cabin communications, control cabin
structure or engineering cabin structure when fitted as a separate drop-on structure together
with all equipment contained therein, plus additional equipment fitted elsewhere in the ship for
the system.

2) Excludes seatings and supports - 154.

8.2.5 GROUP 5 – Ancillary Systems

a) This Group includes the ancillary systems installed throughout the ship. Each system is to be
complete with all its associated components to make the system operable.

b) Each Group is intended to cover all items as set out below and would automatically include such
common items as lagging (both thermal and acoustic), hangers, common fitting chocks, thermometer
gauges, gauge boards, control equipment, piping, distance pieces, valves, cladding fans, motors,
control gear, trunking and flaps, which are secured, fixed or used in association with the system as
appropriate. Also includes inter-wiring and cables and fixings to the point of main supply (Group 3).

c) All weights are dry weights, the weights of the associated fluids being recorded in 875 or 88 as
appropriate. Sub-Group 50 - Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Refrigeration - Systems and Equipment

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 875

2) Stowed liquids - 88

500 - Air Conditioning Plants

Includes the complete air conditioning plant with its associated compressors, receivers, condensers,
heat exchangers, salt water circulating pumps, motors and expansion tanks.

501 - Chilled and Tepid Water Systems

Includes chilled water circulating pumps, coolers and regulating valves, piping.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

502 - Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation System

1) Includes water heaters, coolers, ATUs, filters (inc CBRN filters), fans and trunking, all within the

2) Excludes:

i) Air conditioning plants - 500

ii) Main machinery spaces - 508

503 - Free Standing Air Conditioning Units and Electrical Space Heaters

1) Includes the self-contained air conditioning unit, support and fittings, electrical space heating
(inc. anti-condensation and winterisation equipment).

2) Excludes:

i) Sea water supply - 525

ii) Condensate drain - 524

504 - Natural Ventilation System

1) Includes all the equipment and fittings that comprise the natural ventilation system, including
louvres and trunking.

2) Excludes:

i) CBRN filters - 502

ii) Main machinery spaces - 508

505 - Refrigeration Plant and Equipment

Includes complete plants and associated equipment such as compressors, condensers, receivers and
circulating pumps. Includes all fittings, fixtures, shelving, troughs, insulation, linings etc. required to
complete the installation ready for working to specified requirements. Includes cold and cool room
fixtures and fittings.

506 - Unallocated

507 - Unallocated

508 - Air Conditioning and Ventilation System In Main Machinery Spaces

1) Includes all fans, trunking, grilles, louvres, deflectors, flaps and valves, fitted for machinery
space ventilation. Includes trunking and air coolers for closed down condition, also plenums,
duct closures, flame arresters, ventilation valves and operating gear.

2) Excludes:

i) Air conditioning plants - 500

ii) CBRN filters - 502

iii) All combustion air supply and exhaust systems -251

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

509 - Smoke Clearance Ventilation

Includes all equipment fitted specifically for the function of smoke clearance. Sub-Group 51 - Fuel Systems (Excluding Aircraft Systems)

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 875

2) Stowed liquids - 88

3) Aircraft fuel systems - 556

510 - Main Fuel Filling, Heating and Transfer Systems

1) Includes the complete fuel oil filling, venting, stowage and transfer systems with their associated
piping, valves, fittings, fixtures, pumps, motors, switches, controllers, cables, gauges, indicators,
overflow, air escapes, spark arresters, sounding tubes and rods. Also includes the fuel heating
systems including coils, piping, manifolds, valves, gauges, thermometers, stripping and sullage
system, and inert gas system.

2) Excludes the weight of fuel oil in tanks - 882.

511 - Auxiliary Fuel Systems

1) Includes fuel oil service systems for generators used for electrical power generation and in an
IFEP arrangement.

2) Excludes fuel oil service systems for generators used exclusively for propulsion power - 28.

512 - Tank Cleaning Systems Sub-Group 52 - Sea and Fresh Water Systems

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 875

2) Stowed liquids - 88

520 - Sea Water System (Including HPSW)

1) Includes all components that comprise the sea water system together with branches for deck
washing, hawse pipe and cable washing, shore supply and domestic services together with
such items as pumps, strainers and valves, from the sea inlet valve up to and including the
discharge fitting.

2) Excludes the fittings that comprise 521, 522, 523, 524, and the emergency supply to 525 and
the first off isolating valve thereto.

521 - Sea Water Fire Fighting System

1) Includes all the associated equipment and fittings that form the system from and including the
isolating valve at the salt water main, up to and including the deck hydrants or discharge fittings
including centre-fed hose reels.

2) Excludes portable Fire Fighting Equipment - 680.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

522 - Flooding and Spraying Systems

1) Includes all associated equipment forming the spraying system wherever fitted, from the lead off
valve at the salt water main to and including the sprinklers at the end of the system. Includes
the components comprising the flooding system, such as flood valves, seacocks and their
control systems, e.g. rod gearing. Also includes flight deck foam monitor facilities. Includes the
cameras, automatic hoses and control systems forming part of intelligent fire fighting and
suppression systems.

2) Excludes:

i) Portable fire fighting equipment - 680

ii) Fresh water spraying systems - 528

523 - Pre-Wetting System

Includes the fittings associated with the pre-wetting system, taken from the lead off valve at the sea
water main to and including the pre-wetting nozzles and their fastenings.

524 - Ballasting, Trimming and Drainage Systems

1) Includes all equipment and fittings associated with ballasting and trimming from the lead off
valve at the sea water main to the tank discharge point. Also includes the drainage
arrangements associated with ballast and trimming tanks, bilges, deck and scupper drains,
including eductors, portable pumps and suction hose couplings.

2) Excludes Active and Passive tank stabilisation systems - 427.

525 - Sea Water/Fresh Water Cooling System

1) Includes all components associated with a sea water cooling system, such as pumps, control
valves, venturi meters, strainers, sea-cocks, etc. together with the emergency supply fittings
taken off the sea water main. Includes all components that comprise the fresh water cooling
system, including heat exchangers.

2) Excludes propulsion cooling system - 271.

526 - Distilling Plant System

Includes the distilling plant, pumps, and associated fittings up to the junction with the transfer and/or
filling line.

527 - Fresh Water System

1) Includes all components comprising the pumping, suction, discharge, filling and transferring
arrangements, together with those of the hot water circuits. Includes fresh water tanks not
integral with the structure, electric water heaters, and piping up to and including the discharge

2) Excludes the distilling plant system - 526.

528 - Fresh Water Spraying Systems

1) Includes all associated equipment forming the fresh water spraying system wherever fitted, from
the lead off valve at the water mist tank to and including the sprinklers at the end of the system.
Includes the components comprising the spraying system and their control systems.

2) Excludes portable fire fighting equipment - 680.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 53 - Air and Gas Systems

Excludes operating fluids - 875.

530 - HP Air System

1) Includes all air systems operating at 10 bar or greater including compressors, air cylinders
(reservoirs), reducing and relief valves, pressure gauge boards, air hoses and air dryers,
necessary to complete the system ready for working.

2) Excludes piping to pneumatic tubes, diesel starting, compressors integral with armament
system or independent compressors integral with other systems.

531 - LP Air System

1) Includes all items as shown for HP air system which operate at less than 10 bar. If cross
connected to the HP system, the stop valve, reducing valve and dryers required for the cross
connection shall be added to the LP air system.

2) Exclude control air systems - 533.

532 - Breathing Air Systems

As shown for HP air system. If cross connected to another system, includes stop valves, piping,
reducing and relief valves and special breathing air filtration media, required to complete the system
for safe inhalation by personnel.

533 - Control Air Systems

Includes all items up to the point of connection with the component control system, i.e. compressors,
filters, reservoirs, pressure reducing air dryers and stop valves. If cross connected to other air
systems, includes stop valves, reducing valves, dryers, relief valves, etc.

534 - Salvage Air Systems

Includes the salvage air system with associated equipment, fittings and operating gear. Also includes
all equipment associated with the recovery of sunken vessels, etc. by pumping air to give buoyancy.

535 - Recompression Chambers

Includes the recompression chamber together with its equipment and fittings necessary to make the
system operable.

536 - Special Services Air System

Includes Agouti and Masker air systems.

537 - Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems

1) Includes gas cylinders, reservoirs, pressure gauges and all other associated equipment
necessary to complete the system.

2) Excludes portable CO2 and other gas extinguishers - 680.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 54 - Hydraulic Systems (Excluding Aircraft Systems)

540 - Hydraulic Systems

1) Includes the components that comprise the hydraulic system from filling connection to the
junction with the control system served.

2) Excludes the control system such as for rudders - 423, stabilisers - 425, and aircraft hydraulic
systems - 556. Stand alone hydraulic equipment with its own power packs should have the
weight of the hydraulics included as part of the equipment with which it operates. Sub-Group 55 - Aircraft Systems

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 875

2) Stowed liquids - 88

3) Main hangar doors - 114

b) If any of the equipment included here is used for both UXVs and manned vehicles then the weight
should be included in the group that best describes the primary purpose of the equipment and
comments included to highlight this to future users (see clause 8.1- General Principle). For UXVs this
means Sub-Group 79.

550 - Unallocated

551 - Aircraft Handling Systems

1) Includes flight deck and hangar aircraft handling equipment, e.g. winches, aircraft crane, mobile
handling equipment (e.g. tractor), hold back gear, hold down fittings and portable equipment
(e.g. hoists, jacks, staging, ladders, strops, chocks). Also includes Harpoon grid and link plates.

2) Excludes:

i) Aircraft repair and servicing equipment in hangar - 664

ii) Portable lifting equipment for general use - 693

iii) Lifts - 552

iv) Arresting gear and barriers - 553

v) Catapults and blast deflectors - 554

vi) Dedicated equipment for unmanned vehicles - 79

552 - Aircraft Lifts

Includes all the structural, mechanical, electrical and hydraulic systems associated with aircraft lifts,
including operating gear, platforms, stanchions, stops and keeps, guides and seals.

553 - Arresting Gear and Barriers

Includes the complete aircraft arresting gear and barriers with their associated wire supports, cross
deck pendants, sheaves, controls, accumulators, piping and operating gear.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

554 - Catapults and Jet Blast Deflectors

1) Includes retracting and tensioning engine, jet blast deflectors and the catapult trough heating
system, together with their associated components and fittings. Also includes Electromagnetic
launch systems EMKIT or EMCAT which include track, reaction plate, linear motors, pulse
forming converters, energy storage, primary conversion, control system, control panels,
encoders and sensors systems.

2) Excludes the catapult trough - 130.

555 - Aircraft Gas Producing Systems

Includes all systems for producing liquid or gaseous oxygen or nitrogen, used in aircraft, and air and
gas systems specifically for aircraft servicing, including mobile trolleys. Includes bottles and tanks (if
not part of main structure).

556 - Aircraft Liquid Systems

Includes fuel, hydraulic, water and lubricating oil systems and equipment specifically for aircraft;
includes pumps, filters, valves, tanks (if not part of main structure), hose reels and mobile trolleys.

557 - Unallocated

558 - Aircraft Electrical Systems

Includes all electrical items, including cables and cable reels, for aircraft workshops supply system,
aircraft starting/servicing system, air weapons test and maintenance system, flight deck magnetic loop,
hangar and flight deck lighting and mobile starting and servicing trolleys, shipborne AINS equipment,
wind speed and direction system and communications systems used exclusively for aircraft. Sub-Group 56 - Waste Disposal Systems

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 875

2) Stowed liquids - 88

560 - Sewage Disposal Systems

Includes the sewage treatment plants together with all associated fittings, piping, valves, etc. from the
interface with the compartment fitting served, to and including the overboard discharge valve (i.e. soil
pipes only).

561 - Waste Water Disposal System

Includes piping, valves and associated fittings required for the disposal of waste water, from the
interface with the compartment fitting served, to the interface with the final collection chamber of the
sewage plant or to and including the overboard discharge fitting.

562 - Garbage Disposal System

1) Includes incinerators, compactors or any other mechanical means of disposal together with
associated equipment and fittings.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

2) Excludes:

i) Sea water flushing arrangements - 520

ii) Stored garbage - 849

iii) Garbage grinders in galleys - 660

563 - Oil Slick Dispersal System Sub-Group 57 - Auxiliary Steam, Exhaust Steam and Steam Drain Systems

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 875

2) Stowed liquids - 88

570 - Auxiliary Steam Generators and Systems

1) Includes auxiliary steam generators and system components required for supplying steam, up
to the appliance, for such requirements as heating and cooking purposes. Includes condensate
drains, fittings, pumps and feed tanks, uptakes and downtakes, where such items are not part of
ship structure.

2) Excludes uptakes and downtakes that are part of the ship structure - 123.

571 - Exhaust Steam Systems

Includes exhaust steam piping, valves, fittings, insulation and supports to all hull and machinery
auxiliaries. Sub-Group 58 - Lubricating Oil Systems

a) Excludes:

1) Operating fluids - 875

2) Stowed liquids - 884

3) Propulsion unit lubrication - 290

4) Aircraft liquid systems - 556

580 - Main Lubricating Oil Filling and Transfer System

1) Excludes:

i) Weight of lubricating oil in system - 875

ii) Weight of lubricating oil in tanks - 884

iii) Lubricating oil system to propulsion units - 290

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

581 - Auxiliary Lubricating Oil Systems

1) Includes lubricating oil systems for generators used for electrical power generation and in an
IFEP arrangement.

2) Excludes fuel oil service systems for generators used exclusively for propulsion power - 29.
Also Excludes:

i) Weight of lubricating oil in system - 875

ii) Weight of lubricating oil in tanks - 884

iii) Main lubricating oil system - 290

iv) Aircraft lubricating oil system - 556

8.2.6 GROUP 6 - Outfit and Furnishings

a) This Group includes all outfit equipment such as ship’s boats, life saving gear, lifting gear and
furnishings to offices, living spaces, galleys, laundries and workshops. Also includes bunk lights and
amenity sockets fitted in the compartments listed, cabling to the point of electrical supply (Group 3
item) and associated glands and fittings.

b) All weights are dry weights, the weights of the associated fluids being recorded in 876 or 88 as

c) All pumps and piping which are used exclusively for individual items in Group 6, should be included
with the weight of the item with which they are associated. Sub-Group 60 - General Fittings

600 - Anchors, Cables, Winches, Bollards, Fairleads, Cleats, Etc.

Includes anchor and deck machinery (when not associated with a system in another Group) with their
motors, operating gear and associated components. It includes such components as anchors, chains,
cables, winches, and capstans. Also included are deck and bulkhead fixtures required for mooring,
warping and towing, such as bitts, bollards, fairleads, cleats, eyeplates, mooring rings and stoppers.

601 - Guard-Rails, Stanchions, Rigging, Awnings, Etc.

1) Includes stanchions, handrails, wires, rails, chains, blocks, booms, bottle screws, running and
standing rigging, fittings for miscellaneous masts, spars, hoists, and halyards. Also includes all
canvas covers, awnings, tarpaulin, safety nets, flight deck safety nets, jack staffs, ensign staffs
of timber, steel or aluminium alloy, together with the heel fittings and fastenings.

2) Excludes rigging that serves a special distinct system, e.g. stores handling - 691.

602 - Ladders and Fittings

1) Includes vertical and inclined ladders, accommodation, Jacobs and pilot ladders together with
rungs, rails, screens, fittings, machinery and rigging used in handling and stowing moveable
ladders. Also includes brows.

2) Excludes those items intended to be used solely for escape purposes - 683.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

603 – Non-Structural Walkways

1) Includes steel and non-steel false floors, fixed and portable gratings.

2) Excludes:

i) Structural walkways - 115

ii) False decks in superstructure - 112

iii) Store room gratings - 630 and 631

iv) Cold storage gratings - 631

v) Bathroom gratings - 642

604 - Miscellaneous Fittings

Includes items such as ship’s bell, nameplate, ceremonial items, draught marks and eyebolts not in a
specific weight Group. Sub-Group 61 - Boats and Lifesaving Equipment

610 - Powered and Non-Powered Boats

1) Includes boats for ship safety and general purpose use, including the following: motor boats,
fast rescue craft, launches, whalers, cutters, workboats, rigid inflatable boats (RIBs), inflatable
boats, pulling and sailing cutters, dinghies and lifeboats together with all associated fittings and

2) Excludes:

i) EMF Craft - 833

ii) Liferafts - 612

iii) Unmanned Surface Vehicles - 823

611 - Davits and Handling Equipment for Boats

1) Includes davits, winches, blocks, chocks, cradles, rigging, local control systems, spares and
sheaves used for the handling of powered, non-powered, manned boats. Also includes upper
deck fuel stowages for boats.

2) Excludes:

i) Handling and local control systems for unmanned boats - 79

ii) Fuel stored in upper deck fuel stowages - 876

3) If any of the equipment included here is used for both UXVs and manned vehicles then the
weight should be included in the group that best describes the primary purpose of the
equipment and comments included to highlight this to future users.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

612 - Liferafts, Lifejackets, Stowages, Floats, Etc.

1) Includes liferaft, lifejacket, escape chutes, survival suit packs, floats and all other life saving
equipment together with their stowages and fittings.

2) Excludes lifeboats - 610. Sub-Group 62 - Minor Bulkheads, Partitions, Deck and Bulkhead Coverings in the Main Hull

Note that to allow for the emerging use of modular build strategies for accommodation areas, a new 3-digit
group has been introduced (628). Where modular accommodation is used, this 3-digit should be used in
place of the traditional breakdown within sub-group 62.

620 - Minor Bulkheads and Doors

1) Includes plating, stiffening, doors and fittings (including the metal grounds), of non-steel non-
structural bulkheads installed for the purpose of creating compartments. Also includes doors
and minor bulkheads constructed from fire resistant materials.

2) Excludes:

i) If fitted in the superstructure - 670

ii) Minor bulkheads made of steel - 122

iii) Minor bulkheads that form part of modular accommodation construction - 628

621 - Partitions and Linings

1) Includes partitions and fittings, together with linings, battens and fastenings, deckhead tiles and
adhesives, as used throughout the ship for sub-division and decorative purposes. Also includes
partitions and linings that are made of fire resistant materials and darken ship facilities such as
curtains and scuttle closing plates.

2) Excludes:

i) If fitted in the superstructure - 671

ii) Thermal insulation - 626

iii) Fire curtains - 680

iv) Partitions and linings that form part of modular accommodation - 628

622 - External and Internal Paint

1) Includes the painting of all surfaces, spaces, tanks, and equipment with coatings of paint, cork,
zinc spraying, cement washes, epoxy paints, bituminous and zinc dust solutions, or any other
coatings used on/in the main hull together with nameplates. Also includes fire resistant paint.

2) Excludes:

i) Paint stores, which come under variable load - 854

ii) Nameplates included in 604

iii) If applied in/on the superstructure - 672

iv) Coatings applied to modular accommodation - 628

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

623 - Deck Coverings

1) Includes wood deck coverings, carpets, ceramics, rubberised compositions, and epoxy resins,
however these materials are laid, together with bondings, fastenings and reinforcements. Also
includes fire resistant deck coverings.

2) Excludes:

i) If fitted in the superstructure - 673

ii) Main deck planking - 130

iii) Carpets included in 640 and 641

iv) Deck coverings in modular accommodation - 628

624 - Deck Treads and Tread Plates

1) Includes mild steel, aluminium alloy and abrasive tread plates and strips.

2) Excludes:

i) If fitted in the superstructure - 674

ii) If fitted as part of modular accommodation - 628

625 - Acoustic Insulation

1) Includes all material fitted specifically and only for acoustic insulation and/or absorption on all
compartment boundaries (including deck boundaries e.g. floating floors) together with all

2) Excludes:

i) If fitted in the superstructure - 675

ii) Material and fastenings fitted for combined thermal and acoustic purposes - 626

iii) Deckhead tiles - 621

iv) Propulsion units - 227

v) Acoustic insulation fitted as part of modular accommodation - 628

626 - Thermal, Thermal/Acoustic Insulation

1) Includes all material fitted for either thermal or combined thermal/acoustic purposes on all
compartment boundaries (including deck boundaries) together with all fastenings.

2) Excludes:

i) If fitted in the superstructure - 676

ii) Material and fastenings used specifically for acoustic insulation - 625

iii) Propulsion unit insulation - 227

iv) Insulation, lagging and liners for main condensers and air ejectors - 232

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

v) Pipe and ventilation trunk lagging which is included with the system - which should be
included in the weight group for that system.

vi) If fitted as part of modular accommodation - 628

627 - Deck, Bulkhead and Hull Damping

1) Includes all hull, deck and bulkhead damping material, plates and fastenings, e.g. in way of
sonar compartments.

2) Excluded where fitted as part of modular accommodation - 628.

628 - Modular Accommodation

1) Includes all the items within the module i.e. structure, linings, fittings and furnishings, including
those items that would historically have been split between sub-sub-groups 620-627.

2) Excludes modular accommodation in the superstructure - 678. Sub-Group 63 - Furnishings and Fittings in Storerooms and Stowages

Excludes Stores and Spares - Group 8.

630 - Furnishings and Fittings in Named General Stores

1) Includes all furnishings and fittings for naval storerooms, such as cupboards, cabinets, bins,
racks, shelves, battens, gratings and securing fittings.

2) Excludes

i) Stores handling equipment - 691

ii) Magazines - 70

631 - Furnishings and Fittings in Victualling Stores (Including Medical and NAAFI/Canteen

1) Includes all furnishings and fittings for provision and clothing storerooms as listed in Group 84
such as cupboards, cabinets, bins, racks, shelves, battens, gratings and securing fittings.

2) Excludes stores handling equipment - 691.

632 - Spare Gear Stowages throughout the Ship

1) Includes all spare gear stowages and lockers (e.g. part ship’s lockers) and fixings and

2) Excludes issue rooms and tool and gear lockers integral with workshops - 66.

633 - Furnishings and Fittings in All Other Stores

1) Includes furnishings and fittings in Hawser, Bosuns, Paint, Inflammables, Gunners, TAS, Deck
and Boat Stores, CBRN, Diving gear etc.

2) Excludes:

i) Furnishings and fittings in 630, 631, 632, 640, 641 and 642

ii) Magazines - 70

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 64 - Furnishings for Living Spaces

640 - Furnishings for Officers’ Accommodation

1) Includes furnishings and fittings for all living, berthing and messing spaces associated with
officers’ accommodation, such as carpets, bunks, bunk lights, chairs, lockers, mirrors, wash
basins and wash basin lighting.

2) Excludes:

i) Compartment linings - 621

ii) Deck and deckhead tiles - 623 and 621

iii) Hot and cold water supply piping and taps - 527

iv) Drains - 561

v) Computers - 419

vi) Fixed lighting - 330

vii) Modular accommodation - 628 (in main hull) or 678 (in superstructure)

641 - Furnishings for Crew’s Accommodation

As for 640.

642 - Furnishings for Heads and Bathrooms

1) Includes wash basins, splash backs, gratings, toilet trays, mirrors, power points, towel rails,
clothes racks, paper towel dispensers, waste bins, baths, and WC pans.

2) Excludes:

i) Partitions and linings - 621(Hull) and 671(Superstructure)

ii) Hot and cold water supply piping, taps, shower heads - 527

iii) Waste water piping - 561

iv) Fixed lighting - 330

643 - Furnishings for Aviation Crew Accommodation

As for - 640.

644 - Furnishings for Embarked Forces/Trainees Accommodation

As for - 640. Sub-Group 65 - Furnishings for Offices, Medical Spaces, Etc.

1) Includes such items as desks, chairs, tables, cabinets, lockers and safes, together with their
fastenings and fittings.

2) Excludes furnishings for all spaces in 63, 64 and 66.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

650 - Furnishings for Offices (Excluding Air Offices - 657)

1) Includes typewriters, stores management information systems (OASIS) equipment and other
office machines and equipment fitted in Technical, Ship and Flag Administration (SAFA),
Accountancy, NAAFI, and Regulating Offices etc.

2) Excludes:

i) Computers and related equipment not used solely for OASIS - 419

ii) All items in air offices - 657

651 - Furnishings for Sick Bay and Dental Surgeries

1) Includes sinks, sterilisers, dental and medical chairs, x-ray equipment, etc. associated with the
sick bay complex and dental surgeries.

2) Excludes medical stores - 846.

652 - Furnishings for Operating Theatres

1) As for sick bays - 651.

2) Excludes medical stores - 846.

653 - First-Aid Equipment throughout the Ship

1) Includes first-aid posts and boxes together with their fastenings and fittings.

2) Excludes medical stores - 846.

654 - Furnishings for Health Physics Laboratory

Includes sinks and benches, together with all laboratory furnishings.

655 - Furnishings for Operational Rooms and Spaces

1) Includes chairs, cabinets, lockers, display boards, tables, plotting boards, tote boards, fitted in
Radio/Radar Rooms/Offices, Operations Rooms, Chart Rooms, Gyro Rooms, Bridge and
Damage Control Spaces etc.

2) Excludes items fitted as part of a separate system or equipment.

656 - Furnishings for Amenity Spaces

Includes all furnishings in amenity spaces including tailor’s shop, barber’s shop, church or chapel,
internet access space, classroom, gym and library.

657 - Furnishings for Air Offices

1) Includes typewriters and other office machines and equipment fitted in Air, Air Operations, Air
Intelligence and Air Photography Offices. Includes furnishings in Flying Clothes Lockers.

2) Excludes information systems and standalone PCs - 419.

658 - Furnishings for Lobbies and Passageways

Includes notice boards, whereabouts diagrams, compartment tally plates and coat-hooks.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 66 - Equipment for Galleys, Laundries and Work Shops

Includes utility spaces.

660 - Equipment for Galleys, Pantries and Other Food Preparation Spaces

1) Includes heating, cooking, preparing, washing and drying machines, hummer call circuits
(pantries) and all other items of equipment, together with all furnishings and fittings such as
sinks and garbage grinders, work tops, cupboards and stowages.

2) Excludes:

i) Supply piping and taps for hot and cold fresh water - 527

ii) Steam piping up to interface with equipment - 570

iii) Crockery, cutlery, pots, pans - 841

iv) Lifts for food - 692

v) Waste water pipes - 561

661 - Water Coolers, Domestic Refrigerators, Ice Cream Machines, Etc.

Includes ice cream freezers and hardening cabinets, together with water coolers, refrigerators and
syrup cabinets.

662 - Equipment for Laundry and Drying Rooms

Includes equipment such as washing machines, dryers, presses, hand irons and fittings together with
work tables, racks and counters.

663 - Equipment for Workshops and Repair Spaces

1) Includes the equipment, machinery, pumps, assembly stands, work benches, bins, and racks,
for work and repair spaces. Includes electrical test equipment.

2) Excludes:

i) Piping and fittings laid on for air, water, nitrogen, vacuum, and hydraulic systems which
are included with the appropriate system - 55

ii) Aircraft workshop equipment included in 558 or 664

664 - Equipment for Air Workshops and Repair Spaces

1) Includes all equipment, assembly stands, work benches, and racks, for all aircraft repair and
servicing areas (inc hangar).

2) Excludes:

i) Piping and fittings laid on for air, water, nitrogen, vacuum and hydraulic systems which
are included with the appropriate system - 55

ii) Aircraft Electrical Systems, including aircraft starting and servicing trolleys - 558

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 67 - Minor Bulkheads, Partitions, Deck and Bulkhead Coverings in the

Note that to allow for the emerging use of modular build strategies for accommodation areas, a new 3-digit
group has been introduced (678). Where modular accommodation is used, this 3-digit should be used in
place of the traditional breakdown in within sub-group 67.

670 - Minor Bulkheads and Doors

1) Includes plating, stiffening, doors and fittings (including the metal grounds), of non-steel non-
structural bulkheads installed for the purpose of creating compartments. Includes doors and
minor bulkheads constructed from fire resistant materials.

2) Excludes:

i) If fitted in the Main hull - 620

ii) Minor bulkheads made of steel - 113

iii) Minor bulkheads that form part of modular accommodation construction - 678

671 - Partitions and Linings

1) Includes partitions and fittings, together with linings battens and fastenings, deckhead tiles and
adhesives as used throughout the superstructure for subdivision and decorative purposes. Also
includes partitions and linings that are made of fire resistant materials and darken ship facilities
such as curtains and scuttle closing plates.

2) Excludes:

i) If fitted in the main hull - 621

ii) Thermal insulation - 676

iii) Fire curtains - 680

iv) Partitions and linings that form part of modular accommodation - 678

672 - External and Internal Paint

1) Includes the painting of all surfaces, spaces, tanks, and equipment with coatings of paint, cork,
zinc spraying, cement washes, epoxy paints, bituminous and zinc dust solutions, or any other
coatings used on the superstructure together with nameplates. Also includes fire resistant

2) Excludes:

i) If applied in/on the main hull - 622

ii) Other miscellaneous items in 604

iii) Coatings applied to modular accommodation - 678

673 - Deck Coverings

1) Includes wood deck coverings, carpets, ceramics, rubberised compositions, and epoxy resins,
however these materials are laid, together with bondings, fastenings and reinforcements. Also
includes fire resistant deck coverings.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

2) Excludes:

i) If fitted in the main hull - 623

ii) Main deck planking - 130

iii) Carpets included in 640 and 641

iv) Deck coverings in modular accommodation - 678

674 - Deck Treads and Tread Plates

1) Includes mild steel, aluminium alloy and abrasive tread plates and strips.

2) Excludes:

i) If fitted in main hull - 624

ii) If fitted as part of modular accommodation - 678

675 - Acoustic Insulation

1) Includes all material fitted specifically and only for acoustic insulation and/or absorption on all
compartment boundaries (including deck boundaries e.g. floating floors) together with all

2) Excludes:

i) If fitted in the main hull - 625

ii) Material and fastenings fitted for thermal/acoustic purposes - 676

iii) Decorative deckhead tiles - 671

iv) Acoustic insulation fitted as part of modular accommodation - 678

676 - Thermal, Thermal/Acoustic Insulation

1) Includes all material fitted for either thermal or combined thermal/acoustic purposes on all
compartment boundaries (including deck boundaries) together with all fastenings.

2) Excludes:

i) If fitted in the main hull - 626

ii) Materials and fastenings used specifically for acoustic insulation - 675

iii) Propulsion unit insulation - 227

iv) Insulation, lagging and liners for main condensers and air ejectors - 232

v) Pipe and ventilation trunk lagging which is included with the system - which should be
included in the weight group for that system.

vi) If fitted as part of modular accommodation - 678

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

677 - Unallocated

678 - Modular Accommodation

1) Includes all the items within the module i.e. structure, linings, fittings and furnishings, including
those items that would historically have been split between sub-sub-groups 670-676.

2) Excludes modular accommodation in the hull - 628 Sub-Group 68 - Portable Fire Fighting, Damage Control, CBRN, and Escape Equipment

680 - Portable Fire Fighting Equipment

1) Includes CO2 bottles, extinguishers, foam branch pipes, spray jet nozzles, hoses, drums of foam
compound, portable racks and fittings. Includes fire curtains both in the aircraft hangar and
elsewhere onboard.

2) Excludes:

i) Sea water fire fighting system - 521

ii) Flooding and spraying systems - 522

iii) Gas fire extinguishing systems - 537

iv) Centre-fed hose reel - 521

681 - Damage Control Equipment

Includes breathing apparatus and smoke masks, lifelines and guidelines, protective clothing and leak
stopping equipment such as shores, wedges and splinter boxes.

682 - CBRN Equipment

1) Includes respirators and gas cutting equipment haversacks, protective clothing,

decontamination suits.

2) Excludes:

i) Associated communication system - 411

ii) Air filtration units (filters and fans) - 502

683 - Escape Equipment

1) Includes escape ladders, torches and any other equipment, fixed or portable used specifically
for escaping from within the ship.

2) Excludes:

i) Escape hatches and scuttles - 142

ii) Protective clothing in 681 and 682

iii) Liferafts, lifejackets and floats - 612

iv) Emergency lanterns - 331

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2 Sub-Group 69 - Load Handling and RAS Equipment

690 - RAS Mast Highpoints and Tripods

1) Includes the structural, mechanical and electrical components that make up the replenishment
at sea delivering and receiving stations, winches, tensioning devices, fuelling hose, rigging and
fittings such as distance lines and line passing gear.

2) Excludes seats - 156.

691 - Stores Handling and RAS Strike Down Equipment

1) Includes roller conveyors, fixed and portable tracks, chutes, sliding boxes, skip boxes, trolleys,
and storing rigging.

2) Excludes main hull or superstructure structure - 10 or 11.

692 - Cranes, Lifts and Other Non-Portable Lifting Appliances

1) Includes cranes, elevators, lifts, vehicle retrieval winches, booms and derricks together with all
associated operating gear and safety equipment.

2) Excludes:

i) Aircraft crane - 551

ii) Aircraft lifts - 552

iii) Weapons lifts - 701

iv) Portable appliances - 693

v) Boat handling equipment - 611

vi) Seats - 156

693 - Portable Lifting Equipment

1) Includes fork lift trucks and pallet trucks, mechanical or manual hoists and turning equipment
together with their associated operating gear.

2) Excludes aircraft handling equipment - 551.

8.2.7 GROUP 7 - Armament

a) This Group includes all types of armament, armament launching, firing, handling and stowage
arrangements together with their controls, operating gear and fittings. Also includes protection
arrangements when not an integral part of the ship’s structure. For convenience all guns (including
saluting guns) are included in Group 78, and deck launched torpedo tubes included in 72.

b) All weights are dry weights, the weight of any associated fluids being recorded in 877 or 88 as

c) This Group excludes the weapon control system - 43 (unless integral with mount), the ammunition -
81, and any other items of variable load. Also excludes any protection arrangements which are an
integral part of the ship’s structure - 104, 107, 116, 117, 124, 125, 132 and 133.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

d) Multi-use launchers must be included in the group which best describe their primary function, this
simplification must be documented in detail in the notes accompanying the weight breakdown so the
approach taken is evident to subsequent users (See clause 8.1-General Principle). Sub-Group 70 - Surface/Air Missile Armament

a) Includes Surface/Air missile systems.

Note prior to Issue 2 of this Def Stan this Sub-Group included guns. These have now been separated
out to Sub Group 78.

b) Excludes:

1) Guns - 78

2) Ammunition - 81

700 - Mountings and Launchers

1) Includes the mountings and launching devices with their associated systems, hoists and
operating gear. Includes guidance equipment when integral with mount. Includes single use

2) Excludes weapon control system not integral with mount - 430 or 435.

701 - Missile Handling Systems

Includes hoists, conveyors and all handling equipment required for the movement of missiles from the
stowage position to the loading position, when such equipment is not integral with the mount.

702 - Missile Stowages

Includes racks, bins, shelves and all other equipment and fittings required for the stowage of missiles
in magazines, around mounts and in ready use rooms. Sub-Group 71 - Surface/Surface Missile Armament

a) Excludes:

1) Guns - 78

2) Ammunition - 81

710 - Mountings and Launchers

1) Includes the mountings and launching devices with their associated systems, hoists and
operating gear. Includes guidance equipment when integral with mount. Includes single use

2) Excludes weapon control system not integral with mount - 431 or 435;

711 - Missile Handling System

1) Includes hoists, conveyors and all handling equipment required for the movement of missiles
from the stowage position to the loading position, when such equipment is not integral with the

2) Excludes weapon lifts - 701.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

712 - Missile Stowages

Includes racks, bins, shelves and all other equipment and fittings required for the stowage of missiles
in magazines, around mounts and in ready use rooms. Sub-Group 72 - Anti-Submarine Armament

a) Excludes:

1) Guns - 78

2) Ammunition - 81

3) Air Launched Armament - 75

720 - Mountings and Launchers

1) Includes torpedo tubes and mounts, mortars, mounts and launchers together with their
associated systems, equipment and fittings. Includes guidance equipment when integral with
mount. Includes single use VLS.

2) Excludes weapon control system when not integral with mount - 432 or 435.

721 - Ammunition and Missile Handling Systems

1) Includes hoists, conveyors and all handling equipment required for the movement of the
ammunition or missiles from the stowed position to the loading position, when such equipment
is not integral with the mount.

2) Excludes weapon lifts - 701.

722 - Weapon Stowages

Includes racks, shelves and all other equipment and fittings required for the stowage of torpedoes, in
magazines, around mounts and in ready use rooms. Sub-Group 73 - Submerged Launched (Non-Air Flight) Armament

730 - Mountings and Launchers

1) Includes torpedo tube mounts and launchers together with the systems, operating gear and all
associated equipment required for launching, when integral with mount.

2) Excludes:

i) Weapon control system when not integral with mount - 433 or 435

ii) Ammunition - 81

731 - Weapon Handling System

1) Includes the equipment and installations required for handling torpedoes such as hoists,
hydraulically operated rammers and power loading equipment, when not integral with the

2) Excludes weapon lifts - 701.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

732 - Weapon Stowages

Includes the stowage arrangements required for torpedoes such as fixed and portable beams, racks,
bins, shelves and battens. Sub-Group 74 - Submerged Launched (Air Flight) Armament

740 - Mountings and Launchers

1) Includes missile mountings and launching devices together with their associated systems,
hoists and operating gear, when integral with the mount.

2) Excludes:

i) Weapon control system when not integral with mount - 434 or 435

ii) Ammunition - 81

741 - Weapon Handling System

1) Includes the equipment and installations required for handling the missiles, when not integral
with the mount.

2) Excludes weapon lifts - 701.

742 - Weapon Stowages

Includes the arrangements required for stowing the missiles. Sub-Group 75 - Air Launched Armament

750 - Weapon Handling Systems

1) Includes the equipment and installations required for handling torpedoes, bombs, missiles and
depth charges launched from aircraft.

2) Excludes:

i) Weapon lifts - 701

ii) Ammunition - 81

751 - Weapon Stowages

Includes racks, shelves, lino and lockers, required for the stowage of all air launched weapons. Sub-Group 76 - Minehunting, Minelaying and Minesweeping Equipment

Excludes ammunition - 81.

760 - Minehunting Equipment

1) Includes all the minehunting equipment, installation and fittings necessary for detection
purposes. Includes remotely deployed minehunting and disposal systems.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

2) Excludes:

i) Sonar systems not used primarily for the detection of mines - self propelled - 82, towed
or integrated with the hull - 436

ii) Deployed vehicles that are not primarily for the purpose of the hunting and disposal of
mines - 82

761 - Minelaying Equipment

Includes the equipment and fittings required for the stowage and laying of mines.

762 - Minesweeping Equipment

Includes the equipment and fittings required for the stowage and use of wire, magnetic and acoustic
sweeps. Sub-Group 77 - Rocket Launchers, Small Arms and Pyrotechnics Stowages and Launchers

a) Excludes:

1) Pyrotechnics, rockets, weapons, etc. carried by aircraft - 815

2) Ammunition - 81

770 - Rocket Flare and Decoy Launchers

1) Includes rocket flare launchers, block stowages with fixed and portable battens, chocks and
fittings. Includes offboard active countermeasures.

2) Excludes rockets and ammunition - 81.

771 - Small Arms Stowage

1) Includes gun racks, pistol boards, small arms lockers, shelves with fixed and portable retaining
battens and fittings.

2) Excludes: ammunition and small arms - 817,

772 - Pyrotechnics Stowage

1) Includes stowage equipment for smoke and distress signals together with fixed and portable
retaining battens and fittings.

2) Excludes pyrotechnics - 817. Sub-Group 78 - Gun Armament

a) Includes all guns, e.g. Surface/Surface, Surface/Air, and Saluting.

b) Excludes ammunition - 81.

780 - Mountings

1) Includes all the equipment, systems and fittings that comprise the guns and gun mounts,
together with ammunition hoists and operating gear when an integral part of the mount.
Includes guidance equipment when integral with the mount.

2) Excludes weapon control system not integral with mount - 430 or 435.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

781 - Ammunition Handling Systems

Includes gun ammunition lifts and hoists together with controls, operating gear and all other handling
equipment and fittings, when not integral with the mount.

782 - Ammunition Stowages

Includes racks, bins, shelves and all other equipment and fittings required for the stowage of
ammunition in magazines, around mounts, in ready use rooms and in immediate service ammunition
boxes. Sub-Group 79 - Unmanned Aerial, Surface and Submersible Vehicles (UXVs) Support

a) Includes any stowage equipment, launching and retrieval equipment together with their associated
systems, equipment and fittings. Includes guidance equipment when integral with the mount. If any of
the equipment included here is used for both UXVs and manned vehicles then the weight should be
included in the group that best describes the primary purpose of the equipment and comments
included to highlight this to future users (see Section 8.1 - General Principle).

b) Excludes UXV control systems - 439 unless fitted as part of an integrated platform management
system - 429. Also excludes any manned vehicles including aircraft.

8.2.8 GROUP 8 - Variable Load

a) This Group includes all items of variable load, defined as those shipboard items which are
consumable or subject to frequent change, e.g. crew and effects, ammunition, aircraft, military
vehicles, unmanned vehicles, stores, provisions, spare parts, liquids and gases including gases in

b) For Sub-Groups relating to personnel and effects, users may wish to consider the various groups of
people onboard the vessel who may have different types of accommodation (related to their role and
how long they are embarked onboard for). For ships with significant groups of personnel coming
onboard for different roles, it may be useful to further sub-divide and clarify these groups in order to
properly account for the people and their effects (e.g. an aircraft carrier and embarking different types
and sizes of air group). Sub-Group 80 - Crew, Embarked Personnel, Aircrew and Effects

Excludes passengers and effects - 892.

800 - Crew and Effects

1) Includes all the vessel's crew: officers, non-commissioned officers, enlisted personnel and their
personal effects.

2) Excludes:

i) Embarked forces - 801

ii) Flight and Air Group - 802

801 - Embarked Forces Personnel

1) Includes all embarked force officers, non-commissioned officers, enlisted personnel and their
personal effects.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

2) Excludes:

i) Flight and Air Group Personnel - 802

ii) Fuel and ammunitions - 818

iii) Military vehicles - 83

iv) Embarked forces personnel stores - 861

802 - Flight and Air Group Personnel

1) Includes all Flight and Air Group officers, non-commissioned officers, enlisted personnel and
personal effects for flight and maintenance personnel embarked on the vessel, including but not
limited to Ships’ Flights and embarked squadrons.

2) Excludes:

i) Fuel and ammunitions - 818

ii) Military vehicles - 83

iii) Embarked forces personnel stores - 861 Sub-Group 81 - Ammunitions

Any ammunition that is dual purpose should be classified under the weight group that matches its primary
purpose and a note recorded by the project team to indicate that the weight group includes ammunition that
is dual purpose.

810 - Surface/Air Weapons

1) Includes all missiles, shells and cartridges for use in the anti-air role.

2) Excludes course corrected shells - 811.

811 - Surface/Surface Weapons

1) Includes all missiles, shells and cartridges used in an anti-surface role including course
corrected shells.

2) Excludes ammunition used in the anti-air role.

812 - Anti-Submarine Weapons

1) Includes ship launched torpedoes, A-S mortar, rocket launched homing torpedoes, and depth

2) Excludes air launched torpedoes and depth charges - 815.

813 - Submerged Launched (Non-Air Flight) Weapons

814 - Submerged Launched (Air Flight) Weapons

815 - Air Launched Weapons

1) Includes all weapons, pyrotechnics and sonobuoys carried by manned aircraft.

2) Excludes weapons and pyrotechnics carried by UAVs - 819

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

816 - Mines and Mine Disposal Weapons

817 - Rockets, Flares, Pyrotechnics and Small Arms

1) Includes counter measures, small arms and small arms ammunition

2) Excludes weapons and pyrotechnics carried by aircraft - 815 or UXVs - 819.

818 - Embarked Forces Fuel and Ammunitions

1) Includes all dedicated fuel, lubricants and ammunitions for embarked forces personnel and for
their military vehicles.

2) Excludes embarked forces personnel - 801.

Note if EMF does not have a dedicated supply of fuel and/or ammunitions a comment is to be included
against the appropriate ship weight group to say that it includes provision for usage by an EMF.

819 - Ammunitions for Unmanned Vehicles

Includes all weapons, pyrotechnics and sonobouys carried by UXV craft. Sub-Group 82 - Aerial, Surface and Submersible Vehicles

a) Includes aircraft with both fixed and rotary wings and unmanned vehicles (UXVs).

b) Excludes:

1) Fuel - 88

2) Ammunitions - 81

3) UXV control systems - 439

4) UXV stowage and launching equipment - 79

5) UXVs used primarily for minehunting - 760

6) Non-self propelled sonar systems – 436

7) Manned submersibles - 834

820 - Manned Fixed Wing

821 - Manned Rotary Wing

822 - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

823 - Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs)

824 - Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) Sub-Group 83 - Embarked Military Force (EMF) Vehicles

a) Includes embarked forces vehicles and craft.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

b) Excludes:

1) Weight of fuel or ammunition - 818 or 819

2) Aircraft - 82

3) Boats for ship safety and general purpose use - 610

830 - Armoured Fighting Vehicles

Includes armoured vehicles such as tanks and armoured personnel carriers.

831 - Military Transport

1) Includes land vehicles such as trucks, Land Rovers, trailers.

2) Excludes:

i) Vehicles in 830 and 832

ii) EMF boats and landing craft - 833 (Note: These craft may have been included in 831 on
previous classes of ship)

832 - Staff Cars, Land Rovers, Etc.

Excludes vehicles carried for military purposes.

833 - EMF Craft

1) Includes all boats, landing craft and Mexeflotes for use by EMF and special forces.

2) Excludes boats for ship safety and general purpose use - 610.

834 - Swimmer Delivery Vehicles (SDVs)/Manned Submersibles Sub-Group 84 - Victualling, Accommodation and Medical Stores

840 - Dry Provisions

1) Includes sugar, flour, dried and canned goods paper bags and greaseproof paper.

2) Excludes refrigerated stores - 844.

841 - Mess and Galley Gear

1) Includes crockery, cutlery, pots and pans, tea-urns (non-electric), weighing machines for galley,
table linen, table mats, trays and mixing bowls. Also includes accommodation stores with a ship
applicability (IMC 0091), and mess gear from IMC 0095.

2) Excludes:

i) Powered items - 66

ii) Cookers and other items of fixed equipment - 660

iii) Note IMC 0091 excludes curtain materials

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

842 - Loan Clothing

1) Includes jumpers, gloves, boots, stockings, foul weather clothing, anti-flash hoods and gloves,
diver's underwear, operating gowns, and flying clothing.

2) Excludes cash clothing - 847.

843 - NAAFI/Canteen Stores

1) Includes tobacco, sweets, drinks (beer, spirits, etc.), gifts and clothing.

2) Excludes:

i) Loan clothing - 842

ii) Cash clothing - 847

844 - Refrigerated Stores

1) Includes meat, fish, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, milk, butter and bread.

2) Excludes:

i) Dry provisions - 840

ii) Canned goods - 840

845 - Bedding

Includes sheets, blankets, pillows, sleeping bags and towels. Except personal bedding sets which are
included in personal effects weights. Also includes accommodation stores - loan bedding from IMC

846 - Medical Stores

1) Includes drugs, bandages, operating equipment and dental stores.

2) Excludes:

i) Sickbay - 651

ii) Operating theatre - 652

iii) First-aid equipment throughout ship - 653

847 - Cash Clothing

1) Includes officers’ shirts, officers’ trousers, officers’ caps, ratings’ jumpers, ratings’ trousers,
ratings’ caps, socks and badges.

2) Excludes:

i) Loan clothing - 842

ii) NAAFI/canteen stores - 843

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

848 - CO’s, Wardroom, Trophies and Sports Gear Stores

849 - Stored Garbage

Includes all stored garbage. Sub-Group 85 - General Stores and Marine Engineering Spares

a) Includes stores and spares for all non-weapon equipment.

b) Excludes weapon equipment stores - 862 and 863.

850 - General Stores

1) Includes General Store items stowed in named General Stores, Engineers stores. Also General
Stores for Departmental use handed to the custodian by the Supply Officers such as tools,
Rationalised Allowance of Tools (RATs), tool-boxes and cleaning gear.

2) Excludes:

i) Items fitted or placed in compartments by shipbuilder such as telephones - 411

ii) Toasters - 660

iii) Filing cabinets - 63

iv) Furniture - 63

v) Spares supplied for particular equipment - 851

vi) Marine engineering spares - 851

vii) Weapon equipment stores - 862 and 863

3) Also excludes items in 854 and items in 853.

851 - Marine Engineering Spares (MES)

1) Includes:

i) Spare parts for electrical and mechanical equipment covered by Parts Identification Lists
(PILs) or Illustrated Parts Catalogues (IPCs), e.g. bearings, piston rings and gaskets;

ii) Marine Engineering Equipment (MEE) items. Complete equipment for exchange of
unserviceable machinery equipment on board, e.g. pumps and valves;

iii) Ancillary Support Equipment (ASE).

2) Excludes stores in 850.

852 - Stationery, Books and Office Equipment

1) Includes paper, envelopes, stapling equipment, paper punches, forms, BRs, CBs, library books,
stored information including microfiche, CD-ROMs and other data storage devices not integral
with computers, and charts. Also includes special filing systems for maintenance and
storekeeping as well as microfilm/fiche readers.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

2) Excludes:

i) Typewriters and office machines - 650

ii) Computers - 419

853 - Oils and Greases

1) Includes all oils and greases kept in stores and some waxes and fats (i.e. IMC 0474, 0475, and

2) Excludes all stowed oil in Sub-Group 88.

854 - Flammables, Acids, Paints and Gases

1) Includes paints, varnishes, artist's brushes, commercial and industrial gas cylinders and acids
(i.e. IMC 0442, 0443, and 0444).

2) Excludes:

i) Oils and greases - 853

ii) Gases in bottles for fire-fighting - 680

iii) Gases in bottles for aircraft - 555

iv) Gases in bottles for divers - 863

855 - Rigging Warrant Items

1) Includes items listed in the Rigging Warrant such as ropes, sheaves, blocks etc. which are
stowed in storerooms throughout the ship but not accounted for in other named storerooms
such as Bosun’s, Deck, Boat and RAS storerooms.

2) Excludes:

i) Items in Sub-Group 60 such as anchor and cable - 600

ii) Rigging and awnings - 601

iii) Portable lifting equipment - 693 Sub-Group 86 - Weapon Stores

Excludes ammunition - 81.

860 - Air Stores

Includes aircraft spares supplied from RAF Maintenance Units, e.g. rotor blades and aircraft engine
spares. Also includes ground support items and MASU (Mobile Aircraft Support Unit) tools.

861 - Embarked Forces Stores

1) Includes embarked forces stores items and motor transport spares.

2) Excludes embarked forces personal effects - 801.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

862 - Weapon Equipment Stores

1) Includes items in stores for shipboard sensing and defensive systems as well as guided weapon
systems supplied to support electronic equipment (i.e. IMC 0600 and 0900). Also includes
Common Range Electrical Test Equipment (CRETE).

2) Excludes electrical items in 850.

863 - Weapon Equipment Spares

Includes spares for fire control systems, underwater weapons and guided weapon systems (i.e. IMC
0800) supplied to support weapon equipment (WESPILs items); includes divers’ suits and equipment
(Diving Schedule items).

864 - Non-Explosive (Gun Wharf) Stores

Includes Armament Statement items, e.g. steel helmets, gaiters, pull-throughs and breech clearing
rods. Sub-Group 87 - Operating Fluids

870 - Unallocated

871 - No longer used (previously Operating Fluids for Group 1 (Free Flooding Liquids))

Note this three digit group is redundant due to the ability of computer models to easily include free
flood spaces and therefore lost buoyancy.

872 - Operating Fluids for Group 2

873 - Operating Fluids for Group 3

874 - Operating Fluids for Group 4

875 - Operating Fluids for Group 5

876 - Operating Fluids for Group 6

877 - Operating Fluids for Group 7 Sub-Group 88 - Stowed Liquids

880 - Liquids in Fresh Water Tanks

881 - Liquids in Salt Water Tanks

Excludes water in compensated fuel tanks.

882 - Liquids in Fuel Oil Tanks

Includes sea water in compensated fuel tanks.

883 - Liquids in Reserve and Main Feed Water Tanks

884 - Liquids in Lubricating Oil Tanks

Excludes Aviation - 889.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

885 - Liquids in Hydraulic Oil Tanks

886 - Liquids in Pure Water Tanks (Nuclear, Battery) and Detergent Tanks

Includes treated water for water Mist systems.

887 - Liquids in Sanitary Tanks

888 - Liquids in Aviation Fuel Tanks

889 - Liquids in Aviation Lubricating Oil Tanks Sub-Group 89 - Cargo

890 - Solid Cargo

1) Excludes items for the use of the ship or embarked forces:

i) Ship's stores and spares - 84, 85, 86

ii) Embarked Military Forces vehicles - 83

iii) Ammunition - 81

891 - Liquid Cargo

1) Excludes liquids for use by the ship or embarked forces:

i) Operating fluids - 87

ii) Stowed Liquids - 88

892 - Passengers and Effects

1) Excludes

i) Crew and their effects - 800

ii) Embarked Forces Personnel and their effects - 801

iii) Flight and Air Group and their effects - 802

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Annex A

For the purpose of this Standard the following abbreviations apply:

ACB Air Circuit Breakers

ACV Air Cushioned Vehicle
ADAWS Action Data Automation Weapon System
AINS Aircraft Inertial Navigation System
AIO Action Information Organisation
AQAP Allied Quality Assurance Publication
A-S Anti-Submarine
ASCS Auxiliary Control and Surveillance
ASE Ancillary Support Equipment
ATU Air Treatment Unit
BR Book of Reference
CAAIS Computer Assisted Action Information System
CB Charge Book
CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear
CO Commanding Officer
COS Change Over Switch
COTS Commercial Off The Shelf
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CRETE Common Range Electrical Test Equipment
CST Contractors Sea Trials
DSAC Damage Surveillance and Control
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System
EDC Electrical Distribution Centre
ELI Embodiment Loan Item
EMCAT Electro-Magnetic Catapult
EMF Embarked Military Force
EMKIT Electro Magnetic Kinetic Integrated Technology
EO Electro-Optical
EPCAMS Electrical Power Control and Management System
ESWBS Expanded Ship Work Breakdown Structure
EW Electronic Warfare
HF High Frequency
HP High Pressure
HPSW High Pressure Sea Water

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

HV High Voltage
ICCP Impressed Current Cathodic Protection
IFEP Integrated Full Electric Propulsion
IFF Identification Friend or Foe
IMC Inventory Management Code. Refer to BR 320 for details.
IPC Illustrated Parts Catalogue
IPT Integrated Project Team
JSP Joint Service Publication
LF Low Frequency
LP Low Pressure
LV Low Voltage
MARPOL Marine Pollution Legislation
MASU Mobile Aircraft Support Unit
MCAS Machinery Control and Surveillance
MCCB Moulded Case Circuit Breaker
MEE Marine Engineering Equipment
MES Marine Engineering Spares
MF Medium Frequency
MMS Main Machinery Spaces
NAAFI Navy, Army, Air Force Institutions
NER Neutral Earthing Resistor
OASIS Onboard Administration in Ships
PC Personal Computer
PIL Parts Identification List
PMS Platform Management System
R&D Research and Development
RAF Royal Air Force
RAM Radar Absorbent Material
RAS Replenishment At Sea
RASH Radar Absorbent Sheeting
RAT Rationalised Allowance of Tools
RFA Royal Fleet Auxiliary
RN Royal Navy
RRB Helicopter Radar Beacon Transponder/Receiver
SAFA Ship and Flag Administration
SCC Ship Control Console
SDV Swimmer Delivery Vehicle
SICS Ship Installed Chemical System
SIF Selective Identification Feature
SINS Ship Inertial Navigation System

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

SIRS Ship Installed Radiac System

SRE Sound Reproduction Equipment
SSI Shipbuilder Supply Item
SWATH Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull
TAS Torpedo Armament Store
TDHS Towed Decoy Handling System
TV Television
UDS Underwater Decoy System
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
USV Unmanned Surface Vehicle
UUV Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
UXV Unmanned Aerial, Surface or Underwater Vehicle
VDS Variable Depth Sonar
VDU Visual Display Unit
VHF Very High Frequency
VLF Very Low Frequency
VLS Vertical Launch System
WC Water Closet
WECDIS Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information System
WESPIL Weapon Engineering System Parts Identification List

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Annex B
Group 9 - Design and Construction Services

B.1 Introduction
a) The system for the classification of weight groups previously included a Group 9 that was used to
identify costs that were associated with the design and construction of a new ship but which did not
relate to weight. Changes to the manner in which new ships are procured means that indirect costs
are no longer reported to MOD in this way. Group 9 has therefore been removed from the main part
of this Def Stan as it is not expected that future contracts would require design and construction costs
to be reported using this group.

b) The original text of Group 9 has been retained in this annex as it is a useful reference for anyone
considering the indirect costs that may be attracted by the procurement of a new ship. For further
information the reader should contact the MOD subject matter experts for cost estimating.

B.2 List of Sub-Groups in GROUP 9

90 First of Class I

91 First of Class II

92 Design and Drawing Office Work

93 Management Services

94 Testing

95 Support Services

96 Embodiment Loan Items and Shipbuilder Supply Items

97 Sundry Costs and Expenses

98 Disbursements

B.3 List of Sub-Sub-Groups in Group 9

B.3.1 Sub-Group 90 - First of Class I

900 Feasibility Studies, Project Definition, Specification and Guidance Drawings

901 Models and Sample Structures

902 Design and Drawing Office Services, Detailed Drawings and Datum Pack

903 Organisation and Documentation for Planning and Project Control

904 Organisation and Documentation for Quality Assurance

905 Organisation and Documentation for Testing

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

906 Organisation and Documentation for Weight Control

907 Organisation and Documentation for Configuration Control and Identicality

908 Organisation and Documentation for Availability, Reliability and Maintainability (ARM)

909 Organisation and Documentation for Lead Yard Services

B.3.2 Sub-Group 91 - First of Class II

910 Mock-Ups, Laying Off and Simulator Equipment

911 Jigs, Tools and Gauges (Non-Aluminium)

912 Jigs, Tools and Gauges (Aluminium)

913 Shore Test Facilities (Setting Up)

914 Installation and Testing of Machinery in Shore Test Facilities

915 Type Tests of Machinery

916 Model Testing in the Test Tank

917 Handbooks, Publications and Reproduction Services

918 Training

919 Experimental and Research and Development Work

B.3.3 Sub-Group 92 - Design and Drawing Office Work

920 Design Offices

921 Drawing Offices

922 Reproduction Services

B.3.4 Sub-Group 93 - Management Services

930 Project Control

931 Planning

932 Estimating

933 Procurement

934 Configuration Control

935 Weight Control

936 Quality Assurance

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

B.3.5 Sub-Group 94 - Testing

940 Production Testing

941 Noise and Vibration Trials

942 Ship Structure and Systems Testing

943 Line-Out and Installation Inspections

944 Setting-to-work

945 Basin Trials

946 Inclining Experiment

947 Contractor’s Sea Trials

948 Final and Acceptance Trials

B.3.6 Sub-Group 95 - Support Services

950 Ceremonial

951 Docking, Berthing and Ship Movements

952 Launch

953 Constructional Support Services

954 Temporary Lights

955 Shore Power

956 Welding Power

957 Compressed Air

958 Shore Heating

959 General Support Costs

B.3.7 Sub-Group 96 - Embodiment Loan Items and Shipbuilder Supply Items

960 Attendance of Sub-Contractors’ Representatives

961 Maintenance, Storage and Support Costs

B.3.8 Sub-Group 97 - Sundry Costs and Expenses

970 Special Personnel Labour Costs

971 Travelling, Subsistence and Personnel Expenses

972 Temporary Preservation

973 Cleaning

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

974 Facilities for Naval Staff Standing By

B.3.9 Sub-Group 98 - Disbursements

980 Dry and Floating Dock Expenses

981 Harbour Dues, Towing and Boatage

982 Insurance

983 Hire of Plant

984 Fees

B.4 Detailed Breakdown of GROUP 9

This Group contains items on which cost is incurred as a direct charge to a new construction ship contract
but which have no weight. Sub-Sub-Groups 900 to 919 are headed First of Class but are to contain only
those items on which cost is incurred for the ship class; items under Group 9 where cost is incurred in
building a particular ship, whether the first of the class or a follow-on ship, are to be included in 920 to 999 as

B.4.1 Sub-Group 90 - First of Class I

900 - Feasibility Studies, Project Definition, Specification and Guidance Drawings

Includes all work on feasibility and project definition, the production of specifications and guidance
drawings, and of all standards for the ship class.

901 - Models and Sample Structures

Includes all models and samples produced and used for design and selection purposes, and sample

902 - Design and Drawing Office Services, Detailed Drawings and Datum Pack

a) Includes all design and drawing work for the ship class, detailed drawings and the production of
the Datum Pack.

b) Excludes design and drawing work aimed specifically at the construction of a particular ship -

903 - Organisation and Documentation for Planning and Project Control

Includes all work connected with the setting up of procedures for planning and project control for a
ship class designed, and for the documentation of these procedures.

904 - Organisation and Documentation for Quality Assurance

Includes all work connected with setting up the facilities and procedures for quality assurance together
with all associated documentation and hardware to meet the appropriate AQAP.

905 - Organisation and Documentation for Testing

Includes all work and facilities connected with the setting up of the organisation and procedures,
including associated documentation and hardware, for testing for the ship class.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

906 - Organisation and Documentation for Weight Control

Includes all work and facilities connected with the setting up of the organisation, facilities and
procedures for weight control for the ship class.

907 - Organisation and Documentation for Configuration Control and Identicality

Includes all work and facilities connected with the setting up of the organisation and documentation for
configuration control, identicality and standardisation support for the ship class.

908 - Organisation and Documentation for Availability, Reliability and Maintainability (ARM)

Includes all work and facilities connected with the setting up of the organisation and documentation for
availability, reliability, maintainability and logistic planning for the ship class.

909 - Organisation and Documentation for Lead Yard Services

Includes the organisation, documentation and provision of Lead Yard services for the ship class.

B.4.2 Sub-Group 91 - First of Class II

910 - Mock-Ups, Laying Off and Simulator Equipment

Includes all costs associated with the building of mock-ups and models for test purposes, with laying-
off and lofting, and with all simulator equipment for a ship class design.

911 - Jigs, Tools and Gauges (Non-Aluminium)

Includes all costs associated with the design, development and manufacture of jigs, tools and gauges
for a ship class design where these are made in materials other than aluminium.

912 - Jigs, Tools and Gauges (Aluminium)

As for 911 but where items are made in aluminium.

913 - Shore Test Facilities (Setting Up)

a) Includes all costs associated with the design and provision of shore test facilities for ship
equipment or ship structures and for associated documentation and hardware for a ship class

b) Exclude costs of installation and testing - 914.

914 - Installation and Testing of Machinery In Shore Test Facilities

a) Includes costs associated with installation and testing of machinery in the shore test facilities
when such testing is for the ship class design.

b) Excludes costs for testing when specific to a particular ship (even when the shore test facility is
used as the test vehicle) - 940.

915 - Type Tests of Machinery

Includes all costs associated with type testing of machinery for a ship class design whether at
shipbuilder or at equipment manufacturer.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

916 - Model Testing in the Test Tank

a) Includes all costs associated with the actual testing of the models in the test tank.

b) Excludes:

i) The cost of models - 910

ii) The cost of designing and documenting the test procedures - 905

917 - Handbooks, Publications and Reproduction Services

a) Includes the costs of handbooks, publications, photographing, microfilming, photo-reduced

prints and all reproduction services when these are for a ship class design.

b) Excludes the costs of photography, microfilming, prints and other reproduction services when
these are associated with a particular ship - 922.

918 - Training

Includes all costs of training of shipyard and equipment manufacturer’s personnel and also of Ministry
or Naval personnel by the shipbuilder or equipment manufacturer for a ship class design.

919 - Experimental and Research and Development Work

Includes all costs of experimental and research and development (R&D) work in the design and
development of the ship or of machinery for a ship class design.

B.4.3 Sub-Group 92 - Design and Drawing Office Work

920 - Design Offices

a) Includes the cost of design office services for a particular ship.

b) Excludes design office services specifically for a ship class design - 902.

921 - Drawing Offices

a) Includes the cost of drawing office services for a particular ship.

b) Excludes drawing office services when performed for the ship class design - 902.

922 - Reproduction Services

a) Includes the cost of reproduction services associated with a particular ship.

b) Excludes reproduction services for a ship class design - 917.

B.4.4 Sub-Group 93 - Management Services

930 - Project Control

a) Includes all costs associated with the management and control of the build programme, which
are direct charges to the particular ship.

b) Excludes travelling and subsistence expenses - 971.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

931 - Planning

As 930 but for planning only.

932 - Estimating

Includes all costs associated with estimating for the particular ship, including those for approved extras
and modifications.

933 - Procurement

Includes all work carried out in the procurement of materials, equipment and stores which are specific
to the contract for the ship.

934 - Configuration Control

Includes all work and costs incurred in the processes of controlling and monitoring the configuration of
the ship, including drawing and documentation amendments to that end.

935 - Weight Control

Includes all labour and other costs incurred in the process of controlling and monitoring the weight of
the ship during build.

936 - Quality Assurance

Includes all labour, materials and expenditure incurred in the process of carrying out the prescribed
quality assurance procedures and in achieving the specified quality assurance standards, including
the costs of inspection, testing and the preparation of reports.

B.4.5 Sub-Group 94 - Testing

940 - Production Testing

a) Includes all labour, materials and other costs incurred in the testing of equipment for the specific
ship. Testing in the Shore Trial Facilities are included provided these are with equipment
designated for the particular ship.

b) Excludes:

1) Testing for noise and vibration - 941

2) Testing of the ship’s structure and systems - 942

3) Basin trials - 945

4) CSTs - 947

5) Final and acceptance trials - 948

6) Costs for standard production tests which are included in the overall price of the

941 - Noise and Vibration Trials

Includes all trials for noise and vibration on the ship and ashore for machinery specifically designated
for the particular ship.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

942 - Ship Structure and Systems Testing

Includes all labour, materials and other costs incurred in carrying out tests on board or ashore of the
ship’s structure and systems.

943 - Line-Out and Installation Inspections

944 - Setting-to-Work

Includes all costs incurred in preparing ship’s equipment and systems for operation after installation
and proving satisfactory working.

945 - Basin Trials

946 - Inclining Experiment

947 - Contractor’s Sea Trials

Includes all costs incurred during CSTs including the cost of trials on the machinery and ship and of
ship hotel expenses. Also includes cost of opening up machinery after CSTs.

948 - Final and Acceptance Trials

As 947, but for Final and Acceptance Trials.

B.4.6 Sub-Group 95 - Support Services

950 - Ceremonial

Includes all ceremonial costs incurred during launching or commissioning the ship.

951 - Docking, Berthing and Ship Movements

a) Includes all labour, materials and other costs incurred in moving the ship, in berthing or in
docking the ship, together with the use of tugs and dry and floating docks.

b) Excludes:

1) The expenses of hiring facilities for this purpose - 980

2) Basin trials - 945

3) Inclining experiments - 946

952 - Launch

a) Includes all labour, materials and other costs incurred in carrying out the launch of the ship.

b) Excludes ceremonial costs during launching - 950.

953 - Constructional Support Services

Includes all costs of rigging, stages and scaffolding, temporary rails, stanchions, high reach platforms
(cherry pickers), other safety first equipment and gangways.

954 - Temporary Lights

Includes all labour and materials used in rigging, un-rigging and providing power for temporary lighting
for the ship during building.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

955 - Shore Power

a) Includes all costs incurred in providing electric power for the ship from dockside sources. Also
includes cost of temporary on-deck generators.

b) Excludes cost of dockside power for welding purposes - 956.

956 - Welding Power

957 - Compressed Air

Includes all costs incurred in the provision of compressed air services to the ship including the laying
of temporary hoses and the provision of low pressure air.

958 - Shore Heating

Includes all heating provided on a temporary basis to the ship during building.

959 - General Support Costs

Includes all costs associated with connecting and supplying water to the ship, all costs for fuel oil and
lubricating oil used during building and testing and control units. Also includes power for temporary
cathodic protection whilst in dock.

B.4.7 Sub-Group 96 - Embodiment Loan Items and Shipbuilder Supply Items

960 - Attendance of Sub-Contractors’ Representatives

Includes all costs incurred in the attendance of the sub-contractors’ representatives at the dockside or
on the ship in connection with ELIs or SSIs.

961 - Maintenance, Storage and Support Costs

a) Includes all costs incurred by the shipbuilder in storing, maintaining and otherwise supporting
ELIs and SSIs before installation on the ship, and after installation, but before the equipment is
set to work.

b) Excludes temporary preservation of equipment - 972.

B.4.8 Sub-Group 97 - Sundry Costs and Expenses

970 - Special Personnel Labour Costs

Includes the labour costs incurred in employing special trades on the ship, or for the ship during
building. These special trades include Crane-drivers, Transport-Drivers, Security Guards, Firemen,
Watchmen, Store-housemen, Charge-Hands and Progress Chasers.

971 - Travelling, Subsistence and Personnel Expenses

Includes travelling subsistence and other personal expenses incurred by the shipbuilder’s personnel in
visits to ELI and SSI manufacturers, attending design and progress meetings outside the shipyard,
and all other similar visits carried out in planning, controlling or progressing the production of the ship.

972 - Temporary Preservation

a) Includes all costs incurred in preserving and protecting ship structures and equipment installed
or awaiting installation on a temporary basis during the build of the vessel.

b) Excludes maintenance and storage costs for equipment - 961.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

973 - Cleaning

Includes all costs of cleaning ship, of cleaning at berth, in dock, and of cleaning stores, storage
spaces, workshops and other spaces ashore specifically used for the particular ship.

974 - Facilities for Naval Staff Standing By

Includes all costs of providing and maintaining messes, offices, bathrooms and toilets and other
facilities for the use of Naval staff standing by the ship during build.

B.4.9 Sub-Group 98 - Disbursements

980 - Dry and Floating Dock Expenses

a) Includes all payments and expenses incurred by the shipbuilder in procuring the facilities of dry
and floating docks when these are hired from outside sources.

b) Excludes the cost of using shipbuilder’s own facilities - 951.

981 - Harbour Dues, Towing and Boatage

Includes all costs incurred in hiring the use of tugs and boats, together with costs of pilots and harbour

982 - Insurance

983 - Hire of Plant

Includes all costs incurred in hiring plant for use by shipbuilder’s personnel.

984 - Fees

Includes Consultants’ fees, Royalties, Agents’ commissions, Patent fees, Lloyds Register and Marine
Safety Agency fees.

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Annex C
Summary of Key Changes from Issue 1 of Def Stan 08-140 to Issue 2 of
Def Stan 02-163

C.1 Summary
The following provides a summary of the key changes made to Def-Stan 02-163 (08-140) between Issues 1
and 2. This summary is aimed at informing those with a need to make changes to legacy data to reflect the
new weight breakdown. A complete list of changes can be obtained from: Sea Systems Group, Ship Design
Section (DES SE Sea ShipDes).

C.1.1 General

a) The standard has been de-classified by the removal of specific references.

b) More comprehensive advice is given on how to use the classification system in terms of:

1) Tailoring to account for build strategies, deck or block numbers;

2) Uses of notes to help future users interpret the breakdown;
c) Classification of multi-purpose items.

d) Improved instructions for the classification of IFEP and integrated masts.

C.1.2 Group 1

a) Steel minor bulkheads are now included in this group (moved from 620 or 670).

b) Clarification of the classification of double bottom structure.

c) Clarification of the classification of structure forming hangar boundaries.

d) Separation of metallic and non-metallic armour (new numbers 107, 117, 125 and 133).

C.1.3 Group 2

Clarification of what is included under Electric Propulsion Drives (223) and Propulsors (241).

C.1.4 Group 3

a) Addition of number for renewable technology (306).

b) Clarification of what items are included under Main (Electrical) Supply Equipment (310).

C.1.5 Group 4

a) Clarified the boundaries of an Integrated Platform Management System.

b) New number for Integrated Navigation Systems (424).

c) New number for Shaft Grounding Systems (443).

C.1.6 Group 5

a) New number for Fresh Water Spraying Systems (528).

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

C.1.7 Group 6

a) Clarification on the classification of boats between, ship's, EMF and USVs (610).

b) Removal of steel minor bulkheads from 620 and 670.

c) New numbers for modular accommodation 628 or 678.

d) New numbers for furnishings for Aviation Crew and Embarked Forces (643 and 644).

C.1.8 Group 7

a) New number for guns (78), separating guns from previous surface to air armament group.

b) Clarification on classification of multiple use launchers.

c) Clarification of sonars and vehicles used in minehunting or otherwise (76).

d) New group for UXV Support Systems (79).

C.1.9 Group 8

a) New group for Flight/Air Group Personnel (802).

b) New group for Ammunition for UXVs (819).

c) Change to Group 82 to include UXVs.

d) Clarification to the classifications included in Group 83 (EMF Vehicles) including the creation of the
new groups 833 for EMF Craft (including landing craft and mexeflotes) and 834 for SDV/Manned

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Annex D
Alphabetical Index

(Note: The Group number is provided for quick reference but the user should check the relevant item to
ensure that the item sits within the listed inclusions)

Access Air conditioning
doors main boilers 210 plants 500
panels main boilers 210 systems 502
Access trunks 123 systems MMS 508
Accommodation units - free standing 503
ladders 602 Air systems
stores (IMC 0095) 845 breathing 532
stores (IMC 0091 and 0095) 841 control 533
Accommodation - furnishing - HP 530
crews 641 LP 531
heads and bathrooms 642 recompression chambers 535
officers 640 salvage 534
Acids – flammable 854 special services 536
Acoustic Air-combustion supply and exhaust 25
/thermal insulation - (hull) 626 Aircraft
/thermal insulation - crane 551
(superstructure) electrical systems 558
booths (telephone) 411 fixed wing 820
insulation main hull 625 gas producing system 555
insulation propulsion units 227 handling systems 551
insulation superstructure 675 lifts 552
sweep equipment 762 liquid systems 556
Activated rudders 241 rotary wing 821
Agouti 536 ramps - VSTOL 118
Air systems 55
breathing air system 532 UAV 822
ejectors 231 Airtight doors and hatches 141
exhaust system 252 Alarms and warnings 415
flight systems (submerged All other stores - furnishing and fittings 633
launch) Amenity spaces - furnishings 656
flow transmitters - main boilers 210 Ammunition
launched weapons 815 air launched weapons 815
office - furnishings 657 embarked forces personnel 818
pre-heaters - main boilers 210 mines and mine disposal weapons 816
repair spaces and workshops - rockets, flares, pyrotechnics and
664 817
furnishings small arms
stores 860 submerged launched (air flight)
treatment unit (ATU) 502 weapons
submerged launched (non-air flight)

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Ammunition (Cont’d) Antennas

surface/air weapons 810 dry air system 405
surface/A-S weapons 812 exchange system 450
surface/surface weapons 811 navigational 402
UXV 819 radar (EW system) 438
Ammunition and missile handling systems radar 435
air launched armament 750 radio and television 414
gun armament 781 radio communication 450
submerged launched (non-air flight) satellite communication 454
armament Anti-submarine weapon control system 432
submerged launched (air flight) Armament 7
armament Armour and protection (metallic)
surface/air armament 701 hull structure 104
surface/surface armament (missile) 711 main and minor bulkheads 124
surface/A-S armament 721 main and minor decks 132
Ammunition and missile stowages superstructure 116
air launched armament 751 Armour and protection (non-metallic)
gun armament 782 hull structure 107
submerged launched (non-air flight) main and minor bulkheads 125
armament main and minor decks 133
submerged launched (air flight) superstructure 117
armament Armoured fighting vehicles 830
surface/air armament 702 Arresting gear and barriers 553
surface/surface armament (guided Attendance of sub-contractors'
712 960
missiles) representatives
surface/A-S armament 722 Autonomous craft - control systems 439
Ammunition hoists Auxiliary
guided Missile surface/surface electrical and mechanical
710 30
armament equipment
guns 781 fuel system 511
submerged launched (air flight) lub oil system 581
armament steam generators and systems 570
submerged launched (non-air flight) superheated steam systems 261
armament Aviation
surface/air missile armament 700 fuel tanks 888
surface/A-S armament 721 lub oil tanks 889
Anchors hawse and navel pipes 173 Awnings and stanchions 601
Anchors 600
Angle indicator - rudder 418

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

B Boats (Cont’d)
Baffle plates - stabilising tanks 165 powered and non-powered 610
Baffles USVs 823
combustion air exhaust system 252 Boiler casing 210
main boilers 210 Boilers
Ballast - fixed 181 auxiliary 570
Ballasting - systems and equipment 524 feed water 272
Basin trials 945 main 210
Bathroom - furnishings 642 Bollards 600
Batteries - emergency lighting 331 Bolts 192
Batteries - main electrical storage 212 Bonding 193
Battery - ship's 312 Book - cases and shelves
Battery charging equipment 312 amenity spaces 656
Beacons crew's accommodation 641
radar 435 officers' accommodation 640
sonar 436 sick bay 651
Beams Booms
deck 130 general 601
weapon stowage 732 horizon light 558
Bearings lifting 692
clutches and gearings 225 Bow doors 145
shaft 242 Bow sonar domes (integral with hull) 105
Bedding – store 845 Bow thrusters 241
Beer - store 843 Box - keys and security 650
Bell Box - tool 850
external communication 453 BR's 852
internal communication 415 Brackets
ships 604 hull structure 10
Bilge main and minor bulkheads 12
keels 164 main and minor decks 13
pumping system 524 superstructure 11
Binoculars 406 Brakes (shaft) 243
Bins – stowage Breakwater 110
general stores 630 Breathing - air systems 532
provision stores 631 Bridge windows 140
Bins - waste disposal 660 Broadcasts - internal communications 410
Bins waste paper - offices 65 Bulkhead
Bitts 600 armour and protection - metallic 124
Blast deflectors 554 armour and protection - non-metallic 125
Blocks damping 627
boat handling 611 damping, insulation, minor and non-
rigging and awnings 601 ferrous (main hull)
Blow off plates 144 damping, insulation, minor and non-
Blowers ferrous (superstructure)
or supply fans 250 main and other structural 12
soot – main boilers 210 non-steel minor - superstructure 670
Boards – ironing 641 minor - main hull 620
Boats steel minor - superstructure 113
canopies and covers 601 minor - main hull 122
EMF craft 833 superstructure 113
Bulwarks 100

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Bunks Buoyancy units 180

crew's accommodation 641 Burners and associated equipment – main
officers accommodation 640 boilers

CAAIS 437 Chambers - recompression 535
Cabinets filing and Chart table
index - office, dental and medical 65 navigational 408
index - officers and crews office 65
accommodation Chilled and tepid water system 501
storage - provision and storerooms 63 Chocks - main boilers 210
Cable Chronometers 407
anchor 600 Chutes - RAS 691
support equipment 321 Cinema
Cabling - power distribution 320 equipment 414
Cabling and supports screen 656
communications 450 Circulating and cooling water system 27
lighting 33 Circulating pumps - air conditioning,
power 32 chilled and tepid water and refrigeration 50
Canopies and canvas covers 601 plants
Canteen Circulating water system to condensers 270
furnishings 631 Cleaning system - tanks 512
stores - furnishings and fittings 631 Cleaning 973
stores 843 Cleats 600
Capstan and cable holder 600 Clothing
Cargo cash 847
liquid 891 loan 842
passengers and effects 892 Clutches 225
solid 890 CO's store 848
Carpet - crew's and officers Coamings - doors, hatches and manholes 14
accommodation Coat cupboard 641
Cars - staff 832 Coils - fuel heating systems 510
Cash clothing 847 Cold and cool rooms 505
Castings - structural 171 Combustion
Catapults 554 air exhaust system 252
Cathodic protection system 441 air systems 25
Centralised weapon control system 437 fuel systems 280
Ceremonial lighting 332 Command console 422
Coatings Communication
cork or paint - (main hull) 622 external 45
cork or paint - (superstructure) 672 internal 41
Coders (EW) 438 systems - radio 450
Coffee machine 660 systems - satellite 454
Ceremonial 950 Compasses 400
Chains Compressed air 957
anchors, cables, winches 600 Compressors
guard rails, awnings, rigging 601 air conditioning and refrigeration 50
Chairs air systems 53
amenity spaces, medical and office 65 Computers 437
crew's and officers' accommodation 64 Condensate drain 570

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Condensate system for propulsion units 273 Configuration control 934

Condensers Connection box - power distribution 31
air conditioning and refrigeration 50 Consoles
main circulating water system to 270 Control valves 525
Consoles Conversion equipment - general service -
command 422 electrical
command, ship and machinery Converter
control and systems - general radar 438
gas generator system 215 radio 450
main boiler system 211 Cooking equipment 66
propulsion 22 Coolers
radar and electronic warfare 43 drinking water 6
SAFA - offices 650 fuel oil systems 28
ship control 420 lub oil systems 29
system 421 ventilation, air conditioning and
Constructional support services 953 chilled water
Contingency lighting 333 Cooling water system
Contractor's sea trials 947 propulsion 271
Control sea and fresh 525
air systems 533 Couplings 240
cabinets - SINS 401 Covering - decks
console ship 420 hull 623
equipment - power 312 superstructure 673
equipment - propulsion unit 224 Covers - weatherdeck 601
gas generator systems 215 Cradles - boats 611
gear for soot blowers - main boilers 210 Cranes
main boiler systems 211 aircraft 551
surfaces moveable stabilisers 425 RAS 692
surfaces 16 Crew accommodation - furnishing 641
Control system Crew and effects 800
autonomous craft 439 Crockery - stowage 660
centralised weapon 437 Crockery 841
hydrofoils 426 Cupboards
machinery 428 accommodation spaces and general 64
rudder 423 amenity spaces, offices and medical 65
surface/air weapons 430 Curtains - officers' and crew's
surface/anti - submarine weapons 432 accommodation
surface/surface weapons 431 Curtains - sick bay 651
main 230 Cutlery 841
Cutter 610

Damage control equipment 681 De-aerating feed tanks 272
Damping - deck, bulkhead and main hull 627 Deck
Data processing equipment 437 and scupper drains 524
Datum pack 902 armour and protection 132
Davits coverings - general (main hull) 623
Boats 611 coverings - general (superstructure) 673
sonar 436 damping 627
Dead lights and covers 140 house - plating 110

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Deck (cont’d) Display boards - officers' general 65

machinery 600 Display equipment - weapon control 437
minor 131 Disposal system
structure - beams and plating 13 garbage 562
superstructure - beams and plating 11 sewage 560
treads and plates (main hull) 624 waste water 561
treads and plates (superstructure) 674 Distilling plant and system 526
tubes - lighting cables 33 Distribution equipment - electrical 311
tubes - power distribution cables 32 Diving - schedule items 863
Decoders 438 Docking, berthing and ship movements 951
Decontamination suits 682 Dome - sonar
Decoy launchers and rocket flares 770 integral with hull 105
Deep fryers 660 non-integral with hull 436
Deflectors Doors
combustion exhaust 252 access - main boilers 210
jet blast 554 and bulkheads (minor) -
ventilation and air conditioning 50 superstructure
Degaussing system 440 armoured in superstructure 116
Dental surgeries and sick bay - furnishings 651 bow, side and stern 145
Depth charge general 141
control system 432 watertight and gastight 141
handling equipment 721 Drain system (steam) 264
air launched 750 Drains - main boilers 210
Derrick - RAS 692 Drains and discharge
Design and drawing office services, sea and fresh water 524
detailed drawings and datum pack waste disposal 561
Design offices 920 Drawing office services and design,
Desk detailed drawings and datum pack
dental and medical 651 Drawing offices 921
officers' accommodation 640 Drinking water cooler 6
De-superheaters (internal) - main boilers 210 Drip
Diesel pans for burners - main boilers 210
engines - propulsion 222 trays 524
generators seats and supports 155 Drop on structure for satellite
generators 302 communication
Digital clock transmission - navigation 407 Drums - main boilers 210
Direction finding equipment 402 Dry and floating dock expenses 980
Director - weapon control systems 43 Dry provisions 840
Dirty oil system 563 Drying room equipment - laundry 662
Dishwashing machine 660 Duplicators - office equipment 650

Easing gear (valves) - main boilers 210 Effects
Easy chairs 64 embarked forces personnel officers
Echo sounders 451 and men
Economisers - main boilers 210 officers and crew 800
Eddy plates 100 Ejectors - air 231
Eductors 524 Elbow taps 651

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Electric Equipment
main supply power generation 30 damage control 681
space heaters 503 escape 683
water heater (fresh water system) 527 fire fighting, damage control and
Electrical CBRN
main storage batteries 212 for galleys, pantries and other food
propulsion generator sets and preparation spaces
motors for laundry and drying rooms 662
system equipment - portable CBRN 682
apparatus portable fire fighting 680
systems - aircraft 558 workshops - general 66
Electronic Escape equipment (including portable
cabinet 435 equipment)
stores 862 Escape hatches and scuttles 142
warfare system 438 Estimating 932
Elevators 692 Exhaust steam system 571
Embarked forces personnel fuel and Exhaust system 252
ammunition 818 Expansion tank
officers, men and effects 801 air conditioning 500
stores 861 feed water system 271
vehicles 83 Experimental and R and D work 919
Emergency lantern and lighting system 331 External
Engine telegraph and propeller orders 417 communication systems 45
Engineering spares - marine 851 paint - hull 622
Engines - diesel propulsion 222 paint - superstructure 672
Ensign staff 601 Extinguishers - fire 680
Extractor pumps 273
Eyeplates 600

Facilities for naval staff standing by 974 Filling
Fairleads 600 main lub oil system 580
Fans system (fuel) 510
combustion air 25 Filters
supply or blowers 250 aircraft liquid system 556
ventilation and air conditioning 50 control air system 533
Fastenings ventilation and air conditioning 50
Feed stop - main boilers 210 Final and acceptance trials 948
Feed water Fire fighting
flow transmitters - main boilers 210 portable equipment 680
regulators - main boilers 210 sea water systems 521
system for propulsion units 272 First aid equipment 653
Fees 984 Fittings
Fenders 600 all other stores 633
Fighting vehicles - armoured 830 external - main boilers 210
Filing cabinets for ladders 602
medical 651 general 60
officers' accommodation 640 inspection hole - main boilers 210
offices 650 medical stores 631

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Fittings (Cont’d) Fuel -

miscellaneous 604 embarked forces personnel 818
NAAFI/canteen stores 631 filling system 510
named general stores 630 heating system 510
victualling stores 631 pumps 214
Fixed service systems (to propulsion
ballast 181 units)
pitch propellers 241 system - aircraft 556
wing aircraft 820 system auxiliary 511
Flag - signal 452 systems (excluding aircraft) 51
Flammable - acids paints and gases 854 Fuel 88
Flare (rocket) and decoy launchers 770 Fuel cell generators 304
Flares 817 Fuelling hose 690
Flats - minor 131 Funnel - structure 123
Flexible couplings and turning gear 225 Furnace - workshops 663
Flight deck Furnace lighting tube - main boilers 210
handling equipment and lighting 55 Furnishing
magnetic loop 558 air offices 657
structure 100 air workshops and repair spaces 664
Floats 612 amenity spaces 656
Flooding and spraying system 522 and fittings in all other stores 633
Flotation material 180 and fittings in medical stores 631
Fluids - operating and fittings in NAAFI/canteen stores 631
Group2 872 and fittings in named general stores 630
Group3 873 and fittings in victualling stores 631
Group4 874 aviation crew 643
Group5 875 crew accommodation 641
Group6 876 embarked forces/trainees
Group7 877 accommodation
Fluids 88 emergency operating theatres 652
Foam - fire fighting 680 heads and bathrooms 642
Fog - warning 453 health physics laboratory 654
Food - preparation equipment 660 living spaces 64
Forgings and castings 171 lobbies and passageways 658
Fork lift trucks 663 modular accommodation
Framing - in the hull 628
hangar and superstructure 11 - in the superstructure 678
hull structure 101 officers' accommodation 640
Free standing offices 650
air conditioning units 503 offices, amenity and medical spaces 65
electric space heaters 503 operational rooms and spaces 655
Freezers - ice cream 661 sick bay and dental surgeries 651
Fresh air - coolers 502 storerooms general 63
Fresh water workshops and repair spaces 663
control instrumentation 210 Fuse panels - lighting 330
coolers 661
cooling system 525
system 527

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Galley Generators (Cont’d)
equipment seats and supports 156 gas turbines 301
equipment 660 gas 214
gear 841 sets 30
Garbage shaft 303
disposal systems 562 steam nuclear 201
grinder 660 steam turbines 300
stored 849 Girders – deck
Gas main 130
aircraft systems 555 superstructure 112
bottles - divers 863 Glands
bottles - firefighting 680 lighting general 33
bottles - storerooms 854 main boiler 210
bottles - workshops 66 power distribution 321
fire extinguishing systems 537 rudder 160
generator systems, control and Shaft 242
instrumentation Electrical 321
generators - general 21 Glasses
generators - seats and supports 15 drinking - galley 66
generators 214 drinking - living spaces 64
turbines sets - main power supply 301 drinking - stowage 841
turbines 221 Gratings
Gastight doors and hatches 141 bathrooms 642
Gauges and boards 5 exhaust systems 252
Gearbox hull fittings 603
case and clutches 22 storerooms - general 63
seats and supports 152 Greases and oils 853
Gearing 225 Grill - cooking 660
General Grille - air conditioning
lighting systems 330 Guard rails 601
service conversion equipment - Guidance drawings, specifications, 900
electrical project definition and feasibility, studies
stores - furnishings and fittings 630 Guided missiles
stores (named) - furnishing and surface - surface 811
fittings surface - air 810
stores 850 air launched 815
support costs 959 Gunnery stores 864
General fittings 60 Guns
Generator (regulator) - main boilers 210 and ammunition lifts 708
Generator sets and motors - electrical platforms 115
propulsion 223 racks 771
Generators Gyro - seats and supports 154
and supports 15 Gyro Rooms - Furnishing 655
diesel 302 Gyro 400
fuel cell 304

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Halyards 601 Heaters
Hand rail electric-free standing 280
hull fittings 601 fuel oil system 280
machinery walkways 2 lub oil system 290
Hand signalling - flags and lamps 452 ventilation and air conditioning 502
Hand wheels - main boilers 210 Heating panels - medical 65
Handbooks, publications and reproduction 917 Heating system (fuel) 510
services Helicopters 821
Handling High pressure air systems 530
equipment for boats 611 Highpoints on RAS masts 690
missile and ammunition systems - Hire of plant 983
surface/anti-submarine Hoists
missile systems - surface/surface 711 aircraft handling 551
stores 691 armament general 7
system - weapons - air launched 750 Hooks - hat and coat 64
system - weapons - submerged Horn - warning 415
launch (air flight) Hose
system - weapons - submerged fire fighting 680
launch (non-air flight) reels - aircraft systems 556
systems - aircraft 551 reels - stowage 63
system - guns 781 Hot - cupboards and plates 660
system - UXV 79 HP air system 530
Handwheels- main boilers 210 Hull
Hangar damping 627
spraying 522 structure 10
structure 114 Hydraulic
Harbour dues, towing and boatage 981 oil tanks 885
Hatches press 663
armoured (metallic) in main or minor systems - aircraft 556
decks systems - deck machinery and
armoured (metallic) in superstructure 116 general
armoured (non-metallic) in main or systems - hydrofoils, rudders and
133 42
minor decks stabilisers
armoured (non-metallic) in test bench 664
superstructure Hydrofoils
escape 142 control equipment 426
watertight and gastight 141 mechanical and structural 163
Hawse pipes 173 Hydrophone - arrays 436
Heads and bathrooms 642 Hydrostatic release gear 612
Health physics laboratory - furnishings 654
Heat exchangers
air conditioning 500
cooling system - propulsion 271
water cooling - general 525

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Ice - cream/cube - machines 661 Insulation
IFF - radar 435 acoustic (main hull) 625
Incinerator - garbage disposal 562 acoustic (superstructure) 675
Inclining experiment 946 acoustic main condensers 232
Indicators - fuel filling and heat transfer 510 acoustic propulsion machinery 227
Inflatable - liferafts, lifejackets 612 acoustic refrigeration plant 505
Information systems 419 thermal-thermal/acoustic (main hull) 626
Inner bottom - plating 102 thermal-thermal/acoustic
Inner burner plate front - main boilers 210 (superstructure)
Inserts and pads Insurance 982
armour and main structural Integrated platform management system 429
bulkheads 12 Internal communications 41
framing and hull 10 Internal paint
main and minor decks 13 hull 622
superstructure 11 superstructure 672
Inspection hole fittings - main boilers 210 Irons
Installation and testing of machinery in in accommodation 65
shore test facilities in laundry space 662
Instrumentation Island - plating 110
gas generator systems 215 Islands - aircraft carriers - structure 11
main boiler systems 211
main electrical storage battery 213

Jack and ensign staffs 601 Jigs, tools and gauges
Jacket - cupboard 64 (aluminium) 912
Jacks - lifting - aircraft handling 551 (non-aluminium) 911
Jackson boiler 660 Junction box
Jet - blast deflectors 554 communication systems 4
electrical systems 3

Keel Kit lockers
bilge 164 crews 641
structure 10 sick bay 651
board and boxes 65
cupboard (furnishing crew
cupboard (furnishing sick bay and
dental surgery)

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Laboratory Lifts
furnishings 654 aircraft 552
sick bay and emergency operating general 692
theatre weapon 701
Ladders Lighting system
aircraft handling system 551 ceremonial 332
boiler room 252 contingency 333
general 602 emergency 331
Lagging - (see also insulation) flight deck and hangar 55
main condensers and ejectors 232 general and contingency 33
propulsion system 25 general 330
steam system 26 Lighting tube furnace - main boilers 210
ventilation system 50 Line - out and installation inspections 943
water system 27 Liners - main boilers 210
Land rovers 832 Liners - main condensers and ejectors 232
Latex - composition coverings - deck 623 Linings
Lattice - mast 154 air conditioning and ventilation 505
Launch 952 decorative (main hull) 621
Launcher - weapon control 43 decorative (superstructure) 671
Launchers partitions (main hull) 621
and mounting armament - partitions (superstructure) 671
submerged launch (non-air flight) Linoleum - (main hull) 623
and mountings - submerged launch Linoleum - (superstructure) 673
(air flight) Liquid cargo 891
and mountings - surface/air (missile) 700 Liquid systems - aircraft 556
and mountings - surface/anti- Liquids
submarine aviation fuel tanks 888
and mountings - surface/surface aviation lub oil tanks 889
(missile) fresh water tanks 880
and mountings - guns 780 fuel oil tanks 882
rocket flares and decoys 770 hydraulic oil tanks 885
Launches 610 lub oil tanks 884
Launching devices - armament 7 pure water and detergent tanks 886
Laundry reserve and main feed water tanks 883
equipment 662 sea water tanks 881
seats and support 156 sanitary tanks 887
Ledger, paper and letter racks 64 Litter bins 64
Lifeboat 610 Living spaces 64
Lifelines 681 Load handling equipment 69
Lifesaving equipment and stowage 612 Loan clothing 842
Lift trunks 123 Lobbies and passageways - furnishings 658
Lifting Lockers
appliances - non-portable 692 general 6
equipment - portable 693 ready use - armament 7
equipment 69 Logs 403
gear - general 6 Longitudinal
gear - machinery 226 main bulkheads 121
pads - machinery 226 main hull 101
superstructure 111

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Loudspeakers (Cont’d) Lub oil

broadcast 410 aircraft system 556
SRE 412 filling and transfer system - main 580
Louvres - ventilation and air conditioning 50 main filling / transfer and auxiliary
LP air system 531 systems
propulsion system 290
storage 884
system - auxiliary 581
systems to propulsion units 290

Machinery Masts
control consoles 421 plated and lattice 154
control systems 428 stump (RAS) 690
spaces - air conditioning and Mattress
ventilation system officers' and crew's (including
Machinery space - lifting gear 226 covers)
Magnetic loop 558 sick bay (including covers) 651
Magnetic sweep equipment 762 Mechanical ventilation system 502
Main Medical
circulating water system to equipment general 651
condensers stores - furnishing and fittings 631
condensers 230 stores 846
decks in hull 130 Mess and galley gear 841
electrical storage batteries and Message tubes 413
systems Metallic protection
electrical storage batteries 212 above main strength deck 116
electrical storage battery system - hull plating 104
switch gear and instrumentation main bulkheads 124
fuel filling system 510 main decks 132
longitudinal bulkheads 121 Meteorology and oceanographic systems 404
lub oil filling and transfer system 580 Microphones 410
power supply and distribution 31 Microscope 65
superheated steam system 260 Military transport 831
supply equipment - electrical 310 Milling machine 66
transverse bulkheads 120 hull plating 104
Main boiler Mine - disposal weapons 816
seats 152 Minehunting equipment 760
systems control and instrumentation 211 Minehunting/laying and sweeping
Main boiler 210 equipment
Maintenance, storage and support costs 961 Minelaying equipment 761
Management system - integrated platform 429 Minesweeping equipment 762
Manholes 143 Minor
Manifold decks and flats 131
feed water 272 non-steel bulkheads main hull 620
fuel 510 non-steel bulkheads superstructure 670
Map boards 65 steel bulkheads main hull 12
Marine engineering spares 851 steel bulkheads superstructure 113
Marker - man overboard 612 Mirror sick bay 651
Masker 536 Mirror 64

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Miscellaneous fittings 604 Models and sample structures 901

Missile - platform 115 Monitor - noise level 436
Missile - stowage Mooring arrangements 600
surface/surface 712 Mortars 720
surface/air 702 Motor boats 610
surface/anti-submarine 722 Motors - electric propulsion 223
Missile-handling Mountings and launchers - armament
surface/surface 711 surface/surface (missile) 710
surface/air 701 guns 780
surface/anti-submarine 721 rocket flare 770
Mixing and mincing machine 660 submerged launched (air flight) 740
Mobile handling equipment - aircraft 551 submerged launched (non-air flight) 730
Mock - ups, laying off and simulator surface/air (missile) 700
equipment 910 surface/anti-submarine 720
Model testing in test tank 916 Multicoupler 450

NAAFI Noise and vibration trials 941
canteen stores - furnishing and Noise level monitors 436
fittings Non-air flight systems (submerged launch) 433
stores 843 Non-fixed wing aircraft 821
Name box/plate - ship 604 Non-metallic protection
Natural ventilation system 504 main bulkheads (main hull) 125
NAVAIDS and direction finding equipment 402 main decks (main hull) 133
Navel pipes 173 main hull 107
Navigation superstructure 117
lights 409 Non-portable lifting appliances 692
radar 405 Non-structural walkways 603
systems and equipment 40 Non-watertight doors
NBC (CBRN) main hull 620
equipment 682 superstructure 670
filters 502 Notice boards
warning system 416 living spaces 64
Nest of drawers offices 65
air offices 657 Nozzle
galleys 660 pre-wetting 523
offices (exc. air) 650 propeller 241
sick bay 651 spray jet 680
Nesting stools/tables 64 Nuclear
Nitrogen - gas producing system - aircraft 555 propulsion plant 20
steam generators 201

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

OASIS equipment 650 Operating gear - main boilers 210
Oceanographic and meteorology systems 404 Operating theatre - furnishings and
Office equipment 650 emergency equipment
Office equipment, books and stationary 852 Operational rooms and spaces -
Officers' accommodation - furnishing 640 furnishings
Officers, crew and effects 800 Organisation and documentation for
Officers, men and effects (embarked forces availability, reliability and
801 908
personnel) maintainability (ARM)
Offices - furnishing 650 configuration control and identicality 907
Offices (air) - furnishing 657 lead yard services 909
Oil separators 272 planning and project control 903
Oil slick dispersal system 563 quality assurance 904
Oils and greases (other than fuel oil - 882) 853 testing 905
Oiltight doors and hatches 141 weight control 906
Operating fluids Outer burner plate front - main boilers 210
Group 2 872 Oven 660
Group 3 873 Overcase and locker
Group 4 874 crew's accommodation 641
Group 5 875 sick bay 651
Group 6 876 Oxy-acetylene - welding equipment 663
Group 7 877 Oxygen - aircraft systems 555
Oxygen - propulsion units 272

Paint - external and internal Piping (Cont’d)
main hull 622 circulating, cooling, feed and
superstructure 672 condensate
Pallet trucks- RAS 693 distilling plant 526
Panels access - main boilers 210 fuel systems 51
Pantries - equipment 660 hydraulic systems 540
Paper towel dispensers main boiler 210
heads and bathrooms 642 sea and fresh water systems 52
officers' accommodation 640 Pistol boards 771
Partitions and linings - decorative Pitometer logs 403
general (main hull) 621 Planning 931
superstructure 671 Plants - air conditioning 500
Passageways and lobbies - furnishings 658 Plate dispenser 660
Passengers and effects 892 Plate fronts (burner inner and outer)
Pedestal - desk and drawer unit 65 main boilers 210
Periscopes and viewing devices 406 Plated mast 154
Periscopes trunks 123 Platform management system
Photocopiers 650 integrated 429
Photographic - equipment (aircraft) 657 Plating
Pillars - deck structure 130 bulkhead longitudinal
Pillars - hull structure 101 superstructure)
Piping bulkhead minor (superstructure) 670
air and gas systems 53 cofferdams 120
aircraft systems 556 decks - main (main hull) 130
auxiliary steam systems 570 decks - minor and flats (main hull) 131

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Plating (Cont’d) Primary circuit system (nuclear) 202

decks - superstructure 112 Primary shielding - propulsion (nuclear) 206
inner bottom 102 Procurement 933
rudder 160 Production testing 940
shell (main hull) 100 Project control 930
superstructure - hangar 114 Project definition, feasibility studies,
superstructure 110 specifications and guidance drawings
tanks 120 Propeller
walkways and sponsons (main hull) 103 order System 41
walkways and sponsons tail shafting 240
(superstructure) with shrouds and nozzles 241
Plating - bulkhead Propeller orders and engine telegraph 417
longitudinal (main hull) 121 Propulsion
other (main hull) 122 cooling water system for 271
other (superstructure) 113 diesel engines 222
transverse (main hull) 120 generator sets and motors -
transverse (superstructure) 113 electrical
Plenums 508 power plant (non-nuclear) 21
Plotting and chart tables - navigation 408 power plant (nuclear) 20
Plotting boards - operations room 655 Propulsion units
Plummer block 242 and control equipment 22
Pneumatic combustion fuel oil service systems
equipment - air workshops 664 for
equipment - workshops 663 condensate system for 273
tubes - communication 413 feed water systems for 272
Portable lub oil system 290
equipment - air workshops 664 Propulsors - (bow thrusters and activated
equipment - workshops 663 rudders) 241
escape equipment 683 Protection systems - cathodic 441
lifting equipment - replenishment at Protective clothing
sea damage control 681
pumps-water systems 524 CBRN 682
Portable fire fighting equipment 680 Protective wood planking - fixed to shell 100
Potato - chipper/peeler 660 Provisions 84
Power - ride through supply 305 Pump jets 241
Power distribution Pumps
cabling 320 air conditioning system 500
equipment for portable apparatus 313 air systems 53
glands and cable support 321 aircraft systems 556
main supply - equipment 310 auxiliary steam systems 570
Power generation ballasting, trimming and drainage
diesel Sets 302 systems
gas turbine 301 circulating, cooling, feed and
steam turbine 300 condensate
Powered boats 610 distilling plant 526
Prefabricated structure - shaft brackets 170 main fuel filling/transfer 510
Prefabricated structure - stern tubes 174 sea and fresh water cooling system 525
Pre-heaters (air) - main boilers 210 sea water/fire fighting systems 521
Presses - laundry 662 seats and supports 155
Pre-wetting system 523 PVC covers -
Primary circuit service system (nuclear) 203 decorative 621

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

PVC covers - (Cont’d) Pyrotechnic stowages 772

insulation 625 Pyrotechnics - ammunitions 817
weatherdeck 601 Pyrotechnics 772

Quality assurance 936 Quartermaster - desk 658

Racks Refrigerated (Cont’d)
offices 65 stores 844
storerooms 63 Refrigeration - plant and equipment 505
Radar Refrigerator - DAR
EW system 438 crew's accommodation 641
navigation 405 galleys and pantries 661
weapons and surveillance 435 officers' accommodation 640
Radar absorbent material sick bay 651
hull 106 Refuse chute 562
superstructure 119 Regulator generator - main boilers 210
Radio - communications systems 450 Regulators (feed water) - main boilers 210
Radio equipment - for entertainment 414 Repair spaces and workshops
Rails air - furnishings 664
ladders 602 furnishings 663
rigging 601 Repeater - compass 400
Rammers - weapon handling 731 Reproduction - office machines 650
Ramp - to assist aircraft take-off 118 Reproduction services 922
Ramps Rescue - lifesaving equipment 612
associated with bow, side and stern Reserve - feed water - stowage 883
doors Respirators 682
hull 131 Retracting and tensioning engine - aircraft
superstructure 112 system
RAS Re-transmission unit - compass 400
equipment general 69 RICE equipment - telephones 411
mast highpoints and tripods 690 Ride through power supply 305
strikedown equipment 691 Rigging
Reactor davits 611
auxiliary systems 204 general 601
control and instrumentation 205 replenishment at sea 690
nuclear propulsion 200 Rigging warrant items 855
Ready use lockers - armament 7 Riveting 191
Receivers Rocket
EW system 438 Rocket
radio communication system 450 ammunition 817
Recompression - chamber 535 flare and decoy launchers 770
Rectifier - radio communication system 450 launchers (armament) 770
Reducing valves - air systems 53 Roller - conveyor - RAS 691
Refractory materials - main boilers 210 Ropes and reels 611
Refrigerated Rotary wing 821
counter - officers’ accommodation 640 Royal - portraits 64
counter and shelf - galley 660 Rudders

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Rudders (cont’d) Rudders and skegs 160

activated 241 Running - rigging 611
angle indicators 418
control system 423

SAFA - consoles 650 Seats and supports Group (Cont’d)
Safe 8 items - variable load 158
officers' accommodation 640 Secondary shielding - propulsion (nuclear) 207
offices general 65 Security boxes 640
Safety Self contained air conditioning units 503
equipment - replenishment at sea 692 Servicing trolley (aircraft) 558
nets 601 Settee
rails - aircraft lifts 552 crew's accommodation 641
Sailing - boats 610 officers' accommodation 640
Salvage air systems 534 sick bay 651
Sample structures and models 901 Setting - to - work 944
Sampling equipment Sewage - disposal system 560
hydraulic systems (aircraft) 556 Sextants 408
hydraulic systems (ship) 540 Shaft
oxygen and boiler dater 272 bearings 242
Sanitary tanks 887 brackets 170
Satellite communication systems 454 brakes 243
Saturated Steam System 262 generators 303
Savealls 524 propulsors 241
Screens tunnels 121
awnings 601 Shafting 240
bridge windows and sidelights 140 Shapes - external communication 452
Scupper - drains 524 Sheaves, arresting gear 553
Scuttles - escape 142 Shell plating (main hull) 100
Sea chests 172 Shelves
Sea tubes 175 accommodation spaces 64
Sea water provision and general storerooms 63
cooling system 525 Shielding
systems 520 primary (nuclear) 206
tanks 881 secondary (nuclear) 207
Seacocks Ship and main machinery control systems 42
cooling systems 525 Ship structure and systems testing 942
flooding and spraying systems 522 Ship's
sea water systems 520 battery 312
Seals for shafting, bearings and propulsors 242 miscellaneous fittings (bell,
Searchlights 452 nameplate etc.) 604
Seats and supports Group protective systems 44
1 items - hull 151 Shore - supply boxes 310
2 items - propulsion 152 Shore heating 958
3 items - electrical 153 Shore power 955
4 items - control and communication 154 Shore test facilities (setting up) 913
5 items - auxiliary systems 155 Shoring- CBRN equipment 682
6 items - outfit and furnishings 156 Shower - equipment for heads and
7 items - armament 157 bathrooms

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Shower - equipment for sick bay 651 Specifications, project definition, feasibility
Shredder 650 studies and guidance drawings
Sick bay and dental surgery - furnishings Splashback
and fittings crews' and officers accommodation,
SICS (ship installed chemical system) 416 heads and bathrooms 64
Side doors 145 emergency operating theatres and
Sidelights - navigation 409 sick bay
Sidelights and scuttles 140 Sponsons and walkways
Signalling equipment 452 main hull 103
Silencers 252 superstructure 115
Simulators - radar 435 Sports gear 848
Sink Spray jet nozzles - fire fighting 680
galleys, pantries and workshops 66 Spraying arrangements and sprinklers
heads and bathrooms 642 fresh Water 528
laboratory, sick bay and emergency sea Water 522
operating theatre Spurnwater 130
SINS navigation system 401 Stabilisation system - active and passive 427
Sirens 453 Stabilisers
SIRS (ship installed radiac system) 416 fixed 161
Skegs 160 moveable (including control
Skip and sliding boxes - replenishment at systems)
sea Stabilising tanks 165
Skylights 140 Staff cars 832
Small arms 771 Stanchions
Smoke aircraft lifts 552
clearance ventilation 509 general 601
indicators, main boilers 210 Standing rigging 601
masks 681 Stateboards 65
stacks 252 Stationery, books and office equipment 852
Soap dispenser - galleys and pantries 660 Steam
Soap dispenser/tray - heads 642 drain system 264
Solid cargo 890 exhaust system 263
Sonar dome (integral with hull) 105 generators (nuclear) 201
Sonars - active and passive: tracking, generators and system - auxiliary 570
detection and monitors system (auxiliary superheated) 261
Sonars 436 system (main superheated) 260
Sonobuoys 815 system (saturated) 262
Soot blowers system 26
control gear - main boilers 210 systems - exhaust 571
main boilers 210 turbine generator sets 300
Sound reproduction equipment (SRE) 412 turbines 220
Sounding tubes - fuel system 510 Steaming lights 409
Space heaters 503 Steaming ovens 660
Spare gear - stowage throughout ship 632 Steering gear - main and auxiliary 423
Spares - marine engineering 851 Sterilisers - emergency operating theatre
Spark arrester and sick bay 65
combustion air exhaust system 252 Stern doors 145
fuel systems 510 Stern tubes - bearings 242
Spars 601 Stern tubes 174
Special air systems 536 Stiffeners
Special personnel labour costs 970 associated with hull framing 101

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Stiffeners (Cont’d) Stretcher

not associated primarily with long. or first aid posts 653
trans. framing sick bay 651
Stock - rudder 160 Strikedown RAS equipment 691
Storage batteries - main electrical 121 Stringers 101
Stored garbage 849 Stripping and sullage system 510
Storerooms Studio equipment - SRE 412
and stowages- furnishings and Stump mast - replenishment at sea 690
fittings 63 Submerged launch
general 63 air flight systems 434
Stores air flight weapons 814
accommodation - bedding 845 non-air flight systems 433
accommodation - mess and galley 841 non-air flight weapons 813
air 860 Sullage system 510
embarked forces personnel 861 Superheated steam system (auxiliary) 261
general and marine engineering Superheated steam system 260
spares Superheaters - main boilers 210
general 850 Superstructure - plating 110
medical 846 Superstructure bulkheads 113
NAAFI/canteen 843 Superstructure 11
non-explosive weapons 864 Supply fans or blowers 250
refrigerated 844 Supply system - combustion air 251
victualling and medical 84 Surface/air
weapon equipment IMC 0600 and weapon control systems 430
0900 weapon handling system 701
weapon equipment IMC 0800 863 weapons 810
weapon 86 Surface/anti-submarine
Stores handling and RAS strikedown weapon control system 432
equipment weapon handling system 721
Stowage weapons 812
ammunition - gun 782 Surface/surface weapon control system 431
surface/anti- submarine 722 Surface/surface weapons 811
life saving equipment 612 Surveillance radars 435
missile - surface/surface 712 Survival - suits 612
spare gear throughout ship 632 Switch gear - main electrical storage
weapons - air launched 751 battery system 213
weapons - submerged launch (air Switchboard
flight) radar 435
weapons - submerged launch (non- supply, distribution and control 31
air flight) Synchronous clock transmission - 407
Stowed liquids 88 navigation
Strainers System - integrated platform management 429
condensate and feed water systems 27 Systems
fuel oil system 280 information 419
lub oil system 290 Systems - ballasting, trimming and
SW/FW cooling system 525 drainage 524
Straps - aircraft 551 Systems - hydraulic 540
Straps - hull 601 Systems console 421

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Tables Toilet cabinet and trays
amenity, offices and medical spaces 65 heads and bathrooms 642
bridge - chart/plotting 408 officers' accommodation 640
living spaces 64 sick bay 651
Tally plates - lobbies and passageways 658 Torches - escape equipment 683
Tanks Torpedo
aviation fuel 888 armament 812
aviation lub oil 889 control system 432
cleaning system - fuel 512 handling system 750
fresh water 880 tubes mountings and launchers 730
fuel oil 882 tubes 720
hydraulic oil 885 Torsionmeters and brakes 243
lub oil 884 Tote board 655
pure water (nuclear and battery) 886 Towed sonar system 436
reserve and main feed water 883 Towel - dispenser/rail
sanitary 887 accommodation, heads and
sea water (trimming and bathrooms
compensating) galleys, laundries and workshops 66
stabilisation system (active and operating theatre and sickbay 65
passive) Tracker - weapon control systems 43
tops 102 Tractor - aircraft handling 551
Tarpaulins 601 Training 918
TDHS- weapon control 437 Training gear - viewing devices 406
Telegraph (engine) 417 Training mechanism and transducer -
Telephones - underwater 451 sonar
Telephones 411 Transfer - fuel system 510
Teletypes 450 Transfer - main lub oil system 580
Television Transformers
closed circuit - viewing devices 406 EW system 438
recreation and entertainment - lighting 330
equipment radar 435
Temporary lights 954 radio 450
Temporary preservation 972 Transmission system - chronometers 407
Tepid water system 501 Transmission system - SINS 401
Test equipment - workshops - (aircraft) 664 Transmitter - radar 438
Test equipment - workshops - (ship) 663 Transmitter - radio 450
Theatre - emergency operating - Transmitters
furnishings air flow - main boilers 210
Thermal / thermal acoustic feed water flow - main boilers 210
insulation (main hull) 626 Transport
insulation (superstructure) 676 military 831
Thermometers - lub oil system - 290 Transverse
propulsion units deck beams and girders 130
Thrust meters 242 framing - hull structure 101
Tiles - deck coverings - (main hull) 623 superstructure frames 111
Tiles - deck coverings - (superstructure) 673 Travelling, subsistence and personnel
Toasters - galleys and pantries 660 expenses 971
Tobacco - NAAFI/canteen - stores 843 Tread plates
deck - (main hull) 624
deck - (superstructure) 674

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Tread plates (cont’d) Trunks - structural 123

engraved - deck 604 Tubes - sea 175
Trimming systems - sea water 524 Tubes - stern 174
Tripod - replenishment at sea 690 Turbines
Trolleys power generation - gas sets 301
aircraft servicing 55 power generation - steam sets 300
galleys, pantries and laundries 66 propulsion units - gas 221
missile loading 711 propulsion units - steam 220
replenishment at sea 691 Turning gear 225
Trophies 848 TV equipment 414
Trunking Type tests of machinery 915
air conditioning and ventilation 50 Typewriter - office equipment 65
combustion air - propulsion 25

UHF - radio equipment 450 Urn - electric
Underwater crew's accommodation 641
telephones and echo sounders 451 galleys and preparation spaces 660
tools and equipment - general 663 sick bay 651
Uptakes - baffles and deflectors 252

Valve - grinding/re-seating machinery - Vehicle retrieval winches 692
workshops 66 Vehicles - armoured fighting 830
Valve easing gear - main boilers 210 Vent trunks 123
Valves Ventilation - smoke clearance 509
air and gas systems (including Ventilation and air conditioning 502
AGOUTI) Ventilation system
air conditioning and ventilation in main machinery spaces 508
systems main boiler 210
aircraft systems 55 mechanical 502
fuel oil service systems 28 natural 504
hydraulic systems 54 Venturi - stabilisation tanks 165
lub oil systems 29 Venturi meters 525
main boilers 210 Vertical keel frames 101
main condensers 230 Vice - metal/woodworking 66
main fuel oil systems 51 Victualling stores - furnishing and fittings 631
sea and fresh water systems Viewers - security doors 65
(including flooding, spraying and 52 Viewing devices 406
pre- wetting) Visual signalling equipment 452
solway (for sick bays) 651 Voice tubes 413
steam systems 26 VSTOL aircraft ramps 118
waste disposal systems 56
water cooling, feed and condensate

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Walkways - non-structural 603 WC pans - sick bay 651
Walkways/sponsons - (main hull) 103 Weapon control system
Walkways/sponsons - (superstructure) 115 surface/air 430
Wardrobe - officers' accommodation 640 surface/anti - submarine 432
Wardrobe - sick bay 651 surface/surface 431
Wardroom store 848 Weapon control systems
Warfare system - electronic 438 centralised 437
Warning systems - CBRN 416 Weapon radars 435
Warnings - alarms, buzzers, bells, lamps Weapon stowage
and horns submerged launch (air flight) 742
Warrant items - rigging 855 submerged launch (non-air flight) 732
Wash cabinet - heads and bathrooms 642 air launched 751
Wash cabinet - sick bays 651 Weapons
Washbasins air launched 815
accommodation spaces, heads and armament (including protection) 7
bathrooms controls - stores 863
galleys and preparation spaces 660 controls - systems 43
offices and medical spaces 65 handling 731
workshops and repair spaces 66 mine disposal 816
Washing machines stores - air 860
galleys and pantries 660 stores - embarked forces personnel 861
laundries 662 stores - equipment IMC 0600 and
Waste disposal systems 56 0900
Waste water disposal system 561 stores - equipment IMC 0800 863
Water stores - non-explosive 864
chilled and tepid systems 501 submerged launch (air flight) 814
coolers 661 submerged launch (non-air flight) 813
cooling system (fresh and sea) 525 surface/air 810
cooling water system for propulsion surface/anti-submarine 812
units surface/surface 811
feed water flow transmitters - main Weapons handling system - air launched 750
boilers Weapons handling system - submerged
feed water regulators - main boilers 210 launch (air flight)
feed water systems for propulsion Wedges - doors 141
units Weight control 935
level indicators - main boilers 210 Welding
main circulating water system to equipment 66
condensers material (fastenings) 190
sea water fire fighting systems 521 power 956
sea water system 520 Wells - deck 130
systems - sea and fresh 52 Whalers 610
Water heaters Whereabouts diagram 658
accommodation spaces 64 aircraft handling 551
air conditioning system 502 Whistles 453
fresh water system 527 Winches
Watertight doors and hatches 141 boats 611
Watertight manhole- covers 143 mooring 600
Waveguides - electronic warfare 438 replenishment at sea 690
Waveguides - navigational aids 40 sonar 436
WC pans - heads and bathrooms 642 vehicle retrieval 692

DEF STAN 02-163 Issue 2

Wind Woodworking - equipment and tools 66

speed and direction - indicator Workbenches 66
systems - aircraft Workboats 610
surface/surface 431 Workshops and
Wind boxes- main boiler 210 repair spaces -furnishings 663
Windows 140 repair spaces (air) - furnishings 665
Wiper - window 140 repair spaces 66
Wire Writing desks 65
rigging 601
supports - arresting gear 553
sweep equipment 762

X-ray - apparatus and equipment 651

Zinc dust solutions - paint 662 Zinc protectors 442

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The DStan file reference relating to work on this standard is DStan/69/2/163.

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