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IEE Solar Project

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1. Duly Accomplished Project Information/IEE Checklist Report to include study on the movements of migratory birds in the area and duly notarized accountability statement of the project proponent. Duly accomplished Environmental Management Plan to include contingency management plan and safety program and establishment of buffer zones from the project area. SEC Registration or DOE Certification of the proponent Zoning Certification from HLURB and/or MPDC, certifying that project conforms with the zoning of the locality. Colored Pictures (panoramic view of the project site with captions. Certified copy of the TCT or OCT or proof of ownership of the applied area. Environmental Liability Insurance Policy Undertaking to Engage a Third Party Environmental Auditor * PAMB Clearance if the project is located in a protected area

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

* if located within the NIPAS Area.

Page 1


1. 2. Project Name: Project Location: _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (Complete address street/sitio/ barangay, city/municipality, province) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (Complete address street/barangay, city/municipality, province) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

3. 4.

Proponent: Address:

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Telephone No.: Fax No.: Project Ownership: Project Cost: Project Duration:

10. Project Area (hectares): ______________________________________________ 11. Project Objective: ________________________________________________

1. Project Components _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Land Ownership and Status of Land Ownership __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. How Do You Describe the General Location of the Project? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Page 2

4. Project Specifications: 4.1 Specifications of Wind Turbines Item Nominal output Type of generator Power regulation Cut in wind speed* Cut out wind speed* Hub height* Blade/rotor diameter Type of blade/rotor Type of tower Total number of turbine towers Distance between towers Voltage of substation Area of control center Total project area Project Duration
*Definitions: blade Tower height - the height from the ground level to the top of the tower Rotor solid steel hub with three (3) rotor blades


Unit kilo watts meters per second meters per second meters meters units meters kilo volts square meters Hectares Years

Cut in wind speed the minimum wind speed to start generation Cut out wind speed the maximum wind speed to cut out generation Hub height the height from the ground level to the center of the

4.2 Control Center/Office _________________________________________________ 5. Land use Land Use Total Area Within the Project Boundary (hectares)

1. Agricultural 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Industrial Commercial Residential Tourism Forest Land Open Spaces Institutional Others (pasture, grassland, shrub land) Total Area (hectares)

Page 3

Plate 1. Northern portion of the project site

Plate 2. Southern portion of the project area

Page 4

Plate 3. Eastern portion of the project area

Plate 4. Western view of the project site

Page 5

6. Barangays Where Turbines Will Be Installed Barangay Municipality Province Total Area

7. Manpower and Employment How many people will be employed by the project? Pre-construction period ________________ Construction period ________________ Operation and maintenance ________________ 8. Construction Schedule (Attach schedule of development activities from preconstruction, construction to the operation phase in a Gantt Chart)]

Page 6


Components/Parameters Yes No Remarks

1. What is the elevation range of the area

(masl)? Slope and topography of the area

2. What is the general geology of the area? 3. Are there indications of land sliding in the

4. Are there occurrences of flooding

downstream of the site?

5. Soil type of the area 6. Does the area have sandy soil?
Clayey soil? Sandy loam soil?

7. Is there any indication of excessive soil

erosion occurring in the area? If yes, what type of erosion? Natural Man-made (specify sources of erosion such as kaingin, logging etc.) Generally categorize rate of erosion based on observation No apparent erosion Slight Moderate Severe

8. Does the area traverse part of the drainage

area of a river system(s)? * Questions not answerable by yes or no are addressed in the remarks.

Page 7





9. What river system(s) or water bodies does

the site affect? Please enumerate them under remarks.

10. Are there natural drainage ways/creeks

along the area that drain towards communities downstream?

11. Is the area frequently visited by tropical


12. When was the last typhoon, which visited

the area?

13. Average number of typhoons per year 14. Is there a record of tornadoes /twisters
which occurred in the area?

15. What is the nearest earthquake, fault zone

or volcano, etc. in the area? Identify name of the zone: Distance:

16. Had there been any incidents such as

lightning strikes at or near the site? * Questions not answerable by yes or no are addressed in the remarks.

Page 8

What are the present uses of the water bodies being drained/affected by the project site? Uses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bathing Fishing Recreation Washing Source of Drinking Irrigation Others (please specify) Put check (b) Remarks

2. Biological Environment
Components/Parameters 1. Are there existing trees and other types of vegetation in the project area? If yes, indicate the forest type/vegetation. Yes No Remarks

2. Are there birds and other forms of wildlife

found in the area?

3. Are there fishery resources in the water 4. Is the area in a watershed or forest

bodies found near or in the project area?

reservation area? If near only, how near?

5. If across, indicate name of the watershed or

forest reservation area.

What are the existing forest resources in the project area that are important to the community? Forest Resource Timber Fuel Wood Non-timber Products Food Plants Medicinal Plants Wild Animals Minerals Others (specify)

Check if Present


Page 9

3. Socio-Cultural and Economic Environment

III. Socio-Cultural and Economic Environment Components/Parameters Yes 1. Are there existing settlements in the project? If yes, how many households or families? How many are legitimate landowners? How many are tenants? How many are caretakers? How many are squatters? 2. What is the total population of the barangays covered by the project? No Remarks

3. What is the average family size? 4. How many of the houses are made of
concrete? Made of wood? Made of concrete and wood? Made of brick? Made of adobe? Others: light houses, sheds

5. What are the sources of livelihood within

the barangay? (Brgy. Caunayan and Balaoi) Livelihood type: Farming Fishing Others: Employees Barbers/Drivers/etc Professionals (doctors, engineers, accountants, etc.)

6. How many of the total population have

reached: Elementary level? High school level? College level? Degree holders?

7. What are the dialects spoken in the area?

Ilocano Tagalog Isneg (Apayao) Cebuano Other dialects (Please indicate _________________________________)

8. Are there ancestral lands or indigenous

people communities in the area?
Page 10

If yes, please indicate: _________________________________ * Questions not answerable by yes or no are addressed in the remarks.

9. What are the leading illnesses in the area?

Leading causes Number Percent (%)

10. What are the leading causes of mortality in the area?

Leading causes Number Percent

11. Are there other local organizations in the area? If yes, please list down these organized groups e.g., associations, cooperatives, etc. below Name of Organizations

12. Are there other social infrastructures in the barangays? ____ If yes, what are these social infrastructures? Put Check (b) Schools Roads Police Put Check (b) Health Centers/Clinics Communications (Radio, TV, mail, newspaper) Community Center
Page 11

Station/Outpost Hospitals Churches/Chapel s

Transportation Others, repeater station, basketball court


1. Pre-construction/Construction Period
Project Activities Affecting the Physical Environment
1. be 2. Will there be land clearing? If yes, what is the total area to cleared? Will there be stockpiling of soil, sand and gravel materials in the project area? Will there be drillings, hammering, and boring activities? Will there be earthmoving activities e.g. excavation works, cut and fill, etc.?



Impact Description

Mitigation/Enhancem ent Measures



If yes, how deep is the excavation and how much is the estimated volume of cut and fill? Average depth of excavation: 5. Will there be any slope modifications or ground leveling to be done? Will temporary quarters or barracks and a field office be provided for construction workers in the project site? Will there be topsoil removal and replacement? If yes, how much of the removed topsoil will be replaced? If partial only, where will the rest of the topsoil go? If no, what will happen to the excavated topsoil? Will there be demolition of existing structures? If yes, what types of structures will be demolished? Type of structures: Page 12





Are you constructing an access roads going to the site? If yes, what type of access road?

1All-weather road 1Concrete 1Asphalt Length (m) Width (m)

Project Activities Affecting the Biological Environment

1. 2. Will there be vegetation clearing? Will trees be affected (e.g., cut down or removed) during the clearing? If yes, how many and what are these species of trees? Number of trees: Species of trees: 3. Will the project encroach into precious ecological areas (e.g., forested zones, watershed areas)? Will clearing activities affect any rare, threatened or endangered plant or animal species?



Impact Description

Mitigation/Enhancem ent Measures


Page 13

Project Activities Affecting the Socio-cultural Environment

1. Will there be settlements to be affected? If yes, how many households will be affected? Total Number of families/households? How will they be handled? Payment of property owners Relocation site to be provided Permanent relocation site to be established Eviction without compensation Others, please specify. 2. Will the project provide reasonable payment terms to the affected settlements? Will there be locals to be hired during the construction? Are there existing public trails or routes (regularly used) that traverse the property? Will the public or local community still have access to the property in terms of passing through or entering it to reach their house or residence? Will there be increase in economic activity in the area or rise in associated projects?



Impact Description

Mitigation/Enhancem ent Measures

3. 4.



2. Operation and Maintenance Period

Project Activities Affecting the Socio-cultural Environment
7. Will the project cause an increase in traffic or disrupt traffic or disrupt traffic in major routes due to entry or exit of construction equipment? Are their prevailing peace and order problems in the site which can affect the project? Will the project destroy/impose hazards to historical/cultural monuments?



Impact Description

Mitigation/Enhancem ent Measures



Page 14

Project Activities Affecting the Physical Environment

1. Will the project create a significant decrease in the aesthetic value of the area? Are there areas prone to lightning strikes? Does the project have significant noise emissions?



Impact Description

Mitigation/Enhancem ent Measures



Project Activities Affecting the Biological Environment

1. Does the design take into account hazards to wildlife due to rotation of wind turbines blades? Does the design take into account possible blockade of wildlife passageways?



Impact Description

Mitigation/Enhancem ent Measures


Project Activities Affecting the Socio-cultural Environment

1. Will the project create interference with other utilities? If yes, what are these utilities? Will the project create a significant increase in the existing population in the area? Will the prevailing land value in the area increase with the project? Does the design take into account hazards to humans due to accidental failure of the wind turbines?



Impact Description

Mitigation/Enhancem ent Measures




Page 15


Is there a team formed for the proper responsibilities in repairing damaged poles/towers resulting from natural (typhoon, earthquake) or man-made calamities? Will there be an increase in economic activity or rise in associated projects?


Page 16


ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES/PROJ ECT ACTIVITIES (Identify project activities IMPACT DESCRIPTION Mitigating / Enhancement Measures/Plans Cost of Mitigatio n/ Enhance ment Responsible Agency/Org Schedule







Page 17

I/We, am/are committing to . . . . . . . 1. Comply with the following: PD PD RA RA RA RA 984 Pollution Control Law 1586 Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System 6969 Toxic and Hazardous Waste Act of 1990 8749 Clean Air Act of 1999 9003 Ecological and Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 9275 Clean Water Act of 2004

-The implementing rules and regulations of the above-cited laws and -Other applicable environmental rules and regulations 2. Comply with all mitigation/enhancement measures identified in this Checklist; 3. Abide and conform to the prescribed rules and specifications for power transmission lines as contained in the Electrical Code of the Philippines 4. Construct, operate and maintain well-designed wind turbines and other related structures 5. Establish adequate buffer zones from the project area 6. Comply with all stipulations indicated in any agreement forged with private or public authorities 7. Report to proper government authorities any illegal forest activities that may be present or happening in the project area 8. Immediately replace/ rehabilitate/ repair damaged structures/lines resulting from natural or man-made calamities 9. Organize and conduct information, education and communication (IEC) activities on safety and potential hazards of the project 10. Properly brief or orient the proponents staff about the ECC conditions, commitments and agreements made about the project 11. Apply for permits from the DENR-EMB for the operation of emission and effluent sources 12. Designate a Pollution Control Officer (PCO) to handle the environmental management programs 13. Submit regular environmental monitoring reports to DENR-EMB RO 14. Strictly implement a contingency management plan and safety program;

________________________________________ Signature over Printed Name of the Managing Head

Page 18


Title or Description Put a check (a) mark

1. Location Map 2. Vicinity Map 3. Design and Layout of WTGs 4. Layout of Power Output 5. Floor Plan of Operations and Maintenance Building 6. Land Use Map 7. Estimated Manpower Requirements 8. Gantt Chart (Schedule of Activities) 9. Slope Map 10. Geological Map/Geological Fault Map 11. Flood prone Map 12. Soil Map 13. Erosion Map 14. Tropical cyclone Map 15. Initial inventory of Trees and Other Important Vegetation 16. Initial List of Birds Found 17. Photocopies of Agreements/Right-of-Way Grants or Similar Instruments 18. Photocopies of TCT/OCT/CLT, etc. (S/S only) 19. Electronic copy of the IEE Checklist 20. Two (2) copies of the IEE Checklist 21. Payment of filing fees with the DENR-EMB Regional Office 4,000 for new projects and P 3,000 for expansion projects

Page 19

ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT OF THE PROPONENT This is to certify that all the information and commitments in the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist are true, accurate and complete. Should I/we learn of any information, which would make the IEE Checklist inaccurate, I/we shall bring said information to the attention of the DENR EMB Regional Office concerned. We hereby bind ourselves jointly and solidarily to any penalty that may be imposed arising from any misrepresentation or failure to state material information in this IEE Report. It witness whereof, we hereby set our hands this ______________ day of _______________ at _______________. _______________________ Project Proponent/Managing Head _______________________ Title/Designation ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

BEFORE ME this ________ day of ______________________, 20 ______________ at __________________________, personally appeared ____________________________ with Community Tax Certificate No. ___________________ issued on _______________ at ____________________________________________________ in his/her capacity as _______________________________ of ________________________________________ and acknowledged to me that this IEE Report Checklist is his/her voluntary act and deed, of the entity he/she represents. This document, which consists of _______________ pages, including the page on which this acknowledgement is written is an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Report Checklist. Witness my hand and seal on the place and date above written. ___________________ Notary Public
Doc No. ______ Page No. _____ Book No. _____ Series of ______

Page 20

ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT OF THE IEE PREPARER This is to certify that all the information and commitments in the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist are true, accurate and complete. Should I/we learn of any information, which would make the IEE Checklist inaccurate, I/we shall bring said information to the attention of the DENR Regional Office concerned. We hereby bind ourselves jointly and solidarily to any penalty that may be imposed arising from any misrepresentation or failure to state material information in this IEE Report. It witness whereof, we hereby set our hands this ______________ day of _______________ at _______________. _______________________ IEE Preparer _______________________ Title/Designation


BEFORE ME this ________ day of ______________________, 20 ______________ at __________________________, personally appeared ____________________________ with Community Tax Certificate No. ___________________ issued on _______________ at ____________________________________________________ in his/her capacity as _______________________________ of ________________________________________ and acknowledged to me that this IEE Checklist is his/her voluntary act and deed, of the entity he/she represents. This document, which consists of _______________ pages, including the page on which this acknowledgement is written is an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist. Witness my hand and seal on the place and date above written. ___________________ Notary Public
Doc No. ______ Page No. _____ Book No. _____ Series of _____

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