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Name Of Intern: ID NUMBER:


Name Of Mentor: Mr. Kumlachew
Jigjiga; Ethiopia
First of all, the whole praise to God for giving us the strength to accomplish our responsibilities as
an intern and complete the provided practice in Dashen beer factory, and for enabling us to complete
this report within time. We are also grateful to our Faculty mentor Mr.Kumlachew for his comments
and suggestions while he came in the first round mentoring, Mr.Abera Tamerat our company
supervisor and for those whole hearted supervision during company attachment period. Moreover,
we would also like to express our gratitude to Dashen brewery share company fellows, seniors
engineer and operators who gave us good advice, suggestions, inspiration and support. Last but not
least, words are very few to express enormous humble obligation to our parents and families for their
endless love, encouragement and understanding they had shown during the whole time.

Acknowledgement…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ii
List of figures and tables……………………………………………………………………………………….. ii
List of abbreviation and acronyms…………………………………………………………………………. ii
Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………… ii

1. Background of the Company

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Vision, Mission and Objective of the Company3

1.3 Organization structure3

1.4 Key stakeholders of Dashen brewery factory…………………………………..5

1.5 Production process of the company6

2. Overall Internship Experience

2.1 Objectives of the Internship

2.2 How we did get into the Dashen Brewery Share Company

2.3 The Section we have been working

2.3.1Overall System Components and Operations7

2.3.2Major duties of the intern8

2.4Challenges faced and measures taken8

3. Internship Benefits Gained40

3.1 Theoretical and Practical Skill

3.2 Team playing skills1

3.3 Interpersonal communication skills2

3.4 Leadership skills

4. Projects and Contributions……………………………………………………………..44

4.1 Overall achievement4

4.2 Projects done

5. Conclusion and Recommendation…………………………………………………

5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Recommendation


List of figures and tables

Figure 1.1 Organizational structure …………………………….………………….……4
Figure 1.2 Block diagram of production processes…………….………………………..6
Figure 1.3 Uncaser machine ………………………………….…………………………8
Figure 1.4 Pasteurizer machine ……………………………....…………………………11
Figure 1.5 Keg machine…………………………………………………………………13
Figure 2.1Work flows in the section……………………………………..……… …… 16
Figure2.2 Electric power distribution block diagram…………………………………...17
Figure 2.3 Programmable logic controller arrangements………………………………..20
Figure 2.4 PLC component……………………………………………………………...20
Figure 2.5 The Modularized PLC system…………………………………………….....24
Figure 2.6Manomeric switch……………………………………...……………………29
Figure 2.7 Induction motor……………………………………………………..……… 35
Table 2.1Ladder diagram ……………………………………………………………….27

List of abbreviations and acronyms

 DCS- stands for distributed control system

 EIAMD-stands for Electric Instrumentation and Automation Maintenance Division
 EEPCO- stands for Ethiopian electric power corporation
 IM- stands for induction motors
 I/O- stands for input-output
 LAD- stands for ladder diagram
 NC- stands for normally closed
 NO- stands for normally open
 NTC- stands for negative temperature coefficient
 PLC- stands for programmable logic control
 PTC- stands for positive temperature coefficient
 PF -power factor
 HMI-human machine interface

Execute summery (Abstract)
Jigjiga institute of technology practices the teaching model integrating internship and
regular classes. Internship is a work related learning experience for individuals to develop
on work experience in a certain occupational field. In order to take both theoretical and
practice, in two account to help students develop the spirit of self supporting,
hardworking and endurance. The program is intended to teach students on different parts
of engineering tasks. This is a report on the internship program that lasted for four
months from October02/09/2021 to January12/01/2022. Dashen brewery Share Company
hosted us. Frankly, it has been a great experience that we learned a lot from it. We
developed our theoretical skills and practical skills, also introduced to the real life
applications of the knowledge we acquired in school.
On the other hand we developed our social and communication skills, developed a
knowhow on how to communicate with different class of employees (how to
communicate with an engineer, operator and technicians also developed our work with
ethics like punctuality, working with others (team work).
In this report we have given a very brief review of background of Dashen Brewery Share
Company, including its vision, mission and objectives, organization structures, stake
holder of the company and production processes. Next we explained all internship
experiences including objectives of the internship, how we get in to Dashen brewery,
work section we have been executing, during our internship period concerning processes
control unit (programming logic control (PLC) and power distribution system which all
are familiar with us. Overall system components and operations and challenges we faced
and measures taken and then benefits got in the internship including theoretical and
practical skills, team playing skills, interpersonal skill and leadership are included. we
have also made it possible to write each and every thing that we have learn tthere. After
all this topics we have also included conclusions and recommendation for improvement
of works in the company.

Chapter 1

Background of the Company

1.1 Introduction
Dashen Beer Factory is modern plant, occupying an area of 8.5 hectares, with building
area of 12000 square meters was established in 1993and located in Gondar city with
initial capital Birr 340 million named after the mount Dashen, Ethiopia’s highest
mountain. It is owned by the Amhara National Regional state
Rehabilitation/Development organization.The principal aims of Dashen Brewery is
meeting customer requirement for quality beer and to offer consumers more choice in the
market by supplying bottle and draught beer. Dashen Brewery utilizes state of the arts
technology and highly qualified experts that will enable it to compete on the export
market with the leading international beer producing and marketing companies. The
factory has achieved the customer’s satisfaction which confirmed by earning the
international certificates including ISO 9001: 2008 and also environmentally friendly
manner by assuring effectiveness of environmental management system based on ISO
140001: 2004. These all strives let the brewery to be award of international certificated
on both management systems.
The brewery has now 680 permanent &contract employees, which 568 &112 are
permanent and contract employees respectively with sexual ratio of 73% male and
27%female. In addition the brewery also creates job opportunities for 350 daily labor
workers. At the pre- expansion period the brewery created job opportunities for 266
permanent &contract employees, without considering temporary employees. In line with
this, modern technology diffusion and vital human resource capacity development work
is under taken at all levels.
The Brewery is currently undertaking projects of malt factory to supply the Brewery and
other Brewery's With a sustainable supply of quality malt produced in the unique two-
raw barely grown in the high Of the region Amhara. The project aims to benefit the
farmers of the area by integrating them as suppliers of the Barely for the factory.

The main products of Dashen Brewery are
1. Dashen beer: This is beer which pasteurized by hot water for 45 seconds at a temperature
of 60-20 degree celeciuose.
2. Dashen Draught: the main different from beer is pasteurization system and the way of
3. Royal Draught: Is beer which has less amount of hop content when compare to beer. This
is none pastoralized beer.
Dashen and Royal cellar: Which is not well pasteurized and it has not long life.

Main Customers (End users)

The end users (customers are every person aged above +21 years old. There is no any
limit or boundary in order to be a customer for Dashen beer.
The products are distributed across the country in four regions and three ware house.
The regions are
Region 1: covers Amhara, Benishangul and Afar region
Region 2: covers the whole Tigray region
Region 3: covers central and west part of Ethiopia
Region 4: east and south part of Ethiopia

Dashen brewery exports its products to the following countries:

1. California
2. Chicago
3. Australia
4. Israel
5. South Sudan

N.B Agent distributes 90% of the product and 10% distribution done by direct
distribution to retailers.

1.2 Vision, Mission and Objective of the Company

 To be the best brewer in Ethiopia in terms of quality products, customer service
and the employer of choice.

 The purpose of the company is in order to improve delighting consumers,
enriching communities and enhancing Ethiopian progress.

 It is an endowment (gift) fund established to contribute for the development of
Amhara region by producing and selling costumer proffered or contribute quality
beer at competitive price and generate responsibility.
 To be best Ethiopian beer lead drinks company with sustained revenue growth
and consistently improving returns on invested capital.
 Employees of the brewery have a fair commitment ownership feeling or
especially the technical team their commitment is increasing.
Generally employees in production quality maintenance department are highly committed
energetic with fair a composing
Objective of the company
 To support the socio-economical development of the Amhara Region in
particular and the overall development wellbeing of the country in general.
 Dashen brewery has customer focused orientation.
 Dashen brewery has prevalence of accountability.
 Dashen brewery has well trained and committed work force.
 It gives value for the eco-environment friendly manner.
 Economic use of resources.

1.3 organization structure

The new organizational structure of Dashen Brewery Company looks as shown below in
block diagram.

Board of Director

General Manager

Reform coordinating & GM

advisor Legal service

Plan and program service

Internal audit service IT service

Quality DGM Human resource

Production Maintenance Finance department Procurement
assurance Marketing& administration
deptment department department
department Sales department department
Cost &
budget Ware house
Utility research & Personnel
Beer Physic- division division
division development administratio
processing chemical division n division
division team General
Production Sales accounts Process
machinerie &distribution division division General
Filling Micro division
maintenan Service
packing biological
ce division division
division team Customer
service &
Electric System division
automatio division
n division team
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4
marketing office marketing marketing marketing
4 office
Work shop & garage office office
Fig 1.1

1.4 Key stakeholders of Dashen brewery factory
Dashen brewery Share Company is owned by the Amhara National Region Rehabilitation
/Development organization (shared 51% ) and England’s share company (shared 49% of it).

1.5 Production process of the company

1.5.1 Pre-cleaner (Delta screening machine):

A pre-cleaner machine is a screening machine which used to remove un relevant things without

1.5.2 Destoner:
Which is separator unit the magnet removes iron particles it does not remove those stones which
have the same size with the malt.

1. Mechanical Weighting:
It measures the weight of malt after cleaning
Cyclones: A cyclone consists of a cylindrical upper part into which air is blown tangentially. the
dust particles are forced out wards by centrifugal forces

2. Mechanical conveyors:
A mechanical conveyor moves the goods by the means of mechanically part.

3. Beer production machine

4. Brewer house

5. Mill star machine

Milling is a mechanical process and during it the husks must be treated carefully because they
are a filter material during loitering.

The malts must be broken down into small fragments in order to give malt enzymes.

1.5.3 Mashing vessels:

The purpose of mashing is to convert the insoluble material in the grist in to soluble materials
during mashing. During mashing the grist and water are mixed together (mashed) and the content
of the malt are there by brought into solution and the extract is obtained.

1.5.4 Laughter tune:

Laughtering (mash separation) is a filtration process used for separation of worth which used
for beer production at the spent grain. The worth draining off from the spent grain is called the
first worth.
In the worth kettle worth boiling is performed. During wort boiling bitter and aromatic hop
components are transferred into the worth simultaneously proteins are precipitated. The end
product of worth boiling is the casting worth, i.e. the hot finished worth.
During wort boiling a numbering of process occur such as:
 Extraction and transformation of hop component
 Evaporation of water
 Wort sterilization
 Acidification of the worth
 Destruction of all enzymes

Dashen uses wort kettle with external boiler.

1.5.6 Whirlpool:

The wort must be cooled as quickly as possible to5 to 6 degree cent grade by means of a plate
heat exchanger because yeast can only live and ferment at low temperatures.

1.5.7 Fermentation:
During fermentation the sugars in the wort are fermented in to ethanol and carbon dioxide by
Sugars are fermented in accordance with Gay-Lussac equation
C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

Fermentation is an exothermic reaction.

1.5.8 Yeast culture propagation

Yeas propagation plant consists of closed vessels of different size, made of chrome nickel steel,
in which the yeast is multiplied until there is sufficient to a tank. The quantity of yeast required
for fermentation is obtained by propagation of a pure yeas culture.

1.5.9 Fermentation tanks (ccvs):

Fermentation tanks are cylinder conic vessels which are built with cylindrical upper part and
cone shaped lower part.
Table 1fermentation tank


Filtration is a separation process in which the yeast cells and other turbidity-causing materials
still present in the beer are removed from the beer. The purpose of filtration is to make beer so
stable that no visible changes occur for a long time and so the beer looks the same as when it was
made.Filter aids are powdery substances which are used in the brewery for filtration of beer.


1.5.11 uncase and caser machine:

The uncase and caser machines are used to separate bottles from crate and to engage bottles into
crate; they have two motors to drives vertical and horizontal movement. Also to grip the bottle
that use pneumatic system. They can grip 144 bottles at once. The essential elements of caser and
uncase machines are
 The machine frame
 The gripper heads
 The gripper heads drive

Figure 2CASERFigure 3UN CASER

1.5 .12 washer machine:

In washing there are two tasks to be accomplished

The bottles must be cleaned mechanically. All beer spoilage microorganisms must be removed
and killed.The entire process takes 10 to 15 minutes. The washer machine has a capacity of 40
bottles cells in each row and the maximum capacity is 100,000Bottle/ hr


Empty bottle inspector is a transducer which separates the bottles after cleaning before filling.
These include:
 Bottle containing foreign bodies such as adhesive residues
 Bottle with defects in mouth region such as notches, cracks or other defects
 Bottles containing residuals caustic from the washer etc.

Table 2empty bottle inspection


1.5.13 Filler machine

Filling the cleaned bottle is now the most important task.
Bottle filling machine are always built as rotating machine up to120 filling valves.

Figure 5 filer machine

Filling steps of the filler machine

First evacuation

Co2 flushing

Second evacuation



Filling End of filling Settling Shifting

1.5.14 Crowner machine

Crowner is a bottle closing machine which is built into the same bloc as the filler and they are
equipped with common drive to ensure synchronous operation. The bottles are close with crown
The crown cork is pneumatically (with compressed air) delivery is supplied to the closer cone by

1.5.15 Pasteurizer:
Pasteurizer is the killing of microorganism in aqueous solution by heating

The most reliable method for achieving this pasteurization of the filled bottles is tunnel
pasteurizer. Heating and cooling of the bottles is performed using various water circulation paths
in order to utilized heat passage through pasteurizer takes an hour.
Important parts of tunnel pasteurizer are:
 The transporting drive mechanism

The spraying and water circulation system

Figure 6 pasteurizer

1.5.16 Labeler machine:

Every bottle is provided with at least one label and usually with several. Dashen brewery uses
both body and neck labels.
The essential component of labeling machine:
 Label holder
 Label transferring device

Label holder label transferring device gripper cylinder glue pallet




2.3.17 The full bottle inspection detects: Neck label, Body label, Missed label , Proper closing
of crown, cork and Under fill and over fill.

The presence and arrangement of the labels are checked by using photoelectric sensor.
If there is a problem or error it sends a signal to a rejection unit therefore the rejecter pusher

1.5.18 Keg filling plant

A keg is a very largely standardize cylindrically metal barrel, which is used for packing draught.
In keg filling the beer is pasteurized using flash pasteurizer. In flash pasteurizer the beer is
heated by a plat heat exchanger to at least 68 to 72 degree cent and held at this temperature for
about 50 seconds. Then it cooled down again. The bottle counted first about 50 seconds. Then

it cooled down again. The bottle counted first it cooled down again. The bottle counted fi

Figure 8kigging machine

1.5.19 Programming logic controller (plc)

The computer based PLC technology has replaced the fixed wire programmed contractor, Relay
or electronic switching control system and has there by converted the automation from being
PLC is much safer, speedy, It needs low space and accurate. PLC uses a combination of logical
The main parts of PLC are:
 Power supply
 CPU and flash memory
 In put card
 Output card

Input card: receives the plant information.

Output card: after process and scan it executes.
This is pour sours room for production process which has:

 Boiler: this is a machine which is used to boil water to form steam. Steam has a great
role in production process.

 Cooling unit: this is a machine used for cooling the glycol.

 Compressor unit: this machine is used to compressed co2 and ammonia to increase
there temperature and pressure
 Air compressor: All pneumatic systems activated by air, the source are from
atmospheric air the air which sack from external environment is compressed before it
store to clean impurity.

Figure 5 comp eraser unite

1.5.21 General Process

Malt flow of production room

Treated malt, removal of dust stones

Milling Water


Degradation of molecularFilter
starch to fermentable Filtration
sugar CO2
Separation of spent grainaid

Bright beer
For bitter taste and aroma of the beer
Wort sterilization and concentration
The conversation of fermentable sugar to alcohol and CO2
Figure 6 over all process of work flow

Filling & packing Process of Drought

BBT (Bright beer tank)

 Filtered transferred to
drought filler

Pasteurization & cooling

 Beer is pasteurized & cooled before

Drought filler machine Empty drought container

 Empty drought From market
container  Dashed(container

Weight sensor
 Checking proper
Product store
filling labeling at
 sales
production data

Table 4 difference between bottled beer and draught

basic difference between dashen beer and dashen raught

Draft Bottled beer

Pasteurization temperature 73oC for 30 seconds 27 oC - 66 oC for one hour

Number of Machinery and space Small Large

Length of time for expiration About one month About 6 month

End product container Short cylinder Bottle

Table 3the basic differance bettewen deraght and beer

Note: both the bottled beer in crate and draft container is transported to end product storage by fork lift.

Chapter 2

Overall Internship Experience

2.1 Objectives of the Internship

2.1.1 General objective

The objective of the internship course is to facilitate reflection on experiences obtained in the
internship and to enhance understanding of academic materials by application in the internship
setting. Internships will provide students the opportunity to test their interest in a particular
career before permanent commitments are made. Apart from that it is more important because:

a) Internship students will develop skills and techniques directly applicable to their
b) Internships will provide students the opportunity to develop attitudes conducive to
effective interpersonal relationships

c) Internships will provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the formal functional
activities of a participating organization.
d) Internship programs will enhance advancement possibilities of graduates.

In general, an Internship is thought of as a program which "bridges the gap" between the
academic environment and a future work environment. Many employers prefer students who
have previous work experience and the Internship provides that. Students that participate in an
Internship are generally more confident and more qualified when seeking future employment.

2.1.2 Specific Internship objectives

i. To provide intensive field experience allowing for hands-on computer work.

ii. To receive an introduction to an organization within the Information Systems industry
and to gain a better understanding of its design and structure.
iii. To develop an understanding of an organization's various management and technical
skills, the communications techniques and the decision-making processes.
iv. To apply what was learned during coursework (theory, skill development,
professionalism) to the working world.
v. To allow the organization to benefit from a trainee who has gained knowledge about the
latest technologies available and to benefit from the trainee’s objective viewpoint.
vi. To allow the Intern to assume responsibilities of a non-Intern staff member and be able to
function with a minimum of supervision.
vii. To help the student make better Information Systems career choices in the future.
viii. To allow the student to prepare for their future non-Internship job by seeking potential
places of employment, practicing resume and cover letter preparation, gaining references,
and interviewing if applicable.

2.2. How We did get the Dashen Brewery Share Company

When we were first arrived in the Dashen brewery share company on October 02/09/2021, we
reported the letter that was given from university industry linkage (UIL) office to the company
human resource management personnel. They accept us, then we met one of the foreman’s of
EIAMD, Mr. Mulate and he let us to visit the overall flow of the company.

After the foreman understood us why and for what purpose we come to the company, he told us
how much he and his colleagues were busy for the company services, but he inform us they will
help for the entire duration of time that we stay on the company.

2.3 The Section We have been working

Since we are 5th year electrical engineering students, We directly involved into the Electrical
Instrumentation, Automation, and Maintenance Department (EIAMD) section. In this section
there are so many activities which concern more of electrical and computer engineering, such as
i. Take measurement to all instrumentations and machines in the company which
are needed to clean, replace, inspect, grease, fix and lubricate.
ii. Maintenance of production equipment’s and machineries;
iii. Control of production engineering activities;
iv. All over power system control;
v. Maintain and ensure calibration of inspection, measuring, and testing


Preventive Breakdown of failure

Maintenance plan Operator

Job order or
issue Inform
Division manager
Division manager




Fig 2.1 Work flow of the section

2.3.1 Overall System Components and Operations Electric Power Distribution in Dashen Brewery
The company power supply is 15 kV gained directly from high transmission power lines of
EEPCO substation. This high voltage is transmitted to the two parallel connected three-phase
transformers by copper cable.
The two transformers share the 15 kV load, their working principle is based on the principle
of parallel connection of transformer. The transformers primary winding is star connection and
the secondary winding is delta connection. These transformers step down the supply 15 kV
voltage in to the required voltage which is 380V, each of the transformers have switch gear and
also have Change over switch which uses to isolate the transformer when maintenance is
required.When there is power fluctuation there is reserved diesel A.C generator which generates
about 1.8MW and couples to the transformers by bus coupler. The AC emergency generator is
standby and it’s on/off controlled by timers as the diagram shown below.
Dashen brewery factory gets electric power from EEPCO as shown below in fig 2.2

22 Sub-station
Transmission lines

Distribution boards Main station of Dashen brewery or power house

To loads such as; coupler Transformer2
- motors
- PLCs Emergency
- Sensors generator
- Actuators
-Small power supplies Fig. 2.2 Electric power distribution block diagram
-Voltage regulators
Terminologies Used
1. Transmission lines are used to transfer electric power from main stations to sub-stations
and from sub-stations to distribution areas.
2. Sub-station (with step-up transformers)-refers to a sub-station of ELPA where the
transmission voltage is converted to higher voltage by transformers which is appropriate
for transmission over the stretched wire.
3. Distribution sub-station transfers power from the transmission to the distribution
system of dashen brewery factory.
4. Main station or generating station refers to an industrial facility for the generation of
electric power. Here the generator, rotating machine, converts mechanical power to
electrical power by creating a relative motion between a magnetic field and a conductor.
5. Dashen brewery power house refers to the main electric power station for the company
which comprises two big step-down transformers, emergency generator, bus coupler,
power factor corrector, and other electrical control elements.
 Power factor corrector-Power factor correction units consist of capacitors which act as
reactive current generators. By providing the reactive power, they reduce the total

amount of power you must draw from the network. For the same working power (kW)
they can reduce the reactive power (kVAr) and the apparent power (kVA) so that the
company will then provide with improved/increased power factor by this method the
power factor and then the electric power can be stabilized.
6 Switchgear is the combinations of electrical disconnect switches, fuses, circuit breakers
used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment’s in an electrical power system
(in Dashen at power house). Control Unit in Dashen Brewery Beer Production
This unit is the brain of the plant in which the overall operations are controlled and governed.
Every machine in the company can be controlled in two ways this are relay system and PLC
system. The application of automatic control employed in Dashen Brewery S.C. is referred to as
production automation.
Automation refers to the use of machines, control systems, and information technologies to
optimize productivity in the production of beer.
The main advantages or incentives of automation are:
→ increased throughput or productivity
→ improved quality or increased predictability of quality
→ improved robustness (consistency) of processes or product (beer)
Control system is a collection of electronics devices and equipment’s which are in place to
ensure the stability, accuracy and smooth transition of a process.
This industrial control system (DCS) found in Dashen Brewery S.C. includes the skid-mounted
controller, PLC, which is typically used for electrical control systems. Based on the information
received from remote stations, automated or operator-driven supervisory commands can be
pushed to remote station control devices, which are often referred to as field devices.
Field devices control local operations such as opening and closing valves (e.g. pneumatic valves)
and breakers, collecting data from sensor systems, and monitoring the local environment for
alarm conditions.
Dashen Brewery S.C uses PLC as a control unit for many processes except for filtration house,
boilers and CO2 Plants, which uses relay system.
Programmable logic controller (PLC) and Glide liner

a. Definition
Programmable logic controller-is a special form of microprocessor-based controller that uses a
programmable memory to store instructions and to implement functions such as logic,
sequencing, timing, counting, and arithmetic to control machines and processes and is designed
to be operated by engineers with perhaps a limited knowledge of computers and computing
languages. PLCs:
 Are rugged and designed to withstand vibrations, temperature, humidity, and noise
 Have interfacing for inputs and outputs already inside the controller
 Are easily programmed and have an easily understood programming language that is
primarily concerned with logic and switching operations.

Inputs Outputs
Components of PLC


Power supply
Interface module

CPU I/O module

Fig 2.3 Programmable logic controller arrangement

Typically a PLC system has five basic functional components in Siemens’ automation which is
used by Dashen brewery. These are central processing unit, power supply unit, input-output
module, interface module, and communications interface. The Figure below shows the basic

device Interface
(Program & 25
data memory)

Input Output
interface interface

Power supply

Fig. 2.4 Programmable logic controller components

1. The power supply unit-The system power supply plays a major role in the total system
operation. It is needed to convert the mains AC voltage to the low DC voltage (5 V) necessary
for the processor and the circuits in the input and output interface modules. Its responsibility is
not only to provide internal DC voltages to the system components (i.e., processor, memory,
and input/output interface modules), but also to monitor and regulate the supplied voltages and
warn the CPU if something is wrong. The power supply, then, has the function of supplying
well-regulated power and protection for other system components.
Generally PLC Power Supply
1. Supplies DC power (mostly 24V) to other modules that plug into the rack.
2. In large PLC systems, this power supply does not normally supply power to the field devices.
3. In small and micro PLC systems, the power supply is also used to power field devices.

2. The processor unit or central processing unit (CPU) is the unit containing the microprocessor.
This unit interprets the input signals and carries out the control actions according to the program
stored in its memory, communicating the decisions as action signals to the outputs.
The voltage coming from the sensor signals is switched to the pin board of the input device. In
the CPU (central processing unit), the processor works on the program in the memory and
queries whether the individual inputs of the equipment voltage have voltage or not. Dependent

on this condition at the inputs and on the program in the memory, the processor instructs the
output device to switch the voltage on the appropriate terminals of the terminal strip. Depending
on the tensile state at the terminals of the output modules, the attached actuators and/or warning
light are switched on or off. The address counter successively (serially) queries the program
memory instruction for instructions and causes the program-dependent information to transfer
from the program memory to the instruction register. All memory of a process is made up of
registers. The control mechanism receives its instructions from the instruction register. While the
control mechanism works on the current instruction, the address counter pushes the next
instruction into the instruction register
Generally It
 Is the “brain” of the PLC
 Consists of a microprocessor for implementing the logic, and controlling the
communications among the modules.
 Designed so the desired circuit can be entered in relay ladder logic form.
 Accepts input data from various sensing devices, executes the stored user
program, and ends appropriate output commands to control devices.
Inside CPU
Program memory

Memory elements are elements, in which information can be deposited (stored) in the form of
binary signals. Semiconductor memory is used predominantly as program memory. A memory
consists of 512, 1024 or 2048 memory cells. The memory system is the area in the PLC’s CPU
where all of the sequences of instructions, or programs, are stored and executed by the processor
to provide the desired control of field devices. The memory sections that contain the control
programs can be changed, or reprogrammed, to adapt to manufacturing line procedure changes
or new system start-up requirements.
The total memory system in a PLC is actually composed of two different memories:
1. The executive memory is a collection of permanently stored programs that are considered
part of the PLC itself. These supervisory programs direct all system activities, such as execution
of the control program and communication with peripheral devices. The executive section is the
part of the PLC’s memory where the system’s available instruction software is stored (i.e. relay

instructions, block transfer functions, math instructions, etc.). This area of memory is not
accessible to the user.

2. The application memory provides a storage area for the user-programmed instructions that
form the application program. The application memory area is composed of several areas, each
having a specific function and usage.

The Programming Device is used to enter the required program into the memory of the
processor. The program is developed in the device and then transferred to the memory unit of the

- A personal computer (PC) is the most commonly used programming device

- The software allows users to create, edit, document, store and troubleshoot programs
- The personal computer communicates with the PLC processor via a serial or parallel data
communications link.
The programming language is a set of instruction which is understandable by the instruction
bodies of the control unit to perform a specific function.
Types of programming language- There are two types of programming language used in s5&s7
which are produced by Siemens. These are
Step 5 -This is the program which the factory served for almost all production system except
few systems in brew house. This types of programming language helps to communicate with the
step5 PLC (s5-90u&s5-95u). Step s5 is standard language that has been developed for the
somatic s5-family.This programming language specific words (statement).
Step 7 - Step 7 is an advancing blocks -it is very easy to assimilate version of steps & the
factory uses few operation systems of brew house .It uses window operating system which is
simple to interface with the user. It has larger memory size than step5 easily expandable& also
very fast in execution.
The information is often arbitrarily written in to the memory cell information. The information
is picked out, without the information contents being lost. RAM memory is volatile memory, i.e.
when power is ‘off’ the contents of RAM will be deleted. The internal main memory of
SIMATIC 57-300 is this type of RAM.

-The Butter battery, which can be inserted in to the PLC, serves as a safety device for this
Flash- EPROM
EPROM stands for Erasable, Programmable read-only memory. The contents of EPROM are
erasable and again programmable by UV light or a voltage.
It is well suited to be transported without overflow. In the SIMATIC S7 300 one has the
possibility to secure a program on a Memory card (Flash-EPROM) with the PG and to also
quickly restore the system after a power failure. This Flash EPROM is recorded and deleted with
a voltage of 5V. Thus it could also be erased if a power failure occurred when it was connected
with the CPU.
Flash-EEPROM is used at Dashen brewery PLCs to retain operation counts when the power is
off suddenly or intentionally.
Several of Dashen Brewery’s small and medium-sized controllers use EEPROM as the only
external memory within the system. It provides permanent storage for the program and can be
easily changed with the use of a programming device (e.g. a PC) or a manual programming unit.
These two features help to eliminate downtime and delays associated with programming
3. Communications interface module: is used to receive and transmit data on communication
networks from or to other remote PLCs which includes internet protocol communication. It is
concerned with such actions as device verification, data acquisition, synchronization between
user applications, and connection management.
4. Input and output module: sections are where the processor receives information from
external devices and communicates information to external devices.

Fig. 2.5 The Modularized PLC system

The inputs might thus be from switches, or other sensors such as photoelectric cells, as in the
counter mechanism temperature sensors, flow sensors, level sensors, pressure sensors, or the
like. The outputs might be to motor starter coils, solenoid valves, or similar things. Input and
output devices can be classified as giving signals that are discrete, digital or analog we will see
them detail later.
Devices giving discrete or digital signals are ones where the signals are either off or on. Thus a
switch is a device giving a discrete signal, either no voltage or a voltage. Digital devices can be
considered essentially as discrete devices that give a sequence of on/off signals. Analog devices
give signals of which the size is proportional to the size of the variable being monitored. For
example, a temperature sensor may give a voltage proportional to the temperature ranges.
5. Interface module-which is used to connect and understand CPU of the incoming input signals
and the outgoing output signals by converting into CPU language. It is of two types:
I. Mounting rack-This is usually a metal framework with a printed circuit board
backplane which provides means for mounting the PLC input/output (I/O)
modules and processor. Mounting racks are specified according to the number of
modules required to implement the system. The mounting rack provides data and
power connections to the processor and modules via the backplane.
II. The bus system- is a collecting line for the transmission of signals. Thus the
signal exchange is made in the automation equipment between the processor and
the input and output by a process of the bus system.
The bus consists of three parallel signal lines:
1. Address bus
2. Control bus
3. Data bus

The addresses on the individual modules are addressed with the address bus.
Data will transfer e.g. from input to output devices with the data bus.
Signals are conveyed with the control bus for the control and monitoring of the execution
of functions within the automation equipment
Operations and Functions of PLC

The principal function of the processor is to command and govern the activities of the entire
system. It performs this function by interpreting and executing a collection of system programs
known as the executive. By executing the executive, the processor can perform all of its control,
processing, communication, and other housekeeping functions.
The executive performs: the communication between the PLC system and the user via the
programming device.
It also supports other peripheral communication, such as monitoring field devices; reading
diagnostic data from the power supply, I/O modules, and memory; and communicating with an
operator interface.
The main applications of PLCs in Dashen Brewery S.C are industrial automation and control of
industrial equipment.
Basic Principle operation of PLC
Programmable logic controllers function by interpreting data coming through their inputs and
depending upon their state, turning on/off their outputs. They are programmable via software
interfaced standard computer interfaces, proprietary languages and network options. PLCs
function using relay ladder logic programming. Ladder logic allows programmable logic
controllers to perform any command within the loop at any time without executing previous
commands. This allows PLCs to carry on their three basic functions: Control, Input, and Output -
as needed. In addition to controlling output functions, programmable logic controllers are good
for compiling data from many sources and uploading this data into a computer network.
There are three states of operation of PLC
1. Detect incoming signals
2. Process it
3. Generate outputs to control various devices, it achieves machine control as a result of;
a. Program written in to its memory
b. The power of its CPU
PLC uses binary number system for digital signaling; binary signals can take the value of two
possible states.
-Signal state “1”= voltage available = e.g. switch on
-Signal state “0” voltage not available = e.g. switch off

In control engineering, a frequent DC voltage of 24v is used as “control supply voltage”. A
voltage level of +24v at an input clamp means that the signal status is “1” for this input
accordingly OV means that the signal status is “0”.
In addition to a signal state another logical assignment of the sensor is important. It is a matter of
whether the transmitter is “normally closed” contact or a “normally open” contact.
Contrary to a binary signal that can accept only signal statuses “voltage available = 24v” and
“voltage available = 0V”, there are similar signals that can take many values within a certain
range when desired. A typical example of an analog encoder is a potentiometer, which depends
on the position of the rotary button (wiper).
Method of representation
There are fewer methods of representation to write the program language among these the first
two are commonly used in the Dashen brewery share company.
a. Statement list (STL) - represents the program as sequence of operation mnemonic
abbreviations in the form of a list. The STL has being written using words which has the
following format.
A I 12.0
When A is the operation it means AND operand
I 12.0 is the operand & I is operand ID
12.0 is the parameter of the operand.
The operation tells programmable controls what to do with the operand .The operand is what a
PLC should use to complicate its task. The parameters indicate the operand adder’s s5-90u plc
only use this method of representation.
b. Ladder diagram (LAD)-Ladder diagram graphically represents control functions with
symbols to circuit diagram. The symbol is basically no (normally open) & normally closed
contacts. The s5-90u PLC caries out instruction of the sty but if we have programmer with
display scream. The table shows STL&LAD simultaneously.

STL LAD Explanation

A I 32.0 AND input 32.0

A 32.1 AND input 32.1

=Q 32.5 = output 32.5

Table 2.1 ladder diagram

The result of the AND gate operation is assigned in the program to output Q 32.
In the LAD operation the Symbols at the end of series circuit indicate that statement.
Glide liner: combines bottles from multi-lane conveyors to a single-lane conveyor, using a
straight, and 10 to 12 ° inclined conveyor Purpose of combining:
 To hand over the bottles from the intermediate conveyor to the in feed worm of the parent
machine without gaps.
 To minimize the pressure on the in feed worm.
 To minimize the noise generated during combining of the bottles.
 To separate glass fragments and fallen bottles from production flow of bottles.

System description
The controller signals the individual chain speeds so that parameter requirements (speed and tilt)
Allow the descent of bottles to the lower, fast moving conveyor chain. Gaps or accumulations
(Standing) of bottles are monitored by a series of photo eyes located on the “accelerator”
conveyor zone. The photo eyes transmit signals to the Glide liner controller. Machine control is
based on the comparison of the following inputs:
• Speed of parent machine.
• Speed of bottles.
• Linear speed of conveyor.
• Gaps of the bottles.
The controller analyzes line situations which influence a particular ratio and adjusts accordingly.
Comparison and system speed reaction occur continuously and automatically during operation.
Varying speed capability is carried out by individual motors for each conveyor section.
The Glide liner derives its speed from the machine clock pulse speed, compares it to the
conveyor clock pulse speed, and varies the motor speeds accordingly. Bottle flow rates are based
off signals received from the three photocells located on the accelerator conveyor. Two
photocells work together for monitoring bottle movement, speed and gaps. One photocell
monitors bottle accumulation in the photocell area. The controller allows operator input of
programming values through a touch pad and display screen. LED indicators display all input
and output functions. The Glide liner control system is also interfaced with a PLC for line
communications and machine control.

A) Input Devices

One type of feedback frequently needed by industrial-control systems is the position of one or
More components of the operation being controlled. Sensors are devices used to provide
information on the presence or absence of an object. The term sensor is used for an input device
that provides a usable output in response to a specified physical input. Sensor is a convertor that
measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by
an (today mostly electronic) instrument. It is a device which receives and responds to a signal.
An electronic sensor is any device that uses electricity to sense a change in something, and then
through a voltage change, send a signal to a device that captures this information. There are input
devices which convert one type of energy or quantity into electrical analog signal.

Sensors that give digital or discrete, that is, on/off, outputs can be easily connected to the input
ports of PLCs. An analog sensor gives an output proportional to the measured variable. Such
analog signals have to be converted to digital signals before they can be input to PLC ports. The
following are examples of some of the commonly used PLC input devices and their sensors.
Types of Sensors found in Dashen Brewery Control System
a. Pressure sensor
Pressure sensor measures pressure, typically of gases or liquids: It generates an electrical signal
as a function of the pressure imposed.
Pressure transducer (which coverts non electrical to electrical) current PLC
1. Absolute pressure sensor measures the pressure relative to perfect volume
2. Vacuum pressure sensor measures pressure below atmospheric pressure, showing the
difference between that low pressure and atmospheric pressure
3. Differential pressure sensor measures the difference between two pressures, one
connected to each side of the sensor. It is also used to measure;
i. Fluid level by comparing the pressure above and below the liquid

ii. Flow rates by measuring the change in pressure across a restriction
iii. Gauge pressure sensor is a differential pressure sensor which measures the
pressure relative to atmospheric pressure
4. Electronic monomeric switch- Pumps at the pasteurizer and bottle washer
machines are Electronic Pressure Pumps.

Fig 2.6 Monomeric switch

There is a push-button which has 3 functions:

1. It automatically switches the pump on when the water pressure falls off and again when the
maximum pumping pressure has been reached.
2. The integrated Dry-running Safety prevents damage to the pump in the absence of pumping
3. The self-regulation automatically activates the cut-out pressure of the pump. The cut-in
pressure (approx. 2.0 bars) is pre-adjusted in the factory. With a cable connection, the switch is
easily connected to the pump.
5. Pressure Transducers (4-20 mA Output) - These types of transducers are also known as
pressure transmitters which are found in the brew house of Dashen Brewery S.C. Since a 4-
20mA signal is least affected by electrical noise and resistance in the signal wires, these
transducers are best used when the signal must be transmitted long distances.
i. Pressure transmitter is a transducer that converts pressure into an analog
electrical signal. The conversion of pressure into an electrical signal is achieved by
the physical deformation of strain gages which are bonded into the diaphragm of
the pressure transducer and wired into a Wheatstone bridge configuration. Pressure

applied to the pressure transducer produces a deflection of the diaphragm which
introduces strain to the gages. The strain will produce an electrical resistance
change proportional to the pressure.
ii. Load cell is a sensor or a transducer that converts a load or force acting on it into
an electronic signal. This electronic signal can be a voltage change, current change
or frequency change depending on the type of load cell and circuit used. The type
of load cell used in Dashen brewery works based on the change of resistance in
response to an applied load. When the metallic member to which the strain gauges
are attached, is stressed by the application of a force the resulting strain leads to a
change in resistance in one (or more) of the resistor, this change in resistance
results in a change in output voltage. This small change in output voltage can be
measured and digitalized after a careful amplification of the small millivolt level
signals to a higher amplitude 0-5v signal into PLC.

b. Mechanical Switches

A mechanical switch generates an on/off signal or signals as a result of some mechanical input
causing the switch to open or close. Such a switch might be used to indicate the presence of a
work piece such as bottle and crate on a machining table, the work piece pressing against the
switch and so closing it. The absence of the work piece is indicated by the switch being open and
its presence by it being closed the input signals to a single input channel of the PLC are thus the
logic levels:
Work piece not present: 0
Work piece present: 1
The 1-level might correspond to a 24 V DC input, the 0-level to a 0 V input. When the switch is
open the supply voltage is applied to the PLC input; when the switch is closed the input voltage
drops to a low value.
Limit switch- use a mechanical actuator input, requiring the sensor to change its output when an
object is physically touching the switch. It can be actuated by a cam, roller, or lever, in our
company it is used in caser, uncase, filler and labeler machines where opening and closing of
each door are on and off for a specific length intervals.

Liquid-level switches -are used to control the level of liquids in tanks. Essentially, these are
vertical floats that move with the liquid level, and this movement is used to operate switch
contacts. Examples in brew house they control level of tank.
c. Photoelectric Sensors and Switches- Photo electric cells (photocells) are electronic devices
having an electrical output that varies in response to the strength of incident electromagnetic
radiation, especially visible light. The control consists of an emitter (light source), a receiver to
detect the emitted light, and associated electronics that evaluate and amplify the detected signal
causing the photo electric’s output switch to change. In Dashen brewery, a photocell is a device
used to detect the distance, absence/ presence of bottles or crates by using a light transmitter
often infrared, and a photoelectric receiver.
Types of photoelectric sensors found in Dashen Brewery S.C
i. Opposed (through beam) arrangement-consists of receiver within the line of sight of the
transmitter when an object goes nearest to it, it becomes between the photo electric cell
so that it prevails the ray from reaching to the screen board of the photo cell. At this time
the machine interrupts its operation by command of the opposed part, it is used for safety
at bottle washer machine.
ii. Retro-reflective arrangement – the transmitter and receiver are in one unit and light from
the emitter is transmitted in a straight line to reflector and returns to the receiver. In this
case, an object is sensed when the beam is interrupted and fails to reach the receiver. It
helps to detect the gap between the moving bottles. If they are far apart due to lack of
bottle or due to some bottle feel down or other cause. The photo cell will send
information in to the PLC if they are further; otherwise a normal operation sending, it is
used as gap detector across the conveyor belts.
iii. Proximity sensing (diffused) the emitter and receivers are in one unit, light from the
emitter strikes the target and the reflected light is diffused from the surface at all angles.
If the receiver receives enough reflected light the output will switch states. When no light
is reflected back to the receiver the output returns to its original state and the receiver will
be at some angle in order to receive some of scattered reflection. In this mode of sensing
an object is detected when the receiver sees the transmitted source rather than when it
fails to see it. This especially operates in Keg machine.

Switches: there are two fundamental uses for switches. First, switches are used for operator input
to send instructions to the control circuit. Second, switches may be installed on the moving parts
of a machine to provide automatic feedback to the control system.
Pushbutton: is the most common switch. There are two types,
1. The momentary is activated when the button is pressed and deactivated
when the button is released. The deactivation is done using an internal
2. The maintained is activated when pressed, but remains activated when it
is released. Then to deactivate it, it must be pressed second time.
d. Back-up sensors/switches-are metal detectors and it has same operation as inductive proximity
Applications of backup switches in Dashen Brewery S.C
 Detecting overloading or emptying – presence of bottles on the conveyor
 To detect the presence of filled bottles for releasing crown corks for it to
be packed at filler machine
 Control the balance of the in feed and discharge gears at filler machine

e. Inductive proximity switches/sensors- the sensor incorporates an electromagnetic coil which is

used to detect the presence of conductive metal object. The sensor will ignore the presence of an
object if it is not metal. This type of sensor consists 4 elements; coil, oscillator, trigger circuit,
and an output. The oscillator is an inductive capacitive tuned circuit that creates a radio
frequency. The electromagnetic field produced by the oscillator is emitted from the coil away
from the face of the sensor. The circuit has just enough feedback from the field to keep the
oscillator going. When a metal target enters the field, eddy currents circulate within the target.
This causes a load on the sensor, decreasing the amplitude of the electromagnetic field. As the
target approaches the sensor the eddy current increase, increasing the load on the oscillator and
further decreasing the amplitude of the field. The trigger circuit monitors the oscillator’s
amplitude and at a predetermined level switches the output state of the sensor form its normal
condition (on or off).

f. Conductivity meters-measure the ability of an aqueous solution to carry an electric current. It is
used at Bottle washer machine to know/detect the proper caustic soda level solution. It does this
by measuring the electric current between two electrodes (the electricity flows by ion transport).
g. Flow meters-are devices that measure the amount of liquid, gas or vapor that passes through
them. It is used mostly at BREW HOUSE.
h. Temperature Sensors-are used to detect temperature or heat of the environment.
Temperature transducer current PLC
There are three main types of temperature sensors used in Dashen brewery Share Company;
1) Thermostat-is a contact type electromechanical temperature sensor or switch that is used
to control heat in control rooms and control boxes.
2) Thermistor is thermally sensitive resistor. It is a type of sensor which changes its physical
resistance with changes in temperature, i.e. either NTC or PTC semiconductors. It is used
to control the heating of induction motors in Dashen brewery by being inserted inside the
rotor winding.
3) PT100 temperature sensor- is most commonly available of Platinum Resistance
Thermometer (PRT’s) which is used to measure the resistance of a platinum element. It is
used in bottle washer machine to measure the temperature of the caustic, which is used to
wash the dirty bottles <= 80 °C. It has a resistance of 100 ohms at 0 °C and 138.4 ohms at
100 °C.
i. Position sensors- can detect the movement of an object in a straight line using linear sensor or
by its angular movement using rotational sensors. There are two types of position sensors used in
Dashen Brewery factory;
1. Potentiometer-has a wiper contact linked to a mechanical shaft or piston (in Dashen)
that is flat linear type. To sense position, the moveable object is connected directly to the
slider/piston of the circuit and a DC reference voltage is applied across the outer fixed
connection forming the resistive element. It is used at the crown cork drive in Dashen
Brewery factory.
2. Encoders-are non-contact optical devices used for converting the angular position of a
rotating shaft into an analog or digital data code. Two types used in Dashen Brewery
share company;

i. Incremental encoder is quadrature encoder whose output is a series of square wave
pulses generated by photocell arrangement with pulses are counted per cycle of
rotation. It operates with pulses (i.e. 1 pulse = 1 rotation of 40 bottles) at Bottle
washer machine and speed of the conveyor. Its disadvantage is that it needs external
counter to determine the absolute angle of the shaft.
ii. Absolute encoders provide unique output code for every single position and
direction. It operates with gray code sequence and is used at caser and uncase
machines as counter. Its advantage is its non-volatile memory to retain its exact
position of the encoder.
B) Output Devices
The output ports of a PLC are relay or opt isolator with transistor or track, depending on the
devices that are to be switched on or off. Generally, the digital signal from an output channel of a
PLC is used to control an actuator, which in turn controls some process. The term actuator is
used for the device that transforms the electrical signal into some more powerful action, which
then results in control of the process. They are output devices which are used to convert energy
into some form/kind of motion. Some kinds of actuators found and used in Dashen Brewery
factory are; motors, pneumatic actuators/valves, hydraulic pistons, timers or time delay relays,
electrical control relays, solenoid valves, contactors and the like.
a. Motors – there are two kinds of motors mostly used in Dashen Brewery Factory, i.e. three
phase induction motors and servomotors.
I. Induction motors- are used in high power three phase industrial applications where a constant
rotational speed or torque is required to control large loads. In Dashen Brewery S.C, there are
many induction motors which are used to move from one process to the other process.With
respect to size and power rating, there are two types of IMs;
Small sized IMs-have power rating less than or equal to 3kW, and operate with 220v which is
star connected. Conveyor drives and most others found in Dashen brewery factory are small
sized induction motors. 1.5Kw IMs are used in Dashen Brewery factory conveyor drives.
Bigger sized motors-have power rating of greater than 3Kw, and operates with line voltage of
380v which is connected in star-delta.

Fig. 2.7 Three-phase induction motor
Since IMs are constant speed and torque motors to increase the speed or torque, there are
a number of VLTs (frequency converter) helps to synchronize the motors to one other, found
at the control rooms or boxes.
There are four common conditions that can cause severe damage to three phase induction
1. Phase unbalance
An amperage or voltage UN balance of 3% between the phases will cause a 20% increase
in motor temperature, and a 5 % UN balance will cause a 50% increase in motor
temperature. A 10% increase in motor temperature will reduce the life of the insulation on
the stator windings by 50%.
2. Loss of phase
The loss of phase can occur because of the loss of a fuse, a power system problem, or a bad
electrical connection. When this happens with an electric motor, the motor is said to be
single phase. Actually there are two remaining phases. This condition causes an increase in
amperage (current) draw on the remaining two phases, which causes an increase in motor
3. Phase reversal
A three phase motor will change directions if any two of the three phases are exchanged
during connecting in star or delta. This can occur during restoration after a power outage,
or for reasons not explainable. Though this condition do not damage to the motor, it may
damage equipment’s that are connected to the motor.
4. Low voltage

Low voltage on one leg causes unbalance. However, low voltage on all legs causes an
increase in amperage (current) draw, which increases the motor temperature. The motor
attempts to do a specific amount as demanded by the pump.
When the voltage is reduced the amperage (current in ampere) must increase in order to
provide this power: P= V x I (in volt*ampere).
II. Servomotor- is a motor which forms part of a servomechanism, which is an automatic
device that uses error sensing negative feedback to correct the performance of a mechanism. It
is paired with some type of encoder (incremental) to provide position/speed feedback.
Stepper motor is one type of servomotor used in Dashen brewery which is built to move
angular positions in the Bottle washer machine based upon each possible step (i.e. nine
stepper motors are employed) around the entire rotation. It is paired with some type of
encoder to provide position/speed feedback.
b. Relay-A relay is an electromagnetic device composed of a frame (or core) with an
electromagnet coil and contacts (some movable and some fixed). The movable contacts
(and conductor that connects them) are mounted via an insulator to a plunger which
moves within a bobbin. A coil of copper wire is wound on the bobbin to create an
electromagnet. A spring holds the plunger up and away from the electromagnet. When
the electromagnet is energized by passing an electric current through the coil, the
magnetic field pulls the plunger into the core, which pulls the movable contacts
downward. Two fixed pairs of contacts are mounted to the relay frame on electrical
insulators so that when the movable contacts are not being pulled toward the core (the
coil is de-energized) they physically touch the upper fixed pair of contacts and, when
being pulled toward the coil, touches the lower pair of fixed contacts. There can be
several sets of contacts mounted to the relay frame. The contacts energize and de-
energize as a result of applying power to the relay coil (connections to the relay coil are
not shown). When the coil is de-energized, the movable contacts are connected to the
upper fixed contact pair. These fixed contacts are referred to as the normally closed
contacts because they are bridged together by the movable contacts and conductor
whenever the relay is in its "power off" state. Likewise, the movable contacts are not
connected to the lower fixed contact pair when the relay coil is de-energized. These fixed
contacts are referred to as the normally open contacts. Contacts are named with the

relay in the DE energized state. Normally open contacts are said to be off when the coil is
de-energized and on when the coil is energized. Normally closed contacts are on when
the coil is DE energized and off when the coil is energized. Those that are familiar with
digital logic tend to think of N/O contacts as non-inverting contacts, and N/C contacts as
inverting contacts.
c. Contactor-is a kind of relay especially for switching electrical power circuits there is a
control coil that moves the spring loaded armature by magnetic attraction. The moving
contacts are attached to the armature and either make or break contact with fixed
contacts. These contacts switch the electrical supply there are a lot of configuration of
contacts such as coil voltage AC, DC. The current rating of the contacts some are fitted
with auxiliary functions like overloaded sensors other contacts to send long signals, test
buttons. In general inside the contactor we have fixed contacts where we wound the coil
and a moving contact which is ordinary iron material. When we energize the coil with
electric supply (AC or DC ranges from 24v-415v) will attract the moving contacts get
closed. Contactor is used to operate the rotor in a contractor .there is a coil, when we give
supply to coil it will get magnetized and attract the plunger. Plunger is connected to main
contact and auxiliary contact main contacts L1, L2, L3 become NC and give supply to
d. Time Delay Relay-As the name implies time delay relays are used to delay the time for
a component to start or stop when a pump is controlled by pressure in the system and if
the motor is connected in star-delta by setting it for some limited time.

There are two common types of time delay relays: the pneumatic and the solid state. Solid state
time delay relays use electrical circuitry to delay the close or open time. The pneumatic timer
uses an air bellows that is connected to sacral orifice.
e. Solenoid valve is an electrically actuated on/off valve. The come in two way, three way, and
other configurations. The solenoid part of the valve is always in one of two possible states - it's
either energized or de energized. There is a single moving part inside the solenoid, a (typically)
iron rod that is influenced by the magnetic field which develops when the solenoid's coil is
energized. Thus energizing causes a change of position of the rod which causes a change of
position of the valve. These valves are not capable of modulating action because they cannot
modulate a solenoid. Unlike a motor operated valve, a solenoid will have a fail position, and

when it is not energized, it will be in the fail position. A solenoid valve has two main parts the
solenoid and the valve. The solenoid converts electrical signal into mechanical energy which in
turn opens or closes the valve mechanically.

2.3.2 Major duties of the intern

Internship provides the opportunities to build a relationship with the company, network with
other people in the field and gain valuable first-hand experience. It gives us the knowledge and
experience we need to be confident in our career activities. We understand that our duties
include the following tasks.

- To be involved into the company at the set time

- Obey the rules of the company
- Work the given tasks in the company with the guidance of the company supervisor
- Write and submit monthly and final reports

2.4. Challenges faced and measures taken

The Challenges We have faced
Since We were theoretical students, it was difficult for Us to know even the electrical
instruments and maintaining electrical materials difficult to familiar. The other problems We
faced in the company are; lack of enough office equipment’s like computers on the work place
which makes Us not to do with the industrial computer programs.
We haven’t theoretical knowledge about programmable logic controller (PLC) before the
internship so it was difficult to easily understand it.
The Measures we have taken
In order to be familiar with the electrical devices, we first tried to observe them with the
electricians by asking about them repeatedly to enable unknown the electrical devices and
control elements. To overcome the communication problem we tried to communicate with all
staffs through the staffs that we know before and cooperating with all staffs in order to have
healthy and successful working place.

Chapter 3

Benefits Gained From the Internship

The internship time has been the most educating and challengeable time. We understand how
well we have understood the literatures, theories and formulas we had taken in our previous
courses but when it comes to the actual world, it was hard to tell how competent we were. It is
very understandable that parallel to the theoretical part, experience is very important in real
world. Being familiar with the work flow is a key to understand ones role properly and be able to
make competent decisions.
For something that takes inputs there is something in return, a benefit. In our internship too, there
were some benefits gained accordingly. The benefits are discussed below.

3.1 Theoretical and Practical Skill

When we first started on the company everything was new for us. It was really fascinating and
inspiring to see and experience the lessons we have been learning for the past three years. As it’s
commonly practiced, most of the courses we took in class dealt with the theoretical side of itad
some part not at all.
We spent most of our time with the Dashen brewery electricians to develop our practical skills,
theoretical skills, working procedures, proper use of materials and identifying the right material
for the right purpose.
This internship program provided us with the opportunity to expand our horizon, broadening our
intellectual knowledge and gives us a chance to improve our theoretical and practical knowledge
from this grateful experience. Therefore, we gained the following essential things.
 Understanding of different electronic devices working principle and

 understand how to control and distribute huge power system in industry

 Able to apply our basic electrical knowledge to the solution of more advanced
electrical engineering problems.

 Familiar and understand about the programming logic controller (PLC) architecture,
arithmetic calculations, conditional testing, program operation and I/O device and
their techniques.
 Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental laws of electric fields, currents, and
 Aware of continued educational opportunities through such resources as academic
institutions, the work place, and professional societies.

3.2 Team playing skills

Teamwork is also a very important interpersonal skill to have in workplace. All the company
workers collaborate with each other and share ideas with them to come to a common goal. This
skill was developed easily and rapidly. It begins when we were in campus. Some assignments
given were done in groups. This helps us to handle different characters of the persons we worked
The reason behind this is our work tasks did not allow communicating with colleagues only, but
also co-operated us with the persons we worked with. Even each work task was done and
completed as a team. In the work that we have been engaged, we had to communicate and work
with the Engineers, electricians and the operator moreover we communicate with all the office
organizational structure directly or indirectly.
We understand that for the proper functioning of a team, each member should have:
a) Good communication skill
b) Self-confidence
We also deeply understand that listening, cooperating with people in our workplace,
communicating our thoughts and feelings and it also means we can come to solutions on
problems and also increase productivity of the company.
Teamwork basically knows we are not the only one at my workplace and that other people
have ideas, knowledge and feelings too and we all are working toward the same common
outcome. Teamwork means knowing that even though some people might be different than me
it is still possible to make a common goal happen by setting those differences aside. We should
be able to express our own opinions in a thoughtful and specific manner and also be able to listen
to others and share ideas to help one another. Teamwork is very important to any workplace

because there would be no workplace if we did not have teamwork and everyone working
together. Everyone has their own unique role, but each person’s individual role must be
recognized and appreciated.

3.3 Interpersonal communication skills

Participants in all activities of our workplace (in Dashen Brewery) process of maintenance and
control system, specialized knowledge can be very beneficial, particularly in large and
complicated problems, since engineers in various specialties can provide valuable services.
However it is advantageous to understand how the different parts of the process fit together.
Effective cost and delays can result from poor coordination and communication among
Asking is a vital part of understanding, regarding to this communicating with every staff
member is unavoidable. We have been asking and working with different people who had
different levels of skills and expectations.
When we were working in a large and complex problems coming across associates, that
have different duties and expectations, is unavoidable. So in order to perform any activity one
should communicate wisely and effectively. Development of effective communications and
mechanisms for resolving conflicts among the various participants will be handy. Even within a
single profession such an electrical engineering, there are quite distinct groups of specialties in
maintenance, control system, automation and other sub-specialties. Good communication and
coordination among these participants is essential to accomplish the overall goals of the task.
The fundamental challenge is to enhance communications among individuals, groups and
company so that obstacles in the way of improving interpersonal relations may be removed. It
was challenging to be liberated enough to ask questions and observe the practical part of the
process. But after few weeks environment was familiar and we work hard in our communication
capability. We believe that going into a new working environment would not be difficult after
this experience: Every day we were connecting with specific working class. This improves
understanding the thinking of the peoples around us. And finally we were the one who
communicate with everyone in the company even with the office staffs. This was one of the main
things that helped us to improve our theoretical and practical skills.

3.4 Leadership skills
Being an intern student, we have experienced leadership skills. A leader is a person who
has strong principles, courage, and dedication to a clear vision. A person who is in the position
leadership seeks optimal solution to problems and should be smart enough to manage those
individual whom he/she is leading and must possess leadership quality and ability to handle
intricate interpersonal relationships effectively within a company to increase productivity.
During our internship period, we have understood and developed the following leadership
i. We have seen how each worker is controlled and organized to perform its day to day
activities. Among all other managements we have understood that human resource
management is the most important one.
ii. We have actually observed the method of controlling; the working time and amount of
work done by each worker so that the work proceeds according to the work plan.
iii. For effective leadership we understood that personal values like confidence, effective
communication and devotion are very important.
iv. We understood that Leadership is a skill to guide, control and monitor peoples.
Finally what we grasp is becoming a leader is not easy because it takes a conscious commitment
and consistent effort to develop one’s leadership skills. But on the positive side, anyone who is
willing to make the effort can become good leader.

Chapter 4

Projects and Contributions

4.1 Overall achievement

In order to achieve the objectives of the internship we tried to perform what the company and our
university expect from us. In our internship period we were involved in the maintenance of the
following devices.


Component Vacuum pump: activities to be done connect power cable, thermistor, level switch,
& solenoid valve for the new vacuum pump to be installed.

Results: new vacuum pump installed correctly.

Bottle washer:
Components all pump motors: activities to be done clean, lubricate, fix fan & fan cover, inspect
terminal connection
Result: reduce any possible pump failure

All cabinet components activities to be done cautiously clean all components with moisture free
Result: reduce any possible pump failure

Component level transmitter, PT100s & pneumatic valves activities to be done inspect automatic
operation of all water tank level transmitter & corresponding action of pneumatic valve & PT100
Result: smooth operation of water level, temperature& valve action

Bottles conveyer

Component all backup switches & PE cells activities to be done inspect all backup switches& PE
cells & fix any faulty operation
Result: smooth running bottle conveyer

Problem bottling case conveyor motor tripped due to over load

Solution it starts after overload on the uncaser in feed was solved Labeler under fill and neck
labeler was not working
Solution-the neck photocell was adjusted and the body photocell was replaced

Chapter 5

Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

All in one, we think it would be fair to say the internship program has been an enlightening
experience (enlightening as in exposing to the real engineering work). We understood theoretical
knowledge in practice, And we recognize the environment which we will found it after
graduation which it avoids the confusion so as we will be familiar with things easily, and what
have to know the next remaining studying year and being competent among the different
industries and professional’s calls for knowledge, experience management skills and so much
more. Engineers who are creative in engineering activities involve problems solving. In fact, they
can reinforce each other if both are included in the education process, provided that creativity
and innovation instead of routine practice are emphasized. Being a part of such a remarkable
innovative work is motivating.

Working in Dashen brewery has been good. It enjoys a remarkable reputation in the control
system and maintenance of different electronics device in industry. This company wants to
continually develop in this fast growing sector and use more recent technologies to increase its
productivity. In addition to this we have been familiar with the following concepts
 Identify main design characteristics, internal architecture, and operating principles
of programmable logic controllers.

 Describe and identify the characteristics of commonly used input and output devices.
 Understand the processing of inputs and outputs by PLCs.
 Understand communication links involved with PLC systems, the protocols, and
networking methods.
 How to control the overall electrical system of the industry
 Find out what it’s like to work in business environment.
 Make contact to gain future employment and bridge between collage and work.
 Stimulate new interest in academic course work and frequently developed and
interdisciplinary perspective.
 Gain an increased awareness of skill, attributes and personal qualities and values.

Generally we got satisfactory knowledge and more benefited at internship. This internship
program is real, necessary and important for engineering students.
We got practical work experiences and benefits at the Company. Some of them are;
i. Communication skills with professionals
ii. Company’s Work flow
iii. Practical works
iv. Upgrade our theoretical knowledge
v. Team working
vi. Leadership skill
vii. Working standards
viii. Work ethics
ix. Entrepreneurship skills
Different work divisions are there to facilitate good working environment and check and balance
the work activities that take place. It is necessary to check and balance for the smooth running of
the project, meeting schedules, flow of ideas, and creates a working environment that helps to
accomplish the commencement of the maintenance works.
We understand that being an Engineer over any work influences the environment with the
following qualities:
1. Sociable (have good communication skill)

2. Accountable (fast responding)
3. Work focused
4. Reliable and responsible for his work
5. Reasonable for any of his work
6. Active at any time
7. fast decision maker
Finally, all the things we had experienced in this internship program have no limitation in any
case. Rather it is somewhat difficult to flash all at once.

5.2 Recommendation
We understand that this internship program has mutual benefit for the student and the hosting
company in many ways. So, we want to recommend for both the company (Dashen brewery) and
our university in order to enable this internship program to be provided continuously for
engineering students.
Recommendation for Dashen Brewery Share Company
Dashen Brewery Share Company is well-established company. However, we would like to
recommend it based on our observation while we were conducting the internship program. They
are as follows:

1. The company’s human power is very less. For example there are few electrical engineers
thus if any electrical part is damaged they try to fix it but maximum they go is replacing
and adjusting manually. They don’t go further, butan engineer who takes the course in
Germany for any electrical part in dashen which means krones machines will come from
Kenya and fixes the problem. So rather doing this, it was better if our engineers in
dashen take the course and fix without help of the other Kenya’s or others.
2. The company should be ready for internship students by preparing project tasks and
financial support for their contribution including in its annual plan.
3. New sound damper must be designed or bought even if there is sound damper it is not
enough to protect employees ear from damage through time.

4. Preventive maintenance is not being seriously applied, this cause to waste time and less
production and maintenance measure must be intended for long period (permanently)
otherwise it wastes energy, time and production.
5. There is no research and development department, this cause the workers to have less
sense for upgrading their knowledge
6. Getting employees' ideas and getting their involvement is critical in rapidly changing
company. If the company is going to be competitive, it's mandatory to involve not just
hands, but the ideas from everyone in company and upgrading employee experience and

Recommendation for the university

This internship program offers a lot of advantages to the students, as mentioned above, for
instance, it helped us to develop not only practical experience and theoretical knowledge related
to our academic and career goals, but also our social skills because it is known that we met a lot
of people and would deal with accordingly. Because of this and all the listed advantages above
we would like to recommend our university to keep giving this great chance for the students.
The other things that we want to suggest are:
Since this internship takes long time almost four months so the students should be made to work
at least in two different work sites (industries) by interchanging. So the university should arrange
any preconditions for students to work in different sections. This is because the students are not
limited to work (to be employed) in the same field they perform in their internship program in
one industry. This enables the students to adapt and look the working environment at different
angle the university industry linkage (UIL) should work with the industries more on:
- Preparing proper projects with industries
- Discussing the way the internship students are to be treated
- Concerning the benefits the industries can obtain from the students
Generally, the benefit of this internship program for producing efficient engineers is
unquestionable if properly held. But the universities should work on creating the awareness of
the industries and other concerned people using possible means of communications including
advertising in media.

[1]. Wolfgang Kunze, “technology brewing and malting “2nd editions, September 1999 GC.
[2]. Dashen Brewery S.C Workers specially EIAMD electricians and electrical engineers and
[3]. W.BOLTON “Programmable Logic Controllers”, 5TH Edition,
[4]. “Introduction to PLC’s, Industrial Control Systems”, Fall 2006
[5]. William C.Dunn, “Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control”,
[6]. www.danbrew.com.


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