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Transition Modeling for General CFD Applications in
R.B. Langtry
and F.R. Menter
ANSYS CFX Germany, 83624 Otterfing, Germany
A new correlation-based transition model has been developed, which is built strictly on
local variables. As a result, the transition model is compatible with modern CFD techniques
such as unstructured grids and massively parallel execution. The model is based on two
transport equations, one for intermittency and one for a transition onset criterion in terms
of momentum thickness Reynolds number. The proposed transport equations do not
attempt to model the physics of the transition process (unlike e.g. turbulence models), but
form a framework for the implementation of transition correlations into general-purpose
CFD methods. The transition model was initially developed for turbomachinery flows. The
main goal of the present paper is to validate the model for predicting transition in
aeronautical flows. An incremental approach was used to validate the model, first on 2D
airfoils and then on progressively more complicated test cases such as a 3-element flap, a 3D
transonic wing and a full helicopter configuration. In all cases good agreement with the
available experimental data was observed. The authors believe that the current formulation
is a significant step forward in engineering transition modeling, as it allows the combination
of transition correlations with general purpose CFD codes. There is a strong potential that
the model will allow the 1
order effects of transition to be included in everyday industrial
CFD simulations.
AoA = Angle of attach (deg.)
= skin friction coefficient, /(0.5U
FSTI = freestream turbulence intensity (percent), 100(2k/3)
k = turbulent kinetic energy
= Reynolds number, LU
= boundary layer thickness
Development, Staudenfeldweg 12, 83624 Otterfing, Germany.
= eddy viscosity
= density
= wall shear stress
= absolute value of vorticity, (2
= vorticity tensor, 0.5(u
- u
= specific turbulence dissipation rate
t = transition onset
s = streamline
I. Introduction
HE location of the onset and extent of transition are of major importance in the design and performance of many
aerospace devices where the wall-shear-stress or wall heat transfer is of interest. The transition process can also
have a strong influence on the separation behavior of boundary layers. As a result, transition can have a large effect
on the performance of airfoils and bluff bodies. In addition, the transition on any hypersonic vehicle has a significant
influence on the design of the thermal protection system and the allowable flight trajectories
(Thompson et al.,
1998). For all these reasons, the performance, weight and costs associated with many aerospace vehicles can be
affected by transition.
There are a number of different transition mechanisms depending on the turbulence level of the external flow, the
pressure gradient along the laminar boundary layer, the geometrical details, the surface roughness and the freestream
Mach number. It is generally assumed that the most common transition mechanism on a vehicle in flight is natural
transition, which occurs due to the growth of unstable Tollmien-Schlichting waves. A transition mechanism that has
also received heightened attention - is the so-called bypass transition. Bypass transition is imposed on the boundary
layer by high levels of turbulence in the free-stream. This can occur when an airfoil encounters the wake from an
upstream device. Examples of bypass transition that can occur in flight are on the tail surfaces located in the wake
of a fuselage, or on flaps of a multi-element airfoil. Bypass transition is a complex phenomenon that depends
mainly on the turbulence intensity and the status of the boundary layer due to pressure gradients and separation.
There is also some empirical evidence suggesting that the structure of the turbulence (length scale) can have an
impact on the transition location (Mayle, 1991). As linear methods cannot be applied to bypass transition, there is
only a limited range of predictive engineering tools available, most of which are empirical (Savill, 1993, Savill
At present, there are mainly three concepts used to model transition in industry. The first is the application of low-
Reynolds number turbulence models. However, the ability of low-Re turbulence models to predict transition seems
to be coincidental. This is because the calibration of the damping functions is based on reproducing the viscous
sublayer behavior, not on predicting transition from laminar to turbulent flow. It is now generally accepted that the
use of turbulence models without any coupling to an intermittency equation appears to be a very delicate and often
unreliable method of predicting transition. In addition, low-Re turbulence models can only be applied to bypass
transition and are therefore not suitable for aerodynamic flows.
The second approach is the so-called e
method. It is based on the local, linear stability theory and the parallel flow
assumption in order to calculate the growth of the disturbance amplitude from the boundary layer neutral point to the
transition location (Smith and Gamberoni, 1956 and van Ingen, 1956). Once the disturbance amplitude ratio (e
exceeds the limiting N factor transition is assumed to start. The limiting N factor is not known in advance and must
be determined by calibration to wind tunnel or flight tests, hence the e
approach is considered a semi-empirical
method. For isolated airfoils, the e
method has been shown to produce very good transition predictions compared
to wind tunnel measurements (Stock and Haase, 2000). However, there remain some formidable barriers towards
applying the e
method to general aerospace applications. The first is that since the e
method is based on linear
stability theory it cannot predict transition due to non-linear effects such as high freestream turbulence or surface
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roughness. In addition, typical industrial Navier-Stokes solutions are not accurate enough to evaluate the stability
equations. As a result, the Navier-Stokes solution must be coupled to an accurate boundary layer code (Stock and
Haase, 2000). Finally, the need to track the growth of the disturbance amplitude ratio along the streamline results in
a significant issue for 3-dimensional flows where the streamline direction is not aligned with the grid. Because of
this limitation, the present authors are not aware of any instance in the open literature where the e
method has been
successfully applied to predict transition on a full 3-dimensional aircraft configuration. This is not to argue against
methods based on the stability analysis of the boundary layer. They are a central approach in the required spectrum
of transition models. However, they are not compatible with general-purpose CFD methods and cannot easily be
applied to arbitrary geometries.
The third approach to predicting transition, which is favored by the gas turbine industry, is the use of experimental
correlations. The correlations usually relate the free-stream turbulence intensity, Tu, and the local pressure gradient
to the transition momentum thickness Reynolds number. A typical example is the Abu-Ghannam and Shaw (1980)
correlation, which is based on a large number of experimental observations. While this method proves sufficiently
accurate, it poses numerical and programming challenges in Navier-Stokes codes. For classical correlation based
transition models, it is necessary to compare the actual momentum-thickness Reynolds numbers (Re
) to the
transition value from the correlation (Re
). This is not an easy task in a Navier-Stokes environment because the
boundary layer edge is not well defined and the integration will therefore depend on the implementation of a search
algorithm. The difficulties associated with non-local formulations are exaggerated by modern CFD methods that are
based on unstructured grids and massive parallel execution. Unstructured grids do not easily provide the
infrastructure needed to integrate global boundary layer parameters because the grid lines normal to the surface
cannot be easily identified. In the case of a general parallelised CFD code, the boundary layer can be split between
different CPUs making the integration tedious to perform in parallel. The use of correlation based transition criteria
is therefore incompatible with modern CFD codes.
In the present paper, a recent method for transition prediction (Menter et. Al. 2002, Menter et al. 2004, Langtry et al.
2004) will be described and extended to aeronautical flows. The model is based on two transport equations using
only local information and is therefore fully compatible with modern CFD codes. One of the central variables in the
formulation of model is the strain-rate (or sometimes vorticity, Van Driest and Blumer (1963)) Reynolds number:
u y
2 2
Re =
where y is the wall distance, is the density, is the molecular viscosity and S is the absolute value of the strain
rate. The importance of Re
lies in the relation of its maximum value inside the boundary layer to the momentum
thickness Reynolds number Re
was shown by Van Driest and Blumer (1963) in comparison with experimental
data. The model proposed by Langtry & Sjolander (2002) and Walters & Leylek, (2002) use Re
in physics-based
arguments. These models appear superior to conventional low-Re models, as they implicitly contain information of
the thickness of the boundary layer. Nevertheless, the close integration of viscous sublayer damping and transition
prediction does not allow an independent calibration of both sub-models.
In an alternative approach, Menter et al. (2002), Menter et al. (2004) and Langtry et al. (2004) proposed a
combination of the strain-rate Reynolds number with experimental transition correlations using standard transport
equations. Due to the separation of viscous sublayer damping and transition prediction, the new method has
provided the flexibility for introducing additional transition effects with relative ease. Currently, the main missing
extensions are cross-flow instabilities and high-speed flow correlations and these do not pose any significant
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obstacles. The concept of linking the transition model with experimental data has proven to be an essential strength
of the model and this is difficult to achieve with closures based on a physical modeling of these diverse phenomena.
The present transition model is built on a transport equation for intermittency, which can be used to trigger transition
locally. In addition, to the transport equation for the intermittency, a second transport equation is solved for the
transition onset momentum-thickness Reynolds number. This is required in order to capture the non-local influence
of the turbulence intensity, which changes due to the decay of the turbulence kinetic energy in the free-stream, as
well as due to changes in the free-stream velocity outside the boundary layer. This second transport equation is an
essential part of the model as it ties the empirical correlation to the onset criteria in the intermittency equation. It
thereby allows the models use in general geometries and over multiple airfoils, without additional information on
the geometry. The intermittency function is coupled with the SST k- based turbulence model (Menter 1994). It is
used to turn on the production term of the turbulent kinetic energy downstream of the transition point based on the
relation between transition momentum-thickness and strain-rate Reynolds number. As the strain-rate Reynolds
number is a local property, the present formulation avoids another very severe shortcoming of the correlation-based
models, namely their limitation to 2D flows. It therefore allows the simulation of transition in 3D flows originating
from different walls. The formulation of the intermittency equation has also been extended to account for the rapid
onset of transition caused by separation of the laminar boundary layer. In addition, the model can be fully calibrated
with internal or proprietary transition onset and transition length correlations. The correlations can also be extended
to flows with rough walls or to flows with cross-flow instability. It should be stressed that the proposed transport
equations do not attempt to model the physics of the transition process (unlike e.g. turbulence models), but form a
framework for the implementation of correlation-based models into general-purpose CFD methods. In order to
distinguish the present concept from physics based transport modeling, it is named LCTM Local Correlation-based
Transition Modeling.
The present transition model was first presented at the IGTI 2004 conference in two separate papers (Menter et al.,
2004 and Langtry et al., 2004). The first paper described the mathematical formulation of the model and some of the
basic building block experiments for its calibration. The second paper detailed many of the industrial test cases that
were used to validate the model including 3D and unsteady test cases, which before have been outside the realm of
empirical correlation based transition models. Most of these test cases where for turbomachinery applications where
bypass transition was the dominant transition mode.
The goal of the present paper is to demonstrate some modifications that have been made to the transition model that
have improved the predictions of natural transition and to validate the model for predicting transition on full 3-
dimensional aerospace vehicle configurations.
II. Transition Model Formulation
The present transition model formulation is described very briefly for completeness, a detailed description of the
model can be found in Menter et al., 2004 and Langtry et al., 2004. It should be noted that a few changes have been
made to the model in order to improve the predictions of natural transition. These include:
1. An improved transition onset correlation that results in improved predictions for both natural and bypass
2. A modification to the separation induced transition modification that prevents it from causing early
transition near the separation point.
3. Some adjustments of the model coefficients in order to better account for flow history effects on the
transition onset location.
It was expected that different groups will make numerous improvements to the model and consequently a naming
convention was introduced in Menter et al. (2004) in order to keep track of the various model versions. The basic
model framework (transport equations without any correlations) was called the -Re
+ + =
j j
x x
2 2 1 1
The transition sources are defined as follows:
[ ]
1 1 1 1 1
; P c E F S c F P
onset a length
= = (4)
where S is the strain rate magnitude. F
is an empirical correlation that controls the length of the transition
region. The destruction/relaminarization sources are defined as follows:
2 2 2 2 2
; P c E F c P
e turb a
= = (5)
where is the vorticity magnitude. The transition onset is controlled by the following functions:
S y
= = ; Re
( ) ( ) 0 . 2 , , max min ;
Re 193 . 2
1 1 2 1 onset onset onset
F F F F =
( )
3 2
; 0 , max ; 0 ,
5 . 2
1 max
= =
turb onset onset onset
e F F F F
is the critical Reynolds number where the intermittency first starts to increase in the boundary layer. This
occurs upstream of the transition Reynolds number,
e R
, and the difference between the two must be obtained
from an empirical correlation. Both the F
and Re
correlations are functions of
e R
The constants for the intermittency equation are:
; 0 . 1 ; 06 . 0 ; 50 ; 5 . 0 ; 0 . 2 ; 0 . 1
2 2 1 1
= = = = = =
a e a e
c c c c c (9)
The modification for separation-induced transition is:
( )
sep eff
reattach t reattach
e F F F
, max ; ; 2 , 0 , 1
Re 235 . 3
max 2 min
= =
The model constants in Equ. 10 have been adjusted from those of Menter et al (2004) in order to improve the
predictions of separated flow transition. The main difference is the constant that controls the relation between Re
and Re
was changed from 2.193, its value for a Blasius boundary layer, to 3.235, the value at a separation point
where the shape factor is 3.5 (see for example Figure 2 in Menter et al, 2004). The boundary condition for at a
wall is zero normal flux while for an inlet is equal to 1.0.
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The transport equation for the transition momentum thickness Reynolds number,
e R
, reads:
( )
( )
( )
+ =
t t
t j
x x
e R
e R
e R
The source term is defined as follows:
( )( )
; 0 . 1 e R
t F
c P
t t t t t
= =
0 . 1 ,
/ 1 0 . 1
/ 1
0 . 1 , max min
wake t
e F F
= = =
e R
5 1
; Re
= =
e F
The model constants for the
e R
equation are:
0 . 2 ; 03 . 0 = =
t t
The boundary condition for
e R
at a wall is zero flux. The boundary condition for
e R
at an inlet should be
calculated from the empirical correlation based on the inlet turbulence intensity.
The model contains three empirical correlations. Re
is the transition onset as observed in experiments. This has
been modified from Menter et al. (2004) in order to improve the predictions for natural transition. It is used in
Eq.12. F
is the length of the transition zone and goes into Eq. 4. Re
is the point where the model is activated in
order to match both, Re
and F
, it goes into Eq. 7. At present these empirical correlations are proprietary and
are not given in the paper.
( ) ( ) ( )
t c t length t
f f F Tu f
= = = e R
Re ; e R
; , Re (17)
The first empirical correlation is a function of the local turbulence intensity, Tu, and the Thwaites pressure gradient
defined as:
= (
/)dU/ds (18)
where dU/ds is the acceleration in the streamwise direction.
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The transition model interacts with the SST turbulence model (Menter, 1994), as follows:
( )
+ =
t k
k k j
D P k u
~ ~
) ( ) (
( )
k eff k k eff k
D D P P 0 . 1 ), 1 . 0 , max( min
= = (20)
( )
3 1 1
, max ; ;
F F F e F
k y
= = =
where P
and D
are the original production and destruction terms for the SST model and F
is the original SST
blending function. Note that the production term in the -equation is not modified. The rational behind the above
model formulation is given in detail in Menter et al. (2004).
In order to capture the laminar and transitional boundary layers correctly, the grid must have a y
of approximately
one. If the y
is too large (i.e. > 5) than the transition onset location moves upstream with increasing y
. All
simulations have been performed with CFX-5 using a bounded second order upwind biased discretisation for the
mean flow, turbulence and transition equations.
III. Results and Discussion
The rest of the paper describes the numerical results
for a wide variety of 2D and 3D aeronautical flows.
The 2D test cases include the Aerospatiale A airfoil,
a GE wind turbine airfoil and the McDonnell
Douglas 30P-30N 3-element flap configuration. For
the wind turbine airfoil the transition model
predictions have been extensively validated against
the well-known X-Foil (Drela and Giles, 1987) code
and the available experimental data at various angles
of attack. X-Foil uses an e
method for transition
prediction and is widely regarded as one of the best
tools available for predicting transition on airfoils.
The 3D test cases will include the transonic DLR F-
5 wing (shock induced laminar separation/turbulent
reattachment, Sobieczky, 1994) and qualitative
results will also be shown for a full helicopter body
(natural transition on the fuselage, bypass transition
on the tail surfaces buffeted by the fuselage wake).
The transition model has been found to have good
convergence behavior in the underlying flow solver
and convergence plots for the complex 3D
helicopter body will be shown and compared to fully turbulent simulations. A summary of the inlet conditions for
all the test cases described in this paper is given in Table 1. Where possible, the inlet turbulence levels were
specified in order to match the experimentally measured freestream turbulence intensity (FSTI). If the freestream
turbulence was not known in the experiment than an educated guess was made for the inlet values such that at the
leading edge of the body the values were representative of a typical wind tunnel. It should also be noted that due to
the decay of freestream turbulence as it convects downstream from the inlet to the body, the local value near the
leading edge of the body is usually about half of the inlet FSTI value quoted in Table 1.
2.1 0.15 0.6 0.2 10
AoA = 8.1
9.0 0.2 0.5588 0.6 2.5
AoA = 2
1.5 0.82 0.15 0.5 10
30 0.12 11 0.05 1.0
Table 1 Inlet conditions for the test cases
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A. Aerospatial A Airfoil
The Aerospatial A airfoil was designed at
Aerospatiale in 1986 and was tested in the
ONERA F1 1.5x3.5 m wind tunnel (Chaput,
1997). This experiment is a particularly
interesting test case for a transition model because
there were no boundary layer trips placed on the
suction side of the airfoil. Consequently, a
laminar boundary layer develops and terminates
in a laminar separation bubble at 12 percent of
chord (see Figure 1) near the suction peak. This
separation bubble causes separation-induced
transition resulting in a turbulent boundary layer
developing downstream. At the trailing edge, the
turbulent boundary layer eventually separates due
to the large adverse pressure gradient there. What
is particularly interesting is that the laminar flow
on the leading edge alters the development of the
boundary layer momentum deficit over the entire
length of the airfoil. As a result, the fully
turbulent solution actually under predicts the skin
friction compared to the experiment. This also
results in an early separation on the trailing edge.
It can be seen in Figure 1 that the transition model
does predict the separation-induced transition at
12 percent chord. In addition, the subsequent
increase in skin friction and the size of the
separation at the trailing edge also appear to be in
good agreement with the experiment.
B. Wind Turbine airfoil
The testcase geometry is a 2D airfoil section, as
typically used for GE wind-turbine blades. It
operates in a low FSTI environment with a
turbulence intensity of only around 0.1 percent at
the leading edge. As a result, natural transition
occurs on both the suction and pressure surfaces.
This test case was already computed in Langtry et
al (2004) with some deviations from the
experiments. The main problems in the previous
study were that the transition location was too far
upstream by about 5 percent chord and the drag
was poorly predicted, particularly at the higher
angles of attack. The deficiency in the onset
predictions was largely related to the empirical
correlations for transition onset in the low
turbulence intensity regime. This was not
surprising, as the transition model was original
developed primarily for predicting bypass
transition in turbomachinery flows. In order to
improve the predictions of natural transition the
empirical correlation for transition onset in the
transition model has been re-calibrated for both
low and high turbulence intensities. The poor
Figure 1 Skin friction on the suction side of the Aerospatial A
Figure 2 Predicted transition location (top) and drag coefficient
(bottom) as a function of angle of attack for the wind turbine
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predictions of the drag coefficient were caused by inadequate grid resolution in the trailing edge region of the airfoil.
In the present paper a refined grid has been used, resulting in much better drag predictions for all angles of attack.
The inlet conditions for k and have been selected as to match the transition location for zero angle of attack. They
have than been kept at these values for all other angle of attack simulations. This is a similar calibration for wind-
tunnel conditions as typically also used for the e
method. The transition locations vs. angle of attack predicted by
the transition model are shown in Figure 2 (top). Wind tunnel results and XFOIL (v6.8) predictions (where transition
is predicted by the e
method) are plotted for comparison. The experimental data were obtained using a stethoscope
method. With the new empirical correlations, the transition model captures the dependence of the transition location
on the angle of attack in good agreement with the data. Figure 2 (bottom) shows the predicted drag coefficient as a
function of angle of attack. Included are results from a transitional computation using the XFOIL code and from
fully turbulent simulations. Clearly, the drag coefficient predictions from the transitional computation are in good
agreement with the experimentally measured drag.
C. McDonald Douglas 30P-30N Flap
The McDonald Douglas 30P-30N flap configuration (Figure 3) was originally a test case for the High-Lift
Workshop/CFD Challenge that was held at the NASA Langley Research Center in 1993 (Klausmeyer and Lin,
1997). It is a very challenging test case for a transition model because of the large changes in pressure gradient and
the local freestream turbulence intensity around the various lifting surfaces. The experiment was performed in the
Langley Low Turbulence Pressure Tunnel and the transition locations were measured using hot films on the upper
surface of the slat and flap and on both the upper and lower surfaces of the main element (Rumsey et al, 1998). The
skin friction was also measured at various locations using a Preston tube (Klausmeyer and Lin, 1997). For the
present comparison the Reynolds number of Re=9x10
and an angle of attack of =8 was selected.
Figure 3 Contour of turbulence intensity (Tu) around the McDonald Douglas 30P-30N flap as well as the measured
(Exp.) and predicted (CFD) transition locations (x/c) as a function of the cruise airfoil chord (c = 0.5588 m). Also
indicated is the relative error between the experiment and the predictions.
Slat transition:
CFD = -0.056
Exp.= -0.057
Error: 0.1 %
Main upper transition:
CFD = 0.068
Exp. = 0.057
Error: 1.1 %
Main lower transition:
CFD = 0.587
Exp. = 0.526
Error: 6.1 %
Flap transition:
CFD = 0.909
Exp. = 0.931
Error: 2.2 %
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A contour plot of the predicted turbulence
intensity around the flap is shown in Figure 3.
Also indicated are the various transition
locations that were measured in the experiment
(Exp.) as well as the locations that were
predicted by the transition model (CFD). As no
information was available on the freestream
turbulence level in the experiment, the inlet
turbulence values for this case were estimated
so that the slat transition location matched the
experiment. The transition locations on the
main element and the flap are the outcome of
selecting that freestream turbulence level. In
the computations, the onset of transition was
judged as the location were the skin friction
first started to increase due to the production of
turbulent kinetic energy in the boundary layer.
In general the agreement between the measured
and predicted transition locations is good. The
worst error was on the lower surface of the
main element were the predicted transition
location was too far downstream by
approximately 6 percent of the cruise airfoil
chord, c.
The predicted skin friction on the upper surface of the flap is compared to the experimentally measured value in
Figure 4. The predicted transition location appears to be in reasonably good agreement with the experiment
however the turbulent skin friction appears to have been slightly over predicted. This could be the result of
transition being predicted slightly too far downstream on the flap surface, thereby shifting the virtual origin of the
turbulent boundary layer.
D. DLR F-5 wing
The DLR F-5 geometry is a 20 swept wing with a symmetrical airfoil section that is supercritical at a freestream
Mach number of 0.82. The experiment was performed at the DLR by Sobieczky (1994) and consists of a wing
mounted to the tunnel sidewall (which is assumed to have transitioned far upstream of the wing). At the root the
wing was designed to blend smoothly into the wall thus eliminating the horseshow vortex that usually develops
there. The experimental measurements consist of wing mounted static taps at various spanwise locations and flow
visualization of the surface shear using a sublimation technique.
The experimental flow visualization of the 2 angle of attack case is shown in Figure 5 (right). Based on the flow
visualization and the pressure measurements a diagram of the flow field around the wing was constructed and can be
seen in Figure 5 (middle). The measurements indicate that the boundary layer is laminar until about 60 percent
chord where a shock causes the laminar boundary layer to separate and reattach as a turbulent boundary layer. The
contours of skin friction and the surface streamlines predicted by the transition model are shown in Figure 5 (left).
From the skin friction the laminar separation and turbulent reattachment positions can be clearly seen and both
appear to be in very good agreement with the experimental diagram from about 20 percent span out to the wing tip.
The predictions appear to differ from the experiment at the wing root region as shown in Figure 6. In the CFD
predictions there appear to be two distinct transition regimes. The first regime is transition due to attachment line
contamination where the turbulent boundary layer from the tunnel wall essentially convects along the leading edge
of the wing and results in a fully turbulent boundary layer downstream of this stagnation region. This is in fact a
very difficult phenomenon to predict with a transition model because it is essentially a convection dominated
process. The transition model was able to predict this because it is based on locally formulated transport equations
and local values for the transition indicators. As a result it can naturally account for the convection of a turbulent
boundary layer and its effect on transition.
Figure 4 Skin friction on the upper surface of the McDonald
Douglas 30P-30N flap.
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The second transition regime is caused by a shock
induced laminar separation and there is an abrupt
switch between the two modes in the CFD
predictions. However, based on the experiment,
the transition line appears to smoothly switch
from the separation induced mode to the
attachment line contamination mode. It is
possible that this smooth change is actually
crossflow induced transition as the angle between
the surface streamlines and the freestream
velocity is significant in this region. As the
current empirical correlations do not account for
crossflow effects, it is not surprising that
differences occur in this region. Note that this is
not a conceptual weakness of the LCTM
approach, as crossflow instability can in principle
be included in the correlations.
Figure 5 Contour plot of skin friction (Cf) predicted by the transition model (left), experimental diagram of the flow
field (middle) and experimental flow visualization of the surface shear on the DLR-F5 wing (right). Experimental
figures reproduced from Sobieczky (1994).
Figure 6 Surface streamlines at the DLR-F5 wing root colored by
the local intermittency: blue = laminar, red = turbulent.
Shock Induced
Attachment Line
Transition Line in the
(Crossflow transition?)
Separation induced
Transition Line in the CFD
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E. Eurocopter Airframe
The Eurocopter airframe is a 3-dimensional
helicopter configuration that would typically be
used to investigate the drag coefficient of a
proposed helicopter design (minus the influence of
the rotor blades). At present, there is no
experimental data available in the open literature on
this geometry. Nevertheless, it is still an interesting
test case for the transition model because of its
complexity and because it represents an actual
industrial geometry. Our main interest is in
comparing the fully turbulent solution to the
transitional solution and in demonstrating that the
transition model does not adversely affect the
convergence and robustness of the underlying flow
solver. The grid for this case consisted of about 6
million nodes and each solution was run overnight
in parallel on a 16 CPU Linux cluster.
The predicted skin friction for a fully turbulent and
transitional solution is shown in Figure 7. The main
differences in the transitional solution are that the
front part of the fuselage, the two outside vertical
tail surfaces and the outer half of the horizontal tail
surface are laminar. The fact that the transition
model predicted turbulent flow on the middle
vertical stabilizer and the inner part of the horizontal
stabilizer was unexpected. Further investigation
revealed that this was caused by the turbulent wake
that was shed from the fuselage upstream of the tail.
This is best illustrated in Figure 8. The top picture
shows an iso-surface of the turbulent flow. The
turbulent wake is clearly visible and can be seen
passing over the middle vertical stabilizer and the inner part of the horizontal stabilizer. Consequently, the transition
model predicts bypass transition on these surfaces due to the high local freestream turbulence intensity from the
wake. Outside the wake, the local freestream turbulence intensity is low and as a result the model predicts natural
transition. This is clearly a case where the local formulation of the transition model is a significant advantage
because it allows the model to automatically account for large changes in the freestream conditions without
requiring any outside input from the user.
The convergence of lift and drag is shown in Figure 9 for the fully turbulent (top) and transitional (bottom)
solutions. The transitional flow on the fuselage and tails resulted in a 5 percent drag reduction compared to the fully
turbulent solution. A slight oscillation of the separation zones behind the engine compartment prevented a full
residual convergence. However, the force convergence demonstrates that the transition model does not have any
adverse effects on the convergence. Similar observations were made for the other testcases. The overhead of the
transition model is typically around 17%.
Figure 7 Contour plot of skin friction for a fully
turbulent (top) and transitional (bottom) Eurocopter
Red: Isosurface of
reverse flow
Laminar Flow
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IV. Conclusion
The concept of the LCTM approach has been extended
and demonstrated for aerodynamic flow simulations. An
overview of the model formulation was given and
numerous aerodynamic testcases have been computed
successfully. The agreement with the experimental data
is generally good, considering the complexity of the test
cases and the different physical phenomena involved.
The authors believe that the current model is a
significant step forward in engineering transition
modeling. Because it is based on transport equations,
the model formulation therefore offers a flexible
environment for engineering transition predictions that is
fully compatible with the infrastructure of modern CFD
methods. As a result, the model can be used in any
general purpose CFD method without special provisions
for geometry and grid topology.
The transition model accounts for transition due to
freestream turbulence intensity, pressure gradients and
separation. It is fully CFD-compatible and does not
negatively affect the convergence of the solver. One area
were the model could be of further improved is by
including a correlation for predicting cross-flow
transition, as this mode of transition is present on highly
swept bodies such as transonic wings or fuselages at
high angles of attack. This will most likely be the next
step in the model development. It is the authors
opinion that the LCTM concept of combining transition
correlations with locally formulated transport equations
has a strong potential for including the 1
transitional effects into todays industrial CFD
The model development and validation at ANSYS CFX
was funded by GE Aircraft Engines and GE Global
Research. Prof. G. Huang and Dr. B. Suzen from the
University of Kentucky have supported the original
model development with their extensive know-how and
their in-house codes. The authors would also like to
thank Dr. Chris Rumsey from the NASA Langley
Research Center for supplying the geometry and
experimental data for the McDonald Douglas 30P-30N
flap and Dr. Helmut Sobieczky of the DLR for his
helpful discussions on the DLR F-5 testcase. The
authors would also like to thank John Stokes of ANSYS
CFX for setting up and running the Eurocopter test case
as well as Dieter Schimke and Alessandro DAlascio of
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH for providing the
Figure 8 Iso-surface of turbulent flow (top) and surface value
of intermittency (bottom) indicating the laminar (blue) and
turbulent (red) regions on the Eurocopter airframe.
Figure 9 Convergence of lift and drag for the fully
turbulent (top) and transitional (bottom) Eurocopter
Blue = Laminar
Red = Turbulent
Turbulent Wake
Bypass transition
inside the wake
Natural transition
outside the wake
Fully Turbulent
Drag reduced 5 %
compared to fully
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
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