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Double Porosity Anisotropy

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International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 43 (2006) 1128–1133


Technical note

Fully coupled dual-porosity model for anisotropic formations

Ying Zhaoa,, Mian Chenb
Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
School of Oil & Gas Engineering, China University of Petroleum—Beijing, Beijing 102249, China
Accepted 2 March 2006
Available online 18 April 2006

1. Introduction formulations have two related features: the first is that all
the fluid-flow equations in a ‘‘mixture’’ have the same
In recent decades, all petroleum reservoir problems functional form as that of a single-porosity if the fluid
involve two basic elements: fluid and rock. We are exchange term is dropped; and the second is that
interested in two particular processes associated with them: phenomenological coefficients are proposed first, and their
fluid flow and geo-mechanics. Fluid flow is essential in a physical interpretations are deduced after the completion
petroleum reservoir study. Geo-mechanics is believed to be of the formulation. The first point implies that the stress-
important in several petroleum-engineering activities such dependent rock properties in one continuum are indepen-
as drilling, borehole stability, hydraulic fracturing and dent of the other mixing continua. This in turn may cause
production-induced compaction and subsidence. difficulty for the later physical interpretation (i.e., the
As we know, the production from naturally fractured second one) and even inconsistency with the geo-mechan-
reservoirs has a great potential worldwide, and many ical equations adopted.
profitable reservoirs are naturally fractured. For naturally The other approach follows the route of conventional
fractured reservoirs, economical petroleum production fluid-flow modeling. Coupling of geo-mechanics is identi-
relies on the fracture permeability. The natural fractures fied through stress-dependent rock properties and during
basically are the product of the evolving rock stress state. the development process. Interpretation of the stress-
Therefore, any disturbance of the stress field, such as due to dependent properties is therefore critical to achieving a
fluid production/injection, can affect the existing fractures proper coupling. This approach was adopted by Duguid
and the associated reservoir performance. A coupled fluid- and Lee [8], Valliappan and Khalili-Naghadeh [9], Khalili-
flow/ geo-mechanics model can provide a rational tool for Naghadeh and Valliappan [10], Chen et al. [11], and Li
a better understanding and management of naturally et al. [12].
fractured reservoirs. In the model of Duguid and Lee [8], an incompressible
Naturally fractured reservoirs are often modeled by the solid was assumed. Also, no explicit rock compressibilities
dual-porosity type of concept developed by Barenblatt et (solid, pore, and bulk) appear in their fluid-flow equations.
al. [1] and Warren and Root [2]. Models incorporating Explicit rock compressibilities were considered by Valliap-
both Biot’s poroelastic theory [3] and Barrenblatt’s dual- pan and Khalili-Naghadeh [9] (also [10]). But except for the
porosity concept have been studied by several authors. The case of an incompressible solid, their two fluid pressure
models they have established can be classified into two equations do not collapse to the corresponding single-
types, based on the approach taken. porosity equation when the two fluid pressures reach
One approach is based on the mixture theory, and was equilibrium (i.e., p1 ¼ p2 ). So it suggests that incompres-
adopted by Wilson and Aifantis [4], Beskos and Aifantis sible solid phase had been implicitly adopted in their
[5], Bai et al. [6], and Berryman and Wang [7]. The resulting general derivations which, however, contradicts their
intention and the presented equations.
The disadvantages identified in the above models are
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 6263 4633; fax: +86 10 6256 1284. resolved in the model of Li et al. [12]. Specifically,
E-mail address: zhaoying@imech.ac.cn (Y. Zhao). (i) internal model consistency is maintained, and

1365-1609/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Zhao, M. Chen / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 43 (2006) 1128–1133 1129

(ii) continuity between the single-porosity and dual- 2.1. Transverse isotropy
porosity systems can be established smoothly.
The above models are all based on the assumption of The geo-mechanical model Eq. (5) becomes more
isotropy, whereas most rocks are characterized by aniso- tractable in the case of transverse isotropy. This is an
tropy of various degrees. Therefore, research on the important type of anisotropy in geophysical applications,
behavior of anisotropic dual-porosity media is of relevance since material properties are frequently isotropic in the
to oil and gas production. This paper is focused on the bedding plane but differ in the direction normal to this
development of the governing equations for a fully coupled plane. The anisotropy may be either structural (anisotropic
dual-porosity model for anisotropic rock formations. pore geometry), intrinsic (anisotropic solid material), or
The tensor of elastic moduli for a transversely isotropic
2. Geo-mechanical model material has the form [14]:

The three basic principles of poroelastic theory are: C ijkl ¼ mðdik djl þ dil djk Þ þ ldij dkl þ aðdik hj hl þ djl hi hk
stress equilibrium, strain–displacement, and strain–stress- þ dil hj hk þ djk hi hl Þ þ bðdij hk hl þ dkl hi hj Þ þ ghi hj hk hl ,
pressure relations. Mathematically, these are the static- ð6Þ
equilibrium equation:
where a, b, g, l, and m are constants, and hi is the directional
qsij cosine of symmetry axis. For isotropic materials, a, band g
¼ 0, (1)
qxj vanish; l and m are the Lamé constants. Introducing Eq. (6)
the strain–displacement relation: into Eq. (5) give
  q2 ui q2 uk q2 uj
1 qui quj m þ ahi hk þ ðm þ lÞ
eij ¼ þ (2) qxj qxj qxj qxj qxj xi
2 qxj qxi
q2 uk q2 ui q2 uk
and the effective stress principle and the stress–strain þ ða þ bÞhi hj þ ahj hk þ ða þ bÞhj hk
constitutive relation for anisotropic double porous media qxj qxk qxj qxk qxj qxi
(strain–stress-pressure relations): q2 uk qp qp
þ ghi hj hk hl ¼ a1ij 1  a2ij 2 , ð7Þ
qxj qxl qxj qxj
seij ¼ sij  a1ij p1  a2ij p2 ¼ C ijkl ekl . (3)
where the Biot coefficient tensors for a transversely
In Eqs. (1)–(3), sij and ekl are the components of total isotropic material have the forms [13]
stress tensor and bulk strain tensor, respectively. We
should note that the sign convention here follows that in a1ij ¼ dij ð1  AA1  CB1 Þ  ðBA1 þ DB1 Þhi hj ,
which compressive stresses are positive. Additionally, ui is
a2ij ¼ dij ðAA1 þ CB1  AAs1  CBs1 Þ
the solid displacement vector, C ijkl denotes the elastic
moduli tensor, seij denotes the effective stress tensor, pn is þ ðBA1 þ DB1  BAs1  DBs1 Þhi hj ð8Þ
the nth fluid pressure, anij is the nth Biot coefficient tensor
(where the subscript n ¼ 1; 2 indicates the matrix-block and
fractures, respectively). For anisotropic double porous A ¼ 2m þ 3l þ b; B ¼ 4a þ 3b þ g,
media, anij has the following form [13]: C ¼ l þ b; D ¼ 2m þ 4a þ b þ g,
a1ij ¼ dij  C ijkl M klmn , As1 ¼ 2ms1 þ 3ls1 þ bs1 ; Bs1 ¼ 4as1 þ 3bs1 þ gs1 ,
a2ij ¼ C ijkl M klmn  C ijkl M sklmn , ð4Þ A1 ¼ 2m1 þ 3l1 þ b1 ; B1 ¼ 4a1 þ 3b1 þ g1 .

where dij is Kronecker’s delta (dij ¼ 1 for i ¼ j, dij ¼ 0 for The compliance tensor has the similar format as the
iaj), M klmn is the elastic compliance tensor, the superscript above elastic modulus tensor, with compliance coefficients
n stands for a porous media of without fractures, and the m1 ; l1 ; a1 ; b1 and g1 , which can be expressed in terms of the
subscripts s represents solid. Body forces and inertial moduli m; l; a; band g.
effects are neglected in Eq. (1). Small strains are implied in
Eq. (2). Substituting Eq. (3) into the equilibrium Eq. (1)
2.2. Structural anisotropy
 2  The geo-mechanical model described by Eq. (7) is
1 q uk q2 ul qp qp
C ijkl þ ¼ a1ij 1  a2ij 2 . (5) simplified considerably when the anisotropy is structural
2 qxj qxl qxj qxk qxj qxj
rather than intrinsic, i.e., in the case of an isotropic
Eq. (5) gives the geo-mechanical model for anisotropic solid material with an anisotropic pore structure. If the
double porous media. Three simplifications of the geo- anisotropy is purely structural, so that the solid material
mechanical model are discussed next. is isotropic, then the Biot coefficient tensors Eq. (8)
1130 Y. Zhao, M. Chen / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 43 (2006) 1128–1133

reduce to [13] and velocity are rs and vis , vni is the seepage velocity, m is
the fluid viscosity, which is also assumed to be a function of
a1ij ¼ dij ð1  AA1  CB1 Þ  ðBA1 þ DB1 Þhi hj ,
    fluid pressure only, i.e.,m  mðpÞ. pn;j is the nth fluid
Acs Bcs pressure gradient, cn is the nth fluid compressibility, and t
a2ij ¼ dij AA1 þ CB1  þ BA1 þ DB1  hi hj ,
3 3 is the time. knij is the nth permeability tensor, and
ð9Þ anisotropy of the permeability is considered. G is the
where cs represents the unjacketed bulk compressibility of interporosity-flow term which represents the volumetric
the fractured rock. exchange rate between fractures and matrix blocks per unit
bulk volume (V b ¼ V p1 þ V p2 þ V s ). G is a unique aspect
2.3. Isotropy of the dual-porosity concept. However, G is also one of the
major uncertainties in any dual-porosity-based (also multi-
If the pore geometry is also isotropic, then Eq. (7) and porosity-based) model. The uncertainty is primarily due to
(9) reduce to, respectively: the difficulty in describing the configuration, distribution,
and connectivity of the fracture. In the most general form,
q2 ui qe qp qp G is a function of the two fluid-pressure fields (matrix-
m þ ðm þ lÞ ¼ a1ij 1  a2ij 2 , (10)
qxj @xj qxi qxj qxj blocks and fractures) and the reservoir stress field.
     Descriptions of G may range from a simple pressure-
c c  cs difference-controlled mechanism, i.e., G  Gðp1  p2 Þ [1,2],
a1ij ¼ dij 1 2
; aij ¼ dij (11)
cb cb to a more complicated history-dependent mechanism [15].
in which cb is the drained jacketed bulk compressibility of Because of the inherent uncertainty of G and the emphasis
the fractured rock, c is the compressibility coefficient for of this study to incorporate the geo-mechanics into a dual-
porous media without fractures, e is the dilatation or porosity concept, we will not specify the exact functional
volume strain of the solid skeleton which is related to solid form of G in this paper other than making the above
displacement vector u by e ¼ div u. Introducing Eq. (11) general comments.
into Eq. (10) gives Introducing Darcy’s law Eq. (15) into Eq. (13) gives
q2 ui qe qp qp kij dðfn rÞ
m þ ðm þ lÞ ¼ a1 1  a2 2 , (12) r pn;j ¼ þ fn rðvis Þ;i þ ð1Þn rG, (17)
qxj @xj qxi qxi qxi m ;i dt

where a1 ¼ 1  ðc =cb Þ, a2 ¼ ðc  cs Þ=cb . Eq. (12) is the where dðÞ=dt is the material derivative with respect to a
geo-mechanical model for isotropic double porous media moving solid, defined as
with linear elastic deformation, the same as that presented dðÞ qðÞ
in [12]. ¼ þ vs  rðÞ. (18)
dt qt
3. Fluid flow model Note that for nondeformable media the material
derivative is equivalent to a partial derivative, since vs ¼ 0.
The three basic principles of fluid flow in porous media Expanding the right-hand side of Eq. (17) results in
are mass conservation, Darcy’s law, and the equation of  n   
kij 1 dr 1 dfn
state. The mass conservation equations take the form r pn;j ¼ fn r þ þ ðvis Þ;i þ ð1Þn rG.
m ;i r dt fn dt
qðfn rÞ (19)
Fluid status : ðrfn vnif Þ;i þ þ ð1Þn rG ¼ 0. (13)
Expanding the first term of the solid mass balance
q½ð1  ft Þrs  equation, Eq. (14), gives
Solid status : ½rs ð1  ft Þvis ;i þ ¼ 0. (14)
qt 1 d½ð1  ft Þrs  1 dV b
Darcy’s law for fluid flow can be written as ðvis Þ;i ¼  ¼ . (20)
rs ð1  ft Þ dt V b dt
knij Thus, the divergence of solid velocity simply reflects the
vni ¼ fn ðvnif  vis Þ ¼  pn;j (15)
m rate of change of bulk volume. According to Eq. (20), vs ¼
The equation of state (isothermal fluid compressibility) is 0 (non-deformable solid) implies dV b ¼ 0.
According to the relation fn ¼ V pn =V b , we have
1 qr
cn ¼ . (16) dfn dV pn dV b
r qpn ¼  . (21)
fn V pn Vb
In Eqs. (13)–(16), r is the fluid density, which is assumed
to be a function of fluid pressure only, i.e.,r  rðpÞ, vnif is Introducing Eqs. (20), (21) into (19) results in
the nth fluid velocity vector, fn is the nth effective porosity,  n   
kij 1 dr 1 dV pn
ft is the total effective porosity (i.e.,ft ¼ f1 þ f2 , r pn;j ¼ fn r þ þ ð1Þn rG. (22)
1 ¼ f1 þ f2 þ ðV s =V b Þ). The solid counterparts for density m ;i r dt V pn dt
Y. Zhao, M. Chen / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 43 (2006) 1128–1133 1131

Note that the right-hand-side of Eq. (22) basically where V pn is the nth pore volume. Introducing Eqs. (29) and
represents the rate of change of fluid density and pore (30) into the Eq. (24) results in
volume. The change of fluid density is related to the fluid 1 
kij qp1 qp2 qsij
compressibility cn by the following relations (Eq. (16)): m 1;j ;i ¼; a11 qt þ a12 qt þ a13ij qt  G;
2  (31)
qpn 1 qr 1 dp 1 dr kij qp1 qp2 qsij
cn ¼ ; cn rpn ¼ rr; cn n ¼ (23) p
m 2;j ¼ a 21 qt þ a 22 qt þ a 23ij qt þ G
qt r qt r dt r dt ;i

Since the fluid density is a function of fluid pressure only, in which

interpretation of the volumetric change of pore volume
thus is crucial in coupling fluid-flow and geo-mechanics. a11 ¼ f1 ðM iikk þ c1 Þ þ ðM iikk  M iikk Þ,
Introducing above equation into Eq. (22) gives a12 ¼ a21 ¼ f1 ðM siikk  M iikk Þ,
 n    a13ij ¼ M ijkk  M ijkk ,
kij dp 1 dV pn
r pn;j ¼ f n r cn n þ þ ð1Þn rG (24) a22 ¼ f2 ðM siikk þ c2 Þ  ð1 þ f1 ÞðM siikk  M iikk Þ,
m ;i dt V pn dt
a23ij ¼ M sijkk  M ijkk . ð32Þ
Consider now the change of pore volume term dV pn =V pn
in Eq. (24). Obviously, as a result of the increasing of the Note that a13ij and a23ij are not scalars, but are tensors.
fluid pressurepn , the pore volume V pn will increase. And the Two assumptions have been imposed in deriving Eq.
increasing of the applied stress can decrease both the (31). First, the material derivatives can be approximated by
skeleton volume and the pore volume. Now one represen- the partial derivative, i.e., dðÞ=dt ffi qðÞ=qt. This is
tative element of dual-porosity media is considered, which equivalent to neglecting the dot product term in Eq. (18)
must include a sufficient number of solid grains, matrix by assuming vs  rðÞ5qðÞ=qt. Second, the quadratic term
pores, and fractures. Through the Betti’s reciprocal cn ðrpÞ2 is negligible compared to the other terms.
theorem of elasticity, three relations are concluded: Introducing the Eqs. (2) and (3) into Eq. (31) results in:
dsij M ijkk dp1 þ dp1 f1 M iikk dp1 þ dp2 f2 eii k1ij qp qp 1 q qui quj
p1;j ¼ b11 1 þ b12 2  a1ij þ  G,
¼ dp1 M iikl dskl  dp1 ðM iikk  M iikk Þ dp1 m qt qt 2 qt qxj qxi
þ dp2 ðM siikk  M iikk Þ dp1 þ dp1 f1 e1ii , ð25Þ k2ij qp1 qp2 1 2 q qui quj
p ¼ b21 þ b22  aij þ þG
m 2;j qt qt 2 qt qxj qxi
;i ð33Þ
M iikl dskl  dp1 ðM iikk  M iikk Þ þ ðM siikk  M iikk Þ dp2
þ e1ii f1 þ e2ii f2 ¼ dsij M sijkk þ dp1 f1 M siikk þ dp2 f2 M siikk; in which
ð26Þ b11 ¼ f1 ðM iikk þ c1 Þ þ ðM iikk  M iikk Þ þ a13ij a1ij ,
b12 ¼ f1 ðM siikk  M iikk Þ þ a13ij a2ij ,
dp1 M siikk þ dp1 f1 M siikk ¼ M iikk dp1 þ f1 M iikk dp1 þ f2 eii ,
(27) b21 ¼ f1 ðM siikk  M iikk Þ þ a23ij a1ij ,
b22 ¼ f2 ðM siikk þ c2 Þ  ð1 þ f1 ÞðM siikk  M iikk Þ þ a23ij a2ij ,
where eii is the volumetric strain, the meaning of super-
scripts 1,2 and n are the same as mentioned above, and the ð34Þ
repeated indices imply summation. From the above Eq. where a1ij and a2ij are defined in Eq. (4), and a13ij and a23ij are
(27), we find defined in Eq. (32).
f2 eii ¼ dp1 ð1 þ f1 ÞðM siikk  M iikk Þ. (28) Three simplifications of the fluid-flow model for
anisotropic double porous media are discussed next.
Eliminating f2 eii between Eqs. (28) and (25), and
applying the definition of volumetric strain, results in
3.1. Transverse isotropy
dV p1
f ¼ e1ii f1 ¼ dsij ðM ijkk  M kkij Þ
V p1 1 The tensor of elastic moduli for a transversely isotropic
þ dp1 ½f1 M iikk þ ðM iikk  M iikk Þ þ dp2 f1 ðM siikk  M iikk Þ, material has the form [14]
ð29Þ M ijkl ¼ m1 ðdik djl þ dil djk Þ þ l1 dij dkl
þ a1 ðdik hj hl þ djl hi hk þ dil hj hk þ djk hi hl Þ
dV p2
f ¼ e2ii f2 ¼ dsij ðM sijkk  M ijkk Þ þ b1 ðdij hk hl þ dkl hi hj Þ þ g1 hi hj hk hl . ð35Þ
V p2 2
þ dp1 f1 ðM siikk  M iikk Þ þ dp2 ½f2 M siikk  ð1 þ f1 ÞðM siikk  M iikk Þ,
ð30Þ M ijkk ¼ M kkij ¼ A1 dij þ B1 hi hj ; M iikk ¼ 3A1 þ B1 , (36)
1132 Y. Zhao, M. Chen / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 43 (2006) 1128–1133

where A1 ¼ 2m1 þ 3l1 þ b1 , B1 ¼ 4a1 þ 3b1 þ g1 . The material also:

equations analogous to Eq. (36) now give c 1 cb
A1 ¼ ; A1 ¼ ¼ ; B1 ¼ B ¼ B1 ¼ 0 (41)
M sijkk ¼ As1 dij þ Bs1 hi hj ; M siikk ¼ 3As1 þ Bs1 , 3 A 3
M ijkk ¼ A1 dij þ B1 hi hj ; M iikk ¼ 3A1 þ B1 . ð37Þ and Eq. (40) reduces to

Introducing Eqs. (36) and (37) into Eq. (34) results in: b11 ¼  a1 a1 cb þ a1 cb ð1  f1 Þ þ ðcb þ c1 Þf1 ,
b12 ¼ b21 ¼ a1 a2 cb  a2 cb f1 ,
b11 ¼ 3f1 A1 þ f1 B1 þ f1 c1 þ ðAA1 þ CB1 Þ
b22 ¼  a2 a2 cb þ a2 cb ð1 þ f1 Þ þ f2 ðc2 þ cs Þ, ð42Þ
ð3A1 þ B1  3A1  B1 Þ
þ ðA1 þ B1  A1  B1 ÞðBA1 þ DB1 Þ, where a1 ¼ 1  ðc =cb Þand a2 ¼ ðc  cs Þ=cb are effective
stress coefficients [12], and a1ij and a2ij in Eq. (33) are
b12 ¼ 3f1 As1 þ f1 Bs1  3f1 A1  f1 B1 reduced to Eq. (11).
 ð3A1 þ B1  3A1  B1 ÞðAA1 þ CB1  AAs1  CBs1 Þ Introducing Eq. (11) into Eq. (33) gives
 ðA1 þ B1  A1  B1 ÞðBA1 þ DB1  BAs1  DBs1 Þ, !
k1ij qp qp qe
b21 ¼ 3f1 As1 þ f1 Bs1  3f1 A1  f1 B1 p ¼ b11 1 þ b12 2  a1  G,
m 1;j qt qt qt
þ ð3As1 þ Bs1  3A1  B1 Þð1  AA1  CB1 Þ !

 ðAs1 þ Bs1  A1  B1 ÞðBA1 þ DB1 Þ, k2ij qp qp qe

p2;j ¼ b21 1 þ b22 2  a2 þ G. ð43Þ
b22 ¼ 3ðf2  f1  1ÞAs1 þ ðf2  f1  1ÞBs1 þ 3ð1 þ f1 ÞA1 m qt qt qt
þ ð1 þ f1 ÞB1 þ f2 c2 þ ð3As1 þ Bs1  3A1  B1 Þ Eq. (43) is the fluid flow model for isotropic double
ðAA1 þ CB1  AAs1  CBs1 Þ porous media with linear elastic deformation, the same as
þ ðAs1 þ Bs1  A1  B1 ÞðBA1 þ DB1  BAs1  DBs1 Þ that presented in [12].
4. Conclusion
and a1ij and a2ij in Eq. (33) are reduced to Eq. (8).
The main purpose of this study is to extend Biot’s
3.2. Structural anisotropy isothermal, linear poroelastic, coupled fluid-rock, isotropic
dual-porosity model to an anisotropic dual-porosity system
When the anisotropy is structural rather than intrinsic, describing naturally fractured reservoirs. Interpretation of
i.e., in the case of an isotropic solid material with an the pore volumetric changes and the associated effective
anisotropic pore structure, we have stress law for anisotropic double-porous media are the
most critical consideration in the coupling of fluid flow and
1 1 cs
As1 ¼ s ¼ ¼ ; Bs1 ¼ Bs ¼ 0. (39) rock deformation. Compared to the other published
A 2m þ 3l 3 models, the proposed model is conceptually consistent
Introducing Eq. (39) into Eq. (38) gives between the isotropic and anisotropic dual-porosity con-
cepts in both fluid-flow and geo-mechanical considerations.
b11 ¼ 3f1 A1 þ f1 B1 þ f1 c1 þ ðAA1 þ CB1 Þ
 ð3A1 þ B1  3A1  B1 Þ þ ðA1 þ B1  A1  B1 Þ Acknowledgment
 ðBA1 þ DB1 Þ,
b12 ¼ f1 cs  3f1 A1  f1 B1 This work was supported by the National Natural
Science Fund of China.
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