White Paper On Wimax Backhaul at 70/80 GHZ
White Paper On Wimax Backhaul at 70/80 GHZ
White Paper On Wimax Backhaul at 70/80 GHZ
Despite this, little attention has been devoted to WiMAX backhaul needs and evolution.
With multi-sectored antennas likely and high data throughput possible, conventional
point-to-point (PTP) wireless transport solutions will quickly reach capacity. Recently
released spectrum at 70 and 80 GHz is allowing a new generation of high speed radios
to be realized. Data rates to gigabit-per-second and beyond are possible in cost
effective radio architectures, opening up a host of new applications including economic
altering WiMAX wireless backhaul networks.
An example of this concept is shown in Figure 1 (page 2). The number of links deployed
will depend on the equipment employed, the area to be covered, the geographical
location and topology of the network.
A WiMAX backhaul network is used to transport high data rate traffic from the fiber POP
around the rest of the network. Such a backbone can be built using wired or wireless
technologies. Wireless is usually preferred due to the high costs of trenching fiber in
dense modern conurbations, or of leasing fiber from incumbents. Costs of laying new
fiber in urban environments can run from $250,000 to upwards of $1,000,000 per mile.
The leasing costs of 45 Mbps (DS3) circuits average around $3,000 per month.
Furthermore, existing fiber networks are poorly placed to serve end-customers. USA
data shows 95% of the 750,000 US commercial locations with 20 or more employees
are not served by fiber. Existing copper wiring is not a consideration because of its
limited data handling capabilities. Wireless, because of its cost effective economics, fast
time to install and commission, and scalable flexibility is therefore the natural choice for
WiMAX backhaul.
When selecting wireless backhaul equipment, a WiMAX network architect faces many
design decisions and trade offs. Three important questions are:
• What frequency and associated performance characteristics?
• What data rate is available and what is the reliability of delivery?
• Licensed or unlicensed technology?
In 2005, the Commission for European Post and Telecommunications (CEPT) released
a European-wide frequency channel plan for fixed service systems in these bands. The
following year, the European Technical Standards Institute (ETSI) released technical
specifications covering these bands. Together this provides the framework under which
70/80GHz products can be sold into Europe.
From the Crane Rain Model which is based on a nominal worst case rain year.
Release Date: October 2006 Page 4 Copyright © 2006 GigaBeam Corporation
Confidential All Rights Reserved
For most WiMAX sites, fiber connections do not exist, so wireless provides the most
compelling backhaul solution. Being designed as a PTMP technology and using up the
valuable spectrum better allocated to access, WiMAX radios themselves are a poor
backhaul alternative. Sophisticated network designers therefore select conventional
licensed microwave radio for their backhaul needs. These provide a solid solution, but
are limited to data rates of around 150 Mbps in cost effective configurations. The more
demanding WiMAX applications will have backhaul requirements that exceed this, and
experience with other wireless technologies such as WiFi that has experienced a
multiple increases in speed in the few years since it was introduced, has shown us that
flexibility needs to be built into systems to avoid costly system upgrades or rebuilds in
the future.
70/80 GHz radio systems provide a compelling alternative to conventional microwave for
WiMAX backhaul applications. They offer the advantages of extremely high data rates,
a flexible growth path, plus all the benefits of interference immunity guaranteed by
licensed technology. Best of all, the inherent simplicity of a 70/80 GHz radio means it
can be offered at a price competitive to a conventional high data radio, significantly
broadening the business case of any WiMAX operator.