(54) SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR (52) U.S. Cl. ......................................... 175/40: 166/77.1
MONITORED DRILLING (58) Field of Classification Search .................... 175/40;
(75) Inventors: William L. Koederitz,
(US); Michael Cedar
N. Porche, Park,Rock,
Round TX See application file for complete search history.
TX (US); Graham R. Watson, Glocester (56) References Cited
(GB); Aaron C. Cooke, Austin, TX
(US); Leon Ellison, Huffman, TX (US); U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Rheinhold Kammann. Wienhausen
: 4,061,967 A * 12/1977 Hall .............................. 324,260
(DE); Manfred Worms, Nieuhagen 4,196,418 A * 4/1980 Kip et al. ... 340,152T
(DE); Clive Lam, Tomball, TX (US); 4.202490 A * 5/1980 Gunkel et al. ................ 235,449
Guy L. McClung, III, Spring, TX (US) 4,393,485 A 7, 1983 Redden ........................... 367/25
4,468,959 A * 9/1984 Roberts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73/151
(73) Assignee: National Oilwell Varco L.P., Houston, 4,497,029 A * 1/1985 Kiyokawa ..................... 364,474
TX (US) (Continued)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 EP 1052030 4/2000
U.S.C. 154(b) by 210 days. (Continued)
(22) Filed: Jan. 31, 2009 International Search Report, PCT/GB2005/050.052, mailed Aug. 7,
2005, 3 pp.
(65) Prior Publication Data (Continued)
US 2009/020582O A1 Aug. 20, 2009
Primary Examiner — Kenneth Thompson
Related U.S. Application Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Conley Rose, P.C.
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 12/317,073,
filed on Dec. 18, 2008, now abandoned, and a (57) ABSTRACT
continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/255,160, An item (e.g. a drill bit) handling method, the item for use in
filed on Oct. 20, 2005, now Pat. No. 7,484,625, and a a well operation, the method including producing informa
continuation-in-part of application No. 11/059.584, tion about an item used for a specific well task, the informa
filed on Feb. 16, 2005, now Pat. No. 7,159,654, which tion including design information and intended use informa
is a continuation-in-part of application No. tion, producing an item identification specific to the item,
10/825,590, filed on Apr. 15, 2004, now abandoned, associating the information with the item identification pro
which is a continuation-in-part of application No. ducing thereby an information package, installing the infor
11/059,584, filed on Feb. 16, 2005, now Pat. No. mation package in at least one wave-energizable apparatus,
7,159,654. and applying the at least one wave-energizable apparatus to
the item.
(51) Int. Cl.
E2IB 9/00 (2006.01) 26 Claims, 29 Drawing Sheets
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US 7,946,356 B2
1. 2
SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR the present invention discloses systems and methods in which
MONITORED DRILLING a piece of drill pipe with threaded pin and box ends has one or
more circumferential recesses formed in the pin end into
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED which is emplaced one or more radio frequency identification
APPLICATIONS tags each with an integrated circuit and with an antenna
encircling the pin end within A recess. The RFIDT (OR
This is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. RFIDTS) in a recess is protected by a layer of filler, glue or
12/317,073 filed Dec. 18, 2008 now abandoned and of U.S. adhesive, e.g. epoxy material, and/or by a cap ring corre
application Ser. No. 1 1/255,160 filed Oct. 20, 2005 (issued as sponding to and closing off the recess. Such a cap ring may be
U.S. Pat. No. 7,484,625 on Feb. 3, 2009), both of which area made of metal (magnetic; or nonmagnetic, e.g. aluminum,
continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. 11/059.584 stainless steel, silver, gold, platinum and titanium), plastic,
filed Feb. 16, 2005 (issued as U.S. Pat. No. 7,159,654 on Jan. composite, polytetrafluoroethylene, fiberglass, ceramic, and/
9, 2007) which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application or cement. The RFIDT can be, in certain aspects, any known
Ser. No. 10/825,590 filed Apr. 15, 2004 (abandoned) from commercially-available read-only or read-write radio fre
all (applications and patents) of which the present invention 15
quency identification tag and any suitable known reader sys
and application claim the benefit of priority under the Patent tem, manual, fixed, and/or automatic may be used to read the
Laws and all of which are incorporated fully herein in their RFIDT.
entirety for all purposes.
The present invention, in certain aspects, provides an item,
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION apparatus, or tubular, e.g. a piece of drill pipe, with one or
more radio frequency identification tags wrapped in heat and
1. Field of the Invention impact resistant materials; in one aspect, located in an area
This invention is directed to systems and methods for 2-3" in length beginning /2 from the 18 degree taper of the pin
monitoring drilling operations and to identifying items, e.g. and drill pipe tool joint so that the RFIDT (or RFIDT’s) is
items used in drilling operations, e.g., but not limited to, a drill 25 protected from shocks (pressure, impacts, thermal) that may
bit; in certain aspects to identifying items in the oil and gas be encountered on a rig, in a wellbore, or during wellbore (e.g.
industry; and to identifying tubulars, including, but not lim drilling or casing) operations. In one particular aspect, the
ited to, pieces of drill pipe, using wave-energizable identifi present invention discloses systems and methods in which a
cation apparatuses, e.g. radio frequency identification devices piece of drill pie with threaded pin and box ends has one or
and/or sensible indicia. 30 more radio frequency identification tags each with an inte
2. Description of Related Art grated circuit and with an antenna encircling the pin end upset
The prior art discloses a variety of systems and methods for area located exteriorly on the pipe, e.g. in an area /2"-2/3"
using Surface acoustic wave tags or radio frequency identifi from a pin end 18 degree taper. The RFIDT (or RFIDT’s) is
cation tags in identifying items, including items used in the oil protected by wrapping the entire RFIDT and antenna in a heat
and gas industry Such as drill pipe. (See e.g. U.S. Pat. Nos. 35 resistant material wrapped around the circumference of the
4,698,631; 5,142,128: 5,202,680; 5,360,967; 6,333,699; tube body and held in place by heat resistant glue or adhesive,
6,333,700; 6,347,292; 6,480,811; and U.S. patent application e.g. epoxy material which encases the RFIDT. This material is
Ser. No. 10/323,536 filed Dec. 18, 2002: Ser. No. 09/843,998 covered with a layer of impact resistant material and wrapped
filed Apr. 27, 2001; Ser. No. 10/047,436 filed Jan. 14, 2002: with multiple layers of wrapping material Such as epoxy
Ser. No. 10/261,551 filed Sep. 30, 2002; Ser. No. 10/032,114 40 bonded wrap material. Preferably this wrapping does not
filed Dec. 21, 2001; and Ser. No. 10/013,255 filed Nov. 5, exceed the tool joint OD. The RFIDT can be (as can be any
2001; all incorporated fully herein for all purposes.) In many disclosed herein), in certain aspects, any known commer
of these systems a radio frequency identification tag or cially-available read-only or read-write radio frequency iden
“RFIDT” is used on pipe at such a location either interiorly or tification tag and any Suitable know reader System, manual,
exteriorly of a pipe, that the RFIDT is exposed to extreme 45 fixed, and/or automatic may be used to read the RFIDT. Such
temperatures and conditions downhole in a wellbore. Often installation of RFIDT's can be carried out in the field, in a
an RFIDT so positioned fails and is of no further use. Also, in factory, on a rig, with no machining necessary. Optionally, a
many instances, an RFIDT so positioned is Subjected to dam metal tag designating a unique serial number of each item,
age above ground due to the rigors of handling and manipu apparatus, or length of drill pipe located under the wrap with
lation. 50 the RFIDT(s) insures “Traceability” is never lost due to fail
The present inventors have realized that, in certain embodi ure of the RFIDT(s). Replacement of failed RFIDT's can be
ments, drill bits (and containers therefore) can be provided carried out without leaving a location, eliminating expensive
with effective identification apparatus; and that substantial transportation or trucking costs. Optionally the wrap is
usefulness can beachieved for a drill bit identification system. applied in a distinctive and/or a bright color for easy identi
55 fication. Determining whetheran item, apparatus, or a tubular
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE PRESENT or a length of drill pipe or a drill pipe string is RFID-tagged or
INVENTION not is visibly noticeable, e.g. from a distance once the
RFIDT’s are in place.
The present invention, in certain aspects, provides an item, In certain particular aspects an RFIDT is encased in a ring
an apparatus, or a tubular, e.g. a piece of drill pipe, with a 60 of protective material whose shape and configuration corre
radio frequency identification tag either affixed exteriorly to sponds to the shape of the pin ends recess and the ring is
the item, apparatus or tubular or in a recess in an end thereof either permanently or removably positioned in the recess.
so that the RFIDT is protected from shocks (pressure, Such a ring may be used without or in conjunction with an
impacts, thermal) that may be encountered in a wellbore or amount of protective material covering the ring or with a cap
during drilling operations. In one particular aspect one or 65 ring that protectively covers the RFIDT. Two or more
more RFIDT’s are covered with heat and/or impact resistant RFIDT's may be used in one recess and/or there may be
materials on the exterior of an item. In one particular aspect, multiple recesses at different levels. In other aspects a ring is
US 7,946,356 B2
3 4
provided which is emplaceable around a member, either a item, apparatus or of a tubular member; e.g., but not limited
generally cylindrical circular member or a member with some to, that this particular item, apparatus, or tubular member is
other shape. being used at this time in this particular location or string,
With an RFIDT located in a pipe’s pin end as described and/or with particular torque applied thereto by this particular
herein, upon makeup of a joint including two Such pieces of 5 apparatus.
pipe, an RFIDT in one pipe's pin end is completely sur In other aspects, a pipe with a pin end recess described
rounded by pipe material—including that of a corresponding therein has emplaced therein orthereona member or ring with
pipe’s box end—and the RFIDT is sealingly protected from or without an RFIDT and with sensible indicia, e.g., one or a
access by materials flowing through the pipe and from mate series of signature cuts, etchings, holes, notches, indenta
rials exterior to the pipe. The mass of pipe material Surround- 10 tions, alpha and/or numeric characters, raised portion(s) and/
ing the enclosed RFIDT also protects it from the temperature or voids, filled in or not with filler material (e.g. but not
extremes of materials within and outside of the pipe. limited to, epoxy material and/or nonmagnetic or magnetic
In other aspects with or without an RFIDT in a recess metal, composite, fiberglass, plastic, ceramic and/or cement),
sensible material and/or indicia are located within a recess
and, in one aspect, transparent material is placed above the 15 which indicia are visually identifiable and/or can be sensed by
material and/or indicia for visual inspection or monitoring; sensing systems (including, but not limited to, systems using
and, in one aspect, such sensible material and/or indicia are in ultrasonic sensing, eddy current sensing, optical/laser sens
or on a cap ring. ing, and/or microwave sensing). Similarly it is within the
A pipe with a pin end recess as described herein can be a Scope of the present invention to provide a cap ring (or a ring
piece of typical pipe in which the recess is formed, e.g. by 20 to be emplaced in a recess) as described herein (either for
machining or with laser apparatus or by drilling; or the pipe closing off a recess or for attachment to a pin end which has
can be manufactured with the recess formed integrally no such recess) with Such indicia which can be sensed visu
thereof. In certain particular aspects, in cross-section a recess ally or with sensing equipment.
has a shape that is square, rectangular, triangular, semi-trian It is within the scope of this invention to provide an item,
gular, circular, semi-circular, trapezoid, dovetail, or rhom- 25 apparatus, or tubular member as described herein exteriorly
boid. affixed (RFIDT(s) and/or with a circular recess as described
It has also been discovered that the location of an RFIDT or above with energizable identification apparatus other than or
RFIDT’s according to the present invention can be accom in addition to one or more RFIDTs; including, for example
plished in other items, apparatuses, tubulars and generally one or more surface acoustic wave tags ("SAW tags') with its
tubular apparatuses in addition to drill pipe, or in a member, 30 antenna apparatus in the circular apparatus.
device, or apparatus that has a cross-section area that permits The present invention discloses, in certain aspects, an item
exterior wrapping of RFIDT(s)or circumferential installation handling method, the item (e.g., but not limited to, a drill bit)
of antenna apparatus including, but not limited to, in or on for use in a well operation, the method including producing
casing, drill collars, (magnetic or nonmagnetic) pipe, thread information about an item, the item for a specific well task,
protectors, centralizers, stabilizers, control line protectors, 35 the information including design information about the item
mills, plugs (including but not limited to cementing plugs), and intended use information about the item, producing an
and risers; and in or on other apparatuses, including, but not item identification specific to the item, associating the infor
limited to, whipstocks, tubular handlers, tubular manipula mation with the item identification producing thereby an
tors, tubular rotators, top drives, tongs, spinners, downhole information package for the item, installing the information
motors, elevators, spiders, powered mouse holes, and pipe 40 package in at least one wave-energizable apparatus, and
handlers, sucker rods, and drill bits (all which can be made of applying the at least one wave-energizable apparatus to the
or have portions of magnetizable metal or nonmagnetizable item. Such a method can include delivering the item to a well
metal). operations rig, reading the information package from the at
In certain aspects the present invention discloses a rig with least one wave-energizable apparatus, and using the informa
a rig floor having thereon or embedded therein or positioned 45 tion to facilitate the specific well task; and/or associating with
therebelow a tag reader system which reads RFIDT’s in pipe the item a memory device having information about the item
or other apparatus placed on the rig floor above the tag reader and using information from the memory device to facilitate
system. All of such rig-floor-based reader systems, manually the specific well task. In one aspect the at least one wave
operated reader systems, and other fixed reader Systems use energizable apparatus is a first apparatus and a second appa
ful in methods and systems according to the present invention 50 ratus, and the method further includes applying the first appa
may be, in certain aspects, in communication with one or ratus to the item, and applying the second apparatus to a
more control systems, e.g. computers, computerized systems, container for the item.
consoles, and/or control system located on the rig, on site, The present invention discloses, in certain aspects, an item,
and/or remotely from the rig, either via lines and/or cables or the item for use in a well operation in a specific well task, the
wirelessly. Such system can provide identification, inventory, 55 item including: the item having a body; at least one wave
and quality control functions and, in one aspect, are useful to energizable apparatus on the body; at least one wave-energi
insure that desired tubulars, and only desired tubulars, go Zable apparatus having installed therein an information pack
downhole and/or that desired apparatus, and only desired age; the information package including an item identification
apparatus, is used on the rig. In certain aspects one or more and information about the item; and the information includ
RFIDTs is affixed exteriorly of or positioned in a recess an 60 ing design information about the item and intended use infor
item, apparatus, or tubular, e.g., in one aspect, in a box end of mation about the item. In one particular aspect, the item is a
a tubular. In certain aspects antennas of RFIDT’s according to drill bit.
the present invention have a diameter between one quarter Accordingly, the present invention includes features and
inch to ten inches and in particular aspects this range is advantages which are believed to enable it to advance well
between two inches and four inches. Such systems can also be 65 operations technology. Characteristics and advantages of the
used with certain RFIDT’s to record on a read-write appara present invention described above and additional features and
tus therein historical information related to current use of an benefits will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art
US 7,946,356 B2
5 6
upon consideration of the following description of embodi problems and a satisfactory meeting of those needs in its
ments and referring to the accompanying drawings. various possible embodiments and equivalents thereof. To
Certain embodiments of this invention are not limited to one of skill in this art who has the benefits of this inventions
any particular individual feature disclosed here, but include realizations, teachings, disclosures, and Suggestions, various
combinations of them distinguished from the prior art in their purposes and advantages will be appreciated from the follow
structures, functions, and/or results achieved. Features of the ing description of certain embodiments, given for the purpose
invention have been broadly described so that the detailed of disclosure, when taken in conjunction with the accompa
descriptions that follow may be better understood, and in nying drawings. The detail in these descriptions is not
order that the contributions of this invention to the arts may be intended to thwart this patents object to claim this invention
better appreciated. There are, of course, additional aspects of 10 no matter how others may later attempt to disguise it by
the invention described below and which may be included in variations in form, changes, or additions of further improve
the subject matter of the claims to this invention. Those mentS.
skilled in the art who have the benefit of this invention, its The Abstract that is parthereof is to enable the U.S. Patent
teachings, and Suggestions will appreciate that the concep and Trademark Office and the public generally, and Scientists,
tions of this disclosure may be used as a creative basis for 15 engineers, researchers, and practitioners in the art who are not
designing other structures, methods and systems for carrying familiar with patent terms or legal terms of phraseology to
out and practicing the present invention. The claims of this determine quickly from a cursory inspection or review the
invention are to be read to include any legally equivalent nature and general area of the disclosure of this invention. The
devices or methods which do not depart from the spirit and Abstract is neither intended to define the invention, which is
Scope of the present invention. done by the claims, nor is it intended to be limiting of the
What follows are some of, but not all, the objects of this Scope of the invention or of the claims in any way.
invention. In addition to the specific objects stated below for It will be understood that the various embodiments of the
at least certain preferred embodiments of the invention, other present invention may include one, Some, or all of the dis
objects and purposes will be readily apparent to one of skill in closed, described, and/or enumerated improvements and/or
this art who has the benefit of this invention's teachings and 25 technical advantages and/or elements in claims to this inven
disclosures. It is, therefore, an object of at least certain pre tion.
ferred embodiments of the present invention to provide: Certain aspects, certain embodiments, and certain prefer
New, useful, unique, efficient, nonobvious devices, items able features of the invention are set out herein. Any combi
and drill bits with apparatus for identification and/or for nation of aspects or features shown in any aspect or embodi
tracking, inventory and control and, in certain aspects. Such 30 ment can be used except where such aspects or features are
things employing identification device(s), e.g. wave energiz mutually exclusive.
able devices, e.g., one or more radio frequency identification
tags and/or one or more SAW tags and/or one or more BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL
memory devices; VIEWS OF THE DRAWINGS
New, useful, unique, efficient, nonobvious devices, items, 35
drill bits, systems and methods for apparatus identification, A more particular description of embodiments of the
tracking, inventory and control and, in certain aspects. Such invention briefly summarized above may be had by references
systems and methods employing identification device(s), e.g. to the embodiments which are shown in the drawings which
one or more RFIDT and/or one or more SAW tags; form a part of this specification. These drawings illustrate
Such things with at least one wave-energizable apparatus 40 certain preferred embodiments and are not to be used to
and/or at least one memory device with information and/or improperly limit the scope of the invention which may have
data related to the item, bit, etc.; the data and/or information, other equally effective or legally equivalent embodiments.
in certain aspects, including manufacturing information, test FIG. 1A is a perspective view of a pin end of a drill pipe
ing information, quality control information, intended use according to the present invention.
information, actual use information, and/or post-use obser 45 FIG. 1B is a perspective views of a pin end of a drill pipe
Vation and/or testing: according to the present invention.
Such systems and methods in which a member is provided FIG.1C is a partial cross-sectional view of the drill pipe of
with one or more exteriorly affixed RFIDT's and/or one or FIG 1A
more recesses into which one or more identification devices FIG.1D shows shapes for recesses according to the present
are placed; and/or Such systems and methods in which the 50 invention.
member is a cylindrical or tubular member and the recess (or FIG. 2 is a graphical representation of a prior art commer
recesses) is a circumferential recess around either or both cially-available radio frequency identification tag apparatus.
ends thereof, made or integrally formed therein; FIG. 2A is a perspective view of a torus according to the
Such systems and methods in which filler material and/or a present invention.
cap ring is installed permanently or releasably over a recess to 55 FIG.2B is a side view partially in cross-section, of the torus
close it off and protect identification device(s): of FIG. 2B.
Such systems and methods in which aspects of the present FIG.2C is a top perspective view of a torus according to the
invention are combined in a nonobvious and new manner with present invention.
existing apparatuses to provide dual redundancy identifica FIG. 2D is a side view in cross-section of a recess accord
tion; 60 ing to the present invention with the torus of FIG. 2C therein.
Such systems and methods in which a sensing-containing FIG. 2E is a top view in cross-section of a torus according
member (flexible or rigid) is placed within or on an item; and to the present invention.
Such systems and methods which include a system on, in, FIG. 2F is a top view of a torus according to the present
or under a rig floor, and/or on equipment, for sensing identi invention.
fication device apparatus according to the present invention. 65 FIG. 2G is a side view of the torus of FIG. 2F.
The present invention recognizes and addresses the prob FIG. 2H is a side view of a torus according to the present
lems and needs in this area and provides a solution to those invention.
US 7,946,356 B2
7 8
FIG. 2I is a top view of a cap ring according to the present FIG. 14B is a side view of the powered mousehole of FIG.
invention. 14A.
FIG. 2J is a side view of the cap ring of FIG. 2I. FIG. 14C is a cross-section view of part of the powered
FIG. 2K is a top view of a cap ring according to the present mouse hole of FIGS. 14A and B.
invention. 5 FIG. 14D is a side view of a powered mouse hole tool
FIG. 2L is a side view of the cap ring of FIG. 2K. according to the present invention.
FIG.2M is a top view of a cap ring according to the present FIG. 15A is a side view of a top drive according to the
invention. present invention.
FIG. 3A is a side view, partially in cross-section, of a FIG.15B is an enlarged view of part of the top drive of FIG.
10 15A.
tubular according to the present invention. FIG.16A is a side cross-section view of a plug according to
FIG. 3B is an enlarged view of a box end of the tubular of the present invention.
FIG. 3C is an enlarged view of a pin end of the tubular of FIG.16B is a side cross-section view of a plug according to
the present invention.
15 FIG. 17A is a perspective view of a portable RFIDT bear
FIG. 4A is a side schematic view of a rig according to the ing ring according to the present invention.
present invention. FIG. 17B is a side view of the ring of FIG. 17A.
FIG. 4B is a side view partially in cross-section of a tubular FIG. 17C is a perspective view of the ring of FIG.17A with
according to the present invention. the ring opened.
FIG. 4C is a schematic view of the system of FIG. 4A. FIG. 17D is a top view of a ring according to the present
FIG. 5A is a schematic view of a system according to the invention.
present invention. FIG. 17E is a top view of a ring according to the present
FIG. 5B is a side view of a tubular according to the present invention.
invention. FIG. 18A is a side view of a whipstock according to the
FIG. 5C is a schematic view of a system according to the 25 present invention.
present invention. FIG. 18B is a bottom view of the whipstock of FIG. 18A.
FIG.5D is a schematic view of a system according to the FIG. 19 is a side view of a mill according to the present
present invention. invention.
FIG. 6 is a side view of a tubular according to the present FIG. 20A is a perspective views of a pipe manipulator
invention. 30 according to the present invention.
FIG. 7A is a side view of a tubular according to the present FIG. 20B is a perspective views of a pipe manipulator
invention. according to the present invention.
FIG. 7B is a cross-section view of the tubular of FIG. 7B. FIG. 21 is a schematic view of a system according to the
FIG. 8A is a side view of a stabilizer according to the present invention.
present invention. 35 FIG. 22 is a schematic view of a system according to the
FIG.8B is across-section view of the stabilizer of FIG.8A. present invention.
FIG. 8C is a side view of a centralizer according to the FIG. 23 is a schematic view of a system according to the
present invention. present invention.
FIG. 8D is a cross-section view of the centralizer of FIG. FIG. 24 is a perspective view of a blowout preventer
8C. 40 according to the present invention.
FIG. 8E is a side view of a centralizer according to the FIG.25 is a side view of a tubular according to the present
present invention. invention.
FIG. 8F is a cross-section view of the centralizer of FIG. FIG. 26 is an enlargement of part of FIG. 25.
8E. FIG. 27 is a perspective view of a tubular according to the
FIG. 8G is a side view of a centralizer according to the 45 present invention.
present invention. FIG. 28 is a perspective view of a tubular according to the
FIG. 8H is a cross-section view of the centralizer of FIG. present invention.
8E. FIG. 29 is a perspective view of a tubular according to the
FIG. 9A is a side cross-section view of a thread protector present invention.
according to the present invention. 50 FIG. 29A is a schematic of part of the tubular of FIG. 29.
FIG.9B is a side cross-section view of a thread protector FIG. 30 is a perspective view of a tubular according to the
according to the present invention. present invention.
FIG. 10A is a side cross-section view of a thread protector FIG.30A is a perspective view of a tubular according to the
according to the present invention. present invention.
FIG. 10B is a perspective view of a thread protector accord 55 FIG.30B is a perspective view of a tubular according to the
ing to the present invention. present invention.
FIG.11 is a cross-section view of a thread protector accord FIG.31 is a schematic view of a bit according to the present
ing to the present invention. invention in a container according to the present invention.
FIG. 12A is a schematic side view of a drilling rig system FIG. 32 is a schematic view of a system and of a method
according to the present invention. 60 according to the present invention.
FIG.12B is an enlarged view of part of the system of FIG. FIG.33 is a schematic view of a system and of a method
12A. according to the present invention.
FIG. 13A is a side view of a system according to the present FIG. 34 is a schematic view of a system and of a method
invention. according to the present invention.
FIG. 13B is a side view of part of the system of FIG. 13A. 65 FIG. 35 is a schematic view of an item according to the
FIG. 14A is a schematic view of a system according to the present invention in a container according to the present
present invention with a powered mouse hole. invention.
US 7,946,356 B2
9 10
FIG. 36 is a schematic view of a system and of a method Suitable material, including, but not limited to: metal, alumi
according to the present invention. num, zinc, brass, bronze, Steel, stainless steel, iron, silver,
FIG. 37 is a schematic view of a system and of a method gold, platinum, titanium, aluminum alloys, Zinc alloys, or
according to the present invention. carbon steel; composite; plastic, fiberglass, fiber material
Certain embodiments of the invention are shown in the such as ARAMIDTM fiber material; KEVLARTM or other
above-identified figures and described in detail below. Vari similar material; ceramic, or cement. The cap ring 22 may be
ous aspects and features of embodiments of the invention are sealingly installed using glue, adhesive, and/or welding (e.g.,
described below and some are set out in the dependent claims. but not limited to Tig, Mig, and resistance welding and laser
Any combination of aspects and/or features described below welding processes).
or shown in the dependent claims can be used except where 10 Disposed within the recess 20 beneath the cap ring 22, as
Such aspects and/or features are mutually exclusive. It should shown in FIG.1C, is an RFIDT device 28 which includes a tag
be understood that the appended drawings and description 24 and an antenna 26. The antenna 26 encircles the recess 20
herein are of certain embodiments and are not intended to around the pin ends circumference and has two ends, each
limit the invention or the appended claims. On the contrary, connected to the tag 24. The RFIDT tag device may be any
the intention is to cover all modifications, equivalents and 15 suitable known device, including, but not limited to the RFID
alternatives falling within the spirit and scope of the invention devices commercially available, as in FIG. 2, e.g. from
as defined by the appended claims. In showing and describing MBBS Company of Switzerland, e.g. its E-UnitsTM (TAGs)
these embodiments, like or identical reference numerals are devices e.g., as in FIG. 2. The RFIDT device 28 may be a
used to identify common or similar elements. The figures are read-only or a read-write device. It is within the scope of this
not necessarily to Scale and certain features and certain views invention to provide one, two, three or more Such devices in a
of the figures may be shown exaggerated in scale or in sche recess 20 (or in any recess of any embodiment herein).
matic in the interest of clarity and conciseness. Optionally, the RFIDT device (or devices) is eliminated and a
As used herein and throughout all the various portions (and recess 20 with a particular varied bottom and/or varied side
headings) of this patent, the terms “invention”, “present wall(s) and/or a cap ring with a nonuniform, varied, and/or
invention' and variations thereof mean one or more embodi 25 structured Surface or part(s) is used which variation(s) can be
ments, and are not intended to mean the claimed invention of sensed and which provide a unique signature for a particular
any particular appended claim(s) or all of the appended piece of drill pipe (as may be the case for any other embodi
claims. Accordingly, the Subject or topic of each Such refer ment of the present invention). These variations, etc. may be
ence is not automatically or necessarily part of, or required by, provided by different heights in a recess or different dimen
any particular claim(s) merely because of Such reference. So 30 sions of projections or protrusions from a recess lower Surface
long as they are not mutually exclusive or contradictory any or recess side wall Surface, by etchings thereon or on a cap
aspect or feature or combination of aspects or features of any ring, by cuts thereon or therein, and/or by a series of notches
embodiment disclosed herein may be used in any other and/or Voids in a recess and/or in a cap ring and/or by sensible
embodiment disclosed herein. indicia. Optionally, instead of the RFIDT device 28 (and for
35 any embodiment herein any RFIDT) a SAW tag may be used
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION and corresponding Suitable apparatuses and systems for ener
gizing the SAW tag(s) and reading them.
FIGS. 1A-1C show a pin end 10 of a drill pipe according to In certain aspects of the present invention with a recess like
the present invention which has a sealing shoulder 12 and a the recess 20 as described above, a ring or torus is releasably
threaded end portion 14. A typical flow channel 18 extends 40 or permanently installed within the recess with or without a
through the drill pipe from one end to the other. A recess 20 in cap ring thereover (like the cap ring 22). Such a ring or torus
the top 16 (as viewed in FIG. 1C) of the pin end 10 extends may have one, two, or more (or no) RFIDT’s therein. FIGS.
around the entire circumference of the top 16. This recess 20 2A and 2B show a torus 30 installable within a recess, like the
is shown with a generally rectangular shape, but it is within recess 20 or any recess as in FIG. 1C, which includes a body
the scope of this invention to provide a recess with any desired 45 31 with a central opening 31a. An RFIDT32 is encased on the
cross-sectional shape, including, but not limited to, the shapes body 31. The RFIDT 32 has an integrated circuit 33 and an
shown in FIG.1D. In one aspect an entire drill pipe piece with antenna 34 which encircles the body 31. In certain aspects the
a pin end 10 is like the tubular shown in FIG. 3A or the drill body 31 (as may be anybody of any torus or ring according to
pipe of FIG. 12B. The recess 20 (as is true for any recess of the present invention) is made of metal, plastic, polytetrafluo
any embodiment disclosed herein) may be at any depth (as 50 rethylene, fiberglass, composite, ceramic, or of a nonmagne
viewed in FIG. 1C) from the end of the pin end and, as shown tizable metal. The opening 31a (as may be any opening of any
in FIGS. 1A-1C may, according to the present invention, be torus or ring herein) may be any desired diameter. Optionally,
located so that no thread is adjacent the recess. or in addition to the RFIDT device 28, and RFIDT device 28a
It is within the scope of the present invention to form the (or devices 28a) is affixed exteriorly to the pin end 10 with a
recess 20 in a standard piece of drill pipe with a typical 55 multi-layer wrap as described below (see FIGS. 28, 26) any
machine tool, drill, with a laser apparatus Such as a laser RFIDT(s) or SAW tag(s) may be used for the RFIDT28a).
cutting apparatus, or with etching apparatus. Alternatively, it FIGS. 2C and 2D show a torus 35 which has a central
is within the scope of the present invention to manufacture a opening 35a, a body 36 and an RFIDT 37 therein with an
piece of drill pipe (or other tubular) with the recess formed antenna 38 that encircles the body 36 and an integrated circuit
integrally in the pin end (and/or in a box end). The recess as 60 39. In one aspect a recess 20a in a body for receiving a torus
shown in FIG. 1C is about 5 mm wide and 5 mm deep; but it 35 has an upper lip 20.b (or inwardly inclined edge or edges as
is within the scope of certain embodiments of the present shown in FIG. 2D) and the body 36 is made of resilient
invention to have such a recess that is between 1 mm and 10 material which is sufficiently flexible that the torus 35 may be
mm wide and between 2 mm and 20 mm deep. pushed into the recess 20a and releasably held therein without
A cap ring 22 is installed over the recess 20 which seals the 65 adhesives and without a cap ring, although it is within the
space within the recess 20. This cap ring 22 (as may be any Scope of the present invention to use adhesive and/or a cap
cap ring of any embodiment herein) may be made of any ring with a torus 35.
US 7,946,356 B2
11 12
FIG.2E shows a torus 40 according to the present invention which has a threaded pin end 481 and a threaded box end 482.
with a body 40a which is insertable into a recess (like the The threaded box end 482 has a circumferential recess 483
recess 20, the recess 20a, or any recess disclosed herein) with an RFIDT484 therein. The RFIDT has an IC 485 and an
which has one or more elements 41 therein which serve as antenna 486 which encircles the box end. Optionally, filler
strengthening members and/or as members which provide a material 487 in the recess 483 encases and protects the IC 485
unique sensible signature for the torus 40 and, therefore, for and the antenna 486; and an optional circular cap ring 488
any pipe or other item employing a torus 40. The torus 40 has closes off the recess. The RFIDT and its parts and the cap ring
a central opening 40b and may, according to the present may be as any disclosed or referred to herein. Optionally, the
invention, also include one, two or more RFIDT's (not tubular member 480 may have a shoulder recess 483a with an
shown). 10 RFIDT 484a with an IC 485a and an antenna 486.a. Filler
FIGS. 2F and 2G show a torus 44 according to the present material 487a (optional) encases the RFIDT 484a and,
invention insertable into any recess disclosed herein which optionally, a cap ring 488a closes off the recess.
has a body 45, a central opening 44a, and a series of Voids The pin end 481 has a circumferential recess 491 in which
46a, 46b, and 46c. With such a torus 44 made of metal, the is disposedan RFIDT492 with an IC 493 and an antenna 494
Voids 46a-46c can be sensed by any sensing apparatus or 15 around the pin end. As with the box end, filler material and/or
method disclosed herein and provide a unique sensible sig a cap ring may be used with the recess 491. Antenna size is
nature for the torus 44 and for any item employing Such a related to how easy it is to energize an IC and, therefore, the
torus 44. Any torus described herein may have such a series of larger the antenna, the easier less power needed and/or able
Voids and any such series of Voids may, according to the to energize at a greater distance to energize: and, due to the
present invention, contain any desired number (one or more) relatively large circumference of some tubulars, energizing
of Voids of any desired dimensions. In one particular aspect, end antennas is facilitated.
a series of voids provides a barcode which is readable by FIG. 4A shows a system 70 according to the present inven
Suitable known barcode reading devices. A torus 44 can be tion with a rig 60 according to the present invention which has
used with or without a cap ring. As desired, as is true of any in a rig floor 61 a reading system 65 (shown schematically)
torus according to the present invention, one, two, or more 25 for reading one or more RFIDT's in a drill pipe 66 which is to
RFIDT's may be used within or on the torus body. Voids may be used in drilling a wellbore. The reading system 65 incor
be made by machining, by drilling, by etching, by laser etch porates one or more known reading apparatuses for reading
ing, by hardfacing or using a photovoltaic process. RFIDT’s, including, but not limited to suitable readers as
FIG. 2H shows a torus 47 according to the present inven disclosed in the prior art and readers as commercially avail
tion useful in any recess of any embodiment herein which has 30 able from MBBS Co. of Switzerland. The present invention
a series of sensible ridges 48a-48f which can be made by provides improvements of the apparatuses and systems dis
adding material to a torus body 49 such a torus may have closed in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/906,957 filed
visually readable indicia, e.g. alpha (letter) and/or numeric Jul. 16, 2001 and published on Feb. 7, 2002 as Publication No.
characters. Any torus, ring, or cap ring herein may have one 2002/0014966. In an improved system 70 according to the
or more such ridges and the ridges can have different cross 35 present invention a drill pipe 66 (FIG. 4B) is like the drill
sections (e.g. as in FIG.2H) or similar cross-sections and they pipes 16 in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/906,957, but
can be any Suitable material, including, but not limited to the drill pipe 66 has a recess 67 with a torus 68 therein having
metal, plastic, epoxy, carbides, and hardfacing. Also, accord at least one RFIDT 69 (shown schematically in FIG. 4B) and
ing to the present invention, a cap ring with one or more a cap ring 68a over the torus 68. The drill pipe 66 may be
RFIDT's and/or any other sensible material and/or indicia 40 connected with a tool joint 76 to other similar pieces of drill
disclosed herein may be placed around and secured to a pipe in a drill string 77 (see FIG. 4A) as in U.S. patent
tubular's pin end or box end without using a recess. application Ser. No. 09/906,957 (incorporated fully herein)
FIG.2M shows a cap ring 22a, like the cap ring 22, but with and the systems and apparatuses associated with the system
sensible indicia 22b-22fmade therein or thereon for sensing 70 (FIG. 4A and FIG. 4C) operate in a manner similar to that
by an optical sensing system, an ultrasonic sensing system, an 45 of the systems 10 and the system of FIG. 1B of said patent
eddy current sensing system, a barcode sensing system, or a application. Drill string 77 includes a plurality of drill pipes
microwave sensing system. A cap ring 22a may be releasably 66 coupled by a plurality of tool joints 76 and extends through
or permanently installed in or over a recess like any recess a rotary table 78, and into a wellbore through a bell nipple 73
disclosed herein. The indicia 22b-22fmay be like any of the mounted on top of a blowout preventer stack 72. An identifi
indicia or sensible structures disclosed herein. 50 cation tag (e.g. an RFIDT) 71 is provided on one or more
FIGS. 2I and 2J show a specific cap ring 50 according to the drilling components, such as illustrated in FIG. 4A, associ
present invention for use with drill pipe having a pin end. The ated with the system 70, or the drill pipe 66. An electromag
ring 50 has a body with an outer diameter 50a of 98 mm, a netic signal generator system 74 that includes an antenna and
thickness 50b of 5 mm, and a wall thickness 50c of 5 mm. a signal generator is positioned proximate to an identification
FIGS. 2K and 2L show a specific cap ring 51 according to the 55 tag, for example just below rotary table 78 as illustrated in
present invention for use with a drill pipe pin end having an FIG. 4A. Electromagnetic signal generator system 74 estab
end portion diameter of about four inches. The ring 51 has an lishes a communications link with an identification tag 71 to
outer diameter 51a of 98 mm, a thickness 51b of 8 to 10 mm, energize the antenna, interrogate it, and to convey informa
and a wall thickness 51C of 3 mm. tion relating to the equipment or drill pipe.
It is within the scope of the present invention to provide a 60 The drilling system 70 includes the rig 60 with supports 83.
tubular having a box end and a pin end (each threaded or not) a swivel91, which supports the drill string 77, a kelly joint 92,
(e.g. casing, riser, pipe, drill pipe, drill collar, tubing), each a kelly drive bushing 93, and a spider 79 with an RFIDT
end with an RFIDT in a recess therein (as any recess sensor and/or reader 79a. A tool joint 76 is illustrated in FIG.
described herein) with or without a cap ring (as any described 4A as connecting two drilling components such as drill pipes
herein). FIGS. 3A-3C show a generally cylindrical hollow 65 66. The identification tag 71 (or the RFIDT 69 read by the
tubular member 480 according to the present invention with a system 65) is operated to communicate a response to an
flow channel 480a therethrough from top to bottom and incoming electromagnetic signal generated by electromag
US 7,946,356 B2
13 14
netic signal generator system 74 (or by the system 65) that any number of elements associated with drill rig derrick 83.
includes information related to the drilling component with such as: a block travel characteristic 90a, a rotation counter
the identification tag. The information may be used, for characteristic 90b, a drill string weight 90c, a heave compen
example, to inform an operator of system 70 of a drilling sator 90d, and a blowout preventer (BOP) distance sensor
component's identity, age, weaknesses, previous usage or 5 90e. A micro-controller may include one or more of these
adaptability. According to the teachings of the present inven sensors or any other additional information as described in
tion, this information may be communicated while drill sys U.S. application Ser. No. 09/906,957. The control system
tem 70 is in operation. Some or all of the information pro may be or may include a microprocessor based system and/or
vided in an identification tag may assistan operator in making one or more programmable logic controllers.
a determination of when drilling components need to be 10 A drill pipe 66 with an RFIDT 69 and an RFIDT 71 pro
replaced, or which drilling components may be used under vides a redundancy feature for identification of the drill pipe
certain conditions. The electromagnetic signal communi 66 so that, in the event one of the RFIDT's fails, the other one
cated by an identification tag or RFIDT may provide general which has not failed can still be used to identify the particular
inventory management data (such as informing an operator of drill pipe. This is useful, e.g. when the RFIDT 71, which has
the drilling components availability on the drilling site, or the 15 relatively more exposure to down hole conditions, fails. Then
drilling component's size, weight, etc.), or any other relevant the RFIDT 69 can still be used to identify the particular piece
drilling information associated with the system. of drill pipe. It is within the scope of the present invention for
Additional drill string components 84, which are illus any item according to the present invention to have two (or
trated in FIG. 4A in a racked position, may be coupled to drill more RFIDT's like the RFIDT 69 and the RFIDT 71. Option
pipe 66 and inserted into the well bore, forming a portion of ally, or in addition to the RFIDT 69, an RFIDT 69a (or
the drill String. One or more of drill string components may RFIDT's 69a) may be affixed exteriorly of the pipe 66 with
also include identification tags or RFIDT’s. wrap material 69b (as described below, e.g. as in FIGS.
FIG. 4C shows typical information that may be included 25-32).
within an identification tags or RFIDT’s, antenna as the FIGS. 5A-5D present improvements according to the
antenna cooperates with electromagnetic signal generator 74 25 present invention of prior art systems and apparatuses in U.S.
and/or the system 65 to transmit an electromagnetic energiz Pat. No. 6,480,811 B2 issued Nov. 12, 2002 (incorporated
ing signal 85 to an identification tag 71 (or 69). The electro fully herein for all purposes). FIG. 5B shows schematically
magnetic signal generators use an antenna to interrogate the and partially a drill pipe 91 with an RFIDT 92 (like the
RFIDT's for desired information associated with a corre identifier assemblies 12, U.S. Pat. No. 6,604,063 B2 or like
sponding pipe or drilling component. 30 any RFIDT disclosed herein and with an RFIDT 99, (as any
The electromagnetic signal 85 is communicated to an RFIDT disclosed herein in a drill pipe's pin end). It is within
RFIDT that responds to the transmitted electromagnetic sig the scope of the present invention to provide any oilfield
nal by returning data or information 86 in an electromagnetic equipment disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,604,063 B2 with two
signal form that is received by one of the antennas, and (or more) RFIDTs (e.g., one in an end and one in a side, e.g.
subsequently communicated to a reader 87 which may sub 35 like those shown in FIG. 5B).
sequently process or simply store electromagnetic signal 86. FIGS.5A, 5C and 5D show an oilfield equipment identi
The reader 87 may be handheld, i.e. mobile, or fixed accord fying apparatus 100 according to the present invention foruse
ing to particular needs. with pipe or equipment as in FIG. 5B with two (or more)
The RFIDT's 69 and 71 may be passive (e.g. requiring RFIDT’s on respective pieces 114 of oilfield equipment. The
minimal incident power, for example power density in the 40 RFIDT's may be any disclosed or referred to herein and those
approximate range of 15-25mW/cm) in order to establish a not mounted in a recess according to the present invention
communications link between an antenna and the RFIDT. may be as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,480,811 B2 indicated
“Passive' refers to an identification tag not requiring a battery by the reference numerals 112a and 112b on pieces of equip
or any other power source in order to function and to deriving ment 114a and 114b with RFIDT’s in recesses according to
requisite power to transmit an electromagnetic signal from an 45 the present invention shown schematically and indicated by
incoming electromagnetic signal it receives via an antenna. reference numerals 109a, 109b; and/or one or more RFIDT's
Alternatively, an RFIDT (as may any in any embodiment may be affixed exteriorly (see e.g., FIGS. 25, 26) to either
herein) may include a battery or other suitable power source piece 114 of oilfield equipment. Each of the identifier assem
that would enable an RFIDT to communicate an electromag blies 112 and RFIDT's like 109a, 109b are capable of trans
netic signal response 86. 50 mitting a unique identification code for each piece of pipe or
Antennas are coupled to reader 87 by any suitable wiring oilfield equipment.
configuration, or alternatively, the two elements may commu The oilfield equipment identifying apparatus 100 with a
nicate using any other appropriate wireless apparatus and reader 118 is capable of reading each of the identifier assem
protocol. The reader 87 is coupled to a control system which blies and RFIDTS. The reader 118 includes a hand-held
in one aspect is a computer (or computers) 88 which may 55 wand 120, which communicates with a portable computer
include a monitor display and/or printing capabilities for the 122 via a signal path 124. In one embodiment, each identifier
user. Computer 88 may be optionally coupled to a handheld assembly 112 includes a passive circuit as described in detail
reader 89 to be used on the rig or remote therefrom. Computer in U.S. Pat. No. 5,142,128 (fully incorporated herein for all
88 may also be connected to a manual keyboard 89a or similar purposes) and the reader 118 can be constructed and operated
input device permitting user entry into computer 88 of items 60 in a manner as set forth in said patent or may be any other
Such as drill pipe identity, drill string serial numbers, physical reader or reader system disclosed or referred to herein.
information (Such as size, drilling component lengths, In use, the wand 120 of the reader 118 is positioned near a
weight, age, etc.) well bore inclination, depth intervals, num particular one of the identifier assemblies 112 or RFIDT’s. A
ber of drill pipes in the drill string, and suspended loads or unique identification code is transmitted from the identifier
weights, for example. 65 assembly or RFIDT to the wand 120 via a signal path 126
The computer 88 may be coupled to a series of interfaces which can be an airwave communication system. Upon
90 that may include one or more sensors capable of indicating receipt of the unique identification code, the wand 120 trans
US 7,946,356 B2
15 16
mits the unique identification code to the portable computer rig floor 151, or a top mounted drive (“top drive') supported
122 via the signal path 124. The portable computer 122 by the drilling rig, or a downhole mud motor Suspended by the
receives the unique identification code transmitted by the drill string and Supported by the drilling rig. Optionally, the
wand 120 and then decodes the unique identification code, drilling device 178 has at least one RFIDT 178a therein or
identifying a particular one of the identifier assemblies 112 or thereon and an RFIDT reader 178b therein or thereon. The
RFIDT's and then transmitting (optionally in real time or in RFIDT reader 178a is interconnected with the other systems
batch mode) the code to a central computer (or computers) as is the reader 152, e.g. via the signal path 173 as indicated by
132 via a signal path 134. The signal path 134 can be a cable the dotted line 173a.
or airwave transmission system. The drilling monitoring device 174 monitors the drilling
FIG. 5C shows an embodiment of an oilfield equipment 10 device 178 so as to determine when the piece 114 or pieces
identifying apparatus 100a according to the present invention 114 of oilfield equipment in the drill String are in a rotating
which includes a plurality of the identifier assemblies 112 condition or a non-rotating condition. The drilling monitoring
and/or RFIDT's 109 which are mounted on respective pieces device 174 outputs a signal to the interface unit 170 via the
114 of pipe or oilfield equipment as described above. The signal path 176, the signal being indicative of whether the
oilfield equipment identifying apparatus includes a reader 15 piece(s) 114 of oilfield equipment are in the rotating or the
152, which communicates with the central computer 132. The non-rotating condition. The central computer 132 may be
central computer 132 contains an oilfield equipment database loaded with a pipe and identification program in its oilfield
(which in certain aspects, can function as the oilfield equip equipment database which receives and automatically uti
ment database set forth in U.S. Pat. No. 5,142,128). In one lizes the signal received by the interface unit 170 from the
aspect the oilfield equipment database in the central computer signal path 176 to monitor, on an individualized basis, the
132 may function as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,142,128. In rotating and non-rotating hours of each piece 114 of oilfield
one aspect the oilfield equipment identifying apparatus 100a equipment in the drill string.
is utilized in reading the identifier assemblies 112 (and/or For example, when the drilling device 178 is a downhole
RFIDT's 109) on various pieces 114 of pipe or oilfield equip mud motor (which selectively rotates the drill strings drill bit
ment located on a rig floor 151 of an oil drilling rig. 25 while the drill strings pipe remains stationary), the central
The reader 152 includes a hand-held wand 156 (but a fixed computer 132 logs the non-rotating usage of each piece 114 of
reader apparatus may be used). The hand-held wand 156 is the drill string's pipe. In the case where the drilling device 178
constructed in a similar manner as the hand-held wand 120 is the downhole mud motor, the central computer 132 has
described above. The wand 156 may be manually operable stored therein a reference indicating that the drilling device
and individually mobile. The hand-held wand 156 is attached 30 178 is the downhole mud motor so that the central computer
to a storage box 158 via a signal path 160, which may be a 132 accurately logs the non-rotating usage of each piece 114
cable having a desired length. Storage box 158 is positioned ofoilfield equipment included in the drill string that suspends
on the rig floor 151 and serves as a receptacle to receive the the drilling device 178.
hand-held wand 156 and the signal path 160 when the hand FIG. 5D shows a system 250 according to the present
held wand 156 is not in use. 35 invention for rotating pieces of drill pipe 114 which have at
An electronic conversion package 162 communicates with least one identifier assembly 112 and/or one RFIDT in a pin
a connector on the storage box 158 via signal path 164, which end (or box end, or both) recess according to the present
may be an airway or a cable communication system so that the invention to connect a pin connection 252 of the piece 114 to
electronic conversion package 162 receives the signals a box connection 254 of an adjacently disposed piece 114 in
indicative of the identification code stored in the identifier 40 a well known manner. Each piece 114 may have an RFIDT in
assemblies 112 and/or RFIDT’s, which are read by the hand its pin end and/or box end. The system 250 includes a reader
held wand 156. In response to receiving Such signal, the system 250a (shown schematically) for reading the RFIDT in
electronic conversion package 162 converts the signal into a the pin end recess prior to makeup of a joint. The apparatus
format which can be communicated an appreciable distance 250 can be, for example, but not by way of limitation, an Iron
therefrom. The converted signal is then output by the elec 45 Roughneck, an ST-80 Iron Roughneck, or an AR 5000 Auto
tronic conversion package 162 to a buss 166 via a signal path mated Iron Roughneck from Varco International and/or appa
168. The buss 166, which is connected to a drilling rig local ratus as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,603,464; 4,348,920; and
area network and/or a programmable logic controller (not 4.765,401. The reader system 250a may be located at any
shown) in a well-known manner, receives the converted sig appropriate location on or in the apparatus 250.
nal output by the electronic conversion package 162. 50 The apparatus 250 is supported on wheels 256 which
The central computer 132 includes an interface unit 170. engage tracks (not shown) positioned on the rig floor 151 for
The interface 170 communicates with the central computer moving the apparatus 250 towards and away from the well
132 via a signal path 172 or other serial device, or a parallel bore. Formed on an upper end of the apparatus 250 is a pipe
port. The interface unit 170 may also communicates with the spinner assembly 258 (or tong or rotating device) for selec
buss 166 via a signal path 173. The interface unit 170 receives 55 tively engaging and turning the piece 114 to connect the pin
the signal, which is indicative of the unique identification connection 252 to the box connection 254. Optionally the
codes and/or information read by the hand-held wand 156, assembly 258 has an RFIDT reader 258a. An optional funnel
from the buss 166, and a signal from a drilling monitoring shaped mudguard 260 can be disposed below the pipe spinner
device 174 via a signal path 176. The drilling monitoring assembly 258. The mudguard 260 defines a mudguard bore
device 174 communicates with at least a portion of a drilling 60 262, which is sized and adapted so as to receive the piece 114
device 178 (FIG. 5D) via a signal path 179. The drilling of oilfield equipment therethrough. The apparatus 250 also
device 178 can be supported by the rig floor 151, or by the may includea tongora torque assembly or torque wrench 263
drilling rig. The drilling device 178 can be any drilling device disposed below the pipe spinner assembly 258. An opening
which is utilized to turn pieces 114 of oilfield equipment, such 264 is formed through the mudguard 260 and communicates
as drill pipe, casing (in casing drilling operations) or a drill bit 65 with a mudguard bore 262. Optionally an oilfield equipment
to drilla well bore. For example, but not by way of limitation, identifying apparatus 110 includes a fixed mount reader 266
the drilling device 178 can be a rotary table supported by the for automating the reading of the RFIDT's and of the identi
US 7,946,356 B2
17 18
fier assemblies 112, rather than the hand-held wand 156. In the IC 203. Alternatively an optional location provides an
one embodiment a flange 268 is located Substantially adjacent RFIDT that is entirely within one half of the buoyant member
to the opening 264 so as to position the fixed mount reader 210, e.g. like the optional RFIDT 208a shown in FIG. 7A. The
266 through the opening 264 whereby the fixed mount reader pin end 202 may have any RFIDT therein and/or cap ring
266 is located adjacent to the piece 114 of oilfield equipment 5 according to the present invention as disclosed herein. The
when the piece 114 of oilfield equipment is moved and is two halves of the buoyant member may be held together by
being spun by the pipe spinner assembly 258. The reader(s) of adhesive, any known Suitable locking mechanism, or any
the apparatus 250 are interconnected with an in communica known Suitable latch mechanism (as may be any two part ring
tion with Suitable control apparatus, e.g. as any disclosed or item herein according to the present invention).
herein. In certain aspects, the fixed mount reader 266 can be 10 It is within the scope of the present invention to provide a
located on the apparatus 250 below the pipe spinner assembly stabilizer as is used in oil and gas wellbore operations with
258 and above the torque assembly or torque wrench 263, or one or more RFIDTS. FIGS. 8A and 8B show a stabilizer 220
within or on the spinner assembly 258; or within or on the according to the present invention which is like the stabilizers
torque wrench 263. disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,384,626 (incorporated fully
The prior art discloses a variety of tubular members includ 15 herein for all purposes) but which has improvements accord
ing, but not limited to casing, pipe, risers, and tubing, around ing to the present invention. An RFIDT 222 (like any dis
which are emplaced a variety of encompassing items, e.g., but closed or referred to herein) is embedded within a stabilizer
not limited to centralizers, stabilizers, and buoyant members. body 224 with an IC 223 in a relatively thicker portion 221 of
According to the present invention these items are provided the body 224 and an antenna 225 that is within and encircles
with one or more RFIDTs with antenna(s) within and encir part of the body 224. Parts 225a and 225b of the antenna 225
cling the item and with a body or relatively massive part are connected together with a connector 226. The stabilizer
thereof protecting the RFIDT. FIG. 6 shows schematically a 220 may, optionally, have a recess at either end with an
tubular member 190 with an encompassing item 192 having RFIDT therein as described herein according to the present
thereinan RFIDT 194 (like any disclosed or referred to herein invention. Optionally, the stabilizer 220 may have one or
as may be the case for all RFIDT's mentioned herein) with an 25 more RFIDT’s located as are the RFIDT’s in FIGS. 6 and 7A.
IC (integrated circuit) or microchip 196 to which is attached Various stabilizers have a tubular body that is interposed
an antenna 198 which encircles the tubular member 190 between other tubular members, a body which is not clamped
(which is generally cylindrical and hollow with a flow chan on around an existing tubular members. According to the
nel therethrough from one end to the other or which is solid) present invention Such stabilizers may have one or more
and with which the IC 196 can be energized for reading and/or 30 RFIDT's as disclosed herein; and, in certain aspects, have an
for writing thereto. In one aspect the RFIDT 194 is located RFIDT located as are the RFIDT's in FIG. 6, 7A or 8A and/or
midway between exterior and interior surfaces of the encom an RFIDT in an end recess (e.g. pin end and/or box end) as
passing item 192; while in other aspects it is nearer to one or described hereinaccording to the present invention. FIGS. 8C
these Surfaces than the other. The encompassing item may be and 8D show a stabilizer 230 according to the present inven
made of any material mentioned or referred to herein. The 35 tion which has a tubular body 231 and a plurality of rollers
RFIDT 194 is shown midway between a top and a bottom (as 232 rotatably mounted to the body 231 (as in the stabilizer of
viewed in FIG. 6) of the encompassing item 192; but it is U.S. Pat. No. 4,071,285, incorporated fully herein, and of
within the scope of this invention to locate the RFIDT at any which the stabilizer 230 is an improvement according to the
desired level of the encompassing item 192. Although the present invention). An RFIDT 233 with an IC 234 and an
encompassing item 192 is shown with generally uniform 40 antenna 235 is disposed within one or the rollers 232. The
dimensions, it is within the scope of the present invention for stabilizer 230 has a pin end 236 and a box end 237 which
the encompassing item to have one or more portions thicker permit it to be threadedly connected to tubulars at either of its
than others; and, in one particular aspect, the RFIDT (or the ends. A recess may, according to the present invention, be
IC 196 or the antenna 198) is located in the thicker portion(s). provided in the pin end 236 and/or the box end 237 and an
In certain particular aspects the encompassing item is a cen 45 RFIDT and/or cap ring used therewith as described herein
tralizer, stabilizer, or protector. Optionally, or in addition to according to the present invention. The antenna 235 is within
the RFIDT 194, one or more RFIDT's 194a in wrap material and encircles part of the roller 232.
194b may be affixed exteriorly (see e.g., FIGS. 25, 26) of the It is within the scope of the present invention to provide a
member 190 and/or of the encompassing item 192. centralizer with one or more RFIDT’s as disclosed herein. A
FIG. 7A shows a buoyant drill pipe 200 which is similar to 50 centralizer 240, FIG. 8E, is like the centralizers disclosed in
such pipes as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,443,244 (incorpo U.S. Pat. No. 5,095,981 (incorporated fully herein), but with
rated fully herein for all purposes), but which, as shown in improvements according to the present invention. FIGS. 8E
FIG. 7A, has improvements according to the present inven and 8F show the centralizer 240 on a tubular TR with a hollow
tion. The drill pipe 200 has a pin end 202 and a box end 204 body 241 with a plurality of spaced-apart ribs 242 projecting
at ends of a hollow tubular body 206 having a flow channel 55 outwardly from the body 241. A plurality of screws 244
(not shown) therethrough. A buoyant element 210 encom releasably secure the body 241 around the tubular TR. An
passes the tubular body 206. Within the buoyant element 210 RFIDT 245 with an IC 246 and an antenna 247 is located
is at least one RFIDT 208 which may be like and be located as within the body 241. Optionally a plug 241a (or filler mate
the RFIDT 198, FIG. 6. As shown in FIG. 7B, in one aspect rial) seals off a recess 241b in which the IC 246 is located.
the buoyant member 210 has two halves which are emplaced 60 Optionally, or in addition to the RFIDT 245 one or more
around the tubular body 206 and then secured together. In RFIDT's 245a are affixed exteriorly of the centralizer 240
such an embodiment either one or both ends of an antenna 201 under multiple layers of wrap material 245b (see, e.g., FIGS.
are releasably connectable to an IC 203 of an RFIDT 208 or 25, 26)
two parts of the antenna 201 itself are releasably connectable. FIGS. 8G and 8H show a centralizer 270 according to the
As shown in FIG. 7B, antenna parts 201a and 201b are releas 65 present invention which is like centralizers (or stabilizers)
ably connected together, e.g. with connector apparatus 201c, disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4.984,633 (incorporated fully
and an end of the antenna part 201b is releasably connected to herein for all purposes), but which has improvements accord
US 7,946,356 B2
19 20
ing to the present invention. The centralizer 270 has a hollow activation of the lockable closure mechanism 314 may com
tubular body 271 with a plurality of spaced-apart ribs 272 plete a circuit through the antenna. In one aspect the antenna
projecting outwardly therefrom. An RFIDT 273 with an IC has ends connected to metallic parts 318,319 and the antenna
274 and an antenna 275 (dotted circular line) is disposed is operational when these parts are in contact. The bodies of
within the body 271 with the IC 274 within one of the ribs 272 any thread protector according to the present invention may
and the antenna 275 within and encircling part of the body be made of any material referred to herein, including, but not
271. Optionally, or in addition to the RFIDT 273, one or more limited to, any metal or plastic referred to herein or in the
RFIDT's 273a is affixed exteriorly to the centralizer 270 patents incorporated by reference herein.
under layers of wrap material 273b (see, e.g. FIGS. 25, 26). FIG. 12A shows a system 400 according to the present
Often thread protectors are used at the threaded ends of 10 invention which has a rig. 410 that includes a vertical derrick
tubular members to prevent damage to the threads. It is within or mast 412 having a crown block 414 at its upper end and a
the scope of the present invention to provide a thread protec horizontal rig floor 416 at its lower end. Drill line 418 is fixed
tor, either a threaded thread protector or a non-threaded thread to deadline anchor 420, which is commonly provided with
protector, with one or more RFIDT's as disclosed herein. hook load sensor 421, and extends upwardly to crown block
FIGS. 9A, 10A, and 11 show examples of such thread pro 15 414 having a plurality of sheaves (not shown). From block
tectOrS. 414, drill line 418 extends downwardly to traveling block 422
FIGS.9A and 9B and 10A and 10B show thread protectors that similarly includes a plurality of sheaves (not shown).
like those disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,367,508 (incorporated Drill line 418 extends back and forth between the sheaves of
fully herein), but with improvements according to the present crown block 414 and the sheaves of traveling block 422, then
invention. A thread protector 280, FIG.9A, according to the extends downwardly from crown block 414 to draw works
present invention protecting threads of a pin end of a tubular 424 having rotating drum 426 upon which drill line 418 is
TB has an RFIDT283 within a body 282. The RFIDT283 has wrapped in layers. The rotation of drum 426 causes drill line
an IC 284 and an antenna 285. A thread protector 281, FIG. 418 to be taken in or out, which raises or lowers traveling
9B, according to the present invention protecting threads of a block 422 as required. Draw works 424 may be provided with
box end of a tubular TL has a body 286 and an RFIDT 287 25 a sensor 427 which monitors the rotation of drum 426. Alter
with an IC 288 and an antenna 298 within the body 286. Both natively, sensor 427 may be located in crown block 414 to
the bodies 282 and 286 are generally cylindrical and both monitor the rotation of one or more of the sheaves therein.
antennas 285 and 298 encircle a part of their respective bod Hook 428 and any elevator 430 is attached to traveling block
ies. Optionally the thread protector 281 has an RFIDT287a 422. Hook 428 is used to attach kelly 432 to traveling block
within a recess 286a of the body 286. The RFIDT287a has an 30 422 during drilling operations, and elevators 430 are used to
IC 288a and an antenna 289a. Optionally, any thread protec attach drill String 434 to traveling block 422 during tripping
tor herein may be provided with a recess according to the operations. Shown schematically the elevator 430 has an
present invention as described herein with an RFIDT and/or RFIDT reader 431 (which may be any reader disclosed or
torus and/or cap ring according to the present invention (as referred to herein and which is interconnected with and in
may any item according to the present invention as in FIGS. 35 communication with Suitable control apparatus, e.g. as any
6-8G). Optionally, or in addition to the RFIDT 283, one or disclosed herein, as is the case for reader 439 and a reader
more RFIDT's 283a is affixed exteriorly (see, e.g., FIGS. 25, 444. Drill string 434 is made up of a plurality of individual
26) to the thread protector 280 under layers of wrap material drill pipe pieces, a grouping of which are typically stored
283b. within mast 412 as joints 435 (singles, doubles, or triples) in
FIGS. 10A and 10B show a thread protector 300 according 40 a pipe rack. Drill string 434 extends down into wellbore 436
to the present invention which is like thread protectors dis and terminates at its lower end with bottom hole assembly
closed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,367,508 B1 (incorporated fully (BHA) 437 that typically includes a drill bit, several heavy
herein), but with improvements according to the present drilling collars, and instrumentation devices commonly
invention. The thread protector 300 for protecting a box end referred to as measurement-while-drilling (MWD) or log
of a tubular TU has a body 302 with upper opposed spaced 45 ging-while-drilling (LWD) tools. A mouse hole 438, which
apart sidewalls 303a, 303b. An RFIDT 304 with an IC 305 may have a spring at the bottom thereof, extends through and
and an antenna 306 is disposed between portions of the two below rig floor 416 and serves the purpose of storing next pipe
sidewalls 303a, 303b. Optionally, an amount offiller material 440 to be attached to the drill string 434. With drill pipe
307 (or a cap ring as described above) is placed over the according to the present invention having an RFIDT 448 in a
RFIDT 304. Optionally, or as an alternative, an RFIDT 304a 50 pin end 442, an RFIDT reader apparatus 439 at the bottom of
is provided within the body 302 with an IC 305a and an the mousehole 438 can energize an antenna of the RFIDT448
antenna 306a. Optionally, or as an alternative, an RFIDT and identify the drill pipe 440. Optionally, if the drill pipe 440
304b is provided within the body 302 with an IC 305b and an has an RFIDT in a box end 443, an RFIDT reader apparatus
antenna 306b. can energize an antenna in the RFIDT 446 and identify the
A variety or prior art thread protectors have a strap or 55 drill pipe 440. Optionally, the drill bit 437 has at least one
tightening apparatus which permits them to be selectively RFIDT 437a (any disclosed herein) (shown schematically).
secured over threads of a tubular. FIG. 11 shows a thread Optionally, or in addition to the RFIDT 448, the drill pipe 440
protector 310 according to the present invention which is like has one or more RFIDT's 448a affixed exteriorly to the drill
the thread protectors disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,148,835 pipe 440 (see, e.g., FIGS. 25, 26) under wrap layers 448b.
(incorporated fully herein), but with improvements according 60 During a drilling operation, power rotating means (not
to the present invention. The thread protector 310 has a body shown) rotates a rotary table (not shown) having rotary bush
312 with two ends 312a and 312b. A strap apparatus 313 with ing 442 releasably attached thereto located on rig floor 416.
a selectively lockable closure mechanism 314 permits the Kelly 432, which passes through rotary bushing 442 and is
thread protector 310 to be installed on threads of a tubular free to move vertically therein, is rotated by the rotary table
member. An RFIDT315 with an IC 316 and an antenna 317 is 65 and rotates drill string 434 and BHA 437 attached thereto.
disposed within the body 312. The antenna 317 may be con During the drilling operation, after kelly 432 has reached its
nected or secured to, or part of the strap apparatus 313 and lowest point commonly referred to as the “kelly down' posi
US 7,946,356 B2
21 22
tion, the new drill pipe 440 in the mousehole 438 is added to operation referred to herein according to the present inven
the drill string 434 by reeling in drill line 418 onto rotating tion) the drilling may be “casing drilling and the drill pipe
drum 426 until traveling block 422 raises kelly 432 and the can be casing.
top portion of drill string 434 above rig floor 416. Slips 445, FIGS. 13A and 13B show a system. 450 according to the
which may be manual or hydraulic, are placed around the top present invention which has amousehole 451 associated with
portion of drill string 434 and into the rotary table such that a a rig. 452 (shown partially). The mouse hole 451 includes a
slight lowering of traveling block 422 causes slips 444 to be mouse hole scabbard 454 (shown schematically, e.g. like the
firmly wedged between drill string 434 and the rotary table. one in U.S. Pat. No. 4,834,604, but with improvements
At this time, drill string 434 is “in-slips' since its weight is according to the present invention). The mousehole Scabbard
Supported thereby as opposed to when the weight is Supported 10 454 includes an RFIDT reader apparatus 456 (like any such
by traveling block 422, or “out-of-slips'. Once drill string 434 apparatus described or referred to herein) with connection
is in-slips, kelly 432 is disconnected from string 434 and apparatus 458 via which a line or cable 459 connects the
reader apparatus 456 to control apparatus 455 (shown sche
moved over to and secured to new pipe 440 in mouse hole matically, like any described or referred to herein). It is within
438. New pipe 440 is then hoisted out of mouse hole 438 by 15 the scope of the present invention to provide, optionally,
raising traveling block 422, and attached to drill String 434. reader apparatuses (E.G. other than adjacent the pipe or adja
Traveling block 422 is then slightly raised which allows slips cent amousehole, or tubular preparation hole) 453 and/or 459
445 to be removed from the rotary table. Traveling block 422 on the rig452. Optionally, one or more antenna energizers are
is then lowered and drilling resumed. “Tripping-out” is the provided on a rig and reader apparatuses are located else
process where some or all of drill string 434 is removed from where. According to the present invention a scabbard can be
wellbore 436. In a trip-out, kelly 432 is disconnected from made of nonmagnetic metal, plastic, polytetrafluoroethylene,
drill string 434, set aside, and detached from hook 428. Eleva fiberglass or composite to facilitate energizing of an RFIDT’s
tors 430 are then lowered and used to grasp the uppermost antenna of an RFIDT located within the scabbard. Optionally
pipe of drill string 434 extending above rig floor 416. Draw a scabbard may be tapered to prevent a pipe end from con
works 424 reel in drill line 418 which hoists drill string 434 25 tacting or damaging the reader apparatus 456 and/or, as
until the section of drill string 434 (usually a “triple’) to be shown in FIG. 13B, stops 454a may be provided to achieve
removed is suspended above rig floor 416. String 434 is then this.
placed in-slips, and the section removed and stored in the pipe Various prior art systems employ apparatuses known as
rack. “Tripping-in” is the process where some or all of drill “powered mouse holes' or “rotating mouse hole tools”. It is
string 434 is replaced in wellbore 436 and is basically the 30 within the scope of the present invention to improve such
opposite of tripping out. In some drilling rigs, rotating the systems with an RFIDT reader apparatus for identifying a
drill string is accomplished by a device commonly referred to tubular within the powered mouse hole. FIGS. 14A-14C
as a “top drive' (not shown). This device is fixed to hook 428 show a system 460 according to the present invention which
and replaces kelly 432, rotary bushing 442, and the rotary includes a rig system 461 and a powered mousehole 462. The
table. Pipe added to drill string 434 is connected to the bottom 35 powered mouse hole 462 is like the powered mouse hole
of the top drive. As with rotary table drives, additional pipe disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5.351,767 (incorporated fully
may either come from mouse hole 438 in singles, or from the herein for all purposes) with the addition of an RFIDT reader
pipe racks as singles, doubles, or triples. Optionally, drilling apparatus. The powered mousehole 462 has a receptacle 463
is accomplished with a downhole motor system 434a which for receiving an end of a tubular member. An RFIDT reader
has at least one RFIDT 434b (shown schematically in FIG. 40 apparatus 464 is located at the bottom of the receptacle 463
12A) (which may be like any RFIDT reader apparatus disclosed or
As shown in FIG. 12B, the reader apparatus 439 is in referred to herein). A line or cable 465 connects the RFIDT
communication with a control apparatus 449 (e.g. any com reader apparatus 464 to control apparatus (not shown; like
puterized or PLC system referred to or disclosed herein) any disclosed or referred to herein). Optionally as shown in
which selectively controls the reader apparatus 439, receives 45 FIG. 14B, an RFIDT reader apparatus 466 in communication
signals from it and, in certain aspects, processes those signals with control apparatus 467 is located adjacent the top of the
and transmits them to other computing and/or control appa receptacle 463.
ratus. Similarly when the optional reader apparatus 444 is FIG. 14D shows a rotating mouse hole tool 470 which is
used, it also is in communication with the control apparatus like the PHANTOMMOUSETM tool commercially-available
449 and is controlled thereby. With a reader at the pin end and 50 from Varco International (and which is co-owned with the
a reader at the box end, the length of the piece of drill pipe be present invention), but the tool 470 has an upper ring 471 on
determined and/or its passage beyond a certain point. In one a circular receptacle 473 (like the receptacle 463, FIG. 14C).
aspect the reader apparatus 439 is deleted and the reader The upper ring 471 has an energizing antenna 472 for ener
apparatus 444 reads the RFIDT (or RFIDT’s) in and/or on the gizing an RFIDT on a tubular or in an end of a tubular placed
drill pipe 440 as the drill pipe 440 passes by the reader 55 into the receptacle 473. The antenna 472 encircles the top of
apparatus 444 as the drill pipe 440 is either lowered into the the receptacle 473. The antenna 472 is connected to reader
mouse hole 438 or raised out of it. The reader apparatus 444 apparatus 474 (like any disclosed or referred to herein) which
may be located on or underneath the rig floor 416. It is within may be mounted on the tool 470 or adjacent thereto.
the scope of the present invention to use a reader apparatus The prior art discloses a wide variety oftop drive units (see,
439 and/or a reader apparatus 444 in association with any 60 e.g., U.S. Pat. Nos. 4.421, 179; 4,529,045; 6,257,349; 6,024,
system's mouse hole or rat hole (e.g., but not limited to, 1815,921,329; 5,794,723; 5,755,296; 5,501,286; 5,388,651:
systems as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,107,705; 4,610,315; 5,368,112; and 5,107,940 and the references cited therein).
and in the prior art cited therein), and with so-called “mouse The present invention discloses improved top drives which
hole sleeves' and mouse hole Scabbards' as disclosed in, e.g. have one, two, or more RFIDT readers and/or antenna ener
U.S. Pat. Nos. 5.351,767; 4,834,604; and in the prior art 65 gizers. It is within the scope of the present invention to locate
references cited in these two patents. With respect to the an RFIDT reader and/or antenna energizer at any convenient
drilling operation depicted in FIG. 12A (and, any drilling place on a top drive from which an RFIDT in a tubular can be
US 7,946,356 B2
23 24
energized and/or read and/or writtento. Such locations are, in lined with Such material which is connected to an antenna
certain aspects, at a point past which a tubular or a part thereof end. Optionally, as shown in FIG. 17D the ring 530 may
with an RFIDT moves. FIGS. 15A and 15B show a top drive include one or more (one shown) protective layers 532a, e.g.
system 500 according to the present invention which is like made of a durable material, e.g., but not limited to metal,
the top drives of U.S. Pat. No. 6,679,333 (incorporated fully KEVLARTM material or ARAMIDTM material. A hole 532b
herein), but with an RFIDT reader 501 located within a top formed when the two ends 531a, 531b are connected together
drive assembly portion 502. The reader 501 is located for can be any desired size to accommodate any item or tubular to
reading an RFIDT 503 on or in a tubular 504 which is being be encompassed by the ring 530. The ring 530 may have one,
held within the top drive assembly portion 502. Alternatively, two or more RFIDT’s therein one or both of which are read
or in addition to the reader 501, an RFIDT reader 507 is 10 only; or one or both of which are read-write. Such a ring may
located in a gripper section 505 which can energize and read be releasably emplaceable around a member, e.g., but not
the RFIDT 503 as the gripper section moves into the tubular limited to, a solid or hollow generally cylindrical member.
504. In particular aspects, the tubular is a piece of drill pipe or Any ring or torus herein according to the present invention
a piece of casing. Appropriate cables or lines 508, 509, may have an RFIDT with an antenna that has any desired
respectively connect the readers 501,507 to control apparatus 15 number of loops (e.g., but not limited to, five, ten, fifteen,
(not shown, as any described or referred to herein). twenty, thirty or fifty loops), as may be the case with any
It is within the scope of the present invention to provide a antenna of any RFIDT in any embodiment disclosed herein.
cementing plug (or pipeline pig) with one or more RFIDTS FIG. 17E shows a portable ring 530a, like the ring 530 but
with an antenna that encircles a generally circular part or without two separable ends. The ring 530a has a body 530b
portion of the plug or pig and with an IC embedded in a body made of either rigid or flexible material and with a center
part of the plug or pig and/or with an IC and/or antenna in a opening 530fso it is releasably emplaceable around another
recess (as any recess described or referred to herein) and/or member. An RFIDT 530c within the body 530b has an IC
with one or more RFIDT’s affixed exteriorly of the plug or 530e and an antenna 530d.
pig. FIG. 16A shows a cementing plug 510 according to the It is within the scope of the present invention to provide a
present invention with a generally cylindrical body 512 and 25 whipstock with one or more RFIDT’s with an RFIDT circular
exterior wipers 513 (there may be any desired number of antenna that encircles a generally circular part of a generally
wipers). An RFIDT 514 is encased in the body 512. An cylindrical part of a whipstock. FIGS. 18A and 18B show a
antenna 515 encircles part of the body 512. The body 512 (as whipstock 540 like a whipstock disclosed in U.S. Pat. No.
may be any plug according to the present invention) may be 6,105,675 (incorporated fully herein for all purposes), but
made of any known material used for plugs, as may be the 30 with an RFIDT 541 in a lower part 542 of the whipstock 540.
wipers 513. An IC 516 of the RFIDT 514 is like any IC The RFIDT 541 has an antenna 543 and an IC544 (each like
disclosed or referred to herein. Optionally a cap ring (not any as disclosed or referred to herein). Optionally, or in addi
shown) may be used over the recess 515 as may be filler tion to the RFIDT 541, one or more RFIDT's 541a is affixed
material within the recess. Optionally, or in addition to the exteriorly to the whipstock 540 under wrap layers 541b (see,
RFIDT 514, one or more RFIDT's 514a is affixed exteriorly 35 e.g., FIGS. 25, 26).
to the plug 510 under wrap layers 514b (see, e.g. FIGS. 25. An RFIDT 551 (as any disclosed herein) may, according to
26). One or more such RFIDT's may be affixed to the plug the present invention, be provided in a generally cylindrical
S2O. part of a mill or milling tool used in downhole milling opera
FIG. 16B shows a cementing plug 520 according to the tions. Also with respect to certain mills that have a tubular
present invention which has a generally cylindrical body 522 40 portion, one or both ends of such a mill may have one or more
with a bore 523 therethrough from top to bottom. A plurality RFIDT’s therein according to the present invention. FIG. 19
of wipers 524 are on the exterior of the body 522. An RFIDT shows a mill 550 which is like the mill disclosed in U.S. Pat.
525 has an IC526 encased in the body 522 and an antenna 527 No. 5,620,051 (incorporated fully herein), but with an RFIDT
that encircles part of the body 522. Both antennas515 and527 551 in a threaded pin end 552 of a body 553 of the mill 550.
are circular as viewed from above and extend around and 45 The RFIDT 551 may be emplaced and/or mounted in the pin
within the entire circumference of their respective bodies. It is end 552 as is any similar RFIDT disclosed herein. Optionally
within the scope of the present invention to have the RFIDT an RFIDT may be emplaced within a milling section 554.
514 and/or the RFIDT 525 within recesses in their respective Optionally, or in addition to the RFIDT 551, one or more
bodies (as any recess disclosed herein or referred to herein) RFIDT's 551a may be affixed exteriorly of the mill 550 under
with or without a cap ring or filler. 50 wrap layers 551b (see, e.g., FIGS. 25, 26).
FIGS. 17A-17D show a portable ring 530 which has a The prior art discloses a variety of pipe handlers and pipe
flexible body 532 made, e.g. from rubber, plastic, fiberglass, manipulators, some with gripping mechanisms for gripping
and/or composite which has two ends 531a, 531b. The end pipe. It is within the scope of the present invention to provide
531a has a recess 536 sized and configured for receiving and a pipe handler with an RFIDT reader for reading an RFIDT in
holding with a friction fit a correspondingly sized and con 55 a tubular member which is located in one of the embodiments
figured pin 533 projecting out from the end 531b. The two of the present invention as described herein. Often an end of
ends 531a, 531b may be held together with any suitable a tubular is near, adjacent, or passing by a part of a pipe
locking mechanism, latch apparatus, and/or adhesive. As handler. An RFIDT on or in a tubular according to the present
shown, each end 531a, 531b has a piece of releasably coop invention can be sensed by an RFIDT reader apparatus and a
erating hook-and-loop fastener material 534a, 534b, respec 60 signal can be transmitted therefrom to control apparatus
tively thereon (e.g. VELCROTM material) and a correspond regarding the tubular's identity or other information stored in
ing piece of such material 535 is releasably connected to the the RFIDT, FIGS. 20A and 20B show pipe manipulators 560
pieces 534a,534b (FIG.17C) to hold the two ends 531a,531b and 570 which are like pipe manipulators disclosed in U.S.
together. The body 532 encases an RFIDT 537 which has an Pat. No. 4,077.525 (incorporated fully herein), but with
IC 538 and an antenna 539. Ends of the antenna 539 meet at 65 improvements according to the present invention which have
the projection 533—recess 536 interface and/or the projec movable arms 561, 562, (pipe manipulator 560) and movable
tion 533 is made of antenna material and the recess 536 is arm 571 (pipe manipulator 570). Each manipulator has a pipe
US 7,946,356 B2
25 26
gripper 563, 573. Each manipulator has an RFIDT reader with an IC 698. An RFIDT 684 (like any disclosed herein) has
apparatus—apparatus 565 on manipulator 560 and apparatus an antenna 685 encircling and within a flange 689 of the side
575 on manipulator 570. Optionally, such a reader apparatus outlet 682, with an IC 686. Optionally, or in addition to the
is located on a gripper mechanism. other RFIDT's at least one RFIDT 690a is affixed exteriorly
FIG.21 shows a tubular inspection system 600 which may to the blowout preventer 670 under wrap layers 690b (see,
be any known tubular inspection system, including those e.g., FIG. 25, 26) and/or at least one RFIDT 690c is affixed
which move with respect to a tubular and those with respect to exteriorly to the blowout preventer 270 under wrap layers
which a tubular moves, including, but not limited to those 690d (see, e.g., FIG. 25, 26).
disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,622,561; 6,578,422; 5,534,775; FIGS. 25 and 26 show a tool joint 700 according to the
5,043,663; 5,030,911; 4,792,756; 4,710,712; 4,636,727; 10
present invention with RFIDTapparatus 720 according to the
4,629,985; 4,718,277; 5,914,596; 5,585,565; 5,600,069; present invention applied exteriorly thereto. The tool joint
5,303,592: 5,291,272; and Int’l Patent Application WO 700 has a pin end 702 with a threaded pin 704, a joint body
98/16842 published Apr. 23, 1998 and in the references cited portion 706, an upset area 707 and a tube body portion 708.
therein which is used to inspect a tubular 610 (e.g., but not The joint body portion 706 has a larger OD than the tube body
limited to pipe, casing, tubing, collar) which has at least one 15
RFIDT 602 with an IC 604 and an antenna 606 and/or at least portion 708. The “WELDLINE is an area in which the tool
one RFIDT 602a affixed exteriorly thereof according to the joint is welded (e.g. inertia welded) by the manufacturer to the
present invention. The tubular 610 may be any tubular dis upset area.
closed herein and it may have any RFIDT, RFIDT’s, recess, Although RFIDT’s encased in a non-conductor or other
recesses, cap ring, and/or sensible material and/or indicia wise enclosed or protected can be emplaced directly on a
disclosed herein. tubular (or other item or apparatus according to the present
FIG. 22 shows schematically a method 620 for making a invention, as shown in FIGS. 25 and 26 the RFIDT’s to be
tubular member according to the present invention. A tubular applied to the tool joint 700 are first enclosed within non
body is made "MAKE TUBULAR BODY using any conducting material, e.g. any suitable heat-resistant material,
Suitable known process for making a tubular body, including, 25 e.g., but not limited to, RYTON (Trademark) fabric mem
but not limited to, known methods for making pipe, drill pipe, brane wrapping material, prior to emplacing them on the tool
casing, risers, and tubing. An end recess is formed “FORM joint 700. In one particular aspect, one, two, three, or four
END RECESS’’’ in one or both ends of the tubular member. wraps, folds, or layers of commercially available RYT
An identification device is installed in the recess—"IN WRAP (Trademark) material commercially from Tuboscope,
STALL ID DEVICE (which may be any identification appa 30
Inc. a related company of the owner of the present invention
ratus, device, torus ring or cap ring according to the present is used which, in one particular aspect, includes three layers
invention). Optionally, a protector is installed in the recess— of RYT-WRAP (Trademark) fabric membrane material
“INSTALL PROTECTOR' (which may be any protector adhered together and encased in epoxy. As shown, three
according to the present invention).
FIG.23 shows schematically a system 650 according to the 35 RFIDT's 720 are wrapped three times in the RYT-WRAP
present invention which is like the systems described in U.S. (Trademark) material 722 so that no part of any of them will
Pat. No. 4,698,631 but which is for identifying an item 652 contact the metal of the tool joint 700. In one aspect such a
according to the present invention which has at least one end wrapping of RYT-WRAP (Trademark) material includes
recess (as any end recess disclosed herein) and/or within a RYTON (Trademark) fabric membrane material with cured
ring or torus according to the present invention with at least 40 epoxy wrapped around a tubular body (initially the material is
one SAW tag identification apparatus 654 in the recess (es) saturated in place with liquid epoxy that is allowed to cure).
and/or ring(s) or torus(es) and/or with an exteriorly affixed Prior to emplacing the wrapped RFIDT's 720 on the tool
RFIDT according to the present invention. joint 700, the area to which they are to be affixed is, prefer
The system 650 (as systems in U.S. Pat. No. 4,698,631) has ably, cleaned using Suitable cleaning materials, by buffing,
an energizing antenna apparatus 656 connected to a reader 45 and/or by sandblasting as shown in FIG. 27. Any desired
658 which provides radio frequency pulses or bursts which number of RFIDT's 720 may be used. As shown in FIG.29A,
are beamed through the antenna apparatus 656 to the SAW tag in this embodiment three RFIDT's 720 are equally spaced
identification apparatus 654. The reader 658 senses respon apart around the exterior of the tool joint 700.
sive signals from the apparatus 654. In one aspect the respon According to the present invention, RFIDT's may be
sive signals are phase modulated in accord with code encoded 50
applied exteriorly to any item, apparatus, or tubular at any
in the apparatus 654. The reader 658 sends received signals to exterior location thereon with any or all of the layers and/or
a computer interface unit 660 which processes the signals and wraps disclosed herein. In the particular tool joint 700 as
sends them to a computer system 662. disclosed in FIG. 25, the RFIDT's 720 are applied about two
It is within the scope of the present invention to provide a to three inches from a thirty-five degree taper 709 of the joint
blowout preventeraccording to the present invention with one 55
or more wave energizable identification apparatuses, e.g. in a body portion 706 to reduce the likelihood of the RFIDT’s
flange, side outlet, and/or door or bonnet or a blowout pre contacting other items, handling tools, grippers, or structures
venter. FIG. 24 shows a blowout preventer 670 according to that may contact the portion 706.
the present invention which has a main body 672, a flow bore Optionally, as shown in FIG. 26, either in the initial layers
674 therethrough from top to bottom, a bottom flange 676, a 60 or wraps which enclose the RFIDT's 720 or in any other layer
top flange 678, a side outlet 682, and four ram-enclosing or wrap, an identification tag 724 is included with the
bonnets 680. An RFIDT 690 (like any disclosed herein) has an RFIDT’s, either a single such tag or one tag for each RFIDT.
antenna 691 encircling and within the top flange 678 with an In one aspect the tag(s)724 are plastic or fiberglass. In another
IC 692 connected thereto. An RFIDT 692 (like any disclosed aspect the tag(s) 724 are metal, e.g. steel, stainless steel,
herein) has an antenna 694 encircling and within the bottom 65 aluminum, aluminum alloy, Zinc, Zinc alloy, bronze, or brass.
flange 676 with an IC 695. An RFIDT 696 (like any disclosed If metal is used, the tag(s) 724 are not in contact with an
herein) has an antenna 697 encircling and within a bonnet 680 RFIDT.
US 7,946,356 B2
27 28
As shown in FIG.28, an adhesive may be applied to the tool end portion; wherein a protector in the pin end recess covers
joint 700 to assist in securing a layer 723, “FOLDED MEM the radio frequency identification apparatus therein; wherein
BRANE,” (e.g., a double layer of RYT-WRAP (Trademark) the protector is a cap ring within the pin end recess which
wrap material. covers the radio frequency identification apparatus; wherein
As shown in FIG. 29, the three RFIDT's 720 are emplaced 5 the protector is an amount of protective material in the recess
on the layer 723 and, optionally, the identification tag or tags which covers the radio frequency identification apparatus; the
724. member having a box end having a box end portion having a
Optionally, as shown in FIG.30, part 723a of the layer 723 box end recess therein, a box end radio frequency identifica
is folded over to cover the RFIDT's 720 and the tag(s) 724. If tion apparatus within the box end recess, the box end radio
this folding is done, no adhesive is applied to the tool joint 10 frequency identification apparatus having antenna apparatus
under the portion of the layer 723 which is to be folded over. and integrated circuit apparatus, the antenna encircling the
Optionally, prior to folding adhesive is applied on top of the box end portion; wherein a protector in the box end covers the
portion of the layer 723 to be folded over. Optionally, prior to radio frequency identification apparatus therein; wherein the
folding the part 723a over on the RFIDT's 720 and the tag(s) recess has a cross-section shape from the group consisting of
724 an adhesive (e.g. two part epoxy) is applied over the 15 square, rectangular, semi-triangular, rhomboidal, triangular,
RFIDT's 720 and over the tag(s) 724. trapezoidal, circular, and semi-circular, wherein the gener
After allowing the structure of layer 723a as shown in FIG. ally cylindrical portion is part of an item from the group
30 to dry (e.g., for forty minutes to one hour), as shown in consisting of pipe, drill pipe, casing, drill bit, tubing, stabi
FIG. 30A the folded layer 723 with the RFIDT's 720 and lizer, centralizer, cementing plug, buoyant tubular, thread
tag(s) 724 is, optionally, wrapped in a layer 726 of heat shrink protector, downhole motor, whipstock, blowout preventer,
material and/or impact resistant material (heat resistant mate mill, and torus; a piece of pipe with a pin end, the pin end
rial may also be impact resistant). In one particular optional having a recess therein, and sensible indicia in the recess;
aspect, commercially available RAYCHEM (Trademark) wherein the sensible indicia is from the group consisting of
heat shrink material or commercially available RCANUSA raised portions, indented portions, visually sensible indicia,
(Trademark) heat shrink material is used, centered over the 25 spaced-apart indicia, numeral indicia, letter indicia, and col
folded layer 723, with, preferably, a small end-to-end overlap ored indicia; the member including the body having a side
to enhance secure bonding as the material is heated. wall with an exterior surface and a wall recess in the side wall,
As shown in FIG.30B, optionally, the layer 726 is wrapped the wall recess extending inwardly from the exterior surface,
with layers 728 of material (e.g. RYT-WRAP (Trademark) and secondary radio frequency identification apparatus
material (e.g. with two to five layers). In one particular aspect 30 within the wall recess; and/or wherein the radio frequency
the layer(s) 728 completely cover the layer 726 and extend for identification apparatus is a plurality of radio frequency iden
one-halfinch on both extremities of the layer 726. Preferably, tification tag devices.
the final wrap layer of the layers 728 does not exceed the OD The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects,
of the joint body portion 706 so that movement of and han provides a tubular member with a body with a first end
dling of the tool joint 700 is not impeded. 35 spaced-apart from a second end, the first end having a pin end
Curing can be done in ambient temperature and/or with having a pin end recess in the first end and identification
fan-assisted dryers. apparatus in the pin end recess, and a protector in the pin end
Any known wave energizable apparatus may be substituted recess protecting the identification apparatus therein.
for any RFIDT herein. The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects,
The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects, 40 provides a method for sensing a radio frequency identification
provides a member having a body, the body having at least a apparatus in a member, the member having a body, the body
portion thereof with a generally cylindrical portion, the gen having at least a portion thereof with a generally cylindrical
erally cylindrical portion having a circumference, radio fre portion, the generally cylindrical portion having a circumfer
quency identification apparatus with integrated circuit appa ence, wave energizable identification apparatus with antenna
ratus and antenna apparatus within the generally cylindrical 45 apparatus within the generally cylindrical portion of the body,
portion of the body, and the antenna apparatus encircling the and the antenna apparatus encircling the circumference of the
circumference of the cylindrical portion of the body. Such a cylindrical portion of the body, the method including ener
member may include one or some (in any possible combina gizing the wave energizable identification apparatus by
tion) of the following: the body having a first end spaced-apart directing energizing energy to the antenna apparatus, the
from a second end, and the radio frequency identification 50 wave energizable identification apparatus upon being ener
apparatus positioned within the first end of the body; the first gized producing a signal, positioning the member adjacent
end of the body having a recess in the first end, and the radio sensing apparatus, and sensing with the sensing apparatus the
frequency identification apparatus is within the recess; a pro signal produced by the wave energizable identification appa
tector in the recess covering the radio frequency identification ratus. Such a method may include one or some (in any pos
apparatus; the body comprising a pipe; wherein the first end is 55 sible combination) of the following: wherein the sensing
a pin end of the pipe; wherein an end of the pipe has an apparatus is on an item from the group consisting of rig,
exterior shoulder and the radio frequency identification appa elevator, spider, derrick, tubular handler, tubular manipulator,
ratus is within the shoulder; wherein the second end is a box tubular rotator, top drive, mousehole, powered mousehole, or
end of the pipe; wherein the first end is threaded externally floor; wherein the sensing apparatus is in communication
and the second end is threaded internally; wherein the mem 60 with and is controlled by computer apparatus e.g. including
ber is a piece of drill pipe with an externally threaded pin end but not limited to, computer system(s), programmable logic
spaced-apart from an internally threaded box end, and the controller(s) and/or microprocessor System(s), the method
body is generally cylindrical and hollow with a flow channel further including controlling the sensing apparatus with the
therethrough from the pin end to the box end, the pin end computer apparatus; wherein the energizing is effected by
having a pin end portion with a pin end recess therearound, 65 energizing apparatus in communication with and controlled
and the radio frequency identification apparatus within the by computer apparatus, the method further including control
pin end recess and the antenna apparatus encircling the pin ling the energizing apparatus with the computer apparatus;
US 7,946,356 B2
29 30
wherein the signal is an identification signal identifying the the sensing apparatus with the computer apparatus; wherein
member and the sensing apparatus produces and conveys a the energizing is effected by energizing apparatus in commu
corresponding signal to computer apparatus, the computer nication with and controlled by computer apparatus, the
apparatus including a programmable portion programmed to method further including controlling the energizing appara
receive and analyze the corresponding signal, and the com 5 tus with the computer apparatus; wherein the signal is an
puter apparatus for producing an analysis signal indicative of identification signal identifying the particular piece of drill
accepting or rejecting the member based on said analysis, the pipe and the sensing apparatus conveys a corresponding sig
method further including the wave energizable identification nal to computer apparatus, the computer apparatus including
apparatus and producing an identification signal received by a programmable portion programmed to receive and analyze
the sensing apparatus, the sensing apparatus producing a 10 the corresponding signal; and/or the computer apparatus for
corresponding signal indicative of identification of the mem producing an analysis signal indicative of accepting or reject
ber and conveying the corresponding signal to the computer ing the particular piece of drill pipe based on said analysis, the
apparatus, and the computer apparatus analyzing the corre method further including the computer apparatus analyzing
sponding signal and producing the analysis signal; wherein the corresponding signal and producing the analysis signal,
the computer apparatus conveys the analysis signal to han 15 and the computer apparatus conveying the analysis signal to
dling apparatus for handling the member, the handling appa handling apparatus for handling the member, the handling
ratus operable to accept or reject the member based on the apparatus operable to accept or reject the member based on
analysis signal; wherein the member is a tubular member for the analysis signal.
use in well operations and the handling apparatus is a tubular The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects,
member handling apparatus; wherein the tubular member provides a system for handling a tubular member, the system
handling apparatus is from the group consisting of tubular including handling apparatus, and a tubular member in con
manipulator, tubular rotator, top drive, tong, spinner, down tact with the handling apparatus, the tubular member with a
hole motor, elevator, spider, powered mouse hole, and pipe body with a first end spaced-apart from a second end, the first
handler, wherein the handling apparatus has handling sensing end being a pin end having a pin end recess in the first end and
apparatus thereon for sensing a signal from the wave energi 25 identification apparatus in the pin end recess, and a protector
Zable identification apparatus, and wherein the handling in the pin end recess protecting the identification apparatus
apparatus includes communication apparatus in communica therein; and Such a system wherein the handling apparatus is
tion with computer apparatus, the method further including from the group consisting of tubular manipulator, tubular
sending a handling signal from the communication apparatus rotator, top drive, tong, spinner, downhole motor, elevator,
to the computer apparatus corresponding to the signal pro 30 spider, powered mouse hole, and pipe handler.
duced by the wave energizable identification apparatus; The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects,
wherein the computer apparatus controls the handling appa provides a ring with a body with a central hole therethrough,
ratus; wherein the member is a tubular member and wherein the body having a generally circular shape, the body sized and
the sensing apparatus is connected to and in communication configured for receipt within a circular recess in an end of a
with a tubular inspection system, the method further includ 35 generally cylindrical member having a circumference, wave
ing conveying a secondary signal from the sensing apparatus energizable identification apparatus within the body, the wave
to the tubular inspection system, the secondary signal corre energizable identification apparatus having antenna appara
sponding to the signal produced by the wave energizable tus, and the antenna apparatus extending around a portion of
identification apparatus; and/or wherein the signal produced the body; and Such a ring with sensible indicia on or in the
by the wave energizable identification apparatus identifies the 40 body.
tubular member. The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects,
The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects, provides a ring with a body with a central hole therethrough,
provides a method for handling drill pipe on a drilling rig, the the body having a central hole therethrough the body sized
drill pipe comprising a plurality of pieces of drill pipe, each and configured for receipt within a circular recess in an end of
piece of drill pipe comprising a body with an externally 45 a generally cylindrical member having a circumference, iden
threaded pin end spaced-apart from an internally threaded tification apparatus within or on the body, and the identifica
box end, the body having a flow channel therethrough from tion apparatus being sensible indicia.
the pin end to the box end, radio frequency identification The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects,
apparatus with integrated circuit apparatus and antenna appa provides a method for making a tubular member, the method
ratus within the pin end of the body, and the antenna apparatus 50 including making a body for a tubular member, the body
encircling the pin end, the method including energizing the having a first end spaced-apart from a second end, and form
radio frequency identification apparatus by directing energiz ing a recess around the end of the body, the recess sized and
ing energy to the antenna apparatus, the radio frequency shaped for receipt therein of wave energizable identification
identification apparatus upon being energized producing a apparatus. Such a method may include one or some (in any
signal, positioning each piece of drill pipe adjacent sensing 55 possible combination) of the following: installing wave ener
apparatus, and sensing with the sensing apparatus a signal gizable identification apparatus in the recess; installing a
produced by each piece of drill pipe’s radio frequency iden protector in the recess over the wave energizable identifica
tification apparatus. Such a method may include one or some tion apparatus; and/or wherein the tubular member is a piece
(in any possible combination) of the following: wherein the of drill pipe with an externally threaded pin end spaced-apart
sensing apparatus is in communication and is controlled by 60 from an internally threaded box end, the recess is a recess
computer apparatus and wherein the radio frequency identi encircling the pin end, and the wave energizable identification
fication apparatus produces an identification signal receiv apparatus has antenna apparatus, the method further includ
able by the sensing apparatus, and wherein the sensing appa ing positioning the antenna apparatus around and within the
ratus produces a corresponding signal indicative of the pin end recess.
identification of the particular piece of drill pipe, the corre 65 The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects,
sponding signal conveyable from the sensing apparatus to the provides a method for enhancing a tubular member, the tubu
computer apparatus, the method further including controlling lar member having a generally cylindrical body with a first
US 7,946,356 B2
31 32
end spaced-apart from a second end, the method including identification apparatus producing an identification signal
forming a circular recess in an end of the tubular member, the received by the sensing apparatus, the sensing apparatus pro
recess sized and shaped for receipt therein of wave energiz ducing a corresponding signal indicative of identification of
able identification apparatus, the wave energizable identifi the member and conveying the corresponding signal to the
cation apparatus including antenna apparatus with antenna computer apparatus, and the computer apparatus analyzing
apparatus positionable around the circular recess. the corresponding signal and producing the analysis signal;
The present invention, therefore, provides, in at least some wherein the computer apparatus conveys the analysis signal
embodiments, a member with a body, the body having two to handling apparatus for handling the member, the handling
spaced-apart ends, wave energizable identification apparatus apparatus operable to accept or reject the member based on
on the exterior of the body, and encasement structure encas 10 the analysis signal; wherein the member is a tubular member
ing the wave energizable identification apparatus, Such a for use in well operations and the handling apparatus is a
member may have one or some, in any possible combination, tubular member handling apparatus; wherein the tubular
of the following: the encasement structure is at least one layer member handling apparatus is from the group consisting of
of heat resistant material; wherein the encasement structure is tubular manipulator, tubular rotator, top drive, tong, spinner,
at least one layer of impact resistant material; wherein the 15 downhole motor, elevator, spider, powered mouse hole, and
wave energizable identification apparatus is radio frequency pipe handler, wherein the handling apparatus has handling
identification apparatus with integrated circuit apparatus and sensing apparatus thereon for sensing a signal from the wave
antenna apparatus; the body has a first end spaced-apart from energizable identification apparatus, and wherein the han
a second end, and at least a portion comprising a generally dling apparatus includes communication apparatus in com
cylindrical portion, the generally cylindrical portion having a munication with computer apparatus, the method including
circumference, and the radio frequency identification appa sending a handling signal from the communication apparatus
ratus positioned exteriorly on the circumference of the body; to the computer apparatus corresponding to the signal pro
wherein the body is a pipe; wherein the pipe is a tooljoint with duced by the wave energizable identification apparatus;
an upset portion and the wave energizable identification appa wherein the computer apparatus controls the handling appa
ratus is adjacent said upset portion; wherein the body has a 25 ratus; wherein the member is a tubular member and wherein
generally cylindrical portion which is part of an item from the the sensing apparatus is connected to and in communication
group consisting of pipe, drill pipe, casing, drill bit, tubing, with a tubular inspection system, the method including con
stabilizer, centralizer, cementing plug, buoyant tubular, veying a secondary signal from the sensing apparatus to the
thread protector, downhole motor, whipstock, mill, and torus: tubular inspection system, the secondary signal correspond
and/or wherein the wave energizable identification apparatus 30 ing to the signal produced by the wave energizable identifi
comprises a plurality of radio frequency identification tag cation apparatus; and/or wherein the signal produced by the
devices. wave energizable identification apparatus identifies the tubu
The present invention, therefore, provides in at least Some, lar member.
although not necessarily all, embodiments a method for sens The present invention, therefore, provides in at least cer
ing a wave energizable identification apparatus of a member, 35 tain, if not all, embodiments a method for handling drill pipe
the member as any disclosed herein with a body having two on a drilling rig, the drill pipe comprising a plurality of pieces
spaced-apart ends and wave energizable identification appa of drill pipe, each piece of drill pipe being a body with an
ratus on the body, and encasement structure encasing the externally threaded pin end spaced-apart from an internally
wave energizable identification apparatus, the encasement threaded box end, the body having a flow channel there
structure having at least one layer of heat resistant material, 40 through from the pin end to the box end, radio frequency
the wave energizable identification apparatus with antenna identification apparatus with integrated circuit apparatus and
apparatus on the body, the method including energizing the antenna apparatus on the body, and encased in heat resistant
wave energizable identification apparatus by directing ener material, the method including energizing the radio fre
gizing energy to the antenna apparatus, the wave energizable quency identification apparatus by directing energizing
identification apparatus upon being energized producing a 45 energy to the antenna apparatus, the radio frequency identi
signal, positioning the member adjacent sensing apparatus, fication apparatus upon being energized producing a signal,
and sensing with the sensing apparatus the signal produced by positioning each piece of drill pipe adjacent sensing appara
the wave energizable identification apparatus. Such a method tus, and sensing with the sensing apparatus a signal produced
may have one or some, in any possible combination, of the by each piece of drill pipes radio frequency identification
following: wherein the sensing apparatus is on an item from 50 apparatus. Such a method may include, wherein the sensing
the group consisting of rig, elevator, spider, derrick, tubular apparatus is in communication and is controlled by computer
handler, tubular manipulator, tubular rotator, top drive, mouse apparatus and wherein the radio frequency identification
hole, powered mouse hole, or floor, wherein the sensing apparatus produces an identification signal receivable by the
apparatus is in communication with and is controlled by sensing apparatus, and wherein the sensing apparatus pro
computer apparatus, the method including controlling the 55 duces a corresponding signal indicative of the identification
sensing apparatus with the computer apparatus; wherein the of the particular piece of drill pipe, said corresponding signal
energizing is effected by energizing apparatus in communi conveyable from the sensing apparatus to the computer appa
cation with and controlled by computer apparatus, the method ratus, controlling the sensing apparatus with the computer
including controlling the energizing apparatus with the com apparatus, and wherein the energizing is effected by energiz
puter apparatus; wherein the signal is an identification signal 60 ing apparatus in communication with and controlled by com
identifying the member and the sensing apparatus produces puter apparatus, controlling the energizing apparatus with the
and conveys a corresponding signal to computer apparatus, computer apparatus, and wherein the signal is an identifica
the computer apparatus including a programmable portion tion signal identifying the particular piece of drill pipe and the
programmed to receive and analyze the corresponding signal, sensing apparatus conveys a corresponding signal to com
and the computer apparatus for producing an analysis signal 65 puter apparatus, the computer apparatus including a program
indicative of accepting or rejecting the member based on said mable portion programmed to receive and analyze the corre
analysis, the method further including the wave energizable sponding signal, the computer apparatus for producing an
US 7,946,356 B2
33 34
analysis signal indicative of accepting or rejecting the par monitoring and/or control system for any drilling operation or
ticular piece of drill pipe based on said analysis, the computer method. The transmission system TS can be any known sys
apparatus analyzing the corresponding signal and producing tem for transmitting data and/or signals of any kind to and/or
the analysis signal, and the computer apparatus conveying the from a drilling site to a location on-site and/or remote. The
analysis signal to handling apparatus for handling the mem driller system DS can be any known drilling and/or driller
ber, the handling apparatus operable to accept or reject the monitoring and/or control system.
member based on the analysis signal. FIG.33 depicts methods with the system of FIG. 32.
The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects, Initially, a drilling application (APP. NEED) is presented
provides a tool joint with a body having a pin end spaced to a bit designer (e.g. bit manufacturer BM) with information
apart from a tube body, an upset portion, a tool joint portion 10
and data about the application (e.g. location, formation,
between the upset portion and the pin end, and wave energi depth, intervals, performance goals, etc.). The designer ana
Zable identification apparatus on the tube body adjacent the lyzes the information and the data using design information,
upset portion, the wave energizable identification apparatus e.g., previous bit designs; type of bit; bit size and weight;
encased in heat resistant material.
FIG. 31 shows a bit 437 in a container 437b. The bit has a 15 previous bit run history in relevant applications; VIBRAS
wave-energizable apparatus 437d attached thereto and the COPE (TRADEMARK) system analysis which provides an
container has a wave-energizable apparatus 437c attached understanding of the dynamic behavior of the drillstring,
thereto (e.g., as may be the case with any Such apparatus BHA (bottom hole assembly) and bit; testing of the bit and/or
disclosed herein, i.e., any wave-energizable apparatus or test results; metallurgy; bottom hole assembly designs;
device disclosed herein may be in a container, the container operational options, such as using a mud motor, hole opener,
having its own wave-energizable apparatus; the attaching shock Sub, reamer(s), etc.; downhole and/or Surface instru
done with adhesive, tape, and/or attachment material and/or mentation options; control systems of varying capabilities,
wrap material, and/or in any way disclosed herein for attach manual control of varying levels of quality; rig capabilities;
ing an apparatus to an item). The apparatuses 437c, 437d may operational cost factors; availability of personnel with appro
be any suitable wave-energizable apparatus including, but not 25 priate skill levels; bit durability goals (e.g. as drill an interval
limited to, any tag disclosed or referred to herein and they of a desired length with one bit or get to next casing point with
may be connected to and/or applied to a bit in any way no more than two bits).
disclosed herein. In one aspect, the apparatuses 437c, 437d The designer arrives at a bit drilling solution for a well task
have identical information. In other aspects, their information (any job or operation employing the bit) ("SOLUTION”) in a
differs, for example, and without limitation, apparatus 437d 30 drilling information package which specifies one, some, or all
may contain data on the materials used and the manufacturing of the following:
process of the bit and manufacturing process history of the a bit;
bit, while apparatus 437c may contain data on inventory, a bottomhole assembly including the specification of BHA
shipping and handling instructions and quality control docu components and capabilities;
mentation for the bit. Optionally, one or the other of the 35 an operational strategy for an intended use which defines
apparatuses 437c, 437d is deleted. key goals, such as, e.g., run bit at maximum efficiency (even
It is within the scope of the present invention to provide though this results in lower ROP than maximum possible) to
multiple wave-energizable apparatuses on any item, e.g., but extend bit durability enough to get to next casing point with
not limited to, any item disclosed herein. At a delivery loca out making a trip;
tion and/or site of use, one apparatus (or tag) can remain on 40 limits for an intended use Such as e.g., a bit weight range of
the item (e.g., but not limited to, a bit) and the other apparatus 10-40 Klbs, bit rotational speed range of 120-200 rpm, mud
(e.g. a tag) can be removed, used, and/or stored for future use motor rotational speed range of 60-140 rpm, and drillstring
and/or, e.g., in the event of damage to or destruction of the rotational speed of 0-80 rpm (further, these ranges may be
other apparatus (e.g. tag), the stored apparatus (or tag) can be inter related to Some manner, Such as if bit weight is over a
applied to the item. A second or removed apparatus (or tag) 45 certain weight, e.g. 35 Klbs, then bit rotational speed can not
can also be used to confirm that an item (e.g. a bit) that is exceed a certain speed, e.g. 140 rpm);
retrieved and/or returned is the actual one that was sent origi control Suggestions for an intended use (e.g. if a mud motor
nally. is present in the string, then a drill control system, e.g. an
Optionally, the bit 437 has associated therewith and/or autodriller control system based on mud motor differential
connected thereto a memory device 437m, e.g. a memory 50 pressure and not control on bit weight);
stick, portable computer drive, flash drive, or other media for Suggestions for recording data (e.g. if a calculated param
holding data in computerized or digital form and the con eterindicating drillstring vibrations is over a specified thresh
tainer 437b has a memory device 437p associated therewith old value, then change surface data recording rate from 1
and/or connected thereto. Any data and/or information on second interval to a rate of 10 values per second); and/or
apparatus 437d and/or 437c (and on any tag disclosed herein) 55 any data and/or information and/or information embody
may be on the device 437m and/or the device 437 (and any ing or regarding things used by the designer as mentioned in
item herein according to the present invention may have a the previous numbered paragraph, including, but not limited
device 437m and/or a device 437p). In certain aspects, a to, any information or data analyzed by the designer.
device 437m or 437p is shipped with a bit 437 (oran item with A specific bit identification is produced and assigned to the
Such a device) so that is and its data and/or information is 60 bit and to the information about the bit (“BITID) (e.g. the bit
available to an end user of the bit (or item) and is available at 437).
a place of use of the bit (or item). Information about the solution is assembled in an informa
FIG. 32 is the system 400 of FIG. 12A (like numerals tion package (“INFO”) which is stored and associated with
indicate like parts) with the addition of a remote system RS: the bit identification (e.g. in a computer and/or in any type or
a transmission system TS: a driller system DS with a driller 65 kind of memory storage device or apparatus, memory Stick,
(not shown); and, optionally, a bit designer and/or manufac flash drive, portable drive, etc.; including, but not limited to,
turer BM. The remote system RS can be any known remote in a tag or tags).
US 7,946,356 B2
35 36
A wave-energizable apparatus (e.g. apparatus 437a, like ANALYSIS). For example, the effects of actual drillstring
apparatus 437d) is applied to the bit and/or a container for the vibrations (which may be measured and/or derived, at the
bit (e.g. the bit 437, FIG. 12A or FIG. 31) which has the bit Surface and/or downhole) are recorded and then compared to
identification and the information package (and/or, option the drillstring vibrations, e.g. predicted by VIBRASCOPE
ally, a memory device like the device 437m is applied to or 5 (TRADEMARK) system runs and analysis, for similar opera
associated with the bit and/or a memory device 4370 is tion parameters by the bit designer/manufacturer. The
applied to or associated with the container). VIBRASCOPE (TRADEMARK) system runs referred to
The bit is then delivered to a drilling rig for use. At the rig here may be done early in a SOLUTION phase and/or in
the wave-energizable apparatus (or apparatuses) associated real-time during drilling or post-drilling. This analysis can
with the bit (and/or memory device or devices) is scanned by 10 close the loop between modeling and actual performance,
a reader apparatus and the information therein is provided to improving insight into the underlying physics affecting drill
a variety of systems, in one aspect, both on-site and remote ing performance and producing improvements in the quality
(“INFO RIG”; e.g. systems such as the driller system DS of the modeling. Another example is the comparison of actual
and/or the remote system RS). In one aspect, Systems and ROP's versus those predicted in a SOLUTION phase, for the
methods according to the present invention are useful to 15 same set of operating conditions. This can be helpful in pre
insure that the correct bit is delivered to the correct location dicting the ROP and is of considerable economic value.
and that at the location the correct bit is used for the correct After a bit has been used, data and/or information can be
drilling task or job; and, in certain circumstances, that a bit added to any and all wave-energizable apparatuses associated
that was delivered and/or used is the bit that is returned for with the bit (and/or memory devices) and/or with any related
repair or refurbishing. In certain aspects, the apparatuses equipment or apparatuses.
437c and/or 437d contain an identification code that links the As shown in FIG. 34, interested personnel (on-site and/or
bit to data and/or information on an associated memory remote) Subscribe via an information transfer system (e.g.,
device. but not limited to the known WELLDATA (TRADEMARK)
Operators, personnel, controllers, and engineers either at system) to receive data and/or information about the selected
the rig, remote, or both who are monitoring the drilling in real 25 bit and its use (“SUBSCRIBE), including, but not limited to,
time (“REAL TIME MONITOR”) have the information in real time. This can be done via the driller system DS and/or
package and they receive real time data about the bit and the via the remote system RS, via any suitable known transmis
drilling operation. sion system, via Internet, ethernet, and/or via a transmission
Optionally, the bit designer and/or manufacturer (“BIT systemTS.
MFGER) is provided access, in real time or otherwise, to 30 The wave-energizable apparatus or apparatuses (and/or
Some or all of the information and data. Rig control systems memory device or devices) on and/or associated with a bit or
(on-site and/or remote; e.g., the system DS and/or the system its container are scanned at the drilling site ("RUN SCAN)
RS) receive the information in the information package, and amonitoring system monitors (“SYSTEMMONITOR),
enhancing control strategy by making use of previous engi among other things, the particular bit (e.g., via the bit identi
neering design work and effective utilization of the capabili 35 fication and/or serial number) and notes if the bit in use has
ties of Surface and downhole equipment. This 'enhancing been changed (“BIT IDD”).
may consist of simply executing an optimum operation plan If the information package associated with the bit contains
and instructions. Also it may be interactive, including pre information for possible multiple applications, personnel are
planned investigative exercises to be executed if a specific presented a selection of applications ("SELECT PACK
problem is detected and then, based on the results of those 40 AGE”) and one application is chosen. Drilling commences
exercises, selection of a new set of operational instructions. (“DRILL) and subscribed personnel and connected systems
A rig information system RS, e.g., but not limited to, the are notified of this (“START RUN NOTIFY), in real time
RIGSENSE (TRADEMARK) system of National Oilwell and/or otherwise; this notification can include which appli
Varco, provides key information (e.g. bit weight, drillstring cation was selected.
rotational speed, and rate-of-penetration) from the informa 45 When the bit is removed from the wellbore, the wave
tion package to the driller's control system (“DRILLER”). energizable apparatus is scanned (“BIT PULL SCAN) and
Any and all information generated during design, during Subscribed personnel and connected systems are notified of
manufacture, during testing, and/or prior to and/or during a the end of the drilling run (“NOTIFY END RUN”). A control
delivery and/or during an operation can be provided to a system (e.g. the driller system DS and/or the remote system
driller (or to other personnel and/or apparatuses, remote or 50 RS) then automatically requests any required user actions and
on-site) in real-time and/or as logged data and/or as history inputs (“AUTO REQUEST ACTIONS INPUTS) (e.g.
for a certain item, device, apparatus or equipment, etc., or actions: photograph bit, clean bit, photograph bit again, visu
regarding actual uses thereof. Such provision may be, accord ally observe the bit, produce a description of the observed bit;
ing to the present invention, on request or provided automati e.g. inputs: bit dull grading, visual observations of bit, pro
cally. 55 ducing a description, written, oral, etc., of the used bit, and/or
In any system or method according to the present inven comments describing key aspects of the bit run).
tion, specific information (including, but not limited to, pre Actual data and information from the run is recorded auto
use information and/or manufacturing process information, matically (e.g., in the systems DS and/or RS) and assembled
manufacturing history (to include repair and refurbishment), into a run information package (“DATA COLLECT PACK
and/or quality control documentation and/or design informa 60 AGE) which is sent to subscribed personnel and connected
tion) about a bit or an item (defined below) is conveyable to all systems (“DATA PACKAGE SEND). Any, some, or all such
personnel, including, but not limited to, rig operator(s), con data can be recorded in any wave-energizable apparatus asso
troller(s) on site and/or off site, and/or driller(s). Key infor ciated with a bit.
mation from the information package is, in real time, com The systems and methods described above for FIGS. 31-34
pared (e.g. using the driller system DS and/or the remote 65 are directed to, among other things, drilling and drill bits. It is
system RS) to actual run data and the comparisons are ana within the scope of the present invention to provide systems
lyzed to enhance the drilling operation (“REAL TIME and methods directed to any well or rig operation that
US 7,946,356 B2
37 38
employs tools, devices, tubulars, equipment, apparatuses, Information about the solution is assembled in an informa
replaceable parts or pieces, slips, dies, inserts, control sys tion package (“INFO”) which is stored and associated with
tems, equipment, tongs, whipstocks, mills, reamers, plugs, the item identification (e.g. in a computer and/or in any type
protectors, centralizers, spinners, iron roughnecks, elevators, orkind of memory storage device or apparatus; including, but
spiders, Screens, shakers, pumps, motors, fishing tools, tubu not limited to, in a tag or tags).
lar exponders, engines, generators, continuous circulation A wave-energizable apparatus is applied to the item and/or
systems, all collectively referred to by the term “item'. a container for the item which has the item identification and
FIGS. 35-37 illustrate systems and methods according to the the information package.
present invention which employ an item in a well or rig The item is then delivered to a rig for use. At the rig the
operation, e.g., but not limited to, drilling, tripping, running 10 wave-energizable apparatus (or apparatuses) associated with
casing, completing a well, producing a well, and cementing. the item is scanned by a reader apparatus and the information
FIG. 35 shows an item 597 in a container 597b. The item therein is provided to a variety of systems, in one aspect, both
has a wave-energizable apparatus 597d attached thereto and on-site and remote (“INFO RIG”; e.g. systems such as the
the container has a wave-energizable apparatus 597c attached driller system DS and/or the remote system RS). In one
thereto. The apparatuses 597c, 597d may be any suitable 15 aspect, Systems and methods according to the present inven
wave-energizable apparatus including, but not limited to, any tion are useful to insure that the correct item is delivered to the
tag disclosed or referred to herein and they may be connected correct location and that at the location the correct item is
to and/or applied to an item in any way disclosed herein. In used for the correct task or job; and, in certain circumstances,
one aspect, the apparatuses 597c, 597d have identical infor that an item that was delivered and/or used is the item that is
mation. In other aspects, their information differs, for returned for repair or refurbishing.
example, and without limitation, apparatus 597d may contain Operators, personnel, controllers, and engineers either at
data on the materials used and the manufacturing process of the rig, remote, or both who are monitoring the operation in
the item, while apparatus 597c may contain data on inventory, real time (“REAL TIME MONITOR”) have the information
shipping and handling instructions. Optionally, one or the package and they receive real time data about the item and the
other of the apparatuses 597c, 597d is deleted. Optionally, a 25 operation.
memory device 597m is connected to or associated with the Optionally, the bit designer and/or manufacturer (“ITEM
item (like the device 437m described above) and/or a memory MFGER) is provided access, in real time or otherwise, to
device 597p is connected to or associated with the item (like Some or all of the information and data. Rig control systems
the memory device 437p described above) and the or these (on-site and/or remote; e.g., the system DS and/or the system
memory devices are used as are the devices described above. 30 RS) receive the information in the information package,
It is within the scope of the present invention to provide enhancing control strategy by making use of previous engi
multiple wave-energizable apparatuses on any item. neering design work and effective utilization of the capabili
FIG. 36 is the system of FIG. 12A and of FIG. 34 (like ties of Surface and downhole equipment. This 'enhancing
numerals indicate like parts) directed to an item rather than may consist of simply executing an optimum operation plan
specifically to a bit. 35 and instructions. Also it may be interactive, including pre
FIG. 37 depicts methods with a system according to the planned investigative exercises to be executed if a specific
present invention. problem is detected and then, based on the results of those
Initially, an application (APP. NEED) is presented to an exercises, selection of a new set of operational instructions.
item designer (e.g. item manufacturer IM) with information A rig information system RS, e.g., but not limited to, the
and data about the application (e.g. task, operation, location, 40 RIGSENSE (TRADEMARK) system of National Oilwell
formation, depth, intervals, performance goals, etc.). The Varco, provides key information from the information pack
designer analyzes the information and the data using, e.g. age to the driller's control system (“DRILLER”) or to any
previous item designs; item size, type, and/or weight; testing other control system, on site or off site. Any and all informa
and/or test results; previous item use or run history in relevant tion generated during design, during manufacture, during
applications; system analysis which provides an understand 45 testing, and/or prior to and/or during a delivery and/or during
ing of the dynamic behavior of the item; metallurgy; bottom an operation can be provided to personnel and/or apparatuses,
hole assembly designs; operational options; downhole and/or remote or on-site, in real-time and/or as logged data and/or as
Surface instrumentation options; control systems of varying history for a certain item, device, apparatus or equipment,
capabilities, manual control of varying levels of quality; rig etc., or regarding actual uses thereof. Such provision may be,
capabilities; operational cost factors; availability of personnel 50 according to the present invention, on request or provided
with appropriate skill levels; item durability goals. automatically.
The designer arrives at an item use solution (“SOLU In any system or method according to the present inven
TION”) in an information package which specifies anything tion, specific information (including, but not limited to, any
mentioned above in describing the information package for a pre-use information and/or manufacturing and/or design
drill bit, including, but not limited to: 55 information) about an item is conveyable to all personnel,
an item; including, but not limited to, rig operator(s) controller(s) on
a bottom hole assembly, if needed, including the specifi site and/or offsite, and/or driller(s). Key information from the
cation of BRA components and capabilities; information package is, in real time, compared (e.g. using the
an operational strategy which defines key goals. Such as, driller system DS and/or the remote system RS) to actual data
e.g., run item at maximum efficiency to extend item durabil 60 and information and the comparisons are analyzed to enhance
ity; the operation (“REAL TIME ANALYSIS).
limits on item use: After an item has been used, data and/or information can be
control Suggestions; added to any and all wave-energizable apparatuses associated
Suggestions for recording data. with the item and/or with any related equipment or appara
A specific item identification is produced and assigned to 65 tuSeS.
the item and to the information about the item (“ITEM ID') As shown in FIG. 37, interested personnel (on-site and/or
(e.g. the item 597). remote) Subscribe via an information transfer system (e.g.,
US 7,946,356 B2
39 40
but not limited to the known WELLDATA (TRADEMARK) The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects,
system) to receive data and/or information about the selected provides a bit handling method including: producing infor
item and its use (“SUBSCRIBE), including, but not limited mation about a drill bit, the drill bit for a specific drilling task,
to, in real time. This can be done via the driller system DS the information including design information for the bit and
and/or via the remote system RS, via any suitable known intended use information for the drill bit; producing a bit
transmission system, via Internet, ethernet, and/or via a trans identification specific to the drill bit; associating the informa
mission system TS. tion with the bit identification producing thereby an informa
The wave-energizable apparatus or apparatuses on the item tion package for the drill bit; installing the information pack
are scanned at the site ("RUN SCAN) and a monitoring age in at least one wave-energizable apparatus; and applying
system monitors (“SYSTEM MONITOR), among other 10 the at least one wave-energizable apparatus to the drill bit.
things, the particular item (e.g., via the item identification Such a method may include one or some (in any possible
and/or serial number) and notes if the item in use has been combination) of the following: wherein the bit includes a
body, the body having an exterior Surface and two spaced
changed (“ITEM IDD). apart ends, the at least one wave-energizable apparatus on the
If the information package associated with the item con 15 exterior surface of the body, the at least one wave-energizable
tains information for possible multiple applications, person apparatus wrapped in fabric material, the fabric material com
nel are presented a selection of applications ("SELECT prising heat-resistant non-conducting material, and the at
PACKAGE) and one application is chosen. The operation least one wave-energizable apparatus wrapped and posi
commences (“DRILL or any other operation) and sub tioned on the body so that the at least one wave-energizable
scribed personnel and connected systems are notified of this apparatus does not contact the body; associating with the item
(“START RUNNOTIFY), in real time and/orotherwise; this a memory device having information about the item; using
notification can include which application was selected. information from the memory device to facilitate the specific
When the item has been used, the wave energizable appa well task; applying the first apparatus to the item, and apply
ratus is scanned (“ITEMPULL SCAN) and subscribed per ing the second apparatus to a container for the item; wherein
Sonnel and connected systems are notified of the end of the 25 the information package is installed in a wave-energizable
operation (“NOTIFY END RUN”). A control system (e.g. the apparatus applied to a container for the drill bit; delivering the
driller system DS and/or the remote system RS) then auto drill bit to a drilling rig, reading the information package from
matically requests any required user actions and inputs the wave-energizable apparatus, and providing information
(“AUTO REQUEST ACTIONS INPUTS) e.g., but not lim from the information package to a control system for control
ited to, like the subsequent actions described above for a bit. 30 ling use of the bit; wherein the design information includes
Actual data and information from the run is recorded auto one, some or all of metallurgy about the bit, type of the bit,
matically (e.g., in the systems DS and/or RS) and assembled size of the bit, weight of the bit, testing of the bit, test results,
into a run information package (“DATA COLLECT PACK manufacturing history of the bit, and quality control docu
AGE) which is sent to subscribed personnel and connected mentation for the bit; wherein the intended use information
systems (“DATA PACKAGE SEND). Any, some, or all such 35 includes one, some or all of information about a bottom hole
data can be recorded in any wave-energizable apparatus asso assembly to be used with the bit, goals for use of the bit, and
ciated with an item. limits on use of the bit; insuring that the bit is a correct bit for
The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects, the specific drilling task; returning the bit to an entity follow
provides an item handling method, the item for use in a well ing use of the bit in the specific drilling task, and identifying
operation, the method including: producing information 40 the returned bit as the bit that was used in the specific drilling
about an item, the item for a specific well task, the informa task; in real time providing use information about use of the
tion including design information about the item and intended bit, and comparing the use information to information in the
use information about the item; producing an item identifica information package producing a comparison; changing an
tion specific to the item; associating the information with the operational parameterbased on the comparison; changing the
item identification producing thereby an information package 45 bit based on the comparison; ceasing the specific drilling task:
for the item; installing the information package in at least one adding use information of the bit to the information package
wave-energizable apparatus; and applying the at least one following use of the bit; providing information from the infor
wave-energizable apparatus to the item. Such a method may mation package and actual use information about the use of
include one or Some (in any possible combination) of the the bit in doing the specific drilling task to personnel at the
following: delivering the item to a well operations rig, reading 50 drilling rig and to off-site personnel; the providing done in
the information package from the at least one wave-energiz real time; wherein the bit information package contains infor
able apparatus, and using the information to facilitate the mation about multiple possible applications of the bit, the
specific well task; wherein the item includes a body, the body method further including selecting and implementing one
having an exterior Surface and two spaced-apart ends, the at application from the multiple possible applications; provid
least one wave-energizable apparatus on the exterior Surface 55 ing a notification with the control system of cessation of use
of the body, the at least one wave-energizable apparatus of the bit, and requesting with the control system Subsequent
wrapped in fabric material, the fabric material comprising action with respect to the bit; wherein the subsequent action is
heat-resistant non-conducting material, and the at least one at least one of Some of, or all of photographing the bit,
wave-energizable apparatus wrapped and positioned on the cleaning the bit, photographing the bit following cleaning,
body so that the at least one wave-energizable apparatus does 60 visually observing the bit, and producing a description of the
not contact the body; associating with the item a memory used bit; and/or producing action information related to a
device having information about the item; using information Subsequent action, and installing the action information in the
from the memory device to facilitate the specific well task: at least one wave-energizable apparatus.
and/or wherein the at least one wave-energizable apparatus is The present invention, therefore, in at least certain aspects,
a first apparatus and a second apparatus, the method further 65 provides an item, the item (e.g. a drill bit) for use in a well
including applying the first apparatus to the item, and apply operation in a specific well task, the item including: the item
ing the second apparatus to a container for the item. having a body, at least one wave-energizable apparatus on the
US 7,946,356 B2
41 42
body, at least one wave-energizable apparatus having 3. The method of claim 1 further comprising associating
installed therein an information package, the information with the item a memory device having information about the
package including an item identification and information item.
about the item, and the information including design infor 4. The method of claim 3 further comprising using infor
mation about the itemand intended use information about the mation from the memory device to facilitate the specific well
item. task.
In conclusion, therefore, it is seen that the present invention 5. The method of claim 1 wherein the at least one wave
and the embodiments disclosed herein and those covered by energizable apparatus comprises a first apparatus and a sec
the appended claims are well adapted to carry out the objec 10
ond apparatus, the method further comprising applying the
tives and obtain the ends set forth. Certain changes can be first apparatus to the item, and applying the second apparatus
made in the Subject matter without departing from the spirit to a container for the item.
and the scope of this invention. It is realized that changes are 6. A bit handling method comprising producing informa
possible within the scope of this invention and it is further tion about a drill bit, the drill bit for a specific drilling task, the
intended that each element or step recited in any of the fol 15 information including design information for the bit and
lowing claims is to be understood as referring to the step intended use information for the drill bit, producing a bit
literally and/or to all equivalent elements or steps. The fol identification specific to the drill bit, associating the informa
lowing claims are intended to cover the invention as broadly tion with the bit identification producing thereby an informa
as legally possible in whatever form it may be utilized. The tion package for the drill bit, installing the information pack
invention claimed herein is new and novel in accordance with age in at least one wave-energizable apparatus, and applying
35 U.S.C.S102 and satisfies the conditions for patentability in the at least one wave-energizable apparatus to the drill bit,
S102. The invention claimed herein is not obvious in accor wherein the bit includes a body, the body having an exterior
dance with 35 U.S.C. S103 and satisfies the conditions for Surface and two spaced-apart ends, the at least one wave
patentability in S103. This specification and the claims that energizable apparatus on the exterior Surface of the body, the
follow are in accordance with all of the requirements of 35 25 at least one wave-energizable apparatus wrapped in fabric
U.S.C. S 112. The inventors may rely on the Doctrine of material, the fabric material comprising heat-resistant non
Equivalents to determine and assess the scope of their inven conducting material, and the at least one wave-energizable
tion and of the claims that follow as they may pertain to apparatus wrapped and positioned on the body so that the at
apparatus not materially departing from, but outside of the least one wave-energizable apparatus does not contact the
literal scope of the invention as set forth in the following 30 body.
claims. All patents and applications identified herein are 7. The method of claim 6 further comprising associating
incorporated fully herein for all purposes. It is the express with the item a memory device having information about the
intention of the applicant not to invoke 35 U.S.C. S112, para item.
graph 6 for any limitations of any of the claims herein, except 8. The method of claim 7 further comprising using infor
for those in which the claim expressly uses the words means 35 mation from the memory device to facilitate the specific well
for together with an associated function. In this patent docu task.
ment, the word "comprising is used in its non-limiting sense 9. The method of claim 6 further comprising applying the
to mean that items following the word are included, but items first apparatus to the item, and applying the second apparatus
not specifically mentioned are not excluded. A reference to an to a container for the item.
element by the indefinite article “a” does not exclude the 40 10. The method of claim 6 wherein the information pack
possibility that more than one of the element is present, unless age is installed in a wave-energizable apparatus applied to a
the context clearly requires that there be one and only one of container for the drill bit.
the elements. 11. The method of claim 6 further comprising delivering
the drill bit to a drilling rig, reading the information package
What is claimed is: 45 from the wave-energizable apparatus, and providing informa
1. An item handling method, the item for use in a well tion from the information package to a control system for
operation, the method comprising producing information controlling use of the bit.
about an item, the item for a specific well task, the informa 12. The method of claim 6 wherein the intended use infor
tion including design information about the item and intended mation includes information about a bottom hole assembly to
use information about the item, producing an item identifica 50 be used with the bit, goals for use of the bit, and limits on use
tion specific to the item, associating the information with the of the bit.
item identification producing thereby an information package 13. The method of claim 11 further comprising insuring
for the item, installing the information package in at least one that the bit is a correct bit for the specific drilling task.
wave-energizable apparatus, and applying the at least one 14. The method of claim 11 further comprising returning
wave-energizable apparatus to the item, and wherein the item 55 the bit to an entity following use of the bit in the specific
includes a body, the body having an exterior Surface and two drilling task, and identifying the returned bit as the bit that
spaced-apart ends, the at least one wave-energizable appara was used in the specific drilling task.
tus on the exterior surface of the body, the at least one wave 15. The method of claim 11 further comprising in real time
energizable apparatus wrapped in fabric material, the fabric providing use information about use of the bit, and comparing
material comprising heat-resistant non-conducting material, 60 the use information to information in the information package
and the at least one wave-energizable apparatus wrapped and producing a comparison.
positioned on the body so that the at least one wave-energiz 16. The method of claim 15 further comprising changing
able apparatus does not contact the body. an operational parameter based on the comparison.
2. The method of claim 1 further comprising delivering the 17. The method of claim 15 further comprising changing
item to a well operations rig, reading the information package 65 the bit based on the comparison.
from the at least one wave-energizable apparatus, and using 18. The method of claim 15 further comprising ceasing the
the information to facilitate the specific well task. specific drilling task.
US 7,946,356 B2
43 44
19. The method of claim 6 further comprising adding use photographing the bit following cleaning, visually observing
information of the bit to the information package following the bit, and producing a description of the used bit.
use of the bit. 25. The method of claim 23 further comprising producing
20. The method of claim 11 further comprising providing action information related to a Subsequent action, and install
information from the information package and actual use ing the action information in the at least one wave-energizable
information about the use of the bit in doing the specific apparatus.
drilling task to personnel at the drilling rig and to off-site 26. A bit handling method comprising producing informa
personnel. tion about a drill bit, the drill bit for a specific drilling task, the
21. The method of claim 20 wherein the providing is done information including design information for the bit and
in real time. 10 intended use information for the drill bit, producing a bit
22. The method of claim 11 wherein the bit information identification specific to the drill bit, associating the informa
package contains information about multiple possible appli tion with the bit identification producing thereby an informa
cations of the bit, the method further comprising selecting and tion package for the drill bit, installing the information pack
implementing one application from the multiple possible age in at least one wave-energizable apparatus, and applying
applications. 15 the at least one wave-energizable apparatus to the drill bit,
23. The method of claim 11 further comprising providing a wherein the design information includes metallurgy about the
notification with the control system of cessation of use of the bit, type of the bit, size of the bit, weight of the bit, testing of
bit, and requesting with the control system Subsequent action the bit, test results, manufacturing history of the bit, and
with respect to the bit. quality control documentation for the bit.
24. The method of claim 23 wherein the subsequent action 20
is at least one of photographing the bit, cleaning the bit, k k k k k