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Handwritten Gujarati Character Recognition Based On Discrete Cosine Transform

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Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
E-mail: ardeshana.g27@gmail.com, 2ankit.sharma@nirmauni.ac.in, 3dipak.adhyaru@nirmauni.ac.in,

Abstract— Gujarati script is used by more than 600 million people around the world. Handwritten character recognition of
Gujarati script is important area of research due to its wider applications. The work done for handwritten Gujarati character
recognition is negligible in literature. Here we have suggest a method based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) as feature
extraction method and Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier for classification of characters. For experiment database used here is
around 22000 samples. The result obtained from above setup gives good accuracy.

Keywords—Handwritten Gujarati characters, Discrete cosine transform, Naïve Bayes classifier

I. INTRODUCTION used here. We believe that the work presented here

will be useful for the further development of OCR
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system can system of Gujarati script having high accuracy.
convert scanned document into text format for
storage, editing, transmission, indexing and
coordinating into different applications.
Advancement of OCR innovations of Indian content
has more challenges than western content due to the
perplexing character set and also presence of joint
characters and modifiers [1]. As Gujarat is one of the
eminent state of India, Gujarati is a well-known and
culturally rich dialect. Therefore improvement in
effective OCR of Gujarati dialect will contribute
more. Gujarati script is obtained from antique
Devanagari script and it has much likeness with other
north Indian dialect, basically Hindi. The significant
distinction between other north Indian dialect and
Gujarati is the nonappearance of a head line going
through every characters framing the word [1]. Fig. 1 Set of handwritten Gujarati characters
Because of its unconventional characteristics Gujarati
should to be treated by different approach from other This paper describes all important stages of OCR
Indo-Aryan dialects. Gujarati Character Recognitions system. Figure 2 shows the general architecture of
offers more difficulties like most other Indian scripts OCR model. For any OCR system, feature extraction
relative to the western languages due to these reasons: and classification stages are important. The rest of
(a) presence of joint characters, (b) presence of the paper is organized as below. Section II and
similar looking characters, (c) huge and complex Section III discuss about preprocessing and
character set by combination of characters and segmentation stage respectively. Dataset preparation
modifiers [2]. Set of Gujarati characters in and information about it is discussed in section IV.
handwritten form is shown in fig. 1.1 which includes Feature extraction and experiment result are
basic consonants and vowels of Gujarati language. discussed in section V and VI respectively.
For Gujarati character recognition very less
significant work is available in the literature. These
are also restricted to finite number of images for
recognition [3]. For researchers Handwritten
character recognition has turned into an extremely
fascinating topic since most recent couple of decades
as it is very challenging area due to variations in
writing style.We have performed the experiments for
large set of character images and provided a
significant outcome for handwritten Gujarati
character recognition. This paper depicts the
outcomes acquired by using the Naïve Bayes
classifier. The Discrete Cosine Transform features are Fig. 2 OCR architecture

Proceedings of IRF-ieeeforum International Conference, 3rd April, 2016, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-93-85973-95-6
Handwritten Gujarati Character Recognition Based on Discrete Cosine Transform

II. PREPROCESSING Slant angle between a vertical direction and longest

stroke in a word is one of the quantifiable factor of
The handwritten characters in crude form will be various handwriting styles. Slant removal is used for
subjected to various preprocessing stages to make it normalization of each characters in a standard form
usable regardless how it is gained. The preprocessing [11].
stage aims to produce the data relevant for the
recognition stage. The principle goals of pre- III. SEGMENTATION
processing are:
Segmentation is one of the most imperative part of
(1) Binarization:- preprocessing step. It permits the classifier to extract
For any grayscale captured image every pixel varies information from every characters. For handwritten
between 0 to 255 value. With binarization process character recognition this process is very crucial as
greyscale value is thresholded and it is being characters have a tendency to be joined with one
converted into black(‘1’)for foreground or white(‘0’) another, distorted or overlapped. For complex and
for background pixel. The method used for joint strings advanced methods must be utilized.
binarization of any image is called thresholding in Segmentation is carried out for breaking a single text
which gray scale image is converted into binary by a line from scanned documents, single word from
finite threshold value. Thresholding is divided into single lines, and single character from the single
two groups which are local and global thresholding. word. Segmentation can be classified majorly in two
Adaptive or local thresholding utilizes different classes [11]:
threshold values for every pixel based on local area a) External segmentation, which is performed for
information. Whereas in global thresholding , for isolation of paragraphs, single lines or words.
entire image one threshold value is utilized which is b) Internal segmentation, which is performed for
estimated by intensity histogram. Local thresholding isolation of single characters.
is generally useful for images having different level
of intensities, for example, images from satellite There are many techniques available for segmentation
cameras. Whreaeas global thresholding would be of individual characters which are based on
sufficient for simple images such as handwriting on projection profiles, connected component labeling or
white background [10]. white space and pitch [12].

(2) Noise Reduction:- IV. DATASET

Any scanned document may have noises for example,
holes in lines, disconnected segments etc. for Remarkable research works are available on printed
improving quality of the document noise reduction Gujarati script. However, a very few work is
process is performed.[11] There are more than available on handwritten Gujarati script. For research
hundreds of techniques available for noise reduction work on handwritten Gujarati characters needs
these are mainly classified into three groups: filtering, proper standard or benchmark databases. So our
noise modeling and morphological operations. Filters research work also incorporates to develop a large
can be intended for sharpening, smoothing, contrast anddelegate sample databases for handwritten
adjustment etc. Different morphological operations Gujarati script. Database was gathered by filling an
can be intended for thinning the characters, extracting application form by distinctive gatherings of the
boundaries, smoothing the contour etc [10]. students of different age. Application forms were
gathered and isolated handwritten characters were
(3) Normalization:- extracted from the details mentioned in application
Through normalization process images with random forms by students. All these application forms were
size is converted into standard size. Here, scanned through HP Scanjet 3600 multipage scanner
normalization in size maintain inter class invariation at 300 dpi resolutions. For handwritten Gujarati
of characters. A couple of methods are available for characters more than 22000 character samples were
size normalization for example, bi-cubic extracted from these forms. These individual
interpolation, bilinear etc [12]. Gujarati character samples were saved in JPG format.
Extraction of isolated characters from the scanned
(4) Skew Correction:- documents manually takes lot of time so for saving
This process is carried out for aligning the scanned time by software isolation of characters is done.
document with coordinate system of the scanner. Segmentation of line and word and characters are
Generally correlation, projection profiles etc methods done. Thus these database in not generated in
are used for skew detection [11]. laboratory environments. The database is equally
distributed among different classes for correlation
(5) Slant Removal:- purposes. Our database comprises of 22000 samples
Writing style varies from person to person therefore and total 44 classes. This Database of each class is
the slant of handwritten characters will be different. also divided in training part and testing part in ratio of

Proceedings of IRF-ieeeforum International Conference, 3rd April, 2016, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-93-85973-95-6
Handwritten Gujarati Character Recognition Based on Discrete Cosine Transform

5:1. So The entire arrangement of available data of CONCLUSIONS

each individual class have been part into a training set
a test set. The samples are stored in grayscale In this paper we have implemented a NB classifier for
images. So that the researchers can explore different Gujarati Handwritten character recognition system.
techniques of preprocessing, thresholding etc. The features used for recognition is DCT which is
easy to obtain. Here we have obtained good
V. FEATURE EXTRACTION recognition rate of 78.05 % for large dataset.We hope
that this work will also be useful for the research
For increasing the recognition rate of classifier, work of optical character recognition for other Indian
unique features are computed from each individual scripts.
characters. Feature extraction method transforms the
input data into the set of features called feature vector ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
which is a reduced representation of the input data
[8]. Feature extraction is very crucial stage. Features Authors acknowledge the Institute of Technology,
are extracted after preprocessing and segmentation Nirma University for providing the research facilities.
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Proceedings of IRF-ieeeforum International Conference, 3rd April, 2016, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-93-85973-95-6

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