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Technical Information No. 12 Vermicular Graphite Cast Iron: Microstructure

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Tel.: 0049 (0521) 93 15 –0
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Technical Information No. 12 Internet: http://www.claasguss.de
E-mail: info@claasguss.de

Vermicular graphite cast iron

Microstructure terms of properties compared to lamellar
The designation “cast iron with graphite:
vermicular-type graphite (GJV)” is - Higher strength and elongation at
derived from the worm-like appearance fracture
of the graphite in a micrographic - Higher fracture toughness
specimen. The three-dimensional - Properties are less dependent on
structure becomes apparent in a the wall thickness
scanning electron microscope after the
metallic matrix has been removed by Compared to cast iron with spheroidal
etching. graphite, cast iron with vermicular
graphite offers the following advantages:
Vermicular graphite is a transitional form - Lower coefficient of thermal
between lamellar and spheroidal expansion
graphite, which occurs when the - Higher heat conductivity
material is deliberately given insufficient - Lower modulus of elasticity
treatment or treatment is interrupted in - Lower thermally induced internal
100 µm
the process of forming spheroidal stress level
graphite. - Better thermoshock resistance and
Unetched micrographic
lower tendency to distortion
Properties because of the aforementioned
Cast iron with vermicular graphite falls properties
between cast iron with lamellar graphite - Better damping capacity
and cast iron with spheroidal graphite - Better pouring properties
not only in terms of its microstructure (shrinkage, mold-filling
formation but in terms of its mechanical characteristics and fluidity)
and physical properties as well. It is
standardized in ISO standard 16112. The material is especially suitable for
Reference values for several key components which are exposed to both
properties are shown in Table 1. Similar thermal and mechanical stresses.
to cast iron materials with spheroidal Examples include cylinder heads,
graphite, these properties are heavily exhaust manifolds and brake parts, but
dependent on the ferrite-to-pearlite ratio vermicular graphite is also used for the
in the basic structure. manufacture of transmission domes for
cars and engine units for trucks and
Cast iron with vermicular graphite cars.
20 µm provides the following advantages in
Vermicular graphite in a
scanning electron microscope

Mechanical and physical properties of cast iron with vermicular graphite

Material grade Temp. GJV-300 GJV-350 GJV-400 GJV-450 GJV-500

1) 2
Tensile strength Rm N/mm 23°C 300 – 375 350 - 425 400 - 475 450 - 525 500 - 575
1) 2
0.2% yield strength Rp0,2 N/mm 23°C 210 – 260 245 - 295 280 - 330 315 - 365 350 - 400
Elongation to fracture A % 23°C 2.0 - 5.0 1.5 - 4.0 - 3.5 1.0 - 2.5 0.5 - 2.0
Modulus of elasticity kN/mm 23°C 130 -145 135 -150 140 -150 145 -155 145 -160
Poisson’s ratio 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26
Thermal conductivity W/(m⋅K) 23°C 47 43 39 38 36
Coefficient of thermal
µm/(m K) 100ºC 11 11 11 11 11
Specific heat capacity J/(g⋅K) 100ºC 0.475 0.475 0.475 0.475 0.475

1) 2) 2
Wall thickness of 15 mm, modulus M = 0.75, Secant modulus (200-300 N/mm )

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