YSQ Client For Win Installation and Usage Guide en
YSQ Client For Win Installation and Usage Guide en
YSQ Client For Win Installation and Usage Guide en
Version 1.4
All rights to this document, domestic and international, are reserved by Y Soft Corporation a.s.. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (elec-
tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of Y Soft.
Y Soft®, Y Soft SafeQ® and its logo are registered trademarks of Y Soft Corporation a.s.
All other brands and their products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders, and
should be noted as such.
This documentation provides essential information on installation, configuration and usage of YSoft SafeQ®
Client on Windows platform.
This document is valid only for YSoft SafeQ® Client for Windows and does not cover YSoft SafeQ® Client on
This document is valid for YSoft SafeQ® Client version 1.9 and newer.
YSoft SafeQ® Client for Windows is dedicated application to take advantage of advanced SafeQ print features
and provide further benefits of using YSoft SafeQ® Server print and accounting system.
YSQ Client
YSoft SafeQ® Client
Multi-Functional Device
Purpose of YSQ Client is to submit print jobs to the SafeQ Server, while collecting further information provided
by the operating system or user input upon print.
Currently YSQ Client supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003.
Print job compression – the print jobs are compressed by SafeQ client and sent to SafeQ server which
decompresses them. Network usage is lower and the print job transfer is quicker.
Print job encryption – disallows an attacker to see the clear print job data on the communication
channel between the user’s workstation and SafeQ server.
Load balancing – in case of SafeQ Enterprise edition sends the print job to the least loaded SafeQ
server in order to achieve the faster processing of the print job.
Additional user authentication directly in the client – client can ask the user for his credentials.
Project selection possibilities – it is possible to specify the number of the project the print job should
be accounted to.
Language support.
YSoft SafeQ Client for Windows comes as a part of the full SafeQ installation pack. It will stay as a standalone
software on the Client PC, you can find it among the Printer Ports in the Printers folder.
(Using NT Spooler)
Checking Files
Removing Old SafeQ Print Monitor
(Print Monitor Not Found)
For deeper information of the YSQ Client settings please see the chapter 3.2.
NOTE: If you are installing YSQ Client to Windows Vista or SafeQ Server 2003, installation files will be copied
in to Program Files directory. The success of the installation signs ysoft icon in system tray. Sometimes it is
necessary to restart computer after installation, because the application doesn’t start to currently logged
Following chapter describes how to configure SafeQ.ini file. This ini file is used during installation proce-
The IP Address of the SafeQ Server. When used in a SafeQ Cluster, input the address of the first SafeQ
NOD. Use of DNS names is allowed.
You have to list all the other IP Addresses for other NODs of the SafeQ cluster. Use only in a SafeQ Clus-
ServerIP =
ServerIP2 =
ServerIP3 =
The TCP port of the SafeQ Server, which is used by the Client for job delivery.
ServerPort = 9100
The queue name has to match exactly the queue name created on the SafeQ Server.
For general secure queue as default use the name: secure.
Queue = secure
System Settings » System Setting » Print system Setting » SafeQ Secure Port = Yes
This text will be reported as a user name in case of AuthType=3, otherwise leave it empty
AuthText = johny.printer
The Client displays a dialog box with all projects available for the logged user. Each print can be thus
reported for another project.
Projects = 0
Allows load balancing among NODs in the SafeQ Cluster.
Compress job data on port (SafeQ Server will automatically decompress them)
LogFilePath = “c:\temp\client.log”
Search for the given name among the installed printers, and connect the one that matches to the
created port.
Leave empty to be ignored.
NOTE: You can add more fields using options AssignPrinter2, AssignPrinter3, …
Encrypts data between the SafeQ port and the SafeQ Server –the transmitted job is also encrypted. This
setting requires setup of SSL certificates on the SafeQ Server and has an important influence on the
system efficiency.
Identifies the project ID reported by this port, all prints made by this port will be reported to the speci-
fied project. 0 means no project will be reported.
Indicates how the port should report the user name. If no input is given, than just standalone user name
is reported (default).
NetworkTimeout = 60
NOTE: You can find this information as part of the SafeQ.ini file.
After you did all necessary configurations in the Safeq.ini file, you do not need to set anything in the YSQ
Client configuration panel.
In any case you still need to change the settings, you can do following:
Start menu -> Settings -> Printers (or Printers and Faxes – depends on the op-
erating system)
File menu -> Server properties
Ports tab
In the list select the port whose settings you want to modify, then press the Configure Port but-
In this window (SAFEQ Client – Options) you can see all the settings of the YSQ Client. If you
have administrator rights you can modify them, and then use the new settings.
After you made all the settings you wanted to, use your printer as a normal Printer. Just print
with it.
Modifying any entries in the Windows Registry can cause the system malfunctioning or dam-
age. Please only modify them if you REALLY aware of what you are doing!!!
NOTE: If you create more than one YSQ Client Port, then in the Ports folder within the registry, sub-
folders will be created consequently. E.g.: 001 will be the name of the 1 port, then 002,…
This chapter provides instruction on using YSQ Client. It describes main features like job identification, project
accounting, etc.
The YSQ Client provides a mechanism for discovering of all print queues on the specific YSQ server. The YSQ
server is specified by its IP address. Use the Find button to get all print queues existing on the server. Then
choose one of the queues from the combo box.
This section describes usage of YSQ Client in coxtext of different Identification settings. The YSQ Client supports
following type of job identification (see Picture 3):
Job owner
Login dialog
Login dialog (login name only)
Card – input from keyboard
The Indentification method can be change according instruction provided by chapter 3.3.
Job owner type of identification has to chosen. When user performs a print job, the job is delivered to the YSoft
SafeQ server and is automatically assigned to the user logged on the Windows system.
Login dialog type of identification has to chosen. After user performs a print job, the login dialog comes up on
the workstation and user enters login name and password. This job is delivered to the YSoft SafeQ server and
recognition of the job is based on login dialog’s data.
Note: This type of identification requires port 4097 to be opened on Safe server side.
Login dialog – login name only type of identification has to chosen. After user performs a print job, the login
dialog comes up on the workstation and user enters login name. This job is delivered to the YSoft SafeQ server
and recognition of the job is based on login dialog’s data.
Note: This type of identification requires port 4097 to be opened on Safe server side.
Text type of identification has to chosen and user name specified in the edit box. After user performs a print
job, the job is delivered to the YSoft SafeQ server and the job is automatically assigned to the user entered on
the line.
Card - input from keyboard type of identification has to chosen. After user performs a print job, user is asked
for entering a card number (text form). This job is delivered to the YSoft SafeQ server and the job is automati-
cally assigned to the user specified by the card number entered on the line.
Note: This type of identification requires port 4097 to be opened on Safe server side.
The option for Project Accounting has to be enabled (see Picture 4). When user perform a print job, he is asked
for a project to which the print job should be accounted. User can select from the list of project existing on the
YSoft SafeQ server. YSQ Client offers just projects that user has rights for.
Open a command line (Windows button + R or Start -> Run -> CMD)
Enter the folder where the install files are.
Enter the command:
Install.exe –u
The uninstall process of the YSQ Client will be done in a few seconds.
When the task is done you will see the following lines:
Uninstalling SafeQ Port Monitor…
- Detecting Windows Version
(Windows 2003 Detected)
- Port SafeQ001 type SafeQ will be disconnected
- Disconnecting Printer ‘Windows Printer Name’ from SafeQ Port
- Removing Old SafeQ Print Monitor
- Deleting SafeQ Print Monitor Files from System Directory
SafeQ Port Monitor Uninstalled Successfully.
All the printers that have been configured to use the SafeQ Client Port, will be set to File port.
NOTE: Uninstall the client that is installed using –f parameter is necessary to use this parameter when
you uninstalling.
The YSQ Client support Czech, English, German, Japanese and Chinese languages at the moment. The localiza-
tion of user interface depends on the system where the YSQ Client has been installed on. It means, the inter-
face of YSQ Client will support Japanese only on Japanese Windows platform.
In this document you got acquainted with the basic functions of Ysoft SafeQ Client for Windows. You can find
download other documents as well as the YSQ Client application on the Partner’s Portal.