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Asddrtret With Er Ing: Adjective

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/ˈwiT͟Hə riNG/rre

Adjective: Intended to make someone feel mortified or humiliated.


1. To cause to experience shame, humiliation, or wounded pride; humiliate.

a·bom·i·na·tion/ə ˌbämə ˈnā SHə n/

Noun: 1. A thing that causes disgust or hatred.

2. A feeling of hatred.

un·god·ly/ˌə nˈgädlē /

Adjective: 1. Irreligious or immoral: "ungodly lives of self-obsession, lust, and

2. Unreasonably early or inconvenient: "I've been troubled by telephone
calls at ungodly hours".


Noun: A person with a fierce temper.

scrump·tious/ˈskrə m(p)SHə s/

Adjective: 1. (of food) Extremely appetizing or delicious.

2. (of a person) Very attractive.

sump·tu·ous/ˈsə m(p)CHo͞oə s/
Adjective: Splendid and expensive-looking.

looking over one's shoulder

Fig. keeping watch for danger or threats to oneself. Bob's a little paranoid. He's always
looking over his shoulder.

neophytesplural of ne·o·phyte (Noun)

Noun: 1. A person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief.

2. A new convert to a religion.

contemplatingpresent participle of con·tem·plate (Verb)

Verb: 1. Look at thoughtfully.

2. Think about.

someone's bread and butter

Fig. someone's basic income; someone's livelihood—the source of one's food. I can't miss
another day of work. That's my bread and butter. I worked as a bartender for a year, and it
was the tips that were my bread and butter.

hid·e·ous/ˈhidē ə s/

Adjective: 1. Ugly or disgusting to look at.

2. Extremely unpleasant.

triv·i·al/ˈtrivē ə l/

Adjective: 1. Of little value or importance.

2. (of a person) Concerned only with trifling or unimportant things.

meddlingpresent participle of med·dle (Verb)

Verb: 1. Interfere in or busy oneself unduly with something that is not one's concern.
2. Touch or handle (something) without permission: "don't meddle with my
pro·found/prə ˈfound/

Adjective: (of a state, quality, or emotion) Very great or intense.

Noun: The vast depth of the ocean or of the mind.

mon·stros·i·ty/mänˈsträsə tē /

Noun: 1. Something, esp. a building, that is very large and is considered unsightly.
2. Something that is outrageously or offensively wrong.

derangedpast participle, past tense of de·range (Verb)

Verb: 1. Cause (someone) to become insane: "a deranged man".

2. Throw (something) into confusion; cause to act irregularly: "stress deranges
the immune system".

implodedpast participle, past tense of im·plode (Verb)

Verb: 1. Collapse or cause to collapse violently inward.

2. Utter or pronounce (a consonant) with a sharp intake of air.


Noun: Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness: "she sought solace in her religion".

vig·i·lant/ˈvijə lə nt/

Adjective: Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties: "the burglar was spotted by
vigilant neighbors".

crone/krō n/
Noun: An old woman who is thin and ugly.

Definition for ingenue:

Web definitions: an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl.

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