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Uttar Pradesh Expressways Industrial Development Authority (Upeida)

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Uttar Pradesh Expressways Industrial Development Authority


Development of Bundelkhand Expressway

Package (VI)
From Bakhariya (District Auraiya) To Kudrail (District Etawah)
(Km 250+000 To Km 295+280)
In the State of Uttar Pradesh On EPC Basis


Chief Executive Officer UPEIDA

2nd Floor, Paryatan Bhawan
C-13, Vipin Khand, Gomti Nagar Lucknow – 226010
Contact No.: +91-522-2307542 / +91-522-2307592,
Email ID: ceo.eida_up@gov.in

Bundelkhand Expressway : Bidding Document (EPC) 1


Table of Contents

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION................................................................................................................................ 3
1. Design Standards ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Traffic Analysis ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Annual Average Daily Traffic ............................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Traffic Projection ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Capacity Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 5
3. Geometric Design, Grade Separators And General Features .................................................................... 7
3.1 Typical Cross-Sections ......................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Service Roads ..................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Interchanges on ................................................................................................................................. 15
4. Design Of Structures ................................................................................................................................ 18
4.1 Proposals for Major Bridges .............................................................................................................. 18
4.2 Proposals for Minor Bridges .............................................................................................................. 18
4.3 Proposals for Road Over Bridges (ROBs) ........................................................................................... 18
4.4 Proposals for Flyover/Interchange/Trumpet Structures ................................................................... 18
4.5 Proposals for Vehicular Underpasses (VUPs) .................................................................................... 18
4.6 Proposals for Light Vehicular Underpasses (LVUPs) .......................................................................... 18
4.7 Proposals for Pedestrian Underpasses (PUPs) .................................................................................. 19
4.8 Proposals for Culverts ........................................................................................................................ 19
5. Pavement Design ..................................................................................................................................... 19
5.1 Evaluation of Design Traffic (MSA) for Pavement Design ................................................................. 19
5.2 Design of Flexible Pavement ............................................................................................................. 20
5.3 Design of Rigid Pavement proposed (Toll Plaza Locations) ............................................................... 20
PRICE BID ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
DRAWINGS....................................................................................................................................................... 23

Bundelkhand Expressway : Bidding Document (EPC) 2



1. Design Standards

The proposed alignment of expressway passes through mainly plain terrain. Considering the physical
condition and cost effectiveness, the proposals are conceived and developed within the purview of the
guidelines given below.
i) The desirable standards are preferably adopted
ii) The minimum standards, are adopted for difficult sections where application of the desirable standards,
would lead to exorbitant costs and resources.
Accordingly, design standards for geometric elements have been proposed under "desirable" and
"minimum" categories. These proposed standards are consistent with and falls within the parameters
recommended in the related standards of the Indian Roads congress and Ministry.
The key document for planning and design is IRC SP:99 “Manual for Specifications and Standards for
Expressways ” published by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. Priority of Standards is as follows:
• Manual for Specifications and Standards for Expressways IRC:SP:99-2013
• Guidelines for Expressways Part – I and Part – II of MoRTH published by IRC in April 2010
• Relevant IRC codes / standards / manuals.
• Circulars of MoRTH
• Relevant IS Codes
• Others
Wherever there was interface with existing roads/ highways; surveys and investigations were conducted
UPEIDA has also provided guidelines to be adopted on this project. These are followed. Changes, if any,
have been discussed and incorporated in consultation with UPEIDA.

2. Traffic Analysis

The data (primary and secondary) collected has been analyzed to obtain information on ADT, Seasonal
Variation, AADT, traffic composition, travel pattern and commodity movement pattern, Traffic Demand
Forecasting. This information along with appreciation of other relevant parameters formed part of the basic
input for the design and evaluation of the recommended improvement. These are discussed in the
following paragraphs.

2.1 Annual Average Daily Traffic

The AADT has been estimated by applying the seasonal correction factor to the observed ADT from primary
surveys. Table 1&2 presents the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) at the four homogenous sections.

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Table 1 Annual Average Daily Traffic

Table 2 Annual Average Daily Traffic

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2.2 Traffic Projection

Based on the reconnaissance survey, traffic characteristics and interchange spacing; project can be divided
in to eight homogeneous sections.
The total traffic forecast for the horizon years is estimated from the base year traffic and estimated growth

2.3 Capacity Analysis

IRC-SP:87 - 2013 stipulates a design service volume of 120,000 PCU per day for a six lane with paved
shoulder divided carriageway at level of service B in plain terrain.
Capacity analysis is fundamental to the planning, design and operation of National Highways and provides
the basis for determining the carriageway width to be provided at any point of time with respect to the
volume and composition of traffic. Moreover it is an important tool for evaluation of the investments
needed for future construction and improvements and for working out priorities of road projects.
IRC-SP: 99 - 2013 stipulates a design service volume for the expressway (LOS-B) shall be
1300PCUs/Hour/Lane. Level of Service and Capacity analysis has been carried for all the Homogeneous
Traffic Sections (HTS) in line with IRC guide lines. Section wise capacity augmentation is indicated through a
colour coding scheme. The details are presented in Table 3.

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Table 3 Design Service Volume for Expressways (Plain/Rolling Areas – LOS_B)

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3. Geometric Design, Grade Separators And General Features

3.1 Typical Cross-Sections

Various Typical cross-sections have been adopted for the expressway in greenfield and the details are shown in Figure below. The typical cross-sections have been
proposed keeping in view the site requirements.

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3.2 Service Roads

3.75m wide carriageway service road in staggered manner on one side of expressway shall be constructed
as shown in the Plan & Profile of the project Expressway. At some locations the service road of 3.75m width
is to be provided on both side of the expressway as indicated in the Plan & Profile of the project
Expressway. In addition, 7.0m wide service road shall be provided, as follows:
• 7.0m wide carriageway on both sides in 200m length of approaches to minor bridges shall be
• 7.0m wide carriageway service road on one side of the expressway shall be provided as under

Service road shall be discontinued at the location of Major Bridges over rivers / canals and railway

3.3 Interchanges on

The details of interchanges are given in Table below. The design/ drawing of proposed Interchanges at each
location is shown in the subsequent figures.

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IC 8: At Ch 164+330

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IC 9: At Ch 174+646

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4. Design Of Structures

4.1 Proposals for Major Bridges

There are a total 3 numbers of Major bridges proposed on the alignment.

Major bridge on service roads are not proposed as service roads shall be discontinued at major bridge
Deck Width - Overall deck width of 3-lane bridge is 17.5m. Proposed structures are for dual carriageway
with 2 decks separated by 3.0m wide open to sky median.

4.2 Proposals for Minor Bridges

Being greenfield alignment, there is no existing structure on the proposed alignment, hence no
improvement proposal is proposed. All structures that are proposed, will have new 6-lane configurations
with dual carriageway separated with median.

4.3 Proposals for Road Over Bridges (ROBs)

There is no existing ROB on the proposed alignment, hence no improvement for ROB is proposed. However
alignment is crossing Railway Line at 4 locations.

4.4 Proposals for Flyover/Interchange/Trumpet Structures

Being greenfield alignment there is no existing Flyover on the proposed alignment, hence no improvement
proposal is proposed. All structures that are proposed will have new 6-Lane dual carriageway configuration
separated with 3.0 open median.

4.5 Proposals for Vehicular Underpasses (VUPs)

Being greenfield alignment there is no existing VUPs on the proposed alignment, hence no improvement
proposal is proposed. All VUPs that are proposed will have new 6 lane dual carriageway configuration
separated with open 3m U-Type median.

4.6 Proposals for Light Vehicular Underpasses (LVUPs)

Being greenfield alignment there is no existing LVUPs on the proposed alignment, hence no improvement
proposal is proposed. All LVUPs that are proposed will have new 6-lane dual carriageway configuration
separated with Open 3m U-type median.

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4.7 Proposals for Pedestrian Underpasses (PUPs)

Being greenfield alignment there is no existing PUPs on the proposed alignment, hence no improvement
proposal are proposed. All PUPs that are proposed will have new 6-lane dual carriageway configuration
separated with Open 3m U-type median.

4.8 Proposals for Culverts

Being greenfield alignment there areno existing culverts on the proposed alignment, hence no
improvement proposal are proposed.

5. Pavement Design

5.1 Evaluation of Design Traffic (MSA) for Pavement Design

Base year traffic (vehicle category-wise in terms of AADT), traffic growth rates, design life (in terms of
number of years) and vehicle damage factors(VDF) are required design parameters to estimate the design
traffic in terms of equivalent standard axles. The following data have been considered to arrive at the
design traffic (MSA).
(a) Base year – 2018
(b) Traffic opening year – 2019 (assumed)
(c) Design Life – 20 years
(d) Traffic growth rates adopted from project traffic studies conducted
(e) Vehicle damage factor(VDF)

For flexible pavements, the percentage of vehicles in heaviest loaded lane can be determined as per IRC:
37-2012 and IRC: 81-1997 guidelines given below:

With the base year traffic in terms of commercial vehicles per day (CVPD), annual growth rate of each of
commercial vehicle over the design period, design traffic in terms of MSA over the design life can be
estimated using the following formula.

N = Cumulative number of standard axles to be catered
A = Initial number commercial vehicles per day in the year when the road is operational

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r = Annual rate of growth of commercial traffic

n = Design period in years
D = Lane distribution factor, given below
F = Vehicle Damage Factor

5.2 Design of Flexible Pavement

5.2.1 IRC: 37 – 2012, Tentative Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements
The pavement designs given in this guide are based on the results of pavement research work done in India
and experience gained over the years on the performance of the designs given therein. Flexible pavement
has been modelled as a three-layer structure with stresses and strains at critical locations computed using
the linear elastic model FPAVE developed under the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways Research
Scheme, R – 56 and further updated it with IITPAVE recently.
The pavement designs are given for sub-grade CBR values ranging from 2 per cent to 15% for different
pavement type options like Cement Treated base and Sub base, use of RAP in asphalt layer with foamed
bitumen or emulsion. The pavement compositions given in the design catalogue are relevant to Indian
conditions, materials and specifications. Where changes to layer thickness and specification are considered
desirable from practical considerations, the guidelines recommend modifications using an analytical
approach. Hence, the design has been carried out based on the procedure given in IRC: 37-2012.

5.2.2 Design of Pavement Structure as per IRC: 37-2012

With the design traffic loading in MSA and the sub grade strength in terms of CBR, the pavement
composition worked out by IRC catalogue design procedure to account for entire design period. The
thickness of sub grade is 500mm with selected Borrow area soils after Stabilization of local soils they yield
CBR value of 6.0%- 7.3% is considered for various sections while arriving overall thickness of the
Drainage Layer – Considering the requirements if drainage, as per the provisions of IRC: SP: 42, the GSB
layer for full thickness shall be extended till the embankment slope on both sides of the pavement
Ramp/ Loop/ Slip Roads – These will have same pavment strucuture as of main carriageway where these
are falling.

5.3 Design of Rigid Pavement proposed (Toll Plaza Locations)

5.3.1 Design of Subgrade and Ggranular Sub base

500 mm sub-grade of design CBR of 7% and 150 mm Granular Sub base as drainage layer of minimum 30%
CBR shall be provided.

5.3.2 Design of DLC Sub base

Dry lean concrete of 150 mm thickness shall be provided as sub-base for better load distribution, and
better support for concrete Paver. DLC having a 7 day average compressive strength of 7 MPa determined

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as per IRC: SP: 49 over GSB is proposed. DLC will extend beyond the PQC (including that in shoulder, if any)
by 0.75 m on either side.

5.3.3 Rigid Pavement Design

The pavement structural design of rigid pavement for a design period of 30 years has been carried out as
per IRC 58-2015. The design is based on cumulative fatigue damage analysis under expected combination
of load stresses & thermal stresses as per IRC: 58-2015. The summary of the rigid pavement is as below.
PQC– 280 mm (M-40)
DLC– 150 mm (M-10)
Upper GSB– 100 mm
Lower GSB– 150 mm
Sub-grade– 500mm (CBR 7 %)
Dowel Bars– Plain 38 mm Dia. @ 300 mm c/c, 500 mm long
Tie Bars – Deformed 12 mm Dia. @ 590 mm c/c, 640 mm

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Tender Inviting Authority : Uttar Pradesh Expressways Industrial Development Authority

Name of Work : Development of Bundelkhand Expressway Package (VI) From Bakhariya (District Auraiya)
To Kudrail (District Etawah) (Km 250+000 To Km 295+280) In the State of Uttar Pradesh On EPC Basis
Contract Number : UPEIDA/xxxx/xxx/Package-VI

(This BOQ template must NOT be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded
after filling the relevant columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are
allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only )
Name of Bidder/ Bidding Firm/ Company :
Number Text Number Text Number Number Text
Sr. No. Item Description Quantity Units Lease Rent Total Total
per month In Amount Amount
Figures to be in
entered by Words
the Bidder
1 Development of Bundelkhand 1 Lumpsum ₹0.00 ₹0.00
Expressway Package (VI) From
Bakhariya (District Auraiya) To
Kudrail (District Etawah) (Km
250+000 To Km 295+280) In the
State of Uttar Pradesh On EPC

Bundelkhand Expressway : Bidding Document (EPC) 22


A. Working Drawings of all the components/elements of the Project Highway as determined by Independent Engineer/UPEIDA, and
B. As-built drawings for the Project Highway components/elements as determined by Independent Engineer / UPEIDA. As-built drawings shall be duly certified by
Independent Engineer.

A broad list of the drawings of the various components/elements of the Project Highway and project facilities required to be submitted by the Concessionaire is
given below:
(a) Drawings of horizontal alignment, vertical profile and cross sections
(b) Drawings of cross drainage works
(c) Drawings of interchanges, major intersections, grade separators, underpasses
(d) Drawings of drainage system
(e) Drawings of road furniture items including traffic signage, markings, safety barriers, etc.
(f) Drawings of traffic diversion plans and traffic control measures
(g) Drawings of road drainage measures
(h) Drawings of typical details slope protection measures
(i) Drawings of landscaping and horticulture
(j) Drawings of pedestrian crossings
(k) General arrangement of Base camp and Administrative Block

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