Striim White Paper v1 0
Striim White Paper v1 0
Striim White Paper v1 0
2 Partner Words 2
3 Introduction to striim 3
3.1 What is striim? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1.1 driips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1.2 striim Tokens (SII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1.3 hubii Tokens (HBT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2 Foundation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4 striim Fundamentals 5
4.1 State Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2 Benefits of striim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2.1 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2.2 Transactional Throughput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2.3 Transactional Volume and Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2.4 Finality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2.5 driip Volume Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2.6 Network Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2.7 Account Flexibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2.8 Hot, Warm and Cold Wallets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2.9 Upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5 striim Architecture 11
5.1 Security Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.1.1 Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.1.2 User Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.1.3 Data Availability Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2 Liquidity of Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.3 Temporary Rollback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
7 hubii core 26
8 The Future 27
8.1 Immediate Withdrawal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
8.2 Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
8.3 Fiat-Backed Tokens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
8.3.1 Know Your Customer/Anti-Money Laundering . . . . . . . . . 28
8.4 Cross-Chain Swaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
8.5 Privacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
8.6 Data Availability Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
8.7 Multisignature Wallets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
8.8 Bond Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
8.9 Other Token Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
8.10 Patent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
We chose to build upon Ethereum for many reasons, but it does not scale to meet our
current business needs. hubii’s business needs a protocol that can potentially process
millions of payments and trades per second. Yet, we need it to be completely trustless.
The need for trustlessness is born from the nature of blockchain itself; trusting third-
party products built upon blockchain would come with increased counterparty and,
therefore, commercial risk.
After careful evaluation of the current maturity level of other scaling initiatives, we
decided to pause our ongoing content-based work and embark ourselves on a short,
yet intense, journey of contributing to this amazing wider ecosystem. 6 months later
we give you striim.
Our track record working with leading companies places us in a unique position to
promote the mass adoption of striim through our existing partnerships and deploy-
ment of our upcoming ecosystem of products.
Please note that we do not discuss every security provision and attack vector prevented
by the architecture in this document, instead some very basic examples are provided
which illustrate the key concepts.
2 Partner Words
The striim system addresses a real-world use case: incentivization of
producing information goods. For example, the Bugmark project addresses
market failures in software incentivization by trading futures contracts
on the status of issues in a software issue tracker. This enables not only
developers, but also code reviewers, testers, and managers, to overcome
market failures that have historically resulted in software being produced
at a quality level below that desired by either developers or users.
In order for futures contracts to fulfill their promise as a new form of soft-
ware incentivization, we require
Don Marti, Strategist for Mozilla and advisory board member for Incentives Research
Bugmark needs scalable payment-processing for digital currency.
We’re 100% confident in the striim team and their solution fixes Ethereum’s
show-stopping scalability issues. Any business who needs to transact in
digital currencies should take a serious look at striim.
3 Introduction to striim
3.1 What is striim?
striim is a second layer scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain. Second layer
solutions are designed to handle much greater transaction volumes than the main
Ethereum network; they do this by moving the majority of the processing off-chain.
These off-chain transactions are then enforced by the security constructions on the
Ethereum main chain, which acts as the arbitrator for all disputes.
All transactions using striim will be processed initially by hubii, who will act as the
operator of the network. Importantly, the security of the striim network does not rely
on users trusting hubii; the system has been designed to work in a trustless manner.
3.1.1 driips
Upon release there will be two forms of transactions that are possible on the striim
protocol, payments and trades, supporting Ether and ERC20 tokens. All forms of off-
chain transactions that can result in a change of state on the Ethereum main chain will
be termed driips in this paper, for ease of differentiation from Ethereum transactions.
Members are required to play an active role in monitoring, validating and protecting
the network. Their role also includes a commitment to building striim-based solutions
and the provision of nodes to assist protocol operation. The Foundation will be re-
quired to ensure the responsible divestment of hubii’s large holding at an appropriate
point in time. This divestment is part of a broader plan to guarantee a plurality of
striim token holders, thus making the network more resistant to a 51% attack.
4 striim Fundamentals
4.1 State Channels
striim can be thought of as a multi-party state channel. A state channel is the name
given to one general purpose off-chain scaling solution for Ethereum; it is essentially
the exchanging of signed messages between users off-chain, which allows for eventual
on-chain settling of the final state at a later point.
This is best explained by way of an example: Alice wants to pay Bob 1 token per
tweet for 1,000 tweets. Using Ethereum, she could theoretically send 1,000 on-chain
transactions to Bob of 1 token each time he tweeted. However, if everyone did this,
the Ethereum network would rapidly become congested, transaction fees would rise
and Alice’s total cost to send those tokens would be punitively high. We can improve
this situation by using state channels. In the simple case whereby Alice and Bob both
trust each other, Alice could send an email containing a signed Ethereum transaction
for 1 token after tweet 1 and a second email with a 2 token transaction after tweet 2.
This would go on until she sent a 1,000 token signed transaction after tweet 1,000, at
which point Bob could then send the transaction from the last email to the network
and receive 1,000 tokens. This example is less relevant for striim as Alice and Bob
trust each other; here, Alice could simply send the payment in advance of the tweets,
trusting that Bob would deliver on his side of the bargain. Regardless, this example
serves to highlight some of the major issues which would need to be solved in the case
of Alice and Bob mistakenly trusting one another, they include:
• Bob sending all of the transactions he received from Alice to the network. In this
case, he can potentially steal 1,000 + 999 + 998 + . . . + 3 + 2 + 1 = 500,500
tokens from Alice, assuming her balance was high enough
• Alice waiting until Bob has sent 1,000 tweets before moving her tokens to an-
other address. When Bob tries to claim his 1,000 tokens by sending the final
signed transaction to the network, there are no funds in Alice’s account to pay
him. Alice is effectively getting 1,000 tweets for free
State channel constructions become progressively more complex as additional secu-
rity provisions are added to protect users. Similarly, the move from unidirectional
payments to bidirectional payments and, ultimately, more general state transitions in-
creases the complexity of the system significantly.
ment and anticipation surrounding these kinds of projects.
4.2.1 Security
Whilst striim is an off-chain solution, it is architected such that it maintains security
which can theoretically approach that of the Ethereum base layer. All attempts to
defraud the network should lead to failure. The security model of striim is discussed
in detail later in this document.
deposited into striim that user may make essentially infinite driips within the plat-
form, only needing to send further transactions to the Ethereum network to either top
up their account balance or to withdraw some funds back to the main Ethereum net-
work. Despite the potential additional gas overhead for depositing and withdrawing
on-chain, striim users will benefit from significant cost savings after just a few pay-
ments or trades.
The on-chain dispute mechanisms within striim also incur additional transaction vol-
ume and gas costs. This is a small price to pay for the associated security benefits that
these mechanisms provide; striim is designed to be a robust system where attackers are
dissuaded by maximally significant penalties for failure and similarly high chance of
detection. As such, any dispute overhead is minimal for the network relative to other
security options.
4.2.4 Finality
Transaction finality is an essential component of any economic system. In an ideal
scenario, the process of finalising transactions would be limited only by latency. In
blockchain-based systems however, transaction finality is generally probabilistic; a
Bitcoin transaction is considered final after 6 block confirmations, which are usually
completed in around 60 minutes. For Ethereum the equivalent might be considered to
be 12 block confirmations or just under 3 minutes.
The finality of driips within striim is immediate, i.e. transactions are final as soon
as a signed execution receipt is published by the operator.
Finality is critical for an exchange which seeks to have tight spreads on currency
pairs. Arbitrageurs need assurance that both sides of their trades are executed across
whichever two exchanges they are using. If an exchange provides rapid guarantees
that a trade has taken place and cannot be reversed, arbitrageurs are exposed to signif-
icantly reduced risks. The lack of these guarantees goes some way to explaining the
significantly wider spreads on cryptocurrency exchanges compared with traditional
forex markets. These risks are not fully mitigated by using a centralised exchange,
which provides a receipt of trade execution, as execution guarantees are contingent
upon successfully withdrawing from the exchange due to counterparty risk. The striim
protocol is designed to avoid this counterparty risk.
For striim, driip finality is determined by latency in the system. striim’s architecture
ensures that a user’s connection latency will have no impact on the execution of an or-
der and its driip finality once a signed order has been registered with the system. The
main source of any delays in processing would therefore be the security and fraud de-
tection checks that are performed as the order is registered and subsequently executed.
It is important to ensure that the user’s experience is optimised for instant feedback in
any products built upon striim. This requires a robust backend architecture.
The bandwidth requirements of striim, notably its data publishing element, will be
in keeping with similarly scalable web applications. The architecture can also lever-
age enterprise grade cloud infrastructure if needed.
fees, delivered trustlessly to content providers.
Fees are the determining factor for minimum driip amounts. For a fee of 0.1% and
a typical ERC20 token with 15 decimal places, this minimum driip size is 1 × 10−12
tokens, or a picotoken. For Ether which has 18 decimal places the minimum driip size
is 1 × 10−15 tokens or a femtotoken.
This explains why we have called the protocol ‘striim’, as it allows the literal ‘stream-
ing’ of funds in the form of many driips. This opens up numerous new business models,
many of which hubii will be taking advantage of immediately by leveraging our exist-
ing content business. Aside from content monetisation, genuine micropayments and
the countless financial applications, this also means that striim can function as a proto-
col upon which IoT (Internet of Things) systems can be developed. Note, the minimum
driip size may be modified in future to ensure the protocol is resistant to abuse.
• A cold wallet is the most secure method of storing funds within striim and is
the recommended solution for users with large balances. Such a wallet would
usually be controlled by a hardware device, such as Trezor or Ledger Nano S
• Warm wallets require a password, code or similar passphrase in order to sign
driips, with user’s key pairs stored securely in an encrypted format on the device
they are using. This model offers strong security, however it carries a higher risk
than the cold wallet option
• A hot wallet can be used within the striim ecosystem and remain ‘unlocked’ upon
entry to our products. Typically this not would be considered secure, however
it can be acceptable for small sums of money (such as a micropayments wallet)
Due to striims low latency, instant finality and ease of use, we can enable these features
in a user friendly way which is not currently possible on the Ethereum network.
4.2.9 Upgrades
One of the key architectural principles behind striim is that the development of the
protocol should keep pace with the needs of commercial use cases. This has been a
particular problem for the blockchain ecosystem as a whole, leading to many compet-
ing ‘blockchains’ of dubious quality and purpose. It is our strong belief that that any
governance of a blockchain should be introduced at the second layer. The base layer, in
striim’s case Ethereum, should remain untouched as a bastion for the key principles of
blockchain technology: decentralisation, immutability and permissionless innovation.
hubii and the striim Foundation will ultimately be responsible for ensuring the se-
curity of striim during any future upgrades. In general, striim has been designed to
be easily upgradable, however users may choose to opt-out of upgrades in a trustless
fashion. Users will also have the subsequent option to opt-in again later.
5 striim Architecture
5.1 Security Construction
The striim security architecture divides into three levels, each containing a set of nodes.
This separation of concerns is best understood as:
1. Operator
The striim network will be operated initially by hubii, who will provide the first
point of validation on the network. This arrangement is subject to the gover-
nance and approval of the striim Foundation. Much of striim’s security con-
struction is designed to ensure the operator is unable to commit fraud, even if
2. User Monitoring
Any user of the Ethereum network can submit fraud challenges to the smart
contract, with the reward for a successful challenge being the fraudulent user’s
balance. These challenges are explained in more detail in the ‘Continuous Fraud
Challenge’ and ‘driip Settlement Challenge’ sections.
The security provisions within the striim protocol are designed to protect against three
possible fraudulent attacks, characterised in terms of data availability. First, users are
protected against the possibility of a compromised network operator through the ‘Con-
tinuous Fraud Challenge’ mechanism. Second, users are protected against illegitimate
driip rollbacks through the ‘driip Settlement Challenge’ mechanism. Both of these
challenges require network data to be both available and accurate, hence the need for
a third security provision for when data is not available. The fully decentralised ‘Data
Availability Oracle’ is designed to continually test data availability, this is the third
security provision.
This section sets out the three security provisions in detail, explaining the rationale
behind each and how they work together to ensure the safe operation of the striim
5.1.1 Operator
The operator of the striim network will be hubii, with the option to decentralise this
processing later with the support of the striim Foundation. Additionally, it is theoreti-
cally possible for other entities to run their own striim-based systems. As an example,
an online gaming company may wish to be the operator for an in-game item distribu-
tion system powered by striim.
The security constructions within striim have been designed to protect user’s funds
in the event of a rogue or compromised operator. In the event that the network has
been compromised, striim will simply close down gracefully and within minutes restart
under a different set of suitably air-gapped smart contracts. Users can opt-out of this
The security of the striim network is further enhanced by the foundation model of
governance, which makes the possibility of a malevolent operator gaining overall con-
trol substantially less likely.
The twin sign off process is best illustrated by way of a simple example, a request by
Alice (A) to make a payment of 100 tokens to Bob (B). First, Alice initiates the payment
request and signs it with her private key to verify the driip . Next, the network operator
(O) checks Alice’s balance to ensure that the appropriate funds are present. Provided
that Alice has a sufficient balance, the network operator signs the driip using their own
private key. After performing this second check, the network operator decrements Al-
ice’s balance by 100 tokens and increases Bob’s balance by the same amount. Finally,
the network operator publishes the driip details on a publicly accessible website. The
process can therefore be represented as:
1. A initiates a payment request to send 100 tokens to B
2. A signs the driip using her private key
3. O checks that A has sufficient balance for the payment (A does)
In this example, we have presumed that both A and O hold valid private keys and
that O has not been compromised.. If O has been compromised however, this raises
the prospect of invalid driips being signed off by the network. Alice in this case is
assumed to be complicit in the fraud, as she has also signed the driip. Once again, this
is best illustrated by an example:
Clearly something has gone wrong; A’s balance should decrease by 100 tokens, not
increase by the same amount. Unless the operator was compromised, A’s invalid driip
request would normally be rejected at step 3. If the operator incorrectly approves the
fraudulent request, the only possible explanation is that O has been compromised and
is working with A.
The key to identifying fraudulent driip of this type lies in step 7, where O publishes
all driip data to a publicly accessible website. Based on this information, users of the
striim network can challenge any driip by calling the appropriate function of the smart
contract. All of the necessary information is publicly available to prove the fraudulent
driip. Once a successful proof is submitted to the smart contract, the network is halted
and the user who raised the challenge is awarded A’s balance as a reward. Again, A
is assumed to be colluding with O on the attack and so all users should take care to
never sign an invalid driip in case the operator is also compromised at that time. Open
source tools, such as hubii’s reference software to interact with striim, will ensure that
the operator cannot deliberately trick users into signing invalid driips.
This challenge is not free, as calling the smart contract incurs a gas cost. This miti-
gates against an effective DoS (Denial of Service) attack against striim, as to do so the
attacker must DoS attack the entire Ethereum network. If many challenges are raised
in a short period of time, the cost of calling the smart contract would rise quickly to
the point where a sustained attack would be uneconomical. Importantly, there is no
cost for the network operator to permit these fraud challenges. This feature elimi-
nates a further vulnerability whereby an attacker could repeatedly spam the network
with challenges, each of which had an associated cost for the operator in an attempt
to ‘bankrupt’ the network.
We anticipate that many nodes will be monitoring the published network data for
anomalies, including those nodes run by the striim Foundation partners. Please re-
fer to the earlier ’Foundation Model’ section of this document for more information
regarding these points.
driip Settlement Challenge
The second security provision within the striim network is designed to ensure that
driips are settled such that a user’s balance is brought up to date. This is critical to en-
sure users are unable to perform effective personal rollbacks which would otherwise
undermine trust in the system. Note, this is a simplistic way to describe striim, as some
flexibility has been added to the protocol without compromising security. Again, one
simple example of an illegitimate driip settlement is provided below, but there will be
a number of more complex possibilities that the striim protocol will be able to handle.
The need for an ‘driip Settlement Challenge’ is best understood in terms of the striim
withdrawal process. striim requires that users ‘settle’ their account before withdraw-
ing and the settlement process may include an intent to withdraw only a certain por-
tion of a user’s available funds.
Once a user has initiated the settlement process, the smart contract starts the ‘dis-
pute period’ during which the request can be challenged. It is at this point that any
striim user can challenge the request through the ‘driip Settlement Challenge’. As with
the explanation of the ‘Continuous Fraud Challenge’, this process is best understood
by way of an example:
striim user Alice (A) has completed ten driips on the exchange and is yet to settle
her account. The ninth driip shows that Alice had a balance of 100 HBT tokens and
Alice requests to settle her account to this driip nonce. She also requests to withdraw
50 HBT tokens of her balance once her account is settled. Alice makes the appropriate
request by calling the smart contract and providing the details of driip nine. The smart
contract then begins the dispute period, during which an ‘driip Settlement Challenge’
is possible. A successful withdrawal request without a successful challenge therefore
looks like this:
2. A calls the smart contract and provides both the details of the driip she wishes
to settle up to and the balance she wishes to withdraw
3. The smart contract checks that the request is valid and begins the dispute period
5. A’s request is approved and the appropriate funds are moved to her withdrawable
The alternative scenario is one in which A’s withdrawal request is successfully chal-
lenged by C. In our example, A wanted to settle her account up to driip nine of ten
at which point her balance was 100 HBT. If A’s tenth driip was a payment sending
100 HBT tokens to B, her available balance taking all ten driips into consideration is 0
HBT. A’s request to withdraw 50 HBT tokens is therefore fraudulent, as she does not
have these funds available in her account. C may challenge this fraudulent request by
providing the appropriate evidence to the smart contract as proof, namely the details
of driip ten. A successful ‘driip Settlement Challenge’ rewards the challenger with the
fraudulent user’s balance. This is detailed below:
2. A calls the smart contract and provides both the details of the driip she wishes
to settle to and the balance she wishes to withdraw
3. The smart contract checks that the request is valid and begins the dispute period
5. C provides evidence of A’s fraudulent request, namely the later driip showing
the discrepancy in A’s available balance
Users are required to maintain a minimum balance in order to use the striim network,
but this can be implemented operator-side without adding any risk to users. In the
unlikely event that the operator chose to set the minimum balance requirement at an
excessively high level, users would still be able to exit and withdraw from striim.
We recognise that the minimum balance requirement represents a minor inconve-
nience for users of striim, however the costs of imposing this requirement are more
than outweighed by the associated security benefits. This highlights one of the fun-
damental security principles underpinning the striim architecture: any attempt to de-
fraud the network must always be maximally risky for the attacker and accompanied
by a sufficiently great cost if they fail. In this way, we can design a system which makes
prolonged attacks unsustainably unaffordable and opportunistic attacks unattractive.
striim users cannot simply presume that the network operator is trustworthy, they
must be able to inspect the published data to be sure. As such, striim requires a decen-
tralised method by which the smart contract can check that data is available. Further-
more, this must be secured against external manipulation.
The challenge described above is known as the ‘data availability problem’. If users
of a network need the network operator to publish driip data to check whether the op-
erator is trustworthy, how can users ensure that the network operator is publishing the
appropriate data? Our solution is the ‘Data Availability Oracle’, a fully decentralised
mechanism by which distributed striim token holders are incentivised to monitor data
more likely is the alternative scenario, whereby a compromised operator refuses to
publish the relevant data (either by selectively excluding certain driips or simply with-
holding all data). In this case, the proof of the attempted fraud is the absence of data
rather than the presence of tangible evidence. This requires a different kind of solution.
The Oracle is best understood as a function of the account settlement process within
striim. Before a user can withdraw funds, they must first request to settle their account
to a particular driip. The first step in the withdrawal process is therefore to check
whether the user’s driips up to the driip in question are all valid, this requires the user
to call the smart contract and start the dispute timer. During this period, other striim
users may challenge the request through either the ‘Continuous Fraud Challenge’ or
‘driip Settlement Challenge’ mechanisms. If the request is proven to be fraudulent, the
user loses their funds. If the dispute period ends without a successful challenge, the
user can then effectively reactivate the smart contract (which has been dormant dur-
ing the dispute period). As the settlement request has not been proven fraudulent, the
smart contract performs one final check: is data available? This is done by querying
the Oracle.
In order for the Oracle to function, it must return a binary response when the smart
contract checks whether data is available (yes/no, true/false etc.). The Oracle is a game
theory-based distributed intelligence tool, adapted from the hubii mind product, which
was first discussed in the hubii ICO white paper. It operates on the principle of a small
reward for being a good actor and a severe punishment for being a bad actor. The pur-
pose of the Oracle is to continually test several statements relating to data availability.
These statements have only two truth conditions, true or false (i.e. no indeterminacy is
possible), where the combination of these statements provides a similarly clear answer
to the question ‘is data available?’. The Oracle will only have the ability to effectively
pause user settlement whilst it returns ‘false’. This should also account for the possibil-
ity of a legitimate, temporary problem with data availability which is fixed later. If the
Oracle subsequently returns the response ‘true’ again, the striim settlement process
will be reactivated.
formulated correctly. In order for the status of a question to change between ‘true’ and
‘false’ then the staking of users must achieve a variety of criteria. It is insufficient for
this system to be based on a simple honest majority assumption.
Users are incentivised to participate in this monitoring market by the promise of pay-
ment for being correct, with the optional introduction of additional incentives for stak-
ing early in the process if required. This is known as the ‘Data Availability Bond’. This
bond is accrued from striim network revenues and a portion is available as a reward for
staking correctly. By only awarding a fraction of the bond as a reward for identifying
when data availability changes, we ensure that there is always a reward for reversing
any status change. Tokens of users who staked in opposition are seized and provide
an additional reward; this is an essential punishment for being a bad actor.
The Oracle will function entirely on-chain as a true decentralised process, with no
possibility of centralised interference. Therefore, the Oracle must be optimised over
time and will still be in testing when initial testnet striim deployment takes place. It
must be able to quickly and accurately resolve whether data is available, yet be Sybil
and 51% attack resistant. This is a non-trivial requirement.
As part of the foundation model, discussed earlier in this paper, striim Foundation
members will be responsible for overseeing the divestment of hubii’s striim token hold-
ing at an appropriate time. This will ensure a plurality of token holders, minimising
the risk of attack on the Oracle. Similarly, key Foundation members will be required
to host replicate driip data. This will help mitigate some data availability false alarms.
A reserve fund can be added to the striim architecture, however this is not strictly
necessary for the network to function. The reserve fund would permit users to deposit
into an individual account, rather than the liquidity pool. This fund would effectively
sit between user accounts, with balances being settled between user accounts and the
reserve fund.
The option to add a reserve fund to the striim architecture introduces both additional
complexity and potential benefits to the design. While, strictly speaking, striim with a
reserve fund would be no more secure than the alternative without one, users would
gain the additional option to deposit into the reserve fund directly. A share of the rev-
enue generated through the reserve fund can then be allocated to these users as an
incentive for holding their funds in this way, effectively offering an interest rate on
their deposit. This additional feature is attractive to certain groups and could act as a
valuable incentive to recruit new striim users.
In the event that operator fraud is detected, users can still settle their account up to
the nonce value of the ‘last known good’ driip. Any driips beyond the point at which
fraud was detected must never be settled, as to do so would risk compounding the
prior fraud. Importantly, the smart contract cannot trust that the global driip nonce of
a fraudulent driip is correct and therefore cannot take this value as the limit for further
settlement. This global driip nonce can itself be fraudulent and, if this was used, the
operator could deliberately commit fraud and effectively roll the protocol back to any
previously advantageous point in time.
It is also possible for a driip to have a nonce value between the last valid settlement
and the supposedly identified fraud. If the last known good driip is at global nonce
100 and the driip at global nonce 200 was shown to be fraudulent, we cannot yet say
whether driips 101 to 199 are valid or not. At this stage, the smart contract will only
begin the settlement process for driips up to global nonce 100 and will reject anything
beyond this point.
In effect, this means that in the unlikely scenario that the operator commits fraud,
any valid driips with a higher global driip nonce than that previously settled cannot be
settled immediately. What we require is a mechanism for testing whether any driips
between nonce 101 and 199 are fraudulent.
The mechanism for advancing the checkpoint takes the form of an interactive game.
Users will be able to take part in an incentivised on-chain game where they can in-
crease the checkpoint nonce up to the one previous to where the operator committed
fraud. 50% of users (those who were sent funds or made a good trade) with valid
driip chains between the highest settled driip nonce and the one where the operator
committed fraud will be incentivised to take part in this game to free up their most
up to date funds for settlement. This interactive game will not be implemented upon
initial test release, so users are recommended to monitor the progress of the rolling
6 Tokens and Airdriip
striim will be a tokenised protocol, however there will be no token sale. 120 billion
tokens will be created and airdriipped monthly over a 10 year period. 100% of striim’s
revenue will be distributed to the token holders and the community of protocol facilita-
tors. The revenue will be obtained from driips happening within hubii core’s exchange
and payment system. Though this project was not described in the original white pa-
per and was sponsored by hubii AS, we recognise our existing hubii community and
as such the token split for each monthly airdriip will be as follows:
• 50% proportionally to HBT token holders (including any HBT on deposit within
As stated, all revenue will go to the token holders and facilitators of the protocol. It is
essential that a significant fraction of this revenue is shared with token holders. In a
similar fashion to many projects in this space, the security of the protocol is strongly
related to the value of the token itself. As such, the token value acts as a bond for
participants to ensure the correct operation of the security mechanisms. It is therefore
critical to note that this token holder revenue share is not passive income; token hold-
ers must monitor, validate and secure the protocol. This is is an incentive mechanism
for participation, just as Bitcoin miners receive a mining subsidy and transaction fees.
Additionally there will be a minor security bond. This bond incentivise users to iden-
tify a number of operator-only attacks, where there are no colluding user’s funds to be
The exact share of revenue between token holders, data availability bond and the other
minor security bond will be optimised over time.
6.1 Balance-Blocks
In order to calculate the appropriate airdriip share for each address holding HBT and
ETH, we introduce the concept of balance-blocks. Balance-blocks are designed to mea-
sure both the number of tokens held at an address and how that balance has changed
over time, where balance is measured in tokens and time in blocks. More formally, the
balance-block is defined as the integral under the balance versus block height chart for
a given address across a specified period. One balance-block is therefore equivalent to
holding one token for the period of one block.
The balance-block concept is sensitive to how a user’s balance changes over time, en-
suring that all token holders are treated fairly during the airdriip. This approach com-
pares favourably with the traditional method of simply recording address balances at
a fixed point in time and allocating the airdriip tokens accordingly. In the traditional
case, there is a strong incentive for a user to only hold HBT tokens around the time
of the striim airdriip; a user who transfers 100 HBT into their wallet one day before
the airdriip assessment will receive the same share as another user who has held 100
HBT for the entire month. This would cause undesirable liquidity squeezes on any
HBT trading. Under the balance-block model, the second user would receive a much
greater of share of the airdriip relative to the first. This additional share is proportional
to the duration and magnitude of their holdings, thirty times more in this case, as they
would have held 100 HBT for thirty days compared to the 100 HBT held for one day
by the first user.
The distribution of tokens during the striim airdriip cannot be a trustless process due
to the limitations of the Ethereum network. It might also be necessary to stagger the
airdriip to avoid unnecessarily high transaction fees. The intention is to eventually
migrate the airdriip itself to occur within striim.
6.2 Revenue
All forms of driips will generate revenue within the striim protocol. Unlike their equiv-
alent on the Ethereum network or in some other scaling solutions, fees within striim
are designed to be predictable and transparent.
Fee levels within striim are not fixed and can be adjusted to meet the needs of the
market. Fees will be initially set by hubii, however the striim Foundation will ulti-
mately be responsible for future fee decisions.
A token holder’s claim on their revenue share will be determined by the SII balance-
blocks that they have accrued in the previous qualifying period. For more information
on balance-blocks, please see the ’Balance-Blocks’ section. In order to make this claim
process trustless, a minor modification to the striim ERC20 token was required in or-
der to keep track of balance-blocks during transfers.
If SII are deposited to an address where the user does not have control of their pri-
vate keys, there is no guarantee that the user will be able to claim their revenue share.
This would ultimately be at the discretion of the third-party service that the user has
deposited their SII into. Token holders are therefore strongly incentivised to keep their
tokens in addresses that they control at all times, which also ensures that those tokens
are always available for staking into the striim data availability Oracle. It should be
noted that when tokens are staked into the Oracle itself, revenue will continue to be
trustlessly accrued and can be claimed back from the Oracle contract later. This en-
sures that there is no disincentive to stake into the data availability Oracle.
7 hubii core
hubii core is the first product built upon striim. It should be considered the reference
implementation and will be open source. We expect and actively encourage many user
interfaces to be created to interact with striim. Users will find not only a method of
making payments and trading using striim, but also a growing set of features to interact
in general with Ethereum. hubii core already includes hardware wallet integration for
maximal security.
8 The Future
8.1 Immediate Withdrawal
Ordinarily, users will have to complete a successful settlement process prior to with-
drawal. This process includes a dispute period, the duration of which will be optimised
for safety of user’s funds. However, we can enable the possibility of immediate with-
drawal. This option requires that other striim users can review the settlement request,
before offering immediate liquidity to the settling user, in exchange for a fee. This fee
will be market driven and agreed by the two parties in advance of the withdrawal. The
reviewing user, providing liquidity, will receive the settled funds after the dispute pe-
riod instead of the original settling user. As such, the reviewer will accept the risk that
the settlement process will not be successful. This risk should be very low, provided
that the reviewing user checked that the relevant data was both available and correct.
The effective interest rate charged by the reviewing user should therefore approach the
settling user’s perception of the time value of their funds. This feature will be added
as soon as it is sufficiently tested.
8.2 Derivatives
The implementation of trustless derivatives is one example of additional forms of dri-
ips. striim will natively handle payments and trades, but other forms of driips will
become available over time. Margin trading is well understood by the wider cryp-
tocurrency community and this is likely to be the next driip that is added to striim.
Although it is not particularly challenging to implement this function within striim,
there are potential regulatory compliance issues which must be addressed before this
form of trading is publicly released.
In addition to the benefits for traders, this feature is very important for hubii itself;
trustless margin trading is our proposed method to provide the option to remove the
exchange rate risk of hubiits (HBT) for users of our platform. Given sufficient liquidity,
it is possible to hedge against price fluctuations and therefore mitigate this issue. This
was discussed in our previous content platform white paper.
functional difference between a fiat-backed ERC20 token and an account balance in an
e-money service. However, there are regulated restrictions which must be adhered to.
8.5 Privacy
Transactional privacy has long been a primary concern of the blockchain community.
While most blockchains offer pseudo-anonymity, there has always been an interest in
moving to absolute privacy. We are currently undertaking research into striim driips
with similarly high levels of privacy, which can maintain the same security guarantees.
continue to grow and should never need to be paid out, as such they might be viewed
as burned funds. As striim achieves mainstream success, this ever increasing bond size
may become needlessly large. We may therefore make provisions for limiting this fund
if required.
8.10 Patent
Certain elements of the striim protocol are patent pending. Patents elicit a mixed re-
sponse from people, especially across the wider blockchain community. In this in-
stance, the decision to seek a patent is driven by the need to keep the striim protocol
both open and democratic on a perpetual basis. There are two principles behind this
decision: in the first instance, that the patent application will ensure that no vested
interest can interfere with or prevent the protocol from being deployed and used; sec-
ond, by vesting the patent in the hands of the Foundation we are demonstrating our
faith in the striim community to manage its availability and build upon it for the future.
When granted, this patent will be given over to the Foundation in perpetuity, con-
ditional on the Foundation adhering to certain key principles. It will then be up to
the members of the Foundation to determine a strategy for the striim patent. It may
be decided that the best strategy is to give the patent away; however, this does not
undermine the logic of applying for the patent in the first instance as to do so gives
the Foundation the choice of how to proceed.
9 Appendix 1 - Comparison Between striim, Raiden
and Plasma
There are countless scaling solutions proposed across the blockchain ecosystem. For
Ethereum, the two most prominent constructions until now have been Raiden and
Plasma. A high level comparison between striim, Raiden and Plasma is provided here.
It is important to note that this was based on hubii’s understanding at a particular
time (Q1 2018), it may not reflect the current situation as these protocols continue to
9.1 Raiden
Raiden is a payment-focused project, closely related to the Lightning Network from
Bitcoin. It is a system designed around payment channels between individuals. The
current status is that these payment channels are unidirectional and many-to-one.
However, research is ongoing for eventual many-to-many and bidirectional payments,
mainly for small payments. Once implemented in full, payments can be routed through
a network of nodes, making multi-hop transactions feasible and allowing any user to
pay another user of the network, who is connected through a chain of nodes.
+ Raiden is posited as a fully decentralised system. However, its design can cer-
tainly create some centralising forces the extent to which remains somewhat
+ Raiden payments can offer somewhat improved privacy over the Ethereum base
- The system is best suited and targeted for small transactions due to the architec-
ture, but it is difficult to quantify the scale until the system is established
- Fees will be determined by the nodes through which payments are routed and
therefore might be unpredictable
9.2 Plasma
Plasma consists of a blockchain type construction or ‘externalised multiparty chan-
nels’. It consists of potentially nested child chains all reporting to their parent chain
and, ultimately, the root Ethereum chain. Plasma child chains are similar to a blockchain,
in that they work by bundling transactions into blocks which are submitted to their
parents for later evidence. These transactions are merkleised and so only the merkle
root of the block needs to be submitted to the parent chain. Recent research has moved
to ‘Plasma Cash’, which offers some enhancements over Plasma at the cost of intro-
ducing additional downsides.
- Plasma/Plasma Cash will introduce latency, which is a problem for many ap-
plications. Of particular concern is the ability to build a liquid exchange on a
protocol with high latency