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(Including Commercial Exploitation of Real Estate and Non-rail
Revenue Potential Earnings)
Pakistan Railways intends to hire the Consultancy Services of a reputed Consultant or
Consortium of Consultants, or Joint Venture for:

(Including Commercial Exploitation of Real Estate and Non-rail Revenue Potential Earnings)”.

The interested firms can download RFP documents of the above assignment from Pakistan
Railways website (www.pakrail.gov.pk) or PPRA website (www.ppra.org.pk) consisting of TOR,
Consultant’s evaluation criteria and format of Technical & Financial Proposals for this
Interested National & International leading Consulting firms / Consortia / Joint Ventures having
experience of carrying out such job particularly in Railway Sector are invited to participate for
the bidding of this project.
The Method of Procurement will be “Single Stage-Two Envelope”. Technical and Financial
Proposal shall be clearly marked on the relevant Envelope as per PPRA rule No.36 (b).
A pre-proposal conference shall be held on 17-10-2020 at Divisional Superintendent, Pakistan
Railways, I.I. Chundrigar Road, City Station, Karachi for which prospective Consultants /
Consortia / Joint Ventures are requested to attend. Any further information can be obtained
from the office of undersigned or through email to kcrpakrail@gmail.com
The prospective Consultants / Consortia / Joint Ventures will submit their proposals only on
prescribed format, at the following address on or before 26-10-2020 Technical Proposals will be
opened on the same date and venue at 12:30 pm in the presence of representatives of firms
who choose to witness.
- SD -
(Shoukat Ali Shaikh)
Deputy Project Director
(Karachi Circular Railway)
Locoshed Road, Near Kalapul
Karachi Cantt, Pakistan
Ph: (021)35632297





(Including Commercial Exploitation of Real Estate and Non-

rail Revenue Potential Earnings)

September 2020

PH: +92-21-35632297

Section 1: Invitation for RFP .............................................................................. 1

Section 2: Instructions to Consultant ............................................................... 6

2.1. Definitions............................................................................................................. 6
2.2. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 7
2.3. Conflict of Interest .............................................................................................. 8
2.4. Conflicting Activities........................................................................................... 9
2.5. Conflicting Assignments .................................................................................... 9
2.6. Conflicting Relationships ................................................................................... 9
2.7. Unfair Advantage ............................................................................................. 10
2.8. Fraud and Corruption ...................................................................................... 10
2.9. Only one Proposal ............................................................................................ 11
2.10. Proposal Validity ............................................................................................... 11
2.11. Clarification and Amendment of RFP Documents ...................................... 12
2.12. Preparation of Proposal ................................................................................... 12
2.13. Technical Proposal Format and Content...................................................... 12
2.14. Financial Proposal ............................................................................................ 14
2.15. Payment of Consultancy Services Fee .......................................................... 14
2.16. Taxes ................................................................................................................... 14
2.17. Submission, Receipt and Opening of Proposal ............................................ 14
2.18. Proposal Evaluation .......................................................................................... 16
2.19. Evaluation of Technical Proposal ................................................................... 16
2.20. Public Opening and Evaluation of Financial Proposals. ............................. 16
2.21. Technical Negotiations .................................................................................... 17
2.22. Availability of Professional Staff / Experts ...................................................... 17
2.23. Conclusion of the Negotiations. ..................................................................... 18
2.24. Award of Agreement ....................................................................................... 18
2.25. Confidentiality ................................................................................................... 18
2.26. Integrity Pact ..................................................................................................... 18
2.27. Registration of Foreign Firms with Pakistan Engineering Council ............... 19
2.28. Bankable Feasibility Study ............................................................................... 19
2.29. Time for Completion ......................................................................................... 19
DATA SHEET .......................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix-I to Data Sheet.................................................................................................. 24
Appendix-II to Data Sheet ................................................................................................. 27

Section 3: Technical Proposal – Standard Forms ......................................... 28

TECH-1: TECHNICAL PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM ................................................... 29
TECH-2: CONSULTANT’S ORGANIZATION AND EXPERIENCE ...................................... 30
TECH-3: COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS ON THE TOR.................................................. 32
PERFORMING THE ASSIGNMENT...................................................................... 33
ASSIGNMENT AND TASK ASSIGNED ................................................................ 34
TECH-7: PROFESSIONAL STAFFING SCHEDULE .............................................................. 45
TECH-8: FINANCIAL CAPABILITIES .................................................................................. 46
Section 4: FINANCIAL PROPOSAL - STANDARD FORMS ............................... 47
FIN-1: FINANCIAL PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM .................................................... 48
FIN-2: SUMMARY OF COSTS ........................................................................................ 49
REMITTANCE ...................................................................................................... 50
STUDY AND TRANSACTION ADVISORY SERVICES .......................................... 51
FIN-5: BREAKDOWN OF REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES ................................................... 52
Section 1: Invitation for RFP
No……………………. Date: …………………….



1. The Project Director, Karachi Circular Railway, invites Technical & Financial proposal
from reputed national and international consulting firms / consortiums / joint
ventures, having experience in project finance & economics, contract
management & administrative law, procurement management and technical
disciplines relevant to the particular project for:

“Consultancy Services For Feasibility Study And Transaction Advisory Services For
The Development, Operation And Maintenance Of Karachi Circular Railway As A
Modern Urban Railway Under Public - Private Partnership Mode (Including
Commercial Exploitation of Real Estate and Non-rail Revenue Potential Earnings).”

2. The Consultant will be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
method and procedures, described in this RFP in accordance with PPRA Rule 2004
and PPRA Procurement of Consultancy Services Regulations 2010.
3. The RFP includes the following documents:
Section 1: General Information
Section 2: Instructions to Consultants (including Data Sheet)
Section 3: Technical Proposal – Standard Forms
Section 4: Financial Proposal – Standard Forms
Section 5: Terms of Reference

4. It is mandatory for proposals to be prepared using Standard Forms of RFP. Any

proposal not prepared according to the prescribed format may be rejected. If any
information required in the Forms is found missing or written elsewhere, no credit will
be given in the evaluation of the relevant section.

5. The Consulting firms / Consortiums / Joint Ventures should submit details of Five (5)
of their most relevant projects of “Similar Assignments” for Technical evaluation
using the prescribed format. Assignments given beyond the given number will not
be considered.

6. “Similar Assignment” means following two parts of assignment:

Part-1: Assignment of Feasibility Study of establishing urban railway.

Part-2: Assignment of Transaction Advisory Services.

7. Single entity or Joint Venture or Consortium must have experience as depicted in

Part-1 and Part-2. However, in case of Joint Venture or Consortium, assignment as
depicted in Part-1 & Part-2 above is not necessarily required to be complied by
Single Partner. Above conditions must be satisfied in totality in case of Joint Venture
/ Consortium. For example, if one partner of Joint Venture or Consortium has
completed Part-I and another partner completed Part-2, then as a whole the
requirement of Similar Assignment will be considered complied.

RFP of KCR Page | 1 of 52

8. CVs of Key personnel’s corresponding to the list given in Data Sheet should provide
detail of Five (5) projects done by each individual in the past. The requirement for
Similar Assignments, as defined above, is for the purpose of comparison of the
projects completed by the Consulting firms / Consortiums / Joint Ventures. For
various professional, similar assignments or relevant experience shall be as per their
respective field of specialization.

9. The Consultant can be Single Entity or Joint Venture or Consortium of national and
international firms. In case of Joint Venture or Consortium, the Transaction Advisory
Firm must be the lead firm.

10. The proposal of Consultants / Consortiums / Joint Ventures, is liable to be rejected, if

the firm makes any false or misleading statement in the proposal (s).

11. The Technical & Financial proposals are to be submitted in separate sealed
envelopes at following address not later than 26-10-2020 till 12:00 Hrs.

PH: +92-21-35632297

RFP of KCR Page | 2 of 52

General Information
The Consultants / Consortiums / Joint Ventures are required to provide the following
information which is necessary for further processing:

1. Whether applied as Single Entity or Consortium or Joint Venture, please specify.

2. In case of Single Entity, specify the name of Firm and provide the information as per
prescribed Form General-1 attached.

3. In case of Joint Venture or Consortium, provide percentage share proposed for this
assignment, besides detail as prescribed in attached Form General-1 for all Joint
Venture and Consortium partners.

4. The Consultant or Joint Venture or Consortium are required to provide accurate

information on any litigation or arbitration, arising out of the projects completed or in
progress over the last five years in the manner as prescribed in the Form General-2

5. The Consultant or Joint Venture or Consortium are required to provide Certificate /

Affidavit that their firm is not blacklisted by any Government Department / Authority.

6. For local firms, National Income Tax number (NTN) and for foreign firms, Tax
Registration Number of parent country is required. In case of Consortium or Joint
Venture provide NTN / Tax Registration Number of parent country for all partners.
(Attach copies of valid tax registration).

7. For local firms, Registration with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) and for foreign
firm’s relevant registration with relevant Engineering bodies of parent country is
required. (Attach copies of valid registration).

8. The Consultant or Joint Venture or Consortium is required to provide last three years
audited reports of accounts of their firms.

9. The Consultant or Joint Venture or Consortium is required to provide Power of

Attorney to sign the proposal.

10. The Joint Venture or Consortium is required to provide MOU or agreement between
the partners for this project.

RFP of KCR Page | 3 of 52

Form General-1: Basic Information
1. Name of Firm.

2. Office address in Pakistan.

3. Office address overseas (if applicable).

4. Organization Chart.

5. Telephone & Fax

6. e-mail

7. Contact person

8. Place of incorporation / registration of firm

9. Year of incorporation / registration of firm

10. Country of origin ( if other than Pakistan)

11. Type of organization, whether Partnership / Sole Proprietorship / Public Limited

Company / Private Limited Company (Attach copy of Memorandum of Article,
Memorandum of Association and Registration certificate with Security Exchange
or Registrar of Firm).


In case of Consortium or Joint Venture above information should be provided for

all partners.

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Form General-2 - Litigation History
Consultant, including each of the partners of a Consortium or Joint Venture,
should provide information on any history of litigation or arbitration resulting from
contracts executed in the last five years or currently under execution.
A separate sheet should be used for each partner of Consortium or Joint

Party / Parties Status
Nature of Claims / of the Date
of the Claim / ( Award for
Dispute Claim / initiated
Dispute or against)

RFP of KCR Page | 5 of 52

Section 2: Instructions to Consultant
2.1. Definitions

2.1.1. “Government of Pakistan” means the Government of

Pakistan and all its associated departments, agencies,
autonomous/semi-autonomous bodies, boards, universities
and similar other organizations.

2.1.2. “Employer” means Chief Engineer/Survey & Construction,

Pakistan Railways, Headquarter Office, Lahore.

2.1.3. “Consultant” means any Entity or Firm or Consortium or Joint

Venture of firms that may provide the services for Feasibility
Study & Transaction Advisory Services to the Employer under
the Agreement. The Consultant can be Single Entity or Joint
Venture or Consortium of national and international firms. In
case of Joint Venture or Consortium, Transaction Advisor will
be the lead firm.

2.1.4. “Agreement” means the Agreement signed by the

Employer and the Consultant and all the attached

2.1.5. “Data Sheet” means such part of the Instructions to

Consultant as used to reflect specific conditions.

2.1.6. “Day” means calendar day.

2.1.7. “Instructions to Consultant” means the document which

provides Consultant with all information needed to prepare
their Proposal.

2.1.8. “Personnel” means professionals and support staff provided

by the Consultant or by any Sub-Consultant to perform the
services or any part thereof; “Foreign Personnel” means
such professionals and support staff who at the time of
being so provided had their domicile outside Pakistan;
’Local Personnel” means such professionals and support
staff who at the time of being so provided had their
domicile inside Pakistan.

2.1.9. “Project” means consultancy and transaction advisory

services as defined in Terms of Reference and the
negotiated consultancy agreement for Karachi Circular
Railway Project under Public Private Partnership mode.

2.1.10. “Proposal” means the Technical Proposal and the Financial


RFP of KCR Page | 6 of 52

2.1.11. “RFP” means the Request for Proposal issued by the
Employer for the selection of Consultant.

2.1.12. “Services” means the work to be performed by the

Consultant pursuant to the Agreement.

2.1.13. “Sub-Consultant” means any person or entity with whom the

Consultant enters into sub-agreement(s) for any part of the

2.1.14. “Terms of Reference” (TOR) means the document included

in the RFP which explains the objectives, scope of work,
activities, tasks to be performed, respective responsibilities
of the Employer & the Consultant and expected results,
deliverables of the assignment.

2.1.15. “Similar Assignment” means

Part-1: Assignment of Feasibility Study of establishing urban


Part-2: Assignment of Transaction Advisory Services.

2.1.16. Single entity or Joint Venture or Consortium must have

experience as depicted in Part-1 and Part-2. However, in
case of Joint Venture or Consortium, assignment as
depicted in Part-1 & Part-2 above is not necessarily required
to be complied by Single Partner. Above conditions must be
satisfied in totality in case of Joint Venture / Consortium. For
example, if one partner of Joint Venture or Consortium has
completed Part-I and another partner completed Part-2,
then as a whole the requirement of Similar Assignment will
be considered complied.

2.2. Introduction

2.2.1. The Employer named in the Data Sheet will select a

Consulting firm or Joint Venture or Consortium (the
Consultant) in accordance with the method of selection
specified in the Data Sheet. The Consultant can be Single
entity or Joint Venture or Consortium of national and
international or firms. In case of Joint Venture or Consortium,
Transaction Advisor will be the lead partner.

2.2.2. The Consultants are invited to submit a Technical Proposal

and Financial Proposal for consulting services required for
the assignment named in the Data Sheet. The proposals
should be in separate marked and sealed envelopes. The
proposal will be the basis for agreement negotiations and
ultimately for a signed agreement with the selected

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2.2.3. The Consultants should familiarize themselves with the

project site conditions and take them into account in
preparing their proposals for the assignment. To obtain first-
hand information on the assignment, Consultant is
encouraged to visit the Employer before submitting a
proposal and to attend a pre-proposal conference as per
schedule specified in Data Sheet.

2.2.4. The Consultant should contact the Employer’s

representative named in the Data Sheet to obtain
information regarding the assignment. Consultant should
ensure the official is informed well-ahead of time in case
they wish to visit the Employer.

2.2.5. The Consultants shall bear all the costs associated with the
preparation and submission of their proposals. The Employer
is not bound to accept any proposal and reserves the right
to annul the selection process at any time prior to
agreement award, without thereby incurring any liability to
the Consultant.

2.2.6. Subject to the availability of any information, data,

alignment of route or any project related prior studies, the
Consultant may require such information and data from the
Employer for performance of technical, financial and legal
due diligence. Provided further that provision of any such
data or information shall not mean that Consultant should
entirely rely on that data and information, they need to
conduct their independent due diligence, and submission
of the proposal shall mean that the Consultants have
conducted their own due diligence, at their own risk and
cost, while submitting the Proposal in response to this RFP.
The Employer shall not take any responsibility as to the
authenticity or correctness of such data or information in
any manner whatsoever.

2.3. Conflict of Interest

2.3.1. Government of Pakistan policy requires that Consultant

provide professional, objective, and impartial advice and at
all times hold the Employer’s interests paramount, strictly
avoid conflicts with other assignments or their own
corporate interests and act without any consideration for
their future business development work.

2.3.2. Without limitation on the generality of the foregoing,

Consultant, and any of their affiliates, shall be considered to
have a conflict of interest and shall not be recruited, under

RFP of KCR Page | 8 of 52

any of the circumstances set forth below:

2.4. Conflicting Activities

2.4.1. A firm that has been engaged by the Employer to provide

goods, works or services other than consulting services for a
project, and any of its affiliates, shall be disqualified from
providing consulting services related to those goods, works
or services. Conversely, a firm hired to provide consulting
services for the preparation or implementation of a project,
and any of its affiliates, shall be disqualified from
subsequently providing goods or works or services other
than consulting services resulting from or directly related to
the firm’s consulting services for such preparation or
implementation. For the purpose of this paragraph, services
other than consulting services are defined as those leading
to a measurable physical output, for example surveys,
exploratory drilling, aerial photography, and satellite

2.5. Conflicting Assignments

2.5.1. A Consultant (including its personnel and Sub-Consultant) or

any of its affiliates shall not be hired for any assignment that,
by its nature, may be in conflict with another assignment of
the Consultant to be executed for the same or for another
Employer. For example, a Consultant hired to prepare
engineering design for an infrastructure project shall not be
engaged to prepare an independent environmental
assessment for the same project and a Consultant assisting
an Employer in the privatization of public assets shall neither
purchase, nor advice purchasers of such assets. Similarly, a
Consultant hired to prepare Terms of Reference for an
assignment should not be hired for this assignment.

2.6. Conflicting Relationships

2.6.1. A Consultant (including its personnel and Sub-Consultant)

having business or family relationship with a member of the
Employer’s staff who is directly or indirectly involved in any
part of (i) the preparation of the Terms of Reference of the
assignment, (ii) the selection process for such assignment, or
(iii) supervision of the agreement, may not be awarded an
agreement, unless the conflict stemming from this
relationship has been resolved in a manner acceptable to
the Employer throughout the selection process and the
execution of the agreement.

2.6.2. The Consultant have an obligation to disclose any situation

of actual or potential conflict that impacts their capacity to

RFP of KCR Page | 9 of 52

serve the best interest of their Employer, or that may
reasonably be perceived as having this effect. Failure to
disclose said situations may lead to the disqualification of
the Consultant or the termination of the agreement.

2.6.3. No agency or current employees of the Employer shall work

as Consultant under their own Ministries, Departments or
Agencies. Recruiting former government employees of the
Employer to work for their former Ministries, Departments or
Agencies is acceptable provided no conflict of interest
exists. When the Consultant nominates any government
employee as Personnel in their technical proposal, such
personnel must have written certification from their
Government or Employer confirming that they are on leave
without pay from their official position and allowed to work
full-time outside of their previous official position. Such
certification shall be provided to the Employer by the
Consultant as part of his Technical Proposal.

2.7. Unfair Advantage

2.7.1. If a Consultant could derive a competitive advantage from

having provided consulting services related to the
assignment in question, the Employer shall make available
to all Consultants together with this RFP all information that
would in that respect give such Consultant any competitive
advantage over competing Consultants.

2.8. Fraud and Corruption

2.8.1. Employer requires that Consultants participating in the

project to adhere to the highest ethical standards, both
during the selection process and throughout the execution
of an agreement. In pursuance of this policy, Employer:

(1) defines, for the purpose of this paragraph, the terms set forth
below as follows:
(i.) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving,
receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything
of value to influence the action of a public official in
the selection process or in agreement execution;
(ii.) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or
omission of facts in order to influence a selection
process or the execution of a agreement;
(iii.) “collusive practices” means a scheme or arrangement
between two or more Consultants with or without the
knowledge of the Employer, designed to establish
prices at artificial, noncompetitive levels;
(iv.) “coercive practices” means harming or threatening to
harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property to
influence their participation in a procurement process,

RFP of KCR Page | 10 of 52

or affect the execution of a agreement.

(2) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the

Consultant recommended for award has directly or through
an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or
coercive practices in competing for the agreement in

(3) will sanction a Consultant, including declaring the Consultant

ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be
awarded a Government of Pakistan agreement, if at any time,
it determines that the Consultant has directly or through an
agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices in competing for or in executing a Government of
Pakistan agreement; and

(4) will have the right to require that a provision be included

requiring Consultant to permit the Government of Pakistan to
inspect their accounts and records and other documents
relating to the submission of proposals and agreement
performance, and have them audited by auditors appointed
by the Government of Pakistan.

(5) Consultant, their Sub-Consultants, and their associates shall not

be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and
fraudulent practices issued by the Government of Pakistan in
accordance with the above. Furthermore, the Consultant shall
be aware of the provisions on fraud and corruption stated in
the specific clauses in the General Conditions of agreement.

2.9. Only one Proposal

2.9.1. Any alternative proposal, such as one by a firm in sole

capacity and another in Consortium or Joint Venture with
another firm, or as a part of two or more Consortiums or
Joint Ventures for the same package, will be summarily
rejected. In such an event, all the proposals submitted by
such Firm and its Consortium or Associate or Joint Venture
shall be rejected.

2.10. Proposal Validity

2.10.1. The Data Sheet indicates how long Consultant Proposals

must remain valid after the submission date. During this
period, Consultant shall maintain the availability of
Professional staff nominated in the Proposal. The Employer
will make its best effort to complete the evaluation within
this period. Should the need arise; however, the Employer
may request Consultants to extend the validity period of
their proposals. Consultants who agree to such extension
shall confirm that they maintain the availability of the

RFP of KCR Page | 11 of 52

Professional staff nominated in the Proposal. Consultants,
who do not agree, have the right to refuse to extend the
validity of their Proposals.

2.11. Clarification and Amendment of RFP Documents

2.11.1. Consultant may request a clarification of any of the RFP

documents up to the number of days indicated in the Data
Sheet before the proposal submission date. Any request for
clarification must be sent in writing or by standard electronic
means to the Employer’s address indicated in the Data
Sheet. The Employer will respond in writing or by standard
electronic means and will send written copies of the
response (including an explanation of the query but without
identifying the source of inquiry) to all Consultants. Should
the Employer deem it necessary to amend the RFP as a
result of a clarification, it shall do so following the procedure
as stated in para below:

2.11.2. At any time before the submission of Proposals, the

Employer may amend the RFP by issuing an addendum in
writing or by standard electronic means. The addendum
shall be sent to all Consultants and will be binding on them.
Consultants shall acknowledge receipt of all amendments.
To give Consultants reasonable time in which to take an
amendment into account in their Proposals, the Employer
may, if the amendment is substantial, extend the deadline
for the submission of Proposals.

2.12. Preparation of Proposal

2.12.1. The Proposal, as well as all related correspondences

exchanged by the Consultant and the Employer, shall be
written in the language (s) specified in the Data Sheet.

2.12.2. In preparing Proposal, Consultants are expected to examine

in detail the documents comprising the RFP. Material
deficiencies in providing the information requested may
result in rejection of a Proposal.

2.13. Technical Proposal Format and Content

2.13.1. The Technical Proposal shall provide the information

indicated in the following paras from (a) to (g) using the
attached Standard Forms (Section 3).

(1) A brief description of the Consultant organization and an

outline of recent experience of the Consultant (each partner
in case of Joint Venture or Consortium) on assignments of a
similar nature is required in Form TECH-2 of Section 3. For

RFP of KCR Page | 12 of 52

each assignment, the outline should indicate the names of
Sub-Consultants/ Professional staff who participated,
duration of the assignment, agreement amount and
Consultant involvement. Information should be provided
only for those assignments for which the Consultant was
legally engaged by the Employer as a firm or as one of the
major firms within a Joint Venture or Consortium. Assignments
completed by individual Professional staff working privately
or through other consulting firms cannot be claimed as the
experience of the Consultant or that of the Consultant
associates, but can be claimed by the Professional staff
themselves in their CVs. Consultant should be prepared to
substantiate the claim of experience if so, requested by the

(2) Comments and suggestions on the Terms of Reference

including workable suggestions that could improve the
quality/effectiveness of the assignment; (TECH-3 of Section

(3) A description of the approach, methodology and work plan

for performing the assignment covering the following
subjects: technical approach & methodology, work plan
and organization & staffing schedule. Guidance on the
content of this section of the Technical Proposal is provided
under Form TECH-4 of Section 3.

(4) The list of the proposed Professional staff team by area of

expertise. The position that would be assigned to each staff
team member, and their tasks (Form TECH-5 of Section 3).

(5) CVs of the Professional staff needs to have been recently

signed by them with date in blue indelible ink and
countersigned by the authorized official of the Consultant.
Photo copy or unsigned or countersigned CVs shall be
rejected (Form TECH-6 of Section 3). Also provide
computerized National Identity Card numbers of Professional
staff (if local) or Passport numbers (if foreign).

(6) Estimates of the staff input needed to carry out the

assignment (Form TECH-7 of Section 3). The staff months input
should be indicated separately for home office and field

2.13.2. The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial

information. A Technical Proposal containing financial
information shall be declared non responsive.

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2.14. Financial Proposal

2.14.1. The Financial Proposal shall be prepared using the attached

Standard Forms (Section 4). It shall list all costs associated
with the assignment.

2.15. Payment of Consultancy Services Fee

2.15.1. The payment shall be made after the submission of each

deliverable and its subsequent approval by the Employer.
However, on the request of the Consultant, 20% of the
deliverable payment will be released upon submission of
invoice, and balance payment shall be released upon
acceptance of the deliverable by the Employer, subject to
retention of 5% in accordance with Section 2.15.3 infra.

2.15.2. The amount of remuneration will be claimed / paid as per

the relevant clause of section-10 of TOR.

2.15.3. Retention Money will be deducted @5% from each

deliverable payments. Retention Money will be returned
after six months of completion of the Feasibility Study and
Transaction Advisory Services. Six months starts from the
date when Employer issue completion certificate of the

2.15.4. The Employer shall make all payments to the Consultant in

Pak Rupees. However, the Employer shall have no objection
and shall facilitate the remittance in foreign currency of the
remuneration of the foreign partner to the extent of services
rendered by foreign partner with regard to this assignment.

2.16. Taxes

2.16.1. The Consultant shall be subjected to local taxes on amounts

payable by the Employer under the Agreement. The
Employer will state in the Data Sheet if the Consultant is
subject to payment of any taxes. Payment of all taxes shall
be the responsibility of the Consultant.

2.17. Submission, Receipt and Opening of Proposal

2.17.1. The original proposal (Technical Proposal and Financial

Proposal) shall contain no interlineations or overwriting,
except as necessary to correct errors made by the
Consultant themselves. The person who signed the proposal
must initial such corrections. Submission letters for both
Technical and Financial Proposals should respectively be in
the format of TECH-1 of Section 3, and FIN-1 of Section 4.

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2.17.2. An authorized representative of the Consultant shall initial all
pages of the original Technical and Financial Proposals. The
authorization shall be in the form of a written Power of
Attorney accompanying the Proposal or in any other form
demonstrating that the representative has been duly
authorized to sign. The signed Technical and Financial
Proposals shall be marked “ORIGINAL”.

2.17.3. The Technical Proposal shall be marked “ORIGINAL” or

“COPY” as appropriate. The Technical Proposals shall be
sent to the address referred to in Data Sheet and the
number of copies indicated in the Data Sheet. All required
copies of the Technical Proposal are to be made from the
original. If there are discrepancies between the original and
the copies of the Technical Proposal, the original governs.

2.17.4. The original and all copies of the Technical Proposal shall be
placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “TECHNICAL
PROPOSAL” Similarly, the original Financial Proposal shall be
placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “FINANCIAL
PROPOSAL” followed by the name of the assignment, and
PROPOSAL.” The envelopes containing the Technical and
Financial Proposals shall be placed into an outer envelope
and sealed. This outer envelope shall bear the submission
address and title of the Assignment, clearly marked “DO
shall not be responsible for misplacement, losing or
premature opening if the outer envelope is not sealed
and/or marked as stipulated. This circumstance may be
case for Proposal rejection. If the Financial Proposal is not
submitted in a separate sealed envelope duly marked as
indicated above, this will constitute grounds for declaring
the Proposal non-responsive.

2.17.5. The Proposals must be sent to the address/addresses

indicated in the Data Sheet and received by the Employer
not later than the time and the date indicated in the Data
Sheet, or any extension granted thereof. Any proposal
received by the Employer after the deadline for submission
shall be returned unopened.

2.17.6. The Employer shall open the Technical Proposal immediately

after the deadline for their submission. The envelopes with
the Financial Proposal shall remain sealed and securely

RFP of KCR Page | 15 of 52

2.18. Proposal Evaluation

2.18.1. From the time the Proposals are opened to the time the
agreement is awarded, the Consultant should not contact
the Employer on any matter related to its Technical and/or
Financial Proposal. Any effort by Consultant to influence the
Employer in the examination, evaluation, ranking of
Proposals and recommendation for award of agreement
may result in the rejection of the Consultant Proposal.
Evaluators of Technical Proposal shall have no access to the
Financial Proposals until the technical evaluation is

2.19. Evaluation of Technical Proposal

2.19.1. The Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the Technical

Proposals on the basis of their responsiveness to the Terms of
Reference, applying the evaluation criteria, sub-criteria, and
point system specified in Evaluation Criteria in Data Sheet
and Appendix-I to Data Sheet and each responsive
Proposal will be given a technical score. A Proposal shall be
rejected at this stage if it does not respond to important
aspects of the RFP and particularly the Terms of Reference
or if it fails to achieve the minimum technical score
indicated in the Evaluation Criteria.

2.20. Public Opening and Evaluation of Financial Proposals.

2.20.1. After the technical evaluation is complete, the Employer

shall notify the result of technical evaluation in writing to all
participants by clearly mentioning their secured marks. After
receiving no objections from the participants within seven
days (7) from the issuance of result of technical evaluation,
the Employer will notify the date, time and location for
opening the Financial Proposal. Consultants’ attendance at
the opening of Financial Proposal is optional. The opening
date shall be set so as to allow interested Consultants
sufficient time to make arrangements for attending the

2.20.2. Financial Proposals shall be opened publicly in the presence

of the Consultants representatives who choose to attend.
The name of the Consultants and the technical scores of
the Consultants shall be read aloud. The Financial Proposal
of the Consultants who met the minimum qualifying marks
will then be inspected to confirm that they have remained
sealed and unopened. These Financial Proposals shall be
then opened and the total prices read aloud and

RFP of KCR Page | 16 of 52

2.20.3. The Evaluation Committee will correct any computational
errors. When correcting computational errors, in case of
discrepancy between a partial amount and the total
amount or between words and figures, the former will
prevail. The Evaluation Committee shall correct the
quantification indicated in the Financial Proposal so as to
make it consistent with that indicated in the Technical
Proposal, apply the relevant unit price included in the
Financial Proposal to the corrected quantity and correct
the total Proposal cost.

2.20.4. The weightage of Technical and Financial Proposals would

be as indicated in Data Sheet.

2.20.5. The announcement of financial results shall not mean the

award of assignment unless so declared by the Employer
after due deliberations, in-house detailed evaluations
keeping in view of QCBS modality and obtaining
subsequent approvals required for this purpose.

2.21. Technical Negotiations

2.21.1. Technical negotiations will be held with the successful

Consultant (after the issuance of Acceptance Letter) at the
address indicated in the Data Sheet. The invited Consultant
will, as a pre-requisite for attendance at the negotiations,
confirm availability of all Professional staff. Failure in
satisfying such requirements may result in the Employer
proceeding to negotiate with the next-ranked Consultant.

2.21.2. Representatives conducting negotiations on behalf of the

Consultant must have written authority to negotiate and
conclude an agreement.

2.21.3. Technical negotiations will include a discussion of the

Technical proposal, the proposed technical approach and
methodology, work plan, organization and staffing. The
Employer and the Consultant will finalize staffing schedule,
work schedule, logistics, and reporting. These documents will
then be incorporated in the agreement as “Description of
Services”. Special attention will be paid to clearly defining
the inputs and facilities required from the Employer to
ensure satisfactory implementation of the assignment. The
Employer shall prepare minutes of negotiations which will be
signed by the Employer and the Consultant.

2.22. Availability of Professional Staff / Experts

2.22.1. Having selected the Consultant on the basis of, among

other things, an evaluation of proposed Professional staff,

RFP of KCR Page | 17 of 52

the Employer expects to negotiate an agreement on the
basis of the Professional staff named in the Proposal. Before
agreement negotiations, the Employer will require
assurance that the Professional staff will be actually
available. The Employer will not consider substitutions during
agreement negotiations unless both parties agree that
undue delay in the selection process makes such
substitution unavoidable or for reasons such as death or
medical incapacity. If this is not the case and if it is
established that Professional staff were offered in the
proposal without confirming their availability, the Consultant
may be disqualified. Any proposed substitute shall have
equivalent or better qualifications and experience than the
original candidate be submitted by the Consultant within
the period of time specified in the letter of invitation to

2.23. Conclusion of the Negotiations.

2.23.1. Negotiations will conclude with a review of the draft

agreement. To complete negotiations the Employer and the
Consultant will initial the agreed agreement. If negotiations
fail, the Employer will invite the Consultant whose Proposal
received the second highest score to negotiate an

2.24. Award of Agreement

2.24.1. After completing negotiations, the Employer shall award the

agreement to the selected Consultant and publish details
on the website. The agreement will be executed based on
Standard Format of Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for
large projects (Lump Sum Based).

2.25. Confidentiality

2.25.1. Information relating to evaluation of Proposals and

recommendations concerning awards shall not be
disclosed to the Consultants who submitted the Proposals or
to other persons not officially concerned with the process,
until the publication of the award of agreement. The undue
use by any Consultant of confidential information related to
the process may result in the rejection of its Proposal and
may be subjected to the provisions of the Consultant
Selection Guidelines relating to fraud and corruption.

2.26. Integrity Pact

2.26.1. The successful Consultant shall sign and stamp the Integrity
Pact, as per Standard Format of Pakistan Engineering

RFP of KCR Page | 18 of 52

Council (PEC), in case contract value exceeds Pak Rs.10.000

2.27. Registration of Foreign Firms with Pakistan Engineering Council

2.27.1. The successful foreign Consultant shall be required to abide

by the by-laws of Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC).

2.28. Bankable Feasibility Study

2.28.1. The Feasibility Study should be bankable and acceptable to

national/ international financial institutions.

2.29. Time for Completion

2.29.1. Time for completion of the assignment shall be as specified

in the Data Sheet.

2.29.2. Mobilization Period, after signing of agreement shall be as

specified in the Data Sheet.

2.29.3. Time for completion of the Feasibility Study assignment shall

be as specified in the Data Sheet.

2.29.4. Time for completion of the Transaction Advisory Services

assignment shall be as specified in the Data Sheet.

RFP of KCR Page | 19 of 52

Instructions to Consultants
2.2.1 Name of the Employer:

Method of selection:
QCBS (Quality and cost based Selection) in accordance with PPRA Rule 2004 and
PPRA Procurement of Consultancy Services Regulations 2010.

2.2.2 Name of the assignment is:

Commercial Exploitation of Real Estate and Non-rail Revenue Potential Earnings).”

Financial Proposal to be submitted together with Technical Proposal, however,

both should be in separate sealed envelopes, clearly marked with name of
Assignment and Firm.
2.2.3 Pre-proposal conference shall be held as per following schedule:

Venue: Divisional Superintendent’s Committee Room,

Pakistan Railways, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi.

Date 17-10-2020

Time 13:00 Hrs


PH: +92-21-35632297
2.10.1 Proposals must remain valid for ninety (90) days after the submission date
2.11.1 Clarifications may be requested not later than seven (7) days before the submission
2.12.1 Proposals shall be submitted in the following language:
2.16.1 Withholding / Advance Income Tax will be deducted as per prevailing government
rules. It will be exclusively Consultant’s responsibility to include all applicable
Federal, Provincial or City taxes / fees & levies in the Financial Proposal

RFP of KCR Page | 20 of 52

2.17.3 Consultant must submit one (1) original and two (2) copies of the Technical
Proposal and the original of the Financial Proposal.

2.17.5 The Proposal submission address is:

PH: +92-21-35632297
Proposals must be submitted not later than the following date and time:
On or before 26-10-2020 not later than 12:00 Hrs

2.29.1 Time for completion of the assignment shall be Twelve (12) months including
the mobilization period.

2.29.2 Mobilization Period, after signing of Agreement shall be Fifteen (15) days

2.29.3 Completion period for Feasibility Study is Four (04) months.


a) Completion Period for Final report of proposed Business / Financial Models

in accordance with TORs is two & half (2.5) months after completion of
Feasibility Study.

2.29 b) Time for approval of the Project feasibility study by PPPA is estimated as
two (2.0) months. During this period, Consultant shall dedicate its staff to
assist and coordinate with the Employer for obtaining approval from PPPA.

c) Time for preparation of Bidding Documents/RFP including Concession

Agreement is one (01) month after approval of the project by PPPA.

d) Time for completion of evaluation of bids, issuance of Letter of Intent (LOI)

to the successful bidder, deal closing and signing of the contract
agreement with the successful bidder shall be two (02) month after
receiving the bids.

e) Successful bidder shall achieve financial close within Six (06) months
period after signing the agreement

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2.19.1 Mandatory Requirements

(1) Consultant must have completed at-least one successful assignment of

Feasibility Study for establishing urban railway.

(2) Consultant must have completed at-least one assignment of Transaction

Advisory Services regarding PPP mode (BOT basis or any other suitable mode
of PPP) transaction in Infrastructure with Financial Close.

(3) In case of Single entity, Consultant must have requisite experience as

depicted in Mandatory Requirement no. (1) and (2).

(4) In case of Joint Venture or Consortium, Single Partner is not necessarily

required to comply Mandatory Requirement no. (1) and (2). The Mandatory
Requirements no. (1) and (2) must be satisfied in totality. For example, if one
partner of Joint Venture or Consortium has completed Part-I and another
partner completed Part-2, then as a whole the Mandatory Requirements no.
(1) and (2) will be considered complied

(5) In case of Joint Venture or Consortium, the Transaction Advisory Firm must be
the lead firm

Criteria, sub-criteria, and point system for the evaluation of Technical Proposals are:
(i.) Company Profile: 50%
(ii.) Project Team: 40%
(iii.) Approach & Methodology: 10%

Description Points
(i.) Company Profile: [100]
(a) Number of similar assignments [60]
(b) Value of similar assignments [20]
(c) Organizational structure [10]
(d) Financial Capability [10]
Total = A1

(ii.) Project Team: [100]

(1) Team Leader (Transaction Advisory Expert) [15]
(2) Railway Alignment Design Expert [5]
(3) Railway Bridges & Structures Expert [5]
(4) Railway Train Operation Expert / Traffic Expert [5]
(5) Railway Signaling & Telecommunication
(6) Railway Locomotives & Rolling Stock Expert [3]
(7) Railway Electric Expert [3]
(8) Hydrology Expert [3]
(9) Geology & Geotechnical Expert [3]
(10) GIS & Topographic Survey Expert [4]

RFP of KCR Page | 22 of 52


(11) Transport Economist [4]

(12) Environmental & Social Expert [5]
(13) Financial Analyst [10]
(14) Business Advisor [10]
(15) Legal Expert [10]
(16) Contract Management Expert [10]
Total = A2

iii) Approach & Methodology: [100]

a) Understanding & Innovativeness [40]
b) Methodology & Work plan [60]
Total = A3

A1[50] A2 [40] A3[10]

Technical Score = + +
100 100 100

The minimum technical score (St) required to pass is: 70 Marks

Further details of Evaluation Criteria are described in Appendix-I to Data Sheet.

Technical = 80%
Financial = 20%
The formula for determining the financial scores is as under:
Sf = 100 x Fm / F
2.20.4 Sf = The financial score
Fm = The lowest price
F = The price of the proposal under consideration.

Address for Technical negotiations:

PH: +92-21-35632297

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Appendix-I to Data Sheet
Details of Evaluation Criteria

(i.) Company Profile (100 Marks)

(a) Number of similar assignments (60 Marks)

(1) Part-1, Urban railway related projects (30 Marks)

1st Project = (Mandatory) 50%
2nd Project= 75%
3rd Project = 85%
4th Project = 95%
5th Project = 100%

(2) Part-2, Transaction Advisory related projects (30 Marks)

1st Project = (Mandatory) 50%
2nd Project = 75%
3rd Project = 85%
4th Project = 95%
5th Project = 100%

(b) Value of similar assignments (20 Marks)

10 Marks for each Part-1 & Part-2 as per above.

For completed assignments by Consultants, the consultancy fee shall be compared

with Rs.50.00 million (assumed fee for said assignment) separately for Part-1 & Part-2
as per above. The assumed fee is neither an estimated fee nor budgeted fee; it is
just for comparison of assignments completed by the Consultants.

80% or more of this assignment = 100%

50% to 80% = 80%
Less than 50% = 60%

(c) Organizational structure (10 Marks)

Excellent = 100%
Good = 80%
Satisfactory = 60%

(d) Financial Capabilities (10 Marks)

Annual Turnover (Pak Rs in Million), average of last three financial years shall be
More than or equal to 300 =100%
More than or equal to 200 but <300 =80%
More than or equal to 100 but <200 =60%
More than or equal to 50 but<100 =40%
Less than 50 =20%
In case of Joint Venture or Consortium, average of last three years of each partner will
be summed up for evaluation.

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Appendix-I to Data Sheet
(ii.) Project Team
For minimum qualification and experience of project team, refer to Appendix-II to
Data Sheet. Each member of Consultant team will be evaluated on the following

a. Education (40%)
PhD or equivalent =100%
MSc or equivalent = 80%
BSc or equivalent =60%

b. Experience of Individual Professionals (30%)

(1) Where minimum required experience is 20 years

25 years or more = 100%
20 to <25 years= 80%
Less than 20 years Staff will not be considered for evaluation

(2) Where minimum required experience is 15 years

Twenty years or more= 100%
15 to <20 years = 80%
Less than 15 years Staff will not be considered for evaluation

(3) Where minimum required experience is 10 years

Fifteen years or more= 100%
10 to <15 years= 80%
Less than 10 years Staff will not be considered for evaluation

c. No. of assignments completed by Professional (30%)

Five or more= 100%
4 assignments= 80%
3 assignments= 60%
2 assignments= 40%
Less than two assignments =Zero

Similar project has been defined under definitions for the purpose of comparison
of the projects completed by the Consulting firm / Consortium / Joint Venture.
For various professional, similar assignment or relevant experience shall be as per
their respective field of specialization.

(iii.) Approach & Methodology

Methodology submitted by Consultants will be analyzed by evaluating team in

accordance with criteria stated above and graded as under:
Quality Grade Weight
Excellent A 100%
Good B 70%
Average C 50%
Below average D 25%
Absent E 0

Methodology will be analyzed based on following:

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Appendix-I to Data Sheet
a) Understanding & Innovativeness
i) What is the depth of the firm’s understanding of the requirements and
objectives of the assignment in question?
ii) What is the quality of the improvements to the TOR suggested by the
consultant to improve the outcome of the assignment?
iii) What is the level of identification of potential risks that will affect the execution
of the assignment and what is the quality of the mitigation strategies

b) Methodology & Work Plan

i) How in-depth is the Statement of Work: does it fully cover the scope of the
assignment and is it sufficiently developed to ensure assignment completion?
ii) How developed is the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the assignment?
iii) How suitable is the Work Plan (staffing schedule): is the resource utilization
sufficient and practical?

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Appendix-II to Data Sheet
Minimum Qualification and Experience required for each position in Project Team
The Professional’s having experience less than minimum specified below shall not be
Sr. Overall
No. Position Min-Qualification Experience
Team Leader (Transaction
1 MBA/CA/M.S. Engineering 20
Advisory Expert)
2 Railway Bridges & Structures M.S. Structural Engineering 15
3 Railway Alignment Design Expert Master in Transportation Planning / 15
Engineering / Management
Railway Train Operation Expert / Master in Transportation Planning /
4 15
Traffic Expert Engineering / Management
Railway Signaling & B.Sc. in Signaling /Telecommunication /
5 Telecommunication Expert Electrical/ Electronic Engineering 15

Railway Locomotives & Rolling

6 B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering 15
Stock Expert
7 Railway Electric Expert B.Sc. Electrical Engineering 15
Hydrology Expert M.Sc. Hydrology/ Water Resources
8 Engineering / Hydraulics Engineering 15

9 Geology & Geotechnical Expert M.Sc. Geology /Mining Engineering 15

10 GIS & Topographic Expert M.Sc./GIS & Engineering 10
11 Transport Economist M.A. Economics /Transport Management 15
Environmental & Social Expert M.Sc. Environmental Science /
12 B.Sc in Environmental Engineering 15

13 Financial Analyst M.A Economics / CA/ ACMA/CFA 15

14 Business Advisor M.B.A / CFA 15
15 Legal Expert (Corporate Law) Bar at Law / LLB 15
16 Contract Management Expert B.S. Engineering / M.B.A / LLB 15

Note-1:Minimum qualification of professional at S.No.1, 13, 14, 15 & 16 has been

suggested for the guidance of the bidders. However, bidders can quote any other
relevant degree as per norms of the country from where such degree has been
obtained and it would be considered for acceptance if found appropriate.

Note-2: Similar Assignment has been defined in the definition for the purpose of
comparison of the projects completed by the Consulting firm / Consortium/Joint
Venture. For various professional, similar assignments completed by the professional or
relevant experience shall be as per their respective field of specialization.

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Section 3: Technical Proposal – Standard Forms
Consultants are required to prepare Technical Proposal as per following format:

TECH-1 Technical Proposal Submission Form

TECH-2 Consultant’s Organization and Experience
A Consultant’s Organization
B Consultant’s Experience
TECH-3 Comments or Suggestions on the Terms of Reference.
TECH-4 Description of the Approach, Methodology and Work Plan for
Performing the Assignment
TECH-5 Composition of Team to be deployed for this assignment and Task
TECH-6 Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Proposed Professional Staff
TECH-7 Staffing Schedule
TECH-8 Financial Capabilities

RFP of KCR Page | 28 of 52

(Please submit on Company’s Letterhead)

PH: +92-21-35632297


Commercial Exploitation of Real Estate and Non-rail Revenue Potential Earnings).

Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the “FEASIBILITY STUDY AND TRANSACTION
PARTNERSHIP MODE (Including Commercial Exploitation of Real Estate and Non-rail
Revenue Potential Earnings)” for Pakistan Railways, in accordance with your Request
for Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Proposal, which includes this Technical
Proposal, and a Financial Proposal sealed under separate envelopes.

We are submitting our Proposal in association with: _________________________

[Insert a list with full name and address of each associated Consultant]

We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Proposal
are true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our

If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Proposal, we undertake
to negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff. Our Proposal is binding upon us and
subject to the modifications resulting from Agreement negotiations.

We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to initiate the consulting services related

to the assignment not later than the date indicated in the Data Sheet of the

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

We remain,
Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signature [In full and initials]:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:

RFP of KCR Page | 29 of 52

A - Consultant’s Organization
Please provide the following of your firm/entity and each associate / partner for this
1. Firm Background and Achievements (min two pages)

2. Organogram.

3. List of Staff with Qualification and Experience.

RFP of KCR Page | 30 of 52

B - Consultant’s Experience
[Using the format below, provide information on each assignment for which your firm,
and each associate / partner for this assignment, was legally contracted as a
corporate entity or as one of the major companies within an association / partnership,
for carrying out consulting services similar to the ones requested under this

Assignment name: Value of the Project (in Pak Rs or


Country: Duration of assignment (months):

Location within country:

Name of Employer:

Start date (month/year): Value of consultancy services

Completion date (month/year): provided by your firm under the
agreement (in Pak Rs or US$):

Name of associated Consultants, if Percentage of input provided by

any: associated Consultants:

Name of senior professional staff of your firm involved and functions

performed (indicate most significant profiles such as Project
Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):

Narrative description of Project:

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

RFP of KCR Page | 31 of 52

(The Employer is not bound to accept the suggestion provided by the Consultant.
The Consultant is requested not to include any financial impact of the suggestions in
the Financial Proposal. Any claim on this account shall not be accepted at the stage
of evaluation or after award of contract).

RFP of KCR Page | 32 of 52

[Technical approach, methodology and work plan are key components of the
Technical Proposal. You are suggested to present your Technical proposal divided into
the following three chapters:

a) Technical Approach and Methodology,

b) Work Plan
c) Organization and Staffing

a)Technical Approach and Methodology.

In this chapter, you should explain your understanding of the objectives of the
assignment, approach to the services, methodology for carrying out the activities and
obtaining the expected output and the degree of detail of such output. You should
highlight the problems being addressed, their importance and explain the technical
approach you would adopt to address them. You should also explain the
methodologies you propose to adopt and highlight the compatibility of those
methodologies with the proposed approach.

b)Work Plan.
In this chapter, you should propose the main activities of the assignment, their content
& duration, phasing & interrelations, milestones (including interim approvals by the
Employer), and delivery dates of the reports. The proposed work plan should be
consistent with the technical approach & methodology, showing understanding of the
TOR and ability to translate them into a feasible working plan. A list of the final
documents, including reports, drawings and tables, etc to be delivered as final output,
should be included here.

c)Organization and Staffing.

In this chapter, you should propose the structure and composition of your team. You
should list the main disciplines of the assignment, key expert responsible and proposed
technical & support staff.

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CNIC Area of Position

Name of Staff Firm
No./Passport Expertise Assigned

For Foreign Profession al Staff

For Local Professional Staff

RFP of KCR Page | 34 of 52

1. Proposed Position [only one candidate shall be nominated for each position]:

2. Name of Firm [Insert name of firm proposing the staff]:

3. Name of Staff [Insert full name]:
4. Date of Birth:
5. Nationality:
6. CNIC No (if Pakistani): or Passport No:
7. Education :

Degree Major/Minor Institution Date


8. Membership of Professional Associations:

9. Other Training [Indicate significant training since degrees under 6 - Education were

10. Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking,
reading, and writing]:

11. Employment Record

[Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held by staff
member since graduation, giving for each employment (see format here below):
dates of employment, name of employing organization, positions held.]:

Employer Position From To


11. Detailed Tasks Assigned

[List all tasks to be performed under this assignment]

12. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned
[Among the assignments in which the staff has been involved, indicate the
following information for those assignments that best illustrate staff capability to
handle the tasks listed under point 11.]
1) Name of assignment or project:

RFP of KCR Page | 35 of 52

Main project features:
Positions held:
Activities performed:
2) Name of assignment or project:
Main project features:
Positions held:
Activities performed:

3) Name of assignment or project:

Main project features:
Positions held:
Activities performed:

4) Name of assignment or project:

Main project features:
Positions held:
Activities performed:

5) Name of assignment or project:

Main project features:
Positions held:
Activities performed:

13. Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly
describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any willful
misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

[Signature of staff member or authorized representative]
Full name of authorized representative:

CVs need to have been recently signed by the Professional staff by them with date in
blue indelible ink and countersigned by the authorized official of the firm.
Photo copy or unsigned or countersigned CVs shall be rejected.

RFP of KCR Page | 36 of 52

1. For Professional Staff the input should be indicated individually, for Support Staff it
should be indicated by category (e.g: draftsmen, clerical staff, etc.).
2. Months are counted from the start of the assignment. For each staff indicate
separately staff input for home and field work.
3. Field work means work carried out at a place other than the Consultant's home

Year: 2020-21
Total staff-month input
Name of
No 1
Staff Home Field
Month Month
For Foreign Professional Staff

For Local Professional


RFP of KCR Page | 45 of 52


1. Total Assets = (in Million Pak Rs or US$)

2. Total Liabilities = (in Million Pak Rs or US$)
3. Annual Turnover

For the year

2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

For assessment purpose average turnover of last three years shall be

considered for Joint Venture / Consortium. Average turnover will be summed
up for evaluation.

(In case of Joint Venture / Consortium please provide above information for all
partners and average annual turnover of firm having high value shall be

RFP of KCR Page | 46 of 52

Financial Proposal Standard Forms shall be used for the preparation of the
Financial Proposal.

FIN-1 Financial Proposal Submission Form

FIN-2 Summary of Costs

FIN-3 Breakdown of Cost for Local Component and Foreign Remittance

FIN-4 Breakdown of Remuneration of Staff deployed

i) Consultancy services covering all activities related to detailed engineering

of the project.

ii) Transaction Advisory Services for bid process management covering

preparation of RFP/bid documents and required assistance to the
employer in processing and finalizing of bids etc.

FIN-5 Breakdown of Reimbursable Expenses

RFP of KCR Page | 47 of 52

(Please submit on Company’s Letterhead)

[Location, Date]


PH: +92-21-35632297


MODE(Including Commercial Exploitation of Real Estate and Non-rail Revenue
Potential Earnings).”

Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned, offer to provide “FEASIBILITY STUDY AND TRANSACTION ADVISORY
PARTNERSHIP MODE (Including Commercial Exploitation of Real Estate and Non-rail
Revenue Potential Earnings)” in accordance with your Request for Proposal and our
Technical Proposal. Our attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of [Insert amount(s)
in words and figures]. This amount is inclusive of all taxes.

Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting
from Agreement negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal.

No commissions or gratuities have been or are to be paid by us to agents relating to

this Proposal and Agreement execution.

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

We remain,

Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signature [In full and initials]:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Firm:


RFP of KCR Page | 48 of 52

(Pak Rupees)

In Figure In Words

1)Cost of Feasibility Study for the

Restoration, Operation and
Maintenance of Karachi
Circular Railway Under Public-
Private Partnership Mode
(Including Commercial
Exploitation of Real Estate
and Non-rail Revenue
Potential Earnings).

2)Cost of Transaction Advisory

Services for the Restoration,
Operation and Maintenance
of Karachi Circular Railway
Under Public-Private
Partnership Mode.

Total (1+2)

i. Cost of Feasibility Study & Transaction Advisory Services should be inclusive
of all taxes, overheads and any other cost required to complete the
assignment as per TOR.
ii. The bid cost is the total of item No.1 & item No.2 as above.
iii. Any tax imposed by the Government after submission date of RFP shall be
paid separately to Consultant, in addition to accepted Financial Proposal

Authorized Signature of Consultant

RFP of KCR Page | 49 of 52


(Pak Rs)

Payment of
Foreign Staff
Item Payment of Total
& other
Local Staff &
other required to be
expenditure remitted to
home country
1)Cost of Feasibility Study for the
Restoration, Operation and
Maintenance of Karachi
Circular Railway Under Public-
Private Partnership Mode
(Including Commercial
Exploitation of Real Estate and
Non-rail Revenue Potential

2)Cost of Transaction Advisory

Services for the Restoration,
Operation and Maintenance
of Karachi Circular Railway
Under Public-Private
Partnership Mode.

Total (1+2)

i. All payments shall be made in Pak Rupees, however the above breakup is to
facilitate the Consultant for remittance of remuneration (in case of foreign
ii. The bid cost is the total of item No.1 & item No.2 as above.

Authorized Signature of Consultant

RFP of KCR Page | 50 of 52

Staff-month Rate
Name2 Position3
Foreign Professional Staff

Local Professional Staff


1. Form FIN-4 shall be filled in for the same Professional and Support Staff
listed in Form TECH-7.
2. Professional Staff should be indicated individually; Support Staff should be
indicated as per category (e.g.: draftsmen, clerical staff)
3. Positions of the Professional Staff shall coincide with the ones indicated in
Form TECH-5.
4. Indicate separately staff-month rate for home and field work.

RFP of KCR Page | 51 of 52

(Information to be provided in this Form shall only be used to establish
payments to the Consultant for possible additional services requested by the

Description1 Unit Unit Cost(Pak Rupees)

Per diem allowances Day

International Flight2 Trip

Miscellaneous travel expenses Trip

Communication costs between

[Insert Place] and [Insert Place]
Drafting , reproduction of reports

Equipment, Instruments,
materials, supplies

Shipment of personal effects Trip

Use of Computers , software

Laboratory tests / surveys.

Sub agreements

Local transportation costs

Office rent, clerical assistance

Training of Employer’ personnel

1. Delete items that are not applicable or add other items if required.
2. Indicate route of each flight, and if the trip is one-or two-ways.

RFP of KCR Page | 52 of 52








1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Project Background ........................................................................................... 1
1.2. Need for Revitalization of KCR .......................................................................... 2
1.3. Phasing Scheme for Revitalization of KCR ...................................................... 2
2. Objectives .......................................................................................................... 4
3. Summarized Scope of Services ........................................................................ 5
3.1. Feasibility Study comprising but not limited to the following: ...................... 5
3.2. Transaction Advisory Services for implementing the project on a Public
– Private Partnership (PPP) Mode including: .................................................. 5
4. Detailed Scope of Comprehensive Feasibility Study ..................................... 5
4.1. Assessment of existing Infrastructure & other allied items and Facilities ..... 5
4.2. Reconnaissance Survey..................................................................................... 5
4.3. Route Alignment Selection................................................................................ 6
4.4. Topographic Survey / Plan & Profile of the Entire Corridor ........................... 7
4.5. Geotechnical Investigations ........................................................................... 10
4.6. Bridge Condition Study .................................................................................... 11
4.7. Hydrological Study ........................................................................................... 11
4.8. Meteorological Data ....................................................................................... 11
4.9. Environmental Impact Assessment ................................................................ 13
4.10. Land Utilization Study ....................................................................................... 14
4.11. Signaling & Telecommunication Systems ...................................................... 14
4.12. Rolling Stock Study ........................................................................................... 15
4.13. Electric Power Study ......................................................................................... 15
4.14. Electric Traction (ET) Study .............................................................................. 15
4.15. Study for Provision / Improvement of Water Supply and Drainage
System ................................................................................................................ 15
4.16. Traffic Forecast Study ....................................................................................... 16
4.17. Inter-modal Study and plan for road networks and Airport connectivity 18
4.18. Study for commercial exploitation of real estate ....................................... 18
5. Preliminary Design of the Project ................................................................... 20
6. Preparation of Cost Estimates ......................................................................... 21
7. Preparation of Financial and Economic Analysis ......................................... 22
7.1. Financial Analysis .............................................................................................. 22
7.2. Economic Analysis ............................................................................................ 23
7.3. Sensitivity analysis ............................................................................................. 24
7.4. Risk Identification and Mitigation Strategies ................................................. 25
8. Preparation of bankable Feasibility Study..................................................... 25
9. PREPARATION OF REPORTS............................................................................... 25
9.1. Inception Report ............................................................................................... 25
9.2. Assessment Report of existing Infrastructure & other allied items and
Facilities ............................................................................................................. 25
9.3. Reconnaissance Survey Report ...................................................................... 25
9.4. Route Alignment Selection Report................................................................. 25
9.5. Report of Topographic Survey / Plan & Profile of the Corridor. ................. 25
9.6. Geotechnical Investigation Report ............................................................... 26
9.7. Bridge Condition Study Report ....................................................................... 26
9.8. Hydrological Study Report .............................................................................. 26
9.9. Environmental Impact Assessment Report ................................................... 26
9.10. Land Utilization Study Report .......................................................................... 26
9.11. Signaling & Telecommunication System Report .......................................... 26
9.12. Rolling Stock Study Report............................................................................... 26
9.13. Electric Power Study Report ............................................................................ 26
9.14. Electric Traction Study Report ......................................................................... 27
9.15. Report for provision / improvement of Water Supply and Drainage
System ................................................................................................................ 27
9.16. Traffic Forecasting Report ............................................................................... 27
9.17. Report for inter-modal study and plan for road networks and Airport
connectivity ...................................................................................................... 27
9.18. Report for Study for commercial exploitation of real estate ...................... 27
9.19. Reports on Preliminary Design of the Project................................................ 27
9.20. Cost Estimates ................................................................................................... 27
9.21. Financial & Economic Analysis Report .......................................................... 27
9.22. Draft Feasibility Report ..................................................................................... 27
9.23. Final Feasibility Report ...................................................................................... 28
10. TRANSACTION ADVISORY SERVICES ............................................................... 28
10.1. Financial ............................................................................................................. 28
10.2. Legal ................................................................................................................... 28
10.3. Phase-I (Transaction Structuring) .................................................................... 28
10.4. Phase II (Transaction Implementation) .......................................................... 31
11. DELIVERABLES .................................................................................................... 33
11.1. Feasibility Study ................................................................................................. 33
11.2. Transaction Advisory Services ......................................................................... 34
12. GENERAL PROVISIONS ..................................................................................... 34
13. Mode of Payment ............................................................................................ 35
13.1. Payment shall be made as per following schedule: ................................... 35
14. TIME FOR COMPLETION OF ASSIGNMENT ....................................................... 37
1. Introduction
1.1. Project Background
With its geo-strategic location along the shores of Arabian Sea, Karachi
is the largest city and gateway of Pakistan. It is also the capital of Sindh
province and the country’s main seaport, economic and financial
center sprawling over an area of about 3600 square kilometers. The
population of this fast-expanding megacity has been growing at an
alarming rate of 4.2% per annum since 1998 and is projected to be
around 31.6million by 2030. The rapid increase in population has put a
lot of pressure on the city’s infrastructure especially the urban transport
system (UTS) which is not yet organized in a modern manner, and
therefore barely caters for the mobility needs of the mega city.
Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) was opened in the 26.56-km section
between Drigh Road and Wazir Mansion as an un-electrified at-grade
single track railway in 1964. It was extended from Wazir Mansion to
Karachi City in 1970 resulting in a total route length of 29.32 km with 16
stations and 24 level crossings. In the 70’s and 80’s, it served the daily
commuters from the sub-urban areas to the SITE area, Karachi port
and the business and commercial areas around it. However, the
operational efficiency of KCR was marginalized and its ridership
dwindled with every passing day beyond the year 1985 and was
eventually closed to traffic in December 1999, due to longer running
time, low frequency of trains, lack of punctuality, and lack of
adequate integration with other transportation modes. Similarly, the
public bus service of the then Karachi Transport Corporation (KTC) was
also closed down following huge losses due to corruption and
negligence although it served a significant volume of passengers on all
major transit corridors in the city.
With limited infrastructure and degrading level of public transport
services coupled with other factors such as weak traffic management,
lack of modern mass transit network, a rapid growth in the motorized
traffic especially the private vehicles has been observed during the last
two decades resulting in severe traffic congestion, unnecessary delays,
noise and air pollution and a lot of inconvenience to the daily
commuters along the main corridors of travel in the city.
Taking notice of this unbearable situation, the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of Pakistan ordered for the restoration of Karachi
Circular Railway on an immediate basis to provide quick relief to the
daily commuters and improve the transport systems environment in the
city. Therefore, Pakistan Railways intends to carry out the dualizing of
Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) track from Karachi City to Drigh Road
on loop line (approx. 30 kms) in compliance with these orders.

TOR of KCR Page | 1 of 37

1.2. Need for Revitalization of KCR
Revival and revitalization of the KCR has always been recommended
in almost all transportation studies and plans prepared for improving
the transportation and traffic conditions in Karachi during the last two
decades following its closure in December 1999. The Karachi Strategic
Development Plan 2020 prepared in 2007 also emphasizes the need for
mass rapid transit in Karachi including the KCR. However, due to its
non-implementation, the situation has further deteriorated and under
the present situation:
(1) Revival of KCR is needed for the effective utilization of various mass
transit corridors in the city.
(2) As services along KCR remained abandoned for about two
decades without any periodic maintenance, the Single track along
the Loop Line has almost completed its useful life. Therefore, it is
required to be rehabilitated / replaced to start the KCR service as
per orders of the apex Court.
(3) The existing bridges are over-age and are in a deteriorated
(4) The stations are to be reconstructed / modified to provide services
to passengers.
(5) The existing signaling system is of old/obsolete mechanical gear
type which needs replacement with modern signaling system.
(6) The yards are in dilapidated condition due to old/fatigued track
infrastructure and signaling system.
(7) Due to inadequate track renewals in the past, the track could not
be maintained even at the existing sectional speeds and needs
major rehabilitation.
(8) The wretched condition of infrastructure is not only deteriorating the
safety standards for train operation but has also reduced line
1.3. Phasing Scheme for Revitalization of KCR
The Final Report of JICA Study published in February 2013 had
presented a phase-wise scheme for the systematic revival and
development of the KCR from its dilapidated condition to a modern
urban metro rail.
However, due to non-availability of JICA Funding the scheme could
not be implemented as proposed therein and alternately approval
was accorded by the Govt. of Pakistan for implementation of the
Project in the following phases:
Phase-I: Revival of the KCR along its existing alignment / single track
(PKR1.85 Billion)
Phase-II: Rehabilitation and dualization of KCR into an urban metro
(PKR 8.7 Billion)

TOR of KCR Page | 2 of 37

Upon completion of the above phases, the following additional
components were also planned:
Phase-III: Commercial Exploitation of the Real Estate and other non-rail
revenue potential earnings
Phase-IV: Extension of the KCR to Jinnah International Airport and use
of the KCR tracks for Cargo / Goods Traffic at night time.
Under Phase-I, Pakistan Railways has already embarked upon restoring
KCR from Drigh Road to Karachi City on Main Line and
whole of Loop Line from Drigh Road to Karachi City
Station by rehabilitation of existing abandoned
Infrastructure whereas GoS will arrange to construct
flyovers / underpasses on level crossings and will
undertake to lay Sewerage System between Urdu
College & Depot Hill stations in compliance to the
verdict of Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Under Phase-2 complete renewal of the existing track from Karachi
City to Drigh Road on Loop Line (30 kms) with provision of
one additional track was planned. Construction of
bridges for additional track, Shelters on platforms,
Provision of U-shaped culvert in Trench Portion (3.9 km),
Provision of Standard-I Colour Light Signaling System,
preparation of bid documents on EPC mode of
procurement, Bid Evaluation and Selection of Bidder for
construction of the Phase-II works.

Pakistan Railways now intend to adopt the

implementation approach based on PPP-Mode
combining the works proposed under Phase-II and

TOR of KCR Page | 3 of 37

Phase-III in order to fully exploit the revenue generation
potential of the Project and avoid wasteful expenditure
on infrastructure which would be otherwise redundant in

For this purpose, a comprehensive Feasibility Study

including Preliminary Design of the Project, technical,
financial and commercial viability study / Financial Model,
and Transaction Advisory Services are required for
implementing the project on a Public – Private Partnership
(PPP) Mode.
Moreover, to comply with the provisions of PPPA Act, 2017
(Public Private Partnership Authority) read with Public
Private Partnership Authority (Amendment) Ordinance,
2020 the Implementation Agency i.e., the Pakistan Railways
is required to submit project proposal to PPPA for approval
before advertising the project for implementation on PPP
(BOT basis or any other suitable mode of PPP) basis.
Therefore, the Pakistan Railways intend to hire a well-
qualified, experienced and well-reputed Consultant for
providing the aforementioned professional services. These
Terms of References (TORs) are for the guidance of the
prospective Consultants and will also be the basis for
executing the Contract agreement with the successful
2. Objectives
The Pakistan Railways intend to Develop, Construct, Rehabilitate, Operate
and Maintain Karachi Circular Railway as a modern urban railway under
Public-Private Partnership Mode. The project also envisions the commercial
exploitation of real estate (Stations and other identified land parcels along
the KCR ROW) and the potential for other non-rail revenue earnings. The
main objectives of the Project are:
(1) The development of KCR as a modern urban railway will add to the
existing public transport facilities in Karachi which have fallen short to
meet the incremental demand over the last few decades due to non-
availability of modern mass transit facilities and declining supply of
large buses while the city continues to expand in population and urban
(2) To help ease traffic flow on the various major arteries due to shifting of a
substantial volume of daily commuters to the KCR who otherwise use
personal transport (motorcycles / private cars) or para-transit facilities
(rickshaws, taxis or contract vans).
(3) To help reduce travel delays and traffic congestion on the city roads
and result in improved environmental conditions due to reduced air
and noise pollution.

TOR of KCR Page | 4 of 37

(4) To provide affordable all-weather accessibility and convenient ridership
from the various city areas to the port area and the central business
district in the Southern part of the city.
3. Summarized Scope of Services
3.1. Feasibility Study comprising but not limited to the following:
(1) Comprehensive Study of KCR comprising technical, financial and
commercial viability.
(2) Study for commercial exploitation of real estate.
(3) Preliminary Design of the Project.
(4) Preparation of Financial Analysis and Financial Model
3.2. Transaction Advisory Services for implementing the project on a Public
– Private Partnership (PPP) Mode including:
(1) Structuring of the Transaction based on the above Financial Model,
PPP options analyses and selection of best PPP modality for project
(2) Preparation of bidding documents including pre-qualification
document, Request for Proposal (RFP) for the project, Project
Information Memorandum (PIM) and the Draft Concession
(3) Supporting the Employer/Client in the Bidding Process
(4) Carry out Bid Evaluation and preparation of Bid Evaluation Report
(5) Assist the Employer/Client in carrying out the negotiations with the
successful bidder till signing of concession agreement. .
(6) Assist the client in facilitating the private party to timely achieve
financial close for the project.
4. Detailed Scope of Comprehensive Feasibility Study
4.1. Assessment of existing Infrastructure & other allied items and Facilities
Assessment of existing infrastructure & other allied items and facilities
within corridor of KCR.
4.2. Reconnaissance Survey
(1) An extensive reconnaissance survey shall be conducted for complete
route of KCR (approximately 44 km comprising loop and main line
segments / portions) by the Consultant in order to assess the existing
conditions and possible alignments passing through the obligatory
points. The Consultant can also make use of topographic sheets of
Survey of Pakistan for acquiring knowledge of the area.
(2) In addition to physical survey of the area the Consultant shall acquire
satellite image of the area and make use of it to ascertain the
topography and other features in that area.

TOR of KCR Page | 5 of 37

(3) The reconnaissance survey will involve rough and rapid inspection of
the area in order to ascertain general outline of the topography, both
visual and instrumental and various physical characteristics between
two predetermined points marked on the maps. The objectives of
reconnaissance survey shall generally be:-
(a) Acquire the knowledge of physical features of the area such as
buildings, storm drains, streams, bridges, cultivated lands, towns,
existing roads etc. for deciding an appropriate alignment.
(b) Collect geological information including but not limited to the
following points:-
(i.) Nature of soil.
(ii.) Surface formation of the ground.
(iii.) Dip of the existing rocks.
(iv.) Hill slopes.
(c) Collect information regarding availability of construction materials,
labour and sources of water as permanent facilities for the
proposed alignment.
(d) Have an idea about the most probable alignment keeping in view
the physical site constraints.
(e) Have an idea of storm drainage, sewers, rivers, canals and streams,
which may cross the proposed alignment for determining suitable
bridge sites for these. (width and depth of flow and direction of
(f) Locate various control points or obligatory points to decide from
where the alignment shall pass and from where the alignment shall
not pass.
(g) Decide the geometrical features of the alignment i.e. maximum
curvature and gradient.
(h) Approximate elevation of the area along the proposed alignment.
4.3. Route Alignment Selection
(1) The Consultant shall develop various options of proposed route
based on the reconnaissance survey of the area. Preliminary profile
shall also be prepared for proposed route alignment indicating at-
grade, elevated and underground portion of complete KCR route
(both loop and mainline portions).
(2) While developing options for alignment (particularly profile) the
Consultant shall carryout comparative analysis for Broad Gauge v/s
Standard Gauge, heavy axle load v/s light axle load and possibility
of plying freight and passenger trains of Pakistan Railways during
idle time window.
(3) The Consultant shall carry out SWOT analysis of each option of rout
alignment (based on at-grade, elevated and underground portion)

TOR of KCR Page | 6 of 37

with respect to construction cost, operation & maintenance cost,
Broad gauge v/s Standard gauge, heavy axle load v/s light axle
load, traffic congestions, traffic projections and technical
limitations, etc.
(4) Consultant shall propose the alignment indicating at-grade,
elevated and underground portion of KCR and submit a Route
Selection report to the Employer. Necessary inputs, where needed,
shall be made by the Employer. Based on this report the most
suitable alignment particularly with respect to at-grade, elevated
and underground shall be finalized with the approval of the
Employer for subsequent detailed study.
4.4. Topographic Survey / Plan & Profile of the Entire Corridor
After finalization of the route alignment by the Employer, the Consultant
shall carry out topographic survey of the selected route / alignment by
ground survey method.
4.4.1. Monumentation for the Permanent Control Points
(1) The Consultant shall establish Permanent Survey Control Points,
by using differential GPS to be used as reference system. In this
regard Permanent Ground Markers, made of precast
concrete, of size 15 cmx15 cmx75 cm or 4 inch dia PVC pipe
filled with 1:2:4 PCC duly reinforced with suitable 1 cm dia
steel rod or steel nail in the centre shall be fixed at every
railway station but not more than two Kilometer apart.
(2) Description of all the monuments along with photographs will
be prepared by the Consultant and included in the Report.
4.4.2. Horizontal Control
(1) Horizontal control for topographic survey shall be established
by intermediate traversing. The traverse circuits shall be
started and closed on the GPS monuments already
established during the above mentioned GPS survey.
(2) After verifying the accuracy of traverse circuit at monuments
already fixed by using DGPS (differential GPS) the plane
control shall be calculated using scale factor. These plane
coordinates shall be used for projecting the survey on UTM
coordinate system.
(3) Azimuths shall be checked by Polaris/Solar observations at 2
to 5 Km interval. The minimum acceptable accuracy of the
traverse line shall be 1/10,000 or better.
4.4.3. Vertical Control
(1) Vertical control shall be provided by double leveling based
national datum established by Survey of Pakistan.
(2) All the traverse points/ground markers established during
horizontal control shall be connected to the leveling net.

TOR of KCR Page | 7 of 37

(3) Vertical mis-closure within the leveling net shall not exceed +
10 K mm where K is the length of leveling line in kilometer.
4.4.4. Topographic Strip Survey
(1) The Consultant shall carry out topographic survey of the
approved route. For the portion of approved route falling
within Railway Right of Way (ROW), the topographic survey
should cover ROW on either side of the track.
(2) The topographic strip survey shall show the position, levels
and lines of existing structures and their features, carriage
ways, road shoulders, ridges, cliffs, river beds and banks,
embankments etc.
(3) For bridges angle of skew & up-stream DN. stream bed levels
shall be observed for all crossings water courses, canals,
channels etc at sufficient spots. Water courses, storm water
drains, sewerage, canals/channel levels will be taken as
strings upto 100 meters from the centerline.
(4) The important rivers shall be surveyed for a distance of 7.5 Km
upstream and 1.5 Km downstream including spill channels
etc. Cross-sections of river bed shall be taken at suitable
points and their position marked on the plan. The level of
highest known flood and ordinary low flood shall be noted on
each cross-section. In case it is considered desirable to divert
the course of river or stream, the best method of doing so
shall be examined in consultation with the Employer and
necessary topographic survey and cross-sections be made.
(5) Survey of Pakistan (SOP) control points shall be used for
vertical control and UTM shall be used for horizontal control.
4.4.5. Plan and Profile of the Entire Corridor
(1) The Consultant shall prepare plan and longitudinal profile of
digital terrain model for final approved route alignment.
(2) Longitudinal profile at the center of the proposed alignment
shall be plotted on 1/1000 horizontal and 1/100 vertical or any
other suitable scale in consultation with Employer.
4.4.6. Marking of Major Track Components and Fixtures
The Consultant shall mark all structures, roads, bridges, level
crossings, station buildings, utility crossings, etc., however, details
of following shall be specifically provided on topographic sheets
/ drawings. In addition the Consultant shall provide digital
photographs of all important structures.
a. Level Crossings
(i) Location (kms) and Level Crossing Number.
(ii) Sketch of Level Crossing.

TOR of KCR Page | 8 of 37

(iii) Type of Level crossing.
(iv) Width of Gates / Gate Posts.
(v) Width and type of Road.
b. Bridges
(i) Location (kms) and Bridge Number.
(ii) Sketch of Bridge.
(iii) Type of Bridge.
(iv) Total Span with width of each span.
(v) Digital Photograph
c. Curves
(i) Location (kms from to).
(ii) Length of Curve.
(iii) Degree / Radius of Curve.
(iv) Circular or Transition.
(v) Length of transition
(vi) Super Elevation
4.4.7. Units of Measurement
The linear measurement units will be metric and the angular
measurement units will be in degrees, minutes and seconds.
4.4.8. Data Processing & Production of Drawings
(1) The topographic survey data, electronically recorded in GNSS
memory will be downloaded into laptops which will be
available with survey crew at site. The data shall be
processed and checked at the site for quality and gaps if
(2) Further, the observed data will be digitized in the AutoCAD
software in the form of point line and polygon. The digitization
of the features will be done by creating the feature layers in
the AutoCAD software. The different feature layers will have
the unique colour, code and symbols so that they can be
well distinguished from the other features. Finally, the layouts
were prepared on scale 1:2500 for Horizontal and 1:100 for
Vertical for the entire alignment and 1:1000 for station areas.
(3) For major crossing of roads and highways longitudinal profiles
at scale 1:1.000 / 100 will be submitted. All drawings will be
prepared in A3 format.
4.4.9. Preparation & Submission of Topographic Survey Report
This Report shall include the results of topographic survey carried
out, as described in above paragraphs.

TOR of KCR Page | 9 of 37

4.5. Geotechnical Investigations
4.5.1. The Consultant shall carryout but not limited to the following field
(1) Surface Geological Mapping (100 meter corridor)
(2) Test Pits (1.5x1.5x1.5 meter), maximum 5 kms apart.
(3) Sub-surface Drilling (Total depth of all Boreholes) 300m for
identification of sub soil strata and marshy area by
conducting Standard Penetration Test (SPT), Rock Quality
Designation (RQD), maximum 05 kms apart particularly at the
locations of Layari & Malir rivers and Orangi nulla.
(4) Field Permeability Test, maximum 5 kms apart.
In addition to above proposed tests, Consultant shall carryout
the additional test as deemed appropriate to complete the
assignment and preparation of report.
4.5.2. The Consultant shall carryout but not limited to the following lab
(1) UCS (Unconfined Compressive Strength)
(2) Point Load Test
(3) Tensile Strength Test (Brazilian Test)
(4) Density Test
(5) Grain Size analysis
(6) Specific Gravity
(7) Tri-axial Test
In addition to above proposed tests Consultant shall carryout the
additional test as deemed appropriate to complete the
assignment and preparation of report.
4.5.3. Geological Data
Consultant shall collect following data from Geological Survey of
Pakistan and other concerned departments with reference to
the proposed route alignment and plot the same on Surface
Geological Mapping in the form of GIS layers.
(1) Geological maps.
(2) Location of geological fault lines.
(3) Earthquake records.
4.5.4. The Geotechnical Investigation report should comprise, but not
limited to the following:
(1) Soil composition / classification and grading.
(2) Bearing Capacity Curves for shallow foundation with
respective geotechnical data.

TOR of KCR Page | 10 of 37

(3) Pile Capacity Curves for deep foundation with respective
geotechnical data.
(4) Water table profile and liquefaction potential of soil
particularly for the proposed locations of bridges, elevated
and underground track.
(5) Values of Horizontal and Vertical Modulus of sub grade
reaction KH and KV with respective geotechnical data.
(6) Type of foundations required for culverts & bridges and
elevated / underground track.
(7) Requirement of protection works against landslides.
(8) Results of all tests / investigations and recommendations.
4.6. Bridge Condition Study
There are few railway bridges on the Loop Line of the corridor. Some of
these are old and may have passed their useful life. The Consultant
shall inspect all bridges and culverts for condition survey and prepare
a report on structural stability with respect to new parameters of KCR,
hydrological sufficiency in order to cater for future drainage and urban
flooding, etc.
4.7. Hydrological Study
The Consultant shall carryout hydrological investigations with the
analysis of rainfall and flood records supplemented by detailed field
investigation for providing cross-drainage structures, where required,
after proper hydrological and drainage (storm water drainage and
municipality drainage) evaluation and identify vulnerable points
against the threat of urban flooding and carryout regime study of
major flood openings based on past flood history. Prepare proposal for
provision of cross drainage structures of suitable sizes to make the
section fit for all weather tracks.
Following information shall be collected from relevant departments /
sources and analyze the same and make part of Hydrological study
(1) Evidence of flooding.
(2) Water logged areas, slushy/marshy lands called “humans”.
(3) Saline area.
(4) Waterway area of existing structures.
(5) Nature of the stream bed.
4.8. Meteorological Data
Hydro meteorological data for the relevant rainfall stations shall be
collected from government meteorological offices and other
agencies, for rainfall intensity, duration and frequency analysis.

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4.8.1. Mapping of Municipality Drain System (MDS)
The Consultant shall carryout complete mapping of municipality
drains / nullahs both surface and underground with ultimate
disposal locations including future proposals of cross drainage
4.8.2. Flood Records
Available flood (including urban flooding) flow data of major
streams shall be collected from concerned departments and
other concerned agencies.
Major structures on the roads adjacent to proposed railway
alignments may have withstood unusual floods after their
construction, information on any such occurrences and the
depth of flooding will be collected from the concerned
departments and residents of the area.
4.8.3. Catchments
Mapping of the catchment areas of each cross drainage
structures including municipality drains shall be prepared on
suitable scale by using digital elevation model and data
acquired from concerned department and evaluate
hydrological characteristics and analyze drainage regimes.
4.8.4. Evaluation
Hydrological analysis shall be conducted to determine the urban
flooding and discharge of streams and municipality drains
crossing in the KCR corridor and to calculate waterway structure
and hydraulic capacity. In this respect, the Consultant shall
undertake the following activities.
(1) Compile hydro metrological data.
(2) Prepare Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves.
(3) Calculate catchment areas, stream lengths and slopes.
(4) Calculate stream discharge and associated waterway
openings for streams and musicality drains crossing the KCR
(5) The following major parameters shall be kept in view for
streams crossing the railway line.
(a) Maximum flood discharge for a 100 year return period for
(b) Maximum flood discharge for a 50 years return period for
(c) Maximum seasonal discharge for municipality drains.
(d) Velocity of flow at peak discharge.

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The hydrological investigations shall comprehensively
examine the phenomenon of urban floods. The railway line
shall be so laid as to completely avoid or mitigate the effects
of urban flooding in order to make it an all weather line.
4.8.5. Hydrological Analysis
The Consultant shall carryout hydraulic analysis and suggest
cross drainage works, any modification to existing and
requirement of new drains.
For hydrologic analysis and design applicable computer
software such as HEC-1, HEC-2, HECWRC, WSPRO, HEC-RAS, HEC-
HMS or other in-house programs may be used by the Consultant
in consultation with the Employer.
4.9. Environmental Impact Assessment
The Consultant will conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
to ensure that the development options under consideration are
environmentally sound and sustainable, and that environmental
consequences are recognized early in the project cycle and taken
into account in the project planning, route selection and design.
EIA identifies ways of improving the project environmentally and
minimizing, mitigating or compensating for adverse impacts.
To conduct this environmental study, the Consultant will follow the
guidelines issued by Government of Pakistan from time to time.
4.9.1. Preliminary Environmental Status
Environmental Impact study shall assess in detail the potential
environmental impact of the proposed action. The purpose of
the review will be to discuss the environmental consequences of
the proposed action, designed to alert the agency and other
decision makers and the public at large as to the environmental
risks involved. Environmental impact assessment shall present:-
(1) A detailed Description of the proposed action including
information and technical data adequate to permit a careful
assessment of environmental impact.
(2) Discussion of the probable impact on the environment,
including any impact on ecological systems and any direct or
indirect consequences that may result from the action.
(3) Any adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided.
(4) Alternatives to the proposed action that might avoid some or
all of the adverse environmental effects including analysis of
costs and environmental impacts of these alternatives.
(5) An assessment of the cumulative long term effects of the
proposed action.

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(6) Any irreversible or irretrievable commitment of resources that
might result from the action or that would curtail beneficial
use of the environment.
The construction of railway line may result in environmental
degradation if not properly planned for. The following
environmental issues will accordingly be addressed:-
(1) Air Pollution
(2) Noise
(3) Soil erosion
(4) Habitat destruction, community cohesion
(5) Loss of vegetation
(6) Loss of wildlife
(7) Hydrographic modification
(8) Land use change
(9) Human resettlement
(10) Socio economic alteration
(11) Vibrations
(12) Disruption of natural landscape.
4.10. Land Utilization Study
The Consultant shall prepare a report indicating total land requirement
for operation v/s available existing land indicating all types of
temporarily and permanent encroachments, construction of
yards/stations & maintenance facilities etc.
The Consultant shall also clearly indicate surplus land available for
commercial exploitation.
4.11. Signaling & Telecommunication Systems
This shall focus on the following points:-
(1) Defining signaling and telecommunication systems based on traffic
forecasts and resulting density of traffic.
(2) Rules & regulations, local requirements, flexibility for operation etc.
(3) Technical design standards of the proposed systems.
(4) Study of various modern signaling and telecommunication systems
and description of salient design features, broad outline of
specifications of the equipment and power supply system etc of the
recommended system.
(5) Yard layouts.
(6) Signaling and telecommunication plans / drawings.

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(7) Cost estimates of the equipment, recurring expenditure, availability
of spares, cost of training etc.
(8) Establishment of maintenance workshops and centres,
maintenance structure and organization etc.
(9) Compatibility / Interfacing with signalling and telecommunication
system of main line (ML-1), proposed under ML-1 upgrading project
4.12. Rolling Stock Study
The Consultant shall make assessment for requirement of rolling stock
keeping in view ridership and headway keeping in view best practices
of Mass Transit System. The Consultant shall frame maintenance
requirement and propose workshop and other maintenance facilities,
equipment etc., so required. The scope of study includes but not limited
to following:
(1) Requirement of rolling stock (locomotives and coaches)
(2) Type of rolling stock
(3) Design standards for the rolling stock
(4) Maintenance facilities for rolling stock including Workshops, Loco
Sheds, Sick Lines & Washing Lines etc.
4.13. Electric Power Study
(1) Electricity requirement for official and residential buildings.
(2) Identification of source of supply and purchase of electricity.
(3) Distribution network for supply to stations, yards, residential/office
building, colonies, pumping stations and signaling &
telecommunication equipment etc.
(4) Location/capacity of pumping stations including ground water
(5) Electric Power Generation, if required.
4.14. Electric Traction (ET) Study
(1) Proposed traction for KCR shall be Electric Traction (ET). The
Consultant shall carryout detailed study for providing electric
traction system.
(2) Assessment of requirement of electricity and identifying the
potential source.
(3) Explore the possibility of generating of electricity for KCR.
4.15. Study for Provision / Improvement of Water Supply and Drainage
The Consultant shall study the existing water supply and drainage
system of all stations and other installations and provide expert opinion
regarding suitability and sufficiency of existing system. The Consultant

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shall prepare detailed report regarding water supply system. The
Consultant shall also study the existing drainage system and propose
improvement to existing drainage system or propose new drainage
system to ensure proper drainage keeping in view intensity of rain and
hydrology study.
4.16. Traffic Forecast Study
Consultant shall carry out passenger & traffic survey and traffic
forecasting shall be carried out. The passenger and traffic survey and
forecasting will be carried out in accordance with the procedure /
requirements indicated in the following paragraphs:
4.16.1. Transport Profiles
In the context of passenger movement the Consultant shall study
the operations of major competitors of Railway i.e. cars,
motorbikes, buses, coaches etc giving focus to public / private
transport system with a view to have a competitive edge. The
Consultant shall also obtain the following information:
(1) Number of transport agencies
(2) Origin and destination of passenger routes
(3) Passenger rates per passenger
(4) Approximate number of cars, motorbikes, buses, coaches
plying on the route adjoining KCR
(5) Number of passengers carried cars, motorbikes, buses,
coaches etc.
4.16.2. Traffic Diversions
Project is likely to experience a substantial patronage by traffic
diverting from adjacent routes. The extent of the diversion will
depend on the relative travel cost in terms of VOC and travel
time of roads as compared to the KCR route. The Consultants
are expected to develop a diversion model.
4.16.3. Traffic Growth
Traffic growth models shall be established at the macro and
micro levels for overall application and variation on routes.
Overall growth rates will be established on the basis of growth
rates of various transport demand indicators based on historical
data to be indicated in the methodology & approach. The
growth rates established by other studies shall be taken into
4.16.4. Growth Estimates
Overall traffic growth tendencies shall be determined &
reviewed comparing planned development growth and actual
achievement in recent years, establishing a framework of growth
relevant to the project, addressing major evaluation factors and

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then estimating local traffic growth on KCR by extending current
socio-economic trends in the future influence areas, and
interrelating them with traffic on the KCR route.
4.16.5. Traffic Forecast
After establishing current transportation demand traffic forecast
shall be done for the next 50 years using an appropriate model.
On the basis of this traffic forecast, traffic revenues shall also be
worked out based on rationalized tariff structure.
Proposed fares should also be included in the study. This is crucial
in terms of understanding the economic viability of the project.
Forecast of earnings based on sound business analysis is also
required to know whether the project needs government subsidy
after completion for maintenance & operations or not.
Competition from other modes of transportation should also be
included in the study.
Connecting roadway transportation systems should be taken
into account in terms of passenger movements and future
projections of up to 50 years to be estimated.
The consultant should identify locations where relocation of
existing and new railway stations may have to be provided
depending upon passenger demand.
The traffic sources should be identified and shown on maps in
order to rationalize alignment and provision of supporting
The other modes of transportation creating competition with
KCR must be studied in order to ascertain the ridership and
preferred choice of passengers.
Methodology for determining traffic forecast should be in line
with international best practices.
4.16.6. Market Analysis
The over-whelming objective of the market research/analysis
shall be helpful in analyzing current transport demand of
passengers in the project area and to establish realistic
projections. The Consultant will refer to the existing studies and
reports, if available on the subject, and carry out his own analysis
arrive at a tangible quantification of the following parameters:
(1) To identify the travelling pattern of passenger transportation
(2) To ascertain the preferences of passengers transporters
(3) To identify the social/cultural constrains if any for using one or
other mode of transportation
(4) To identify the comparative strengths and weaknesses of rail
and road traffic.

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(5) To get the perspective of rail and road operators
(6) To identify the purpose of travel
For this purpose the Consultant shall review the secondary data
available on the subject, interact with the major target groups,
hold FGDs, and statistically analyze the data so obtained using
SPSS or other similar software for making important inferences.
4.16.7. Traffic Forecasting
Based on the work done as elaborated above the Consultant
shall describe the traffic potential for KCR route in terms of
number of passenger.
4.17. Inter-modal Study and plan for road networks and Airport connectivity
The Consultant shall acquire from concerned departments and study
the Master Plan of Urban Mass Transit system of metropolitan city of
Karachi and shall propose interfacing /integration with KCR including
requirement of interchanges (if any).
The Consultant shall study feasibility of shifting of passenger between
two modes of transportation i.e., road and rail and feeder routes of
KCR suggesting development of feeder routes to increase ridership of
KCR. The Consultant also study connection of KCR with airport.
4.18. Study for commercial exploitation of real estate
4.18.1. Investigation of Sites
(1) Consultant shall inspect thoroughly the surplus railway land on
KCR loop.
(2) After inspection, prepare a report indicating current status of
land/buildings, and a detailed Site Plan (Location,
Boundaries, Existing structures or elements if any, adjacent
buildings or elements, main roads and streets).
(3) Identification of utility services and other infrastructure
available in the vicinity of land to be proposed for
development. In case of shortcoming indicate which type of
utilities / services are required.
(4) Checking of ownership documents and defining any
deficiency and process / procedure of removing such
(5) Checking Local Bye laws of Government Agencies,
Metropolitan Plans and Land Classifications for use of land
Projects possible on that lands.
(6) Identification of possible problems in proposed use and way
4.18.2. Identification of Land for possible Development
(1) After completing the site investigation the Consultant shall
propose the various pieces of land for future suitable
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development / commercial exploitation.
(2) Land for future development should be segregated in
following categories:
(3) Land readily available for development / commercial
exploitation and free from any encroachment.
(4) Land which can be proposed for development / commercial
exploitation but fully or partially under encroachment.
(5) Proposal for development of land at proposed stations of KCR
should be prepared separately by considering construction of
multi storey station buildings for commercial activities and
parking etc.
(6) It is worth mentioning that the Consultant should propose type
of development keeping in view the facts that developed
areas (shops, offices, parking towers, business centers,
community halls etc) will not be sold out, however, leasing
upto concession period of KCR operator can be granted.
Transfer of ownership rights will not be allowed. After expiry of
concession period of Operator of KCR all the buildings /
structures will be handed over to Pakistan Railways.
4.18.3. Development Planning of Selected Sites
(1) Consultant will propose the type of development /
commercial exploitation on the selected sites including but
not limited to following:
(a) Market Evaluation and Current trends with a future
(b) Rough Sketches for the proposed development type.
(c) Rough / tentative cost estimates for the development of
the site.
(d) Identifications of relevant laws, rules & regulations for
proposed development.
(e) Identification of necessary approval required from
District / Local / Provincial Governments for proposed
(f) Keeping in view difficulties in getting approval from
District / Local / Provincial Governments, due to non-
permitted use of land or some other reasons the Client
can direct the Consultant to amend / revise the type of
proposed development.
4.18.4. Preparation of Business Model and Income Generation
(1) Prepare Business Model of each proposed development site.
(2) Carry out market/need/demand analysis of each proposed

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(3) Estimate the expected time period of development of
proposed site.
(4) Prepare capital and operating cost estimates.
(5) Estimate possible income generation including both up-front
earning and annual income.
(6) Carryout risk assessment for the proposed Business Model and
suggest adequate risk-sharing and risk-mitigation mechanism.
4.18.5. Legal Analysis
(1) Assessment of the local building control and other bye-laws
(2) Assessingneed for any obtaining consents, permissions,
approvals etc. required for construction of the recommended
option and/ or use of the land
(3) Title of land and determination of any restrictions on the use of
land/property in accordance with local, provincial or other
applicable laws
(4) Devising structures for the implementation of the Project
including appropriate legal, capital and corporate structures;
the proposed corporate set-up for the Project could be
formation of a Project Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)/Project
(5) Formulate a Monitoring and Reporting mechanism to ensure
compliance of private party actions as prescribed in the
Concession Agreement and devising adequate payment and
penalty mechanism. This mechanism should be simple, effective
and practical to expedite the achievement of financial close
for the Project.
4.18.6. Report of Real Estate Potential
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive report on real
estate development covering all aspects as stated above.
5. Preliminary Design of the Project
(1) The Consultant carryout the Preliminary design of the Project. This
Preliminary Design shall include but not limited to the following;
(a) Recommendation on track components
(b) Alignment design
(c) Embankment design
(d) Infrastructure for elevated and underground portion of track
(e) Bridge and Culvert design
(f) Station and other buildings design
(g) Yard layout design

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(h) Yard remodeling on ML-1 portion
(i) Electric power design
(j) Electric traction design
(k) Signaling & telecommunication design
(l) Water supply & drainage design
(m) Maintenance workshop facilities design including loco sheds, sick
lines, washing lines etc.
(2) The Consultant shall prepare Preliminary Design to an extent/level that
will enable the project quantities to be estimated to within an accuracy
of +/- 20%.
(3) Preliminary Design shall be performed in accordance with the relevant
national/international standard specifications.
(4) Where applicable, the Preliminary Design calculations shall be provided
as annexes to the relevant assignment deliverable. The design
calculations shall be clear and sufficiently detailed to enable checking
by others. The basis of all design decisions (if not calculated) shall be
(5) The principal output of Preliminary Design shall be Preliminary Design
level drawings drawn to an appropriate scale supplemented by brief
specifications and schedules. The Preliminary Design drawings shall be
to sufficient detail to enable a third party to take-off quantities and to
later perform detailed engineering design.
6. Preparation of Cost Estimates
(1) The Consultant shall prepare cost estimates for both construction and
operation & maintenance including the cost of land acquisition (if
(2) The Consultant shall prepare schedule of estimated quantities for the
main items. The quantity take-off sheets shall be provided as an annex
to the cost estimates. The quantity take-off sheets shall be clear and
sufficiently detailed to enable checking by others.
(3) Cost estimates shall be worked out by applying unit rates to the
schedule of quantities.
(4) Cost estimate shall be segregated into local currency and foreign
currency (USD).
(5) All applicable taxes and duties shall be indicated separately. The
Consultant may be required to explain any unit rate or lump sum which
the Employer considers unreasonable. The estimated costs of any
environmental or social mitigation measures shall be taken into

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7. Preparation of Financial and Economic Analysis
7.1. Financial Analysis
The Consultant shall assess the financial viability of the project using
internationally accepted criteria.
(1) Establish commercial/market demand for the project; identify
potential direct and indirect revenue sources and revenue drivers
pertaining to each revenue source, and make adequate revenue
forecasts over the life of the Project
(2) Carry-out risk assessment for various options and suggest adequate
risk-sharing and risk-mitigation mechanisms keeping in view various
PPP modalities in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the
(3) Prepare robust financial model (addressing base-case and risk-
adjusted scenarios for various PPP modalities including but not limited
to Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), Deferred Payments, and Hybrid
Structures etc) specifically addressing the following aspects over the
entire Project concession period:
(a) Assumptions, clearly categorized as general, revenues & costs,
macro-economic and financial markets
(b) Income statements, statements of cashflows, balance sheets and
fixed assets’ schedules
(c) Debt schedules and funding sheets highlighting sources and uses
of funds
(d) Valuations showing Project Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Equity IRR,
Project Net Present Value (NPV), Equity NPV, Payback Periods
(Simple and Discounted)
(e) Ratio analysis such as Debt Service, Interest Cover, Project Life
Cover, Loan Life Cover and other prominent ratios
(f) Sensitivity analysis for critical variables of the Project
(g) Financial implications for the public sector accounting for
GoP/Pakistan Railways revenue share from the Project, corporate
taxes etc.
(h) Financial results for various PPP modalities identified above
(i) Benefit to cost and value for money analysis for both the public
and the private sectors
(j) Preparation of Public Sector Comparator (PSC)
(k) The financial model shall enable users to specify various scenarios
and to adjust the key inputs of both the operating and financial
(l) Using the financial model, the sensitivity of the important outputs
to the key assumptions and inputs shall be determined. Revenues
shall be calculated basing on assumed rail tariffs.
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(m) The financial viability of the project shall be expressed as:
(n) Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR)
7.2. Economic Analysis
7.2.1. Economic costs
Based on the estimated costs of development and operation,
the Consultant shall estimate the economic costs of the project
over its 30-year project evaluation period.
In determining the economic costs for all factors in the project,
the Consultant shall ensure that all such costs are net of taxes,
duties or any other transfer payments to the Client and shadow
prices where appropriate to reflect the true scarcity of the
resources being used.
7.2.2. Economic benefits
The Consultant shall determine and quantify, where applicable,
all the significant economic benefits of developing and
operating the project over its 30-year project evaluation period.
These economic benefits shall include the following:
(1) Savings in transportation costs;
(2) Reduced rail road maintenance costs;
(3) Residual value of railway infrastructure at the end of the
project evaluation period;
(4) Time savings (traffic congestion relief);
(5) Employment generation;
(6) Reduced rail & road accidents;
(7) Reduced emissions; etc.
(8) Others as deemed important by Consultant
Since the greatest measurable and quantifiable user benefit to
be derived from the implementation of the project is "Savings in
transportation costs", the Consultant shall give particular
attention to its estimation.
In view of the fact that some of the indirect economic and social
benefits arising from the implementation of the project are
intangible and difficult to quantify accurately, the Consultant
shall undertake detailed qualitative analyses of these benefits.
Only when such benefits can be firmly demonstrated in
quantitative terms shall they be included in the economic
analyses. In all other cases, these benefits shall not be included
in the economic evaluation of the project but may be used as
secondary justification for the project.

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7.2.3. Economic evaluation
The Consultant shall evaluate the economic viability of the
project over its 30-year project evaluation period. The economic
viability shall be calculated using a discount rate or other rate
proposed by the Consultant in consultation with the Client.
The economic viability of the project shall be expressed as:
(1) Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR)
(2) Net present value (NPV)
(3) Cost-Benefit ratio (CBR)
The Consultant shall develop a computer based economic
modal for the project. The economic model output shall include
the economic viability expressed as EIRR and /or NPV and/or
CBR. The economic model shall enable users to specify various
scenarios and to adjust the key inputs of both the operating and
economic assumptions.
Using the economic model, the sensitivity of economic viability
to the key assumptions and inputs shall be determined.
7.3. Sensitivity analysis
The analysis described above will be built around the traffic
projections, estimated capital and operating costs and estimated
tariffs for the various types of traffic. The returns reported from these
“base case” network evaluations represent the returns expected to be
achieved in practice. However, there are significant uncertainties and
unknowns at this level of project development. Sensitivity analysis will
seek to guide the decision-making process by providing information on
the effect on project returns of changes to the base projections and
estimates on the project returns.
Sensitivity results will be calculated for each section/network. Sensitivity
results will be given in terms of changes to the most meaningful
indicator of project performance i.e. the IRR. Sensitivity analysis for
each network consists of all combinations of the following conditions.
(1) High capital costs at 20% increase in total capital costs
(2) Low capital costs at 20% decrease in total capital cost
(3) High operating costs at 20% increase in total operations and
maintenance (O&M) costs
(4) Low operating costs at 20% decrease in total O & M costs
(5) High traffic volume at 20% increase in traffic
(6) Low traffic volume at 10% decrease in traffic
(7) Low tariff at reduction in the tariff level
(8) Very low tariff-a further reduction in the tariff level
(9) Increase in tax structure by 10%

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(10) Decrease in tax structure by 10%
The IRR sensitivity result will be presented in a single table for all sections
/ networks compared to the base condition
7.4. Risk Identification and Mitigation Strategies
(1) Carry out Risk Assessment for various options and suggest adequate
Risk-Sharing and Risk-Mitigation mechanisms keeping in view various
PPP modalities in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the
(2) Run various scenarios to analyze the impact of Key Risks on the
project outcome after discussion with the stake holders.
8. Preparation of bankable Feasibility Study
Based on various studies the Consultant shall prepare comprehensive
Feasibility Study Report. The Feasibility Study shall be a bankable study
acceptable to international financial institutions.
9.1. Inception Report
The Consultant shall prepare the Inception Report by incorporating the
action plan, methodology etc. for implementing TORs, which, after
review and approval by Pakistan Railway, shall not be deemed to
supersede or take preference over any requirements mentioned in the
TORs which translates into reduction in the scope of work by the
Consultant unless agreed “specifically” by the Employer. However, in
case the Inception Report and the eventual feasibility report provides
some details more than required as per TORs, then it is welcome.
9.2. Assessment Report of existing Infrastructure & other allied items and
The Consultant shall prepare assessment report of existing infrastructure
& other allied items and facilities.
9.3. Reconnaissance Survey Report
After completing reconnaissance survey, the Consultant shall prepare
Reconnaissance Survey Report indicating the existing conditions,
possible alignments, discussion & comments on topographic sheets
obtained from Survey of Pakistan & satellite images of the area and
other details as stated in the TORs.
9.4. Route Alignment Selection Report
After completion of reconnaissance and acquiring knowledge of the
area, the Consultant shall prepare Route Alignment Selection Report in
accordance with the requirement of TORs showing various potential
conceptual level alignments indicating strengths and weaknesses of
each proposed alignment.
9.5. Report of Topographic Survey / Plan & Profile of the Corridor.
After completing the topographic survey, the Consultant shall prepare
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Topographic Survey Report. The report shall include all the data as
stated in the TOR’s.
9.6. Geotechnical Investigation Report
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive report for geotechnical
investigation. The report should be prepared as per requirements and
tests described in the TORs and based on the best engineering
practices. The report should be comprehensive and must contain
recommendations & conclusion.
9.7. Bridge Condition Study Report
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive report for condition
assessment of existing bridges and culverts in accordance with the
9.8. Hydrological Study Report
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive report for Hydrology
Study based on the hydrological investigations and analysis. The report
should be prepared as per requirements described in the TORs and
based on the best engineering practices. The report must clearly
depicts the proposals for cross drainage structures and other
precautionary measures to be taken against excessive rainfall and
urban flooding.
9.9. Environmental Impact Assessment Report
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive report relating to
environmental issues. The report should be prepared as per
requirements described in the TORs and based on the best available
9.10. Land Utilization Study Report
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive report for Land
Utilization as per requirements described in the TORs.
9.11. Signaling & Telecommunication System Report
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive report for Railway
Signaling and Telecommunication System as per requirements
described in the TORs and based on the best engineering practices,
particularly indicating the type of signaling & telecommunication
systems to commensurate with the requirement of line capacity.
9.12. Rolling Stock Study Report
The Consultant shall prepare a report on Rolling Stock i.e. Locomotives
and Carriages & Wagons as per requirement of TORs keeping in view
the best international practices for similar nature of terrain.
9.13. Electric Power Study Report
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive report regarding
availability of electricity for whole of the project area and requirement
of power generation (if required). The report should be prepared as

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per requirements described in the TORs and based on the best
engineering practices.
9.14. Electric Traction Study Report
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive report regarding
Electric Traction and requirement of power generation (if required).
The report should be prepared as per requirements described in the
TORs and based on the best engineering practices.
9.15. Report for provision / improvement of Water Supply and Drainage
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive report for provision /
improvement of Water Supply and Drainage System. The report should
be prepared as per requirements described in the TORs and based on
the best engineering practices.
9.16. Traffic Forecasting Report
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive traffic forecasting
report which includes all the data, reviews and analysis to establish
traffic projections as per details given in TORs.
9.17. Report for inter-modal study and plan for road networks and Airport
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive report for inter-modal
study and plan for road networks and Airport connectivity as per
details given in TORs.
9.18. Report for Study for commercial exploitation of real estate
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive report for commercial
exploitation of real estate as per details given in TORs.
9.19. Reports on Preliminary Design of the Project
The Consultant shall conduct Preliminary Design in accordance with
TORs and shall prepare separate report for each discipline including
drawings and calculation sheets etc. The Consultant shall also prepare
Executive Summary of whole Preliminary Design.
9.20. Cost Estimates
The Consultant shall prepare a report on Cost Estimates as per
requirement of TORs.
9.21. Financial & Economic Analysis Report
The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive Financial and
Economic Analysis report as per details given in TORs. Report shall
include, Sensitivity Analysis and Risk Identification and Mitigation
9.22. Draft Feasibility Report
After carrying out various studies as described in the TORs, the
Consultant shall prepare and submit a draft Feasibility Report which

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shall include all technical and financial studies made alongwith
recommendations and conclusions drawn, there from.
9.23. Final Feasibility Report
After having discussion with Employer on the draft Feasibility Report
and receiving comments from the Employer, the Consultant shall
prepare Final Feasibility Report alongwith a thorough Executive
Summary to be accompanied by a power point presentation
encapsulating all the key features of the study.
The scope of Transaction Advisory shall be but not limited to as under:
10.1. Financial
(1) Carryout risk assessment for the various options and suggest
adequate risk-sharing and risk-mitigation mechanism keeping in
view various PPP modalities in order to ensure the smooth
implementation of the project.
(2) Prepare financial model addressing the following aspects.
(a) Assumptions, clearly categorized as general, revenue &
costs, macro-economic and financial markets.
(b) Income statements, statement of cash flows, balance
sheets and fixed assets schedules.
(c) Financial implication for the public sector.
(d) Funding requirements from Government to make the
project financially viable and affordable delivering Value
for Money for the Government and end users, if any.
(e) Propose revenue sharing formula (if applicable) amongst
the Employer and private partner.
10.2. Legal
(1) Assessing need for obtaining any consents, permission, approvals,
etc. required for entering into PPP mode.
(2) Assessing various PPP options and suggesting best PPP model.
(3) Preparation of Bidding Documents including Pre-qualification
Document, Request for Proposal (RFP), Concession Agreement etc,
and develop procurement process for the selection of successful
private party.
(4) Formulate a monitoring and reporting mechanism to ensure
compliance of private party action as prescribed in the agreement
and advising adequate payment and penalty mechanism.
(5) Evaluation of Technical and Financial Proposals and
recommendation for most advantageous bid.

10.3. Phase-I (Transaction Structuring)

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In this phase the Transaction Advisor will be expected to carry-out full-
fledged bankable Business / Financial Model (addressing all the legal,
financial, economic and environmental aspects of the project),
suggesting value for money solution to Employer, involving least or no
financial contribution by Employer and addressing all other critical
aspects of the project. The Business / Financial Model will be
submitted to PPPA for approval of the Board of PPPA. Phase-I, include
the following set of activities:-
10.3.1. Task 1: Kick-off Meeting
Within one week from the completion of feasibility study as mentioned
in para 4.0 of this TORs, the Transaction Advisor will conduct a kick-off
meeting with the representatives of Employer. The objective of this
meeting will be to discuss and finalize the detailed plan of activities
proposed by the Transaction Advisor. The meeting will cover the
following important considerations:
(1) Assessment of Employer requirements as per project documents.
(2) Finalizing methodology and assessing requirements to complete
the assignment within the specified time frame.
(3) Adherence of timetable of activities & milestones going forward.
(4) Review of the team organization and detailed functions of the
team members.
(5) Discussion and finalization of communication strategy whereby
all stakeholders will be regularly involved and consulted
throughout the assignment.
(6) Any specific issue requiring immediate attention of Employer.
Under no circumstances the scope of work committed in the
Transaction Advisory agreement will be redefined. In this meeting, the
Transaction Advisor will present a brief report, containing information
about the key issues; mainly relevant to the investor’s perspective,
which might affect investor interest in the project. The report will also
contain recommendations with respect to mitigation of investor
concerns on such issues. Reporting requirement of Kick-off Meeting

(1) Detailed methodology and time schedule for the

(2) A communication strategy.
(3) Progress report to date.
(4) A brief report on the identification of key issues relevant
from the investor’s perspective and/or issues that might
affect investor interest in the project, which will also
contain recommendations with respect to mitigation of
investor concerns on such issues.

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10.3.2. Task 2: Site Visit and Review of Relevant Information
This stage will involve Transaction Advisor undertaking site visits
and review of any information available with Employer and
preparation of report.
10.3.3. Task 3: Preparation of Business / Financial Model
The Transaction Advisor shall study and propose various PPP (BOT
basis or any other suitable mode of PPP) models to execute the
project on PPP (BOT basis or any other suitable mode of PPP)
basis, covering all the legal, organizational, technical,
environmental, social and financial aspects along with
determining its commercial viability and bankability.
Transaction Advisor will be required to produce a
comprehensive report to incorporate any recent changes of
data which thoroughly investigates the preferred
implementation options and finalize the Transaction Structure
covering all legal & regulatory aspects, organizational structures,
technical & financial details duly supported by Excel-based
financial model reflecting risks & costs and the service levels.
The Business / Financial Model must enable the Employer and
PPPA to determine (for each option assessed):-
(1) Full life-cycle cost of the project.
(2) The duration of the concessionaire period / agreement.
(3) Affordability in terms of budgetary provisions and user
(4) Outputs required in terms of service delivery (service levels
standards, performance indicators etc).
(5) Risks identified, quantified and its sharing between the
public sector and private party
(6) Payment and penalty mechanisms
(7) Dispute resolution mechanisms
(8) The Debt Equity Ratio
(9) Corporate and finance structure
(10) Uses and sources of finances
(11) Viability and bankability
(12) Value for money for Employer
(13) Option Analysis of various PPP options
(14) Monitoring Mechanism
(15) Exit procedure for early termination of the public private
partnership agreement.
(16) Project insurances and treatment of insurance proceeds.

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(17) Operation and maintenance requirements.
(18) Reversion, transfer or handing back of the project, whether
applicable and all the associated assets to Employer upon
expiry or termination a public private partnership
agreement. Reporting requirements of Task-3

Report including
(1) A detailed assessment of at least three options and
the recommendation regarding most suitable/viable
(2) An extensive financial evaluation to determine
project’s viability and bankability.
(3) A robust business and user-friendly financial model (for
various proposed PPP structures), recommending the
most optimal Project structure. The Excel-based
financial model should represent full costs of delivering
the Project, as well as risks associated with the project
according to the output specification via the
preferred feasible structure. Model must be flexible
enough to assess the viability and efficiency of the
various proposed structures.
(4) Devising optimum legal, capital and corporate
structures for the smooth implementation of the
(5) Presentation to Employer on the report, and assistance
in the selection and approval of appropriate
transaction structure.

10.4. Phase II (Transaction Implementation)

The Transaction Advisor will prepare competitive bidding documents,
devising appropriate technical and financial criteria in accordance
with prevailing procurement rules of PPRA and guidelines of PPPA;
evaluate technical and financial bids; assist Employer in negotiating
the concession agreement with the successful bidder. Phase-II
includes the following sets of activities:-.
10.4.1. Task 1 Development of Request for Proposal (RFP) and the Draft
Concession Agreement.
The Transaction Advisor will prepare Request for Proposal (RFP),
bidding documents and a draft Concession Agreement for the
implementation of the project based on PPP framework as
prescribed in PPPA, Act 2017 to the extent available. RFP and
the draft Concession Agreement should include outputs
required in terms of service delivery related to constructing,
managing and operating the project; i.e. service level

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standards, performance indicators, risk-allocation, roles &
responsibilities of the private party and Employer, payment and
penalty mechanisms etc. These predetermined outputs will
enable Employer to carryout transparent and competitive
procurement process for the project and carry-out effective
monitoring of the private party’s overall performance.
RFP and draft Concession Agreement will be submitted to PPPA
for obtaining approval of the Board of PPPA. Transaction Advisor
will assist Employer in preparation of reply of any queries raised
by PPPA and if required also attend meeting with PPPA for
obtaining approval of RFP and draft Concession Agreement. Reporting requirement of Task-1:

RFP and Concession Agreement including:-

(1) Scope of work, output specifications and service levels
(2) Riskallocation, risk mitigation and monitoring
(3) Technical and financial criteria
(4) Termination and other payments and penalty
(5) Schedules of concession agreement
10.4.2. Task 2 Procurement Process
Based on the chosen structure, competitive tendering process
will be initiated by Employer to select the most appropriate
private party, which could implement the project most
effectively, with least assistance from Employer. The process to
be adopted will be transparent with clearly defined evaluation
criteria to encourage effective participation by the private
The Transaction Advisor will assist Employer in management of
the bidding process including, but not limited to the conduct of
the bidding process, bid opening and evaluation of technical &
financial bids, recommendations on award, preparation and
issuance of Letter of Intent & Letter of Support to the prospective
investor (if applicable), negotiations with successful bidder and
closing of the project.
Transaction Advisor will also attend pre-bid conference and
prepare minutes of meeting and the Addendum to RFP (if
required). Reporting requirements:

(1) Minutes of Pre-bid conference after issuance of the RFP

and Addendum (if any)
(2) Technical Evaluation Report of technical proposals

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submitted by bidders.
(3) Evaluation of Financial Bids.
(4) Consolidated report which includes bids evaluation,
selection/appraisal of successful bidder, final
agreement and the process of selection
(5) Letter of Intent
10.4.3. Task 3 Deal Closure and Signing of the Concession Agreement
After selection and approval of the successful bidder,
negotiations on the Concession Agreement shall begin. The
Transaction Advisor shall:
(1) Assist Employer in negotiating Concession Agreement with
the successful bidder, and
(2) Update/amend the Concession Agreement to reflect
negotiated terms
(3) On completion of Concession Agreement negotiations with
the successful bidder the formal procedure for deal closure
will be initiated leading to the signing of the Concession
Agreement with the successful bidder.


11.1. Feasibility Study

The Consultant shall provide ten (10) copies of each of the following
deliverables with an editable soft copy on CD/DVD. Detail of
deliverables is as under:-
S.No Deliverable
1. Inception Report
2. Assessment Report of existing Infrastructure & other
allied items and Facilities
3. Reconnaissance Survey Report
4. Route Alignment Selection Report
5. Report of Topographic Survey / Plan & Profile of
the Entire Corridor
6. Geotechnical Investigations Report
7. Bridge Condition Study Report
8. Hydrological Study Report
9. Environmental Impact Assessment Report
10. Land Utilization Study Report
11. Signaling & Telecommunications system Report
12. Rolling Stock Study Report
13. Electric Power Study Report
14. Electric Traction (ET) Study Report
15. Report for Provision / Improvement of Water

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S.No Deliverable
Supply and Drainage System
16. Traffic Forecasting Report
17. Report for Inter-modal Study and plan for road
networks and Airport connectivity
18. Report for Study for commercial exploitation of
real estate
19. Reports on Preliminary Design of the Project
20. Cost Estimates
21. Financial and Economic Analysis Report
22. Draft Feasibility Report
23. Final Feasibility Report

11.2. Transaction Advisory Services

The Consultant shall also provide ten (10) copies of following
deliverables with an editable soft copy on CD/DVD.

Sr. # Deliverables

1 Draft Report containing proposed Business / Financial

Models, in accordance with TORs including various reports
(Financial, Economic, Market & Legal)

2 Final Report containing proposed Business / Financial

Models in accordance with TORs.

3 RFP including Concession Agreement.

4 Evaluation Report of Technical and Financial Proposals and

Letter of Intent


(1) The Consultant shall sign and stamp the Integrity Pact, as per Standard
Format of Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), in case contract value
exceeds Pak Rs. 10.000 Million.
(2) Agreement with Consultnat shall be executed based on Standard
Format of Pakistan Engineering Council for large projects (LUMP SUM
(3) The Feasibility Study should be bankable, acceptable to national and
international financial institutions.
(4) The Employer will approve the deliverables within 10 days after
submission except Draft Feasibility Report and Financial / Business Model
which shall be approved within 15 days.
(5) No financial charges shall be paid due to delayed payments.

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13. Mode of Payment

The Employer shall make all payments to the Consultant in Pak Rupees.
However, the Employer shall have no objection and shall facilitate the
remittance in foreign currency of the remuneration of the foreign partner
to the extent of services rendered by it with regard to this consultancy

13.1. Payment shall be made as per following schedule:

(1) Feasibility Study
Sr. # Deliverables (%age of
financial bid)
1. Inception Report 5%
2. Assessment Report of existing
Infrastructure & other allied items and
Facilities 5%
3. Reconnaissance Survey Report
4. Route Alignment Selection Report 5%
5. Report of Topographic Survey / Plan &
Profile of the Entire Corridor
Geotechnical Investigations Report 5%

7. Bridge Condition Study Report

8. Hydrological Study Report
9. Environmental Impact Assessment 5%
10. Land Utilization Study Report
11. Signaling & Telecommunications
system Report
12. Rolling Stock Study Report
13. Electric Power Study Report 10%
14. Electric Traction (ET) Study Report
15. Report for Provision / Improvement of
Water Supply and Drainage System
16. Traffic Forecasting Report 5%
17. Report for Inter-modal Study and plan
for road networks and Airport 5%
18. Report for Study for commercial
exploitation of real estate
19. Reports on Preliminary Design of the
20. Cost Estimates 10%
21. Financial and Economic Analysis 5%

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Sr. # Deliverables (%age of
financial bid)
22. Draft Feasibility Report 10%
23. Final Feasibility Report 5%

(2) Transaction Advisory Services

Following payment schedule will be followed:-

Sr. # Deliverables Payment

(%age of
financial bid)
1 Draft Report containing proposed 40%
Business / Financial Models, in
accordance with TORs including
various reports (Financial,
Economic, Market & Legal)
2 Final Report containing proposed 30%
Business / Financial Models in
accordance with TORs.
3 RFP including Concession 15%
4 Evaluation Report of Technical and 10%
Financial Proposals and
preparation of Letter of Intent
5 Deal closure 5%

(3) The payment will be made after the submission and subsequent
approval of each deliverable as tabulated above. However, on the
request of the Consultant, 20% of the deliverable payment will be
released upon submission of invoice.
(4) 5% Retention Money will be deducted from each deliverables
payments. Retention Money will be returned after six months of
submission of Technical and Financial Evaluation Reports or
finalization of Deal Closure, whichever is earlier.
(5) Progress payment of clubbed items can be made on propionate
basis on request of the Consultant and as deemed appropriate by
the Employer.

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(1) Mobilization Period, after signing of Agreement shall be fifteen (15) days.
(2) Completion period for Feasibility Study in accordance with TOR is three
(03) months.
(3) Completion Period of Transaction Advisory Services
(Business/Financial Models) in accordance with TORs is one and half
(1.5) months after completion of Feasibility Study.
(4) Time for preparation of Bidding Documents/RFP including Concession
agreement is one (01) month after approval of the project by PPPA.
(5) Time for completion of evaluation of bids one (01) month after bid
(6) Time for signing of Contract Agreement and Deal Closure shall be
one (01) month after issuance of Letter of Intent.

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