Bergstrom 2000
Bergstrom 2000
Bergstrom 2000
John Bergström
Luleå University of Technology
SE-971 87 Luleå
ABSTRACT 125rpm and has a flow rate of 149.0 m3/s. The model turbine
A simulation of the three-dimensional flow field in the has a head of 4.5 m, speed of 595 rpm, flow rate of 0.533 m3/s
Turbine 99 draft tube using a RST closure is reported in this and delivers approximately 32 kW. The geometry of the draft
paper. The best efficiency point measurements were used as tube is a typical design from the 1940’s with a sharp outer
boundary conditions. The report focuses on boundary corner in the bend (figure 1).
conditions, grid quality, numerical error, analysis of the
resulting flow field and comparison to experimental data. The The experiments were made at Vattenfall Utveckling,
incomplete measurements at the inlet made it necessary to Älvkarleby, Sweden (Andersson and Karlsson, 1999a and
estimate boundary conditions for the radial velocity, the 1999b). The data supplied for the workshop were conducted at
Reynolds stresses and the turbulent length scale. A block- 60% load, close to the highest efficiency for the system. Two
structured grid was constructed to achieve a grid of high quality, cases were measured (both at a head of 4.5 m), one at the
which made it necessary to reconstruct the initial surface highest efficiency point (Q=0.533 m3/s) on the propeller curve
topology of the draft tube. The numerical errors, grid and and one at a higher flow rate (Q=0.544 m3/s). Laser Doppler
iterative errors were estimated to 3%-7% and 0.8-0.002%, Velocity measurements at one cross section further downstream
respectively. Comparison with pressure measurements at the of the draft tube were conducted as well as the inlet boundary
upper and lower centerline yielded satisfactory results for the conditions. Pressure measurements at several locations at the
finest grid (700000 grid points). Comparison with velocity walls were also conducted.
measurements at a cross section further downstream yielded
qualitatively good results for the main flow but poor agreement One engineering quantity, the pressure recovery factor, will
for the secondary flow. The flow field had several interesting be used, in conjunction with detailed data, to compare the
flow phenomena including the vortex below the runner cone measurements with the calculations. The present contribution
and a large separated region at the outlet. will focus on the construction of the grid, numerical errors and
the boundary conditions.
The Turbine 99 workshop is aimed to be a follow-up to the It is important that the solution from a CFD calculation is
GAMM Workshop held at EPFL in Switzerland, 1989 (Sottas close to being grid independent. However, it is in most cases
and Ryhming 1993) where the most advanced numerical impossible to achieve a completely grid independent solution.
simulations at that time were used. The goal with the Turbine 99 Therefore it is necessary to estimate the errors. The errors in
workshop is to assess current state-of-the art numerical numerical flow simulations can be subdivided in two parts, grid
simulations of the flow field in a hydraulic turbine draft tube by errors and iterative errors. Grid errors (discretization errors)
comparing numerical calculations with LDV and pressure were estimated by using Richardson extrapolation to estimate
measurements. the solution for a grid having infinitely many grid points. This
estimation can then be used to calculate the error. These
The draft tube is a scale model (1:11) of the real draft tube methods require the use of several grids in a sequence (at least
belonging to the Hölleforsen hydro power plant. It is situated in three), (Bergström and Gebart 1999), (Ferziger and Peric,
the Indals River and was started in 1949. The real plant has a 1996).
head of 24.9 m, delivers 140 MW (three turbines), rotates with
Iterative errors can be calculated in several different ways, NUMERICAL METHOD
e.g. using the residuals or to calculate an estimate of the real The code used for solving the governing equations is the
iterative error, (Ferziger and Peric, 1996). In the present case parallel version of the commercial code CFX (AEA
the residuals were used. Because of the coupling between the Technology, 1997). It is a finite volume based code using a
iterative error and the residual, the reduction of the residuals of structured non-staggered multi-block grid. To avoid
a certain order of magnitude implies that the error has decreased checkerboard oscillations in pressure and velocities, the Rhie-
by a comparable amount, (Ferziger and Peric, 1996). Chow (1983) interpolation method is used. The data transfer
between blocks is done by the introduction of dummy cells
Closely connected to the convergence rate and the outside the boundary of each block. This will make each block
numerical error is the grid quality. If a poor grid is generated, overlap a neighbor block. The interior values in one block will
this might result in poor convergence or divergence. In this become the boundary conditions for the neighbor block and
case, where a block-structured grid is used, it is important how vice versa (AEA Technology, 1997).
the geometry is divided into subdomains (or “blocks”). Keeping
the control volume edges as orthogonal as possible was one of All terms in all equations are discretized using second-
the problems which were encountered when trying to generate order centered differencing apart from the convective terms in
the grid for the Turbine 99 case. the momentum equations. The convective terms are discretized
using higher order upwind, a second-order method. The
One of the challenges in engineering calculations is how to convective term in the remaining equations are discretized using
treat boundary conditions at inlet and outlet. Such a problem, as hybrid differencing.
in the current case, is the incompleteness of the boundary
conditions, i.e. not all the necessary inlet and outlet conditions The PISO algorithm (Jang et. al, 1986) is used for the
are given as input data for the calculations. This missing pressure-velocity coupling. This algorithm was found to give
information must be estimated, guessed or in some way better iterative convergence rate than the SIMPLEC algorithm.
prescribed. This is a common problem when trying to simulate The PISO algorithm (which is originally a time-marching
“real” cases. Usually we do not know all velocity components, procedure) uses one or several correction steps (additional
Reynolds stresses or length scales that must be specified for a pressure correction equations), (Jang et. al, 1986).
simulation. In the workshop case there is probably much more
information available than what is common. More commonly TURBULENCE MODEL
the only available information would be the flow rate and the The turbulence model is a Reynolds stress model, (Daly
runner speed for a draft tube simulation. One way to get all the and Harlow, 1970), (Rotta, 1972), (Naot et. al, 1970). It uses
necessary information at the inlet of the draft tube would be to individual equations for the Reynolds stresses and one equation
simulate the flow field separately in the runner. However, a for the dissipation. The terms that must be modeled in the
runner simulation would also need inlet information that might Reynolds stress equation are the turbulent diffusion and the
not be so easily obtained (but probably easier than for the draft pressure strain. The turbulent diffusion is modeled using a
tube inlet). gradient-type model (Daly and Harlow, 1970). The pressure
strain is written as the sum of three terms. A return to isotropy
Starting by describing the numerical method this report term by (Rotta, 1972), a return to isotropy of production term
continues with the turbulence model, treatment of the boundary by (Naot et. al., 1970) and a wall reflection term (Gibson and
conditions, grid generation, numerical errors, comparison to Launder, 1978), which is omitted in the present turbulence
experimental data and finally some required results for the model (AEA Technology, 1997).
For the dissipation tensor it is assumed that the turbulence
is locally isotropic. A modeled ε-equation similar to the one
used in the k-ε model is used. More details about the model can
be found in (Bergström, 1997) and (AEA Technology, 1997).
were measured. This is not enough information for a simulation derivative of the velocity at the wall and at the outer edge of the
using the current Reynolds stress model. The missing data were boundary layer. Of these four conditions only the derivative at
the radial velocity, one of the normal Reynolds stresses w’w’, the wall could not be calculated from experiments. Then the
all Reynolds shear stresses and the turbulent dissipation which derivative (dU/dr) at the inner wall was adjusted until the inner
must be specified for the current turbulence model. The and outer boundary layer had approximately the same thickness
velocities were not measured all the way to the walls (the draft (~ 4 mm). The final velocity profile can be seen in figure 3.
tube wall and the rotating runner cone wall) so some estimation
of the velocity variation from the last measurement point up to
the wall must be done.
Radial velocity
The radial velocity was computed assuming that the 3.5
velocity vector was parallel to the walls at the runner cone wall
and the outer draft tube wall. The angle of the walls at the inlet 3
where the angle θ was assumed to vary linearly from the runner 0.5
-0.8 6
-1 5
0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 4
At the inner wall (the runner cone) the velocity profile was Reynolds Stresses
assumed to have the same boundary layer thickness as at the To calculate the Reynolds stresses from the given rms
outer wall. Then a fourth order polynomial velocity profile was values of the velocities it was assumed that
assumed close to the inner wall. This requires the value and the
ui ' ui ' = ui '⋅ui ' (2) same size as the smallest distance between the runner blades.
The Kaplan runner in the test case has 5 blades and the runner
blade angle was about 25 degrees measured from a horizontal
The Reynolds stresses were then linearly interpolated from
plane (Urban Anderson, Personal communication). The smallest
the experimental data (figure 5 shows the rms values). The u’
distance at the mean radius (167 mm) was then 0.09 m.
and v’ profiles are quite similar so it was assumed that w’=v’,
i.e. that the turbulence is approximately isotropic at the inlet of
the draft tube. The only Reynolds shear stress given was u’v’. Wall boundaries
This stress was about 10% of the normal stresses. Because no In the current Reynolds stress model, a wall function
information about the remaining shear stresses (u’w’ and v’w’) approach is only used for the dissipation but not for the
were given and the fact that the u’v’ stress was small, all Reynolds stresses. The Reynolds stresses are linearly
Reynolds shear stresses were set to zero extrapolated from values in control volumes interior to the flow
(Clarke and Wilkes, 1989).
u' v ' = v ' w' = u' w' = 0 (3) Outlet
At the outlet all quantities were given a zero normal
Both the velocities and the Reynolds stresses were assumed gradient except for velocities, which were given a constant
to be axisymmetric at the inlet. This made it necessary to gradient. The pressure is extrapolated from upstream values.
transform both these quantities depending on the azimuthal This is equivalent to assume that the flow field is fully
positions at the inlet of the draft tube. developed at the outlet. Initially the velocity is first given a zero
normal gradient. The difference from actual mass flow rate is
then calculated. Then a constant multiplied by the outward
going normal is added to the velocities in order to ensure exact
0.7 global mass conservation.
0.5 The basis for the 3D geometry construction for this test
case was the original paper drawing of the model draft tube.
0.4 This paper drawing was converted to a 3D solid model using
the CAD software I-DEAS. This task caused some trouble
because the real draft tube was not exactly constructed by the
0.2 measures in the paper drawing. After consulting Urban
Andersson at Vattenfall Utveckling, Sweden (who also
conducted the boundary condition measurements for this
0 workshop) the geometry was adjusted to be as close as possible
0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24
to the real geometry. This geometry was then converted to
several CAD formats. In this case the IGES format was used.
Fig. 5 The rms values of the axial (u’, blue, dash- The solver used, CFX 4.2 (AEA Technology, 1997), is a
dotted curve) and tangential velocities (v’, red, upper block-structured code. The geometry must therefore be
curve) subdivided into several inter-connecting solids before creating
the grid. The surfaces of the original model were not suited to
Turbulent dissipation ε create a mesh of high quality, a must if good convergence rate
The turbulent dissipation ε was calculated by assuming that should be possible. The original model was therefore redrawn
quite drastically in order to achieve a well-behaved grid.
k 3/ 2
ε = Cµ (4) The most critical task was to create a high quality mesh at
the upper wall of the bend. The grid for this part of the
geometry can be seen in figure 6. This grid is one way to
where k is the turbulent kinetic energy (which can be calculated
achieve a high quality mesh. There are probably several other
from the normal Reynolds stresses) and Cµ is a model constant
possible ways to reconstruct the geometry.
(same as in the k-ε model Cµ=0.09 ). In order to use this
relationship the turbulent length scale or integral scale (l) has to
be specified. (Tennekes and Lumley, 1972) define l as the size
of the largest eddies or the width of the flow. In this case it
seemed reasonable to assume that the largest eddies were of the
where h is the grid cell size, α is a grid refinement factor and a1
is a coefficient that depends on the derivatives but do not
depend on h. Eq. (5) can be used for three grids in a sequence
resulting in an expression for p, the actual order (as opposed to
the formal order) of the numerical scheme.
φα 2 h − φα 3 h α 3p − α 2p
= p (6)
φα 1 h − φ α 2 h α 2 − α1p
φ extrapolated − φ h
er ,approx = (8)
φ extrapolated
The large errors in these badly shaped elements made it Pout :wall − Pin:wall (9)
impossible to achieve a converged solution during the initial C pr = 2
1 Q
test calculations. This shows how important a good mesh is to ρ
the solution. 2 Ain
NUMERICAL ERRORS where Pout:wall and Pin:wall are the mean wall pressures at the
The largest numerical error in Computational Fluid outlet and inlet. This definition is adopted because the pressure
Dynamics is the discretization error or grid error as found out measurements were only conducted at the walls. The number of
by (Bergström and Gebart, 1999). This error will be considered grid points, the grid refinement factor and the pressure recovery
first. The second error, the iterative error, is usually a smaller factor are presented in table 1.
problem than the discretization error.
Grid error
Richardson extrapolation was used to calculate the grid
error as described in (Ferziger and Peric, 1996). This method
expand the discretization error as the leading term in a Taylor
Grid No. of grid points α Cpr Cpr - s φ(α ) = φ extrapolated + ηα p (12)
1 725779 1 0.87174 0.93217
2 515752 1.1206 0.87838 0.94154
3 361279 1.2618 0.86549 0.93217
φα 2 h − φ α 1 h α1p + α 2p
= p (10)
φα 2 h − φα 3 h α 2 + α 3p
Fig. 8 Richardson extrapolation (p=1 and 2) applied
to the result from three grids in a sequence. alpha is
This equation resulted in p=5.668. This is of course not a the grid refinement. The box, circle and plus symbols
reasonable value of p (which should be between 1 and 2 are the results from grid 1,2 and 3, respectively.
because both higher order upwind and hybrid differencing is
used). This can depend on the way in which the grid is refined. Eq. (7), (11) and (12) can also be used to estimate the necessary
The grid is not refined equally in all direction because of the grid size for a grid error of e.g. 1%. This results in a necessary
necessity to have a fine grid close to the walls. If the grid size of 3.9*106 grid points for p=2 and 222*106 for p=1.
Richardson extrapolation method should be meaningful, grids Unfortunately, due to available computer resources it is not
even finer than the finest used here would have to be generated. possible to check if these really are the required grid sizes.
It is possible that the coarsest grid (361279 grid points) is still However, we still do not know for sure that the grids are in the
not fine enough. asymptotic range making it a bit hazardous to conclude
anything about the grid convergence error.
However, it is possible that the two finest grids are in the
asymptotic range and then it is still possible to estimate the grid Iterative error
convergence error. But then the actual order p can not be The iterative convergence was controlled by the residuals
calculated. A natural suggestion would be to calculate the error of the equations. The residuals are coupled to the real iterative
using Richardson extrapolation using both p=1 and 2. In this error. This means that a reduction in the residuals implies a
way we will at least get an upper and lower limit for the grid reduction in the iterative error. If zero initial values are used as
convergence error (but one can not be absolutely sure that the a starting guess then the initial error will be equal to the solution
grids really are in the asymptotic range). Richardson itself. E.g. if the residuals have fallen about 4 orders of
extrapolation can be expressed as (Bergström, 1997): magnitude, then the error should have fallen by a comparable
amount, i.e. the error is about 0.01% of the solution, (Ferziger
α 2p φ h − φ α 2 h and Peric, 1996). (Ferziger and Peric, 1996) also suggest that
φ extrapolated = (11) the iterations can be stopped when the residuals for the inner
α 2p − 1
iterations have decreased 1-2 orders of magnitude (Table 2) and
3-5 orders of magnitude for the outer iterations (Table 3). The
Assuming p=2 yields φextrapolated=0.84578 and er,approx=- convergence criterion for the outer iterations is fulfilled for all
3.06950% and for p=1, φextrapolated=0.81669 and er,approx=- equation except for some of the Reynolds stresses. For the inner
6.74108%. To summarize: the error varies between 3-7% if p is iterations the convergence criterion is fulfilled for all equation
assumed to be between 1 and 2. except for the pressure correction equation. However, it should
be noted that table 2 only shows the average reduction in the
A plot of Cpr for the three grids is shown in figure 8. The curves residuals for all outer iterations.
in this figure are obtained by solving for η in:
u-velocity residuals 1,79*101
v-velocity residuals 1,72*101
w-velocity residuals 1,64*101
mass source residuals 5,88*100
ε residuals 1,10*101
uu residuals 5,56*101
vv residuals 5,00*101
ww residuals 4,76*101
uv residuals 5,56*101
vw residuals 4,55*101
wu residuals 5,26*101
Pressure measurements
Pressure measurements were (after the workshop) available
at the upper and lower centerline of the walls and at the walls at
the inlet and outlet of the draft tube. Figures 9 and 10 shows the
pressure for the three grids at upper and lower centerline and
the measured pressure.
Fig. 10 Pressure at the lower centerline. The pressure
has been normalized by dividing the pressure at all
locations by the pressure at the first point (at
Distance=0). Distance is the distance in meters from
the inlet of the draft tube.
agreement for the lower centerline (fig. 10) but the pressure is
too high between Distance=0.5 to 1.5.
Velocity measurements
The velocity was measured at the inlet (the boundary
conditions for the workshop) and at a cross section further
downstream (named cross section III in the workshop) (figure
Quantity Inlet Cross section III
αaxial 1.0488 1.1763
αswirl 6.1553*10-2 2.0140*10-2
β 1.1026 1.0362
S 0.1816 6.0363*10-2
Engineering quantities
A number of engineering quantities were requested for the Fig. 15 The vortex below the runner cone visualized
workshop. These are presented in table 4. All values are for grid by vortexlines. The vortexlines correspond to the
1. vorticity vector as streamlines correspond to the
velocity vector.
The vortex is also an area of recirculation as shown in
figure 16. The velocity in the area below the cone is directed
upwards towards the cone. This is because of the high rotational
speed in the vortex inducing a low pressure just below the cone
(figure 17). Flow visualizations with fluorescent dye showed
qualitatively the same results.
to some extent, how the geometry is divided into subdomains).
In this case it was decided that the grid should have as equal
resolution as possible in all directions in order to be sure that all
flow phenomena were captured. It is of course possible to guess
in advance where interesting areas in the computational domain
exist and create a finer grid there. However, it is possible that
some unexpected phenomena arise.
shows that the iterative error is smaller than the grid desirable. It is also possible to conduct a transient simulation of
convergence error. A result also found out by (Bergström and this case with the presently available boundary conditions. This
Gebart, 1999). Following the recommendations by (Ferziger can probably shed some light on why is it difficult to reach a
and Peric, 1996) the solution has not converged for some of the steady state solution. However, one might ask if turbulence
variables. This can indicate that trying to reach a steady state models based on RANS are suited for transient simulations.
solution in this case is not possible. A transient simulation Information about the behavior of turbulence models (RANS) in
should be included in a future study of this case. unsteady flows can be found in (Leschziner, 1998). Generally
one can say that turbulence models (RANS) can be used only if
In this study the asymptotic range was not reached for the the unsteadiness is quasi-steady or slow but not if it is moderate
present grid sequence. The most obvious reason is that the grids or fast (Leschziner, 1998).
are too coarse. It is also possible that only the coarsest grid is
outside the asymptotic range. The only way to answer this The second phenomenon is the large separation region at
question would be to create one or several larger meshes. the upper wall. This region stretches out outside the outlet.
However, it is also possible that the present grids are sufficient Because an assumption of a fully developed flow at the outlet is
and that the poor iterative convergence (towards a steady state assumed the region outside the draft tube should be included in
solution) for the Reynolds stresses is the reason for not reaching the simulation. This however, will make the grid even larger
the asymptotic range. But as mentioned above, it might not be and the equalization wall in the tank downstream the draft tube
possible to reach a steady state solution in this case. has to be modeled in some way. Also, the small fraction of
incoming fluid into the outlet of the draft tube is probably not a
The comparison with pressure measurements at the upper large error source in the calculation.
and lower centerlines shows quite good agreement for the finest
grid except for the pressure drop at the upper centerline and the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
area of maximum pressure at the lower centerline. The pressure The financial support of the Swedish National Board for
drop at the upper centerline occurs at the end of the first conical Industrial and Technical Development, Elforsk, and Kvaerner
section of the draft tube (this pressure drop is visible to the right Turbine AB is gratefully acknowledged.
in figure 17). The reason for the disagreement in this area is
probably that the grid is not fine enough in this area to resolve This research was conducted using the resources of High
this sharp drop. The area of high pressure at the lower Performance Computing Center North (HPC2N).
centerline consists of two maximums, the first one also visible
in figure 17 to the lower left and a second, more widespread REFERENCES
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