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French Italian Spanish Grammar PDF

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See usage notes at the end.


Definite articles Indefinite articles
m.s. el il, l’, lo le, l’ un un, uno un
f.s. la la, l’ la, l’ una una, un’ une
m.p. los i, gli les unos dei, degli des, d’
f.p. las le unas delle
Forms with an apostrophe are used before nouns starting with a vowel (or ‘h’ in
the case of French). In Italian, uno, lo and quello are used before nouns starting
with z, gn, ps or s+consonant. Italian gli is the plural of lo and l’.
masc. -o, -ma, - -o, -ore -acle, -al, -ail, -eau,
(consonant) -ème, -et, -isme, -oir
fem. -a, ion, ión, -a, -tà, -trice, -zione and -ance, -anse, -ense,
dad, tad, tud, most that end in -ione, -ise, -sion, -tié, -ure
ez, umbre -i, -ie and -ù
Singular Plural Sg. Pl. Sg. Pl.
-[consonant] +es -o -i -au, -eu, -ou +x
-[vowel] +s -a -e -al, -ail -aux
-z -ces -e -i -s, -z, -x -s, -z, -x
-ión -iones -i, -ie -i, -ie others +s
In Italian, nouns ending in a consonant or an accented vowel, as well as family
names, monosyllabic nouns and abbreviations, are invariable.
Subject tu manges une carrotte Direct lo leía concienzudamente
yo je io me me mi
tú tu tu te te ti
él, ella il, elle lui, lei lo, la le, la lo, la
nosotros nous noi nos nous ci
vosotros vous voi os vous vi
ellos ils loro los/las les li/le
ellas elles

Indirect dimmelo Prepositional il reste chez eux

me me mi mí moi me
te te ti ti toi te
le lui gli/le él, ella lui, elle lui, lei
nos nous ci nosotros nous noi
os vous vi vosotros vous voi
les leur gli/loro ellos eux loro
ellas elles

Reflexive te sentaste ahí Possessive pronouns quella è la mia

me me mi mío mien mio
te te ti tuyo tien tuo
se se si suyo sien suo
nos nous ci nuestro nôtre nostro
os vous vi vuestro vôtre vostro
se se si suyo leur loro
Masc. sg. form Fem. sg. Masc. pl. Fem. pl.
-o -a -os -as
-e -e -es -es
-or, -án, -ón, -ora, -ána, -ores, -ánes, -oras, -ánas,
-ín -óna, -ína -ónes, ínes -ónas, ínas
-[consonant] -[consonant] +es +es
-o -a -i -e
-e -e -i -i
-a -a -i -e
blu, rosa, viola, marrone, ogni, qualsiasi, qualche are invariable
-e -e -es -es
-el -elle -els -elles
-en -enne -ens -ennes
-eux -euse -eux -euses
-er -ère -ers -ères
-f -ve -fs -ves
-on -onne -ons -onnes
others +e +s +es
which? cuál quale quel, quelle
cuáles quali quels, quelles
how much? cuánto, cuánta quanto, quanti combien de
how many? cuántos, cuántas quanta, quante
mi il mio, la mia mon, ma
mis i miei, le mie mes
tu il tuo, la tua ton, ta
tus i tuoi, le tue tes
su il suo, la sua son, sa
sus i suoi, le sue ses
nuestro, nuestra il nostro, la nostra notre
nuestros, nuestras i nostri, le nostre nos
vuestro, vuestra il vostro, la vostra votre
vuestros, vuestras i vostri, le vostre vos
su il loro, la loro leur
sus i loro, le loro leurs
close este, esto esta questo questa ce(t)...-ci cette...-ci
estos estas questi queste ces...-ci ces...-ci
far ese, eso esa codesto codesta
esos esas codesti codeste
further aquel(lo) aquella quel(lo) quella ce(t)...-là cette...-là
aquellos aquellas quei, quegli quelle ces...-là ces...-là
close éste, esto ésta questo questa celui-ci cette-ci
éstos éstas questi queste ceux-ci celles-ci
far ése, eso ésa codesto codesta
ésos ésas codesti codeste
further áquel, aquello áquella quello quella celui-là cette-là
áquellos áquellas quelli quelle ceux-là celles-là
o o o o o o e s is
as es es i i i es s is
a e e a e e e - it
amos emos imos iamo iamo iamo ons ons issons
áis éis ís ate ete ite ez ez issez
an en en ano ono ono ent ent issent
Stem 1s present 1s present
Endings E for ar A for er/ir i,i,i... ino a,a,a... ano ER
3p preterite for -ir stem-
Stem for 1p 3p
& 2p
changers; inf. stem for 1p present
-ar/-er stem-changers present
Endings for
1p & 2p
E A iamo, iate IM

Stem (ar) inf. stem + ab
inf. stem + av, ev, iv 1p present
Stem (er/ir) inf. stem + í
Endings A A ais, ais, ait, ions,
Exception 1s = ‘a’ 2p = ‘amo’ iez, aient
Stem 3p preterite –‘on’ 2s preterite 2s preterite
Endings IM. Replace ‘r’ with ssi, ssi, sse, sse, sses, ^t,
‘s’ and ‘a’ with ‘e’ for ssimo, ste, ssions, ssiez,
the alt. form ssero ssent
FUTURE. The infinitive is the stem (change ‘a’ to ‘e’ for -are verbs)
[h]e, [h]as, [h]a, [h]o, [h]ai, [h]a, ai, as, a,
[h]emos, [hab]éis, emo, [av]ete, [av]ons, [av]ez, ont
[h]an [h]anno
CONDITIONAL. Same stem as the future.
í + IM ei, esti, ebbe, emmo, este, ebbero IM
(except for 1s, this is the preterite of avere)
PRETERITE. In the case of -ir stem-changers, use the 3p preterite stem for
3s as well (e.g. durmió). Use inf. stem for all else. Use 1p present stem.
ar er/ir are ere ire er re/ir
é í ai ei/etti ii ai is
aste iste asti esti isti as is
ó ió ò è/ette ì a it
amos imos ammo emmo immo âmes îmes
asteis isteis aste este iste âtes îtes
aron ieron arono erono/ettero irono èrent irent
are ere/ire er re/ir
2s Remove ‘s’ from present a Present e Present
indicative indicativ
1p Present subjunctive Present Present
indicative indicative
2p inf. stem + d
Formal 3rd person present subjunctive
In the negative imperative, Italian 2s uses the infinitive; Spanish uses the
present subjunctive for all forms.
Infinitive ar er/ir are ere ire er re ir
Past pp. ado ido ato uto ito é u i
Present pp. [ante] [(i)ente] ante ente ant
Gerund ando iendo/yendo ando endo -
In Spanish, use the 3p preterite stem for the gerund and present
AUXILIARY VERBS Used for the continuous tenses:
to ‘stay’ estar stare
Present estoy, estás, está, sto, stai, sta,
indic. estamos, estáis, están stiamo, state, stanno
Present esté, estés, esté, stia, stia, stia,
subj. estemos, estéis, estén stiamo, stiate, stiano
Imp. subj. regular stem: ste
Future regular stem: sta
Preterite estuv- + e, iste, o, stetti, stesti, stette,
imos, isteis, ieron stemmo, steste, stettero
Imperative regular 2s: sta’ or stai
Past pp. estado stato
Used for the perfect tense:
to have haber avere avoir
Pres. hay- abbia, abbia, abbia, aie, aies, aie,
subj. abbiamo, abbiate, ayons, ayez, aient
Imp. subj. hub- regular regular (stem: eu)
Future habr- avr- aur-
Preterite hub- + e, iste, ebbi, avesti, ebbe, eus, eus, eut,
o, imos, isteis, avemmo, aveste, ebbero eûmes, eûtes,
ieron eurent
Imperat. 2s: he/hé 2s: abbi; use the present 2s: aie, 1p: ayons,
subjunctive for the rest 2p: ayez
Past pp. (habido) (avuto) eu
Pres. pp. (habiendo) (avendo) ayant
Used for the perfect tense and/or for the passive voice:
to be ser essere être
Pres. soy, eres, es, sono, sei, è, suis, es, est,
indic. somos, sois, son siamo, siete, sono sommes, êtes, sont
Present sea, seas, sea, sia, sia, sia, sois, sois, soit,
subj. seamos, seáis, sean siamo, siate, siano soyons, soyez,
Imp. era, eras, era, ero, eri, era, étais, étais, était,
éramos, erais, eran eravamo, eravate, étions, étiez, étaient
Future regular stem: sar stem: ser
Pret. fui, fuiste, fue, fui, fosti, fu, fus, fus, fût,
fuimos, fuisteis, fueron fummo, foste, furono fûmes, fûtes, furent
Imper. 2s: sé 2s: sii; use present 2s: sois, 1p:
subjunctive for rest soyons, 2p: soyez
Pst pp. sido stato été

to go ir andare aller
Pres. voy, vas, va, vado (vo), vai, va, vais, vais, va,
indic. vamos, vais, van andiamo, andate, vanno allons, allez, vont
Pres. vaya, vayas, vaya, vada, vada, vada, aille, ailles, aille,
subj. vayamos, vayáis, andiamo, andiate, allions, alliez,
vayan vadano aillent
Imp. iba, ibas, iba, regular regular
íbamos, ibais, iban
Pret. see ser regular regular
Imper 2s: ve 2s: va’ or vai 2s: va
By Justin Morgan, with thanks to Maarten van Gompel (Proycon).
Fritaliañol Usage Notes
• Spanish is rendered in light yellow; Italian in light green; French in
light blue.
• A minus sign, such as in “-eux” or “habr-” indicates that these letters
appear at the end or at the beginning of a word. A plus sign, such as in
“+es” means that “es” should be appended to the end of the word in
question (in this case, to the end of a French noun that is feminine
plural, if given the masculine singular form).
• Remember that possessive adjectives agree with the noun that is
possessed, not the possessor. Thus, in Spanish, “su padre” could mean
his father, her father or their father, because “su” agrees in number
with “padre”.
• ‘1s’ refers to ‘first person singular’; ‘3p’ refers to ‘third person plural’
and so on.
• ‘inf. stem’ means the infinitive stem.
• ‘Stem-changers’ in Spanish refers to verbs like pensar, whose stems
change to diphthongs when stressed (pienso etc.).

Verb Conjugation System

The system outlined here is based on the idea of learning ‘principal parts’ and
‘ending sets’ and then putting them together according to some fairly simple
rules. To use this system, you would only need to learn...
Principal Infinitive Infinitive Infinitive
parts 1s present 1s present 1p present
[learn 3p preterite 2s preterite 3p present
for each Past participle Past participle 2s preterite
verb] Past participle
Ending -ar endings (A) -are endings (A) -er endings (ER)
sets -er endings (E) -ere endings (E) -re endings (RE)
-ir endings (I) -ire endings (I) -ir endings (IR)
Preterite endings Present subj. endings Imperfect endings (IM)
Imperfect subj. endings Imp. subj. endings
Preterite endings Preterite endings
...as well as the appropriate auxiliary verbs (all of which are listed), as well as
the few little complications noted... and then you should be able to conjugate
any regular verb in any tense, as well as cope with a few of the most common
‘irregularities’. The future tense endings for all 3 languages are merely the
endings of the present indicative of ‘to have’, although accents need to be
inserted on the underlined letters, and Italian has one annoying exception.

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