Plane Truth
Plane Truth
Plane Truth
28 APRIL 1994
lived or even how they came here, only an
unquenchable desire to file through the
palace gates. Unable to get an answer that
way, I watched for where they came from,
yet this too was impossible to tell. When I
watched the road behind us, not one peti-
tioner did I see. I lowered my gaze for an
instant and when I looked back, there
stood two or three new travelers, not 10
from me! I could believe only that they
had appeared from the very thinnest of air.
At first, when they are fresh to the line,
these petitioners are like unformed clay.
Their features are sharp but their minds
dull. Their words are slow and halting and
their passions flat. With the passing hours
this mental haze lifts and they become
more natural and animated until one
would mistake them for a normal mortal.
Still, as much as I questioned them of their
previous lives, not one could dredge up
even the slightest memory of a moment
prior to this one.
Three days out of Sigil: Still waiting
on line. The wonder of the petitioners has
grown weary. Glin is impatient to take me
elsewhere, but I think tomorrow I will
reach the gate. Oghma grant me the pa-
tience to endure that long.
Four days out of Sigil: Today I
reached the gate and had my ambitions
crushed. After waiting half the day, it was
finally my turn to stand before the en-
trance. There I was confronted by a singu-
lar creature. It was taller than a man and
had the head of an oxen, like a minotaur
and yet not. It was dressed in splendid
robes and gleaming armor and barred the
way with a massive halberd. These details
are clear because I had ample time to
study it as it blocked my path.
At first it spoke in a language I could not
fathom. Seeing my ignorance, it shifted to
another and then another, all similar in
tone yet different in inflection. Only when
it had failed in all this did it resort to Com-
by David Zeb Cook mon. You are not awaiting judgement, it
said with some puzzlement.
Artwork by Dana Knutson & Tony DiTerlizzi
I explained my naturea prime, not a
petitionerand that my purpose here was
to gain knowledge and understanding.
Unfortunately, the answer was discourag-
ing. I was welcome to apply for an audi-
ence in two to three weeks. It was clear I
made this building singular was the line of TwO days out of Sigil: Ignoring the could not immediately get in and I have no
bodies filing patiently through the gate. protests of Glin, I joined the petitioners on desire to wait around here for weeks it
Humans, half-elves, and creatures I could line for the palace. It seems the best will take to gain audience.
not identify, dressed in colors and ranks of means to obtain an audience with the When I found Glin at a stable-like inn
clothes, waited in a queue that stretched beings within. I have been waiting the and told him, he was quite pleased to be
beyond my sight. entire day, slowly shuffling forward. Glin on our way. Perhaps sensing my disap-
Petitioners, them thats died on the has gone off to one of the many taverns pointment, he offered to take me to Rib-
prime," was how Glin explained it. Inside that line the way. cage, the gate-town to Baator, the plane
the proxies of the powerll send each one Though the wait was (and is) tedious, it Trandleer notes as the Nine Hells. Again
to his proper planeleast thats how it gave me the chance to learn more of the there are more name changes I must
works for the cutters who follow this petitioners. My first curiosity was where learn.
pantheon." Petitioners and proxiestwo did these travelers come from? Not one
things new to me. I must learn more about could answer this simple question. They
them. had no knowledge of where they once
Here is the end of Vol. 7 of Ambran’s Twenty Days out of Sigil: My guide the fields are squared, the forests almost
journals. The next diary in the sequence, continues his driving pace, even though straight rows of trees. Perfect, logical
Vol. 8, has never been found. From what there are no signs of pursuit. When I order.
can be inferred from other notes in Am- challenged him on it, the haughty bariaur I do not know what I shall do if my
bran’s diaries, the volume was probably claimed speed was urgent if I wished to guide does not relent. He seems to lead me
lost in the flight from Ribcage or the fight see the wonders of the Outlands and then with some purpose of his own, perhaps
that followed shortly after. asked if I wanted to end his employment, fulfilling desires I have not yet realized.
leaving me abandoned out here. If he Twenty-four Days out of Sigil: How
Nineteen days out of Sigil: Praise presses me on it too much, I will. I refuse can I describe it, the most extraordinary
Oghma for escaping Ribcage! Looking on it to be held hostage by a guide. Oghma will thing that has happened yet? Purposes have
now, I marvel at my mad desire to view guide me. been revealed and yet I still do not under-
the portal to Baator or the terrible conse- We have cleared the Vale and the land stand. This morning Glin waited impatient-
quences it would have. I saw, yes, as I has changed. Gate-wardthe local way of ly, as he always has, while I broke camp.
have already described and for my own saying youre moving toward the edge of Ive become used to the fact that he will not
peace of mind, I will write no more of it. It the Outlands diskthe plain grows rough. assist. We set out at his thundering pace
is effort enough for me not to dwell on it (The other direction is spike-ward, to- once again, and I resigned myself to the
still. Sage Trandleer prepared me for noth- ward the spire at the center of the plane.) struggle of keeping up.
ing like what I saw. I can see in the distance that it is fractured At noon, we reached the crest of a ridge
Glin has been driving us both at a brutal along near crystalline lines, so that the overlooking a walled town. From its per-
pace ever since we escaped Ribcage. I hills tilt and angle like great blocks. Glin, fectly square blocks (described to me in
cannot blame him for I too fear the towns who is at least not completely secretive, Sigil), I knew it was Automata. I assumed it
Blackguards are still pursuing us. explains (in his own colorful words), was our goal, the cause of Glins haste but
Even in our flight, I cannot help but Theres no dark to it, cutter. Every plane instead of descending to town, he insisted
notice the mountainous landscape we are around the rim gets mirrored on the Out- we stop in the center of a field. There he
passing through. Glin says it is the Vale of lands. Know it and you can fix where you laid out a blanket, curled his legs beneath
the Spine and it is aptly named. The bar- stand. Them blocks are toward Acheron. himself, and waited. I didnt bother asking
ren valley floor is almost perfectly curved Head that way and youll find Rigus." why, now accustomed to his stubborn
and the mountain peaks arch overhead, Twenty-three days out of Sigil: Glin refusals.
though not quite as skeletal as they were says were somewhere upland of Automa- Youre a long-suffering cutter, Jon," Glin
in Ribcage. ta, the gate-town to the plane of Nirvana said suddenly without my asking, and
I have not seen any gamedeer, rabbits, or Mechanus as it is known to the natives youre right to be peery of me. I shouldve
or birdssince our descent into the Vale of the planes. (With all his errors, how did said more earlier, but Im not much of a
on the way to Ribcage. Before, even at the Trandleer ever earn the title sage?) I was basher to rattle his bonebox. Its bad busi-
worst points of our journey, near Se- told in Sigil that near Mechanus, rigid ness, you see, to linger in the Vale of the
muanyas Bog, there were at least some order prevailed. Then I didnt believe itit Spine too long, especially after that dust-
natural animals. seemed too fantastic to be realbut here up in Ribcage, and the ground round
Acheron aint much better. So thats why I
pressed us at first. Then, once we were
free of that case, I figured youd want to
see this." With that he pointed toward a
thin line of figures that was snaking its
way from the gates of Automata.
Its the modron parade. Every seven-
teenth cycle, a whole troop of modrons,
those strange little berks, tumble out
through the portal of Mechanus and begin
a march round the whole length of the
Great Road. Nobody knows why they do it,
but theyre modrons, so its got to be some-
thing to do with the order of the universe.
As the line marched through the neat
fields outside Automata, I could estimate
there were over a thousand or more of
the strange creatures. They marched in
perfect files, organized by rank with each
led by a banner marked in symbols that
only had meaning to them. What happens
to them?
My guide shrugged at this question.
Most of the little sods wind up in the dead
book, I guess. The road takes em right
along the gates to Baator, Gehenna, the
Gray Waste, Carceri, and the Abyss. At
each gate they pass, raiding parties of
baatezu, yugoloths, geherleths, and
tanarri come boiling out and make a few
more of em lost. The chant goes that
maybe two or three ever make the full
journey, coming home a couple of cycles
I was and still am stunned by this. What
would possess a thousand or more intelli-
30 APRIL 1994
gent creatures to blindly march to almost she explained. We Doomguard always see order as progress to something
certain death? Perhaps they march to watch the progress of their parade to greater, then its the fiends well side
observe the state of order along the Great learn what our role in it should be." with
Road. Perhaps their march ensures the Your role? I had to ask. And let the fiends rule the universe? I
survival of that road. Perhaps they march Our universe exists but to end, and its blurted in horror.
just to die. What would Sage Trandleer our purpose to see that entropy is ful- Rialiva laughed, though I hope not at my
make of this? filled." simplicity. For a handsome cutter, you
My meditations on the whole spectacle So then the modrons are your enemies, must be a prime. The fiends, particularly
were interrupted by the arrival of a wom- because they seek order in everything, I the baatezu, are only another type of
an, clearly a warrior, though her armor guessed. Youre here to see if they fail." order. We dont want to be ruled by them
was to my mind scant. At first she kept Not necessarily. Entropy is only another any more than you do."
some distance from us and surveyed the form of order. The modrons may serve I must confess I surrendered the argu-
scene just as we were. At last, against our purpose." ment at this point. Her philosophies, like
Glins well-meant advice, I hailed her. He Then youre here to protect them from so many others in this strange realm, are
recognized her as Doomguard by the the fiends? I pondered. This was becom- deeper than I ever imagined. I have much
device she wore. ing stranger than I anticipated. yet to learn and see.
Though wary, she was not hostile and Not all orders entropy. Were here to To Glins raised brow, I have invited
we eventually fell to conversation. Her decide what cause the modrons serve. If Rialiva along for the rest of my wander-
name was Rialiva and shed traveled to they seek the absolute rigidity of the uni- ings. Tomorrow Glin has promised to
Automata from one of the Doomguard verse, then its no different from your continue to the River Maat. What new
citadels on the Inner Planes. kind of entropy, is it? The stopping of all mysteries will I see there?
Ive come to see the modrons march," things. Heres the chant, if the modrons
by David Zeb Cook
Artwork by Tony DiTerlizzi & Dana Knutson are hard and worn with care, then fresh
with youth. There is no way to tell.
From the final journal of Ambran the Chronepsis banishes all reflections, so that
Seeker, former paladin, who forsook his even the smoothest water does not share
god, name, and country to remain on the what it sees.
Outer Planes. May Oghma forgive him of Glin is impatient to leave. He worries
his errors; may King Azoun not judge him that Chronepsis, sole inhabitant of this
too hastily realm, will change his humor. I am reluc-
tant to leave. I have never been in the
presence of a god before, even a scaled
hird day in the
one like Chronepsis. Still I have become
Mausoleum: I have lost all track used to the presence of petitioners
of days and nights. The march throughout the land, so it is strange to
sun across the sky, the falling find none here. What becomes of those
grains of the hourglasswhat is the use of destined for Chronepsis land? Perhaps
these things in Chronepsis realm? The they are the grains within his hourglasses.
span of days is his to rule, within the Glin is right. It is time (if there is time
Mausoleums shattered boundaries. Per- here) to leave.
haps I have aged here, perhaps I have not. First day outside the Mausoleum:
Glin greeted me this morning, his face Glins fears seemed unfounded. Indeed I
unlined and horns just budding. By after- wonder if Chronepsis truly knew we were
noon he was aged again. Could the same there. Perhaps we are still there in the
be happening to me? Sometimes my hands shuffled randomness of the dragon lords
hours, arriving with our heads bowed Dream One: I dream about the book. I
during its breakfast, leaving quietly again curse it in my dreams. Each night pages
at lunch, only to reappear during dinner come to me and press themselves against
counting the hourglasses in their niches. my flesh, carving their images into my
Outside the limits of the Mausoleum, the skin. The chapters construct places that I
land has changed. It is no longer green, will go. They build themselves word by
but has the sere look of fall. It reminds me word, slowly tattooing their knowledge
of Cormyr. Since the Mausoleum I can no onto me. When they are finished they will
longer count the days from Sigil. take me to these places, these places I do
Five days after the Mausoleum: The not want to go.
land grows worsemore rugged than I There is a man I see who travels toward
expected. This morning Glin asked his first me, sometimes straight, but more often with
question of me, beyond the usual queries the path of the lost. There is a page in the
of every day. He was curious about my book my dreams are writing for him. When
dreams, if I had any recently. I have not it is done he will stand before me.
and told him so.
Seven days after the Mausoleum: When I awoke, my arm stung and
Glin asked again about my dreams. His itched. Rolling back my sleeve, I was horri-
interest is more than curiosity. fied to find a band of writing freshly tat-
Glin says we should pass over Ilsensines tooed there. A single word girdled my
realm soon. Although he did not add any forearm Fallendor.
more to that statement, he clearly does not For the first time since I left Faerun, I
want to linger there like we did at the am truly afraid. The terrors of Baator I
Mausoleum. glimpsed in Ribcage cannot compare to
Eleven days after the Mausoleum: I this. They were real, at least. I could have
understand now why the bariaur wishes fought them if it had come to that. Gro-
to hurry. The air here is filled with a sub- tesque as they were, they at least had flesh
tle pain that, were it stronger, would drive and substance.
me mad. It began this morning with a What have I done in leaving the safety of
buzzing burn at the back of my thoughts, Toril? What a fool I was to feel safe in a
a verminous fly lodged behind my eyes. world where my dreams turn against me.
All day the drone has grown stronger. By Seventeen days after the Mausole-
this afternoon there was the distinct sen- um: Glin has stopped asking, although I
sation of thoughtsimages and whisper- still think he covets the images in my
ings that were not mine. Hands without mind. I know what he is after now, and
skin, whimpers from the room of a dark- will not fall for his traps. Im not a foolif
ened inn, the ranting of a fevered fiend, he cant trick me into giving him what he
and scraps of other thoughts I could not wants, he may try violence. Let the basher
identifythese things have filled my mind. tryIll be ready for him.
Even focusing on my writing is hard. Worse still, the dreams have not stopped
Glin solicitously asked about my dreams. and we have left Ilsensines realm. Each
I think he only pretends concernthere is night they become stronger and more
more in his eyes than care. It is like he insistent. My left arm is almost completely
expects an answer, casting his net to col- covered by tattoos. Why does this no
lect my dreams. Perhaps hes not a Free longer concern me?
Leaguer as he claimed. Is he a follower of
the Fated, those who seek to understand Dream Two: Slowly moves the tattooing
the planes by taking it from others? If I tell hand, carefully inking the script on skin
him what I dreamt, do I lose my visions so like the whorls of a finger. With each
that they can become his? touch of the needle, another syllable is
Thirteen days after the Mausole- whispered. I shape the sounds carefully
um: Glins question persists and this adding a little more of myself to the ink.
morning I lied. I can no longer trust his Carefully I inject the memories into the
motives. flesh, layering a new skin over the old.
I told him no, but I did dream. It was a Ambran becomes no more. He is the can-
persistent buzzing that skirled behind my vas, the escape from the prison the Codex
eyes. It was not my dream, but the dream has built for me.
of another that slipped away in the tangle
of other preoccupations. I can even imag- Nineteen days after the Mausole-
ine a man, a shadow at the back of the um: This morning the tattoos advanced
burn. Perhaps because of Glins curiosity I beyond the collar of my jacket to coil
feel compelled to write down these around my neck. Glin has seen them for
thoughts, or is this some effect of the the first time and I can see his fear. He no
illithid-lords realm? Glin says Ilsensines longer hungers for my dreams. Perhaps
domain is in caverns beneath our feet, now he knows what they are. The bariaur
tunnels lined with the pulsing veins of can no longer be trusted.
Ilsensines mind. Perhaps the mind-flayer Twenty-three days after the Mauso-
gods knowledge is too great for it to con- leum: We have reached Bedlam, gate-
tain. Whose dream is thismine, an- town to Pandemonium. After all my
others, or the secrets gathered by the wandering through the Outlands, now I
thing beneath the ground? travel with a purposeto reach Pandemo-
nium. I have forced my journey upon my
52 MAY 1994
guide. I lead and he follows, increasingly that now covered nearly all my face. You have wiped away the blood and ink. When
apprehensive over the paths I choose. Pike know about this? I wake he will be before me. He nears the
it, I tell him when whines. I am Hravaleader of the Sarex. Come door to my cave. I when I wake, I, Fallen-
into the shadows if you want to hear the dor, will reach out my hand and pull. I will
Dream Three: By day I serve as a slave chant." draw him out, trap him within this shell. I
to the Codex of the Infinite Planes, copying It was foolish, but I followed the voice. I will be free!
the pages. Today’s entry was on the Grotto needed to know. What is happening to I feel his footsteps through the earth. My
of Bones at the heart of Hruggekolohh’s me? eyelids tremble . . .
realm. With fearful patience, I described There was a soft caress of shadow
the cluster of skulls that ring his throne, across the bridge of my nose, tracing the Procampur: I still struggle with the
how those heads whisper of their lives patterns of words etched in tiny lettering transformation. There are parts of Am-
when the winds of Pandemonium blow there. Youre being replaced. Word by bran left behind that press me to act
through their moldering sockets. word, memory by memory. Each sentence against my will. I wonder how his incom-
I know that when the words are done I on your skins the thought of another, plete spirit feels in that cave in Pandemo-
will go there, but I cannot stop the dreams every syllable a moment of their life." nium? I wonder if he too is a slave of the
from flowing out of me. The best I can Impossible! That was ridiculous to say, Codex?
manage is to tarry over the arch of a let- but I did. I thought I was free of the Codex, but
ter, the flourish at the end of a line. The And yet it happens." even now I realize this too was a lie. I no
pages of Tzunk’s work that I have found Who longer see it in my dreams, but its words
show the same touches, the same devotion Who is doing it? A prisoner and a slave. still bind me. These notes, for one. I can-
to artistry, as he too came to understand There is an ancient bookthe Codex of not resist the urge to write my experi-
his fate. the Infinite Planes. Perhaps you have ences, even though I always burn them
At night the Codex visits me, filling me heard of it? later. My passions are printed on this face;
as its receptacle. Even as it does so, I shape I nodded to the eyes I could dimly see. these hands describe the childhood of
my dreams and send them to Ambran. To exist and to grow, the book becomes another body. All the things that Fallendor
Each night I tattoo a little more, painting the dreams of a prime. The slave writes was are written for everyone to seehis
him while he sleeps. Each night I sense what he dreams and goes where the pages hopes and his final treachery. People see
that he is a little closer to me. I am amazed take him, until eventually the slave is a this tattooed face and shun me. Words still
that the Codex does not suspect me, even useless husk. When he finally writes his enslave me.
as my escape nears its finish! own page in the dead book, the book waits
for another and continues its pages."
Twenty-seven days: Where I have Ive been captured by the book?
been is meaningless. Where I am going is No, you berk, youve been snagged by
the only thing that matters. Today I dis- the slave." The darkness gave a dry,
missed Glin and he was glad for it. He is throaty chuckle to my plight. Sometimes
useless as a guide. I know where my jour- the slave learns from the Codex even as its
ney will end. using him. He learns how to ball up his
Still, I fight my fate. I have tarried now dreams and send them to some poor sod
for four days in Bedlam, staying to the like you.
high ground of the Citadel. The inhabit- And?
ants are saner here than on the lower And you become him. And he escapes
slopes, so close to Pandemoniums gate. the Codex’s gripeven if he does have
Every moment I struggle to resist the urge wear his memories on his skin for the rest
to descend and pass through the iron arch of his lifemakes for an interesting life."
to Pandemonium. I started to shiver. What happens to
The tattoos continue to appear. The me?
memory of a past love is written in the The shadows swirled around me and the
curve behind my ear. I cannot see it, but I voice whispered in my ear. Maybe youre
already know what feelings the words destroyed. Maybe youre trapped inside
carry. I am less of myself and more of your own body. What does it matter?
someone else. I was sick with fear then. Why are you
What is happening to me? telling me this? What do I owe you?
Twenty-nine: Today I almost suc- The laughter came again, fading into the
cumbed. I was searching for a sage, a darkness, Owe? Nothing. Im Hrava, the
member of a group called the Sarex. I had shadow-fiend, what youd call a thing from
a hope he would explain these tattoos the pits of the Abyss. I told you because it
(what would Trandleer say?) when I real- amuses me. But Im a fiendam I lying or
ized my steps were carrying me from the telling the truth? With that he left me in
safe haven of the Citadel and into the the darkness.
tangle of the lower slopes. I could barely I have given up looking for answers in
remember the prayers to Oghma to Bedlam.
strengthen me! Pandemonium: Now I have even given
My distress did not go unnoticed. Even up counting days. My body carries me
as I fought for strength, a voice addressed forward as if it knows where to go. The
me from the shadows. At first I thought it wind cuts and screeches in my ears, trying
was another part of the madness that has to drive me insane. It cantwhat more
taken me. can madness do to me now? I (or someone
You are in great danger," it whispered. else?) still harbors the hope that I can
The Slave of the Codex has written upon escape this fate.
I was dumb-founded. Until this point, no Dream Four: He is here! My needles
one in Bedlam had even noticed the tattoos have pricked the last letters. My hands