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Accurate Modeling of Impinging Jet Heat Transfer: Et Al

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Center for Turbulence Research Annual Research Briefs 1997


Accurate modeling of impinging jet heat transfer

By M. Behnia, S. Parneix AND P. Durbin
In the last two decades, jet impingement heat transfer has received considerable attention because of its many applications for high heat ux cooling or heating. There are numerous papers dealing with this problem both numerically and experimentally. Some reviews have also appeared, amongst which some of the most recent are Jambunathan et al. (1992), Viskanta (1993), and Webb & Ma (1995). There are a number of parameters which can a ect the heat transfer rate in a jet impingement con guration. For instance, the jet-to-target distance not only a ects the heat transfer rate, but also can have a signi cant e ect on the local heat transfer coe cient distribution (Baughn & Shimizu, 1989). For the design and optimization of jet impingement cooling or heating systems, it is essential that the e ect of these parameters of importance be characterized. In some of the previous studies, these e ects have been addressed, and results of the experiments performed by di erent investigators have sometimes been contradictory due to the di erences in the experimental conditions. In their review, Jambunathan et al. (1992) clearly pointed out this problem and noted that, for a better understanding of the jet impingement heat transfer process, the details of the ow, geometry, and turbulence conditions are required so that a comparison between di erent experimental data can be made. Due to the di culties in performing and comparing experiments, a numerical simulation of the problem would have been an ideal candidate for quantifying the e ect of the parameters of interest. However, turbulent impinging jets have complex features due to entrainment, stagnation, and high streamline curvature. These features prove to be incompatible with most existing turbulence models, which are essentially developed and tested for ows parallel to a wall. For instance, Craft et al. (1993) have demonstrated some of the problems in these turbulence models, namely a substantial over-prediction of heat transfer in the stagnation region by the widely used k ; " turbulence model. In fact, the complexity of this ow has led to it being chosen as an excellent and challenging test-case (see ERCOFTAC database at http:// uindigo.mech.surrey.ac.uk) for the validation of turbulence models. A number of investigators have gauged the success of their models based on this ow. However, turbulence modelers encounter numerous di culties due to the fact that the details of the experimental data are often not known or that the ow conditions and geometry are not well posed. For validation purposes, we chose the data sets obtained in a fully-developed impinging jet con guration (i.e. Baughn & Shimizu 1987, Baughn et al. 1989, Lytle & Webb 1995, Yan 1993 and Mesbah 1996). Some computations with the at plate con guration (Fig. 1) at a single Reynolds number have been reported in the 1996

1. Motivation and objectives


M. Behnia, S. Parneix & P. Durbin

CTR Annual Research Briefs (Behnia et al. 1996). It has been shown that the V2F model successfully and economically predicted the rate of heat transfer. Subsequent simulations are presented in this report to determine the e ects of important parameters such as jet-to-target distance, geometry, and Reynolds number, as well as jet con nement.


Figure 1. Con guration of the jet impinging on a at plate.

2. Accomplishments

2.1 Background

2.1.1 Simulation techniques Most predictions of jet impingement heat transfer in industry involve the use of standard or modi ed versions of the k ; " turbulence model, available in all existing CFD packages. These models have usually been developed, calibrated, and validated using ows parallel to the wall. Physical phenomena involved in impinging ows on a solid surface are substantially di erent and have been considered as highly challenging test-cases for the validation of turbulence models. For example, simulations from Craft et al. (1993) of a non-con ned impinging jet cooling a heated at plate, using a k ; " type model, showed dramatically poor results for wall heat transfer coe cients (e.g. more than 100% over-prediction in the stagnation region). The V2F turbulence model, introduced by Durbin (1991, 1993b), could be thought of as a restriction of a full Second Moment Closure model developed subsequently (Durbin 1993a). It has the advantage of keeping an eddy viscosity, which avoids some computational stability problems encountered with Reynolds-stress closure models. It is a general geometry turbulence model, valid right up to the solid wall. It does not need wall functions, whose universality is increasingly being called into question, especially in impinging regions. The alternative is the introduction of damping functions, which are tuned to mimic the near-wall e ects. But all these

Turbulent heat transfer modeling


models use a single-point approach that cannot represent the well-known, nonlocal e ects of pressure-re ection that occur near solid boundaries. Moreover, these damping functions often involve an ill-de ned normal distance to the wall, which cannot be used in complex con gurations. They are also highly non-linear and sometimes introduce numerical sti ness. The V2F model brings more physics in its body. First, it introduces a new velocity scale, v2, used for the evaluation of the turbulent viscosity, instead of k v2 might be regarded in some cases as the velocity uctuation normal to the streamlines. It is equivalent to the turbulent kinetic energy, k, far from any solid walls in the near-wall region, it becomes the velocity uctuation normal to the solid surface, irrespective of the orientation of the surface relative to the ow. Theoretically, k is unable to represent the damping of turbulent transport close to the wall, whereas normal velocity uctuations provide the right scaling (Behnia et al. 1997). Following the full Reynolds stress analysis (Durbin 1993a), in order to model non-local characteristics of the near-wall turbulence and to avoid the use of two-point correlations, which are not viable for non-homogeneous turbulence, the V2F model uses an elliptic operator to compute a term analogous to the pressure-strain correlation. Ellipticity is introduced by a modi ed Helmholtz operator, which is amenable to numerical computations and which introduces wall e ects by a linear equation, taking care of the transition between the near-wall region and regions far from solid boundaries. Finally, some physical constraints have been added in order to prevent non-realizability of the solution, especially in the stagnation region (Durbin 1996). The temperature eld is computed through a standard eddy di usivity approximation. Concerning the turbulent Prandtl number, P rt , the Kays and Crawford formulation (1993) was chosen for all of the following computations, including those with k ; ", since it gave a more physical representation near the wall (P rt increases from 0.85 in the far- eld to about 1.7 in the near wall-region) and yielded somewhat better agreement in the impingement region. Nevertheless, the improvement over using a constant value is of the order of 10% (Behnia et al. 1997), which cannot explain the 100% error of the k ; " model. The ow and the turbulent elds have to be accurately resolved for obtaining good heat transfer predictions. The basis and equations of the complete V2F model can be found in Behnia et al. (1996). All computations were performed with INS2D, a general geometry, nite di erence code developed by Rogers and Kwak (1990). The spatial discretization of convective terms was via a third order, upwind biased scheme di usion terms were central di erenced. Fine, non-uniform, orthogonal, cylindrical grids were used, with a high resolution near all solid boundaries. A mesh sensitivity was carried out by dividing each mesh by 2 in the axial and radial directions. This changed the impingement region Nusselt number by less than 1% therefore, the present solutions are considered grid-independent. The ow conditions at the nozzle exit may a ect the computed ow eld. Therefore, for validation purposes, we chose the case of a jet coming from a long pipe so that nozzle-exit conditions are fully turbulent and well de ned. A fully-developed


M. Behnia, S. Parneix & P. Durbin

turbulent pipe ow was rst computed in a preliminary computation and then interpolated onto the grid to provide the inlet condition of the jet. The ow domain began approximately 2 pipe diameters upstream of the jet exit so that the pipe proles may evolve in the nozzle as the ow approaches the nozzle outlet. It is noted that prescribing the inlet conditions upstream of singularities is also a requirement in other types of ows, e.g. the backward-facing step. Further, in the uncon ned case, this allows the upper computational boundary to be a su cient distance from the wall that it does not a ect the ow near the impingement surface. 2.1.2 The impinging jet on a at plate Some computations of jet impingement heat transfer have been reported in the 1996 CTR Annual Research Briefs (Behnia et al. 1996). The main conclusions of that paper are summarized on Figs. 2a and 2b. Computational results are presented for the widely-used test-case of an uncon ned impinging jet on a at plat at Re = 23 000 and for a nozzle-to-plate distance of 6 jet diameters. One can see that the experimental results are fairly well reproduced by the V2F model in fact, the simulation falls into the range of available experimental data sets, represented by the gray zone of Fig. 2a. In comparison, the k ; " model strongly over-predicts the heat transfer rates in the stagnation region (by about 100%). This over-estimation extends up to 2 ; 3 jet diameters away from the stagnation point, although the ow has already been parallel to the surface at this location. This indicates that the quantitative misbehavior spreads up in the region surrounding the impinging area and may in uence the whole distribution of heat transfer, even qualitatively. The excellent V2F results have been con rmed by studying the in uence of the nozzle-to-target spacing, H=D, on the stagnation Nusselt number. Experimental data of Baughn & Shimizu (1989), Baughn et al. (1991), Yan (1993), and Lytle & Webb (1995) are plotted on the same graph, and a line of best t has been evaluated for comparison purposes. A set of 15 simulations has been performed for each model and plotted against the available experimental data sets (Fig. 2b). The V2F model is in very good agreement with the experimental curve of best t, with an optimal stagnation heat transfer rate at H=D = 6 ; 7. Note that this optimal value has already been reported in numerous experimental studies (e.g. Martin 1977, Baughn & Shimizu 1989, Webb & Ma 1995). The quantitative overprediction of the k ; " model is present for all nozzle-to-plate spacings. If one wants to use this model for design purposes, the e ciency of the cooling system would be over-estimated however, more dramatically, its optimization would also fail completely. For instance, the k ; " model predicts 2 optimal nozzle-to-plate distances of 2.5 and 5 diameters, in total disagreement with the experiments. 2.2 In uence of Reynolds number Turbulence models are sometimes tted for a given test-case, at a given Reynolds number and might give much worse results when ow conditions are changed. Thus, it is essential to check the range of validity of the results obtained by the V2F model in the 1996 report for Re = 23 000. The dependence on the nozzle-to-plate distance has already been shown to be well captured by the model.

Turbulent heat transfer modeling

400 350 300 250



200 150 100 50 0 0

1 2 r=D 3 4 5



N ustag



0 5 10 15


Figure 2. Impinging jet on a at plate, Re = 23 000 (a) Local distribution of wall heat transfer for H=D = 6, (b) Dependence of stagnation wall heat transfer on H=D, V2F, : k ; ", gray zone and : experiments, : line of best t of experimental data.

The evolution of the local Nusselt number on the at plate with increasing Reynolds number is presented for H=D = 2 (Fig. 3). Comparisons are with Yan's (1993) experimental data. One can observe an augmentation with Re of the relative height of the secondary peak in the N u distribution. The model is qualitatively consistent with the experiment. As for the lower Reynolds number, this peak is less pronounced in the computations, but its location is very well predicted (around r=D = 2). Recall that a 20% scatter existed in the experimental data at

300 250 200

M. Behnia, S. Parneix & P. Durbin


150 100 50 0

2 r=D

In uence of Reynolds number on the local distribution of wall heat : V2F, symbols: experiments ( : Re = 23 000, : transfer at H=D = 2, Re = 50 000, : Re = 70 000).
Figure 3.

= 23 000 and that Yan's data were systematically close to the lowest quantitative bound on the whole set of available data. In light of this, the V2F results may be considered quite good. Figure 4 presents the stagnation Nusselt number obtained for di erent ow rates at H=D = 6. The experimental data from Lytle & Webb (1995) and Yan (1993) are plotted on the same graph and a line of best t has been evaluated for comparison purposes. One can see that the dependence on Reynolds number, predicted by the V2F model, is in excellent agreement with the experimental data. In particular, the quasi-laminar correlation N ustag / Re0:5 has been obtained accurately. Of course, the Re number is high enough to assure a turbulent regime for instance, Viskanta (1993) noted that heat transfer rates are 1:4 ; 2:2 times as high as the laminar rates. Moreover, a V2F correlation, showing the Nusselt number evaluated at 6 jet diameters away from the stagnation point, for di erent jet-to-plate distances, has been added to Fig. 4. Here, a dependence on Re0:77 is predicted by the V2F model, in good agreement with previous experiments, which have established a dependence on Re0:7;0:85 (see Jambunathan et al. 1992, Viskanta 1993). 2.3 In uence of the impinging surface's geometry Very little experimental and computational work has been done on impinging ows in geometries other than at plates. The objective of the work in this section has been to accurately compute the ow and thermal elds in an axisymmetric isothermal fully developed jet perpendicular to a heated pedestal mounted on a at plate (Fig. 5). The geometry resembles that of an electronic component. Recently, Mesbah (1996) has measured the local heat transfer coe cient in this con guration.

Turbulent heat transfer modeling

400 300 200 Nustag ~ Re


N ustag

100 Nur/D=6 ~ Re


20,000 30,000

50,000 70,000


: V2F, : = 6, at the stagnation point (r=d = 0) and at r=D = 6, experiments (r=D = 0), : line of best t of the stagnation experimental data.

Figure 4. In uence of Reynolds number on the wall heat transfer coe cient for

He used the preheated-wall transient technique in conjunction with surfaces coated by thermochromic liquid crystals. For comparison purposes, we adopted the same geometry. In addition, computations were also performed using the widely used standard k ; " turbulence model.



H x
h h


Figure 5. Con guration of the jet impinging on a wall-mounted pedestal.


M. Behnia, S. Parneix & P. Durbin

Contours of Stokes streamlines are shown in Fig.6 for H=D = 6. Only a qualitative analysis will be done since no ow measurements are available. The ow, parallel to the jet axis at the nozzle exit, develops into a free jet before decelerating in the axial direction on top of the pedestal. Then, it turns sharply and starts to form a radial wall jet along the upper surface of the pedestal. At the corner, the ow separates and re-attaches downstream on the plate. This creates a recirculation which has a signi cant e ect on the wall heat transfer. This bubble is much shorter than that found downstream of a backward-facing step (recirculation lengths between 5 and 8 times the step height) the rather short length is due to the strong in uence of the outer region of the impinging jet and to the choice of an axisymmetric con guration. After reattachment, the ow develops into a wall jet along the plate. The ambient uid outside the jet is entrained into the core with a developing shear layer separating the core and the ambient uid. This entrainment is shown by the curvature of the streamlines outside the pipe towards the symmetry axis and leads to a small recirculation zone in the vicinity of the exit pipe-wall. This feature and the presence of a secondary recirculation near the bottom of the pedestal indicate a su cient grid resolution around the exit of the nozzle and next to the pedestal.

Figure 6. Streamlines for H=D = 6 computed with the V2F model.

We evaluated the temperature distribution for H=D = 6 using an isothermal boundary condition along the upper surface of the pedestal and downstream of it, on the plate (Fig. 7). The local wall heat transfer coe cient has a local minimum on the stagnation line on top of the pedestal. The N u number is nearly constant in the vicinity of the stagnation point and then increases sharply as the corner is approached. The value of stagnation Nusselt number is similar to that of a jet

Turbulent heat transfer modeling


impinging on a at plate. However, the local Nusselt number distribution is radically di erent from the at plate con guration since, in that case, the stagnation Nusselt number is a local maximum. Hence, the at plate results may not be suitable for complex geometries that can be found in some industrial applications. Figure 7 shows that the V2F model reproduces this behavior in the vicinity of the symmetry line, whereas the k ; " predictions show a local maximum and a sharp decrease of N u. Quantitatively, k ; " predictions over-estimate the wall heat transfer above the whole pedestal upper surface by more than 150%. This over-prediction is believed to be due to the over-prediction of turbulent kinetic energy in that region (note the dark gray zone in Fig. 8). The use of v2 as the velocity scale instead of k for computing t is essential here (Behnia et al. 1997), and therefore the V2F computations are much more realistic with only 5 to 15% of over-prediction. It is recalled that, for the impinging jet on a at plate, the set of available experiments shows a 20% data scatter (Behnia et al. 1996). Moreover, Mesbah (1996) used the transient technique which gave results in the lower band of this experimental data set in the stagnation region. With this in mind, one can say that the V2F predictions are excellent.
500 400 300

200 100 0

0 h/2D


top of the pedestal (left of of ), : V2F,

Figure 7. Local wall heat transfer coe cient for H=D = 6 and Re = 23 000 on

) and downstream of it on the at plate (right : k ; ", : Mesbah's experiment (1996).

Along the plate, a local maximum wall heat transfer point is created in the reattachment region, about one diameter downstream of pedestal and slightly upstream of the reattachment point, as might be expected from the backward-facing step results (see Vogel & Eaton 1985). The V2F model predicts both the location and


M. Behnia, S. Parneix & P. Durbin

magnitude of this peak accurately k ; " predictions still show almost 100% overprediction, which may be more due to the di usion of the dramatic heat transfer over-prediction on top of the pedestal rather than to an over-prediction of turbulence production in the reattachment area. The angle of impingement is much smaller (between 30 and 40 ) in the reattachment region than around the symmetry axis. Finally, the V2F simulations show a plateau with a secondary peak at the foot of the pedestal. This phenomenon is believed to be due to the existence of a secondary recirculation. The plateau is present in the experiment, but without any secondary maximum. We suspect that in the experiment, longitudinal heat transfer in the solid near the corners of the pedestal occurs. Also, the longer times required for measurements in this region make the underlying assumption of the measurement technique questionable (Mesbah, 1996). Therefore, a constant temperature or constant heat ux assumption would not be accurate any more, which may explain the discrepancy.




Figure 8. Contours of turbulent kinetic energy for H=D = 6. Overprediction of

turbulent kinetic energy is re ected in the darkest gray area on top of the pedestal.

Simulations have been carried out for a xed Reynolds number (Re = 23 000) and a wide range of aspect ratios (1 H=D 8) to determine the dependence on H=D of the stagnation Nusselt number on top of the pedestal and the local maximum Nusselt number on the plate. The behavior of Nusselt number variation with the jet-to-pedestal distance needs to be known for the design and optimization of impingement cooling or heating systems. Figures 9a and 9b show the corresponding values computed with both the V2F and k ; " models. The V2F computations show very good agreement with Mesbah's experiment. As indicated before, the transient technique yielded results in the lower band of the at plate experimental data set, so the 5 to 15% over-prediction is remarkable. Moreover, it is noted that

Turbulent heat transfer modeling


this over-prediction is almost constant the dependence of stagnation Nusselt number on H=D is very well reproduced. Note also that the V2F computations show the existence of a maximum of stagnation heat transfer in the range 6 < H=D < 7:5. This cannot be compared to Mesbah's experiment, since H=D = 6 was the highest aspect ratio studied, but this is consistent with previous at plate results (Martin 1977, Baughn & Shimizu 1989, Behnia et al. 1996). The k ; " model fails to reproduce the experimental trends, not only quantitatively (150% of over-prediction) but also qualitatively, which is even more critical from a practical point of view. Regarding the maximum Nusselt number downstream of the pedestal along the plate, both models reproduce a constant decrease with H=D. The k ; " computations yield almost 100% over-estimated values, whereas V2F simulations are very close to the experiment. The only disagreement is for H=D = 4 where the experimental maximum Nusselt number is higher than for H=D = 1 and 2. Perhaps more experimental data points should be obtained to assess this non-monotonic behavior. 2.4 E ect of con nement All the previous computations have been performed for an uncon ned geometry. However, industrial applications, especially in electronic cooling, require the impinging jet to be con ned with a solid boundary at the level of the nozzle exit. Numerous experiments have been conducted in order to study the e ect of connement on jet impingement heat transfer. The aim was mainly to know whether the physics and correlations involved in uncon ned geometries could be applied in a con ned context. Obot et al. (1982) concluded there was a reduction in the average heat transfer rate from 5 to 10% when con nement was added. Again, comparisons are di cult to establish from di erent experiments when jet outlet pro les or experimental conditions are di erent. Moreover, to our knowledge, no experimental data are available for a fully-developed jet coming from a long pipe. Since V2F simulations gave satisfactory results in the uncon ned geometry, we assume that the model is accurate enough to undertake a numerical comparison study.

Figure 10. Streamlines for H=D = 1 and Re = 23 000 computed with the V2F model for the con ned (left) and uncon ned (right) con gurations.

Several computations have been performed by adding a wall at the nozzle exit (Fig. 10). We varied the nozzle-to-plate distance, and the local heat transfer rates are compared to the results obtained with an uncon ned geometry. Figure 11 shows the Nusselt number distribution for di erent H=D. One can see that, for a high enough jet-to-plate spacing, the con nement has no e ect on the heat transfer rate. The presence of a top wall creates a recirculation (Fig. 10), but its in uence

600 500 400

M. Behnia, S. Parneix & P. Durbin

N ustag

300 200 100 0

1 2 3 4 5 H=D 6 7 8



N umax

1 2 3 4 5 H=D 6 7 8

Impinging jet on a pedestal at Re = 23 000, in uence of nozzle-toplate distance on (a) the stagnation heat transfer coe cient on top of the pedestal and (b) the maximum heat transfer coe cient downstream of the pedestal along : V2F, : k ; ", : Mesbah's experiment (1996). the plate,
Figure 9.

is rather small. Indeed, for H=D > 1, no signi cant di erence in the wall heat transfer distribution has been observed. For H=D < 0:5, the Nusselt distributions start to diverge. As it has been found in experiments, the average heat transfer rate is slightly lower for the uncon ned case. It can be explained by the fact that the top wall introduces a resistance to the ow the entrainment of the external uid by the jet is less important, decreasing the global e ciency of the impinging

Turbulent heat transfer modeling

300 200


100 0

200 100


200 100 0

200 100 0 0


Local wall heat transfer, simulated by the V2F model, for the jet impinging on the at plate at Re = 23 000 and di erent nozzle-to-plate distances (H=D = 2, 0:5, 0:25, and 0:1) : con ned, : uncon ned.
Figure 11.
300 200 100 0

300 200

100 0

300 200

100 0 0 1 2

Local wall heat transfer, simulated by the V2F model, for the jet impinging on the pedestal at Re = 23 000 and di erent nozzle-to-plate distances : con ned, : uncon ned. (H=D = 2, 0:5, and 0:25)
Figure 12.


M. Behnia, S. Parneix & P. Durbin

jet heat transfer. In the case of a smaller nozzle-to-plate distance (not shown here), the recirculation is more con ned and active it is located closer to the target plate and then has a stronger in uence on the wall heat transfer coe cient. Nevertheless, even for a very low H=D (as low as 0.1), the stagnation heat transfer rates are not noticeably in uenced by the presence of con nement. Up to a radial distance of 0:5 jet diameters away from the stagnation point, the N u distributions stay unchanged whether the jet is con ned or not. This is partially con rmed by Garimella & Rice (1995) who noted that, for H=D > 2, con nement had little e ect on heat transfer at stagnation point. A primary peak is created at r=D ' 0:5 as H=D decreases. This peak corresponds to the acceleration of the local velocity, which occurs for H=D < 0:25. Its location is xed, in good agreement with Colucci & Viskanta experiment (1996). A secondary peak is also created, but this time, its location is moving toward the axis of symmetry when the nozzle-to-plate distance is decreased. Again, such a behavior has been found to be in good qualitative agreement with Colucci & Viskanta experiment (1996). Similar computations have been performed for the case of the wall-mounted heated pedestal. One can see in Fig 12 that the in uence of con nement is much less e ective than for the at plate con guration. Even for H=D = 0:25, heat transfer rates stay unchanged. First, the diameter of the pedestal is slightly smaller than the jet diameter. Thus, through the analysis of the previous results for the at plate, no con nement e ect was expected on top of the pedestal (r=D < 0:5). Downstream of it, on the plate, the top wall is then at a normalized distance of more than one jet diameter (H=D + 1=1:06) this distance is too high to expect any signi cant change in the heat transfer rate. Moreover, the recirculation, which strongly acts on the Nusselt distribution, is driven by the jet itself and is less subject to be a ected by the con nement. In conclusion, the con nement, present in most industrial applications, does not have a signi cant impact on the wall heat transfer coe cient unless the jet-totarget spacing is considerably reduced (H=D < 0:25). The average Nusselt number decreases with con nement, but the local heat transfer distribution in the stagnation region (r=D < 0:5) is not modi ed uncon ned impinging jet stagnation Nusselt number correlations can thus be used.

3. Future plans

The main aim of this research has been to assess the ability of computational uid dynamics to accurately and economically predict the heat transfer rate in an impinging jet situation, strongly relevant to industrial applications, e.g. in electronic cooling. The computations carried out herein show that predictions by the normal-velocity relaxation model (V2F model) agree very well with the experiments. The in uence of parameters of interest such as nozzle-to-plate distance, Reynolds number, geometry of the impingement surface, or con nement has been shown to be well captured. In comparison, the widely-used k ; " model does not properly represent the ow features, highly over-predicts the rate of heat transfer, and yields physically unrealistic behavior. It is planned to perform additional computations to cover a wider range of parameters (e.g. 3D con gurations and a range of Prandtl numbers). In particular,

Turbulent heat transfer modeling


for electronic cooling applications, dielectric liquids in a con ned jet geometry and multiple jets con gurations need to be explored. REFERENCES trainment e ects on the heat transfer from a at surface to a heated circular impinging jet. J. Heat Transfer. 113, 1023-1025. Baughn, J. & Shimizu, S. 1989 Heat transfer measurements from a surface with uniform heat ux and an impinging jet. J. Heat Transfer. 111, 1096-1098. Behnia, M., Parneix, S. & Durbin, P., 1996 Simulation of jet impingement heat transfer with the k ; " ; v2 model. Annual Research Briefs, Center for Turbulence Research, NASA Ames/Stanford Univ., 3-16. Behnia, M., Parneix, S. & Durbin, P., 1997 Accurate predictions of jet impingement heat transfer. HTD-Vol. 343 National Heat Transfer Conference. 5, Book No H0190, 111-118. Colucci, D. & Viskanta, R. 1996 E ect of nozzle geometry on local convective heat transfer to a con ned impinging air jet. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 13, 71-80. Craft, T., Graham, L. & Launder, B. 1993 Impinging jet studies for turbulence model assessment{II. An examination of the performance of four turbulence models. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer. 36(10), 2685-2697. Durbin, P. 1991 Near-wall turbulence closure without damping functions. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. 3(1), 1-13. Durbin, P. 1993a A Reynolds-stress model for near-wall turbulence. J. Fluid Mech. 249, 465-498. Durbin, P. 1993b Application of a near-wall turbulence model to boundary layers and heat transfer. Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow. 14(4), 316-323. Durbin, P. 1995 Separated ow computations with the k ; " ; v 2 model. AIAA J. 33(4), 659-664. Durbin, P. 1996 On the k ; " stagnation point anomaly. Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow. 17, 89-90. Garimella, S. & Rice, R. 1995 Con ned and submerged liquid jet impingement heat transfer. J. Heat Transfer. 117, 871-877. Jambunathan, K., Lai, E., Moss, M. & Button, B. 1992 A review of heat transfer data for single circular jet impingement. Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow. 13(2), 106-115. Kays, W. M.& Crawford, M. E. 1993 Convective heat and mass transfer. Third Edition, McGraw-Hill. Lytle, D. & Webb, B. 1994 Air jet impingement heat transfer at low nozzle-plate spacings. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer. 37, 1687-1697.
Baughn, J., Hechanova, A. & Yan, X. 1991 An experimental study of en-


M. Behnia, S. Parneix & P. Durbin

surfaces. Advances in Heat Transfer. 13, 1-60. Mesbah, M. 1996 An experimental study of local heat transfer to an impinging jet on non- at surfaces: a cylindrical pedestal and a hemispherically concave surface. PhD Thesis, University of California, Davis. Obot, N., Mujumdar, A. & Douglas, W. 1982 E ect of semi-con nement on impinging heat transfer. Proc. 7th Int. Heat Transfer Conf. 3, 395-400. Rogers, S. & Kwak, D. 1990 Upwind di erencing scheme for the time-accurate incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. AIAA J. 28, 253-262. Viskanta, R. 1993 Heat transfer to impinging isothermal gas and ame jets. Exp. Thermal Fluid Sci. 6, 111-134. Vogel, J.C. & Eaton, J.K. 1985 Combined heat transfer and uid dynamic measurements downstream of a backward-facing step. J. Heat Transfer. 107, 922-929. Webb, B. & Ma, C.-F. 1995 Single-phase liquid jet impingement heat transfer. Advances in heat transfer. 26, 105-217. Yan, X. 1993 A preheated-wall transient method using liquid crystals for the measurement of heat transfer on external surfaces and in ducts. PhD Thesis, University of California, Davis.

Martin, H. 1977 Heat and mass transfer between impinging gas jets and solid

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