11-Gravel Wearing Course Design
11-Gravel Wearing Course Design
11-Gravel Wearing Course Design
Volume I Flexible Pavements and Gravel Roads - 2002 Gravel and Low Standard Roads
According to TRL Laboratory Report 673, an estimate of the annual gravel loss is given
by the following equation:
The wearing course of a new gravel road shall have a thickness D calculated from:
D = D1 + N. GL
Regravelling operations should be programmed to ensure that the actual gravel thickness
never falls below the minimum thickness D1.
The crossfall of carriageway and shoulders for gravel roads shall be 4% as indicated in
ERAs Geometric Design Manual - 2002. This is to ensure that potholes do not develop
by rapidly removing surface water and to ensure that excessive crossfall does not cause
erosion of the surface. Provision of drainage is extremely important for the performance
of gravel roads.
500 Slippery
Shrinkage Product, SP
Good but may be
300 Erodible dusty Ravels
materials Good
Ravels and corrugates
10 20 30 40
Grading Coefficient, CG
Note: SP = (Linear Shrinkage) x (% passing 0.425 mm)
GC = ((% passing 28 mm) - (% passing 2 mm)x (% passing 5 mm)/100
In General the use of improved subgrade layers has the following advantages:
The following treatment operations may be applied on Expansive Formations for light
traffic class roads of AADTdesign less than 50:
i) Remove 150mm of expansive topsoil and stockpile conveniently for subsequent
use on shoulder slopes
ii) Shape road bed and compact to 90% modified AASHTO
iii) The excavation formed as directed in paragraph (i) should be backfilled with a
plastic non-expansive soil of CBR value 3 - 4 or better, and compacted to a
density of 95% modified AASHTO in each 150mm layer; the subgrade material
may be plastic but non-expansive.
Soils used for improved subgrade layers shall be non-expansive, non-dispersive and free
from any deleterious matter. They shall comply with the requirements shown in Table
Table 11-1
Material G20
(Lower Layer)
Properties (Upper Layer)
CBR Dry Climatic Zones Minimum 20 after 4 days
Minimum 7 after 4 days soaking
(See Note) soaking
Minimum 20 at OMC
Minimum 7 at OMC
CBR Wet Climatic Zones Minimum 7 after 4 days
Minimum 3 after 4 days soaking
(See Note) soaking
The materials for gravel wearing course should satisfy the following requirements that
are often somewhat conflicting:
a) They should have sufficient cohesion to prevent ravelling and corrugating (especially
in dry conditions)
b) The amount of fines (particularly plastic fines) should be limited to avoid a slippery
surface under wet conditions.
Figure 11-1 shows the effect of the Shrinkage Product (SP) and Grading Coefficient
(GC) on the expected performance of gravel wearing course materials. Excessive
oversize material in the gravel wearing course affects the riding quality in service and
makes effective shaping of the surface difficult at the time of maintenance. For this
reason the following two types of gravel wearing course material are recommended.
Type 1 gravel wearing course which is one of the best material alternatives which shall
be used on all roads which have AADTdesign greater than 50. Type 1 material shall also be
used for all routine and periodic maintenance activities for both major and minor gravel
roads. Type 1 or Type 4 gravel wearing course material may be used on new construction
of roads having AADTdesign less than 50. Other alternatives are also specified in this
Selected material shall consist of hard durable angular particles of fragments of stone or
gravel. The material shall be free from vegetable matter and lumps or balls of clay.
Type 1
The grading of the gravel after placing and compaction shall be a smooth curve within
and approximately parallel to the envelopes detailed in Table 11-2.
The material shall have a percentage of wear of not more than 50 at 500 revolutions, as
determined by AASHTO T96.
The material shall be compacted to a minimum in-situ density of 95% of the maximum
dry density determined in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO T 180.
The plasticity index should be not greater than 15 and not less than 8 for wet climatic
zones and should be not greater than 20 and not less than 10 for dry climatic zones.
Note that the above gradation and plasticity requirements are only to be used with
angular particles and that crushing and screening are likely to be required in many
instances for this purpose.
Type 2 & 3
a) The Plasticity Index lies in a range of 5-12% in wet areas, and in any case less than
16% in other areas
Use of more rounded particles may allow the use of river gravel. Trials should
nevertheless be conducted to verify whether crushing occurs under traffic or whether
crushing should be considered prior to use. Subject to trials, a minimum percentage by
weight of particles with at least one fractured face of 40% may be considered. This
requirement may also be expressed in terms of crushing ratio.
Except for very low traffic (less than 15 vehicles per day), the CBR should be in excess
of 20 after 4 days of soaking at 95% of maximum dry density under Heavy Compaction.
For very low traffic, the requirement may be relaxed to a CBR of 15.
Type 4
This material gradation allows for larger size material and corresponds to the gradation of
a base course material. The use of this gradation of materials is subject to the local
experience and shall be used with PIs in a range of 10-20.
Type 5 & 6
These materials gradations are recommended for smaller size particles. They may be
used if sanctioned by experience with plasticity characteristics as for material Type 1.
Table 11-2
Test Sieve Percent(%) by mass of total aggregate passing test sieve
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6
50 - - - 100 - -
37.5 100 - 100 80-100 - -
28 - 100 95 - 100 - - -
20 80 - 100 95 - 100 85-100 60-80 100 -
14 - 80-100 65 - 100 - - -
10 55 - 100 65 - 100 55 - 100 45-65 80 - 100 100
5 40 - 60 45 - 85 35-90 30-50 60 -85 80-100
2.36 30 - 50 - - 20-40 45-70 50-80
2 - 30 - 65 22-75 - - -
1 - 25-55 18-60 - - -
0.425 15 - 30 18 - 45 15-50 10-25 25-45 25-45
0.075 5 - 15 12-32 10-40 5-15 10-25 10-25
Major gravel roads are roads which have a design AADT greater than 20 and less than
200. These will generally fall within the design category of DS5 to DS8 (See ERA
Geometric Design Manual -2002, Chapter 2. It is recommended to use a gravel wearing
course material of grading Type 1 in the new construction of roads having an AADT
greater than 50 and for all routine and periodic maintenance activities. Type 4 material
may be used in the new construction of roads having an AADT less than 50.
Minor gravel roads are roads which have a design AADT (AADTdesign) less than 20. They
are normally community roads, which are constructed by labor-based methods. These
roads generally fall within the design category of DS9 to DS10 (Refer to ERA Geometric
Design Manual-2002). Usually these roads are unsurfaced (earth roads). However, for
subgrade CBR values less than 5% and longitudinal gradients of greater than 6%, a
gravel wearing course is recommended. Materials for gravel wearing course shall comply
with the requirements for Type 4 material for new construction and Type 1 for
maintenance activities.
The CBR requirements may be reduced to 20% if other suitable material is not locally
11.8.1 GENERAL
The CBRdesign is the CBR value of a homogenous section, for which the subgrade
strength is classified into S5, S4 or S2 for the purpose of pavement design. The procedure
to determine CBRdesign is shown in the flow chart in Figure 11-2.
Design improved CBRdesign: Use lowest CBR Cutting?
subgrade as Classify S3, value
required S7, S15
Minimum 5
Special CBR tests
assessment of the per section
Determine 90%-ile at Plot values in
the 0.1 X (n-1) point on ascending order
the curve
The CBRdesign for cuttings is the lowest CBR value encountered for the homogenous
The CBRdesign for sections that do not require special assessment or are not within
cuttings are determined by the 90%-ile value of the CBR test results. The 90%-ile value
for a section of this type is the CBR value which 10% of the test results fall below. The
following example shows how this is calculated.
1. CBR values are plotted in ascending order (number of tests on the "x axis" and the
CBR test result values on the "y axis");
3. d is measured along the "x axis" and the CBRdesign is determined from the "y axis".
Pavement and improved subgrade for minor gravel roads shall also be constructed in
accordance with Figure 11-3. This includes design categories DS9 and DS10 as defined
in ERA Geometric Design Manual -2002. The desired properties of the gravel wearing
course material, GW, are given in Section 11.7. However, the CBR may be reduced to
20%, and the LA abrasion value may be increased to 55% for minor roads, if better
quality material is not locally available.
<20 20 - 50 50 - 200
S15 150mm 175mm 200mm
200mm 150mm GW 175mm GW
GW 100mm G20 100mm G20
S3 Dry Zones Wet Zones Dry Zones Wet Zones Dry Zones Wet Zones
mm GW mm GW
mm mm mm 150 mm 200
150 GW 200 GW
G20 G20
GW 200 200
150 GW 150 G20 150 G20
G7 200 G7 250 G7
150 G7 300 150 G7 200 G7
Figure 11-3: Pavement and Improved Subgrade for Gravel Roads for ADDTs < 200
11.10.1 ZONES
For the purposes of gravel wearing course design, Ethiopia is divided into two climatic
zones. All places with elevations over 2,000 meters (average rainfall 80mm/month) are
considered to be wet zones and all places with elevations 2,000 meters or less (average
rainfall 20mm/month) are considered to be dry zones. However, engineering judgement
should be made for individual projects as to which category the design falls.
It is acknowledged that, in many arid areas, rates of rainfall may be extremely high over
short durations. Pavement design techniques, unlike drainage design techniques, do not
take this into account as they are based on annual rates of rainfall.