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United States Patent: (12) (10) Patent N0.: US 7,296,304 B2

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,296,304 B2

Goldsborough (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 20, 2007

(54) CRASH HELMET WITH 6,760,925 B1* 7/2004 Maxwell ................... .. 2/1713
THERMOELECTRIC COOLING 2001/0052343 A1* 12/2001 Reedy et a1. .. . 128/204.15
2004/0074250 A1* 4/2004 Junkins ... ... ... . . . . .. 62/2593

('75) Inventor: Richard Goldsboroughs Granbury’ TX 2006/0053529 A1* 3/2006 Feher ....................... .. 2/1713
' . . CA 2171265 3/1996
(73) Asslgnee. G Machine Tool, Granbury, TX DE 0 818 156 V1998
JP 04163305 A * 6/1992
. . . . . JP 2000-234213 8/2000
(*) Not1ce: Subject to any d1scla1mer, the term of this JP 2000234213 A * 8/2000
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 JP 2003336120 A 4 11/2003
U-S-C- 154(1)) by 280 days- JP 2004270087 A * 9/2004
(21) Appl. N0.: 10/9s9,007 * Cited by examiner
_ _ Primary ExamineriKatherine Moran
(22) Flled' NOV‘ 15’ 2004 (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiCharles D. Gunter, Jr.

Us 2006/0101556
May 18’Data
2006 An conditioning system is shown for a helmet having an
impact resistant body with an exterior, an interior which
(51) Int. Cl. . . . . .
de?nes a head receiving cavity, a front reg1on and havmg a
A42C 5/04 (2006.01) . . . .
52 U 5 Cl 2/171 3 back reg1on wh1ch is located adjacent a lower edge of the
( ) . . . ..................................................... .. . helmet body‘ A ?rst Opening is provided in the helmet body
( 58 ) F'1e 1d 0 fCl assl'? ca t'Ion S earc h """""""" " 2/1713 ' ’ ~
located at the back reg1on ~
of the helmet body adjacent a
_ _ _ 2/906 lower edge thereof which acts as an air intake opening. A
See apphcanon ?le for Complete Search hlstory' blower fan communicates with the air intake passage for
(56) References Cited drawing air into the intake passage and forcing the air from
the back region of the helmet in the direction of the front
Us. PATENT DOCUMENTS region thereof. A thermoelectric cooling element is located
3,548,415 A * 12/1970 Waters ..................... .. 2/1713
in the helmet interior in communication with the intake
4,470,263 A 9/1984 Lehovec et a1. ..... .. 62/3 passage downstream of the blower fan. The thermoelectric
4,483,021 A 11/1984 McCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2/7
cooling element has a cold side and a hot side. A DC power
4,944,044 A * 7/1990 Zarotti 2/413 source is provided for powering the thermoelectric cooling
5,193,347 A 3/1993 Apisdorf .... .. 62/3.7 element. An external heat sink is located on the helmet
5,655,374 A 8/1997 Santilli et a1. .. 62/3.5 exterior and is connected to the hot side of the thermoelectric
6,081,929 A * 7/2000 Rothrock et a1. 2/1713 cooling element by means of a second opening in the helmet
6,122,773 A * 9/2000 Katz ............ .. 2/1713
body. Air passing over the thermoelectric cooling element is
6,125,636 A 10/2000 Taylor et a1. 62/3.5 cooled and air conditions the head receiving region of the
6,430,935 B1* 8/2002 Klett et a1. 62/33
6,438,964 B1 8/2002 Giblin .......... .. 62/3.5
6,510,696 B2 1/2003 Guttman et a1. 62/33
6,516,624 B1* 2/2003 Ichigaya .................. .. 62/2593 18 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2007 Sheet 1 of3 US 7,296,304 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2007 Sheet 2 0f 3 US 7,296,304 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 20, 2007 Sheet 3 0f 3 US 7,296,304 B2
US 7,296,304 B2
1 2
The present invention has as its object to provide further
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION improvements in cooling systems for crash helmets such as
motorcycle helmets.
1. Field of the Invention A further object of the invention is to provide such a
helmet cooling system having improved air How and having
The present invention relates generally to crash helmets an improved thermoelectric module arrangement Which pro
such as motorcycle helmets and, more speci?cally, to such vides more ef?cient interior cooling than Was previously
a helmet having a built in air conditioning module Which available.
provides cooling and temperature control for the inside of Another object of the present invention is to provide an
the helmet. improved heat sink arrangement and an improved packaging
2. Description of the Prior Art arrangement for the components of the cooling system of the
A variety of “crash” type helmets are knoWn in the prior invention.
These and other objects of the invention are achieved
art for use in a variety of different industries or avocations.
through a helmet air conditioning system for a helmet
Generally speaking, the helmet is used to protect the head of
having an impact resistant body With an exterior, an interior
the Wearer by preventing major impacts, thereby serving to Which de?nes a head receiving cavity, a front region and
safeguard the Well being of the Wearer. For example, such having a back region Which is located adjacent a loWer edge
helmets are commonly used by motorcycle enthusiasts and 20 of the helmet body. A ?rst opening is provided in the helmet
stock car and race car drivers. For purposes of the present body located at the back region of the helmet body adjacent
discussion, a motorcycle embodiment of the invention Will the loWer edge thereof. The ?rst opening de?nes an air
be described. HoWever, it Will be understood that other type intake passage for the intake of external air. At least one
crash helmets can also bene?t from the improved design of bloWer fan communicates With the air intake passage for
the invention. 25 draWing air into the intake passage and forcing the air from
While various styles of helmets are commercially mar the back region of the helmet in the direction of the front
keted, they all tend to cover the entire head by a non-porous region thereof. A thermoelectric cooling element is located
shell made of a plastic acrylic or other suitable synthetic type in the helmet interior in communication With the intake
material. Since the Wearer’s head emits heat, this can cause passage doWnstream of the bloWer fan. The thermoelectric
discomfort or even unsafe Wearing conditions. For example, 30 cooling element has a cold side and a hot side. A poWer
heat Which is trapped Within the helmet interior can cause source is provided for poWering the thermoelectric cooling
the visor to fog and obscure vision. SWeat dripping doWn in element. An external heat sink is located on the helmet
exterior, the external heat sink being connected to the hot
the Wearer’s face can also be distracting and obstruct the
side of the thermoelectric cooling element by means of a
vision of the Wearer.
35 second opening in the helmet body.
To solve this problem, helmet manufacturers have tended Preferably, the helmet interior has a styrofoam liner
to provide vents or air intake openings in the helmets, installed therein Which has a plurality of air conditioning
typically in the front portion of the helmet facing the ducts formed therein in communication With the air intake
oncoming air ?oW While driving. Canadian Patent Applica passage, Whereby air forced from the rear of the helmet
tion No. 2,171,265, entitled “Motor Cycle Helmet”, by Tsai, 40 through the air intake passage is forced through the air
discusses this type helmet design and alternative designs. conditioning ducts into the head receiving cavity in the
The previously described air intake openings can alloW interior of the helmet body. In the preferred embodiment of
Water to enter the helmet When it is raining outside. Even if the invention, the external heat sink located on the helmet
a movable closure plate is present, closing the intake vent exterior is a thin, curved strip having a length and a Width
causes the interior to steam up and create a stulfy, hot 45 and Which Wraps around a portion of the helmet exterior
feeling. Tsai goes on to describe alternative designs utiliZing extending from the back region of the helmet body toWard
“conducting devices” and “opening and closing regulating the front. Preferably, the heat sink has a length Which is at
heat sinks”. HoWever, these alternative designs suffered least tWice its Width.
Since air is being draWn in from the rear region of the
from various shortcomings such as poor interior circulation,
helmet and forced through the air intake passage toWard the
alloWing rain and Water to seep in. Certain of the designs
air conditioning ducts in the helmet interior, the helmet body
Were complicated to implement, requiring the assembly of is preferably devoid of any air intake openings in the front
many parts. of the helmet body.
Tsai addressed the problem of interior helmet heating by The bloWer fan, thermoelectric cooing element, heat sink
providing an improved “ventilating” system. Although the 55 and poWer source can be supplied as components in kit form,
exact nature of the ventilating system is not fully apparent Whereby a user can install the air conditioning components
from the brief Written disclosure, it appears that a pair of in a stock crash helmet.
exhaust and intake fans on the rear of the helmet Work in Additional objects, features and advantages Will be appar
conjunction With an intake port on the front of the helmet. ent in the Written description Which folloWs.
The intake and exhaust fans draW incoming air across a 60
thermoelectric cooling element With the cooled air being BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
circulated through ventilating ducts to the helmet interior.
The intake port on the front of the helmet Would continue to FIG. 1 is a rear, perspective vieW of one preferred
alloW rain and moisture to accumulate in the helmet interior. embodiment of the air conditioned crash helmet of the
Also, the thermoelectric cooling component design Was not 65 invention.
of an optimum design to provide the optimum cooling effect FIG. 2 is a rear perspective vieW, similar to FIG. 1, of
for the helmet interior. another embodiment of the crash helmet of the invention.
US 7,296,304 B2
3 4
FIG. 3 is a side, cross sectional view of the helmet of FIG. helmet exterior and is connected to the hot side 33 of the
1, taken approximately along the mid section thereof. Peltier element by means of a second opening 49 in the
FIG. 4 is a top view of the helmet of FIG. 1, showing the helmet body.
air conditioning ducts and certain of the internal components As best seen in FIG. 1, the external heat sink 35 which is
in dotted lines. located on the helmet exterior is a thin, curved strip having
a length “l” and a width “w” and which wraps around a
portion of the helmet exterior extending from the back
region 19 toward the front region 17. In the preferred
INVENTION embodiment of the invention shown, the external heat sink
35 has a length which is at least twice its width and which
Turning to FIG. 1, there is shown an air conditioned crash preferably has length which is about three or more times its
helmet 11 of the invention. The helmet 11 is formed from an width. The heat sink 35 can be glued, bolted or otherwise
impact resistant body having an exterior 13, an interior 15 af?xed to the helmet exterior or can be ?tted in a groove or
which de?nes a head receiving cavity, a front region 17 and recess on the helmet exterior. The heat sink 35 is preferably
having a back region 19 which is located adjacent a lower a continuous strip with a low pro?le for aeronautic effi
edge 21 of the helmet body. The helmet body can be formed ciency.
of any convenient material, typically a synthetic plastic or FIG. 2 shows another embodiment of the invention in
acrylic plastic. One advantage of the present invention is that which one or more blower fans, 51, 53, 55 are mounted in
a stock crash helmet, such as a motorcycle helmet, can be an external volute 57. As can be seen in FIG. 2, the volute
?tted with the air conditioning system of the invention. 20 57 is formed on the back region of the helmet body adjacent
As best seen in FIG. 3, a ?rst opening 23 is formed in the the lower edge 21. The volute 57 forms a blower fan housing
helmet body located at the back region 19 thereof adjacent which communicates with the air intake passage (25 in FIG.
the lower edge 21. The ?rst opening 23 de?nes an air intake 3) for drawing air into the intake passage and forcing air
passage 25 for the intake of external air. from the back region of the helmet in direction of the front
25 region thereof. The internal con?guration of the helmet
In the embodiment of the invention shown in FIG. 3, at having the volute 57 is generally similar to the cross
least one blower fan 27 communicates with the air intake sectional view of FIG. 3 with the exception that the internal
passage 25 for drawing air into the intake passage 23 and blower fan component 27 is not required. Otherwise, the
forcing air from the back region 19 of the helmet in the Peltier element, heat sink and air conditioning ducts could be
direction of the front region 17 thereof. The blower fan 27 30 identical. The volute 57 would typically be provided as a
is a commercially available 6500 to 11,500 rpm DC fan separate injection molded part which could be glued or
which runs quietly on a miniature motor.
otherwise affixed to the helmet exterior.
A thermoelectric cooling element 29 is located in the While the embodiment of the invention shown in FIG. 2
helmet interior in communication with the intake passage 25 differs from that of FIG. 1 in requiring the external volute
downstream of the blower fan 27. The thermoelectric cool 35 57, both embodiments of the invention work in the same
ing element 29 has a cold side 31 and a hot side 33. way in that external air is drawn into the intake passage 25
Preferably, the thermoelectric cooling element is a Peltier and forced by the blower fans over the thermodynamic
type module. The Peltier effect has been used in heat pumps cooling element and out the air conditioning ducts 41, 43, 45
and heat exchangers for heating and cooling of spaces and and 47. It is not necessary to have a front air intake opening
materials in a variety of circumstances. Whether used to heat 40 in the helmet.
or cool, depends on the polarity of the electrical energy FIG. 4 is a top view of the preferred embodiment of FIG.
supplied to the thermoelectric module by conductors. When 1 showing the air conditioning ducts 41, the blower fan 27
one side of the Peltier thermoelectric module is energiZed, it and the cold and hot sides 29, 31, respectively of the
will become hot and the other side will become cold. For the thermoelectric cooling element. The twelve volt cigarette
purposes of the present invention, the module is arranged 45 lighter adapter plug 37 is used to power the blower fans. In
with the cold side in heat conductive association with the air the case of the external volute shown in FIG. 2, the three fans
intake passage and blower fan. The hot side is thermally are typically each 6500 to 11,500 rpm DC fans which run
associated with an external heat sink 35 which is located on quietly at about 28 to 47 cubic feet per minute.
the helmet exterior. Peltier elements of the type under While the invention has been illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2
consideration are available from a number of commercial 50 as a factory installed air conditioned helmet, the improved
sources including Marlow Industries, Inc., of 10451 Vista air conditioning system of the invention can also be pro
Park Road, Dallas, Tex. The Peltier element is powered by vided in the form of kit components which can be added on
a suitable DC power source, such as the conventional by the user after purchase. In other words, the blower fan,
cigarette lighter adapter 37 shown in FIG. 4. thermoelectric cooling element, heat sink and power source
As best seen in FIG. 3, the helmet interior 15 has a porous 55 could be supplied as components in kit form, whereby a user
liner 39 installed therein. The liner is typically formed of a could install the air conditioning components in a stock
polystyrene, a polyurethane or similar lightweight expanded crash helmet. In order to retro?t the helmet, a ?rst opening
plastic or synthetic. As shown in FIG. 3, the liner 39 of the (23 in FIG. 1) would be drilled or cut in the helmet body at
invention has a plurality of air conditioning ducts formed the back region of the helmet. Another opening (49 in FIG.
therein in communication with the air intake passage 25, 60 3) would be cut or bored through the helmet shell slightly
whereby air forced from the rear of the helmet through the spaced above the ?rst opening for the air intake passage. The
air intake passage is forced through the air conditioning internal shell liner 39 which is typically formed of styro
ducts into the head receiving cavity in the interior 15 of the foam, polyurethane, or similar materials, would be removed
helmet body. In the embodiment of the invention shown in and the air conditioning ducts 41, 43, 45, 47, the air intake
FIG. 3, the ducts include both longitudinally extending 65 passage 25 and the openings for the Peltier element and fan
branches 41 and radial branches 43, 45 and 47. Also as blower would be cut in the liner material. The internal
shown in FIG. 3, an external heat sink 35 is located on the components of the air conditioning system would then be
US 7,296,304 B2
5 6
?tted in the liner and the liner reinstalled in the helmet. The therein in communication With the air intake passage,
hot side 33 of the thermoelectric cooling element Would be Whereby air forced from the rear of the helmet through the
af?xed to the external heat sink 35 and the heat sink Would air intake passage is forced through the air conditioning
be either glued, bolted or otherWise secured to the exterior ducts into the head receiving cavity in the interior of the
of the helmet. helmet body.
An invention has been provided With several advantages. 3. The crash helmet of claim 2, Wherein the thermoelectric
The air conditioned crash helmet of the invention uses cooling element is a Peltier cooling element.
cooling components Which are simple in design and eco 4. The crash helmet of claim 3, Wherein the external heat
nomical to manufacture and Which are easily commercially sink located on the helmet exterior is a thin, curved strip
available. The design features a “forced draft” air?oW in having a length and a Width and Which Wraps around a
Which a rearWardly located air intake passage draWs in air portion of the helmet exterior extending from the back
from the outside With the air being forced by a bloWer fan region of the helmet body toWard the front.
through air conditioning ducts toWards the forWard portion 5. The crash helmet of claim 4, Wherein the external heat
and head receiving cavity of the helmet. Because the design sink has a length Which is at least tWice its Width.
utiliZes a rear air intake and a forced draft bloWer, there is 6. The crash helmet of claim 5, Wherein the poWer source
no requirement for openings on the front faces of the helmet for the thermoelectric cooling element is a cigarette lighter
Which could also admit rain, moisture or other contaminants. adapter Which alloWs the thermoelectric cooling element to
The external heat sink more effectively dissipates heat than be connected to a source of DC poWer.
prior art helmet cooling systems alloWing the use of only a 7. The crash helmet of claim 1, Wherein the helmet body
single bloWer fan in some embodiments and alloWing the 20 is devoid of any air intake openings in the front of the helmet
effective cooling by a Peltier type element Which is poWered body.
from a simple tWelve volt DC poWer source. The helmet can 8. An air conditioned crash helmet, comprising:
be provided With an internal bloWer fan and a curved, loW an impact resistant body having an exterior, an interior
pro?le heat sink Which folloWs the contours of the helmet Which de?nes a head receiving cavity, a front region
and Which presents a pleasing aerodynamic aspect. Because 25 and having a back region Which is located adjacent a
the internal components are ?tted Within the styrofoam liner loWer edge of the helmet body;
of the helmet, they are easily accessible for repair or a ?rst opening in the helmet body located at the back
replacement. The air conditioning system of the invention region of the helmet body adjacent the loWer edge
can be provided in kit form Whereby a user can install the air thereof, the ?rst opening de?ning an air intake passage
conditioning components in a stock crash helmet. It is 30 for the intake of external air;
generally necessary only to make tWo openings in the a volute formed on the back region of the helmet body
existing rigid shell of a stock helmet. The internal styrofoam adjacent the loWer edge thereof, the volute housing at
liner can be removed and ducts and openings can be pro least one bloWer fan Which communicates With the air
vided in the liner to house the internal components of the intake passage for draWing air into the intake passage
system and route air conditioned air to the head receiving 35 and forcing the air from the back region of the helmet
cavity in the interior of the helmet. in the direction of the front region thereof;
While the invention has been shoWn in only one of its a thermoelectric cooling element located in the helmet
forms, it is not thus limited but is susceptible to various interior in communication With the intake passage
changes and modi?cations Without departing from the spirit doWnstream of the bloWer fan, the thermoelectric cool
thereof. 40 ing element having a cold side and a hot side;
What is claimed is: a poWer source for poWering the thermoelectric cooling
1. An air conditioned crash helmet, comprising: element;
an impact resistant body having an exterior, an interior an external heat sink located on the helmet exterior, the
Which de?nes a head receiving cavity, a front region external heat sink being connected to the hot side of the
and having a back region Which is located adjacent a 45 thermoelectric cooling element by means of a second
loWer edge of the helmet body; opening in the helmet body.
a ?rst opening in the helmet body located at the back 9. The crash helmet of claim 8, Wherein the helmet
region of the helmet body adjacent the loWer edge interior has a styrofoam liner installed therein and Wherein
thereof, the ?rst opening de?ning an air intake passage the liner has a plurality of air conditioning ducts formed
for the intake of external air; 50 therein in communication With the air intake passage,
at least one bloWer fan communicating With the air intake Whereby air forced from the rear of the helmet through the
passage for draWing air into the intake passage and air intake passage is forced through the air conditioning
forcing the air from the back region of the helmet in the ducts into the head receiving cavity in the interior of the
direction of the front region thereof; helmet body.
a thermoelectric cooling element located in the helmet 55 10. The crash helmet of claim 9, Wherein the thermoelec
interior in communication With the intake passage tric cooling element is a Peltier cooling element.
doWnstream of the bloWer fan, the thermoelectric cool 11. The crash helmet of claim 10, Wherein the external
ing element having a cold side and a hot side; heat sink located on the helmet exterior is a thin, curved strip
a poWer source for poWering the thermoelectric cooling having a length and a Width and Which Wraps around a
element; 60 portion of the helmet exterior extending from the back
an external heat sink located on the helmet exterior, the region of the helmet body toWard the front.
external heat sink being connected to the hot side of the 12. The crash helmet of claim 11, Wherein the external
thermoelectric cooling element by means of a second heat sink has a length Which is at least tWice its Width.
opening in the helmet body. 13. The crash helmet of claim 12, Wherein the poWer
2. The crash helmet of claim 1, Wherein the helmet 65 source for the thermoelectric cooling element is a cigarette
interior has a styrofoam liner installed therein and Wherein lighter adapter Which alloWs the thermoelectric cooling
the liner has a plurality of air conditioning ducts formed element to be connected to a source of DC poWer.
US 7,296,304 B2
7 8
14. The crash helmet of claim 9, wherein the helmet body sage doWnstream of the bloWer fan, the thermoelectric
is devoid of any air intake openings in the front of the helmet cooling element having a cold side and a hot side;
body. providing a poWer source for poWering the thermoelectric
15. A method of air conditioning a stock crash helmet, the cooling element;
helmet having an impact resistant body With a styrofoam
interior liner, the helmet having an exterior, an interior mounting an external heat sink on the helmet exterior, the
Which de?nes a head receiving cavity, a front region and external heat sink being connected to the hot side of the
having a back region Which is located adjacent a loWer edge thermoelectric cooling element by means of the second
of the helmet body, the method comprising the steps of: opening in the helmet body;
providing a ?rst opening in the helmet body located at the reinstalling the styrofoam helmet liner and connecting the
back region of the helmet body adjacent the loWer edge bloWer fan, thermoelectric cooling element and heat
thereof, the ?rst opening de?ning an air intake passage sink and poWering the cooling element to thereby force
for the intake of external air; air from the intake passage through the air conditioning
providing a second opening in the helmet body located ducts to the head receiving region on the interior of the
forWard of the ?rst opening and spaced apart a selected helmet body.
distance therefrom; 16. The method of claim 15, Wherein the thermoelectric
removing the styrofoam liner from the helmet interior and cooling element is a Peltier element Which is poWered from
forming an intake passage and a plurality of connected a cigarette adapter Which is connected by a cable betWeen a
air conditioning ducts therein, the air intake passage DC poWer source and the element.
being arranged to communicate With the ?rst opening 20
and the air conditioning ducts being arranged to com 17. The method of claim 16, Wherein the external heat
municate With the interior of the helmet in the head sink Which is located on the helmet exterior is provided in
receiving region; the form of a thin, curved strip having a length and a Width,
providing at least one bloWer fan communicating With the the strip being Wrapped around a portion of the helmet
air intake passage for draWing air into the intake 25
exterior extending from the back region of the helmet body
passage and forcing the air from the back region of the toWard the front.
helmet in the direction of the front region thereof When 18. The method of claim 17, Wherein the external heat
the liner is reinstalled into the helmet interior; sink has a length Which is at least tWice its Width.
providing a thermoelectric cooling element located in the
helmet interior in communication With the intake pas

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