Oracle 11g ASM On Windows XP Sandpit
Oracle 11g ASM On Windows XP Sandpit
Oracle 11g ASM On Windows XP Sandpit
As an R&D alternative to Unix or Linux setups, deployment of 11g ASM onto Windows XP can provide a
useful sandpit for experimental purposes.
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( It is provided for educational purposes only and is NOT supported
– use at your own risk !
This note documents a basic overview of deploying a very simple ( and non-resilient) Oracle 11g ASM
installation onto Windows XP for R&D (ie play) purposes.
Much of this technique ( although obviously not any of the new 11g features) is also applicable to Oracle
10g, so where appropriate, Oracle 10g notes/hints have also been included.
Oracle 11.1 – distribution :
Oracle 10.2
© Chris Drawater, 2008 Oracle 11g ASM on Windows XP, v1.0 p1/6
Using the GUI, install the Enterprise Edition software as a ‘software installation only’ into
Run all the commands etc with local Windows administrator privilege.
Cooked Files
Create a number of ‘cooked files’ for use as pseudo ASM disks , (using a shell script or Java program etc)
Make them each of say 1000 Mb. Additional or larger ‘disks’ can always be created later.
First create the ASM admin directories, noting the change between 10g and 11g
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\product\11.1.0
© Chris Drawater, 2008 Oracle 11g ASM on Windows XP, v1.0 p2/6
Next create the ASM instance pfile
# Allows FS files for testing
# Use specifically located raw LUNs/devices/files
# - add as required else use spfile
ASM_POWER_LIMIT = 1 # default
# Logs etc
DIAGNOSTIC_DEST = C:\oracle\product\11.1.0\admin\ASM\bdump
© Chris Drawater, 2008 Oracle 11g ASM on Windows XP, v1.0 p3/6
ASM Service set up
ASM requires the use of Oracle Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS), even for a standalone database,
but CSS is not automatically installed if RAC is not be used, so it needs to be deployed
%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\localconfig add
Next , use the GUI network configuration utility to startup the Oracle listener service.
sqlplus /nolog
connect / as sysdba;
and verify that all 6 ‘ASM disks’ are available to the ASM instance
Now create a ‘mirrored’ disk group for the data – this would be the main experimental disc group for
taking discs online, offline and checking fast mirror resync etc etc
Note the ‘disk_repair_time’ at diskgroup level – this sets the time limit during which fast mirror resyncs will
be available.
© Chris Drawater, 2008 Oracle 11g ASM on Windows XP, v1.0 p4/6
Create other diskgroups for logs, temp, undo, archived logfiles, RMAN tracking files etc
select group_number, name, total_mb, free_mb, state, type from v$asm_diskgroup;
select group_number, disk_number, mount_status, header_status, state, path, failgroup from v$asm_disk;
Uncomment the ASM_DISKGROUPS parameter in the pfile/init.ora and bounce the ASM instance.
Bounce the Windows Oracle ASM service to verify – the service should restart but not the ASM instance!
To have the service sucessfully autostart the ASM instance itself , connect as sysdba and create an spfile
create spfile from pfile='C:\oracle\product\11.1.0\admin\ASM\pfile\initASM.ora';
Bounce the Windows Oracle ASM service to verify – now both the service and the ASM instance should
start up!
© Chris Drawater, 2008 Oracle 11g ASM on Windows XP, v1.0 p5/6
Concluding Remarks
This brief paper demonstrates, for R&D/information purposes, the deployment of Oracle 11g ASM onto
Windows XP.
Chris Drawater has been working with RDBMSs since 1987 and the JDBC API since late 1996, and can
be contacted at .
© Chris Drawater, 2008 Oracle 11g ASM on Windows XP, v1.0 p6/6