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Chemical (process) Engineering Program

My hosting company is Dashen Brewery

Case study biogas production from BSG


Submission date 03/07/2014

pg. 1

First of all, I would like to, thanks to our GOD for the success &
accomplishment of this project. Next I would like to express my special
deepest gratitude to real chemical engineer Dilnesaw Lemma & Fasil
Tewedros who initiates/encourages me to do research on biogas
production from BSG.Thanks once again!! For your priceless, invaluable,
relentless inspiration have been tremendously knotty without the help

In addition to that I would like to say thanks for my sister Helen Amare
she supports me by reading & writing the datas to the computer !!!!

pg. 2
pg. 3

In Dashen Brewery S.C I have working in utility section for one month & beer processing section for
three months and in this time I have got practical skill more and I knew the aim of the internship.

Dashen brewery S.C produces different type of products like Dashen beer, cellar and draught. To
produce such things it needed to pass such like process, first of all to get pure malt, wort production,
fermentation takes place, flirtation occurs, and go to the filtration beer to different ways like cellar,
draught and bottle beer.

In Dashen brewery S.C there are many problems are occurred such as reprocessed beer w/c leads to
infection of beer,high fuel consumption & aerobic waste water treatment w/c causes env'tal
pollution. So that I am interested to do research on biogas production from BSG(brewer's spent
grain) w/c used to save money from expens. And also in this internship time I gained over all
benefits like improving practical skills, theoretical skills, interpersonal communication skills, team
playing skills, leadership skills, work ethics related issues, and entrepreneurship skill

This is the effort of engineers

Table of content page

pg. 4
Executive summery…………………………………………………………………II
1. Back ground of the company……………………………………………..……….1
1.1 History of the company………………………………………………………...

1 1.2 Product & costumer………………………………………………………..……1

1.3 Organization stracture…………………………………………………………...2

1.4 Work flow…………………………………………………………………………2

1.4.1 Physical Treatment of malt……………………………..……………………..2

1.4.2 Wort product…………………………………………………………………3

1.5 Raw materials of beer……………………………………………………………3

1.6 Beer production process……………………………………….………………..4

Cleaning & grading of the barley…………………………………………………5

1 Steeping……………………………………………………………………………5

2 Germination……………………………………………………………………….6

3 Kilning………………………………………………………………………………6

4 Malt milling…………………………………………………………………………7

5 Mashing……………………………………………………………………………..8

6 Lautering……………………………………………………………………………8

7 Wort boiling………………………………………………………………………..9

8 Whirlpool……………………………………………………..……………………9

9 Cooling & aeration…………………………………………………………………9

10 Filteration……………………………………………………………………….10

pg. 5
CONTEOL OF OXIGEN…………………………………………………………..10

11 Filler mashein …………………………………………………………………11

12 pasteurization…………………………………………………………………..11



2.2 Short summery of the project…………………………………………………11

2.3 Introduction……………………………………………………………………12

2.4 Theoretical background of the project………………………………………12

2.4.1 System boundary analysis……………………………………………………13

2.4.2 Reasonable analysis of biogas…………………………………………….….14

2.4.3 Data collection………………………………………………………………...14

Operational calendar of the project……………….……...…………………….…15

Problem statement……………………………………………………;………..…..15


Procedures I have using while performing my project work…………………...17


3.1 Literature review……………………………………………………………….18

3.2 Substrate for biogas production………………………………………………..18

3.3 Main substrate specification……………………………………………………19

3.3.1 Inputs………………………………………………………………………….20

3.3.2 out puts………………………………………………………………………21

pg. 6
3.4 Composition & application of biogas………………………………………….21

3.5 Water vapor removal…………………………………………………….21

3.5.1.Refrigeration , Absorption & Adsorption…………….…………..…………22

3.3.3 H2S Removal……………………………………………………………….…23


4. Over all Internship Experience…………………………………………………24

4.1 The reason why I have selected the company….……………………………..24

4.2 Selection of I have been working………………………………………………25

4.2.1 Organization structure……………………………………………………….25

4.3 The work flow in the section look like…………………………………………25

4.4 Challenges that face me during internship……………………………………26

4.4.1 Measures in order to overcome these challenges……………………………26

4.5 Biogas production process……………………………………………………..27

4.6 Techniques to enhance biogas production…………………………………….27

4.7 Factors that affect biogas production………………………………………….28

4.8 Biological stages of AD………………………………………………………….29

1.Hydrolysis , Acedogenesis , Acetogenesis & Methanogenesis………………….32

4.8 Benefits of biogas………………………..………………………………………34


5.Material balance………….....................................................................................35

5.1 Mass balance , sizing & heat balance………………………………………….35

5.2 Over all benefit I gained from the internship in terms of improving:

5.2.1 Practical skill…………………………………………………………………36

pg. 7
5.2.2 Theoretical knowledge………………………………………………………36

5.2.3 Industrial problem solving capacity………………………………………...37

5.2.4 Team playing skill……………………………………………………………37

5.2.5 Leadership skill…………………………………………………………….…38

5.2.6 understanding about work ethics issue……………………………………38

5.2.7 Entrepreneurship skills ……………………...………………………………39

5.2.8 Interpersonal communication………………………………………….......41




Glossary terms

 Biogas: a form of biofuel produced through anaerobic digestion of organic materials.

 Biomethane (CH4): upgraded biogas which is cleaned from CO2 and other gases with about
96% purity.
 Degradation: it is when the quality of the resources or products are removed in a
consumptive process
 Enthalpy: a chemical energy which is needed to balance the accounts in any process
involving chemical reactions.
 Exergy Loss: That part of exergy input which is not changed into useful exergy.

pg. 8
 Industrial Metabolism (IM): the whole integrated collection of physical processes that
convert raw materials and energy, plus labor, into finished products and wastes in a steady-
state condition
 Irreversibility: in most processes, the transition from an initial state to a final state cannot be
fully undone. Irreversibility means that there is no process which starts from initial state and
restores it completely.
 Thermal efficiency: Amount of district heating generation divided by lower heating value in
the waste.
 Throughput: The amount of energy or matter passing through a system from input to output

1.1 history of the company

The name dashen is taken from the famous mount Rasdashen, which is located 100km from the brewery;
Ethiopia’s highest mountain (Elevation 4523 meters) and a home for rare endemic found and flora. Dashen
brewery share company (DBS.C) is located in historical town of Gondar, which is 675km far from mekelle
and annually visited by about 95,000 tourists. The brewery is situated on the area of 85,000 square meters
with building area of 12,000sqm DBS.C is established in September 1992 e.c, with an initial /WC capital of
over 340 million birr. It is owned by Amhara regional state rehabilitation development organization. Dashen
brewery utilizes state of the art technology and highly qualified exports that will enable it to compete on the
exports market with the leading of the international beer producing and marketing companies.

Dashen brewery S.C is the first brewery to be ISO 14001, 2004 EMS (Environmental management
system) and ISO 9001, 2008 QMS (Quality management system) certified which enables the
company to focus on customer satisfaction measurement, formulate policy and objective by taking in
to account regulatory requirement and information on activities with significant environmental
impact. Before expansion dashen brewery had annual production capacity300.000 hectoliter by
expanding its capacity in to three fold the brewery has now annual production capacity 769000 hecto
liter or 42000 bottle/hr.
1.2. Products & customers
The main raw materials for beer production are malt, water, yeast, hop & adjuncts.
The main product of dashen brewery S.C:
 Dashen beer
 Dashen draught & royal draught
 Royal cellar & dashen cellars.

pg. 9
Dashen brewery has four customer region and three ware house throughout the country Amhara , afar
,Tigray , Addis Ababa , South west Ethiopia & South Ethiopia

The three ware houses thus are, Gondar, Waldia and Addis Ababa

1.3 organization stracture Board of director

General manager

Deputy General Manager

Executive secretay Audit service

Typist Legal service

Plan, programFLOW
1.4 WORK & R.dev.t

Quality Production Maintenan

procurement Finance dep't Admi/n
Dep't Dep't ce Dep't
service dep't
Quality Secretary
assurance sec/n General acount Market&sales Budget & cost
Garage &
work shop
Region 3 Finance recored & control
Beer processing Bottle sec/n

Region 1 Region 2
Ele/ca l& Prod/n Utility sec/n sales sales
instru/n sec/n machinery

AA coordination office pg. 10

1.4 Work flow
1.4.1 Physical treatment of malt
The malt is imported from Belgium without purification. Like addition of metal, stone, other gain
straw and other objects, so to need purifications:

Intake Hooper -The purpose of this is to discharge the malt into pre cleaner by bucket conveyors
Pre cleaner -Pre cleaner is installed with inclination, because easily remove straw, sack binders,
piece of wood etc.

Dry destoner-The pre cleaned malt is intake to the destoner the main purpose of this they are used to
separate granular material according to specific weights,Less than malt size , Equal to malt size and
Greater than malt size like coffee and other grain
Pipe magnet -Magnet devices are built into operate near the start of processing, so that iron parts
flowing with the product can not cause any damage. Simply remove metal part from the malt.

Mechanical weigher-Pure malt is before it release into malt mill weigher records the weigher
release 50 kg in one time they it moves by chain convey to malt mill
A cyclone consists of a cylindrical upper part into which air is blow tangentially the cyclone tappers
conically down ward. The dust particle are forced outward by centrifugal force slide down ward and
are discharge through in out let hopper and packed in to sacks.
1.4.2 Wort production (brew house)
Raw Materials for Beer Production

There are four main raw materials are required for beer production. These are: Barley , hops , H2O
& yeast.The quality of these raw materials has a decisive influence on the quality of the beer (the
final product). Knowledge of the properties of raw materials and their effects on the process and the

pg. 11
final product provides the basis for their handling on the process and the final product provides the
processing with such knowledge it is possible to control the technological process rationally.

Water: it must be pure, with no trace of bacteria. This is vital,because it allows the other
ingredients to release all their flavour.95% of breweries have their own spring or natural well.

Malt: it is a germinated barley/c is cereal that offers a key advantage: it can be preserved for a long
time after harvesting. In order for barley to be used in the making of beer, it must first be malted. It is
malted barley that gives beer its characteristic color and taste Most commonly we choose malt for
brewery the reason behind is that Malt have :

 high starch content

 Golden color than other cereals
 Enzymes such as ᵃ & ᵝ amylase
 Relatively low nitrogen content
 It retains its husk on threshing
 It obeys GPL(Germany purity law)

Hops or “green gold” come from a climbing plant with male and female flowers; only the female
flowers are used. There are various varieties, ranging from very bitter to aromatic.

Advantage of hops in brewing:

 To import bitterness & mouth fill

 To import other flavour & aroma
 To reduce acid surface tension & prevent over boiling
 Modify yeast performance
 Produce beer foam property
 Protect the beer against deterioration

Objective of hops

(1) To remove excess proteins in the unfermented beer,

(2) They are a natural preservative (against decay)

(3) They enhance the creaminess of the beer's head foam

(4) To prevent kettle over boiling

pg. 12
(5) To clarify hop back & to enhance beer stability

Yeasts : it is a unicellular microorganism w/c can obtain the energy it needs.In the absence of
oxygen(anaerobic) by fermentation. In the presence of oxygen (aerobic)by respiration. During beer
production the wort is fermented by yeast to alcohol & co2 .

During respiration: C6H12O6 +6O2 yeast 6H2O+6CO2+ATP+ADP

During fermentation: C6H12O6 yeast 2C2H5OH+CO2+(-274kj)

. Yeasts are selected with reference to:

 Their rate & extent of growth .

 The rate & extent of fermentation
 The flavour & aroma of the beer
 Are a good foam of head & seddment clearness



malt STEPPING milling


hop caramel spent grain H3PO4(aq)

Wort kettle Wort prerun tank Lautering M.T.K(m.mixer)

trub caso4 cacl2

Whirl pool Fermentation lagering
plate HX


Filtration filling Pasteurization Packaging

pg. 13

Silica gel fig 1.1 Beer production flow diagram

Cleaning & grading the barley

Cleaning is the application energy to remove soil & product residue from the surface of the plant &
equipment. Barley cleaning consists of removing everything w/c is not barley. This includes the
ff:eg fragment of straw, sack binders, piece of food, nails screw wire etc.The preparation of barley
cleaning consists of the ff process stages:Removal of:

Coarse impurities ,foreign seeds,sand, stones, dust foreign & broken kernel iron objects

1.Steepin malting begins by immersing barley into water to. During this steeping period, the barley
may be drained and given air rests, or the steep may be forcibly aerated.

During steeping :

 water is supplied to the interior of the kernel

 As a result enzymes active & life process k/n as germination begins.

2. Germination

It activated by water and oxygen, the root embryo of the barleycorn secretes a plant hormone
called gibberellic acid, which initiates the synthesis of α-amylase.

During germination process there is

 Growth process
 Enzyme formation
 Metabolic change
 Aeration system
 Proteins break down into amino acids

The α- and β-amylases then convert the starch molecules of the corn into sugars that the embryo can
use as food. Other enzymes, such as the proteases and β-glucanases, attack the cell walls around the
starch grains, converting insoluble proteins and complex sugars (called glucans) into soluble amino
acids and glucose. These enzymatic reactions are called modification.

pg. 14
.3.Kilning :It is dried malted barley in w/c malt is dried to remove most of the moisture, leaving 7%
percent in lager. This process arrests enzyme activity but leaves 40 to 60 percent in an active state.
Curing at higher temperatures promotes a reaction between amino acids and sugars to form
melanoidins, which give both colour and flavour to malt.

During killing:

 Water content is lowered

 Germination & modification are stopped
 Colour & flavour CPDs are formed
 DMS(CH4-S-CH4) is produced
 The heat splits SMM librating DMS

The temperature & period of time have a decisive factor on the quality of malt & beer. The two
aspects are initial drying & kilning

Objective of kilning: To stop germination & To stabilize malted barley

4.Malt Milling :The purpose of milling is to reduce the size of the malt particles and to expose the
endosperm to attack by enzymes during the mashing process, so that the greatest conversion of starch
to fermentable sugar is achieved in the shortest possible time.

The principal objectives of malt milling are:

• To split the malt husks longitudinally to expose the starch endosperm

• To crush the endosperm for accessible enzyme action

• To keep the fine particles from clogging the bed during wort sepa/n

Malt milling is used to give malt enzymes, the opportunity during mashing to act on the malt
contents and break down them. During milling the husk must be treated carefully because they are
used as filter material during lautering.

Mashing is the process of combining a mix of milled grain and water and heating this mixture in
vessel called a mash tank kettle. Malt is added to heated, purified water and, through a carefully
controlled time and temperature process, the malt enzymes break down the starch to sugar and the
complex proteins of the malt tosimpler nitrogen compounds. Mashing takes place in a large, round

pg. 15
tank called a "mash mixer" or "mash tun" and requires careful temperature control. At this point,
depending on the type of beer desired, the malt is supplemented by starch from other cereals such as
corn, wheat or rice.
Objective of mashing.

 To dissolve immediately soluble substance.

 To convert substances that is initially insoluble substance.

 To convert the extracted substances into fermentable extract, through enzymatic action.

 The maximum enzyme activity is reached after 10-20minutes and the maximum enzyme
activity is higher at a temperature of 62-680

Fig 1 mash mixer


The mash is transferred to a straining (or lautering) vessel which is usually cylindrical with a slotted
false bottom two to five centimetres above the true bottom. The liquid extract drains through the
false bottom and is run off to the brew kettle. This extract, a sugar solution, is called "wort" but it is
not yet beer.

7.Wort boiling & hopping

pg. 16
Wort boiling requires a lot of energy (24-54 MJ/hl ) with a temp of 118-122 C0 & it is fitted with
coils or a jacketed bottom for steam heating and is designed to boil the wort under carefully-
controlled conditions

Hop is added to wort kettle during wort boiling so as to contribute:

 Bitterness & aroma

 Prevent kettle over boiling
 Enhance beer foam
 Adds to microbial stability of beer
 Helps clarification hop back
Objective of wort boiling

 To stop enzyme rxn

 Falling of wort PH
 To sterilize wort
 To remove un wanted volatile
 Concentrate wort to specified protein
 To coagulate & precipitate protein

8.Whirl pool (wort clarification)

As the wort and a coolant flow past each other on opposite sides of stainless steel plates, the
temperature of the wort drops from boiling to about 10 to 15.5 °C, a drop of more than 65.6 °C, in a
few seconds.


In Dashen brewery wort cooling is achieved through plate heat exchanger. A plate heat exchanger
has many ridged plate which form two Separate path .the wort has been pumped into the heat
exchanger.During wort cooling cold trub has been formed. Afte rwort chilled the cooling medium
(warm water) has been returned to hot water storage.

Advantage of wort cooling: good heat exchanger

 Flow direction can be easy

 Low space requirement
 Low residence time

pg. 17
 Easy cleaned by CIPs/m

Wort aeration : Cold wort ready for yeast pitching must be saturated with dissolved oxygen inorder
for the yeast to perform in the first stage of fermentation. The injection of sterile filtered air is still
widely used

The advantage of plate heat exchanger is:

 It is easy to clean and connect to clean in space(CIP)

 It requires very little floor space

 Wort remains short time in the cooler


Beer at the completion of primery fermentation is called green beer/young beer.It contains little
entrained CO2, it is hazy & having un acceptable flavour, & its taste & aroma are inferior to beer. In
order to refine green beer it must be matured/conditioned

In maturation or conditioning phase there are two additional process

 Saturation of the beer under exess pressure

 Removal of all haze forming CPDs from beer

. Fermentation rxn: C6H12O6 yeast 2C2H5OH+CO2+heat

function of fermentation: Starch/po ᵝ-amylase maltose/di

Enzymatic conversion of maltose ᵃ-amylase sugar/mo

• Extraction of hop flavours & aroma CPDs

• sterilize maltose & hop flavour


It is a separation process in w/c the yeast cells & other turbidity causing materials still present in
the beer are removed.The purpose of filteration is to make beer so stable that no visible changes
occur for a long time and so the beer looks the same as when it was made.

pg. 18
How to control oxygen?

Role of oxygen
 it allows yeast to take in the fermenter
 It causes spoilage of beer
 It cuts the shelf life of beer
 it needs for compressed air added to the cooled wort
The uptake of oxygen into beer is primarily a fu/n of the d/nce in partial pressure b/n the beer & the
gas in contact with it . Minimizing this is the basic of successful oxygen control.Turbulence during
movement must be avoided. Turbulence causes the loss of CO2 & uptake of oxygen. Beer must there
be moved gently through the correctly sized pipes
12. Filler machine

Bottle filling machines are always built as rotating machines with up to 120 filling values

During rotation of the filler the bottle are:

1. Pressed against the filling element

2. Evacuated and counter pressurized once or twice Filled

3. The filling height in them is corrected

4. The pressure is released and

5. The bottle are lowered again and mixed away


It is the total destruction of all micro/ms by supplying heat at a temperature of 66 degree

celcious/hr.Microbiological stabilization of beer by thermal treatment is still the most common
method. Alternatives are sterile filtration as described above and inclusion of a culture of brewing
yeast in the pack (e.g. cask-conditioned or bottle-conditioned beers).

The issue with pasteurization is that oxidative damage occurs. Staling and ageing occur very rapidly
in the short pasteurization time.

Advantage of pasteurization: Excellent of quality of beer ,Homogeneous heating ,Mimum loss of

heat ,Reliability ,future up grading ,Easy maintenance ,Small space requirement

There are incentives for brewers to reduce the number of `Pasteurisation Units' employed, otherwise
the microbiological stabilisation is at the expense of colloidal and flavour stability. This reduction is

pg. 19
achieved through lower pasteurisation temperature and/or time. Thus there is an new technology that
employs another mechanism, which supplements the effect incentive to develop



2.2 Abstract /Short summery of the project

Biogas is a type of biofuel, also called as biomethane, which is a gaseous fuel produced from
organic matter through Anaerobic Digestion (AD) process. The main raw materials used for
producing biogas are BSG , heat , electricity & water. The aim of this project is to study the
possibility of a biogas plant to act as an upcycler of wastes and by-products through anaerobic
digestion process by the use of exergy analysis(from thermodynamic point of view) and economic
evaluation. An imaginary biogas plant which uses a major by-product of brewing industry, i.e.
Brewer’s Spent Grain (BSG), is considered to quantify the added value by biogas production
process.Consumption of fossil sources keeps up:

 the depletion of nature’s capital and

 causes environmental impacts.

One solution to have ,we a sustainable society should have:

 To reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and

 Substitute fossil fuels by renewable energy sources.

Among different types of renewable energy, biofuels have great potential for development and
improvement. Biogas as one type of first generation biofuels is achieved from the wastes and by-
products of other industries, and can be used as a transportation fuel in the form of biomethane.
The use of by-products may give added value as inputs to the biogas production process, a process
which may be called “upcycling.” The aim of upcycling is to convert wastes into new materials with
higher quality or higher environmental value in order to reduce the consumption of raw materials
which results in decreasing of energy usage and environmental impacts

Generally, I will attempts to produce first generation of biofuel from the byproducts of BSG
I Understand from:
 The luck of energy efficiency,
 The environmental impact and

pg. 20
 The economical points of view.

In the case of biofuel production, this will happen by using by-products and wastes from other
industries. In this regard, decreasing the amount of industrial wastes, enhancing availability of
energy and financial benefits through creating value from by-products, can be accounted as
indicators of sustainable development.

2.3 Introduction

A major environmental issue in today is associated with the release of green house gases.
Fossil fuels are the major contributors for green house effect and at the same time its
depletion occurs rapidly in each advancing year. In order to minimize this global energy
demand and environmental impacts, an alternate energy source is needed. Wherever there is human
habituation, organic waste is produced, which consist of mainly industrial waste , household food
waste, agricultural waste, human and animal waste. For each year the amount of produced organic
waste is increasing dramatically, source-separation, composting and anaerobic digestion with related
biogas production is increasingly being considered as a substitute for waste management strategies as
land-filling and incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW).

Breakdown of organic materials in the absence of oxygen produces methane. The process is known
as anaerobic digestion and performed through the biological activity of microorganisms. The
production of natural biogas is the main part of biochemical carbon cycle. Temperature and the
composition of the feedstock(r.m to supply a machine) are two important factors that should be
taken into consideration due to the sensitivity of the process .

Some of the most common applications for biogas include lighting, electricity, cooking, and
utilization as an alternative vehicle fuel.

2. 4 Theoretical Backgrounds of the project/research

2.4.1 System boundary analysis

In order to start the analysis, definition of the system under study is necessary. This includes
selecting the system boundaries of the biogas plant to define which inputs and outputs and which
production stages are involved in the study.

The first step environmental and economic analysis is to define the system boundary including inputs
and outputs by drawing a flow diagram of the biogas industrial process under study. In defining

pg. 21
system boundaries, inputs include of all energy, utilities and raw materials/substrates, which consists
of electricity, water, heat, Brewer’s Spent Grain (BSG),chemicals & additives. The outputs of the
system consist of biomethane (CH4), biofertilizer (digestate) and CO2. It should be indicated that in
this study the produced biogas is assumed to be purified and upgraded to biomethane (CH4) for use
as a vehicle fuel for transportation purposes. One of the difficulties for evaluating the sustainability
of a system is the lack of adequate clear perception, tools, and techniques to cover the complexity of
environmental, economical and social issues at different levels of the system boundary.

2.4.2 Reasonable analysis of biogas

Energy consumption has increased steadily over the last century as the world population has grown
and more countries have become industrialized .Crude oil has been the major resource to meet the
increased energy demand. Because the economy in the most part of the world depends on oil, the
consequences of inadequate oil availability could be sever. There for, there is a great interest in
exploring alternative energy sources.

Reasons of increasing attention toward biogas production:

 Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources and have the problem of depletion

 To be independent from oil which can be because of the continually increasing the oil price

 Environmental problems due to increasing GHG emissions that will cause climate change
and global warming

Generally speaking, the general term for plant design includes all engineering aspects involved in the
development of either a new, modified, or expanded industrial plant.

Biogas is a useful source of renewable energy and digestate can be used as a valuable
biofertilizer.One of the most attractive ways to obtain sources of alternative energy and the pollution
control is the recovery resource and energy from waste streams through bio conversion process. In
this respect intensive studies have been conducted in the past few decades and varies “green
technology” have been extensively review.

For many years, anaerobic digestion has been prevailing technology for biogas productions, in which
substrates are converted to methane and other products under a joint effort of several microbial
groups in reaction system. Anaerobic conversion of organic materials and pollutants is an established
technology for environmental protection through the treatment of industrial wastes & byproducts.

pg. 22
In this context biogas generated by agro-industrial waste water will play a vital role in future. Biogas
is a versatile(abele to adapt) renewable energy source which can be used for replacement of fossil
fuels in power and heat production; and it can be used also as gaseous vehicle fuel. Methane rich
biogas can replace also natural gas a feed stock in the production of chemicals and materials.

Fossil fuel consumption has a twofold role:

 The rising of concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere.

 It depletes the availability of natural resources which results to steadily rising prices for fossil
fuels such as oil and gas.

One solution to have a sustainable society is

 To reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and

 Substitute them by renewable energy sources such as biofuels, solar, wind or hydropower energy.
Among those, biofuel production industries have great potential for development and

2.4.5 Data collection

For the analysis of biogas production, data were collected by reading manuals and also by
interviewing different experts such as chemical engineer Dilnesaw Lemma and Fasil Tewedros.In
addition to that I under stood by:

 observing the current status of our country fuel consumption

 obserbing effect of global warming (GHE)
 understanding the luck of energy efficiency
 looking the dependency on fossil fuels and

The target is to substitute the non renewable energy (fuels) by renewable energy sources such as

Operation calendar of the research

Table1. Research time taken

№ activities month
March April May June september
1 Selection of title 

pg. 23
2 Literature gathering  
3 Preparing research proposal 
4 Writing research proposal  
5 Preparing final draft research  
6 Submission of final document  
7 Feasible laboratory test 

Problem statement

 The factory do not change spent grain, spent malt and discharged yeast to usable products.
 particularly the company generally our country expenses more money for fuels

problem Justification

As I know in that large company there are a plenty of professional people who of those are
experienced & knowledgeable .Among those are engineers, chemists, technicials & economists etc
are found so that if they collaborate & discus about '' Breweries byproduct'' as a major issue as well
as the company will interested to sponser money for d/t studies ; beyond doubt for their success.
Actually '' success comes after a certain number of failures''. IF u are more intersted u can creat a
large project w/c achieves your final target. Leave it the other byproducts ,for the time being if the
breweries focuse mainly on the production of ''Biogas'' from spent grain through anaerobically,they
will easily successful & profitable. Whey it is easy ? b/c there is sufficient input raw materials i.e no
need to import raw materials except some additive & chemicals. The available imput raw materials
are spent grain , heat , electricity & water.Those raw materials are found within the company.

Objective of the project

This study intends to quantify the input and output flows of a biogas plant to find out how the biogas
production system may potentially create “value” from by-products.

. 1. General objective

 The first objective is the exergy analysis of a biogas production system. This is done by looking
at the input and output flows of materials and utilities in a biogas plant, in order to find out how

pg. 24
the exergy of the substrate, a by-product of brewing process, i.e. BSG, modifies when it is used
for biogas production.
 The second objective of this project is the economic evaluation of the studied biogas production
system, with the aim to examine whether it may create economic benefit by taking brewer’s spent
grains (BSG), an organic by-product from brewing process, and converting them into biogas and
other possible useful products.

2.Specific objective

 To fulfill our demand

 To reduce the dependency of oil

 To Increase productivity

 To Improve profitability

 To create Job opportunity

 Mainly to decrease energy loss

2. Approach/Methodology:

2.1 Chemical Usage/Equipment Needs:

Several chemicals and materials, both regulated and unregulated, will be inspected at numerous
biogas facilities. These chemicals include H3PO4, cupper fining,Cacl2, CaSO4,mixture of hop &
caramel resins, discarded yeasts ,discarded powdered silica gel & caustic soda, some additives etc.

The releases and wastes of small businesses of the previously mentioned chemicals will be carefully
examined. Harmful substances are often wasted and dispersed into the environment due to improper
storage, handling, and transportation. Such events can cause widespread damage to the environment
and its inhabitants.

Procedures: I have been using while performing my project work

 Identify the problem

 Show title of the project to my company advisor deal with him on the title name
 Collect data to solve the problem using full in formation
 Show my day to day activities to my advisor to get basic comment to correct my way.
 Take the comment and correct myself as I told me
 Give proposed solution to the given problem

pg. 25

3.Related literature review


The material added to a biogas process is substrate (food) for the microbes and its properties have a
major influence on process stability and efficiency. waste Substrate composition is important both
for the amount of gas formed and the quality of the gas. The composition ultimately also affects the
quality of the digestion residue (digestate), both in terms of plant nutrient content and potential
contamination (metals, organic compounds, disease-causing organisms, etc). Choosing the right
material gives you the opportunity to influence the outcome of the process, maximize energy output
and produce biofertilizer of good quality.

3.2 Substrates for biogas production

Many different types of organic material can potentially be used for biogas production, probably
many more than those used today. The main source of organic material for biogas production are:
municipal organic waste 15%, municipal wastewater sludge 3%, Brewery spent grain 20% , Yeast
10%, , distillation waste (residues from ethanol production) 5%, sludge from municipal wastewater
treatment plants 7% etc.

3.3 How to choose a substrate for a biogas process

Many different organic materials can be decomposed to biogas in a digestion chamber. Some
materials are more appropriate than others, and some general guidelines can be applied. However,
process parameters such as load, temperature and retention time have a great influence on how
efficiently a given substrate is broken down. How well a particular material works in a biogas
process can also depend on what pre-treatment is applied and whether it is the sole substrate or if it is
co-digested with other materials.The presence of toxic substances or lignin, which is not at all broken
down in a biogas process, also plays a role.

3.4 The importance of substrates for microorganisms and gas production

The composition of a substrate is very important for the microorganisms in the biogas process and
thus also for process stability and gas production. The substrate must meet the nutritional
requirements of the microorganisms, in terms of energy sources and various components needed to
build new cells. The substrate also needs to include various components needed for the activity of

pg. 26
microbial enzyme systems, such as trace elements and vitamins. In the case of decomposition of
organic material in a biogas process, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C/N ratio) is also considered to
be of great importance. It is important that the ratio is not too low, in other words, that there is not
too much nitrogen relative to carbon. If so, the process can easily suffer from ammonia inhibition
(see below under Protein-rich materials). The ratio should also not be too high, since the bacteria in
the process may then experience nitrogen deficiency It is hard to say exactly what ratio is optimal
because it varies with different substrates and also with the process conditions.

3.5 Main substrate specification

A. Input raw materials: Electricity, heat , spent grain , different chemicals , additives & water are
required input utilities for the operation of biogas plants. The energy requirements vary among
different biogas plants and it also depends on their input raw materials. For example, farm-scale
biogas plants may require more heat than large-scale biogas systems due to the poorer insulation and
their limitation for using heat exchangers. Also, the demand of electricity for pumping and mixing of
raw materials differ among biogas production systems.

1. Electricity

Based on the the electricity demand for the anaerobic digestion process including pumping and
mixing of feedstock in large scale biogas plants is estimated about 18 kWh per tonne of input raw
material, without including any pretreatment of substrates. Also, since this thesis work considers the
biomethane for use as: vehicle fuel, the biogas needs to be upgraded by removing undesirable gases
such as CO2 and H2S. In large-scale biogas plants, electricity consumption for upgrading each of
CH4 will be considered.

2 Heat

Heat can be provided by an external heating source such as industrial steam or from district heating
system (around 60° C). that the heat consumption of biogas power plant under this study is in the
form of steam. The physical and chemical exergy of steam must be calculated and the sum would be
the total exergy of the steam.


In practice the substrate input into digestion tank must be mixed with water. In the case of BSG, it
usually uses in its wet condition. In the case of water consumption, analysis should have to be

pg. 27
examined different water (water ratio) dilution on biogas production from brewer’s spent grain. That
study is shown the water ratio of x:y, y>x would yield maximum biogas

4. Brewer’s Spent Grain (BSG)

Brewers’ spent grain (BSG) is the major by-product of the brewing industry, representing around
85% of the total by-products generated. BSG is a lignocellulosic material containing about 17%
cellulose, 28% non-cellulosic polysaccharides, chiefly arabinoxylans, and 28% lignin.

BSG is available in large quantities throughout the year, but its main application has been limited to
animal feeding. Nevertheless, due to:

 Its high content of protein around 20% dry basis and

 Its high content of fibre around 70% dry basis
 It can also serve as an attractive adjunct in human nutrition.

In the past, the BSG was used as feed for farm animals, But, nowadays due to

 Its slow degradability and

 Toxic lignin degradation products, the interest to use it for biogas production has increased.

Some potential applications of BSG are as follows :

1- Animal nutrition, mainly for cattle due to the high contents of protein and fiber

2- Human nutrition, for manufacturing of flakes, bread, biscuits, aperitif snacks

3- Energy production, through direct combustion or using in anaerobic fermentation to produce


4- Charcoal production

5- As a brick component for use in building materials

The addition of spent grain to rat diets is beneficial to intestinal digestion, alleviating both
constipation and diarrhea. Such effects were attributed to the content of glutamine-rich protein, and
to the high content of non cellulosic polysaccharides

Properties of BSG flour in foods

1. Ease of blending

2. High water absorption capacity

pg. 28
3. Provides valuable minerals such as Ca, P, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mg

4. Low-fat absorption (beneficial for batters and coating)

5. High fibre content

6. High protein content

Combustion and biogas energy production from BSG has been evaluated for reuse in the brewery.
From this research I concluded that biogas technology is especially suitable for obtaining thermal
energy in breweries. BSG was concentrated by pressure and the wastewater recycled after
purification. The concentrated BSG is combusted and the heat generated partly supportes the energy
demand of the plant. Considering the energy crises that the world experiences, energy production
from BSG provides an interesting alternative use of this industrial by-product.

B. Output poducts

While biogas is the main product of the anaerobic digestion process, solid digestate is another
important output. Also, there are other gases generated during anaerobic digestion which are
removed throughout upgrading process.

Biogas contains roughly 53-73% methane, 30-40% carbon dioxide (CO2) and trace of other gases
such as nitrogen (N) and hydrogen sulphide. Table 5 represents the typical composition of biogas.
Among those, only methane and carbon dioxide (CO2) will be considered in exergy analysis, and
other gases are ignored from calculations. Once again this study has assumed that the CH4 content in
biogas is 65% and its CO2 is 35%

1. Bio-Methane (CH4)

The main benefits of biomthane produced by spent green with a discarded yeasts are :

 CO2 neutral,
 Low toxicity,
 Less GHG emissions
 Biodegradable/capable to decompose by bacteria
 Agricultural diversification
 Reduced dependence on oil

2. Bio-Fertilizers / Digestate

pg. 29
The sludge obtained after anaerobic digestion of BSG can be used as an organic fertilizer because of
the availability of the nutrients N, P and K which are useful for the growth of plants. According to
the study it is indicated that

“the quantities of nutrients that are supplied to a digester via the feedstock are the same as those in
the digestate.” So, the amount of N, P and K nutrients in digestate, i.e. after digestion, are
considered as same as before digestion. Based on the , around 85% of input substrate into anaerobic
digestion can be digested and remains as digestate.

3. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide is an unwanted output from biogas production system which contains 22-45% .
There might be possibilities of using CO2 for some industries which will discuss briefly in economic
evaluation part of this study.

Biogas technology limitations

Biogas systems all over the world are presently performing under different climatic conditions. The
need and demand of poor rural populations and urban communities correspond to the biogas systems.
However, the commercialization of biogas technology has not yet been accepted in many countries.
The high investment capital cost is one of the reasons for this low acceptant. Another reason is also
the unrealistic and high expectation of the users. Since biogas technology is not yet ableto solve all
kind of problems on a village, farm or animal production, the limitations should be clear to avoid

There are many competitors to biogas technology, since energy can also be produced from fuel wood
plantations with positive side effects. Solar systems, micro-hydro power and a variety of other
different renewable technologies are considered to be competitors to biogas technology.

Composition and application of biogas

Biogas consists of a mixture of methane (40-70 vol %), carbon dioxide (30-60 vol %) and other
gases (1-5 vol %) like hydrogen (0-1 vol %) and hydrogen sulphide (0-3 vol %). The pressure and
temperature and the composition of raw materials as well determine the characteristic properties of
biogas. The moisture content affects the properties as well. In this case, the most interesting factors
are change in volume, change in water vapour content and change in calorific value as a function of
temperature and pressure. Calorific value also depends on a function of water vapour content.

pg. 30
A wide range of application is common for biogas, which can be used like any other fuel gas for
household energy and industrial use. Some common applications include gas cookers, refrigerators,
engines, incubators, radiant heaters and biogas lamps [6].

4. 3 Upgrading of biogas

In a number of countries biogas is used as transportation fuel. However the major breakthrough has
reached only in Sweden and Switzerland. The biogas plants that are in the planning or construction
phase in Sweden is capable of delivering upgraded biogas with a high quality. This upgraded biogas
is used directly as vehicle fuel or for injection into the natural gas grid. In order to use the biogas in
normal vehicles that is designed to use natural gas, it has to be upgraded to natural gas quality. Water
Scrubber Technology and Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology are the most widespread
technologies for upgrading of biogas.

Normally there are two main steps performed for gas upgrading

The first step in the process is to remove CO2 from the gas. Other contaminants like sulphur
compounds are usually removed before removing the CO2. Water removal can be done before or
after the removing the CO2, this part is highly depending on the process.

3.3.1 Water vapor

The biogas produced from anaerobic digestion is usually saturated with water. Drying of the gas is
most often necessary since some upgrading processes need relatively dry gas. Water vapor can be
problematic. For example when the water vapor passes from high to lower pressure it might
condense into ice and be corrosive. The other problem is that it clogs/an obstacle or embedment/
pressure regulator in the distribution system. However, different utilization systems have different
standards for water vapor tolerance. For example the water vapor is not a problem in boilers and in
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants, while it is very problematic in fuel applications and grid

There are a variety of methods that can be used to reduce water vapor in the biogas that include:

1. Refrigeration: In this method heat exchangers are used to cool the biogas to suitable dew point to
condense water vapor. For further dryness, the biogas is pressurized and the condensate is removed
and disposed of. The wastewater is then recycled back to the digester.

2. Absorption: Commonly there are two methods of water absorption processes that are used for gas
upgrading from anaerobic digestion. These processes are called single pass absorption and
regenerative absorption. The most important differences in these two processes are that the water in

pg. 31
the single pass processes used just on time. In the case of regenerative absorption the water can be
recycled and a stripper column must be integrated in the process. Salts like glycol or hygroscopic
salts is used to absorb water and the medium is dried at high temperature after the medium is

3. Adsorption: to reduce the moisture adsorption drying agents can also be used. Drying agents like
silica gel or aluminum oxides can reduce moister levels that is low enough for use in for example in
vehicle fuel. Here packed media in two vessels are use there one vessel is regenerated while the other
one is used for drying which is done at high pressure that usually preferable. If not so air is need to
be injected for regeneration.

3.3.2 Removal of hydrogen sulphide

During the digestion of proteins, hydrogen sulphide and other sulphur containing materials are
formed. Hydrogen sulphide is corrosive and thereby it should be separated rather early in the
upgrading process. It can be separated in the digestion chamber, in the gas stream or it can be
removed in the upgrading process. The most usual methods are the internal separation. As an
example iron chloride or air/oxygen addition to the digester can be mentioned

This study examines the biogas plant as a so called “black-box”; which means the biogas plant under
this study is going to be viewed in terms of only inputs and outputs.

This project is:

 Not intended to enter into technical description and technical assessment of anaerobic digestion
process of the biogas production, and

 Not consider the production process stages inside the biogas plant. It only looks at the biogas
(biomethane) production system including upgrading of biogas into pure methane as a one stage
Sustainability is a broad concept with different dimensions which is difficult to define decently and
objectively. In this work, the environmental aspects and social factors of sustainability will not be
addressed and examined directly. However, the environmental sustainability will be assessed based
on the results of exergy analysis.

Most of the information related to biogas systems has been found from :

 Other countries w/c have biogas industry. And

pg. 32
 Related available data are based on the conditions

This study has assumed that 35% of produced biogas is CO2. Other trace gases are ignored from
exergy calculations therefore the exergy of the generated CO2 is can be estimated easily. As the
generation of CO2 during biogas production cannot be employed for further use, it is released to the



4.1 The reason why I have Selected the company
Firstly, I select this company, because Dashen Brewery is a big factory. So I think as I can get full
knowledge which is related to my course that I have taken when I was in campu. Secondly, I select
this factory because of shortage of finance. Mean the money which is given us from the campus is
not enough. Because there is an expense of rent house, food and additional materials. Then to solve
this in some case I select this company in order to get a help from my family. Because the company
is near to the place where my family lives.
4.2.Section of I have been working
I have been working in beer production department.

The organization stracture is look like the ff form.

Beer production house

Precleaning section

Brehouse section

milling mashing lautering Wort boiling whirlpooling

Fermentation section

1st storage tank carbonation 2nd storage tank

pg. 33
Beer Processing

Beer filt/n Bottle washing filling Labeling & packaing

4.3The work flow in the section look like the ff form.

General Manager


Division Mnager

Forman Forman

worker Forman & worker

4.4 Challenges that facing me during the intership

The planned schedule of mekelle university for registration was very late & there is also a down
payment of cost sharing .This is the university's problem having on this I have lost the first week of
a month. W/n I came to the second week this time was very bad for me, the companies said ''safety
first'' I'm stranger for the company even I didn't know what safety materials are full filled. W/n I
asked the company civil services who regards to them how could I found the safety materials,They
gave responces you haven't easily got it around here rather than Adis.Till the time is run, after 3days
I contact with one gay who is a driver to brought the safety from Adis. Due to this obstacles I lost
the second week. I have already been started on the 3rd week of the 1st month.

Also there was aproblem regarding to assigning /grouping the internship student.Mr Asfaw was an
assigner of every student.Even he doesn't know w/c section of the company belongs to the student
related to their field.Eg he assigned me, to work on maintenance section but, maintenance but,

pg. 34
maintenance doesn't invite me b/c I am chemical student, I am not the only but, there are so many
students wrongly assigned without regarding their fields/Dep't.

4.5. Measures in order to overcome these challenges

The assigner should have ''a knowhow'' about each & every dep't of the internship student.In addition

1) In working area, I will give accuracy, punctuality and self confidence

2) The staff members should be oriented about the advantage of internship program to the

3) Make close relationship with each workers and operator of the company.

4.5 Biogas Production Process

Biogas production is actually slow at starting and the end of observation. This is predicted because
biogas production rate in batch condition is directly equal to specific growth of methanogenic
bacteria. During the first 3 days of observation, there will be less biogas production and mainly due
to the lag phase of microbial growth. Whereas, in the range of 4 to 6 days of observation; biogas
production increases substantially due to exponential growth of methanogens. Biogas production is
observed to decrease considerably and, this is probably due to unregulated pH region employed,
which concurrently leads to increase in concentration of ammonia nitrogen that might be assumed to
inhibit the process.

4.6 Techniques for enhancing biogas production

Different methods used to enhance biogas production can be classified into the following categories:

4.1.6 Use of additives

Some attempts have been made in the past to increase gas production by stimulating the
microbial activity using various biological and chemical additives under different operating
conditions. Biological additives include different plants, weeds residues, microbial cultures, etc.,
which are available naturally in the surroundings. As such, generally these are of less
significance in terms of their use in the habitat, however if used as additives in biogas plant could
improve its performance significantly. The suitability of an additive is expected to be strongly
dependent on the type of substrate.

Factors that affects biogas production

1. PH value

pg. 35
In order to obtain the best-optimized condition for biogas production, where the methane producing
bacteria exist, the pH value of input mixture in the digester should be between 6 and 7. After
stabilization of the fermentation process under anaerobic condition, the pH value end up between 7.2
and 8.2 due to the buffer effect of increased ammonium concentration. When large amounts of
organic acids are produced in the beginning of the fermentation, the pH inside the digester might
decrease below 5. Since the digester has a high concentration of volatile acids the methane
fermentation process in the digester will be inhibited and even stopped. The medium with low pH
(below 6, 5) will have a toxic effect on the methanogenic bacteria.

2. Temperature

A wide range of temperature is possible for anaerobic fermentation, usually between 3°C and 70°C.
In general, three temperature ranges is common, the psychrophilic (below 20°C), the hemophilic
(between 20°C and 40°C) and the thermophilic (above 40°C) ranges. The rate of methane
production increases with increased temperature. On the other hand, the increased temperature in
turn will also increase the concentration of free ammonia. As a consequence, the process will be
inhibited and the production will be reduced.

3. Loading rate

The amount raw materials fed per unit volume of digester capacity per day is known as loading rate.
It is important to optimize the loading rate due to avoid overfeeding which leads to inhibited methane
production. However, underfeeding the plant would lead to low gas production and economically
ineffective process as well.

4. Retention time

HRT is the average time spent by the input slurry inside the digester before it comes out. In tropical
countries like India, HRT varies from 30–50 days while in countries with colder climate it may go up
to 100 days. Shorter retention time is likely to face the risk of washout of active bacterial population
while longer retention time requires a large volume of the digester and hence more capital cost.

The retention time can be correctly distinct only in batch type facilities. By dividing the digester
volume by the daily influent rate, the mean retention time can be determined in continuous systems.
Based on the vessel geometry, the mixing rate and the actual substrate component, the effective
retention time differs significantly. Therefore, the appropriate retention time is determined due to
considering two factors; Process temperature & Substrate type

6. Toxicity

pg. 36
Some of the toxic materials that might inhibit the normal growth of pathogens in the digester include
mineral ions, heavy metals and detergents. However, low concentrations of the mineral ions, such as
sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, ammonium and sulphur, are needed for stimulation of
bacterial growth. At the same time, if the concentration of these ions were too high, it would lead to
toxification. Addition of substances including soap, antibiotics, organic solvents, etc should be
avoided, since this would lead to inhibition of the activity of methane producing bacteria.

7. C/N Ratio

Both nitrogen and carbon is essential for microorganisms in order to assimilate these into their cell
structure. Based on studies, the metabolic activity of methanogenic bacteria is possible to be
optimized at a C/N ratio around 8-20. However, depending on the characteristics of the substrate, the
optimum point can vary. It is necessary to maintain proper composition of the feedstock for efficient
plant operation so that the C : N ratio in feed remains within desired range. It is generally found that
during anaerobic digestion microorganisms utilize carbon 25–30 times faster than nitrogen. Thus to
meet this requirement, microbes need a 20–30:1 ratio of C to N with the largest percentage of the
carbon being readily degradable. Waste material that is low in C can be combined with materials
high in N to attain desired C:N ratio of 30:1.Some studies also suggested that C:N ratio varies with


Biogas production is based on four main steps and the active microbes consist of a large variety
group of complex and differently acting species. Figure 1 illustrates the three steps of biogas
production process that consist of hydrolysis, acidification, and methane formation.

Anaerobic Digestion Process

Anaerobic digestion refers to bacteria-aided degradation of organic materials with the lack of
oxygen under controlled conditions. The entire process carried out in an airtight tank called
digester in which organic waste has to be dumped and decomposed. Bacteria within the
digester decompose the organic matter that results in the production of gases such as
methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, ammonia and nitrogen
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is the conversion of organic material directly to gas, termed biogas, a
mixture of mainly methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) with small quantities of other gases
such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S) (1), ammonia (NH4), water vapour, hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2)
etc.Biochemical reactions in anaerobic digestion
Complex organic matter/BSG or B.M
(Carbohydrates, proteins,fats/lipids) pg. 37
Hydrolytic bacteria

Simple/soluble organic matter


Acedogenic bacteria

Intermediatery products
(CO2 , H2 ,Alcohols ,organic acids)

Acetogenic bacteria

Acetate , H2 ,CO2

Methanogenic bacteria

Fig 2 anaerobic conversionCH4

of biomass/BSG
, CO2 into biomethane

The ff reactions are takes place

Complex carbohydrates simple sugars

Complex lipids Fatty acids

Complex proteins Amino acids

The following reactions are takes place in the digester

The equations below illustrate that various products, by-products and intermediates products that are
formed in the digestion process of ananaerobic state can be converted to the final product, which is


pg. 38
CO2 + 4H2 CH4+ 2H2O CH3COOH CH4 + CO2

There are four key biological and chemical stages of anaerobic digestion:

1. Hydrolysis 3. Acetogenesis

2. Acid genesis 4. Methanogenesis

.1. Hydrolysis

In hydrolysis, which is the first step of biogas production, the extracellular enzymes, such as
celluloses, amylases, proteases and lipases released by the bacteria, hydrolyse the organic material.
The hydrolysis stage is also known as the polymer breakdown stage. The complex chain of
carbohydrates, proteins and lipids are decomposed into shorter parts. Polysaccharides are at this
stage transformed into monosaccharide's and proteins are converted into peptides and amino acids.
Large amount of organic acids are also produced by acid forming bacteria in this initial period of

2 Acidification /acid genesis

Acidification is the second step in the process where acid-producing bacteria transforms the
monomers and fermentation products produced in stage I, into acetic acid (CH3COOH), hydrogen
(H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Since these bacteria are facultative anaerobic they are able to grow
in acidic environment. For production of acetic acid, these bacteria need oxygen and carbon. The
solved oxygen in the solution or the bounded oxygen is used for this propose. An anaerobic
environment is hereby obtained by acid producing bacteria, which is vital for the methane-producing
microorganisms. Furthermore, the acid producing bacteria also reduce the compounds with a low
molecular weight into organic acids, alcohols, amino acids, carbon dioxide, traces of methane and
hydrogen sulphide. The main acids produced in this stage are acetic acid, prop ionic acid, and butyric
acid; furthermore ethanol is also produced.

3 Acetogenesis

Acetogenesis, the third stage result in the formation of formic acid, carbon dioxide, acetic
acid and hydrogen with the contribution of acetogens from long chain fatty acids obtained during
acid genesis. Here simple molecules created through the acidogenesis phase are further digested by
acetogens to produce largely acetic acid (or its salts) as well as carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

pg. 39
4 .Methanogenesis

Here methanogenic archaea utilize the intermediate products of the preceding stages and convert
them into methane, carbon dioxide and water.It is these components that makes up the majority of
the biogas released from the system. Methanogenesis is – beside other factors sensitive to both high
and low pH values and performs well between pH 6.5 and pH 8. The remaining, non-digestible
organic and mineral material, which the microbes cannot feed upon, along with any dead bacterial
residues constitutes the solid dig estate.

During this final stage methanogenesis, obligate anaerobic methanogens fulfill the conversion
of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in to biogas under severe anaerobic conditions complex

The methane producing bacteria decompose further the compounds with a low molecular weight. For
example, in order to form methane and carbon dioxide, the methane producing bacteria utilize
hydrogen, carbon dioxide and acetic acid. The methane producing bacteria exist under natural
conditions under water, in ruminant stomachs and in marshes, where anaerobic conditions are
present. These microorganisms are very sensitive to environmental variations since they are
obligatory anaerobic. The methanogenic bacteria are included in the archeabacter genus in contrast to
acidogenic and acetogenic bacteria.

Table 4. Proposed regeneration time of microorganisms

Microorganisms Time of
Acidogenic bacteria 30 hours
Acetogenic bacteria 3 days
Methanogenic archaea 5 days
Aerobic microorganisms 4 hours

Table 5. Some important groups of hydrolytic enzymes and their functions.

Enzymes Substrate Breakdown Products

Proteinase Proteins Amino acids
Cellulase Cellulose Cellobiose and glucose
Hemicellulase Hemicellulose Sugars, such as glucose, xylose,

pg. 40
mannose and arabinose
Amylase Starch Glucose
Lipase Fats Fatty acids and glycerol
Pectinase Pectin Sugars, such as galactose, arabinose
and polygalactic uronic acid

6.4 Environmental Impacts of Anaerobic Digestion

The environmental impacts of on-farm anaerobic digestion depend on the BSG management system
that the digester amends or replaces as well as the actual use of the biogas produced. Typically, the
anaerobic digestion of BSG followed by flaring of biogas, combustion of biogas for electricity, or
production and use of biomethane as fuel can provide a number of direct environmental benefits.
These include:

• Reduced GHG emissions

• Potential reduction of VOC emissions

• Odor control

• Pathogen and weed seed control

• Improved water quality

One potentially negative environmental impact of anaerobic digesters that combust the biogas is the
creation of nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are regulated air pollutants and an ozone precursor.
Nitrogen oxides are created by combustion of fuel with air. Combustion of dairy biogas or any other
methane containing gas (whether in a flare, reciprocating or gas turbine engine, or a boiler) will emit
NOx. The emission rate varies but is generally lowest for properly engineered flares and highest for
rich burn reciprocating (piston) engines. NOx emissions are controlled by using lean burn engines,
catalytic controls or microturbines.The latter two methods are fouled by the high sulfur content of
biogas, and the H2S must be scrubbed to prevent the swift corrosion of these devices.

Biogas and digestate are two valuable products from anaerobic digestion process. Biogas is a useful
source of renewable energy and digestate can be used as a valuable biofertilizer. In certain cases, the
substrate must be pre-treated before adding to the anaerobic digestion process. Water needs to add to
dry matters. Biogas can be produced from numerous different input substrates. Organic materials are
major inputs for biogas production process.The organic materials used for biogas production should
be free from wood (lignin), because of the inability of bacteria to process woody substances.

pg. 41
As mentioned earlier, this study is intended to consider the Brewers’ Spent Grain (BSG), the organic
by-product of brewing process, as the input substrate into anaerobic digestion process for the
production of purified biogas, called biomethane.

The benefits of biogas

A major benefit of a well-functioned biogas system is that it eliminates and converts organic waste
into useful and valuable products. One of the main benefits with biogas is the production of energy,
including heat, light and electricity. Beside of energy production other valuable products, such as
high quality fertilizer for replacement of expensive mineral fertilizer, are also obtained. Some
advantages are connected to waste removal through the biogas system, like improving hygienic
conditions due to reduced pathogens and worm eggs.

Protection of soil, water, air and woody vegetation can be mentioned as environmental advantages. If
the actual conditions are satisfactorily, the biogas technology can contribute to Conservation and

The fact that a biogas digester can be build and operated locally creates opportunities to decrease the
waste solid collection volume and land disposal costs. Furthermore, there are countries, like Sweden;
there the land disposal of organic materials is forbidden since 2002 The technology has also a
potential to create job opportunities locally for several thousands of people. Finally, the standard of
living can be enhanced which directly contributes to social and economical development of a country
The economics of biogas production system can't be compared with the economics of other energy production
systems directly, because the anaerobic digestion is often applied to address more issues than the demand for
just an energy carrier.

Anaerobic digestion can be used to cope with legal requirements such as prohibition of organic wastes land
filling in order to reduce the environmental impacts of waste management strategies or to supply a good bio-
fertilizer to substitute for mineral fertilizers.

Anaerobic digestion is an alternative waste management system since the land filling of organic wastes has
been banned in Sweden. In addition to the exergy analysis, the economic aspect of value the biogas plant is
another face of the usefulness of the system in term of. In the economy, the difference between production
costs and sales price of a manufactured product is defined as value added per unit of the product.

BSG H3PO4 CaSO4 Silica gel

Digester Sediment Gas –

(cylinder) tank digester
separato pg. 42
H2O biogas

CaCL2 digestate

FIG3 Flow diagram of biogas production

The following available data are given

Substance Density(KG/M3) CP(KJ/KG.K)

Cacl2 2150 3.06
Caso4 2320 1.01
BSG 669 0.21
H20 1000 4.2
Silica gel 6000 1.13
H3PO4 1880 4.15
NaOH 2320 3.19


Based on the above beer production flow diagram i.e fig1.1 Chemical processes may be classified as
batch, continuous or semi-batch and as either steady-state or transient. Although the procedure
required for performing mass, or material, balances depends on the type of process, most of the
concepts translate directly to all types. The general rule for mass balance in a system box (a box
drawn around the complete process or the part of the process of interest) is:
input+ generation - output - consumption = accumulation
 Operation type Batch
 There is generation
 Hydraulic retention time 3-5 days & its
 Coo digestion respective temperatures are 45-55℃ , 55-60℃ , 60-170℃ or
 Working of hour of the company 18hr/day
 Production capacity of the company assumed to be 800 lit/hr=19200lit/day Amount of
silicagel added 400kgwith a composition of 35% Amount of digestate=25%BG Amount
of water 600lit/day & H3PO4=3.5lit/day CaCL2=36kg/day

pg. 43
Table.7 Operating parameters of anaerobic digestion process for biogas production
Operating parameter Typical value
Mesophilic temperature 55℃
Termophilic temperature 45℃
PH value 7-8.5
Alkalinity 200ml/g
Retention time 5-7 days
Loading rate 0.2 - 0.3 lb VS /ft3/d

C/N ratio 20:1

Key words: M=Mass, V= volume , ρ=density

A. Mass balance

-1. Mass balance on the Gas-gigestate separator

Slica gel (SG)= 400kg/day*0.35=120kg/day

IN Gas-digestate 19200lit/day (BG)



In = out , In+SG = BG+D , but MBG = V*ρ = 19200lit/day*075kg/lit =14400kg/day &

D = 25%BG = 0.25*14400kg/day = 3600kg/day so that

IN = BG+D-SG , IN = 14400kg+3600kg 120kg = 17880kg/day

2. Mass balance on the sediment tank

107kg/day, CaSO4

Sediment tank

pg. 44
IN 17880kg/day

Over all material balance = IN+107kg = 17880kg ,

So that IN = 17880-107kg =17773kg/day

3. Mass balance on digester

H3PO4, 3.5 lit/day

BSG Digester 17773kg/day

H20 ,600lit/day CaCL2, 36kg/day

Over all material balance = MBSG+MH3PO4+MCaCL2+MH2O ,

MBSG = 17773kg-(MH3PO4+MCaCL2+MH2O) ,

but the mass of H2O = V*ρ = 0.6m3*1000kg/m3=600kg &

MH3PO4 = V*ρ =0.0035m3*1880kg/m3 = 6.58kg

so the amount BSG will be

∴ MBSG = %(17773-36-600-6.58) =0.2(17130)=3426kg/day

B. Equipment sizing

1. Volume of the digester


600 lit/day


VCacl2 = MCaCL2÷ρCaCL2 = 36kg÷2150kg/m3 = 0.017m3

VH3PO4 = MH3PO4÷ΡH3PO4 = 6.58kg÷1880kg/m3 =0.0035m3

pg. 45
VBSG=MBSG÷ΡBSG = 3426kg÷669kg/m3 =5.12m3

∴ V = 0.017m3+0.0035m3+5.12m3+0.6m3 =5.74m3

2. Volume of the sediment Tank


5.74m3 Sediment tank

VCaSO4 = MCaSO4÷ρCaSO4 = 106kg÷2320kg/m3 =0.046m3

∴ V = 5.74m3+0.06m3 =5.79m3

3. Volume of gas-digestate separator

Silica ge

5.79 m3 Gas-digestate V

Vsilicagel = Msilicgel÷ρsilicagel =120÷6000kg/m3=0.02m3

∴ V = 5.79m3+0.02m3 =5.81m3

C. Energy balance

1.Energy balance on the digester

BSG,Cp2 CaCL2,Cp3

H2O ,Cp1 digester Q

pg. 46

Q = (M1Cp1+M2Cp2+M3Cp3+M4Cp4+M5Cp5 )∇T

, Q = 4523KJ but ,the amount of heat released is due to generation 459KJ

∴The total heat required for a day is = 4523kj-459kj=464kj

2.Energy balance on the sediment tank

CaSO4 ,CP1

464KJ Sediment tank Q

Q = 464KJ+Cp1M1∇T =

Q = 464KJ+0.21KJ/kg.k*0.011kg(333k-330k)

Q = 464.066KJ

3.Energy balance on gas-digestate separator

Si02 ,Cp1

464.066KJ Gas-Digestate Q

Q = 464.066KJ+Cp1M1∇T ,

Q = 464.066KJ+0.02kg*1.13KJ/kg.k(443k-333k)

Q = 464.066KJ+0.0226KJ/K(110K) = 466.42KJ

6. Over all benefit I gained from the internship in terms of:

6.1 In terms of improving practical skills

In Dashen brewery S.C. from this internship program I gott much more experiences from
Production section. So I would improve practical skills like: .

 Creativity and innovative approach to solving problems.

pg. 47
 The ability to analyze and interpret diverse, complexes data.

 Critical thinking and the ability to evaluate designs, plans and projects.
And also I could develop my skill by participating myself into different parts.As I have seen in
practical specially production house mainly & highly invite the fields such as chemical &
chemistry.As I have learnt in theoretical almost more than half courses relates the beer processing

6.2 In terms of improving theoretical knowledge

For working practically it also improve the theoretical skills by any means like, when working time
to asks the production staff, to read the manuals, also read reference books when working projects
and I could improve my theoretical skills.
6.3 In terms of improving industrial problem solving capacity

This was our main aim & is part of our project. Having a problem is very important because it leads
to try and read more.
I improved my industrial problem solving capability through observing when problems are present
by looking and asking where the problem and what procedure they consider, to identify the problem
and how they solve. In addition to this I develop my reading and understanding of manuals of d/t
chemicals & unit operations etc.
6.4 In terms of improving team playing skills
Team playing skills are one of the basic requirements for the proper working of a good company
regardless of its size and service and to improve like:
 To increase self confidence
 Easily control the environment
 Easily solve problems
 To sheared knowledge’s
 To give fast decision making
 To interpret the problems and solve the problems
 Giving respect for other
3.5 In terms of improving leadership skills
A leader is a person who has strong principles, courage and dedication of a clear vision, and
improving: Creating and managing the vision
1. Making good decision

2. Communicating effective

pg. 48
3. Using appropriate style and power

4. Leading change

5. Motivating and developing others

6. Resolving conflicts and issues

7. Creating positive culture and climate

8. Conducting meaningful evaluation

6.6 In terms of understanding about work ethics issue

If you have a strong work ethics ,you will be a productive. So that in working area you must should
 Respect the rules and regulation of the company

 Accountability and responsibility

 Be punctual, motivated, confidant

 Give smooth relation to the partners

 Respect for all workers

 Focus on working area

6.7 In terms of improving entrepreneurship skills

Participating in the internship allows to me gain a better perspective of post graduations employee by
applying the principle and theories I have developed in the class room. This practical application
creates an easier transition for me from the class room to the working parts.
While participating in this internship I realize that creativity and problem solving is one if the
starting points of internship of entrepreneurs. This internship motivates me not to be employee
because it enables me to know more about my career, the real challenges and ways of business
establishment in this profession.

6.8 In terms of improving interpersonal communications

Developing interpersonal communication skill is vitally important in today’s work place. In the
company of Dashen brewery there are quite a few professional engineers so that to share the
knowledge from those people I have made good interpersonal communication skills as a result I have

pg. 49
improved my good playing skills to internship friends and I have got from mentors about everything
what I have needed.

Generally, I have got it by the help of good communication skills w/c leads me:
 To increase my practical skills & theoretical knowledge of each unit operations & chemicals

 To make good & smooth relation to other staff members

 For working my projects it was compulsory to communicate with my mentor's

Expected result and discussion

Expected Result

As I have seen earlier my project rewinds only about the biogas production from the byproducts of
spent grain. our countries demand of biogas usability will expected to 40% so that the the users
attention frequently tends to use biogas & w/c leads to little or less user of fossil fuel & hence helps
us not only our economy matches with our living costs , but also nature keeps its balance from
pollution & global warming.

. '' A good scientist is a person with original idea , a good engineer is a

person who makes a design that works with as a few original ideas as
. Recommendation.

The company will be innovative to produce biogas so as to : keep from extravagant/expense of

money, upgrade theire profitability, reduce fossil dependency, reduce environmental impact,keep
nature in balance & preventing greenhouse gas effect w/c leads ozone depletion


Generally the internship was somewhat a good program of transmitting knowledge, improving
practical skill, upgrading theoretical knowledge, improving interpersonal communication skill,
improving team playing skills, improving leadership skills, understanding about work ethics related
issue and improving my entrepreneurship skills and also I have learned a lot of very related things
about beer production with our caurse in a broad sense and so that I can connect myself with higher
technology of the world besides to my theoretical knowledge. In this internship program I executing
different work tasks and also I have done project on biogas production..
And finally, this internship was the best way to get knowledge’s in multi directional way therefore
this program will be continue in the next generation.

pg. 50

AD= Anaerobic Digestion

BSG= Brewer’s Spent Grain

CBA= Cost Benefit Analysis
DM =Dry Matter
EU= European Union
GHG= Greenhouse Gas
IE= Industrial Ecology
IM= Industrial Metabolism
IS= Industrial Symbiosis
NPK Fertilizer= A fertilizer composed by %N, %P and %K
SEK= Swedish Kronavii
CHM= Cycling of Material Exergy
Decomposition = the decay or breaking down of materials into smaller components fossil fuels = a
non-renewable resource such as gas which is created by the decomposition of organic material

Kilowatt= a unit of electrical power equal to 1000 watts

Methane= a light, colorless, odorless, highly inflammable gas

Organic material = dead plant and animal tissues that originates from living sources such as plants,
insects, and microbes.

Renewable resource = resources that can replace themselves


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