Unified Power Flow Control
Unified Power Flow Control
Unified Power Flow Control
Fig 3: Phasor diagrams illustrating the conventional transmission control capabilities of the UPFC.
The operation of the Unified Power Flow Controller from the standpoint of traditional
power transmission based on reactive shunt compensation, series compensation, and phase angle
regulation, the UPFC can fulfill all these functions and thereby meet multiple control objectives
by adding the injected voltage 𝑉𝑝𝑞 , with appropriate amplitude and phase angle, to the (sending-
end) terminal voltage 𝑉𝑠 . Using phasor representation, the basic UPFC power flow control
functions are illustrated in Figure 3.
Voltage regulation with continuously variable in-phase/anti-phase voltage injection, is
shown in Figure 3(a) for voltage increments 𝑉𝑝𝑞 = ±∆𝑉 (𝜌= 0). This is functionally similar to that
obtainable with a transformer tap changer having infinitely small steps.
Series reactive compensation is shown in Figure 3(b) where 𝑉𝑝𝑞 = 𝑉𝑞 is injected in
quadrature with the line current I. Functionally this is similar to series capacitive and inductive
line compensation attained by the SSSC the injected series compensating voltage can be kept
constant, if desired, independent of line current variation, or can be varied in proportion with the
line current to imitate the compensation obtained with a series capacitor or reactor.
Phase angle regulation (phase shift) is shown in Figure 3(c) where 𝑉𝑝𝑞 = 𝑉𝜎 is injected with
an angular relationship with respect to 𝑉𝑠 that achieves the desired 𝜎 phase shift (advance or
retard) without any change in magnitude. Thus the UPFC can function as a perfect Phase Angle
Regulator which can also supply the reactive power involved with the transmission angle control
by internal var generation.
Multifunction power flow control, executed by simultaneous terminal voltage regulation,
series capacitive line compensation, and phase shifting, is shown in Figure 3(d) where 𝑉𝑝𝑞 =
∆𝑉+𝑉𝑞 +𝑉𝜎 . This functional capability is unique to the UPFC. No single conventional equipment
has similar multifunctional capability.
Fig 4: Range of transmittable real power P and receiving-end reactive power demand Q vs.
Transmission angle 𝛿 of a UPFC controlled transmission line.
Basic UPFC control scheme:
The control of the UPFC is based upon the vector-control approach .The term vector,
instead of phasor, is used in this section to represent a set of three instantaneous phase variables,
voltages, or currents that sum to zero.
The UPFC control system may, in the previously established manner, be divided functionally
into internal (or converter) control and functional operation control. The internal controls operate
the two converters so as to produce the commanded series injected voltage and, simultaneously,
draw the desired shunt reactive current. The internal controls provide gating signals to the
converter valves so that the converter output voltages will properly respond to the internal
reference variables, 𝑖𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑓 , 𝑖𝑞𝑟𝑒𝑓 and 𝑣̃𝑝𝑞 , in accordance with the basic control structure shown in
Figure 5.
The series converter responds directly and independently to the demand for series
voltage vector injection. Changes in series voltage vector 𝑣̃𝑝𝑞 can therefore be affected virtually
instantaneously. In contrast, the shunt converter operates under a closed-loop current control
structure whereby the shunt real and reactive power components are independently controlled.
The shunt reactive power (if this option is used, for example, for terminal voltage control)
responds directly to an input demand. However, the shunt real power is dictated by another
control loop that acts to maintain a preset voltage level on the dc link, thereby providing the real
power supply or sink needed for the support of the series voltage injection. In other words, the
control loop for the shunt real power ensures the required real power balance between the two
converters. As mentioned previously, the converters do not (and could not) exchange reactive
power through the link.
2. What is Interline Power Flow Controller? How is it different from Unified Power Flow
controller? Discuss its applications.
Interline Power Flow Controller:
The Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) addresses the problem of compensating a
number of transmission lines at a given substation. Series capacitive compensation (fixed,
thyristor-controlled or SSSC-based) is employed to increase the transmittable real power over a
given line and also to balance the loading of a normally encountered multiline transmission
system. Series reactive compensators are unable to control the reactive power flow in, and thus
the proper load balancing of the lines. This problem becomes particularly evident in those cases
where the ratio of reactive to resistive line impedance (X/R) is relatively low. Series reactive
compensation reduces only the effective reactive impedance X and, thus, significantly decreases
the effective X/R ratio and thereby increases the reactive power flow and losses in the line. The
IPFC scheme, together with independently controllable reactive series compensation of each
individual line, provides a capability to directly transfer real power between the compensated
IPFC controls multiple lines whereas UPFC controls single line. Each converter in IPFC
provides independent series reactive compensation for its own transmission line unlike UPFC
which provides real and reactive series line compensation and independently controllable shunt
reactive compensation.
For damping low frequency oscillations in power systems.
To increase transient stability of power system and analyzed using Fuzzy Technology.
To increase power flow management in power systems.
Fig d: Variation of receiving-end real and reactive power as a function of the injected
compensating voltage in Line 1.
The variation of 𝑃1𝑟 and 𝑄1𝑟 with rotating 𝑉1𝑝𝑞𝑚𝑎𝑥 can best be illustrated in the {𝑄1𝑟 ;
𝑃1𝑟 } plane shown, together with the corresponding phasor diagram, in Figure d. At the selected
transmission angle, 𝛿1 = 30°, the uncompensated System 1(𝑉1𝑝𝑞 = 0) transmits 𝑃𝑟,30 = 1.0 p.u. real
power to, and absorbs 𝑄𝑟,30 = 0.268 p.u. reactive power from, the receiving end. As shown for the
UPFC, the rotation of 𝑉1𝑝𝑞𝑚𝑎𝑥 over 360 degrees produces a circular locus for 𝑃1𝑟 and 𝑄1𝑟 with a
radius of [𝑃21𝑝𝑞 + 𝑄 21𝑝𝑞 (= 0.5 p.u.) from the center defined by the coordinates 𝑃1𝑟,30 = 1.0 and
𝑄1𝑟,30 = 0.268 in the {𝑄1𝑟 ; 𝑃1𝑟 } plane. This circular locus provides the boundary for the
twodimensional control range within which any corresponding 𝑄1𝑟 and 𝑃1𝑟 values are achievable
by the proper setting of magnitude 𝑉1𝑝𝑞 and angle 𝜌1𝑝𝑞 .
In the case of the UPFC, the real power exchanged through the series voltage insertion
is supplied via the shunt connected converter from the sending-end bus. In the case of the simple
IPFC considered here, this real power is obtained from the other line via the series-connected
compensating converter of that line. In order to establish the possible compensation range for
Line 2, under the constraints imposed by the unrestricted compensation of Line 1, it is helpful to
decompose the overall compensating power provided for Line 1 into reactive power 𝑄1𝑝𝑞 and real
power 𝑃1𝑝𝑞 . To this end, the injected voltage phasor 𝑉1𝑝𝑞 is decomposed into two components,
one, 𝑉1𝑞 in quadrature and the other, 𝑉1𝑝 in phase with the line current. The products of these with
the line current define 𝑄1𝑝𝑞 and 𝑃1𝑝𝑞 .