Environment and Social Policy of NABARD FORMAT
Environment and Social Policy of NABARD FORMAT
Environment and Social Policy of NABARD FORMAT
Screening Format
01. Name of Proposed Project:
02. Project Implementing Organization/ Project Proponent:
Contact Point of a Responsible Officer:
03. Address of project site:
04. Scale and contents of the project (approximate area, facilities area, production, electricity
generated, etc.)
4.1 Project profile (scale and contents)
4.2. How was the necessity of the project confirmed?
Is the project consistent with the higher program/policy?
□YES: Please describe the higher program/policy.
4.3. Did the proponent consider alternatives before this
□YES: Please describe outline of the alternatives ( )
4-4. Did the proponent had meetings with the related
stakeholders before this request?
□ held meetings
□No meetings
4.5 If meeting held, please mark the following stakeholders. □Administrative body
□Local residents’
□NGO □Others
4.6 Does the project include any of the following items? If yes, please mark the items included in
the project.
i. Involuntary resettlement (scale: households persons)
ii. Groundwater pumping (scale: m3/year)
iii. Land reclamation, land development, and/or
iv. land-clearing (scale: hectors)
v. Logging (scale: hectors)
4.7 Is the project a new one or an ongoing one? In the case of an ongoing project, have you
received strong complaints or other comments from local residents?
i. New
ii. Ongoing (with complaints)
iii. Ongoing (without complaints)
4.8 Is an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), including
an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), required for
the project .If yes, is EIA implemented or planned? If
necessary, please fill in the reason why EIA is required.
(Reason why EIA is required :)
☐Not necessary
☐Other (please explain)
4.9 4.9 In the case that steps were taken for an EIA, was the EIA approved by the relevant laws of
our country? If yes, please note the date of approval and the competent authority
Approved without a Approved with a Under appraisal
Supplementary condition supplementary condition