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Dead Gods PDF

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The document appears to describe rules and statistics for roleplaying game characters and monsters across multiple pages.

Creatures mentioned include foxwomen, dragons, slaadi, and various human characters of different classes and alignments.

Locations referenced include Sigil, Baator, Yggdrasil, the Abyss, and Oerth.

Being a pa.

iring of Adventures in which the Heroes must

face the might and minions of Powers both dead and
Undea.d, for the sake of Sigi1, their own sma.11
Lives, and the very Multiverse itself

Designer: Monte Cook Editors: Ray Vallese, Michele Carter
Cover Anist: rk post Interior Artists: rk post, Adam Rex, Josh Timbrook
Cartographers: Dennis Kauth, Rob Lazzaretti
Project Managers: Karen Boomgarden, Steve Winter
Graphics Coordinators: Dawn Murin, Paul Hanchette + Graphic Design: Dawn Murin, Matt Adelsperger
Electronic Prepress Coordinator: Dave Conant Typography: Angelika Lokotz
Playtescers: Carrie Bebris, Michele Carter, Bruce Cordell,
Ted Stark, Keith Strohm, Ray Vallese


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.. 'I
In which the Dungeon Master learns of the two Adventures in this. 110/ume, the means by which
they might be made One, the nature of the Statistics and Poster map, and other Products both
required and optional.


.•.•.• b
In which the Dungeon Master gains the full Background of the story, a s ummary of the
Adventure, and valuable notes on preparing for Play.

( I>
In which the Heroes learn of reptilian Thieves tha t steal more than mere Wealth , and chase
them across the Out/ands and to the leafy branches of Yggdrasil itself to recover their strange

Ci 11 l .l&
In which the Heroes visit a Tree-town troubled by bam1y ratatosk, discover a dark Corruption of
the World Ash, and see with their own eyes the Violent effects of Evil 's taint.

In which th e Dungeon Master learns how a great Villain was raised from Astral slumber, how
he restored his Fiendish servants to unlife, and how he divined a bloody Course for finding that
which he had Lost.

~ I J8
/11 which the Heroes find the citizens of Crux not what chey used to be, follow a Fiend to Baator
to discover what it seeks there, and learn that the Faces of friends might be nothing but Masks.

( ~ I\ M ~ r 4A
In which the Heroes return to the Tree-cown by way of a dead and ruined World, find that
Yggdrasil is not yet cleansed of Evi/'s stain, and learn th e Chant by spying on a secret gathering
of Fiends.

In which the Heroes journey to the Cold Land, explore a peculiar and hidden Fortress of things
undead, and stumble across a dark Prisoner with much to share - if only he could Remember.

In which the Dungeon Master learns how the Villain himself came to Baator to seize that which
his Servants had sought, and of what he did when challenged by the greatest Proxy of Set.

In wh ich the Heroes see cargo safely from the Abyss to Oerth, find the Vault of the dark elves tom
apart by civil War, and try to gain the confidence of a Drow who alone knows a terrible Truth .

( I I 813
In which the Heroes seek passage to the dusty deserts of Arborea, relive a harrowing Adventure
from the plane's distant past, and leam the narure of powerful Magic stolen long ago by the
. 102
In which the Dungeon Master lea ms how the Villain finally found the object of his long Quest.

Ct I I IJ . to I
In which the l/eroes seek refuge from Madness 11•itl1 a tra1•eling circus. journey deep 1J1ithin the
ca11ems of the Ho1vling Plane, and unearth a long-buried Anifact offrightening po111er.

" I D .. II&
In which the Heroes tra11el to the Sill'er Void, rcceil'e a Warning that all is not yet right. explore
the rocky Corpse of the Villain they ha1•e long opposed. and learn. once again, tlrat Tirings are
seldom what they Seem.


•. 1.2&
In which the Dungeon Master gains the full Background of tire story, a short summary of the
Ad11enture, and 11aluable notes 011 preparing for Play.

p • I lO
Jn which the Heroes look into the Strange matter of an old clwrch, seek Aid ar a place known
as the Ubiquitous Wayfarer, and discor•er that certain Forces would kill to ensure that their
Secrets remain dark.

p " .., ..•.• 14l

In which the Heroes incite a panic with false Chant, witness tire seizing of tire Ubiquitous
Wayfarer, and find themseli•es casr in rlre role of Peacekeepers on the e11e offacrion War.

F~ .., •• 148
In which tire Heroes confront tire secret Villain of tl1e stOT)', journey through the fading
Remembrances of a god, and restore a fragile Peace to Sigil - the only kind it can e11er truly

v ,, • JC:,8
In which the Dungeon Master gains tire derails of a brand-new Monster, an undead Fiend with
the power to warp a 11ic1i111 's Perception of reality, causing him ro experience That 111hicl1 is nor.

s ' IGO
In 11•/ric/r the Dungeon Master finds the full gaming Statistics for each of //1e principal
Characters, Foes, and Monsters enco11111ered in the ru•o adl'enrures in this Volume.

r •• • f><J
In which the Dungeon Master is presented 11'ith a dozen and three full-color Depictions of
scenes from "Out of the Darkness.~ 11'11icl1 are meant to be sholl'n to rhe Players at the
appropriate times, the better to make tl1em Understand the terrors and dangers faced by their
stalwart Characters.
First things first, berk: Anyone who plans on playing in the adventures in Dead Gods should stop
reading now. This book is meant for the Dungeon Master's eyes only. Page-flipping players'll
only spoil their own fun.
Now then: Dead Gods contains two separate adventures. The first
one's called "Out of the Darkness." and it takes up the major portion of

W. this book (pages 5 through 124). The adventure consists of an introduc-

tion, nine chapters, and three interludes. It's the kind of epic quest that
true heroes dream of - though they'll have to step carefully to prevent
that dream from turning into a nightmare.
The second adventure in Dead Gods is called "Into the Light ... Though it's shorter than the
first ride - occupying pages 125 through 156 - it's still a full-length scenario, showing just what
can happen in Sigil when stubborn politics collides with arcane faith. "Into the Light" consists of
an introduction and three parts.
A sharp blood'll notice that the story sections of
"Out of the Darkness" are called chapters.
and the story sections of "Into the
Light" are called
pans. That's so
no addle-cove
gets 'em mixed
up. Having two dif-
ferent chunks of the
book both titled "Chapter I"
would be a bit confusing. With chapters and parts, the OM always knows which section
fits with which ride. )
That's important, because although the rwo adventures stand on their own, they can also be
linked together. "Out of the Darkness" and "Into the Light .. feature different characters, locations,
and sLOrylines, but they both revolve around the same basic theme: the death and resurrection of
gods. By weaving the two plots together. the OM gives the players a periodic change of pace and
tone and allows each adventure to echo the primary theme of Dead Gods. Sure, it's more work,
but it's also a more rewarding experience, both for the OM and the players.
The flowchart on the inside back cover of the book offers a recommended method for link-
ing the chapters and parts of the rwo adventures, but that's just one possible solution. The OM's
free to read through both scenarios and decide for himself how best to make the pieces form one
puzzle. The Introduction to each ride gives further tips on fitting them together.
Following the two adventures is an Appendix (pages 157 through 176) that includes the
write-up for a brand-new monster. the statistics for all major characters and creatures in both of
the rides, and 15 full-color illustrations that depict various scenes from "Out of the Darkness"
(see that scenario's Introduction for details on using the pictures). The Appendix doesn·t contain
statistics for every berk and barn1y that shows up in the adventures, however. If a character's got
only a minor role in a story. he's likely LO have nothing but an abbreviated stat line right in the
text, like this: Goji the Quick (Pl/ o tief1ing/F4/Bleak Cabal/NJ.
The PLANESCAPE~ Campaign Setting boxed set (2600) explains how to read abbreviated stat
lines. That product is all that's required to play Dead Gods, but the OM'll find the PLANESCAPE
MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM* Appendix (2602) and Appendix 11 (2613) helpful as well. Both "Out of
the Darkness" and ''Into the Light " contain further suggestions for products that provide more
detail about planar locations important LO the adventures.
Dead Gods is full of maps, but it also includes a poster sheet detailing important areas in the
adventures. Depending on how many times the sheet is unfolded, it shows different maps. At cer-
tain points in each ride, the OM's instructed to unfold the sheet to whatever map's needed at the
Finally. as with all PLANLSCAPE adventures. the italicized text printed in amber is meant to be
read aloud to the players. All other information is meant for the Dungeon Master alone.

"~11011' tlrat 111m and fem n•n11on. h1• 1rl111 nncr clc11111cd Tlwml/u~ '' '"' more. I lr1• pa't 11/ll\/cr oj
tftf, place" go11c a11d , /rail 1w1 re11m1. I. l\i111i111,11lcc. Mu1/t1•r of \lc11gea11cc m11i Mt'1rc" of I 111 -
l1Jc. rule lwrr 11ou 011.I ,11111/ 111111 i1~{i11i1y. My will i\ fall'
111 7/w11atos • .for 11 I\ 1ror1 1111· realm

DUCTl9H "/ct 110 mu/. mortal or 01l1cr11'15e. 'f'<'nk c{f tlic )or
1111·1 ruin ng11111. I c1 11r1 11 n11c·11 11•ortl, 11111•11•'1crc ill a/I c·.r-
1\/t'llCI', pa,1 or /Jrt'\1'11/. record lri' 111i,hcyot1t•11 a11pc/la-
/tn11. I ct 11i;, he 11lc· /n,1 111ome111 <1111• crc1u111c' u •cr lwa1 tile 111111wfl1// llf'llll tltC'ir etir\. Tht' lt/\t
rnirt· 111 \fWllk the 1w111t ,/wl/ lw 11111/ of lti\ crcc111io111•r, a11d I \Cl_\' ii 11011 for 1111· ji11nl rime:
"ORCI I.~!"

Sometime in the not-so-distant past, some-
thing occurred on the Astral Plane, an
event that'd have
throughout the
multiverse: A
dead god began to
stir. 'Course, fallen
deities return to life every now
and then. but this time was different. The power continued to rise, his appearance slowly
changing, his form slowly warping. Then the god simply vanished from the Silver Void. Only
the Guardian of the Dead Gods, he who once was Anubis, noticed the disappearance - and he
shuddered al the implications. One of his charges was returning to life.
And his name was Orcus.
Forces - possibly inadvenent, possibly not - conspired co bring the dead god back. Some-
where in a tiny demi plane known as the City That Waits, a number of the former Abyssal lord's
worshipers suddenly awoke from their eternal slumber. Somewhere on the Prime, a lich named
Acererak stirred up the dark suspension of the Negative Energy Plane with a barmy scheme.
Somewhere in a completely different wo rld, a once-powerful devotee of the god of undeath sent
one last impassioned prayer.
Who knows how it all came together? Who knows the true dark
of such things? Somehow, a dead power was given another chance to
+EB ENDINGS. right the wrongs committed against him. A single word escaped the
Ft R,.l. , GEBEBD ALWAYS W IN S. li ps of the tanar'ri god as he rose from the Silver Void:
SECEBND. "Vengeance."
It all started long ago, when a minor demipower named Kiaran-
TARSHEVA L$NGREACH . salee first stood against the tanar'ri lord. See, Orcus ruled a
layer of the Abyss (some say multiple layers), and his realm was
filled with the undead over which he held sway. Planewalkers un-
fortunate enough to have stumbled into Thanatos - but lucky enough to have
given it the laugh - described it as an endless. ghoulish reverie. At least, they did at first. Over
the eons, however, the realm grew as fat and inattentive as the Abyssal lord himself. No one bad
ever challenged the mighty Orcus. and he began to lose the dark edge that'd helped him rise to a
position of power in the first place. His actions were careless, and his realm became a place of
cold. quiet, undead languor.

+ 6+
That's when Kiaransalee, a drow goddess of vengeance, that made him what he was. He needed his symbol, the tool
made her move. She'd somehow been slighted by the tanar'ri that contained a ponion of his very essence. The thing that'd
lord. To this day, no one really knows the nature of the of- make it clear Lo his enemies that he had returned. The thing
fense, or even if it was grievous or minor. Some folks rattle that'd let him strike fear into the hearts of his foes, so that
their bone-boxes that Orcus's actions caused her to remain they'd know in their last seconds of life exactly who'd de-
only a demipower among the drow when she'd had a chance feated them.
to supplant Lolth. Others say that the crime was trivial. To K.i- The being that had been Orcus needed his wand.
aransalee, the details hardly martered. She conspired against r
Orcus and eventually slew him through treachery and sur-
prise, quickly usurping his realm and position.
Thus, the first utterance by the tanar'ri lord upon his re- In those long years past, when the goddess Kiaransalee de-
binh could have been either an oath or a reference to a former stroyed and supplanted Orcus, she left no deed undone. She
wrong. But even when revived from his deathlike slumber, killed his servants and slew each of his proxies, all except for
Orcus still wasn't truly restored to life. His new existence Rotting Jack, who convinced her to take him on as her own.
more closely mirrored that of the undead over which he'd (Sure, Kiaransalee knew that Jack was trying to bob her to
once ruled. He'd become an undead god. gain power for himself, but she brought him into her fold for
THE RISE $f TENEBREDUS The goddess then used strong magic to wipe away every
mention of her foe's name, wherever and however it'd been
To celebrate and signify his new state of existence, Orcus recorded. She lacked the power co erase the very memory of
chose a new name. Now a thin, small, shadowy creature, he Orcus from the minds of the multiverse (which is what she re-
called himself "Tenebrous," for he was shut off from the light ally wanted to do), but her enchantment still swept through
of life forevermore. What's more, he'd lost too much strength the planes, removing the name "Orcus" from all histories,
ro hold onto his former level of divinity. Lesser than even a etchings, and the like. Thus did she reshape Thanatos into her
demipower now, Tenebrous could no longer form avatars. But own image, though the undead residents remained virtually
make no mistake - he was still a god, far beyond the strength unchanged.
of the mightiest mortal, and still in command of potent and Lastly, Kiaransalee dealt with the Wand of Orcus, the for-
terrible might. More than ever before, he hungered to exact mer ruler's most cherished and mighty artifact. She gave it to
revenge on those who'd wronged him. And in his new, twisted Kestod and Erehe, rwo of her living drow followers. (While the
state - twisted both physically and mentally - that meant power of the wand put them in great danger, the goddess
everyone in the multiverse. didn't trust her new undead followers - certainly not Rotting
Bathed in unholy energies, Tenebrous left the Astral by Jack! - with so potent an artifact.) Kiaransalee transported
way of Yggdrasil, the World Ash, whose branches wind their the two drow to Agathion, the fourth layer of Pandemonium,
way through the cosmos to reach many (some say all) planes. where they buried the wand in an unknowable, unreachable
He knew he'd need help to regain his former power, but in vault of stone. Then she brought them back and rewarded the
trying ro summon his old servants, Tenebrous discovered that berks by drowning them both in the River Styx. Thus, not
they, too, had been slain by K.iaransalee. So he brought them only were they dead (and could tell no tales), but even if they
back to unlife. These undead tanar'ri he called visages, and he were contacted or restored to life, they'd remember nothing.
sec them upon the task of secretly gathering information to K.iaransalee felt confident that the Wand of Orcus would
aid in his vengeance. Yggdrasil allowed them to walk the stay lost forever - so confident, in fact, that she actually al-
planes as needed, and the quiet town of Crux - nestled in the lowed one of the dead drow to return. Erehe had been the
branches of the World Ash - served as a secret base. beloved consort of one of Kiaransalee's most powerful priest-
No one knows exactly how much time passed at this esses, so the goddess allowed him to be resurrected and rejoin
point in the tale. Suffice it to say that some years later Tene- his lover on the Prime Material Plane. The other drow, Kesrod,
brous discovered the means by which to achieve his evil goal. became an undead creature in his mistress's realm, as did all
In the ruins of Pelion on the plane of Arborea, the undead of her petitioners. And shon-sighted K.iaransalee forgot about
lord found the Last Word. It was the ultimate magic of un- them both. focusing instead on running her new realm (which
making, a force potent enough to slay even a god - just the was quite large for a demipower) and scheming to unseat
thing Tenebrous'd sought. Loi th.
But still he couldn't make his move. He had nearly every-
thing he needed: the power to slay anyone in his path, a small
bur efficient army of infiltrators, a convenient base for his
cadre of spies, and a fonress known as Tcian Su mere hidden In his search for knowledge - specifically, the dark of his lost
deep within the Negative Energy Plane (a hideaway he'd cre- wand - Tenebrous journeyed to Mechanus and confronted
ated long ago for just such an emergency). the lord of the modrons, Primus, the One and the Prime.
But Tenebrous lacked one important item - the talisman Primus couldn't or wouldn't answer to the undead lord's sat-

isfaction, so Tenebrous spoke the Last Word and slew the In Chapter I, "Circean Embers," the heroes follow a band
supreme modron, just as he'd done with the others he'd vis- of khaasta raiders who're using a strange magical item tha1
ited. (His quest left much blood in its wake, some of it the can steal the beauty from a person or object. The khaasta's
blood of gods.) path leads from Sigil to the Outlands, and
Unbeknownst to anyone, the shadowy, un- from there Lo the creatures' lair - the
dead lord then assumed the role of the entrance to which is found on Ygg-
master of all modrons, filling the void of drasil, the World Ash. But the
command before Primus could raiders' king refuses to sur-
be replaced from the render his precious beauty.
ranks below. And In Chapter II, "Crux,"
though it was not yet THA+ NE9+ DEAD the PCs spend
time for the next Great WHICH A'< E+ERNAL LI E. time resting or
Modron March, he gave the AND t11 S+RANGE EE9NS EVEN healing in the
orders for the procession to DEA+H A DIE. tree-burg and
begin. Thus, the modrons learn that an evil force
poured fonh from AN UNKN$WN PR1me AU+HeR. has come to Yggdrasil,
Mechanus and surveyed PR$VIHG +HA+ He+ ALL a dark presence that
each of the Outer Planes, <DF +Hem ARE CLUELESS seems to twist the minds of
gathering information on those most in tune with the
everything they saw, just as 1ree. Even the ratatosk, protectors of Yggdrasil, fall prey to
they always did - but this the disturbing influence.
time, the dark of their discoveries The heroes might find their own minds clouded in Chap-
flew back to Tenebrous. ter Ill, "Masks, .. in which they learn that Crux has been com-
This went on for years. (The details of this errant march promised by shadowy, fiendish creatures able to alter a berk's
are chronicled in the Pl.AN£SCAPE adventure anthology The perceptions and steal his idemity. Eventually, they follow the
Grear Modro11 Marcil [2628].) Then one day, while trekking creatures - which are really Tenebrous's visages - lo the
through the Lower Planes, the modrons lea med of Kestod and realm of Set, where the fiends seek a magical blossom that re-
Erehe, the rwo drow who'd hidden the Wand of Orcus. Tene- stores memories lost to the Styx. After a dramatic battle in
brous left Mechanus and made preparations to travel to the Crux, the PCs might believe that they've put an end to the vis-
Abyss clandestinely to capture the undead berk in Thanatos. ages' menace, even if many questions are left unanswered.
Meanwhile, he sent his visages to Baator, to the desen realm Naturally, the leatherheads're wrong. In Chapter IV,
of Set, where they were to bring back a magical blossom said "Message From Thanatos," a summons from Crux brings the
to restore memories drained by the River Styx. The drow pris- heroes back to town by way of a nearly dead prime-material
oner would be made to remember where he'd buried the wand. world called Ranais. While crossing Ranais, the PCs learn
There were other sources to question, too - it never hun more of the visages and perhaps even their foul master. Fi-
to gain knowledge. Didn't the illithid god Maanzecorian re- nally, back on Yggdrasil. the bashers take the fhorge by the
ponedly know a great many secrets? And the deiry known as tusks and ambush the visages, hopefully first gaining clues as
Camaxtli, as well? Tenebrous'd gladly kill every god in 1he to the fiends' true base of operations: a fonress within the
cosmos until he found his wand, but he knew that such ram- Negative Energy Plane.
pant violence would alert others too quickly. He hoped that In Chapter V, "The Bouom of the Multiverse," the PCs ex-
the visages would succeed, so he wouldn't have to visit Baa- plore the stronghold, perhaps picking up hints to the identity
tor personally and slay Set. That'd cenainly draw a great deal of the visages' master and the source of his newfound power.
of unwanted anention. But they also encounter a vampire held prisoner by the fiends
Nonetheless, Tenebrous would let nothing and no one - the drow Kestod, who lost his memory in the River Sryx.
stand in his way. He'd learn the location of his wand. He'd The visages obviously want to wrest some bit of forgotten
teach Kiaransalee the meaning of power. lle'd have his re- knowledge from Kestod's mind. If the PCs help him, Kestod
venge on the multiverse .... warns them that the only other berk with the secret is found
in the Vault of the Drow, on Oerth.
If the cuuers follow up on this lead, Chapter VI, "The
• ADVEN+UR£ summARY. Vault of the Drow." thrusts them into a civil war that threat-
ens to tear the Vault apan. In the midst of chaos and danger,
As "Out of the Darkness" begins, the player characters have they locate the drow Kestod mentioned and finally tumble to
no idea what they're gening themselves into. No wise old sage the truth: The evil god Orcus (now called Tenebrous) is the
meets them in a tavern and begs them to prevent the return of one leading the visages. The secret he desires is the location of
an evil dead god. Instead. the PCs stumble into the real plot as his infamous wand. and he's been killing everyone in his path
they take part in another. - even gods - to find it.

Either before or after the crip wre, the texc instructs the OM to show the players a particu-
Lo the Vault. the heroes can chase lar picture. The illustrations give the players a better idea of
another trail LO Arborea. In Chapter what their characcers encounter ("You see this"), so the OM
VII, "The Ruins of shouldn't show them any pictures ahead of time.
Pelion," they live 'Course, maps of important locations appear throughout
out other bashers' the book, but the folded poscer sheet contains three additional
experiences from the maps for use with ·out of the Darkness": a map of Crux, a
distant past and learn how Tene- map of Tcian Su mere, and a large map of the Vault of the
brous gained the power to slay Drow. When folded up in full, one side of the poscer sheet
gods. However, if he doesn't shows Crux and the other shows Tcian Su mere. When opened
recover the Wand of Orcus soon, the former Abyssal lord's once, the sheet shows the Vault of the Drow. (When unfolded
newfound might will consume him from within. in full, it provides a map for use with "Into the Light.") This
Eventually, the PCs race to the Howling Plane in Chapter folding method should make it easier for the OM to prevent
VIII, "Deepest Pandemonium." After getting directions from players from seeing maps that they're not supposed to see.
the circus-caravan known as the Cynosure, the heroes reach The Appendix does not contain stats for Tenebrous.
the fourth layer, where the wand lies hidden. They must find He may have been weakened by his death and rebirth, but
the artifact before Tenebrous does, and they've got to destroy he's scill a deity. The PCs can't wound or fighc him, much less
it, send it far away, or otherwise keep it from the evil lord kill him.
long enough for him to die - again.
Some time afterward, the bashers take part in Chapter IX, 11c;1 G '' IN•~ .Lui! 1 lr.H,._ ..
"The Dead-Book of the Gods," wherein they travel to the As-
tral Plane on a seemingly unrelated mission. Once there, they "Into the Light" is not part of"Ouc of the Darkness." It's a sep-
learn that a priest of Tenebrous they first encountered in Pan- arate, stand-alone adventure that takes place in Sigil. The OM
demonium is attempting to bring his god back yet again. The can run the scenario on its own or incorporate it into "Out of
PCs must make their way across the floating husk of Tene- the Darkness," turning "Into the Light" into a sub-plot of the
brous to confront the priest and stop his evil scheme. But is main swry. The flowchart on the inside back cover of this
Tenebrous really dead? With all of the manipulation of their book shows the recommended method for linking the three
perceptions throughout the adventure, the cutters just can't be parts of "Into the Light" with the nine chapters of "Out of the
sure. Darkness." Suggestions throughout the text offer the OM
Interspersed throughout the nine chapters are Interludes other possibilities for integrating the two adventures.
that reveal the dark of Tenebrous's wicked machinations. No matter how the adventures weave in and out of each
These Interludes aren'c meant to involve the PCs - they other, che PCs will have to cope with different events on dif-
simply help the OM betCer understand what's going on as the ferent levels. They can use what they learn in one plot to deal
story progresses. with problems in the other, and certain characters (such as
Talismin, who appears in Chapter I of "Out of the Darkness")
can affect events in both storylines.
+PREPARING FEDR P AY + A skillful OM can even make the players believe thac the
two different adventures are really ~art of one large scenario.
"Out of the Darkness" is a massive AD&D~ PLANESCAPfS ad- The two-plot method of storytelling might seem a bil complex
venture, an epic with many characters to meet, locations Lo at first, but it gives the OM and the players a great deal more
explore, and obstacles to overcome. It's designed for a party flexibility and allows for excellent role-playing.
of four co six characters of 6th to 9th level. But even such
advanced bashers will take many playing sessions to complete TUI: P Vf:R CHARAC+ep.c;.
the scenario.
Before running "Out of the Darkness,· the OM should be "Out of the Darkness" isn't intended for low-level adventur-
sure to read through the entire adventure at least once com- ers, but it tries to make the point that a player character
pletely, reviewing the pertinent sections before each playing doesn't have to be a vastly powerful juggernaut dripping with
session. The flowchart on the inside back cover of the book is magical items in order to get involved in the big events of che
meant to help the OM keep the course of the ride straight. planes. Face is, when dealing with matters this big, a PC's
The Appendix (starting on page 157) contains the level of power becomes unimportant. A deity like Tenebrous
MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM* Appendi.x-style entry for the visage, doesn't much care whether a hero's Isl-level or 18th-level -
a brand new creature, as well as full statistics for major char- the berk's still a mortal, cotally incapable of fighting a god.
acters, foes, and monsters. What's more, the last pages of the The DM's encouraged to alter "Out of the Darkness" as
book feature 15 different full-color illustrations of scenes necessary to fit the adventure into his existing campaign.
from ·out of the Darkness." These illustrations are labeled by However, it's not recommended that he drastically change the
letter (A through 0), and at certain points during the adven- scenario to accommodate very low- or high-level PCs. First of

all, making things easier so that lower-level characters can bunch. it might be a good idea to start the new heroes at the
survive will prove difficult - and will weaken the game. Sec, beginning of a playing session and not return to the original
this plane-spanning adve nLUre takes the cutters to highly bashcrs until the beginning of yet another. (In other words,
dangerous trouble-spots, and if that danger isn't present, it don't make the players switch characters in the middle of a
cheapens their existence. After all, if the Abyss isn't terrible session.) What's more, the DM can run the temporary PCs' ad-
and deadly, what's the point? And if the DM lets higher-level vent.ure in a different room or an entirely new location in
heroes play, the sods might believe that they can fight Tene- order to make the experience seem even more unusual. An-
brous or undertake other addle-coved actions that should other option is to have a "fill-in" DM from outside the playing
rightfully end in their deaths. The PCs in "Out of the Dark- group run the sessions that involve the temporary characters.
ness" must be capable, yet well aware of their limitations in 'Course, the regular DM still needs to be aware of everything
comparison to what they're up against. that happens during that time.
They've also got to be somewhat self-motivated. They're Here's an even stranger idea. In Chapter IX, "The Dead-
pulled into the main plot slowly, but when they start to dis- Book of the Gods," the PCs travel to the Astra l, where the
cover that strange things are happening. the cutters are on Guardian of the Dead Gods warns them that the threat of
their own. No external force makes them keep going, no guide Tenebrous is not yet over. Instead
leads them along from one scene to the next, and no one says, of running that chapter last,
Marcus is doing bad things. Here's a hundred gold pieces. Get the DM can use it to
him." The PCs must provide thei r own motivations and their begin ··out of the
own sol uti ons. Curiosity and the benevolence to right Darkness." Then,
wrongs'll probably drive the heroes onward - at lea~t. they when the Guardian delivers his
should. Berks interested only in treasure or other material message to the heroes, it unleashes a flood of
gain aren't best suited for "Out of the Darkness," and the DM repressed memories of events. At that point, the PCs
may need to provide alternate motivations for such bashers. return to Chapter I and play out the adventure until they
As mentioned earlier, the adventures of The Great Mad- catch up to Chapter IX again - apparently, they'd already
ron March lead directly into Dead Gods, making that earlier done all of those things but somehow lost their memories of
product a ··prequel" of sorts. However, PCs who took part in them. (Perhaps Tenebrous wiped their brain-boxes clean so
all of the scenarios from The Grear Modron March might be a the sods wouldn't remember that he was trying to restore
little over-powered for the first few chapters of "Out of the himself to full power.)
Darkness ... That's tine, though: the DM can balance them out For this to work, the DM must arrange in advance for the
by letting the visages alter the perceptions of those characters characters to lose a considerable amount of time - most likely
even more. With their powers of lucidity control, the visages several months - that they can't account for. But that could
can challenge PCs of virtually any level, especially if the be great fun. too. Imagine the heroes' confusion and fear as
sods're caught unaware. they slowly realize that it's six months later than they thought
it was. The DM must also deal with the fact that the PCs al-
ready know they'll survive the adventure, since they're alive
TIPS f$R +H£ om at the "end" when they talk to the Guardian.
"Out of the Darkness" is a complicated adventure, particularly Fi\ ally, it's essential that the DM fam iliarize himself with
if used in conjunction with "lnro the Light. .. This section of- the many locations visited in "Out of the Darkness." It's
fers a few tips to help make the DM's job easier. enough to read through the descriptions in A DM"' Guide to
One of the problems with running published adventures the Planes (found in the PLANESCAPE Campaign Setting boxed
is that the players often have some idea of whar they're get- set). but other products provide more details about specific
ting into. If the DM takes out a thick book called Dead Gods, settings. The Planes of Chaos boxed set (2603) has the dark of
the players'll know that they're about to start a long adven- Yggdrasil, the Abyss, Pandemonium, and Pelion. The Planes
ture involving expired deities. But the first chapter of "Out of of Law boxed set (2607) covers Set's realm on Baa tor. A Guide
the Darkness" pulls the heroes into the main plot by having co rhe Astral Plane (2625) lays bare the Silver Void. A Player's
them chase khaasta raiders. The DM should take pains to pre- Primer ro tire Out/ands (2610) could prove handy as the heroes
vent the players from seeing the book too soon, perhaps by track the khaasta in Chapter I. And numerous products featur-
copying Chapter I and leaving the book itself out of sight ing Sigil - including In the Cage (2609) and Uncaged (2624) -
until it's needed. (By permission of TSR. Inc., pages 12 provide information on the Cage's wards and residents.
through 25 of Dead Gods may be reproduced for personal use A few non-PLANESCAPE products might also prove helpful.
only. c 1997 TSR, Inc. All rights reserved.) The classic I st-edition adventure Vault of the Drow (Dungeon
Chapter Vil, "The Ruins of Pelion," may present chal- Module DJ) contains a great deal of chant on the Vault,
lenges that many DMs won't have faced before. See, at that though most of it's been presented and updated in Chapter VI
point in the game, the players will create a new group of cem- of "Out of the Darkness ... If the DM wants to expand on the
porary characters who adventured in Pelion's distant past. To heroes' stay in the Vault, the accessory The Drow of the Un-
ease the transition between the original PCs and the new derdark (9326) reveals much about the dark elves.

+ II +
"S/ert'l'llllt/ q(}(k h111 J'1111'rf" ,/nu!" rlrl' w1/111t1\lt'I' s
11 /riJI cmck<d 111 tire air ab111 r 1/1t lrt•acf, of tire•
11•1nkcr'. "Put \01111' /Jae k 11110 it! 1\ lo11g. 111t'w1-
da111q ''"ifr crosq•d Iris 1t•111ili1111 1110111/1 "/{ ht'licf 1~ 1w11•c1, el\ rl1c c11at11
'"''· 1l1c11 I bc'/1c1t \'Ot1'/l 11/l IJI' efrad ti' D11\lmc111fyuu don't lft'T rlwr nm
11101 i1111." 7 Ire· ~·lrcw,ra 11rc11•1/ Jr1, /iwrc/
111u11111 111111 t1rd i11111 tire 11111dd1 trrrt.r11.
ll1t \lo u If\ 11 d /lib rnlor 11 rna/Jv
.fi11111d in tl1e qrec't\ o{ '>ig1/ 01 rlic gloom~
of tfre (irav Vlam'. lj tl1< cloud, lultl a11y
rain, 11 !1'011/d l1kcl1' prr11•c 111 lw t/rcaw mf([ dirl\ A11J ,·1 rn·o1w i11 tire rart11 1a11
u•a, alrc111/1 /1rjo11ft>d 1111/r 11111t! 1111d 111/. l ltt f1Vr1t1/ from '>1gil fwd 1ak1•11 tlr1111
tl1rouql1 tire 'trip 111111n t.f ( l1t1r1tt11111r. r111tl it 11 uuld be a 11•/11/c lu:fvrl' t/tt'\'
rt acltcc/ lm11ncl[1f'.
rt1irt) lt11111a11 \llll'C\ pulled fl lwgc ll'11gn11.full of ~11µ11l1r'
mid 'tole11 Wl{Jo. Th<' kluw'lll q11ard\ 011 luardlmck
11•e11cl1<'rl 01·cr t11em. hut tl1t• t111l111a\tcr
qa1·c• tilt' ordas. As /rt' fookl'd <111,
tilt' waqCJll //'t'lll 11p mu/ nrcr a large•
1111 of tlrietl 11111rl. A d111k cli11k c/i11k
11( c//11,, 11 "' .fi1//11u rd /1y a rnddc11, sharp
T/11• 11 ago11 str>f!Jll'd TI11· tui/1110\ter fookc•d wu·ard
1Jre li11ck o.(1/1e cart, u lwn a lra11df11/ o.f \I01 C' lwd been pusl1i1UJ. One of tlrl' mrn

lwd clu111gc•11 flL, cm11111·11w1n• 1rr111• hi111crl 111 ~0111t•tlrn1g rc.,pecw/1/e - ~0111ctl1111q
a11rnc111•1•. Dt'\(J•tc /hr fart that //1e ,/m·c u ns l111111a11. tire toilmn~rer 11ow fnuntl
so111c1h111q p/c>11\t11l/ al)(Jlll I11e lwrk. lit• ti lu11•1 ro 111t1kr rnn· the 11 orh r rc11w111ed
111 Im pc"n11r1l Jn1rl' ...
"Damn'" \aid tlzc wilmc1'11'1, rn•my lo slwkt· llimwlj lrnci! to /11s \t.'11\n.
" l\'111r/1 11111. -""" ~oddill!J lra11rcrlic11r/,f'' lie bmll[Jlll l1h 11'111p dou 11 11/]()ll 1/1t
b11ck uj Iii<' lll'arnt ,/m c "Y1111 't•1• hrokt•11 a /11>11/t• 111u/ u·as11·d \lllllt /1ca111_1."


A few hundred years ago, a planar wizard named Chyv lmrin discovered a por-
Lal Lhal led from his kip in Sigil Lo a prime-material world called Neirston. He
knew the ponal'd prove quite useful - the chant said Neirston was magic-rich -
but the problem, he soon found, was the key to the portal: beauty. See, any-
thing could pass through the ponal, but its beauty was drained away to acti-
vate the door. And that left the person or object something without
W l+H HU ffiANS. beauty, unappealing lo all eyes. Gems lost their luster and shine.
':"HEVRE +EDED SEDDD IN' S +UPID Works of an became bleak and plain. People became uncomely.
+m ffiAKE GEDEDD SLAV ES. They didn't change physically in any way; they simply lost some
intangible quality and became unattractive.
+Ht: +GHLmAS+ER Chyv, of course, didn't want ro suffer that fate. So he constructed what he
thought was a minor magical item, an object that has since proved Lo be quile pow-
erful: Lhe 1ilief of clianns. The tl1ief is a rod of iron with a glass bottle attached to
one end. When touched LO an object or creaLure, Lhe rod steals all beauty from the
Largel and stores it in Lhe bottle. which can be removed and corked. (The Larget is
not allowed a saving throw.) Other bottles can easily be fined onto the end, and any
boulc or similar container will do, for the magic is in the rod. If no container is at-
tached to the end of the rod, the thief cannot drain beauty.
Whenever Chyv wanted to journey to Neirston, he used the thief of charms
to fill a botLle with stolen beauLy and then carried it through the ponal. The
doorway always consumed the bottled beauty rather Lhan drain it from the

+ 12
wizard or from an item he
carried or wore.
But Chyv couldn't fill his study with hundreds
of flasks; he had to capture beauty more or less as he
needed it. See, he learned the hard way that stolen beauty
is fleeting and dangerous. When stored in a bottle or
other container, the beauty fades away completely in about
a month. When the beauty is applied to an object or a living being, the effects
last for only a week. What's worse, if something is given beauty beyond its own -
in other words, if beauty is drained from one thing and added to another that already has
it - the recipient becomes so anractive that those who look upon it feel compelled to pos-
sess it. For these reasons, Chyv called the stolen beauty circea11 embers.
Eventually, the wizard, like all mortals, died. The portal, and indeed the world of Neirston, was
forgonen in the Cage. The thief of charms passed into obscurity - that is. until the item was looted by
cross-traders and eventually sold to a khaasta bandit-king named Haac(!)nss (pronounced like a phlegmy
cough, a click, and a hiss put together). Haac(!)nss didn"t look upon the rod as a bit of esoteric magic. He
saw it as a tool to get rich. He figured that what the item could steal, he could then sell, and he sent his
troops out with the thief of charms to collect all the circean embers they could get. But the reptilian raiders
failed to see the true nature of the rod or of beauty itself. They didn"t realize that all natural things pos-
sessed inherent beauty. Instead, they assumed they had to drain the beauty from intelligent, living targets.
And so the khaasta made their way to Sigil, to steal from the Cagers that which the sods experienced so


Throughout the adventure, various bashers might use or fall victim to the thief of charms. The OM should
keep in mind the following general rules to govern how it works:

Anyone who loses beauty to the rod can regain it by exposing himself to any circean embers. It's
not necessary to find the exact bottle containing the beauty stolen from that individual.

A victim who's lost beauty suffers a -2 modifier to reaction rolls made by others - unless the lucky
sod runs into a very rare individual who doesn"t make judgments based on physical appearance.
Stolen beauty affects a victim's basic nature; in other words, an ogre who loses beauty and an elf
who loses beauty both suffer the same penalty.

Any person or object whose appearance is enhanced with the circean embers is perceived by others
to be extremely attractive. Onlookers who fail a saving throw versus spell are affected as by the
sympathy effect of the 8th-level wizard spell antiparhy-sympatliy. The berks feel compelled to pos-
sess the beautiful person or object as they might desire a glittering treasure or magnificent work of
art. (Members of the Bleak Cabal, and any other creatures the OM so chooses. gain a +2 bonus to
their saving throws versus the sympathy effect. Sensates and other beings designated by the OM
suffer a penalty of -2, as they focus so much on their senses.)

Anyone currently made beautiful by an application of circean embers is immune to the sympathy
effect caused by seeing another ··infected'" person or object.

Circean embers wear off in about a week, restoring the beautiful subject to normal and canceling
the sympatliy effect in others. But the tliief of charms can restore a victim to normal immediately,
and the circean embers can be dispelled as can any other magical efTect. (Note that someone who
loses beauty won"t return to normal in a week and can"t be ~cured"" with dispel magic; rhe victim"s
stuck unless exposed to circean embers.)

A single use of the thief of charms will drain all of a victim"s beauty or bestow upon him as much
beauty as he could ever have. In other words, using the rod several times on the same target won"t
have any added effect.

• 13 .
+A CRY IN +HE NIGH++ ">11dtl11111'. a cloak< cl /11/llrt' l111rric' foru uni, 1011·anl rl11·
lw1·. l /11 \/tt11/!}Cr '1r111' 111 /1111•1• 11rrr11111cd rlrc ll11od nf /ti5
This chapter, the first portion of "Out of the Darkness," has /Jrn11·11 m/11· rn 11 ltuln /11, j11c<'. LooJ/11111 duu 11 nt rlic Ila/{-< u:
little to do with the overall plot ofTenebrous's return. Instead, 11 /w /111\ <o/i11p,,•cl 1 ryi11g to Iii' b1r1•,, /Irr Jiyun· \illlp/\'
it's meant to subtly draw the player characLers imo Lhe swry \l11t1''" - f111<; 11111<;/ rml...
without letting them learn Loo quickly just how big a problem
they face. The text below assumes Lhat the PCs begin the ad- The cloaked figure (who is remale, though the loose robe
vt!!\ture in Sigil, although the OM can place the opening in hides her shape) seems very concerned about the boy. If ap-
any burg desired. proached by the PCs, she introduces herself as Tiandra (Pl/ S'
One evening, after dinner, the PCs hear a shriek rrom human/F4/Sign of One/NG). As she helps the boy up, her
outside their tavern (or home, or wherever they've just fin- cloak opens to reveal a tall, black-skinned woman of regal
ished Lheir meal). 'Course, the Cage has more than its share of bearing who, like the lad. is quite unauraccive - though
screams, but true heroes will, at the very least, investigate to none of the PCs can quite place what it is about her that
see what's happening. When they do, read: makes her so.
The half-elf seems confused, perhaps in shock. Only if
A clri11 ,fip 1f 11 11111 \t11111/1/1•, tllftlll<Jli t/1<· ,111·cr. h 111 rhe PCs seem sincerely concerned about him will Tiandra be
qct' c/o,rr. 1•1111 11111 wr 1Jic cil'1\/i licnt11gr 111 '"' pa ft .fm t'. Jlr<; fonhcoming about what happened. She explains that the boy
c/<11lrt•\ /war t/1< 1111irk\ of a rc'Cl'lll 'ruf.lli·. /1111 /11 cf(}( rn t lvok was assaulted by reptilian creatures, and chat she herself was
t1rrc1•011,/v h11r111ul anacked about a week ago.
• L11okr 111 crir,, plai11ti1 c/\'. "/ 1111k at 11'/wr 1ltc1 '1•1 du111
ro mt!" "/arc· )111111<1 1111 i11 tire I 11 11•1·r Hard, 111·11r tlrr Great
Yo11 \1'c 1111 !J'""'
11•0111111\ ur 'c""· 11/r/101111!1 1011 11111\I i 01111rln'. 11 llc11 I 11 a~ f/\Vtilcd li.1 thrir 1·rc11t11rn of ,1·11/c a11d
admll I/wt _IPll 1 r 1111 er <;cc11 n /1''' cnmclv /111lj· rlj' flt ere"' clew. Tlr1•ir i111e111 '<'r/111 d 1111111· to drtw11 1/11111 w '1ar111, \'1'1 /'ii
ju\t '11111etl1i11q 111/cl a/Jout /111u. b111 \'Oii c·a11 't q1111t put 1·11111 liau· 111111c of 11. !11e· liirgc·~t pmduccd <1 q111·c1 d1•1 ice. rcH·111-
fi11ger ,,,, rt. bl111g 11ot/1111q so 111ud1 "'a 1111111 ll'itl1 a g/a,, bortle rll 0111• t'llfl
Acorrid to safety. Whether or not the characters help.
Tiandra plans to begin her own hunt as soon as she
sees to the young half-elf.


Even at the best of times, the

sir'' 1111u ti t/1 t ~111111 < t 11 Lower Ward is a hazardous
''flJ'U\ f(. I fdl 1111 01/1/ \ ( I \I/tit II. I\ 1/ 1111/ place to be at night. The
rl1 1111 rn111 111a/ \f 111k /mm mr ,,,,1l/1t11 11 I 11 •11 I Dungeon Master can and
"/ 1111 ikr 1wt lonq J tr I ,, / 111 lw 11 \ ftt, should put together a few
1.i11t,hlll •11111 '>111rl\ 1111/1111\ 11111/11 , l/10•t 1'1 I fc/1 'I""'''' 1
1 shon encounters to emphasize the danger. The ward boasts
11 arn't ur111/ J '"" 1111 r {ltc1iu1111 a 11tllllu1 tlwt I k/11 • / lwt general ruffians. mysterious shadow-skulkers, and even
tit fiends; wise PCs should try to steer clear of all of them. It'll
take the group a very long time to search the whole ward. Not
r\t' l 1t11 Ill\ 11.1r< q11 t ~ 110 rnmfort to tlwH 11'11 1 I 11 1r everyone they meet should be "an encounter, .. but the OM
• fhoH 'erpcmmr 111011\ttr\ \tt mtd to It 11 11 /1 should make sure that enough occurs to give the PCs the feel-
t/11 tr a/lack otltcr tlwu to a/]1tct mt so. 41111 ti 111 " ' ing that the search is taking a long time - not to mention the
"''It''· ltkt• tlti\ '"''· /1111 ( /11 ('II \fl \/rill k I I I I ti idea that the streets of Sigil are never completely safe or un-
\au ft\ 1{ tt\ tlir dmt/1 o/ 1111 1 A11d I II n 1 111 eventful. A few ideas include:
tlld r111duul. '""11/d I OU /JC' ~(} i11tl111 I.
A cross-trader (Pl/o githzerai/T5/Believers of the
By this point, the boy has recovered enough of his wits Source/NE). trying to peel gullies, begs passersby to
to join the conversation. He gives his name as Acorrid De- enter a nearby abandoned building to rescue a hun
gasias (PJ/d' half-elf/0-level/Free League/NJ and confirms child. ·course, there's no child; instead, the rogue's
Tiandra's tale. The same thing happened co him, save that prepared a trap: a 10-foot-deep pit covered by a large
there were far more of the monsters, and rather than fighting rug. If any victims fall in, the knight of the post offers
he tried to give them some garnish. But the lizard-creatures to help them out - in exchange for all their jink. But
took the jink and his appearance. Acorrid remarks that he even if they give him their money, he just gives them
feels more as though something was taken from him than the laugh.
given to him - in other words, he blames his new appearance
on a theft, not a curse. Two Anarchist agents (Pl/~ human/FJ/Revolutionary
If the PCs ask about involving the Harmonium (Sigil's League/CN) who've just set a fire in a nearby Cipher
normal Jaw-enforcers), Tiandra complains that the Hardheads factotum's house try to skulk away in the darkness.
won't help. None of the victims has been wealthy, and Tian-
dra thinks the Harmonium helps only the rich (which is not Twelve Cipher namers (var/var/FI/Transcendent Order/
necessarily the truth). In any event, no one's been successful var) rush through the streets, on their way to put out
in stopping the reptilian attackers. Neither Tiandra nor Acor- the above-mentioned fire. As they're also looking for
rid even realize that the creatures are khaasta. the arsonists, they're quick to jump to conclusions if
If the PCs show interest in stopping the assaults. they they see anyone sneaking about.
gain Tiandra's thanks. She also promises them JOO gp each for
their trouble if they're successful in ending the reign of terror. Five Hardhead soldiers (Pl/ o human/F4/Harmonium/
This encounter, or a slightly altered version of it, LG) and their commander (Pr/ 9 human/Pal6/Harmo-
can be used at any time in any civilized location. It can take nium/LG) search the ward for the khaasta. If they en-
place as the PCs enter or leave a town, or as they simply stroll counter the PCs, they try to send the heroes home -
through an otherwise innocuous street. Fact is, this entire the berks aren't authorized to look for criminals.
chapter can be placed in any community, so it should be easy
to incorporate the adventure into an existing campaign. An illusionist (Pl/ d' tiefling/1117 /CE) working for the
tanar'ri tries to sneak a rutterkin into town unnoticed
for some nefarious scheme. The wizard uses illusions ~
+TAKING +H RIDE+ fool or ward off passersby.

Assuming the PCs agree to help, Tiandra explains that all of A group of five bubbers (Pl/ o human/O-level/Fated/N)
the attacks have occurred in the Lower Ward, and they always looks for any way possible to obta in some jink for a
happen at night, just before antipeak. She asks the PCs to drink. They might attack the PCs or offer to perform a
prowl the Lower Ward tonight for the assailants while she gets minor task for a fee.

THE JC H AAS+A AF+f P. +Hi: BA++l-E
At last, toward anti peak, the PCs come upon another victim of The confrontation with the khaasta will more than likely end
the khaasta thieves. A bariaur male, complecely devoid of with the villains giving rhe PCs che laugh through the portal.
beaucy, lies unconscious in an alleyway. Just as the PCs dis- The heroes are unable to follow, unless by some amazingly
cover the poor sod, they hear distant sounds of movement, odd chance they have a silver Arcadian dovehawk feather.
the clank of metal, and low hissing. (The toil master makes no big show of the key, so the charac-
Waking che bariaur is fairly easy, but if the PCs ters won"t even catch a glimpse of it.) However, if a PC man-
take the time to do so, they hear the above- aged to slip through the portal along with the khaasta, che
mentioned noises fade almosr out of per- creatures probably tear che poor sod to ribbons when he
ception. The victim"s name is Thardandis emerges on the other side; without the key, he won't be able
(Pl/ o bariaur/F2/Society of Sensation/ to retreat back to his comrades in Sigil.
CG). He's confused, groggy, and angry, Captured khaasta know a bit of chant. Intimidating one
but with prompting, he tells the PCs char he was anacked of these reptilian beasts is difficult, but a convincing threat of
by a large group of lizard-men he calls khaasta. force or tonure (or the use of magical charms) reveals the fol-
If the PCs follow the sounds, they head back out into che lowing:
street and soon turn into another alley where the khaasta are
preparing to make their escape with their stolen spoils. The The khaasta have a magical weapon that steals beauty ;
heroes find 11 khaasta: 10 raiders and their leader, the toil- they hope to sell the beauty to others.
Though the khaasta almost certainly outnumber the PCs, Anyone who ·s had his beauty stolen rnn regain it by
at this point the creatures are primarily interested in escape. exposing himself to that which is scored in the coilmas-
They've had their rill of Sigil and taken what they needed. If ter's bottles.
the heroes confront or attack them, the toilmaster sends
enough khaasta (one per PC) to fight while he and the rest es- + The alley portal leads to a location on the Outlands
cape through a portal funher down the alley. This should pro- from which the khaasta have only a few days' march to
vide enough time for them to get away; the portal stays open their forest home. This lair holds many khaasta. (If pos-
long enough to allow six khaasta to escape, and two or three sible. the captives lie and tell the PCs that the lair con-
of them can slip through in a round. However, should che toil- tains hundreds of their people.)
master be presented with the opportunity - such as if a PC
gets past the remaining khaasta by skill or spell - he won't None of the raiders know how to open the portal; only
hesitate to use the thief of channs on the heroes. It serves as the toil master knows the dark of the feather. To tumble to this
an effective delaying tactic and adds to the plunder. information, the PCs can try to cast warp sense or find the
The portal the khaasta hope to use is a narrow crawl- chant from a well-lanned graybeard. Luckily, a plethora of
space that leads under one of the side buildings. The key is the sources in the Cicy of Doors specialize in the dark of portals
silver feather of an Arcadian dovehawk, which is not con- and keys - for the right jink. Some cutters might visit the
sumed when used and functions when traveling either way Guvners at the City Courts. In-the-know bloods might track
through the rwo-way portal. The crawlspace leads to an iso- down Lissandra the Gate-seeker (Pr/<;? human/M9/Revolu-
1a ted mining area on the Outlands near the Caverns of tionary League/NG), a tough wizard who carries a log book in
Thought. Waiting there for the raiders are five more khaasta, which she records the nature of every portal she finds. And
eight human slaves. 10 giant lizard mounts, and a wagon there's always Alluvius Ruskin (Pl/<;? tiefling/Wil 14/lncanti-
filled with bottles of beauty and supplies for the trip overland fier/NE). the old proprietor of Tivvum's Antiquities, a shop in
to their lair - accessible only through a portal on the great the Market Ward that sells every kind of gate key imaginable.
tree Yggdrasil. No matter where the PCs obtain a silver Arcadian dove-
Ic's crucial to the story that some of the cross-trad- hawk feather, it costs them at least 50 gp and takes them the
ing khaasta escape with the thief of charms and some of the better part of a day to find. If the heroes then chase after the
stolen beauty. If necessary, the DM can increase the number khaasta, they'll be well behind their quarry. lt"s important to
of khaasta in che encounter, or rule that some of the creatures the adventure that they don't actually catch up with the
have already escaped through the portal by the time the PCs khaasta until the creatures have reached their secret lair. This
arrive in the alley (and make it clear to the heroes that this shouldn"t be a problem, however - following the villains'll be
has happened). The latter option foils the use of a gate ward or hard enough.
surelock spell to stop the khaasta. 'Course, the PCs should
want to follow the villains, but if the khaasta's
wrongdoing isn't enough motivalion, having one of
the heroes fall under che effects of the thief of
charms might be more compelling.

When the PCs pass through the alley ponal, they emerge
near an abandoned mine on the Outlands. Refer to the map
on this page.

You 'rr nrt•t·icd b1• ll1c '1Tc'11rh oj uily lllC'Tfll \/wr111g\ a11cf
"ir l11t1r'\ lrt•n1·1• ll'iril lt-1111/ikc d11\t. rl1t• 1Jru11111I ar \trllr /1tl
;, 111wltl1'. 1·1·nr gn•a,1. 11'1//1 rrickln of brfillllrtf 11·111c·r 11111 -
11i11g 1/1r11119/1 Ilic k11t•w/cd, Hit/£]\' soil A muqh /a111/\ca11c• uj
m/1• til/lllf/' 0111/ S_l'lllfJ\' /IOllh ~trC'/CJrc \ Ill c'/'!'11 dirt'< 1/(111 .
Da1k. "'"'-' ' clo11tl' /11111y 11n rlwacl. 1iln·111,·11111c1 o ra111 r/1111
y1111 rn11H /mu k11ou • 11 11/ 1111/1• /iirtlra pollutt r/rc· <tll' ITllll\,
rutlrrr 1/111111lc1111'c1ltcjo11I t11rn

Long ago, Chariamur was an open-pit mine located

between the realms of llsensine and Gzemnid on the Out-
lands. It was usually found in the 7th or 8th ring of the
plane, though it currently rests in the 7th. The mine was
created by a veritable nation of grimy, vile gnomes known
as spriggans. These loathsome miners and their umber hulk
slaves tore apan the land 10 such a degree that it's said to
be a festering wound from which the Outlands will never
heal. Ancient foundries and smelting works once sur-
rounded the mine, but they've disappea red into the fetid
cesspool or were eaten away by the uncaring caress of time
and corrosive rains. Fortunately, in the vast scheme of
things, Chariamur is a tiny place.
The odious gnomes are long gone, wiped out by pesti- RCB++ING
lence and nood (or so the chant goes), but Chariamur's al-
ways been occupied by something or another. Until re- CB RA.CLE
cently, the area was used by spies and proxies of the illithid
god Maanzecorian to spy upon his rival, llsensine, in the
nearby Caverns of Thought. These spies based themselves
in the Rotting Oracle, a building half-submerged in the oily

TH f: RED++ I NG ED RAC L f:
After the spriggans had left, but still many, many years
ago. a huge rotunda was built in Chariamur by a sel of
quintuplet ticnings who believed they could channel infor- Double
mation from the moldering god known as Juihlex. Not long
after its creation, the building sank halfway into the mud Doors
and mire of soo1 and metal tillings. The tienings disap -
peared, but their structure survives - albeit half-submerged
and askew.

l'loclt/111!1 m·n"' rim jt•r11i t•r-

1'""\(" 1•011r l 1oof\ grail' lwal'\ ll'lli1
a 11111dr/\ b11iltf-11p, rd11d1 '' blut·
ll'iril 111c·1t11ltc duq. /lw \kl ~' 1·111, rem/\ rn
bur51 lit Cl/I\ lllUlllt'lll . tl11111q/1 \'011 \flM 11 l1t//
llli!Jltl lit' ,/11•/ter 11.JI lO 1011r lcji A li/11ckc·11ctl. \CorrCf/ l'IW-
jacr ri\t\ "fl 11111of1/11· 1111rc', anti b111/1aloll!J\tclc11 r~ 11
m11111/, tl11111t•tl l111ildi11111/1111 ,;" 1nkt·11 i11 tlrt' 11111d.
A'i 1ou 11 atch. n jiq11re t•mcri11•, from tl1c tloor o/ t/1t· 11otlri11g co save either proxy. should they for some reason
Hr111 lllfC Tiie 'km rnrmr111d111q 11' lruqc. 11·/1•11. p1111il-1< H want to.
c1•1•5 '' S(ll/oll' llmu•11 ll'itli n /11111 l!f l'ioli t. F1111r '"111// tt·11111de'S
jlai/ 11 ildh fr(lfll /Jc'1011 11 lrac 1•u11 'd t'.!Jlt'C'I Ill \l'C' ' ' ' 110\I' 11111/ TJi~ DEA+H $f mAANZEC$RIAN
m1111tl1. 7111· finery 11 u•ctir\ yro•r 'jilt/iv /mm r/rr 01111· 11 n111'
rl11011qli a~ 11 m1111b/r, c/osu . but tr pt1y~ 1011 mr /11 eel. Tlirct'- When a power dies, the side effects and repercussions are
ji11gt:rcd Jwnch durrlr CH 1h soft ,/wll, 111rrl mi/th 11/\', u ord many. Maanzecorian was a god of knowledge, and wisps of
Ins/\, t/1c· cru1111rt 's face n11d l1e1ul tlrt' drnu 11 1111111111 hi' urr 1r- his essence scarcer from his dying form. On Gehenna, where
"''i'11f1I<' forn• - 011 rmp/u,wn 1hat 11 St mblcs 1101IP11q rn Tenebrous stands over the murdered corpse, the Abyssal lord
m11cl1 as 11 qim1t. 11ll'mbh linnd c nHhinq tire 'k11/I o/ 1lr1• crw- is bathed in eons of collected secrets and bits of chant. Even
r11rc likt· a 9mp1· on the other side of the portal (perhaps because of the pres-
/1 /111/' demi 111/0 1/11 mud ence of two of Maanzecorian·s proxies), the PCs are deluged
by random bits of knowledge nowing to the Oullands and
Show the players Illo A (on page 169). into their brains.
'Course, the chant's decidedly useless to che heroes. With
The PCs will likely enter the Rotting Oracle to try to fig- the vast storehouse of knowledge that comprised so much of
ure out what might have happened to the creature - a mind the deity's spirit, the chances of gleaning a valuable piece of
nayer known as Hananolith. Though the lower level of the information from the meager stream of thoughts that reaches
building is submerged, the heroes still can enter easily the Outlands is nil. It is. however, a strange experience for the
enough; the doorway was originally raised and reached via a PCs. Unless they've been through a psychic storm on the As-
set of stairs (which are now completely hidden from view). tral Plane (a somewhat similar phenomenon), it's quite disori-
The interior of the main level is a single room with pillars enting to have knowledge come unbidden into their minds.
strung around the perimeter and a raised dias in the center. The chant they gain includes the following:
On the dias is an old ceramic pool, once used for divinations
but now cracked and filthy. Javor favors his younger son over the eldest.
The space between two near pillars is actually a one-way
portal from Gehenna. Through this portal came the agents of The source of the Tungakim River is at a place called
Maanzecorian long ago, and through this portal also came the Hinter-rock.
illithid the PCs saw die - a former proxy of the deity. Fonner
because Maanzecorian is now dead. Slain by Tenebrous and Karrum Nionimo keeps a magical dagger hidden in the
his wicked puissance, the illithid power of knowledge and se- bag under his bed.
crets was among the first to die in the Abyssal lord's quest to
regain his wand. Porcupinefish feed on shellfish and coral.
If the PCs enter the Rotting Oracle, they also encounter a
second mind flayer - Dleniacorus, another proxy (Px/il- Madarn is against killing the big cat.
lithid/HD 8+4/LE).
Shiny gray in color, chalcocite is formed at fairly low
k111·c/111q 011 tire tlit1\, c11w11r1 r 'iickh· 11wt11 <. It 11w1 /c-r i~ ­ temperatures.
agul c rw111r1· ,/r11dtf1" 11 rlh rdrar 'it't'lllS qrwr µ11111 Om of If~
/i11q1 . 11 /rrti Cl'<\ lws 901 c blnt I• 11 irlr blood. 111111 mort dt1rk The Drachenfels trace their ancestry back to ancient
}1u1tl HIP\ amid tire• le //fCldt' ' p1·rllllJ1' {r.1111 a 111011tlr ob- Black.moor.
\Cltr<'tl bv lilt• r1'r11/1111q "l'Jlt•11c/nqc\ . As rou ll't1td1 c/c11k l1t•m -
urrlraqt·, 111111cur, Ir/a e mrb qurtc /ir1·rn//1• /iu111111q 011 till UNWElCeme £YfS
\ides uj t/11• tl111r9·~ /wad.
"Demi, · a 1•orcc pormtfs 1111<1 \•Jiff frrnc/ 'uod r' tlctrd! Tire If the PCs linger near Chariamur or the Rotting Oracle for
\l'Cn'IS arc /o,r It Ira\ ,/mn our great ~l11t1111uurw11 · As more than an hour, they're assaulted by a violent and danger-
t/r1· crrawre's 'Jlirit {le r' 1h tl1•11rg fomr. so too tine\ ll1t r mrc ous intruder: Blvastin, a beholder from the nearby under-
h-c11 t 1orir brar11. ground realm of Gzemnid. It seems the beholder god recencly
felt a profound disturbance - the death of Maanzecorian -
When Tenebrous attacked Maanzecorian on Gehenna, and instructed his proxies to send an eye tyrant to investigate.
Dleniacorus and Hananolith ned through the portal to Chari- Rather than disintegrate the PCs immediately, the be-
amur, abandoning their deity to the dead-book. 'Course. they holder uses its abilities to s/0111 and then chamr them in order
still hit the blinds, for their ties to their patron were too to gain information. The creature struggles tO subdue the he-
strong. When Maanzecorian fell, they followed soon after in roes (in an aggressive manner) unless they fend off the auack
horrible, unimaginably painful deaths. by rattling their bone-boxes in an obsequious, subservient
Because the PCs are mere mortals, they can do way. Either way, the beholder suffers their existence only long

CHAN+ IS ... E- ffilND FLAY E RS around J,000 folks.
enough to get the chant it
wants. After the PCs tell the ffiNCE A ... +1 A LV R0LED +H E EN+IRE and the town·s ruled
eye tyrant what they know PRimE AND EvPI +HREA + ENED by a council of elders
(or claim to know) about the iE ffi+HER PLAN E S. who have a small garri-
.. disturbance," the monster DEBES EVERY RACE HAVE + DAY son at their command to
does its best to send them IN +HE SUN. e~ IS +HERE protect the burg.
to the dead-book. The he- The khaasta·s
SffiffiE+HING SPECIAL A e + ILLl+HIDS? trail leads right to
roes should use the time
spent wigwagging with the HARRIS ef + Ht: fA+ED this fortified commu-
beholder to come up with an nity, where the toi lmaster
escape or battle traded some of his loot
plan. Naturally, (bottles of stolen beauty)
the best plan fo r bub for his raiders. The
may be si mply to brewer and his wife used the circean em-
try to give it the laugh and run away bers on themselves, which created quite a
(as the PCs surely can move much faster ruckus. They·re now perceived by others to be in-
than it can). credibly attractive. perhaps even among the most appealing
beings in the multiverse, and sods who spy them must save
versu!. spell or suffer from the sympathy effect (as described
+TRACKING +HE KHAAS+A on page 13).
When the PCs enter lronridge, read:
This pan of the Outlands really holds nothing else of interest.
The most important thing chat happens here is the death of /ro11 toll l'r\ a11cl lw1'1 "111/~ q11 c· rim pltur 1/1t uµpt•am11n·
Maanzeco rian and his proxies, whi ch is designed to fore- 11/ ct ji.irrn" 111or<' rllcm u rtt\ . '"'' rl1nr·~ 11ot s11rprrs111g 111 a
shadow later events. The forces released by the deity·s demise l111m "' do\r ro t/ic• rce1l111s oj 11111111 flaH·r~ t1111l llt'ltfJ/d1•" Tiu
even destroy the pillar- portal in the Rotting Oracle. Once the c;tuirth at rl1t• !JaT< 9i1 c }'IJll p1 en y/cmn ~bur /1 r \Oii /Ill\\, mu/
PCs are ready to move on, it's easy to find and follow the 111~11/r 1<1u \tt rlwr 111<1111• l111111e111s rail k111 h1•rt'. r/J1111yll tl11•n·
khaasta's trail in the mud - after all, it was made by a large ~11111~ 10 lie 11 ft111 rwmlwr of tl11 t1n c~ fl' 11 'II.

group and a loaded wagon. Even the drizzling acrid rain Vrt1r tlir clltrtmrc. lw1tci•u, \'OLI '<'t' fl/Id /11•t1r 11 bl/ of a
won·c wash away the trail fo r quite some time. w 11f111 \ 1 ro11 ti lws ga1/irr11l aro1111cl some bnh /1ql111119 OI 11
After following the tracks for a full day, the PCs find that rnmc//11111 <Jr ~11mt 01w.
the terrain becomes less fouled. The clouds clear away, and a
warm breeze begins to drive the metallic haze from the ai r. On If the PCs investigate the fight, they can work their way
the next day, the heroes cross over into the sixth ring of the past some of the crowd to get a look at what's really going on.
Outlands, and on the third day the PCs must make a success- They see 12 bashers (Pl/var human/FI /var/va r) fighting with
ful tracking proficiency check to continue following the trail bare hands or s mall knives (which cause IdJ points of dam-
across the dry prairie. The only signs of life are small herds of age). Five more brawlers lay on the ground, injured or dead.
bison grazing amidst the tall grass. As the PCs watch, however, a few people from the crowd rush
Even if the PCs fail the proficiency check and lose the in and join the confusing melee. The situation appears to be
trail on the third day, continuing in a relatively straight path escalating. with new folks joining in faste r than existing com-
brings them to the anthill known as lronridgc. batants fall.
t During the three-day journey from Chariam ur to This is a free-for-all brawl over the brewer and his wife,
lronridge, the DM·s free to plague the party with encounters. who're trapped in the middle of the fight. not imm ediately
Before the PCs get too far from the old mine, they can be at- visible to the PCs. The fighters don't lust after the beautiful
tacked by green slime or gray ooze found in a fetid pool, il- couple; they just want to own them. Unfortunately, the city
lithid spies from Ilsensine, more beholders from Gzemnid·s guardsmen (Pl/ o human/Fl/Free League/NG) that have
realm, or even a slime-covered umber hulk (a relic from the shown up failed to break up the fight - in fact, when they
bygone days of Chariamur). tried, some of them fell under the spell of the circean embers
and became part of the problem.
IREDNRIDG,:: Unless the PCs have powerful calming or mind-influenc-
ing magic, they'll just hit the blinds if they try to break up the
lronridge is a human burg nestled in the mountains of the Out- fight. (The OM should remember that lronridge currently re-
lands, currently settled in the sixth ring. The town's a 10uch- sides in the sixth ring of the Outlands, where all psionic abil-
stone for those wishing to deal with the dwarves of the Dwar- ities and all spells and spell-like abilities of 7th level or higher
ven Mountain, or even beings in Gzemn id·s or lhensine·s fail.) 'Course, any heroes that spot the brewer (Pl/ o human/
realms. Its populatio n varies from year to year, hovering 0-level/Fated/Nl or his wife (Pl / 9 human /0-leve l/F ree

League/NG) must save versus spell or feel the desire to possess For example, she might try to steal the circean embers for
them as well. Obviously, wanting lo own folks is wrong, and herself at some point. Or she might wait until the PCs reach the
these feelings should seriously trouble a good-aligned cutler. tree-town of Crux (in Chapters II and III). learn of the evil
Still, if any affected PCs somehow manage to grab the couple that's troubling the burg, and 11te11 make her move. If, by shad-
and gel away, they·ll have to figure out what to do with the owing the heroes, Talismin discovers that something·s killing
poor sods (at least until the circean embers wear off in a gods, she quickly rumbles to the implications and might even
week). try to gel a hold of that kind of power for herself - which
If the PCs ask around lronridge about the khaasta, they means trailing the PCs all the way to Pelion (in Chapter Vll). If
soon learn the chant: The reptilians did indeed visit the burg. the OM incorporates .. Into the Light" into the larger adventure,
Fact is, the brawl near the gate is related to something the Talismin might even get involved in that as well.
khaasta traded to a couple of townsfolk (though the PCs can 'Course, the crafty and sly half-elf will take great pains
probably guess that on their own). But the creatures left, re- to make sure the PCs don't realize she's following them. She·ll
ponedly for the realm of the Norns - a journey of about four use spells both to conceal herself and to watch the movements
days. of the heroes. To make the PCs a little peery, though. the OM
If the PCs choose to stay in lronridge for a time, they can let them catch a quick glimpse of Talismin in Iron ridge
quickly learn that the Redmarch Inn is a fine establishment to and then spot her again toward the end of this chapter. Still,
get a meal, a place to sleep, and a bit more of the local chant. when she finally makes a move - wherever it may be - her
It seems the burg's got its share of problems, what with the sudden involvement should be a surprise.
occasional wandering beholder or illithid spy, not to mention Until that time, Talismin will never auack the PCs out-
the tanar'ri that sometimes raid the town, take victims from right, fighting only in self-defense. She might attempt to take
their homes, and drag them kicking and screaming back to out a single basher if he's separated from the rest of the
the Abyss. Folks figure there must be a portal to the Abyss group, but she'd need a very good reason to do so - it might
somewhere nearby, but no one·s ever found it. jeopardize her position.


$ F TI AC RA mI N $
If the PCs rattle their bone-boxes a bit too much about the
khaasta, they pique the curiosiry of Tai ism in Redboar, a vi- If the PCs leave Iron ridge and continue to follow the khaasta,
cious and evil half-elf who calls kip in Iron ridge. Tall and lis- the trip to the realm of the Noms takes four days. On the sec-
some with skin the color of weak tea. she keeps her night- ond day of the trek, they have another strange encounter.
black hair in multiple braids, and when she·s being secretive
she wears a drab cloak over her ostentatious street clothes. Yu11 'l'Y 11 dari~ \Jll'Ck 1111 lilt• lwri1u11 1/1111 j11't kc·1·p, !/t'l-
Her eyes are large and brown with impossibly long lashes. 1111!/ bit/!Jl'r um/ /1igyrr. 1h yu11 mak1• y1111r It'll.\' arm\\ Jidd\ of
She's got a good ear for the chant, so she·s sure to tumble to 1•d/o11 • a nd /Jl111• ll'il1Ulo11•1•n, y1111 H't' tilut it\ w111etili119 1111
what the PCs are looking for and the profit involved in ob- Ji11u Icy' - \11111ctlti11q huM<'.
taining some of the circean embers herself. When the PCs lkf<>r<' too lull!f, tile 1hi11y COii!<'' cl<>H'r. 11111/ you ca11 H'<'
leave lronridge to pursue the khaasta. Talismin decides to fol- t/1111 11\ 11111 a crcat11re 11111/1. 11111 u yig11111ic ~IUlll' ~trurlllrc· 1111
low them surreptitiously. liri11q. birdlike kgs. J\\ ii Y<'h 111·1ucr Hill. rnd1 \lt'f' ;, 11cco111-
If the Dungeon Master would like to involve more fiends Jla111rcl by a low ru111/1/e and 1•1bra1io11s i11 1/ie gro1111d. Tiie
in .. Out of the Darkness, .. Talismin is the key. She consorts llltrCT \t'l'/11.\ Ill /)(' C'Olllillg rig/it j/1r )'OU.
with fiends more often than not; it's even said she's got a
cambion son hidden away somewhere. More than likely, she While walking castles are generally the homes or eccentric
knows the location of the aforementioned ponal LO the Abyss, and standoffish wizards who want to keep their distance from
but she keeps that dark to herself. (It doesn't play a pan in this others, the PCs probably can't avoid meeting up with this one.
adventure, anyway.) Fact is. Talismin usually deals with the See. the wizard Tiac Rami No (Pr/ o human/M l4/N), a diminu-
tanar'ri, but she currently works for the yugoloths, serving as tive, dark-skinned sorcerer from a remote prime-material
their eyes and ears in lronridge. world, 1va111s to contact the group. He's used magic to become
Using the half-elf presents the OM with a number of op- aware of their presence, and he'd like to ask them a few ques-
tions. She can serve as a recurring foil for the PCs throughout tions. When the thundering castle gets close to the party, it
the entire scenario, following the heroes everywhere they go stops walking, and a shuttered and hinged window high in the
and tumbling to the truth of what's going on a!> fast as they tower wall swings open to reveal the smiling wizard.
do (or perhaps even faster). What's more, she·ll try to manip-
ulate events to benefit her own ends. This might mean just "Air. /1t'llo[ >'<<) />/1·11\r Ill /lttrdo11 i11IT11\id11 . •'HTll -"""
gathering chant for the yugoloths. but it could also mean try- g1·111/c~a group c1/" • • • 1 n·111urr' 11•i1lr mw1y /111111l's, vc'? 1\111
ing to grab power for herself. Talismin is first and foremost /u11ki11q for tlrt•\e. J\111 /1111k/lly 111 p11T!'Jia,t' mcm· u>u111lc1f11/
self-serving. /1111tJt-,·. yn? /1111111?' ..

+ 20 +
While en route to their lair on Yggdrasil. the khaasta ran him the laugh, they can continue their journey across the
into Rami No, who forced them to surrender some of their Outlands on their own. It's easy enough for the heroes to slip
cargo: bottles of stolen beaury. The wizard promptly applied into small places where the huge
the circean embers to his most prized possessions - six gems castle can't follow. but Rami No's
of varying type that have been in his family for generations. still a top-shelf wizard, difficult to
Unfortunately, he fell under the spell of the beauty. and now hide from and unwise to
he's addicted to the jewels' finery. He wants - he needs - anger.
more circean embers.
If the PCs let on chat they know where the khaasta are (or
at least where the creatures are headed), the slightly barmy
wiza rd won't rest until he gets all the chant he can from them.
But rather than try to coerce the information from the heroes,
Rami No invites them into his castle, which consists of a spi-
ral staircase and a number of nicely appointed rooms sepa-
rated by walls of rice paper.
The wizard treats the PCs to a lavish meal of curried
meats and rice wine provided by in11isible serva11rs and
charmed spider monkeys. During the repast, the wizard ex-
cuses himself from time to time and slips into an adjoining
room, where his gems are stored in a trapped chest. Through
the thin walls, the PCs hear Rami No talking secretly to the
gems. which he refers to as "my beauties." But the wizard
won't let the characters see his "beauties" under any cir-
If the PCs mention that the khaasta are appar-
ently headed for the realm of the Norns, Rami No
commands his castle into motion and sets it on a
thundering course to that locale (at its top movement
rate of 24). 'Course, while the Norns might over-
look a few insignificant mortals sticking their
noses into the realm, there's no way they're
going to let a wa lking castle crash in and step
all over their groves.
Canny PCs should realize this fact and aban-
don the castle before it reaches its destination. But
if any bashers are still inside when the castle
tromps into the realm of the three Fates (as
they're sometimes known), they see Rami No
suddenly fade away. Before they can determine
what happened to him, other rhings in the castle
start to vanish as well. Within 2d6 rounds, the
entire structure disappears as if it never existed at
all, and anyo ne left inside plummets to the hard
ground, suffering Id6 points of dam-
age for each 10 feet fallen. (Figure
that the PCs are 2d4x 10 feet off the
ground.) The only remnants ofTiac
Rami No's existence are a few well-
behaved spider monkeys that Oed the castle
just in time and will now call the Norns·
realm home.
But good-aligned cutters should-
n't be helping the wizard obtain
stolen property in the first place. If
the PCs avoid telling Rami No about
the khaasta. or if they manage to give ..'
+ 21 +
CAN'+ S££ +H£ TR££ for Yggdrasil. it takes them about an hour to find a root of the
+ f$R +H£ f$R£S"'" + World Ash. (Find tire pat Ir or similar magic helps locate the
tree but doesn "t reduce the amount of time needed.) On the
As the PCs get closer to the real m of the Norns, the land ocher hand, if the PCs simply wa nder through the realm, it
around them becomes more fertile and lush. Tiny brooks wind takes them 2d4 hours before they stumble upon a sign of the
their way through gentle hills to nourish copses of trees that khaasta's passing or upon Yggdrasil itself.
grow more and more common until the heroes find them- The thick undergrowth won't let the PCs reach the
selves before a thick forest. actual home of the Norns or any other significant portion of
Peery PCs who always look aroun d ca refully find a subtle the realm.
sign that they"re on the right trail. A broken bottle lies on the
ground, just inches away from an indentation of exposed soil
about five inches across. A few feet away is a pool of dark,
dried blood. When the PCs discover Yggdrasil, read:
Here's what happened: A bot-
tl e of ci rcean embers fell off the \[la 1·1111'1 r 111111!/<'ti tlrro11!1l1 1/1r bri11r-fi//cd J11rn1 for
khaasta"s wagon, breaking upon a </111/t' '11111r time. \ m1 1in11n tlrat rlrt• rrc·es /1111 c· qrmr 11 qg111ji-
stone and turning the rock into an m11r/1 larqr r. Rra11cl1t ~ rc11d1 up 111•1•r a lr11111/rctl ft•i·t 11uo tire
appealing treasure. ~10. 1111d 1n111ks s11·1 II ro ni ·c r JO ft't'I 11cm\, , ill fi1c1. t/1<• pat Ir
One of the k.haasta }ou 'rt• fol/o11'i11f1 /cn''- ri9/11 1111 f{) ti j(11/1·11 trt•1• 1if c11or1111111\
picked up the stone, \UC Im/{ /!11r1cd 111 tile carrlr. I lie rrarl \t't'lll~ ta cli111/1 riqht up
enchanted by its beauty. tl1t \IO(Jt o/ tlr<' trnnk.
But the toilmaster, too, fell victim
to the stone's sudden charm and The huge fallen tree leads to a branch of Yggdrasil, the
slashed the sod to get at the prize. plane-spanning World Ash. If the PCs climb up onto the trunk
This is, more than anything, another warning of the danger and continue to follow the khaasta's tra il, they soon find that
of the circean embers. the tree disappears into a wide, round, colored portal. If the
heroes move off the trunk and peer around the portal, they
see nothing - the tree doesn't continue on the other side. To
follow the khaasta, the PCs must pass through the round gate.
Eventually, the PCs reach the realm of the Norns, a large but They need no key.
unnatural grove within a huge forest. When they emerge on the other side of the portal, the char-
acters are no longer on the same trunk. Instead, they're standing
All O/IJUllcl \'IHI urc~ d11rk, ck111111t frl'<'\, C'Dlll/JOCI \ll111f1s, on a giant branch of an unimaginably huge tree - Yggdrasil.
1111d 1//id: u11clrrllru.slr. Thickets of tn11y/1 l"t'!Jt'la1i1111 H't'lll likt'/y Behind them is the colored portal that leads back to the Out-
w impede v111" progn'S\. Nu .f1orn·" /11110111 a11d 110 l11rth si11g, lands. If the PCs travel forward on the new branch, they find it
vet tlrC' arc11 /w, 11 H111k /1e1111ty - tire 11lll!lllifk1•11et• of ,1•1·c•1iry grows larger as they walk, becoming well over 500 yards in
fl//(/ i11tt'll\//\', width even as it leads them down many twists and turns.
While the heroes move along, the thick foliage prevents
Leatherheads who plunge into the underbrush and try to them from seeing anything but branches and leaves, no mat-
hack their way through find themselves caught up in briars and ter which direction they look. Daylig ht and darkn ess fall in
thorns in I d6 rounds, suffering I d4 points of damage and be- "no rm al" cycl es, and if a chara cter manages to catch a
coming trapped and lost. If they continue to cut their way glimpse through the leaves, he sees a blue sky (if it's daytime)
through, they suffer another I d4 points of damage per round. or a dark, starry sky (i f it's nig ht). though never a sun or
This happens regardless or a body's alignment or personali ty. moon. Gentle breezes occasionally blow through the foliage.
If the PCs look carefully. however, and if they mean no and, like most trees, Yggdrasil experiences seasons. During
harm to the Norns or the realm, they find a path through the this chapter, it's late summer for the tree. ln a month or two,
vegetation. By moving slowly and cautiously, they can make the leaves will start to fall (giving travelers more glimpses of
their way through the area without trouble. The undergrowth the sky). and after that the branches will be covered in light
imperceptibly parts to let any nonviolent, nonintrusive bash- snow. Fact is, winter's a great time to walk the World Ash ;
ers pass. Other than the plants, the PCs see no living things that's when the ratatosk hibernate.
anywhere in the realm, tho ugh a successful tracking profi- For more details about traveling on Yggdrasil. refer to
ciency check lets them spot the trail of the khaasta group. "The World Ash, .. at the beginning of Chapter II.
(Though the creatures are viole nt by nature, they were al- The squirrel-folk know n as ratatosk appear in later
lowed to pass because they respected the realm.) chapters of "Out of the Darkness." However, the DM's free to
At this point, if the PCs are still successfully tracking the let the PCs encounter ratatosk, giant beetles, and other tree-
kh aasta, or if they've somehow guessed that they're looking dwelling creatures at any time.

• 22 +
+ NAPH RAK.S + through. Standard methods like warp sense fail.
Naphraks is one of the small domains known by a select
The khaasta don't actually live on Yggdrasil. A portal hid- few cutters as half-worlds - specia l demiplanes accessible
den in a huge knot of the tree leads to a demiplane called only by traveling the World Ash. Many half-worlds are un-
Naphraks, and that's where the creatures make their lair. The occupied, while others are used as secret refuges, lairs, or
knot - which is more like a crater - lies about six hou rs' even prisons. Some graybeards th ink that Yggdrasil itself(or
walk from the spot where the colo red portal con nects the herself. as the ratatosk say) creates the half-worlds. 'Course,
Outlands with Yggdrasil. Once the heroes reach the knot, a lot of these same bashers claim that the tree spawned all of
they see that a small town lies just a bit further along the the planes like fruit. In any case, Naphraks is only about 800
branch. located at the point where two separate limbs of the yards across, surrounded by a veil of impenetrable darkness.
great tree branch outward. This burg is known as Crux. (Refer to the map below.)
If the PCs pass by the knot and head straight for Crux, Steppi ng through the portal in the knot ain't like using a
skip ahead to Chapter II. Most of the residents of the town normal portal in Sigi l. First of all, it's one-way: The second
know about the knot, the portal to Nap hraks, and the the PCs go through, they suddenly find themselves perched
khaasta settlement there, so the party can easily learn where on a large, flat boulder, with no feeling of transition whatso-
to go. Oddly, the khaasta never bother the people of Crux, so ever. It's as though they'd always been on the stone, which is
folks there don't have much feeling o ne way or another as large as it needs ro be to accommodate the whole group.
about the bandits. Some of the inh abitants even benefit from The boulder and its riders hurtle at an indeterminate (but un-
the khaasta's presence; the creatures often sell their stolen deniably fast) speed through a seemingly endless expanse for
goods cheaply in town. several minutes. Suddenly, with no deceleration, no jerk or
When the PCs decide to climb down into the giant knot. loss of momentum, the boulder simply stops somewhere in
they find that it's simi lar to descendi ng a sma ll, dark Naphraks (though never within one of the structures). The
ca nyon. Mountaineering proficiencies are helpful, but stone appears to have always been there.
bloods who bother to search the area come across a path Si milar boulders are scattered throughout the half-
(though it takes half an hour to find). At the bottom of the world, though the ground in Naphraks is generally bare.
knot, the PCs find an open portal to Naph raks - no key is moist soil. The demiplane also features a handful of crude
needed. But the portal's opaque, and the heroes can't learn structures and one imp ressive-looking tower, but no trees or
the dark of what li es on th e other sid e unless they go other vegetation (except inside the bandit-king's tower).


Side View
0 ~ 0
Slave Darkness ....___ Quarters

oo~ ~haasta Pen
Staircaae High-Ups'
0 Quarters

o~ -tt~--~r~<illl--- Guard Poat
Lizard ~--~-Great Hall
[OJ Stables - 'zr---:-
7 " ' " " ' / '' ' -

The Bandit- ~~~~~ Lower Level ~

King's Tower
0 15 :30 45
0 60 120 180 Feet

KHAAS+A BARRACKS lizards still sit in.front of the building is a dead giveaway.) The
tower was constructed ages ago by a unknown sorcerer, long
This long, low building is constructed of roughly fitted stone. since vanished, who obviously used the half-world as his per-
It has a tiny cellar with a cistern that not only supplies the sonal abode. But the tower's much larger than the practical
khaasta with water but keeps the whole place damp and cool khaasta need. Except for the Great Hall and the lower level,
- which is how the creatures like it. (Where does the water the creatures don't really use the structure all that efficiently.
come from? Who knows, berk?)
A total of 68 khaasta live sparsely in the barracks. Indi- G 1 II 11 . Here the PCs find the stolen circean embers. the
viduals don't get much space, but that doesn·t seem to bother bandit-king of the khaasta, and the thief of charms (currently
them - they don·t spend much time here. The khaasta don't in the king's possession).
worry about making their cases aesthetic or even pleasant. But the heroes won't find the huge chamber comfortable.
They focus more on fighting, proving their might, and taking Water boiled continuously in the lower level makes the Great
what they can from the weak. Hall hot and humid, just as the king likes it. Steam visibly rises
through small holes drilled in the floor, and ported plants give
SLAVE PEN the room the look of a jungle. Naphraks has no sun, but the
plants seem to thrive without it; fact is, they're quite well cared
Though they're primarily bandits, all khaasta in Naphraks for, clearly one of Haac(!)nss's excesses. His other indulgence:
take and keep slaves. They might sell the berks if they get a two giant iguana pets, kept here in the Hall, that receive better
good offer or if the mood strikes them, but most slaves are put treatment than any khaasta in the camp.
to work around the camp. Currently, 52 slaves of varying hu-
manoid races live in this less-than-pleasant pen. The khaasta Tilmuyll the l11uy. ll'11rm air 1111d rile rlrwk Ji1/i(l9c of r/1i\
care little about their own dwellings and even less about those clw111/1rr, 1·011 \Ct' 11 h11gc• rr111ili1111 cn•c1111rr \t'atcd i11 a large
of their slaves. The creatures barely give the workers what l/'(ll)i/t•11 rlrair. rhe 11r111ni 11/J<)ll '"·' /Jr('(/\/ j\ a \l11ni11!/ hro111c
they need to survive, and nothing more. 11/atc. 1111d 11 \Tra111w ~orT 1~(Crnll'11 n·:>g 11p1111 Jri.\ loll!f. 11111m11•
Freeing the slaves and encouraging them to rise up in re- head. ll'hiclr i\ marked 11 irlr " Iring. 91111!1rc111111\ 'car. A 9ra11cl
volt isn·t a great idea. The workers're too weak and malnour- 11•uocle11 111/J/c 1111d 11111rc chain /rare all bt'l'11 p11,/rcd to 11/H'
ished to do anything but be slaughtered. But the PCs can do a ,i<Ji . ob1·1011,/y ro 11111/.:r mom .for 1/ie h1111drcd or Hl 9/11~\ hot-
good deed - and create a fine diversion - by freeing the rln tlwr \111To11111/ r/11, ~c11rrl'd "k111g . .. /fr 1wrc\ 1·111•c1111"l.I'
slaves and sending them through the portal back to Yggdrasil 111·1·r 1//1• lwrtln. 11·1·a1·111Jy c/111cl1i11y 11 ,Jion mctallir rod.
(see "Leaving Naphraks, .. at the end of this chapter). Such an
act gains the attention of virtually all khaasta in the barracks, + Show the players lllo B (on page 169).
drawing the monsters away as the PCs make their way toward
the truly important location: the tower. The PCs can try tO recover the circean embers in one of
three ways: sneak in and steal the bottles, negotiate with the
king, or fight the khaasta.
The first option - sneaking into the tower and scragging
These two wooden shacks serve as storehouses of stolen plun- the bottles - is an extremely difficult taste Haac(!)nss is ob-
der and any basic tools and goods needed by the camp. One sessed with them and sits gazing at the plundered beauty. He
shack also contains another wagon similar to the cart the PCs occasionally gives "doses" to his plants or iguana pets. (Re-
followed here. member that anyone viewing an affected object must save
versus spell or ,mffer from the sympathy effect.) What's more,
the iguanas will defend their master (and the bottles), and the
king can also summon JO khaasta guards from their nearby
Here the khaasta keep the giant lizards they use as mounts. posts in one or two rounds. Lastly, the Great Hall contains 113
These huge beasts require a large area and a lot of food. In ad- bottles of beauty (stolen from victims in Sigil and elsewhere),
dition to the JO just brought in by the raiders, the stables con- far too many to sneak away with.
tain 31 lizards. Slaves usually care for and feed the mounts; The second method - formally approaching Haac(!)nss - is
those too weak to work are fed to the beasts. The omnivorous an interesting but frustrating option. though it's easy enough to
lizards usually eat a slop of water mixed with roots, vegeta- gain an audience. If the PCs march into Naphraks with confi-
bles. leaves, and meat all mashed together. dence. the khaasta take them to see their high-up; if the heroes
sneak inro the camp, they can approach the king on their own.
THE BAMDl+·KING ' S T$WER Either way, Haac(!)nss reacts well only if the PCs offer to buy the
circean embers. Any other tactic - threats, begging, trickery,
Canny PCs should figure that the stolen beauty would be and the like - just pike him off, prompting him to have the PCs
brought to this tower, the most impressive structure in scragged and turned into his newest slaves.
Naphraks. ('Course, the fact that the raiders' wagon and riding Still, even if convinced to sell the circean embers, the king

+ 24 +
sets a price or 500 gp per bottle and agrees to pan with only 10 scriptions and drawings that are panially worn away hut still
bonles at this time - no more. If the PCs 1ruly want to bring all somewhat vi<iible. To read the runes, the PCs must make a
the beauty back to its rightful owners, they're out or luck. successful ancient languages proficiency check. or use spells
The final option - baule - is dangerous for several rea- such as read magic or comprehend languages.
sons. Auacking the king brings the aforementioned guards. In Most of the inscriptions provide no useful information.
two to four rounds, all other khaasta in the upper levels of the Above a small alcove. however, are runes that spell out the
lOwer appear; in 4d4 rounds, the rest or the khaasta in the word "fade." Uuering the word aloud activates a one-way
camp converge on the tower to slay the invaders. What\ portal in the alcove that leads to the back of a tannery in the
more. the chances arc great that boules or circean embers will 1own of Crux. llaac(l)nss is the only one in all of Naphraks
be broken during the fight (especially by the iguanas). which who knows or the portal, bul if the PCs tumble to the door-
will send raw beauty out into way. it may he their only chance or
the air to .. infect .. nearby quick escape - especially if the
random targets - both crea- khaasta are after their heads.
tures and objects.
,_ WAN+ my BEAU+Y. But this chamber has a secret
Behind 1he +Hf BANDl+ - IUNG that even the bandit-king knows nothing
wooden throne, Haac(!)nss has about. Toward the bonom of one
$ f NAP H RAK. S
piled all manner of stolen .. treasure" - of the walls, a loose stone can be
wood carvings, plaques, glass sculp- pulled out to reveal a hidden stor-
tu res, and the like. The booty may contain a age compartment. (PCs have the
few handfuls of loose coins. but the PCs won't same chance or finding this stone as they do
find magical items or valuable gems here. The or locating a secret door.) This space holds the
whole pile or stuffs wonh about 5,000 gp. assuming that wizard·s last-ditch cache, tucked away in case
the heroes can it all back to an interested market. But the of emergency: a dagger +I; a potion of healing;
OM should make it clear that it'll require a lot of time and ef- a scroll with Atorde11kai11e11's lucubration; a scroll
fort to do so. with i111•isibiliry, 11011derecrion, and forger; and a small
pouch con1aining 45 gp and a gem worth 100 gp. The wizard'd
On this level, a cistern like the one under the planned to use this stash to make good an escape if he were
barracks provides water both for drinking and for boiling in ever in danger. But as he's now gone and the goods are still
huge kwles of black iron. The heated water rises up through here. things evident ly didn't work out as he·d hoped.
tiny holes in the cei ling to make the Great llal! above ex-
tremely humid. eAV I N G NAP Jf R./' K. c
The lower level also contains a kitchen. a pantry of food-
stuffs, a storehouse of general supplies. and quaners for the All khaasta in Naphraks know of Lhe portal that sits in a rock
six slaves (Pl/ d . <f human/0-levcl/var) who keep the water archway near the surrounding veil of darkness (refer to the
boiling and cook the king·s food (which is actually an easy map). If the PCs don·t find the secret portal in Haac(!)nss's
job, as llaac(!)nss isn't picky). The slaves also perform other tower, they·11 have to leave through the archway. The one-way
tasks in the tower and are treated marginally bener than the portal is always open. so the heroes need no key, but it's
workers in the pens. opaque, so they can·t see through it. As before, warp sense and
other method!> of detecting what lies on the other side fail.
Five khaasta guards wait here al all times, re- Anyone who steps through the portal comes out at the
sponding to trouble when needed. In addition to their standard bottom of the huge knot on Yggdrasil's branch. (Only the trip
battle-axes. the guards carry javelins to hurl at intruders they ro Naphrak!. involves the strange boulder ride.)
spot from the balconies. (Each room contains about 50 of the
weapons. so there·s little chance of running out.) The noor'>
also contain peep holes so the guards can see what's happening
below. Otherwise. the rooms are quite stark.
+ W RA PP I N G U P +
There's no easy way to bring this pan of "Out of the Darkness ..
These levels hold the ba re, undecorated to a dose. Even if the PCs managed to smuggle the hollies of
cases of khaasta who rank above the common folk. The toil- stolen beaury out of Naphraks, how will they return the circean
master is here (if he's still alive), as is the Wise One, a blind embers to their true owners? Most likely. the best the heroes
tribal shaman. The Wise One won·t put up much of a physical can do is take or destroy the thief of charms so the khaasta
fight. but his magic still makes him a potential threat. raids will stop. And, of coun.e, if any PCs lost their own beauty
during this chapter. they should be able to regain it.
,1 This large domed chamber was once In any case. once the PCs emerge from the ponal in the
the conjuring and meditative chamber of the wizard who built knot, the folh of Crux offer rest and refuge - and that's
the tower. The noor and walls are covered with magical in- where the meat of the adventure begins to be revealed .

• 25 .
Norlr111q 111u1 t d \II 11·a~ ml/ nn r/ic rn t, lllltf 1/11•
~n1111ds and H1rr11u1' of tire 101111 liatl faded com-
l'ictd\ It \tl'lllt'd to 1un1u1 /Jal 1lu11 II!' ro11/d '"'
/o11qer t'I c11 tell !l'lrefl' Ire 11 ' " Oh. Ire /we 11· Irr \tor1d n11r-i1/c of Cru r njrcr nll,
l1t 'd bit 11 lw11/111q l1t1rtt I~ of 11 n11 r [mm 01•1111 a~;, Rcn 's tlrird \Tnrd1n11~r. Hut
ngl11 at //11' 111n111t·111. Ju facul al/'O\ ]10111 1/ic br11/d111g' and lrcnrtf 110 so1111tk
Hi /i 11 1/rnt 111• co11ltl'11 b« 11 011\•11 lrc1c. l\lorma/11'. o q11ic·1 mo11w111 11 a' o 11·1 I
rn1111 rc/11:{ 111 /11, 11 ork tl111-. bur rim 11111c \Olllctl1i11q 11•a\ d1fferc111.
f/1rre'tl bc·e11 ma11q1 11•/mpers bom/11 ti llbnut aj late b\ tlrt' folh 111 Cm r.
Tire.\ 'd sn11/ tlra1 ~11111<1/11110 11 O\ 11•ro11q 1111/1 tl1t· tree, 1/ro1 rn111ttl1111g e1•1l l10d
co1111. Aud uo11 forqal felt it 111 rlie ah~1·11n of mo"•mt•nt and \01111d. S11111rtl1i11q
\\,1 .. /1tn.
Jl1 tur11t·d mul su1111'rl 10 /lC'lul back w <.1111 n\ fi1'/
a' lie coulcf. 1Ire 11 ood oj tire brauclr ll'ns t/aod .rm/
\Olid be111·a1/1 ,,;, \II,,,, fl/Id
Im boot' It ere· \lwd ll'iT/r
spikl'\, i\'111w1/rcl1·,~. o' 111
n111 a11rl ra11, tire b11ild111!fs
of rl1t• 11111•11 11ot 110 rln~c1.
Tlic11 Irr felt a 1•rc,c11cr· bf'lmul
/rim, n11d Ire t11nwd ro /ool'. ~nd lr1·
H111' 11. Tdrgm \{IU 11'lu11 Ir.id comt to ( ru 1. He J•11cu 1/re11 t11at 1101/1111!t 111r111/d
c·r·rr l•t' tlrt' w1111t Ami /11· 11/so k11111 tlwt l1c"1/ 11ei·1·r 111 t' lrmy 1•11ougll 10 w11111

At this point, the cutters have followed the khaasta raiders to Yggdrasil. If they've
already explored Naphraks, the heroes likely take refuge in Crux after returning to
the tree - especially if they killed any khaasta or stole the bandit-king's circean
embers. 'Course, the PCs might head for Crux before they journey co Naphraks. Ei-
ther way, this chapter deals with the party's first visit to Crux.
The heroes find plenty of places to stay. The khaasta don't cause trouble in
the town because of a deal that the town's high-up - a cutter named Veridis
Mov - made with Haac(!)nss, the bandit-king. But Crux is by no means dull.
Fact is, the encounters in this chapter lead the PCs directly into the main
IS +HA+ +HE BIG +REE plot of "Out of the Darkness." Once the group enters Crux, events should
E!:R EBNE EllF +HE RIVERS? take their own course - assuming the PCs have enough heart to help
bashers who're obviously in trouble and enough curiosity to investigate
strange goings-on.
The heroes are almost certain to visit Crux either before or after they
deal with the khaasta, if only to rest, heal wounds, relearn spells, and buy more
supplies. But if the berks don't seem likely to hang around town and get in-
volved with the ratatosk problem, the OM could just run the chapter's important
encounters righr away (starting with "Ratatosk"), or arrange some other scene to
encourage the party to take part in the town's troubles.

THf W$D 0 A.S'i

In the first few chapters of "Out of the Darkness," the PCs spend a lot of time
traveling on Yggdrasil or exploring the tree itself. This section summarizes the
more important chant on the World Ash. For full details, refer to Tlze Travelogue
in the Planes of Chaos boxed set (2603), though both the Planewalker's Hand-
book (2620) and the P LANESCAP~ Campaign SetTing (2600) give the basic infor-

Yggdrasil is an impossibly
huge ash rree spawned in Lhe first layer of
Ysgard, though its innumerable roots and branches
contain two-way portals that reach onto many other
planes. These portals aren't like the kind found in Sigil,
but more like the color pools of the Astral Plane: round,
shimmering gates of color that are always open and re-
quire no key. The portals aren't bounded spaces, either; branches and roots
simply disappear imo them.
The main trunk of Yggdrasil is acrually pan of the Astral Plane - a fact the OM
should remember when considering magical item plusses and spell level losses for the PCs
while in Crux or elsewhere on the trunk. However, travelers through the Silver Void never see
the tree. Similarly, those walking along a branch can't spy conduits or githyanki through the thick
leaves, but if they move more than 50 feet away from the tree (say, by nying or levitating), they "fall
off' and find themselves on the Astral.
Yggdrasil generally has reliable gravity. and travelers can walk all the way around a branch if they
like. But while crossing a spot where rwo branches meet. there's a moment of disorientation where a berk
feels the pull of graviry from both branches at once. or the absence of graviry entirely. It's a good idea.
then, not to travel upside-down.
The inside front cover of Dead Gods contains a map showing the portion of Yggdrasil used by the PCs
during ~out of the Darkness. -

Nestled between two major branches of Yggdrasil, the small communiry of Crux has
existed for well over a hundred years. Though only about 800 people call it home.
Crux is a well-known stop for planewalkers on the World Ash - two large inns
provide nice accommodations for folks passing through.

ract is, the whole economy of the burg is based on travel, - despite his top-shelf physical condition and training. The
transpon, and trade along the tree. Even traffic with Sigil is blood doesn't steal. either. In fact, Crux has a reputation for
not uncommon; Cager merchants pay well to have wood being very safe from cross-traders or danger of any kind.
crafts and products brought from Crux to the City of Doors. (Veridis even cut a secret deal with the bandit-king of the
'Course, getting the c,tuff from Crux to Sigil can be tricky - nl·arby khaasta settlement. lie feeds Haac(!)nss the dark of
no known portals connect the two locations. But the tree-town portals. paths, and other helpful subjects, and Haac(!)nss
contains a two-way ponal lo a prime-material world known as keeps his raiders away from Crux - and might even come to
Ranais. Once highly populated, Ranais was devastated by an the town's defense if needed. No one else in Crux knows of
ancient calamity. Many of its people ned to the planes to es- this arrangement.)
cape the death of their world; most human residents of Crux Still, Veridis has developed a reputation outside of Crux
arc descendants of those primes. But the portal's still active. So as a criminal lord with a lot of dangerous power. He doesn't
plancwalkers looking for a quick route to Crux often use a por- do much to discourage this notoriety - it helps to keep trou-
tal in Sigil that leads to Ranais, make a shon trek across its ru- blemakers away. Some folks say he wields great magic; others
ined landscape. and then take the portal to Crux. claim he has legions of nasty bashers who'd slit a body's
Despite regular contact with travelers from the City of throat in an instant. Those in the know believe that the high-
Doors. the folks of Crux have few ties to any organized fac- up's dealings have simply earned him a lot of powerful allies
tions, religions, or other groups. Residents like to keep them- (which is actually probably true).
selves separate from the ways of Cagers. They consider them- Except for a cat named Zin, Veridis lives alone in a beau-
selves special and make imponant distinctions berween locals tiful wooden home. The house is surrounded by a tall fence,
and out-of-towners. People in Crux appreciate a visitor's jink, and within the enclosed yard is a physical training and prac-
to be sure, but they almost always keep newcomers at arm's tice area. (On top of being a genius, Veridis is a swordsman of
length. incredible skill.)
Refer to the map of Crux on the poster sheet. The first time the PCs encounter Veridis Mov is when they
spot him strolling confidently but leisurely about town. He
moves as if he owns the place, and folks who greet Veridis treat
him as if it were true. They know he has a weakness for white
Veridis Mov is the wealthiest and most powerful cutter in roses and red wine and like to give him such things as gifts. But
Crux. Though the town has no fonnal ruler, folks there defer no one's got a bad word to say about him; people in Crux aren't
LO him in maners of decisions and planning. The blood is by afraid of Veridis, but grateful to him.
no means a saint, however. Fact is, Veridis takes a percentage
from virtually every business transaction that occurs in Crux. + When the PCs encounter Veridis Mov, show the players
Bue no one minds because through his genius, the whole town lllo C (on page 170).
continues to prosper, and thus, so does he.
Veridis specializes in gathering knowledge. in taking bits Though not physically imposing, the blood looks every-
of chant and weaving them together in intelligent ways. He one he meets in the eyes, confident that his superiority is clear
brings together those eager to sell and those with jink to and need not be flaunted. His neat, golden hair barely reaches
spend. He discovers short cuts and lanns the right Clueless his shoulders, and his sharp-featured face is always clean-
with the right infonnation. In shon, the blood's a deal-maker shaven. Veridis carries no visible weapons (though he has an
extraordinaire, though not in an obvious fashion. invisible two-handed s111ord +2) and wears no annor (though
To the casual eye, Veridis is a rich cutter he has hidden magical protec-
who never seems to do anything I DffiN'+ RULE HERE. tions). Instead. he wears a
but chat pleasantly with folks. I'm 1us+ ffi NE ffi F m ANY snow-white shirt and pants
Unlike others in similar positions with a red or black vest.
CEBNCERNED Cl+IZENS. A true master of the
(panicularly in the Cage), he
doesn't have a retinue of minders VERIDIS mev chant, Veridis Mov knows
watching his back and catering to many, many things. Of particular interest to
his every whim. Truth is, Veridis the PCs at this point, Veridi!> knows the his-
employs no one. And that's what tory of the ruined world of Ranais (as
so many bashers just can't tumble detailed in Chapter Ill), and that a dark and powerful
to: lie runs the show without seeming to presence recently came to Crux in search of something (see
do anything or give anyone orders. "Recent Events," below, to learn how Veridis gained this
'Course, some peery folks mark Veridis Mov as a criminal knowledge). But remember, Veridis Mov is no selness, good-
and the town of Crux as his shady organization. In reality, heaned hero - he cares only for the well-being of Crux. Thus,
though, that's just screed. Veridis doesn't break laws; he he ha-.n't yet acted on his information, preferring to bide his
makes them. His plans rarely. if ever. involve violence (at least time until he can figure out how to use it for his - and his
not intentionally). and he seldom engages in combat himself town'!> - best advantage.

+ 28 +
Everyone knows 1ha1 Vrridis Mov really runs lhings in Crux.
but the closest thin~ the burg has 10 an "oflicial" leader is Next to (or in from of) many buildings arc
Constable Nachcn Jon (Pl/ d human/F7 /LNJ, a beefy, serious. terrace\ th::11 have been worked nat. sometimes
and sincere man in his forties. The constable is a blood chosen surrounded by an orna1e but relatively impractical
by Veridis - with 1he perfunctory agreement of other 1own wooden f'ence. A careful eye notices the delicate scrollwork
personalities - lo keep 1he peace and defend Crux from around almost every door and the embellishments on 1he trim
lhreats or unwanted clements. The joh is prcuy simple; as ex- about windows and rave.,. Buildings in Crux arc made by
plained above, mos1 folks who might stir up 1roublc steer folks who know their wood and can work miracles with it.
clear of 1he burg. Although most structures in the town are private homes,
Nachen Jon's brown hair is clipped very short and his the PCs can visit any of the following shops and locations:
hard, full face is usually covered in stubble. I lc's not in the
least bit corrupt, but he does 011y1lri11g that Veridis tells him The basher" here make simple leather goods from
to. And one of his most important duties - as there arc so few goat skin. The lumbering Bloi Nivin (Pl/ o human/F2/N) run:.
lawbreakers to worry about - is to make sure that the factions the business with three young apprentices and two hired
keep their noses out of Crux. Veridb doesn't twig to any fac- hand'>. Bloi i'> a major chant-monger, which essentially means
tion's beliefs and even considers them (and their endless tha1 hr likes to gossip. Ile finds an excuse not to get involved
philosophical debates) a waste of time. As a rcsuh, the consta- in most affairs. but he'll gladly raulc his bone-box about
ble keeps an eye on any visi1or who openly displays a faction whatever a body wants lo hear.
symbol. bu1 he comes down hard on berks who seem to be in-
terested in proselytizing or seuing up a faction post. \'; 1, The only guild in Crux. 1hi'> group of
Nachcn operates out of a small fortrCS'> called lligh Point. craftsmen uses the plentiful supply of wood to create beauti-
This wooden keep is, naturally. the highest poim in Crux, al- ful 1ools. furnishings. and other i1cms. Unlike many guilds.
lowing the constable a view of the en1irc 1own. The whole these folks have a religious reverence for their work and their
place is literally built into the trunk of Yggdrasil, just as a material. The head of the guild is Marius Van, a matronly.
stone fortress might be built into the side of a clifT. From here, middle-aged woman as sturdy as the tree she venerates. Her
Nachcn maintains a force of a dozen wa1chmcn who assist graying black hair is cul short. and she usually wears a gray
him in his duties. They run a small jail in lligh Point to hold smock and a brown leather woodworkers' apron.
wrongdoers and 1roublcmakcrs until (and oflcn1imcs after) the Marius is a pricsicss who worships Yggdrasil itself. like
berks arc tried in the Court Square. the ratatosk, '>he and many other guild members see the tak-
ing of wood from the World Ash as a ritualized, solemn task
- accepting the gifls of the divine. This devotion makes the
ceuR+ SQUAR£
guildhouse the closest thing Crux has to a temple. Sec, most
The center of town is an open square used to try cases and residents of 1he burg arc descendants of the sods who ncd
settle dispu1es in a public forum. Veridis rarely visits the court Ranais, and they feel their people were betrayed by the gods
unless he receives a particularly compelling plea to preside (even though few, if any, know of the exact events that led to
over a decision. He likes to leave 1hc folks of Crux free reign the world's destruction). Thus, they're not quick 10 build
in such matters - or at least maimain 1hc illusion of such. 1emple'> or churche'>. Fact is. Crux is decidedly nonreligious. If
Courl Square consists of an open area nankcd by 1wo thr constable didn't keep out the f<Ktions, it's likely the Athar
small buildings (storehouses for town records, which are not would've tried to move in and take advantage of this altitude.
very well kept or organized). When a criminal is brough1 to
trial. the constable or one of his watchmen prcsen1s the case h1 1. \~· 11 Vargas Bol (Pl /d human /F4/NG) is 1he
from a raised platform in the center of the court. while 1hc burg's one and only metalsmith, creating vinually every
townsfolk fill the wooden benches nearby 10 listen 10 the ar- metal object in Crux. 'Course, these items arc pretty rare, con-
guments and make a judgmcm. sidering the town's location. A bald, barrel- chested basher
with tough. tanned skin. Vargas has been told that he's just
e+H£R tmPeR+AN+ SJ+£S exactly what a body expects to find when wandering into a
'>mithy. Good-natured Varga-. doesn't mind. He's as quick to
Not surprisingly, all structures in Crux arc made of wood. laugh at joke'> as he is 10 offer a kind word or deed to a basher
Steep-pitched roofs of heavily tha1ched wooden shingles rise in need.
up from each home or shop. living on a giant 1rec, the folks
of Crux arc accustomed to a lack of na1 \paces. and each 1. I • This kip serves travelers from out of town, but i1's
building corrects the angle of the surface on which it \tands. dcl1n11cly not a place a body'd want to call home. There are
Thus, all of the peaked roof'tops point in the same direction on 11ve rooms over the alchou'>c. where the hub is cheap -
the massive branch. though a berk ~els what he pays for.

• 29 .
Laibor Tai (Pl/9 human/0-level/NG) main- ing goats or hunting the indigenous wild boars found on Ygg-
tains a livery or sorts in Crux. Though she owns no riding an- drasi l. Six people work at the slaughterhouse, rendering meat
imals, the livery has a full complement of beast!> of burden. and salting it down.
On Yggdrasil, that mea ns large, sure-footed goats or wide- However, o ne of the six bashers - a lanky, ruddy-
backed gia nt beetles. Neither's easy to control, but both are skinned berk named Mo Ihas Vreid (Pr/ o human/T6/Doom-
useful on the tree. The beetles, in particul ar, can crawl upon guard/CE) - isn't what he seems. His job at the slaughter-
any surface, which is especially useful when the gravity shifts hou!.e is just a cover; Molhas is really in Crux to learn the
or disappears altogether. dark of the World Ash. He and a few other members of the
All of Laibor's goats and beetles cost about as much as a Doomguard (including a few high-ups) want to see if it's pos-
mule, and they can carry the same load - which is what one sible to destroy the plane-span ning tree. If Molhas learns
might say about Laibor herself. Her compact, sinewy fo rm has about the tainted area of the tree known as the Warpwood
more power than most men twice her size. Still , she's quite (see "Wa rpwo od." later in this chapter), he tries to check it
comely, with brown hair pulled back off her round face. Folks OUl.
say she·s mo re interested in animals than in people, but that's
not entirely true. Laibor's not one to spurn a potential friend- Zebrinth (Pl/ 9 bariaur/F2/N) is one of the few
ship. bariaur in Cru x. She's called kip in the burg for only seven
years, but in that time she's come to be well accepted. One
This is a top-shelf tavern and inn catering to reason is the stra nge, heady drink she makes from secret in-
planewalkers passing through Crux. The in n has eight rooms, gredients she gathers from Yggdrasil. Although she refers to
most of which are usually occupied on any given night. her concoction as wine, it actually tastes more like a gentle
ale, but one with a flavo r like nothing else. The wine sells for
This simple building is marked only by the crude sign twice the cost of other such drinks, but those who like its
that names the place for the kind of items sold within. Targas unique, delicate flavor find it well worth the price.
Yid (Pl/ o human/F l/N), a crotchety old basher, runs the store, Zebrinch works alone, in a small shop that also serves as
which specializes in tools important to tree-dwellers - spiked her home. For a bariaur, she's far, listless, and slow, and her
boots. grappling hooks, rope, axes. picks. and so on. demeanor is quiet but friendly.

Here collectors of nuts. berries, and shoots sell Located just outside of town, these buildings
their wares, alongside goat herders and a few nonguild crafts- hold goods shipped to the burg by the wealthy importer Dym-
men. The area is open and unregulated, but it runs smoothly vasis Ren (Pl/ o human/O-level/N). The blood buys grain, veg-
due to mutual respect among the vendors, long-standing un- etables. water, bub. manufactured items of metal or stone, and
written rules, and territorial claims passed down through gen- much more. He has a number of friends and contacts in Sigil
erations. and leans toward the outlook of the Fated faction, though he
A few merchants - the twin bakers Revis and Tyron, the hasn't (and probably won't) try to gain an official member-
cobb ler Vengra Poole, and a merce r and tailor known as ship. Dymvasis is aloof and unfriendly, though he's quick to
Wised Ayved - operate their businesses in the Market. What's expect chari table help from others if he's in need - an atti-
more, Dymvasis Ren (see "The Storehouses," below) maintains tude sure to keep him out of the ranks of the Fated.
a sizable space here to sell imported goods. Of all these folks,
only Tyron (Pl/ o human/F2/LG) is likely to get involved in
helping the PCs investigate recent occurrences. If he perceives
the heroes to be trustworthy, cop-shelf bloods. he's quick to
offer his aid. Veridis Mov finally came upo n a foe he can't manipulate,
frighten, reason with, or even compromise with - Tenebrous.
Most fol ks in Crux set out sheets each At fi rst, the Abyssal lord ca me to Crux simply because of
night to catch a little dew - it's virtually the only source of chant abo ut all the knowledge packed into Veridis's brain-
water other than rai n, which is very rare. But a trio of enter- box. Tenebrous secretly picked the blood's mind dry in short
prising bashers specialize in gathering and selling the mois- order. gaining a few bits of valuable information but learning
ture. These three are Rahn Jateliff (Pl/o human/0-level/NG), nothing about his mi ss ing wand. Still, the fiend quickly
Melli Oi (Pl/ 2 half-el f/0-level/CG), and Sterkad the Saved tumbled to the town's usefulness as a base of operations -
(Pl/o tiefling/O-level/CG). The town's goat herders. in partic- after all, it crouched in Yggdrasil, the plane-spanning tree.
ular, rely on the three dewcollectors between rains lo give Tenebrous eventually departed Crux to search for his wand
their flocks water to drink. elsewhere, but he left behind agents: a number of visages,
placed secretly throughout the burg.
This building serves as a location for No one in Crux has the dark of any of this. Veridis knows
preparing and storing goat and boar meat. Not all folks in only that a great wicked presence came to town in search of
Crux earn their jink from travelers; some make a living rais- something and left without finding it; the blood's got no clue

that his own head was probed in the process. As for the vis- 'Course, people in Crux still nap their bone-boxes about
ages, other townsfolk have begun to feel that some1lli11g's the ratatosk. Current chant in town is that the creatures're
wrong in their burg, but no one has any details. Veridis alone upset about something. While not many folks care all that
suspects that some kind of evil inOuence still lingers in Crux, much about their welfare, it's widely accepted that the ratatosk
but even he doesn't know what it is. have some son of communion with Yggdrasil. Marius Van and
In this chapter, the PCs become aware only of the the rest of the Woodworkers' Guild are panicularly bothered
poisonous effects of Tenebrous on Yggdrasil itself. They won't by the creatures' unease (and actually have a great deal more
encounter any visages until Chapter Ill, "Masks." For more respect for ratalosk than do other residents of Crux).
details on the visages, refer to the monster description in the No one realizes the dark of the disturhances, but a pres-
Appendix of this book. ence of godlike power and ineffable evil like Tenebrous just
can 't come to a place like Yggdrasil without being felt. The
tree itself stirred when he appeared, his proximity polluting
RA+A+EDSK + the World Ash so deeply that it'll take many seasons to re-
cover. The ratatosk, too, quickly learned that something was
The ratatosk - squirrel-like humanoids that live on Yggdrasil amiss. Thus alerted, they began to notice the movements of
and consider themselves protectors of the sacred tree - have the visages. Always curious and protective of the tree, the
long since given up on Crux. When the town was first built, squirrel-like humanoids observed that the visages seemed to
the creatures got into everything, causing all sons of chaos center their activity in Crux.
and minor calamities. But the folks of Crux were so stubborn
and stem that the ratatosk
eventually went away.
They no longer ha- While in Crux, the PCs hear about the ratatosk situation ca-
rass the residents "or sually at first, probably from a patron in a tavern or a
even stray into the merchant on the street: "Yep. thrm squirrely ratatosk
town. Fact is, for sure seem upset lately, don't they?"
the most part. the Only by asking aro•rnd do the heroes rumble to
tree-natives try to any substantial inforniation. Most townsfolk are used to
pretend that Crux running into ratatosk if they stray far from Crux,
doesn't exist. though the creatures usually keep their distance. Lately,
though, the ratatosk are visibly agitated, running up
and down the tree with wild, staring eyes. Just last week,
a ratatosk came into Crux, manically leaping from rooftop
to rooftop and shouting "Dark times! Dark things! Dark
peop!e!" for io minutes before scrambling off again. Another
creature was found slain. viciously hacked apart near Dym-
vasis Ren's storehouses - and no perpetrator's been found.
(The ratatosk are so irritating that folks don't care about it
a great deal, but it's still worrisome.)
Lucky or persistent PCs are referred eventually to
the Woodworkers' Guild, and specifically to their
leader, Marius Van. If the heroes ask. Marius gives her
own opinion of the recent troubles:

"litre 011 tlrr Gn'M Lrf1yf1cr llul/ ~the·

11 •/\ 111utl1c r } gqdra,JI 11 t' lu111 tn It am to
/11•t ll'itli the ialtlto\k TllM"rr lilt she pile rd\
1111d prott1'°" of till mot/11 r\ 1ti/. Bur tnwl<
n111/ 1rr1• tlr( 1• m11 /Jc <'.Hl\fJe ni111111' \II, 11 I'll V1
0111· 11111 tr11/\• t/rtHJI r/1r uppt r bra11c/11 ~ 1r t/11
dt rpr)/ rnut~ o.f tlrt• I\ orld A ~11 No om 'c n
1•111111• nil of lwr 'l'Cf1'/\. \J1c mukcs U\r of 1111·
rtJIO/U\k, 1!11 [Jrt"lll wq/o, 1111' bt l'tlt \, 01111 (It I
l111111blr Julh I kr m."

It shouldn't take a graybeard to figure out that Mar-

ius worships Yggdrasil. Fact is, if asked, she goes on even fur-

ther with her philosophy that the World Ash is the creator and way the ra1at0sk can understand, the sods face a good deal of
supporter of the multiverse. She believes that the planes misunderstanding and confusion. These peery little tree-
sprung into being as the tree stretched her branches, and that dwellers will 1101 give the PCs the benefit of the doubt.
Yggdrasil still supports the planes today, keeping them poised
above the eternal void.
On the subject of the ratatosk, she tells the PCs that the
leader of the nearest pack is Glittereye, and that he. like Mar- l lt1· rarato'k 1111idc y1111 11/o11q rite trl'e. 1/11111qh tltt'ir 11i111/J/e
ius. is a devotee and channeler of the tree's power. If the he- c/1111/1111q da11•, 1111d t1l1i/it\ 111 qlide from branclt ru llra11d1
roes don"t seem to bear Glittereye or Yggdrasil any ill will. al/u11• rl1r111 w m111 •1• m11C'/1f<1,1cr1lw11 you. l\'l11·11cra 1l1ey q1•1
and if they treat her with respect, Marius even directs them lO 100 {a1 a/11•(1(/, t/1<'\ ' ~lop 11111/ /1 cw imparir11r/\•. 111111tl'ri119 u/11'1-
the ratatosk high-up's lair. 011<>/y tlcn<>i1•c c 0111 111t' llh 11011' anti rltr11 11/111111 \ 0111 '/ICt'cl
l 1•t•11111all1·. 1/J1• rat11/11\k fl'11rl1 a \1111111 UJll'lli11g i11 tlll' \ic/c of
}'qyc/111~il. 11 'fl"Ct' Jll'il /a1yt· far so111cu11c rn I
H U N + I NG RA+ A+ e S K <' 1101111/1 < rn11

1/iro11l/l1. ,\ ht'trc/\', rn c1·1 \1111'11 wmr'> fru111 111<' 11Jll'lli11g, hut

If the PCs go looking for ratatosk, they·re easy to find - even it\ l't'f) clnrJ.:.
easier if Marius gave them directions. Fact is, if the heroes
leave rhe boundaries of Crux and wander along Yggdrasil"s This is the ratatosk lair. It consists of a narrow tunnel -
branches, they're soon harassed by upset ra1at0sk. whether lovingly dug through the bark and int0 the sweet sapwood -
they were looking for the creatures or not. (This didn"t happen that leads to a single, open den. (Food is stored in a cache
when the party first approached Crux because the ratatosk hidden nearby.) Although most PCs should be able to squeeze
had figured the adventurers were simple travelers with no through the narrow passage, bariaur and exceptionally large
connection to the troubled tree-burg.) bashers probably can't. What's more, the tunnel is wet and
Not long after the PCs get out of sight of Crux, two sticky with sap from the tree, but che ratatosk ignore ir; they
racatosk appear on small branches above them and begin to don·t seem bothered by the way it gums up their fur.
raunr them (as per the spell). The creatures speak their own The sap, however, is mildly poisonous, inducing halluci-
language and that of birds, but because they live so near 10 nations and delusions in all beings who possess human blood
Crux, they also know a litLle of the planar common tongue, - humans, half-elves, tieflings, and aasimar. Any such berk
which they speak in a halting. broken manner. As many who passes through the tunnel must make a saving throw
planewalkers know, ratatosk love to vex trespassers with versus poison (humans suffer a -2 penalty to the roll) or be
gentle riddles, but the pair that confronts the party offers affected in 2d4 rounds. And for an affected sod, the world be-
riddles that are dark and dreary, such as: comes a very different place. Colors change and even begin to
peel away from the object they're associated with, spinning
,\/0<111 and 'tan urr my fnl'lrth, freely through the air. Things change in their perspective and
1111 1 d11rk111'\\ I\ 1111• 111111/1t·r. imponance; a friend's speech seems small and distant, while a
J lw '"" " lii11n c111 "'-"· small knot in the tree grows vastly important. Nonliving ob-
(/ I I 1111111 jects speak to the victim, taking on personalities and strange
[Answer: night.] mannerisms. These delusions and visions last for 3d6 rounds.
Within the lair are four ratatosk, including the high-up
4/i urn111m "' ,I" ," but 1w1·1•1 ~kcpi11g.
called Glittereye. None of the creatures understand ground-
\I/ 11111111ul 1/1111"<'~.but 111•1•t•r rl11c1·111y.
dwelling humanoids very well anyway, so they won't really
\lakt' 111111 bli11cl. 1J111 1•111111r11 b1· 1110red.
notice the odd behavior of sods affected by the sap. However,
01 /le 1011< ltctl.
if the PCs don't quickly stan talking about a subject that in-
[Answer: darkness.)
terests the squirrel-folk, they're kicked out of the lair.
R11, 1 111111 111111, 1dll,, ,,. ,11i1 ' ' 11car. Glinereye, fortunately, can speak planar common quite
( II II " /1rilllj\ {t·ar. well. Unfortunately, he"s on the verge of becoming a complete
[Answer: blood.) barmy. The influence and presence of Tenebrous and the vis-
ages have tainted this portion of Yggdrasil, and. therefore.
The PCs receive better treatment if they manage to an- those most in tune with the tree. The pack leader's condition
swer the riddles, but they really score points with the ratatosk won·1 help the party's attempts at communication. What"s
if they ask for Glittereye - the wise priest of the pack. If this more, Glillereye's condition makes him seem depressed and
happens, the rwo ratat0sk spend a few minutes quizzing the cynical, especially to canny PCs who know that ratatosk are
heroes on their intent (though they also try to tumble to it on generally playful. And because ratatosk always imitate their
their own) and then lead the group to their high-up's lair. leader, the other squirrel-folk in the lair act the same way.
The real challenge in this encounter is communication. If asked about Yggdrasil or his own somber mood, Glit-
The rwo squirrel-folk know only a smattering of common, so tereye presents his despondent view to the PCs, using the
unless the PCs can (magically or otherwise) communicate in a ratatosk speech pattern of jerky sentence-bursts:

+ 32 +
"Si 1•, it '\ tlll'i. l 1h· rim. /J(lrl!- IH' S' · ~01111'- t/1111q {c•ul. While the pentadrone accompanies the parry, the DM can
f nu/. \11111r tlii119 · c-omc Cu1111• 111. M1ql11-\ mnr/r rr rrc·i·. Va- decide its actions. For the most part, however, it observes and
y IU/\1-\'. ~It!'\ "'" 111111· /ll'. N111 lw11· J1J'· N111 . Hr11ll'i rr qo111·. tries to analyze each siruation as best it can. Despite wanting
Gro11111/-/111q rif\: \fer \'. \ <'n' b1ul C111J·." to return to Mechanus. the modron really does want to learn
the dark of the strange presence that has attracted it to Ygg-
Glitlereye doesn"t know exactly what's happened lo drasil. Even this analytical creature senses that something's
Crux, but if the PCs seem curious. he takes them out or the lair not quite right. From time to time, it asks the PCs if they're
and leads them to a place he calls Warpwood. The rest or the currently able to take it to Mechanus. It takes refusal without
ratatosk - the other three from the lair, plus 1.he rwo escons - emotion, but in its own structured, ordered way, the pen-
accompany him. tadrone grows antsy - it's a modron on the edge.
If the group gets into a combat situation or other danger-
ous circumstance, the pentadrone fights only in its own de-
• LEDS+ Ll++LE meDRE9N • fense. However, if the PCs actually decide to take it back to
Mechanus. it defends them as best as it can along the way.
This is truly what a body"d call a random encounter. As Glit- This isn·1 gratitude, but merely logic.
tereye takes the party to Warpwood, they run into a pen-
tadrone - a member or the recenr Great Modron March that Canny PCs might decide to keep the modron in the
got lost. The sod now wanders the planes with no idea or how parry. After all, it can sense the presence of whatever's trou-
to get back to Mechanus. Ironically, it"s been drawn somehow bling the World Ash (though, naturally, Lhe heroes still won't
to Tenebrous's presence - and thus this area or Yggdrasil -
because of the fiend's time spent as Primus (refer to the Intro-
duction for more details).
The pentadrone has resisted the strange urges and feelings \
or loneliness and depression that sometimes drive lost modrons
mad. Though assaulted at every tum by random disorder (the
twisting, gnarled branches of the World Ash are n_o comfon to
one used to the well-tooled repetition of the gears or Mechanus),
it remains Finn in itS resolve and true to its orders. The modron '
isn't a rogue; it's just lost. Thus, it's kept its original shape.
About halfway between the ratatosk lair and Warpwood,
the group encounters the modron, which addresses them.

"Uu111yl' of d11ru11•1 )or 111J11111odro11 111• h " 1·1111 /rrar "~ q

Cfl'tllllrt't/rtlt rn1•111/Jlt-\ ti \lllrfhl1 1111 t/1 i 11 lrfi\ ll'l' ( l' r\ tllt k-
11 nrt/11 ro11·nrd 1011 nlu11u r/11· u irk bram Ii. " /ldp 1/11~ 111111 n
tilm lCJ 1111rfrc M{"( ltnrru' 1111mt'diatd1'. " 11 'illltc ' · "(liar 1 ~ all "
/h lni!Jr C'I'<'' lnok 111 r1111 rrµl'cr.11rrll '.

Ir asked, the pentadrone reveals that it "!as part or the

last Madron March, and, although it senses a presence 01· i'm-
portance on Yggdrasil, it must return to Mechanus. What
presence? "Insufficient data." it replies. "Such is n.ot for this
unit to question."
'Course, taking this lost modron home might not be In
the player characters· power. or they might just refuse. In any
case, unless the heroes agree to drop what they're doing and
take the pentadrone to Mechanus, the modron points at them .. .
and asks: "Current duties for these units?" No matter how the
PCs answer. the modron says. "This unit will accompany."
Why? "Current status requires further observation of
anomalies in environment." Basically. it wants to figure
out what's going on.
Naturally, the pentadrone and the ratatosk are not
compatible. It ignores their taunts ("Ooh, look! Look at the
boxy-body! ..}, but it won't brook any physical assaults - not I
even playful ones.
.. ., '.
know the source of the disturbance). Even if the cutters don·t that don't. Simply put, Glittereye has been corrupted by the
tumble to this idea until long after they let the pentadrone go Warpwood's influence. Now barmy and maniacal, he seeks to
its own way, the Dungeon Master should let them find the destroy all living things, staning with the PCs. (In his addled
modron again if they cry. Such top-shelf thinking should be brain-box. the ratatosk leader is acting in Yggdrasil's name.)
rewarded. While conupted, Glinereye is immune to chann spells and
On the other hand, if one of the players is already running similar mind-affecting magic. Spells such as mnoire curse and
a rogue modron character, the DM should probably skip this dispel e11il rid him of the corruptive influence, though dispel
encounter entirely. Otherwise, the pentadrone'll focus only on magic has no effect. If the PCs do nothing to try to ·cure" him,
eliminating the rogue, and the rogue'll focus only on fleeing. Glittereye returns to normal on his own in 5d 10 hours.
Unfonunately, the poor sods must deal with the crazed
ratatosk right now - not to mention the rest of his pack. The
+ WARPWEDEDD + live other squirrel-folk follow their high-up's example and
(somewhat reluctantly) attack the party. The PCs probably
Whether or not the PCs encounter the lost pentadrone, Glit- should find a way to subdue or drive off their attackers with-
tereye eventually leads them to Warpwood. Peery or obser- out killing them.
vant cutters notice that the ratatosk leader's depression and At some point during the battle, clever heroes might real-
dark mood worsen as they travel from the lair to Warpwood. ize that if what Glittereye said is true, then Crux is in trouble.
Glittereye creeps slowly along the tree, and it's obvious that After all, Marius Van and the rest of the Woodworkers' Guild
the other ratatosk try to mimic him (though they have appar- are also in touch with Yggdrasil and might also be conupted.
ent difliculcy in moving at such a somber speed). When the And that is, indeed, what's happening back in the tree-town.
group reaches Warpwood, the ratatosk seem edgier than ever,
and Glittereye is practically weeping.

I 1m1/ly, \Oii .1rrrr'<' 11111 'ipol 11•/rcrt' Y!1qd1a\1l rakt'' 011 a

1·c1y lli.JJl'n 111 look. The 11 uud 111 t/ri' 1111 a '' rippl< d i11 a lruqt' Whether or not the PCs tumble to the trouble facing Crux,

circrc/ar /11111<'111, llS \l/l/lt'lirilllJ /argl' 11111/ llt'lll I' /rrrc/ /lt't'll sooner or later the bashers probably head back to town. Un-
drot'J'C<I 1111 rill' l1ro11c/1 1111cl 1/11• hark Jiacl fl'llC/t•d lik<· 11•11/t'r, less they've lingered with the ratatosk for a very long time,
111111•i11!J 1111111 1111.J i111111v11·a1·n . Yuu c1111 't tdl 1/ 1/w ha1k\ 111111· they most likely stumble right into the mess.
(I/ 1t'\t or if 11\ still riJll1li11y .Jll't l1cyo11d tltc range 11/ 1·u11r fl<'r·
tCptio11. R111tire111os1 di\/1trbi1111tl1111y11bo1111/ris \l1Ull1Jc' ll't111' .Ill\/ as you're rcad1111g tllC' clifft' 11f C11u. y11111111tirc1lt111
iny jr; r/w 1111t·11~1· h/11ekm·" 1/1111 make\ 11p if\ <'l'llll'r. rnlOk<' h rhi11g jrom 1111t• of t/11• l111ildi11g'! Y1111 11uickl1• rmli1c
tlrat tltc 1111.ritJu, f11111e\ 111c 11oun11!/ 0111 of,, ll'i11tl11w irr t/rt'
Warpwood is the spot where Tenebrous crossed over l'\'1101/11•orkt·rs ' Gui/.!. 1111d nit·' of ~i11p 1 isC" 1111d p11i11 run bi•
from the Astral Plane onto Yggdrasil. While fiends, evil prox- lreurtl u•11l1ill.
ies, and even a wicked avacar or cwo occasionally make their
way along the World Ash's roots and branches, they rarely (if Inside the guild building, Marius Van has just dumped oil
ever) have such a corruptive effect. But when Tenebrous all over the floor of the main workroom and set it ablaze
stepped onto the branch, he was fairly dripping with rancid (having first cast protection from fire on herself). Like Glitter-
negative energy - the force that had revived him from his eye, her communion with the tainted tree has made her sud-
supposedly eternal slumber. Fact is, a detect evil spell or simi- denly homicidal. To make matters worse, live woodworkers
lar magic reveals that Warpwood isn't a source of evil, but are trapped with Marius in the burning building, and if the
rather its effect - the wake of evil's passing. PCs wait until the town guard arrives, a number of the poor
If asked, Glittereye offers what he knows: sods'll probably be dead - either from the smoke and flames
or from Marius's cudgel and spells.
"f'llis 11p-prnrc1/ A/1111-y '<'"-"'"'· A/11111• \qo Is 111a- Any PCs who enter the Woodworkers' Guild must make a
ki11q. ,\/akin~/ tr<'t'. Motlier rrn•. •'iid•. " 1111' 111w10,~· 'n'lll'i lu saving throw versus poison. The fire is spreading quick.ly and
b1• 'Jll't1ki11!1 u•irlr grcar 1•[[11rt. wlV/wr romt'\ 111 tlrl' 11c1· Wiii<''· creating a lot of smoke, and PCs who fail their save are over-
To those i11 tnurlr 11•i1/r lrt'r." ,A, Iii' spec·c/1 ''""'' 1111d lrt·rumt•\ come for I d2 rounds with coughing and choking. After that
more r<•g11ltlr, a dt1rk11<'H co111n to lri\ t•1•r,. "l l'i/ lta~ 1"11111c 111 period, they must make another saving throw each round or
llzl' /Tl'(', " suffer the same fate (though they now can gain a + 1 bonus to
a roll by covering their mouth and nose with cloth, or a +2
With this, Glittereye suddenly lunges at the nearest bonus by using wet cloth). If a PC fails three saves in a row, he
player character. The ratatosk leader has lingered too close to passes out from smoke inhalation and dies unless taken out of
the Warpwood for too long, unleashing the evil embodied in the building within Jd4 rounds.
the bark. This transformation should stanle and unnerve any Regardless of saving throws, the lire and smoke impose a
cutter who knows anything about ratatosk - and maybe any - I penalty to attack rolls and similar activities attempted by

+ 34 .
anyone in the building. There's also a 20% chance per round to strike. In the smoke of the burning building, Talismin's knife
that ld3 sods (woodworkers or PCs) are subject 10 railing. might find many waiting backs; failing that, she tries to trap
burning rafters or rapidly increasing names, either of lhe heroes in the naming Structure until they die.
which inflicts ld6 poincs of damage.
V R.101 IT'~V
At some point during the
battle, show the players lllo Veridis knows only a bit about what's
D (on page 170). going on. For instance, while he's
known for some time that the Warp-
Marius. meanwhile, docs mARLUS VAN wood existed, he didn't realize how strongly
her best to kill everyone around ii could affect those close to Yggdrasil. Still,
her. 'Course, she's normally a he suspects that the blackened area is somehow
peaceful priestess and doesn't ARffiUND HERE. tied to the evil presence he senses in Crux.
have an arsenal of offensive spells . l'D WAGER Because he doesn't have the dark of
ready. Note that pass p/0111 allows Al- Wl+Hmu+ HER. it all, Veridis keeps his eye on everything
her to slip inco Yggdrasil and +HE GUILD'D that happens, refraining from any direct
reappear anywhere else on the tree, R.E + .+ v m H action unless a body looks his way. He's
and she uses this trick to es- become very peery since Tenebrous's
FALL APAR+ . . . AY ,
cape if necessary (and if visit, and be doesn't want outsiders like
[19 YffiU smELL smeKE?
she's able). If Marius does the PCs poking around in what he
escape, the people of Crux - RAC H N £ S S ll.. considers to be Iris affairs - at least, not
panicularly the guild mem- until he has more need of their help (in
A weeoCRAf+ER
bers - mount a search to Chapter IV).
find her and help her over-
come her problem. The crazed
priestess uses this time to strike
again, especially against any PCs who If the PCs have already visited Naphraks but failed to wipe out
attacked her. the khaasta completely, these reptilian bandits are still present
Luckily, the corruptive effect is temporary and localized; and most likely piked off at the heroes for giving them the
the contamination of the World Ash extends for only a few laugh. Any cutters who wander away from Crux leave the
miles. Marius, Glittereye, and other local priescs of the tree re- protection that Veridis gives the burg, and an out-of-town en-
turn to their senses in 5d 10 hours. But it's likely that the counter with vengeful khaasta is always a risk. This is espe-
Warpwood will never completely fade from the tree, even cially true if the bandit-king Haac(l)nss still lives - and even
though its influence on priests of Yggdrasil will never rise to moreso if the PCs stole any of his circean embers.
such an extent again.

+ Af+ERmA+H +
+ IN+ERfERENCE + TI1is is only the tip of the iceberg. Warpwood's merely a side-
As the PCs explore Crux, deal with the ratatosk, and visit effect of the great evil that has come to Yggdrasil (Tenebrous)
Warpwood, a few other factors probably conspire to make and the lesser evil it left behind (the visages). And before the
their lives more difficult. The Dungeon Master's free to intro- PCs can catch their collective breath, the visages make their
duce any or all of the following obstacles. presence known in Crux (in Chapter III).
If Marius Van is recovered alive, she's deeply disturbed
TALI Sm IN by what happened to her. She falls into a state of severe de-
pression over her actions and the horrible truth that the World
Chances are good that this cross-trading half-elf is still fol- Ash itself has been tainted. The PCs can either help Marius
lowing the group. If she hears of the Warpwood. she might confront these troubling realizations or just leave her to her
check it out closely to determine what really happened there own sad fate.
- her employers'd cenainly be interested in learning how Encounters with ratatosk in the rest of "Out of the Dark-
something like the World Ash could be corrupted. Talismin ness" are likely to resemble those in this chapter - the squir-
might even experiment on a poor sod or two, trying to expose rel-folk will be depressed or agitated. But if the PCs managed
them to the Warpwood's perverse influence. A few ratatosk or 10 avoid offending the creatures - and perhaps even found a
even a PC would do very nicely. way to help them - ratatosk in later chapters may very well
lfTalismin decides that the heroes need to be eliminated, react better to the party from now on. Word travels fast
she seizes upon the fight with Marius Van as an opportune time among their kind.

Ever since the Great Modron March, Tenebrous
just had to wonder at his own thinking at times. It
had become so .. . orderly. The years he spent as
Primus had tainled him, and that was something he'd never forgive nor forget.
He vowed that the modrons would be among those who would suffer his
wrath. Yet so many others held higher positions on the "list:·

I IThe withered. shadowy form that now served him as his body serried
into his throne or bone. Tcian Sumere, his fortress deep within the Nega-
1ive Energy Plane - otherwise known as the Bottom or the Multiverse -
had served him well since he fled the dreaded stupor or the Astral. Per-
haps even after he'd destroyed hated Kiaransalce, he thought, he might shape a
permanent realm here. This place or cold darkness and eternal hunger fit him
well. A smile came to his dark lips, a grin that no man could - or should
- see.
Much had happened since he escaped from the
Silver Void, since he was reborn into this sem-
blance or life and god-
hood. How had it all
begun? Tenebrous re-
membered stirring from
his deathlike slumber as a
cascade or negative energy had
infused his shriveled limbs with dark un
lire. He hadn't questioned the strange rum or events that led to his resurrection,
but merely clawed his way onto the plane-spanning tree, Yggdrasil. and called
to him his closest servants.
At that time, or course. Tenebrous hadn't yet realized that his fiendish at-
tendants had been slain in ihe same conflagration that robbed him of his realm
and his life. And yet they still heeded his call. As he had been given life
by negative energy, so did Tenebrous use his own power to
BWlffiB. INDEED. bestow upon his servants the gift or a second life. Their
HEBW m H I HAVE i: i: +HEBUGH+ writhing, undead bodies pleased him, though he knew that
+HA+ SUCH A CREA+URE their tanar'ric forms would not last. The former Abyssal lord
n GH+ HEBLD WAND? my had inadvertently created a new type or being - an undead
fiend. Much later, he would call these creatures visages, bless them
TENEBRE&US with special talents, and send them out to gather information.
Air, infonnation. For so long, the "chant," as they called it, was the focus of
his new life. Tenebrous needed to learn all he could about what happened after
his defeat, the location or his prized talisman, and the best method or exacting
his vengeance. lie settled most or his servants into their new home at Tcian
Su mere, but he'd also stationed a handful on the World Ash - for the tree would
be his tool. Tenebrous knew that no one would expect an evil, undead power
and his minions to make their way about the multiverse on Yggdrasil. Thus. the
tree would serve him perfectly.
Tenebrous then set to finding the Wand or Orcus, for without the nourish-
ment or its wicked energy, he reared his new form might not long endure. Be-
sides - the wand was his, and he would possess its power anew. Ancient lore,
stolen from many sources. led him to the dusty Arborean layer or Pelion, where
he found a mighty force or destruction known as the Last Word. What's more.
Tenebrous learned - at last! - that his missing wand lay in the Paraelemental
Plane or Ooze. So to Ooze he went.
Tltat blitlteri11g, -;impering 81vimb creature, Tenebrous mused, remembering
what had happened when he'd arrived. Baron of Ooze indeed. He disgusted me.
He did notlting but beg for Iris life. Ir was a pleasure to kill /rim. Tire mulririerse
is betrrr off 11•i1Jrout suclt weaklings. Ah, but what did he care about making
things better?

In any event, Tenebrou~
had been misled. The Wand of Orcus
wasn't there al all.
But the undead deity refused to call off the ~carcl1.
With his newfound power, nothing could stand in his way.
One day he would find his wand - one day soon. And
yet, Tenebrous was smart enough to realize the danger of
being discovered before that day could come lo pass. Though his visage servant~
were useful spies. he needed a way to observe the whole of the Great Ring from a
distance. His plan to do ~o took him to Mechanus, where he murdered and replaced Primus,
patron of the modrons. He then commanded the modrons to begin a march around the Outer
Planes. even though the next such trek wasn't supposed to occur for some time.
During this march, the modrons uncovered the dark of many subjects, and Tenebrous gathered in-
formation on a level beyond even his greatest hopes. His focus was narrowing. Through the mod rons. he
learned that the Wand of Orcus rested somewhere on the Lower Planes. and that it had been hidden away
after his demise by two drow slaves.
Finding the pair, however, proved difficult. Maanzecorian. the illithid keeper of secrets, knew that one
of the slaves still dwelt in Kiaransalee's realm. Tenebrous ripped that knowledge from its mind before he
uttered the Last Word and destroyed the essence of Lhe illithid god. Its entire Gehennan realm boiled away
upon the deity's death, but Tenebrous escaped before he himself was consumed.
Still. Tenebrous needed more. Where was the other slave? Where else might he uncover the knowl-
edge of the cosmos. the secrets that would lead him 10 his wand? Perhaps the lesser creatures of the planes
would know. The noctrals of Moum Celestia? The fiends? TI1e observers? Whal of the mysterious Keepers?
No, there simply wasn't enough time to hunt down numerous individuals scattered across the multiverse.
Tenebrous needed more potem sources of information.
The power Camaxtli was said to know many secrets. lie claimed, in fact, to
know them all.
"Let us see, then ... Tenebrous muttered
aloud, "how well you can keep
them, l inl~ god ... .''

. ...
. ~ . ..
"[fr //wt tllllt. 1t 11 a<; nil 1111 r
"Ol'cr?" I n'kt•tl. "//1111• c 0111tl tt Ill' "'r1 !"
·//Jen· 11 fl<; 1101l1111q 111on· It 11•a<; JllH nr c-r... lmt•\kam looked at
mr, '>lrak111g ht r /11 ad <;/iqlir/\'. /rt r /i1rc all '>C-11111c11rd up.
Could 11 lw1 s/zr 'ai11 rralh /Jr tr11t? / l1111q<; l1kr rim dcm '1 JU't
lwrp1•11 a11d 1111•11 c·111/. A' I II'"' n 11drrc<I 1111111ob1/I' hy my 01111 <011fu-
\1Ull, Jmeskam 1101 1111 t1111I took " c 1111 {rnm 1/1r 11r11rrst rnpboa11/. I
11 ntcla·d 111 \11<'11rc, 1101 rrall\' lt-11111!/ 1111• mi11tl 11rocc" 11 lwt Ill\' cv1·<; tnld 1111•
umil t1ga111 11 llh 111 r Cllf' (111/ of 11•111r.
,/11 '>lll i/01111
J11q \'C\Tt rdtn. ,/11'rl ln\ll d 1/w1 '>nm1· 11 lllL nml t1111w1111rc·d //w1 'i/it• 11111iltf
"rnm1cr d1111k f110rqc milk tht111 1/11s \ll'rll. • Hui 11011· Jmr,kam mt nc10H from mr
a11tl poured /1r1 drr11k doll'll her 1/1m111 i11 1119 q11/p,. 1 u Md1td. 1110ticmf1'\\, ll\ ,/11•
dTlllllt'd lu r 1 II/I a11<l \lllilul.
111111Ik11111 II ll'(l\ll't 111 u: f/11s 11 arn't lmr\kam.


Things don't really lighten up after Chapter II. Even if the player characters fend
off the rataLOsk assaults, put out the fire in the Woodworkers' Guild, and resLOre
Marius Van to sound mental health, the real danger has yet to be discovered.
Some PCs might show interest in finding the source of the corruption at Warp-
wood. Others might ignore it and prepare to go on their way. Either way, trouble
rears its ugly head. Soon after the events of Chapter II. a corpse is found in a
room at one of Crux's inns - a corpse with a horrible secret.
G£++1NG ~H~ PCs INV$ V£D
BU+ WE D ECIDE By this point in the adventure, only the most reluctant of adventurers will try to
WHICH IS RIGH +. avoid getting involved. After all, the PCs have experienced several strange
AND WHIC H IS events for which they have no real answers. As soon as they discover more foul
activity and realize that the trouble in Crux isn't over, they'll most likely be
eager to stay and rumble to the solution of the mystery.
mUDD£SI BLU, Still, if the PCs need a bit of prodding, the OM can place the murdered corpse
ABLEAK.ER in the room next LO theirs at the inn where they're staying. Or the body could be
found when the heroes are in the tavern below the inn. A less desirable choice is
to have someone who saw the PCs help with the fire at the Woodworkers' Guild
approach the characters when the corpse is discovered and directly ask them for
help. (This person could even be the innkeeper, Flederoth.)


Once the PCs arrive at the scene of the crime, they learn what's happened. A
maid, Ashinn Ces (Pl/ Q human/O-level/NG), investigated a foul odor coming
from one of the inn's guest rooms and discovered a horribly mangled corpse
within. When the PCs show up, Flederoth the innkeeper (Pl/ o githzerai/FJ/Revo-
lutionary League/CN) is busy trying to quiet Ashinn, who's narurally very upset.
Because of his secret ties LO the Anarchists, Flederoth hates authority fig-

38 .
ures and doesn't want to draw
any official anention to himself. No one
in Crux knows the dark of his membership in the
Revolutionary League or his position as a spy sent to
watch over the town and learn its secrets. And to keep
the constable and his guards away, Fledcroth is more
than willing to let the PCs investigate the murder. Fact is.
he offers them some substantial garnish - 1,000 gp - to keep their bone-boxes
shut and look into things for him. See, despite his desire to keep things quiet,
Flederoth still wants to know who commiued murder in his inn, and why.
When the PCs are shown the body. read:

Tlrt' 1nrps1 l1r' u itl1111 '"' ul1l 11•nod1•11 d1r\t 1/ic1t\ Jltlrl oj th1· r om\ ft1ml\l1111q\ Horii tli1• rlC\1rcat1•rl
lindy t111d t/11' i11,1dc o) t/11 trunk arc rnr artl 111 tined hlootl. \ 1111111011 mnl<". 11111/tllr-aqt'tl 01111 11rol10l1ll'
jnir/\• \1111ill a111/ tlii11, 1s /11/tl11/ LIJI 111\id1• t/11 cl1c~t. A b/11orl1' "11ifl· lies 1111 tlri /11>1/.n 1w11r /1£, /1•{; lra11tl. 11111/
lih 11/)Jlt'r tnr"' 1111d neck 11r1· rnrnc1/ 111 wl1 11 0111111~ t111tl ~fn\/11 ~.

Anyone who examines the body - even a berk with no special medical knowledge - can tell that the
sod's been in the dead-book for a number of days. Those who know !.he dark of such things would say the
victim's been dead for three to five days. But that won't ring true to Flederoth (assuming he hears of the
pronouncement). The innkeeper insists that he spied the poor sod going up co his room only yesterday.
Flederoth can even supply a name to go with the bloody body - Renik Crolhson, a merchant from Ysgard
looking to stan a business in Crux. Unfortunately. the innkeeper doesn't know much else about him.
If the PCs look around Renik's chamber, they might pick up a few clues. Despite all the blood on the
inside of the trunk (even the lid), there's none to he found in the room or on the floor. What's more, there's
no evidence of a struggle. The room's still full of the sod's possessions. and nothing looks like it's been
disturbed. However, if the PCs think to look for the room key, they discover it's nowhere to be found.

THE: 0AR1( $f +HE "'1URD£R

Renik Crothson killed himself. lie was mentally manipulated by one of the visages in Crux to crawl into
the trunk with a knife and stab himself until dead. The fiend then adopted Renik's form so that it could
move about the burg unnoticed. The visages had hoped it would take longer for the body to be discovered.
If Lhe PCs have a magical means of communicating with the dead, !.hey can contact Renik's spirit and
tumble to the truth of 1he suicide. Considering che way Renik did himself in, however, even an addle-cove
can guess that some other force guided his hand. But at this point, there's no way for the PCs to figure out
who or what coerced him, and Renik himself (his spirit, anyway) has no idea.

With Flederoth's jink in their pockets, the PCs arc obligated to do a linle poking around. Plus, they're more
than likely a bit curious, especially after seeing the corruptive effects of Warpwood (though they may not
yet realize that both events are connected).
One of the most obvious ways to pick up more chant on Renik is to ask around town. 'Course, while
that's a canny move. Lhe PCs have to go about il in a subtle manner. But unless the heroes have already
aroused the suspicions of the cownsfolk, no one gets too peery if the cutters are both delicate and shrewd
with their questions.
No mauer in which inn the OM sets the murder. a few folks in the tavem below remember seeing
someone of Renik's description coming and going, though no one remembers exacLly when. The PCs get
much the same response throughout town - people remember seeing Renik but don't know anything else.
However, Targas Yid, Lhe toolmaker. has more to say.

· h'ah, I h1011 thr /1uk You mt·an /fr111k, air • • rn1111·1/1i11 'i·rorh1•r-rn11. I JU\/ H'lll 1111 \'•'Strrrln1•. 01 n
h1 tlw 1·011~ta/1/r• \ 1119/1 /'111111. 1/11 rr. Ycnh . llc'tl sau/ lci~t ll'rrl.· rlrnt 11 r"tl qit 1ngrt11cr'11 11'1911 aq ·bo11t Im
/1nrrl/lll!l In< sumc 1J11n.J, Ill 11111kr 11w tool . /h(lf '~ 11 lwt I do. \'ti k1111w. l\a/. 11111•11 /"'<'II lfr111k Y<''lt'ril11\'. I

+ 39 +
qm t '1111 11 hat far. 'cal/\t /1 r 11t•1 a ~110,,.cd. Rut 11'11<·11 I 'aid The visages, meanwhile. still think that the aas imar
tlwc. tl1C' piker j n • iqnon d mt• likt' I 11 a' lmrm\' or somrtlri11 • would make a good victim. They didn't attack him at Renik's
/'11r ag111 folh brcakr11 · tlirir 11•1ml - y 11u1111 ' t 1atrlr 111r t/111119 room because they suspected that someone might be keeping
/111~ill< ~~ 11 •it/1 t/rat Slll[I 111/'llfl• • tabs on Kair-aama, and they held off until they could be sure
of striking unseen. The fiends' re willing to wait until the time
'Course, what old Ta rgas really saw near High Point was is right. If they manage to replace the aasimar, a body who's
the visage posing as Renik. The undead fiends use a dark alley been watching the sod quickly notices that "Kair-aa ma" no
near the fortress as a meeting spor. If the PCs snoop around longer follows the same ritualized behavior that seemed to
High Point, they might spy the visages in the shadows (see govern his life.
"The Mark.·· below).

A S +RAN G f VI S I + $ R +THE mARK. +

Top-shelf thinkers might decide to watch Renik's room. With With all the folks who spotted Renik after he'd supp osedly
the dark of the murder kept quiet, someone - perhaps even been killed, not to mention the change in Kair-aama's behav-
the killer - might poke around the scene of the crime, un- ior, the PCs should tumble to the idea that something is killing
aware of Renik's demise or the discovery of the body. and replacing the people of Crux. The heroes might have their
The day after the corpse is found, anyone keeping an eye eye on the so-called aasimar, or maybe they get lucky and find
on the room is rewarded as a shadowy figure approaches and "Renik" prowling around the shadows. (By this point, the vis-
knocks upon the door. This basher is Kair-aama (Pl/ o aasi- age probably knows that the real Renik's body has been dis-
mar/M6/Fraterniry of Order/LN). a barmy Guvner who has covered and is laying low until it can take a new form safely.)
business with Renik. Kair-aama's skin is as milky-white as his Whether the PCs follow Renik or Kair-aama, they even-
hair, though his eyes are a piercing green. If the PCs follow tually see their mark meet with something in the dark shad-
him when he leaves the inn, they'll observe that he merely re- ows of an alley near High Point. If the cutters keep watch for
turns to his small case at the edge of town. several evenings, they observe a number of secret meetings
However. if the heroes watch Kair-aama fo r any length and linally see the true "face" of their enemies.
of time, they definitely notice some unusual behavior. See,
while adhering to the Guvners' general philosophy, the aasi- (J111 c!f tire d11rk11c'.''·
y1111 earclr a yli111p'< <!f 11 rrc111111e
mar believes that he can circumvent the order of everything 1111/1/:i• 1111y v1111 'n• n1 /1c:/11rc. /'111• {/l1tnt/\• appat itin11 " rll

through specific, precise ritua ls. As he walks arou nd the burg /c11st '011w11 /wt 11011corporr11J. with 11 "'"!'."· tn111,/11cc11t /1otf\o
(o r, indeed, does anything at all), Kair-aama constantly makes tfrat \l'1' m' to Iran· 110 co11,1a111 Jor111 /111• 011/y tiring ,o/rd
odd gestures and mutters strange words. If the PCs get close al11111t tlrr crrMurc i~ ,,, lrcatl. 1l'/1ic11. wliilr ~omdroll' gir•i11g
eno ugh to hear, they can make out that the berk's reciting tile 111rprrHio11 ofJc~tt•ri11y tlrray. i\ n/1110'1 rlltin·ly rc111rca/cc/
chains of numbers, sometimes accompanied by the name of by a 9a11,J, 111<1,k. l ire .fntt'rl1kc l'irnf/(' portra.n a ,;,,;,rcr /err
whatever object he's using. For example, before opening a rlrat ,/11111 · ~ 1w jor ialiry 11 mockt n• of tl1t• c1111 111t·111111n· it
door, he might hold up his first two fingers and say, "Seven, j 1t11111f\. /1ri' '' 11!cji1rc oj rd/.
seven, eight, seven, door, seven." In this way, he believes he
changes reality to keep himself safe, healthy, and prosperous. If the PCs da re to follow one of the visages after it leaves
The PCs might really have to wo rk to learn the dark of the alley, they might very well be surprised to see it head out
Kair-aama's activities. as he's not particularly forthcoming of Crux, proceeding along a branch that the PCs haven't yet
with information. He used to live in Sigil and serve as a min- explored. Its path is windi ng and queer, but careful cutters
der for a Guvner factotum, bur he was fired after his strange should have no problem keeping up and rem aining out of
habits came to light. Ever since, he's lived in Crux. Despite his sight.
upper-planar heritage, Ka ir-aama no longer has any concerns Eve ntua lly, the visage makes a turn down a hidden
but his own. Thus, he was interested when Renik Crothson ap- branch that the PCs notice is blackened and gnarled, devoid
proached him in the Lucky Lam tavern and claimed to have a of leaves or buds. The visages altered the limb by drawing on
foolproof jink-making scheme. He was even more interested the corrupti ve power of Warpwood, and now the twisted, mal-
when Renik offered him 120 gp just co come to his room in formed branch reaches into Baator - specificall y, into
two days' time and hear him out. That's why he was knocking Ankhwuga hc, the desert realm of the Egyptian power Set.
on Renik's door. While the PCs watch, the visage moves along the branch
The creature that approached Kair-aama was actually the until iL reaches the spot where the limb di sap pea rs into a
visage posing as Renik, who'd been killed. The fiend hoped to large, sh immering portal. The creature passes through the
lure the aasimar into a trap. so that another visage could kill portal - which is always open - and va nishes.
the sod and replace him. Naturally, Kair-aama has no knowl- See, Tenebrous commanded the visages to journey to
edge of any of this; he continues to look for Renik all over Set's realm and steal a rare bl ossom called desert's niglrt,
town. known (among other things) for its ability to restore memories

+ 40 +
taken by the River Styx. Tenebrous suspects that the berks
who hid his wand away fell victim to the dark river, and
he hopes to use the flower Lo bring back their lost
Because desen·s 11igh1 grows only in
Ankhwugaht, the visages forced the corrupted
World Ash to bend one of its branches
directly to Set's realm. (Lucidly, the fiends
no longer have that power; they were able
to twist Yggdrasil only when the evil
taint was still strong.) But the Lord of
Evil recently become aware of the intru-
sion and has ordered his minions to find
out whafs going on and put a stop to it.
Nekrotheptis Skorpios, one of See's
proxies, has tumbled to the idea that the
invaders might seek the prized flower,
but he isn·t sure - and besides, he does-
n't know why they'd want it.

If the PCs use the portal immediately after
they watch the visage pass l'.hrough, they
step into Ankhwugaht just in time to be am-
bushed by three minions of Set. The
guardians waited by the ponal to keep the
visages out of their master's realm, and they
mistake the PCs for their foes (which might
very well have been the tailed visage's plan
all along).

n11 lllOlllClll .I OU \ll'p t/1ro11(//1 lilt'

,J11m111rm19 rl1'k '!f ru/nr.
vou 'rc .
~rrurk bv 1l1t' tirv l1car of n dc\t'rl
Tl1t• ,f.:\ 11bu11· 1~ cliarroal, qrcnkt'rl
ll'ith 1/11,~·1• r11/. N111/1111g b111 ''""'
d11m 'iUrmu11d lht· \/rr11 dcrl
brmrr/r "' H lllp1·n 111 1/1r !>IZC of u
'''°"''" ""
ln11 ()11(/ J/11•11 (I lll'l!J.
rbo111• 111 t•r ~11ak<"~ 11s 11•01•
1lm111yl1 Ilic d11rlmf\\ }11\I at tlw
1 tf!Jt tij .1'11111 l'l\111/1 ,
BL'ft1r(' .1 nu ran laok aro111ul
<1111• lomwr. lrou•c·n·t. figures
k11p 111110[1/11·11111/rt flf \ '!Ill,
~i11g111q u i;o11g uj deatli.

If the PCs merely app roach the

portal but hesitate to pass through it, ,
the three minions jump through to Ygg-
drasil and anack the group. Either way, if
the PCs can understand the Language of
Ankhwugaht, they realize that the
strange, dirgelike song sung by their
assailants praises Set and describes the
task of defending his realm HEBW EASY +EP mAKE I+ keep the desen's night safe,
against intruders. When the A +HING EBF PLAY. Nek.rotheptis won't live long
fight begins, the minions ap- enough to make use of the heroes'
pear to be dusky-skinned, well- - A VISAGE information (see Interlude II). In any
muscled men wearing black and event, minions of Set escort the heroes
gold garments. If seriously pressed, all the way back to the portal to make
however, they tum into giant scorpions sure that they leave.
and continue to attack. They won't retreat 'Course, if the OM wishes to expand this por-
or surrender. tion of the ride, he can throw in encounters with a
If the battle occurs on the Baatorian side of the giant desert snake or two, a pack of hyenas, or croc-
portal, the PCs can see their mark - the visage they'd odiles, all of which are intelligent and all of which
been trailing - slip away into the darkness of the desert automatically attack any good bashers in the realm. The
realm. PCs might even encounter some of Set's petitioners. who"re
always looking to get ahead in one way or another in this
harsh place. Eventually, however, the heroes run into the min-
+THE mIDNIGH+ DESER+ + ions and their proxy high-up and are forced to leave
Player characters brave enough to venture into Set's realm
after defeating the guardians find no trace of the visage. If
they wander around, however, it won't lake long before they +A LC9NG TRIP BACK+
encounter more minions of Set, who patrol the area regularly
looking for the intruders. This time, six minions - all appear- After being tossed out of Set's realm, the PCs probably try to
ing as men dark of hair, skin, and eye (as above) - approach head back to Crux. It seems to them that they can retrace their
the heroes, but they don't immediately attack. Instead, one of steps without problem. However, though they make their way
them informs the PCs in a heavily accented voice: "Our with good speed. they don 't reach the tree-burg. Fact is, after
master wishes to speak with you." hours of walking, the PCs might begin to realize that they re-
While some leathcrheads might be terrified by this news, ally haven't moved at all (even though the scenery's been
thinking that they're going to be brought before Set himself, changing).
real bloods know that the minions must mean a proxy - a Here's the dark of it: The visages know that the bashers
power wouldn't speak with a bunch of planewalking sods. wigwagged with Set's proxy and probably learned the nature
And they're right, of course. If the PCs are willing, the min- of their mission to obtain the desen 's night. That's not some-
ions escort them to the temporary headquarters of Nekrothep- thing the undead fiends want the PCs to know, so they plan
tis Skorpios (Px/o minion of Set/F13,T15/LE). a regal pavil- on preventing the heroes from returning to Crux with that
ion made of black material. Hundreds of minions camp chant. One of the visages secretly ambushed the heroes when
arou nd the pavilion, which is also surrounded by an honor they came back through the portal to Yggdrasil, using its lu-
guard of 20 minions in the forms of giant snakes. cidity-control powers to make them think they were moving
The minions bring the PCs before Nek.rotheptis, who asks when they really weren 't.
the heroes to explain their purpose in Ank.hwugaht. The proxy As soon as the PCs tumble to the idea that they're not
is coolly polite in his questioning, and he even offers the group making any progress on the World Ash, each cutter should
cups of good wine and a plate of fresh dates. Nekrotheptis make a saving throw versus spell. Those who succeed can
looks much like the other minions, though his dark complex- begin to walk normally along the branch, quickly leaving
ion and disarming eyes also give an impression of smoldering their companions behind in the foliage. They also see a
names and black ashes. Canny cutters'll tell him the truth ghostly apparition noating not far away th rough the leaves -
about the visages, and if they do, the proxy does the same. the visage that'd been controlling their perceptions.
Unless all of the PCs make their saving throws, those
" Tiil ~r 111yste1w11' fol'~ 1•011 1/rsc11/11 arc tlic· rea~o11 1111· who free themselves from the visage's control most likely go
tront" tmd I arc 11erc. " 111 1'.1p/11i11S. -1 \'e \l'1 J! In Hop t111•111. l\1 back to find their comrades. That proves difficult - the visage
111111·1t' thn• arr after 11 rare j1n11 1l' I b1011•11 a~ cl<'srrt', night. next uses its power to make it seem like disembodied human
/111t 110 or11• may stral ft 11111 1/ir 11•a/111 nf tlic I orti of l·l'il." Ilic arms and hands attack the returning heroes. But since they're
impo~i11q 111a11 11·11111·, /Jis /i1111d 1cqt1lll'. "Ret11m to 1·11111 po1111l peery now, the PCs can make another saving throw versus
1111tl ht'!/1111e. ~V1· lu11 ·i• the dc/i·11"' of 111;, 1i•a/m /I'd/ i11 hand. spell to avoid the new effect. This time, those who succeed see
/ 11ok to rvur 1111•11 /1111d,, 11111 {nr111/\. .. that the affected sods are being assaulted by their own arms
(which're under the control of the visage). If a basher strikes
If indeed the PCs tell Nekrotheptis where the visages are one of the "disembodied'' arms, he inflicts damage upon him-
coming from and what they've seen in Crux, the chant is quite self without realizing it.
valuable to him. Unfortunately, even though he manages to Meanwhile, any PCs still caught up in the original "can't

• 42 +
get anywhere" effect are allowed new saving throws since 'Course, going to the high-ups means turning stag on any
they're no longer the focus of the visage's attention. Overall. deal they might've made with the innkeeper Flederoth, but
with all the confusion, it's likely that the group gets separated that's a choice the cutters muse make on thei r own. No maner
in the thick foliage of Yggdrasil. To make matters worse. the what the PCs do, the visages are aware of cheir presence and
visage stirs up a nest of giant beetles (the World Ash is thick try to shake the heroes' confidence in their own sanity.
with them) to attack the heroes.
If any sods break free of the disembodied arm effect. the ('lll2D..EN+ CH N.._
visage then tries to make them think that normal-sized beetles
are crawling all over them as the giant-sized insects anack. By hanging around Crux and picking up the latesc chant, the
Again, the PCs get a saving throw, but those who fall prey to PC-. can learn (or simply overhear) the following:
the new trick believe themselves to be completely covered in
stinging, biting beetles that scramble into their mouths, ears, Things still aren't right with Yggdrasil. An evil pres-
and so on. There's a 500/o chance that victims try to brush off ence still seems to lurk in the area. Folks can feel it.
the imaginary beetles while fighting the real ones. and a 500/o
chance that they ignore the imaginary insects and focus only Travelers coming from the Astral report finding a great
on their giant-sized anackers. In the latter case. however, the deal of residual negative energy Uust like from the
berks have such a hard time trying to ignore the smaller bugs Negative Energy Plane) in the Silver Void.
that they suffer a penalty of -3 to all die rolls, and their
Armor Class worsens by 3. There seems to be a good deal more activity than usual
Only when the heroes begin actively searching for the around the portal to Ranais. Nobody special - just lots
visage amid the leaves does it slink away - unless the charac- of folks coming and going.
ters are addle-coved enough to separate, that is. If the PCs
split up. the undead fiend attacks one of the lone party mem- Some people in Crux've been acting strange lately -
bers, hoping to kill and replace him withouc his companions' not all rlrar weird, but just different. One of the folks
knowledge. said to be acting strange is Constable Nachen Jon. But
Modrons aren't affected by the visage's power to it's hard to say, really, as no one's seen the constable
control lucidity. If the party includes the lost pentadrone from around much.
Chapter II or even a rogue modron PC, the logical cutter
might be a useful tool in judging which sensations are real A berk just back from Sigil says that Bwimb, the baron
and which are induced. of the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze, is dead. Few folks
If the PCs didn't foll ow the visage to Ankhwugaht in the care, wondering, "There was a baron of the Plane of
firsc place, the OM can use this scene any time the heroes Ooze?"
leave Crux and try to make their way back. In this case. the
characters won't know about the desert's 11ighr, but the vis- Rumors ny that a big-time power just went to the
ages will still consider them potential trouble-makers and try dead-book. No one knows which one or what the cir-
to keep them from returning to the tree-burg. cumstances were. but if the chant's true, there are
bound to be repercussions somewhere.

A Time AND PLACE The Dungeon Master is free (and encouraged) to add red
+ +e CALL KIP+ herrings to this list. After all, folks in Crux ta lk about a lot of
different things.
Once the PCs return to Crux, they can rest easy for a bit, catch-
ing up on their meals and their sleep. After that, however, they q;Al\.CHING f:mR SIGNS
must decide what to do next. From here on out. events in this
chapter should be even more confusing, mysterious, and dis- If the PCs decide to look around the town for clues about
orienting. The PCs probably realize that they face an enemy what's going on. the OM should set up encounters with bashers
that can control what they sense and duplicate the appearance who may or may not be visage duplicates. Even normal citizens
of others. How can they trust anyone - even each other? can seem suspicious, either because of a berk's own paranoia or
The Dungeon Master can exploit this know ledge to add because a real visage has been manipulating perceptions.
tension to the scenario. Seemingly suspicious activities by or- A fiend's mind-peel can work like this: If a PC looks
dinary folks can lead the PCs into following the wrong leads around a building or glances down a street, an indeterminate
and jumping to the wrong conclusions. Careful use of the vis- figure seems to be watching him from a distance. When the
ages' power can make the heroes worry if they should ever sod moves ahead to investigate, the figure's gone. The visage
completely trust their own senses. also can make it appear that normal folks on the street glare
At this point, the PCs might try to get lanned to the cur- suspiciously at a hero, but if the basher keeps chasing people
rent chant, poke around town, or just go to the authorities. who aren't there, the looks may very well become real. To

make matters worse, the visages can cause the PCs LO hear actly what the heroes have learned. If the berks don't seem to
screams from far off in the distance, see nonexistent secret know much - in other words, if Lhey've come to High Point
doors in dark alleys, and smell rotring flesh. 100 early in the adventure - the so-called constable assures
Just when the heroes can·l believe their own senses and them that he'll look into things. However, if the PCs appear LO
fear that they've gone barmy, they find something real - an- be well-lanned or to have dug up the dark of something the
other dead body. This time, the corpse is buried under leaves visages want to keep hidden, the heroes might be in danger.
and brush behind a building in town. The poor sod was put in Peery bashers spol Redahl Wim - or, rather, Lhe visage
the dead-book quite recently. Virtually anyone in Crux can Lhat has replaced him - watching them carefully. If the PCs
identify him as one of Constable Nachen Jon's watchmen. and take too much notice of it, however. the visage uses its lucid-
a few know his name - Redahl Wim. He's been stabbed in the ity-control powers to misdirect or confuse Lhe group while it
back. slips away.
In any case, if the PCs don't seem like much of a threat,
T'ff the "constable'' allows them 10 leave and go on their way,
pD~PER l• "" ~ 'D Jl I + I ES
though they'll be watched. If, on the other hand, the visages
Eventually, the PCs probably go to High Point to talk to Lhe decide that lhe heroes' time has come, the fiends attack. Refer
constable, whether it's to give him the chant or get the chant to "Within the Hearts of Men," below.
from him. Unfortunately for the cutters, by the time they reach
the small fortress, Nachen Jon's been put in the dead-book and Vf:RIOIC mmv
replaced by a visage, his corpse hidden away in his room.
The "constable" is interested in whatever Lhe PCs have to Bold cuuers might go straight to Veridis. 'Course, he can't
say and hears them out, trying to play the part of the con- tell them all that much. As related in Chapter If, Veridis
cerned protector. He asks questions and tries to tumble to ex- knows that a force of great evil briefly visited Crux, and he

HIGH PED IN+ / -r-

- t Yggdra5il
r- ]


Crux Outer

~-rI Jail

10 20 Feet
Storage Armory

suspects that some malicious presence still lingers in the Here. official dinners would be served and im-
tree-burg, but he has no specifics. What's more. Veridis is portant visitors entertained - if such activicies ever took
experiencing someching he's not used to: fear. He"s lost con- place. But neither Nachen Jon nor Veridis Mov cares for that
trol of his town, and he's got no idea what to do. son of pomp. so the Great Room is rarely used.
If the PCs appear to have a pocential solution, Veridis A large table fills the center of the room, and long tapes-
helps them (or exploits them) in any way possible. But here·s tries (all depicting different representations of the World Ash)
the catch: The cutters really have to seem to know what·s hang on the walls. If High Point were ever invaded, a foyer
going on and what they're doing. A blood like Veridis Mov outside of the Great Room would serve as the fortress's last
won't put everything on the line for a bunch of leatherheads defense, with a final wooden portcullis that can be dropped at
or barmies. the top of the stairs.

t:TVf""IG I+ +HE L IJGH Like the entire front facing of High Point, this
wooden tower has been built right into the side of Yggdrasil.
Naturally. the PCs can simply try to leave Crux and forget all It can be reached only by passing through the constable's
about the trouble there, but that's not really the stuff of he- office. Narrow windows let guards look over the entire town,
roes. Furthermore, the visages just won"t allow it. The undead not to mention launch arrows at invaders or drop water on
fiends do what they can to stop the cutters from getting away. fires that might be started as part of an assault on the
They don't want anyone to learn of their presence in Crux and fortress.
their interest in Set's realm - especially not folks outside of
the immediate area. 1 These chambers serve as Nachen Jon's of-
If the PCs try to leave, the visages use their lucidity-con- fice and sleeping quarters.
trol powers to make the berks think they·re making progress,
but after an hour or so of travel, they wind up back in Crux. If Twelve watchmen bunk in the two barracks, six per
that tactic fails, the fiends use their powers to bring artacks by room. The accommodations are simple but comfortable.
beetles, boars, ratatosk, or other bashers from Crux to stop the
PCs from getting away. This small chamber is where bashers stationed
at High Point can relax, chat, and eat. As there's no kitchen,
the food is simple and uncooked, though hot meals are often
Wl+HIN +HE HEAR+S brought up from the King's Table, the nearest tavern.
eF mt:N + These two large rooms serve as storage for
Eventually, the visages realize that they have to eliminate the food. supplies, equipment, weapons, and armor. Both cham-
PCs entirely. When they decide to make their move, the fiends bers are crammed full of material, some of it very old.
try to ambush the heroes at High Point - their lair in Crux.
Naturally, if the berks go to High Point on their own, the vis- THf mBUSH
ages' job is all the easier. Otherwise. the fiends muse peel the
group into coming. Constable Nachen Jon, Redahl Wim, and one of the other
Here's how: Wherever the PCs are staying, they receive a watchmen have all been killed and replaced by visages. An-
written message from Constable Nachen Jon asking them to other undead fiend waits in hiding on the stairs leading
come to High Point to answer a few questions. Witnesses even down to the Storage/Armory area. but it hasn't yet taken any
remark that they saw the note delivered by the constable him- sod's form. In addition to the four visages. the false constable
self. 'Course, the messenger was really the visage that re- has told three ordinary watchmen that the PCs are wanton
placed poor Nachen. murderers who've come t.O Crux to practice their bloody ans.
The three guards have heard such horrific lies, in fact, that
TH£ l.AYmt1.+ $f HIGH PEDIN+ they're eager to put the heroes in the dead-book. Thus, the
heroes face seven opponenrs - four visages and three ordi-
The outer gates are made of iron - nary guards.
probably the largest mass of metal in all of Crux. These huge When the PCs arrive at High Point, a normal guard
valves are usually open, though a wooden poncullis is often greets them at the open outer gates and escorts them up to
lowered behind them. The barbican is a small chamber be- the Great Room. By the time they reach the top of the stairs,
tween the outer and inner gates, and the room above has though. the berks hear the huge iron gates slam shut below.
murder holes so guards can rain arrows and boiling oil down (The gate5 were closed by a visage posing as a guard, who
on invaders. hurries to catch up with the group in the Great Room.) If the
PCs ask their escort why the gates have been closed, he
The inner gates are made of iron-bound wood, and shrugs and says, "That time of day, I guess." Canny cutters
they give way to a staircase leading up to the Great Room. should be put on the alert.

The moment the PCs enter the Great Room, the trap is Meanwhile, the rest of the player characters must deal
sprung. The visage-guard coming up from behind shuts the with the ambush in the Great Room. As soon as the portcullis
wooden portcullis at the top of the stairway, making sure to closes behind them, the PCs face two visages - the "consta-
remain on the steps. At the same time, the escort tries to grab ble" and "Redahl Wim" - and three real watchmen (one of
the last PC to enter and throw him into the path of the falling whom was the group·s escort). Two guards charge the group
gate. To do so, the escort must make a successful attack roll. If with intent to kill, while the third tries to subdue the PCs, a bit
an unlucky hero is hurled under the portcullis, he must make leery of dealing death even though he's been told of the
a successful Dexterity check to avoid being crushed for JOd6 atrocities supposedly committed by the heroes.
points of damage. Even if he makes the check, the sod still Lastly, the visage hiding on the steps leading to the Stor-
ends up on the other side of the portcullis, facing the visage- age/Armory area might try to use its powers to maneuver or
guard. Not only is he cut off from the rest of his group, but he lure a single PC down the staircase so it can slay (and perhaps
must also immediately make another successful Dexterity replace) him.
check to avoid falling down the long staircase for 3d6 points
of damage.
"Course, that ain"t the berk's worst problem. The visage-
guard uses its lucidity-control power on this lone victim, What really makes things difficult is that, as the guards close in
making the stairs seem infinitely long and extremely slippery. on the PCs, the two visages in the Great Room alter the percep-
Each round, the PC must make another Dexterity check. Each tions of the heroes. Each round, they cause the sods to experi-
time it is failed, he falls a certain distance down the seemingly ence a completely different set of images and sensations. At
endless stairs (DM's discretion), suffering Jd6-3d6 points of first, the PCs believe they"re standing in the middle of a jungle
damage. If it has to, the fiend pretends to be an ordinary that's too thick to see through. Next, they find themselves back
watchman and fights the hero with its sword, hoping to trick in the Great Room, but the chamber's dimensions are JO times
the PC into thinking the real visage is somewhere else and their normal size. After that, the whole room disappears, and
that the '"guard" isn't the main threat. the bashers think they"re falling through an endless void.
All PC actions that're intluenced by the altered percep- the heroes, the visages do their best to destroy it with physi-
tions suffer a -4 modifier to the die rolls. For example, while cal anacks.
in the jungle scene, the PCs believe they can't see the guards If the PCs slay three of the four visages, the remaining
they're fighting, so their attack rolls are made at -4. 'Course, fiend tries to give them the laugh by making its way to the
the three guards aren't affected by the visages' power. Every- ponal to Rana is (located just outside of High Point; see the
thing seems normal to them, and they make all rolls as map of Crux on the poster sheet). If the visage pos-
usual. ing as the constable is killed, the real guards sur-
The PCs can try to overcome the render and ask for mercy. However, if the
altered perceptions by making suc- heroes manage to convince the
cessful saving throws versus spell. guards that they're not the blood-
However, because the visages thirsty killers they were made out to
change the perceptions each be (through reaction rolls or merely
round, the heroes must make new WE SPIN IDUR WEBS good role-playing), the watchmen
saving throws each round to avoid ffif DECEI+ might help the planewalkers fight
getting caught up in the effects. against the remaining visage.
The visages try to use their During the battle, the PCs
lucidity-control powers to sepa- LIKE FLIES should try not to kill any of the
rate the PCs. What's more, the FffiR euR SPIDERY ffiEALS . real guards (assuming they can tell
fiends help the guards fight phys- which is which). The watchmen are
ically, but only within the of good alignment and are the
confines of the town's protectors; they were
altered per- simply duped into attacking
ceptions of the group. Srill, if such a thing
the heroes. In occurs, most folks in Crux forgive the PCs
other words, the creatures won't - as long as the dark of the visages· lucidity-
do anything that's not appropriate to control powers comes to light. (The Dungeon Master
what the berks are experiencing at the time. should be somewhat lenient, too.) Nevertheless, it might be
For example, while in the jungle scene, if a PC hard for some of the townspeople to treat the PCs as valiant
thinks he's fallen into a hidden pit full of spikes, a visage heroes if they slew any innocent guards.
might claw at the sod just as the victim "feels~ his tlesh strike
the imaginary sharp points.
If a visage gets a chance, it srops altering the group's WHEN +HE
perceptions and instead uses its domination ability to pit one • smEDKE CLEARS+
PC against another. No more than one fiend devotes its en-
ergy to this tactic, however, for the others must concenrrate With the defeat of the visages in High Point, the PCs should
on using their lucidity-control powers. believe they've wrapped up all the trouble in Crux. As far as
the heroes are concerned, the fiends have all tled or been put
in the dead-book, and the Dungeon Master should do every-
thing possible to convince them of that fact (even though it's
Obviously, the ambush is a difficult and deadly trap. The best not true). No matter how long the PCs search Crux for more
way for the PCs to succeed is for one of them to act as a "re- evidence of the creatures, they won't find any.
ality anchor" - one person who focuses all of his attention on Veridis Mov shows up and thanks the player characters
seeing through the altered perceptions. While the PC concen- personally, giving them each a reward of 200 gp for their
trates on keeping reality from appearing to change, he can trouble. He and the townsfolk then begin to make plans to ap-
take no other actions. point a new constable, rebuild any damage, and get on with
The benefit is that any heroes within 50 feet of the an - their lives.
chor need not make saving throws to perceive wha1's actually It's over. Time to go home.
going on. Each round, the anchor makes one saving throw for For the PCs, that probably means Sigil, which is a good
the whole group, with a +3 bonus to the roll. As long as he thing - the next chapter of "Out of the Darkness" starts in 1he
succeeds, everyone's perceptions are normal. Furthermore, City of Doors after a considerable amount of time has passed.
victims of a visage's domination power gain a +3 bonus on The DM can fill that time however he likes, though it would
their saving throws to break free of the control. be a perfect spot to run a portion of "Into the Light." The
A modron party member would be qui1e helpful in this flowchart on the inside back cover of Dead Gods suggests
encounter. It'd serve as the perfect reality anchor, for its fo- running Pan Two, but Pan One works just as well (if it hasn't
cused. orderly mind is automatica lly resistant to a visage's been used yet).
lucidity-control power. Naturally, if there is a modron with

47 +
"Yc·'· 11'<'11. do11'1 vo11 gn 1111rrr111· 'haur u/' Rllf/i11g
Ju k. 11011 l\h l1fi ·, (lfl'tl)' y11<1tl lien•, Ill<' /Jri11' a
proi 1· 1111 all . .. The bal1a11 'face cll11/1irr<'d i11 11
111ock1·1) of a <,11111< '"'' '01111 I'll h<' 111rm• 1/i1111 111111. Jack 1/111uyht. "'Cour\t'.
1111dc1 Ore· - I me a11, 1111cfrr tlt1 j11r1111'r rn/rr" - r/1c .fir11d lookt•d rrhour u i1h
11eri 1111., lrn .. 11: "I u•a' o 11r11.1y. 11111. I /111lt/\ ll'l'n' tlilfcri 111 1hr11 ... A' .lock
'Jlokc. lrl' 1wtful n lai·c1 nf 11wq1701-nrldr11 /7nft .f10111 1,;, nqlir furrnrm anti
rniOr·cl 111 11. "Bur," Ire 11111,pcn d 'ompir11ruri111/y...Thi'\' 11-rn·11 '1 11// 1/1111 /111r/."
1111 1111tlc11tl ilroll' ,/111111/1/111q alo11!/\llfr thr jlt'llll
1111dtlcd. l'cr/111p' tl1t11 ll'tl\ all he - it - could do. The
droll' lwtl bec11 a !Jrt'llT a11<I rt''/ICctcd \CrJ'<llll of l\wrcu1-
'c1lt·c bcji1rc \h1•'t/ had the /1crt! killed anti c1·c1111wlty rc-
11111111<111·rl i11111 the 1111/ll'ing 1·rc11t1oc it ll'a\ 11011•. Thl'
tl1i11g\ uirrc111 dury; h·tc/1 1rota.J1u111 rill' R11 er )ty.1 111UI
briny it tu I achrymo,11. But //1<·11 Rotting Jack /111tl
llJl/'<'ar1·d <11111 l1cga11 b11/J/J/111g abmu llim\clj· -
11 cu111111011 11cc11rrr11cc i11
/ht• bobau tippt'd
iit'atf /Jack and lnll'-
cretl rile \Tnfl '!f ro1tcd \kin
into /11, ll'itlc 111n11 th. rn•allotl'-
i11g 11 11•1fl10ut cilc11'i11g. "Noll'. \'1111 klloll'
rrll t1h11111. • the former llW\lt r. ng/11? I 111c1111. yuu ll't'H' 011c of '<·111 Thar hid 11;,
\tld! 011°11\. I !wow yc111 du/ 1/1111 way lu11y 111/0, 1r/1ilt' y1111 ll't'rt lll'i11' a111f all, /1111
tin 1011 rt'lllt lllbt r
Jack \Wppcd. rnddt'1tf\o 1111•1111• uft11wtltcr prnt•11cc. fir 'JllW 11m1111d tu \Ct' a
DEA+H IS dark ,/rat/011 1111111111111111·c·r tllt'm <111tl j11,t had 1i111c to jl111y /1i111\C·lf ro tile 51ro1111tl
A PRISEBN. b1:/ilft' 'omc•tl1111q rn tJUflt<I /!"''· l\''1n1 J11ck looked 1111 11ga111. the umlc11d dm11 •
BU+ +f' LIVING 11·11~ qc111t· earned cw 111·. 11•n1d!t ,.,/\', 11_1 Ille ,/111pc?
'11/wr a 11 en tu gr• .. 1/1c b11/J1111'aid111 /1i111H·(t: lfc 11'11111/ucd tftl1r.' tlruu• llacl
/1e111 ablr to ~' r('{lllf 1/11 tir.,1 11111< ir'd /1cc11 Jilli in tire cli'111/-b11ok. It \t't'mccl to
1111 k rhat \l'rt'11111wg was "'' important parr of 11t't1Tli. fo lie> 'lc11inl 1/1111 wa' "
,. ous+m£N 1tt1/ \/ICllllC.

PR$Vt:RB lack lwd rw idt·a 1rlwr tlic ,/J111fo11• 111iylit '1<11'<' l1ct'11. but 1111/y a lc111herhrnd
ll'ould /le ~urpn,rd to 'cc Slit Ii a !111119 hllJIJl<'ll. I Iii' 11'/l~ I /1111111111s, i[{tcr all.
'>till. the dark ,fwpc· /tad \et'1111·tf a littfr fi1111ilw1: It'd o/111u.\t /11okrd /1k1· • • . 1111,
11 cn11fd11 '1 lull'<' bcfll l11m.


In this chapter, the player characters get dragged back into the events involving
the visages, and, ultimately, Tenebrous himself. Summoned by Veridis Mov, the
PCs return to Crux (perhaps by way of the prime-material world Ranais), spy on
a meeting of undead fiends, and pick up clues to the existence and location of a
mysterious fortress known as Tcian Sumere.
AL the start of this chapter. the PCs are more than likely back in Sigil. As
mentioned previously, the Dungeo n Master can allow as much time to pass as he
likes before bringi ng the heroes back into the main story. Between the end of
Chapter Ill and the beginning of Chapter N, the OM could run a short Sigil ad-
venture, perhaps a portion of "Into the Light."
During that time, the cutters can't help getting lanned to all the chant
sweeping through the City of Doors. The following tidbits - some true, some
fa lse - are on the lips of just about every bone-box in Sigil. The heroes can
learn rhe information from any source:

+ 'The gods are dying,
according to the Athar. 'Course,
you've got to expect anything they say about
the powers to contain at least a little screed."

+ "Those addle-coves have it all wrong. The powers

ain't dying - the dead ones're coming back lo life!
Truth is, the Signers're behind the whole thing."

+ "Something's murdered Maanzecorian, the illithid power."

+ "Nothing can kill a power, bcrk. Don't listen to idle rumors."

+ "I hear that some leatherhead's planning on putting the high-up proxies of Set in the dead-book.
Let me tell you, I sure wouldn't want to make that blood mad."

+ "Bwimb, the Baron of the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze, is lost."

+ "Bwimb? Who cares?"'

+ "I heard that Apollo was put in the dead-book right in his home on Olympus ...

+ "The latest chant is that Tomeri is lost. too."

+ "Tomeri? Who's that? Or should I say, who was that?"

+ "The Astral's not going to be big enough to hold ·em all, I tell you."

BLAmlNG +H£ fAC+l$NS

Not everyone in Sigil puts stock in the rumors, but those who do want to know who or what is responsi-
ble for killing the powers. Many Cagers suspect faction involvement - after all, one group or another
seems to take credit for just about everything that happens in the multiverse. And if the DM's also running
"Into the Light," which prominently features the Athar and the Sign of One, those two factions move to
the top of everyone's list. (AJthough the adventures in "Out of the Darkness" and "Into the Light" aren't
closely related, the DM's free to play upon faction paranoia to make it seem as if the two scenarios are part
of the same grand plot.)
Most folks immediately blame the Athar. and bloods who know of the Godslayers - the faction splin-
ter group on the Astral - point their fingers there. But the high-ups in the Athar release no official state-
ment. They're as much in the dark as everyone else. And as happy as they might be to hear of the death
of a few powers, they're worried about a possible bacldash that could harm the faction. Gods don't die
without consequences, after all.
Berks who like to consider themselves clever thinkers say that the Athar are too obvious a target. that
the real culprits are just trying to pin the blame on the Defiers. Some of these bashers claim that it's the
Sign of One who's at fault. Chant is the Signers want to prove their philosophy (and show off a bit) by
bringing a dead power back to life. When they couldn't find a corpse to their liking, they imagined a few
gods into the dead-book just so they could bring 'em back later.
The truly intelligent cutters in town realize that monals just don't kill gods. If the powers actually are
dying in numbers (and no real proors been offered yet), then something big is going on - something far
beyond the scope of ordinary folk. But most people don't like to hear such talk. It's not as much fun. Fact
is. it's downright terrifying.
That's pan of the reason folks like to look to the factions for answers, and the Athar and the Signers
aren't the only groups to get involved - or to receive their share of the blame. Here's how the rest react to
all the talk about powers falling to the Astral:

+ 49 +
B '\ \ ' s I T K 'I
Many Godsmen feel that powers aren't born, but made out of If the Anarchists could find a way to kill more gods and do it
those who succeed and ascend throughout a succession of faster, they probably would. There's no better way to smash
lifetimes. It stands to reason that gods can be unmade as well. institutions than to undermine deep-rooted faith. This kind of
Perhaps the "murdered" powers are merely those who fell anirude makes the League a handy scapegoat.
back down the evolutionary ladder.
.., JI t S1 -~' Ii
11 11 ,~ l \II \1 Many Sensates are no doubt intrigued at the thought of the
Bleakers've always scorned those who tum to the gods for an- incredible sensations a cutter must feel as he wrings the di-
swers, when real truths can only be found within. Maybe the vine life from a deity. Fact is, some folks believe the faction's
idea of fallen deities is just the kick in the pants folks need to engineering the deaths solely to experience the ultimate thrill.
realize that the cosmos ain't supposed to make sense. Maybe
now they'll look inside themselves. ' 01 I I
The Ciphers believe that the gods haven't died; they've simply
I 1 Dt I f ), blended thought and action in perfect harmony and become
To the Sinkers, the death of gods is a sure sign that the multi- one with the multiverse. Other, more lurid explanations are
verse is progressing toward cherished entropy. While most fac- nothing but screed.
tioneers don't encourage more murders, they're glad to spread
disturbing rumors, heightening a general sense of panic. I I \ J'>
More gods, fewer gods, no gods - it makes little difference to
(J I the Chaosmen. Chant is the Xaositects have stumbled across a
Powers are dying? Good for them - only in death can they fantastic new weapon and are using it on the powers, just be-
reach a state of purity. 'Course, they'd better dissect their pas- cause they can.
sions and understand themselves before then, or they'll still
be denied the ultimate truth.
A summeNs
The PCs can react to the rumors however they like. But canny
Takers won't waste time or tears crying about deities that get heroes might match the story about Maanzecorian's death
put in the dead-book. They figure that any god who can't han- with their illithid encounter on the Outlands (from Chapter I).
dle himself didn't deserve to be a power in the first place. And if they check around with a few well-lanned spivs about
Greedy faction members might try to relieve deserted temples Set's proxies, they learn that Nekrotheptis Skorpios - the
or distraught priests of a power's "unclaimed possessions." blood they met in Chapter Ill - is definitely still alive, though
chant is he's preparing to defend Ankhwugaht against some
1~ • 1 , 1 , u~ , kind of assault.
While the Guvners study the matter with logical interest, they Whether or not these odd facts raise their suspicions, the
find themselves the target of accusations as well . Have they PCs eventually receive a written note from Veridis Mov, ask-
discovered a cosmic loophole that lets them prove that the ing them to return to Crux:
powers simply shouldn't exist?
/Jelll f nc111h.
f 11 l I I /lof'i119 1liar tlii\ ji11rf, \'1111 i11 yood /11•n/1/i 11111/ 'Jlirit, I
The lndeps try to live and let live - or die, as the case may be. lzum/lly iHk)r11111 \'ull 11 buu11. Hcrn11H' of circ11111,11111ct•\ 1/za1
Besides, they hate subscribing to a single philosophy. so most r1111n·rn yu11 tlirl'Ct/\', I ll\k tlzat you n·111m w Cn11 u' ~u1111 "'
Indeps probably wouldn't flock to a power's banner in the JIO\\i/Jle. 011n· yr111 1111i1T. rr111 '/I ~re my rcn,011i11q to lw quilt'
first place. clear. f'i111t 11111/ 'ecrecy ore vj the t'~"·nce.
II ·. t. \·a11/i' ,\lot'
The Hardheads'd like to hammer out what they consider to be
the bumps of the multiverse, to make it all flt according to Unless the PCs did some serious digging the first time
their ideal. Whoever's killing gods seems to have a different they were in the tree-burg, they probably didn't learn about
plan - one that must be stopped. the shortcut from Sigil to Crux through the prime-material
world of Ranais. In that case, Veridis's note also includes
instructions for them to seek out someone
It's bad enough when an apple thief or cony-catcher escapes named Vire in The Lady's Ward of Sigil -
the due punishment of law. The Red Death feel that those she can give the group the chant on the
who commit spectacular crimes - like slaying quickest route to Crux.
deities - must pay equally staggering prices.

+ 50 +
TJ«E <f\UI= N '9f SIGIL + Show the players lllo E (on page 171).

Looking around The Lady's Ward for someone named Vire Vire is a formian queen, kidnapped from Arcadia at birth
takes some time. Most folks don't know the name. But if the by a group of marauders and eventually sold as a curiosiry in
PCs persisr, they evenrually ask a basher who says, "Oh, you Sigil. Due to the trauma (and possibly the environment), she
mean the queen!" He points the heroes toward a clock tower never grew to her full size or gained the abilities that should
that stands in Penare Square, nor far from the Twelve Factols have rightfully been hers as a queen.
restauranr and tavern. Named and raised by her human clockmaker owner. Vire
shows few signs of her insectlike nature, though she's well
l'c11atc '>c111an· 1~ t1 quicr. 'ombl'r iHrc rwrririu oj rime aware of the formians, their culture, and her proper place in
11111<' ~trrcr)>.Alosr fo!J!, buqk r/11011qf1 tire ana n~ q111ckf\ a\ it. Even when she earned her freedom, Vire never wished to
tlH'y c·1111. rn11111/ lirrle a11d n·11wi11111yfo1u,tcl 1111r111ir01111 rejoin her own kind. Instead, she earns a living in Sigil as an
b11~111t'\'· Ar rl1c n•111cr of tfll' "l'"'rc srar11h a tall 10111·1 11 •11/i interplanar merchant, though her first love is clocks - she's in
a ro1111c1 duck /"ce 011 1 (IC/i of rh ju11r \ltlt' Nn um 11111~ 111 charge of the tower in Penate Square. But she doesn't appre-
pen 11111cl1 1111t·111io11 w t 111' loll er. ciate being mocked with the nickname "Queen of Sigil,"
which some Cagers call her.
If the PCs look closely at the rop of the tower, they notice Through her many trades, Vire became an acquaintance of
movement behind one of the slightly translucent clock faces. Veridis Mov, and she can tell the PCs how to get to Crux from
(Investigating the tower draws a little attention from Sigil: Take a portal to the prime-material world of Ranais and
passersby, but not much.) A low door set in one of the tower's then travel about 15 miles co another portal that leads to the
sides is obviously locked, and knocking brings no reply. How- tree-town. The portal to Crux is always open, and like all such
ever, calling out for Vire does. doorways on Yggdrasil, it resembles a color pool. As for the
portal to Rana is. it's a sec of double doors on a stable in the
1Irr donr opc11' rn11111//r~~/\'. 11111/ 11 1tJ11g. 11arro11 l1t•t11/ Market Ward; the key is a tattered piece of white leather.
1111t tire lt·a,r l1it 1111111(111 - peck\ cwt. It app1·an ro lie rt r /1md Vi re doesn't ask for any reward for her trouble, but most
of a large i11src1, cocked ro ont' mlt 111 a c11not1\ po,c. ·rt,, bloods'll give her some garnish - which she'll gladly accept.
Ct111 I lit'lp vo11r T/1c crcarurt' "'1'111' rn rl11trcr m"rc t1u111 In general, the PCs find the formian to be well-mannered,
s11eal• c111d rile d1eki11q 1•0111 is 1111\t·rt/1uq lwt de/i11rre/\• [c·11wk pleasant, and extremely intelligent.

6E 0
~ ~ Temple .~ 0 Portal



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once been a fabulous place. Toppled marble columns, crum-
bling painted and frescoed walls, decayed gardens, empty av-
The Dungeon Master is free to invent the details of Ranai~'s enues with pillared sides and cracked pavement - the ruins
portal to Crux. The specifics don't really matter, as long as seem a quiet vestige of a virtually unknowable past.
Vlrc gives the PCs directions to the right spot. For the first half-hour or so, all the PCs have to worry
However, it's possible that the heroes'll try to find their about is the cold, calm weather (it's about JO degrees) and the
own way back to Crux. (Perhaps the encounter with Vire slow progress through the rubble and debris. But before long,
doesn't go well, or the berks don't want to ask for anyone's they encounter one of the poor dead spirits of the nameless
help.) For example, they could catch a handy portal to the city through which they walk. They're stalked by a wraith
Outlands, locate the fallen trunk in the realm of the Norns, hungry for warmth and life.
and climb back to the tree-burg - after all, it worked before. The cutters first tumble to the danger when they hear a
At this point in the game, traveling through Ranais pro- mournful wail from behind them. Whether they investigate or
vides the PCs with spooky atmosphere, possible encounters not, a few minutes later they hear the sound again - closer.
with wraiths and visages, and a bit of useful information. But But the wraith doesn't attack outright. Instead, it tries to strike
if they avoid passing through the prime-material world, it's from a shadow or from behind and then scurry back into the
not a disaster. Just skip over "A Dead World" and continue darkness. If a PC presents a holy symbol (as if to turn the
with "Back in Crux." The cutters must return to Rana is later wraith) or attacks the creature with an enchanted weapon that
anyway to find a portal to the secret fortress of Tenebrous, and can cause it harm, the wraith nees, crying out, "Your lives are
that's when the OM can use the information below. ours on which to feed! You belong to the Lovelost. .. ."

+A DEAD WfDRLD + The Lovelost are spirits of berks who survived the climactic
When the PCs step through the portal to Ranais, they emerge upheavals that long ago destroyed Ranais. While most of the
in the middle of a quiet, seemingly dead city, mostly in ruins. people ned, some were unable to leave in time or simply
(Refer to the map on page 51; the heroes arrive at the spot chose to stay behind and die along with their beloved home.
marked "Portal to Sigil. ") Fallen columns lie alongside marble Forced to live the rest of their lives on a rui ned world, they
buildings and jumbles of rocks, beams, and other rubble. eventually passed into the dead-book and now continue to
Once-great cathedrals have become stone skeletons, and au- haunt their fallen cities as wraiths.
gust, many-storied structures stand as silent as giant tombs. They haunt the PCs as well, dogging their heels as the
While everything seems ancient, the city's remains exude a heroes make their way toward the portal. Although hundreds
feeling of undisturbed preservation. of the Lovelost still inhabit this part of Ranais, the undead
Ranais's sun hangs high above, tiny and white, providing creatures attack the PCs one at a time (in the manner de-
little warmth or illumination. It's a world forever in the grip of scribed above), more to toy with the heroes than to actually
night. Those who know its history refer to it as the Funereal destroy them.
World, or sometimes just Funereal. See, the planet was once If any canny bloods tum a wraith or inflict a great deal
populated with bashers who revered death (though they had no of damage on one, it flees. If the PCs follow, they embark on
knowledge of or connection to the Dustmen faction). Fact is, a tense chase through the ancient wreckage, soon finding
each city devoted itself to a particular death god, and many themselves in a long, abandoned courtyard that's open to the
burgs worshiped Orcus. When the great city known as Moil dark sky. As they stand in the quiet sanctuary, three wraiths
turned away from Orcus, however, it was cast into a demiplane calmly appear and begin to speak in eerie unison:
- most likely forever - and the rest of the world was hurled
into cataclysm and chaos. Those who could, escaped (and some "We nrc thl' Lol'c/CJ\I. WIH'll 1/li.\ ll'llrid dit•d, ll't' ll't're
of lhem Oed to the planes and founded the town of Crux). The jtinTtl 111 /i1't' 011 . 11'irlro111 home. ll'irlw111 jht11ily. 11•11'10111 /01·e.
rest perished, the dead-book burgeoning with their names. hn1 wltt·11 u·c died. u·e lil'c1/ 011 •• • 1111d 1111. A111/ rlw r1111· 1dw
When Orcus was reborn as Tenebrous, he commanded his did 1l1i\ w ll\ rm~ h1• w/111111 II'<' luul ll'ur~ltipt•tl. Ile' ll'hum ll't'
undead servants - the visages - to make Ranais their lair. lwd held ab111'c all 01hcn.
After all, the world still resonates from its links to death and "IVc heard //1111. i11 1i11u>, t'l't'll lie !tad r111cn·rl r/11• ilul/' of
to the revivified god. Many of the fiends have also established rlt'lllh, 111111 rlii~ gar•t• '" juyi<''' \11li5fi1c1io11 . Hur 11011 • t'l't' ll tlrar
a base in Crux, but the tree-burg's just a minor stop between lws brr11 1akt'11 from 11~. ji1r lit• /i1 •1•, 11t1ni11. lfo \c 'rl'a111~ m11111
their master's point of resurrection and the world once de- 1101 011/y rhl\ ll'Or/1/ /1ur llr1nr nearby. )or /11., forma 11·111ple
voted to him. /with t111 1111rir11r p111/1lt'ay. lfc !><'t'k\ k111111 ·it'd9e nf rlwr ll'hicll
'Course, the PCs don't know any of this. To them, Ranais Irr lws lo'1. lfc \l't'h rc1 •t•11gt'.
is just a dead world, and as soon as they arrive, they probably " l'c·r. 11, 11 !!perk n111 irri1111c rltr <'.I<' of 11 1111111 , a 1111111 ca11
start heading for the portal to Crux. The trip covers about 15 rl111 llll tlit' 11/1111' o[a11 i111111ortal - lll l1'as1 {01 a 1i111c. l or r1111
miles, but most of it's through a ruined city that seems lO have II lllt/11 11111 t'l't'lllllfl//_I' rt'lllOl't' lflt' .\/11'!-/(!

• 52 .
"f'aH t/1ro11yli llrh city 111111 1, 1111d taste rlic fruir of Ji;, Because the worshipers aren't real. none of them react in
u-nrks. ChooH' your patlr uftcrll'ard as you 11•111. l'\'c 11 •1/I any way to the PCs, except to tum and silently beckon them
pla!lllC you '"' ji11tl1n. " toward the temple. Meanwhile, one of the four visages tries to
use its domination power to make one of the heroes enter the
With that, the three wrai ths disappear. The PCs are free to church. Any PCs that approach the doors find they can"t see
finish their trek to the portal wi1h no more interference from inside, but they do feel the incred ible evil and malevolence
the Lovelost. If they activate the portal and step through, they that issues forth from within. The ghastly music intensifies.
find themselves again in Crux; skip ahead to "Back in Crux," and the entire experience becomes almost dreamlike.
below. The PCs must resist entering the wicked temple. If one of
the heroes sets foot inside - no maner what the reason - all
SEARCHING +HE RUINS is lost for him. The Dungeon Master can rule that the berk
drops dead or becomes eternally corrupted and unsuitable as
If the heroes decide to spend some time on Rana is before a player character, perhaps to return later as an NPC foe.
heading to Crux, they find trouble enough to satisfy even the That's a terrible fate, however (and likely rn elicit howls of
most courageous (or addl e-coved) among them. Aside from protest from players). so the DM should spare no description
various undead spirits and monsters that roam the world of the biner, fou l evil felt by anyone approaching the doors. It
(even beyond the Lovelost), the visages are also present - as should be abundantly clear that enterin g the temple is the
the wraiths warned. wrong thing to do.
The fiends' current base of operatio ns is a small church 'Course, the best thing the PCs ca n do is realize that
only partially in ruins. Though it was once a temple of Orcus. · there's no way a temple - complete with worshipers - should
all signs of its former dedication are gone, stripped away be found in such fine condition in the
long ago by the inhabitants of the world. But un- middle of a dead wo rld. If
less the heroes mask their approach with in- they rumble ro this oddity (or
credible ¥.ill. four visages lurking insi,de the 6 even guess that they might be
temple detect their presence- and take victims of a visage·s power
control of their perceptions. Thus, to alter perceptions), they
when the berks first spot the temple, , can make saving throws
they see only what the fiends want · versus spell to shake off
them to see - in this case, the the effects.
church as it looked long ago: Those who make the
roll see only the ruined
Alrt•11d. " \truct11n• ri'I'\ church - no worshipers,
from the· rui11\, i11tacr and p1h- no music, no black
ti11c. //\ ll'al/.,, rllouqll pa111tcd paint, no inscriptions,
blllck, ore \trc11·11 ll'ith bo11c- and no stone ram's head.
ll'ilrrc 111ffnptim1s 1nitrc11 i11 Any PC who sees the
lm1g1111qt'' that a;c hcT011d temple as it truly is can
you. Ilorriblc, ,11111/>i:r enter the building and
11111\ic µ11[W.\ 11111 of tire suffer no consequences.
/111ildi11t1. acco111pa11icd If that happens, the
/iv di.~rcmlant cllllll/\ fou~ visages try to flee
.111d \Ill/lie/~ lll('llflt to before they're spotted.
1111i1ut1· lllllllll~ of The inside of the
pain. Darkly clad church is completely ran-
pmplc, r/011kcd sacked and devoid of deco-
111 lloods "' ration or furnishings; not
/>lack '" 1/rr ev~n an altar remains. But a
11ig/rt \kV, PC who enters with his wits
marclr rnlcmn/.1 about him might detect a por-
11111/ ,;/rntly tal at the far end. The key -
ru11•arcl tin· lt1rttt' the act of extinguishing a
11pn1 door.\ , m:<'r light source - is known only
ll'liic/1. o \IO!le •. to the visages. The portal leads to
mm\ l11·ad 11·11tc/1n Tcian Sumere. i:enebrous's secret fortress
11•11/r malice. ori the Negative Energy Plane. It's the "ancient
pathway" the Lovelost mentioned.

53 +
If the heroes figure out the portal key and step through to Veridis, naturally, defends his home and guests to his fullest
Tcian Sumere, skip ahead Lo Chapter V, "The Bottom of the ability. By now, the heroes should have no doubt that he's a
Multiverse." Hopefully, though, they'll continue instead Lo force to be reckoned with, both politically and physically. But
Crux to find out why Veridis Mov summoned them. the blood has no guards or special defenses in his home, and
his cat, Zin, is nothing more than it appears - it certainly
doesn't get involved in the fight.
Depending on the PCs' actions when they were last in Crux,
they may or may not be particularly welcome. In any case, they After the group deals with the intruders, Veridis gives them
have no trouble making their way to the home of Veridis Mov. the chant on the current troubles. Thanks to his many con-
Here's the dark of it: If the heroes thought they'd killed or nections, Veridis has learned that the visages based in Crux
driven off all of the visages in the battle at High Point, they and the surrounding area soon expect the arrival of a messen-
were wrong. Some time after the PCs left Crux (depending on ger bearing important infonnation. Many of the fiends plan to
how much time the Dungeon Master wants to let elapse be- gather at a secret meeting spot to hear the messenger's news.
tween Chapter III and Chapter IV), the undead fiends made Veridis believes that it's vital to pick up the berk's chant -
their presence known again. Veridis fears that the creatures that it may contain the means of ending the fiends' threat
will destroy his town and everything he's built over the years once and for all.
if they're allowed to continue. So he sent a message to the he- Veridis offers to pay each player character 2,000 gp for
roes for help. After all, they had a hand in dealing the invaders helping out - 500 gp now, and the rest when the threat to
a defeat before, and they're best prepared to do so again. Crux is vanquished. If the heroes accept, Veridis tells the cut-
When the PCs arrive at his case, Veridis tries to make ters that the messenger is due to appear two days hence at a
them comfortable and offers them fine food and drink. Then spot on Yggdrasil called the Salience. It's about a full day's
he makes the following offer: walk from Crux, but Veridis provides excellent directions.

"IVl'll mt't. "'' fncmls I'm grateful for rour ntte11dfl11cc

and a11t·111rn11. fo11 '1 e 110 llL'l'tl of Ill\' 1d/111q 1·011 that ~0111c - +THE SALIENCE+
1l1111g 1·1le /rn, r11111e 10 1/1i\ 011c1-f11ir d1y. Yo11'rt• 1101 •• 11'/rar
is it you 1al/ tl11'111" 011. w~ : adtllC'-COI rs. 011 tin• co11trnry. 1•011 As a body travels around the World Ash, he's likely to see a
Jim· folk\ an· tlr<' our., u lw'1 t' dealt ll'it/1 1/m edl forct· most few amazing sights. For example, giant eagles make their
di1trth• n11d please do11't 1/1i11k tli1· flCOJJ/c of Crn.1 do11'1 ap- roosts on some of the upper branches. Chant says the great
p1cric11c 11. birds can fly off of Yggdrasil, winging their way through in-
"8111till'1/1~casl' that grip' 0111 cirr /i11' 1w1 l'<'f bcl'll l'l1111 - visible aerial paths that take them to any of the planes
11111tctl. Tlie l'rt'at1m·, lw1 <' rt'fumed. A11d beca11H' \'011 Iran• t111 touched by the tree. No one knows this for sure, but it's clear
cclqe, q11 m 1·011 by c.rpl'ric11r<'. /'cl like to implore 1·ou ll'ith all that the eagles come from and go to somewhere.
tlu mean~ at 1111• di\floml 10 {11111/h· a11d complt'lt'/\ rid Cm.r of Another mystery of the eagles is the Salience, a monument
1/11~ {011/ plaq111 . If 1•011 11'11/, I ~/101/ /Je musi grateful. " or cathedral built in and around a huge rift on one of Yggdra-
sil's branches. Chant is the birds created it long ago for some
Most likely, the PCs ask for details about the latest trou- unknown purpose but deserted the place soon after. In any
bles. But just as Veridis begins to explain, a knock at the door case, the Salience fell into ruin and has since been abandoned,
intenupts their meeting. making it a perfect spot for a secret meeting of visages.
As Veridis said, it takes the PCs a full day to walk from
Crux to the Salience. (Refer to the map of Yggdrasil on the in-
side front cover of Dead Gods.) The trip isn't troubled by vis-
Veridis opens the door to his case to find a townswoman (per- ages - the undead fiends aren't prepared for the heroes· con-
haps even someone the PCs remember having seen before) tinued interference - but chat doesn't mean things are easy.
carrying a small child. The woman's flaxen hair hangs in her At about the halfway point (or at any time when the group
face and her simple dress is torn and dirty. "Monsters!" she stops to rest), a ratatosk appears on a branch high overhead.
cries. "Monsters attacking my home!" Not surprisingly, it begins to launch taunts down on the
Unfortunately, the woman and the child are really visages. planewalkers.
The fiends, aware of the PCs' presence, hope to gain entry to If the PCs attack the ratatosk or threaten it with harm,
Veridis's house and confuse the group long enough to launch a the creature scurries away and won't return. If it's merely ig-
surprise attack. The creatures want to kill the PCs. and the fact nored, the ratatosk eventually leaves, though it returns later
that they're willing to stage such a direct assault should signal with more taunts. But if the heroes try to communicate in any
the heroes that the visages're getting a bit desperate. way with the ratatosk - especially if they show it some re-
'Course, that doesn't help the PCs with the fight at hand. spect (rather than treat il like a lowly animal) - the squirrel-

man clambers down the branch 10 talk wilh the cutters. When inw either end. Some say they did it so that nonflyers could
it reaches their level, six more ratarosk emerge from hiding easily ge1 into the area: others say it was because all beings
places in 1he foliage. were required 10 walk inlO 1he Salience - it was too holy a
place 10 do 01herwise.
' (Ji I ch 111 '1111,, /11111111 11111 111.1 111 '"'· 11111' 1/ 1111 The giant eagles fashioned the entire scar into a long
m1ar1"~- t l111trn "Rm/ ''"' ha I, \U\' 1111nrhr1. \ 11111d whh. gallery wi1h niches gouged out of 1he sides. On the rim of the
Y.t ji1lk "'" \lrnu 1'<Jll folk 1011 /1Jlk 111111 I J ,,1·r 111 • !11111 tli scar above each niche, they placed a carved wooden eagle.
\fl aA' tltfillll "\1 II I -I"'" //it I I I -1/ " I I
/ir\I r.lttlfll\k Ever since the real eagles abandoned the Salience. 1he eight-
1101/\. a /o mf1 \q1111rl.'/ C1rnll1n• /'IJlt'~ up. }(H1 1/d ml 11 / o/ foot-tall carvings have been the imposing rulers of the
fin I ''"' flm la p Ire/I' 11101/1 c r rru llc11 II' 111111 Ii. gallery. But in time, a few have become damaged and one has
disappeared altogether.
Essentially, these spying little bashers·ve tumbled to the By the 1ime the PCs arrive, eigh1 visages have gathered at
PCs' destination and want to help them against the visages, the bottom of the scar to awail 1he messenger from Tene-
believing that it"ll serve the grearer good of the World Ash. brous. These eight fiends are 1he only ones left on all of Ygg-
The ratatosk won't enter the Salience or figh1 the undead drasil; destroying them here and now would cleanse the tree
fiends. bul 1hey agree 10 lead the group to 1he right spol of 1heir evil influence. 'Course, only an addle-cove·d just
(!hough 1hey may not reveal any of this umil they actually blunder in and attack.
reach the Salience). If the ratatosk accompany the PCs. they show the heroes
the safest and most surprising route into the Salience - from
above. See, the area's become overgrown since the timelost days
when the Salience was actually used. and Yggdrasil"s branches
The Salience was created in and around an ancienl scar in the now hang low over the gallery. With the squirrel-folk's help, the
bark of the tree. This scar is 20 feet wide, 30 feet deep, and PCs can climb onto a branch and gain a vantage point right
about 240 feet in length. The giam eagles carved a s1aircase above the visages, well hidden but still within earshot.



-- (). 1J 11_ a n .P1 11 (.}

M _0---T · /) 11 I I
:---i · . ~\ r.'I \II I I 0
0 ~ o "// l l.l 1/ 1/ a "{ 1

~-()--£\ -''-o-O-f11 -(1- ~fJ-~-

I Eagle
/· -~1 : ~
,, "' _
- Staircase

0 25 50

• 55 ..
If the PCs don't have the ratatosk's aid, they're on their that Nekrotheptis Skorpios might be in danger, they can do
own. Top-shelf rogues might still be able to sneak in close or nothing lO prevent the proxy's coming death. (See Interlude If
climb up into the overhanging branches; well-cast spells for details.) Most likely, though, the heroes decide that they
might solve the problem, too. The Dungeon Master should should investigate Tcian Sumere, the place the mephit spoke
also keep in mind that while the visages are naturally peery of, which is located somewhere at the bottom of the mulri-
and want to keep their meeting a secret, they aren't expecting verse - whatever that means.
interlopers. But the characters don't have much time to puzzle out
Refer to the map of the Salience on page 55. the mephit's words. As soon as the messenger is done speak-
ing, the visages suddenly and viciously attack it - probably
much to the heroes' surprise. The mephit's plenty surprised,
too, and doesn't stand a chance. Once the visages have rended
Canny PCs wait for the messenger to arrive before making a the poor sod into bits, one of the fiends simply states, "No one
move. The chant they pick up by eavesdropping on the meet- may know the master's secrets!"
ing proves to be far more important than destroying the vis- N Extraordinarily smart cutters might realize (or later
ages themselves. discover) that "the realm now known only for dust" is an
oblique reference to Pelion, the third layer of Arborea. That's
The c1/1crrnl crcat11rn 11rr ,;/1·111 am/ 11rnc1ic·,1/l\' 11111111111-
where Tenebrous gained the power of the Last Word.
lc\\, ohl'io11,/y ll'aitill{Jfor \0111<·thi11[/. A.fin 11 ti1111·. 1hcy lwgi11
lo 11·rithe i11 UJ1J1llft'lll a11ticipatio11 ti\ ll'h/)~ rif,1110/.:e 111· '11•0111
bcf1i11 to roll dow11 rlre \lt'/l't 1111 1111t• \ic/t' r!f" the !/111/cry. f/11• A++ACKING +HE VISAGES
q/w\t/y /llUll\/t•r<; gi1•c ii their .Ji1/l 1111r111io11. n11· cloud t!f" mi'1
At some point, the PCs probably launch an attack upon the
takt's tilt' .form of a \llltill, 11•i11qc•1/ h11111111111id cn·n11111· witl1
evil creatures in the Salience, perhaps even while the visages
1111/c grL't'll 'ki11. It make.\ 1/.\ 11•oy t/011•11 Ila \lt'/H mu/ 1111 -
are busy destroying the mephit - it provides an excellent op-
1101111c"'· "I l1ri11q 11t•11•, from Tlta11ows "
portunity for surprise. If the heroes hide in the branches
Tenebrous himself commissioned the messenger - a mist directly over the fiends, they're only about 10 feet above the
mephit named Rish-shissistris-shas - to carry word to hisser- rim of the Salience and 40 feet from the bottom. It's easy
vants on Yggdrasil. From the smug expression on its fiendish enough for them to hurl spells and missiles down at the vis-
face and the confident manner in which it holds its wispy ages, and a cutter could slide down a rope and move into
body, the mephit clearly realizes the importance of its em- melee combat range in just one round.
ployer, its message, and its position. Assuming that the visages are caught off guard, it takes
The Dungeon Master should let each PC make an Intelli- them a few rounds to bring their lucidity-control powers to
gence check at -3. Those who succeed remember hearing bear upon the planewalkers. With a little luck, a well-coordi-
somewhere that Thanatos is one of the layers of the Abyss. nated attack by the PCs could devastate the undead creatures
(Naturally, any heroes that already know of Thanatos need in that time.
not make a check.) On the other hand, it's possible that the visages get the
best of the heroes, especially if the berks rush in like barmies
1'11<' 111t·11'11t co111i1111c., to acldren 1/11· r·irngc.\ . "Your
and hack at their foes like crusaders in a war. While valiant,
11111\lt"f co111111a1111\ yn11 In rt'lllllill near the 1rce-ci1y. Vc1y
this method might result in a quick trip to the dead-book un-
,/11mly, he 'Ital/ rcmo1·1• tilt' i11,cct that tll11•11rtc1f 1•011r pn·1·i1111<;
less the PCs get some assistance. Kind Dungeon Masters can
1;[/'nrt' 1111d ,Jiu/I rcco1•t•r tltc /Jlo11111 Jiim\rlj: for,,, /011!1 lt1'1,
allow anywhere from one t0 10 giant eagles to fly to the sods'
11111• '!/'tire 11crpl'lrntnn ""' /1t•t•11 locarl'd and 1s 110111 \1•r1m·/y
aid (depending on how much help the PCs seem to need and
/1dci witlr111 frra11 S11111crc, 111 1/rc 8111111111 t!( tire• /1111//11 erse."
how generous the OM feels).
f/1<• \111t1/I, mi.\ t\' crea111n· 11a11sn .fnr t:l]t·rt. "Your 11111.\/1'1' /11n
See, the eagles notice that someone's defiling their an-
111\0 hid lllt' tn add: 'NO/I(' \/11111 /'('$1 11111i/ my 1'1'11!/C'Dllc'I' h
cient sanctuary and move in to investigate. These canny birds
l'Olllflletc. , \ // 11•/10 s11111d i11 ""' ll'ay ~lwll facr: till' 1aatlr of
size up the situation quickly and set their talons to tearing
1/w1 11'11icl1 ll 'll' 11 •r<111g/11 in the- t111cit'llt hall~ of tlrl' realm 11011
apart the visages. The eagles· assistance should be enough to
/.:11011·11 1111/\o /ill t/11\t.' ..
help the PCs gain victory - or at least keep them from being
As noted in Chapter Ill, Nekrotheptis Skorpios prevented slaughtered.
the visages from stealing the desert 's nigh1 bloom from But nothing's free in the multiverse. After the battle, the
Ankhwugaht. Now, Tenebrous has decided that he will travel giant eagles warn the heroes that they're unhappy with the
to Set's realm, annihilate the proxy for his impudence. and violence that has disturbed the Salience. At some point, the
bring back the blossom himself. And it's vitally imponant Great Conclave of Eagles will demand recompense both for
that he succeeds - the visages have finally captured one of their help and to make up for the sacrilege. This serves as a
the berks who buried the Wand of Orcus, and the deserr's springboard for a future adventure: The DM can have the ea-
night is needed to restore his missing memories. gles call in the debt, s ummon the PCs to Yggdrasil , and
Even if the PCs rumble to part of the message and realize charge them with performing some task.

+ 56 +
Gt:++ING +ED bashers can learn that the people of the world wor-
shiped dark gods, and that a temple dedicated to one of
• +HE BED++em these powers contained a secret portal. This kind of
If the PCs want to find Tcian Su mere, they first must tumble digging takes at least a week in a good library, and
to the meaning of the mcphit's reference to "the Bottom of the though the lead is vague, it gets the PCs looking in the
Multiverse." Luckily, that's not too hard. Most graybeards rec- right place. (The Lovelost also spoke of the temple and
ognize the term, and it's easily found in most Sigil libraries or its "ancient pathway.")
bookshops with tomes on planar lore. It's an old slang nick-
name for the Negative Energy Plane. + Talk to Veridis Mov. Most folks in Crux are descen-
Tcian Sumere, however, isn't so easy to find . Fact is, dants of those who escaped the ruin of Ranais. A few
there's no record of it anywhere. As noted earlier in this chap- townsfolk know of their ancestors' dark past, but
ter, the portal to the fortress is found in the old temple on the Veridis is a font of ancient knowledge. He can tell the
prime-material world of Ranais. If the PCs missed it when PCs about the temple and the portal, and he's even
they first visited that world, they still have a few different heard the name "Tcian Sumere" before. 'Course, he has
methods of picking up the chant: no idea that the visages are currently using the old
church as their base.
+ Find a visage (or let one escape from the Salience) and
follow it. Eventually, it goes co the temple - the un- Once the PCs learn of the temple, they need to return to
dead fiends' base of operations. Ranais, figure out the key to the portal, and pass through to
Tcian Sumere. That's probably the only method of reaching
+ Conduct research about Ranais. Although they find no tbe hidden fortress - unless a berk feels like journeying to the
mention of Orcus (such was the strength of the magic Negative Energy Plane and spending a few decades (or cen-
Kiaransalee used to eradicate the Abyssal lord), the turies) searching the void.
\ (11111 111 I bro11111r 1 m 1 1111' 10 the lmlor' 1101 -
m 1/l\ 1 I 1< \I, but (1/\ pl11111/111r cl1d11 I 111111d. Tile
Afo\11 r /1k d 11 I
1/11 u 1 I '111 l1<d tit approach to Orcu\q{l/c aqai11 for 11 lwt \Ccmt•d 1l1t
c q/11 l11111 l111/ 1111/lw11tl1 11111r 1111cl ,1111all11 n\ q11ic1. '\11nh 1/1t grrat<·st a11d
qmndt•\I c II\' 111 thl' 111fi1111c l\/!1•H 11 {IS llll/lfc911nblc. '\11r<'h
th t11 ft ll\t \ h1 'd d1•rn111rd 10 q11ard thr major /a11tl ap-
pro11cl11' t11 1l1c forlrc<o\ of Orc11\ 11•011/d 11111 111~ lord\ /ai nr.
\11rd1• 111 '11 ll'ill 1/1r Ma ... ter' trust.
Ami <ourdy Cihpl11111hor 11'011/d b11ra1•
t/111/ tfl/\I (I\ \1)011 {I~ /!{)\Sible-.
f/w11g/1/\ of bet111ml nm/ ambi-
11011 11 an111 d t/11• lwlor's chilll'il /lc,h
c/) fin fl/'Jlll'd drw·11 Im 'k111 1\\
11111s1cr CJ[ Orru\gatr and /1cut1•11<1111 nf Orc11\
111111,clf. u/\'/)/11111lwr 11•as 111 rlwrqt of
tl1t• drfc11H s - an
rask. t•... pccial/\o
11011• tlwt tire
11 '" 11'itl1 Demogor-
go11 and Gra1 ·u had
llcatl'd 11p l\lwt \ 1111m. tilt' IH'll
/1T1<o1111cr 1111/ 111 tlu far/rt'' - Baplrnmt't llwm If - mmfr Hc1111tv cm c1 c11 11101c
1mp01ta11/ nrn1 R11111111 /i{lt/ it that mortal\ from the /'rime Mataral Pla11t• 11·c•ri•
011 1/1rrr 11 m to c•11/1rr nl11ai11 c>r di stW\' {u 11/r mortCI[<;, ll'ho could
rtll?J tire Wane/ of' Ore us IJur Ira rd/\• a day f1C1\S1'd 1/wr
THE PHRASE rnmr Joo/ d1d11 't tlT/c mpt such 11 Ji ar. Glvpllimlwr l>rlic111d
"REB++EN tE!l HE CEBRE'' 1/wr the Aln\tt•r had \fJrrCld rnmors C1f1011r 1/1r "'"""
tl11011ql10111 tlit' plt111t'.S for JllST tlwt r('(l\011. lk liked /ITC\'
RINGS FALSE. to 11•t111dt'r 11110 /us trn[I~.
F© EVI:.. S+AR+S Speaking of Trap\, rt ll ll\ 111111• {01 Glypl11ml10r to clicrk
Wl+HIN I +-S HEAR+. "'I r/11 Hcraqo11 C111d Pe11tac1nn Maus ro see 1/w1 tl1t trap\ u•cH'
n·-srr a11d 1/wt the """ gokm soil fimc110111tl.
SHAY+H mARL DRlm. f/a t/1i11q l111d brr11 ll<'t111g up, and
A GEHASI s+eN£ CHAmPl(9N ffo . Ghf1l11mlwr \1gl1rd - or ll'011ld lim·e,
1[ lie could. It u as not timr. Tlio~t' dlltit' u err
,,[[ 111 th I' ~'- If" rn,trnct nnll' 11•a, 011 rten11ty rrappl'd 111111111 a11 c11t'rgy 1·cll,
rr rrc t h\ 11 'we r·rrnqt s. Tiu dG\ s of 11011•rr r111d glorv 11 rrt now.
I Ii /111/or Ji It /rt 'd lu11·1· /J1•r11 berrt r nff if lw'd m·1 tr t'\Cll/11 d tile arn111/t, if
1l1c /rr11etl Ir m qotldcH /rad 1ust /i11ish1•tl him off too.


Up to this point in the adventure, the player characters have confronted only the
agents or corruptive influence of Tenebrous - the visages in Crux, the Warp-
wood, and so on. But now they cake the plunge into the heart of the former
Abyssal lord's power: Tcian Sumere, his secret fortress on the Negative Energy
The PCs learned of the fonress while spying on the meeting of visages in
the previous chapter. and they probably overheard the mephit messenger speak
of "the perpetrator" held there. This captive is a drow named Kestod, one of the
two berks responsible for hiding the Wand of Orcus long ago. The heroes don't
know that, but they're likely to scour Tcian Su mere for the sod anyway, figuring
that anyone held prisoner by the visages is probably an important blood.

While exploring the
fortress, the PCs pick up clues that point
them to both the Vault of the Drow (Chapter Vl) and
the Arborean layer of Pelion (Chapter VTI). The heroes
might decide to go to either location next - assuming, of
course, that they make it out ofTcian Sumere alive .

... TCIAN sumt:Rf: +

Once, great and mighty Orcus ruled multiple layers of the Abyss, all filled with teeming cities
of undead and tanar'ri. His palace in the layer of Thanatos was second to none in loathsome
grandeur, yet he created Tcian Sumere as a last-ditch retreat should things ever go terribly wrong. He
never really thought he"d need to use it. But now that Tenebrous has indeed been brought low, Tcian
Sumere has become the central focus of his power - though he himself does not currently occupy the
place. (To learn just what Tenebrous is up to during the events of this chapter, read Interlude II.)
If the PCs dare to infiltrate the fortress, they have one advantage: Neither Tenebrous nor his servants
ever dreamed that anyone would ever learn of its existence, much less.find it. Thus, the heroes won"t en-
counter too many guards or visages watching over the stronghold. But they'll still find Tcian Sumere
strange - and challenging in the extreme. Despite the layer upon layer of magical wards that allow the
fortress to exist on the Negative Energy Plane, those without a link to the plane (in other words, living be-
ings) feel a distinct difference while in Tcian Sumere. Most visitors'd describe it as a feeling of hunger all
around them. Others might say it's as though something were tugging at their very spirit at every moment,
trying to draw them into a horrible void.
Tcian Sumere exists as a cluster of linked "bubbles" of safety within the Negative Energy Plane.
(Refer to the map of the fortress on the poster sheet.) These spherical zones of relatively normal reality are
joined by magical passages that writhe and sway like conduics. A body who peers into one of these pas-
sages can't see farther than JO or 15 feet, but the length of the corridors doesn't matter. As soon as a PC
enters one, he's automatically pulled along by an enchantment until he's spat out the other end. The trip
takes ld4 rounds, and the sod can't turn around or stop en route. The corridors aren't physical hallways -
they're magical paths.
Spells with finite ranges can't be cast through a corridor. Thus, if a wizard in Area 4 tries to send a
fireball down the passage to Area 10, the magic never reaches its target. But the spellslinger can teleport
from Area 4 to Area 10. This limitation applies to spell-like powers as well, so a visage can alter a PC's
perceptions only if they're both in the same area.
On the other hand, sound travels down the corridors fairly well. Folks in a bubble can hear a tussle
taking place in an adjacent area, and the tolling of the bell in Area 4 resounds throughout all of Tcian
Sumere. If the fortress is obviously under attack, the inhabitants concencrate their defenses around the
prison, where their most valuable treasure is kept - Kesrod.
The Dungeon Master needs to keep a few other things in mind:

+ Healing (both magical and natural) is difficult in Tcian Sumere - only half the normal amount of
hit points are restored.

Due to the strength derived from the negative energy all around them. no undead creatures (in-
cluding the visages) can be turned.

+ Most areas of the fortress have no gravity, and the air is cold and thin. Missile ranges in these areas
are doubled, but breathing is difficult, and the PCs find that physical exertion is more tiring, re-
quiring frequent rests (or Constitution checks, if the DM desires). Living bashers can move along
only by pushing themselves off of something from time to time (except in the corridors, as noted
above). Undead creatures can move freely, as if flying.

At this point in the adventure, the PCs should remain in the dark. There shouldn't be any way for
them to link Tcian Sumere to either Tenebrous or Orcus. Even the idol in the temple (Area 4) shouldn't give
them much of a clue (unless the heroes have top-shelf knowledge of obscure religions). Besides, even if the

sods do learn the name "Tenebrous," there's no reason they rat rl111111bcr - mucli like 1/Jc 011c y1111 )11'1 c11111t' from, u11/y
should link it with Orcus. larger. Hut you re 1111 /011qn alti11e. A J11~'i11q. "''pi11g rn1111d
Overall, if the PCs (and the players) are frustrated and CPlllt' 011t of rlrl' d(l1k11ns "' ror1"·t'fikr 1111111qro,i1in lurch
confused as co what's going on in Tcian Sumere, the DM fvru au/ to11•ard yo11.
should know he's done his job well. It's far too early in "Out
of the Darkness" to reveal the identity of the murderer. Each guard post holds 10 ghouls. If the PCs flee into an-
other area. the guards don't follow. They always maintain
their assigned post unless commanded otherwise by a visage.
+ARRIVAL+ If the heroes destroy all 10 ghouls in a particular area,
the essences of the slain creatures leave their physical bodies
When the PCs step through the portal in the temple on Ranais, and join together before the PCs' eyes. They form a single en-
they arrive in Tcian Sumere at the spot marked "A" on the tity identical in appearance and ability to a spectre, which at-
map. tacks the cuners with wailing fury.

foll /111,/ \'fJll/'H'fl't'S f111a/lll// It'll hill ti SJl/it'nW/ c/1t1111/11 f

2. CAUJ.Dll$N $f J.es+ S$UJ.S
math of \CJlllC' k111d <~f/1/ack 1111•/lil. I ht• <111/.1 /1yl11 '' rlwt 11 h1cl1
1•m111Wft'\ frum \'Ollt 01111 /){)rlir"i, as 1/11111q/J \'Ollr l't'/l /1(<' {u1cc Whenever a living being dies in Tcian Sumere, the ghouls feed
11111kC's 1•011 \Wiid 11111 like" l1t'm:1111. /here\ 110 !!''" i11• here. 110 upon its physical corpse. But the spirit of the deader comes to
~<'IHl' of 1111 ur c/vu 11 Your h11 a1/1 i~ /'ls1ble 111 rlw cold. sri// this area, where it's forced to join others like it in a huge caul-
air. llw 11/acc i~ "'quiet a• clt-11111. dron, stewing together in a horrifying cacophony of anguish
and angst.
Here's the dark of it: The heroes' life force does indeed
stand out on the Negative Energy Plane. Any of the undead m11111. t/ii, area Ira., 11 Jlat. ru1111d pla1-
A1111tlic·1 .'phcric11I
creatures in Tcian Sumere can detect it within JO feer no mat- fim11 ifs cc111cr 11111ilc of t/11r·k bla1·k iron, Sitting 11µ011 the
ter how the PCs might try to hide (with invisibility spells, illu- plmform;., t/11 1m111c11q• ca11/dro1111f \i111ilar rnmpo,itiu11. Ra11-
sions, or anything else). There's just no way to mask the glow 11cn of black silk /11111y from tire ~1iotto111 "' t~f the platform,
of life here. jloa1111q lwplial111dly i11 1/11• !Jllll'ity~/'rct• l'lll'im111111·111 .
Corridors lead away from the spherical room in six direc-
tions (including up and down), but the PCs won't realize their Anyone peering into the cauldron sees a swi rling mael-
nature as magical conduits until they push into one. No mat- strom of color. The pot is warm to the touch, but the contents
ter which route the cutters take, they end up in one of the have no temperature or tactile feeling at all. However, if a PC
guard posts (Area I). does "touch~ the spirits within, he begins to hear - softly at
This end of the portal is formed by the bounded space of first - moaning, whining, and screaming coming from the
the room itself, and the portal is two-way - it leads back to cauldron. Faces stretch out of the colors, beseeching the poor
Ranais. The key to activate the return trip is one of the "con- sod with imploring looks. (If any PCs have died while in Tcian
secrated" bones found in the temple here (Area 4). Su mere, their faces will be among the spirits.) The victim must
make a successful saving throw versus spell or flee the room
as if under a fear spell. Note that none of the other heroes can
• THE LAYeu+ • hear the wailing or see the faces - unless, of course, they also
touch the spirits.
As the PCs make their way through Tcian Suinere, the DM There's only one way for the PCs to help (or even affect)
should remember that most chambers have no gravity, requir- the spirits. Priestly magic such as dispel evil, remove curse, or
ing the heroes to push off of walls and solid objects and even a simple bless spell causes the cauldron to crack, crum-
"swim" through the air. Thus, movement and combat'll work a ble, and finally burst. The trapped spirits then fly free of the
bit differently. broken prison's confines, but they can't leave Tcian Sumere -
they'd be instantly destroyed by the Negative Energy Plane.
I. GU.ARO p ti:1c:+ Thus, they wander about the fortress noncorporeally, unable
to interact with or affect the real world.
Each of these six areas·re attended by Tcian Sumere·s minders Most likely, they look for bodies to inhabit, animating
- ghouls. Tenebrous created these dreadful, disfigured crea- fallen bashers not yet devoured by the ghouls. There's a good
tures long ago, and they feed upon the physical forms of sods chance (750/o) that a spirit eventually settles in its old body,
who're brought here and ''freed" of their life force. probably aher a few other spirits have had their chance but
have been ousted by the rightful owner. Thing is, unless a
15 1·011 Jll"' Ll1r1J119li the \lTUll<ft' conlfftir, flllllr•tl d1111•11 it~ corpse is healed of the damage it sustained that caused it to
11·111el111f/ lt:11tJ1/1 h1 1111k11011•11 rnrrt'n'. 1011 bt!/111 lfl 11011· n ji·fld. die in the first place, no spirit - not even the rightful inhabi-
row11g oclor l 111a/llc 10 \top \'Ull 'rc· t/1111~1 111tv a dark, 'JllU ii tant - can animate the body for more than 2d6 rounds.

'Course, any berk who dies in Tcian Sumere after the caul- The chamber itself is really a series of uneven rooms with
dron shatters no longer has anywhere to go. His spirit is forced multifaceted. asymmetrica l walls upon which the strange
to roam about the fortress, and his corpse is animated by other shadows are cast. Here and there, the walls have been fash-
spirits in 2d6-round "shifts ... Naturally, the sight of a recently ioned to make the shadows look monstrous; they resemble
dead friend suddenly jumping up and undergoing numerous leering skulls, giant raking claws, horrid faces, and so on.
personality changes should trouble the PCs greatly.
' - TEmPLE c:. .&.~EK.NE••
3 meRllUHD CHADe S
This is a temple dedicated to Tenebrous, though that fact
This chamber of shades and shadows is one of Tenebrous's fa- won't be obvious to the PCs. What will be obvious is that the
vorites. temple is similar to the one they encountered in the visages'
··illusion" on the world of Ranais (assuming that the heroes
Ar //rr C'lfl/ of tlrr corrulor, \Oil rrnd1 a ilw111b1 r IL'ITll d1 fell under the fiends' spell and perceived the ancient image of
lllt'll\irlll\ rv11 rn11 '1 ea\i/\ d1•1cr111i11e. A d1111 light \tt " ' ' 10 that horrible church).
COlll<' .fimn \Ulll<'U'hcre, castinq sluulo1l's c11111111d tl1t Hmny< 11
augled rni;_/i1ces oj the f1/ac1•. llrn1111lr all '' \Iii/ 11•11/un tlie 1111~ dwmbrr " long mrcl 11arro11 . rouql1h• n rw11g11/ar 111
rn11111, tire ,/wr/011·~ b1·g111 to sli{(I ami 11101·e a' 1·011 ll'lltrl1 Tlic·1• slia11c. It uppears ro b1· " tcmpl< of some sort. 1ho11q'1 tlir n /1 -
.f/011• liki• ,Ju11'. \('CJ'ing iiq111d aero'~ tire· 11 all' <(/ t!il' room , gio11 '' 11/1,.1c111sh a dark mul \lllhter filllli . '>lrd1 <'' \Cl 11110 tlie
gil'ing tlu plan• a ~i111sl('r. 111111u1rt fi•cl. 11'(1//\ /10/d ruu•s of skulls. """tile scrolltl'ork a101111d 1/1r
slu l1•cs de1m H /oar Ir "11111' wwqt') cifjkrul~ mu/ 11mlrcul.
All of the shadows here once belonged to va rious sods Ar 011r rm/ of 1f1p trmple /1C11u1s " g1q"11tir iro11 bPll r11-
who now rest quietly in the dead-book. See, Tenebrous has gr<111 d 11•11/i <ruddy madt' '\Ct.'111'\ " " " pl< ltlfc'\. At 1hc utl1er
somehow found a way to bob spirits of their shadows, and Hands " I S-foot-1111/ stollt 11/ol of a ra111-/1carled l1uma11md. If\
he's locked them up here like treasures in a vault. Though the lllU\Cular ""'" ott1s1rt•trl1al Jiu \/11111!' H black. 1111111911 1/m·ails
shadows shift, writhe, and flit about, they pose no real danger of'1 grrc1mlr mi11cm/ 11•w1•r tflt•1111•m 1lirouolw111. At tl1cjcu af
to bashers who enter - despite what the PCs might think. Ilic la/Ill'. "p1/1 11{ l1on1 ~ "(/IT!lllC/Cd Ill rl Cf\ pr('( I\(' /lll/IC'111

' ~ .
+ Show the players Illo F (on page 171 ). Anyone who 's in the temple when the bell rings must
make a successful saving throw versus spell or be struck un-
Close examination of the bones reveals them to be the conscious with fear and loathing for Id 10 minutes. Victims
remains of humans and elves. They were arranged in their who fail the roll must make a second saving throw versus
pattern during a religious ritual conducted by the v isages spell or be permanently afflicted with some sort of psychosis
some time ago. Tampering with the bones accomplishes noth- or paranoia. The Dungeon Master can determine the details of
ing, but one is needed to get back through the portal in the each illness, though they should relate directly to the history
chamber where the PCs first arrived. and experiences of the affected PC.
Berks who try to ring the bell on their own encounter
I great difficulties. The bell's so heavy that a Strength of 15 or
If the heroes climb up onto the statue and examine it closely, greater is required to move it at all. And even if a hasher's
they spy a narrow gold band around one of the ram 's horns - able to move the bell. he discovers it makes no noise - there's
the circlet of control for a skeleton warrior. Long ago, Orcus no clapper within. When the bell rings, it does so through sor-
trapped the spirit of a mighty basher named Anarchocles cery. Still, if a PC's determined to cause the bell to ring, he
within the circlet. Whoever wore the band gained the power can bash it with a heavy object or weapon. If this occurs, the
to control the actions of the skeleton warrior and see through sod who hit the bell gets his reward - he (and he alone) is af-
its eyes. The Abyssal lord's servants knew that the circlet was fected as if the bell rang normally in his presence. What's
one of their master's most valued treasures, though they more, the unscheduled noise draws the attention of any
didn't know why. So when the servants fled Thanatos after nearby visages, who arrive in a few rounds.
their lord's fall, they brought the band to Tcian Sumere and Finally. if the temple bell is r~moved or damaged in any
placed it on the image of their god - no one had any idea of way. it loses all magical properties.
what else to do with it.
Here's the dark of it, though: Orcus safeguarded the cir-
i:. S ACRI S+Y
clet not because of what it could do for him, but rather be-
cause of how it might be used against him. See, when Anar- Eons ago, Tenebrous (then called Orcus, of course) was a
chocles died, Orcus removed the skull from the corpse (which s imple tanar'ri who ascended to power, becoming first an
was destroyed) and placed it upon the end of a long iron Abyssal lord and eventually a deity in his own right. His
scepter, which was then infused with some of the Abyssal method of attaining godhood is dark (such a secret would be
lord's essence. This item became known as the Wand of worth all the jink in Sigil), but one thing's for certain - when
Orcus. Orcus gained true immortality, he gave up his physical form
The circlet can cause trouble for Tenebrous in two ways. forever.
First, whoever wears the band on his head and gets within 80 Afterward, his new priests and followers preserved the
yards of the wand can see through the eyes of the skull. More essence of their lord's remains in a large phylactery, which
importantly, though, if the circlet is touched to the skull, both they later smuggled out of Thanatos when Orcus was slain
tum to dust (as with any skeleton warrior and its circlet), ef- and his realm usurped. The faithful servants brought the phy-
fectively destroying the Wand of Orcus. lactery to this chamber in Tcian Sumere.
'Course, the PCs aren't likely to realize this. The gold
band probably just seems a minor (if mysterious) treasure. Yuu llfJJICar at till' l'lltr1111cc· /II tlth l'yfi11tlrirnf room.
But it becomes extremely important if the heroes get within 11'111i /1 ' ' 111ft-a,t JO ject a/Jur'I' tlrr .,11rfnr1• 11.f tiw .floor (witir
80 yards of the Wand of Orcus (which they will, in Chapter rl1c ctili11q rt\11111 11/111111 r" ltiy/1 alio1·1•J. /\11 1111ru11111abfc 1111m -
VIII). See, the spirit of Anarchocles is aware of what tran- lu.:r rifb1111c~. dc,in·r111·d 1111d /1ri11/c. ri\t' llJJfmm tlzt•.flc•or i11 11
spires outside the circlet. If he senses that the wand is near, lrt'1111·11do11' /icap i11 ti1c mitldfl' nf rile d1t1mber. f"('{ld1i11g a/-
he tries to force the PCs to touch the circlet to the skull. de- 1110~1 rlit• fr1 cl of tire r 111n111rc. U11 tiw ro11 '!I rlzc pile, 11•i1rrc
stroying both (and granting poor Anarchocles the eternal f/lf jlarrc11ctl ,rad: form," '"'"If p/arfi11111. \it.' ll'irat appt·ar'
peace he craves). w lie 11 di1fl• glass c1111u1111cr alw111 5 ft' !'/ raff. /\luc/1 af rJw c1111 -
ta111cr I\ cor·t" d i11a1111~1yfilm , r/111119/1 ll'itlti11 y1111 (WI ~Cl' a
I' 11 I 1fr1 JI qrcC'11 j111irl. ~11/11/ <11 sr mi,olid rl11111k' l!j" dt'!J"''i11g ur-
Though the PCs may spend time wondering about the circlet, gan ic 111111/cr 11n SU\flllllfrtf i11 tlzc muck.
the main focus of the temple is really the large iron bell at the /\ 1111rmw /Jlark hritl!/t' .f"lll' u·ltc·rc .I'"" 111111 • ~/111/f/ 11·11/1
other end of the room. Eight feet in diameter and engraved rlw t!IJI of tlr<' flif<' of /1011n. a11d 1111111/1('1 lmdyt· frod5 away
with crude scenes of death and undeath, the magical bell (rum rlrr Jllft' to rltr c.111 mt rlti• 111i1t'1 \irlc cf tire room . I Irr puff
gives the dark temple its name. It tolls loudly when~ver any- o.f qml'i11 /1<•1,· make·, ro11 rC'a/11(' 1/w1. 1111/ih· "'"'t 11rca~ 1~r
one enters the dead-book within Tcian Sumere. What 's more, 1Jt j , 'rra11gc fort re''· t/Ji, mum Jr115 11 tl1:/i11i1e ''du11•11." 1111·
if a priest of Tenebrous (who are extraordinarily few now) dies llt'cdjor rfic bridt/C i5 rlrur.
anywhere in the multiverse, the bell gives a heart-shaking
knell. + Show the players lllo G (on page 172).

+ 62
Neither guards nor traps protect the bridge. Nevertheless, This area was built fo r the sole purpose of viewing the
noisy cutters who draw attention from other areas of Tcian Negative Energy Plane. Here, and only here, a body can see
Sumere find this chamber a dangerous place for a confronta- into the plane itself - th6ugh admntcdly, there's not much to
tion. If a fight occurs on the narrow bridge - which has no see. The tower has three levels, each consisting of a round
side rails or anything else to protect a berk - the likely result room With numerous windows that look OUl upon the vast,
is a fall 30 feet down into the briule pile of bones that covers black void.
the hard floor. On the first level, a number of
To the untrained eye, the phylactery might stark benches face the windows.
look like a tall, thin flask containing a vile po- On the second level, the PCs find
tion or poison. Occasionally, for no apparent 0
a few more benches and a table
reason, the green liquid bubbles slowly - covered with strange, unfath-
but just a bit. Detect magic and similar omable papers that're either
spells reveal that the phylactery it- completely black or tilled
self is magical and that it con- •. with indecipherable se-
tains a small amount of magic. ries of wavy lines
However, those traces are just and odd symbols.
from preservative spells and These documents
the naru ral tanar"ric composi- are maps and
tion of the essence. The phy- charts of the
lactery has no particular use, Negative En-
though it exudes a strong aura 0 ergy Plane, but
of evil and corruption. thcre·s no way
Truth is, destroying the fo r the heroes
phylactery is simple. It's to realize that.
exactly what it appears to
be - a tall glass container.
.. The papers are
literally unable

But the contents are .. to be under-
highly toxic; any PC who • J~ " stood by living
touches the liquid must creatures. Only
make a successful sav'ing undead cutters
throw versus poison at -2 could make any
or die within one round. use of them, and
What's more, if the con- then only on a
tainer is broken, anyone within very esoteric
20 feet must make a successful level. To the right
saving throw ve~us poison or sus- blood, the map!. and
tain ld6 points of damage from the charts might be worth as
fumes and spend the next Id IO • much as 5,000 gp, but to
rounds coughing and choking. most, they're just worthless sheets
And whafs accomplished by of parchment:
destroying the phylactery - the housing of the for- The uppermost level of the tower is
mer bodily essence of a god? Nothing. Tenebrous's the most dangerous. The inhabitants of the
servants may have kept the container as a relic of unholy fortress rarely visit or even monitor this area, and as a result,
power, but the former Abyssal lord isn"t harmed or weakened a new crearure has senled in the wwer. A xeg-yi - a native of
by its destruction. the Negative Energy Plane - has bypassed the wards and bar-
riers that protect Tcian Sumere from the void and made its
&. 9BSfRVA+l9H Te'P.cp
way into the upper chamber.

This chamber has a definite orientation. When the PCs reach I/II\ 1110111 '<tlll\ lll f' I I H</c
the end of the corridor and enter the room, they start to as- rkt ,, '"''I/ /ilm k 1 r1 I H1t111 t1 c1m11·1111at r 1 / /
cend the staircase up into the .. tower... nl1m1t '• /<<I 11 c/111111tf< / f Ill 1 1/1c 1111111111~ o/ lilac J '"'"'
1011 '"'' 11111 ,1im1•1pq 11111 grct1•. lijc/1 H orb, tl1nl q11 t "'" t/1
A/read of 1011 11011 11r. mt/11 r. abul't' 1•011 rrsr' a 'I" 11111 n '~1'11 of< 11 ~. Ho/h of role/, l11111qn <111 rq1• 11 Tiiiie' 1ut
ra/ w1ircns1· mczdr uJ \IOI/I'. Yuu ft< I tlrt• pull of gri11•11v 111 H. I( 11 urd lzh- /" 11tlop1 th or 11 lz1J1' Y1111 /t d '"111<1/1111< 1111/ "'
you wa111 to <1<icc·11.J tile Htps. 1•011 11111~1 tlv 'o /11 er tn111111 I'(}// tlmu II '" tlll\ 'illl/11(/(' rl1111q, lzJ I "'"' /illllf/\ /fl ti /lfll I
1iu11nl fasl1i<111. J 1/ ,, ( ,, )/I{

This alien creature finds the interior of the fonress fasci- opening a con duitlik e co rrid or (similar to those found
nating, but it's frightened to explore. Still, the xeg-yi is a pos- throughout Tcian Su mere) in the middle of the floor. The berk
sible ally for the heroes, for ifs no more predisposed to at- who moved the table is automatically and immediately drawn
tacking the PCs than it is the undead. If the cutters can some- down into the corridor and whisked to Area 11.
how communicate with the xeg-yi, it might be convi nced to
help their cause in exchange for the chant on its odd new en- a . PRISeH (eU+ER Reem)
vironment and the planes from which the PCs hail. It had no
idea that anything lay beyond its native plane, and it's keen If the PCs're searching through Tcian Sumere for lhe prisoner
on learning more. "Course, having a creature of negative en- mentioned by the mist mephit, they're on the right track com-
ergy around - even as an ally - can be dangerous due to its ing here. But before they reach the actual cells in Area 9, they
energy-draining nature. must get past the formidab le protections of the outer prison
If the xeg-yi feels threate ned by the heroes or even chamber.
simply misinterprets their intentions, it attacks them. Because Kestod is such an imponant captive, the outer
room is manned at all times by a visage and a Oesh golem. The
golem obeys all commands given by the visage (o r any true
servant of Tenebrous) and, unless told otherwise, automati-
This chamber, holy in the eyes of those devoted to Tenebrous, cally attacks any living beings who enter the area. The doors
is used to create undead. on either side of the outer room also obey the visage's verbal
orders. If it detects intruders or thinks an escape is likely, the
f:n•11 hl'forc ruu 1111tic<' 11,;, ro11111 \ cu1111·111'. y1111 \1'11\C undead fiend commands the huge iron doors to slam shut.
'11111crhi11g 1111111nfo11clv 1/i\111rhi11!J - there·\ j11'1 1111 ci ·1/ 1111ra Once the valves close, the PCs ca n open them again only by
11lw111 tire place. l 111111 \/1111c 111/11<' ' ucrn11y rite cc111a 1~( tl1t making a successful bend bars/lift gates roll or by destroying
d111111bc1, \ltti11ccl ll'it/1 dark dril1b/e.\ of ,um1·rhi11qji111/. •">hc/n•.\ the doors, which can withstand up to 100 points of damage.
11/1111!/ th<' 11'0//\ //old all 11urn11t•r 11{ .Jllr\, b11rtln, 1111rl /71nb. However, if the visage has its way, the heroes will never
'01111 .fillc1f 11•1111 liq11i1h 1111d '.\'rllfl' '!{ 111111q•u1111g co/u" 1111d reach the outer chamber in the first place. See, the room gives
co11'i'11•11c1t·,. /lac alllf t/11·/"I', the line 11} c11111t1111cr' is i11re1 - access to two passages that lead to secret doors in the ap-
mptcd f1y a la rye. tf11qv tr>lllt'. I 11,r/y, 11 loll!/· /ou ltthlr • ncnr proaching hallway. The doors have secret sliding panels that
1l1c b111 k tf1,pfa1 · ~ 11 1111111/n•r of ,;/1"C1J' 111cr11/li1 loo/, a11tl 111 - let a body view the hallway while hidden. Unless the PCs go
\/rumcnt' w11/1 1111r1Jo'"' 1'1111 \l't'lll /r('l/t r lt:fi 1111k11ow11. to extraord inary lengths to mask their approach, the visage is
aware that they're coming down the hallway. It spies on them
The workroom has a slight amount of gravity - just through one of the secret doors and uses its lucidity-control
enough to keep things in place. It's the area where corpses are powers against the berks. The fiend might make them think
treated with all manner of necromantic unguents, loathsome the hallway is never-ending, make them think they're moving
procedures, and repugnant spells to turn them into undead forward when they're actuall y returning to the place they
creatures. A master of the undead like Tenebrous can even started from, and so on - anything to keep them away from
shape inhuman creatures like tanar'ri into undead servants - the prison. If necessary, the fiend secretly tries to alert other
hence the visages. visages in Tcian Sumere to the heroes' presence.
Most of the books on the shelves detail the anatomy of
various races and creatures, all from a magical or necroman- 9 . PRJSeN (INNER R.eemsJ
tic point of view. A few contain formulae and procedures for
preparing corpses, mummification, and undead animation. The area at the end of the passage is a torture chamber. filled
Two doors lead into separate storerooms. One contains with all manner of implements: racks, barbed instruments of
more chemicals and strange ingredients in sma ll casks, pain, cauldrons for boiling oil, manacles and cages for prison-
pouches, and glass flasks. The other has a few large glass con- ers, and so on. However, all of these devices show signs of ne-
tainers filled with a clear liquid in which float various human glect. Fact is, they've never been used, as Tenebrous and his
and humanoid body parts - arms, hands, legs, and even servants rarely take captives.
heads. The pieces have been preserved for use as needed in That's why most of the prison cells are empty. Of the six
the horrid surgeries conducted here. that line the hall way, only one is currently occupied - the
Many evil wizards and necromancers would pay a hefty farthest cell on the right as a body walks in. Inside that cell, a
pile of jink - thousands of gold pieces - fo r the books and visage guards an ancient draw named Kestod. The two wait
materials found in the workroom and the storerooms. But the silently, the visage concentrating on using its powers to the
real value of the room is a magical secret door that leads 10 fu llest to keep Kestod from using his.
Tenebrous's chamber. If the PCs examine the work tables, the See, Kestod's a vampire. Long ago, when he was an ordi-
OM should make appropriate rolls to see if they find any se- nary mortal, he was brought from the Prime to serve Kiaransa-
cret doors. Those who succeed discover that one table slides lee. When the drow goddess deposed Orcus and took over
easily to one side. If moved, the table functio ns as a switch, Thanatos, she commanded two of her servants - Kestod and

• 64 .
one other - to hide the Wand of Orcus where it wouJd never be lnrnlt• 1111 d1111k dark 1·d/. n q'111\t/\ ~1111r11• lra11qs 111 1/lc
found. After the pair returned from their task, Kiaransalee <11r. a J1la111 ll'ltllt po1cclc1111 11111\k tlH 011/\ < orporcnl 1/11119
drowned them both in the River Sryx, robbing them of their 11/Jo111 I/ Hut tire· jiq1111• 1\11 '1 ft1c111q \'Oil II\ {11C11\c:d 011 tire
memories so they could never reveal the wand·s location. < cJ/', 01/1r1 orc111111111. a sot/ clu1111<'tl 111 1/11 far 11111/ bi '11'
Time passed, and eventually Kestod was brought back lu11uh am/}< 11, hi\ /loch wr 11cd 111 l<lllrrcd lfll/\. Ilic /In\
into Kiaransalcc·s service - this time as a vampire. with linle n11r1 '\ }11·,/1 Im\ a 1 /wn 011/ /111c a11d /11\ t11u111/ar /('ll/U•<' art
or no memory of his former life. Unfonunately, Tenebrous l'frh/1. /111t tl1u1 ·.., \Ot11ctl1111q lllwllt 1lr1 dark. deep 'ct Cl< s
found out what Kestod had done and had him captured and a11tl tl111111111rd rn111111·~ llw1 11111kl'' \'OU rca/111 lie\ 110 11rtlt-
brought to Tcian Sumere. During his imprisonment, Kestod has 1111n- d/.
learned from his tonnentors that he and another servant of Ki-
aransalee - a drow named Erehe - hid the Wand of Orcus. But The arrival of the heroes might break the stalemate. If the
thanks to the Styx, Kestod has no idea where they put it. PCs try to enter the cell, the visage uses its powers to fend
That's why Tenebrous wants to obtain the desert's 11ig/lr them off as quickly as it can, hoping to keep the prisoner re-
bloom from Baator. The flower restores memories drained by strained at the same time. But the fiend's got liccle hope of
che Styx. and Tenebrous hopes it ·11 make Kestod remember doing both. If the cuuers slay the visage or even occupy it for
where he hid the wand. The proxy Nekrotheptis Skorpios foiled more than two rounds. Kestod uses the opportunity to take on
the undead fiends' attempt to steal the blossom from Set"s a gaseous state. The vampire then noats directly above a
realm, but Tenebrous has taken matters into his own hands wooden weapon or weapon shaft that the PCs have with them
(see Interlude II). All the visages must do is keep Kestod safely and reforms - committing suicide.
imprisoned until their master returns with the desert's 11ig/lr. Kestod's loyalty to Kiaransalee is so strong that there's
If the PCs peer into Kcstod's cell, they see the visage and virtually no way to keep him from ending his (un)life. He's
the vampire engaged in an odd game of concentration and convinced that as long as he exists there's a chance he could
waiting. unwillingly turn stag on his goddess and reveal the location
of the Wand of Orcus. Thus, he does all he can to send himself \ \111q11lar ,/wj1 of 11c11k bl111• 119/11 r111~ 1l1rougl1 tlr<" r111 -
to the dead-book. 11 r nf 1/11~ 1yl1mlr1cal mom l/11 \TUii\' 11•alh nf Ille r/10111bcr
Before he dies, though, Kestod tells the PCs - his "sav- /1111 c /1c1·11 c11111pil'1d\• cm·c·rrtl i11
ran •111g~ offi1cc~ "fall ~11r1,,
iors·· - some1hing that he managed to keep secret from the ~o that 1/rr t 11trn rou111 "Jiilf'tl 11 ·1111 lrrri11g. ll'cep111q, /a1111li-
visages. See, the fiends knew that a drow named Erehe was i11q. \/1111119 illlll(/I'\,
involved in hiding the wand. but that was all they could
learn. Kestod refused to reveal anything else about his former If the visages are here. they're at rest, lloating in a ring
comrade. Bur the vampire knows that Erehe is an important around the shaft of light and '>la ring at it with a complete lack
wizard located in the Vault of the Drow, a subterranean com- of awareness. Fact is, if the fiends haven't been alerted so far,
munity on the prime-material world of Oerth. they won't even notice intruders in this area for three rounds
- unless attacked, of course, in which case they immediately
"Thi· 11rlwr . • • /-n•llr," ll'lii'JICf\ 1/1r 1'11 •1,h crrt1rurc, defend themselves.
ll't't1kly. "Vault 1~/'1'11• Drull' ... 1111 (li'rrl1. D1•,1my lii111, T110. /11• More 1han likely. however, these six visages will be en-
1111/)T 11ut rC'111e11i/1er ll'liat lie\ .fur!J01Tr11 . . • 1/1cw jirn1h 11rrt/ countered elsewhere in Tcian Sumere. responding to distur-
rile lura1fr111. Uu11 '1 lei 1/1r• 1111trdt•t1J11\ gucl 11 in. bances caused by the PCs. Their duty is to watch over che
fortress. protect it from intruders (though invaders are ex-
How did Kestod remember anything about Erehe after tremely rare at best), and make sure everything goes accord-
being drowned in the Styx? Simple - he didn't. His chant ing to Tenebrous·s desires.
abou1 the other drow is something he picked up aftC'r Kiaran- The shaft of light is virtually all that's left of a servant of
salee brought him back as a vampire. the former Abyssal lord, a servan1 all but destroyed centuries
In any event. the PCs probably feel quite frustrated. They ago by Kiaransalee. The light used to be a balor named
found one of che mysterious "perpetrators" only to watch him Glyphimhor. who ruled an Abyssal city that surrounded the
die, and now they must travel to Oerth to seek someone else. old citadel of Orcus. The visages in Tcian Sumere now revere
Chances are, too, that they haven 't tumbled to the dark of Glyphimhor as a mighty servant of their god. and they occa-
Kestod's and Erehe's roles in the whole scheme, so they won't sionally come here to rest and focus on his essence.
really know why lhey should chase down the other drow. But If any PC touches the shaft of blue light, the ancient
that's line. Remember, the cutters shouldn't yet realize wha1 spirit of Glyphimhor appears before the group.
Tenebrous is up to - or even that Tenebrous (or Orcus) is the
villain. All they should know at this point is that 1he visages lltt i1111·11\i1r o{rl1t• liglir b1·111m· 11111't1llt', b111 "'fr do!'\. 11
and their dark master - whoever he is - desperately want 1/ark ,1111µ<' t1p11r(Jn l1t:fnrr you - a ,/mr<"icd l1u,J! l~{ 1111 111/111 -
some information known only to Kestod and Erehe. 11w11 (ig11rt'. Ir sll11ddt•n am/ \liakes f eebly. 11>irlt )11 ,1, rlwr
/o(lh 11/.:i· 11 1111glrr 011rc l:nr•c npp/f'ti u 1111 muHln l!Dll' lia11g-
I ~ \, 111q foo,dl' upv11 weak /1011t'\. You r/1111k t/11:> c11·c1111rt• once
If the heroes have absolutely nothing on which the vampire m10d 111•cr /OftTr rail, /wt 111111• It' ~uwprd body bard\• rr11r/1r'
can impale himself, or if the OM simply wants to keep him 1 (l'fl.
alive, Kestod doesn't have to do himself in. Once freed, he can "/ ""' (ifyplt1111l1111," tire· Jig111e 'fl.\ '' 11111c1/y, "111a,tl'r llf
assume his mist form and escape through the walls into the l u au '111111ar. DI) 1101 /Je clccci1 !'cl b\ tll\ a1111c11ra11ce "Ir roi"''
Negative Energy Plane. Before he goes. though. he still needs 11 clciu eel 1111111/. ro1111u1 ./1<'~l1 tlr1pp111g f,J~ r syrup 11 ir/i each 11111-
to tell the PCs about Erehe so the cutters know where to find '"'"· Ml 11111 ml/ [0H·1110'1 c1111011y r'11· \t'fl lllll\ of rht' 111as1er I
the drow wizard. 11lrn knoll' rhC" am1c1ir 11wg11 nf l'l'iw11 tliut lie 111cl1/\. M1•
That's no problem. After all, Kestod's loyalty to his god- l/'OTd\ Cl/II oho ,111,.. .. ,,~ l'OICI' 1111<'11\i}it',. "~ dt1t'\ r/a· /1g/11 ill
dess is such that he'd be willing to fall on a stake so he ir' <'H'~ . "/11111• 1/a11•11 /11:f11rc 1111', wom15 ! "
couldn't be forced to spill the beans about the Wand of Orcus.
And he's just as willing to put Erehe in the dead-book so Ire • Show the players lllo 11 (on page 172).
can't fall victim to the visages, either. Thus. just before chc
vampire cums to mist and flees Tcian Sumere, he either asks Glyphimhor is bluffing. He doesn't know the secrets of
the PCs to sec co Erehe's death or resolves to kill the drow his master's magic. 'Course, in his bluff he inadvencntly re-
wizard himself. Either way. the heroes learn where to find vealed vital clues about the nature of Tenebrous·s power (the
Ere he. last Word) and its source (Pelion).
Truth is, Glyphimhor is no1hing but a shade - a virtually
harmless spirit longing to be more. Kiaransalee let him !lee
Thanatos after her victory over Orcus, bu1 she cursed him to
If the invading bashers have been so stealthy that they forever remain in this defeated and pitiful state. Naturally,
haven't yet alerted the undead fiends to their presence in Glyphimhor made his way to Tcian Sumere, but even his
Tcian Sumere, they find six visages gathered in this chamber. newly resurrected master has been unable to restore the balor
to his former glory.

+ 66 +
If challenged. Glyphimhor tries to send his foes away by baatezu're probably unaware that Tenebrous never cared for
using his suggestion and fear powers. If physically defeated, he the Blood War, seeing it as a waste of time and energy.)
simply returns to his state as a shaft of blue light. But if the he- The small pool in front of the throne is a scrying device,
roes somehow convince Glyphimhor Lhat they can help restore able to view any area in Tcian Sumere. Currently, it shows the
him (which won't be easy - all conventional magic has thus far prison cell of Kestod, the drow captive. If the PCs haven't yet
failed, so he's not likely to believe them), he turns stag on Tene- done anything to free Kestod, the pool still shows the prisoner
brous. He is, after all, still a tanar'ri, a creature with no true loy- and a visage guard. Note that the cutters have no idea how to
alties. If convinced, Glyphimhor tells the heroes: change what's shown in the pool.
The potted plant is a yellow-blossomed, tri-flower frond,
+ I lis master is Tenebrous, a fallen power come back a carnivorous plant that allacks any sod who comes
from the dead. within J feet - that's how far its tendrils can
reach. The throne falls within this area of at-
+ Tenebrous is killing proxies and powers tack. The plant tries to induce a coma in its
with magic that he learned in the victims, coat them with a deadly enzyme,
ruins of Pelion. and drain their fluids (for details, see the
plant's statistics in the Appendix).
+ Tenebrous needs some vital Both of the iron doors are
secrets from two drow that long GLYPHlrnHEaR. locked. A human skull is set into
ago lost their memories. One Y$U $LD f$$L. the center of each door, and if the
of the drow is currently held Nffi $NE RErnErTIBERS PCs open either jaw, they dis-
in the prison. Y$U ANYWAY. cover a keyhole hidden within.
Only Tenebrous has the keys to
Glyphimhor won 'r reveal that Tene- TfNEBRE&US these locks, but a top-shelf cross-
brous was once Orcus, or anything about trader should have no problem pick-
Thanatos or Kiaransalee. And if the PCs really do help the ing them if he so chooses. The doors
tanar'ri, he turns stag on them in the end and tries to de- lead to the storeroom (Area 12) and
stroy them utterly - he is a balor, after all. the vault (Area 13).
The throne itself" is fairly unremarkable.
A single black jewel of great size - it appears
to be a diamond - is set into a cyclopean humanoid
This room is difficult to reach, since the corridor that skull at the top of the throne. If the great sparkle is taken. the
leads here is hidden in the floor of Area 7. But if the thiefll find it's wonh a great deal of jink - about 8,000 gp. A
PCs make it here. they find themselves in the chamber canny basher'll expect it to be magical, though. and it is. The
where Tenebrous himself dwells (if such a tenn can be applied jewel functions as a gem of seeing. However, a really canny
to a power, even one reduced in strength) on the rare occa- (or peery) blood'll expect it to carry a curse or ill effect, and it
sions when he's actually present in Tcian Sumere. It's similar does. See, Tenebrous set this gem into his throne because he
to, but far more modest than, the throne room from which he can see through it at all times; he can thus view his personal
ruled his Abyssal layers. chamber even when he's far away. If the PCs take the sparkle
along with them, Tenebrous will be aware of everything they
Retl 1 rl1•ct mrpc 1111g co1•t r\ 1/1t• floor 111 tilt' crrntl11r room do. But that's not the worst part. The fonner Abyssal lord en-
alle11d 11{ \'till A la1gc tliror11• /wilt rif 'k11/1' v{ 111/ rl1.f{t·1cr11 chanted the jewel with a special form of succor; at any time,
hmh of nw11m·, tlo11111wtr'> r/1r rlwmllt r. f/ou1111g llt rt to It he can summon its bearer to him.
'' 11 c·/ii·"/1111111/. 1111 1111·cn arn1111wtl i11 111id-1111mt. A \111111/ Finally. a crude map of Pelion is hidden amid the skulls
pun/ of st1ll u•atC'r Ill·' htfon· the tlmmc. 11 /11/1 btl11ml u w~ 1 that make up the lower portion of the throne. If the heroes
luryc pn11cd 1'l1111t. I 11 •11 rrr111 duor' q1y!(t'\t 1 iih 011 the· 01'1t r search the area, they find the piece of parchment fairly easily.
,iflt· 11( tlH• room. The Dungeon Master should show them the map on page 101
(it appears at the end of Chapter VII, "The Ruins of Pelion").
Tenebrous has always been fond of games of strategy. In
effect, his current schemes are linle more than a chess game
12 . S+$R£R$em
on a multiversal scale. and the pieces on the chessboard by
the throne arc telling. One side is composed of tanar'ric and This chamber contains a device that Tenebrous stole from the
undead figures, though the central piece - the king - is no- prime-material world of Athas. Thousands of years ago on
ticeably missing. The other side is made up of mortal heroes. that world, a bunch of bashers called the rhulisti developed a
and prime-material PCs might recognize one or two figures as type of science known as life-shaping. The process involved
champions of good from the distant pasts of their worlds. the creation of living beings that could be used as tools,
(Any berk who expected the other side's piece!. to be weapons. transpon. and so on .

• 67 .
Tenebrous hoped 10 use the life-shaping device to help construct. In Id4+ I rounds, the humanoid bursts free of the
his rebirth. See, in his weakened, undead condition, Tenebrous casing, and the activator PC starts to experience everything
can't create avatars to carry out his will in the physical world. both through his own senses and those of the construct.
All of his godly essence is housed in his semiphysical necro- Read this to the whole group:
mantic state. With 1he device stolen from Athas, he thought
he might be able to free enough of his essence to create an 1/Jc1t \ " 1wr111g 'ifllllld '" tla· luH/<' put! 011 1/Jc vthcr rnle
avatar - or perhaps even trigger a metaphysical change that'd of tile 111'1 H < rips OJI< 11. \ /iqurc al111os1 7 f1'CI 111 lrt rglit 1111/h
restore his normal deific stare. ll\<'IJ 0111 oj tire 1'9!/ltkt• lCl\111(1. co1•1•1rd 111 orgl/111<· 1clror ft,
Neither worked, perhaps because of Tenebrous's tanar'ric sk111 '' ffr<I\' anti If~ /c"1llff\ l111111a11l1kl' /1111 po111fr ,/1t1p('{/ -
essence or che fact that he's not a living being. In any case. lrkt· " 'itatue <rcatcd b1 a 'culr•tor 11•rtlr lm/C' <iktll (or per/raps
the former Abyssal lord stored the device here so that when jll\I /111/1 l'Ul/CI,.,, jvr lit \llt1'llt ~)
he had the time, he could take it into the sepulchral and try to
alter it necromanlically. But addle-coved PCs might try to use The activator PC has a slightly different experience. Read
it on themselves. the following to the berk who stuck his head in the cup:
The device loob like a 3-foot-high semicircular wall
made of dry, chitinous ncsh. A large, egglike pod is connected Your 1nio11 bt'tl!llll'\ b/11rrv. Suddrnll'. \'Oii s<e 11ot/1111q
10 the outer rim of the curved wall. An armlike extension pro- b111 rlark111 ss \'l'l ~011 Hill\<'< 1·1·1·r\'llri11g u1uu11d \' llU. You
jects upward and inward from the top of the wall, with a cup- }11 I ( "1111Jll d (Ill(/ u I I - \'('( Hiii 'i/a/11/ /lt'rfl•ctfl· tlrv (Ille/ COlll-
like end. It looks very much like a cutter's head would fit in- furtllhlc. f/1w 1011 lm·ak J1cc uf 1•011r tiglll \llrrtJ11111li11y\, 01111
side the cup, though it was obviously meant for shorter folks tlrt• dt11k111·" j, !/<1111'. Yo11 '"'' . . • a 1111/ yray (iq11fl'. Y1111
(the rhulisti were halflings). H't' . \0111\tf{.
The device is able to project a body's mind into a biolog-
ical construct contained within the pod. but the brain-box Here's the dark of it: The sod now controls both the hu-
isn't transferred - it's copied. Thus, the user controls both the manoid and his normal body, though with difficulty - fact is,
construct and his own body at the same time. If a PC puts his it's maddening to experience the world through two different
head in the cup, the device instantly examines his mind, du- sets of senses at the same time. Refer to the Appendix for che
plicates certain organic structures, and places them in the humanoid's statistics. As for the PC's normal body, each of his
ability scores is permanently decreased by I, and his attack importance is a notched and slightly rusted sword hanging on
rolls and saving throws permanently suffer from a -1 modi- the far wall. This old weapon is one of the few treasures Tene-
fier. What's more, the construct and the PC are linked. When brous's servants managed lO liberate from Thanatos when Ki-
one sleeps, the other must also, and if the two move fanher aransalce took over.
apan than 10 feet, both fall unconscious. The weapon is the Orcusword, an ancient blade wielded
The real problem is that there's no way to reverse the by Orcus long before he created his infamous wand. Chant is
process. The sod can't pull his mind out of the humanoid·s he used the sword eons ago when he was still just a balor, and
form - he's stuck in two bodies. If one of the bodies is put in that he let his greatest servant - greatest proxy once Orcus
the dead-book, the basher goes on living in the other, though achieved godhood - use it temporarily. When the Abyssal lord
the shock sends him into a coma lasting 2d4 weeks. But the died. the weapon lost much of its potency, though Tenebrous
PC might not have a choice. Seeing out of two sets of eyes still keeps it as a sign of what has come before - and what can
will slowly drive him insane over the next 4d4 months. By the still be. He believes that once he regains his former status, the
end of that time period. he'll have to kill one of his two bod- blade will resonate with its original power.
ies in order to keep his sanity. Currently, though, the weapon is a long sword +3 (forged
In the meantime, though, the situation can be a boon or a in the Abyss) with the ability to cause double damage on a
curse, depending on how the berk handles things. Having an roll of a natural 20. On a roll of a natural I, the sword breaks.
extra body that can operate simultaneously is quite handy. For Interestingly. Tenebrous's connection to the blade is somehow
example, a cuner can watch his own back (at least while both greater than even his link to his phylactery. Breaking the
bodies are awake}. 'Course, having an ugly, misshapen human- sword causes him a great deal of pain, enough lo distract him
oid around all the time is inconvenient at best. for a few hours from whatever he's doing. If the PCs got into
The life-shaping device works just once, as there·s only a dire situation where they had to confront the undead power,
one humanoid construct in the pod. If another PC puts his they could break the sword and distract Tenebrous long
head in the cup, nothing happens. enough to escape. 'Course, anyone leatherheaded enough to
wind up facing Tenebrous directly probably wouldn't tumble
to such a plan.
13 VAUI.+
If the heroes break the Orcusword right away.
This small treasure vault contains four stone urns. a medium- Tenebrous immediately feels the pain of the loss, and, after re-
sized chest, and a sword mounted on the far wall. turning to Tcian Sumere and learning what he can about the
The urns are 5 feet tall and stoppered with large, heavy intruders, plots their gruesome deaths. But he won't allow
lids. Each contains about 1,000 gp. give or take 3d 10 gp - his fury to distract him just yet - there'll be plenty of time
sometimes even undead tanar'ri lords need a little jink. for vengeance once he's recovered the Wand of Orcus.
The chest is locked; inside, the PCs find a series of long,
thin compartments. Each compartment contains a wand
(Tenebrous loves 'em) that's shaped like a scepter and nearly
the size of a magical rod. The booty includes: a wand of magic
missiles (8 charges), a wand of trap derectio11 (29 charges). a
wand of illusio11 (4 charges). a wand of illumina1io11 (24
charges), and a wand offear ( 10 charges}.
However, the wands are protected. On the interior or the
chest's lid is a plaque written in an ancient, evil tongue (deci-
pherable with a comprehend la11guages spell or a successful
ancient languages proficiency check). The plaque reads: +ESCAPE+
MClaim what's yours, now and forever.'· In order to take a
wand safely, a PC must grab it selfishly and proclaim it to be Unless the heroes have the power to travel the planes on their
his. Trying to remove a wand otherwise results in the thief own, the only way they can leave Tcian Su mere is the same way
suffering 3d4 points of electrical damage. they came - back through the portal to Ranais. From there, it's
It's also imponant to note that the plaque says "forever... a simple matter of walking back to the portal to Sigil.
See, once a berk successfully claims a wand, he suffers a one- If the PCs talked to Kestod in the prison, they might head
time punishment (3d4 points of damage} if he ever tries to sell next to the Vault of the Drow (Chapter VI}. On the other hand,
it, trade it, give it away, or otherwise rescind his ownership - if they were canny enough to get the chant from Glyphimhor.
even after the wand's been drained of charges. If a cross- or pick up on other clues in the fortress, they might journey to
trader steals the wand, the poor PC still suffers 3d4 points of Pelion instead (Chapter VII}. It doesn't matter which spot they
damage. Once claimed, the wand is his. (This is Tenebrous·s visit fir<;t. The two chapters can occur in either order. as
strange idea of a joke, but ii also exemplifies his religion·s shown on the flowchart on the inside back cover of Dead
tenet that "What's mine is mine.") Gods. The OM should just make sure he's familiar with both
Apart from the urns and the chest, the only other item of chapters. especially their starting points.

69 •
The last few had perished on the end of his own
That was assuming, of course, that the things
could die. Nekrotheptis Skorpios looked out across the Midnight Desert.
Ankhwugaht was always dark, but thr proxy's eyes adjusted well. He'd
made his home here for over 20 centuries and had learned to adapt to its

DI mannerisms as he would to those of a mate, if he had one. He knew -

without conceit, he told himself - that Set (may he be praised and feared)
had chosen him well.
The apparirions that assaulted the realm of late were disconcerting. Horri-
ble things had made their way into Ankhwugaht before - this was
Baator, after all - but these were something new. These things
tried to reach into the minds of others, tried
to twist and master them. Skorpios
could not abide such tactics. lie
was a tooth and claw man, as they
said in the realm, and he liked his
opponents the same way.
The proxy squatted down, consumed by
his dark musings, gently pushing sand about with his
khopesh sword. His clothing was the color of night, almost as dark as his hair,
but not nearly as black as his eyes. Apart from his weapon and the prize in his
pocket, he carried nothing. The realm provided him with all he needed.
He scanned the desert again. A shiny black scorpion crossed into his line of
sight, about a hundred yards ahead of him. The regal warrior leaped up and
... Hf +RUE mEASURE crossed the distance quickly enough to snatch the creature before it lost itself in
ffif EVIL IS the sand.
t~ECffiN+EmP+ I+ HAS "Ah, little nas kl111m." he said to the scorpion in his hand, "tell me if you
EVEN FCVR. l+SELF . have seen anything new to the desert this day." His voice, though crisp and
clipped, sounded like gravel being crushed by a heavy rock.
9'LASAHDRAL . "My lord, - the scorpion replied, "I have seen much this day. Things have
" meHADIC DEVA come to the Midnight Desert seeking that which grows here. These things ignore
one such as nas khum, but 1 fear they would not feel my sting, anyway, should
it come to that.''
"Yes, little ally. Your words are true. Now hide in the sand and watch for
these creatures. Report to me if you see more of them - and thank the Master
that I have this duty for you and am not hungry...
"Yes. lord. Thank you, lord." The scorpion scuttled away as soon as Skor-
pios set it down. A smile almost crossed the proxy's solid, chiseled jaw. It was
good to be the right hand of Set (may he be praised and feared).
Suddenly, a chill wind blew across his face, banishing for a moment the dry
heat rising from the coarse sand. Skorpios reached into the pocket at his breast
and pulled out a tiny red nower, a blossom the people of Ankhwugaht called
desert's night. Few outsiders knew it even existed, so the face that the invaders
were looking for it meant - at the very least - that the creatures were well-in-
But what did they want it for? Skorpios knew, of course, that desert's night
could be prepared as pan of an herbal drink that brought back memories stolen by
the River Styx. Such a nower could not grow here in Ankhwugaht without the
Master's stric1 attention and desire. so Skorpios was sure that Set (may he be
praised and feared) must at one time have had need of such a potion.
"Oh, little proxy. So devoted to your twice-damned excuse for a master."
Skorpios whirled around to face the speaker of such effrontery. How had
such a blasphemous villain come so close without his knowledge? He set his feet
firmly on the ground, one slightly ahead of the other, ready to spring at his foe.
But what he saw startled him.

+ 70 +
It was as if someone had
taken a man and squeezed him until all
the light was wrung out like water, leaving only the
purest of darknes~es. The intruder on the sands had the
form of a large man - gaunt as though from a long ill-
ness - who had never experienced illumination (or per-
haps had driven it from himself completely). TI1e invader
carried no weapon and made no move to strike, yet there was something inher-
ently threatening about him Too stunned to attack - at least for the moment -
Skorpios just stared. Who was this?
The blasphemer spoke again. "Nekrotheptis Skorpios, proxy of Set." He said the words
as if granting Skorpios his name and title here and now, a gift the Master had already given
two thousand years ago. The proxy clenched his teeth and prepared to leap into combat. "You have
something that I want. ..
Again Skorpios paused. lie would do well to learn the creature·s motives before killing him. "Speak,
thing of darkness and invader of the Midnight Desert, the realm of Master Set, may he be praised and - ··
"Silence!" Yellow eyes Oared from daggers to swords as the intruder raised his hands in rage. Only
then did Skorpios realize that the being before him was one of incredible power - power rar, far greater
than his own. The dark thing, though not the equal of Set (may he be praised and feared), was virtually a
deity in his own right.
Nekrotheptis Skorpios knew fear.
"I am Tenebrous, though you would know
me by a different name. I desire the little
weed. You have slain or driven off the
emissaries I sent to retrieve it. Now
,. .
I have come myself. and you are
doomed." With that, Tenebrous
spoke the Last Word. Uncere-
moniously, without the dig-
nicy of his station or the
honor of battle, Skorpios
crumpled like an insect be-
neath a careless boot. His
khopesh sword clattered on
rhe sandy r-0cks.
Tenebrous reached down
to the tumbled mound of
limbs and clothing and
plucked the desert's
night from what used to
be the proxy's hand.
For a moment. he
gazed at the
simple flower.
wondering at the
irony of some-
thing so small and
insignificant provid-
ing him with so much.
No matter. He had
the blossom now. Noth-
.· ing could stand in his
way. The prisoner in Tcian
Sumere would reveal the
secret. The wand would be
his again .

• 71 +
'iou11r/\ of hattlt qn 1•tcrl /11\ Wr\. 1111· n119111q ()/
mun/ nqa111\/ mt111/ trliord oO tltc cold •tn11r
11•11//~. lu\1119 1101lri11y i11 1111111-;i11. //1\ forcl''
lwrl 111 c11 dri1111 llac k. 11111/ tile Ji11/11111c1 11 a' lo'<'· Lri flt' k11111 it u "' time
ro jlt 1
/le /11ltt'd II II /11•11 fl \/ltllllttll/ 11'0'<' lilllt Ji1, 111/ll)I<
( IJll/i/11 '1 01'1 I 01111 Cllld lrntt II ll\ \0/Jlt tlti11q '" k11c II ll't'll.
'Vet crtl1t In~. 11orli111q ht• <nu/cl tlo u 011/1/ mak<" tire Ci rent Gate
of I rc/l1d-C111/11 fall tlm da\'. Till' ji1 mh rl'it/1111 1/11 c11v 1•111-
11tlcd 1111 k 11'1 k tic {c11rlc1 ~ u 11/i too 1111wl1 11011 er
<;11/I. tilt Jlo11H of lormtur 1 uuld co11;11rc a fe11fl111Cls 11) rH 01111. rahc
"' 1111•11 1111dead army. llH'll t/1cfo1C1'' 11•011/d 1ttu111 tn l n //1c1-C111/11 a11tl tl1'-
p/t1\ \l'I 11ed fl.1/\1 ~· l1tc11h 1111 r/1< 11 \Ct111tlt11ch a' tlw\ cook tile drou•
tit\ In lie amf Iii' 1111,rrns 11•011/d rc1 d 111 rile tlcl1uo1"
pit ll\llrl' 11/ scc111q 111111 t'll111llC\ '11ffe1 to11111t aud
11111111/iatwu. Thr \lotl1t·1 11} / 11,/\
11 011/d loH lier \t1a11glt'
1111/d ,,,, r/11· Vault of
tlrl' lJrou. lire· 1hc• oj
1/1c liou\c nf Ton11tnr -
t/11 rm· nj L rt'l1t (awl. 1~{
COlll\t. /11, 1111\lrt\.S \!rrdflcr/11
11•011/d lmJlll.
8111 l1r 11 l1\ q1·1111u1 flllC'atf of /ri111'1 lj. Fre /11 k11c11• t/1111 011e ro11/d Wiii<" bark
ji11111 tllt' \l'fllll/111/\• flll tlr1•011r1111un11•, uf 1111rr dt{cnt (111rlt•<•tl. h<" 011rc· ll'alkcd /111·
patll o{t/11 d1ad l11m•df. 1lwugl1 /1c rr111e111br1C"d 11<111L nf 11.) 71iu,, before lie rou/tl
iruh• /u I 11e r 111011' rarll n11d e1•e11 J\t/,(•k a11tl all of rl111r a/lie~ llnd w in' k1lfr1I,
r/11 r /1ot/1eo; de,rm\cd fur nil /fl 11 ir111 ''· 011/1• tlit•11 11•011/d I rt'i1r k11011 JO\:
\ < rr/111 r/1 rnrtd tm/\-fur rt ~1or111q her COll\Ort \ 11mrn1g po~t Hur I 11 l1c fn-

CllH'ri Iii• r[fnrh 1111 ga111iuy \llCtt''' iu tilt pre\1 ur - mid the '"'rt r '''rllfl of
THE VAU L+ do111i11at1011 tltat 111111/d tome 111 tlrt• [1111111.
ffi F + HE DRffiW
PRffiffiF PEBSl+IVE +HA-"-
+ ffi +HE
When the player characters leave Tcian Sumere, they hopefully do so with the
knowledge that the one person who might know what's going on is a basher
+ ffi FI ND tHE ITTffiS+ named Erehe, found in the Vault of the Drow on the world of Oenh. The
DEG ENERA+E SffiR + Dungeon Master should remember, however, that even at this stage of the ride,
SF EV IL. the characters shouldn't know the dark of it all. Sure, they know to look
for a drow named Erehe, but they don't know he was one of the berks
pH I Le+ e m y I RA m E N +.
who hid the Wand of Orcus. At most, they know he's somehow linked to
PRlmE ADVEN+UR£R Kestod the vampire, and that he's forgotten something that the visages
want to recover. But they still shouldn't think to connect it to either Tenebrous
or Orcus - fact is, they're probably still wondering whose fortress it was they
explored in the previous chapter.
Depending on the PCs, getting to the Vault of the Drow can be easy or hard.
Naturally, they first have to ask around or conduct research to determine what
and where the Vault is. If any of the heroes are primes from Oerth. they might
even know of a ponal or conduit leading to that world. Unfortunately, any por-
tal they find probably leads to the surface of Oenh, and the journey from the
surface to the Vault - a subterranean cavern miles under the ground - could
take months.
No, it's better 10 go to Sigil (ain 't it always?) and dig up the chant on the
quickest route to the Vault. It's a trip that leads first to the town of Plague-Mort,
then onto the first layer of the Abyss and down to the 66th, otherwise known as

+ 72 +
the Demonweb Pits. Finally, a
conduit goes from che Demonweb right
into lhe Vault.
Now, most folks'll balk al the idea of going lO the
Abyss - in particular the realm of Lo Ith - but it's not as
bad as it sounds. Really. One of Lolth·s proxies, a blood
named Declava (Px/yochlol/HD 6+6/CE), has been buying
lots of weapons in Sigil lately and shipping them 10 the Vault of the Drow. No-
body knows why, and nobody much cares. Lol1h·s jink is just as good as anyone
else·s. But the deliveries give the PCs a chance 10 gee co where they need co go. Currently,
a merchant caravan loaded down with weapons is preparing to depart the Cage and crave)
lo the Vault by way of the Demonweb. They"re even looking LO hire on a few bashers as min-
ders; after all, arms shipments are always at risk from Blood War raiders. More than a few chant-mon-
gers in Sigil know the dark of the trip and, if properly garnished. will pass that knowledge on to the PCs.
Thus, the heroes can get to the Vault and earn a little jink on the side.


Before leaving Sigil, the PCs likely catch a bit of the current chant. Even more than before, the Cage is
aflame with rumors and innuendo about the mysterious deaths of important figures throughout the
planes. For example, distraught priests of Camaxtli (a god of fate) feel certain that their deity has fallen. A
few days ago they attacked the Shattered Temple, the headquarters of the Athar, thinking thac the Lost
were to blame. Many innocent sods on both sides were injured or put in the dead-book before the Har-
monium broke up the fight. Al present, most folks're holding their breaths, waiting fearfully co see what
happens next.
The PCs might also hear that a few planewalkers have reported feeling a strange beckoning while
passing through the Astral. Although they were able to resist the call, the experience was unnerving. But
no one's gone to the Silver Void to investigate further, and no one seems to know exactly who lhe "plane-
walkers·· were. Here·s the dark of it: The strange pull is the work of the Guardian of the Dead Gods, he who
was Anubis, in his arcempt co summon aid. The PCs won't meet che Guardian until Chapter IX.
Though the heroes probably just trundle off with the merchant caravan and ignore all of the latest
chant, the DM should feel free to expand on the growing tensions in the Cage for side adventures. If Part
Two of "Into the Light" hasn't been used yet, the DM can run it before the cutters leave for the Demon web.
Tenebrous is well aware of the fact that Sigil's abuzz with rumors of his handiwork. He knows
that someone will discover his secret plans sooner or later, and this spurs him on LO quicker, rasher actions

Quavois Faithminder (Pl/ 9 bariaur/M4/Fated/N) is the head of the merchant caravan traveling 10 the
Demonweb and then on to the Vault of the Drow. She's willing 10 pay 100 gp to any basher who'll help
guard her cargo - magical weapons recently created at Zess's Forge (on the Astral Plane). Quavois doesn't
give the PCs any more information than that. The bariaur brooks no nonsense and displays no humor.
She's gruff and businesslike, but quite capable. Her long locks are tied into a single braid that'd reach the
ground if she didn't tuck il into the belt at her waist.
The caravan consists of four small wagons. each pulled by a mule and loaded down with locked iron
chests. Ten servants (laborers and mule-tenders) and six minders (in addition to the PCs) accompany Qua-
vois. Each person provides and carries his own supplies and weapons. and if the characters want mounts,
they must obtain them on their own. The wagons' chests hold a total of 500 crossbow bolts +2, 50 short
swords +2. 25 maces +2, 10 short swords +3, live maces +3, three silon swords +4, and one mace +4 (all
forged on the Astral). Obviously. the value of this cargo is incredible, but for a goddess such as Loi th, gold
is nothing.

The wagons follow a path through Sigil to a wide ponal
in the lower Ward, which takes them to a spot on the Out-
lands just outside of Plague-Mon (the gace-town that leads 10 Once they reach the Demonweb, the PCs - ironically -
the Abyss). Quavois then leads the group into Plague-Mon couldn't be safer. Declava·s been ordered by lolth herself to
and through another ponal that deposics them on the barren make sure the weapons are delivered promptly, so no one in
Plain of Infinite Portals, the first layer of the Abyss. From the power's realm dares come near the caravan.
there, the caravan heads into a sloping crevice that winds its
way deep underground, eventually passing through a ponal /1 \l't'lll' "' if yo1t 01'<' hrcn 1m1'!'/111q .forn·cr, bur 1lw1 \
to the 66th layer. Tha(s where lolth's servant Declava is sup- pmhah/\· JllH a q111rk 11) thr• A/JyH. F1•rnrually. 1Jwugh. 1/1r
posed to meet the group and direct them to the condui1 to u £1qr11H m// lllTO a cold. humid ct11 l' - " ,Jwl/o"' tlcprrsrn111 in
Oerth. tile· ~idc• nf ll'l111t OJ1f'<'t1r' to /11·" /111t/t', rockv clijJ/c1cc·..'>trt'tcl1-
111q 0111 111111 tire d11rk11c\.\ hc.fu1t' ynu ;, r111 1111111rag111n/1/\' l111qc
~iir'1•1 11 r•b q/i,T<'11i11q ll'itlr 11111i\1111L'. A d£1rk-~k11111C·d c/11\il
1101111111 n( cold br1111ty 'u111r/' calm Iv 1111d silc111/y 1111 the ll'rh.
Though Plague-Mon's no vacation spot, the PCs probably !11 r /J(lrt' (cct rntinq 011 tire \lrt1111h as though 1/1cy u•rrc rnlitl
don't see much trouble until they reach the Plain of Infinite !/fOlllJd.
Portals. Naturally, under normal circumstances, a trek It •n·m~ quirt c11011qlr llzt'll Hiii lrL'ar ~ki11n111g 'n1111d\
through the Abyss would be extremely dangerous. But Qua- from t1/1nrc t111d br/1i11cl. You '!'<' ~IWJIC~ 11101•1119 111 1111· tlark-
vois knows a lot of tricks and is willing to garnish the right 11n\. Ami \'Ot1 rt'ali1t': All t1101111d \•ou nrL' spulrH of gigantiC'
bloods and high-ups to ensure a relative amount of safety - \iLt', II ll(c/1i11g \'Oil ll'it/1 C'OUllllCH !'\'('\.
not to mention the fact that few fiends'd dare assault a deity's
cargo. Declava greets Quavois and begins 10 lead the wagons
If desired, the Dungeon Master could include a few en- across the web. The proxy is darkly beautiful, with features
counters with tanar'ri or raiders (or tanar'ri raiders) in which that seem too delicate to touch for fear they'd break. In real-
the PCs need to use their wits or their chivs to save the day ity, she's as tough a cutter as a body could find. As long as
and earn their jink. The Plain of Infinite Ponals is also home she's present, the caravan has no trouble moving across the
to: web, despite the fact that it seems to be nothing more than a
tangled skein of thin, sticky strands.
Tanar'ri lords that maintain iron citadels and wage war As they move through the Demonweb. peery bashers
on one another. If the heroes aren't careful, they could note that far off in the distance - probably many miles into
easily find themselves marked as enemy spies by a the web itself - a giant, spidery form seems to watch them.
peery high-up or (if the DM's in a really nasty mood) Considering how big it seems at this distance, the spider'd
sucked into a fiendish fray. have to be at lease half a mile long! But this monstrosity is ac-
tually the mobile, animate fortress of lolth, the inside of
Forests of viper trees, often planted by tanar'ri to guard which no cutter ever wants to see.
imponant citadels, portals, and the like. After traveling for a good while, Declava leads the cara-
van into another cave on the side of yet another cliff anchor-
Ruined cities - towns long ago pulled from the Out- ing the web. Within, a winding, moving corridor made of
lands into the Abyss - teeming with scavengers, op- webbing snakes through a starry night sky that's almost sil-
portunists, and exiles (including manes, tienings, cra- very. Another yochlol - this one in its natural amorphous
nium rats, armanites, and mortal mercenaries). form (a horrible mass of gelatinous nesh with eyes and
pseudopods) - stands guard but wordlessly lets the wagons
• The unforgiving burg known as Broken Reach, which pass.
is ruled by a succubus named Red Shroud and pa- As the group enters the silken corridor, Declava tells
trolled by molydei looking for Blood War deserters. them they're taking a conduit that leads to the Fane of lolth
in the Vault of rhe Drow. Canny bloods will notice that the
'Course, the DM could put the PCs off their guard by conduit looks much like one they might find on the Astral -
making the trip through hazardous and frightening territory except, of course, that this one's made of spider webs. The
completely uneventful. Sure, the group should have encoun- same bloods might also recall that most conduits connect the
ters, but not everything needs to be a struggle. Maybe peery Prime to just the first layer of an Outer Plane, yet this conduit
tanar'ri lords (or other Abyssal high-ups) send fiendish spies links the 66th layer of the Abyss with Oenh. The path exists
to watch the caravan closely but make no move against it. mainly through the will of lolth; many similar false conduits
For more details on the Plain of Infinite Portals, lead from the Demonweb 10 the prime-material worlds of her
refer to the Planes of Chaos boxed set and the PLANESCAPE~ ad- worshipers.
venture /11 the Abyss (2605).

+ 74 +
THE VAUL+ EDf Part of Erehe's service included disposing of the wand
Kiaransalee took from Orcus after she slew him. Afterward,
the goddess had the poor sod drowned in the River Styx so
The Vault of the Drow is a grand cavern, approximately six he'd forget what he'd done. But Verdaeth missed her consort
miles across, deep under the surface of Oerth. (Refer to the map greatly, so Kiaransalee allowed her to resurrect Erehe with a
of the Vault on the poster sheet.) Filled with phosphorescent scroll. What was Lhe harm? After all, the draw had no mem-
fungi and strange, glowing minerals, Lhis underground cham- ory of his previous life.
ber has a subterranean beauty unlike any other. Within this 'Course. Verdaeth was dismayed by the fact that Erehe
dark fairyland, the sinister, malevolent forces of the draw rule. didn't remember her
They control a Fantastic (albeit vile and corrupt) city at either. She searched
the heart of the Vault, as well as strong fortresses, fabulous the multiverse for
manors, military encampments. huge mercantile facili- magic to restore his
ties, and fungus farms. Seven noble houses and memory, even making
16 merchant clans each claim territory in the conracts among the
Vault, each struggling for su- githyanki. Mean-
premacy, or at least superiority. while, her new al-
Not surprisingly. though, the 1ies in the Vaulc
real power here's held by convinced her
the priestesses of Lolth. that the other
Many years ago, houses not only
there were eight were at fault for
noble houses. The the House of Torm-
most powerful of tor's l<;>w position,
chem, the House of but also were
Eilservs, tried to rake concealing the
control of the Vault magic needed to
and put into place a restore Erehe's
new religion - wor- . memories.
'ship of the Elder Ele- The forces
mental God. They of Lolth didn't
had a brilliant take that lying
scheme to es-
... down. They
tablish a pup- noticed Ver-
pet kingdom on daeth 's activi-
the surface of ties and con-
Oerth, bu~ the vinced the other
upper-worlders de- houses that blas-
stroyed the giants phemous Tormtor
they used as p·awns. The must be wiped
noble house fell, and the out.
priestesses of Lolth man- To every-
aged to keep their tenuous hold one's surprise,
on power. But the changes wrought by though, the 1Sithyanki got
the attempt were enough to allow Kiaransalee, goddess of involved. See, they'd long sought a stronghold on Oerth, and
vengeance and the undead, to gain a foothold in the Vault o'f they saw the renegade House of Torm tor as an ideal power
the Drow, which led co events far more destructive yet. base in the Vault of the Drow. The scheming githyanki some-
how managed co bring the houses of Everhate and Aleval to
tl1e side of Torm tor (rhough not entirely to the worship of Ki-
aransalee, which wasn't their goal). That plunged the Vault
After the fall of the House of Eilservs, its ally - the House pf into a clrowic civil war. Fact is, the worship of Kiaransalee, al-
Torm tor - was relegated to minor status. It was a simple mat- ways done in secret, was more widespread than the draw ever
ter for priestesses of Kiaransalee to approach Tormtor and realiz.ed. Thus, the anti-Tormtor faction quickly found itself
turn them to the ways of the goddess of vengeance. In ex- reeling from githyanki-supported attacks.
change for the service of a drow named Erehe (the consort of Things got even more complicared when illithids from a
Verdaeth. ruler of the House of Torm tor). the priestesses prom- nearby section of the subterranean world began to secretly
ised Torm tor vengeance upon the houses that supported Lolth . support the drow who warred against Torm tor. After all, gith-

• 75
yanki hate illithids passionately. The mind nayers had cause the spells teleporr and teleporr without error arc limited
to worry that if a githyanki-friendly regime took control of to a maximum range of one mile; and
the Vault, they'd spur the drow on to attack the illithids.
So now the Vault of the Drow is gripped by war. The Ki- the spells light and continual light produce only a faint
aransalee/Tormtor/githyanki alliance has the upper hand, but brownish glow, rather than a nimbus of bright light.
it seems likely that the illithid involvement will balance
things enough to greatly prolong the connict. Both of these restrictions may impede the planewalkers'
As an (important) aside, one of the githyanki managed to activities in the Vault, but neither hinders che drow, who hate
help Verdaeth restore Erehe's memories, though in a small light anyway and have grown accustomed to the one-mile
way. See, he used forms of the psionic abilities object reading limitation on celeportation.
and sensitivity to psychic impressions to "read" a ring that Because of the size of the Vault of the Drow, this chapter
Erehe had worn in his past life - and continued to wear after is considerably more open-ended than others. The PCs might
his resurrection. Through the ring. Verdae1h learned that try any number of things, especially once they realize they're
Erehe and another drow named Kestod were killed in the caught in the middle of a complex war. The Dungeon Master
River Styx after they buried the Wand of Orcus in Agathion is cautioned strongly to be aware of this fact and prepare for
(the fourth layer of Pandemonium). the possibility thac the heroes mighc stay in the Vault for a
Verdaeth never told Erehe what she learned about his long time.
past, and she put the githyanki who helped her in the dead-
book. She knows she's stumbled across chant that's extremely
dangerous. The fewer berks who know the truth, the better. +THE fANE EDF LEDL+H +
WHA+ TENl:BREDUS KNEDWS The Fane of Loi th is a five-story, pagoda-shaped building
that's ornately and dreadfully decorated with a spider motif.
Even if Tenebrous has tumbled co Erehe's identity, he's wary The outside is adorned with unmentionable scenes of fiends,
of coming to the Vault of the Drow himself. Kiaransalee fo- spiders, and death. Inside, everywhere a body turns, a spidery
cuses much of her attention here, and she's probably espe- tapestry or fiendish carving leers at him, and the stairs that
cially peery ever since the visages kidnapped Kestod. lead from noor to noor look like a web.
'Course, it's likely that Tenebrous now knows that the The first level of the Fane is the main temple, with altars
PCs are involved. They were just at his very own case, after for sacrifices. Two to four guards (female warriors) are sta-
all. If he's somehow aware of the fact that they're also looking tioned in each of the guard rooms, and 11 to 16 servants -
for Erehe, he might let them do his work for him - especially sods who clean the temple and wait on the inhabitancs -
if they took the gem of seeing from his throne, as it lets him bunk in each of the slave chambers.
spy on what they're doing. The second floor is for the temple troops; over a hundred
Even if the characters found out about Erehe's location warriors (all 2nd- to 8th-level) call kip here. But because it's a
in such a way that Tenebrous did not, he eventually tumbles time of war, almost a hundred more bashers mill about out-
to the dark from some other source. Thus, if the heroes don't side the Fane in the cavern known as the Egg of Lolth (see
reach the Vault of the Drow fairly quickly. Tenebrous sends below).
two or 1hree visages to apprehend Erehe (regardless of Kiaran- The other levels are reserved for the high-ups that keep
salee's peeriness). The undead fiends might use their lucidity- things running. On the third noor live the eight priestesses (all
control powers to trick the drow into leaving the Vault before 4th- to 9th-level) who staff the Fane. The fourth level holds
they scrag him - just to be safe. administrative offices and
the quarters of Pel-
om NED+fs lanistra (Pr/ Q
Even folks on the Outer Planes nap their bone-boxes about
the skill with which the dark elves of the Prime Material Plane the commander of the temple
make magical items and weapons. In the Vault of the Drow, troops and an important figure in the
one of the secrets ro this creation is the presence of strange war. Finally, Charinida (Pr/ Q drow/P 14
energies within the cavern. Without these energies, drow [Lolthl/CEJ. leader of the eight priestesses,
armor and weapons eventually crumble. has the top noor all to herself.
However, these energies have at least two other Moreover, 1he temple boasts guardian undead
effects on the (mostly ghouls and ghasts). giant black widow spiders that
local roam freely. and gargoyles that roost on the outside. All of
area: the temple high-ups have top-shelf magical items and weap-
ons. Only an addle-cove is going to mess around here.

care if the PCs don't go back with her. The bashers did their
job. and she gives them their jink without a word. The weap-
When Declava leads the PCs through the Demonweb's spider- ons have been shipped, so she no longer has any need for
web conduit, they emerge in the first level of the Fane, at the minders.
other end of the main temple (refer to the map of the Fane on Naturally, staying in the Vault ain't as easy as all that. If
the poster sheet). the heroes want to stick around, they've either got lo slip
away from the priestesses (a difficult task, as they're ex-
f111 jo111111 \ tliro11ql1 1/11• ("IJIUIUll h dlHl/1111Ti11q. /J111 II tremely peery of outsiders) or rattle their bone-boxes with a
laH\ 011/\' a Jm• Ir ea rt be al\. 011 rlir otlrcr c11cl \'Ull /i11d w11rwlt fair amount of guile.
iu a /argr dia mo11rl-~/11111rd room w111r stom 11 c1/h t1111/ 11 Mm k Unfortunately, though the berks have no way of knowing
jloor. rl'itlr u r/Jlrkc trnct>ru \ o/ 11 l11t1. LJ111 cth aluad of \•011 1, this, asking about Erehe at the Fane is a bad idea. The priest-
1111 t1111/Jr1-co/orctl rol11 11111 11) lu1/11 20{<·c111c111\\, 1111/1111 11 '111 II esses know his name all too well and angrily respond: "Whal
a g1gc1111it \(Jid111 crca111rc flut1/\, .fac 11u1 au Cl\' (mm 11111. do you want with that traitorous worm?" Quick thinkers'll re-
alize that Erehe is on the other side of the connict and answer
The image of the gigantic spider - for that's all it is - appropriately. If the PCs tell the drow that they've come to
represents Lolth. The PCs have little time to look around. scrag Erehe, slay him, or otherwise do him harm. they get the
however, as two priestesses (Pr/ 9 drow/P4[Lolth]/CE) and six chant on his location.
wa rriors (Pr/ 9 drow/F3/CE) quickly step forward to unload
the goods from the caravan's wagons. "I/rat 011r\ i/11 u11/\1irtof Vcrdactl. lt·atl1r of 1lr1 d1\
If any bashers were wondering why Lolth's been impon- qmu d l/ou\c of 1om1101 flwi 're 11\llul/\ toqct/1<•1 ntl1n 111
ing weapons, the answer's now clear. The whole area sur- t/1< Jr ma11or or 011 Il1t• jicld nj I aIlle.
rounding the Fane seems to have been ravaged by war - even R1gl11 11011'. that fidcl I\ f111111d 111st
the temple itself has suffered damage. (In describing the devas- 11111'1dc tlic 11•(1/I\ rtf Ilic· <I/\.
tation of the battle, the OM should remember that destructive
spells and rampaging summoned monsters are as common as
conventional assaults and sieges.) Any members of the cara-
van with the dark of the. drow know them to be weaponsmiths
of the highest order, so things must be dire indeed if the
bloods've stooped to im-
poning the stuff.
'Course, none of
that's supposed to be the
PCs' concern. They were
hired merely to help
guard the wagons,
and now that the
cargo has been de-
livered safely,
Quavois pre-
pares the car-
avan for the
return trip
the con-
duit. She

That's as friendly as the priestesses of Lolth get. They the plateau with the Noble Gate. one of
don't let the group spend any more time in the Fane than is the main points of entry into the burg.
necessary, and they don't provide any more assistance - no Each estate consists of a fortified palace
matter what. The only reason they tolerate the nondrow bash- and a tract of land that includes a large area
ers at all is that they come from another plane, which puts of open terrain. In simpler days, the nobles
them in the same rank as the tanar'ri or the yugoloths used these fields to hunt escaped slaves with
(whom they respect if not trust). displacer beasts and conduct huge parties of de-
Leaving the Fane it.self, the planewalkers bauchery and evil. Now the areas are dangerous
enter what's known as the Egg of Loi th, the battlefields strewn with bodies of the fallen.
large cavern that houses the five-story At the center of each estate sits a palace. the size
temple. The place has a strange reddish and and grandeur of which is dictated by the size and power of
green glow, making it distinctly non-Prime the respective noble house. Most of the drowic civil war has
in appearance; some berks may wonder if been fought in and around these palaces. Each is surrounded
they've really left the Abyss after all. To one side by a large wall that connects 10 various outbuildings such as
stands a ruined building of yellow stone, a military strong- small villas, barracks, stables, menageries, and numerous
hold that looks like it used to be a despicably carved lesser slave pens. What's more. the palaces themselves - which
temple. As mentioned above, a hundred or so female drow have 30 or more rooms - are defensible structures meant to
warriors move about the Egg, obviously ready to defend the withstand attack even if the outer walls fall to the enemy.
Fane from attack. While in the Upper Vault, the PCs're likely to run across a
A wide passage - like the Fane, decorated with stomach- great deal of trouble. If the bashers keep to the roads. they
churning carvings and bas relief depictions of foul practices - come upon armed patrols, war parties, and small merchant
leads out of the Egg, winds through the earth for over a mile, caravans with goods loaded on giant pack lizards. Any drow
and comes out into the Vault of the Drow itself. The roof of encountered on the roads always have an allegiance to one
.rhe gigantic cavern is shaped naturally like a dome. Where it side of the conflict or the other, and they attack any sods who
meets the Vault's walls, it's a few hundred feet high, but at its seem to be enemies. Even PCs who claim neutrality might be
center, the roof is thousands of feet above the ground. scragged for good measure and taken to one of the palaces for
questioning - remember, all drow are peery of outsiders.
U r1111 d1d11't J.:111111• tllc· \1111/1 11Jl11c l>ruu '"''au 11111/0- If the PCs venture off the roads, they might run into wild
!!'"11111/ cli11111/1cr, \•011 'd ~ll'ear that v1111 'd jtt\t \/t'/lflt ti 1111/\ult· displacer peasts, giant spiders, subterranean lizards, escaped
111111 a tl111i. 111yl1t. I ht· u11·cm 11111st br ma111• 111iJc, "' "'"· for slaves (of any race), spies, or. again, war parties. In such en-
tilt• sirlc 11·111/' <'l"l\t 011/\ ii\ di,/t/111 fJ'tl\' blur\ r/ 1/10\C· b/111\ counters, the bashers can expect to be attacked by any intelli-
arr Ilic 11•11/h rll all. It \ d1.JJirnl1 111 tdl. fur tl1t• /1glrt l1t•rt h gent force they meet.
dim. )11\I a .Jt11111 pair- la1•c11drr qlnll' (pro/rnl1h /10111 rnmc While moving about the estates, the characters could
plrosp/111n·,cr111 flw511}. /11< lciling of 1/11 rn1 rm. ll'lricll mu~t also have a beneficial meeting with a svirfneblin, or deep
be· t/io1nu11rh offit'l /11yh, is ritlcflcd 111111 ~1m11q1. 11/o1111u1 gnome. named Viigo (Pr/ o deep gnome/F6/N). He's a bitter
m11wml drpu!>rts Ilia/ ~111111· like stan. /11 //1t far 1/1,1t111< 1·. 1/rc man who hates the drow more than he loves his own life.
w1111uh. of ba11lc ring 1frroug/1 1/ic n11•cm. Viigo has dark eyes, a short white beard, and skin the color of
eggshells. He wears exquisitely fashioned chain mail armor
+ Show the players Illo I (on page 173). and carries a warhammer in his tightly clenched fists.
The svirfneblin sent Viigo to the Vault to spy on the civil
The passage from the Egg opens into an area of the Vault war. As enemies of the drow, the deep gnomes plan to do
where the noble houses keep their palaces and maintain es- whatever they can to prolong the conflict. If convinced that
tates. The boundaries between estates are marked by well- the PCs aren't affiliated with any clrow, Viigo's happy to spill
groomed brakes of fungi. This fungi also grows high on either any chant he has about where things are, the nature of the
side of the road that currently stretches ahead of the PCs. Vault itself, or even a bit about the war. Ile doesn't really
know the dark of the whole matter, but he's tumbled to the
basics. and he knows his way around the Vault pretty well. (If
+THE UPPER VAUL+ + the PCs don't seem to show an interest in putting dark elves in
the dead-book by the score. Viigo's not interested in helping
Ever since the House of Eilservs fell, the Vault of the Drow has them.)
had only seven noble houses (described below), though it still Presented below are brief descriptions of each of the
has eight estates. 'Course, the one that belonged to Eilservs is drowic noble houses. Three - Tormtor, Everhate, and Aleval -
nothing but ruin and rubble, but the other seven are still well have joined forces, supported by the githyanki and servants
maintained. They make up the area known as the Upper Vault, of Kiaransalee. The other four houses - Despana. Noquar.
which sits on a plateau just above the walled city of Erelhei- Kilsek, and Godeep - support Lolth and have the mind flayers
Cinlu (see "Erelhei-Cinlu," below). The Flying Bridge connects on their side as well.

• 78
This house is the central focus of the rebellious forces. Its
palace has become a military fortress. and the surrounding es-
tate has been ruined by warfare. Forty githyanki warriors (Pl/ DREBW NEDBILl+Y ?
o githyanki/F3 or F3,M3/CE) lend their swords in defending Am I +HE EBNLY ffiNE HERE
the estate. Their support adds such strength that Tormcor"s en- DE+EC+ING A
emies have given up trying to take the place. Currently, the CEBN+RADIC+IEBN IN +ERmS?
forces here and in neighboring Everhate make preparations 10
launch an assault against the city of Erelhei-Cinlu (specifi- SHAB HEAHLIHG .
cally at the Noble Gate), where their foes seem to have A HALf-£LV£H
amassed their own troops. .A DV£ H+ URE R
If the PCs learned that Erehe is the consort of Verdaeth,
leader of the House ofTormtor, they might come to this estate connict. She instills fear in her warriors with her 11rock staff.
to look for him. But neither Erehe nor his mistress are here. which lets her use each of the following functions once per
The two spend their time directing the war efforts at the Battle day: cause fear (as per the spell); innict 4d6 points of damage
of the Great Gate, already in progress on the other side of on a foe (requires a successful attack roll; no saving throw);
Erelhei-Cinlu. polymorph self into a vrock for 5 rounds; and summon a
vrock for 5 rounds.
This house has been dealt great blows, both in casualties and
in property damage. The once-regal palace now lies in ruins, Until only recently, the palace at the heart of the estate of the
managed by 32 bugbear warrior-slaves and their six drow House of Noquar was under siege by a combined force of
masters. The leader is Regliss (Pr/ o drow/M7 /CE), whose or- githyanki, drow. and bugbear slaves. The fortress stood, how-
ders are to keep the area free of enemy troop movements or ever, and the auacking troops pulled back to the palace of
resupply efforts. Tormtor to prepare an assault against the Noble's Gate of
The remaining (surviving) nobles of Everhate, including Erelhei-Cinlu.
mistress Gahnah (Pr/ S! drow/P lOILolth],FS/CE). have taken The weary defenders of Noquar have no intention of
refuge in the fortress of the House of Torm tor. But despite joining in the battle at the city. Fact is, Fedarra (Pr/ 9 drow/PB
their allegiance 10 Tormtor, Gahnah and Everhate are still de- [Lol1h],F8/CE), ruler of the house, is contemplating withdraw-
voted to Loi th. Such is the nature of drow worship - a rever- ing from the fighting altogether - she sees the war as a con-
ence and respect of power, but no love or loyalty. Drow nict that might rage on until all the houses fall. Because of
priestess kills drow priestess, both expecting to be rewarded her racial pride, Fedarra hates to see the drow weaken them-
by their mistress. Meanwhile, the chaotic and evil deity selves with infighting, which makes them potential victims of
simply revels in the pain and misery of all - even her most outside enemies.
faithful servants.
Earlier in the war, the House of Aleval played a crucial role in
As 1he PCs proceed away from the Egg of Loi th. the first the attack against the House of Kilsek. But lately, apart from a
structure they probably see is the palace of the House of few minor skirmishes on the estate grounds, Aleval's seen no
Despana. The fact that this once-great fortress still stands i~ fighting. The palace. albeit the smallest of all the drow nobles'
due more to the priestesses of Lolth than to the might of the cases, is intact and unmarred. See, Aleval has always had the
noble house. Nevertheless. its finery is marred and blackened smallest military force of any of the houses. and its alliance
from banle. uses the palace primarily as a spot from which to watch the
The walls of this bastion hold many troops loyal co the road leading coward the enemy estate of Godeep.
Spider Queen and the Despana/Noquar/Kilsek/Godeep al - It's not known who rules the House of Aleval. A noble
liance, including the Miaanue, an elite force of 10 illithids named Jijekan (Pr/ o drow/F3,M6/CE) is the only cutter who's
trained for baule. More than likely, some of Despana·s mili- set eyes on the mysterious leader, and he acts as her liaison
tary might will be magically transported into Erelhei- Cinlu with the rest of the world. Jijekan himself wears a pair of
very soon. while the rest try 10 make it co the Flying Bridge 11•ings of flying at all times and likes to spread the chant that
and the Noble Gate before the Tormtor forces attack. he has fiendish blood in his veins. But any planewalker can
The former ruler of the house, Tira mar, died in the recent see he's no 1iening. Sure. tiening drow exist, but most of the
fighting, and the new leader, Nedylene (Pr/ S! drow/PB[Lolth], time they're killed by their elf parents or taken away by their
F7 /CE), drills her troops mercilessly, preparing them for future fiendish ancestor.

even a handful of tienings. ('Course, the prime-material
leatherheads don't know to call themselves "tieflings," and
The Tormtor/Everhate/Aleval alliance took a gian1 leap they·re outcasts even among the drow - not because of their
toward victory the day 1hat the palace of the House of Kilsek evil nature, but simply because of their appearance. Most dark
- once the greatest of the noble houses - fell. The attackers elves have a very narrow definition of beauty.)
scattered the nobles. slew th e troops, IOOk slaves, and left Before the drowic civil war. Erelhei-Cinlu was a neutral
forces behind to occupy the remnants of the palace (though a burg. But in the last few weeks, the Kilsek/Despana/No-
reprisal attack is unlikely.) quar/Godeep alliance seized control of the town. The move
The drow who managed to escape Kilsek wi1h their lives isolated the Tormtor alliance's palaces of the Upper Vault
now call kip in the city of Erelhei-Cinlu. leading the defender!> from their main military force in 1he Lower Vault, wh ich in-
there at the Great Gate. Fact is, Venrit (Pr/ 'i drow/F6.P9 cludes the Male Fighters· Society and most of the githyanki
[Lolthl/CE), the former matron of the house, conceived of the warriors (see "The Lower Vault," below, for details).
plan to take the burg, and she puts lo the sword any bcrk who The conquerors then closed the gates of the burg and put
doesn't swear allegiance to her and her allies. (For more de- all who wouldn't swear fealty 10 them in the dead-book.
tails on the Kilsek rampage through the ci1y, see "Erelhei- Though many folks escaped through magic or some of the
Cinlu." below.) city's secret exits (including the singularly lerrifying sewers),
thousands were slain. The marauders - primarily Kilseks -
sent any leaders or figures of importance among their foes to
the leaness tree; their corpses still swing in the cold drafts of
Like Aleval, the estate of the House of Godeep hasn't seen underground air currents. Chant is the Kilsek"s new illithid al-
much fighting recently. Jn the early days of the war, the forces lies truly masterminded the slaughter, and that the fiends and
of Godeep were instrumental in actacks on Everhate (their undead in Erelhei-Cinlu quickly joined with the murdering
long-time enemies). but since then they've tried to take a drow to take part in the carnage - as the leaders of the
more defensive stance. !i's said that the reason the scheme knew they would.
Tormtor/Everhate/Aleval alliance has had so much success is The slOne wall around the city is 30 feet ta ll and topped
that the houses of Godeep and Noquar are so wary. Still, the with battlements. Guards patrol the wall and bunk in towers
nature of many of the dark elves - particularly the noble spaced unevenly along the wall's length. Many gates lead into
families - is to shun alliances and avoid devoting all to any the city. but only two are of any size and importance. Toward
one cause, so the insular behavior of Godeep and Noquar isn't the Upper Vault and the plateau of the noble estates, the
really surprising. Noble Gate stands before the Flying Bridge. On the other side
of town, the Grea1 Ga1e - which is much more defensible -
£1LSERVS (f=ALLEHl overlooks the Lower Vault.
The drow always meant for the Great Gate to be a de-
All that remains of the palace on this estate is a ruin. After fense against invaders from outside of the Vault. Now, how-
their failed attempt to unseat the priestesses of Lolth from ever. i1's the site of a harrowing battle of drow versus drow.
their position of domination in the Vault, the nobles of Liminis (Pr/ o drow/F5.M7/CE). the basher in charge of hold-
Eilservs - those that were scragged, that is - met rorture and ing 1he Gate, has as many ghouls, ghasts, and minor fiends
death, and the palace was razed. Vengeful ghosts and howling under his command as drow, but he doesn't mind. In fact, he
spirits haunt the estate now, so no drow willingly tread upon revels in the sudden power and innuence given him by the
its grounds. war; his job used to be quite dull. Li minis has no great alle-
giance to the Kilsek alliance - 1ruth is, before war broke out
he was a Tormtor sympathizer - but he'll do whatever he
+ ERt= HEl-CINLU + must to main1ain his position and newfound strength.

Nearly 30,000 souls dwell in the corrupt, decrepit city of Erel-

hei-Cinlu. The noble houses, the merchants. and the priest-
esses of Lolth recruit the talented, intelligent. beautiful drow. If the PCs want 10 reach the baule at the Great Gate (or head
and the dregs're left to rot here. The berks wallow in their de- into the Lower Vault). they need 10 figure out a way into,
pravity and vice, ignoring all else - which means it's fairly across, and out of Erelhei-Cinlu. A teleport spell could span
easy for a few crafty cutters to slip into the walled burg un- the distance, if the heroes have access to such magic. Other-
noticed. wise. their best be1 is simply to sneak or bluff their way
Not of all Erelhei-Cinlu's residents are drow - fact is, through town. Flying isn't a good idea, for drow archers on
most aren't. lllithids. kuo-toa. bugbears. troglodytes. trolls. both sides are used 10 airborne foes and fire upon unidentified
und ead, humans from the surface world, and even a few nying creatures.
fiends and other lower-planar creatures call kip in this city. If The encou nters and situations in the burg that could give
a body looks close, he might find a planewalker or two, and the PCs trouble are as limitless as they are terrifying. Erelhei-

+ 80 .
Cinlu is Lhe home of diseased beggars, thieves, cross-traders, gin (Pr/ o drow/FS/N). a heavily scarred drow who likes to stir
cony-caLchers, sla vers, murderers. g houls, vampires, trolls, up insurrection and rebellion against the evil ruling nobles
fiends, and plenLy of other monsters - not to mention well- whenever he can, all in the name of Nilonim - a former lover
organized platoons of troops (drow. bugbears. and troglo- of whom he never speaks beyond invoking the name.
dytes) in the service of the Kilsek, ready to slay any berks dis- Terigin's got more chant than the heroes would ever
loyal to the house or its allies. need, and it's even accurate. But it comes at a steep price. The
Luckily, the PCs have a few advantages. First of all. the basher demands that the PCs help him and a few of hi~ com-
city's chaoLic, winding streets and haphazard buildings allow rades stop the Kilseks from wantonly murdering the folks of
the cutters to sneak and hide well. Second, the burg suffers Erelhei-Cinlu. Specifically, he wants to slay Nieriv (Pr/ 9
from poor organization. The citizens are degenerate, and the drow/FB/CE), the cruel captain of the Kilsek guard, who leads
Kilsek high-ups distrust just about everyone. The Dungeon the culling raids on the populace.
Master should keep in mind that despite their caste system
and feudal (or militaristic) society, the drow are creatures of
chaos as well as evil, and nowhere is this more clear than in .. TH£ LmWeR VAUL+ ..
The PCs might wish to spend some time in town - that The largest portion of the Vault of the Drow spreads out south
is, if they're looking for dark spells, tonure implements and and west from the walls of Erelhei-Cinlu. The floor and walls
techniques, or mind-destroying narcotics. In other words, of the cavern sprout vast forests of thick fungi that're har-
wise folks make their way through the burg as quickly as pos- vested by drow slaves. Nestled among the stretches of this
sible. The twisted residents have little lO offer but pain, mis- sunless growth, the villas of the merchant clans stand as
ery, and a quick road to the dead-book. strongholds against the dark wilderness. See, despite the reign
Fact is, the only thing of real value in Erelhei-Cinlu is the of the drow, the Vault's still fraught with danger - trolls, rop-
chant, and there are plenty of ways co get information. But er•., shambling mounds, g iant spiders. and other monsters
the PCs can do worse than ranle their bone-boxes with Teri- prowl the cavern looking for food.
The Lower Vault contains 16 merchant villas, each ruled by In this part of the Lower Vault, nearly 60 cave openings -
one of the drowic merchant clans. The villas are smaller. less- most of them hidden by growths of fungi - appear in the cliff
defensible versions of the palaces in the Upper Vault. Though walls. The dark mouths lead to numerous burrows and dens.
the merchant clans once allied rhemselves with various noble many of which are empty. See, this honeycombed area was
houses, they're now under the control of rhe Tormtor/Ever- once the kip of a large tribe of troglodytes, but almost all of
hate/Aleval faction. All complied willingly. Even clans that them have since been conscripted into the fighting. Only a
were enemies of Torm tor now claim neutrality, at least. in few females remain, and they hide in the back caves, trying to
order to keep business moving. Many merchants who're se- care for the numerous young now without parents.
cretly loyal to the Kilsek alliance operate as spies and inliltra-
tors, but the drow of the House of Tormror know these stag-
rurners exist and busily try to root them out.
Herc, a row of 16 stone warehouses, each belonging to one of
the mercham clans, backs up against the cavern wall. Above
the door to each warehouse, a shield bearing the symbol of
Facing the main road that leads into the Lower Vault, this the appropriate clan identifies the
four-level tower stands on a rocky precipice owner. As mentioned earlier, the
and serves as the first defense against inva- clans - some willingly,
sion from outside. Needless to say, it hasn·r others reluctantly - have
played much of a role in the current con- thrown in with the Torm-
flict, but the Tormtor/Everhate/ tor alliance.
Aleval alliance con- WH .'.l+S YffiUR PREFERENCE? The store-
siders the Black A mEBmEN+ ffif PAIN f9R YffiU? houses are well
Tower secure. Here's guarded and well
10 GffiLD.
the dark of it, stocked with food and other
though: Recently, four
A mEBmEN+ eF PAIN fffiR mt: ? goods (no weapons, though -
mind flayers - using THA+·s 20 .. . . they've all been taken by
mental domi- now). If the war continues
nation rather much longer and the Kilsek
than physical alliance continues to hold
force - inlil- only the city, they'll need to raid the ware-
trated and seized houses to resupply their troops. Erehe
control of the tower. himself has tumbled co this eventual-
In quieter times, all road ity, and he's commanded warriors from
travelers who sought entrance to the the House of Torm tor to withdraw from the fighting and
Vault of the Drow were required to check in with the further secure the area.
guards of the cower and don special cloaks marking their sta-
tus. Currently, however, the mind flayers command the 20 or
so tower guards to question all visitors as to their loyalty in
the civil war and scrag any berk who professes devorion to This is the only area of the Lower Vault that actively opposes
Torm tor. the forces of the Torm tor alliance. Long ago, a military sister-
hood in the service of Lolth built a towered wall and gate-
house to seal off this diverticulum of the main cavern from
the rest of the Vault. Within the protected area, the sisterhood
This area, an extensive complex of caves on the side of the spent millennia training drow females in the art of war.
Vault wall, is home to almost 500 bugbears (including young). Each of the seven noble houses supports a sorority of
The creatures live in four distinct bands united under a single warriors here. (Fighters who were loyal to the former House of
leader, Gannish, who serves the drow and uses his people to Eilservs disbanded when that house fell, and they joined the
do their bidding. When war broke out. Gannish offered his remaining groups instead.) When the civil war began, the
services to the highest bidder, but he recently threw in com- high-ups of the society instructed its 500 or so members LO
pletely with the Tormtor/Everhate/Aleval alliance, which he fight for those in the service of Lolth - the Kilsek alliance.
sees as the eventual winner. The bugbear leader knows noth- However, each sorority is more or less loyal to its patron
ing of the chant about the Kilsek alliance's activities in and house. Thus, many drow connected with the Tormtor, Ever-
around Erelhei-Cinlu. hatc, or Aleval houses turned against their superiors or aban-
doned their posts to join their allies.

• 82 .
The githyanki took advantage of this dissension and trators. But the Dungeon Master should remember that the
launched an attack on the sisterhood. Although the well- Vault of the Drow is in a state of war. Defenders inside the
trained warriors repelled the assault, they suffered enough palaces and forcresses are extra peery and more likely to kill
losses to take them out of the rest of the war. Now the Torm- an intruder rather than question him.
tor alliance ignores the area, and those sympathetic with the Still. there's infiltration and then there's i11fi/1ra1ion.
Kilseks use the society as a refuge in t.he Lower Vault. Spells. disguises. and outright bribery work here as well as
The compound comprises a large slave barracks, eight they do anywhere on the planes, and such tactics, if used well,
sorority buildings (the one formerly housing the Eilservs- might get a body or two into the palace for a look around. The
sponsored fighters is now used for storage), an armory, a ru- cuners will tumble pretty quickly to Erehe's absence, bur
ined forge. and the main keep of General Tclcnna (Pr/ Q they might also learn his current location - the field
drow/F9/CE), commander of the sisterhood. In the past, the of baule before the Great Gate.
drow fashioned fine weapons in the forge, with help from
creatures of the Elemental Plane of Fire. However, thanks to
the githyanki attack, it"s now all but useless.


When war came, General Relonor (Pr/o drow/F7/CE) showed
his true colors as a servant of the House of Torm tor and of-
fered his bashers to the nobles and 1heir allies - another fac-
tor in the Tormtor alliance's early victories. The fraternity of If the PCs manage to make their way through Erelhei-Cinlu
approximacely 500 warriors occupies a compound made of 16 and reach the Great Gate at the south side of the cicy, they
barracks and t.he wall that joins them. A gatehouse and 1wo witness a fierce battle.
towers complece the forcress.
7/u ~a1111d r!f 1111 111/ c/11\/ii11g 11//Clll 11w1t1/ u11tl tlit' l"r/C\ of
ro111ba1 arc lno/.:c11 /11• c1pluc/111q fircl111/I' or tlw ru111/1/111q oj
+ flNDING EREHE + '""'< 01/ia \Urct•n·. Fmm 11 itlri11 the· rnrro1111tl111q toll rr~. tltirk
1'11 t'll arcl11n}ire101/1·1· cljin 1t•lln• of cW\\l111w bolt\ c/111111 lll
The Vault of the Drow is a big case, and there's plency for a tire t11l1 cwc111g c•111•1111• 'ittl/ more· 11 arrwn muq of 1/11111 malt
group of planewalkers to explore, learn, and fight. 'Course, rrpt'I nttm kt rs that tr\' to \t111t' 1/1<· ll'nll or 111ng1wlly ./1.1 or
their real goal is to find the drow called Erehe and learn what /1•1iwu 01•er it Glwuh all(/ other 111ulcud a<1·u1111u1111 1/11 dc-
dark he's keeping - or at least protect him from the visages. fc11drr, , qrcrtl1fr '~'"'"Y at fi1 '"!I flnli A '"'all puck of
Though the PCs don't know that Erehe has lost his memories. c/11/\1111• /l1'i11g 111·t•r/Hr11i dw1• Cl lia11df11/ of 11111 lq11ra 111/0 tile·
that fact'll soon become abundantly clear. However. that t'll<'llll' lwrtlt•,, t111d tile a1ml1 ./icmh "c111 ro /rm t /iulc n•q11rd
doesn't mean the heroes hit the blinds trying to find out the for lif1 - 1 l't'I/ 1l1t•ir Ol/'11.
information. It'll just be hard. flit· atwckcr' arr 1110~1/i• 1lrc111· "'""'''" of /101/1 \r.rc~ cir-
First things first, though. The bashers have to find the qa11uc·tl 11110 s1grega1C'ci u11i1,. Bugbrnr'i and 1ruglod1·11 s form
dark elf before they can interrogate him. Wigwagging with po11•t r/11( '"fl/Wrti11q 1•l1t1/a11x1' to r11/1cr ''de. I atldcr'i 011d
the locals is the easiest way lo learn about Erehe (and the war qrappll11g rripc· earn tllC asw11fn11/\ 11110 lwrrfc at 1/1c top of
in general). but finding a berk willing to rattle his bone-box rlir u all. 11•ilcrc a f1111c, 1111ar111rd drou llo/d'i ojJ" \1111e nf
to a bunch of nondrow strangers isn·t easy. Still, the PCs 11·111rion 111111/ \(11·\ /iro11ql11 t/011•11 i11 11 f1111n of \t111k1·, am/
might succeed with the right mixture of garnish, subtlecy, and 11m1' to 11m1. A1111ckcf\j1\'111g on 1l1c /Jack\ of /11rraco'f1l1i11rr'
persuasion. ur /J1· 1111•t111' Cl{ 111ay11· tn· Ill yuin 1111· otllcr '"le 1/11011qi1 tile
Canny bloods quickly tumble to the following facts: 11111/ n/ 1111,,1/r fire.
Erehe is the consort of Verdaeth, matron of the House of lilt' fiylll fuoh ti\ 1lw11c1li 11 \ raqccl for 11 long 1i111c - nml
Torm tor. the estate at the center of the current con nict. The \ft'llls ftke/\t /Cl< 1111111111e· 111111/Jatrd ji11 n qrmtl rfrci/ /o11gl'1 .
two are practically inseparable, and they're likely to be found
either in their palace or at the primary battle site - the Great If the PCs figure that Erehe's with the attackers, they
Gate of Erelhei-Cinlu. might try to leave the cicy and head into the invaders' camp.
But that presents an interesting challenge - all of che gates in
the wall are locked and guarded. The chaos of the raging
battle might work to the heroes' advantage, allowing them to
+HE HeusE eF TeRm+eR
proceed without drawing too much attention. Still, even if
The PCs can get into the palace in any number of ways, they scale or otherwise get past the wall, the difficulties begin
though a direct, open assault is probably the most addle- anew - the anacking army looks upon anyone coming from
coved method. Sneaking in's a possibility for top-shelf infil- Erelhei-Cinlu as an enemy.

83 +
LEARNING ABeu+ Erehc's lost memories, or offer to help the Torm tor's war effon
Mf; WAN + in exchange for information. Each option is discussed below.

Whatever means the cutters use to infiltrate the ranks of the

Tormtor alliance - disguise, garnish. magic. or just plain
sneakiness - they find the high-ups near the rear of the at- Canny PCs should realize that this probably isn't a good time
tack, on a rise behind the advancing forces. Verdaeth, Erehe, to charge in with swords drawn. Truth is, approaching the
and three other Torm tor nobles named Bederiss (Pr/-? drow/ Tonntor nobles at all probably means a quick trip to the dead-
F5,P8[Kiaransaleel/CE), Fecund ii (Pr/ 9 drow/F4,P7[Kiaransa- book - unless a cutter uses his brain-box and says something
lee]/CE), and Magin (Pr/ o drow/F4.M6/CE) wa1ch the baule to make the drow (at least Erehe or Verdaeth) want to hear
from astride their nightmare mounts. Six trained displacer them out. "Kestod sent us,·· "We're here about Erehe's memo-
beasts and six female drow warriors guard them. ries," or something similar is a good stan.
Verdaeth. unquestionably the leader, sils the tallest in her If Erehe is intrigued by what the PCs have to say, he casts
fiendish mount's saddle, a long black and purple robe cover- ll'all of force to create a dome around Verdaeth, himself and
ing her fine chain mail. Erehe seems to have a penchant for the heroes - afler 1he bashers first place their weapons on the
1he macabre, for his clothing is covered in skulls, bones, and ground outside the radius of the dome. While the two drow
symbols of death. Ile also wears strange lenses over his eyes want some privacy to protect themselves from curious ears or
that make them appear to be red. The other three nobles, like s1ray auacks from the nearby battle, they worry that the re-
1heir ruler and her conson, radiate ex1reme be<1uty in a cold, quest for an audience is just a trick by their Kilsek foes.
dark way. Their regal garments are orna1ely embellished and What follows is probably a confusing discussion. The
in perfec1 condition. All !Ive of the drow come across as ex- drow don'i know what the PCs know, but they suspect the
traordinarily arroganl and imperious, though Vcrdaeth will bashcrs have chant they want. Likewise, the PCs don't know
drop pretense in order to ge1 something she wants. what the drow know, but they suspect the nobles have chant
To find out what the drow know about the Wand of they want. Both sides arc peery of the other, and neither
Orcus, the PCs might try to talk to them. figh1 1hem, restore wantc; to show weakness or ignorance.
Smooth talking on the PCs' part gains them a few inter- RES+EaRING es+ mEmeRIES
esting tidbits - if they ask the ri gh t questions and make the
right statements. See, ifVerdaeth and Erehe believe the plane- Top-shelf thinkers might fetch a blossom of desert's night
walkers kn ow more than they do, they try to bluff using the from Set"s realm and use it to restore Erehe's memories. The
chant they do have and. in so doing, let slip information that heroes learned of the bloom in Chapter Ill; perhaps they even
proves valuable to the PCs. For instance, the cuuers mig ht had the foresight to grab samples of the rare nower when they
learn that Erehe lost his memories to the River Styx after first vi\ited Ankhwugaht. In any case, they can give the
serving in the realm of Kiaransalee. They might al!.o pick up drsrrr's 11igl11 10 Verdaeth in exchange for information. She's
chant about the war in the Vault or somet hing even mo re delighted at finally being able to fill in her consort's past, and
valuable. her love for l:rehe overpowers her desire to leave the tru th
If the PCs bring up Kestod. Verclaeth makes the nece">sary about the Wand of Orcus buried fo rever in his brain-box. The
links and tells them the dark of what happened to the Wand PCs also can restore Erche"s memories themselves, in order to
of Orcus - if that means the heroes then can offer her new in- get the full chant straight from the drow's mouth.
sight into her consort's lost memories. Knowledge 1ha1 the All che heroes really need is the general location of the
visages"re hunting for Erehe is plenty va luable to the two wand. huc if Frehe regains his memories, they might take him
drow. Verdaeth has no qualms about turning stag on her pa- along as a guide (or he may accompany them willingly). He
tron goddess; her obsessive love for Erehe is fa r stronger than warns them. though. that they must find a way to reach the
her devotion to Kiaransalee. She's even willing to abandon cavern that holds the wand. Kiaransaleejust whisked him into
the war and give the whole Vault the laugh if it means hang- a secluded area of Agathion and back aga in ; there are no tun-
ing on to the object of her desires. nels leading to the spot. Erehe suggests stopping at the Mad-
Unfortunacely. the feeling ain't mutual. Erehe's auach- house. the Bleak Cabal's citadel on rh e first layer of Pandemo-
ment to Verdaeth isn't nearly so stro ng. He has no special de- nium. and from there lea rning how to get LO Agathion (see
votion lo Kiaransa lee, either, and he always bows 10 Ver- Chapter Vlll for details).
daeth's judgment in matters regarding the deity. But Erehe is Thing is, both Verdaeth and Erehe are drow, and drow
fiercely loyal to the House of Torm tor. at least in that he en- never help anyone unless there's something in it for them. In
j oys his position of power. If his mistress chose LO nee the fact, the Tormtor leader and her consort are particularly dia-
house and the Vault, he wouldn't follow - fact is, he'd enjoy bolical and might turn stag on the PCs at any turn. Canny
ruling in her stead. However, if convinced he was as good as cutters·11 keep a close eye on them. More than likely, though,
lost, that'd be a different matter en tirely. Erehe believes in the two drow really do plan to help the heroes find the Wand
self-preservation before all else. of Orcus - but only !>O they can scrag it for themselves. They
can even justify that their acti ons don't oppose Kia ransalee"s
wishes; by taking the wand, they feel they're helping to keep
it out of Tenebrous's hands.
If the PCs possess great power bur little tact, they might try to
force Verdaeth to give them the information they need. Even HELPING +HE WAil EffCDR+
if they're successfu l. such an acti on earns them a powerful
enemy, one that's sure to show up again looking fo r revenge. It may be that to learn the needed chant. the PCs must strike a
See, Verdaeth's altitude is simple - the best way to make sure deal with Verdaet h. If so, she agrees to give them the locati on
that her chant is valuable is to put anyone else who learns it of the wand - but only if they first bring her the head of Ven-
in the dead-book. rit. the ruler of the House of Kilsck. If that's obviously beyond
'Course, some PCs might just try to kill Erehe so the vis- their ability. or if they fai l and return, Verdaeth gives them a
ages can't get at him. That's faulty logic - Tenebrous is a god. new ta~k: Kill Liminis. the commander of the Great Gate. and
after all, so he'll tumble to the dark of his wand sooner or open the gate from the inside.
later. Besides, slay ing the drow wizard might be beyond the Verdaeth has no reason to ask the PCs to perform impos-
heroes' power, especially with Verdaeth and the other dark sible tasks - she want!> these things done. Still, she knows the
elves around. And if the PCs attack first, without trying LO chant about the wand is importa nt, and she wants something
talk to Erehe or Verdaeth, things go from bad to worse. Even worthwhile in return.
if the berks eve ntually change their tactics, attempts on
Erehe's life won't make the drow too eager to share their VAm Pl RE A++ACK
kn owledge later.
The Dungeon Master should remember that Verdaeth is If the DM allowed Kestod to escape from Tcian Su mere rather
the only living mortal who knows that Kestod and Erehe hid than impale himself (see Chapter V for details). he might try
the Wand of Orcus in the fourth layer of Pandemoni um. If she to kill Erehe and Verdaeth to prevent them from betraying Ki-
dies, the PCs'll have a much harder time learning the wand's aransalce. For maximum drama, the assau lt should occur
location. while the PC'> patiently try to win the drow's trust. This puts
the berks in the odd pos it ion of having to defend Erehe

against an anack that they themselves made possible (by free- The most obvious way out is the way the PCs came in -
ing Kestod). 'Course, it also means that Erehe will probably through the special conduit in the Fane of Lolth. But except
suspect treachery, figuring that Kestod and the characters are for !he ca ravans that bring weapons. the priestesses of the
somehow conspiring to peel him. Fane don't allow anyone access to the passage to Lolth's
Abyssal realm. Just reaching the conduit will take a fair
amount of subterfuge and probably some sword play; after all,
+ f..£AVING +HE VAUL+ + the temple and the surrounding area's littered with drow war-
riors. And even if the heroes make it through the conduit,
The PCs' stay in the Vault of the Drow might rum out to be a they'll find themselves in the realm of the Queen of Spiders,
lengthy one, especially if the bashers find themselves caught uninvited, with drow blood on their blades. To make matters
up in the local intrigues and battles. At some point, though, worse, no matter where they go in the Demonweb, the poor
they'll be ready to leave. Oerth has a number of options sods'll find enemies all around them - draw ser-
for travel to the planes, but none of them are easy. vants, yochlol and other 1anar'ri, and spiders of
For example: large, huge, and giant size.
Hopefully, the PCs will realize that
+ The ruins of the forge in the com- they can't fight their way out of
pound of the Female Fighters' Society Lolth's realm, and they'll rely on wits
has a still-functioning portal to the and bribery instead. They'd better be
Elemental Plane of Fire. ready, because the berks must contend
with a fiend as soon as they step out of
+ A race of neutral gnomes the spiderweb conduit - a yochlol
called the svirfneblin live guards every exit and entrance to the
near the Vault of the Drow, Demonweb Pits. All yochlol are, more
and they know of a vortex to or less, proxies of Lolth. They have
the Elemental Plane of Earth (a the authority to let outsiders into the
plane with which they're quite realm. but the PCs'd better do some
familiar). fancy wigwagging to make their
case. A great garnish - such as a
+ A portal to the Elemental Plane
of Water (specifically the realm
.. magical item, a special treasure,
or a bit of compelling chant -
of the power Blibdoolpoolp) lies wouldn't hurt either.
in a cavern many miles distant, in If the yochlol allows the he-
a shrine erected to the deity by roes to pass through the
her servants, the kuo-coa. Demonweb, it assigns
them an escort: another
+ The surface of Oerth has yochlol. That's a good
numerous portals, but thing, for without the
reaching the sunlit skies guidance of a native,
requires a journey of inany the PCs'll find the web
weeks. What's more, most a huge mass of viscous
of the portals sit in loca- ·. '· strands that make it ex-
tions that are secluded, tremely difficult to walk.
ruined, lost, or well The escort leads the
guarded. That's be- bashers to the crevice
cause the denizens of that winds up to the Plain
Oenh fear planars, thinK- of Infinite Portals. However,
ing them all to be maraud: if they ask, the fiend shows
ing fiends. them a one-way portal that
goes directly into the Hive
+ Many mages and priests on Ward of Sigil. The portal ain't
this world, including those well known and it only exists now
among the draw, can cast spells and again, with no discernable pat-
such as plane shift, teleport without tern. But the PCs are in luck, because it's
error, and 1he like. But, as always, there's working today.
sure to be a price. Addle-coved planewalkers might choose to
fight the conduit guardian or their escort. If the

+ 86 +
yochlol can't defeat the berks themselves, they try lo warn the + Some creatures, possibly undead fiends. seek a rare
other inhabitants of the realm as quickly and efficiently as nower - desert's night, which grows only in Set's
possible. This might mean retreating to alen others, which'll realm - that's said to restore memories drained by the
probably make the PCs think they chased the fiends off and River Styx. The PCs might also realize that the crea-
arc safe. But spiders lurk everywhere on the web, and the tures serve an ancient, powerful, and secretive master.
yochlol use them to convey messages. Word spreads quickly
of the intruders, and soon the poor bashers could face defend- + The creatures also seek Kestod and Erehe, two drow
ers of the realm at every sticky step. who hid the Wand of Orcus in the fourth layer of Pan-
If the PCs make it to the Plain of Infinite Portals, they demonium and then were drowned in the Styx.
probably head back Lo the gate-town of Plague-Mon and
eventually try to reach Sigil (or some other safer ground). On + Someone or something is killing proxies and gods -
the other hand, truly courageous and stalwart characters some of whom, at least. have been involved in the
might poke around on the Plain, look.ing for a gate that leads above circumstance!>.
directly to Pandemonium - after all, the sooner they find the
Wand of Orcus, the better. Most bashers will be able to piece together this in-
The layer docs indeed contain a portal to formation to get the big picture: Someone, perhaps
the Howling Plane; it's fairly commonly (probably?) the being once known as Orcus, is
used and easily found, especially if searching for the Wand of Orcus. This can't possi-
the heroes loosen a few bly be good. If the PCs are true heroes, they'll re-
fiendish tongues with some alize what they must do: Journey to Agathion and
garnish. But the por- find the wand before anyone else does.
tal's not nearby. The THE BES+ PAR+ If the cuncrs have already visited Pe-
cutters must march ABEl l.,, + VISl+ING +HE VAUL+ lion and read the prophecy found in the
quite a distance across IS LEAVING. Last Spire (see Chapter VII for details), they
the layer to reach iL, brav- should be even mo re certain that Orcus is
ing whatever Abyssal ter- fEDNIUN HEDDDYP£AK. . the villain. And if they haven't gone to
rors the Dungeon Master AN ELf that dusty Arborean layer, clues they
chooses to throw at found back in Tcian Sumere
them. might push them there now.
Truth However, if the berks
is, even if need more motivation, the OM
the berks just can use a stronger (albeit more heavy-
return to Plague-Mort, they're likely handcd) method: A proxy of a power they wor-
to run into trouble along the way. The ship or respect pays them a visit. The proxy explains
DM's free to toss numerous obstacles in the that his deity senses a great evil arising and believes that the
party's path, or to give the poor sods a break - especially if PCs have some knowledge of it. He asks the heroes if they in-
they've already been battered and bloodied by this point. In deed know anything about such an impending doom. If they
any case, both the Plain of Infinite Portals and the town of say "yes." the proxy immediately stops them from speaking
Plague-Mon hold cutthroats, cony-catchers, fiends of every any further.
type. and all manner of chaotic evil monsters.
l\i• If the heroes try to fight their way out of the ~11• f/Tt>llt anti pv1ffrfii/ 11111'ilr1 rcq11cq, 1h111 r1111 111>1 tell

Demonweb Pits and somehow escape alive, the OM should mt• 11 hat ir " · Ap1uirrnr/\·. r/1crr\ a da11grr 111 k11ow111g 11 lwt
make it clear that they survived only because Lolth didn'l care \'uu k11u11• 110 tlllc' rhc should /11· /lrll'V 10 ir. My 11111~tc·1
or had more pressing concerns - not the least of which is lhe 11 ;,/ic' \OU to rah· ran· of tfl1· probfrm in the 11w~1 obi /0115
war tearing a pan the Vault of the Drow. The PCs should real- a111f 1·1Jic1r111 way. lie '""~that" ~lwrr- rrrm rnlu111111 ' '
ize that, under normal circumstances, there's no way that r1w11q/1 "' J'1C1.l11cr a ln11g -11•r111 cj}rct. Quirk a c1i1111 , 11111ck
berks like them can mess with a deity and then give her the t11111ki11g, aml ct11111\' choice s rn11 "'"' 11 lrr1c brutt' j'Mce 1s f u-
laugh. 11/i• I l1<'fc\ 11111lti11g 11111n· 111y 11111\tn or I can sa\' - 011!1• \'011
RllOll ' 11•Jwt \'OU kllllll'. ~

+THE NEX+ S+t:P + If necessary. the proxy promises the cutters jink or mag-
ical rewards. Bui he can't help directly in any way, and the
Once safely away from the Vault of the Drow and the Abyss. PCs can't expect aid from any quarter. Once the proxy brings
the PCs can decide what to do next. By this point in the ad- his message. the heroes should realize that their knowledge of
venture. they should have tumbled to the following chant: Orcus's return is dangerous chant and can't be shared with
anyone - not even those they think they can trust.

+ 87 ..
'A/1. m.1 lwr 111 11 /1c11 11 n11/tl 11 t' 111 1/1t11 ')" LI re r/J
"111lt·1i 11w1 11.1/lt lip/. I"""~ 1/im lc1111111111 11/11 {/\'
/11111 .t .. \I 1/11 goth 11rr drn1/ D1t11I, or \rllf
1n I to 1/:1 /11 11 11 Ill•" u/ lu 11111/ 11 cr~1 . Pt /ro11 /i,,, 1111 mort qo1/\.
!1111 r/ir ' l l r " frl1.i111111 b1111111.
U11. ''· ' " ' • l 1111/i 1111< 1ruprc·1l. \till rn11rk111r1 ·~urtt~ 111
1!11 1 1ph.•r11y11/
h n 1/i rou/.i lie 11 n· 0111101111q

• s+eeRING +HE RIDE.

This chapter comes into play if the heroe!> follow up on clues they
found earlier suggesting that they travel to Pelion, the third layer of
Arborea. "Course, it's possible that the PCs missed those
leads entirely or aren't sufliciently motivated to make
the trip. But if the Dungeon
Master's really itching to use
this chapter, he can throw
more obvious clues in their
path. perhaps when the party's con-
ducting research or picking up the
chant in Sigil. For example, a well-tanned culler
could reveal that he's heard the mysterious blood pu1ting powers in the dead-
book is somehow tied to the ruins of Pelion. That"s a bit like knocking the PCs
over the head with the information, but once in a while that's what it takes.
If the OM can't find a suitable method ofgeuing the PCs to Pelion, all
is not lost. When the heroes meel the Guardian of the Dead Gods (in Chapter IX),
he provides further incentive for them to visit the dusty layer. But the berks can
finish the adventure even if they nei•er go to Pelion - it'll just be harder (and
perhaps more confusing).


During this chapter, the heroes will find a magical device known as the Orb of
Kadu-Ra that has recorded events from Pel ion's distant past. If the PCs activate
the Orb. they vicariously experience those events by playing out the scenes as
other characters who lived during that time.
That means the players need to roll up those other characters (hereafter
referred to as the "temporary" PCs). So as not to slow down the game, the OM
PE LIEBN'S @NE · t!J should have them do it sometime before the session in which this chapter will
w ti E II L pLA E c s be played. If the players ask why they need new characters, the OM should
"'+t< NEB EXPLANA+ IEBN. just say, ··You'll see." The fact that they get to play out ancient events
TH( PLACES HAVEN'+ should come as a fun surprise. (On the other hand, the OM should
probably reassure the players that their beloved original heroes didn't
die when they weren't looking.)
+ E m @s+ 1N+EREs+1NG.
The temporary PCs should be standard Pt.ANESCAPI: characters of 8th to 10th
D£SIRA. level. The OM should 1101 tell the players that the temporary PCs exist in the dim
recesses of the past. But ii's fine to give them the following clue: If the charac-
ters will he planars. they can belong only to the Dustmen, the Fated, the Frater-
nity of Order. the Free League, or the Revolutionary League. No other factions
are allowed. That's because during the time of the temporary PCs. none of the
other current factions existed yet. (Naturally, Sigil did have other factions at
that time - including the Expansionists. the Sodkillers. and the lncanterium -
but since those group!>'re long gone, it's easiest to leave them out. The DM·s free

lo allow them if he wants to
outline their parameters for the players.)
The temporary PCs can be of any race, and the
players can outfit them with whatever mundane equip-
ment they want. If 1he OM likes. he can give each cuner a
few magical trinkets as well. but it's not required. The
temporary PCs don'1 have to have any magical items at all.
Players don't need to spend too much time developing the backgrounds of
the temporary characters; they won·t be used fo r an extended period. But the more
different they are from the original PCs, the better - the change will feel more dramatic.
Players should try different kinds of characters. too. Maybe the player with the great fighter
should roll up a doddering wizard, and the one who always plays a thief should be encouraged
to try a cleric. But no malter what. the OM shouldn't let anything in the temporary PCs' backgrounds tie
directly to the present.


For once, getting there's the easy part. Sigil has a portal that leads direCLly to Elshava, a floating city in wa-
tery Ossa (the second layer of Arboreal. From there, it's fairly easy fo r the heroes to find a basher who'll
guide them along the path to Pelion.
To reach Elshava, the PCs need to find a pair of sagging towers in the Clerk's Ward that leaned so heav-
ily toward each other that they now touch at their apexes. The one-way portal - which was discovered only
recently - is the space between the towers, and the key is any sea shell. Once the heroes step through, they
find themselves in an open area of Elshava.
The sea-burg's built to resemble a
nautilus shell, in that it's an
ever-expanding spiral.
It floats upon
the agr111111d, 1llfl1tf1lr tire"'"' and dry11n' ap/1<1H'11tlv 11111101· tlrC'111.
shallow fact r' i1 lnok' like 1'1r1•'rc· Jll't'flnri11g 1/1r rou11dl1011t Jir a11n1lrcr
'CE9URSE YE9U DE9N'+ sea of t11p. H111 1/rcrc·~ ccrrarnly 1111 11·111cr a11r11'11cre i11 .~ight.
ARE9UND HERE. and every- The Sea Folk know that they're at the edge of a planar
1·m GE9E9D thing about it has
a watery feel. The
path and can indeed sail back to Ossa, despite the fact that
thei r boat appears to be stuck foreve r in a dry desen. Before
A+ WHA+ I DE9. buildings look they leave, the sailors tell the PCs that they won't be back to
mANHAY+H like shells. octopi, pick them up - the berks"re on their own. If the heroes ask,
or fish, and most of them the Sea Folk remark that the necropolis known as Bal-tiref -
seem to be made from mother-of-pearl or coral. Naturally, the which lies in the realm of Nephythys - contains a few portals
newly found ponal from Sigil has brought many goods to out of Pelion.
Elshava that were formerly una vailable (or nearly so).
The floating city's home to sea elves. selkies, mermen, and
the like, but the inhabitants simply call themselves Sea Folk, TH£ DES£R+
making no distinctions among the various races. The PCs can • ef AmUN .. +HYS.
easily find and hire a few sailors to take them to Pelion in one
of the many local coracles (also called roundboars). These craft, If the PCs found the crude map of Pelion (on page 101) that
like the city itself, resemble giant nautilus shells. Bloods with was hidden in Tenebrous's throne back in Tcian Sumere, they
any knowledge of sailing might think they'd be difficult to ma- can ascertain pretty quickly how to get about the layer. If they
neuver, but the Sea Folk have no trouble. don't have the map, there'll probably be a Jillie wandering in-
volved. Fortunately, no matter what the cutters do, they end
I lie id1tl11 oitl rcs1drnh oj tlli~ rlta/as., ;, cit.1 cln11 '1 pay up running into a basher named Manhayth. It's just the na-
1011 mueli l1ecd '" rliry rnrry 011 1ilcir l11"i11n<> in rite ~hc•/1- ture of Pelion (and the nature of Manhayth).
Jllll c d srrrct\ l1r111<'t11 rhc corn/ l111ildi11q' The '11ilon yo11'1·c Manhayth is an aasimar who calls himself a beast-
l11rrt/ cm• '1lt·11t mu/ n/011[. /1111 rlwy l11111dlc 1Jrrm\l·/1 cs 'k1/l- hunter. What isn't immediately obvious is that he hunts 1vere-
f11/1' O\ tl1r1• 11rc1•circ rhcir ~trc111qc 1011111/ /Joat .for tltt' rri11. beasts. See. Pelion, despite its location on a plane of good, has
Ptt mrq down 111111 tire qrer11 ll 'tllcn rlw1 \llrrouml 1Jrc c11y. y1111 a problem with werebeasts of all kinds - including evil,
1w11· tlrnt F/\llar a /1011/r; in ,/w/1011• ,11011/~ - tire 11•a1cr\ proli- bloodthirsty raiders that travel in vicious packs. Indeed, when
ab/\ 011/i J feet deep. B11t tlw 1111 1<> col1/ 1111d ji1/I of 11m1. antl Manhayth encounters the party, he's wandering through the
you su~pfft i/1111 1/1C' \Cl/ I\ 11111rl1 colt/1·1. desert, looking for lycanthrope prey. And he's always check-
ing the ground for tracks, despite the fact that the wind con-
The trip to Pelion sets each PC back about 50 gp, and the stantly stirs the white dust all about.
Sea Folk don't explain their actions or give a guided tou r - The PCs don't spot Manhayth until he's about 30 yards
they just herd the cutters onto their small ship and go. The away - that's the farthest the cut1ers can see in the blowing
journey is cold, even though there's only a slight breeze, and dust. The aasimar app roa ches them swiftly and surely, though
visibility's poor thanks to a thick green mist. Still, any basher he says nothing. He wears dark leather clothing and is
on the ship can see that the water remains very shallow. weighed down with all sons of gea r, including a variety of
The path to the next layer of Arborea winds through the weapons. When he gets very close, his spear in hand but not
endless shoals of Ossa, but it doesn't take very long. At some poised to strike, he begins to sniff, as though looking for a
point after three hours have elapsed, everyone on board the particular odor. And that's exactly what he's doing - Man-
roundboat - including the Sea Folk - falls into a deep, rest- hayth believes he can tell a werebeast by its smell, even when
ful sleep. There's no saving throw agai nst this effect. It's just it's in human form.
how the path works. Once he's sure the PCs are what they seem (woe to them
When the travelers wake up a shon while later, they find if any pany members are lycanthropes). the aasima r intro-
that the boat has seemingly run aground - in fact, there's no duces himself and converses with them in a cordial but gruff
water anywhere in sight. They've reached Pelion. manner. He can help the heroes considerably, giving them the
chant on Pelion, directions to where they want to go, and
All mnu11d 1·011. a /lot 11l11m· of /i11t•, ll'llllc cl11H strrrrhn warnings about various local hazards.
the /10r11on 711c air I\ ~till cold. l111t 11011 • i1 \ t',l"//t'llldy d1y.
/ti Manhayth also tells the bashers that Pelion was once oc-
Som e r!(1lr1• du\/ li!o11·~ !71111/v 1Jrro11yl1 lire \h, a11cl 111.fir\/ 1·011 cupied by a pantheon of mysterious gods who've long since
1111,takt ir for '"or1•. H111 it docrn't t11kc 1·011 lt111<1 to rraliLr rl1e departed or died, leaving behind only ruins. (If any PCs re-
l1L1llr. fl1r 11'11111· pa1111 fr, 11111y lie• "' mid II' ice. hut lilt'l"rc mark that the powers might've been the Egyptian gods, the
al~o tin· a11d clwk111g. funr11w1d1, tlrl' air;, <;till, ''' 1101 m11dr aasimar chuckles and says, "Good one, berk. ") Within the
of tire slll!} get\ lifted 11[/ tlr1 gm1111d. ruins lie secrets, but few have th e patience or forek nowledge
Tire 'iC'u l olk ,utf11r' dn11 ·r seem et11rcTmctl tlwr 1·uu 'n• rr111 to search for them .

• 90 .
If the PCs came to Pelion for something in particular, live in small shacks outside of Bal-tiref and eat nothing but
Manhayth tells them they're best off going to Amun-thys, lhe gruel.
realm of the goddess Nephythys. "Old Nephythys"' (as he calls If 1he PCs take Manhayth 's advice and search for Tyun
her) doesn't twig well to visitors, bu1 a careful body can get Amerinvai (Pe/ '? human/0-level/Dustmen/CG), they find her
the chant on a lot of topics, especially from a cuuer named working inside the necropolis. She's gaunt, and her large.
Tyun Amerinvai. If the heroes want to go, the aasimar gives staring eyes peer ou1 from the elegant purple and silver hood
them thorough directions to the of her long robe. In exchange
realm, adding, "'You"ll know for a little garnish,
you're there when you start Tyun lanns the he-
seeing the crypts ... The trip roes lo the dark of
takes about five full days, and a few matters:
Manhayth travels with the Several
party if invited. years ago, a
•1 The greatest mighty being
challenge of the journey to combed the sands
Amun-thys is probably of Pelion for
finding enough food and lost secrets
water. However, if the OM de- that'd grant
sires, an encounter with a him even
wraithworm (described in the greater
COMPENDIUM Appendix If) or a believes that the
small group .of lycanthrope blood was said to be
bandits would be more than undead. He ended up
appropriate in this dangerous at the site of an ancient
desert of dust. tower that's now long gone.
However, recently another villain
unearthed an old treasure that had
some ties to the tower. The treasure
is called the Orb of Kadu-Ra, and it
It's hard to find a desertlike was stolen from a crypt by a thief
realm when it sits in the middle named Heydril. The berk's a well-known
of a desert. But Manhayth was right tomb-robber, and the priests of Nephythys have
about the crypts. As the PCs approach placed a hefty price on his head. Unfortunately, no one
Amun-thys, the sand dunes occasionally pan to reveal long- knows where Heydril - or the Orb of Kadu-Ra - is now.
buried tombs. Many are ornate and intricate, but the aasimar If the PCs want to find the thief, they really need to do
(if he's present) warns the party not to disturb them. Nothing some digging. They can slip jink to the right folks to get a de-
pikes Nephythys off like some berk looting a crypt. scription ofHeydril (dark hair, deep blue eyes, and sunburned,
See, Nephythys is the Egyptian goddess of wealth and peeling skin). the locations of places he's been, and the dark
the guardian of the dead. Truth is, she got a good deal more of sites he might hit next. Staking out wealthy crypts and
powerful when Anubis - the former guardian of the dead - waiting for the thief to come by might work as well. 'Course,
walked off and disappeared. Her realm is filled with necropoli the lauer activity is sure to provoke a confrontation with the
and mausoleums, and Nephythys herself dwells in a dun-col- ghasts common to Bal-Liref, which attack the heroes outright.
ored palace, though the PCs have no reason to go there. (There should be at least three undead for each character.)
Canny bashers notice a bit of natural life in Amun-thys: In any event, if the PCs manage to find Heydril some-
white lotuses, tumbling lilies, lizards. rats, and snakes. The where in the necropolis, their best bet is to trace him back to
sky boasts an occasional vulture or two, and the ground at his case, so they can get at his stashed treasure. He's certainly
times gives forth an oasis of water. Sure, it's still dry and un- not going to carry the Orb of Kadu-Ra around with him.
welcoming, but al least it's better than the rest of Pelion.
Bal-tiref is a vast, silent necropolis, one of the many in THE THIEf'S HEBARD
Amun- thys. Apart from the rats, scavengers. and undead
(particularly ghouls and ghasts), the only inhabitams are a Heydril calls kip in the skeleton of a gigantic. unknown beast
few petitioners who work as embalmers and corpse-preparers. that died in the desert of Pelion centuries ago. Treated hides
These folks live simply amid the treasures of ancient kings stretched over the rib cage provide a little shelter from the
displayed in fabulous tombs. They wear long, purple robes wind, not to mention a fine place to hide stolen loot. Born
with gold embroidery that'd shame most emperors, yet they and raised on the Outlands, Heydril heard the call of treasure

+ 92 +
when he learned about all the wealthy crypts in Pelion. His The temporary PCs' adventure begins in "'Living in the
excellent skills have enabled him to elude the vengeful Past," below. and continues through "'Back to the Future." The
watchers of the tombs so far, but he"s pushing his luck - if he whole scenario should take about 20 minutes to play out.
doesn·t quit soon, he·11 probably be swinging from the leafless During that time, the original PCs are entranced. If this occurs
tree within six months. in the presence of Heydril, he uses the opportuniry to grab as
The thiefs surrounded his home with small snares hidden much of his loot as he can and give the sods the laugh.
in the dust: spring-loaded jaw traps made from the bones of "'' What's the point of all this? Well, by the time the
various monsters. Unless a top-shelf PC rogue leads the way temporary adventure ends, the original PCs will have learned
and looks for traps, each character approaching the kip has a everything that happened to the heroes in the past. But they·ll
400/o chance of stepping into a trap and suffering 2d4 points know the details particularly well - after all. they·11 have
of damage - as well as alerting Heydril. lived through it themselves. And that chant·ll prove useful as
the cutters finish the rest of this chapter.
+ When the PCs approach the skeleton, show the players
lllo J (on page 173).

The cutler fights to defend his case as best as he"s able.

He's no idiot, though, and won't battle to the death. If faced It's important for the Dungeon Master to remember that the
with certain doom, Heydril offers his assailants anything he temporary PCs are just that - temporary. That means he can
can to get them to spare his life. For those PCs who·d like to be less forgiving when it comes to character injury and
take the berk for all he's worth, Heydril has amassed a trea- demise. F-act is, the events of the past should be particularly
sure hoard consisting of: 11,349 cp; 2,668 sp; 1,560 gp; and harrowing, and many (if not all) of the temporary heroes may
53 objects of art (statuary, vases. urns. crowns, scepters, bra- well die.
ziers, combs, jewelry. and so on) worth 5d 100 gp each. The OM should also make careful notes of everything
As Tyun Amerinvai said, the thief also possesses the that happens when the temporary PCs explore the Last Spire,
stolen Orb of Kadu-Ra, a beautiful golden sphere. But to Hey- because their actions might have an effect on the future (the
dril, that's all it is. He has no idea of its true origin or nature, original characters· present).
nor of how it ended up in the tomb of the sod he snatched il
The adventure for the temporary characters begins in Pelion,
outside a place known to them as the Last Spire. ll"s a single
The orb is a magical device able 10 completely record events conical tower of white stone, with liule ornamentation. It has
so they can be relived later. When recording, the orb creates a a diameter of 80 feet and stands about 100 feet tall. All
magical chronicle of all sights. sounds. smells, feelings, around are ruins - foundations, really - made from the same
thoughts, and emotions experienced by an individual or white stone and covered in Pelion's fine, chalky dust. Some
group. The orb, and presumably others like it, was created by appear to have been almost unimaginably large in their day,
those who lived in Pelion long ago, probably for entertain - but all are gone now.
ment purposes.
What events are currently stored in the orb? The experi- Y11,1·1"<' co111t• tu 1111\ dl'rnh111• p/11r1• i11 ~mrcl1 nj lwn11 /u/qr
ences of the temporary PCs - the ones the players rolled up k11011 ktlgr of 11'11<11 /ir~ ll'itlli11 tlm 11119/rry Wll a 1/1,11 Jw,
between gaming sessions. Sec, in an adventure in the distant \Ut1 1i1·tel tl1r ('1111~ 11•itl1 gri•tlfl'T lt'llOcil_\ than till' \ff/IC/llrt'S
past, those characters explored a place in Pelion called the llrtllllltf II.
Last Spire, a tower that housed the Orb of Kadu-Ra. The pres- < lu111t tilt' \flltt' /111/1/\ q1n11 /rc'1"1111'\. l11tln•d, ~r1111t.'
1\ '°''
ence of the heroes activated the orb, which must be sentient II\ ti I (/ti//. (}f/11•r. c/111111 ii /111/tf, 1/rc c·H<'llCt' 11J //rt• 1/£Jtf, 1/r,11
to some degree - it decided that the actions of the intruders 011rr du t•fl hat•..'itill morr ra11ft· 1/161 br111c-/1u_rt'' abu111 jur-
were likely to be interesting. Thus. it recorded everything that bidtlc11 ,c•rrC/5 u a11111g 111\lllt". 11crlwp~ rt 1·11 du!'\ 111 1lr1• uft•11-
happened to them. llt\ c~f 1/111H' 11•/111 /111ilt 1l1t•H' rui11~. 1Vlt1cl11•1•1•r\ t/11• case".
If examined , the Orb of Kadu-Ra definitely radiates 1•1111 ' 1 c· ro11w 1u tram 1/w 1111tl1.

strong magic. To activate the orb, all a PC has to do is hold it Tiu· '/llrt' ""' 1111 obl'iu11~ dor>rll'U\, /mt cl11111t lras 11 tlua
in his hands and concentrate on unleashing its power. When ir\ ""fl"'\lbli' to r11trr Ilic ~trnc/Llrc.
this happens, the heroes immediately begin to experience the
events stored within. The Dungeon Master should tell 1he Though the planewalkers have already ventured through
players to set aside their current charac1ers and pull out their vast broken cities in "'Out of the Darkness,"' the ruins of Pelion
temporary ones. But he still shouldn·t say why, or even reveal are vastly different from those of the prime-material world
that the orb is a recording device - it might influence the he- Ranais. With all of the dust, the extremely scant nature of the
roes· actions. remains. and the mere feel of the place, the ruins of this layer

+ 93 +
seem much more ancient and mysterious. Those on Ranais
might have been more frightening, but they were far Jess im-
The adventure begins here because this is the point at
which the Orb of Kadu-Ra begins its magical recording. The
orb currently sits within the spire itself, and it takes note of
everything that happens in and around the structure.

- G£++IMG IN
The doorway into the spire is a square-set arch, open and
empty, though nothing but darkness lies beyond, and no
manner of light source - magical or otherwise - can pene-
trate the blackness. Bashers examining the outside perimeter
of the spire find another, identical open doorway on the struc-
ture's opposite side. It, too , is impenetrably dark. Anything
.. passing into one of the doorways immediately comes out of
~~ the other, as if the space between them didn't exist.
The PCs likely turn to magic at some point, hoping to
learn the dark of the spire or to figure a way in. But no spells
of any kind provide information about the inside of the
tower; no divinations betray its secrets. What's more, the he-
roes can't enter the spire by magical means - passwal/, tele-
port, dimension door, and the like just don't work. Funher, the
walls of the spire are immune to destructive magic like disi11-
regrate or lightning bolt. (Naturally, conventional attacks
don't hurt the walls, either.)
The Dungeon Master can make the normal rolls for any
cutters who look for secret doors. Success indicates that a PC
finds what appears to be the outline of a doorway in the
stone, though the bottom of the outline is 10 feet above the
level of the ground. The spire's walls are slippery with dust. so
climbing attempts suffer a penalty of -300/o. But if a canny
hero reaches the level of the outline (by whatever means), he
definitely discerns what seems to be a door - and an inscrip-
tion above it. The words read:

1111' \ t'Crt'/\)111111d 11'i1/1i11 arc 110t .f11r tlllJ\r' 11/w1·t'.

The second line of the inscription is hidden behind a

small, removable stone plate directly below the first line (but
still above the top of the door). Only another successful at-
tempt to find secret doors will reveal the plate. If found, the
second line reads:

J\nr 1111• 1/wyfur 1l111w 111'/ou.

The outline doesn't mark a door at all, but a third (much

larger) removable stone panel, behind which lies the last line
of the inscription. However, the panel is trapped. If opened, it
comes loose and a vile greenish gas billows out of the open-
ing. Anyone within 5 feet of the opening must make a suc-
cessful saving throw versus poison at -2 or suffer 2d6 points
of damage - not to mention a fit of coughing and choking.
Furthermore, anyone currently at the level of the panel must
make a successful Dexterity check at -4 or fall, suffering Id6

+ 94 ..
points of damage. (Sods who failed the previous save vs. poi- those great days and the gods that lived here.
son make the check at -6 due to the gas). The three elves have no spoken names; instead, they use
Behind the large panel is 1he thi rd line of the message: hand symbols to designate themselves as individuals. They're
deadly warriors who live in tiny tribal villages around rhe
louJo 11po11 tlrar 11 1llic/1 ''first to be fa"t:. ruins of Pelion. (The origin of the alabaster elves is unknown,
and the race has completely disappeared by the rime of the
This ponion reveals 1ha1 1he first line of the inscription is origi nal player characters in the present.)
not true. In other words, the on ly way into the spi re is If 1he PCs attemp1 10 enter the Last Spire, the three elves
through the top (above). "Course, the PCs migh1 not figure that try to slop them, even if it means auacking. Norhing shon of
out if they don"t find the second inscriprion, or if they get magical coercion will convince them to lei anyone poke
caught up in thinking 1ha1 the first two lines refer 10 lofty around 1he spire. Once the PCs enrer 1he rower, they should
concepts like good and evil. That"s rhe idea here - not evcry- have every reason lO believe that the elves will wa il on the
thing's a reference to deep meanings. Sometimes a message outside (with violent inrent) for them to emerge.
means exactly what it says.
If a body reaches the top of the Last Spire (by whatever
means), he suddenly and wit hout wa rning finds himself on
the inside. To those viewing from the outside, the cutter seems The interior of the spi re is much smaller than it seemed lO be
simply to disappear. But before any PCs manage 10 enter the on the outside. Fact is, from where the PCs appear. the spi re
structure, the party must deal with a potentially dangerous looks to be only a single round chamber, 20 feet in diameter
interruption. and 30 feel rail.

/Jt11k111 '''· Jrnl \l'!'lllltf, ajicr reoc/111rc1 tl1t• t 11p oj tlzc

'/lire', you '11• llnu't i11111 "" 111kl• plac<' that 1·011 'rr slltt' I\ 1111
While the PCs try to figure out a way into the spire, they're at rlzr top of tl11· '1rnc11m-. Odd[\•. in a Ill/\ \'ou can '1 q111tt· tr
approached by a few of the locals - whom the heroes didn"t plai11. \'Ollr rvt ~ bc•g111 10 acljusl lo tire 11111 r blm·k11c·\~ a m 1111d
even know existed. \'Oii. """ _\Oii lwg111 10 \t'l' \IUIJlo. Hr/orr l1111q, \Oii can sec tlH
clwm/Jcr ro11 'rr \la1ul111q 111 fl~ tlzouyli it ll'trc /JarllC"d i11 a m11I
.'wtfdc11ly. 11 ma11 \lt'/h into i•ic·u· ju.\ / 11 -;/111rt tli,tt111rc• 11iglzt 11111<' lig/11 al1Jro11yll 11011 k11011• It\ still rn111{Jlt1d1
llU'u1•. lull a111I litl1t·. /it'\ al mu' I i111•1,ililc• L11J11d /'('/icm \ palt' tfork.
c/11'1. 111ill1 'ki11 likt' dzist'icd a/ciba,ter. lung lic111 likt' sp1111 At \our ft'el h t1 larq1· braH pluq 1 fell across. 1111/i a
ll'ool. a11d t'\'t"' tlrar"re romplctc/\1 ll'iiiti·. A rl111lk\1 11111ir l11111q~ rm11c i11,rrzptw11 <'llgrm rd upon 1h \111r111tli. '''""' rn1je1c1
fwm lri'!. tuur j1t11111•, cu1·eri11CJ a \Ult 1f blrnrl1t•1/ lca1/ia, c111d
rl11• '"emf irr 11;, /11111il i\ •!I pale wili11· rrn11. Close exam ination of 1he plug's inscription reveals the
following prophecy, written in an ancient tongue readable
+ Show the players lllo K (on page 174). only 10 1hose with the ancient languages proficiency or a
comprehend languages spell:
The stranger's not an alb ino, but an elf from a people
that outsiders call alabaster elves. He says norhing, merely l/c11• i11 1/ih H11yl11 l\'111/d slza/I twd tl1C j u·/ o/ 1111 fl< hie
glaring at the PCs. Like all members of his race, he·s deaf. Dark11r" . \ qrf'al lc11d of 1111' i1ifi1111r pll. ollct l1ro11<jl1t lou .
Only an auack or an attempt at visual communication pro- ~lw/I find 111\ !I'll\' /rert', /1111111q pulled /11111,1·/f from dcatl1\
vokes him to respond. Any offensive move by 1he heroes in- 'old t'mluarr. BrJm11/. lzC' ll'ilt jiml thr mt ans fm "'' qua/. hu1
vites similar action from 1he silent newcomer. And he's not 1/1<' pnrr of r't'lrgrmrrc· 1~ lit arl1 c1<;11111 1111lrH lit· rmr /inti 1l1t11
alone: Two other alabaster elves hide amid the ruins, arrows 11•l111'f1 ll'llS Iii\. llCIU /11SI.
nocked in their bows. watching their comrade's back. If the
lone elf appears 10 be in danger. they'll fire. Wise in 1he ways of the future, 1he unknown builders of
Hopefully, 1he PCs try lO communicate through sign lan- the Last Spire foretold the coming of Tenebrous. The prophecy
guage or some other visual means (such as drawing in the refers nor only to his relum, but also to his discovery of lhe
dust). But no matter what message they try to ge1 across, rhc Last Word and the fact that his newfound power will eventu-
elf responds with hand signs that mean: ··ao away. This place ally consume him - unless he first finds the Wand of Orcu~.
is forbidden:· See, the alabaster elves regard the area as sa- which can srabil ize his life force and revitalize him.
cred and never come near. Their legends 1ell of a pantheon of
gods that dwelt here before Pelion was filled with white dust.
In fact, their talcs say. the dust is rhe
remains of the giga ntic white palaces
that once covered the layer. The Last
Spire is the only standing remnant of

• 95 +
The plug is magically sealed. However, a combined makes a successful Intelligence check, he picks up enough to
Strength of at least 70 (along with tools or poles for leverage) determine one thing: These chambers under the ruins are an
can lift it from the shaft it protects. If a spellslinger first casts ancient storehouse of knowledge.
dispel magic on the plug, a Strength total of 50 is enough Lo The silver door is magically sealed, as was the brass plug
lift it. No other method of removing the plug (such as a knock above. but the seal can be overcome in the same manner.
spell or a chime of opening) will work. However, the door's also locked, its huge key long since lost.
Once the plug is moved, the PCs sec a long shaft drop-
ping down into darkness. There's no indication of how to THE GUARDIA~ E&F SfCllE+S
leave the spire and get back outside. The walls are smooth and
have no doors, hidden or otherwise. The shaft is the only way When the PCs manage to open the silver door, the really har-
out of the chamber. rowing part of this mini-adventure begins.

\\ 1/11 i/011r upClr\, tlll in('\l\l•lllc· {01cr Jlirrg, .1011 111to tlu
c/111111/ler l1n<111tl. )'011'11 cauql.r 11111 mac''''°'" <!{11' rut 0111/
The shaft drops straight down for 150 feel, and no stairs or r 11at/\' 1/1111 11111,1 /tat•• brcn 1 aalttl 111 l!t' a lwrri/ic l!arri11 H
ladder aids the descent - the PCs must come up with their 1111' Ct'l/11 r 1 1/ till' 'lt'lr/lllfJ \form. 11 ~llllfl/l" cftJ(lfll'll\' IJHfWll\
own way down. The passage is smooth, making climbing vir- Jll rcl1cd 1111 a JO fo11r 1111/ co/1111111 of ,1011c Tire d1111r 11/011 '
tually impossible, and the only thing at the top to secure a w11/• 1/11 q/c 11111 r(/ 1111 m c11 mu/ 11ur1<1/. Hur c·nrkd lrkc a 'Ill''
rope is the brass plug itself. Luckily, it easily supports the It I \ "Ull/'111 an111td ,,,, upper /IM(IVll of t/11 co/1111111 /\ {/ H'I
weight of a climber. pn.r al lr11,1 1 c. fi. <'/ /o11q. r1/p•i11t/\f\ ll'1td1 to \trike at 1111\'ulll
At the bonom of the shaft is a large chamber, an under- 11111ri1111 tl•c qcm
ground room with a pool al its center. The pool's filled with a
dark, greenish liquid, and it sits directly below the shaft. Fact The creature is the wraithworm - not a wraithworm, but
is, if any PCs look down the shaft, they see nothing but the tire wraithworm. The mysterious former residents of Pelion
pool, giving the impression that the liquid is all that lies at the created it to serve as a guardian, and all wraithworms in exis-
bottom. tence are its offspring. Now, after a slumber of untold cen-
That's not true, but the pool is indeed dangerous. A vile turies, the creature's awake and active.
essence has collected here from an ancient pestilence alien to The PCs are caught in the swirling, sorcerous storm that
this good realm, contaminating the water in the pool. The liq- circles the perimeter of this chamber. Each round, the poor
uid is now so bone-chilling that the merest touch inflicts I d4 sods're buffeted about for I d4 points of damage. A character
points of damage, and full immersion causes 2d8 points. who makes a successful Dexterity check can maneuver a bit
What's worse, the evil residue has spawned a creature. A in the storm. The sods spin around the room so fast that they
gigantic crystal ooze (of evil alignment) lives in the pool and make the circuit of the chamber twice per round, but they can
attacks anything that enters the chamber - not out of hunger, make only one maneuvering attempt per round.
but spite. It particularly enjoys attacking sods as soon as they If any PC tries to hurl himself out of the still-open silver
emerge from the bottom of the shaft, trying to grab them and door and back into the other chamber, he must make his Dex
drag them down into the foul, green soup. check with a -6 penalty. If the sod lunges for the doorway
and fails. he smashes into the wall, suffering Jd6 points of
I It" dc1 /I { /11111 lier'' m11ylil1 rircu/111 . llr<' pool lie\ i11 damage, and remains caught in the storm. Even if he's suc-
c/11 1111tltllt of 1/11 n.111111. 11·11/, "'wur 20 )rec 1if" \JlllC1' lll"TU 1•1•11 cessful in geuing through the door, he must make another
t11t outer cd1/I' uf tltt pool anti r/ie d11111111a\ 11•0//~ . \II nrourrd Dex check at -6 or Oy right into the horrid pool; those fonu-
11 1 111•n111t 11 r u/ t/I(" m<1111. 11'1111c 11w1/1/c \ltlllll' '""'d 111 rt'!flll nate enough to avoid that fate still suffer I d6 points of dam-
'!'Ii m/or uf Cll' 11111111< \Ht/lie f'll'I I 11ch \lliltlC' I~ u{ 11 1111111 err age from landing on the hard floor.
11•1111ra11}arr11/ lurc n111/ ln11q of /1111/J. c/11 ''ul /1kt 110/11///\ l11t The cutters might also try to hurl themselves into the
\ICl(llC ~[!Uri ri11/i• It /1t'lt' a sr/r c r d1111r ,Jr inc' /rnlll rlrt It 111/, 'ii'( glowing door at the center of the storm. 'Course, that's even
/me k ct /L'll' fret 11110 lite rue k - tlw 011(1 appan 111 t rir. more dangerous, as the wraithworm waits for a basher to
1lie t1r1c1mlt wmc r 11• 1/11· p1111/ npp/c, ,/tqlrl/\ "' 11rou1111 make such a move so it can strike with its blindingly fast bite.
11 ,/o, /,• ~!1/1\ 111 ,,,. out rilmtr[/h <Ill 1111\ICll rlCC<~' '111111 Worse, since the wraithworm's poised and ready and the PC
rnr '1tt1T\ tif11,1wri1111 /J11/Jl1/t 111/ urou11r/. 11111 1•011 rn11 't 111nkt really can't defend himself, the creature strikes with a +2
1111t 111J1' ,,,, ulir '' 0111\. / 11 rllll/1' till ql1t1\f\ 1Jf forq11HC'11 < ''"' bonus to hit and the attack ignores all Dexterity and shield
'''" 11111111 r/li\ a11crc·111 c ll'tml" r bonuses to the victim's Armor Class.
Any sod bitten by the serpent is flung off-course and can't
The whispers come from the statues themselves. Each enter the portal (though he can try again next round). Even if
holds an impression of the spirits of the beings that once the wraithworm misses, the cutter doesn't sail through the door
called kip in this place and the ruins above. If a canny basher automatically; he must make a successful Dexterity check at
spends at least three rounds listening to the whispers and then -6. Luckily, if he fails the check, he doesn't hit the wall - he

just keeps flying about in the storm. Those making it
through the door disappear (since they actually pass
through a portal) and wind up in the Chamber of Secrets.
While in the maelstrom, characters who attempt any
other activities that normally require die rolls make those
rolls with a -6 penalty. This pertains to attacks, saving
throws, proficiency checks, and similar actions. Berks
who try activities - such as spellcasting - that normally
require no die rolls must make successful Dexterity checks
(with no penalty) to complete their actions.
Dispel magic won't quiet the storm, though spells
that calm winds could succeed (though the effects would
last only one-fourth as long as they would normally).
Spells such as fly allow bashers to maneuver in the storm
with a +3 bonus to cheir Dexterity checks. In effect, this
reduces the penalty imposed on most actions from -6 to
-3. Unfortunately, such magic isn't strong enough to fully
negate the winds' powerful effects.


When the PCs sail through the glowing door in to the
Chamber of Secrets, they suffer Id6 points of damage in
landing. But they're probab ly just glad Lo escape the
winds and che wraithworm.
~ ;
. \.{trr 1/ic l111r11bl< urd!'al 11·1/lr 1/rc 'll'ir/111g \/1m11 and
• lire qw111 'c11•1·111. 1·1111'1·1 /111111/1• 11'11c/1ctf ll'ht11 11111111ir\ '"
11< a plan· of ~afl'/\'. A larqr ronm \pra11•1' al11•t1d of \Oil.
and 11' wu !ft1ll1er yo11nd1•1 '> W!fctlrcr. \'OU 11111ice ~tllllU/t'
q·ml)(J/~ 1111 1lr1 11 alh. l:ac Ii \\'111/11!1 j11m1\ 11 orch 111 l'!lltr
111111.t. 11 Ol(f'i 1l1111'1r 11 /zu//1• 1111J<1111ilrar bur so1111 lro11
1u1111)11/. cau,111q \1111 to li>ok u11·n\• />rforc you cn11 )111/\•
rn11111rtllt'ml 1lzcm.

The secrecs held in this chamber are known as the

True Words : words of power so potent that their utterance
can destroy mountains, create new life, or slay any being
- even a god. Thei r might is too great for a mortal to pos-
sess, and any who try to fully understand one of the
words would find his way into the dead-book right quick.
If the PCs persist in studying the symbols, the Dungeon
Master should increase the pain felt until the berks cease
or die. For example, un less they quit examining the runes,
the sods might suffer an amount of damage each round
equal to half of their remaining hit points (rounded up).
It was here that Tenebrous found (or rather, will find
- remember, this is set in the past) the Last Word. which
enables him to slay any to whom he speaks it. However,
since dying and returning to life, che blood's no longer
quite divine enough to wield such might, and the knowl-
edge of the word is devouring him. Only by finding the
Wand of Orcus can he regain enough of his former power
-.-.. to survive.
-< ·-··

+ 97
While the PCs get their bearings, they're approached
from across the chamber by the room's custodians, Evreth
and Tchurnm.

Tu fl c 1irruu\ mt 11 t1ppmt1c11 1·u11 from 1/w /t1r t 11tl o/ l11t

1 asr room. 11 /rrrc 1·011 appart'11tl1• co11ld11 '1 we rlwm. Out' "
\lrnrr 1111rl \/1q/1t/\ punf\o. 111i1/1 1111kemfJt hro11•11 lw1r and
brnhl. T11t mitt r, 11 lw H't 111\ a bu older. ;, tt11l,
1/1111, ba/1/111g, a111l clct111 ,Jilli t'll. Both wear m 11p/1',
rfl'qa111 clotl1111q. 1/ro119/r 1/zr ,Jiortcr 111u11 \ yar-
J11t11f\ <1ppC't1r ,/117/11/\' rw1111ktl
"lie/lo," tire w1111il-(11n d hc/\/ll'r ,LI_\'· 11/1110'1
11111/.:11111 tilt C[IC 1 tllll/ a L/llC,tiu11. " H'liat llfl' \'Ill/
1fo11,q lu:rc r
fill' 1<11/. ''"'' 111011 san 11otl1111q. 11111 \/leer'
11/musl '"'I"

Long ago. before the gods vanished from

Pelion, they left two monals in charge of main-
taining this chamber. which contained some of
their grea1es1 secrets. fhe deities granted chese
two proxies - Evreth and Tchunim - a fair
amount of power and vinual immonality.
Tchunim, the shoner of the pair, comes
across as a kind, gentle man. Evreth, however,
is smug, sarcastic, condescending, and haughty.
The two men aren'1 guardians, and they don't
react with ho~tility or treat the PCs as intrud-
ers. If the ha~hers've made il this far. there's
no sense in that.

"JI/\ lllllllt' I\ le 111111i111 , " ~01·s lf1t• sl10ttcr 1111111 • f/11, ' '
1111111 11 c call r/a· Clwmbt·r of Secret,, [ac/1 of lire wmhof, 11111 + The gods that made their home in Pelion are either
\11rrprr'L'lll' om• of the l rue Wurd, . T71e''c' 11 ord:. rem dead or departed for other planes. It happened a very
·c 111111' 1w11. 1111 tlrur. " tilt' taller 111a11 intcrrupl\. · 1 111 long time ago, and the ruins above were once their
'"H 1/ at brn1 <' a11cl po11 ujul lreror~ ~ucfr t1s tht'sc 11 oulc/11'1 great cities.
111111· JllH \111111/1/ed 111 l1crr· 111t/10u1 k11ou•i11g u•lrt•rc tilt'\ ll'crc
f/1e l'olldl\n 11\IUll in Iii\ l'Oice is ~" thick 1•011 ca11 prar1icafl\1 + The snakelike creature is the wraithworm, a monster
Jtd 11 l1k1 a l}(lr/JC'd ll'lllJI. created by the former inhabitants of the spire.

If' asked, Tchurnm ron1inues with his explanation of thr + The pool of water at 1he bottom or the shaft has be-
power behind the True Words. though he doesn't know 1he come corrupted by the activilies of evil people above
words' origins. Fach time lhe PCs ask a question, Evreth on this good plane. (The proxies don't refer 10 Orcus or
smiles wilh superiority, but he does add that the words pre- Tenebrous; they're speaking of a completely different
date even the gods lhemselves - though he states it in such a problem.)
way as lO imply that he has contempt even for the powers.
'Course, if asked directly how he feels about the gods, Evmh + The Last Spire, like the rest of the ruins. is beginning to
feigns modesty, though his sarcasm often comes through. fall victim to the ravages of time. People are already
Tchunim and Evreth seem to tolerate each other, but only forgetting that it stands here. and soon it will be gone
barely. They never openly argue, however, and if asked. they from the land and from memory.
share the following information:
The only exit from rhe spire lit>S within this chamber: a
The power of the True Words is such that 1hey quickly secret door on the far wall that acts as an always-open
consume any mortal who tries to learn them. ponal. Anyone who steps into it emerges from one of
1he darkened doorways on the outside of the tower.

+ 98 +
BACI( +$+He FU+UR.f characters, the PCs possess an innate. almost spiritual feel for
direction regarding the Last Spire. In a sense, they've been
Once the PCs have learned all they can from the proxies. there before. Finding the right spot takes some wandering, lo
there's nothing left for them to do but leave the spire. As be sure, but the cutters"ll somehow know in their hearts when
canny bashers might've feared, the alabaster elves are waiting they"re on the right track.
in force when the heroes exit. This time. however. not three Ir the temporary PCs did something lasting while
but 20 warriors wait to slay the characters for the unforgiv- they were in the spire, such as carving their names in a wall,
able sin of entering the Last Spire. (This occurs even if the PCs that evidence might still remain for the original PCs to find.
killed all three of the elves that approached earlier - it didn't That kind of connection will help to make the past scenario
take long for the rest of the tribe to team of the deaths.) seem all the more real to the present-day heroes, who'll see
The berks can try to talk their way out, but it does no something in the spire and think, Ml did that .. On the other
good. Their only hope for survival is to give the place the hand, the OM can undo any changes that he doesn't want to
laugh. But, to be frank, it makes for a better story if they all be lasting - the spire's a very magical place.
die. After all, they're just temporary characters. More impor- This applies to all descriptions below.
tantly, their deaths means that when the original PCs find the The details of what's currently found in
Orb of Kadu-Ra, the information it impans to them is truly the spire are subject to change, depending
unique. The temporary PCs never lived to tell anyone what on what the temporary PCs did.
they found within the Last Spire, and they became nothing
more than a footnote to the dwindling mystique of the place, GE-+-+ING IN
which (as Evreth and Tchunim predicted) eventually falls
apan. The PCs enter the spire exactly the same way the temporary
At this point in the adventure, the Dungeon Master characters did, only now there's no structure to climb. If a
should shift back to the present, to the moment that the orig- body somehow reaches the spot where the top of the spire was
inal heroes activated the Orb of Kadu-Ra. The OM should now - a hundred feet up in the air - he vanishes and reappears in
explain to the PCs that what just happened to them - the en- the circular room with the brass plug. The plug, however, no
tire scenario with the Last Spire - wasn't real. The cutters ex- longer blocks the shaft. It's been pulled out and tossed to one
perienced it vicariously, not as if it were a dream or a story, side. Canny heroes will notice that the plug is 1101 where the
but more as if they brieOy lived out other folks' lives. Natu- temporary PCs had left it (the OM might require a berk to
rally, the PCs have no idea of when those events actually oc- make an Intelligence check before tumbling to this fact).
curred. Someone else has used the shaft.
The game now resumes normally. with the original char-
acters. The Orb of Kadu-Ra has no other recordings to !>hare. 0$WN +HE SHAf=+
and it may or may not function again. The device decides for
itself when to create its magical chronicles, so the OM can The room at the bottom of the long shaft still contains the
choose when and if it does so. pool of foul water, but the crystal ooze has passed on. If the
temporary PCs put the thing in the dead-book. it's nowhere Lo
be found. Otherwise. bits and pieces of the slimy creature are
THE SPIRE scattered all about. dried and hardened.
+IN +HE PRESEN+ + A few of the statues lie broken, and the silver door hangs
open. (No Intelligence check is needed to realize that the tem-
After teaming of the Last Spire, the PCs might try to find it porary heroes didn't leave things that way.) The sounds of the
and explore it for themselves. But some cutters might decide swirling storm can be heard from within the next chamber.
there's no need, figuring they already got all they needed to Unless they somehow secure themselves, characters that step
know from the orb. That may be true. However, if the plane- within 3 feet of the doorway are automatically sucked into the
walkers don't yet know who's behind all the trouble, who maelstrom.
came to Pelion to learn the True Words (or maybe just one,
but which?), or who the prophecy on the brass plug refers to, THE GUARDIAN $f SECR.E+S
they might wish to explore the spire in the present. And, in-
deed, there is more to tumble to within the structure: Tene- If the temporary PCs killed the wraithworm, there's no sign of
brous has paid a destructive visit to the proxies in the Cham- the creature now. Otherwise, Tenebrous slew it when he
ber of Secrets. passed through this room, leaving its body still coiled around
'Course. finding the spire presents a problem. lt"s long the rock column and its head bobbing in the winds. But even
since collapsed and tts rubble eroded (along with that of the though the guardian's dead, the storm still rages, so the PCs
other ruins nearby). There's nothing at the site to even mark must make the same Dexteriry checks in order to hurl them-
that it ever existed - time destroys everything, eventually. selves through the ponal.
But because they experienced the actions of the temporary

orb, so they'll never learn of the existence of the Last Spire,
much less how to get inside or what might be found there.
The walls of this room, once covered with symbols that stood If this occurs, a generous Dungeon Master might give the
for mighty words of power, are now blackened, scarred, and berks another chance to use the orb, or even provide them
destroyed. None of the symbols remain. Selfish in the ex- with some alternate method of finding the spot where the Last
treme, Tenebrous didn't want anyone else to learn the secrets Spire stood. 'Course, without having used the orb, they won·t
he found here. know the secret to gaining entrance, and even if they do get
Only Tchunim occupies the chamber now (assuming that inside, they won't have much chance of figuring out what's
the temporary PCs didn't kill him). He doesn't approach the going on. Sure, they could still hear Tchunim's sad tale, but it
bashers, but remains on the other side of the chamber. not won't have quite the same resonance to them.
even noticing their appearance. It's not just time that has
changed the poor sod. When Tenebrous came through, he
slew Evreth, probably for his smugness. Now, Tchunim's com- +AN ENDING+
panion is gone, his purpose (watching over the secrets) is
gone - Tenebrous took everything from him. The proxy has Once the PCs leave the Chamber of Secrets, they appear back
fallen into a deep depression. at the former site of the Last Spire. From there, their best bet
Fact is, Tchunim's barely willing to carry on a conversa- is to journey back to the necropolis of Bal-tiref, where any
tion with the PCs. He does, however, offer a description of the leatherhead can point them to a portal to Sigil. (Smart cutters
intruder that killed Evreth and destroyed the symbols. It hap- might've already asked the locals about it the first time they
pened a few years ago, but Tchunim has no idea exactly how were there.)
long it's been. The portal is - surprise, surprise - the entrance to a crypt.
It's easily found, since a previous planewalker scratched out the
·Tile being rlwr c111t'rt'd our Cl/(/111bcr 1~( 'ic·crc·r~ "'"' like name on the plaque above the tomb's doorway and instead
11011Ii11g rt! \CCII 111:/iirc II 11'<1\ !JCll/111 1111d a11y11lar. 11111111\I ,Jwd- wrote, .. Cage or crypt, it's home." The key is a dust reed, com-
CJI(\ a11cl r1l1aml. Fy1·.\, dark 111ul pic1ci11y, \ltnccl 11111 at '"· /1111 monly found in Amun-thys (though usually barely alive and
tile rrca111rc \nit! 1111thi11y. It \et'lllcd tu k11u11 • 1'.rnrtly wlr111 it extremely brittle). The one-way portal deposits travelers inside
11•1111tC1/ fl\ it y/anrnl 11ru1111cl Ille ron111 and ji1111//1• /01111tl the the Mortuary, the headquarters of the Dustmen.
\1'111/111/ it \Cmyht. /11 11n timt' 111 all. it 111a\tcn-tl till' word - a11cl If desired, the Dungeon Master can play off the events
1/111r 11/0111· 'f'rnb 1'0/11111n 11bo111 tlie bl·i11y\ 11aturr. I ro11ltl rt'i/ that occurred to the temporary characters in future adven-
jim11 i/\ cl11111cwtl c.rprn,iu11 1/11// ir /tad kamctl the \t'Crcr. l/1c11 tures. For example, an NPC the heroes interact with could be
ii 1umed 11p1111 1-nc>llt . •• poor f·l'r1·11t •.• " a descendant of one of the temporary bashers. The OM could
even rule that Cardule or Quah-Namog - two NPCs who ap-
As Tchunim begins to fall back into painful reverie, a pear in the next chapter of .. Out of the Darkness"' - is one of
canny basher might think to ask him which word the invader the eventual progeny of the temporary characters. If so, the
learned. OM should be sure to remark on the strange familiarity of a
mannerism or facial feature in the NPC descendant, or per-
~lh<'. . the 1110\I Jwrri/1/t' o_f 11// - tile 11•cml 1lw1 it '/mkc haps even give the NPC a unique item that once belonged to
111 fl'rcrh, 11111111,1 '" ij' to Tt'.H 11, tu .H'I' (fir 1w1/ly 11•11rkt•1/. The the ancient character.
1 re11111rc learned tlll' Lt1\I Word. ·· For this to work, the PC progenitor must have survived
the events of the Last Spire so he could go on to have chil-
Tchunim says little else. He's distraught at the idea of liv- dren. He could have had them before the recorded adventure
ing forever, all alone, in the Chamber of Secrets. Bur the PCs took place, but in that case there'd be no unique item to ce-
can't convince him to do anything else - a faithful servant of ment the connection - with the PC dead, he couldn't have
the gods certainly wouldn't abandon his post, no matter what passed the object on to his children.
the reason. The bashers can't do much more, and before long, Here 's another variation: One of the original PCs can
they no doubt decide to leave through the secret portal. This is eventually discover that one of the temporary heroes is an an-
a sad ending to their Pelion adventure, but one that reminds cestor of his. But this might mean that the present-day bash-
the PCs that they're dealing with a truly evil foe, and evil acts ers learn the time frame of the recorded adventure, and it's
cause folks pain. probably best for that always to remain vague.
As a less dramatic (but still entertaining) link to the past,
the DM can throw in occasional references to something that
+ WI+HEBU+ +HE EBRB + the temporary characters did. or even drop one of their names
into some other event in the far distant past. Again, the con-
What if the PCs never found Heydril or the stolen Orb of nection should be vague, but the specifics don't matter any-
Kadu-Ra, or just never figured out what to do with it? Obvi- way - it's the reference itself that's fun .
ously. they won't get to experience the events recorded by the

+ 100 +
Tenebrous seethed with anger.
After journeying across many planes. he had
finally returned to his hidden fortress deep in the
Bouom of the Multiverse, surrounded by the pure hunger of the Negative En-
ergy Plane. He leaned back into his self-made Lhrone, his shadowy,
undead body rustling into the bones and skulls of the terrible seat

lllLU I I with a sound that'd drive a mortal man barmy. Yet Tenebrous
gained no comfort from the place. In fact, it disturbed him with an
unquietness of spirit that he hadn't felt since he rose from his Astral
grave. The very walls of Tcian Su mere angered him.
There was a time in the dim past when Tenebrous - using a different
name - kept certain servants around for the express purpose of having some-
one to take his anger out on. If only he'd known then how it
would feel to be unable to afford such luxuries in slaves
- or even in time.
These days, Tenebrous had no great
quantity of eilher.
Certain forces in
the multiverse had
obviously learned of
his existence, and possi-
bly even his plans. He'd
known, of course, that this would
happen eventually, but it still irritated him. In a way. he'd enjoyed his activities
up to this point - watching from the shadows, secretly picking up the chant,
and slaying whomever got in his way. There was much to be said for subtlety
and subterfuge, tactics he'd rarely employed before his death.
But his anger prevented him from focusing on such things at the moment.
(In times past, his wrath was something to be feared; entire layers of planes
quaked in his outrage. His displeasure usually resulted in death, destruction, and
pain. And it would yet again.) Someone had violated Tcian Sumere - his very
WISDffim IS home. Someone had gone to the Vault on Oerth, the object of hated Kiaransalee's
LEARNING FRffim attention, and found the other drow worm who'd dared to touch the Wand of
Orcus. Now, even now, the meddlers almost certainly sped to Pandemonium.
$NE " S m1s+AKES.
Agathion, the fourth layer of the Howling Plane. The answer to the ques-
GREA+ER WISDffim 1s tion he'd asked again and again for these last many years. The location of the
LEARNING Wand of Orcus! Yes. it'd take some time to determine the wand's exact po-
FR ffi m -+-ti E m Is+ AKE s sition in the caves, but by the lowest layer of the Abyss, he wouldn't let it
ffiF ffi+HERS . take so long that someone else might reach it first!
Red anger like bloody bile clouded his mind, but Tenebrous pushed it back,
- Tt:NfBREDUS built a dam to hold the nood of fury that threatened to consume him. He knew
that if he had any weakness at all, if there was ever a reason he'd failed in the
past, it was because of his tendency to be swept away in crimson rage - the same
wave that washed over him now. But 1he task ahead was too important to let his
tanar'ric fury engulf him. (Was ii the modron in him now, some tenacious logical
spark, tha1 made it possible to calm his fiery passions? And if so, was that a
blessing or a curse? Tenebrous did not know.) He must locate the wand.
His wand.
He had to stand up from the throne. His outrage wouldn't let him sit still.
There were forces aucmpting to keep him from his wand! When lie wa.s so close!
Damn chem all! He would crush them and rend their flesh from their -
He stopped. Must stay calm, he thought. He knew he'd never find the wand
if he didn't stay calm.
Tenebrous had learned from his enemies over the last few years - a trait
he'd never had before. Perhaps he could learn something from the way they
acted. He'd spent much time stealing the secrets they possessed, but perhaps he

+ 102 +
should steal some of their meth-
ods as well.
Sweet Tomeri, goddess of wisdom and love -
even as he destroyed her home and slew her servants
and lovers, she did not get angry. Her cool, calm ck-
meanor would've been the death of him had he not
wielded the power of the Last Word. Her demise was cer-
tainly ... pkasurable. but all the more because Tomeri, of all the deities he'd
confronced, offered the greatest challenge. And the only reason for it. Tenebrous be-
lieved, was that she knew how to keep her wits about her.
lmmortaliry must breed ineffectuality, he thought. or so many powers would not be
overcome with anger and disbelief when actually opposed. Eons of comfort and safety led to an
inability to cope with challenge and danger. Tomeri. however. was - or, rather, had been - different. He
could be different too.
Yes. He would rind the wand. He would send 1he faithful visages to retrieve it. They could slay any-
thing that go1 in their way - he was sure of that. And now that he knew which plane and layer to look
upon, if he just concentrated, perhaps he could se11se the wand. After all, his connection to it had been so
great for so long. Even when he lived as a simple Abyssal lord. uncounted centuries past. he possessed the
wand - why. he'd fashioned it himself through pains1aking work and vast amounts of energy. So if he
could just remain calm ... focus his anger like a tool ... reach out across the planes ... perhaps he
could ... perhaps ...
Tenebrous sat back down in his throne, a razor-edged smile coming 10 his dark mou1h. llis deadly
eyes narrowed.
"Come to me, my servants!" he shouted. "Come 10 me. my visages. I have a task for you -
the most important task of all."
Dark wraiths began to nit and flutter about 1he room, heeding their master's summons.
"I have found my wand ...

.... .'
~ .. c•• I •

.. -·
·\II tlri\ s11d crmtt/ /1id111q rl'all\ pikes me off."
Prrrcq \Utd through /11, tu th. u (l/killg nt l.'r to 1111.'
w11u/o11. lit 1 oufd fc1 t tlit 11 aqa11 11101111q 1l1rn11ql1
the cforlm<"H. 11111 tltert• 11•a 1101/11119 oU/\f{/(' rlrc 1111u/a11 ro q11 r
,,,,,, 011\ flOllll of rt'ft f('llCt'. flit• ll'Ofh of,,,,
ll'tlt]Oll 11111f{lt'd tlu·
11 t11/111g r~f tlrt u ind JU\/ t 11n11qli ro enablr tlit'm llJ talk.
" Hell. 11 ll\ da11 '1 11 c /ust /e111 e th<" 11 lrolc J1lc111t•;1" A111lra

\/1 1\llt'Cl /11r1011 m·ri ""'"' 1111tl '/Jt1k1 l'tf\ ja,t. ·11, C'{Jllfd 11n wmc-

11 lie re tlin•'tf 11r1 <"r tl1111k of lonk111q. Jikt 1/J1• pla11<"

1!{ 'i111"k1• or \Olllrt Ir inq. Mm bl' <'It 11 t Ir<' Cay1. •
"l\/rar lrm•1• t/11 11•1111/s c1011u1 111 \'1111?" l'i1-
" l/ fo\/1t•d 11/1/. "\11111 11f //ftl\t' pft1Ct'\ fl'lll//r/ l/'Ork.
ll1t·1•t1 /i11tl ""· /11e1 'ti lnok i11 1Ji11,t plan·, fiN.
lrn 'ii 111 n r c.1-

\'o. ll't' I e 11111 111 'Ill\ m1l11 Ire 11. /

JICC't 1lrar."
1\ 111/ra lonkcrl at lrcr pamrcr - /11~
ltlll\lctl liair, Im
1111J.:c111p1 c/01/r-
i11g, Jri, ll'i/rl
"'''''· 'Iii<' rcal-
111·cf //Wt /11• ll 1CIS IW
lo11g1•r 1/11• 111C111 111Tl1
11'/wm ,frl.''d It ft I ortlfude. \o
muc-11 had lrnppe111 d to tltt·m 'incc 1111·11. P1111dc111011111111luul '" 11u111v hono" to
1111111r1· a bod)\ sn11/. \Ire lwC'll tfwt 1/11 rl'i111/, /rad tlru c11 11 111 of rlrcm /11111111'.
/1111 11 11 tmr't lrc r No. \ntlw u·o11/tf11'1 In rt lwpp1·11 111 lll'r.

By this point in the adventure, the player characters should've decided to travel
to Agathion, the founh layer of Pandemonium, and find the Wand of Orcus be-
fore Tenebrous does. Unfortunately, Agathion·s sodding difficult to reach, even
WIND? if a body knows exactly where he's going. The best plan is to head first to the
Outlander gate-town of Bedlam, or even to Pandesmos, the first layer of Pande-
monium, which most berks say is the most hospitable - or, to be more accurate,
A BARmY the least inhospitable - layer of the plane.
WH$ ' S From Sigil, the PCs can reach either place fairly easily, particularly if any of
the cutters belong to the Bleak Cabal. See, the Bleakers have their own portals to
both Bedlam and their citadel, the Madhouse (see below). However, if the heroes
fAR + e e 1.e NG can't get help from the Bleakers, they can still find a portal to Pandesmos in a
dark litcle alleyway in the Hive; the key is a scream of sincere fear.

Pandemonium is a place of solid rock with wind-blown tunnels snaking through
it. No two passageways seem to be exactly the same size; they range from claus-
trophobic crawlways to huge tunnels that're miles across. The gravity within the
tunnels is usually directed toward the nearesc side, so a body can stand on any
surface as easily as any other. 'Course, it can be a bit disorienting, what with
party members all walking along different surfaces of the same tunnel, and it
makes combat a real nightmare.
Sages believe that the tunnels're fonned by the constantly blowing - and to-
taJly unpredictable - winds. Sometimes they're breezes that do little more than
muss a planewalker's hair, and sometimes they're more like hurricanes that bounce
a berk around a tunnel like a rag doll. No matter what, though. the winds bring

+ 104 +:
with them madness, either from
the deafening roar or from the haunting
wails of other sods lost forever in the caverns. Fact is,
the word "barmy" originated here. It's no wonder that Pan-
demonium earned the nickname the Howling Plane.
What's more, the tunnels are ulterly without natural
light. Berks need to bring their own, keeping in mind that
the winds tend to blow out torches and poorly shielded lanterns in the blink of
an eye. Magical sources of light last longer, but they also draw the attention of what-
ever else might be wandering through the dark tunnels. And player characters who decide
to skip light altogether and rely solely on infravision won·t have an easy time of it - the cold
stone walls of the passages don't radiate enough heat to let a PC make out the terrain too well.
It's no surprise, then, that Pandemonium's full of folks who"re already insane or well on their way.
Still, the plane does have its safehouses - small communities where those who"ve lost their minds and
those who want to avoid that fate gather to stave off wind. darkness, and madness for a short while. In
these places, the PCs can pick up the chant just like they would anywhere else: by wigwagging with the
locals. They just have to get used to talking to barmies. If they can do that, they can learn about Agath-
ion in at least three spots:

+ •t This is one of the friendlier burgs on all of Pandemonium. It's a citadel in Pan-
desmos run by the Bleak Cabal - those leatherheads actually seem to like the mind-bending plane.
Because the Madhouse is the most welcoming of the three sites, it's probably the PCs' best bet for
getting the real chant and hiring a somewhat trusrwonhy guide.

+ H1 Pl \\I Bedlam, the gate-town to Pandemonium, has more of an evil taint. See, whereas the Mad-
house is a shelter against the horrors of the plane. Bedlam is a bastion representing its twisted mad-
ness. The town has fewer berks willing to help a body out or even listen to his questions.

+ \\ This burg in Phlegethon (the third layer) has a real attitude. The locals don't like out-
siders, and they wear their status as exiles and outcasts like a badge. A planewalker can find beings
here from just about every race in the multiverse, sods who piked off the wrong blood and found
themselves on Pandemonium as a result. Most folks refer to the locals as "the Banished."

Although the Madhouse is the most likely to prove helpful, all three towns have their share of mad-
men, addle-coves, and well- lanned spivs. 'Course, canny PCs might consult graybeards in Sigil (or other
cities) to learn about Agathion before ever setting foot on the Howling Plane, but they'll just tell the bash-
ers to ask around on Pandemonium anyway - no one off-plane seems to k.now the first thing about the
mysterious layer.
Once the heroes talk to the right chant-mongers, pay the right garnish, and deal with the right
barmies in just the right way, they tumble to the name of the place thac"s said to have the dark they need:
the Cynosure.
• ' For more information on Pandemonium, refer to the Planes of Chaos boxed set (2603).


Part circus, pan fortress, and part caravan, the Cynosure is a nomadic group of bashers who travel about
the first layer of Pandemonium in huge wagons. Folks flock to the Cynosure for entertainment, for the
bloods put on the best and wildest shows that most anyone's ever seen. What's more. outcasts and fugi-
tives come to the Cynosure to hide - the caravan's main fonress is a sanctuary like no other.
What's a traveling show like the Cynosure doing on the Howling Plane? Nowhere else would such a
diverse group work together for a goal like entenainment, and no one but the barmies of Pandemonium
would accept such a thing. That's not to say that all the members of the Cynosure are insane, but, truth is,
no one lives on the plane for any length of time and hangs onto his outlook and ideals. Some berks are
quick to point out that Pandemonium - one of the loneliest planes - doesn't have much of an audience.
What they don't realize is that folks come from all over the multiverse to see the Cynosure, but that's still

+ 105 +
not the point. Sec, the show's the thing. It's not the audience sound coming from the wagons (and the theater itself) and the
or the jink - it"s 1he show. (Don't get it? Stand out in the namboyant appearance of the caravan, the Cynosure is un-
winds for a while longer. Understanding"(( come eventually.) mistakable, even at a great distance.
The Cynosure didn'tjust spring up overnight. Long ago, a
prime-material spellslinger named Uynchar deBebos - also ~ An amazing sight to behold, this
known as the Wandering Wizard - created a noating cas1lc structure (or vehicle, or whatever a body calls it) is actually a
with which to roam his world. However. as powerful as he was, huge magical construct with a number of attached wagons.
Uynchar had even more powerful enemies. They banished him The main portion of the fortress-theater is a noating stone
and his castle to Pandemonium and figured that was the end castle that glides 4 to 5 feet over the surface of the ground,
of that. Typical clueless primes - it was just the beginning. moving as dictated by the Cynosure. The interior is primarily
Uynchar staned taking in other folks on the plane who a theater where many hundreds of spectators can watch the
were outcasts like himself. Within show. The castle's tough, too - the upper
the castle walls, protected against portion is well-fortified with parapets and
the wind, they sang songs I LIKE PRE++v LIG H+S . ramparts on its crenelated walls, and
and performed tricks for S HffiW mAKE me HAPPY. turrets from which defenders can repel
amusement and comfort. EV EN IN SAD PLACE. attackers.
Word spread, and the castle Ropes, chains, and wooden walk-
began to draw cutters who were DR$UG. ways attach large wagons and cans to the main
interested in see- A HALf - •GU GU£S+ building. The best performers (and the castle de-
ing "the show." $f +HE fenders) live in these wagons. But they're also
Uynchar grew to CYN$SUR£ used for guest quarters, storage areas.
like being the cen- workshops, and other applications as
ter of attention, and needed, since the auditorium takes
the Cynosure was born. up so much space within the main
'Course, the poor sod went a structure.
little barmy toward the end of his life, and In the theater, the Cynosure performs garish ex-
he proclaimed that the Cynosure should never stop mov- travaganzas with acrobatics, magic, illusions, animal acts,
ing - that no single location was worthy of hosting the show dancing, singing, and all manner of other diversions. The
permanently. And, except when necessary (such as to let the spectacles often feature many acts performing at the same
draft animals feed and rest), Uynchar's wish is still carried out time, creating an overwhelming riot of entertainment. Be-
today. Fact is. the constant movement is another benefit to tween the castle's thick stone walls and the din of the show, a
those using the Cynosure to hide from the outside world. body quickly forgets the howling winds outside.
The current members of the Cynosure regard the long-
dead Uynchar as a hero and genius. Today, the traveling com- "- These carts, most of which are the size of nor-
pany consists of 300 humans, tietlings, half-elves, githzerai, mal wagons, are pulled by mules, oxen, or (rarely) horses. Two
gnolls, bugbears, elves, haltlings, and bariaur. A hill giant and or three performers, or one performer and his family, live in
a pair of gremlins are also part of the group. Alignment and each wagon. (The Cynosure is a close affair, and a performer's
race aren't that important here; rather, a loyalty and feeling of family members are often performers themselves.) Because the
community 1ies the Cynosure together amid the chaos of the caravan rolls onward so much of the time, one person must al-
plane. Each member has a specific role (performer, stagehand, ways remain with each wagon to drive the animals.
guard, laborer, and so on), though most carry out many dif-
ferent duties, and almost everyone can drive a wagon. '); \\.\,;riNs. Naturally. it's sodding difficult to supply an
operation like the Cynosure. These folks have the dark of Pan-
desmos, though, and they know where to find food and water
for the caravan's people and animals. If they know they won't
The 58 wagons that make up the caravan range wildly in size, be able to find something along the way, they bring it with
but all arc garishly painted and decorated, making the Cyno- them in huge wagons and replenish the stock whenever they
sure a sight to behold even before a body gets in to see the pass by or through settlements like the Madhouse. Each supply
show. Only the main part of the fonress-theater noats; all of wagon is 15 to 30 feet long and is pulled by large teams of
the other wagons roll through the tunnels normally. Many of strong animals, such as oxen, bison, or mules.
the wagons' owners place whistles and bells on their trans-
ports so the winds of Pandemonium do more than just howl - \ These extremely fast vehicles are tiny
they create an oddly pleasing cacophony of sound. All wag- wagons - more like armored chariots, really - pulled by the
ons sport hooded lanterns to provide illumination. and col- best horses, or even howlers or nightmares. If the Cynosure
ored screens over many of the light sources produce an even comes under attack, the battle wagons charge ouc of the cara-
more ostentatious visual effect. Thus, with the music and van formation and drive into the ranks of the enemy with

+ 106
wild abandon, hoping to sow confusion and break the anack- talk to Ophiliana for other reasons depends on her current
ers' morale as well as inflict heavy damage. mood. However, the tiefling's generally social and enjoys the
company of others. She panicularly craves auention and nat-
tery and is easily swayed by a cutter skilled at rattling his
The leader of the Cynosure and star of the show is a wizard-ac- A smart berk can guess at her attitude about the Cyno-
robat named Ophiliana (Pl/ g tiefling/11111,T IO/Bleak Cabal/ sure: She doesn't tolerate anything that stands in the way of
CN). A manic-depressive sod, she's either namboyantly san- the performance, whether that means the show in general or
guine or near-catatonically depressed. Her mood swings are her own place as the star. Truth is, she mercilessly crushes
sudden, but they don't occur one right after another; Ophiliana anyone who hinders the show.
doesn't bounce back and fonh between moods like a banny. Confusingly, the other members of the Cynosure also
If a body wants sanctuary within the Cynosure, he's got refer to their leader as Mthe Cynosure," in pan because the
to approach Ophiliana and convince her of his need for long- tiefling embodies the show like no one else.
term shelter (longer than someone sitting through a few
shows, that is). The berk should also be ready to pay a fair
garnish to help cover the caravan's general upkeep. Whether
she's up or down, however, Ophiliana's a compassionate soul, Not too long after the PCs reach Pandemonium, they find the
more likely to accept a supplicant than turn him away. Cynosure traveling through one of the cavernous passages
As a performer, her favorite stunt is creating dazzling that wind through Pandesmos. But the caravan doesn't travel
magical illusions while balancing in or hanging from
death-d~fying posi~ions. ~nyone can
see her JUSt by buying a ticket
) /
~~~ - -
1<::.. ~
in single file. The wagons occupy different

- ~
positions in the roundish tunnel,
so carts go almost all the
to the show. Getting to way around the cir-
cumference of the
It's easy LO catch up with the Cynosure. Assuming that tions. The show puts folks at ease, LOO, so most don't mind giv-
the heroes don't look or act like raiders, the folks on the wag- ing a fellow show-goer a little chant or advice (as long as the
ons greet the PCs warmly and tell them to pass through the berk doesn 'c ask too many questions - that's just irritating).
carts until they reach the fortress-theater, which is close to the Canny PCs will take this opportunity to learn all they can
center of the caravan. Once there, they must pay admission in about the Cynosure.
order to get inside and see the show. Prices depend on
whether they want to sit in the bleeder sears (2 sp each), the
barmy·s balcony (I gp each), the crown seats (5 gp each), or
the grand circle ( 10 gp each). The chant-mongers in the Madhouse (or Bedlam or
Windglum) were right: The Cynosure is the best place on the
whole plane to learn about Agathion. But that doesn't mean
it's easy. Many a berk hides out in the caravan, taking sanctu-
Like a grand circus, the show runs continuously in the theater. ary among the performers, and they all have secrets. Only a
Several acts perform at the same time, competing for the au- few, however, know anything about Pandemonium's deepest
dience's attention. The spectacle never begins or ends, so the and darkest layer.
PCs don't need to worry about when to take their seats. Two such sources are Pirreg, a human fighter, and Antha,
There's always something to see. a bariaur priestess. Once part of a group of lawful good
One of the central figures in the show is Lorimmos, a hill bloods from Fortitude, they came to Pandemonium to find the
giant. At different times during a performance, he: juggles legendary deva known only as Blind Righteous, who was said
huge boulders; holds up a platfonn on which a number of ha If- to be imprisoned somewhere in Agathion. Unfortunately, the
lings execute feats of acrobatics; and suspends a singer hang- entire group - except for Pirreg and Ant.ha - either died or
ing from a rope held in the giant's teeth. Meanwhile, tumblers went stark raving mad. The two survivors raised the ire of a
with flaming torches swing about on trapezes while musicians marilith named luthaccab while escaping from a secret
play and clowns cavort. Trained dogs, birds, bears, and owl- tanar'ri acropolis hidden in Phlegethon. (Apparently, the
bears as well as charmed leucrona, perytons. and other beasts tanar'ri wanted to locate something in Agathion as well, but
do tricks. A seemingly endless cascade of dancers, singers, ac- the two planewalkers never discovered what it was.)
tors, comedians, acrobats, and a myriad of other entertainers Pirreg now plans to stay in the sanctuary of the Cynosure
display their talents for the audience's pleasure. for the indefinite future. Truth to tell, he's become a bit
touched in the head, though he's not fully insane. The sod re-
+ Show the players Illo M (on page 175). fuses to talk to the PCs, answer their questions, or help them
in any way.
The whole ching is such a welcome change and blessed Antha, however, is desperate to escape from Pandemo-
respite from the screaming winds of Pandemonium that even nium and return to Fortitude. All she wants is a quick way off
those driven to the brink of madness are soothed and re- the plane, whether it's a spell, a magical item, or enough jink
freshed. 'Course, what with the Howling Plane being tainted to buy one (at least 5,000 gp). Directions to the nearest portal
by evil, only a true addle-cove'd let his guard down com- aren't good enough - she wanes something concrete. Besides,
pletely. Though most of the members of the Cynosure are the bariaur doesn't want to go out into the howling winds
fairly honest, a few knights of the post and cony-catchers lurk again if she can help it.
among them - and cerrainly among the audience. Almost If the PCs promise to help her, Antha slips out when Pir-
without fail, a pickpocket tries to bob one of the PCs, or a reg's not looking and meets with them in secret to discuss the
cross-trader tries to run a peel. terms. If they don't suggest a meeting place, she does - an
One common trick used against sods obviously new to area underneath the Cynosure's stage, where the trained
the Cynosure involves a con man selling programs to the beasts are kept. The place is noisy (because of the show above
show. Thing is, there is no program. lc"s just gibberish on a and the beasts themselves), but ic"s relatively private. In ex-
piece of paper, but most folks don't realize they've been had change for the heroes' aid, she gladly shares with them any
until the berk's long gone. secrets she knows - except one.
The Cynosure posts a few guards (many of them bug- See, the most pitiful thing about Pirreg and Antha ain't
bears or gnolls) here and there LO deter such peels, but not all that they were once champions of goodness and have now be-
of them are beyond bobbing rubes, either. Still, the Dungeon come pathetic wretches. No, the worst thing is that the sods ac-
Master should remember that such activity is the exception, tually found Blind Righteous, but they were so concerned about
not the rule. Overall. in the wind-racked tunnels, it's a lot their own safety (they were pursued by a horde of bulezau and
safer inside the wagons than out. babau) that they didn't take the time to free the deva. This is, of
During the show, the PCs can ask around about anything course. a secret they'll never willingly tell.
they'd like - the entertainment is such a loud, boisterous Still. the PCs shouldn't press Antha too much on the
spectacle that the audience members aren't restricted from matter. They're probably far more interested in reaching
talking. The noise is also a good cover for sensitive conversa- Agathion, and the bariaur indeed has the dark of it.

• 108 .
- flu•1e ar<' cn•t111m' 111 f'l1/1·nt·1/1C111. tl1c tliird luya 11.J 1/1h d1111111abfr pla111.
calkd till' /11qrt \S, " A11t/1n /ooh 11bo111 11t•ri·u11,/\• bcf11rc c·u11111111i11q "Clta111 h tl1n"n·
1111tir'I' 111 A!Jatii11111. 1'1111111/i most .fulh \Ill' tltat\ i111p0Hil1/r. or j11.\t 11n·11y .rndtli11y
1111/1/.:cfr. A11v11 O\'. till' Jiran" H't'lll to k11011 t/1c c/11rk of tl1c 11'110/c fllyl'r - wlwt's
tli1•n>, 1111d 11•/tcn· 11 a/111<'' "
lf1 r lfli/ /lttrcr' 11/lu11t II\ ,fie' 1 llCCb /tt'r \llffllllllt/i11y' 11(/Cll/I. '"fll<' trick I\, (/tt'
fllf)ft \S tfo11 't t11/k•. /11 llU/111 II (I\'· t/1t•v'1·1• 11111111/1•\\ }°011°/'t' got tu kllllll' )II\/ ll'lrrl Of
11 l1ar 1·011 'rr lcJ11k111g for and tell tl1c111. / lrn•'// 111·1 ro11 t/1rrc. So111t'lw11, tlin• mak1·
y1111 'l'l'fl Jmm 1/1c 1/1ifll lt11·1·1 111 tilt' jm11t/1, ri!/ltt 1/tru11511t tl1c \10111· 11111/ i111tJ tllc

l\CJ/uTi•i/ l1Uhl1/r \'Oii ll flllt."

Antha pauses for a moment and stares at the PCs, growing irate and short-tem-
pered as the memories of her own advemures come rushing back to her. If the cutters
ask for more explicit directions (and if they're smart, they will), she says:

"You'll fl11tl th1• /11grc '~ i11 /'Ji/rgct/11111. i11 11 cart'm near" place called
Caden~ - tlwr·~ Ctl\_\' trJ get tof10m rlir A111dl1111tH'. 1'11/k<; thcrc"ll k1111w tlit'
/l'Ct_I'. fltt• n11•c111·.., 1101 11111 r/11,r 111 IVi11d51l11111, tl11111ylt l'I'<' heard tltat 11\
/l('(IT ()lllCtl1111g ectlll'd tlic []11,1 t lfr Court ... rlic l111ri1111r '11('('/\ Ullrl a1h/\ q11ick/1,
"/fl'Oll comr 11/lflll a ta11ar'11 b1• tllC' 11nm1' of /111/wcrnb. you'll k11011 1 1·rw'n• go111•

Ant ha doesn't have much more information of value co the PCs - at least, none
that she's willing to share. But she does offer one last comment:

"It all 'ou111h /Jrt ti\' caw, d11c,11'1 11?" lier u11irrJ, ,,,,. ,1r11rp with lnttt'm('\!>
a11d "1H"C15111. "l\'ell. k111111• t/11~. bab: l\'/11111·1·1·1 it i\, 1drern·1·r vuu're going
and t/011 '1 get 1111· 11'ro11g. T c1111/d11 '1 care le" 11b11111 ll'lrat \'C1t1°rc doiny - !/t'l-
1i11g tl1c1c\ 1111r 1/11· l1111d /l(ir/. f/11· 11'1111/c p/a1w ;, c111,cil.
"You 11·1111'1 :.11c1·ec1/."

As the PCs speak with Antha, Pirreg bursts in on

their meeting (wherever ir is), blind with rage. Thinking
lhat Antha's turned stag on him, he attacks the whole
group. Unfortunately. Pirreg's beyond reason, finally
barmy from lhe howling winds and the horrible events
he's experienced over the last few months. If the heroes'
meeting with Antha takes place in the beast kennel under
the theater, Pirreg doesn't hesitate to let loose some of the
creatures (such as a pair of owl-
bears) lo cause destruction
and chaos. The commotion
brings members of the Cyno-
sure - guards, performers, and
workers - within six rounds.
Once the PCs get all the
chant they need from Antha
and defeat (or escape from)
barmy Pirreg, they most likely
give the Cynosure the laugh.
+ GE++ING IN DEEP+ even when it"s at its strongest and noisiest. Unfortunately, a
body wearing the earplugs can't hear anything - including
If they haven't already done so, the characters should make his companions' voices. Still, temporary deafness is better
plans for what to do once they actually get their hands on the than the perrnanent kind.
Wand of Orcus. Just as important. they should devise a Finally. though the earplugs help reduce the madness
method for leaving the layer of Agathion (since they'll use the brought by the constant wind, they don't stave it off entirely.
Ingress to get there). Dungeon Masters with access to the Planes of Chaos boxed set
Antha suggested that the PCs visit the Madhouse. If the (2603) may wish to use the madness rules presented in that
cutters ask around in the Bleaker-run citadel, the Dungeon product. Otherwise, the OM should require the PCs to make
Master should allow them to obtain a one-use magical item occasional saving throws versus paralyzation, with failure in-
with which they can escape Agathion - a scroll inscribed dicating an eruption of a short bout of depression, hysteria,
with plane shift or te/eport without error, a cubic gate with paranoia, or some similar ailment. Keep in mind, though, that
only one charge, or the like. Whatever they find. it should re- the madness should be disheartening, not debilitating.
quire a lot of jink (from 5,000 to 10,000 gp) or perhaps a trade Blindness, deafness, and madness may indeed trouble the
for a worthwhile item they already have. Sure, the PCs must PCs, but the creatures of Pandemonium pose a more direct
pay the music for getting something so valuable, but they threat to the party. Gangs of bloodthirsty, barmy gnolls or
should be able to find it as a reward for thinking ahead and bugbears (escapees from the realms of their deities): wild
realizing that they'll need it. howlers; roaming tanar'ri, yugoloths, or slaadi (all usually on
their way somewhere else); and any number of prime-mater-
HIRING A GUIDE ial monsters have wandered to or been banished to the Howl-
ing Plane. Virtually everyone and everything a planewalker
To reach the third layer of Pandemonium, the PCs must follow runs across is nasty, and most of ·em are insane to boot.
a path through the winding passages of the plane. By walking Fortunately, Scould knows the ways around hazards of the
through the tunnels, it's possible to travel from Pandesmos to physical terrain like crumbling cave-ins, dangerous crossings
Phlegethon, but the cutters'd be smart to find a guide, direc- of foul rivers, and areas where light (and sometimes even
tions, or at least a map. magic) doesn·t work. But the PCs should be ready for anything.
In the Madhouse, a Bleaker by the name of Scould (Pl/ o Pandemonium is as inhospitable as any of the Lower Planes.
human/F5/Bleak Cabal/NJ makes his daily jink by guiding
sods through the horrors of the Howling Plane. He knows the
right paths and portals that let travelers pass from layer to
layer. Scould's old, wrinkled, and withered, but he's still
healthy enough to hold his own in a fight or on an arduous Scould takes the cutters as far as Caderis, a ruined fortress
journey. When guiding folks, Scould carries a staff with a within a cavern that now serves as a waymeet for travelers and
lantern attached to the end. The lantern has a conrinual lighr others on the plane. The place is run by a tietling named
spell cast within it, but a body can't tell that by looking. Boseni Col Turmac (Pl/ o tiefling/F 10,T I I/Dispossessed/CE), a
What's more, Scould knows all the tricks to avoiding the foul-mouthed and foul-minded berk who charges a great deal
screaming winds as much as possible. for wretched food, disgusting bub, and uncomfortable lodging.
Unfortunately, though, he's still been touched by the As a body can well imagine, not many folks visit Caderis.
madness of the plane. As a result, he hates men. Though he's Fact is, the PC group is nearly alone in the fortress - except
male himself, the berk trusts only women - and he trusts for another group of bashers also looking for the Ingress.
them completely. He won't guide an all-male group, fearing They sit around one of the few standing tables within what
that they'd take him out of the Madhouse and bob him. If the was once the great hall of Caderis Castle, and they're a vile
PCs don't have any females among their number, they'll have and strange bunch, even by Bosetti's standards.
to figure out another way to win Scould's help.
rl1e r1.10111 h t/1111 mu/ smt'll\ uf 11•t1\I1'. mt. t111ti cheap huh.

PANDEmEDNlum·s T$LL \ /1lur-\k11111rti 1111111 w1tl1 ll'l111c /1111r a111/ dark n·es ,j,,
what 1111q/1r fl"'~ ji1r a lrnr lit ~ill'111/y Wt/ft lrt'' y1111 rn111r 111.
The trip down through the first three layers of Pandemonium \cnted c11ou11tl a lttrg<'. ro1111d table - 11111'it1~1 tire bmk1·11 r!'-
takes six to seven days. During this journey, the group·s trou- 111ai11\ 11/ r1 /< 11 otltn ta/Jin a11d cli11irs - ;, a11 udd-/cmki1111
bles number three (according to the multiversal rule): blind- yro11p of l1t'1b . 1\ /1111111111 1111/1 /011q /J/11ck lr11ir t111d a lu119
ness. deafness, and madness. /I/ark bc•11rtl q11i1·t/y ''/1~ Jr11111 a lnuh·11 11111g. /\'c•.rt ttJ lri111 ~it~ 11
Scould's lantern alleviates the blindness, but its light un- /Ja,lzcr w//11 11111,1 ht ') fn•/ 1111/. 11•1tl1 1111111/ctl yrcT11 'ki11 a11d
fortunately draws predators like a magnet. The guide can also 111/1/ wn·11 lw11: 011 tl1l' 111/ia ~i1/c of till ta/l/t', a lo1151. plump.
help with the second problem; he's willing 10 sell the PCs spe- 11 on11li/.:c- < rC'tlfll rC' c/u11 111s a cup of'"''" 11•1111 (I/It' of ih /011r
cial earplugs for I gp per pair. The plugs' re made of Carcerian 111111,. \ro1111d tire cn·a1111c ~11111(/ t/111·<' dirty. d1,/Jn c/ctl. /i1111 -
vard gum, and they effectively drown out the plane·s wind 1trm1•d l111mt11111it1~ . 1•ad1 lt·t11111tf/ 1111 a tl1ick ll'on.Jcn '11c11r.

+ 110 +
Cardule, the human leader of the group, pays li ttle heed Thing is, Bosetti the proprietor knows where the Ingress
to the PCs as they arrive. Gak. his troll minder, doesn·1 even is, and he gives the PCs directions if they ask about it and slip
glance at them. Baaravda, the wormlike creature. is more ner- him at least 10 gp. Then he adds, "Another gentleman was in
vous and looks long and hard at the heroes, sizing up their here just yesterday asking about the same thing ...."At that
potential threat. (Baaravda is a member of a race tha t calls it- point. Cardulr yells, ··Atl right, that's it! Too many people
self the ormyrr; chant says they come from Arcadia, though know about this. You must all die!'· With that, his group leaps
Acheron seems more likely. For details, refer to the MONSTROUS up from their table and attacks the characters.
COMPENDIUM~ Annual Volume 011c (2145].) llis three reave Even if the PCs keep mum about the Ingress, they might
hireswords do nothing until they're told - Baaravda pays still be in trouble. Baaravda convinces Cardule to use an ESP
them good jink to keep still and hold their tongues. Overall, spell to try to learn the cutters' plans. The ormyrr's worried
it's an eerily silent moment. that the characters are rivals (and he's right, in a way).
Though there's no way for the PCs to know this, the 'Course. there's no reason both groups can't find and use the
most addle-coved, leatherheaded thing they could possibly Ingress, but that"s not the way these bashers think.
do in here is mention the Ingress. See, Cardule, Baaravda.
and their hirelings also seek the mysterious creatures, for
they're on their own hunt fo r something in Agathion (the
Dungeon Master can decide what that is). If the berks dis-
cover that the PCs are looking for the Ingress. they'll try to Assuming that the PCs survive Caderis, it takes them about an
ambush the heroes and put them in the dead-book. Cardule hour to walk LO the cavern where the Ingress dwells. But that's
and his bunch're all a little barmy, accustomed 10 more law- only if Bosetti provided them with exact directions. If all the
ful (and cenainly quieter) environments, and they're panicu- sods know is what the bariaur Antha told them, it takes si..r
larly paranoid. hours IO find the right cave.
/he· tll'i~1i1111 p11~\fll/< s of l'lt/C'l/l'tl11111 tiff ll'Or\C muglicr, ters have traveled through for the last week or so (at least),
1111rrn11'Cr, In\ i/1•fi1wtl - //11111 11111"· \'(11/ /'C lrnn nr1/ 111 1lt1 there's no wind. Everything is still - so still, in fact, that the
fun f\ a/1u1·c. I ltc 11'11111~ 111(' \/ro11qc1 ltcrc, II\ wdl. 1111d r/ic1· poor wind-ravaged sods probably find it quite unnerving.
11/1n1.1•\ \cc111 111 /J/011· a.1111i11q y1111. Refer to the map on page l 1J. The PCs arrive at the spot
I i11ti!l1• i11 11 ,;11<- Clll't' 11.J.I 11 p1111ii ulr11fr ll'i11d1• /111\\lll/l'. marked ~A." The floor of this and every cave in the complex is
1•011 \fWf \1111J1' tlt111y 111111 111iglt1 i11tlin1tc 1·1111 1 t' 111 rin ti. \ littered with the bones and skulls of humans and humanoids.
!JITt// llctt\/ , /1/u11l('tl 1111d !/m/1'\/lll<', rn/\ /Ju/J.: ltcrt". lite
ii\ Note that the network of caverns is just one of many in
tl1111y ;, "')i1t tlt111 \'<Ill 11·m11/a U it rn11ltl 1111m · a1 ,I//. f'mh\li Agathion, but even if the characters manage to pass through
qm1 \ki11 CCJt't r\ tltc crc11111n. 11'irlt 110 \iq11 '!/ ltair. 1\ ,;11t1lc the rock walls, they won't reach any of the others. They're just
11/1nc, 1m1c11rnlly 11tropltit·d 11111!1 ;, r ;,1/Jlt'. till 11111<·1, pcr/11111, too far away.
/1i1ltfr11 1111tlcr tltc 1·ol11111i111111\ lt/\'l''' t!f //1e /1c11\t\ ji1/dnl /1l'\lt. The Wand of Orcus lies in the Reliquary, the central cav-
\ //II\' ltcad loob \ 'II/II /I 'll\ , Ul/l/ tilt' c'll'Ufllrt' \('('II/\ ' " '11·cko11 ern of the complex, protected by invisible barriers. lnterest-
r11u i11tu tltc ca1·c. i ngly, the wand itself c reated the maze of caverns that
stretches outward from the bubble in which it lies. Though
This fat, bloblike being is the Ingress Mother. If the PCs weakened since its master died, the wand is still intelligent
enter the cavern and approach her, she uses her visible "arm" and commands subtle but extraordina ry power. Ever so
to lift up great folds of her hanging flesh, and from under- slowly, it's eating away at the surrounding rock, hoping to
neath squirm out dozens of tiny humanoids. These creatures breach into another cavern and expose a way out so that
are the ingress. As Antha said, they don't speak, but they do someone might come and get it.
scamper right up to the characters. Each is only J to 4 feet If, at any point, a PC carrying the circlet taken from the
tall, spindly thin, and hairless, with the same skin color and Temple of the Knell in Tcian Su mere comes within 80 yards of
wide eyes as the Mother. The Ingress all make hand motions the wand, the cutter feels a strange sensation coming from the
toward their mouths and begin grabbing at the PCs' packs or golden band. He becomes aware of the nearness of the wand,
anywhere else the characters might have food. though he doesn 't know its exact location.

+ Show the players lll o L (on page 174).

The Ingress continue to take the party's food until satis- The half-ogre Quah-Namog is a priest of Orcus - perhaps the
fied that the cutters have su rrendered everything they carry on ly mortal priest of Orcus left. For untold years, he's suffered
that is even passably edible. Once the Ingress have the food, without his spells, using various potions and other magic to
they carry every crumb to the Ingress Mother and feed it all to prolong his life, wa iting for his patron to return. Finally, it
her - a truly repulsive sight. happened: Quah-Namog prayed to his power for spells, and
Afterward, the Ingress tum and look at the PCs expectantly. the energy rushed in.
If the characters tell the creatures where they want to go (and Determined to stay in spiritual contact with his master, he
they must be specific - just saying "Agathion" isn't enough), the focused all his concentration on the evil lord. After months of
tiny Ingress swarm around them and even climb on top of them unholy meditation, the prime-material berk suddenly felt an
until the sods can see nothing else. The heroes are shoved, urge to come to Pandemonium. Using an astral spell, he pro-
pushed, and maneuvered through the mass of flesh until they jected himself to the top layer of the Howling Plane and then
can't be sure if they're surrounded by the Ingress or somehow made his way to Agathion. Quah-Namog is the basher that
caught in the folds of the Mother's sticky, putrid flesh. Bosetti mentioned - the other traveler who asked about the
Slowly, the sensation of sldn fades, and the PCs feel as Ingress. He arrived just one day ahead of the PCs.
though they've turned to liquid and are seeping through miles When the heroes show up, the half-ogre hides in the
and miles of rock at a rapid rate. The strange journey comes shadows at the spot marked ~ Q" and observes them for a few
to an end when they feel as though they splash onto a hard minutes. Might they also serve Tenebrous (the name he now
surface and their bodies reform. During this weird experience, knows his master uses)? If possible, Quah-Namog tries to grab
the cutters see nothing. so there's no way to prove whether just one of the PCs - perhaps the sod bringing up the rear -
their disturbing sensations are accurate or not. and question him regarding his allegiances and intentions.
The priest does whatever he can to stop the enemies of Tene-
brous, but he's can ny enough to know that direct confronta-
+ AGA+HIEDN + tion 'II probably destroy his astral form. He strikes instead
from the shadows, with hit-and-run (or cast-and-run) tactics.
Once the Ingress send the PCs to the deepest bowels of Pande- Fortunately for him, there are numerous caves and passages
monium, they find themselves in a small cave with three in which to run around and hide.
tubelike passages extending away from them. 'Course, they Quah-Namog knows that Tenebrous will die again if he
see this only if they've brought some light - Agathion's just doesn't recover his wand soon. It's all on the line here and
as dark as the rest of the plane. Unlike all the places the cut- now, and the priest has come to Agathion to make sure his

+ 11 2 +
patron wins. The Dungeon Master could even have Quah- ished. Tenebrous plans to kick off a reign of terror and ven-
Namog let this chant slip while confronting the heroes - it's geance.
important that they know how much Tenebrous's success de- About 10 minutes after the PCs arrive in Agathion, two
pends on regaining the wand. visages appear in the cave complex at the site marked "A."
The OM should remember that Quah-Namog isn't They don't need to use the Ingress; Tenebrous sends them
really in Agathion at all. His true body lies protected on the under his own power. The Dungeon Master should try to
Prime Material Plane, and he's using magic to project his as- gauge the time the heroes spend here so he knows approxi-
tral form into the caverns. 'Course, the PCs won't know that. mately when the undead fiends appear. Due lo the actions of
They can't detect the priest's silver cord, though they might Quah-Namog, the confusion of the maze of caves, and the
get suspicious when they realize that he carries no nonmagi- difficulty of getting into the Reliquary, it's unlikely that the
cal items (those objects can't be astrally projected). If the PCs reach the wand before the visages arrive.
bashers slay Quah-Namog's astral form, the priest makes a
successful system shock roll, returns to his physical body, and
restores himself to full health in time to confront the PCs THE RELIQUARY
again in the next chapter. + EDf +HE WAND+
The inner chamber of this area holds the Wand of Orcus, a J-
foot long iron scepter with a human skull set into one end.
No maner what the PCs do in the course of the adventure. The wand sits upon a pedestal in the center of the cavern, and
Tenebrous eventually learns the location of his wand, collat- the entrances are sealed with invisible barriers similar to walls
ing chant gleaned from various gods (now dead), the Great of force. The PCs can bring down a barrier by one of three
Modron March, the vampire Kestod, and perhaps even the methods:
drow Erehe. He then sends his visages ahead to scout out the
area, fully intending on coming to Agathion himself to re- case a disintegrate spell on the barrier;
cover what once was his. His long quest at last nearly fin-

A- Arrival Point 0 10 20
Q Quah-Namog's Hiding Place Yards

+ I IJ
+ get a devotee of Kia- The point is important
ransalee to touch the enough to bear repeating: If the
barrier in her name; skull makes contact with the
circlet at any time, both are de-
+ inflict at least 50 stroyed, as is any leatherhead
points of damage who happens to be touching
upon the barrier the golden band. The iron rod
by smashing it isn't affected by this, but
with bones (and without the skull, the wand be-
only bones; no comes completely inert. Thus,
other objects af- the only safe way to destroy
fect it). the Wand of Orcus is to place
the circlet on the ground (or
If a PC with the cir- some other surface) and then
clet sees the wand upon touch the skull to it.
the pedestal, the sensation Why does the golden cir-
from the golden band clet have the power to ruin the
grows stronger. Should he wand? Remember, when Tene-
actually wear the circlet on brous (as Orcus) created the
his head and concentrate, object, he used the skull of
the cutter must make a the great warrior Anar-
Wisdom check. If he suc- chocles to power its dread
ceeds, he suddenly sees magic. But he confined the
things from the perspective basher's spirit to the circlet.
of the skull atop the wand When brought near the
- and he knows the three wand, the spirit of Anar-
different methods for de- chocles does all he can to free
stroying a barrier. Breaking himself from his prison - and
concentration breaks the that means getting someone
point-of-view shift. to destroy the circlet and
Once the PCs get into what's left of his body (the
the Reliquary, it's a simple skull). The ancient warrior
matter to take the wand doesn't care that the holder
from the pedestal. Nor- of the circlet will die, too.
mally, such an act would Fact is, Anarchocles wants
be dangerous - the Wand of to kill anyone he can - es-
Orcus is infamous for its abil- pecially any sod in posses-
ity to strike dead anyone who sion of the circlet - in an
touches it. However, the wand's lost some insane revenge for his im-
of its power. A detect magic spell still reveals it to be highly prisonment. (For more information on circlets, see the
magical, but the wand has lain mostly dormant since the "Skeleton, Warrior" entry in the MONSTROUS MANUAL"' tome.)
death of its creator. Tenebrous can revive the power within
the object, but at the present time, it's safe to touch.
That is, it's safe for most berks. But if a PC who wears (or
simply possesses) the circlet grabs the wand, he suddenly feels If the PCs never took the circlet from Tcian Sumere, there is
compelled to touch the skull to the golden band. This action no method within their power to harm the Wand of Orcus.
destroys the circlet, the skull, and the character - instantly. The best they can hope for is to keep it from Tenebrous by
'Course, the sod with the circlet isn ' t forced to touch the using great magic to send it (and perhaps themselves) far
wand; he must make a conscious choice to march over and away.
pick the thing up. Jf he does so, the only way he can avoid in- Of course. that ass umes the berks l1011e such magic. But
stant death is by concentrating on controlling the wand be- even if they don't, all is not lost. See, if a character concen-
fore touching iL. In other words, the player must announce to trates on the wand, he receives a vision: By sacrificing one of
the OM that his character will try to master the wand or at their spirits to the wand, the PCs can reactivate one of its
least resist its evil influence. That way, the PC can touch the major powers - the ability to plane shift itself anywhere in the
wand without being compelled to thrust the skull and circlet multiverse. Thus, by willingly giving one of their own lives.
together, though the desire to do so is still strong. the heroes can send the wand out of the fiend's reach .

• 114 +
That's enough to win the day. After all, the
undead lord can't survive much longer without
his wand (the power of the Last Word's eating
him up from the inside), and he's staked every- WHA+?
thing on a final quest to the Howling Plane. If Tenebrous +HffiUGH+ veu
doesn't find the Wand of Orcus in Agathion, he'll be written BRffiUGH+ .t.HE CUBIC GA+E!
into the dead-book for a second time.
+e HIS cemRADE .
While the heroes decide what to do about the Wand of Orcus, he once was, he still has enough strength to annihilate them
Tenebrous is on his way to Agathion to reclaim his prize. instantly and utterly. The Last Word can slay gods, so it's cer-
Hopefully, the PCs manage to destroy or banish the wand, or tainly enough to rip apart a handful of puny mortals.
at least figure out a way to leave the caverns. Otherwise, In this situation, the PCs have just one hope of survival:
they're in a lot of trouble. If they took the Orcusword from Tcian Sumere, they can break
it now, causing Tenebrous enough pain to delay him for ldJ
hours. That might give the heroes enough time to escape (and
take the wand with them), destroy the skull, or magically send
the foul thing far away.
Seconds after destroying the skull (or sending the wand to a Otherwise, Tenebrous is victorious. He destroys the char-
far-off plane), each character suddenly sees the following acters, reclaims his wand, and regains his former position of
image in his mind's eye: power, free to bring untold evil and chaos to the multiverse.
Kiaransalee is doomed, and for a time it seems that no other
A ,/111do11 v form rnrr' tl11c111!Jli \Trn11qt• lc111d~iu1w~ 1111/i deity dares to oppose Tenebrous for fear of falling to the Last
}rtWTIC ~pcrcl. ~11tldn1/\',it \top~. 11/U/ Tiu ruoTll\ 1/10111/i Of IT\ Word. This should shake up a PLANESCAPE campaign - or in-
qray. 11 rrwlr/tk« fare opr11' u irlc· c111d /c•f\ our a tl'n 1b/1 , '011/ deed, any ADEtD campaign that involves the planes - consid-
II rr11cl1i11g \('/"CCWI. 1111' t'llll'r('(t/ jit}//lt' iit'qi11~ lO CJIOll ill \ill erably.
1111d rnb,rm1rr. quirk/\ tilt' C1/IJ1t'ctm11c c 1if \T0111·. /11
ralw1g 011 Evenrually, a gathering of greater gods will learn the his-
11wmr11r,, IT comp/1 H /\ pernjir\ 1111•1 tile ~lwpc of o bloat!'cl tory and nature of the Last Word and devise a means lo op-
mm-lrt'm/I(/ llu111a11uid co11tortt'cl 111 lrorrnr 1111cl 1n1111 Thr11 IT pose or nullify its power. Stripped of his stolen magic, Tene-
,fo11'1\'ji1dc' nwm. brous will no longer have complete mastery over the multi-
verse. Sure, the berk'll still be a threat, but he'll no longer be
Tenebrous is dead - again. Without the power of the invincible.
wand, he's unable to stabilize his own essence, and the fury of For more information on the effects of Tenebrous's re-
the Last Word consumes him. The former Abyssal lord falls to turn, refer to the "Aftermath" section at the end of the next
the Astral, becoming one more giant chunk of debris floating chapter.
through the Silver Void.
If PCs are still trapped in Agathion, a deity of good might
secretly reward them for their service to the multiverse by THE fA+E
transporting them to the Outlands. leaving them just outside
the gate-town of Bedlam. 'Course, this bit of divine aid is up
to the Dungeon Master's discretion; it's not the best solution Assuming that Tenebrous didn't regain the Wand of Orcus,
to the problem of a trapped party. The poor sods could simply the PCs have either destroyed the skull at the end of the rod
remain stuck forever in the cavern~. It'd be their own tough or somehow kept the object out of the undead power's reach.
luck for failing to think ahead and bring along a method of If the wand is still in the heroes' possession, they need to de-
escape. (Another option: The Ingress might one day send an- termine whether to keep it, entrust it to a mighty force for
other bunch of travelers into the same area - cuners smart good. or bury it where no one will ever find it again (by
enough to bring a means of exiting the layer.) dropping it into the River Styx, sending it to the plane of
Vacuum, and so on).
If TENEBR$US ARRIVES Whatever happens, the Dungeon Master should pay par-
ticular attention to the whereabouts of the wand. In the next
If the PCs haven't destroyed or banished the wand by the time and final chapter of "Out of the Darkness," the priest Quah-
Tenebrous arrives, they're as good as lost. They have no Namog returns, intent on capturing the wand and using it to
chance of winning at combat, trickery, or negotiation. Tene- awaken Tenebrous from his Astral slumber - again.
brous wants them dead, and while he might not be the power The multiverse might yet have reason to shudder.

• 115 +
Dc{ra1t·1/? 1/1111//\.
I lie lwl{ oqrc• 1m1 ,, rnl1/1u/ Im 1111111/, 1111 <till r
Ctllll/1111\11 f'I• Tl1< I< II(/<; \OlllC /Ji/llq Ill -
II< II lld/ t1/1 •Ill \(Ill /111 q //It \\1111/ J'/c111t fol tl1t• Ill kl Ctlf/l\I uf /11~
o 1 11 /'" "'" t/f/d. Hut Ir kept Im 111111I 1111 ti
ltl\k f/•11\t 11111 I< r11'1 < ooh /11 t 11 ·11111111 n ti 11
'\q11/111111 11 nu/d lie rl1t /1"1 ro }< 11 rlic 11 mt/1 "'
1fr1 111'tr1 0111't /1t 111' fi111,/1td \1ul r It'll<
brn11 d 1cl1 · , 11 11111 l'I pu 111 ,/, t Ii< 11 (11111/t
\1 11/0(/ O 1/d t/u II /11111,t•f(
\/It r all. lil' 'd " rt 1111 r1 mr \U jur 11111/ t/0111 \O
111111 /1 . '\\/, \ od1ra11 lwd bc·t·11 1rtri111t•/1 dr/JH 1111 to
/i11d. u11d that t1111/urn1g c 111 c11/lcd 'lu11l 1fu/11 1 me.kt•
11111/f)\ <Ill\ ('II\/( r. \ (11/111 ,, ('(1111(' \I /1111/1/\ rH u111111 mf1 d,
tlw11ql , rliar Qu11/J r>..11111011 lwr11 111 ii pr111 t I
11 011/r rlu 1({1•rr tllld t 11•111\C
\ml 111dtt d he d d
Tl1t• llUl\/tr t/111 (s l'H \
'Jllll kit d lll //1< I tr'\' 1dw
o/ \ltt1l11•q tlzt art1/1 ct /11
/all. \ 11dm111 flllual/\ 'rt mt•d
1/1\llJl/IOlllll tf 111111 II Jiatf b<'l 11 VI
""I fu1 /11111 11/1w111 ( · ~1 raq "I 1 'ti \011l1
Y1 '· tlrr 10/J /1111/ <UH 01111/1 \nmoq 11rtt111//1 ul/ rile wit/ ht <011/tl \l<al 111 1 rturr
011 /ii, 111111 c 11 arid, bur 111111 /11 Juul II I It lwd the l\1 11d of Ute LI\
l 11(atl10mob/\ crl11/11rat111c 1ho11qlrt tire /ITll'\t to hold t/11.· 111ast11 \ q1u11
t ' \( \\'lllVOI Ill /11\ 01111 /1t11UI\ i\ut//111c1 {1111/c \(OJI'""' //Clrl . /\/01/Ji11q c1111ltl 1ft{t (/(

111111 /('111'/J10U\ II 01t/tf fll l' tlljlllll

• THE RIDE Resumes.

This chapter takes place quite some time after the player characters deal with the
Wand of Orcus in the caves of Agathion. Assuming that they survive, they can
return to Sigil (or wherever they call home) and rest for as long as they wish.
During this period, they're free to cake part in other adventures. If the
Dungeon Master's using "Into the Light," this'd be an especially good
A+ LEAS+ time to run Pan Three of that scenario.
+HA+ \'t/H$LE Meanwhile, the priest Quah-Namog recovers from his
encounter with the PCs in Agathion. He sets off to f1nd che
ffiRCUS BUSINESS Wand of Orcus (this time in his true physical form), hoping to
BEHIND US N ffiW. restore his master to life once again. A1 the end of the previ-
ous chapter, the heroes either kept the wand, hid it, or gave it
away. No rnaller where it ends up, Quah-Namog hires the top-shelf
w He stt euLo thief Ash Vodiran to steal it for him. Vodiran can easily overcome any
KNSW BE++ER locks, barriers, guardians. or magical wards put in place to protect the
wand, and the PCs eventually learn that it's gone missing from wherever
they left it.
Even if the PCs used the circlet to destroy the wand's skull, the iron
rod remained, and that's what Quah-Namog seeks. Totally destroying the Wand
of Orcus is not an option. Oh. it might be possible for a mortal to annihilate such
a mighty artifact - a creation of a god - but the PCs have no idea how to do it,
and neither does anyone else they encounter.

• THE SILVER veto.
If the PCs can somehow track the wand, I.hey learn that it's now on
the Astral Plane. Should they decide to chase after it, they must find
their own way there. Otherwise. the Dungeon Master must use some
other method to get the heroes to journey to 1he Silver Void.

Here·s one method: A Sigil merchant named Ryshane Dumuore

(Pl/ 2 human/0-level/Society of Sensation/NG) offers the bashers a job
to deliver and safeguard a large payment of gold to a weaponsmith
named Zess. a rogue modron who lives and works on the Astral Plane. The
jink"s in the form of 100 gems (each worth 1,000 gp), which are stored in a
padded steel box that's locked, trapped, and magically sealed. The task
should take only a few days. and Dumuore pays each character 200
gp for his trouble.
"Course, the OM can also devise another reason for
visiting the Astral, something more appropriate to the
specific group of planewalkers and what they're
doing at the time. The PCs might be sent on a
mission for one of their factions, pass through the
Silver Void on their way somewhere else, and so
on. The method doesn"L really matter. As long as the
heroes get to the Astral, this final chapter can truly
As its nickname implies, the Astral Plane is an
endless. silvery void. A few strange lights Ooat through
the infinite distance, and now and again a conduit
winds its way through the calm, quiet serenity. While on
the Astral, folks maneuver by the power of thought alone
- the smarter the berk, the faster he moves. Specific details
on travel, combat, and other topics are found in the
PLANESCAI'~ sourcebook A Guide to tile Astral Plane (2625).
However, the real focus of this chapter is the gigantic corpse of
Tenebrous, which operates under its own rules. Thus, A Guide to
tile Astral Plane is handy, but it's nol required for this advenrure.


Shortly after the PCs arrive on the Astral, they see an awe-inspiring sight:

i'\ 111 an ahrnf'T '>ucldrnnt ~'· a//110\t a' r/1011911 la 11 <'rt' /It< /111q bat k t/1r
nl 1' nj hrral \flllCt. a wll. 111tl\CL1/11r 111011 ap/1tnn 11/1rnd of \'<111 1f1, lo11y.
111q11Jar fa 1 " \Olll< 11 hat Lt/11/111 111·1 lwp\ rfiar of a 1ackal. l/1s black l1111r '"
/11111ar1 11 1/, Im t \1 ~ tll'<f' ah\ 'it'\ tl1nt wk< but 1111 < r q11 c. \11cl tltouglt Im
/111111111111' 'ilack \klll njl< rt' rlu· strtll11J<' lu1J11, of t/11· A '>tral, 1111 fl' '" n 1 o/tl-
'' abo IT 111111 n 1111111s1 c11t nf ccmcT< nC\, tulll/J\, 11111/ f1111crnl s/1ro111h.
Tllr llllf'll'"'' 111r111 11101•1' qtm kh ll11t t1rnrc{l1I/\' 1011 uni w11 l'\ /u 11 /1
qi,, c/11s1, Ire f1tl1flh 1111~1' 011r cum am/ p11111t\ 11l1 lO w11r nqllt. I\ 11'1 till
fi11 ltf oj 1/11 11r1 1· '11 \ti\\, 'Ir '' llOf 1•1 t n1•rr."

+ 117
This is lhe being known as the Guardian of the Dead Gods rinding themselves standing on what they take 10 be his feet.
- he who was once Anubis of the Egyptian pantheon, guardian An uneven, rocky landscape stretches out ahead of them, sep-
of the dead. He watches over the fallen powers who float arating them from Quah-Namog. Refer to the map of Tene-
through the Astral, fending off any who might disturb his brous on page 11 9.
charges. But the Guardian - for reasons of his own - does not While on Tenebrous, the cutters are no longer subject to
always act. Sometimes he allows mortals to interfere with the the laws of the Astral Plane. Instead, they're within the closest
gods' long sleep. None can truly fathom his actions or motives. thing that Tenebrous has left to a realm. The body of the god
Currently, the Guardian has chosen to alert the player has normal gravity, which means that, to reach Quah-Namog,
characters that something big is happening. He points directly the PCs must physically travel over the rocky surface of the
toward the petrified body of Teneb rous (though it's not in corpse, scaling steep inclines and skirting treacherous chasms.
sight) and refers to Quah-Namog's plan to resurrect the for- They can't rely on spel ls like relepor1 or dimension door,
mer Abyssal lord. which only transpon them back to their staning point at the
If the PCs never we nt lo Pelion and explored the Last god's feet.
Spire (i n Chapter VII). the Dungeon Master can use the The gravity extends only 1,000 feet above the surface of
Guardian as a final opportunity to incorporate that chapter the corpse. If a cutter flies, levitates, or leaps higher than that
into the adventure. After the Guardian delivers his warning, distance, he "falls off' the body and ends up in normal Astral
the DM can have him also give the heroes the following hint space outside of the island's gravity. To return, he must ap-
about Pelion: proach Tenebrous as he did the first time, in which case he's
again drawn to the feet.
M/fr lrornctl, mtl11'r tlin11 1 t1 111cd. (11~ 11119'11 . /ii, tf1"'-" What's more, unlike other god-islands, only the top of
rea/111 '!{ \t,tt•r-jrr<'Jld-1fral N1 plr\'Ilt.\' lwfrf, tl1c fr\ lie lcj1 Tenebrous (which is really his front, since he's lying supine)
lt1~ mark tlrac 111 tilc ,110rt f/1111· tlrat Ire tftd 1rn1 "''' IH·n·. has gravity. Heroes can't cross around to his back and sneak
l ram 111<1 '<'< rrt' 1/iric, in tire t/u,1. M along underneath his body. Sods who get too close to the
edge of the corpse fa ll off, though, as before, they ca n return
Many a well-lanned basher knows (or can learn) that the easily to the god's feet.
realm of Nephythys lies in the desert of Pelion. This should be Lastly, while on Tenebrous, the characters find that time
enough to prod the PCs to pay a call to the dusty layer. and space (and the spells that affect them) operate normally,
without any of the strange alterations that can occur on the
... ceRPUS DEi ...
If the PCs proceed in the direction indicated by the Guardian,
they soon come upon the corpse of Tenebrous. When Tenebrous died (for the second time), many of his un-
dead servants were taken with him. Now these visages are
l\t .firH. it "'"Ill' U\ 1/w11qlr you're rtH 11111 IUll'fll(f u11 im frozen on the Astral along with their master, trapped with the
111r11'e is/111rtf '!f '1u11r rn'J1<'111fe1/ 111 tlr1• 'iii rr \'1111/. lira"' rltr power and force that created them - a justice that'd make a
1,faml qrnu' Jargl'r, you rmli1e tile mulr . Your <'1'1' /11/lorn rite Mercykiller proud.
/111e~ a11d co11101ir' of the rork and 5utltfr11h 111akc' 0111 lllU\CI/· Great numbers of visages occupy the corpse of Tene-
lar am/\, \lflllt IC'!J~. a11d " ltorrr/111' bloail'll bl'I/\' H id1 /rorm brous. Their petrified forms fill out a forest of stone, cold
'f'lffll 011twanl from tile ltcad 1!{ t/11' g1ga11tfr lwma11011J. t111tl faces and bodies wracked in eternal pain and misery. Some of
mao;o;u t' drueo11ia11 11 inq' \trrtc/1 0111 {mm tire /ig11rc\ back. the visages appear to be human at first (in other words. frozen
complr1111q liu· m1so;lrnpc11 swtuc. Tlic to111rir1ttl M1,fa11tl. M in someone else's stolen form), but there's always something
11/zidr ;, 111 lra\t 4 mr/r, lo11q, is 11111d1· c111iri ly 11/ dr,, (/lfl\' monstrous about them that reveals thei r true nature - clawed
SIOllC hands, a twisted and elongated face, or something sinister
about the eyes.
As the characters approach, they're drawn down toward The fiends are dead and pose no physical threat to the
the corpse by the sphere of energy that surrounds Tenebrous. PCs. But their proximity to Tenebrous means that their lucid-
In their mind's eye, they see the hunched figure of Quah- ity-control powers still swirl about them like an aura of evil.
Namog clutching the Wand of Orcus. (If the heroes destroyed Even in death, the visages're able to make the heroes wonder
the skull that lopped the anifacl, they notice that a new one's what's real and what's not.
been affixed - one that still glistens with the blood of its pre- Thus, as the sods move through this horrid landscape, the
vious owner, a poor sod killed by Quah- Namog.) The half- Dungeon Master should really put them on edge. They begin
ogre priest stands atop the head of Tenebrous, holding the to see movement out of the corners of their eyes. They hea r
wand high and chanting loathsome, evil words that defile the faint noises like crumbling stone coming from just behind
very air by their utterance. their footsteps. If a PC turns around, the petrified visage he
Within a few moments, the PCs "land" on Tenebrous. just passed seems to be in a slightly different pose than it was

+ 11 8 +
before. If a cutter stops to listen, he hears the sounds of some- skeletons that burst forth from the ground. These new foes
thing moving, though ifs always behind him or just out of can likewise be turned (destroyed), but they, too, are replaced
sight the next round.
If the bashers actually attack the frozen visages, they Thus, the only way the heroes can permanently rid them-
find che things easy to destroy - they seem to be made of dry selves of skeletons is by combat. Turning ·em won't do it. And
stone that crumbles easily. However, if the PCs completely to make maners worse, beginning I d6 rounds a Fter the first
smash one of the visages, the creature's essence is freed from group of undead emerges, the marked areas issue forth an-
its entombment here and escapes into the void with a hideous. other batch of 3d8 skeletons every three rounds. (That should
mockjng cackle. prevent the PCs from lingering too long on the belly.)

Even here on the Astral, which has no link to

fRUl+S $f DEA+H
the Negative Energy Plane, Tenebrous is full of negative en-
Past the forest of faces, the danger to the PCs becomes more ergy. The party's trip over the belly causes the energy to burst
real and more immediate. As they proceed up Tenebrous's forth like fluid from underground springs in the locations
prodigious belly (a 2,000-foot ascent), skills involving climb- marked "P" on the map. The liquid congeals into pools and
ing or mountaineering become quite useful. Though the rough runs down the god's sides like tiny streams, draining the life
stomach has ledges and cracked handholds and very little of force from any berk who touches it (Id 12 points of damage)
the ascent is completely vertical, rope and other climbing gear or merely gets within 3 feet (I d4 points of damage).
come in handy. Without such aids, che planewalkers need co Ten rounds after the energy begins pouring out of Tene-
make Dextericy checks (chree for the entire trip) to keep from brous. the entire corpse quickly grows cold. Anyone standing
falling while scaling che uneven ground. A failed check indi- anywhere on the dead god suffers I point of damage immedi-
cates a tumble of Id3x 10 feet, with the poor sod suffering I d6 ately and another point every 10 rounds thereafter.
points of damage per 10 feet fallen. (Quah-Namog is immune to this effect.)
To make matters worse, as the PCs reach the summit of
the stomach, Tenebrous's body begins to spew forth the
essence of his nacure: undead and unlife.

.., 11 1 When the PCs reach the top of the belly,

skeletons burst forth from the rock at the places marked "S"'
on the map. A total of 3d8 skeletons emerges, a few from each

Jm111cdia1d.1 11/1<·11i/ of 1•1111 . rrnrb lll'qi11 10 {111111 111 1/1<

grou11d, nccnm1J11111crl /J) ti rock\ c·ru111l1/111c1 aud crr111c /1111q
1101\e. H itl1 a rumhlc 1111tl ll burst oj bc{t111lt-d arr. clau ed.
skclcrril l1a11tl'i burst {orrli from tl1t• p1111ct11rcd 11 ouml of 1'11
dt rul god\ flc,/1 ~1011y. cnr1/J-ro1 crul 1111dcml. c111 i1m11cd wrtli
/0111 Ht r111111a11t1C' c11crq1e, , ,,,,, Jm111 tire qro1111d a11rl 11101 t
1011 ttrti 1•011. the 1r 11w/1n1JU' i 111r111 q11i11 vl11 w11~ .

Once unleashed, the skeletons look for living flesh

to rend and destroy. Though skeletons aren't usually
dangerous foes to top-shelf cutters like the PCs, the sheer
number of these undead makes them a serious
threat. However, turning attempts work
better than they normally do: No
maner what the level of the priest
or paladin, a successful turn-
ing means that 2d6 of the
skeletons crumble to dust.
But there's a catch. All
undead thus turned are
replaced at the be-
ginning of the next
round by a same
number of new
powers returned when he arrived on his patron deity's corpse.
He doesn't know if it's due to a strange quirk, if it's because
At some point during all this madness. the planewalkers en- Tenebrous died so recently, or if it means that the god's not as
counter a strange being that represents Tenebrous throughout dead as he appears. And Quah-Namog realizes that he won't
the various stages of his existence. learn the dark of it until he does all he can to restore his master.
Ac first, the being appears 10 be a fat, grotesque human - After the PCs cross over the corpse's stomach and chest,
probably a foul wizard or a wicked priest, judging by the evil read the following:
affectations and horrid symbols on his clothing. But the fig-
ure shrinks as if melting, becoming a wormlike larvae. It then \head n11d al1111't'. 1·1111 "c 11 l!n1 11111'1 lit• r/1e /01111J,0111r
bloats and takes the shape of a manes, then a bar-lgura. Next, lie ad u11d face uf 1/1t tit'atl god - 1111d 1011 l!rar u ''rang< 11111m-
the being mutates further, changing to become a noating /1/111g '011111/ co111i111J from r/101 dire< tiu11 I l1t· 1·01n qrou'
chasme, and lhen a vrock. The vrock screeches and becomes a louclt'r, bnm1 ,,,, c1 11!1111 ;\\1111/ Im 1•11·. 111111/ 1011 d1•11•r111111c it 10
hezrou, which immolates and transforms into a huge, fiery ht 11 dnJI l1110111C'il rlw111 }011111•vrds 1•011 do11'1 1111d1 n1n11d
balor. The loathsome balor bloats, its head growing ramlike, The r/111111rr 1~ ""''' ccr1m11f_1 'omcu /wre 011 rl1t lwrnrd l1t ad
adopting the traditional form of Orcus. This shape in turn of tll<' <"or/N.
takes on a rocky countenance (signifying his first death),
which then becomes the shadowy Tenebrous. Finally, the No matter how the PCs approach the head, the ascent is
whole transformation starts over again, as the wraithlike form difficult. Scaling che god's "jowls" amounts to a vertical climb
solidifies into the obese, evil human. of approximately 1,600 feet. Climbing skill or mountaineering
What's going on? Well, before Tenebrous (then known as proficiency is required. Sods without such abi lities must either
Orcus) became an Abyssal lord, he worked his way up through get help from able climbers or find another way up (such as
the ranks of the tanar'ri. Before that, he was a larva, and be- magical flight).
fore even that, he lived as a mortal. And as he now lies in Once they've reached the top, che PCs face the 800-foot-
death, the god's memories of his past manifest themselves as deep pit that is the immense, caveli ke mouth of Tenebrous.
the shapeshifting being that prowls his rocky surface. This horrible place is a breeding ground for bats and varran-
Each transformation takes a round. The being can't be goin - cwo kinds of creatures not normally native to the As-
harmed, nor can it inflict harm - fact is, it can't physically af- tral Plane. They fly up in dark clouds, screeching eerily, and
fect anything. However, it can speak with the PCs if they ap- auack anyone coming near the mouth.
proach it. The manifestation's lesser forms have scant knowl- Each character is attacked by one lesser varrangoin (Type
edge and respond simply to questions; as the shapes grow II) and approximately 50 normal bats under its control. All
more advanced, they gain more and more knowledge. 'Course, varrangoin immediately breathe clouds of fi re as they swoop
the manifestation won't reveal much about itself (and won't in to attack the heroes, but they refrain from doing so again
do anything foolish. like give its name), but it may offer im- for fear of hurting the normal bats that begin to swarm
portant information - as long as the cutters ask canny ques- around the pany. Because of the bacs, the PCs find it difficult
tions and direct them to the right shapes. to see, fight. or do much of anything besides feel the raking
But it's not as if the creature's dying to rattle its bone- talons of the varrangoin.
box. The larvae and the manes can't converse in any way, and The sides of the mouth-pit are riddled with caves and
most of the other shapes aren't willing to help the bashers passages that provide roosts for far more varrangoin and bats
without a good reason. Still, the PCs might be able to con- - and possibly worse.
vince the forms to brag, boast, and otherwise glorify them-
selves. This being is, after all, the manifestation of Tene-
brous's past - or, rather, his memories of the past - so it's +THE Rl+UAL «Df REVIVAL+
consumed with his view and his version of things.
Eventually, the everchanging creature grows tired of the Quah-Namog stands and chants on the base of Tenebrous's
PCs and moves on, wandering the surface of the dead god. brow, right between his master's eyes. Around him lie the sac-
rifices he's made to complete his enchantment and power the
ritual. The priest has destroyed a book of e.ra/ted deeds, a mace
of disruprio11, a holy sword, a talisman of pure good, and a
Quah-Namog believes that he can bring Tenebrous back from white robe of rlre arcl1magi. He's also slain three poor elves who
the dead. It happened before: it can happen again. Using the were his enemies back on his prime-material home world.
Wand of Orcus as a focus, the priest begins chanting, making
up a ritual as he goes along. (Not surprisingly, he couldn't find Before 1·uu. 011" l'l\I' 111'/ll't <'II ru t1 11 itlr. ~lr11//011 /J/T\,
an established method of bringing a god back to life.) Quah- H1111d;, 1/u· rn/ pnrq 1·011 c11co11111c1t"d 111 Aq111/11011. T/11\
Namog plans to culminate his improvisational ceremony by 111 11\ll'd \1111/\/i11111d. 11t'Cl(111111111H·fi11t'r\' l'Oll\i\t\ 11[ '10111' 11111/
casting a resurrection spell that he has on a scroll. \lrnJI, \1111119 rirroH /11\ />arc, clwq, /1/ood-1wl l11t•cc/11·, c111•1 r-
The priest is encouraged by the fact that his spellcasting 111q Iii\ lt'f/\, a11tl 11 black cloak jlu11cr111g in u11 b11a/ IJ1t'<'ll'

+ 121 +
Hi~ ltlatl ;, acfomul 11•11/1 tilt' ,k11/l of ti lrorn,·d Jro"e - 11111\t S11d111'11k ct·c·1ytl1111r1 gro11' blurry. t111d y11L1 /1a1·c· tire
like/\ Cl uimom Tiu pric ~t lrolth ui<!fi tilt' Wand 11/ Orm~ i11 11 r/I k11111111 ~c11~ati1111of111aqical trc111\portatio11. IH [{you
11111 lw1ul u11d 1111 1111mllcd 'crol/ in tlrt• other. 11 <It' 1clrJ'11rt('I/ Ull'fl,\'. A_Jtcr '' ft'll' scrn111h. the• 11·nrld rtfnm1\
Am1111d l1i111, J'll!I<' ri1111NI {mm a qo/dc11 book""' 111"ed t1ro1111d \'"" 7/re \CCII<''' fa111i/i11r - l1ut u11bclic1·11b/C'.
t1/Jn11t 111 tltl' ltl}lll ll'i111l. Rr11k1'11 hit' nf u11k11n11·11 111'111\ 1111d Yt1u \lfl111/ 111 tlw Cit) 1~( Do1Jr\, yet \n111d11111• you rcali1c
11•rnpull\ /1t· at ltb {it·t Hut 11111'1 lwrri/1/c oj 11/1. thn'<' dead tlrnt 1011 'l'r' a/\o l>t'1'11 rn1111111/tc1/ in tu tl1c Ji1111rc. Tilt' hurg vou
l1111111111111d fiq11rc' \f/1'1111'1 hc[nrc Iii<'< lw11t1111111nc,t, t'I iH'1'1- 1111u· k11c11• 'u well l1a' become a clranicl lru11H'. Bodie'\ lay
a1cd. 'l/11 \ tlflpt•tir tu lw cfrn. ~trrn·11 abu111 'tlt'<'f\ n•d ll'lfli hlu11d. 1\11d in the micldlc of tilt'
< am119r /\ a qy/rt that make' \'Our mind red.

+ Show the players Illo N (on page 176). I 1111(/c. blr>atcd, jic11dl\h Jig11re - tire 1·ery god ll'lrosc
h11dy \'1111 wa/kc1/ llflllll in the• 1rlro-k11011•\-lr011'-di\tont pa\t -
If Quah-Namog sees the PCs approach, he quickens the '11111r/, 1111wl a 1111111/icr 11{ ,fain fl)e\. You \I'<' a111011q these
pace of the ritual by skipping right to the final portion - the c'<llJl'l' great /Jc•rng' tl'llll.\<' image·, once decorated trmpll'
use of the resurrection scroll. But the spell takes 10 rounds to 11111"· /1•11,, flror, !'11/at/1111•, M\'!>tra, a11d more. ,\lost inc:rcdi-
cast, and the PCs likely reach the priest in a round or two. /111• of all. 1/ie mm-lrt't1clt'il _fiend lwJcJ, abnr•c• lri\ It earl the /a\t
Under normal circumstances, Quah-Namog wouldn't have of Im r11r1111r,, Jrer lwdy hrokflr and !>11ggi11g:
much chance of success. n1c· Lmly of Pain.
But the current circumstances are far from normal. Re- 'i1111I " dl'ad. The 11111/111·er\t' /1d1111t/\ to Tcnc/Jmu\.
member, the half-ogre's standing on the body of the being
that he's trying to resurrect - not to mention the fact that the + Show the players Illa 0 (on page 176).
being in question was a powerful, evil deity. Somehow, on
some level, Tenebrous gets involved. Naturally, this scene isn't real. The PCs are still on the
Astral, still on Tenebrous's body. But some spark that yet
flares within the rocky corpse has reached outward and, on a
subconscious level, altered the perceptions of the heroes
Before the PCs can do anything to disrupt the reading of the (much as the visages did in the past). 'Course, many canny
resurrection scroll, they find themselves seemingly trans- bloods will realize that this horrid scene can't be real, and the
ported to another location. Rule of Threes dictates why. First of all, a body can enter Sigil
only through a portal - no other means of magical trans-
portation works. Second, gods can't get into the Cage, so Zeus
and the others couldn't possibly lie at Tenebrous's feet. And If the heroes prevent the resurrecrio11 spell from being cast,
third, the Lady can't be beaten in a simple brawl. the unreal vision of Sigil fades from their senses, and they
Nonetheless. the sight is disturbing. Cuuers that uy to re- find they' re still on the Astral Plane. (Remember, they still
sist the perception must make a saving throw ve rsus spel l. have any wou nds suffered in the battle.) But now they're
Even if they're successful, they don't break through the mind- floating in the middle of the Silver Void, with Quah-Namog
pcel - it is generated by a power. after all - but they do per- and the rocky corpse of Tenebrous nowhere in sight. Bashers
ceive a bit of the true reality. They can hea r Quah-Namog making an In telligence check realize that they haven't moved
casting the resurrection spell, and a successful spellcraft pro- - this is where the dead god was just moments ago.
ficiency check lets them realize that the scroll will take 10 No atte mpt to find Tenebrous on the Astral is successful.
rounds lo read. What's more, the Guardian of the Dead Gods isn' t around to
All they have to do is disrupt the casting of the spell. But answer quest ions to satisfy mortal curiosities. The PCs are left
it ain't as easy as all thac. As the heroes perceive their current with yet another mystery.
surroundings, the priest 's hiding in a nearby building while
he reads the scroll. And they've got to find him before they
can stop him. A successful Intelligence check is required to
follow the sound of Quah- Namog's voice, and the degree of Even if the PCs don 't tell anyone abo ut thei r experiences,
success determines how long it takes to locate him. eventually a planewalker passi ng through the Astral notices
Here's how to figure it: Determine the margin by which the tha t the corpse of Tenebrous (or Orcus, if that's the name by
PC made the check. Then subtract that number from 10. The re- which the berk knows him) has vanished. And once he starts
sult is how many rounds it takes to find Quah-Namog's hiding rattling his bone-box, the news spreads quickly throughout
spot. For example, if a character with an Intelligence of 13 rolls Sigil. Sure, the true fate of the deity's left for the graybeards
a check of9 (a difference of 4), he's able to follow the voice and to debate and the peery to worry about. but plenty of folks
find the priest in 6 ( 10 minus 4) rounds. have their own opinions. Thus, whether the heroes brag about
If several bashers make successful Intelligence checks, their exploits or keep silent, they eventually hear some of the
they use the best result (in other words, the least number of following chant making the rounds of the Cage:
rounds) to determine how long they race around Sigil before
finding Quah-Namog. Note that PCs who failed to sec through + The last effort put forth by Tenebrous (the altered per-
the altered perception don't get to make the required Intelli - ception of Sigil) was a fi nal. desperate gamble. Since it
gence checks to find the priest - they believe in the real ity of didn't work, Tenebrous was completely consumed and
the scene and don 't hear his voice at all. is go ne forever.
When the heroes find the building that Quah-Namog's
hiding in, though, their troubles really begin. Tenebrous throws • Quah-Namog had a contingency plan. Tenebrous is still
down the Lady's broken body and goes after the party. Because dead, but his corpse has been hidden away whi le the
the berk isn't real - and because the true Tenebrous is the one priest plots to bring him back again.
creating the current scene - the PCs can't hurt "faux Tene-
brous" in any way. But each round, he can strike at and auto- + The Wand of Orcus itself intervened. It destroyed.
matically hit one character, inflicting 4d 10 points of damage. saved, or permanen tly changed Tenebrous.
Unfortunately, these wounds are rea l and lasting - they won't
disappear when the altered perception eva porates. + The god never really died at al l. Sure, his fi rst death (as
With time at such a premium, the best strategy is for one Orcus) was real enough, but he returned (as Tenebrous)
PC lo slip into the building where Quah-Namog hides, wh ile the imbued wi th negative energy. Thus, when he fell again
rest hold off the Abyssal lord (as best they can, anyway). Inside to the Astral, that energy kept him undead. Quah-
the building, the PCs spy the scene they first observed when Namog's efforts weren't enough to resurrect him fully.
they climbed up to Tenebrous's brow: Quah - Namog, sur- but they sufficed 10 restore Tenebrous to his shadowy
rou nded by sacrifices, holding the Wand of Orcus, casting a near-power state.
spell from a scroll. Any successful strike aga inst the
priest - or any other majo r disruption
of his reading - stops the spell.
If the cutters didn't see through the altered vision of Sigil
or didn't find Quah-Namog in time, the priest completes
his spell of resurrection. But the multiverse doesn't
suddenly come to an end. Instead, Quah-Namog and
the corpse of Tenebrous simply vanish (as described
above), and the heroes're left floating on the Astral.

Is Tenebrous truly back among the livi ng? Who knows. doubt killed many, many others of lesse r importance. For
berk - can a mortal really resurrect a god? No one knows the months afterward, chant spreads of other gods and beings of
dark of it, but the chant's still the same (again, as above). The
power supposedly slain. Most rumors prove to be nothing but
graybeards debate the screed, and the peery - and the canny screed. Still, the Athar gain support from the widespread be-
- watch for the power's return. lief that the powers're more vulnerable and less godlike than
How will the return of Tenebrous affec t a PLAN ESCAPE previously thought.
ca mpaig n? To answer that question. the Dungeon Master When Kiaransalee discovers that Tenebrous was Orcus,
must decide two things. First, did the resurrecrion spell restore
she's said to be driven to the brink of barminess with para-
Tenebrous to full power or to some lesser state? Second, is the
noia. She begins fortifyi ng her realm against what she fears
restored Wand of Orcus j ust as strong as the original, or is it
(fo r many years afterward) will be the inevitable coming at-
weaker - or perhaps just a totally powerless symbol? If both tack by her old foe.
Tenebrous and the wand have regained their full might, well, Yggdrasil heals its wounds; the visages are gone and do
sooner or later all hell breaks loose on the planes (for details,
not return. The portal leading from the tree to Ranais closes,
refer to "If Tenebrous Arri ves," at the end of the previous however, cut ti ng the people of Crux off from not only their
chapter). ancestral homeworld but the Cage as well. The tree-burg re-
mains a central crossroads on the World Ash, Veridis Mov still
its leader and protector.
+ Af+£RmA+H + Tcian Sumere disappears, though no one knows if it's
been destroyed or simply moved. However, the portal fo un d
Whether or not Tenebrous returns to life, the multiverse has in the temple on Ranais is definitely gone - in fact, the whole
undergone a number of changes as a result of his nefa rious temple vanishes along wi th it.
plan - and will continue to deal with the reper- War continues to grip the Vault of the
cussions for some time to come. Drow. With Kiaransalee's attention fo-
Here's the fin al list of powers slain cused elsewhere, the tide turns against
by Tenebrous, along with the House of Torm tor and its al-
aftereffects. lies, making a Lolth-free Vault
and a githyanki outpost un-
Bwimb, GE9NE? likely.
Baron of the HE CAffiE BACK . BERK. Pelion and Pandemo-
Paraelemental nium see little change. The
Plane of Ooze. As a result, Last Spire and the Chamber of
a minor power struggle oc-
Secrets become even more ob-
curs on the Plane of Ooze, but - TARSHfVA L$NGRfACH scure. until virtually no one in
most folks pay it little heed. the multiverse re-
members they
Primus, ruler of the ever ex isted. The
modrons. He's Cynosure contin-
quickly replaced by a ues to nourish, and the
promoted secundus. show goes on ....

Maanzecorian, illirhid god of secrets. llsensine

now becomes the unquestioned supreme deity of the PL.AYER CH.AR.A.C+ER
mind flayers.
The heroes ea rn a bit of fame from having played a part in
Tomeri, goddess of wisdom and love. Her death is felt opposing Tenebrous. enough to net them respect, job offers.
most heavily on the Prime. where the bulk of her and perhaps even rewa rds from concerned parties. If they
human worshi pers dwell. managed to ensure that Tenebrous stayed dead, the Dungeon
Master should also grant each PC bonus experience points -
Camaxtli, god of fate. As with the death of Tomeri, the exactly enough to gain one level. This XP is in addi tion to
Prime suffers the most. Chant holds that Quetzalcoatl, whatever the characters gained during the course of the ad-
head of the pantheon to which Camaxtli belonged, has venture.
sworn vengeance against the murderer and vowed to Fame is fleeting, however, and nowhere is this more true
search the planes until he's found. than on the planes, where there's always new chant, new he-
roes. and new tales. The planewalkers should enjoy the atten-
Nek rotheptis Skorpios (proxy of Set) and Ev reth (proxy tion while it lasts but prepare to get on with their lives after-
of the unknown gods of Pelion) also fell, and Tenebrous no ward.

"uoocl 111•11i11q. l\l'lcuml' /U r/rc l b1q111rou~ Wa\-
]11 10. u here rlic hub com1 s chmp {II/If rlzt·ll/ll'T \till
the , • ll'cll 1w11•r 111 1111/. You 'I'<' 11rol>r1blv lii·rwl tlrat
.1okt· alrc11cl\'.
·"Iullitjht I'd l1k1 to \lop 1/r1· 11111\ll' .ft1r ti li11k u /rift' 1111tl tdl all yvu 11oocl
ji1/h t1 w/c. 511rc "" '>rgr/. rt\" g/ro,t ''ol) - ti talc of n l1t11111trd drrinlr But 110
1111·rc• 1111q11i1 I 111ur1t1/ ~prrrt lie11111h tlrt' plcu <': 111\tcnd. 1!1t• r /run Ir froid' the
t''c11c1 ofa fo1qo111·11 gud. I qut·H llrat make' this a qod 'tory. /1\
a raft· 11{ clc1 01ir111 a111i be m1wil. of /111 <' and Irate. of pa"ion amt
AK de c11/i . Hur r11011ql1 oj Ill) mtt/111q bu11r bo.r. 011 to tlw stul)
T DU TI W .. /<I lllt' bt!Jill /11· ~ayi111/ . . . ..

The old church had stood for longer
than anyone
could remem-
ber. It was less
a measure of
time's passing than
of the fragility of mor-
tal memory: Truth was, no one
could recall when it had actually been built The old, nondescript stone building
had but one story, a sagging roof, and a few dirty, soot-stained windows. It was
the sort of place that most folks just walked right by every day and never paid
any heed - especially in the Cage, where far more interesting sights than the
surrounding architecture constantly demand a body's attention.
When some enterprising basher bought up the land around the area and
proposed to knock down the church, no one protested. Most folks hadn·t even
realized that it was there until the workmen came to knock it down. People
paused for a moment to watch as burly men with hammers brought down the
EV EN +HE GEB DS walls stone by stone, then shrugged and moved along. Perhaps they scowled at
AR E N' + 1mm u NE the noise. but they realized it wouldn't take very long to demolish a building as
+EB +R AG E DY. small as the church. Maybe they even noticed that a dabus or two watched the
destruction, but it wasn't strange to see the dabus interested in something like
BE++eN GUIL. that, was it?
APet:+ All seemed normal until folks heard the chant spreading quickly through
the Lower Ward: The workmen tearing down the old church had all disappeared.
Naturally, when something bad happens, the first thing berks want to do is
place the blame. Sure enough, folks pointed fingers everywhere. A dozen bash-
ers who swing hammers for a living don't disappear everyday, and they don't
get scragged without a ruckus, either. Some said that fiendish slavers had taken
the men for dark work on the Lower Planes. Others claimed that a faction was
responsible, though it was always the enemy of the claimant that was suppos-
edly guilty. A very brave (or foolish) few blamed the dabus that they'd seen in
the vicinity.
Suddenly, the denizens of the Lower Ward started asking questions they'd
never bothered - or thought - to voice before. "Whose church was that?"
"What power or faith was it dedicated to? .. "Who had worshiped there?" "Where
were the priests?" Rumors wormed their way into the chant that secretive, dark
cultists had used the church to sacrifice the workers to an evil god. And a few
particularly top-shelf thinkers wondered why no one knew anything about this
church - and why nobody thought that very fact was curious in and of itself.

• 126 +
The Harmonium, always
alert to disruptions of community peace,
sent in a team of investigators to examine the area
for clues and keep gawkers and addle-coves away. They
claimed it was their responsibility to keep folks safe and
catch the evil culprits who'd perpetrated the crime. Others
said they got involved so quickly because the man who'd
ordered the demolition work was a high-up in the faction. 'Course, it wasn't dif-
ficult to convince folks to stay away after the Hardhead investigators also disap-
peared without a trace.
Now people were scared, and that brought even more attention to the whole situation.
A Sensate named Ytyrgi Hammersmitt (Pl/ o human/BJ/Society of Sensation/CG) was drawn to
the area, hoping to record some new experience for the Sensorium. Vtyrgi was the first cutler to notice
the stones.
In the ruin of the half-demolished building, he saw five stones that the workmen had obviously been
unable to destroy. These large standing stones projected upward from deep within the ground, and the
walls of the church had seemingly been built on or around them. Once the stones were pointed out, it was
clear to everyone that the megaliths were older and of a different composition than the walls around
them. Again, folks wondered why no one had noticed this before.
The Athar closed off the area. claiming it was a "religious hazard." The Harmonium agreed about the
danger, although they made no comment on the pamphlets that the Athar disseminated - tracts that de-
scribed the obvious threat that temples posed when they were built within a community. Tensions rose
when a band of Signers demanded (and were refused) entrance to the half-ruined church. The Athar an-
nounced that the entire area would be demolished as soon as chey could determine a safe way to level the
place. The Signers protesced and continued to insist on their right to enter the church, although they
would not say why or for what purpose.


Centuries - or perhaps millennia - ago, the last worshipers of a faded religion traveled onto the Astral
Plane to seek the body of their deity, long since fallen into the eternal sleep of a god's death. In a final act
of devotion, they stood upon the stony god-isle and, with great ritual and solemn reverence, cut it into
pieces. Once finished, the worshipers brought the pieces of the god 10 Sigil, the City of Doors, and used
them to erect a monument to the former power: the five standing stones. The devotees themselves drifted
into obscurity (and ultimately the dead-book).
Eventually, people forgot what the monument was and what it had represented. The energy around
the monument was still quite evident, and so adherents of another (now equally forgotten) religion built a
temple around the standing stones. incorporating them into the new church structure itself. As time
passed, the second faith also died and slipped away out of memory.
The church stood vacant for hundreds of years. until the area came into the possession of Cruigh
Manathas (Pr/ o human/0-level/Harrnonium/LG), a blood of great wealth and influence. When he bid his
workmen to tear the place down, they encountered the power of the standing stones and were absorbed
into them. The Harmonium investigators were likewise drawn into the stones (see Part Three for details).
Now, both the Athar and a group of Signers have tumbled to a modicum of truth about the stones.
The Defiers're determined to see the church and the stones (and therefore the remnants of the god) de-
stroyed. The Signers - or rather. a hidden cabal within the Signers - want to attempt to restore the god
right here in Sigil to prove their own "imagining" power and philosophy supreme. What neither side real-
izes is that they've been manipulated into connict by a cutter with a very old grudge. Perhaps unlocking
the mysteries of the stones is the only means to avert disaster.


The factions have been played for rubes. A clever fighter named Argesh Fiord has been controlling the sit-
uation from the beginning, and his motivation is nothing less than war between the Signers and the
Athar. Years ago, Argesh was a member of the Sign of One. When his wife, a priestess of Bast, was killed
by a barmy Athar, neither the Signers nor the Athar did anything about it. Feeling betrayed by both fac-

+ 127 +
characters, abbreviated stat lines appear after their names,
right in the text.
"Into the Light" uses the factions heavily, and it takes
pl ace entirely in the Ciry of Doors, th ough this fact might
seem questionable in Part Three. The DM shou ld be familiar
with the fac tions as presented in the PLANESCAPE Campaign
SeTting boxed set. The Facto/'s Manifesto (2611) expands on
tions, Argesh hunted the this information, though that book isn't essential for this ad-
crazed priestkiller on his own venture.
and put him in the dead-book. Both factions have long since It's important that neither the Sign of One nor the Arha r
forgotten the entire incident - but Argesh remembers. be depicted as "the bad guys," even if the PCs end up pitted
In his youth, Argesh had been an explorer, the kind of against them. No faction should ever be ponrayed as all bad,
berk who poked into old ruins to scavenge worthwhile mater- all good. always ri gh t, o r always wrong. Ultimately, each
ial or just to see what was there. He'd explored the nameless group is at times both friend and foe, good and evil, right and
church, and with the help of an ancient journal. managed to wrong. When examined as a whole - from the perspective of
uncover the dark of the standing srones. It was his greatest the entire planar sening - the factions should always be far
find and his greatest secret. He kepr quiet, knowing that the more than simply villains or benefactors.
knowledge he'd gained would come in handy one day. He was Like all good PLANESCAPE adventures, "Into the Light" has
right. no cut-and-dri ed ending. Though the mystery of the standing
After his wife died, Argesh secretly purchased the land stones is probably solved by the ride's end, big questions are
on which the old church stood. Not long after. he faked his still left un answered - perhaps more important questions
own death and in his will bequearhed the land to a Harmo- than those raised by the mystery itself.
nium merchant with whom he was mildly acq uainted -
Cruigh Manathas, the first gully in an elaborate peel.
Meanwhile, Argesh took on a false identity and made
contact with a disgruntled Signer, an enchanter named Mha- While the two adven tures in Dead Gods can be played sepa-
vor. Argesh subtly convinced Mhavor that the key to Signer rately, the DM can also insert the three parts of "Into the
power was indeed to raise a god from the dead, and that the Light" into the cou rse of "Out of the Darkness." Thus, the
Signer who succeeded would most certa inly be the greatest of episodes of "Into the Light" become a subplot of the more epic
them all (perhaps even the One). Argcsh knew that once he'd quest, breaking up the intense focus of that dangerous chal-
heard enough, Mhavor would eagerly leap at the chance to lenge with a very different kind of adventure.
lead a group of Signers into the church. All he needed then The fl owchart on the inside back cover of the book shows
was for the Athar to oppose the anempt. the recommended method for combining the two adventures.
Argesh timed things perfectly. Just when Cruigh made For more info rm atio n, refer to the Introduction section of
the mystery of the church public, Argesh fed both Mhavor's "Out of the Darkness."
Signers and the Athar the chant that an actual dead god lay
inside. The clash was inevitable - and best of all, whoever
won and went inside the ch urch would fall prey to the stand-
ing stones' power. Argesh could just sit back and wa tch. Part One of "Into the Light" occurs before "Out of the Dark-
ness" begins. The PCs first hear of the situation at the church,
and they' re sent by a neutral fact ion or interested party to
+PREPARING fEDR PLAY+ find out the dark of it. During their investigation, they run
into numerous other folks trying to ferret out the same infor-
"Into the Light" is a PLANESCAPE® adve nture fo r characters of mation.
virtually any level, since it involves very liule combat and fo- Part Two takes place when the adventurers first return to
cuses on detective work and problem-solving skills. The ad- Sigil afte r their ordeals on Yggdrasil (right after Chapter Ill of
venture is a companion to the larger quest in this book, "Out "Out of the Darkness"). The conflict between the Signers and
of the Darkness, .. and can be played together with it or as a the Athar comes to a head, and th e cutters must help to
separate scenario. soothe tensions before the clash evolves into full-blown fac-
Although a few maps appear throu ghout the text, the tion wa r.
poster sheet contains one additional map showing the inside After Chapter VIII of "Out of the Darkn ess," the PCs're
of the old church and the va rious locat ions visited in Pan drawn back into Part Three of "Into the Light." Argesh Fiord
Three. To see this large map, the DM should unfold the poster finally makes his move, and the heroes discover the mystery
sheet all the way. of the church, experience a dead god's memories. and hope-
As with "Out of the Darkness," full statistics for major fully are wise enough to resolve the matter once and for all.
players in the adve nture appear in the Appendix. For minor

• 128 +
/1 5< 1 mt d to \ 1111 sir tli11t tlrr bcqi11m11q II ll5 al11 a1'
1/r lwrtl1 \l part \t 1/1t IJ<C/111111111/, a hvd1 111•111
brn11' 1 I \ fort'<'' 11 all tlic 1011010 cn111111q1·11
It\ I\ ,,,, ~trk\ 11110/1td d11HllllCll1111q1111( lflt'Utd!
llmmp/1 V11Jic11/1 e11' 11 10 1111ag111r.

I L /1r 1/10ug/11 to /11msc/f. Tilr 11ddlc-co1 t'5

/rr 'd bcr111fioa/111y 11'11/i m11/cl br /1'd about
/1k1 c111/tlrrn - 110. /1k1 t111111wls. A bod1•
JllSI 11ccdrd to st11d1 tlr1'1r 11 r ak11rs'c'
and 1'11 n r.1 plo11 t/11 m. And ll'lro had
111011• 11t11lrn1 " ' ' t/1011 tlrt srlf rn1l1tcous , pumu11u1 fac·t1011\ tlit1t /11·1 111 tl1t licc-
111/t ~111/ lw/1 11/ t11C •r \r U 1111pn,1•d Caye?

hq1 ,/, klrl'll' Ire fwd 1111t/1111i1 lo 11 orr1· 11bo111.


Faction politics and the intrigues of the city's high-ups may or may not catch
the attention of the heroes, but in this particular case, it doesn't matter much. A
factor or agent summons the characters and makes them an offer they shouldn't
refuse. A number of possibilities are presented below, but no matter how PCs be-
come involved, the DM can then run "Leaming the Chant" to bring them up to
If desired, the DM can let the heroes find out the background (given
in the Introduction) on their own. Then they can dig up the information in
"Leaming the Chant" and follow the clues according to their own motivations.
IS VENGEANCE. Naturally, when two factions clash, the rest want to know
NEB mA++ER what's going on. The DM might select an agent from the faction of a par-
HE&W DlfFICUL+. ticularly loyal character. a faction that has helped the PCs in the past, or
simply one that the cuners're likely to help. If the heroes have no partic-
ular ties, the Fated make fine sponsors - they like to know the dark of
everyone else's business so they can exploit it to their own ends. (It's
- ARGESH fl ED RD strongly recommended that the hiring faction not be the Athar or the
Signers, as this would drastically change the adventure.)

In this case, the PCs likely won't know the identity of

their employers - or why they want chant on the church. Literally any-
one might be interested in the matter, from prosperous merchants in the
Great Bazaar to proxies of various powers to the arcanaloth chant-broker
Shemeshka the Marauder.

The owner of the church property hires the PCs to in-

vestigate the whole thing. In this scenario, however, Cruigh would be
more suspicious of the Signers and Athar, rather than just scared of the
church (see "Cruigh Manathas,- later in Part One). He wants to know why
they're fighting over his land, wondering if he's the owner of something
more valuable than he'd first thought.

+HE <"'"A +
In this encounter, the agent selected by lhe DM summons
the characters. Since the DM chooses the agent's employer
to fit the campaign, he should also work out the details re-
garding this individual.
The envoy greets the PCs and treats them to whatever form of refreshment
they request. Throughout their meeting, he's extremely generous and accommodat-
ing, showing the heroes respect and courtesy. Eventually. the talk moves on to the business
at hand:

"//tn·\1/i clwlll Wcm/011th1 \llltl\lllt\tllllc.llfu \tm" 11 •I /1\fl/11 rc I 111 11111111/011\

tit llll\ mm11t·111. /\/or1. 0/11 Wll\/\, 11 '' \OTI 11/ tl11111111c Clrf\ 11 111 1 111 111 1 11 1•111 r, It 1 1u 1111 111 /1 I\ II\ 11/t
\\II\ "''" tlwr\ 11111 llcn111r1/1lt·. /lun· ' ' "" 11 It '111111 r \l/1/nc111r111 1111111,,111 i/111nl1 111 t/1t 101111
Ward hut 11 'r1111\ 1111l1hl1 tlrat rnd1 r 1'1111l/ .1•1rl111n 1ol1 '"''' r l " 11 1/11, d1q11 c
"~o. la rr ' t l1t tlw I l\c 11 a Ill \ 011 Ill pt h tlr<llllhl o 111111 pa 1 t 0111 r ''' II' t l1t ri11l11 µ1111 t ' · 11111/ /irrrl
•JUI 11'1rn1\ rrr Ill /111pp1·1111111 h /1111, 1 \ \Oii r I'' 11 1. I < '' 1 /11 I 111 11 111 It J.1111r1r1, lie 11/t\ 11
I 11/t Ct/.'

At this point, the PCs probably have a few questions. The representative answers them as best he can.

Why us? ' 1 en \t111plt'. I rn~J'' 11 111111 """< 1l1111q t11q , , Im 1 "!l y, 11 Ih /11111 It 1 1 '""" J 11k
II ((rt''· l'\(' ca11 't \( 11d l/11\ 11/ I llT '"'"'' , fll/1 I,, 11111 ~1111 ti \ Ill 11'1111 ,,,, n \ /()(I 111111 /1
of 11 clu11u t rlw1 u t 'cl be 111111l1rn1td cmd I'"'''I 11110 tli• 111111/1 11 o' 1111, ~111 1/ 1111 l\11
I 11, 11 dr11q<1r
gatw11rrl/Ulfl~11 tlduntc· w11c/1 I/ \011'11 wu ft do111q '""·ll/11111 1/wt 111 1/1111 t 11·11111 tc• /11 /111~1 I 111 11 II
t/<111• 11:1~ 0111n• c·o111 t rH11t1111 u "' U« urru/ l\c II /r11\ u ir ltm 111 1111 c 11111111 w11 111/1 1 11 Y1111 rt 111
wur 011•11 - but tlwt's 11 /11 wr'fl' i/111111 111111 /""kt'' 111 1/1 1111t 1"1 t 1t J'
What's this about a church? l'I" ru11h . 1/1t•n '1 < ht'ru belongs to the secret subgroup. Funher, the Signers want to
5 rrr// \c/1rtlul1 cl Ill /1 Wm know if the Athar have any information, and what they're
dou 11 111 r/1< Lou u l'\{/lc/ 7/ic A1/111r lllllt rcn 111/1 rnrrot111dcd planning to do with the church.
//11\ pie ct' / 11•n11clc1 /1011 1/1l 011•rwr of tire /'"'fll'rl\ fu+•
ab11111 t/1111? H111 1w11• rnddc11lr. ~01111 '>1q11c·r~ 111c· tlcma11d11111
IO 1/l I '"· Nu 0111' k111111·~ 1dm" • fAC+IEDN cemPE+l+IEDN.
Any other leads? "' t111c. \ /w,/1< r 1111me1I l/uft'qcr The faction or high-up that hires the PCs isn't the only one in-
u 111rof1/1t \l/wr /um\ out he\ n terested in the sicuation. Mhavor's Signer subgroup and the
all\ an l\11an /mr /Ir 11 "' rrcwrf\ fu1111d 0111. am/ tlu 11 /10/c Athar are intimately involved, and once they discover (inde-
1/1111q " " ' pnfl) p11/Jl11, \U rl1c /JOO/ ~od\ da\'\ o/ 111fi/1ru1w11 pendently, of course) berks poking into their affairs, they both
llllC/111 bt /)J Cl for (/(1111/ . 111' Ill/ II {11< /IOll p111/Jal1/1 II 1111 I ffJI/( ,, commission folks to block investigations or stop the PCs. Sev-
/1111111011111/i Cl /(} {00/ po/t (ullh·,\ it\ (/Cl/ II \/ICll"/ll'llttl /IUllll eral other factions send in their own investigators, each with
1111ll1r met}, Ill least 1111t1/ 1'1c /Jear du~ do11 n. /111/1 ' ' ' r 1111ght their different orders and levels of interest. Some are potential
t 1w11 mnrt 11/Jor11 11 '1<11 1/1< 1\1'11 r arc up ro a11d II< ·~ qor 110 allies, but mosc (sadly) are more likely rivals and even enemies.
fr w/11 to rhrm . .
The agent doesn't know much more about the situation.
He offers each character 200 gp, plus a bonus of 200 more if The Sign of One - or, more correctly, a subgroup of Signers -
they get the information back to him within a week and he is one of the main factions mixed up in this adventure. Mha-
thinks they've done a thorough job. Once they've been lanned vor's secret subgroup started the trouble by trying to break
to the chant, they should come directly to him, but not before into the church. Meanwhile, the rest of the faction waits to
they're ready with the total picture. He wants to know the big hear the chant from their agent - the one who hired the PCs.
"why," and he wants details. Pretty simple. The Signer involvement's a little complicated. See,
Here's the dark of this conversation, though: The agent Argesh Fiord's dupe Mhavor used to be a member of the Will
hiring the player characters is actually an infiltrator working of the One, a splinter group of the Signers that had been ris-
for the Sign of One. He's been told by his high-ups that a ing in prominence due to the machinations of its leader, the
group within his own faction is involved water genasi Prisine. However, that group's recent upheaval
with the situation at the church, but and embarrassment (for particulars, see the adventure Doors
the rest of the Signers don't know ro the Unknown (2626]) had brought on censure from the
what they're up to, or even who Signers' Factol Darius. Besides, Mhavor felt that Prisine's
obsession with
bringing back
the dead god
Aoskar was
just too dan-
gerous and
sial. (For
more infor-
mation on
Prisine and
the Will of the
One, consult
Uncaged: Faces of
Sigil (2624].)
Mhavor left the Will of
the One to form his own
secret splinter group, the
Way of the One.
The DM should
note that splinter
groups such as the
Will of the One and the
Way of the One are
still considered part
of the Signer faction. However, they follow their own agendas the troubleshooters aren't beyond using force. Fact is, by the
that sometimes conflict with the faction's overall goals. The end of the scenario, they'll probably resort to that anyway.
highly individualistic nature of the Sign of One's philosophy
inspires many such subgroups. $+1-'fR fAC+1$NS
When Mhavor's secret group of Signers finds out that
people are looking into their business, they hire an assassin to The headings below describe the other factions' reactions to
put an end to the intruders' inquiries. These aren't evil bash- the disturbance at the church, as well as any cutters they as-
ers (for the most pan), but they're desperate to carry out their sign to invescigate the matter.
plan - and secrecy is imperative. The Way of the One ap-
points the half-elf Gremmith Mi ro the case.
Once assigned, the wizard-assassin stalks and anempts to The Godsmen don't become involved except to caution their
put the PCs (or other investigating NPCs) into the dead-book. Athar allies to remain calm and cry to find a peaceful solution
Gremmith is a short, overweight man who abhors physical to the situation. It's not entirely an altruistic stance - their own
exercise. combat, and even contact with other folks. He uses headquarters, the Great Foundry, lies near the seat of the con-
only spells or his magical blowpipe to attack. He won't be flict, and they don't want to be drawn into someone else's war.
hired, however, unless the investigators (including any of the
NPCs) attract the attention of the Signer group.
It's up to the DM to determine if the assassin is hired and "Who cares?" sums up the faction's view nicely. 'Course,
when he strikes. But Gremmith probably won't become in- that's how they view almost everything, so a body shouldn't
volved until the PCs confront the Signer known as Elchis (in be too offended by their apathy. Individual Bleakers might get
the "Secret Meetings" encounter, lacer in Part One). involved out of simple curiosity.

A mystery surrounding an abandoned church doesn't seem to
The Athar's side of the story is fairly simple: They just want to be the kind of thing to promote entropy. but the Doomguard
keep everyone out of the church. They're assembling a team want to explore the possibility nonetheless. Lari Chant-Finder,
of wizards to examine the place. but that'll take some time. a githzerai thief, volunteered to check it out. As her nickname
Meanwhile, che Lost (with the Harmonium's backing) have suggests, Lari's able to find the dark about any subject, given
authority over the area. enough time. Physically unremarkable, she blends into a
Now, the Athar know that the situation has aroused the crowd well, which is one of the keys to her success. Lari
curiosity of a lot of berks. Therefore, they've assigned a group knows a great many folks throughout the City of Doors and
of "troubleshooters" (five 5th-level fighters) to divert anyone has a good, intuitive feel for finding the right bloods and ask-
poking their noses into the business. Like the Signer assassin, ing them the right questions.
these cutters stay in the background until someone actively
starts prying into the affair at the church. Unlike the assassin,
however, the troubleshooters won't kill their foes. Instead, they Once they hear the rumors of a dead god, the Dustmen oppose
attempt to throw investigators off the track. The troubleshoot- the idea of Signers bringing the power back to life. If it's dead,
ers plant false leads, give the PCs bad chant under phony iden- then it's obviously gone to a higher plane of existence and
tities, and bribe real sources (like the people in the neighbor- shouldn't be dragged back. A Dustman or two might want to
hood of the church, including the folks at the Ubiquitous Way- investigate the rumored power's unique deceased state, but
farer) not to talk. They can be a great hindrance to anyone otherwise they're not interested.
seeking the needed information, but the PCs - if they're canny
- have a few chances to catch the troubleshooters' innuence
before it throws off their investigation. The Takers aren't specifically involved, but they watch the sit-
Traditionally, the troubleshooters pay a garnish of 10 gp uation closely to see which faction ends up being strong
to convince folks not to talk. If a PC offers more than this. enough to claim the church. In their minds, whoever holds it
most berks not only rattle their bone-boxes about what they has the right to keep it. As explained above, the Fated may
know, but they turn stag on the troubleshooters that bribed also be the faction that hires the PCs to look into the matter.
them in che first place. Also, peery cutters might tumble to the Remember, however, that the agent who hires the PCs also re-
fact that their contacts are lying. If a player stares that his ports back to the Sign of One.
character is suspicious about whether he's being told the
truth, allow the character a Wisdom check at - 4. If the check
is successful, the character sees through the lie. To the Guvners, anything unknown is just a mystery waiting
The DM should keep in mind thac while che croubleshoot- to be solved. To this end, they assign the human paladin Mal-
ers are good. they can't be everywhere and they can't spoil weis to investigate. The hasher's also sympathetic to the views
every lead. What's more, if a PC ever threatens one of them, of the Harmonium and the Mercykillers. so he's not likely to

133 ..
look k.indly on anyone suspected of breaking the law. He's as to events in the Cage. Therefore, they've hired the wind duke
direct and unsubtle as they come, especially since he wears a lvth Nanright to find out what the Signers are doing. Ivth's
ring of truth, but he's not without his own certain charm. known for getting results, which is why the Ciphers have faith
Malweis is tall, blonde, and handsome. He works alone. and in him. Unfortunately. the genasi is as evil and twisted as they
he won't give the PCs any help. since that might be consid- come. A small man, lvth has light blue sk.in and long white hair
ered turning stag on his own facrion. Nevertheless, he would that never seems to stop moving about, as though it were being
come to the PCs' aid (as he would help practically anyone) if blown by a chill wind. lvth employs four barghest minders and
he thought they were in danger. If Malweis determines a has 38 cranium rat spies throughout Sigil.
basher to be evil, however, the paladin shows him no mercy. This cruel basher uses any means to achieve his goals,
and he's not beyond murder, torture, or anything else. In fact,
lvth doesn't consider any act too low. Ivth is probably the
As usual, the lndeps encourage members of their faction to biggest threat to the PCs during the first part of the ride. If he
act as each individual sees fit. The faction has no overall re- finds out that the characters (or the other NPC groups) are
sponse to the situarion, although recent tensions between the looking for the same information that he's after, he plots and
Free League and the Harmonium may drive some lndeps to carries out their murders. He uses any method to hurt his foes
defy the Hardheads' dictates at every turn. - he'd even hold an innocent family member hostage to get
at a rival.
The barghests scay around lvth, although they're not al-
The Harmonium namer Cruigh Manathas owns the land that ways out in the open. They often hide in their canine forms. The
the church sits on, and he's the one who inadvertently began cranium rats work for lvth because he's good at ferreting out se-
this whole mess. After his workmen and then a Harmonium crets, and anything that he learns they know as well. (Sigil's
investigative team disappeared, the Hardheads were all too cranium rats have taken the idea that knowledge is power as
willing to agree with the Athar that the place was a hazard. their own credo.) For the moment, these creatures serve lvth un-
For the moment, they're letting the Athar watch over the conditionally. The rats spread out individually to destinations
church and they've simply stepped up the nearby patrols to picked by the genasi. observing what they can and then gather-
keep the peace. If things get out of hand, however (as may ing together again to increase their intelligence so they can
occur at the end of Part Two), the Harmonium takes stronger process the data and communicate it to their master.
measures ro guard the church and make sure thar no one gets The OM should remember that lvth is likely to kill those
in. he sees as competitors, and if he knows that he has such ri-
vals, he might kill any sources of chant he comes across as
well. The PCs should have ample opportunity to see the trail
The Red Death has more important things to do than watch of blood that he leaves. It might even serve the plot to have
over an ancient building. They're keeping tabs on the situa- the PCs discover either the paladin Malweis or Lari Chant-
tion through the Harmonium patrols, and though they're not Finder murdered by lvth's hand (after the PCs've encountered
currently involved, they'll appear right quick if rhey think the victim previously).
there's justice to be done.

Whatever. The Chaosmen do as they always do - anything,

There's no organized response from the Anarchists (go figure), nothing, and everything (sometimes all at once). It's about as
especially since they've just been exposed by the revelation of easy to predict what the Xaositects will do as it is to find an
Hulester's status as their spy among the Athar. They might honest man in Sigil.
very well want revenge on Hulester for his incompetence....

A Sensate'd probably say that there wasn't anything very in-

+ Tlmt: LINE EDf EVEN+S +
teresting about guarding a dusty old church - not much po- The time line below shows key events during the adventure,
tential for new experiences there. 'Course, who can ever tell srarting when the PCs begin their investigation. Thus, Day 3 is
what a Sensate might find fascinating? three days after they begin, Day 6 is six days after, and so on.
The Sensate Vtyrgi Hammersmin (the first one to notice Remember, rraipsing around a city the size of the Cage takes a
the sranding stones) continues 10 hang around the area, hop- good deal of time. The OM must track the heroes· movement
ing that something will happen to spark a new experience because it will become important 10 match their progress
that he can add to the Sensates' catalog of sensations. against that of their competition. If one of the NPCs reaches
an important source of information before the player charac-
ters do, the source might say something like, "That's funny, a
The Ciphers, though primarily involved with their own inner fellow was here last night asking me the same sorts of ques-
search for unity with the mulriverse, aren't complerely oblivious tions . . .... Confrontation with these competitors is highly rec-

ommended. The PCs should know that others are looking for Day 3 - Malweis interrogates sods at the Ubiquitous Way-
the chant, too. farer, but Hulester won't talk to him. Lari continues to in-
Only the activities of Malweis, Lari, and lvth are detailed; vestigate the Signers and Athar.
the time line shows which of the imponant avenues of inquiry Day 4 - Malweis talks with people around the neighborhood.
they reach each day. Once the assassin Gremmith Mi and the Lari continues to investigate the Signers and Athar; by
Athar troubleshooters become involved (as noted in the en- the end of Day 4, she knows that only a splinter group
counters below or as determined by the DM), the DM should of the Signers is involved, and even knows a few of
track their movements as well. their names. lvth questions folks in the Ubiquitous Way-
A map of the imponant areas of the lower Ward farer.
appears on page 129. Day 5 - Malweis talks with more sods around the neighbor-
hood. Lari attempts to get information out of the Athar
Day O - The PCs begin investigating. guards at the church, to no avail. lvch sends his rats to
Day I - Lari Chant-Finder begins to investigate the Signers the Shattered Temple.
and the Athar at their faction headquarters and else- Day 6 - Malweis continues to talk to folks around the neigh-
where. borhood. Lari interrogates sods in the Ubiquitous Way-
Day 2 - Malweis begins his investigation by trying to encer farer and the local neighborhood. lvth"s rats go to the
the church; he fails and just escapes wich his life. Lari Hall of Speakers, while Ivth himself goes to rhe Hall of
continues to investigate the Signers and Athar. lvth's cra- Records and then to talk to Cruigh Manathas.
nium rat agents begin scouring che church's neighbor- Day 7 - Malweis tries to get into the church again. Lari
hood. (Local folks notice this and begin talking about the speaks with Barmy Kank and Cruigh. lvth's rats go to the
sudden increase in cranium rats in the area.) church, while lvth attempts to capture one of the guards
there and tonure him for information.
+ THE RI Df + her while posing as one of the Athar, and his infatuation ru-
ined his cover. He lost all interest in his mission and focused
With its many characters, motivations, and treacheries, "Into his attentions on her. His is an unrequited love, however,
the Light" can be a complex adventure to run. But once the since he's never even had the courage (or perhaps the know-
DM has all the personae straight, he's ready to tackle the PCs' how) to approach her.
actions. Keep in mind that the cutters may take any of the Hulester won't spill his knowledge or even admit that he
courses of action described below in any order. Plus, they'll knows anything unless the PCs somehow bring he and Riaen
almost certainly try things not covered here. The DM has to together. 'Course, the berk'd never ask for that kind of help -
be ready for anything. he's content to simply watch Riaen in silence - but once the
The heroes probably start by finding the failed spy characters learn about his infatuation, they might come up
Hulester, but what they do next is entirely their choice. They with the plan on their own.
might investigate a number of supposedly fine prospects that Riaen wouldn't strike most berks as being the object of
turn out to be no help at all; fo r example, no libraries or someone's obsession. Years of hard work show in her face and
bookshops have any material on the church. The DM should hands, and she pulls her graying hair severely back from her
embellish and detail such potential leads without making it face so it doesn't interfere with her work. A simple frock
obvious that they're dead ends. Areas of investigation that stained with other people's bub drapes her stocky frame. Un-
prove fruitful are discussed below. fortunately for the PCs, she's never noticed Hulester and has
no interest in getting to know him. Only a persuasive talker
f! DING HU f~+i:R
could convince her even to come out from behind the bar.
If the PCs successfully bring the two together (which
Any number of sources can tell the PCs that Hulester (Pl/ o means introducing them and getting them past that initial
human/F JO/Revolutionary League/CN) spends his nights at a awkward stage), Hulester is so grateful that he tells the PCs
tavern called the Ubiquitous Wayfarer. A number of bashers what he knows about recent Athar activities:
can even give a verbal description of him - which is one of
the reasons he's out of work. The Anarchists don't have much The faction recently found out about a church Oust up
use or respect for a spy who's easily recognized as one of their the street, he points out) where folks have been disap-
own. pearing mysteriously. Almost immediately, the whole
The Ubiquitous Wayfarer is a prominent tavern in the faction mobilized to cordon the place off.
Lower Ward, not far from the old church. The three-story es-
tablishment is known as a friendly, safe place. Refer to the Other factions are involved, too. The Signers appar-
map on page 137. The bottom floor holds a taproom, kitchen, ently want into the church, but the Athar are willing to
and larder (the cel lar beneath stores nonfood items). The fight to keep them out. The Harmonium also have some
upper two floors contain rooms to let. The bub flows freely, ties to the place.
meals are filling if not fancy, and many planewalkers hang
about because folks believe that the Wayfarer contains over + Rillem Postaff, an Athar factor, heads up the operation.
two dozen portals. She's supposedly the one who convinced Factol Ter-
rance of the mission's importance.
Th<' 11111'T11" (11/1 w <a/ltlC'll\' tcm1gl11. a11d rnmct/1111n
nbv11t rlic look of rli place tell!> Hill that 1t'~ .full t'l'erv 111gl11. Rillern had posted Hulester in the tavern to keep an eye
/ lu: '"''I/ of \lllnkt. clr111k 1111tl 111uldit'-rlll\S Cagers i~ mick "' out for potential trouble. The Athar probably have a
rl1e cw, < s 1~ 1/11 din from tilt' 1a/k111!] anti 1/1e Ill n mediocre• new plant or two in the Ubiquitous Wayfarer right
11111~1c1t111\ pla.1 'IU/ pipr' 111 1/11 t or11t r \ larq1 \lll/llf rlwt \C'I now.
1•ra/jn/k, \CClll IO be \/11ci1'111g 1·c n· cc11c/itllv 'tt1111h 111 tlic cc·11-
rcr of tl1t• raprvom. Tiie mc111 \'1111 n·cuq111Lt (mm tit ,,·riptrn11\ That last bit is quite true: An Athar spy is present, and at
(IS /111/1 Ht r \l(S 111 111111\CI{ h1· a /1 1llll. this point in the ride, the faction's troubleshooters pick up the
PCs' trail. The DM must decide how much they interfere with
Not surprisingly, Hulester's not talkative. The middle- the characters' investigation.
aged, gruff-looking basher denies any involvement with the If the heroes don't win Hulester over, they can pick
Athar or the Revolutionary League, and he brandishes a up the same chant from other sources, but it takes longer.
(stolen) Sensate symbol to prove it. If the PCs continue to They're left behind by the other investigators and may not be
press him, he says in his gravelly voice, "Hey, berks, leave me able to make up the difference, as those involved (such as
be. I'm only here for the bub and the scenery." Barmy Kank or Elchis) might disappear (or be killed) before
As he says this, anyone watching him notices that his the PCs reach them.
eyes fall upon the woman behind the bar. She's Riaen Black-
home (Pl/ 2 human/0-level/Fraternity of Order/LN), the pro-
prietor of the Ubiquitous Wayfarer. Hulester fell in love with

break past the ALhar blockade. The anempt might not
E9+H£RS A+
happen for a week or two, but it's definitely in the
works. He overheard one of the Signers involved
Hulester isn't the only call another "Elchis." This Elchis looked to be a
berk at the Wayfarer full- blooded elf.
with chant to share. Additional sources of information at the tavern
There's also Pho! include Nherid (Pl/ S' tiefling/T2/Xaosirect/CE). who
Nerris (Pl/ o human/ sports long black nails and black eyes with no
F6/Free League/NG), a pupils. She points out Wilphesh Gidderskins (Pl/ o
well-known blood in the bariaur/F4/Free League/NJ, saying that the bariaur's
neighborhood. His large bulk been poking around the tavern every night, asking the
belies a kind face behind his same questions as the PCs. She suspects that he's a fac-
bushy black beard. and he's tion spy. 'Course, this information won't come without
capable and generous in a little garnish, and unfortunately, it's a complete
helping folks sort out lie. Nherid just doesn't like Wilphesh and
their problems. Phol has wants to send a little trouble his way.
but one weakness: the A number of folks in the tavern (in-
Ubiquitous Wayfarer's puzzle cluding Wilphesh) can tell the heroes to
statue. find an old basher named Kank who
See, the magical statue wanders the streets nearby at night.
at the center or the tap- Many folks've heard him talking about
room, which depicts a the church, but no one's ever paid much
barmy old wizard with a attention since Kank's thought to be a
long beard and a little barrny.
pointed hat, speaks
riddles - a new one each
week. If the PCs move
near, they hear the current If the PCs search the streets near
riddle: the Ubiquitous Wayfarer or the
church at night, they come across
Mi\h• n 1 \ 111c 11/d 1111d I r (Ill ' a gaunt, leathery-skinned man
t"\tha// a 111ca\11111111·1111u \I/It dressed in light but tanered
1111 /1fi /'1•1 11 m11q t/1111 lro/1/\ hides and sporting a staff made
/111 /in~rr; nf lwl1. and cmo//1rr of bones tied together with
1/lflt /111/tf~ t/rrt'I'. /'111 l/llr./\ UIOllflil hardened leather strips.
)or fn11r fillCJ< '' a{ tl1t1t Ji1w \lit}]. /1111 o
Kank (Pr/ human/M3/N),
<Ill •1t 1r1 t/1111 tillll f(/\~ '111' 011/ jlllt. a Clueless from the
11 /at 11111 I 111 do. /iir mi• l11m1 lirtt ' ' prime-material world of
11 c r '" d11· Athas, didn't take the
transition to the planes
Here's the solution: Fill up the well. He's completely barmy
mug that holds five and then fill now and thinks that he's a time-traveler
the other mug from the first until the mug that holds come to his world's distant past. He needs
three is full, thus leaving rwo fingers of bub in the five-finger no incenrive or garnish to rattle his bone-
mug. Empty the mug that holds three and then pour the bub box. In fact, the PCs might have a challenge getting him to
from the other mug in. Now, fill up the five-finger mug and pike it - especially if they give him any encouragement.
pour from that enough to fill the mug that holds three (which As a "time-traveler," Kank feels free to pronounce
is exactly one finger's wonh). That leaves four fingers of bub prophecy now and again. He's been focused on the old
in the mug that holds five. 'Course, another solution is to use church since he heard the chant about the disappearances
the first part of the trick to measure out two fingers. drink it there. Now he spends his time telling folks: "The end of Sigil
down, and then do it again. is coming, and it will come from that church. A great war will
Poor Pho! is caught up in this puzzle and can't solve it issue forth from that spot, and every person in this great city
for all the jink in Sigil. He's too preoccupied to talk with the will die because of it." The PCs might think this is true
heroes, though if someone were to help him solve the puzzle, prophecy because it sounds a little like what Cager doomsay-
he'd be so relieved that he'd gladly tell what he knows about ers have been saying already, but it's all screed from Kank's
the church. Phol's heard that a small group of Signers plans LO own addled brain-box.

138 .
He's also seen the "floating picture-people" (the dabus) Cruigh knows
poking around the church. Most importantly, he knows how nothing about the
to sneak past the Athar blockade. At nighr, if a body can slip dabus interest in the church, nor has he
past the three guards watching the back of the church, he can ever heard anything strange about the building other than the
crawl inside unnoticed through a hole in the back wall. (Kank recent disappearances. If someone tries to tell him about the
occasionally used the church as shelter on rainy nights; dabus or the fact thac no one noticed the place for years, he
Argesh left him alone because he was obviously no threat.) gets angry and says, .. Hey, whose story is this, anyway?"
'Course, Kank won't say anything about the hole unless asked If asked about Argesh Fiord, Cruigh tells the PCs that the
about the church itself. berk was a crazy old priest. (Cruigh is wrong - Argesh was
never a priest, but his interest in the old church made him ap-
pear to be.) Cruigh didn't know him well and has no idea why
THE RES+ $f +HE H£1GH8$RH$$0
Argesh left him the land when he died.
Canny bashers might wonder why no one else has ever paid
attention to the church. At first, it might seem to be a simple
case of Cager self-absorption. But after the PCs talk to a num-
ber of people, they notice a similarity in the locals' stories. At some point, the PCs probably visit the Shattered Temple,
Folks just never noticed the church. They knew a building oc- the faction headquarters of the Athar. This ancient, ruined,
cupied that part of the street, but they never knew or cared Lower Ward temple doesn't get a lot of visitors, but that does-
what it was. The thought of noticing the place never entered n·t mean that they're unwelcome. A tietling guide named
their minds. People are seeing it now as if for the first time. Caylean (Pl/ o tietling/R4/Athar/CG) can give folks tours and
Truth is, the magical force surrounding the stones did answer general questions. Under no circumstances can they
subtly prevent the Cagers from seeing or wondering about the speak with Rillern Postaff or Facto! Terrance. but they might
church. The remnants of the god's consciousness warded be able to speak with Rillern's aide Jeanskar if they're respect-
away attention to prevent just the sort of circumstances that ful and polite. Jeanskar (Pr/ 2 half-orc/O-level /Athar/ NG), an
are occurring now. (See Part Three for more information on intelligent, well-spoken, and pleasant (if ugly) basher, relates
the power.) the faccion's public stance on the quarantine of the church.
If the PCs talk to a lot of folks (more than 10), they also
find a cutter who says she noticed that the dabus seemed in- "l\'r 11( tbt' 'tlwr linrc Jo1111 co111i·11d1d tl1t11ll'ililr11e1111lr
terested in the workmen as they tore down the church. If lw1 ea rig/11 w .foo/1\/1/y 11 "~te tl1r1T 11111< 111111 r111cmw11 1111 t/11
asked, a few others remember that fact as well. "1-callt'd pou er\," ''"' \II\'\, lier tootln• ~milt 11r11 r '" 11111cl1
"' lf"'" cr111q, ~111n• \111111/tl 1101 br a/1011 ed to /mild 11/(IC<'' llf
11 CJnl11p 111 p11hl1c arrn, , ~11c/1 '"111ct1111ric' · 111c t1 tlrrer11 t111d a
111< 11mr ro tlu 111c1rt ulrwls /11'11111111 tile• cu1111111111ity. jm ti/I' lll'-
Assuming that the PCs can enter the Fated's headquarters and 1119\ callc d 11pv11 at 'lie 11 pl"'<' art· 11111111,tirortll\• and 111<·0111-
gain access to its information - a process that requires some 11ete111 111 rlu·rr u~e nf po11•1 r. Thr\C pfocn arr t/11 'illC'\ of
smooth talking and substantial garnish - the heroes learn m1111\' dm·1111111w d 111111den. ti1~app1 t1rt111< r~ . a11d 11rrul1 llt\
that Cruigh Manathas, a Harmonium namer, currently owns Dll' \t/wr. llllliC'f Tilt {//IC'Cflnll of Ollr \J.n/J{11I a11d kn011'/11/qc -
the land on which the church stands. He apparently inherited C11'/c F"ctn/ /cm111cc. '"'' d1•iq11cd - 111 0111 11ir11 c tpC11\r t11
the deed many years ago from someone named Argesh Fiord. protul tlit' r1111c11r;. of '>1q1/ aqnr11~1further linrror' nt rim ml'
While Cruigh is easily found, further information about 1111til \llc/1 w11r {I\ tlic• lratard ca11 h1 dntrtH cd ··
Argesh is not.
Even if one of the PCs belongs to the Athar, he can't meet
with the high-ups - the bloods'rejust too busy. However, fac-
tioneers get the feeling that the Lost are sincere in their ex-
The wealthy Hardhead Cruigh originally ordered the church to treme fear of the church, but there's no indication as to why.
be torn down. Now he's afraid of the place, after losing not
only a team of construction workers but a group of Harmo-
nium soldiers and investigators as well. He feels that some
kind of curse lies on the building, and he has no problem with Like the Shattered Temple, the Signers' headquarters is a po-
the Athar's quarantine of the area - and neither, he points tential area of investigation. Unlike that locale, however, the
out, do the Harmonium high-ups. Cruigh gladly tells inter- Hall of Speakers brims with people. Signers here all deny any
ested cutters the story of the disappearances (as related in the interest in the small church. Most profess ignorance of the en-
Introduction). as he loves to be the center of attention. Thus, a tire situation - even if any of the PCs are Signers themselves.
lot of folks have heard these stories, and the chant is spread- See, the faction members the heroes speak with honestly don't
ing fast. It's likely that Cruigh's tales become more embell- know what's going on. It's only Mhavor's secret subgroup
ished with each rattle of his bone-box. within the faction, the Way of the One, that wants into the

139 +
church. While all Signers're dedicated co one day using their Arbor Roat/'' a t/Uicl ~lrt't'/ "'"" /111/t "ctir'in·. Tl1e
abilicies to revive a dead power, Mhavor's bashers want to c/111rd1 srts 11t'11r tlrt· comer. 011e 11 all pariia/11• dt•11w/i,hl'd.
focus on che god within the standing scones. They're keeping Tll'O guard' tire ''"iblc our from. nm/ tile 111rrrror uf tfrf lt'lllfllt'
their plan a secret even from their brethren, so that when the 1/\df /ooh clnr~·. 1/11• lot 11c11 111 //Jc cl111rcl1 1111 tire• rig/rt Ira~
time comes, they can resurrect the deity and seize control of bn 11 dct1n•d of u 1111/t'/'1'1 1111rr \f11111i tlrrrf. /he lwrld111g 1111 the
the faccion as well. left. 011 tire comer of tlw ~Irr</, Hill 5f(llltf, - (l/tilo11qli 11 i-;
The PCs have more success if they use the name that they likcu•i\t' dark. A rnwll w1rd rnrro1111ds th<' cl1urclr. 1/roua/1
heard from Pho! in che Ubiquitous Wayfarer. Upon asking for 1l1t're tire 110 011tb11iltl111q' or nb1c'Ch (11kc marker<;, sw11w1,., or
an elf named Elchis, they·re brought to a small records office 111111bH1111e\) 1'1111 a body 11119'11 .fi11d 111 otl1rr cliurrlrynrd\.
where she toils. The overworked, raven-haired elf is incelli-
gent, but seemingly confused as to who the PCs are and what The two guards at the entrance're supported by a cross-
they want with her. She won·t admit to having anything to do bowman on the roof of the building across the street (a ra rely
with the church and claims not to understand what the cutters visited storehouse). Also, 20 warriors wait in the building
are talking about. next door to the left. With them is their leader, Ghear the
However, Elchis secretly belongs to the Way of the One. Sighted, an action-oriented, quick-tempered yoi.;ng priest of
Only a detect lie spell or similar technique reveals that she the Great Unknown. These reserves strive to be ready at all
does, indeed, know more than she's saying. But if the PCs times. Two more guards and a minor wizard (a 4th-level
menace her in any way, she calls for help. Signer security transmuter) patrol Nickle screet and watch the buildings be-
(four 2nd-level fighters) arrives in two rounds, and they un- hind the church for intruders. The guards rotate duties every
ceremoniously dump the characters inro the street. 24 hours, with half being relieved every 12 hours. Whac's
more, the Athar have commissioned Riaen of the nearby
Ubiquitous Wayfarer to supply the soldiers with meals every
S£CR£+ m££+1NGS
six hours.
Canny PCs might tumble to the idea of watching or following The Athar high-ups have instructed that the guards may
Elchis. Each night, she visits Mhavor's case - and so do a lot employ deadly force to insure that no one enters the church.
of other folks. See, his home is where the secret subgroup This includes Athar members - even the guards haven't set
makes its plans to break into the church. The PCs can learn foot in the place.
Mhavor's name either by asking his neighbors (using a cover To examine the church from the outside, the PCs could
story or a little garnish) or by eavesdropping. They can even pose as Athar or accompany Riaen·s workers on one of their
get a description or spot him chemselves: Mhavor's an old deliveries. Getting inside probably requires magic or infiltra-
white-haired man who's missing an eye and walks with a tion skills. If they foolishly decide to fight their way in, a Har-
limp. monium squad of 15 troops responds within five minutes
As soon as she arrives at the meecing, Ekhis tells the after combat begins. If the PCs spoke with Barmy Kank, how-
others about the PCs' questions. They all agree that ic's time to ever, they already know about the gap in the back wall.
dispacch the assassin Gremmith Mi, and the half-elf soon be-
gins scalking the PCs (unless the OM determines that he's been /1mdt· 1/rr old s1011t• C'/1r1rcl1. you «111 '<'<' tlrat all former
called in before this). (11riml1111q' or derorario11\ l1nr·e been \tripped a11•a.1. Likcu•iH'.
'Course, the Way of the One has a lookout who keeps an tlw l1u1/rli11!1 /acb 1111rnor 11 alls and mnsl nf tlrt• ce1/i11g. lfr1e
eye on the oucside of the place. If the sentry spots the PCs, she a11d 1/rt re a/011<1 r/1e n•11rni11i11q outer 11·111/, you nm make 0111
alerts those inside (most of whom flee immediately), and she 11 /101 t111pear to be /ar!IC 'tel/le' of a dt{ft:re111 11111wrt1l a11d a far
and five other bruisers (4th-level fighters) attempc to put the qrcater aqt' 111011 r/w,e i11 1/w n•,t of tile cl111rclr. /'lie /1mi1rtl
spies in the dead-book. They're determined to keep the identi- /1gl11 Jil1rr1119 111 11'/'C'(lf\ \Jrf/ll[JC' /llllttTll\ VII rilC\C Hll/ll'S 11//
ties of Mhavor and Elchis secret. o/ 11'1111 Ir till' \c't i/lfn 1/1c 111111111,/ e111d ri~c w a l1r1yl11 1~f a1 k11'1
Knowing that they've been marked, the Signers of the 6firt - hut tile 111ark111q' f1ppear 111l1t•1111111inl.
Way of the One move to another hidden safehouse, which the
PCs can't find. The berks make their next move in Part Two of Unfortunately, at this point in the ride, the PCs can't dis-
"Into the Light." cover anything of importance inside the church. No clues
exist to uncover the origin of the place, the real nature of the
standing stones, or anything else. The power within the stones
EXPLEDRING isn't activated until the name of the god they once embodied
++HE CHURCH+ is spoken near them (which will happen in Part Three). A trip
co the church at this point only proves that the Athar are very
At some point, the PCs will want to explore the church. To do serious about keeping folks out.
this, however, they need to sneak or fight their way past the
Athar guards (3rd-level fighters) around the place.

+ 140 .
THE A+HAR AmBUSH quick, unexpected. and with as little chance for reaction from
their victims as possible.
If the Athar tumble to the fact that the PCs are nosing around
the church - or worse yet, that the heroes eluded the guards
and actually entered the church - they try to find the bashers +DELIVERING +He CHAN++
and scrag them. The Athar troubleshooters attack, using sur-
prise coupled with good timing. For example, they're likely to Eventually, the PCs should return to the agent who hired
strike at the PCs when the group splits up or when their guard them. They might not feel that they've got the whole story
is completely down - while they're eating, sleeping, or other- (and they don't), but at this point, too many things keep them
wise occupied. from learning the real dark. Still, they should know that the
Unless the PCs've put a number of the Athar in the dead- connict is definitel y centered around the church, that the
book or caused considerable problems, the troubleshooters Athar are fanatic about not letting anyone in due to the sup-
aren't intent on the characters' deaths. Instead, they mean this posed danger, and that the Signers interested in the church
attack as a warning. The Athar threaten, beat, and humiliate are just a splinter group of the Sign of One.
the characters (if possible), but don't try to kill them. They As long as the heroes deliver the basic information to their
might even kidnap the berks, drag them to a remote spot (like contact in a timely manner, they receive their bonus payment.
the middle of the Slags in the Hive), and dump them uncere- (Revealing the identities of Mhavor and El chis ensures the extra
moniously on the ground with a warning to stay out of Athar jink, as the agent's Signer employers are very interested in
business - or else. The threat isn't an empty one, either. They knowing which of their fellows have turned stag.)
won't hesitate to kill the PCs next time. Obviously, there's more to the story - and to the adven-
On the other hand, if the PCs have been mercilessly ture. However, a fair amount of time passes before the PCs are
bloodthirsty in their mission, the troubleshooters attack with dragged back into the thick of things. This enables the DM to
blades coated with Type M poison (onset time: ld4 minutes ; run other scenarios, including Chapters 1 through lll of "Out
strength: 20/5). They strike like assassins from the shadows - of the Darkness."

141 +
"Wt" \lmplv c11111rn1 tu 1111\ qo 011. • /11lw1 or ~nul
jla1/1 n1c ~mall room 1111~ c/1111'1 111. tmd 1/te jan:s
11/ /tt\ l O•l Qll~J'lrtlt!lr\ ll'I rt' /11{1\/.:t'd Ill dt t'JI ~fuufoll'.
Tlrt old 111011 lw11cd fll'a1·1/\ 11p1111 /11, u·oodc 11 Hajj. k11011111q (1111 11•dl 111111 ltrs
joflmrrn 1l1011ql11 ltim to /11· olc/ u111I feeble J/1• d rno11 '""It' rlr1•111 rlz!' c11nr
of u111l1·1t·rn11w11m1111111 .
HL/f 1111111 cm1 l1't' tlu ;>· C101f t1'kt'd, 1111 a111w1•i11y 11 frrnc creeping i11-
11efrcr1t·11t/\• 11110 111~ 1 oi e. T/1r

I oH fw1 t' 1111 plac c rnrrnumlrtl."
• '11 . 1111 \UlllUJ frre11d, 1•011
lra1 c \/1 mucll 111 fl't1rn rcgurc/111{/
Ila l\'11 1· 11/ 1/w 011c. " \//w11or
COl/\ltf:•1r:1/ fii~ 1'<1111/l<llllOll /01 a lllll lllC'lll, /11111 Cllllfitlltt't/ ,
"llo11't Hill u111/c1stnml? l\ 'c makl' th111q\ lwppr11. lfr
11u111ip11lt11t t11l tlli11g~. fur 111l tl1111q' arr tire·
dr('(1111s and 111wg111111g\ of our 01111
"Yes uf
c1111f'i1'. hut - "
"8111 11otlt-
i11q. • Mflt11•01 intcr-
rupll'd, a11 rdgr 1· 1111111q
11110 hi\ 1 oict•. ·we 111ukr 1l1111g\
fwppt 11 \'\c• 11 akt otl1cn tl11 our bidding. l \'r '""tire center of 1hc 111uf1frcrw.
·1'\t' 11t c•d tf1r l\tltor t1101111d 1111· <f1111d1 tu qu a11 t1\'. Make 11 lwpp<'ll."


Events in this part of the adventure take place some time after the PCs' first ex-
periences with the church. most likely after they've become enmeshed in other
matters. Why? Because what happens next is meant to come as a surprise.
See, the rogue Signers from Part One tumbled (one way or another) to the
heroes' involvement and decided to use the berks to accomplish their own goals.
Now, in Pan Two, their actions bring the player characters into the thick of
SIGNERS. S IGNER S. things just as the Athar and the Sign of One hover on the brink of interfaction
I'm + IR E D eF HE ARI N G connict.
ABEBU+ +HE If the DM is using "Out of the Darkness," the PCs probably have just fin-
S9 DDING SIGNERS. ished with the events in Chapter Ill. They're back in the Cage and resting up
from their adventures on Yggdrasil. They even hear a bit of chant regarding the
GHEAR situation they dealt with in Part One of "Into the Light": The tensions around the
+HE SIGH+ED nameless church are heating up. The Athar have issued an ultimatum to the Sign
of One that if anyone attempts to enter the church, the Signers'll be blamed and
pay the music. The Sign of One, in the meantime, has warned Mhavor against
further meddling (assuming they learned of his involvement), but they certainly
don't tell the Athar that; the faction's internal politics aren't open to the scrutiny
of others. Nevertheless, the Sign of One has declared that if any of their mem-
bers are harmed by the Athar, the Lost will feel the sting of retribution. Things
don't look good.
At some point, they PCs're approached by a beautiful, silver-haired, female
elf named Daniphe. She's a Xaositecr cross-trader in the employ of the Way of
the One. Daniphe's also a lycanthrope - a foxwoman - and her disarming
beauty charms males with a Wisdom score of 13 or less. Even those able to re-
sist (Wisdom 14 or higher) still find her very attractive and are likely to listen to
her pleas. Daniphe uses this gift to her full advantage as she plays the hapless
damsel in distress .

• 142 +
"f'lt•a\t', you 11111q help mt'
J'r•t' 110 011r d5C' ro rum 10, and rlrnc\ 110
time h:ft. /\fr \hter • .. ,Jrc\ " wutud. nm/ ,Jre lit'
lu119' to 1/w C/11111'111t•11 . Wi1/1 111/ tltc· 11•i911 nyl/lng c1/11111t
r/1111 u/il cl111rc/1 111 the I 011w IVarrl. ,Ju"~ dt't'idc·1/ 111 do
\IHIH't/1111g c11111plet1•/\• be1n11y Chullt Jia, it rlwt rou '11
bcfll t/1cr<' or knoll' '0111e1/Ji1u1 nbou1 11. You 'r•t· q111 10 ' WJI
lier, or at lcas1 gl't rim~<' people uur of 1/1e nrC'a "

She claims that her sorcerous, insane sister is preparing to unleash a terrible magical
plague upon the area around the church to provoke a faction war and throw the city into
chaos. Oaniphe seems utterly sincere in her desire to prevent this before it occurs. She says that
she doesn't want her sister harmed, but admits that the woman must be stopped.
~ For a more straightforward (and less manipulative) way to work the PCs into the adventure, one
or more of the heroes' factions requests that they approach the Athar and uy to cool things down before
a real war begins. Unfortunately, just as the poor sods get involved, the Signers make their move to invade
the church, and they all end up trapped in the Ubiquitous Wayfarer (for details, refer to "The Edge of War,"
later in Part Two). ·• - . .
Everything Daniphe says is a lie. No magical
plague exists. She's been charged with
bringing the PCs to the nameless
church and having them distract the
Athar there.
The characters can respond
to the supposed threat in any
way they see lit. They might
start by sending the local folks
packing, which Daniphe thinks
is a fine idea. In fact, the more
chaos that results from her lies,
the better - both for the Way of
the One's purposes and her own
Xaositect beliefs. Naturally, no one
gives much credence to the idea of a
magical plague at first. The OM might
wish to make reaction rolls for the neigh-
borhood cutters to see if they find the PCs
believable. Once the characters convince one or
two bashers, though, the chant begins ro grow like a
snowball rolling down Mount Celestia. When they see . '. .
their neighbors packing and leaving, at least half of the
people in the area believe what the PCs have to say.
-4 -

These folks themselves grab a few possessions and begin to '

flee. The more this happens, the more people believe, until the
entire neighborhood succumbs to panic and tries to leave the area.
, .
Folks at the Ubiquitous Wayfarer are less likely to panic, but a
few of them do indeed nee if the PCs specifically warn them of rhe
"magical disease." The screed is quickly blown out of proponion,
and soon every leatherhead in the Lower Ward becomes convinced that Sigil's
under attack by plague-bearing bladelings or some other such nonsense. The PCs
find themselves responsible for the most chaos Sigil has seen in . . . well, a few days.

And it all transpires exactly as Mhavor and his cronies
have planned - which is exactly what Argesh Fiord is count-
ing on. As ordered, the Athar guards attack the PCs. If the heroes stay
and fight, they'll have a big battle on their hands - quite pos-
,. ........ .,. e c H l' D ,.. 'i sibly one that they'll lose. The only thing in the characters '
favor is the fact that some of the guards are still busy chasing
When the PCs reach the nameless, half-torn-down church, off Mhavor's Signers. Nevertheless, chances are that at least
they find the Athar guards on alert. If the heroes have pan- some of the heroes will be scragged by the guards and turned
icked the neighborhood, the guards are more peery than ever over to the Harmonium. At that point, the DM must determine
but find themselves distracted by the upset people swarming what becomes of the berks, though they're probably charged
through the streets and by the thought of a magical plague (or with such offenses as "disrupting the public peace," "inciting
whatever chant they've heard). to riot," "invading a proscribed area," and whatever else the
Ghear the Sighted stops the approaching PCs. (If the Harmonium can think up. Then it's up to Sigil's court system
priest met with an untimely end in Part One, the DM should to decide their fate.
substitute a similarly equipped clerical leader.) Ghear refuses If the PCs try to escape, the guards give chase. But they
to listen to any attempt to convince him of coming calamity. pursue the characters for only a couple of blocks: the guards
An extremely loyal faction member, he won't abandon his won't run too far from the church for fear that this is yet an-
post for anything short of an order from Facto] Terrance him- other diversion. Anything the heroes do to throw off pursuit
self. Some of the other guards might not be quite as extrem- - using spells, peels, or anything else - probably works, and
ist, however. once the characters're out of sight or deemed no longer a
threat, the guards return to the church double-time.
"Ynu re• 'J1011r11111 ~< 11 <ti." 1/11 1111111g pm'' "'"'' }1111/1
01 11~ na1/1 a'i lie ct111 1/1' loll! blt1ck ll111r lw111/' ilo1111 11111 I• '
ft((, 111/C/ llt' 1011\/i/lll/\ /• 1 1\fll~ It (/l/'11\ fill' (/('//011 littrti\ ~ (/ +THE EDGE EDF WAR+
11rr11111'"' ' ' arul It"'"'"
that 11111kt \ 011 fe1 I 11111 0111{11r1C1l1/c
T/11 /lfl< \I " obi wtl\fr 1111 cdy1. 1111d 11 pn,l1a1'/\ u 011/c/11 ·r 1t1h Once again the PCs find themselves in a situation where they
mmll w HI 111111 off lie Sfll'' "No1'1i1111II11111kf' II\ /rm c our don 't fully understand what's going on. They've been bobbed,
1111~1 ht n lt·t1~1 of t1lf w1111c It atilt rl1cadctl d1111r/ ll/10111 t111 that's for certain, but by whom? The Signers? Daniphe? The
111111{/111111'' tf l\C{l <iC. Athar? The heroes may decide that they've had enough and
refuse to have any further involvement with the situation. If
During the confrontation with Ghear and the other the PCs just walk away from it all, they later hear that a large
Athar, Daniphe tries to slip away quietly by hiding among the battle took place between the Athar and the Signers (see
panicked people in the street or by using her ability to tum "Avoiding the Issue," below).
into a silver fox (or both). If caught in the act, she reverts to If curiosity gets the better of them, however, or if they re-
her "vixen" form, a half-canine, half-elven shape with a turn to the scene to find the berks who used them as a dis-
deadly bite. In this form, she tries to cause even more chaos traction to break into the church, read:
before escaping. If Daniphe gets away, she won't return, hav-
ing accomplished her mission. \ hi"' k '/llrt'll t1nl 11/
old c l111rd1. JllSI ot1 of lr1m111u11-
All of this turmoil serves as a distraction for Mhavor and tft r 'itrt< I . Hiii lm1r tile· rn11111I~
of co111b111 { m \ oj 11t1111 t111
his rogue Signers, who attempt to infiltrate the church by 1 1m/1 mid ft'" mir 1111// 1/11 tliud of arro11' \lrtk11111 11•11od t111d
magically flying some of their number over the wall. A flurry 1/11 da111111/ ~red cU/C/ll•'' '''cl \1t11 ll1g do~c1. \'011 \tt \tlwr
of crossbow bolts from hidden archers across the street sends J1u1r l\111c11 j1n1111 c ro\\U011' 111to t/11 11•111do11 ~ uj" IC/I""'
the Signers scurrying back, however - they weren't aware of 1•111 ' t /le rnmf' fami/wr 111111 ru c111lr. 1/11 L h1111111011' \\a\'

the Athar guards on the rooftop. /11n 1 111 o \1/rnr q1umh 11111 u•11/r \U'<T<' 11111111t1' - flee 11111
The jig is up. Ghear rushes forward to see what's happen- 11/ //11 c11•111 frn111 door, 11 llH /1 tl1t•11 \lam' 1111d loch 11r/1111d
ing, shouting for information. The guards call to him: "It's the 1/11111
Signers! We're under attack!" The priest, no fool, immediately
tumbles to the invasion attempt and the distraction that al- A stalemate quickJy results, with Mhavor and a band of
lowed it. He assumes that the heroes play a part in the Sign- his Signers trapped inside the tavern and the Athar refusing
ers' plan, and he commands his men: "Scrag the infiltrators or to give up their quarry. The Defiers don't have enough bash-
put them in the dead-book - I don't care which!" ers on hand to storm the place, especially since they know
Unless the PCs feel like fighting the numerous and well- that the Signers have a powerful wizard on their side (Mha-
trained Athar guards, they shouJd flee at this point. Discretion vor's spells aren't primarily offensive, but the Athar don't re-
is definiteJy the better part of valor. alize that). The Athar forces watching the tavern include 11
warriors, a 4th-level wizard (a transmuter), and Ghear. who
tends to his injured comrade.

Eight members of the Way of the One (including Mha- successful effon allows the trapped Signers to escape without
vor) hide within the Wayfarer, a few with serious wounds further conflict.
from crossbow bolts. They don·t have a priest
with them, so their injuries remain un-
tended for the duration
of this situation. Two To speak with the Signers, the PCs need to move inside the
of the Signer warriors Ubiquitous Wayfarer. However, neither side in the standoff
have the has any interest in letting them in. The Athar fear that the he-
lingering roes will try to help the Signers, and the Signers assume that
IF Yev WE9N'+ FJGH+ effects of everyone outside wants to scrag them.
f Ef) R YEJUR BELIEFS. Mhavor"s The PCs may have access to spells or magical items that
WHA+ WI I.I. CJ fly spells upon them, can facilitate their entrance, which makes that pan of their
FIGH+ FE9R? although one job easy. Barring that, conventional means work just as well.
of the bashers is seriously in- Though the tavern has no back door, a side entrance leads to
- MHAV$R jured. What's more, the tavern 's the kitchen, and a basement door gives access to the wine cel-
crowded with a number of pa- lar beneath the place. Refer to the map of the Ubiquitous
trons, each an unknown quantity. Wayfarer on page 137.
Each side remains committed but leery about making the Both sides watch the kitchen entrance, since it's an obvi-
next move. The combatants must weigh their decisions care- ous egress. The cellar door, however, remains unguarded.
fully, for what happens next probably determines who wins Those within the building aren't aware that the door exists,
the day. The PCs could turn the tide by helping either force. and those outside realize that the cellar doesn·t connect to the
Thing is, neither the Athar nor the Signers immediately trust interior of the tavern. However, sneaky bloods could slip
the bashers as allies since they both see the PCs (rightly or through the cellar door and make their way into the tavern
wrongly) as foes. above by breaking or working their way through the wooden
With all that's happened previously and the ultimatums portion of the ceiling (the noor of the storeroom). Since no
issued by both sides, canny bloods know that this public con- one's guarding the storeroom, this is a great means of sneak-
flict could lead to an all-out faction war. Even if the PCs have ing in unnoticed.
no love for either faction, they must consider the wide-rang- Canny PCs may invent other methods. The DM should
ing effects such a war would have on the City of Doors. keep in mind that since the Athar know that some of their
foes can magically fly, the Lost watch the roof as closely as
If the PCs decide to confront the Athar, they'd better do so
carefully. The Lost are primed for combat, and they won't hes-
itate to fire on anyone they perceive as a threat. The charac-
ters will have a difficult time persuading Ghear and his men It won·t come as a surprise that Riaen Blackhome, manager of
that they weren·t part of the Signer plot to distract the Athar the Ubiquitous Wayfarer, doesn·r twig to the Signers dragging
at the church. If they succeed, however, one of the trou- her tavern into their conflict. Bashers entering the establish-
bleshooters from Part One arrives and whispers ro Ghear that ment observe a encounter between Riaen and Mhavor.
the PCs had been seeking information about the church. This
arouses the priest's suspicions again, and he threatens to A11 old 1111111 11·11Jr 011c rH' anti a l/'cuk leg cu1l)ro111\ a
scrag the heroes for the Harmonium if they don·t leave the ,ru111 11101111111 ll'itli qravi11q /Jlack hair. ··Look, 1lm 1~ 'iig1/," lie
area immediately. ~n\'\, Mnw 1111111r nfrlir plwc 1~ tl1c l'l11q11ito11' i•w1fanr. I w11
Even if the PCs still manage to assure the Athar that Wll\ 1' 1/11• porwh l1t•1t'. lei/ mr tilt· fry' a11d t•11dpo111/\!
they're only trying to help, the warriors can·1 be dissuaded "f'ikt 11," 1/ir 11•111111111 \fl\\. '"I'd rntlu·r qo lo tl1t' ll'llfll'H
from attacking the Ubiquitous Wayfarer. They have orders to trcr 1/t,111 lidp " bunch of btrh like 1011 \/011 g1•1 Olli uf ml'
eliminate intruders, particularly members of the Sign of One. ltll'Clll ••

The PCs might inform Ghear that the Signers inside the tavern
are rogues who·ve broken away from the Sign of One. but the Pho! Nerris, Hulester. Vtyrgi Hammersmict, Nherid,
cleric points out that the Athar ultimatum includes all Sign- Barmy Kank, and Wilphesh Gidderskins (all from Part One)
ers, rogue or not. Besides, the Athar are fed up with the chal- can be present in the tavern if the OM wishes. Some may op-
lenges to their Harmonium-backed authority and intend to pose the Signers (like Hulester, in Riaen's defense) or help
make an example of this group. them (Nherid appreciates the chaos inherent in the trouble
Alternately, the PCs could try to distract the Athar, or they're causing), though most remain neutral.
perhaps bob them into thinking that they must return to the Mhavor and his Signers are well aware that the PCs are
church to protect it from a new threat. Ifs a long shot, but a the same berks who poked into their business earlier (in Part

+ 146 +
One). Regardless, if the characters approach the Signers by verorNG +NE rssui:
openly declaring their intention to help, Mhavor accepts them
as temporary allies. He knows the situation's grim for his fol- When the Athar first chase the Signers into the Ubiquitous Way-
lowers, and he's not about to turn away offers of aid from any farer and then surround the place, the PCs might just choose to
source. stay out of everyone's way. If the heroes don·t intervene (or if
Bloods looking to defuse the tension probably realize they try but fail to end the stalemate), the Athar launch an at-
that the only way to end the standoff is to remove the source tack before those trapped in the tavern can figure out a means
of the conflict. The PCs may seize upon the idea of using a of escape. This battle sends a number of bashers on both sides to
ponal to extract the Signers from the tavern and the neigh- the dead-book and threatens to spread throughout Sigil as the
borhood. Unless they have access to a warp sense spell, they'll two factions become implacable enemies.
probably have to negotiate with Riaen (and Hulester) for the Tensions in the Cage run extremely high as the Signers
portal keys. They can attempt to convince her that it's to her and the Athar prepare retaliatory strikes against each other.
advantage to help the bashers who've invaded her tavern, The Harmonium takes on the job of guarding the church (with
which would end the standoff that's interfering with her busi- much grumbling by the Athar) to help keep the peace. Things
ness. There's no guarantee, however, that the ponals lead to look grim.
suitable or safe places - and Mhavor won't lead his followers
onto the plains of the Abyss or into Limbo's churning soup.
Without using portals, removing the crapped Signers
from the tavern requires clever tricks or quick thinking. A
+ Af+ERmA+H +
slim possibility exists that the PCs can convince the Signers to If Mhavor and his followers escape, they discard their plans to
surrender peacefully. This avoids any further battle and al- enter the nameless church - and they're more than likely ap-
lows the Sign of One to acknowledge to all concerned that prehended by their fellow Signers for all the trouble they've
Mhavor and the Way of the One aren't working under the or- caused. PCs who helped Mhavor and his bashers tlee with a
ders of any high-ups. This solution means certain doom for minimum of bloodshed earn the gratitude of the Sign of One
Mhavor and the others, and other factions interested in keeping the peace in
but it saves Sigil from Sigil. The Athar are none too happy, but they're too
faction war. (The trapped concerned with keeping the church safe to
Signers won't make this hold a grudge. They return to protecting
sacrifice willingly, but the old place, more peery than ever be-
smooth-tongued cutters fore and not a little humiliated -
might be able to especially when the Harmo-
peel them into nium insists on "supplement-
it.) ing" the Athar guards with
If the PCs their own.
don't reach a 'Course, if the PCs joined
solution in a rea- in on one side or the other
sonable amount of during an actual fight, they
rime (DM's discre- gain definite enemies.
tion), they may end Whichever faction they
up fighting alongside the fought against will cer-
Signers against a final tainly look for revenge.
Athar assault. Like cor- To make matters worse,
nered animals, if the heroes helped the
Mhavor's Signers fight off the
bashers are Athar, the survivors
desperate and from Mhavor's group
dangerous. then head into the church
While trapped in - and promptly disap-
the tavern, pear, just like all the
they're pre- others before them. The
pared to fight PCs shouldn·t be present
to the death. if this happens, since
they'll have their own
chance to learn the
dark of the church in
Part Three.

+ 147 .
1/011 could ht• l1t11•t fi11t'H"t'll tlw~t' bt1\lrt•n ' i11-
1·0/1 cmc111? lie ro11ld11 '1 bt' e.rpcrtctl 111 lmo11 u•liat
t·arl1 c111d era\' r1111cr i11 tl1t· 1•n1irc· Cagt• u•a' goi11g
to do. could lie? llou 11•t1s a hody '"l'f'O~t'd to plan for
''"Ii 1'1i11gs?
H II~ Wl'll. A r:ws/1 Fuml ll'arn ·1 t1bo11r to l1t11 e t11l of Im
of" \Olllt' mct/tf/t-rnmc p/a11e-
\c/1<'111< ~ Tllill('C/ 011 UCCOlllll

lllll 11't1/kcr~. lndcnl 1101.

lie k11c11• of ,c·1•er11/ 1111n·~ 111 l'liminatc tilt'
111/d card\. B111 tl1t• /)(''' ~0/1111011. rlr<' 11w,tjit-

IS+ HIS 1i1111 \o/111io 11, 11'(1\ 111 /r111·1· /11, fiw'> Joli i1110
rile trap hi 'ti alrC'ady p11 1111ri·tf. It /111d u•orkcd
\U U't'/I i 11 (/it' [l(I\( ,
It wu ' rime 111 rc1H·ti1'11tc tire lJoom '!f tire ~1011r, .


The last ponion of this ride takes the PCs into the old nameless church so hotly
contested by the Athar and the rogue Signers. They finally team the dark of the
place and have the chance to eliminate the source of the conflict once and for
all. As shown on the flowchart on the inside back cover, the conclusion to "Into
the Light" can take place after Chapter VIII of"Out of the Darkness," or it can be
set at any other time after Part Two. At least a little time should have passed
since the PCs became actively involved in the conflict around the old church.
Argesh Fiord, having noticed the player characters' involvement in the pre-
vious two parts of this adventure, decides to take care of the interlopers once
c emE. and for all. He needs to confront them directly to set his plan in motion, but he
eH LEBRD . figures it's worth the risk to prevent them from interfering again.
A"IDBRING us CEBEB L Wherever the PCs happen to be, Argesh finds them and walks toward the
RESP I+ E FRem +H E group without hesitation.
1\11 01111'1 111t111, rl'n dill!/ wlii1e lini1 ao11·11i11q lit\ head like• a /aurd. ap-
prot1cl1n you ll'itlr 11 dt'Tcr111111rd \lritlc•. lie 1~ \llllf'IY c/Mlicd and c11rr1c' 110

A BADIRINE PRAYER " }fr/lo." 111• '''.\'\. "My 11e1 111t' 1~ A ryc,/1 fwnl. I \t•ck tire dntr11< 1w11 oj tire•
t\111111, r/J1• '>i!/11of0 111•, a111i - l(Uitc f'U \\i/rlv - tile 1•111irl' Ci11• 11J /Jvo" . You
\/111111 i11 Ill\' ll'll\'."
Witlto11r ll 11111111t·111 \ 111111''" y1111 \lrt119/11 ill tilt• eye anti ,a_
/1<• /011h , .,,
"Railir." You kuow llm to lie a name. \'l'I \Ou1td\ strange /11 your rar-1 - 1111Ja·
111ili111 i11 c1 en 1110> S11111drrm, rliouglr. ,fm11h• l1t•a111151 it iln11<1' c/11nr1•. Y1111 1m•
rndclc11/y crrra111 of ll'illlt you 1111151 du 1111d u•ht•rl' 1•011 mrnt go. You must tml'el
lO 1/1{' 11t11111'11•,s cl111rcl1 11'itlw111 cll'lay altllo11gl1 to yu11r 111i11d it i~ 11m11elc\\ 110
more. Tiu· frm11le of I o<;f Rac/rr calls to 1·011 ll'itli 11 fore<' vou ca1111ot rc-;ist.

Upon hearing the name of the dead god that "resides" within the ol<l church,
a geas suddenly compels the PCs to proceed there and speak the power's name.
No saving throw or magic resistance can prevent them from completing that ac-
tion - the compulsion is backed by the power of a god (albeit a dead one).

+ 148 +
Argesh leaves immediately.
He knows exactly what will happen when
the PCs hear the god's name, and he also knows that
he's safe from any action on their part. The sods must ig-
nore all else and reach the church as soon as possible.

Once at the church, the PCs need to figure out a way to get inside. The same num-
ber of Athar guards are posted around the place as Lhe PCs encountered previously, and
the Harmonium has stationed troops here as well. The number of Hardheads (up to 10)
depends on how badly things went in Part Two of this adventure.
The compulsion demands that the PCs enter the church. but they still retain their own minds and can
determine the best way in. In other words. they don't have to charge the front door; they can take some
time to figure out and implement a plan. However, if they take longer than one hour. the compelling force
intensifies to the point where the heroes must physically enter the church regardless of anything in the


Once the bashers enter the church, they're compelled to say the name "Badir," just like all of Argesh's
other victims (namely, the workmen, the Harmonium investigators, and possibly even Mhavor's Signers).
Speaking the god's name triggers the Doom of the Stones. Read:

All around \'Oil, t'l'l'l)'l/1i11g gro11' \till. fo11'1'C' 11c1•c1 crpenrncrtl '11<'11 qurrt - nt /cust. 1101 i11 .'>iyil. A
~irangc "'''' ri_,,., aro11111/ tlir \ta11di11!1 stom' tlinr c11ci1rl!- \'Oii, il/11mi11ntc•d Ir) t1 ~rranyc \•c/lowr,/1 /1qllt.
T/11· sro11r~ seem to clr1111111• ,/la/)(', 1h1•ir m·u• fnim' 1<•11 1111/1~1i11r1 t11 n•c11!f1Jllt'. 011(' \lrcte'/11•, and 'ccm' 1u
lunge Jorll'urcl to gra/1 \'rlll.
~111/de11/\', 1/Jc r11i11C'd old c/111rcl1 f11d1°\ 1111 ay. 1111d y11u .fi11tl y1111r\cl1·r~ 111 n dUfi·rr111 f1lar1•.

The dark of the disappearances and the PCs' forthcoming trials involves the power Badir and his last
vestiges of divine might. See, when someone invokes his name within the circle of standing stones -
stones carved from Badir's own corpse - the speaker (and anyone else in the circle) is suddenly drawn into
a complex dreamworld derived from the god's memories. Each of the five stones contains a fragment of
Badir's memories and essence. Though most folks who·ve entered the memories have been lost forever, the
power's remaining fragmentary consciousness wants those who are drawn into the mental dramas to help
him return to the Astral. He's hidden his own presence in Sigil as best as he could for centuries. But now
that he's been found out, he has no desire to be the source of conflict among the factions, nor does he
wane his body to become a curiosity or tourist attraction.
Thus, Badir encourages the PCs to enter the memory sequence stored in each of the five stones. Maps
for the interior of the church and the memory scenes appear on the poster sheet (when fully unfolded). The
DM should note that whatever occurs in Badir's memories is as real as "true" reality for the characters. If
any of the PCs die in a scene, they die for real. When (and if) they emerge from each scene, any wounds
they've suffered remain, any spells they've cast are gone from their minds, and so on.


Obviously, Argesh Fiord knows the god's name, so how did he avoid the Doom of the Stones himself?
Luck, mostly. As a young adventurer, Argesh discovered the journal of a Nolite priest who'd come to Sigil
and realized that the temple was constructed of Badir's petrified flesh. Before the Nolite could return to the
Prime Material Plane to tell his fellow priests, he was killed by one of Sigil's many traps for the unwary.
From the journal, Argesh learned that Nol was the name of a sun god worshiped on the Prime. Nol's
son Badir, however, was a power of wind and rain, and therefore antithetical to his tyrannical father. Thus,
across the Prime, Nol's followers waged war against Badir's followers, thereby denying the wind deity of
the worship he needed to sustain his godly status. Eventually. Badir died.

+ 149 +
Though Argesh knew Badir's name. he was unaffected by same robes and curved knives as the other worshipers. Nor
the geas that took hold of everyone else who heard it. Fact is, can they leave the temple by any means, including spellcast-
Argesh learned of the geas only when he memioned his dis- ing. Escape isn't that easy.
covery to a friend; the berk immediately became glassy-eyed, The Badirines won't understand if the PCs attempt to ex-
walked to the old church, entered it, and disappeared, never to plain their strange predicament. Quick-thinking characters
be seen again. Argesh realized then that he'd discovered some- might invem a talc to explain why they're acting so strangely
thing unique in all of Sigil. He also reasoned that since he'd to diminish the worshipers' suspicions.
learned Badir's name from the Nolite's journal, he was some- Whether the PCs are tossed into the back room or enter it
how protected from the geas by a power that Nol must have willingly, there they find cwo living bashers standing among a
bequeathed his priests to resist the might of the hated Badir. number of recently slain corpses whose throats have been cut.
Argesh used the name on the workmen who came to de- Both men are garbed in the same brown robes as everyone else.
molish the church. Later, hidden by his cloak of i1111isibility, he One has a knife to the other's neck, who pleads: "No, just let me
did the same to the Harmonium investigators. Now it's the go back to Sigil ... please don't kill me.... "When the heroes
PCs' tum. appear, he yells: "I'm not supposed to be here! I'm just a sod-
ding workman. They killed all the others! What happened to
Arbor Road and the whole sodding Lower Ward?"
THE fl RS+ S+$Nf
This berk is one of the workmen hired by Cruigh Man-
As soon as the PCs enter the church and say "Badir, • they athas to tear down the old church. He was drawn here just like
vanish from the real world and enter the memories of the first the PCs were, and he's seen his companions killed, as well as
stone. Where are they now? The answer lies in fading remem- some cutters that showed up after him (the Harmonium inves-
brances from the mind of a dead god. tigators). The PCs can attempt to save the captive from his ob-
viously dire fate, but they hear the other Badirincs outside the
R1forc a11\•//r111g c1\1'. \'1111 lzcar 1/w 1 oicr,. Out oj //1c 1111- room discussing whether or not to finish the heroes off.
[Jt'11rtrable da1k11c~5. llrr \IJ1t11d of /11111drrth of f!t'Oplr cha11t They've got to do something quick or they'll all end up as
111g. pra\•i11g. n11cl plradi11!1 mes i11to 1/11· au. l·ar11 111di,1i11c1, corpses on the temple floor. Even though this is a memory,
111dll'iri11al 1 011 r p1i11' a c/:nru~ of wor~l11pen prnl'111q for lrc'lp. death here is very real.
il<"gg111g Jin l1/cHi11q,, 111 qi11119 1ha11k~ a11d f1rlll\C'. /lie 1•ri/ n/ At this point, canny PCs should understand that what
tl111k111•H parh awl 1·1111 'r1• l11°t1l'i/J rohc d mc11 1111tl 11·11mc11 011 they're experiencing must come from the mind of Badir. Any
tl1eir krlt'r~ in 11•/wt fl/11'' '"' to 111• 11 'itark ll'lllfllt'. You k11rd realization to that effect, whether the bashers fully grasp
t1111om1 them 111 a robt· 1 rs. c1·c11 a l10<fr r/zar i~ nor \'oru what's happening or merely believe that the scene's not real,
OU II . allows them to see through the memory. As a last resort, the
OM may call for Wisdom checks at -2 if players don't role-
The PCs have assumed personas that belong in this mem- play or if they fail to make the connection.
ory. In the past, worshipers of Badir prayed to him in modest Once the heroes reach that understanding, they experi-
stone temples, and the PCs have taken the forms of suppli- ence a clarity of perception. A voice in their minds says:
cants of the deity. The damp, cold air is a clue that the temple "Badir is a gentle, loving god. He does not wish bloodshed
is deep underground. All of the people present are swarthy committed upon his own." If the PCs relay this message to the
humans with wind-blown lines in their faces - a desert folk. worshipers, the Badirincs suffer a fit of religious guilt, fall
The worshjpers face a tall idol of a dark, muscular man down before the characters, and plead, *Ask the Rainmaker to
with extraordinarily handsome and regal features. The PCs forgive us! We are sorry for our sins."
hear (and understand) the prayers of the people to their god With that, the scene fades, and the PCs find themselves
Badir, Lord of the Cool Wind and the Rare Blessing of Rain, returned to the old church (along with the workman, if he still
the Scion of Father Sun Nol. lives). Wounds sustained in the memory are still present, but
If the PCs don't begin likewise praising Badir, or if they nothing physical - like the knives - can be brought back.
act suspiciously in any way (such as yelling out, "What in the However, a jewel the color of a red desert sunset is set into the
Lady's name is going on here?), the other worshipers eye them forehead of the cutter who first realized the connection be-
peerily. If the heroes' strange behavior continues, 10 wor- tween Badir and the memory.
shipers draw forth long curved knives and throw the PCs imo
a back room. These supplicants are surprisingly proficient in
combat (as 5th-level fighters). Not all of Badir's worshipers
were truly this ski ll ed, but the god's memory isn't always A tugging sensation pull s the party toward another stone. If
firmly grounded in reality. the PCs try to leave the church instead, Badir speaks again in
Although the player characters now inhabit different their minds: ·1 can bring an end to all conflicts." Again the
bodies, they retain their standard ability scores, skills, spells, characters feel the pull. If they move toward the second stone,
and innate abilities. Unfortunately, they have none of their the mist rises again, the stones take on indistinct shapes, and
own equipment (including spell components), but only the the heroes disappear.

+ 150 +
Bnql11. /J/1ml1111 1111/11 'en" w1ir CH' \ amt wur bod1, /JUI This memory arises from Badir"s life as a child-god
1ot1 1111 1111/u 1i1111~. 1·011 ngni11 /ind v11111H If
/< l'I 110 /llli11 H /11'11 · in the palace of his father, the sun god Nol.
111 a bod1 tltat I\ 11111 1 u11r mi"11 . lo11 \la11d 111mfc n palatral The PCs play the roles of palace guards.
lwmr <10/clt 11 cil'rnrat11111' a11d marble pi/Ian till w11ir 1 m1111. Young Badir runs tearfully to the arms of
A mnll hn1 1/ark ltair lttcl 111 11 topk11111 0111/ dnrk 'k111 dr1J1- his mother Scnarine, a human
prnq u llh I"" c lri a11d /1orl1 [1111111. r1111~ du1111 t/1C 11p11lrnt lwlh woman. As before, the heroes are
of tl11 palau n1111t/ (11r /11\ 111utl11'r Nc n1/11 • 1011 \tr1111I at lite unable to leave the confines
read1 1011r dark, 111u~c11ltir flllllU'\ cmcrul 111 ornatt ar111or, of the scene.
1m11 <'~{11/ 11w<11rnl u rapOll\ 111 11111r ha11cl~ . But 111c 1011 tlw
cl1ild\ t/ll<trd11111~ or lt1\ mu1dr1u'" Till' cltild\ nir' an· 111·t•ndrd111<'r/
by a dmji•11111g 1•nin• that cclwr\ 1lrro11gl1-
0111tlrC"1111'11ci. "Tlri' 1•0111/1 11'1// cnmr to
110 good. /11• i~ r1 1·unt• 11po11 1111'. 11111 a
blrn111g: lie rl'prrsrnts Jorn•, that
tl111·1irl 11w- 1111• ll'ind, 1/11• \liadc.

.. the rni11. /11r~r are m11 thr
1/1i11g' of Nol! T/Ic• chi/ti m11H bi•
tft"\l W)'Cd f ~
Suddenly, the wall opposite the
PCs collapses. A bronze dragon that
glows_like the sun smashes its way
...0 through, intent on killing
the young godling.
The heroes must make a
.. choice. If they do nothing, the
dragon easily slays the boy
(which didn't happen in re-
ality) and the memory
ends. The characters
reappear in the
church in Sigil, and the
adventure ends for them with-
out resolution.
However, if the cutters try
to save young Badir, they must
hold off the dragon long
enough for the child and his
mother to escape. Again. each
~ hero has his oytn skills and
spells, with a few subtle
differences: ·

+ Fighters now wear

· ·.. • banded mail +2
·- and carry a bas-
tard sword +3 in
their hands. Even if
they don't normally have
the bastard sword profi-
ciency, they do for the du-
ration of this scene.
Wizards and priests retain their own spellcasting capa- In this memory, Badir's followers defend their lands
bilities but find themselves garbed in heavy robes against the hordes of the sun god Nol. Nol still seeks the death
(robes of protectio11 +3) covered with the wind and rain of his son and all that he stands for. Thus, Nolites on many
symbols of Badir. In addition, each knows one addi- prime-material worlds seek the genocidal destruction of all
tional spell. Mages may cast gust of wind and priests who worship Badir.
may cast fly once per day, regardless of the characters' The characters now inhabit the forms of soldiers in the
actual levels. These extra spells disappear from their Badirine army. Each sits astride a horse. Warriors and rogues
memories ar the end of the scene. wear chain mail armor and are armed with lances, scimitars,
and shields. Mages and clerics wear heavy robes, have a full
Rogues are now armed with scimitars +3 and dressed complement of spell components, and are armed with appro-
in /earlier armor +3. priate weapons. The PCs wait and watch with a cavalry unit
of JOO men (Jrd-level fighters) atop a high ridge.
The dragon refrains from using In the distance, the two armies clash. First the sky above
its breath weapon and only anacks the troops grows dark with hail after hail of arrows. Scores of
those who directly prevent it from reach- figures, tiny in the distance, fall under this onslaught. When
ing Badir - it has no desire to slay anyone but the godling. the charging armies finally meet face to face, however, the
If, as before, a PC attempts to see through the veil of real carnage begins. As the characters watch, hundreds die in
memory, he hears Badir's adult voice in his mind: a horribly bloody battle.
Then the order to arrack comes from behind the PCs. Their
-w1iat is tl1e \1111, 11•itlro11t slwclr 111 11 l11cli to n·i;t or a fellow warriors shout praises to Barur as they spur their mounts
brrl'Lr to cool tilt' ~ki11? /1 I\ a11 1111pn·~H•r. ~ lwr i\ 1111 '""· down the ridge. If the heroes ride alongside them, each charac-
w11l1u11t mw rn 11011n\ll tlie ca rill :i It 1'1 a dt \Jro\ tr.'" ter becomes the target of an enemy archer (THACO 17) upon
reaching the bottom of the ridge. After that, they're driven on
These words, if repeated aloud, accomplish nothing (the by the mass of their fellow cavalrymen and their mounts -
same trick never works twice, berk). Unlike the worshipers of straight into a shield wall of Nolite soldiers (Jrd-level fighters).
the previous memory, the dragon reveres the sun god Nol. In
this scene, the PCs must be willing to fight to protect the l he 1llt1111 "itc11uh 11 t11111u1 [01 .1 our drnrqr. f/ic·1 /1idc hc-
young god - knowing full well that they're outmatched by h111d \/11cld\ c111b/azo11cd ll'irli the 111111qr oj tlit b11111111q rn11.
the dragon's might and could be killed. The sacrifice allows f/it•rr fo1r/1('(11h wc/1 b1111 the mark of a flllllt's\ )t//r111 o;u1, of
Badir and hjs mother to escape the palace. a cloudlC'H ~k\' at 110011, nml tl1t•rr C'\l "i glta11 1111/i tl1t 11111111
If the bashers manage to slay the dragon, or if they all cal hatred mmd up b1 rd1q1011~ fen or Tl1< look 1l1n g11 t vuu
perish in the attempt, they appear back in the church in Sigil. 11101111 n dta1l1 - 1·1tl1t·r nun or their'
The hero who fought most bravely against the dragon now
spons a red gem in his brow. Characters who died in the banle If the characters refuse to charge into battle, those
find themselves alive again, though they retain half the dam- around them shout: "Cowards! Badir has no place for such as
age they suffered during the fight. you at his feasting table!" The Badirines then fall upon the
Usually, if a PC dies in a memory sequence, he's PCs for their infidelity to the god.
dead for real. This scene is an exception. Seeking clues beyond the curtain of memory at this point
achieves nothing. No matter what, the PCs can't sense any-
TM THIRO s+eNe thing beyond the smell of blood and the sounds of weapons
clashing and men dying. Battle is inevitable, whether they
As before, the PC feel another pull, this time toward the third fight the enemy or their comrades - chis is a war.
stone. But Badir no longer compels them. If they don't wish to Each character should face at least two foes. However, by
proceed further, that's up to them. ('Course, the advenrure'll the time they km or disable their opponents, they find that the
be over.... ) fight has changed completely. The battle lines have shifted
If the heroes move coward the stone, they find that their with the intensity of the conflict. Smoke and writhing masses
surroundings shift again. of troops disorient the PCs until they're completely cut off
from their own forces. In fact, for the moment, they're iso-
I mm rl1c /iiqll ridqc 1111011 111l11c11 1 uu 1w11 11 nil. 1 nu \l'l lated from the entire battle.
1111/t s <1 d11111 -cm rrcd tcrra111. Tlrt la11chwp1 '' bla11h 1111 bJ Now clear of distractions, the heroes can attempt to see
rl1011H111tl\ of troop\. lw111wn licltl 1119/i. prrpt1n11g ro cro'' 1/1e past the memory images around them. As before, they hear
11arrnll' gulf httu t't'll tlirm 1111tl da~h 111 l'iolt 111 ctJllC't rJ /lit Badir's voice speaking in their minds.
11 di qroomcd Iron" l1u1cmll 11111 ~/11[1 "' 1ri111111tt' mut 11 ar
cm~ 'l'li1 J/1t· mr. Aqa111 1011 {inti 1•mirs1•/11 ~ 111 ti r an11or-1lad /11 11 ar. pc oplc die A f/m/ tltccpt' ~11 Ii 1 olerict 11 /11\
lwd11 s uj 1111mur\ af Hat/1r: 111 111 • It I\ 111 rt/11 r qo11d ""' t 1 I hut \lnl/J/\ tll1 11 a of rli "I'
} t t \() 11111111 tlw1l1 I\ 1m/ll\/ and pro C\ 111 1 /1111 \~11/10111 till

tir1 rl/IOll Ill\' pwplt·. I unn/ Nol \Ital/ 11•i11 1/11' elm'. nrul ,,,,
THE f$UP.+H S+$Hf
\I/II 1111/ brll tln1111 rurn i[r,~h. 111u1mm Jut/ 11\ rool 1111111\ md
l1cal11 Cf rlllll T/I( fiql11i11q 11111\T \TOp; 1101 111/ 11r1 cl clu //H rt The PCs now feel the pull toward the fourth standing stone, but,
11111~1 b< \or11nl1111<1111 11'111 11 /1<11 1/1c lwtrk 1<; 1lo11r 111ul as before, they aren't compelled to proceed. If they do, read:
rn111ro11r Ill ll[l[Jll'CWI<' /Irr I'll wn "
r/11\ ITClll\l/lflll \ ti1ffi rUI/ f rtllll Ille" ft'\/ ilm tilllt', \'(II/
As before, Badir's words provide a clue lo whal the PCs /1111 t 1w lw.Ju 5, t1111/ ww m'r111ct11 d\ lmou• that w11 'rc <Ii ad
should do next. Now that the battle has receded, the charac- \, ahoq,, \Oii [uok llJ'CJll 0111· 11 /111 0/11 !nit\/\ 11 ill /n• demi soo11
ters notice wounded folks lying all around them. The cutters 1H lt'<'ll //re· cr11111/1l11u1 11ul11cc a101111d \'llu 11111 n11' '" ,n/c m-
should make an effort to help the wounded Badirine soldiers 1111a11t. a man 11 lw 11•11/1< n rr11 fl\ f1tf11n 1·01ir t'}'<'' Dark lwir
so thal they can- live on and continue to serve their power. qw11' qm1 <lllcl (alh 0111 o/ 111\ lmul. twd Im /1rul1h\' tl1/\k-
Curative spells, bandagi ng, and other methods will lend suc- 1 ulcm cf ,k111 ,/,,11 rls MUI 1n111klt \ /1;1•1•1•r b«/un lwl'1' \ 011 \C'tll
cor to these poor sods. l/1110111' 11 lw '<tlll1d 'in 11/lt'rly .. tilolH .
At this poinc, however, 10 Nolite berserkers (5th- level
fighters) charge into the area. These savage skirmishers lry to In this memory sequence, the PCs are present as Badir
kill everyone they see, including the wounded. The PCs withers and passes into the dead-book. Unfortunately, they
should protect the injured and fend off the assailants. can't seem to do anything but watch the death-throes of a
Once the wounded are safe, the heroes return to the old god. If they look beyond the shroud of memory, they hear
church in Sigil. The character who proved most helpful to the Badir's sorrowful voice in their minds:
fallen Badirine troops has a red jewel in his forehead, just like
his comrades before him. "fnrrnkl'11. I 11111 lus1. In {llll jro111 sudr a /of11· Jw1gh1 ro
//11\ nb1 rnwl rlt'p1/1 111 rn shorr a li111c it '' c111 ordeal 110
hc·111q ~11011/d 1 nc/urr. I lrat'<' tltc 11111l1i1 rnr. 111\ rtllll\
11ur11cltccl, 1111 ll'illth lie c fll111<·rl 111111 11111/111u111cs~ • • . . l lw 1·11rl
comt•s q111< kh, bur 11ot quick/\ c11011q/1 . Afr jar/1er rnr~<d mt'
a~ I u as born. aml 1111 11101/1t r 1~ d1 ml . . • 11111~1 I die alcmr!"

As ghostly apparitions, the PCs can move through walls

and other objects intangibly. They can freely explore the
crumbling cicadel that was once the home of an im-
mortal power. Many chambers away, lying
in the anteroom next to a once-
opulent bedchamber,
the heroes find a
weeping young
Her name is Yan this (Pl/ 9 hal r-elf/O-level/LN), and she used Ahead 11/ 1011. tltr g1qa11t1c form of a 111011 mru/1 of HMIC'
to be a handmaiden to Renishana, one of Badir's proxies. dnft~ /ikt t1111·111pt1 \/1r//. /fo rock\>. p111ijicd fcarun·, arc w1
Young Yan this is still hopelessly devoted to the power that her ll11\tak11/lh tfrn,r of rl1r !JOd Hadir - tlir 1•11c 1•011 Hill tlr<' 111 1l1t'
mistress served, and even now she feels his death as if it were cru1J1/Jli1111 l'lllacc.
her own. Ille p/1111t·11•n/kc" who 11pprnarlr t/11, qod lS/1 do 'o 1n1/r
Until the ghostly PCs ta lk 10 her, she's not even aware of 'illt Ill rt l't'rcnc't'. Arm ill!/ llJIOll tlw lllf/\\ll't' lw~k . t/1n 11•1tl1
their presence. No r su rprisingly, Yanthis is terrified of th e r/rnu tn11h Jio111 tlu ir /'ark\ 1111'1 l'q1tal re\flt cI . .'>1altlc 111\>. till
ghosts at first, but she docs not flee. Once she's calm, the char- ~01111tl o( 111< WI aqllll/51 stOllC rt Ilg\ thro119/i thf' I nitl. .'io/r11111/1'.
acters can ask her questions. She tells them about herself. if n 1crr11th. //1r·,c 11w11 111111 wo111c11 /Jack apart Jlw cvrp~c of tl1r:
they've got a mind to listen to her rattle her bone-box. She's a qru/,
planar half-elf who was born on Arborea, where she claims this
palace stands now. More importantly, she explains that after Badir isn't just any god - he's their god. These folks're
millennia of fighting, the forces of the sun god Nol have suc- rhe last remaining worsh ipers of the dead deity. They're
ceeded in putting most of Badir's worshipers to the swo rd . dressed and armed like those dusky-skinned desert folk en-
Worse, the constant religious wars and threats of violence have countered in the first stone's memory. Likewise, the PCs find
discouraged any others who might have followed the power. themselves once again in brown robes and armed only with
Without numerous worshipers, Badir is dying as surely as if the picks and axes that the ocher wors hipers carry. The
someone had placed a knife between his ribs. Badirines won't answer any questions the heroes might
The power's death has been a slow, painful one. As have - fact is, too many questions,
Badir's followers fell, the energy of their belief winked out and they'll try to silence the PCs for
li ke sn uffed candles. As whole prime-material worlds were good.
lost to his influence, Badir grew weaker and weaker, and the If at any time a charac-
god now suffers in his last moments of life. ter seeks to peer beyond the
The PCs should realize from Badir's wo rds tha t he be- rrappings of the memory. he
lieves all his worshipers slain. If they're sensitive enough to agai n hears Badir's voice,
understand the levels of the dying god's pain, they know that though now it
even a single mourner is one more than he thought he had. seems distanr
They should attempt lo convince Yanthis to go to Badir and and soft.
be with him in his last moments. This, at least, would offer
him some small comfort.
Yan this is reluctant at first. After all, she's just a lowly
mortal, not even a priest - how can she give solace to a god?
Nevertheless, if the PCs are successful and Yan this goes w
Badir's side, the dying god smiles through the pain at her love
and devotion. It isn't enough to sustain him, but it gives him
consolation as he dies.
With this, the PCs return to the old church, once again
standing in the center of the ring of stones. The cutter who
best convinced Yanthis to help Badir has a red jewel in his
fore head.


This time, the characters feel a pull toward the fifth stand-
ing stone. If they move toward it, they enter a memory
scene in which Badir's followers create the stones out of their
patron's corpse.

bleak.< 1111111 rnitl tllat rn1-

,;/,.r n l11w 1111d
roulf(/S \1111 11•1111 Ifs
u i11dwg rn11d11i1s rn11/tl 1111(\ br
till' A 5/ra/ Pla11t'. 1\ doL<'ll nr
morr other Aqra/ tral'dcn
\tlc11tll' float i11 t11r l'Cill/.
/1111d111g a~ 111tc tou•ard u
COllllllOll yua/.
"Tirey \t'l'k 10 pn•,cn r 11'11111 """ r11kc11 fro111 tlrcm. Arc• closely. These small notches are just the right size to hold the
1l1cir uc111111' nnrcrt? Wlro rn11 rru/_1 11111kc c;11rlr a .111dnmc111r red gems that rest in the characters' foreheads.
Good a11d rl'i/, /au and rb1111' - tlic•,t• //1i119' 111av /J1• dcfiurtl. Before they can place the gems, however, the bashers're
Riglrt anti u1ro11g. corrt·cr ti/Id 111cuircc t - u lior1·rr ma; k11011• interrupted by the white-haired man who sent them to the
tire· truth of 1l1c' m? church in the first place: Argesh Fiord. He bursts into the
"Wl1id1 of my clw1rcs wa' 11•r1111y? l\'l1icl1 tfrci,io11 led tn building, accompanied by a green slaad mercenary, and the
my i/011·1tf(1/I? I do 11r1t k111•11. \'l'I l 11•11, tHlr<' 11 q11cJ. //r111 , 1'11·11. two anack the PCs mercilessly.
cu11 I - 11r n11y1111r - .111dgc these JltlOr wu/c;? Strangely, this isn't a memory. In fact, it hasn't happened
"I c•t them tlo "' t/1<~· 11'ill. .. yet. It's a kind of future memory - a premonition. In "real"
time, Argesh even now makes his way to the old church with
This is the strangest of the memory scenes, for the "correct" a green slaad minder. He wants to make sure that the Doom of
course of action is to do nothing. By watching, however, lhe PCs the Stones did indeed take care of the PCs; he can then deter-
bear witness to the last acts of the god's worshipers. The mine the best next step to provoke the faction war. Nevenhe-
Badirines slice out huge chunks of their deity's body and begin less, the memory versions of Argesh and the slaad fight as if
to carve them. The shaping of the stones occurs unnaturally fast lhey were real.
(a flaw in the god's memories), and soon the heroes see the Once the PCs best their foes, they can place their gems
standing stones from the old church finished in front of them. into the sta nding stones. This act frees Badir from his impris-
Still saying nothing, not daring to profane their actions onment. By placing the gems, the heroes create a mystical
with words, the worshipers silently float the stones toward a resonance among the stones, opening a horizontally oriented
waiting portal. After they all pass through the ponal. the portal defined by the remaining walls of the church. The por-
player characters appear back in the church, standing in the tal leads back to the Astral and the body of Badir.
center of the stone circle. One of the PCs (DM's choice) has a
red jewel resting in his brow. GtJ/tic 11 /1q/11 ~11111c5 c 1t·n111·/1erc. l /1c grn11111/ <;/rudder\ ns
if in a ru111bli11g car1lrq11t1h'. 1/wuglr tllere\ really 110 M<·nrtl1"
to q11t1kc 111'>19il. fl1r r111irr floor of tllr cl1111cl1 gln11·' lrkl' a u
nc1i l'atcd p11rtal. 0111/ tl1r \t1111rc; i1111/ 1'1r rn111' l1rgi11 to 111111/Jit'
Before the PCs can do anything, they feel a rumble and a do11·1111•1ml i1110 whot look' /1k1· the Ac;1ml /'fo 11t'. Ju n mdde11
shudder from beneath them. A sixth, previously unseen stone ~llnf1 of lmq/11 i//11mi1w1io11. 1/rc• ~i//111111111· oj n /i11c-fc"11"''tf
pushes its way up through the center of the floor. Without man 1111115 1011 nrd you, 11011\, a11d ll'alh 'trnig/11 intn 1/1t' por-
warning or a chance to resist, the heroes are forced to enter tal'~ l1gl11.
the last of the memory scenes.
As the world literally drops out from beneath the PCs,
flwu_qil you k11011' yu11 '1•c OllCl' 111)11111 Jlll"<'d 111/ll 1/1c qotf'<; lhey, too, begin to fal l. However, before they plunge through
mc111nrit·5, \'n111 '11rm11mlr11g' \!'t'/11 to be 1111cl1011qcd. You 'tallCf the ponal, they rerurn to reality at the center of the church.
u•irl1i11 t/1r 11/tf clwrc/1 rlrnr\ been tl1r source of c;o 11111C'/1 u111- But as in the future-memory scene they just played out, the
jlrc1 of la tr. Tlri119' ft'el 111ur/1 1/11· 11'111' 1/1c·1• d1tl u 111'11 you lcjt building has vanished. The stones, the ruins, the foundation,
till' "real" u•orld. 11111 '11111c1l1i11q alwut tlrl' Hflll<'' rs tl1J.li·r1·111. everything is gone - almost as if it never existed at all.
Immediately, the guards who were positioned around the
As in the other memories, the PCs can't leave the bound- church rush onto the ground where the building stood only
aries of the scene (the church). The Athar and Harmonium moments before. Once the Athar tumble to what's actually
guards outside seem utterly oblivious to the arrival of the happened, however, they're extremely pleased. They wanted
sixth stone, and the heroes can't communicate with them in the stones gone, and now they don't have to expend the effort
any way. Other than that, the characters seem to be in their to do it themselves. The PCs are suddenly heroes in the eyes of
own bodies, with their own possessions. the Alhar - a position in which they may not be entirely
If the PCs attempt to sense the reality behind the mem- comfonable.
ory, they hear Badir's voice in their mind one last time. Canny bashers probably won't be surprised to see the real
Argesh Fiord arrive with a green slaad bodyguard. However,
"I ikc 111/ 1/ii11!/'• 11 /ifi· '' " l'llllJ - n 1111i11 11} ri ng' 111111 that doesn't mean the heroes have to fight them again. In fact,
hring' I/Ill' /1ark 11•/1crr Ire \farted. Hiir/1, /1]<'. ''"'' den/Ii t11r" Argesh has no intention of sticking around to exchange blows
co11\ta111 n·cle 'pi1111i119 tlrro11ql1 1/1r ri119 of aiHc'llC-<' No p11r once he knows his plot has failed. He takes one look and
1io11 qf tilt· ri11g ,/11111/rl bi· m •oufrcl 11r 1111111metl - t•ac/1 h " ' i111- leaves the scene as quickly as possible. Besides, even if he and
p11rr11111n11d11' u·orrll)• n' tire 01/rer' I nr>k closcflo nt ll'flt11 11 1ns. his minder could put the whole lot of guards and heroes into
11111/ yoll '// H'I' ll'llCll It ii/ h1·. .. the dead-book, what would that accomplish? Argesh wants
revenge on the Athar and the Sign of One. He's not about to
Each of the five original standing stones now bears a waste his time fighting with a handful of berks, no maner
tiny indentation visible only to someone examining them how utterly they've just ruined his plans. Instead, Argesh

• 155 .
takes this horrible set-back in stride and flees to begin plan- throughout the planes. If the characters are interested, this
ning a new scheme for revenge. could be the springboard for other adventures.

With the temple gone, tensions berween the factions begin to Canny bloods might still wonder about Badir and the old
smooth over. The Athar reassign their guards and retract their church. It's common chant that the Lady of Pain doesn't allow
ultimatums toward the Signers. There's nothing to fight over powers into Sigil, yet part of Badir's consciousness resided in
now, right? Likewise, the Signers declare chat they have no the Cage. (Granted, he was dead, but still. ... ) Was the Lady
quarrel with the Athar. (If they haven't done so already. fac- unaware of him? Did she send the dabus to investigate? Did
tion high-ups scrag Mhavor and his followers and make them she care at all? Or is she more limited in her power than folks
pay the music for the trouble they've caused.) Peace is re- suspect?
stored to the City of Doors, at least for the moment. Some berks say that Badir's remains were exempt from
Argesh Fiord may very well be planning a new scheme, the ban because he'd been in Sigil longer than the Lady. im-
although now - assuming the PCs told someone about his ex- plying that there was a time when the City of Doors was not
istence and involvement - he's a wanted man. The OM may her home. But since no one can put a date on the church's
even want the heroes to learn of his background, so they can construction, that's impossible to determine. (No one knows
understand a little more of what he was after and why. They when the Lady of Pain showed up either, for that matter.)
can tumble to his history by piecing together various bits of Others ranle their bone-boxes about spells and potent magic
information from Athar and Signer sources, or meet a few of that allow mortals to act without the Lady's knowledge, but
the folks who know the dark of Argesh's most folks just back away slowly and look peerily over their
hatred for the factions. shoulders when they hear addle-coves spout such obvious
Folks talk about the disappearing nonsense.
church for a while, but the whole in- The whole incident raises more questions than it an-
cident quickly passes from their swers. Such is the way of mysteries in the Cage and through-
minds - memory's a funny thing. out the planes; no one can ever know all of the multiverse's
The Athar remember better than secrets. Most folks are just glad that the tensions have abated
most, however, and offer the in the City of Doors. But wiser heads know there's no telling
PCs an advance of 800 gp each when the quiet faction skirmishes of the Cage will erupt into
if they take on some covert an all-out war, bringing Sigil to its very knees....
temple-bashing assignments
Cr IM \IF/Tr kl< \JN: Any what it wants him to think and experience what it wants him to
lk10lLNlY: Very rare experience. The undead fiend uses a number of tricks to force a
ORC1\Nl/\JIU~: Solitary false perception of reality on its victim.
/\l IIVll\ CY< 11: Any First and foremost, a visage wields a strange power that
D111: None graybeards call lucidity control. The fiend can reach into the
lr.ll I I llif"J(t-; High (13-14) mind of anyone it sees and change how he perceives the
fld \SlRf: Nil world around him. The visage totally controls the victim's
/\l llJN\ll i>; •: Chaotic evil senses, but it usually does so in subtle ways so the sod won't
realize that he's being manipulated. As long as the victim is
Nu. 1\l l'EAR.%: ld4 unaware of the visage's assault, he receives no saving throw
i\1\\101\ CLA<..~: 0 against the effect. However, if he tumbles to the fact that
Mm1w'l1: Fl 15 (A) something's playing with his mind, he can attempt a saving
tin IJ1c 1 : 6 throw versus spell. Success indicates that the victim perceives
I 11/\CO: 15 things as they truly are, but he must continue to make suc-
No. of/\ lAO;~: 2 cessful saving throws each round or fall back into the false
Dl\M/\l1I /Ari Al K: I dB/ I dB (claw/claw) reality created by the visage.
Si'LLIAl AT IAlK'>: Lucidity control, domination To make it less likely that a sod'll realize his perceptions
s1·1 UAL llrn N~ t .,: Hit only by +I or better weapons, are being orchestrated, the undead fiends often mix real expe-
immune to holy water riences with false ones. For example, a visage might artifi-
i\11\UC RI ~hr\';Lf:: 25% cially exaggerate perceived distances, make real objects ap-
S111: M (6' tall) pear to fall or move at inopportune times, change the way a
l\loKAll: Elite (I 3-14) building seems to be laid out, and so on.
XI' \.All I: 4,000 The thing to remember is that a visage loves to cause con-
fusion and fear. Sure, it could shut off a berk's senses entirely,
What is real? Ask any two berks, especially those from differ- but it'd much rather do something disorienting and strange.
ent factions, and a body's likely to get two completely differ- Then, when a victim can no longer trust his own eyes and ears,
ent answers. Find a cutter that's faced a visage, though, and the fiend rakes with its claws or simply manipulates the sod
the answer might be a little strange. toward a horrible end (maneuvering him into a pit, stirring up
See, a visage is a creature of deception. It assaults per- another creature to attack him, and so on).
ceptions, steals identities, and crushes wills. Nightmarish Unfortunately, a visage has other ways of assaulting
fiends of insidious power, visages are - thankfully - ex- minds, as well. Once per day, it can dominate a single target
tremely rare. Fact is, they're found only in the service of the (as per the 5th-level wizard spell domination), making him do
deity now known as Tenebrous. Visages are undead tanar'ri, and say whatever it likes. This requires a fair bit of concentra-
former servants of Tenebrous brought back by the evil god's tion on the fiend's part, though, so it can't use its domination
influence over all things undead. and lucidity-control powers at the same time. But if two or
Visages can assume other shapes (as explained below), more visages attack the same party, one often alters their per-
but in their natural form, they appear as wispy, translucent ceptions while the other dominates a victim to make the false
spirits with frightening white masks where their heads should reality seem more valid.
be. They have no legs, but instead float or fly through the air Finally, a visage can assume a victim's very identity. See,
at will. Despite their noncorporeal appearance, visages are when a visage kills someone, it can take on not only the cut-
solid. They can't pass through walls or objects, though they ter's form but also part of his essence. It almost perfectly imi-
can fit through tiny spaces too small for a human of equal tates his voice, affectations, skills, and the like. Sure, the vis-
size. age misses subtle mannerisms and quirks that a very close
Visages communicate through speech. Most know the friend might notice, but the imitation can lend more weight to
common tongue, as it helps them move surreptitiously whatever false perceptions it tries to force on others. A visage
through society, and they pick up any languages spoken by in someone else's form can still use its lucidity-control and
those whose essences they steal (as explained below). domination powers.
Truth is, by taking a body's form and essence, the fiend
( , · A body could say that in battle, a visage strikes with its can also cheat him out of another chance at life - and even
razor-sharp claws. That's a true statement, but it's also danger- his final reward. See, with his spirit gone, the victim can't be
ously misleading - the claws are the least of a sod's worries. raised or resurrected, and he can't become a petitioner. That
Visages warp minds in ways that no other creatures really can. can be undone, but only if the visage is killed within one day
Sure, plenty of berks create illusions (the baatezu're experts at of stealing the essence. If the fiend's still on the same plane as
it), but a visage can twist a body's mind, making him think the victim, even better - the sod's chance for a successful res-

• 15B .
urrection is doubled. But if the fiend voluntarily casts off the Perhaps the fiends· influence is even more widespread. And
spirit (say, to take on another person's form), or if it holds perhaps it's all just barmy talk.
onto the essence for longer than one day, the spirit withers Then again. if everyone believes in a false reality. doesn't
away. The victim can't return to life, and he won't become a it become true? In the end, isn't a body left with the question :
petitioner. He's just gone. What is real?
Like many types of undead, visages are immune to sleep.
charm, hold, magical fear, poison, paralyzation, and cold-
based anacks. They can be struck only by magical weapons of
+I or bener enchantment, and holy water does them no harm.
They can be rurned by clerics and paladins, but only on the
"special" ·row. Visages have no connection to the Ethereal

The only society these creatures have is

one dedicated LO serving the will of Tenebrous. With-
out him, they have no existence. Visages seem far
too chaotic to have ranks; they treat each other as
equals, taking orders only from their deity. Fact is,
a visage has never been known to anack another
of its k.ind, or display any feelings of rivalry or
contempt for its brethren. That's not to say, h.ow-
ever, that the undead fiends show loyalty to their
own kind. On the contrary: Visages care nothing
for one another's welfare. If it's time to flee a battle, 0
a visage won't hesitate to turn stag on its fellows and •
give the situation the laugh.
Visages can lurk anywhere in the multiverse,
though the only habitat not alien LO these twisted
fiends is the Negative Energy Plane. However,
chant says the only place they're found there is
in a fortress called Tcian Sumere, now ru-
mored to be lost and adrift somewhere in the
black void. But unlike other undead, visages
have no special link to the Negative Energy
Plane. Face is, they have no real link to any-
thing in the cosmos except Tenebrous.

Despite having been created by a forn1er

Abyssal lord, the visages have no place amor'lg the tanar"ri.
They're recognized immediately by other fiends and attacked
on sight. Lower-planar inhabitants fear and-loathe these crea- •
tures more than they do most other things - and that's saying
a lot. See, most tanar'ri return to ltfe when slain, albeit usu-
ally in a lesser form. But a visage is denied both rebirth into
another shape and the eternal oblivion of a fiend's true death.
The berks're slaves of the magic that spawned them, and that
strikes fear in the dark hearts of the tanar'ri.
How many visages did Tenebrous create? No one knows.
But if the tanar'ri are so familiar with them, perhaps there are
other means of spawning the undead fiends. And perhaps
they've been around longer than folks think. Could it be that
certain aspects of the multiverse are nothing but huge decep-
tions put forth by visages? Maybe entire Abyssal layers are
hidden from discovery or camouflaged beyond recognition .

.. 159 .
C (2):AC6;MY 12;HD6+2;hp28,27;THACO 15;
eu+ et= +HE DARK.NESS llAT I; Dmg 2d4 (bite); SA swallow foe whole; SZ L (7 ' and 8'
long); ML average (9); Int animal (I); AL N; XP 420 each.
CHAP+£R I : Notes: On an attack roll of 19 or 20, iguana swallows a small-
CIRCEAN EmBERS sized foe whole (I/week). Unless he escapes, victim dies in a num-
ber of rounds equal to 'h of his Constituiion score. From within,
I\ (10 in Sigil, 68+ in Naphraks): AC 2 (bronze plate); blunt weapons cause no damage co iguana, and stabbing or slash-
MV 9; HD 3+3; hp 16 each; THACO 17 ; #AT 2; Dmg ld6/ ing attacks cause l point of damage each. (Because these giant
Jd8+1 (bite/battle axe+ Str bonus); SZ M (6 ' tall); ML steady iguanas are s maller than standard specimens, they can·t swallow
(12); Int very (II); AL CN; XP 175 each. man-sized foes whole.)
Notes: When mounted on giant lizard, khaasta gains +I to hit
foes on foot but loses ability to attack foes with bite. . AC 2 (bronze plate); MY
9; HD 8; hp 50; THACO 13 (1 2 with halberd); #AT 2; Dmg
I 11 ~ 1 ~ (khaasta chieftain): AC 2 (bronze plate); MY 9; HD I d6/ l d 10+4 (bite/ halberd + Str bonus); SZ L (8' tall); ML
6+6; hp 43; THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg ld6/ld 10+3 (bite/two- champion (16); Int very (12); AL CN; XP 975.
handed sword + Str bonus); SZ M (7 ' tall); ML elite ( 14) ; Int Personality: imperious, possessive.
very (12); AL CN; XP 650. Special Equipment: thief of charms (see entry above for
Special Equipment: thief of charms (rod drains beauty toil master); halberd +2 (forged on the Prime;+ I in Naphraks).
from targets; see Chapter I for details; 10 charges left); silver
Arcadian dovehawk feather (gate key). I\ l AC 5; MY 6; HD 2; hp 10;
Notes: When mounted on giant lizard, toilmaster gains +I to THACO 20; llAT I; Dmg ld6 (bite); SW blind; SZ M (5'6" tall);
hit foes on foot but loses ability to attack foes with bite. ML elite (13); Int very (12) AL N; XP 175.
Notes: The Wise One casts spells as a 5th-level cleric.
'' ( 10 on Outlands, 41 in Naphraks): AC 5; MY 15; SW-because of his blindness, the Wise One suffers a penalty
HD 3+ I; hp 14 each; THACO 17; #AT I; Dmg ld8 ; SA double co his attack roll, reducing it to 20.
damage on attack roll of20; SZ H (15' long); ML average (10); Personality: crafty, irascible.
Int non (O); AL N; XP 175 each. Spells (5/4): !st-bless, cure light wounds (x2), curse, en-
tangle; 2nd-charm person or mammal, heat metal, hold per-
t I 1 1 l AC O (body), 2 (eyestalks), 7 (eyes); MY Fl son, silence J5' radius.
3 (B); HD 45-75 hp; hp 48; THACO 11; llAT 1; Dmg 2d4 (bite);
SA eye powers; SD antimagic ray; SZ M (4' diameter); ML fa-
natic (18); Int exceptional (16); AL LE; XP 14,000. c HAP e, · 1: c Ru
SA-10 eyestalks produce follow ing effects: charm person,
c/1ann monster, sleep (I target), relekinesis (250 lbs}, flesh co stone o
, Pl/ human/T4,F9/LE: AC -1 (bracers, ring, Dex
(30-yard range), disintegrare (20-yard range), fear (as wand), slow bonus); MV 12; hp 64; THACO 12 (II with Str. 9 with two-
(I target}, cause serious wounds (50-yard range). dearh ( 1 target. handed sword +2); #AT 3/2; Dmg ld10+3 (two-handed sword
40-yard range). +2 + Str bonus); SA x2 backstab; SZ M (5' 10" tall); ML fear-
SD-central eye produces antimagic ray ( 140-yard range, 90- less (20); XP 5,000.
degree arc in front of Blvastin). Notes: Veridis is a dual-classed character who began as a
Personality: no-nonsense, businesslike, intolerant of thief and now advances as a fighter.
non-beholders. S 17, D 18, C 15, I 18, W 16, Ch 17.
Personality: assured, shrewd, cunning, subtly manipula-
I .1 R 1 , Pl/ <? half-elf/F7,M6,T7/NE: AC 3 (bracers, tive and often protective (if not actually compassionate) of
Dex bonus); MY 12; hp 41; THACO 14; #AT 3/2 (broad sword) the people of Crux.
or 2 (short bow); Dmg 2d4 (broad sword) or ld6 (short bow) ; Special Equipment: invisible two-handed sword +2
SA xJ backstab; SD infra vision 60', 300/o resistance to sleep (forged on Astral; full strength on Yggdrasil), bracers of de-
and chann; SZ M (5' 4" tall); ML steady (12); XP 3,000. fense (AC 4), ring of protection +2 (forged in Sigil; +I on
S 13, D 17, C 16, I 14, W 12, Ch 8. Yggdrasil).
Personality: curious, self-centered, greedy. Thief Abilities: PP 20, OL 10, F/RT JO, MS 83, HS 82, ON
Special Equipment: bracers of defense (AC 6), boots of 45, CW 90, RL 38.
striding and springing, fiend globe (a one-use magical item
that, when broken, summons a random fiend of minor status , Pl/ <? human/P9(Yggdrasil)/NG: AC 6 (shield, Dex
- in this case, a bar-lgura - to serve the user for one hour), bonus); MY 12 ; hp 49; THACO 16 (14 with wooden cudgel +2);
12 doses ofType D poison (injected, I d2 minutes, 30/2d6) for #AT I; Dmg ld6+2 (wooden cudgel +2); SZ M (5 ' 8" tall); ML
her blade or arrows. elite ( 14) ; XP 2,000.
Spells (4/2/2): 1st-change self, color spray, magic mis- Notes: Marius is a druid (of a son), with a +2 save bonus vs.
sile, shield; 2nd-forget, invisibility; 3rd-delude, lightning fire and electrical attacks and the ability to s hapechange (2/day)
bolt. into an animal indigenous to Yggdrasil (bird, beetle, boar, etc.). but
Thief Abilities: PP 65, OL 50, F/RT 40, MS 65, HS no other special druid powers.
55, ON 30, CW 90, RL 35. S 9, D 16, C 12, I JO, W 17, Ch 12.
Personality: friend ly, devoted to Ygg-

Special Equipment: wooden cudgel +2, wooden shield +2 M • \t (3): AC -2; MV 12; HD 6; hp 45, 39, 32; THACO
(both created on Yggdrasil). 15 (13 with khopesh sword +2); NAT 3/2 (in narural form) or
Spells (6/6/4/2/ l): I st-command (x2). cure light wounds. 3 (in scorpion form); Dmg 2d4+2 (klropesh sword +2) or
entangle, sanctuary, shillelagh; 2nd-barkskin, e111hrall, heat 1d10/ Id 10/ I d4 (pincer/pincer/stinger); SA poison sting; SD
metal, hold person, silence 15' radius, warp wood; 3rd-dispel immunity, save; MR 100/o; SZ M (6 ' 6" call); ML fearless (20);
magic. plant growth, protection from fire. spike growth; 4th- Int high (14); AL LE; XP 1.400 each.
cure serious wounds, plant door; 5th-pass plant. Notes: Minion can shapechange into giant scorpion in less
than one round ; AC remains the same.
~ \1\11 .~ (5+): AC 6; MV 9, Fl 15 (D), Cl 12; HD 2; hp 8 each; SA-victims struck by scorpion·s stinger must save vs. poison
THACO 19; llAT 2; Dmg ld4/ld4 (claw/claw); SA swoop. or die: those who succeed still suffer 2d4 points of damage.
taunt; SD dodge; SZ S (4' tall); ML unsteady (6); Int low (6); SD-immune to magic that creates fear or doubt; saves as a
AL CG; XP 175 each. 10th-level fighter while in either form.
SA-swoop from above and inflict double damage ; insults Special Equipment: kliopesh sword +2 (forged on Baator).
tau111 (as the spell) foes of low Intelligence or greater who fail to
save vs. spell. Ci IH " !! (8): AC 3; MV 6; HD 5; hp 23 each; THACO

SD-when airborne. a ratatosk can dodge a missile that would 15; llAT I; Dmg 5d4 (mandibles); SZ L (9' long); ML elire ( 14);
normally hie by rolling its current hit points or less on ld20. Int animal (I); AL N; XP 175 each.

UlllfH YI (1(\f I)~~ 11\11'.\ ). AC 6; MV 9, Fl 15 (D), Cl 12: HD l • \ \ I Mh , Pl/o human/F5/NG,CG (3+): AC 4 (chain
3; hp 19; THACO 19; llAT 2 or I; Dmg ld4/ld4 (claw/claw) or mail. shield); MV 12; hp 22 each; THACO 16; llAT I; Dmg 1d8
ld6 (wooden cudgel); SA swoop. taunt; SD dodge; SZ M (5' (long sword); SZ M (6' tall); ML elite (14); Int average (10); XP
tall); ML average (10); Int average (10); AL CG; XP 650. 175 each.
Notes: As a priest of Yggdrasil, Glittereye casts spells as Notes: Only three watchmen attack the PCs during the am-
a 6ch-leve1 priest. bush at High Point (the others are really visages). though the party
SA, SD-see stats for ratatosk. above. may encounter more than three while exploring Crux.
Personality: morose, dep ressed, and peery.
Spells (3/3/2): Jsc-cure light wounds. detect el'il, shille-
lagh; 2nd-heat metal, trip, warp wood; 3rd-protection from CH.6.P+ER IV :
fire, summon insects. mESS.6.GE t=R•m TH.6.N.6.+$S
L 11 (hi' ) (JOO+): AC 4; MV 12, Fl 24 (B); HD 5+3; hp
p ) . I (' -.)AC 3; MV 18; HD 5+5; hp 29; THACO 24 each; TH ACO 15; II AT I; Dmg 1d6 (chilling couch); SA
15; NAT 5; Dmg ld4+4(x5); SA paralysis gas; SD struck only
level drain; SD weapon immunity, attack immunity, hit point
by +I or better weapons. double human senses, infravision recovery; SW sunlight, holy water, raise dead; SZ M (6 ' tall);
180'. immunities, save bonus; SZ M (5' tall); ML fearless (20); ML champion ( 15); Int very ( 12); AL LE; XP 2,000 each.
Int very (12); AL LN; XP 2,000.
Notes: Although hundreds of the Lovelost inhabit Ranais,
SA-once every five turns (but no more than five times per they attack the PCs one al a lime to toy with the heroes.
day). pentadrone can emir a stream of gas 2 feet in diameter and 5
SA-a successful attack drains one experience level from a
feet in length; any creature caught in gas must save vs. paralysis or victim: those drained completely of levels become half-strength
be immobilized for five rounds. Alternately, pentadrone can use
gas to levitate (as the spell).
SD-struck only by +I or better weapons: silver weapons in-
SD-immune to illusions, magic that affects the mind or emo- flict half damage: immune co poison, paralyzation. cold. sleep,
tions. and attacks that draw upon the Positive or Negative Energy c/iarm. hold, and dearli; recovers one lost hit point every eight
Planes (including life-draining); suffers damage from cold, fire, and
acid attacks with a -2 modifier per die; gains+ I bonus to ~aves vs.
cold, fire, and acid attacks. SW-direct sunlight renders a wraith powerless; holy water
inflicts 2d4 points of damage: raise dead destroys a wraith that
Personality: logical, inquisitive. fails to save vs. spell.

R .,.,, ., ( • ' ' '111 ) AC 7; MV 12, Fl 24 (B); HD

CH.6.P+ER Ill: M.6.SKS 3+2; hp 15; THACO 17; NAT 2; Dmg 1/1 (claw/claw); SA
V1v11 f AC O; MV Fl 15 (A); HD 6; hp 40; THACO 15; llAT 2; breathe mist; SD wall of fog, gaseous form, gate; SW strong
Dmg ld8/ld8 (claw/claw); SA lucidity control, domination, winds; SZ M (5' tall); ML average (10); Int average (10); AL N;
idenlity theft; SD struck only by+ I or better weapons. immu- XP 420.
nities, turn ing; MR 250/o; SZ M (6' tall); ML elite (14); Int high SA-every other round (max of 3/hour), can breathe cloud of
(14); AL CE; XP 2,000. mist that envelops one victim (save vs. poison or suffer ld4 points of
choking damage and be blinded for ld4 rounds).
Notes: These stats can be used throughout the remainder of
the adventure, as the PCs will face visages on several occasions. SD-create a 11101/ offog as a 3rd-level wizard (I /day); assume
gaseous form (I/day): gate ld2 ice or mist mephits (I/hour, 25%
SA-manipulate foe's perception of reality (target can save vs.
spell to negate false reality for one round, but only if he realizes
that he's being manipulated): dominate a single target (as the dom- SW-powerful winds (including gust of wind) cause mephit to
i11ario11 spell) once per day: assume identity of slain foe. flee.
SD-immune to holy water, poison. paralyzation. cold. sleep.
cham1, hold, and fear; rumed as a "special" type of undead.

• 161 .
GL·\NJ I \Gil (1-10): AC 7; MV 3, Fl 48 (DJ; HD 4; hp 20 each; SD-immune to all spells except fire- and cold-based attacks
THACO 17; #AT 3; Dmg Jd6/ld6/2d6 (claw/claw/beak); SA (see below); electrical attacks restore to golem I hit point per die of
dive; SD never surprised; SZ L ( 10' tall); ML elite ( 13); Int av- damage normally caused.
erage (10); AL N; XP 420 each. SW-fire- and cold-based spells slow golem for 2d6 rounds.
SA-when diving more than 50 feet, eagle gains +4 to attack
roll and inflicts double damage with claws. f...1~·11111, Pr/ o drow vampire/HD 8+3/CE: AC 1; MV 12, Fl 18
(C); hp 33; THACO 11; #AT I; Dmg id6+4 (fist); SA gaze, life
drain, summon aid, gaseous form, shape change, spider climb,
CHAP+ER. V : drow spells; SD weapon and attack immunity, regeneration,
THE Be++em $f +HE gaseous at O hp, save bonus; SW garlic, mirrors, holy sym-
muL+IVER.SE bols, holy water, sunlight, running water, stake, bright light;
MR 700/o; SZ M (5' 10" tall); ML champion (16); Int exceptional
G11c111 (10 per guard post): AC 6; MV 9; HD 2; hp 16 each; (16); XP 10,000.
THACO 19 ; #AT 3; Dmg id3/ld3/ld6 (claw/claw/bi te); SA SA-gaze acts as charm person {-2 to saving throw); success-
paralysis, become spectre; SD immune to sleep and charm; ful touch attack drains two experience levels from victim; summon
SW protection from evil keeps ghoul at bay; SZ M (6' tall); ML IOdlO bats or rats, which arrive in 2d6 rounds ; assume gaseous
steady (12); Lnt low (5); AL CE; XP 175 each. fomr at will: shape change into large bat ; spider climb at will; can
Notes: Victims slain by ghouls in Tcian Sumere are eaten and use any of th e following spells (I/day): dancing lights, darkness
thus do not become ghouls themselves. 15' radius, detect magic, faerie fire, know alignment, and levitate.
SA-victim touched by ghoul must save vs. paralyzation or SD-struck only by +I or bener weapons; immune to poison,
remain immobile for Jd6+2 rounds; ifa group of 10 ghouls is slai n, paralysis, sleep, lro/d, and charm; half damage from cold and elec-
their spirits merge to fonn a spectre. tricity; regenerates 3 hp/round ; if reduced to O hp, assumes gaseous
form and flees to coffin to regenera te body in eight hours; +2
bonus LO saves vs. magical anack.
SP!lll<f (1-6): AC 2; MV 15, Fl 30 (BJ; HD 7+3; hp 36 each;
SW-repelled by garlic, mirrors, and holy symbols; suffers
THACO 13; #AT I ; Dmg ld8 (ch il ling touch); SA level drain;
I d6+ I points of damage if struck by holy water or holy symbol:
SD weapon and attack immunity; SW sunlight, holy water, killed by sunlight (one round), running water (three rounds), or a
raise dead; SZ M (6' tall); ML champion ( 15); Int high ( 13); AL stake through the hean; -2 to anack rolls in bright light.
CE; XP 3,000 each. Personality: loyal to Kiaransalee.
Notes: One spectre forms from each pack of JO ghouls slain.
Other than their alignments, they are standard spectres. tinP111M1101< (cL1<:-.w 111\UJR w 1RrrJ · AC o; MY 12; HD 10; hp 56;
SA-a successful attack drains two experience levels from a THACO 11 ; #AT I; Dmg O; SA suggestion, ray of enfeeblement,
victim; those drained completely of levels become full-strength
fear (by touch); SD struck only by +I or better weapons; MR
30%; SZ L (7 ' tall); ML fanatic ( 17); Int genius ( 18); AL CE;
SD-struck only by +I or better weapons; immune to poison,
paralyzation, cold, sleep, chamr, and hold. XP 7,000.
SW-sunlight renders spectre powerless; holy water inflicts Notes: Glyphimhor has been greatly reduced in power and
2d4 points of damage; raise dead destroys a spectre that fails Lo lacks most balor abilities.
save vs. spell. Personality: crafty, greedy.

:X11, Ii' AC O; MV 6; HD 7; hp 34; THACO 13: #AT I; Dmg T~I- IUWll' ~ROND: AC 9; MV O; HD 2+8; hp 20; THACO 17 ;
I d6+6 (draining touch); SA corrosion, explosion; SD s truck HAT I; Dmg O; SA s hoots 2d4 tendrils (3 ' -range) that induce
only by+ I or better weapons, spell immunity; SW shield spell coma and inflict damage; SZ M (5' tall); ML average ( 10); Int
repels attack; MR 150/o; SZ M (4' diameter); ML steady (12); non (O); AL N; XP 420 .
Int high (14) ; AL N; XP 7,000. SA-victim struck by tendril must save vs. poison or fall into
Notes: A ci rcle of protection, a mace of disruption. or a rod of coma lasting I d4 hours; tendril drips enzyme on coma victim, in-
cancel/acion provides protection from xeg-yi's anacks; the rod and flicting 2d4 points of damage per round (damage stops if enzyme is
mace are immune to its corrosive touch. washed off with water); tendril drains fluid from coma victim, in-
Oicting I d6 points of damage per round.
SA-every other round, xeg-yi can discharge a bolt of energy
(JO-foot range) that inflicts I d6+6 points of damage upon living
foes and corrodes nonliving materials that fail to save vs. electric- B101m:.1c.\I CON'>rl!lill. AC 6; MV 9; HD 8+8 ; hp 58; THACO as
ity; when slain, xeg-yi explodes with negative energy (JO-foot-ra- controller +3 (Str bonus); #AT I; Dmg 2d6 (fist) or by weapon
dius burst), causing 2d6+ 12 points of damage Lo foes and +6; SD half damage from heat and cold attacks; SZ L (8' tall);
corroding materials that fail to save. ML as controller; AL as controller; XP 1,400.
SD-immune to all spells except disintegrate, magic missile, Notes: The construct has need for food. air, and sleep, just as
and heat-based attacks. a human does. Mind-influencing spells affect both controller and
co nstruct, as mind is shared. Construct stats and abilities do not in-
Ftl'>tf ullll\1 AC 9; MV 8; HD 9; hp 40; THACO 11; #AT 2; crease as controller increases in level.
Dmg 2d8/2d8 (fist/fist); SD struck only by +I or better weap- S 18/00, D 6, C 16, 1 as controller, W as controller, Ch as
ons, spell immunity; SW fire, cold; SZ L (7'6" tall): ML fear- controller -6.
less (20); Int semi (3); AL N; XP 2,000.
CHAP+ER VI : I I .II) ( l l 11 \), R) AC 5; MV 12; HD 8+4; hp 40; THACO 11;
THE VAUL+ $f +HE DR.$W NAT 4; Dmg 2/2/2/2 (ten taclex4); SA mind blast, tentacles,
spells; SD infravision; MR 90%; SZ M (6' tall); ML champion
Because the PCs have so much freedom in this chapter, the (15); Int genius (18); AL LE; XP 9,000.
OM can introduce encounte rs with drow or monsters as SA-mind blast (projected in a cone 60 feet long, 5 feet wide
needed. Thus, the stats for many of the foes below don't spec- at stan , 20 fee t wide at end) stuns victims for 3d4 rounds if they
ify the number encountered. fai l to save vs. wand ; successful tentacle attack indicates that ten-
tacle grips victim's head (bend bars roll to remove), and if all four
I 1t L o 11\ 111 ~. Pr/ o drow/F3/CE: AC 2 (chain mail +l,
tentacles do so at same time. the victim dies one round thereafter;
can use the fo llowing spells (I /round) as a 7th-level mage: astral
shield +I); MV 12; hp 15; THACO 18; #AT I; Dmg ld6+1 projection, charm monster, cha rm person, ESP, levitate, plane
(short sword +I); SA can use dancing lights, darkness 15' ra - shift, and suggestion (-4 to any saves vs. these spells).
dius, and faerie fire each once per day; SD infravision 120',
su rprise, save bonus; SW -2 to attacks in bright light; MR li111'\M1 \Krill~ , Pl /o githyanki/F4/CE: AC 3 (banded mail,
56%; SZ M (5' tall); ML elite (14); Int high (14); XP 975. shield); MV 12; hp 24; THACO 17 ; #AT I; Dmg ld8 (long
SD-surp rised only on a roll of I on 1d1 O; +2 to saves vs. sword); SA plane shift at will; SZ M (6' tall); ML steady (12);
magical attack.
Int exceptional ( 15); XP 270.
Special Equipment: cliait1 mail +1, shield (buckler) +I, Notes: Many githyanki have psionics.
short sword + 1 (all forged on the Prime).
f) ..,, ~ Iii AC 4; MV 15; HD 6; hp 28; THACO 15; #AT 2;
T \1 u~ 1v- ·~1 '>It '•Pr/~ drow/ P4(Lolth) /CE: AC 0 (chain
Dmg 2d4/2d4 (tentaclex2); SA claws and teeth; SD displace-
mail +2, shield +2) ; MV 12; hp 18; THACO 18 ; #AT I ; Dmg ment, save; SZ L (10' long); ML elite (14); Int semi (4); AL LE;
ld6+3 (mace +2); SA can use clairvoyance, dancing lights,
XP 975.
darkness 15' radius, detect lie, detect magic, dispel magic, SA-if near death, disp lacer beast attacks with six claws
faerie fire, know alig11ment, levitate, a nd suggestion each o nce (Dmg: ld3 each) and bite (Dmg: ldB).
per day ; SD infravision 120', surprise, save bonus; SW -2 to SD-beast appears to be 3 feet from its actual location, impos-
attacks in bright light; MR 58%; SZ M (5' tall); ML elite ( 14); ing -2 penalty on opponents' attack rolls (rea l location revealed
Int high (14); XP 1,400. only by true seeing); saves as I 2th-level fighter, adding +2 to rolls.
SD-surprised only on a roll of 1 on Id IO; +2 to saves vs.
magical attack. N1111 ~WI AC -4; MV 15, Fl 36 (C); HD 6+6; hp 33; THACO
Special Equipment: chain mail +2, shield (buckler) +2, 15 ; #AT 3; Dmg 2d4+2/2d4+2/2d4 (hoof/hoof/bite); SA front
mace +2 (all forged o n the Prime). hooves ignite combustibles; SD noxious cloud; SZ L (6' tall at
Spells (3/2): 1st-cause light wounds, command, cure shoulder); ML elite (13); Int very (II); AL NE; XP 2,000.
light wounds; 2nd-heat metal, hold person. SD-emits cloud of noxious vapor that blinds and chokes vic-
tims within 10 feet ; those who fail to save vs. paralyzation suffer
AC 4; MV 3, Wb 12; HD 4+4; hp 23; THACO 15;
ul\NI Sl'llHI<. -2 on attack and damage rolls.
#AT 1; Dmg ld8 (bite); SA poison; SZ L (9' diameter); ML elite
(13); Int low (6); AL CE; XP 650. t. 1, Pr/ o drow/F4,M 10/CE: AC 0 (bracers, Dex bonus); MV
SA-spider injects Type F poison through bite; victim must 12; hp 40; THACO 17; NAT I; Dmg ld6+3 (short sword +3);
save vs. poison or die immediately. SA can use dancing lights, darkness 15' radius, detect magic,
faerie fire, know alignment, and levitate each once per day;
But,111 \K (:>OO): AC 5; MV 9; HD 3+ 1; hp 15 each ; THACO 17 SD infravision 120', surprise, save bonus; SW - 2 to attacks in
(15 with m orning sta r) ; #AT I ; Dm g 2d4 (claws) or 2d4+2 bright li g ht; MR 700fo; SZ M (5'2" tall); ML elite (14); XP
(morning star); SA -3 to opponents' surprise rolls ; SD infra - 5,000.
visio n 60'; SZ L (7' tall); ML s teady ( 12); Int average (8); AL SD- surprised only on a roll of I on Id 10; +2 to saves vs.
CE; XP 120 each. magical attack.
Notes: The bugbears gain +2 to attack and damage rolls with S 14, D 18, C 15, I 17, W 10, Ch 13.
their morning stars because the weapons (though nonmagical) are Personality: megalomaniacal , treacherous.
especially large and heavy. What's more, Gannish, the bugbear Special Equipment: bracers of defense (AC 4), short
leader, has 6 Hit Dice and wears gauntlets of ogre power. sword +3 (forged on the Prime), wa nd of viscid globs (once per
The general bugbear stats may also be useful later, if the OM round, can fire a 5-foot-diameter g lob of gummy material up
decides that the PCs encounter more of the creatures on Pandemo-
to 60 feet; target must save vs. wand to dodge or become
stuck until g lob is destroyed by dispel magic or alcohol; 12
T 11 11 JY • AC 5; MV 12 ; HD 2; hp 8; THACO 19 ; #AT 3 or I;
Spells (4/4/3/2/2): 1st-charm person, detect magic,
Dmg ld2/ ld2/ ld4+1 (claw/claw/bite) or 2d4 (broad sword or
magic missile, ventriloquism; 2nd-blindness, ESP, invisibil-
morning sta r) ; SA noxious oil; SD infravision 90'; SZ M (6'
ity, web; 3rd-fly, lightning bolt, slow; 4th-dimension door,
tall); ML steady (11); Int low (6); AL CE; XP 120.
wall offire; 5th-telekinesis, wall offorce.
SA-when angered or in melee, troglodyte secretes an oil so
noxious that victims who fail to save vs. poison lose I d6 points of
Strength for 10 rounds (due to revulsion).

... 163 +
VFROAfJH , Pr/<;? drow/P IO(Kiaransalee)/CE: AC -8 (chain mail CHAP+ER VII :
+4, sliield +4, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 42; THACO 14; NAT I; THI: RUINS «Bf Pt:L IGHI
Dmg ld6+5 (mace +4); SA can use clairvoyance, dancing
Jig hrs, darkness I 5' radius, detect lie, detect magic, dispel \1 . Pl/o aasimar/R9/CG: AC 4 (leather +3, Dex
magic, faerie fire, know alignment, levitate, and suggestion bonus); MV 12; hp 56;THACO 12 (II with Strbonus); #AT
each once per day; SD infravision 120', surprise, save bonus; 3/2; Dmg ldlO+l (two-handed sword+ Str bonus) or ld6+1
SW -2 to attacks in bright light; MR 1001o; SZ M (5' 3" call): ML (spear+ Str bonus); SA fighting/hunting lycanthropes; SD in-
champion (16); XP 5,000. fravision 60', + 1 on surprise rolls, half damage from fire and
S IJ, D 18, C IJ, I 12, W 18, Ch 16. cold, +2 to saves vs. charm, fear, emotion. or domination; MR
Personality: paranoid, devoted to Erehe. 100/o; SZ M (6' 4" tall); ML fanatic (17); XP 3,000.
Special Equipment: chain mail +4, shield (buckler) +4, SA-gains +4 to attack rolls when fighting lycanthropes; 25%
mace +4 (all forged on the Prime), fire elemenral gem (func- chance to detect lycanthropes by smell alone.
tions as a brazier of commanding fire elementals, except that S 17, D 15, C 14. I 12, W 15, Ch 13.
the elemental can be summoned from any existing fire Personality: obsessed, gruff.
source, and no fire elementals will attack the bearer of this Special Equipment: leather armor +3 (fo rged on Ar-
item if it is held out forcefully). boreal, boots of speed.
Spells (6/6/4/4/2): !st-cause light wounds, command Spells (2): I st-animal friendship, locate animals or
(x2), cure Jig/it wounds, detect magic, sanctuary; 2nd-heat plants.
metal, hold person (x2), know alignment, resisr fire, silence Thief Abilities: MS 700/o, HS 560/o.
I 5' radius; 3rd-continual darkness, cause blindness or deaf-
ness, glyph of warding, cause paralysis; 4th-cure serious l (at least 3 per PC): AC 4; MV 15; HD 4; hp 16 each;
wounds, detect lie, protection from lightning, tongues; 5th- THACO 17; #AT 3; Dmg ld4/ld4/ld8 (claw/claw/bite); SA
flame strike, true seeing. paralysis, stench; SD immune to sleep and charm; SW cold
iron weapons inflict double damage; SZ M (5' tall); ML elite
Yue 11 lH. PROXY 01 Lot 111 AC 10 (true form), 4 (spider), or 3 (IJ); Int very (12); AL CE; XP 650 each.
(drow with plate mail); MV 12, Wb 6 as spider; HO 6+6; hp SA-victim touched by ghast must save vs. paralyzation or
50; THACO 15 (true form), 15 (spide r), or 13 (drow + Str become immobile for ld6+4 rounds; anyone within 10 feet of
ghasrs debilitating stench must save vs. poison or suffer -2 to at-
bonus); NAT 8 (true form), I (spider), or I (drow): Dmg ld4+4
tack rolls.
x8 (true form: tentacles), ld8 (spider: bite), or ld6+4 (drow:
short sword + Str bonus); SA poison, spells, psionics; SD
11 1 , Pl/ o human/TB/NE: AC 4 (cloak +3, Dex bonus); MV
weapon and attack immunities; SW magical winds; MR 500/o;
12; hp 25; THACO 17; #AT I; Dmg ld6+1 (short sword +2);
SZ M (6 1 tall); ML champion (16); Int high (14); AL CE; XP
SA x3 backstab; SZ M (5'10" tall); ML elite (13); XP 2,000.
S 11,D 17,C 12,115,W IO,Ch8.
Notes: Yochlol's natural form is that of a roperlike mass. Personality: self-serving, untrustworthy.
though it can assume che form of a drow female, a giant spider. or
a stinking cloud. While in cloud form, the yochlol cannot make Special Equipment: short sword +2 (forged on the Out-
physical or spell-like attacks, but can use its psionic powers. lands; + 1 on Arboreal. cloak of protection +3 (created on Ar-
SA-spider's bite immediately kills victim who fails to save vs. boreal. ring of regeneration, the Orb of Kadu-Ra.
poison; solid forms have the spell-like powers charm person, dark- Thief Abilities: PP 45, OL 55, F/RT 55, MS 60, HS 65, DN
ness I 5' radius, infra vision, spider climb, stone shape, teleport 35, CW 60, RL 20.
without error. and web (all I/round, at will).
SD-cloud form harmed only by magic missiles or magical \ ~ "1 , Pl/ o, <;? alabaster el f/F7 /CN (J or 20):
cold or fire; solid forms struck only by cold iron, silver, or +2 or AC 3 (chain mail, shield, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 42 each;
berter weapons; solid forms immune to nonmagical fire, gas, poi- THACO 14, (12 with sword, IJ with bow) ; llAT 2; Dmg Id8+2
son, and electricity; solid forms suffer half damage from cold and
(long sword) or ld6 (long bow); SA +2 to attack rolls with
magical fire.
bow if within 30'; SD 900/o resistant to sleep and charm; SZ M
SW-gust of wind inflicts 6d6 points of damage to cloud form;
wind walk slays cloud form instantly. (6' tall); Ml champion (16); Int average (10); XP 975 each.
Psionics summary: Lvl 6; Dis/Sci/Dev l/J/10; Attack/De- Notes: These deaf elves are treated as specialists in long
swords and long bows. granting them anack and damage bonuses.
fense MT,11,EW/All; Score 14; PSPs 90.
Psionic powers: Telepathic sciences: domination. Special Equipment: one of every six warriors has either a
mindlink, probe; telepathic devotions: attraction, contact, long sword + 1 or a long bow +I (forged on Arboreal.
ESP, invisibility, phobia amplification, psychic impersonation.
AC 8; MV I, Sw 3; HD 8; hp 52; THACO IJ; #AT
I; Dmg 4d4; SA poison, corrosion; SD weapon resistance, im-
mune to acid, cold, and heat; SZ L (15' long); ML elite (14);
Int low (7); AL NE; XP 2,000.
Notes: The crystal ooze was a standard specimen until the vile
essence of the pool changed its Hit Dice, size, Intelligence, and
SA-victim of artack must save vs. poison
or become paralyzed for 5d4 rounds, dur-
ing which time ooze tries to consume him

+ 164 +
(a victim reduced to -20 hp is totally consumed); touch corrodes , Pl/ Q bariaur/P8(Tyr)/N: AC 3 (plate mail); MV 9 (mod-
wood and cloth. erately encumbered); hp 34; THACO 16 (15 with mace); NAT I;
SD-weapons innict only I point of damage per strike; Dmg ld6+2 (mace); SD +2 to surprise rolls, +3 to save vs.
wooden weapons that strike the ooze must save vs. acid or dissolve. spell; SZ M (5'4" tall); Ml average (10); XP 1,400.
Notes: Due to her harrowing experiences on Pandemonium,
AC 3; MV 9: llD 10+6; hp 58; THACO 11: Antha's lost her priest abilities, including spellcasting.
NAT I; Dmg ldl2 (bite); SA level drain, poison, gaze; SD at- S II, D 12, C 10, I 15, W 16, Ch 13.
tack immunity. wraithforrn; SW turning; MR 400/o; SZ G (35' Personality: frightened. desperate.
long): Ml elite (14); Int low (5); AL N; XP 10,000. Special Equipment: mace +3 (forged on Mount Celestia;
Notes: This is the original wraithworm, from which all others +I on Pandemonium), wand of negatio11 (4 charges).
were created; it"s much more powerful than the normal specimen.
SA-bite drains two experience levels from victim (save vs. , Pl/o human/MB/NE: AC 7 (Dex bonus); MV 12; hp
spell to negate); bite transmits poison that inflicts Jd4 points of 23; THACO 18 (15 with staff); NAT I; Dmg ld6+3 (staff of
damage every hour for Id6 hours, during which time the victim"s
attack rolls. saving throws. and AC suffer a - 4 penalty (save vs. striking); SA staff: SZ M (5 ' 11" tall); ML elite (14); XP 2,000.
poison at -2 to negate both the damage and the penalty); any crea- SA-when striking with staff, Cardule can use rwo charges to
ture of 6 or fewer Hit Dice that meets the wraithworm's gaze is par- inflict ld6+6 points of damage, or three charges to inflict ld6+9.
alyzed for 2d4 rounds (save vs. spell to avoid). S 10, D 17, C 12, I 16. W 10, Ch 9.
SD-immune to cold or negative energy attacks: can assume Personality: angry, distrustful.
wrai1/1for111 (as the spell) at will, in which state it's struck only by Special Equipment: staff of striking ( 15 charges), wand
+I or better weapons but can't make physical or gaze anacks. of polymorphing (24 charges). potion of extra-healing.
SW-a priest's successful turning attempt vs. a ghost renders Spells (4/3/3/2): 1st-armor, burning hands, magic mis-
the wraithworm motionless for ldJ rounds. sile, shield; 2nd-detect invisibility, ESP, web; 3rd-dispel
magic, fireball, light11ing bolt; 4lh-sliout, stoneski11.
, Px/o ?/F8,M8/CG: AC 6 (Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 69;
THACO 13 (II with any object as a weapon); NAT 3/2; Dmg 1 AC4;MV 12;HD6+6;hp40;THACO 13;/IATJor
ld6+4 (any object+ Str bonus); SA can use any object as a I; Dmg Id4+4/ld4+4/ld8+4 (claw/claw/bite) or ldl0+8 (two-
weapon; SD immune to mind-affecting magic; MR 30%; SZ handed sword + Str bonus); SA severed Limbs; SD infravision
M (6'1" tall); ML fanatic (18); XP 2,000. 90'. regeneration; SW fire and acid cause permanent damage;
Notes: Evreth's race is unknown. SZ l (9' tall); Ml elite (14); Int low (6); AL CE; XP 1,400.
S 18/79, D 18. C 16, I 18, W 13, Ch 7. SA-severed body parts continue to tight, attempting to rejoin
Personality: condescending, arrogant. with largest intact portion of body once combat has ended.
Spells (4/3/3/2): 1st-armor, burning hands, hold portal. SD-starting three rounds after damage is incurred (even if re-
shield; 2nd-blur, detect invisibility, Me/fs acid arrow; 3rd- duced to O hp). troll regenerates J hp/round until healed.
blink, flame arrow, hold perso11; 4th-fear, stoneskin.
AC 5; MV II, Sw 15; HD 7+7; hp 46;
, Px/o ?/F7/CG: AC 10; MV 12; hp 57; THACO 14 (II THACO 13 (10 with spear, II with sword); NAT 5; Dmg ld4+1
with any object as a weapon); NAT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6 (any ob- (x4)/2d4 (clawx4/bite) or I d6+3/ l d8+2/ 1d8/ I d6/2d4 (spear
ject+ Str bonus); SA can use any object as a weapon; SD im- +J/long sword/long sword/shon sword/bite); SA hurl rocks,
mune to mind-affeccing magic; MR 300/o; SZ M (5'4" tall); Ml constriction; SD +4 to save vs. poison; SZ H (25' long, IO '
fearless (19); XP 1,400. tall); Ml elite (14); Int very (11); AL LN; XP 1,400.
Notes: Tchunim's race is unknown. SA-hurl rocks up to 40 feet, inflicting 2d6 points of damage
S 18/00, D 12. C 16, I 13, W 17, Ch 14. each.
Persona/icy: friendly, helpful, curious. SA-if same victim is struck rwice in one round, victim must
make Strand Dex checks; if both are failed, victim is constricted
starting next round, suffering 2d6 points of damage per round. - I
to attack rolls, and -2 to damage rolls (Str check to break free).
CHAP+ER VIII: Personality: paranoid, greedy.
Dfepi:s PA oemeN1um
Special Equipment: spear +3 (forged on Pandemonium),
, Pl/ o human/F9/N: AC I (plate mail, shield); MV 9 /011g sword +J (forged on the Outlands; +2 on Pandemonium).
(moderately encumbered); hp 67; THACO 12 ( 11 with sword.
10 with Str bonus); NAT 3/2; Dmg 2d4+4 (broad sword+ Str (3): AC I (plate mail, two shields); MV 9; HD 2+4; hp 15
bonus); SZ M (6'2" tall); Ml elite (14); XP 3,000. each; THACO 19; NAT 2 or I; Dmg ld8+2/ld8+2 (long sword
Notes: A former paladin, Pirreg has lost all paladin abilities + Str bonus) or I d6+2 (thrown spear+ Str bonus); SD +I to
and much Wisdom and Charisma as a result of his madness. surprise rolls, fade to Astral Plane; SZ M (7 ' tall): Ml steady
S 18/31, D 12, C 16, I 14, W 7, Ch 8. (12); Int average (9); Al LE; XP 175 each.
Personality: paranoid, deluded. Notes: A reave's ability to become astral and return ld6
Special Equipment: plate mail +2, broad sword +2 (both rounds later works only from the topmost layer of an Outer Plane;
forged on the OULlands; +I on Pandemonium). ring offire re- thus, the reaves can't fade while in Phlegethon.
sistance, rope of entanglement.

l"il1R[ ~
(36+): AC 9; MV 12; HD I; hp 4 each; THACO 19 ; NAT SW-light or continual light inflicts 2 points of damage per
I; Dmg ld2 (claw); SZ M (4' tall); ML average (8); Int low (5); caster level and imposes - 2 on anack rolls and saving throws; sun-
AL CN; XP 15 each. ray or a burst from a wand of illumination inflicts 6d6 points of
damage (no save).
INlM~'> MoTHHL AC 10; MV 1; HD 8; hp 40; THACO 13; NATO;
Dmg O; SZ G (30' across); ML fearless (19); Int average (8); AL
B.1 (50 per PC): AC B (when swarming) or 4 (under ideal fly-
ing conditions); MV I, Fl 24 (BJ; HD 2 hp each; THACO 20;
CN; XP 650.
NAT I; Dmg I; SA hinder combat and spells; SZ T (I' long);
ML unreliable (4) ; Int animal (I); AL N; XP 15 each.
Q ·\11-N ·\MOG, Pr/ o half-ogre/P 12(0rcus-Tenebrous)/NE: AC
SA-when swarming, bats hinder foe 's ability to fight (-2 to
-1 (banded mail, shield); MV 9 (moderately encumbered); hp
attack rolls) and cast spells (Wisdom check required).
59; THACO 14 (11 with gauntlets, 9 with flail); NAT I; Dmg
ld6+9 (flail, gauntlets); SD infravision 60' ; SW -2 to hit
Qt \II N \~111c.. , Pr/ o half-ogre/P 12(0rcus-Tenebrous)/NE: Use
dwarves, -4 to hit gnomes; SZ M (7' tall); Ml fanatic ( 18); XP
the stats given above, with these changes: AC -3; THACO 8
(with flail); Dmg I d6+ 10 (with gauntlets and flail). The
Notes: Quah-Namog is astrally projecting himself onto Pan-
changes reflect the fact that Quah-Namog's shield, armor, and
demonium, which means that he carries only magical equipment
(nonmagical items can 't be projected). But because he's several weapon each gain one plus in the Astral, being closer to their
planes away from his deity, the priest functions at a reduced spell- plane of creation.
casting level during this encounter. The spell list given below as- Notes: Quah-Namog is not astrally projecting in this en-
sumes that Tenebrous is on the Negative Energy Plane. Since three counter; he's physically present in the Astral. Because he's literally
planes (the Ethereal, the Prime, and the Astral) separate him from sitting on top of his deity's head, he functions at full spellcasting
Quah-Namog, the priest loses three spellcascing levels and func- strength.
tions as a 9th-level caster. However, if the DM wants to make Spells (8/7/6/3/2/2): I st-cause fear, cause light wounds,
Quah-Namog stronger, he can rule that Tenebrous is closer co Pan- command, cure light wounds (x2), detect good, protection from
demonium, meaning that the priest's spellcasting level increases. good, sanctuary; 2nd-heat metal, hold person (x2), produce
S 14 (18/00), D II, C 16, I 13, W 17, Ch 7. flame, silence 15' radius, spiritual hammer, warp wood; 3rd-
Personality: devoted, desperate. animate dead, cause paralysis, dispel magic, locate object,
Special Equipment: flail +4 (forged on the Prime; +2 on prayer, protection from fire; 4th-cure serious wounds, free
Pandemonium), banded mail +3 (forged on the Prime ; +I on action, spell immunity; 5th-cure critical wounds, dispel good;
Pandemonium), shield +5 (forged on the Prime; +3 on Pande- 6th-blade barrier, word of recall.
monium), gauntlets of ogre power.
Spells (6/6/4/2/ l): 1st-cause fear, cause light wounds,
command, cure light wounds, detect good, protection from
good; 2nd-heat metal, hold person (x 2), produce flame, si- IN+$ +HE LIGH+
lence 15' radius, warp wood; 3rd-animate dead, dispel
magic, locate object, prayer; 4th-cure serious wounds, free
action; 5th-cure critical wounds. I N I + I A I. F$ RAYS
Because the PCs have the freedom to investigate as they
please, the stats below aren't presented in the order in which
CHAP+ER IX: the heroes meet the characters. Instead, the stats are grouped
THE DEAD·B$$K. $f +HE G$DS according to general allegiance.
SKI 11 ur-.~ (3d8+): AC 7; MV 12; HD I; hp 8 each; THACO 19;
NAT I; Dmg ld6 (short sword); SD magical immunities, half THE A+HAR
damage from edged or piercing weapons; SW holy water in-
flicts 2d4 points of damage; SZ M (6 ' tall); ML fearless (20); \ 11 " I ·rn·rn ~1111011 R<,, Pl/var human/FS/Athar/N (5): AC 8
Int non (O); AL N; XP 65 each. (leather); MV 12; hp 28 each; THACO 16; #AT l; Dmg id6
SD-immune to fear. sleep. chann, hold, and cold attacks. (shon sword, club, or spear); SA poison; SZ M (5'6" tall); ML
elite (14); Int average (II); XP 175 each.
'v \RR \NC.lll~. '>~IR ~Pf II (I per pc): AC O; MV 3, Fl 18 (CJ; Special Equipment: Type M poison on blades (contact,
HD 5+5; hp 30 each; THACO 15; #AT 3 ; Dmg ld4/ld4/ld6 ld4 minutes, 20/5).
(claw/claw/bite); SA breathe fire ; SD struck only by silver or
magical weapons, immunities; SW magical light ; MR 250/o; SZ li111 w nu Su... 11111J, Pl/ o human/C7/Athar/LN: AC 3 (plate
M (4' tall); ML fanatic (18) ; Int very (12); AL CE; XP 2,000 mail); MV 9; hp 32; THACO 16; #AT I; Dmg Jd6+1 (flail); SZ
each. M (6 ' tall); Ml fearless (19); XP 975.
Notes: Each varrangoin controls 50 normal bats (see below). S 14, D 10, C 15, I 12, W 15, Ch 9.
SA-three times per day, can breathe a cloud of fire (I 0-yard Personality: loyal, committed.
diameter. JO-yard range) that inflicts 5d6 points of damage. Special Equipment: brooch of shielding (absorbs 26
SD-immune to fire-based spells; half damage from acid at- points of magic missile damage).
tacks; allowed a save vs. breath weapons for half dam-

+ 166 +
Spells (5/4/2/ l ): I st-bless, command, cure light wounds ~ILoM k 1 kl 1~11 Pl/var var/F4/Sign of One/N (5): AC 7 (leather,
(x2), detect evil; 2nd-aid, hold person, spiritual hammer, shield); MV 12; hp 24 each; THACO 17; #AT I ; Dmg ld8 (long
wyvern watch; '3rd-glyph of warding, protection from fire; sword or battle axe); SZ M (6' tall) ; ML champion ( 16); Int av-
4th-cure serious wounds. erage (10); XP 120 each.

Alll\lt c.t Al<,.., \ rnt:1<u1. Pl/var va r/F3/Athar/N: AC 4 (chain

mai l,shield);MV 12;hp 18each;THACO 18;NAT l ;Dmg ld6 e+HER FA.C+teHS
(spear) or l d4+ I (light crossbow); SZ M (5' tall); ML cham- L , ~ l 11 :.. 11· in It. Pl/ 2 githzerai/T5/Doomguard/N: AC 7
pion (15); Int average (10); XP 120 each. (Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 17; THACO 18; #AT I; Dmg l d4
Notes: Two guards watch the front entrance of the church, (dagger); SA x3 backstab; SD infravision 60'; SZ M (5'8" tall);
two gua rds patrol Nickle Street (behind the church), 20 warriors MR 35%; ML steady (12); XP 650.
wait in the building next door, and one crossbowman waits on a
roof across the street. S II, D 17, C 12, I 16, W 12, Ch IJ.
Personality: personable, talkative.
Special Equipment: gem of insight.
'\1H•1t v-.rn111 1 rn Pl/ 2 human/Tra4/Athar/NG: AC 8
(ring of protection +I, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 9; THACO 19; Thief Abilities: PP 40, OL 50, F/RT 40, MS 50, HS 45, ON
NAT I; Dmg ld6 (stafl); SZ M (5'6" tall); ML champion (16) ; 30, CW 70, RL 45.
XP 650.
S 12, D 15, C 13, I 16, W 13, Ch 14.
M \t w• 1 , PI/ human/Pal7 /Fraternity of Orde r/LG: AC 2
(plate mai l, shield); MV 9; hp 51; THACO 14 (II with sword
Personality: brash, headstrong.
Special Equipment: ring of protection +I (forged in and Str); #AT 3/2; Dmg ld8+3 (long sword +2 + Str bonus);
SD detect evil, save bonus, immunity, cure disease, healing,
aura of protection, tum undead; SZ M (6'4" tall); ML fanatic
Spells (4/3): I st-burning hands, color spray, shocking
grasp, spider climb; 2nd-irritation, levitate, pyrotechnics. (18); XP 4,000.
SD-detect evil within 60 feet (takes one round); +2 to all sav-
ing throws; immune to disease; cure disease twice per week ; heal
H \FMONI M TROOPS .\I Hl ~ II . Pl/var var/F5/Harmonium/LN 14 hp (for himself or another) once per day; IQ-foot-radius aura of
( 15): AC 3 (banded mail, shield); MV 12; hp '32 each; THACO protection causes evil creatures to attack at - I; tum undead as 5th-
16; NAT I; Dmg ld6+1 (footman's mace); SZ M (6 ' tall); ML level cleric.
fanatic (17); Im average (8); XP 175 each. S 17, D 10, C 15, I 12, W IJ, Ch 17.
Notes: If the PCs try to fight their way into the church, the Personality: noble, stra ightforward.
Harmonium troops arrive quickly to help the Athar defend the Special Equipment: long sword +2 (forged on the Out-
place-that's what seems most likely to keep the peace. lands), ring of truth. potion of hill giant strength.


I 11 " o
, Pl/ a ir genasi/P6(Yan-C-Bin)/NE: AC 5 (chain
mail); MV 12; hp 25; THACO 18; #AT I ; Dmg ld6 (sho rt
l1rn1s, Prn elf/F6/Sign ofOne/N: AC 5 (chain mai l); MV 12; sword); SA levitate once per day, poison on blade; SD +I to
hp 34; TIIACO 15 (13 with sword); #AT I; Dmg 2d4+1 (broad saves vs. air magic; SZ M (5' 6" tall); ML elite ( 13); XP 2,000.
sword+/); SD infravision 60', 90% resistant to sleep and Notes: lvth can create a cool breeze at will.
charm; SZ M (5 '7" tall); ML elite (14); XP 650. s 12, D 11, c 9, I 17 w 16, Ch 8.

Notes: Elchis is loyal to the Way of the One subgroup of the Personality: despicable.
Signers. Special Equipment: wand of magic missiles (24 charges),
S 15, D 14, C 16, I 13, W 12. Ch 10. potion of i1111isibility, Type M poison (contact, ld4 minutes,
Personality: sneaky, vindictive. 20/5).
Special Equipment: broad sword +I (forged on the Out- Spells (5/5/2): I st-bless, cause light wounds, command,
lands). cure light wounds, detect magic; 2nd-augury, chann person
or mammal, hold person, know alignment, silence 15' radius;
uR I \1MllH Ml, Pl/ o half-elf/M8/Fated/LE: AC 10; MV 12; hp 3rd-cause paralysis, dispel magic.
20; THACO 18 (17 with blowgun +I); #AT 0 (2 with blowgun
+I); Dmg 2 (blowgun dart); SA darts tipped with poison; SD B 1 (4): AC 2; MV 15; HD 6+6; hp 30 each; THACO 15;
infravision 60', 30% resistant to sleep and chann; SZ M (5'2" #AT 2; Dmg 2d4+6/2d4+6 (claw/ claw); SA spell-like powers,
tall); ML average (9); XP 2,000. wolf form; SD struck only by+ I or better weapons; MR 30%;
Notes: Gremmith currently works for the Way of the One sub- SZ M (5 ' tall); ML champio n (15); Int high (13); AL LE; XP
group of the Signers. 2,000 each.
S8,D IO,C7,I 18, W 13,Ch7. Notes: The barghests serve as lvth's bodyguards.
Personality: cowardly, selfish. SA-can use the following spell-like powers once per round at
Special Equipmenr: blowgun +I (forged in Sigil), ring of will: le11itate, misdirection, project image, and sllape cllange (into
shocking grasp, Type C poison (injected, ld4+ I minutes, wolf form); can use the following spell-like powers once per day at
25/2d4). will: cllarm (person or monster), dimension door, and emotion; in
Spells (4/3/3/2): lst-am1or, cham1 person , magic missile, wolf form, has MY 30, is 75% unlikely to be noticed when motion-
sleep; 2nd-blur, invisibility, Me/j's acid arrow ; '3rd-delude, less (-2 to opponents' surprise rolls), and can pass wirllout trace.
.fireball, wraithfonn; 4th-dimension door, phantasmal killer.

+ 167 ..
C "ILM f I (38): AC 6; MV 15; HD I; hp 3 each; THACO 19; PAR+ TH REE:
#AT I; Dmg ld4 (bite); SA when 35 are together, can cast one mvs+ERIES $f +HE s+eNES
!st-level w izard spell per day; SD communal Hit Dice, saves,
immunity; SZ T (6" long); ML unsteady (7); Int 1-7 (fluctu- \'> 1 (first stone). Pr/var human/F5/N ( 10): AC 10; MV

ates); Al NE; XP 65 each. 12; hp 25; THACO 16; #AT I; Dmg ld4 (curved knife); SZ M
Notes: These rats constantly spread out and come together (6' rail); ML fanatic (19); Int average (10); XP 175 each.
while they gather informa tion for lvth , so their Intelligence and
abilities are always in flux. They're loyal to lvth and report every- Br-• /1 ·~ .1 , H 1 (second stone): AC -4; MV 9, Fl 30 (C),
thing they see to him. Sw 12; HD 20; hp 98; THACO 2; llAT 3; Dmg ld8+6/ld8+6/
SD-when calculating damage from area-affecting spells, 4d6+6 (claw/claw/bite); SA spell-like abilities; SD immune to
treat Hit Dice of pack as a pool (ignore individual hp of each rat}; lightning; MR 250/o; SZ G (63' long); ML fanatic ( 17); Int ex-
rats save as a creature of as many Hit Dice as pack's current Intel-
ceptional (16); AL LN; XP 15,000.
ligence; immune to sleep when 25 or more rats are together.
Notes: Because the dragon won't use its lightning or repulsion
breath weapons in its master's palace, those attacks aren't de-
scribed in rhe stats.
PAR+ TW$: SA-spell-like abilities: water breathing and speak witlr ani-
CR$SSED sweRDS mals at will: create food and water, polymorph self. and ESP three
times per day; wall offog once per day.
D v.i1 ·111 . Pl/ <i? foxwoman/HD 8+ 1/Xaositect/CE: AC 2, 4, or 6;
Spells (2/ l ): !st-charm person, magic missile; 2nd-de-
MV 24, 18, or 12; hp 50; THACO 13 (12 with sword) ; #AT I;
tect evil.
Dmg ld2 (fox bite), 2d6 (vixen bite) or ld8 (long sword); SA
lycanthropy (vixen), charms males of 13 or less Wisdom (elf);
1 (third stone), Pr/var human/F3/N: AC 6 (studded
':>•II '
SD struck only by s ilver or +I or better weapons, infravision
leather, shield); MV 12; hp 16; THACO 18; llAT I; Dmg ld6
60', pass without trace (fox), 900fo resistant to sleep and
(spear, short sword, or long bow); SZ M (6 ' tall); ML steady
charm (elf'); SZ S (3' Jong) or M (5' tall); ML elite (13); Int ex-
(12); Int average (10); XP 120 each.
ceptional (16); XP 2,000.
Notes: Use these stats for soldiers on both sides of the battle.
Notes: Daniphe can assume three different forms: fox. vixen
(a hybrid of fox and elf), and female elf. Variable stats above are
given in the following order: fox. vixen. elf. t>; 1 ~ 1 i.. " (third stone), Pr/var human/F5/NE: AC 4

SA-human or elf females bitten by vixen for half or more of (banded mail); MV 12; hp 45; THACO 16 ; #AT I ; Dmg ld8
their hit points become foxwomen within three days unless a priest (scimitar); SZ M (5'6" tall); ML fearless (20); Int average (9);
of 12th+ level casts cure disease and remove curse on victim. XP 175 each.

i\1H 11 0 Al 1-.. \1 1 1.rn : Use the starisrics given above, with \ o

, Pl/ human/F8/LE (and memory version from
the 20 guards from next door split into seven crossbowmen sixth stone): AC 7 (bracers, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 30; THACO
on the roof across the street and 13 around rhe church. 13; #AT 3/2; Dmg Jd6+1 (list with mace-ring); SZ M (5'11"
tall); ML elite (13); XP 975.
MH1vm , Pl/o human/Enc IO/Sign of One/NE: AC IO; MV 6; S 14. D 15, C 12, I 18. W 17, Ch 13.
hp 36; THACO 17; #AT I; Dmg ld6 (stafO; SZ M (5' 10" tall); Personality: scheming, vengeful.
ML elite (14); XP 3,000. Special Equipment: mace-ring (ring that enables list to
Notes: Mhavor, leader of the Way of the One subgroup of the cause damage as a mace), bracers of defense (AC BJ, ring of
Signers. is old and weak., and walks only by means of his staff. human influence, cloak of invisibility.
S 5, D 7, C 8, I I 7, W 15, Ch 14.
Personality: harsh, focused. l• (and memory version from sixth stone): AC O:
Special Equipment: potion of clairvoyance, potion of MV 9; HD 9+5; hp 63; THACO ll; #AT 3; Dmg ld6+2/ld6+2/
healing, robe of useful items, wand of negation ( 10 charges). 2d8 (claw/claw/bite); SA spell-like abilities, gate; SD struck
Spells (5/5/4/3/3): 1st-charm person, burning l1ands, only by + 1 or better weapons; MR 500/o; SZ L (7'6" tall); ML
dancing lights, hold portal, hypnotism; 2nd-detect invisibil- elite (14); Int average (9); AL CN; XP 11,000.
ity, ESP, Me/fs acid arrow, ray of enfeeblement, scare; 3 rd- Notes: Only in the (nawed) memory-combat can the slaad
dispel magic, fly (x2), suggestion; 4th-fire shield, fumble, gate in other slaadi, because no one can gate in or out of Sigil.
stoneskin; 5th-domination, fabricate, feeblemind. SA-can use the following once per round at will: polymorph
(into a human). darkness l 5' radius. detect i1111isibility, dt.>tect
magic, ESP, fear, locate object, produce flame. telekinesis; can use
delayed blast fireball once per day; gate ld6 red, ld4 blue, ld2
green. or I gray slaad (2/day, 50% chance).

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