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United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,692,544 B1: Grillenzoni (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 17, 2004

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,692,544 B1

Grillenzoni (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 17, 2004

(54) MUNICIPAL WASTE BRIQUETTING 4,540,495 A 9/1985 Holloway ................... 210/774

SYSTEMAND METHOD OF FILLING LAND 4,934.285 A 6/1990 Jormanainen et al. ...... 110/346
5,190.226 A 3/1993 Holloway .................... 241/23
(75) Inventor: Mauro Grillenzoni, Modena (IT) 5,265,979 A 11/1993 Hansen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 405/129.2
5,352,710 A 10/1994 Lauri ......................... 521/137
5,361994. A 11/1994 Holloway .................... 241/23
(73) ASSignee: systems Projects, LLC, Albany, 5,551,824. A * 9/1996 Zanzig et al. ............... 414/408
(US) 5,797.972 A 8/1998 Schulz ........................ 44/552
5,826,808 A * 10/1998 Giovanardi .................. 241/27
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
2002/0184816 * 12/2002 Philipson ..................... 44/589
U.S.C. 154(b) by 59 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
DE 3714509 11/1988
(21) Appl. No.: 09/833,091
* cited by examiner
(22) Filed: Apr. 11, 2001
Primary Examiner-Cephia D. Toomer
Related U.S. Application Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Cheryl H. Agris
(60) visional application No. 60/196.857, filed on Apr. 12, (57) ABSTRACT
51) Int. Cl................................................... C1OL 5700
(51) f Mechanically and biologically stable briquettes and pellets
(52) U.S. Cl. ............................. 44/589: 44/590; 44/593; are obtained from either municipal Solid waste (MSW),
44/595; 44/605; 44/606; 44/634; 44/635; Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) or municipal sewage sludge and
428/2 their combination for purposes of disposing Said briquettes
(58) Field of Search 44/589, 593, 595 and pellets as fuel in waste-to-energy processes Such as the
44,605, 634,635 606 590. 42s2 one described herein or to form geometric aggregates with
s s s s s such briquettes for their disposal at landfill sites. The use of
(56) References Cited binding material is not required whereas fuel additives Such
as crushed coal and petroleum residues may be added to
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS enhance fuel performance but are not needed to improve
4,225,457 A 9/1980 Schulz ....................... 252/373 waste processing or product Stability and mechanical prop
4,227,653 A 10/1980 Jetzer ........ . 241/24.19 erties.
4,426,042 A 1/1984 Hively ........................ 241/21
4,540,467 A 9/1985 Grube ........................... 162/4 10 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Feb. 17, 2004 Sheet 1 of 7 US 6,692,544 B1

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US 6,692,544 B1
1 2
MUNICIPAL WASTE BRIQUETTING Municipal waste buried in landfill is subject to slow
SYSTEMAND METHOD OF FILLING LAND degradation under microbial action, producing effluent
gases, as well as objectionable odors. Chief among landfill
RELATED APPLICATIONS effluent gasses is methane, which is thought to be a con
This application claims priority from U.S. provisional tributor to global warming and OZone destruction. Methane
can be collected by post-fitting existing landfill with gas
application serial No. 60/196.857, Filed Apr. 12, 2000 of collection Systems, and may be evolved in usable quantities
Same title.
over a 50 year period following waste disposal. Burned as
FIELD OF THE INVENTION fuel, the methane is effectively substituted by carbon dioxide
as an effluent, which may still contribute to global warming.
This invention relates to the field of waste disposal. In It is estimated that only about one quarter of the potentially
particular, this invention relates to the field of municipal uSeable energy of a waste pile can be recovered this way,
waste disposal, including disposal of municipal Solid waste however, relative to methods employing direct burn, or burn
(MSW), refuse derived fuel (RDF), biomass, discarded tires, after processing. Gas production does have an advantage of
and Sewage sludge. Briquettes which may be produced 15 yielding a clean burning fuel; heavy metals and problem
according to the present invention may be used as landfill or compounds are left behind in the ground, in the dump, rather
as alternative fuel Sources. than possibly being injected into the atmosphere on
combustion, and requiring Scrubbing technology to partially
The disposal of municipal waste, including both Solid Conventional waste disposal landfill has a disadvantage of
waste, or "garbage', and Sanitary waste, or "Sewage' is dimensional instability, which, coupled with gas evolution,
make Such a Site unsuitable for reclamation for other use for
clearly a major economic concern for western Society in the a period of at least 50 years.
21st century. Conflicting demands of technique, regulation,
and politics create a rich field for invention and innovation. 25
Compared to landfill gasification, a more rapid production
A waste Stream emanating from a major urban center may of fuel gas from waste is possible by placing the waste in
include both municipal solid waste (MSW) and sewage Specially designed reactors for the acceleration of bio
Sludge-a Semi-Solid residual fraction resulting from chemi fermentation.
cal and physical treatment of Septic human wastes in Sewage A production of pellets and briquettes from Solid waste
or water pollution control plants requiring eventual disposal Streams and Sewage sludge is known in the art, with numer
in landfill or by deep water dumping. The waste Stream may ous recipes reciting a mixing of the waste Stream with coal
also include pre-separated Sub-streams, including for or other binders. Existing patents concentrate on a evalua
example refuse derived fuel (RDF) and biomass. RDF is a tion or characterization of physical-mechanical properties of
partially Separated or processed fraction of Solid waste the resulting briquettes and pellets, and on an ability of these
containing a higher proportion of waste paper, wood chips 35 briquettes to undergo waste-to-energy transformation, in
and other combustible materials, and substantially free from particular for production of electric power.
metals and inorganics, and thereby Suitable for use as a fuel. A use of pellets and briquettes as a fuel Stuff in a
Biomass comprises disposed plant material, often yard waste-to-energy or refuse-derived fuel (RDF) fired plant was
waste or Such material cleared from land as a fire preven introduced by Schulz in U.S. Pat. No. 4,225,457. Briquettes
tative measure, and is primarily cellulosic, and often has a 40 of Specified geometry and composition are produced to Serve
high moisture content. as feed material or burden in a moving-burden gasifier for a
Aims in the disposal of municipal Solid waste are, as Synthesis of fuel gas from organic Solid waste materials and
always, economic, and the various objective to which an coal. The briquettes are formed from a mixture of shredded
economic value may be attached are: reduction in landfill organic Solid wastes, including especially municipal Solid
airspace Volume used; reduction in landfill leachate or run 45 waste (MSW) or biomass, and crushed caking coal, includ
off, reduction in landfill effluent gasses, production of use ing coal fines. A binder may or may not be required,
able energy from waste; recovery of uSeable waste fractions depending on a ratio of Coal/MSW, and compaction pres
from the waste Stream; and reduction in air pollution result Sure employed. Briquettes may be extruded, Stamped, or
ing from waste combustion. A “traditional' method of waste pressed, employing compaction pressures in excess of 1000
disposal may be characterized as dumping of an undiffer 50 psi, and preferably in the range of 2000 to 10,000 psi. A ratio
entiated waste Stream in an open location, which, in a of caking coal to Shredded municipal Solid waste is Selected
Slightly modified form, becomes creation of So-called Sani So that each part of a predominately cellulosic organic Solid
tary landfill, with Some effort at ground water protection, waste will be blended with 0.5 to 3.0 parts of crushed coal.
compaction, and covering. A traditional method of waste Suitable binder material include dewatered Sewage Sludge,
disposal is being phased out in most locations, including the 55 “black liquor rich in lignin derivatives, black Strap
developing World, where large waste reclamation and con molasses, waste oil and Starch; when used, a binder con
trol projects are being undertaken; albeit a large fraction of centration is preferably in a range of 2 to 6 percent.
global waste is still disposed of in an approximately tradi In U.S. Pat. No. 4,426,042, entitled “Method of Shredding
tional manner, modified by informal recycling efforts, or Solid Waste”, an improved method of shredding MSW or
"garbage picking 60 garbage is disclosed, which maintains the moisture content
In moving from a traditional System to one meeting one of the waste. The shredded waste is then available for
or Several of the above listed objectives, one encounters the efficient disposal or further processing. In U.S. Pat. No.
characteristic economic problem of tradeoffs, or conflicting 4,934,285, entitled “Method for Treating Waste Materials”,
objectives. Notwithstanding, multiple objectives may be there is described a method for treating waste materials
simultaneously advanced beyond a level of undifferentiated 65 which divides the waste material into a compost fraction and
open disposal of waste, with an optimal mix determined by a refuse-derived fuel fraction, wherein the compost fraction
local conditions, and available technology. is exposed to a biological treatment to produce a gaseous
US 6,692,544 B1
3 4
fuel. The refuse-derived fuel is burned at high temperature, products contain 50 to 95% dry weight percent sewage
and the exhaust gases are routed into an after-burning sludge solids, with a typical value of around 70%.
chamber, along with the gaseous fuel from the biologically AS may be seen upon the above review of the prior art,
decomposed compost. numerous efforts have been explored to improve upon the
In U.S. Pat. No. 4,227,653, entitled “Method of Process processing of MSW, with the objective of producing a
ing Waste Materials', moist municipal waste is Subjected to product that is either densified or converted into a fibrous or
a preliminary comminuting action to reduce particle size, particulate form, So that it can be better Separated from a
and the larger heavy particles are Segregated from lighter commingled waste Stream and be made to take up less room
particles which include relatively Small fibrous particles and in a landfill, or can be burned as fuel with a higher energy
relatively large additional lighter particles. The relatively output per pound mass of fuel. However, as is also clear
large additional lighter particles are then Segregated from the from the above review, there are limited reports and empha
relatively Small fibrous particles and Subjected to a Severing sis on the fact that MSW itself could somehow serve as a
action to reduce their size to a size not exceeding that of the direct Substrate for the production of a molded products, if
small fibrous particles. The fibrous particles are then mixed Somehow MSW could be modified into a non-toxic and
with the Severed additional particles, the mixture is dried and 15 useful Solid feed resin-type material.
oZonized, and portions thereof are used for the manufacture
of shaped articles. AS discussed above, briquetting is known as a method of
In U.S. Pat. No. 4,540,467 entitled “Method of Fragment compressing a relatively high quality fraction of municipal
waste into a form Suitable for use as fuel. It is not known nor
ing Municipal Solid Waste”, a method and apparatus is thought practical to incorporate Significant quantities of
disclosed for the removal of mold core material from metal
castings and for fragmentation of municipal waste materials, lower-quality waste Streams in a briquetting process for
e.g. paper products. The method involves heating and eventual use as fuel, nor to produce, from mixed waste
hydrating the materials within a pressure vessel. In U.S. Pat. Sources, briquettes of Sufficient chemical and biological
No. 4,540,495 entitled “Process for Treating Municipal Stability for long term disposal by burying without an
Solid Waste”, a process for treating MSW material in the 25
unacceptable degree of decomposition.
presence of moisture is disclosed, aimed at the recovery and Briquetting is not the same as pelletizing waste. Many
Separation of inorganic and organic matter. In U.S. Pat. No. waste operator and regulatory agencies in this country are
5,190,226 entitled “Apparatus and Method for Separation, familiar with a technique which produces pellets from waste
Recovery and Recycling Municipal Solid Waste and the Streams. Pelletizing has not proven to be a practical Solution
Like', there is disclosed an apparatus and method for to the problem of waste reduction: In the pelletizing process
separation and recovery of MSW, via the introduction of a final product generally has a moisture content of 20% or
Solid waste material into a rotatable pressure vessel, which more, which results in degradation, fermentation and dimen
vessel rotates, pressurizes and heats the waste material while sional instability. Pellets can be used in thermal destruction
Simultaneously applying an extruding action. The extruding plants, but can not be Stored at a landfill site for an extended
action is achieved by a rotatable extruder mechanism in the 35 period of time without fermentation and expansion in Vol
preSSure vessel which forces the processed Solid waste UC.

material through a constricted area adjacent the exit of the OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION
In U.S. Pat. No. 5,265,979 entitled “High Efficiency It is an object of this invention to provide an efficient way
Waste Placement System for Municipal Landfills”, the solid 40 of disposing of municipal Solid waste, Sewage Sludge, and
waste is placed in a preselected geometric form to form a admixtures thereof.
waste pile, followed by coating of the exposed portion of the It is a further object of this invention to manufacture a
pile with a synthetic cover compound comprising a liquid, product from municipal Solid waste and Sewage sludge
binder, cellulose fibers, and plastic fibers, followed by what which is Volumetrically compact compared to other forms of
is termed “biostabilizing” the pile, and compaction. In U.S. 45 these materials.
Pat. No. 5,352,710 entitled “Neither Toxic Nor Environmen It is yet a further object of the invention to manufacture
tally Noxious Foamed-Polymer Products”, a cellular or a product in accordance with the previous objects which is
foamed-polymer product is disclosed formed by the com dimensionally Stable.
bination of a variety of polymer foam-forming compounds.
The cellular or foamed polymer products are then said to be 50
Yet another object of the invention is to manufacture a
Safe with regards to health and environment, and therefore product from Sewage sludge and municipal Solid waste
disposable as waste Similar to municipal Solid waste. U.S. which is stable after Sustained exposure to precipitation and
Pat. No. 5,361,994 entitled “Apparatus and Method for
Preparation and Separation, Recovery And Recycling of Still a further object of the invention is to effect a landfill
Municipal Solid Waste And The Like”, there is disclosed a 55
airspace Savings through Volumetric reduction of municipal
preSSure vessel for Subjecting waste material to heat and Solid-waste-derived material for incorporation in landfills
preSSure while Simultaneously applying an extruding action Another object of the invention is to proceSS municipal
to the Solid waste. The extruding action is achieved by a Solid waste into a form which does not emit detectable levels
rotatable extruder mechanism, similarly to U.S. Pat. No. of offensive odors.
5,190,226. 60 A related object of the invention is to process municipal
U.S. Pat. No. 5,797.972 to Schultz discloses a sewage Solid waste into a form which will not produce significant
disposal process and product: Mechanically stable pellets or gaseous by-products of fermentation and decomposition
briquettes useful as fuel result from combining a major under conditions encountered in a landfill.
portion of Sewage sludge Solids with lesser amounts of lime A further related object of the invention is to produce a
and binder materials Suitable for imparting Stability to a 65 refuse derived fuel which may be stored for extended
pressed or extruded product. Coal may also be included in periods of time or transported without unacceptable decom
the pellet or briquette composition, but is not essential. The position.
US 6,692,544 B1
S 6
Any one of these and/or other objects of the invention experienced in densely populated areas of the country, by
may be readily gleaned from a description and illustrations Volume reduction of the waste by compaction, and possible
of the present invention as described herein. diversion of waste to energy applications.
According to another central aspect of this invention, a
typical municipal Solid waste Stream input density in a range
The invention relates to a process for the production of of 400 to 600 lb/yd may be increased at an output of a waste
mechanically stable and biologically inactive briquettes or processing plant in accordance with the present invention to
pellets Suitable to be used in waste-to-energy processes, or between about 1,000 and 3,000 lb/yd, preferably 2,000 to
to be disposed at landfill sites for enhanced air volume 3,000 lb/yd, more preferably 2,000 to 2,400 lb/yd; a 4 to
conservation. A key to the Successful features of this proceSS 5-fold improvement in packing density or compression. This
is an end product which is aseptic, and will remain biologi enhancement of density when combined with a method, also
cally inert for decades under conditions encountered in a introduced in connection with the present invention, of
landfill facility. assembling processed briquettes in packs and/or geometric
Mechanically and biologically stable briquettes and pel formations with a bulk density close to that of isolated Single
lets are obtained from either municipal solid waste (MSW), 15 briquettes usually yields landfill airspace Volume usage two
refuse derived fuel (RDF) or municipal Sewage sludge and to three times lower than that obtained at landfills by
their combination for purposes of disposing Said briquettes compacting MSW. In other words, a landfill employing the
and pellets as fuel in waste-to-energy processes or to form present methods may be expected to achieve a packing
geometric aggregates with Such briquettes for their disposal factor of at least twice that obtainable with existing tech
at landfill sites. A use of binding material is not required, and nology of dumping of an uncompacted Solid waste Stream
whereas fuel additives Such as crushed coal and petroleum followed by an in Situ compaction utilizing heavy earth
residues may be added to enhance fuel performance, these moving equipment.
additives are not needed to improve waste processing or To achieve claimed densities, briquettes must be disposed
product Stability or mechanical properties. An absolute lack in a uniform geometric pattern, rather than merely tumbled,
of any required binding material is a relevant factor estab 25 into the landfill. A close packed pile of briquettes occupies
lishing a useful novelty of the instant process over those approximately 73 a volume of an equivalent mass of ran
otherwise described in the prior art, such as U.S. Pat. No. domly piled briquettes; So an additional Volume reduction
5,797,972 to Schultz or U.S. Pat. No. 3,910,775 to Jackman. factor of at least about/3, in addition to reductions resulting
In Summary, a waste processing method in accordance from waste compression, may be achieved by close packing.
with the present invention involves the following Steps: In practice, the briquettes are packed and Strapped in uni
form blocks for transport, of the order of 1 to 3 cubic yards
(i) reduction of a distribution of particle size by operation in Volume. These blockS may be packed at a density not leSS
of at least one hammer mill Shredder; than 90% that of individual briquettes, allowing for irregu
(ii) passage of the resulting fluff through a rotating kiln larities and packing errors, owing to an ability to produce
dryer, which also effects a separation into heavy or inert 35 essentially rectangular briquettes via a choice of exit die on
(metal and inorganic) portions, and an airborne portion; an extrusion machine, and a perpendicular cutoff Saw. The
and blocks may be handled by clamping at a landfill site, with
(iii) following removal of exhaust gasses in a cyclonic final positioning and packing by heavy equipment. BlockS
Separator, feeding of Substantially dried fluff into a twin gain in handling Strength over a Straight Stacking via packing
Screw extrusion machine for production of extrudate. 40 in an “English bond' or “common bond' pattern, as is
Other Steps include Scavenging of ferrous metals, known in brick-laying, and will be described in detail
Screening, and cutting of extrudate into uniform sized herebelow.
blockS. An additional major improvement of the present It is also possible and advantageous in Some applications
invention with respect to the prior art is an ability to proceSS to produce extruded product of an intermediate density
a plurality of waste streams, such as MSW, RDF, tires and 45 range, of between 1,000 and 1,400 pounds/cubic-yard, for
Sewage sludge, by invariably producing briquettes or pellets use for example in cement plants, where a lower density fuel
with Superior mechanical properties and biological features, is required and there is no requirement for biological inac
without a use of any binding material or additive. tivity. In general a requirement for biological inactivity is
The present invention also relates, in one of its many relaxed in fuel applications as compared to use in landfill,
aspects, to a process of producing briquettes and pellets of 50 except insofar as an aseptic condition improves Shelf-life
Suitable shape and dimensions to be arranged (Stacked) in and limits odor problems in an application where fuel is not
geometric aggregates which facilitate a disposal of Such to be burned nearby, with a short inventory turnover. In
briquettes and pellets at landfill Sites by at the same time general it is found that a final density of 1,600 pounds/cubic
introducing a significant Savings in transportation cost to a yard or more is required for a biologically inactive product,
landfill Site and Substantially reducing an environmental and 55 which can be landfilled or possibly otherwise stored for
social impact associated with transportation of MSW and Subsequent use as fuel.
Sewage Sludge from a production or collection Site to a An ability of the process of the present invention to handle
landfill or other disposal site. The invention also relates to a commingled waste Streams at design capacity of the plant
method of controlling final residual moisture and density, by may be partially hindered by a percentage composition of a
varying, among other parameters, a Size of waste material 60 composite Stream. In particular, preponderant amounts of
after Shredding, an extrusion Speed, a Selection of extrusion Sewage sludge (above 30%) may require the introduction of
die, a cut-off dimension and thereby, indirectly, a tempera a modified kiln in order to maintain a quality of output of the
ture profile inside an extrusion equipment, in order to obtain plant within design required output parameters. In this case
products of desired properties, according to a final market a waste processing plant in accordance with the present
application or destination. 65 invention includes 2 Separate kilns, dried wastes from these
The general aim of a proceSS in accordance with the two kilns are then mixed before entering the briquetting
present invention is to resolve the Shortage of landfill Space machine.
US 6,692,544 B1
7 8
Independent of a relative amount of Sewage sludge, and dimensional stability of the still-soft briquettes. Metal
partially dewatered in a filter press or in a belt press, a guides on both sides of the roller assure the confinement of
maximum moisture of 15-20% should be attained in the the extrudate.
mass of sludge before this can be fed into the extruder. Heat The briquettes Subsequently harden with cooling and
necessary to evaporate exceSS residual Sewage sludge mois exposure to air, and to complete sizing a cut-off Saw, located
ture may be obtained by burning landfill biogas, if the plant downstream from a take off roller of each briquetting
is operating near or at a landfill site, natural gas, fuel oil, or machine cuts the briquettes at the desired length. The saw
a portion of the briquettes produced by a plant operating in comprises a Sturdy frame and a System of idle rollers
accordance with the present invention. In case a thermally Supporting a motorized belt which in turn Supports and
activated Second sludge drying Stage is contemplated, an draws the briquette to the cutting Zone. The cutting unit
acid-basic solution scrubber is ideally used followed by an comprises a circular saw mounted on an idle cart, controlled
oZone treatment unit, to eliminate possible noxious odors in by a photo-cell actuated motorized cam. A vertical move
an exhaust gas plume from a treatment plant operating in ment of the Slitter is controlled by a crank-connecting-rod
accordance with the present invention. System and a gear reducer.
A method for processing a composite municipal waste 15
The process described above provides a cost competitive
Stream with a method in accordance with the present inven and environmentally safe alternative for disposing MSW at
landfill sites and extends their residual life. Combustion
tion contain three main elements, as will be laid at greater fumes produced by either natural gas or landfill gas are
length in a detailed description Section below: washed by a jet Scrubber before release to the atmosphere.
(1) A step employing a rotating kiln, heated by a methane Fume contaminants are mainly composed of particulate
or gas burner, capable of producing a waste intermediate matter in amounts ranging 50 to 150 mg/m. A use of natural
with residual moisture content of about 10%, and also gas as a fuel limits emissions of SOX within regulatory
removing ferrous and non-ferrous metal particles and inert norms without Specific treatment. The pH of a Washing
(2) A step employing a twin Screw extrusion or briquetting Solution employed in the jet Scrubber is continuously moni
machine capable of executing an extrusion operation further 25
tored to identify the presence of unexpected acid or basic
reducing a moisture content of a processed waste Stream to contaminants. A dual acidic/basic Solution System is avail
approximately 5% while maintaining an extrudate tempera able to bring pH values within limits, and is especially
ture between 250 and 280 F., so as to produce an essentially needful in a presence of Significant quantities of Sewage
biologically inert or aseptic briquette. The extrusion proceSS Sludge.
does not make use of binders, but rather controls a tempera Liquid effluents generated by the process, Such as
ture profile within the extrusion machine in order to obtain leachates coming from drains and condensate originated in
desired product characteristics. the Scrubber, are treated before release to a municipal Sewer.
(3) A method of forming and assembling the briquettes in Aseptic briquettes (produced by methods according to the
geometric packs of different size and shape, and of optimiz present invention) comprise a mixture of at least one com
ing a disposal of the packs in landfills, lowering air space 35
ponent Selected from the group consisting of Sewage sludge
requirement by a factor of 50–70%. Solids, municipal Solid waste and refuse derived fuel. Bri
Further considering the kiln or dryer, which is an integral quettes according to the present invention comprise about
part of a best mode the present invention, a preferred design 5% to about 100% by weight paper and plastics with a
includes Several provisions for a Safe operation of a waste preferred range of about 10% to about 85% by weight paper
processing plant, which have been tested at prototype facili 40
and plastics, more preferably about 15% to about 75% by
ties: weight paper and plastics and in certain cases about 20% to
A concurrent flow of heated air and material allows the about 50% by weight paper and plastics. These briquettes
material to be in contact with the hottest air at the time the have the following preferred characteristics:
material contains the highest level of moisture, thus mini 1) a density ranging from about 500 to about 5,000 lb/yd,
mizing a risk ignition of paper and plastic, or other materials 45 preferably about 1,000 to about 3,000 lb/yd, even
with a low flash point. In the unlikely event of fire, three more preferably about 2000 to about 2750 lb/yd or
valves located on three different water lines will open in alternatively, about 2000 to about 2400 lb/yd;
Sequence. The first two will open automatically to ensure 2) a moisture content of less than about 10% by weight,
immediate action and the last one opens manually. The more preferably less than about 7-8% by weight, and
opening of the last valve triggers the initiation of the plant 50 in certain preferred embodiments, less than about 5%
shut down Sequence. by weight;
Further considering the briquetting machine, a front Sec 3) Storable under average daily temperate Zone conditions
tion includes an electric motor with rating of 400 to 1,000 for a period of at least about one year (i.e., without
kW, the motor controlled by an inverter and a gear reducer, losing a mass percentage greater than about 5%, more
which in turn assures and controls a proper rate of rotation 55 preferably without losing a mass percentage greater
for the Screws. The Screws are built in a high wear resistant than about 2% per year) to decomposition processes
alloy and have a diameter of 400 mm to 800 mm. When biologically and chemically inert under conditions
handling Municipal Solid Waste the 400-mm screws are encountered in a landfill for a period of at least about
capable of delivering over 4 tons of extrudate ranging 4 to 3 years, preferably at least about 5 years, more prefer
7 inches in size, while a Similar briquetting machine 60 ably at least about 20 years and even more preferably
assembled with two 800-mm screws can deliver up to 10 at least about 50 years or more.
tons of briquettes of a similar size. Smaller briquettes can be 4) compressive strength ranging from about 500 psi
produced by the larger machine at a cost of reduced pro (pounds per Square inch) to about 15,000 psi, prefer
ductivity. Thermocouples located inside the machine moni ably about 5,000 psi to about 10,000 psi, more prefer
tor and facilitate control of a temperature profile of 65 ably about 8,000 psi to about 10,000 psi; and
in-process extrudate. The extrudate, coming off the 5) preferably, metals are removed to a level no greater
briquettes, Slides onto a take-off roller used to control shape than about 0.3% by weight. In certain alternative fuel
US 6,692,544 B1
aspects of the present invention, the briquette according belt 68 for a first separation and Subsequent recovery (not
to the present invention further includes crushed coal shown) of ferrous metals. The hammer mill, well known in
and/or petroleum in an amount ranging from about the waste processing art, includes rotating Sets of Swinging
0.5% to about 50% by weight, preferably about 5% to Steel hammers (not visible) through which the waste Stream
about 25% by weight. is fed, which reduces over 95% of the stream to sizes of
about 3 to 4 inches or less. Following this treatment, it is
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS usual in the art to refer to a partially processed waste Stream,
FIG. 1A is a Schematic elevation of a waste processing and in particular, a light fraction of a partially processed
line in accordance with the present invention. waste Stream excluding fines, as "fluff”.
FIG. 1B is a continuation of the Schematic elevation of Beneath the shredder a third hopper 72 collects and
FIG. 1A dumps the further processed waste stream (not shown) onto
FIG. 2 is a cross-section in elevation of a kiln utilized in
a conveyor 74 of a second conveyor system 74, 76. Above
conveyor 76 a second magnetic overhead belt 78 provides a
a process according to the present invention. Second Separation of ferrous metals. Processed waste Stream
FIG. 3 is a plan view of a twin screw extruder mechanism. 15 Segment 80 now comprises a mixed material known in the
FIG. 4 is a schematic elevation a variable pitch screw of art as “fluff.
a twin-Screw extruder. From conveyor 76 the fluff is fed directly into a rotary kiln
FIG. 5 is partially a transparent Schematic perspective 84 by means of a forth hopper 82 and a belt (not visible); the
View and partially a cut-away of a rotating drum of a belt is equipped with an overflow device (not shown) so that
modified version of the kiln of FIGS. 1A, 1B and 2. by automatically controlling a level of fluff on the belt and
FIG. 6 is a schematic perspective view of a tail section of the speed of the belt an adequate flow of fluff to kiln 84 is
the kiln of FIGS. 1A, 1B and 2. assured. The rotary kiln, heated by a methane or waste gas
FIG. 7 is a cross section of the extruder of FIG. 4. burner (not shown) is designed to reduce a maximum
moisture content of the fluff to 10-15%, and to assure that
FIG. 8 is a longitudinal cross section of a second embodi 25
a temperature reached at the end of the briquetting phase will
ment of a kiln.
be at least 200 F., and preferably above about 245 F.,
FIG. 9 is a cross Section of the kiln of FIG. 8. which temperature guarantees a biological inactivity or
FIG. 10 is another cross section of the kiln of FIG. 8 aseptic condition of the briquettes. A material flow through
FIG. 11 is a schematic view from an elevated left rear the kiln is aided by a flow of heated exhaust or flue gas and
perspective of a complete extrusion machine embodying in entrained air from the methane burner through a first plenum
the mechanism of FIG. 3. 86, which flow is exhausted from the kiln at a second plenum
or riser 88. Kiln 84 is shown in continuation from FIG. 1A
FIG. 12 is an Schematic perspective from an identical in contiguous FIG. 1B, and in one embodiment, in cross
viewpoint of the extrusion machine of FIG. 11, partially cut Section in FIG. 2.
away to reveal internal gearing and a variable pitch extru 35
Sion Screw. In one embodiment, an internal cylindrical rotating drum
FIG. 13 is a schematic view from a elevated front left 100 of rotary kiln 84, Supported on roller bearings 101, 101",
perspective of the extrusion machine of FIG. 11. 101" is equipped with paddles 102, 102', 102" et al. mounted
on an inside Surface of the rotating drum. The paddles
FIG. 14 is an Schematic perspective from an identical 40 increase the contact area between the heated flue gas and air
viewpoint of the extrusion machine of FIG. 13, partially cut and the waste Stream or ground material 80; the hot gas
away to reveal internal gearing and a variable pitch extru produced by the burner is introduced into the kiln through
Sion Screw.
nozzles (not shown) which create an advantageous air
FIG. 15 is a schematic plan view of overlapping layers of turbulence for a Superior heat/mass eXchange between air
briquettes packed in an alternating geometric pattern in 45
and waste material. Internal drum 100 is contained within an
accordance with a feature of the present invention. outer fixed drum or shell 104, so that kiln 84 employs a
FIG. 16 is a schematic perspective of a block formed by double wall, fixed and rotating drum, construction. Between
a repetition of the alternating pattern of FIG. 15. drums 100 and 104 is formed an annular space or void 106,
FIG. 17 is a schematic perspective of a block formed by through which flue gas can also pass in an auxiliary flow in
an alternating pattern of packing modified from that of FIG. 50 a direction generally from first or inflow plenum 86 to
16. second or exhaust plenum 88, which auxiliary flow aids in
heating inner drum 100 on a Surface opposite from a
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE mounting Surface of paddles 102 et al., assisting in a uniform
INVENTION heating of waste stream or fluff 80.
A Schematic diagram of a waste processing line is shown 55 A more detailed view of cylindrical rotating drum 100 of
in FIGS. 1A, 1B. A mound 50 of municipal Solid waste kiln 84 is shown in FIG. 5. The drum is mounted internally
(MSW) is prestaged on floor slab 52. Mobile organtry crane with a series of ring-shaped concentric baffles 184, 186,188.
54 mounted on an overhead 56 seizes a moiety 58 of MSW The baffles are regularly Spaced, and concentric with a
for loading into a first hopper 60. The first hopper optionally center-line or longitudinal axis CL of drum 100. A number
includes a shredder (not shown) for accomplishing a first 60 of baffles may in general vary from 4 to 8 according to a size
reduction of size of MSW particle size. Hopper 60 also of the drum and a Volume and composition of waste material
functions as a material buffer, Smoothing a batch feed of to be treated; 3 baffles are shown only for illustrative
MSW into a continuous flow waste stream (not separately purposes.
designated). The waste stream then proceeds up a first belt Baffles 184 are connected by means of paddles 190, 192,
system 62, 64, 66 for emptying in a second hopper 69 65 194, 196, which may be construed as analogous to paddles
feeding a hammer mill 70. While entering hopper 69 waste 102 et al. of FIG. 2, being of a smaller number in an
Stream Segment 67 is exposed to a first magnetic overhead embodiment intended to treat a waste Stream of larger mean
US 6,692,544 B1
11 12
particulate size in relation to a diameter D of the drum. Rings velocity of a flow E.F entrains a final fraction of particulate
184 et seq. are provided with radial slots or gaps 198, 200, waste for Segregation at a cyclonic separator 92 (FIG. 1B),
202 respectively, for the passage of heavier components of as discussed below. A drop tube 94 is connected to a lower
the waste stream, Such as metals, “inerts” (ceramic or curved part (not separately designated) of plenum 88, and is
refractory materials Such as Stone, brick, cement, pottery) equipped with two large size flapper valves 226, 228, located
and glass along a length of the drum during a drying approximately 300 mm apart from each other. The heavy
operation. The slots are staggered in angle of rotation (not fraction is periodically eliminated from drop tube 94 by a
Separately indicated) about longitudinal axis CL, as seen Synchronized action of Valve controllerS 222, 224, mounted
from an end-on view of a rotating drum, as that of FIG. 2. below the drop tube, actuating upper and lower flapper
A length of the drum along axis CL lies within a range of 4 Valves 226, 228 respectively in a Sequence of opening of the
to 6 times the diameter. upper Valve, closing of the same valve, and opening of the
Drum 100 is rotatable about axis CL by a drive system lower valve. This Sequence allows the discharge of the heavy
comprising a rack and pinion System driven by an electric fraction in a bin (not shown) located underneath drop tube
motor equipped with a reducing group comprised of a 94, without a continuous and uncontrolled venting of
variable pulley and a gearbox: the drive System is believed 15 exhaust gasses, and while maintaining a positive overpres
to be Standard in the industrial arts and is not illustrated. A Sure inside the casing.
drum rotation Speed is controlled by means of the variable A longitudinal croSS Section of a Second, preferred,
pulley within a range of 1 to 12, preferably 4 to 6 revolutions embodiment 230 of a rotatory kiln is shown in FIG.8. Kiln
per minute. 230 shares key functional features of kiln 84, including a
In a generally elongated apparatus through which a mate rotating drying chamber, and employs a single wall rotating
rial flow and a fluid or gas flow is contemplated, Such as kiln drum 232 provided with concentric annular baffles234, 236
84, the two flows may either be generally concurrent et al. and paddles 240,242 et al., homologous to baffles 184,
(parallel) or counter-current (anti-parallel), and that a con 186 and paddles 190, 192 et al. of drum 100 (FIG. 5)
current flow of heated air or exhaust gas and waste material respectively. In distinction to the paddles of drum 100,
is selected in an operation of kiln 84. A concurrent flow of 25 paddles 240, 242 et al. are preferably manufactured with a
heated air and material allows the waste material to be in helical shape (not shown). The helical shape, acting in
contact with the hottest air at the time the material contains concert with gravity, aids in moving particulate matter along
a highest level of moisture, thus minimizing a risk of a length of longitudinal axis CL of drum 232, in a direction
ignition of paper and plastic, or other materials with a low urged by airflow E, F.
flash point. Kiln230 additionally comprises non-rotating end Sections
AS a stream of waste particulate from the hammer-mill is 244, 246, constituting a feeder and exhaust or exit Section,
introduced into the kiln at an entry end En (FIG. 5), vanes respectively. Feeder end Section 244 in turn comprises an
190 et al., or 102 et al. (FIG. 2), function in a lifting, mixing intake plenum 248, a feed hopper 250 and a mixing plenum
and dropping of the waste through the flow of heated gas, or chamber 252. Hot high velocity flue gas admitted through
increasing a net Surface area available between waste and 35 intake plenum 248 at approximately 90 ft/sec impacts and is
gas for moisture transfer and heating. As a lighter fraction of mixed with moist fluff (not shown) in mixing chamber 252
the waste particulate is dried, the particulate decreases in admitted through feed hopper 250. The impact is sufficient
density and becomes partially entrained in the flow of gas, to move heavy and light fractions of moist fluff into an entry
exiting the kiln via plenum 88 feeding cyclone 92. Insuffi vestibule area 254 of drum 232. Flow velocity falls to a
ciently dried material from the lighter fraction of the 40 value of 20 to 25 ft/sec upon entry into the vestibule,
particulate, and a heavy or inert residual fraction of the whereupon a heavy fraction HF Substantially falls to a lower
waste particulate, remains resting on a floor, or temporarily inside Surface (not separately designated) of drum 232.
upward oriented portion of an inner Surface of the drum, and Light fraction LF is however immediately entrained in
on an appropriately oriented Subset (not separately airflow E, F and moved towards exhaust section 246. AS
designated) of the Vanes. During a drying operation pro 45 fraction HF is urged through kiln 230 in a direction con
gressively larger quantities of particulate are Sufficiently current with airflow E, F by aforementioned effects of blade
dried and air-entrained, while the residual fraction remains or paddle shape and gravity, Simultaneously Subject to
behind on the inner Surface. Since the heavy residual frac repeated lofting by rotation of drum 232 transmitted via
tion will never decrease in density by drying, hence have an paddles 234 et al., an increasing fraction of particulate
inordinately long dwell time in the drum, a mechanism is 50 matter is dried and recruited by entrainment in airflow E, F
provided to expedite a passage through the kiln. The radial to join fraction LF for eventual removal via an exhaust
Slots permit a slow passage of heavy inert material through plenum 88 in section 246. A residual heavy fraction RHF is
the drum until eliminated at drop tube 94, as discussed more eliminated by falling into a shaft or drop tube 94, which is
completely below. In alternative embodiment (not regulated by two large size flapper Valves, as is shown in
illustrated) vanes 192 et al. are given a fixed rotation about 55 greater detail in FIG. 6, for eventual discharge onto a belt
a radius of the drum in order to impel heavy material along system, schematically shown at 96 in FIG. 8. Special
the drum. The Vanes may also be given a non-planar paddles 262 et al. urge the heavy fraction towards centerline
geometric shape, as, for example, helicoid, to aid in a CL in a conical Section 266, Similarly to the previously
movement of material. discussed embodiment. The residual heavy fraction com
Tail or final section 204 (FIG. 6) is conical in shape, and 60 prises principally metals and inorganics.
connects drum 100 with riser or fluff transport tube 88. In the Cross sections of drum 232 are shown in FIGS. 9 and 10,
tail Section of the rotating drum special additional paddles illustrating, in particular, an increasing constriction of air
(not shown) are installed. A geometrical shape of these flow E.F by a sequential reduction of an inside diameter of
paddles conveys a residual, moderate weight, not yet air annular baffles 234 et al., in a direction towards exhaust
entrained fraction from a relatively wide croSS Section of 65 Section 246. Airflow velocity thus increases gradually in a
inner drum 100 to a restricted throat 214 at an entry to the similar direction from a low of approximately 20 ft/min in
fluff transport tube. At the throat an increased air or gas the entry vestibule to a value of approximately 25 ft/min in
US 6,692,544 B1
13 14
a vicinity of the exit vestibule, thereby entraining increas magnetic overhead belts 68, 78. A remaining residue 112 of
ingly larger grade fines in fraction LF, while yet giving all heavy fraction falling from belt system 96 is collected for
recruited particulate a maximal time to dry. The design, by eventual disposal.
this method, Serves to increase a range of particle size The light fraction or fluff residue is entrained by air or
captured in an exhaust Stream, while maintaining a required exhaust gas flow in plenum 88, from whence the fluff enters
level of drying, by avoiding recruitment of Slightly heavier cyclone 92. In the cyclone light fraction Solids gradually lose
moisture laden particles into an output Stream too early in a Velocity, while tending towards a center of a cyclonic flow
drying process. Drying dwell times for a critical range of (not illustrated), and eventually falls through a throat 114 to
particle sizes and weights are thereby increased without an a holding or mixing tank 116. From the holding tank fluff or
excessive lengthening of the kiln or drier, dried particles in cyclonic precipitate 124 is fed via a conveyor belt 118
this range are incorporated into the exhaust Stream, while through a fifth hopper 120 to a holding or buffer compart
moist particles of a Similar initial characteristics still main ment 156 in a twin screw extrusion machine 122, for
tain an adequate dwell time in the kiln, avoiding premature production of compressed Solid briquettes.
entrainment. Airflow velocity returns to a full velocity of Some general features of twin Screw extrusion machines,
approximately 90 ft./min. in exhaust plenum 88 following a 15 known in the material processing art, are illustrated in FIG.
final constriction in conical section 266 of exit section 246. 3. A main body of the machine is constituted by a compact
FIGS. 9, 10 also illustrate a placement of a heavy fraction ing chamber where two Screws made of Special alloy are
passage slot 238 in ring shaped or annular baffles 234. The located: A right-hand threaded helical Screw 124 and a
passage slots (other not shown) permit a gradual passage of left-hand threaded helical screw 126 are disposed in an
recalcitrant elements of fraction HF, eventually Segregated interlocking manner inside a case 128. Helical Screws 124,
in residual fraction RHF, through the kiln, while giving a 126 function in this application as briquetter Screws, and
maximal dwell time for possibly recoverable particulate. may be So designated. A Series of isolated compartments or
Further shown are support and drive rollers 268, 270 and voids 138 et al are formed by screw 126 and case 128, in
268", 270'. Compared to a twin shelled embodiment, a particular by shaft face 130 and thread lands 134, 136, in
single-shell kiln 230 permits a substantial simplification in 25 conjunction with a thread face 142 of screw 124. A sym
drive and bearing complexity, as rollerS may simultaneously metrically disposed Series of compartments (not designated)
Serve drive, bearing and structural Support functions. is formed by screw 124 and case 128, in conjunction with a
A mode of operation of kiln 84 or 230 is controlled by a thread face 144 of screw 126. Screws 124, 126 are disposed
selection of the following variables: airflow rate (velocity); to allow a counter-rotatory motion, indicated by arcuate
air temperature; rotation Speed of the drum; and inner arrows, whereupon isolated compartments 138 et al are
diameter of the rings. A basic principle of operation of the translated in a direction parallel to a longitudinal axis of the
kiln employing rotating internal drum 100 is to present Screws, as indicated by a Solid arrow. Material entrained in
dryable material with a Sufficient and intimate exposure to compartments 138 et al. is thereby urged in a direction of the
heated gas to dry and air-entrain an economically Satisfac solid arrow and, when fed in a proximal end 146 of the
tory fraction thereof, while providing eventual passage and 35 twin-Screw extrusion machine, the material is eventually
elimination of a recalcitrant non-dryable fraction. A meaning ejected at an opposite distal end (not shown) of the extrusion
of “economically Satisfactory', including considerations of machine, and potentially with great pressure.
dwell-time in the kiln, energy efficiency and a value fore Further internal details of a twin-Screw extrusion machine
gone on a non-captured fraction of dryable material, is a or extruder contemplated in a best mode embodiment of the
design decision to be optimized by those skilled in the art for 40 present invention may be seen in FIG. 4. A screw 148 having
a particular configuration of capacity and expected quality of a shaft 149 (one of two briquetter screws shown for clarity)
waste Stream. An air flow rate, and therefore its Velocity, is is mounted in a casing 150, and Supported by an axial or
calculated in a way to transport the dried material (lighter) thrust bearing 152 mounted at a top or feed end of the screw,
out of the drum and let the heavier material reside longer by proximate to the holding compartment 156, and a radial or
forcing it to pass through the baffles. 45 side-load bearing 154, proximate to a die end 158 of the
Considering further a preferred mode of operation of a extrusion machine. Die end 160 is mounted with an
kiln in support of the present invention in relation to kiln230 exchangeable die 160 having a die throat 162. Bearing 152
or 84 a maximum exit temperature of the material from the takes up thrust or reactive loads resulting from forcing of an
kiln is about 150 F. An exhaust gas flow exiting the kiln extruded waste-derived product (not shown) through die
through plenum 88, comprising mainly heated air, is at a 50 throat 162, while bearing 154 takes up or supports side to
temperature of 190 F. The exhaust gas is water saturated Side loads resulting from any imbalance or inhomogeneity in
and is aspirated by a ventilator 90 to the cyclone or cyclonic a product or material in process. Bearing 152 also functions
separator 92. From cyclone 92 the exhaust gas is routed to partial in a radial mode in assisting bearing 154 in Support
a jet Scrubber or air pollution control device (not shown), ing a static weight of the Screw. A clearance (not separately
through a third plenum 95. 55 designated) between the two briquetter Screws, and between
Solids exiting kiln 230 or 84 are segregated into a light, each Screw and the casing, is chosen as a compromise
air entrained, fraction, and a heavy, gravity bound, fraction. between narrow clearances, favoring maximum air transport
The heavy fraction (not shown), composed of inert materials and compression, and looser clearances, at the same time
Such as Stone, masonry and ceramic fragments, a remainder providing a Safe passage of metal and other heavy particles
of a ferrous metal fraction, and all non-ferrous metals, is 60 possibly entrained by the material in process. A depth of
separated at an exit of the kiln through drop tube 94 onto a thread d (FIG. 4) is also chosen by design relative to an
third conveyor belt system 96. A third magnetic overhead intended throughput of waste material to create inter-wrap
belt 98 is instrumental in a third and final separation step of Void SpaceS 172 et al. of size appropriate to entrain a Volume
the ferrous metal fraction. Magnetic materials falling off of air Sufficient to heat in-proceSS material to a working
magnetic overhead belt 98 are collected in receptacle 110 for 65 temperature range.
further processing (not shown), joining similar ferrous metal It may be seen in FIG. 4 that a drive shaft 164 passes
Streams falling into receptacles (not shown) at locations of through the holding compartment and is joined to Screw 148
US 6,692,544 B1
15 16
in a vicinity of the thrust bearing, providing a dynamic shaft 149 is supported by a thrust bearing 152; a second
torque, or motive power, to the Screw. A second shaft (not screw 151 is shown in outline. Radial bearing 154 (not
shown) in parallel to shaft 164 similarly passes through the shown in this view) is mounted at a distal end of screw 148,
holding or buffer compartment and is connected to the as seen in FIG. 4. An optional vent 280 seen in FIG. 7 is also
remaining briquetter Screw. At an opposite end, first and found at a distal end of the extruder, releasing gases expelled
Second drive shafts are joined to a reduction gear box 166, from extrudate at the high pressure distal end of the extruder,
as shown in FIG. 1B. The gear box is functionally connected which do not escape axially through a circumferential annu
to a direct current (DC) motor 168, and serves to reduce an lar clearance 153.
rpm of the motor to turn the briquetter Screws with great and In an further embodiment of a extruder (FIGS. 11, 12, 13,
compelling torque, urging primarily Solid and relatively low 14), an additional feature of the briquetting or extrusion
moisture content precipitate from the cyclonic Separator 92 Screws contemplates a composite or modular Screw com
forward under Sufficient pressure, and with Sufficient gen prising a plurality of Sections of constant Screw pitch bolted
erated heat, to fuse the precipitate into an extruded Solid together along a longitudinal axis in order to form a single
waste-derived product. For briquetting screws of from 300 contiguous Screw of varying pitch. In return for a loSS in
to 1200-mm diameter, and preferably constructed of a high 15 Smoothness of operation and a continuously graded com
wear resistant alloy of 400 or 800-mm diameter, and having pression of waste material in process as compared with the
a length to diameter ratio, or aspect ratio, in a range of 1 to previously described variable pitch screw 148, of unitary
2.5, electric motor 168 is appropriately rated between 400 construction, a simplicity of manufacture is gained and an
and 1,000 kW. The motor is controlled by a preferably solid elimination of a need for the complex machined shape of the
State inverter (not shown), and operatively connected at a variable pitch screw. FIG. 11 et seq. Show a complete
drive shaft to the gear box or gear reducer 166. Direct embodiment of an extrusion machine 282 (not separately
current Supplied by Solid State inverters is preferably utilized designated) employing a multiple pitch Screw according to
as a power Source over other forms of power, Such as AC or the above described construction.
lower quality DC with appreciable AC ripple, in order to Base members 283, 284, 285 of machine 282 (FIG. 11)
allow Smoother control of torque, and a Smooth extrusion of 25 Support an integral box frame and casing, comprising an
product. Modern electronic motor controls are capable of upper shell 288 and a lower shell 290, and a power unit 292.
responding on an effective time Scale to inevitable variations The upper and lower shells encapsulate reduction gear train
in torque as a naturally varying waste-derived feedstuff is 294, and twin extruder Screws 296, 298, as shown more
passed through the twin-Screw inverter, maintaining uniform clearly in partially cut-away view in FIG. 12, which illus
preSSures and temperatures at an output end thereof: the trates the extrusion machine with upper shell or casing 288
motor may be controlled to output at constant torque, or removed. Extruder screw 298 is also shown partially cut
constant rpm. Uniformity of control permits creation of a away, with a partial Section of threads (not separately
briquette product as uniform as possible, and thus of maxi designated) removed for clarity. Multiple pitched thread
mum market value. Briquette density can reach values of up Sections can also be seen in FIGS. 12 and 14, comprising, in
to 3,000 lb/yd according to characteristics of the waste 35 this embodiment, a steeply pitched thread section 297 of
handled and the temperature profile Set inside the briquetting three flights (not separately designated), and a more shal
machine. lowly pitched thread section 295 of six flights, a feature
Another feature of the twin screw extrusion machine 122 more clearly understood by examination of FIG. 14, wherein
is evident from an inspection of FIG. 4. Briquetter screw 148 downstream thread flight ends 299, 299, 299" can be seen
and its intermeshing companion Screw (not shown) are of 40 above lower casing or shell 290, an additional three flight
variable pitch, decreasing from a top end (not designated), ends (not designated) being obscured in this view by lower
proximate to compartment 156, to a discharge end (not casing 290. An interchangeable extrusion die 287 may be
designated), proximate to die throat 162. As a consequence Seen in FIG. 13.
of this varying Screw pitch it may be observed that inter In yet an additional feature of either a unitary or Seg
wrap spaces or voids 172,174, 176 et seq. are of diminishing 45 mented briquetter screw, which may be best understood for
size. Thereby, as a portion of material entrained in an an examination of the embodiment of FIG. 4, an end cap
inter-wrap void 172 is urged from the top end to the section 178 of approximately 200-250 mm in length and
discharge end of the Screw, the Void is becoming progres comprising a Section of the extrusion Screw proximate to die
Sively Smaller in Volume, resulting in a progressive com throat or discharge port 162, is manufactured as a Separate
pression of the entrained material. Sufficient clearance is 50 unit, bolted on to a remainder of the Screw. The end cap
provided between screw 148 and casing 150 to allow escape Section endures a maximum wear rate, being Subject to
of expressed gasses resulting from heating and compression highest process preSSures, and provision of a separate bolt
of entrained material in a top-end direction, towards and on Section facilitates economical maintenance. In a modular
through holding compartment 156, whence the gasses are embodiment of the extrusion Screws a overall Screw length
captured by an overhead aspiration hood and routed to the 55 may also be varied in accordance with a type of waste to be
Scrubber. Optionally an end or die Section of the extrusion treated, in conjunction with a modular or extensible machine
machine is provided with slots (not illustrated) to allow the framework, thus conferring a degree of flexibility on a plant
discharge of the air and the Steam formed by the evaporation which may be converted from one waste processing role to
of the residual moisture contained in the material. The slots another with a reduced degree of retooling costs.
are built and configured to prevent any overflow of material. 60 Continuing a process description for either embodiment
Additional ventilation equipment (not shown) may collect of an extrusion machine, fluff 124 with a residual moisture
gasses evolved from compression of the fluff, and direct content in a range of 10-15%, or preferably 10-12%, is
them to the jet scrubber. further ground and mixed in an initial Section of the bri
Across-section of the extruder of FIG. 4 is shown in FIG. quetter Screws and increasingly compressed and pushed to
7. Casing 150 is comprised of an upper shell 288" and a 65 an extrusion die area by rotation of the Screws. A majority
lower shell 290'. Screw 148 has a thread face 153 helically of the energy provided by the electric motor is dissipated
disposed on a shaft 149. At a proximal end (not designated) into heat by friction, which raises material temperature and
US 6,692,544 B1
17 18
causes residual moisture to evaporate. In particular, if mois patterns, or “bonds”. FIG. 15 illustrates a basic two-layer
ture content of material entering the briquetter is no higher pattern of “English bond where, on each exposed face of a
than a preferred design value of 12%, a temperature of the block or cube, headers alternate with stretchers. On face 300,
material exiting the extruder will generally be in the range bricks or briquettes 302, 304 on an upper layer (not
of 250-280 F., depending on the origin and composition of designated) are stretchers, showing a long face, while bricks
the fluff. A working temperature internal to the machine is 306, 308, 310, 312 on a bottom layer are headers, showing
preferably in a range of about 250-320 F., and is typically an end face. It may be seen that bricks 302,314 and bricks
reached within a few minutes of process Start-up. Heating of 306, 308 on adjacent layers overlap, increasing strength of
in-process material in the extruder or briquetting machine is a block during Subsequent handling.
essentially a conversion of motor power into waste heat by A repeated layered form of a pattern shown in FIG. 15
dissipative mechanism, and in particular via two mecha
nisms: (a) Friction of the waste material with internal results in a solid composite block 320 illustrated in FIG. 16.
The block of FIG. 16 however still contains two vertical
components of the machine, including especially the extru
Sion Screws and the exit die. (b) Compression of entrained through seams, 316, 318, and so amounts to four uncoupled
air (adiabatic compression) along a length thereof to an exit Stacks of bricks or briquettes. Additional Strength can be
die. The latter proceSS or mechanism is not totally dissipa
15 developed by adopting a fully overlapping layer pattern, as
shown in FIG. 17. Each face of a block 322 is in effect laid
tive but has elements of active heat transfer, or heat pump in “stretcher” or “running bond, which consists of offset
ing: An expansion of escaping compressed air at the exit die,
and an optionally installed vent 280 (FIG. 7) in a vicinity rows of all stretchers; with a modification that headers turn
thereof, has an effect of adiabatic cooling, thereby acceler each corner, to become a Stretcher on an adjacent face here,
ating a return of extrudate to room temperature, and allow as illustrated by bricks 324, 326. An inner core of bricks 328
ing an exit temperature in a range of about 200-245 F. or complete solid block 320. It may be noted that block 320 can
higher, concomitant with an internal working temperature in be formed by a 90 degree rotation of adjacent layers, a layer
a range 250 to 320 F. 332 being rotated 90 degrees relative to a top layer 330, and
Fluff entering the twin-Screw extrusion machine poS So forth. Other Schemes for Solidly and Strongly packing
25 blocks of uniform shape may occur to the Skilled artisan.
SeSSes rheological and mechanically cohesive properties of
a loose aggregate. The finished briquettes however cool to a A packed form of waste as described above may be
Stable, dry, Solid condition. The exact mechanism of fusion, conveniently and economically transported by flatbed truck
or creation of a cohesive and Stable Solid from a loose or rail, ameliorating practical problems and possibly also
particulate aggregate, is not known, but is thought to involve Some political problem of transporting waste between com
chemical bonding among uncharacterized organic molecules munities for disposal. Packs so formed can be further loaded
present from various Sources in a municipal waste Stream. on rail cars in lots of up to 100 tons of processed waste per
Regardless of mechanism, it is observed in practice that 55 foot high Side gondola car, while the equivalent amount
composite waste over a wide range of compositions Sources of unprocessed waste would require a minimum of three cars
from municipal Solid waste, Sewage sludge, and combustible 35
and additionally require containerization for transport into
industrial residues, may be Successfully reduced by the the rail System. The present invention allows the transpor
disclosed process to a uniform, biologically and chemical tation of large amounts of waste to remote landfill facilities
Stable product. at a cost and with an environmental, a possibly political,
Briquette Stock or extrudate (not designated) exiting the impact greatly reduced with respect to that of unprocessed
die throat is taken off, or removed from a vicinity of the die 40
municipal waste.
throat, by a motorized roller Supported conveyor 180, and is A major improvement introduced by this invention com
cut to length by a circular cut-off saw 170. Transverse pared to other recently developed waste processing technol
dimensions-of a finished briquette product are determined ogy is a mitigation of environmental impacts associated with
by Selection of an exchangeable die 160: a machine con landfill waste disposal. Landfilling waste processed via this
figuration allows the use of different extrusion dies to 45 invention eliminates or Substantially reduces atmospheric
produce different briquette shapes and sizes ranging 30 to emissions caused by the biological degradation of unproc
180 mm according to their final destination. Considerable essed or minimally processed landfilled waste. Landfilling
flexibility thus exists in determining dimensions of finished waste processed using this invention also reduces ground
briquettes in response to product requirements. water contamination during landfilling operations, and Sub
A packing plant is composed of two Sections: in the first 50 Sequent to landfill closure. A greater density of processed,
Section the briquettes are assembled in layers to form packs landfilled waste substantially reduces the transfer rate of
of approximately 2.4 cubic yards. In the Second Section the chemical constituents from processed waste to groundwater
packs So formed are Secured and bound with four vertical as a result of contact with percolating precipitation and with
plastic or Steel bands and one horizontal. According to their groundwater.
final destination and use, the packs may be shrink-wrapped 55 Because waste processed in accordance with the present
in polyethylene foils on five side of the cubes. As previously invention is biologically inactive, and remains So after
mentioned the packs may include varying numbers of layers landfilling, and because there is a lower transfer rate of
or briquettes to assume different desired shapes. chemical constituents to precipitation and to groundwater in
In a particular operation configuration, briquettes contact with the processed waste, the precipitation and
intended for disposal in a landfill are produced with a Square 60 groundwater which comes in contact with processed, land
croSS Section with approximate linear dimension 6.9" and an filled waste which are deemed leachates for purposes of Title
aspect ration of 1:7 are laid next to each other on 7 cross-ply 40, Chapter I, Parts 247 and 248 of the United States Code
layers of 7 briquettes each, to form a cube of 4 feet in Size, of Federal Regulation have lower biological and chemical
Suggestive of a Stack of rail road ties. The cube is Secured loads than landfilled waste which is not processed with this
with metal or plastic bands. Alternatively, briquetteS pro 65 invention.
duced with other non-unitary aspect ratios, Say 1:1:2, may be Another major improvement introduced by this invention
Stacked for additional Strength in traditional brick-laying is that processed, landfilled waste does not generate waste
US 6,692,544 B1
19 20
odors, or attract birds, Vermin and other pests, Substantially For Sake of Sampling consistency and evaluation of
reducing environmental and aesthetic impacts of landfill related characteristics Several Samples are prepared using the
waste disposal upon communities in close proximity to Same MSW composition and applying different processing
landfills and transport routes to landfills. The product is a variables as described above.
uniformized commodity, and may also be more acceptable The MSW composition of reference is determined as
than a variable, bioactive precursor to the product. follows:
Another advantage of the present invention is that refuse
derived fuel can be created which is chemically and bio
logically stable, as well as reasonable compact, and there Paper and cardboard 31.2
fore Suitable for Storage and transport in a manner approxi Plastics 5.7
mating use of a traditional Solid or liquid fuel Stuff, Such as Glass 2.1
coal or oil. Even if fuel usage is not economically viable Metals 10.5
Organics 40.3
now, landfills filled with aseptic briquettes can be subse Inorganics and other waste 9.2
quently mined as a fuel Source when economic conditions
warrant. MSW processed in accordance with the present 15
invention may be considered a form of artificial coal or peat, The compression resistance of the Samples is measured. It
laid in the ground for possible future utilization. is generally found that Samples obtained by eliminating
Although this invention is primarily described in terms of organic matter from the MSW presented lower densities and
processing a municipal waste Stream for eventual use in poor mechanical properties. Samples obtained by eliminat
Stable landfill or power generation processes, other types of ing plastic and paper showed even lower properties. Plastic
waste, including agricultural and industrial, may also be and organic matter function as binder to each other and have
processed into a stable compact form. Initially high to be present in certain proportions in the final briquettes if
moisture content fermentative agricultural wastes can be good mechanical properties are desired. In this respect it is
Stabilized and Stockpiled for possible eventual use as fuel, found that a total of 30% of paper and plastics in the original
while waste Streams containing both organic matter and 25 waste represents an optimal value.
toxic chemicals and metals can be Stabilized and compacted The compression resistance can be determined by mea
for permanent or Semi-permanent burial, reducing a volume Suring two non correlated properties used to characterize
of required landfill, an area of required leachate containment coal, a proxy for the briquettes. These properties are com
and collection, and a load of evolved leachate per waste ton pressive strength and Hardgrove Index (ASTM D409).
per year, all factorS Substantially reducing a cost of hazard Samples at the lower end of the density scale (<1,300
ous waste disposal. lb/cuyd) yielded values of compressive strength yield
Having generally described the invention, reference is between about 500 and 700 psi and Hardgrove Index well
now made to the following examples which are intended to below 20. Samples with density of 2,400 to 2,800 lb/cuyd
yield values of compressive strength of 8,000 to 10,000 psi
illustrate preferred embodiments and comparisons but which 35 and Hardgrove Index of 60 to 80.
are not to be construed as limiting to the Scope of this In particular, the Sample that produces the best test results
invention as is more broadly set forth above and in the (Sample T) had a density of 2,750 lb/cuyd and is obtained
appended claims. from the waste composition of reference with the following
EXAMPLES processing Sequence:
40 A two Step grinding to obtain a maximum ground Size of
Drying in the kiln to a moisture content not greater than
The disposal of briquettes formed in packs or as loose 9.5%
items at landfill Sites can be realized if the briquettes respond 45 Quantitative removal of metals with retention of max.
to certain characteristics in terms of mechanical Strength and 0.3% of inert
ability to withstand attack from atmospheric agents. Extrusion in the briquetter at temperatures increasing
To this end, three Sets of parameters are measured to fully from 260° F to 280° F to yieldbriquettes with moisture
characterize the behavior and the properties of briquettes content of 4.3%.
originated from MSW. 50 Sample T indicated compressive strength of 9,600 to
These parameters are: 10,000 psi and Hardgrove Index of 78 to 80. All
Mechanical properties Samples are cut to a cube of two inches.
Biological properties 2) Chemical/physical Stability in Relation to Leaching Char
Chemical/physical Stability in relation to leaching char acteristics
acteristics 55 For this kind of test the typical TCLP (Toxic Character
1) Mechanical Properties istic Leaching Procedure) Method 1311 analysis is per
In general, mechanical properties of briquetteS produced formed. In this analysis demineralized pure water in prede
by means of this invention are a function of many variables termined quantities is used in contact with 100 grams of
Such as trash composition, ground size distribution, moisture Sample T. At certain intervals of time the weight of the water
content at the end of the drying process, efficiency in the 60 can be measured and analyzed for content whenever weight
removal of metals and inert, temperature profile inside the measurement indicated any variation. A first measurement is
briquetting machine during the final Stage of the process taken after a period of 3 minutes and indicated the presence
Briquette density and overall mechanical resistance of carbonates and Silicates of Sodium, calcium and magne
improve with lower moisture content in the dryer and in the sium in quantities not exceeding 60 mg. The presence of
final products, higher weight of organic matter in the MSW 65 these Salts in the water can be ascribed to proceSS dust
of no more than 50%, and higher temperatures inside the derived by the cutting of the Sample. A Second measurement
briquetter with a limit of 300° F. taken after an additional period of three minutes indicated no
US 6,692,544 B1
21 22
presence of any Salt and no variance in the weight of water. Serious concerns may arise from the anticipation of future
Sample T is dried out at the end of the test and then weighted behavior of briquettes stored at a landfill for extended
to verify the presence of water adsorbed during the test. No periods of time (>10 years) with regards to their biodegra
Significant change of weight is noted except for the amount dation.
of dust measured in the water. One last test can be conducted to establish the stability of
3) Biological Properties the briquettes long term, measuring biodegradation proper
The biological Stability and inertneSS of the briquettes can ties in an extremely hostile environment to Simulate expo
be determined with an autoclave (4.4 cuft) test in which a sure to landfill conditions for periods of 10–20 years.
briquette of Sample T measuring 2 cubic inches in Size and In this test overheated steam (220–240 F) at atmospheric
weighing approximately 200grams is immersed in a bath of preSSure is used in presence of air in the autoclave for a
water to measure possible Swelling and weight variation of period of three days, the same measurements of the previous
the briquette. It should be noted that the briquette used for test is used to indicate the presence of biogas, which could
the test represents a worst case Scenario with regard to be put in direct relation with the long term stability of the
biodegradation test. In fact the Size of the briquette is only briquettes.
fractional compared to the size of the briquettes disposed at 15 Even in these very Severe conditions the chromatograph
the landfill. (e.g. a few inches in length as opposed to several did not indicate the presence of any methane or carbon
feet). Therefore the test is very conservative because smaller dioxide. The performance of this last test indicates that no
Size briquette have a larger Surface area which can be change in the biological characteristics of briquettes of
attacked by water, Steam or other agents. Sample T produced by means of this invention should be
After immersion in water and by maintaining room tem experienced.
peratures inside the autoclave, the weight of the briquette is The invention is therefore not to be construed as limited
monitored at equal intervals of 12 to 24 hours for a period to the particular examples provided herein by means of
of 2 weeks. There is no significant variation in weight, which illustration, but to be understood generally, as bounded by
indicates that briquettes of composition and characteristics the appended claims.
Such as those of Sample T are biologically inert at those 25 What is claimed:
conditions. 1. An aseptic briquette having a density of about 1,000 to
In order to Simulate environmental conditions experi 3,000 lb/yd, a moisture content of less than approximately
enced by the briquettes at a landfill, a Second test is 10% by weight, and being biologically inert, comprising:
conducted on another briquette of Sample T of the same size at least one component Selected from the group consisting
and weight previously used. The briquette is introduced in of Sewage sludge Solids, municipal Solid waste and
the autoclave and exposed to water at pH of 5, much closer refuse derived fuel.
to those of acid rain and water Streams running at landfill 2. The briquette of claim 1, wherein Said briquette has a
Sites. The presence of acid ions in the water would cause density of about 2000 to 2400 lb/yd.
certain metals and refuse components to become Soluble in 3. The briquette of claim 1, wherein said briquette has a
the water if the briquette is not chemically stable. 35
Even in this case no significant change in weight is moisture content of less than about 7% by weight.
experienced giving Support to the assumption that briquettes 4. An aseptic briquette having a density of about 500 to
of Sample T are biologically and chemically inactive. 5.000 lb/yd, a moisture content of less than approximately
Environmental conditions at a landfill could be in Some 10% by weight, and being biologically and chemically inert
cases more Severe than those described in the above tests. 40 under conditions encountered in a lanfill for a period of no
Temperature can be as high as 120 F. and moisture of air less than about 1 year and, comprising:
can be close to Saturation. at least one component Selected from the group consisting
The combined effect of oxygen, moisture and temperature of Sewage sludge Solids, municipal Solid waste and
represents the biggest threat to the Stability of the briquettes. refuse derived fuel.
In order to test the stability of the briquettes in these 45 5. The briquette of claim 4, wherein said briquette has a
conditions more aggressive tests can be arranged. In this test density of about 2000 to 2750 lb/yd.
a similar briquette of Sample T is introduced in the autoclave 6. An aseptic briquette having a density of about 2,000
and exposed to air Saturated by Steam at a temperature of 1b/yd to about 3,000 lb/yd, a moisture content of less than
140 F. for a period of 3 consecutive days. The conditions of about 7%. compressive strength ranging from about 5.000
this test are really more Severe than those at the landfill, 50 psi to about 15.000 psi, containing less than about 0.3% by
being close to those of adiabatic Saturation. In fact, at the weight metals, able to be Stored under average daily tem
landfill the air (never fully Saturated) is moving away from perate Zone conditions for a period of at least about 5 years
the briquettes and has a contact time with the briquettes of and comprising at least one component Selected from the
a few Seconds and not days. Temperature is also rarely group consisting to Sewage sludge Solids, municipal Solid
higher than 120 F. and only for a few hours a day. To verify 55 waste and refuse derived fuel.
whether any significant degradation had occurred, a gas 7. An aseptic briquette having a density of about 500
chromatograph is used to check the presence of methane and 1b/yd to about 5,000 lb/yd, compressive strength ranging
carbon dioxide in the autoclave environment, typical indi from about 500 psi to about 15.000 psi and containing less
cation of a biofermation process in act. The test is train about 0.3% by weight metals and moisture content of
qualitative, as it aims at establishing the presence of bio 60 less than about 5% by weight of said briquette and com
degradation products inside the autoclave. prising:
This test is very probing because the presence of oxygen a mixture of refuse derived fuel and at least one additional
at high temperature normally generates the formation of free component Selected from the group consisting of Sew
radicals, active chemical Species, which are very reactive age sludge Solids and municipal Solid waste.
and fast in causing mutation of the chemical Structure of the 65 8. The briquette according to claim 7 which further
briquette. If no biogas is found in these conditions, it can be comprises crushed coal or petroleum in an amount ranging
assumed that it will never be formed. from about 0.5% to about 50% by weight.
US 6,692,544 B1
23 24
9. The briquette according to claim 7 which further rotating kiln, heated by a methane or waste gas burner
comprises crushed coal and petroleum in an amount ranging to produce a waste intermediate with a residual mois
from about 0.5% to about 50% by weight. ture content of about 10%, and also to remove ferrous
10. A method for producing a biologically inert or aseptic and non-ferrous metal particles and inert materials and
briquette comprising: employing a twin Screw extrusion or briquetting machine
providing a waste material Stream comprising one or more capable of executing an extrusion operation further
materials Selected from the group consisting of munici reducing a moisture content of a processed waste
pal Solid waste, refuse derived fuel, automobile tires, Stream to about 5% while maintaining an extrudate
and municipal Sewage sludge; temperature between 250 and 280 F., to produce a
processing Said waste material Stream as required to biologically inert or aseptic briquette.
produce fluff of at least 95% by weight particle size of
no greater than 4 inches in dimension; employing a k k k k k

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