2017 12 01 - MacLife
2017 12 01 - MacLife
2017 12 01 - MacLife
D EC E M B E R 20 1 7 N O.1 35
Conquer your new
macOS with our
quick-start guide
I N iOS 11
Fix your keychain in macOS GET MORE APPS
Edit and export your first iMovie
Protect your privacy in FaceTime
…and read the definitive
Recover lost work with Versions
verdict on the 4K model
Get it instantly
50 essential macOS tips
Apple’s greatest hits
Get started with ÒTV 4K
Conquer High Sierra by exploring new and misses Apple’s latest little box can pump out
features such as pinnable notes, an Take a look at some of Apple’s most more pixels, and upgrades your movie
enhanced cross-device Clipboard, web notable products, and learn why the library for free, but that’s not all. Learn
browsing personalization, and more! tech giant decided to retire them. more about it in this issue’s Home Life.
>>> Contents
46 52 56 61
96 Auto-install apps on
your Apple TV
EDITOR Alan Stonebridge
The march of technology never You’ll get all the latest news and CONTRIBUTORS Ray Aguilera, Adam Banks, Graham Barlow, Gareth Beavis,
Alex Blake, J.R. Bookwalter, David Chartier, David Crookes, Nate Drake, Ian Evenden,
stops, so neither do we. Mac|Life’s tutorials for Mac, iPhone and iPad, Dan Grabham, Craig Grannell, Kate Gray, Tim Hardwick, Spencer Hart, Cliff Joseph,
Gary Marshall, Jennifer Phin, Gary Riches, Dave Stevenson, Brianna Wu
website is now part of the new and as well as other trusted reviews,
improved TechRadar, so you can news, and how-tos that have made ART EDITOR Matt Smith
grab your fix of Mac and iOS news TechRadar one of the world’s top
over at www.techradar.com. tech sites. We’ll see you there!
VICE PRESIDENT SALES Stacy Gaines, stacy.gaines@futurenet.com
VICE PRESIDENT STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Isaac Ugay, isaac.ugay@futurenet.com
EAST COAST ACCOUNT DIRECTOR Brandie Rushing, brandie.rushing@futurenet.com
EAST COAST ACCOUNT DIRECTOR Michael Plump, michael.plump@futurenet.com
MID WEST ACCOUNT DIRECTOR Jessica Reinert, jessica.reinert@futurenet.com
WEST COAST ACCOUNT DIRECTOR Austin Park, austin.park@futurenet.com
WEST COAST ACCOUNT DIRECTOR Brandon Wong, brandon.wong@futurenet.com
Read more news, reviews, and WEST COAST ACCOUNT DIRECTOR Tad Perez, tad.perez@futurenet.com
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APPLE’S ROUND OF operating system
updates for 2017 is complete, and this
issue’s cover feature will help you to
discover many great additions in the
last of them to arrive: High Sierra.
If you haven’t installed it already,
and were to read Apple’s web page
about it, you might not think there’s
much reason to bother – but I urge you
to read our feature and reconsider. Matt Smith
Do you think you already know all Art Editor
wkdw#Kljk#Vlhuud#kdv#wr#rļhuB#Dw#ZZGF# Matt has enjoyed season
in June, Apple mostly talked about 2 of Preacher on Amazon.
underlying technology changes, which Now for new Mr Robot!
is understandable for a keynote address
that’s as much about rallying developers behind those moves as
surprised me since High Sierra became available on the Mac App
Store is that interesting enhancements, such as the ability to copy
Apple’s web page that markets the system update. Granted, that
one isn’t really a groundbreaking feature, but it’s a practical
enhancement that some of you will at least make good use of.
feature. Let us know if you’ve discovered something else in the
system that you think other Apple fans should know about. Rob Mead-Green
You may have a very good reason not to upgrade to High Sierra Operations Editor
just yet, though. The common trouble for any operating system Rob was surprised to find
upgrade is incompatibility with apps and devices. Perhaps you’re that one of his favorite
just cautious until a few minor updates have been released. Apple iOS 11 features is Files.
has already issued a few of those for High Sierra – and iOS 11, too –
oversights that managed to survive the developer and public beta
programs over the summer. You can learn more about these in
this issue’s Start section.
If you’re ever unsure about installing a macOS update, bear in
mind that a complete Time Machine backup enables restoration
of your Mac to an earlier state – even to an older OS.
David Chartier
David is enjoying people’s
renewed enthusiasm for
the iPad throughout 2017.
I very much miss being able to see all the Home screens
and apps on my iPhone while in iTunes. It used to be
easy to manipulate apps, create folders, and delete
items en masse. That’s not possible in iTunes 12.7.
Now I have to go to the App Store on iOS and get apps
individually, and moving items between Home screens is now much
dqg#Lġg#uhdoo|#olnh#wr#vhh#wkhvh#fdsdelolwlhv#uhvwruhg1#DAVID RICKEY Even old apps, such as Karaoke
Anywhere, are getting iOS 11 updates.
Apple has put itself between a rock and a hard place with iTunes. Some
people want the app to focus on its media library and player features; We have good news: Just days
dgglqj#rwkhu#vwxļ#rq#wrs#kdv#fdxvhg#qdyljdwlrq#lvvxhv#iru#|hduv1#Hyhq#vr/# before this issue wrapped up,
zh#vhh#zk|#uhprylqj#lRV#dss0uhodwhg#ixqfwlrqv#lv#djjudydwlqj1 JoltSoft released the first
Apple started edging toward this when apps downloaded directly to update to Karaoke Anywhere
lRV#ghylfhv#ehjdq#wr#eh#gholyhuhg#lq#d#wdloruhg#irup#iru#wkh#vshflĽf# in four years. It’s not a huge
kdugzduh/#dqg#vr#lw#vwrsshg#lqfoxglqj#wkhp#lq#ghylfh#edfnxsv#wr#lWxqhv1# update in terms of version
Zh#glgqġw#dqwlflsdwh#wkh#odwhvw#fkdqjhv#kdsshqlqj#vr#deuxswo|/#wkrxjk1# number, going from 6.0.4 to
Gudj#dqg#gurs#lq#lRV#44#hqdeohv#|rx#wr#slfn#xs#dqg#pryh#pxowlsoh#dss# 6.0.5, but the two items in its
lfrqv/#zklfk#khosv#d#olwwoh/#exw#hyhq#wkdw#fdq#eh#d#olwwoh#xqfrpiruwdeoh1 release notes are welcome:
the app now works with iOS 11,
and there are no more ads.
EMAIL: letters@maclife.com
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Watch to check
blood pressure
Apple files patent for technology
that can detect heart defects and
other related issues
12 OCT
DEC 2017 maclife.com
The iPad is enjoying a second coming, says
DAVID CHARTIER, as developers and users
find exciting new ways to make the most of it
OW DO YOU tell when a starting at just $329. The Pro got a In recent years, I’ve seen more
>>> David Chartier is a content strategist and writer with vast experience analyzing the tech world.
He runs the website Finer Things in Tech (finerthings.in) and hosts its podcast, The Finer Things In.
Security concerns
with macOS
High Sierra
Apple patches vulnerabilities in keychain
and encrypted APFS volumes
Though the two High Sierra issues have serious implications, a fix is already available.
BRIANNA WU explains why you might
want to hold off upgrading to macOS
High Sierra for a while if you play games
EDICATED GAMERS AND lw1#Dw#wkh#kljkhvw#ohyho#ri#vhfxulw|/#
game developers might want lw#vxssruwv#pxowl0nh|#hqfu|swlrq#0#
wr#krog#rļ#rq#xsjudglqj#wr# pdnlqj#erwk#wkh#Ľohv#dqg#wkh#
High Sierra for the time metadata for the them impossible
being. As macOS moves to the wr#uhdg1#DSIV#dovr#lqwurgxfhv#rwkhu#
new Apple File System (APFS) and rswlpl}dwlrqv#iru#ľdvk#vwrudjh1
rwkhu#qhz#xqghuo|lqj#whfk/#vrph# devices and the data stored on Zkloh#wkh#pryh#wr#wklv#qhz#Ľoh#
software is reportedly breaking. wkhp#hyhq#pruh#vhfxuh1 v|vwhp#zloo#eh#kljko|#ehqhĽfldo#lq#
Wkh#dqqrxqfhphqw#ri#DSIV#zdv# Surwhfwlqj#gdwd#lv#d#elj#ihdwxuh# wkh#orqj#uxq/#lw#pd|#eh#euhdnlqj#
very welcome news at WWDC 2016. ri#DSIV1#Wkh#qhz#Ľoh#v|vwhp# games in the short term. Unity is
After the San Bernardino terrorist provides a level of encryption so rqh#ri#wkh#prvw#srsxodu#jdph#
dwwdfn/#wkh#IEL#zdqwhg#Dssoh#wr# vwurqj#wkdw#Dssoh#frxogqġw#dffhvv# hqjlqhv#lq#wkh#zruog/#xvhg#lq#
engineer a backdoor into iOS for |rxu#gdwd#hyhq#li#rughuhg#wr#e|#d# frxqwohvv#lRV#dqg#pdfRV#jdphv#
the government – a move that was frxuw1#Lw#vwruhv#wkh#gdwd#zlwk# lqfoxglqj#Khduwkvwrqh/#Odud#Furiw#
zlgho|#fulwltxhg#dfurvv#wkh#srolwlfdo# exlow0lq#hqfu|swlrq/#pdnlqj#wkh# Jr/#dqg#Iluhzdwfk1#Uhsruwv#duh#
vshfwuxp1#Lw#zdv#vxvshfwhg#wkdw# information meaningless to frplqj#lq#wkdw#diwhu#xsjudglqj#wr#
Dssoh#zrxog#uhvsrqg#e|#pdnlqj#lwv# vrphrqh#zlwkrxw#d#nh|#wr#xqorfn# Kljk#Vlhuud/#pdq|#Xqlw|#jdphv#duh#
>>> Brianna Wu is the head of development at Giant Spacekat, developer of Revolution 60 on iPhone and iPad,
and is a regular speaker at industry events, as well as host on the podcasts Isometric and Rocket.
T pdfRV#Kljk#Vlhuud1#Dssoh#Ľuvw#
talks about new technologies
at the very heart of the system,
which are designed to make your Mac
more capable and reliable. They lay
irxqgdwlrqv#iru#wkh#ixwxuh/#dqg#rļhu# happen to use the improved apps or
great potential – in some cases enabling features every day.
entirely new apps to be created by There are plenty of bigger changes,
brilliant developers – while making too. Safari now enables you to customize
tasks you do already faster. websites on an individual basis, rather
The other side to the new system is all than you adjusting the likes of Reader
derxw#Dssoh#uhĽqlqj#h{lvwlqj#ihdwxuhv# and page zoom levels as you browse.
and apps. In some cases, these are small And the update to Photos almost makes
tweaks – the ability to pin a note in the it feel like a new app, due to a revamped
Notes app, the means to compose Mail interface, and a superb update to its
in Split View when in full-screen mode, editing tools. If you’ve ever wanted to
and additions here and there in System do more with Live Photos, or get more
Preferences. Even such relatively small precision control over color within your
fkdqjhv#fdq#pdnh#d#elj#glļhuhqfh#li#|rx# pictures, now you can.
Over the following pages, we highlight
all the great things we’ve discovered in
macOS High Sierra, including invaluable
features and tweaks you may not know
a master of your Mac.
Master Photos
in High Sierra
Explore improved library navigation, plus new and enhanced editing tools
Under Albums in the sidebar you’ll find a Media In macOS Sierra, you could rotate or favorite a With a category selected under Library, you’ll
Types folder, which provides fast access selection of photos using menu commands; see a Showing filter near the top right of the
to specific types of images and videos, such as now there are buttons in the toolbar for these window, initially set to All Photos. Click it to
screenshots, selfies, and long exposures functions. The number of selected items is limit the view to specific item types, or items
created using that new Live Photos effect. much clearer at the top right, too. that match user-defined keywords.
Master Safari
in High Sierra
Make every website look and work the way you want it to
By default, Safari stops all media with sound Some sites ask for permission to use your Safari’s preferences have been updated to
from playing, yet it allows that which does not Mac’s camera, microphone, or location. In each include these new site settings. In place of the
have sound to automatically play. You can case, you can use the relevant pop-up menu in Notifications tab there’s now one named
override this to allow all media to play, or you this sheet to decide whether you’re happy to Websites, containing sections for everything
can go further and stop all distracting content grant access (Allow) or not (Deny) to the site we just mentioned. You can change website
from playing without your explicit permission. you’re currently viewing. notifications settings here too.
In the My Apps & Services tab, select iCloud
Storage. In High Sierra, you can share a
200GB or 2TB plan with your entire family.
This makes those tiers great value – one of
them is likely to provide enough space for
everyone’s files and iOS device backups.
SHARE A FILE In the sheet that opens, you can enable
Select Location Sharing in the My Apps & Individual files, but sadly not whole folders, others to access and even edit the file.
Services tab. You’ll see that you no longer that are stored in iCloud Drive can be shared Invitations can be sent by email, iMessage,
have to reach for your iOS device to manage with other people, and not just in the sense AirDrop, or social media, or you can copy a
which family members can check your of sending them a copy. Go to iCloud Drive, link to paste elsewhere. We’ve wanted this
location, as High Sierra enables that too. Ctrl-click a file, and pick Share > Add People. back since MobileMe’s discontinuation!
You can, of course, use Maps (or visit Google D
SIRI KNOWLEDGE sometimes get links to other sites and the
Maps in Safari) to find out where a place is. Under the rather vague heading of Siri odd map – and it may dig up something
But type a location into Spotlight and it’ll Knowledge, you’ll find what amounts to an surprisingly useful. If you want to learn
bring up a small map that gives you a basic expanded flash card about a given subject more about the subject matter, click on the
overview of that location, which includes or term. Imagery, info, and statistics are “See more” option to open the complete
photos and further information. mostly pulled from Wikipedia, but you also article in your browser.
Universal Clipboard,
FaceTime & Siri
Small but helpful enhancements you can’t afford to miss
High Sierra follows iOS, tvOS, and watchOS
in moving to Apple File System (APFS).
are clear when doing things like duplicating
folders. Tasks that may have taken a while
to complete on older versions of macOS
now often happen almost instantly.
That said, approach this change with
caution to protect your data. Ensure you
DOWN TO THE METAL have a complete backup of your Mac –
The original Metal application uhdolw|/#dqg#h{whuqdo#JSXv#iru# ideally one that can be used as a startup
programming interface (API) people working with high-end glvn/#pdgh#xvlqj#wkh#olnhv#ri#VxshuGxshu#Ğ#
was designed to unleash the creative apps. before upgrading, in case things go wrong.
power of your Mac’s graphics One app that looks like it’ll
processing unit, potentially fully harness this new power
pdnlqj#dssv#vljqlĽfdqwo|#pruh# is the popular picture editor
powerful. But Metal 2 further Sl{hopdwru1#Lwġv#vhw#wr#jr#ģsurĤ#
ups the ante, and Apple calls it this fall, with a revamped
a “graphics game changer.” single-window interface, and
The company says Metal 2 an enhanced Metal 2-powered
will make it possible for apps painting engine. For more
rq#pdfRV#Kljk#Vlhuud#wr#rļhu#d# information about what looks
vxshulru#ylvxdo#h{shulhqfh/#exw# olnh#d#jrrg#h{dpsoh#ri#wkh#
also add capabilities such as ehqhĽwv#Phwdo#5#eulqjv#wr#dssv/#
machine learning, virtual go to pixelmator.com/pro.
If you spend a lot of time update their apps, so some simply To check your apps, go to >
using an iPhone or iPad, don’t work on iOS 11. About This Mac, click System
and you happen to have a It looks like a similar situation Report, and select Applications in
large collection of apps zloo#dļhfw#wkh#Pdf#dw#vrph#srlqw1# the sidebar. Click the “64-bit”
and games, chances are iOS 11 Dw#ZZGF#534:/#Dssoh#vdlg#doo#dssv# header to sort the list so 32-bit apps
thinned your collection somewhat. and games submitted to the Mac are at the top, take notes, then
This was due to Apple ending Dss#Vwruh#iurp#Mdqxdu|#534;#zloo# contact relevant developers to see if
support for 32-bit apps. Sadly, it’s have to be 64-bit. Updates to they plan to introduce 64-bit
not viable for every developer to h{lvwlqj#dssv#pxvw#frpso|#e|#Mxo|1 yhuvlrqv#iru#wkh#qh{w#pdfRV1
e . A of s
1993 Newton
he Newton MessagePad, Apple’s first
experiment in tablet computing, is
always high up on the list of Apple
failures. While it’s undoubtedly hated by
many, it’s still mourned by a few.
Its hottest feature at its 1993 launch was
handwriting recognition. This could recognise
cursive, printed, and mixed handwriting
anywhere on the screen, which was much
better than its rivals. It also turned out to be
its worst feature. It simply didn’t work very
well, leading to it being skewered in reviews.
The MessagePad could take months to learn
your handwriting, and its AAA batteries
drained in record time.
The software was vastly improved in the
next model, and the Newton started to
become the device it was always meant to be.
Then, in 1997, Steve Jobs returned to Apple
and killed the Newton.
Sadly, it was only just starting to gain
traction and sales, and Apple needed money
yesterday; the Newton had to be jettisoned.
Nevertheless, this primitive tablet still has
something of a cult following today.
1994 QuickTake
pple isn’t always early to market, Though an innovative device, the
but it was with the QuickTake, QuickTake was stymied by the Apple
one of the first consumer digital brand – consumers didn’t associate it with
cameras, which was launched in 1994. photography, and similar cameras from
With $12 billion spent annually on established photography brands like
photography in the US at the time, it’s Kodak, Fujifilm, and Nikon sold better.
easy to see why Apple was interested in Yet another Apple product to fall victim
venturing into the market. to Steve Jobs’ blade on his Apple return
The QuickTake could store eight photos in 1997, the QuickTake was on sale for a
at a resolution of 640x480 pixels (0.3 mere three years.
megapixels), 32 at 320x240, or a mix of
both. It had a built-in flash function, but
no way to zoom in or change the focus.
You also couldn’t preview or delete
individual photos on the camera,
only on your Mac.
1994 eWorld
uring the nascent era of the world
wide web, eWorld was a study in
what could have been. Released in
1994, it was a suite of web services such as
email, forums, and a web browser, and its
playful interface was designed to resemble
a small city, with services housed in
buildings. It was innovative, but never
received the support it needed.
Priced at $8.95 a month, plus $7.95 an
hour from 6am to 6pm and $4.95 an hour
at other times, it was expensive, and Apple
never lowered the price to stoke up demand.
It was also launched at a bad time for
Apple. The company was in dire financial
straits, posting a $68-million-dollar loss in a
single quarter in 1995. CEO Michael Spindler
decided there wasn’t enough cash to market
eWorld, so it shipped with new Macs, with
just a pamphlet in the box and an icon on
the desktop. With little backing from Apple,
it couldn’t compete with the behemoth that
was AOL and was shut down in March 1996.
1996 Pippin
nother widely panned Apple There were many other problems.
product, the Pippin was a Bandai attempted to market their
multimedia games console version of the Pippin as a computer,
that was only on sale for about a year. not a games console, which confused
Apple never intended it to be a consumers. The Pippin struggled to
standalone product – rather, it was compete with the Sega Saturn, the
meant to be an open technology Nintendo 64, and the Sony PlayStation,
platform that other companies could which were already established in the
license, use and alter, much like VHS. games console space, and the Pippin’s
However, only two companies – $599 price – three times higher than
Bandai and Katz Media – took Apple the Nintendo 64’s and double the
up on the offer. Coupled with a lack of PlayStation’s – was way too high.
developers for the platform, it was an Like the Newton, the Pippin was axed
unattractive prospect for consumers. in 1997 when Jobs returned to Apple.
1999 Clamshell
iBook G3
hile the titanium PowerBook customers. It was lower-specced than
G4 was all sleek, shiny, the PowerBook, but was the first mass
high-grade professionalism, market laptop to come with Wi-Fi.
the clamshell iBook G3 was fun, light The design rammed home the idea
and unpretentious – it was the iPhone that having a computer could be cool,
5c to the PowerBook’s iPhone 5s. and needn’t be restricted to the jet-set
It was launched in 1999, shortly business class. It was something to be
after the striking iMac debuted, and its seen with, to be proud of.
design inspiration is clear. Complete Still, that didn’t stop Apple from
with bright colours and an eye-catching radically changing the design again
clamshell design, the iBook was aimed in 2001, a move that began its focus
squarely at entry-level and education on translucent white plastics.
The iPod range
iven the recent demise of the iPod shuffle and
nano, it seems right to include the beloved iPod
family in this look at Apple’s hits and misses.
The product that redefined the mobile music market,
the iPod helped kill off portable CD players and costly,
ugly flash-based music players. It was Apple’s first big
hit outside of its computer division, and paved the way
for the iPhone. Later additions like the iPod nano and
shuffle built on that success, and were cheaper options
that solidified Apple’s portable music dominance.
So what happened? Simply put, the iPhone happened.
The iPod was ultimately cannibalised by another hit
from Cupertino. The iPhone blended the functions of a
phone and a music player, and much more – why carry
both an iPod and a phone with you when you can just
have one device that replaces both?
The iPod revolutionised digital music, but couldn’t
hold on to its crown. We still miss its clever scroll wheel.
Apple’s Greatest Hits & Misses
2002 eMac
pple cut its teeth in the popular, and it was offered for
education market, so it sale to retail customers just one
was a no-brainer to month after launching.
launch a Mac aimed solely at However, Apple decided to
schools back in 2002. restrict it to schools again in
Released as a cheaper October 2005, without giving an
alternative to the anglepoise- explanation. The move may have
style iMac G4, the eMac – short been motivated by a desire to
for education Mac – actually shift customers onto the recently
stood up well to its more launched Mac mini, while falling
expensive cousin. The main LCD display prices probably
difference was the CRT display also played a role. Whatever the
housed in the eMac, which made cause, the eMac was dropped
its entry-level model much more just nine months later and
affordable than the LCD- replaced by an “education”
equipped iMac G4. That made it version of the iMac Core Duo.
2006 iWeb
or a lot of Mac users, the iWeb app,
which was part of the iLife suite, was
their first introduction to web design.
In typical Apple fashion, it made easy
something that people saw as alien and
confusing. It let you choose the look of
your website from a series of ready-made
templates and then simply replace the
placeholder text with your own. Adding
images and videos was as straightforward
as dragging and dropping them into place,
and when you were ready for the world to
see your design, all you had to do was click
Publish and your website would go live on
Apple’s MobileMe platform.
It wasn’t all smooth sailing though. Making
iWeb sites compatible across a number of
web browsers proved to be a headache.
Meanwhile, Apple began focusing on uniting
many of its software offerings into iCloud,
and its rivals overtook iWeb. The app died
when Apple closed MobileMe in 2012, but it
lives on in the hearts of the many web
designers who got their first taste with iWeb.
2008 MobileMe
fter talking about iWeb, sync their Microsoft Outlook
we feel MobileMe accounts with MobileMe, this
deserves a mention was then removed only a short
here too. It was the service that while after launch, leaving many
morphed into iCloud, but its people in the lurch.
launch in 2008 was a disaster. Even Steve Jobs admitted –
Apple released a suite of albeit in an internal company
internet services called iTools email – that launching MobileMe
in 2000, and later updated it as at the same time as the iPhone
.Mac in 2002. It was renamed 3G and the App Store was a
MobileMe in 2008, but the mistake, saying it was done too
switch was plagued with issues. hurriedly and was “not up to
Users couldn’t sign in to the Apple’s standards.” Its time was
system, and some inadvertently up – MobileMe lasted just three
got charged the subscription years, before being replaced by
fee during their free trial. And the massively more successful
although users could originally iCloud service in 2011.
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AR MeasureKit
Measure anything with augmented reality
Free From Rinat Khanov, measurekit.com
Made for iPhone, iPad Needs iOS 11.0 or later, A9 or later processor
Is this table 10cm square, or is Turn on World Vision Lines tend to drift, making it
the Cube nearer? You can’t Visualization to see how ARKit hard to be accurate, but you
really tell until AR MeasureKit identifies features of the real can tap points again to
locks on to a flat surface. world. It’s kind of… random. reposition them.
Vdgo|/#wkh#Ľuvw#fdwfk#lv#wkdw# where they lay in 3D space. THE BOTTOM LINE. AR is When it works,
you can’t just tap anywhere on This was also the Angle tool’s going to be huge, but apps like the ruler is
the screen; you have to get the downfall, which couldn’t even this show it’s more impressive amazing and
point you want in the center. reliably handle the 90-degree than practical. ADAM BANKS fairly accurate.
Then you need to move to the corners of a table.
end point. However, given the We liked the tool that AR MEASUREKIT
system’s limited accuracy, your measures someone’s height.
start point begins to drift. The developer suggests using Neat interface
There’s even a
We tried out the app on an this to record a child’s growth. That it works at all is magical tool to measure a
iPhone SE and an iPad Pro. But everyone knows roughly Alignment is hilariously awkward person’s height.
If you thought wearing a VR how tall they are; you measure The app has a
helmet looked awkward, just wr#Ľqg#rxw#h{dfwo|1#Wkdwġv#zkdw# Measurements aren’t reliable
built-in switch for
wait until you try to measure a ARKit seems unable to do. OKAY metric/imperial.
sofa with an iPad. The slightest
movement jolts your center
good using two hands to steady
the screen, because you’ll need
one free to tap it. The iPhone
was easier to wield, and the
Under ideal conditions our
measurements were about
wrong. If you were trying to
measure something, how
would you know? The way the
lines drifted out of perspective
as we moved made us wonder
if ARKit truly understood
Keep it simple: Quickshot offers a
wealth of good-looking presets.
together, theoretically keeping
static elements in one place,
multiple times as they move
across the frame. In practice
this is challenging to use,
surfers were less than radical.
The more detail there is in the
iTranslate Converse
Get foreign language translations in real time
Free From iTranslate, itranslate.com
Made for iPhone, Apple Watch Needs iOS 10.0 or later
iTranslate has long been the The results aren’t always perfect and
best way to communicate can occasionally be comical, but this is
with foreign speakers the closest we’ve come to translating
Free users are limited to 300 translations per
using a smartphone. The a bilingual conversation in real time.
month without a subscription.
company’s latest iPhone app aims for You have to speak clearly and in short
real-time conversation — the holy grail sentences, but the app is otherwise
of mobile translation — and for the most super-easy to use, with a clean, $4.99 per month, or $39.99 annually.
part, iTranslate Converse delivers. minimalist interface that doesn’t get in The good news is that if you already pay
The app prompts you to hold your the way of conversations. The app also for a subscription on the iTranslate app,
iPhone upside-down so you’re speaking retains transcripts of your translated you aren’t double-taxed — you only have
directly into the microphone for more conversations for reference or sharing. to sign in and start conversing.
accurate results. After selecting a pair of Naturally, there’s a price to be paid for THE BOTTOM LINE. Having chats
languages from 38 available options, the software this intuitive and clever. Though with speakers of other languages just got
first person taps and holds on the screen, the app is free to use, that’s only good a whole lot easier. J.R. BOOKWALTER
speaks in their dialect, then lifts their for up to 300 translations per month —
finger to view and listen to the results. after that you’ll have to subscribe for GREAT
Weather Atlas
Rain or shine, the outlook for this app is bright
Free From Contrast Apps, contrast.co
Made for iPhone, iPad Needs iOS 10.3 or later
For the last few years, we’ve You can also toggle radar and cloud
relied on the one-two punch layers on or off, and get a quick peek
of The Weather Channel and from the Lock screen with a Today view
With a single glance, Weather Atlas offers
Perfect Weather apps to stay widget. Anything more requires a Pro
details for all of your favorite US locales.
up-to-date on current climate conditions. subscription ($0.49 per month, or
The latter was recently decommissioned $4.99 annually), but it’s worth it for the
in favor of a new app, but the forecast additional layers, which include humidity lacks animated future radar views or
looks like this one’s a keeper. and temperature, and the ability to severe weather alerts. But its interface
Weather Atlas provides a gorgeous, change the app icon to fit your taste. is much less cluttered than competing
map-based look at hourly or 10-day Eliminating ads is really the best apps (The Weather Channel — ahem),
conditions around your current location, reason to pay up — they’re borderline making this app a breath of fresh air.
as well as places you’ve saved as intrusive at times, especially when THE BOTTOM LINE. The forecast
favorites, all at a glance. By comparison, randomly wedged into the favorites looks sunny for this lean, clean weather
The Weather Channel forces you to scroll panel. There are a few other limitations: app. J.R. BOOKWALTER
through charts and photos to see more Weather Alert is US-only for now (despite
than a few hours ahead. an option to display metric units), and GREAT
The Layton games, usually London. Although the puzzles are a bit of
found on Nintendo’s 3DS a letdown, the rest of the game — from its
system, revolve around wacky plot involving a cult of millionaires,
Puzzles are occasionally obtuse, sometimes
solving logic-based puzzles to its music and its aesthetics — is
silly, and quite often trick questions.
as the main character, Professor Layton. pleasant enough to justify its rather large
Now, for the series’ second outing on price, and the iOS version is a lot less
mobile, the character focus shifts to costly than the $40 version for 3DS. While this title is a shadow of previous
his daughter, Katrielle, and with it, the Aside from the main action, there are Layton games, by no means is Katrielle’s
puzzles go from requiring logic and also minigames that are unlocked as you first outing a bad one. It’s charming and
thought to being more like riddles. progress, and although these are few and beautiful, though perhaps not as suited
However, nothing has been lost in far between, they offer satisfaction that to mobile as it is to Nintendo’s consoles.
style. The developer, Level-5, is known the puzzles don’t quite offer. THE BOTTOM LINE. Cinema-quality
for its beautiful, Ghibli-esque animation, The controls are adapted to the animation, let down by disappointing
and this game does not disappoint, with iPhone’s small layout, but the way of puzzle-style riddles. KATE GRAY
animated cutscenes and background art moving the character around can feel
depicting an imagined pastel version of fiddly and repetitive from time to time. GOOD
Pigeon Wings
Only bird brains won’t buy this
$1.99 From Ignacio Schiefelbein, pigeonwingsgame.com
Made for iPad, iPhone, Apple TV Needs iOS 8.0 or later
Another rich, evil dude has Visually, it’s all quite simple, but
decided to destroy East super-smooth as the pigeons belt along,
Megalopolis, and only Pigeon only occasionally being obliterated by
It turns out when pigeons have planes, they
can stop him. Yes, you read flying mines some idiot has left floating
belt along at insanely ridiculous speeds.
that right: in this deranged, high-speed about. Also, humor is laced throughout,
racer, a bird you thought spent its life notably when the villain taunts the
making a mess of city squares is the true pigeon, who doesn’t respond — due to your beak, and you’ll miss this control
hero. Take that, ungrateful humans! the fact that it’s a pigeon. system when returning to games with
Across 50 levels, you zoom along in a But the slickest bit is arguably the more traditional setups. Not that you’ll
tiny pigeon plane, swooping and diving controls. One button accelerates and the do so until you’ve cracked the 50th level
through the city, racing other pigeons. other boosts or shoots your weapons, of this superb high-octane racer.
The prize in every tenth level is taking on depending on whether you’re battling a THE BOTTOM LINE. Perfectly marries
flying dreadnoughts aiming to instantly boss; your altitude, though, is controlled the intensity of Alone and the frantic
turn you into pigeon pie. These sections by tilting your device forward and back. racing of Mario Kart. CRAIG GRANNELL
are brief and intense, and a nice diversion This feels superb, enabling you to quickly
from the long and intense racing bits. react to a wall that’s about to slam into EXCELLENT
The third Rome: into an opposing army, or lay level to the existing game March across
Total War game siege to a city, and you’ll be that somehow got released the world map
to march onto dropped into the meat of the as a standalone app instead. to find enemies
the App Store action – real-time battles in It doesn’t help that instead to fight with.
puts you in the sandals of which you control individual of the kind of playable
Alexander the not-yet-Great, regiments and generals in tutorial that helps you learn
and asks you to conquer the the kind of hacking and the game’s mechanics, you
known world within a time slashing that leaves few on get a series of videos that
limit. After all, if the real the losing side still alive and someone looking for a quick
Alexander could do it by the with all their limbs. game is unlikely to watch.
time he was 32, you should The interface has been That’s a shame, as the
be able to in 100 turns. intelligently designed for a 100-turn limit and its
Apart from the constant touchscreen, but without the associated need to attack
fear of running out of time, responsiveness of mouse means this is a game ideally
little else has changed since control, and a view that vxlwhg#wr#ľljkwv/#wrggohu#
the series’ previous iPad doesn’t zoom out far enough, naps, and the dull bits in
release. The turn-based your micromanagement of romantic comedies. Its
gameplay has you maneuver Ľjkwlqj#xqlwv#fdq/#vdgo|/# frqľlfwv#duh#vxlwdeo|#hslf/#
your armies and recruit ehfrph#d#vwrs0vwduw#dļdlu1# vhhlqj#vr#pdq|#xqlwv#Ľjkwlqj#
new units to gain strategic It’s hard, too, as if the plan dw#rqfh#lv#d#Ľqh#glvsod|#ri#
advantage on a map. Bump zdv#wr#dgg#dq#h{wud#glĿfxow|# recent iPads’ power – an Air
or mini 2 is the oldest
supported – while custom
longevity past the campaign.
Sadly, the learning curve is
series, classical setting, but
way too hard. IAN EVENDEN
It’s hard enough to get everyday cooking To organize holiday grocery and gift Instacart is your holiday savior, whether
right, let alone big holiday meals. That’s shopping, put AnyList on your, uh, list. you’re short on errand time for that
where Yummly comes in. Its recipe It’s a simple yet powerful way to create last-minute grocery run or you just need
recommendations include an excellent lists, collaborate on them with others, that one thing you forgot. It’s a grocery
seasonal section that accounts for your add location alerts, and quickly reuse delivery service that works in and around
tastes and the ingredients on hand. things you buy often. It’s just a couple of many US cities. You can shop for items
It also has instructional videos, a built-in taps to add previous purchases back onto across multiple stores, put them all in
shopping list, and even a kitchen tool a list, and a premium option enables you one big cart, and place an order for next
shop for those essential utensils. to add photos and customize themes. day or, in many cases, same-day delivery.
Sticky notes were never a great place Ticket to Ride is a well-known classic
for Holiday planning, but it feels right at board game, but nobody needs to bring
home on Picniic, a “family agenda” app. their boxed version to a family gathering
It has shared calendars, tasks, shopping as long as there’s an iOS device around.
lists, and meal planning, so everyone is Up to five players of nearly all ages can
in-the-know. Optional location sharing play, competing to connect cities by rail.
tells you if errands are getting done. You gain points for each connection
And there’s also a safe, encrypted Info made, and more for completing the
Locker for sharing sensitive details. routes you pick from a deck at the start.
Sleep Watch
Smartly designed app for tracking sleep
$2.99 From Bodymatter, sleepwatchapp.com
Made For iPhone, Watch Needs iOS 9.0 or later
iPhone 8
It’s good, but is it good enough?
From $699 From Apple, apple.com
Features 4.7-inch Retina HD display with True Tone and P3 color gamut,
A11 Bionic chip, 12MP camera, wireless charging (charging pad not included)
he iPhone 8 is here, and it’s more iPhone 6 made its debut in 2014.
or less exactly what you’d expect That’s a surprise, as we were
a new iPhone to be. Apple has expecting (or at least hoping for)
improved the camera, added new a bump in resolution at this point.
display tech, and equipped it with a Instead, Apple has focused on
new, more capable processor. improving the screen’s brightness
The new device measures and color representation. It has also
5.45x2.65x0.29 inches, making it a added its True Tone technology,
tiny amount bigger than the iPhone 7. which monitors the ambient light
The size makes it easy to hold and use around the phone and adjusts its
one-handed, which could be the main output to look more natural under
reason why you would choose to buy your current lighting conditions.
this over another smartphone.
The iPhone 8 comes in silver, gold, POWER AND POISE
and space gray. The gold is much truer The aluminum unibody design of
to real rose gold than the previous previous iPhones has been replaced
“pinkness.” The phone also has an IP67 by a glass back this time, which allows
rating for water resistance, so it should for wireless charging. The glass back
survive being immersed in up to three feels great – it has a grippy coating
feet of water for up to 30 minutes. that makes it feel secure in your hands.
The stereo speakers are now louder, The camera lens still protrudes from
which is a clear improvement, but they the rear casing and, like the iPhone 7,
still lack bass for audiophiles. They do, there’s no 3.5mm headphone port.
however, create a wide soundstage. The brain of the iPhone 8 is Apple’s
You don’t get the iPhone X’s almost new six-core A11 Bionic processor,
bezel-free display here, as this model’s which is – yes, you guessed it – the
design isn’t a massive departure from most powerful processor Apple has
the iPhone 6 and 7, making it look ever put in an iPhone. Tearing through
more dated. The screen is a 4.7-inch, different apps, playing music, watching
1334x750-pixel LCD display with IPS video, and checking emails are all
tech, with a pixel density of 326ppi. uninterrupted by the hardware –
That’s the same resolution as iPhones as is usual for a new phone. What’s
of this screen size have had since the super-impressive, though, is how
instantly apps are ready when you Plus on this smaller model; it means
switch between different tasks. The you miss out on the Portrait mode and
added processing power will really an optical zoom. The 7-megapixel front
become apparent when you’re running facing camera, however, is excellent,
more intensive apps – those that use as is 4K video recording at 60fps.
ARKit, for example. Hopefully, it’ll also This all means the iPhone 8 is a
stay quick for a lot longer as well. great smartphone. The battery life is
good, the camera has been improved,
FAST AND WIRELESS and the addition of wireless charging
Apple claims the iPhone 8’s battery life adds convenience. We like the glass-
is comparable to the iPhone 7, but we backed design and, thanks to the small
found it exceeded our expectations. screen, it’s one of the most ergonomic
We’re not talking two-day battery life phones we’ve used.
here, but we found it comfortably There is, of course, one X-shaped
lasted a day with mixed usage. elephant in the room. The iPhone 8
There are two new ways to charge and the iPhone 8 Plus are both
this iPhone: wirelessly, and quickly – overshadowed by their more exciting,
yes, those are mutually exclusive. more expensive sibling, and if you’re
The new glass-backed design means looking for the latest, greatest iPhone,
that you can set the iPhone 8 down you’re going to want the iPhone X.
on a wireless charging pad and it’ll Of course, at $699 the base 64GB
instantly start sucking up juice. It uses iPhone 8 is considerably cheaper than
the universal Qi standard as well. It’s a the $999 iPhone X in that capacity.
The iPhone 8 is an improvement nice touch and convenient, but at the And that’s where the problem with the
over its predecessor in many ways, moment it’s rather slow. The other iPhone 8 lies: it’s now the “cheap”
but its design looks rather dated. new power-related capability is “fast iPhone – and perceptions matter.
charging,” which takes the battery to THE BOTTOM LINE. A great
50 percent in 30 minutes – but you’ll update, with improvements to battery
need to buy a USB-C charger and a life and camera. It’s just difficult to
USB-C to Lightning cable for this. get excited about. SPENCER HART
On paper, the rear camera looks
unchanged from the iPhone 7; the
same 12-megapixel setup as before,
but the sensor is now larger and the Great camera
software is smarter. The result is a big Decent battery life
improvement, capable of stunning
Large bezels now look dated
shots with great detail and contrast.
It’s a shame you can’t get Apple’s Fast charging costs extra
dual-camera system from the iPhone 8 GREAT
iPhone 8 Plus
Apple’s flagship phone… for now!
From $799 From Apple, apple.com
Features 5.5-inch Retina HD display with True Tone and P3 color gamut,
A11 Bionic chip, 12MP camera, wireless charging (charging pad not included)
e’ll start with the elephant in the Qi-compatible wireless charging. Apple
room: the new iPhone 8 Plus certainly isn’t first with this tech, but it
looks a bit dated compared to will make it mainstream, and that’s
its Android rivals, which is a shame. great for wireless charging in general.
The large bezels look old-fashioned Battery life is an interesting aspect,
next to the Galaxy Note 8, say, but you because the iPhone 8 Plus’s battery
have to consider the whole experience. is actually lower capacity than the
The iPhone 8 Plus has a brand new 7 Plus’s (2,691 instead of 2,900mAh).
chip, the A11 Bionic processor, moving However, Apple says that thanks to
from the four-core configuration of the improvements in efficiency, it should There are also many incremental
iPhone 7 Plus’s A10 Fusion (two for clock up the same battery life. That’s updates, such as the True Tone display
high performance and two that are about right, too. While intensive use tech from the iPad Pro, Bluetooth 5.0,
energy efficient) to six here, four of will drain the battery, you can easily and fast charging (if you have a USB-C
them being energy efficient this time. get through the day and into the first charger and USB-C to Lightning cable).
And that makes it easily the fastest part of the next. You should be able There’s also a new “neural engine.”
phone you can buy today. to get it to last for 24 hours, like the Inside the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus it’s used
The iPhone 8 and 8 Plus are iPhone 7 Plus. An hour’s intensive for augmented reality apps, while in
actually quite a departure for Apple use – streaming media or constant the iPhone X it enables Face ID as well.
in terms of graphics, because they’re emails, social networking, and chat – True Tone is really welcome, and you
the first handsets that use Apple’s will drain it by 8 to 10 percent. can see the slight difference between
own graphics processor instead of
Imagination’s PowerVR, which Apple
has used over the last decade.
These performance improvements S T O R A G E I N T H E E N T R Y- L E V E L M O D E L
show in general use, and everything is
noticeably punchy, even when adding
effects to photos or editing them.
Anecdotally, it certainly feels faster
than an iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 11.
As on the iPhone 8, the 8 Plus’s new
glass back means you can say hello to
the screens when compared with the A BETTER CAMERA upgrade, but anyone with an older
iPhone 7 Plus. While it will play back The camera has also received some model will be keen to make the leap.
Dolby Vision and HDR10 content, just attention with a bunch of upgrades, It’s a tiny bit of a shame, therefore,
like Apple TV 4K, the iPhone 8 Plus including the ability to record gorgeous that the design of the iPhone 8 Plus
doesn’t have an HDR display, unlike 4K video at 60fps. The results are is quite so similar to its forerunner.
many rival handsets (and iPhone X), stunning thanks to a new larger sensor, Note that the dimensions are ever so
so you won’t see the video in all its while the core camera specs are the slightly different from the iPhone 7
glory. While the display is very usable same as last year’s model. Plus, with a tiny bit of extra thickness
and most people won’t care, the fact is White balance has been significantly and weight.
the iPhone 8 Plus’s 1920x1080-pixel improved, though. You can easily see it THE BOTTOM LINE. It’s a shame
display now lags far behind its rivals. in more accurate skin tones. Portrait the iPhone 8 Plus looks outdated,
Apple has also doubled the amount mode has been taken a stage further because otherwise it’s great.
of storage available in the entry-level with Portrait Lighting, enabling you to DAN GRABHAM, GRAHAM BARLOW
Plus model, with the iPhone 8 Plus apply different effects, such as Studio
starting at 64GB compared to half Light or Contour Light.
that in its predecessor. A 256GB Optical image stabilization is
version remains the other capacity confined to the wide-angle lens, just Unbelievably fast
option. The iPhone 7 Plus, meanwhile, like on the iPhone 7 Plus; if you want Excellent camera
now comes in just 32GB and 128GB its benefit on the telephoto lens too,
Design looks dated
varieties. (The iPhone X shares the you’ll need to step up to the iPhone X.
iPhone 8 and 8 Plus’s storage options, A lot of these changes won’t No mobile HDR display
with no 128GB model between them.) convince iPhone 7 Plus owners to AWESOME
pple Watch Series 3 follows last Watch itself to call, things are far
year’s Series 2 by adding cellular better when it’s paired with AirPods
connectivity to an already (which sync automatically if you
successful recipe. Apple Watch is the connect everything to one Apple ID)
best smartwatch by a country mile, and or another Bluetooth headset you’re
it was going to require some effort to using for music.
improve on the Series 2. The cellular connectivity kicks in
There was no visual difference when the Watch is no longer connected
between the first and second versions to your iPhone – in other words, when
of Apple Watch, but Apple has decided it’s out of range. Signal strength is
there needs to be a visual cue to mark shown on Apple Watch’s Control
out the cellular version of the Series 3, Center, which also shows if you’re
and so it has painted a red dot on the connected to your iPhone or a Wi-Fi
digital crown. Non-cellular versions network. There’s also a new watch face,
look exactly like their predecessors. Explorer, which shows signal strength
You pay a perfectly reasonable $70 in the middle of the dial.
premium for cellular connectivity; The four major carriers (AT&T,
starting at $399 versus $329, though Sprint Wireless, T-Mobile, and
stainless steel and Milanese loop Verizon Wireless) all support
options take the price up to $599 and Watch. Your iPhone and Watch
$699 respectively, and beyond that share the same number, and
for other style choices. the Watch doesn’t need a
SIM card of its own. Instead,
PHONE-FREE CALLS it has an “eSIM,” which is
So, does the cellular connectivity work automatically activated as
well? Yes, but there are a couple of part of the setup process in
caveats. Siri, messages, and calls from the iPhone’s Apple Watch app.
the Watch work really well – audio We’d only recommend the
quality seems improved – and the cellular option if you regularly go
calling experience isn’t much different out without your iPhone, which is
than if you used the Watch to call with primarily going to be people exercising
your iPhone; while you can use the with the Watch as a fitness buddy.
T O C A L L , T H I N G S A R E FA R B E T T E R
W H E N I T ’ S PA I R E D W I T H A I R P O D S
Cellular connectivity
Apple Music streaming
People who know about Apple Watch Fast processing
will recognise you have a cellular model,
thanks to the red dot on its Digital Crown. Expensive
Apple TV 4K
Apple’s streaming box gets a pixel-count boost
From $179 From Apple, apple.com
Features 4K and HDR output (Dolby Vision and HDR10 supported),
A10X Fusion chip, 802.11ac Wi-Fi with MIMO, Siri Remote, 32GB or 64GB storage
ave you been tempted to invest Screen mirroring is instant, and
in a 4K HDR TV recently? If you makes it really easy to share content
have, the new Apple TV 4K will on the big screen.
be an excellent complementary
purchase. This latest model can DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE
handle 4K content, with HDR10 The look of 4K footage is clear and
and Dolby Vision supported, and, crisp, and 4K HDR is just amazing if
depending on the TV it’s connected you’ve got the right TV to watch it on.
to, the pictures look sublime, with The beautiful contrasts and the sheer
everything from the interface to the quality of the colors on display are
flyover screensavers upgraded to mind-blowing. Apple TV 4K is the
pack in more pixels. perfect partner for the latest high-
The new box comes in two storage end TVs, with the ability to instantly
A raised ring has been added
options: 32GB ($179) and 64GB detect what kind of display is on offer
around the Menu button so you
($199). Apple recently raised the size and calibrate the output accordingly.
know you’re holding the remote right.
limit for apps permitted on the box to With Dolby Vision and HDR10 on
4GB, so if you’re thinking of having board, it’s a shame that Apple hasn’t
this as a micro-console for games, added Dolby Atmos surround sound
consider scaling up to be safe. too, though Apple reportedly told The
Live sports coverage has also been Verge that support is on the roadmap.
enhanced, with tailored content It’s great to be able to search
delivered to you. Plus, you can see Netflix through the service from the
live scores, and be notified of exciting Home screen, or to use Siri to dive
moments in games you might like. straight in. Siri isn’t able to find and
We found Apple TV 4K a touch display 4K HDR movies and shows,
slow when transitioning between apps just plain 4K ones, but it’s still useful.
or calling up different shows, but the Apple has opened a 4K HDR
interface was snappy when we started “room” within its iTunes Movies app
to stream. This lag can be irritating, to make it easier to discover the
but it was a minor occurrence overall.
Apple TV 4K as a central hub
makes a lot of sense. Not only can it THE BEAUTIFUL CONTRASTS AND THE
control your HomeKit devices, but the
ease with which an iPhone or iPad
syncs with Apple TV is impressive. D I S P L AY A R E M I N D - B L O W I N G
iStat Menus 6
Always know what’s going on with your Mac
$22 From Bjango, bjango.com
Needs OS X 10.11 or later
such as low batteries, a lack of storage, or
when daylight savings time is imminent.
As ever, the Time widget remains superb,
providing a combination of customizable
menu bar clock, drop-down calendar,
calendar events, and world clock. Even this
has been improved, though. You can now
create two-line clocks, which – particularly
on Retina displays – enable you to squeeze
lots of information into a tiny space, without
impacting legibility. Since you can also add
multiple clocks, this is perfect when working
with people across several time zones.
Version 6 also adds a brand new menu:
Weather. This is less polished – there’s a
small but noticeable delay when the menu’s
clicked (presumably due to data loading),
the visual design is merely OK, there’s no
imminent rainfall graph, and you need to pay
to keep the thing running after six months.
Every time you venture a The idea of hardware monitoring won’t make The last of those points is understandable,
level deeper, iStat Menus the average Mac user very excited. But iStat given that developer Bjango takes a small
happily offers up more Menus manages to add a glossy sheen to Ľqdqfldo#klw#iru#hyhu|#uhiuhvk#|rx#pdnh>#exw#
detailed statistics. resolutely utilitarian subject matter. Zhdwkhu#qhhgv#pruh#uhĽqhphqw#wr#frpshwh#
After installing some system components, with the best of its rivals. For everything
iStat Menus invites you to turn on its various else, iStat Menus 6 is in a class of its own.
menus from a user-friendly settings pane. THE BOTTOM LINE. A strong update to
On doing so, little icons appear in your menu zkdw#zdv#douhdg|#d#vpduw/#hĿflhqw/#dqg#
bar. Most are basic graphs, showing things essential macOS utility. CRAIG GRANNELL
like CPU and memory usage, or the battery
level in connected Bluetooth devices.
Click a menu and iStat Menus gets
gleefully geeky, enabling you to drill down
into detailed statistics – and more graphs
than are necessary. Need to know if your CPU
usage regularly spiked during the past seven
days, or if your storage drives are getting
full? The information’s just a click away.
Hugely configurable In fact, as of iStat Menus 6, “no clicks”
Great range of menus might be more accurate, because menus can
be opened with custom keyboard shortcuts.
Usable but deep
If you’re wedded to the keyboard, this is
Weather needs polish bliss. And new customization options don’t Time is a standout menu in the app, providing a ton of
EXCELLENT stop there. Now you can reorder menu configuration options, and optional Calendar integration.
Apple’s wireless buds go to 11
$159 From Apple, apple.com
Features Bluetooth, charging case
Extensively customizable
Easily control multiple Macs
Requires good “muscle memory”
Right-handed shape
phero, the company that makes the Having this physical element to
spherical robot perennially on display in programming, something that can be seen
Apple stores, has made a name for itself and interacted with in the real world, seemed
with its clever use of gyroscopes and its to make all the difference. Failure was met
app-controlled “Star Wars” tie-in robots. with determination to succeed rather than
The company’s newest addition, R2-D2, giving up, and was almost as much fun as
is a small but accurate replica of everyone’s getting it right, since R2-D2’s personality
favorite droid (or at least their second comes through in its movements and sounds.
favorite – we’re looking at you BB-8!) Sphero’s take on R2-D2 is great, and the
Standing at 6.7 inches tall, R2-D2 can be little droid really looks and sounds just like
directed around your home with Sphero’s the movie version. Its playground is well
companion app for iPhone and iPad using a presented and easy to follow. However,
free control mode, given a patrol command, Apple also offers a good selection of free
or be told to follow a set path. The latter two playgrounds with which to cut your teeth.
didn’t yield very good results however, and THE BOTTOM LINE. The entertainment
free control is way more fun. You can also tap value may hold a kid’s attention through the
the preset actions to elicit a little jig or series learning experience, yet this programmable
of bleeps and bloops, which is very satisfying. R2-D2 is undoubtedly more of a luxury item
Coming in at $180, R2-D2 might seem than an essential. GARY RICHES
quite expensive for a toy with such limited
abilities, but dig deeper and things get a lot
more interesting. If you have an iPad, there’s
a free app called Swift Playgrounds (see
bit.ly/swftply), written by Apple, which aims
to make learning to code fun and easy for
both children and adults alike.
Sphero has created a Swift Playgrounds
template that will guide you through the
basics of making R2-D2 move around and
play a sound, then tasks you with helping
R2-D2 find Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Tatooine
desert, evade Stormtroopers, and roam the
Playgrounds template forbidding Death Star, all using the Swift
Captivating for kids programming language. The step-by-step
nature is great for beginners, and with a
Makes learning fun
little help, the 12-year-old we tested this
Costly learning aid with was able to perform all the tasks that
GREAT the playground had set for her.
Gurer#pdnhv#dwwudfwlyho|#ľh{leoh#vwrudjh# Dqrwkhu#lv#wr#dgg#dq#pVDWD#VVG#wr#wkh#
arrays that enable you to start with just two Gurer#Dffhohudwru#Ed|/#zkhuh#lw#dfwv#dv#d#
glvnv#lqvwdoohg/#dgg#pruh#rq#wkh#ľ|#wr#errvw# fdfkh#ri#iuhtxhqwo|#xvhg#gdwd1#Xvlqj#d#97JE#
capacity, or swap out a failed or inadequate Soh{wru#P9P/#wudqvihuulqj#d#7JE#whvw#Ľoh#wr#
glvn#dqg#dxwrpdwlfdoo|#dgmxvw#wr#wkh#fkdqjh1 rxu#PdfErrn#Sur#zhqw#iurp#:17#vhfrqgv#rq#
The standout feature of this model is two wkh#Ľuvw#dwwhpsw#wr#517#rqfh#fdfkhg1#Zlwk#d#
Thunderbolt 3 ports, which provide plenty of 53JE#whvw#Ľoh#wkh#uhgxfwlrq#zdv#volpphu/#|hw#
edqgzlgwk#iru#ghpdqglqj#xvhv#vxfk#dv#ylghr# vwloo#dssuhfldeoh=#7<1<#vhfrqgv#grzq#wr#631;1
surgxfwlrq1#Rxu#uhylhz#xqlw#fdph#zlwk#Ľyh# Thunderbolt 3 also enables you to chain
6180lqfk#Wrvkled#GW#Ghvnwrs#Vhulhv#glvnv/# wzr#7N#glvsod|v#ru#rqh#8N#glvsod|#iurp#wkh#
iurp#833JE#wr#5WE#lq#fdsdflw|1#Wklv#jdyh#xv# vhfrqg#sruw/#nhhslqj#h{sdqvlrq#rswlrqv#rshq#
phdq#dyhudjh#wudqvihu#udwhv#ri#87:14#dqg# li#|rxu#PdfErrn#Sur#lwvhoi#kdv#mxvw#wzr#sruwv1
6581;PE2vhf#zkhq#uhdglqj#dqg#zulwlqj#gdwd# Drobo Dashboard and its complementary
Drobo’s usual storage vhtxhqwldoo|/#dqg#4;317#dqg#4571;PE2vhf# menu bar utility show array and disk status
expansion flexibility zkhq#uhdglqj#dqg#zulwlqj#iurp#udqgrp# lqir#zlwk#fodulw|1#Ghvslwh#d#Nhqvlqjwrq#orfn#
Thunderbolt 3 benefits orfdwlrqv1#Wkhvh#duh#jrrg/#|hw#xqvshfwdfxodu1# vorw#wr#vhfxuh#wkh#8G6/#vdgo|#wkhuhġv#qr#zd|#
The peak sequential read speed we observed wr#orfn#wkh#ed|#fryhu#lq#sodfh1
USB-C port, too
zdv#435:1<PE2vhf/#zklfk#lv#vwloo#idu#ehorz# THE BOTTOM LINE.#Gurerġv#ľh{lelolw|#qrz#
Even bare unit’s costly Thunderbolt 3’s potential; faster hard disks zrunv#ryhu#Wkxqghuerow#6/#exw#jhwwlqj#ehvw#
GREAT ru/#lghdoo|/#VVGv#lv#rqh#zd|#wr#d#vshhg#errvw1 vshhgv#fdq#jhw#frvwo|1#ALAN STONEBRIDGE
Best known for multimedia storage, walk you through setting it up in just a
Promise Technology recently leapt into ihz#plqxwhv1#D#vlqjoh#ghylfh#qrz#vwruhv#
the consumer space with Apollo Cloud. sulydwh#frqwhqw#iru#xs#wr#73#shrsoh1
Wkh#Ľuvw#yhuvlrq#ri#wklv#qhwzrun0dwwdfkhg# The apps used to be clunky, but the
shuvrqdo#vwrudjh#gulyh#vkrzhg#surplvh# odwhvw#yhuvlrqv#duh#d#kxjh#lpsuryhphqw1#
(pun intended), but weak software Smart albums display content by people
stopped it reaching its full potential. or location, although it’s a bit hit and
Dsroor#Forxg#5#Gxr#lv#ehwwhu#lq#hyhu|# plvv1#Dsroor#lv#wkh#Ľuvw#shuvrqdo#forxg#
zd|1#Wkh#gulyh#lv#qrz#dydlodeoh#zlwk#wzr# ghylfh#wr#vxssruw#lRV#44/#vr#|rx#fdq#gudj#
7WE#kdug#glvnv/#zklfk#fdq#eh#frqĽjxuhg# dqg#gurs#Ľohv#ehwzhhq#frpsdwleoh#dssv1
dv#d#vlqjoh#;WE#yroxph#ru#d#7WE#pluuruhg# Although marketed for storing photos
duud|>#dqg#gulyhv#fdq#eh#hdvlo|#vzdsshg#lq# dqg#ylghrv#lq#|rxu#shuvrqdo#forxg/#vxssruw# APOLLO
wkh#hyhqw#ri#idloxuh1#H{sdqghg#fdsdflw|# for the Files app makes this shine as an
lqfuhdvhv#lwv#glphqvlrqv#wr#71;#{#;17#{#817# lRV#vwrudjh#ghylfh1#Udwkhu#wkdq#zruu|# Files app support
lqfkhv/#exw#wkh#urxqghg#fruqhuv#surylgh# about running out of space on your iPhone Slick companion apps
dq#h|h0sohdvlqj#ghvljq#wkdw#orrnv#juhdw1 ru#lSdg/#Ľohv#fdq#eh#vdyhg#ru#rshqhg#
Buggy smart albums
Cloud 2 Duo attaches to your network anywhere there’s an internet connection.
zlwk#wkh#lqfoxghg#Jljdelw#Hwkhuqhw#fdeoh/# THE BOTTOM LINE. New hardware and Camera roll backup
at which point Apollo Cloud apps for apps make this an ideal personal cloud changes filename
pdfRV#ru#lRV#uhfrjql}h#wkh#ghylfh#dqg# iru#lRV#ghylfh#rzqhuv1#J.R. BOOKWALTER EXCELLENT
The Apple TV finally gets 4K — but there’s
a lot more to it than just pretty pictures
People don’t upgrade their televisions every
Pretty as a picture.
4K support for the
Apple TV has been
a long time coming,
but with the right
television you can
now be in sofa
slouching heaven.
prvw#fxuuhqw#;35144df#urxwhuv#fdq#kdqgoh#wkdw# |rxu#krph1#Wklv#xsjudghg#yhuvlrq#ri#Dssohġv#
vruw#ri#vshhg/#exw#pljkw#vwuxjjoh#li#|rx#kdyh# phgld0vwuhdplqj#whfkqrorj|#hqdeohv#Dssoh#WY/#
pxowlsoh#ghylfhv#frqqhfwhg#wr#wkh#lqwhuqhw#dw#wkh# along with Macs and iOS devices, to control
vdph#wlph1#Li#|rxġuh#vwuhdplqj#7N#ylghr#wr#|rxu# pxowlsoh#vshdnhuv#durxqg#|rxu#krph1#Wkh#reylrxv#
Apple TV, Spotify to your iPad, and your kids are vwduwlqj#srlqw#khuh#lv#Dssohġv#qhz#KrphSrg/#exw#
sod|lqj#rqolqh#xvlqj#d#jdphv#frqvroh/#|rx#pljkw# rwkhu#frpsdqlhv#zloo#eh#deoh#wr#exlog#DluSod|#5#lqwr#
need a newer Wave 2 router that provides features their own speakers as well, enabling you to create
vxfk#dv#PX0PLPR#+pxowl0xvhu/#pxowlsoh0lqsxw/# |rxu#rzq#fxvwrpl}hg#pxowlurrp#dxglr#v|vwhp#
pxowlsoh0rxwsxw,/#zklfk#fdq#khos#wr#pruh# xvlqj#pdq|#glļhuhqw#w|shv/#dqg#eudqgv/#ri#vshdnhu1#
hĿflhqwo|#vwuhdp#gdwd#wr#vhyhudo#ghylfhv#dw#rqfh1# Wkdwġv#vrphwklqj#zhġoo#frph#edfn#wr#rqfh#wkh#
There’s plenty of choice here, although this KrphSrg#duulyhv/#exw#lq#wkh#phdqwlph#wkh#qhz#
pljkw#ghshqg#rq#zkr#vxssolhv#|rxu#eurdgedqg1# Apple TV opens up all sorts of possibilities for
Li#|rxġuh#dq#h{lvwlqj#Yhul}rq#fxvwrphu#|rx#fdq# krph#hqwhuwdlqphqw#dqg#vpduw#krph#
xsjudgh#wr#lwv#Ilrv#Txdqwxp#Jdwhzd|#urxwhu/# dxwrpdwlrq1#Lwġv#d#uhdo#xsjudgh#wr#Dssohġv#
zklfk#rļhuv#Zl0Il#qhwzrun#edqgzlgwk#ri#xs#wr# ģkree|Ĥ#ghylfh/#dqg#pljkw#hyhq#frqylqfh#
;33Pesv1#Wkdw#kdugzduh#lv#'43#shu#prqwk#rq# |rx#wr#jr#rxw#dqg#ex|#d#qhz#7N#WY#Ğ#dorqj#
uhqwdo/#ru#'483#wr#ex|#rxwuljkw1#Li#|rx#zdqw#wr# zlwk#d#KrphSrg/#qdwxudoo|1
replace your current router, recently released
prghov/#hqdeolqj#lw#wr#vhuyh#dv#d#kxe#wr#dxwrpdwh# HomeKit support
dqg#uhprwho|#frqwuro#dffhvvrulhv#wkdw#duh# means you can
frpsdwleoh#zlwk#Dssohġv#vpduw#krph#whfkqrorj|1# adjust your heating
Wklv#dovr#phdqv#|rxġoo#eh#deoh#wr#wdon#wr#Vlul#rq#|rxu# by talking to Siri
on the Apple TV.
Apple TV 4K also supports AirPlay 2, which opens
Make the most of Apple TV 4K with this great gear
1 2 3 4
$349 (TBC) $13.99/month From $70 $599
apple.com netflix.com meethue.com lg.com
Apple’s new speaker has Netflix started 4K Apple is going gung-ho on This affordable 49-inch
something in common with streaming in 2014 with home automation at the 4K TV is equipped with
Apple TV: support for both “House Of Cards,” and its moment. Philips pretty LG’s HDR Pro technology
HomeKit and AirPlay 2. current range of 4K films much dominates the smart for stunning high dynamic
The two devices will make and TV shows is perfect lighting market with its range pictures and even
a great combination for for the new Apple TV. Hue range. It’s best to get includes an upscaler for
handling music and video, It’s pretty good value, as up and running with one those times when you want
as well as controlling the 4K subscription only of the Starter Kits, which to watch regular HD — and
smart home devices such costs $13.99 a month, include a Bridge that’s since it’s a smart TV you
as lighting. HomePod is compared to $10.99 a required to work with also gets lots of other
clever enough to adjust its month for HD. You’ll need HomeKit, and two or more goodies, including 100
sound to suit its room. fast broadband, though. white or color light bulbs. free internet TV channels.
ES, IT’S REALLY happening! frpsxwhu#zkhq#p|#kxvedqg#
Wireless charging on the rļhuv#d#qhug|#glvwudfwlrq1
lSkrqh#;$#Dqg#lSkrqh#[#wrr/# ģZkloh#|rxġuh#zdlwlqj#iru#wkdw#
but let’s not get carried away, one to, er, die,” he lowers his
kxk/#wuxvw|#Dph{0wudsshg0lq0 voice a little, like the phone can
wkh0lfher{B#\rxġuh#iru#hphujhqf|# khdu#klp/#ģ\rx#frxog#jhw#vrph#ri#
ghqwdo#wuhdwphqw#rqo|1#Dqg# wkrvh#Tl#nlwv#iurp#Lnhd#dqg#pdnh#
ľljkwv#lq#wkh#hyhqw#ri#d#vxusulvh# pruh#fkdujlqj#vwdwlrqv1Ĥ
Kdplowrq#wlfnhw#orwwhu|#zlq1 Zlwklq#krxuv#zh#duh#dw#Lnhd/#
Plqg#|rx/#rzqlqj#dq#lSkrqh#;# wkh#nlg#dvnv#wr#ģorrn#diwhuĤ#p|#
ru#[#zlwk#exlow0lq#zluhohvv# lSkrqh#lq#wkh#edoo#srro#Ğ#vkh#grhv#
charging has to be better than wklv#dqqr|lqjo|#zhoo#Ğ#zkloh#L#Ľoo#
p|#fxuuhqw#froohfwlrq#ri#lunvrph# a bag with Rällen wireless charger
cases, which have to be placed nlwv1#L#dovr#sxufkdvh#d#vshfldo#
just so on their charging stations. holesaw and drill bits that look
Olnh#wkdw1#Qr/#vwudljkwhq#lw#xs#d# zlogo|#gdqjhurxv/#exw#Lġp#vxuh#
little. A tiny bit left. Yes, that’s it! zlwk#hqrxjk#hqwkxvldvp#dqg#
Lwġv#fkdujlqj/#vhh#wkh#olwwoh#oljkw# shukdsv#vrph#vdihw|#jrjjohv/#
ľdvklqj#rq#wkh#edfn#Ğ#qr/#grqġw# L#fdq#dgg#d#zluhohvv#fkdujlqj#
5 slfn#lw#xs$#+Lġp#dovr#guhdgixo#dw#
street parking and pool.)
station to every piece of
TP-LINK industry-standard Qi charging, Ru#[1#Vd|/#zkdwġv#wkdw/#Pu#Dph{B#
ARCHER C2300 zklfk#iru#d#frpsdq|#wkdw#fdq# Lwġv#frog#lq#wkhuhB#Zdlw#wkhuh#Ğ#
$150 turn hard-earned adaptor cables Lġyh#jrw#mxvw#wkh#vdz#zh#qhhg1
tp-link.com into obsolete eBay trinkets in the
course of a keynote, is both
If several members of your zhofrph#dqg#lpsuhvvlyh1
household are doing things The only snag is there’s
online at the same time, nothing wrong with
you may want to upgrade p|#fxuuhqw#lSkrqh1#
your router to a model that Lw#vkrxog#odvw#dw#
better deals with multiple ohdvw#wzr#pruh#
device connections. |hduv/#pd|eh#
This affordable Wave 2 pruh#li#L#vwrs#
model gives 1625Mbps of kdqglqj#lw#wr#p|#
bandwidth on the 5GHz kid when we’re
band, and 600 on 2.4GHz. vwxfn#lq#wudĿf1#
the longevity of
powerful pocket
Knight IO
Cross-platform jousting
Hot topics
right now
Make sure you check
out these important
support articles on
Apple’s website to
better understand
the latest features.
& WI-FI IN iOS 11’S
The buttons for these
features don’t turn off
the hardware anymore,
but instead disconnect
your iPhone or iPad from
networks and devices.
See bit.ly/ml135ask1.
EFFECT ON PHOTOS > Transfer and edit PDFs
YOU’VE TAKEN I need to edit some old PDF files that I previously created using Serif’s PagePlus X9
In iOS 11, Portrait mode program for Windows. Are there any Mac apps that will allow me to edit them as PDF files
photos no longer appear while preserving their existing fonts?
as two versions in your
library. bit.ly/ml135ask2
explains how to see your There are several excellent Mac apps which page layout app, such as Pages. However,
photo without the effect. will edit PDF documents, ranging from Acrobat DC and its ilk don’t give the same
PDFpenPro (smilesoftware.com) to the full control over the layout and content as apps
version of Adobe’s Acrobat DC. However, PDF like PagePlus and Pages do.
SWITCH BETWEEN isn’t a format which is intended to support If you want to work on fully editable
macOS AND WINDOWS much in the way of editing, and you may be documents made from PDFs, your best option
IN macOS HIGH SIERRA better off saving your documents in another is to use QuarkXPress (quark.com); this app
On a Mac whose startup format such as EPS, if you can. can analyse the contents of a PDF and
disk has been converted Acrobat DC (bit.ly/adbeacro) and other convert it into text and other objects within
to Apple Filing System, apps enable you to make adjustments to a properly editable page layout.
you’ll need to adjust how pages in a PDF document, corrections, and to You’ll need the same or compatible fonts
you switch between export the elements of each page. You could, installed on your Mac, or all the text on every
operating systems. for example, copy or save the text and page will have to be reflowed to accommodate
See bit.ly/ml135ask3. graphics and then assemble them in another the change to a different font.
There’s a huge choice of branded and self- Older Mac Pros can be
assemble units, but your solution hinges on connected by FireWire 800,
whether you have a current (Late 2013) which has dwindling support,
Mac Pro, or an older tower model. or, if you install an external
The current model gives best performance drive interface card, eSATA.
over Thunderbolt, which greatly limits your You could then buy separate
choices, and makes it hard and costly to buy cases and storage drives,
a case and fit your own choice of storage. which would enable you to
If that’s the case then you’d be better off select your favourite make of
with a Transcend StoreJet 300 for Mac disk, such as HGST (formerly
or an equivalent portable model from LaCie, Hitachi), in a more durable enterprise spec. HOW TO GET RID
G-Technology, or a similar brand. You have One final point to bear in mind is whether OF UNWANTED HP
to accept their choice of make of storage you intend to upgrade to macOS High Sierra, PRINTER UTILITIES?
inside, though. Those same manufacturers which uses Apple’s new APFS file system. If you replace an old HP
also offer desktop models. This is optimized for use with SSDs; although printer with a different
There’s an overlap in performance with it should operate on hard drives too, there’s brand, that may leave tools
the best USB 3 drives, depending on the no advantage to using it there. If you’re likely for the previous model
chipset used. If you can, pick a model with to move to APFS, look seriously at buying hanging around and
both interfaces for future compatibility. SSDs instead so you’ll see the benefit. cluttering up Launchpad.
First, trash any alias to
them from Applications/
Utilities, before removing
the folder named “hp” in
Our advice may refer to
the following features;
check out the support
articles linked below
for full instructions.
> Sierra and Adobe CS5 The Recovery system
I haven’t yet upgraded to macOS Sierra, as I remain concerned that my key apps in contains tools to help
Adobe Creative Suite 5 will no longer work properly, and I don’t want to subscribe to you look up info online
an Adobe Creative Cloud plan. Would I regret upgrading now? when macOS won’t start,
and to repair or reinstall
the system. Learn more
Our experience with Adobe CS5 and CS6 is run. That old Java will peacefully co-exist at bit.ly/mlrecovery.
that they are largely compatible with Sierra, with more recent releases, which are supplied
and you are very unlikely to experience separately by Oracle; unfortunately, if you SAFE MODE
significant problems with them. Previous want Java for other purposes, you’ll need to When you start your Mac
versions of Creative Suite are increasingly install both Apple’s and Oracle’s versions. in safe mode, macOS
likely to suffer more serious issues, however, Once the legacy Java is installed, CS5 apps performs extra checks
and the oldest would prove unusable. should work normally. Some users report that and stops certain third-
Once you have upgraded, but before you Dreamweaver, InDesign, and Illustrator party software from
try running any of the CS5 apps, you’ll need sometimes generate crash reports when you running. See how to use
to download and install Apple’s ancient quit them, but they otherwise appear fully it at bit.ly/mlrecovery.
legacy version of Java from bit.ly/legacy_ functional. Photoshop CS5 and CS6, in
java. Without that, Adobe’s CS5 apps won’t particular, seem stable and happy in Sierra. RESET SMC & NVRAM
These features handle
low-level functions and
store key settings for
DVI is a device-independent file format TOOLS THAT I SHOULD USE? Resetting them can fix
created for the TeX typesetting system. You’re very unlikely to need such tools, and various issues described
The free TeXShop app from bit.ly/tex_dvi even if you do, you should only do so if you’re at bit.ly/mlresetsmc and
can open DVI files and convert them to PDF. confident that you understand exactly what bit.ly/mlresetnvram.
they do. Manual housekeeping may seem a
pain, but it’s less likely to trash important HARDWARE ISSUES
documents or make your system unstable. Your Mac includes tools
that check for certain
hardware issues without
going to a Genius Bar.
For Macs introduced in
June 2013 or later, see
bit.ly/mldiag, otherwise
see bit.ly/mlahwt.
EMAIL: letters@maclife.com
SHARE WITH US! FACEBOOK: facebook.com/maclife TWITTER: twitter.com/maclife
Here you can browse Items from the media The preview pane shows These control aspects of This shows the order in
for media that you want source selected to the left what’s currently selected, your clip, from colour which your assembled
to use in your project. are shown here. Click one or under the pointer, in correction to playback clips will play, as well as
You can also add titles, to preview it in the large the top-left pane or the speed. Blue icons mean any transitions or titles
transitions, or audio. space to the right. timeline at the bottom. a change has been made. you’ve added.
REQUIRES KEYCHAIN ACCESS IS a utility, If this happens, the data in your login
OS X 10.9 or later provided with macOS High keychain – which is encrypted with the
Sierra and earlier versions of ruljlqdo#sdvvzrug#Ğ#zrqġw#eh#dffhvvleoh1#
YOU WILL LEARN the system, that manages your Follow the steps in our walkthrough to
How to create new passwords and user account information. create a new login keychain. You will then
keychain data and fix \rx#fdq#Ľqg#wkh#xwlolw|#hlwkhu#e|#w|slqj# eh#deoh#wr#orj#lq#wr#|rxu#dssv#djdlq/#zlwk#
common errors. ģNh|fkdlqĤ#lq#Vsrwoljkw/#ru#e|#eurzvlqj# any passwords that you use or create
to /Applications/Utilities in Finder. ehlqj#vwruhg#lq#wkh#qhz#nh|fkdlq#lqvwhdg1
IT WILL TAKE Zkhq#|rx#Ľuvw#vhw#xs#|rxu#Pdf#dqg# If you’re not using iCloud Keychain,
15 minutes choose a login password, macOS creates wkhq#fhuwdlq#dssv#rq#|rxu#Pdf#Ğ#vxfk#dv#
a login keychain to store all the other Pdlo#Ğ#zloo#xvh#d#Orfdo#Lwhpv#nh|fkdlq/#
passwords that you use or create. These which is also encrypted with your login
entries are encrypted with the password password. If you see errors related to the
for your user account, so that no one else Orfdo#Lwhpv#nh|fkdlq/#wkh#hqwulhv#iru#
can access them. (Naturally, each user lqglylgxdo#dssv#pd|#kdyh#ehfrph#
account has its own login keychain.) corrupted. Use our walkthrough to
Wklv#xvxdoo|#uxqv#shuihfwo|#rq#|rxu#Pdf/# remove these entries and try to save the
exw#rffdvlrqdoo|#wkh#nh|fkdlq#fdq#wkurz# sdvvzrug#djdlq#lq#|rxu#Orfdo#Lwhpv#
up issues – for instance, if you’re forced nh|fkdlq1#Pdnh#vxuh#wkdw#|rx#gr#d#ixoo#
wr#uhvhw#|rxu#orjlq#sdvvzrug#ehfdxvh#|rx# Wlph#Pdfklqh#edfnxs#ehiruh#pdnlqj#dq|#
have forgotten it. changes, just in case. NATE DRAKE
A keychain is encrypted
data that contains secret
information such as
passwords. Keychain
macOS wants to… Create new keychain Access is a Mac utility for
If you see ‘macOS wants to use the If updating your keychain password managing your keychains.
“login” keychain’ when logging in to your doesn’t work, then click Create New Keychain.
account, try clicking on Update Keychain This will create a completely empty keychain
Password, then entering your login password. containing none of your old passwords.
REQUIRES IF YOU COOK, you’ll love importing options too. On the rare
Paprika Recipe Manager Paprika Recipe Manager. occasions Paprika can’t import the recipe
As the name suggests, it’s a directly, it has a built-in web browser
YOU WILL LEARN way to manage your recipes, that you can use to highlight and grab
How Paprika can help but it’s more than just Notes with a list the relevant information.
you cook, shop and of ingredients. It can automatically scale The other great thing about Paprika is
plan your meals recipes for more or fewer guests, and you its ability to sync to the cloud, and since
can use it to set timers, plans meals to it’s a cross-platform app, you’ll also be
IT WILL TAKE cut waste, and even create shopping lists. able to use it on your Mac, Android, Kindle
15 minutes The shopping list is smart too, so it Fire, and Windows devices.
organizes ingredients by category, and Being able to search for recipes by
combines ingredients from multiple ingredient is particularly handy, both for
recipes – so if you’re shopping for three reducing waste and inspiring you when
meals that use eggs, it’ll calculate the you’ve no idea what to do for dinner.
total number of eggs rather than list Paprika isn’t free, however. It’s $4.99
each recipe’s requirements separately. on iOS and $19.99 on the Mac, but that’s
Where Paprika really excels is in its cheaper than buying cookbooks and you’ll
integration with Safari. As you’ll see, turn to it much more often. It’s one of
it’s incredibly easy to grab recipes from those apps you’ll wonder how you ever
your favorite sites, and there are good managed without. GARY MARSHALL
System 7
Adam Banks remembers the Mac OS that dominated the 1990s
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