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Draft TOR - Feasibilty Study & Design of Phase2 at Atiak Sugar - 1st Draft

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“From Battle Field to Green Cane Field”

Consultancy Services for Detailed Feasibility studies and

Engineering Design of Atiak Sugar Phase-II Irrigation System

1st Draft
1.0 Background and Context
The climatic patterns in Uganda have been changing drastically, the spatial and highly variable nature of
rainfall in Uganda has also resulted in massive environmental shocks and stresses (land degradation,
drought and hunger) greatly affecting sustainable crop production in most parts of the country.

Uganda Development Corporation (UDC) invested in Horyal Investment Holding Company Limited
(HIHC), a company implementing the Atiak Sugar factory which has a processing capacity of 1650
tonnes of cane a day in phase one expandable to 3500 tonnes of cane per day in phase two. UDC’s
investment in the company was through equity acquisition of 40% and the provision of shareholder loans.
UDC is currently in the process of completing its injection of an additional UShs 272.51 billion as
preference shares for redevelopment of the project. As at the date of this report, UDC has injected UShs
110.6 billion
As a result, the company has re-purposed and prioritized some of the funds from operalisation of
mechanisation equipment and public infrastructure services to Irrigation of about 4,000 Ha irrigation
systems in phase 1. Among other things, the core objectives of introducing irrigation Includes:
 To boost yield from about 80 Tonnes per Ha (TCH) to 120 TCH.
 To reduce maturity and harvest time from about 14 - 18 months to 12 months.
 Reduce reliance on rainfed reliance and plant during the entire year round
 To Facilitate possible introduction and trial different varieties with better yields and reduce reliance
on the local variety.
 It increases the germination rates.
 It reduces stress on the crop as there is adequate water throughout the cycle.
 Mitigates the risk of fire since the cane will be less stressed.

However even with the repurposed funds to irrigation of about 4000ha in phase 1, even if irrigation is
estimated to increase the yield per Ha from 80 TCH to 120 TCH; the farm would still be able to supply
the factory at a capacity of 1,650 TCD with cane for an estimated 290 days.

At this production capacity, Horyal investment will be unable to make any sensible profits and pay back
shareholders unless the factory expands to 4000 tonnes of cane per day(TCD) ; and this would thus call
for an at least additional 6000ha to be put under further irrigation.

It is in the above context that Horyal investment has prioritized the investment in phase-2 so that it can be
able to payback shareholders on time.

2.0 Main Objective of the Consultancy

The overall objective of the assignment is to carry out detailed feasibility studies and engineering design
of phase 2 Atiak Irrigation system, prepare tender documents for construction works and develop
operation manuals.

Specifically, the Consultant will be required to:

 Establish the existing and potential water demands for sugar cane production purposes limited to
crop irrigation.
 Make a thorough assessment of the water resources potential in the selected areas, Including but
not limited to Bulk water transfer from Aswa , Construction of Cascading dams on R. Unyama
 Examine and evaluate the potential water sources identified and any other possible alternatives.
o Possibility of Cascading dams on river Unyama
o Inter-Basin Bulk Water Transfer between Atiak and Aswa Sub catchments
o On farm water harvest harvesting in both areas 1 and 2
 Identify the most appropriate technology option for developing the irrigation infrastructure.
 Undertake detailed feasibility studies and engineering design of the most appropriate irrigation
systems for sugar cane Irrigation and produce detailed bills of quantities, design reports and
 Identify and assess the impact of the irrigation scheme on production and productivity of sugar
cane. Evaluate current production levels and impact of the production after establishment of the
irrigation infrastructures. Assess main production constraints and recommend appropriate
interventions to ensure sustainability.
 Identify and assess the environmental and social impact of the proposed irrigation scheme.
Propose and recommend appropriate Environmental and Social Management interventions to
ensure sustainability
 Acquire all necessary permits and Licences to legally secure the project an ensure smooth entry
into the construction phase
 Prepare designs and cost estimates for the identified optimal uses for the proposed irrigation
 Develop operation manual for the proposed irrigation system.

3.0 Scope of Work

3.1 General
The Consultant will be responsible for the following: carrying out detailed feasibility and engineering
design of phase 2 irrigation systems located in Production area 3 of the sugar cane estate, prepare tender
documents for installation/construction works and develop the operation manual.

3.2 Scope of Activities

(a) Location of sites
The site is about 6,000ha, located in area-3-production zone of Atiak sugar factory, bordering Aswa
River in Amuru District. Main areas of the Atiak farm into;
 Area 1 (Factory area to Unyama river);
 Area 2 (Unyama river to Mountain range); and
 Area 3 (Mountain Range to ASWA river)
Phase 2

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 1

(b) Technical Studies

The detailed technical study shall comprise; field investigations and comprehensive technical,
economic/financial, risk assessment and management, land valuation, environmental as well as social,
legal and management options analysis to determine the feasibility of the options identified, including but
not limited to the following activities:

i) Technical services
a) Detailed stakeholders analysis of the all the relevant players and establish a safe collaboration
mechanism for smooth acquisition of relevant permits and Licences
b) Carry out a detailed survey of possible irrigation systems that can fit within the proposed
production zone of Atiak Sugar Factory.
c) Correlate agro-climatic data.
d) Soil tests that will give details but not limited to Soil PH, CEC, soil texture, % Base
saturation, organic matter content and Water test analysis which will include but not limited to
quality if proper for crop uptake, and quantity if will be enough for irrigation.
e) Interpretation of soil, water and agro-climatic data and recommendations
f) Irrigation scheduling must be accurate to avoid flooding and crop withering.
g) Design of the most appropriate irrigation infrastructure.
h) Produce Final irrigation scheme layout with all the associated technical details of the
associated infrastructures.
i) The design should accommodate any residues from the scheme.

ii) Hydrological analysis

Hydrological assessment will be aimed at quantifying the available amount of water in time and
space for sugarcane irrigation. Hydrological/climatological data is used to carryout hydrological
modelling; run-off modelling where stream flow data is not available, stream flow modeling.
Usually data may be obtained from the Directorate of Water Resources as well as the
Meteorological Department in the Ministry of Water and Environment. The requirements are
generally; GIS based topographical maps for catchment delineation and geo-position of rainfall
stations, rainfall and evaporation data, wind speed data, stream flow data, appropriate methods of
analysis such as; Rational method, Unit hydrograph, Soil conservation System (SCS), TRRL,etc,
and computer simulation models; HEC1, HEC2,Flood. Mass curve analysis may be necessary for
the determination of the reservoir capacity as well as flood routing to determine the effective
flood magnitude for the cost-effective design of the irrigation system.
In summary The consultant shall carry out a hydrological analysis to determine the Catchment
Annual Yield, Water quality analysis shall be part and parcel of the assessment. The methods of
analysis must be technically sound, reliable, accurate and appropriate for this assignment.

iii) Water demand assessment

Within the Aswa catchment, The Consultant will be required to review the national development
plans from various sectors such as; water, agriculture, industry, energy, transport, tourism,
environment, etc. as well as Plan for Modernization of Agriculture (PMA), carry out field surveys
to determine all water demands using appropriate tools for data collection; Emphasis shall be put
on assessment of effective water demands and their occurrence in time and space to allow for
precise demand projections. Conflict in water demand from the intended abstraction point will be
harmonised before application of the water permits

iv) Topographical and Drone Survey

The main objective of topographic surveying works is to acquire topographic and surveying
information essential for the preliminary and detailed design of different components of the
proposed irrigation system in the selected area.
The Consultant will be required to carry out topographical surveys for the irrigation scheme to be
constructed and all the data will be presented in compatible CAD formats compliant with the
predominant CAD design software like AutoCAD, Civil 3D, IRRICAD and Cad Map software.
All plans and maps shall be produced in both digital and hardcopy forms with 1:1000 scale with
suitable contour interval.
Drone survey will be executed at not more than 5m resolutions to ascertain clear visibility of all
features and likely obstacles in the irrigation Command area. The drone and topo survey combine
will facilitate the planning and placement of all the intended infrastructures on the ground without
necessarily putting foots on the ground.
v) Irrigation Agronomical Study
 Detailed crop and scheme irrigation water requirement for selected cropping patterns.
 Crop production guidelines for sugar cane and cropping patterns.
 Site specific guidelines for irrigation scheduling of sugare to be grown in the designed
irrigation schemes

vi) Hydraulics simulations of the proposed irrigation facilities

 Running hydraulics simulations of all the possibe development options of the preferred
development option
 Optimisation of the pivot lay-out and size within the farm estate based on the soil and
climatic conditions
 Hydraulics design of the irrigation technology/sprinklers
 Hydraulics design pf the Pivot laterals and Emiters
 Hydraulics simulations of the optimum pipe/Canal network
 Surge mitigation and mitigation of water hammer effect
vii) Design of all Hydraulics Infrastructures
a. Diversion Headwork’s and Pumping stations
i. Siting
ii. Detailed topo survey
iii. Hydraulics simulations
iv. Sump location
b. On-Farm water harvesting and reservoirs
i. Siting
ii. Detailed topo survey
iii. Catchment delineation
iv. Reservoir safe yield
v. Hydraulics simulations
vi. Dam/Tank structural design
viii) Design of Bulk water transfer infrastructures
 Assessment of possibility of inter-basin water transfer
 If feasible, design of the necessary infrastructures

ix) Design of cascading dams on the Unyama Catchment

i. Siting
ii. Detailed topo survey
iii. Catchment delineation
iv. Reservoir safe yield
v. Hydraulics simulations
vi. Dam/Tank structural design

x) Socio – economic/cultural assessments

Socio-economic and financial analysis shall be carried out to determine the acceptability,
adaptability and affordability by the users, including risks such as health status/conditions (HIV
impacts), demographic environment, socio-political and cultural related effects etc. Institutional
and management frameworks of the proposed facilities shall be undertaken for purposes of
ensuring sustainability of service delivery. Focus will be put on the current institutional capacity,
management framework and possible reviews that can be done to enhance the required capacities.

xi) Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment shall be conducted to assess the potential environment and
social impacts associated with the planned construction of the irrigation system and propose
appropriate mitigation measures as well as devising a practical environmental management plan.
Environmental Evaluation Statements shall be produced and where significant impacts are
detected, environmental scoping will be undertaken by the consultant to develop terms of
reference for a detailed impact study.

xii) Risk assessment and management

The Consultant will be required to assess any possible positive or negative risks that may affect
the site before, during and after construction and also during the use of the facility. The
Consultant will propose appropriate and practical risk management measures for the site.

xiii) Environmental and Social Management Plan(ESMP)

xiv) Develop Operation and maintenance framework

The consultant will be required to undertake a detailed assessment of the existing O&M initiatives
in the project area and suggest an appropriate O&M framework for the irrigation system to be
xv) Cost estimates and Financial Analysis of alternatives
Detailed Cost of development (investment), operation and maintenance throughout the lifetime of
the projects shall be estimated. These costs will be used in decision-making.
 gross margin analysis for the proposed crops and advise
 Assessed financial and economic viability of the project.

xvi) Final Design Report

The report will be prepared giving all feasible and appropriate irrigation technology options,
ranked, and costed, as well as preliminary designs, drawings, text and location maps where spatial
development plans shall be laid out. The methods of analysis for different aspects of the study
shall be clearly elaborated in this report.

4.0 Expected Deliverables

The following deliverables are expected from the Consultant.

4.1 Design

a) Inception report
The report will include, but not limited to the following; Data gathered and examined, with
comments on the scope of work and any pertinent aspects, proposed work schedule for execution
of the Consultancy assignment, Requirements in terms of materials and logistics and ways of
obtaining them, proposed activities in case of omissions originating from the previous
The Client will review this report and any comments made will be communicated to the
Consultant to help undertake detailed design. This report is to be submitted to the client within 15
days of the commencement of the assignment.

b) Feasibility Report and Preliminary Design Report (PDR)

The report is to be submitted to the Client within Six (6) weeks after submission and approval of
the Inception report by the client and will include the following: -
 Details and evaluation of the proposed irrigation development with their financial, Economic,
social and technical strength and weakness
 Clear proposed best choice for irrigation development and why the proposed technology for
 Details of the topographical and other field investigation design criteria and standards for the
different elements of the works, conceptual designs and preliminary cost estimates for viable
 The detailed design of the components to be constructed/installed upon the sites, including
the basis for determining the dimensions and structural characteristics of the different
elements of the works.
 Drawings of all the elements of the works in such detail as to enable their
construction/installation upon the site.
 Bills of quantities and preliminary estimates.
 Specifications for workmanship and materials equipment, which are to be incorporated into
the works.

c) Final ESIA Report and ESMP

 Identify and analyse existing environmental and social concerns in the project sites
 Identify possible environmental and social impacts of the project.
 Recommend appropriate site specific mitigation measures/strategies to be incorporated into
the project design.
 Develop a site specific Environmental and Socio Management and Monitoring Plan.
 Describe Policy and Legal framework pertaining to the project on environmental issues.
 Undertake an institutional assessment of local organization on implementation of
environmental and social management plan.
 Make recommendations for existing gaps in the local institutional organization
 Determine whether the specific environmental activities, events, conditions, management
systems or information about these matters conform to audit criteria.
 List of permits and Licenses needed to be acquired
 Sustainable post-construction operation and maintenance manual.

d) Final Detailed Design Report (FDR)

After review of the Draft Design Report by the Client, the Consultant will prepare a Final Design
Report incorporating comments of the Client. The FDR will be submitted within two (2) weeks
from the date of communication of the clients’ comments to the consultant.
This is a ready for construction report clearly stating all the technicalities of the preferred

e) Acquisitions of relevant permits and certificates necessary for the construction and
Management phase
1) Dredging Licences
2) Construction Permits
3) Surface water Abstraction permits
4) Ground water abstractions Permits
5) ESIA Certificates
4.2 Tender Documentation

a) Tender Documents

The Consultant shall prepare the Tender Documents for the irrigation system to be implemented in
the selected areas that shall address all general contractual documents in addition to technical
documents including the followings:
 Technical specifications covering different engineering disciplines
 Book of Drawings
 Bills of Quantities for pricing.
b) Bills of Quantities
The bills of quantities shall be prepared in accordance with design drawings for all works, as well as
services envisaged for implementation and defining how quantities will be measured for payment.
The Consultant will prepare the bills of quantities in computer format using standard software.
c) Book of Drawings
Drawings shall be prepared according to generally accepted standards and shall provide adequate
details compatible with the level of project tendering.
These will be submitted to the Client at the same time with the Draft Design Report and after review,
three (3) final copies shall be submitted within two (2 weeks) as part of the final design report.
4.3 Management, Operation and Maintenance
Sustainable post-construction Operation and Maintenance Manual will be submitted in triplicates to the
Client two (02) weeks after submission of the final design report.
4.4 Construction
Relevant documents for Supervision of construction of works, preconstruction, construction, defects
liability period will be submitted in triplicates to the Client two (02) weeks after submission of the final
design report.

Deliverable and Time frame

S/N Deliverable Duration (in Months)

1 2nd 3rd
1 Inception Report
2 Draft Design Report
3 Final Design Report
4 Tender Documents
5 Operation Manual

5 Client’s Input

The Client will: -

 Assist the Consultant to make contacts with any relevant Government Institutions from whom
information to enable execution of the assignment may be required.
 Provide typical drawings to guide the work of the Consultant, especially during the design stage.
 Provide full-time two (02) counterpart engineers and one (01) counterpart sociologist, who will
work under the guidance/instructions of the Consultant, while at the same time facilitating the
day to day liaison with the Client. The Consultant will facilitate the counterparts which shall be
reimbursed in the contract. The attachment of counterpart staff is to provide room for knowledge

1. Consultants Responsibilities
The consultant shall carry out the assignment in a professional manner in keeping with internationally
accepted standards, using qualified and appropriate staff, and ensuring that required studies and designs are
accomplished within the given time frame. The consultant may add additional experts he/she may deem
necessary to successfully undertake the assignment, but at no extra cost. These shall endeavour to
implement the assignment with diligence and within the time frame agreed upon in the contract. In this
regard, the consultant shall furnish to the Client the full curriculum vitae of each of the members of the
team it has proposed for the assignment. The consultant and his staff shall be ready and willing to work
with local staff.

The consultant shall be responsible for providing his staff salaries, benefits, welfare, freight and travel,
including visas. The consultant will have to remit withholding tax of 6%. The consultant shall replace any
staff member who is unable to carry out the work or is considered by the Atiak Sugar to be unsuitable, with
similar or better qualified member of staff acceptable to the Client.

The consultant shall be responsible for its head office support costs, the cost of housing and other services
for staff on the assignment and procurement and transport of all office technical equipment, machinery and
purchase of vehicles needed for the assignment. The consultant shall be responsible for arranging and
meeting the cost of all supporting services e.g. printing of reports.

At the end of the contract, all items (including vehicles) procured for the assignment (and included in the
cost schedule proposal), or for which reimbursement was claimed and received shall be handed over to the
Client. The consultant shall also keep complete records of all documents, working papers, calculations and
computer data produced during the assignment. Documents to be handed over shall also include the
complete set of as-built drawings, materials testing records, variation orders, contractor’s claims, inspection
reports, and handover certificates.

6 Timing , Reporting and Management of the consultant

The Department of Irrigation, Atiak Sugar Factory will coordinate and manage the consultancy
assignment and will be represented by the Director, All reports will be submitted to:
The Director
Department of Irrigation,
Atiak Sugar Project,
Gem Village, Pachilo Parish,Atiak sub-county
Kilak County,Amuru District

The The Director Irrigation will appoint a team to supervise the implementation of the assignment. Day
to day activities shall be coordinated by this team.

The detailed feasibility and engineering design will take a period of three (03) months, excluding the
tendering period.

The Inception, Technical Appraisal and Final Design Reports, Draft and Final Operation and
Maintenance Manuals will be submitted together with one soft copy to the Client. All text will be
prepared in MS Word while Drawings and/or maps will be prepared in an appropriate compatible CAD
or GIS software.

The Consultant will mobilize and set up a design and supervision team, of key permanent staff, with
expertise in major areas, namely: Irrigation/Agricultural/hydraulic/civil engineering, water resources
engineering, Agronomy and land surveying. Other relevant fields where expertise may be required on a
short-term basis include hydrology, hydrogeology and environmental assessment. The staff should have
relevant experience in the design and construction of Irrigation and drainage systems. The Consultant is
also free to propose additional experts and personnel that are deemed relevant for the successful
execution and completion of the consultancy assignment. A flexible management and reporting hierarchy
within the team and an assignment schedule for all professional staff should be clearly outlined. Any
changes of staff will be approved by the Client in writing.

7 Consultancy Requirements
The Consultant is expected to set up a design and management team of staff with expertise in major
areas, namely: Contract management, Irrigation/Agriculture/Civil Engineer, Hydrologist, Agronomist,
Land Surveyor, Sociologist, Environmental Specialist, GIS/ AutoCAD Specialist and any other
specialists that the Consultant may deem relevant for execution of this assignment. The staff should have
relevant experience in design and construction of Irrigation and drainage systems. Computer literacy and
fluency in English are a must for any of the proposed personnel. Experience in the region will be an
added advantage.

The Consultant will organize all relevant inputs: finances, logistics: offices, vehicles, equipment and tools
etc., as required to accomplish the assignment and are expected to have an office within Atiak Sugar
Estate and Kampala, well equipped for the work. Among the requirements in terms of logistics are four-
wheel drive vehicles (4WD), which will enable personnel to move through the rough or slippery terrain.
7.1 Key Experts and Activities
Following are the key experts required and the corresponding major activities, which they will undertake,
among others:

7.1.1 Irrigation Specialist/Team Leader

a) Provide overall direction to all specialists making up the Consulting team;

b) Manage relationships with the client (Atiak Sugar), regional office, local government units (LGUs), as
well as with other stakeholders including farmers, non-government organizations, and project-affected

c) Prepare detailed, time-bound work plans for the preparation of the detailed feasibility Study and
engineering design of the irrigation scheme, assigning various team members to each key task;

d) Provide technical support and guidance in all aspects of the consultancy services;

e) Organize and take the lead in the conduct of site visits to the proposed project areas for the technical
supervision in undertaking the required survey and mapping, and the carrying-out of required soil and
water tests;

f) Monitor the progress of all planning and design work ensuring that deadlines relating to delivery dates
are met;

g) Ensure the timely delivery and quality control of all required outputs; in particular, the Inception
Report, Draft Design Report, Final Design Report, Tender documents and the operation manual;

7.1.2 Geotechnical Engineer

Reconnaissance survey, site investigations, site analysis, sampling and testing, geotechnical analysis,
earthwork design, engineering geology, perform structural analysis and design of the irrigation
infrastructure, communicate structural designs through drawings and specifications
7.1.3 Hydraulic/Design Engineer
a) Reconnaissance survey, Analysis, planning and design of irrigation infrastructure.
b) Based on both current and future cropping patterns, determine the water requirements for crops to be
grown in the service area and, based on conveyance and farm level efficiencies, determine irrigation
water requirement;
c) Prepare feasibility level design of irrigation system and associated control structures and measurement
facilities as well as other required supporting infrastructure as well as farm level facilities, and drainage
d) Provide a location map showing the name, location, and the general description of the project;
e) Provide a general layout of the project showing the service area, irrigation and drainage pipe network
f) Provide a schematic diagram of irrigation and drainage Network;
g) Provide an inventory of irrigation structures;
h) Prepare Engineer’s estimates for construction works, prepare Bills of Quantities and tender documents.
i) Show the plan and profile of main line indicating its elements;
j) Show the construction/installation and disbursement schedule;
k) Show the cost of annual O&M of irrigation facilities; (including those of alternatives);
l) Undertake other tasks/activities assigned/delegated by the Team Leader as may be required during the
conduct of the Study and detailed engineering design, as articulated in this TOR.

7.1.4 Agronomist
a) Conduct soil profiling and collect soil samples that shall be subjected to physical and chemical
analysis in order to facilitate the fertilizer recommendation for the different crops to be grown in
the area;
b) Carry out land use mapping, soil characterization, and land class correlation based on the inherent
and morphological characteristics of the soil such as physical and chemical properties,
topography, drainage and parent materials, and design into appropriate mapping units for the
c) Identify the major constraints faced by the farming communities in the service area, which affect
agricultural productivity;
d) Conduct farm management survey through interview of farmers in all the communities covered
by the proposed project. The interview should cover at least 10% of the total number of farmers in
the proposed service area;
e) List down all the possible farmer beneficiaries in the proposed service area and determine their
family size, farm holding status, farm size, individual land use, and the cropping condition
(irrigated or rain fed);
f) In the case that an existing irrigation system is present and will be covered by the project, collect
the necessary data needed such as the latest O&M report, actual irrigated area during wet and dry
season, and production performance (average yield);
g) Inform the Irrigation Engineer about the crops that can be planted in the area and generate a future
cropping pattern;
h) The agronomic analysis must include the following: population and labour force, cropped area,
yield and production, agricultural inputs, cropping pattern/calendar, labour distribution per crop
and per farm operation, labour balance, farmer/farm lot distribution based on tenurial status and
farm size, inventory of farm machineries and post-harvest facilities, and inventory of agricultural
support services such as credit institutions, demonstration farms, farmers’ cooperatives, retailers
of agricultural inputs, as well as list of Government agencies and research institutions that support
the agricultural economy in the project area. These data should be presented under present/future
without project condition and future with project condition;
i) Undertake other tasks/activities assigned/delegated by the Team Leader as may be required during
the conduct of the Study and detailed engineering design, as articulated in this TOR.
7.1.5 Hydrologist/Water Resources Expert
a) Identification, collection and analysis of hydrological and climatological data required for the
assignment, perform hydrological assessments with aid of suitable computer aided design
b) Estimate the stream flow at the identified/proposed water source and perform flow duration
c) Estimate the water requirement using daily rainfall data at various cropping calendar to determine
the least water requirement. Include the climate change scenario for ready reference;
d) In case there are several water users/water permit grantees or irrigation systems drawing water
from the same source, perform systems water balance;
e) Perform hydrologic analysis for various the proposed irrigation site/alternative sites;
f) Estimate proposed irrigable area per site based on available/dependable water supply;
g) Gather water samples on the proposed water sources for water quality testing;

7.1.6 Land Surveyor

a) Reconnaissance and topographical survey covering the entire extent of the proposed project area.
b) Undertake other tasks/activities assigned/delegated by the Team Leader as may be required during
the conduct of the Study and detailed engineering design, as articulated in this TOR.
7.1.7 Environmental Specialist
Carryout a detailed assessment and evaluation of the positive and negative, direct and indirect, immediate
and long term, permanent and temporary impacts due to proposed construction of the irrigation system
and related activities both, during construction and future operation. Impacts will be assessed in either
qualitative or quantitative terms, according to their inherent nature and the availability of adequate data to
enable predictive analysis to be undertaken. The full range of potential significant impacts on both the
natural and human environment should be assessed. Liaise with the Sociologist to prepare an
Environmental and Social Management plan.
7.1.8 Sociologist
a) Carryout socio-economic assessment to establish the living conditions of the beneficiary
communities before the project and evaluate the likely socio impacts due to the project.
b) Carryout community mobilization, sensitization and training.
c) Undertake other tasks/activities assigned/delegated by the Team Leader as may be required during
the conduct of the Study and detailed engineering design, as articulated in this TOR.

7.2 Expert Requirement and Qualification

The key experts to undertake the assignment should possess the following minimum academic
qualifications and experience as stipulated below:
 Team leader/Irrigation Specialist: 1st degree in Irrigation /Agricultural/Civil Engineering and
Master’s Degree in Irrigation Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering
with 10 years of relevant experience. Must be a registered Engineer with a recognized
professional body.
 Hydraulic/Design Engineer: 1st degree in Irrigation Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Civil
Engineering or Hydraulic Engineering and Master’s Degree in Irrigation or Hydraulic
Engineering with 10 years relevant experience.
 Geotechnical Engineer: 1st degree in Civil Engineering or Geotechnical Engineering with 5 years
of relevant experience. Must be a registered Engineer with a recognized professional body.
 Hydrologist/Water Resources Expert: Bachelors of Science degree and Masters in Water
Resources Engineering or related field with 5 years of relevant experience. Must be a registered
Engineer with a recognized professional body.
 Environmental Specialist: 1st degree in Natural Sciences, Environmental science and Master’s
Degree in Environmental Science or Natural Resource Management with 5 years of relevant
experience. Must be a certified Environmental Practitioner with recognized Organization.
 Agronomist: Bachelor’s degree in Agronomy or Agricultural Sciences with at least 5years
relevant experience and specific experience in agricultural studies and Irrigation development
 Sociologist: 1st degree in Social Sciences or Development studies with 5 years of relevant
 Land Surveyor: 1st degree in Land Surveying with 5 years relevant experience. Must be a
registered Surveyor with a recognized professional body.

S/N Personnel In Similar Man

Total Work
Works Months
Experience No.
1. Team leader/ Irrigation 10 6 3.0
2. Hydraulic/Design Engineer 6 3.0
10 1
3. Geotechnical Engineer 4 1.0
5 1
4. Hydrologist/Water Resources 5 4 1.0

5. Environmental Specialist 4 1 2.0

6. Agronomist 5 4 1 2.0
7. Sociologist 4 1 3.0
8. Land Surveyor 4 1 1.5


1 Background and Context

The consultant will contribute to the realization of sustainable infrastructure development under the
project. The ESIA and EA report produced by the consultants will contain the information outlined in the
NEMA guidelines for ESIA

1.1 Objective of the Service

The objective of the Consultancy is to carry out an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, prepare
an ESIA study report and site-specific Environmental Socio Management Plans (ESMP) according to
GoU, WorldBank safeguards policies and those of the NEMA Uganda.
The specific objectives of the services will be to:
a. Identify and analyse existing environmental and social concerns in the project sites
b. Identify possible environmental and social impacts of the project.
c. Recommend appropriate site specific mitigation measures/strategies to be incorporated into the
project design.
d. Develop a site specific Environmental and Socio Management and Monitoring Plan.
e. Describe Policy and Legal framework pertaining to the project on environmental issues.
f. Undertake an institutional assessment of local organization on implementation of environmental
and social management plan.
g. Make recommendations for existing gaps in the local institutional organization
h. Determine whether the specific environmental activities, events, conditions, management systems
or information about these matters conform to audit criteria.
Thus the Consultant should be able to provide the physical and biophysical description of the sub-project
areas (physical location and area of influence of the irrigation schemes, source of irrigation water, and
disposal strategy for drainage water, projected effects of including volume and flow rates of irrigation
and drainage waters and all other related information.

1.2.1 Environmental Concerns to be addressed in the ESIA

The following biophysical, resource use and socioeconomic concerns are identified as the key issues to
be addressed in the ESIA, covering the well-defined study area for the ESIA study:
 Soil erosion during construction of the canals and associated works
 Irrigation induced soil erosion
 Surface and groundwater contamination by fertilizers and pesticides
 Chemical attacks and poisoning
 Increased incidences of water-borne and water related diseases
 Conflict over access to water
 Conflicts over access to land and land resources
 Undertake initial environmental review to identify the environmental aspects of the schemes and
evaluate the associated environmental impacts. The significance of each of the identified impacts can
be different scheme. The following criteria should be considered when evaluating the significance of
- scale of impact;
- severity of impact;
- reversibility of impact;
- probability of occurrence;
- duration of impact;
- spatial scale of impact;
- frequency of the activity;
- frequency of the occurrence of the impact;
- local and national context
- legal compliance

Therefore, the following tasks are expected to be carried out and reported upon by the Consultant when
carrying out the ESIA study:

i. The existing biophysical characteristics and socio-economical environmental status of the

proposed area by identifying and analysing:
 Physical conditions: Geology, soil conditions, site topography and drainage systems (water
courses),temperature and rainfall pattern
 Biological resources: The scope of vegetative resources for the areas including riparian
vegetation, the extent of terrestrial and aquatic of fauna within the areas
 Socio-economic conditions: demographic trend within and around the project area, main land
uses, agriculture and marketing, business activities, basic infrastructure and health situation
including description of HIV/AIDS prevalence rates
 Any changes anticipated during implementation of the project in the area.

ii. The size and extent of the potential environmental impacts based as much as possible on
quantitative data rather than qualitative assessment associated with the proposed projects;
focusing on both the positive and negative effects as well as effects to the biophysical, social,
economic and cultural components of the environment. The potential impacts to be assessed may
include those related to:
 Project location (e.g. resettlement of people, loss of forest land, loss of agricultural land, loss
of grazing pastures, impact on flora and fauna, impact on cultural sites).
 Project design (e.g. drainage problems, design of irrigation infrastructure like intake works,
water conveyance, distribution and water application structures).
 Project implementation/construction stage (e.g. oil spills, soil erosion due to construction
activities, excavation and disposal of materials, noise, and air pollution – dust).
 Project operation (e.g. effectiveness of the control and management aspects of the projects,
pollution by agrochemicals, increase in water associated diseases, conflicts of water use,
impacts on soils i.e. water logging, salinization) phases of the programme through its
projected life.

iii. Appropriate site specific mitigation measures/strategies needed and how they should be
incorporated into the project design to eliminate, reduce, reverse or mitigate the identified
negative impacts/effects identified in task number (ii) including the measures to enhance the
positive effects. In addition, site specific frameworks for Environmental Management System
(EMS) to enable the schemes achieve their environmental management goals in compliance with
environmental legislation (guidelines).

iv. Proposed site specific Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) in tabular form
specifying the predicted impacts, mitigation measures/enhancement measures, schedule of the
measures and responsible persons and institutions and monitoring plan for the project as well as
the training and awareness, communication, operational control, and emergency preparedness and
response in case of the EA.

v. Proposed site specific Environmental Monitoring Plan by which all mitigation measures
recommended in ESMP and EMS will be monitored and audited respectively. The plan should
include activities, the frequency of monitoring, the key monitoring indicators and the authorities
responsible for monitoring.

vi. Public consultation to ensure that all interested and affected stakeholders are involved in the ESIA
process and incorporate their views into the report.

vii. Description of Policy and Legal framework pertaining to the programme and their implication on
the same. Reference should be made but not limited to Uganda National Development Plan II,
Water Act, Water policy, National Environmental Management Act and regulations, Pesticide
Act, Draft National Irrigation Policy (2017), National Land Use Management Policy, National
Agricultural policy).

The expected outputs submitted by the consulting team will therefore include but not limited to:
(i) An ESIA report organized to provide stand-alone environmental and social assessment including
cumulative impacts of the irrigation schemes and a framework for Environmental Management
System (EMS) of the schemes and
(ii) Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) for the irrigation scheme.

1.2.2 Environmental Management

The consultant will pay particular attention to identifying and recommending measures or practices for
avoiding, mitigating or managing negative impacts of the project, and for capturing or enhancing
potential environmental benefits. As potential measures or practices begin to be identified, the consultant
will bring them to the Atiak Sugar's attention for possible inclusion in the project plan.
In particular, the consultant will prepare an environmental management plan for the construction,
operation and decommissioning of the proposed schemes. The consultant will estimate the costs of
implementing this plan, including all capital, operating and training costs, consistent with the tasks
outlined above.

1.2.3 Public Consultation

Atiak Sugar Ltd intends that all concerned public and private stake-holders in the project have adequate
input to its planning and design, and that the project will be well-received by them. Thus, in addition to
the usual government liaison, the consultant will propose an adequate programme of consulting the
public during the ESIA. The purpose of the programme will be to assist Atiak Sugar Ltd to both inform
all interested parties about the project and solicit their views about it. Specifically, the consultant will
propose an effective, comprehensive public consultation strategy which includes at least its objectives, an
initial list of stake-holders or audiences to be consulted, methods for reaching these
stakeholders/audiences, the scheduling of consultation activities, and how the consultation efforts will be
analyzed. In devising a public consultation programme, the consultant will pay close attention to the
guidance provided by NEMA in the Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment.
1.2.4 Content of ESIA and EA Report
The ESIA and EA report produced by the consultants will contain the information outlined in the
NEMA guidelines for ESIA.

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