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United States Patent: Holtzapple Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 16, 2010

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7.663,283 B2

Holtzapple et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 16, 2010
(54) ELECTRIC MACHINE HAVINGA (56) References Cited

(75) Inventors: Mark T. Holtzapple, College Station, 457,294 A 8, 1891 Tilden

TX (US); George A. Rabroker, College 724,665 A 4/1903 Cooley
Station, TX (US); Babak Fahimi, 892,295 A 6, 1908 Nutz
Arlington, TX (US); Mehrdad Ehsani, 1,501,051 A T. 1924 H11
College Station, TX (US) 1,854,692 A 4/1932 Cooper

(73) Assignees: The Texas A & M University System,

College Station, TX (US); Starroter
Corporation, College Station, TX (US) (Continued)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 245 days. AU 20406.29 12, 1929
(21) Appl. No.: 11/379,174
(22) Filed: Apr. 18, 2006 (Continued)
(65) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS
US 2006/0279 155A1 Dec. 14, 2006 PCT Notification of Transmittal of The International Search Report
and The Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority, or
Related U.S. Application Data the Declaration, PCT/US05/37802, dated May 6, 2008.
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/369,202, (Continued)
filed on Mar. 6, 2006, which is a continuation of appli
cation No. 10/359,488, filed on Feb. 5, 2003, now Pat. Primary Examiner Chandrika Prasad
No. 7,008,200. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Baker Botts L.L.P.
(60) Provisional application No. 60/672,258, filed on Apr. (57) ABSTRACT
18, 2005.
(51) Int. Cl.
HO2K 7/42 (2006.01) According to one embodiment of the present invention, an
HO2K 9/20 (2006.01) electric machine comprises a stator and a rotor. The stator has
HO2K 9/24 (2006.01) at least one stator pole with a first leg and a second leg. The
(52) U.S. Cl. ...................................................... 310/168 rotor has at least one rotor pole. The rotor rotates relate to the
(58) Field of Classification Search 31 Of 168 stator. The at least one rotor is configured to rotate between
310,164,49R. 258.266. the first leg and the second leg of the at least one stator pole.
31 O/51
See application file for complete search history. 49 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets
US 7,663.283 B2
Page 2

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TORQUE (N.m.) 1.4


FIG. 3

O 5 10 15
200 ANGLE- 60

FIG. 44

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FIG. 134 FIG. 13B 740

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-- --
82O 820
830 830


an -- M


FIG. I5C FIG. I. 6

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FIG. 20A FIG. 20B

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E. S ZN7
U.S. Patent Feb. 16, 2010 Sheet 11 of 12 US 7.663,283 B2

E 2.3702e +000 . .". 9.4808e-001
2.1332.e.--OOO ... , 7.1106e-001
1.8962e--000 . . . . . 4.7404e-001
., 1.6591e--000 . . . ; 2.3702e-001
... 1.4221e--000 . . 0.0000e--000



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1590C 15900
N Z. A
15 N Y/ 1590D

1550B 1550B
FIG. 24




B (G)

US 7,663,283 B2
1. 2
ELECTRIC MACHINE HAVINGA available for items such as, but not limited to compressors,
HIGH-TOROUE SWITCHED RELUCTANCE expanders, engines, and pumps. Although specific advan
MOTOR tages have been enumerated above, various embodiments
may include all. Some, or none of the enumerated advantages.
RELATED APPLICATIONS Additionally, other technical advantages may become readily
apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art after review of the
This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Appli following figures, description, and claims.
cation No. 60/672,258, filed on Apr. 18, 2005, and is a Con
tinuation-in-Part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/369, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
202 filed on Mar. 6, 2006, which is a continuation of U.S. 10
application Ser. No. 10/359.488, filed on Feb. 5, 2003 now To provide a more complete understanding of the embodi
U.S. Pat. No. 7,008,200. U.S. patent application Ser. No. ments of the invention and features and advantages thereof,
1 1/369,202, is incorporated by reference herein. reference is made to the following description, taken in con
junction with the accompanying figures, wherein like refer
TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION 15 ence numerals represent like parts, in which:
FIG. 1A shows a schematic representation of a conven
This invention relates in general to electric machines and, tional switched reluctance motor (SRM);
more particularly, to a high-torque Switched reluctance FIG. 1B is a dot representation of the SRM of FIG. 1A:
FIG.2 shows a schematic representation of a long flux path
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION through the conventional switched reluctance motor (SRM)
of FIG. 1A:
Switched reluctance motors (SRM) generally include com FIG. 3 shows in a chart the effect of MMF drop in the
ponents constructed from magnetic materials such as iron, torque production of a one-phase, one horsepower machine;
nickel, or cobalt. A pair of opposing coils in the SRM may 25 FIG. 4 shows a dot representation for a switched reluctance
become electronically energized. The inner magnetic mate motor (SRM), according to an embodiment of the invention;
rial is attracted to the energized coil causing an inner assem FIGS. 5A and 5B illustrate a rotor/stator configuration,
bly to rotate while producing torque. Once alignment is according to an embodiment of the invention;
achieved, the pair of opposing coils is de-energized and a next FIG. 6 shows an outer rotor assembly of a rotor/stator
pair of opposing coils is energized. 30 configuration, according to an embodiment of the invention;
FIG. 7 shows an inner rotor assembly of a rotor/stator
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION configuration, according to an embodiment of the invention;
FIG. 8 shows a stator/compressor case of a rotor/stator
According to one embodiment of the present invention, an configuration, according to an embodiment of the invention;
electric machine comprises a stator and a rotor. The stator has 35 FIG.9 shows a cutaway view of a composite assembly of a
at least one stator pole with a first leg and a second leg. The rotor/stator configuration, according to an embodiment of the
rotor has at least one rotor pole. The rotor rotates relative to invention; and
the stator. The at least one rotor is configured to rotate FIG. 10 shows the composite assembly of FIG. 9 without
between the first leg and the second leg of the at least one the cutaway;
stator pole. 40
FIG. 11 shows a side view of how a rotor changes shape
Certain embodiments of the invention may provide numer when it expands due to centrifugal and thermal effects;
ous technical advantages. For example, a technical advantage FIG. 12 shows a rotor/stator configuration, according to
of one embodiment may include the capability to increase the another embodiment of the invention;
symmetry of poles in an electrical machine to increase torque. FIGS. 13A and 13B show a rotor/stator configuration,
Other technical advantages of other embodiments may 45
according to another embodiment of the invention;
include the capability to allow very Small gaps in an electrical FIG. 14 shows a rotor/stator configuration, according to
machine to be maintained, even when components deform another embodiment of the invention;
due to thermal and centrifugal effects. Other technical advan FIG. 15 shows an unaligned position, a midway position,
tages of other embodiments may include the capability to
allow external coils to be separated from the interior of an 50 and an aligned position;
electrical machine, which may be chemically corrosive if it is FIG.16 shows an energy conversion loop:
integrated with compressors, expanders, or pumps. Yet other FIG. 17 shows a rotor/stator configuration, according to
technical advantages of other embodiments may include the another embodiment of the invention;
capability to utilize U-shaped poles that are electrically and FIG. 18 shows a rotor/stator configuration, according to
magnetically isolated from adjacent poles, thereby allowing 55 another embodiment of the invention;
them to be built in modules for insertion into a non-magnetic FIG. 19 shows a rotor configuration, according to another
frame, which may have ease of manufacture and repair. Yet embodiment of the invention;
other technical advantages of other embodiments may FIG. 20 shows a rotor/stator configuration, according to
include the capability to utilize U-shaped poles that are exter another embodiment of the invention;
nal to the motor enclosure, enabling better thermal contact 60
FIGS. 21A and 21B show a rotor/stator configuration,
with the ambient environment and reducing the tendency to according to another embodiment of the invention;
overheat. Still yet other technical advantages of other FIG. 22 illustrates the formation of flux lines in a SRM
embodiments may include the capability to create a magnetic
flux in a rotor of an electrical machine that does not cross the drive;
axis of the rotor. Still yet other technical advantages of other 65 FIGS. 23 and 24 shows the placement of easily saturated
embodiments may include the capability to allow the space materials or flux barriers under the surface of rotors; and
within the interior of a rotor of an electrical machine to be FIG. 25 shows a chart of B-H curves for various alloys.
US 7,663,283 B2
3 4
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXAMPLE tion, SRMs need power switches and controllers. The recent
EMBODIMENTS availability of inexpensive power semiconductors and digital
controllers has allowed SRMs to become a serious competitor
It should be understood at the outset that although example to conventional electric drives.
implementations of embodiments of the invention are illus There are several SRM configurations depending on the
trated below, embodiments of the present invention may be number and size of the rotor and stator poles. Also, as with
implemented using any number of techniques, whether cur conventional electric machines, SRMs can be built as linear-,
rently known or in existence. The present invention should in rotary-, and axial-flux machines. In these configurations, the
no way be limited to the example implementations, drawings, 10 flux flows 180 electrical degrees through the iron. Due to
and techniques illustrated below. Additionally, the drawings saturation of iron, this long path can produce a large drop in
are not necessarily drawn to Scale. MMF, which decreases torque density, power, and efficiency
Various electric machines such as motors and generators of the machines. Increasing the size of the stator and rotor
and type variations associated with Such motors and genera back iron can avoid this MMF drop, but unfortunately, it
tors may avail benefits from the embodiments described 15 increases the motor size, weight, and cost. Using bipolar
herein. Example type variations include, but are not limited excitation of phases can shorten the flux path, but they need a
to, Switched reluctance motors (SRM), permanent magnet AC complex converter. Also, they are not applicable when there is
motors, brushless DC (BLDC) motors, switched reluctance no overlapping in conduction of phases.
generators (SRG), permanent magnet AC generators, and FIG. 1A shows a schematic representation of a conven
brushless dc generators (BLDCG). Although particular tional switched reluctance motor (SRM) 100. The SRM 100
embodiments are described with reference to one or more of FIG. 1A includes a stator 110 and a rotor 140. The stator
type variations of motor and/or generators, it should be 110 includes eight stationary stator poles 120 (each with its
expressly understood that such embodiments may be utilized own inductor coil 130) and the inner rotor 140 includes six
with other type variations of motors or generators. Accord rotating rotor poles 150 (no coils). The components of the
ingly, the description provided with certain embodiments 25
SRM 100 are typically constructed from magnetic materials
described herein are intended only as illustrating examples Such as iron, nickel, or cobalt. In particular configurations, the
type variations that may avail benefits of embodiments of the materials of the SRM 100 can be laminated to reduce the
invention. For example, teachings of some embodiment of the effect of eddy currents. At any one time, a pair of opposing
invention increase the torque, power, and efficiency of elec coils 130 is energized electrically. The inner magnetic mate
tric motors, particularly switched reluctance motors (SRM). rial in the rotor poles 150 of the rotor 140 are attracted to the
Such embodiments may also be used with permanent magnet energized coil 130 causing the entire inner rotor 140 to rotate
AC motors and brushless DC (BLDC) motors. Some of same while producing torque. Once alignment is achieved, the pair
advantages described with reference to these embodiments of opposing coils 130 is de-energized and the next pair of
may be realized by switched reluctance generators (SRG), opposing coils 130 is energized. This sequential firing of coils
permanent magnet AC generators, and brushless dc genera 35
130 causes the rotor 140 to rotate while producing torque. An
tors (BLDCG). illustration is provided with reference to FIG. 1B.
In conventional radial and axial SRMs, the magnetic flux FIG. 1B is a dot representation of the SRM 100 of FIG. 1A.
flows through a long path through the whole body of a stator The white circles represent the stator poles 120 and the black
and rotor. Due to the saturation of iron, conventional SRMs 40 circles represent the rotor poles 150. Stator poles 120A, 120B
have a large drop in the magneto motive force (MMF) are currently aligned with rotor poles 150A, 150B. Accord
because the flux pathis so large. One way to reduce the loss of ingly, the coils associated with this alignment (coils associ
MMF is to design thicker stators and rotors, which reduces ated with stator poles 120A, 120B) can be de-energized and
the flux density. However, this approach increases the weight, another set of coils can be fired. For example, if the coils
cost, and size of the machine. Accordingly, teachings of 45 associated with the stator poles 120C and 120D are fired,
embodiment of the invention recognize that a more desirable rotor poles 150C, 150D will be attracted, rotating the rotor
approach to reduce these losses is to minimize the flux path, 140 counter-clockwise. The SRM 100 of FIG. 1 has inherent
which is a function of geometry and type of machine. two-fold symmetry.
Teachings of some embodiments additionally introduce a FIG.2 shows a schematic representation of a long flux path
new family of stator/pole interactions. In this family, stator 50 through the conventional switched reluctance motor (SRM)
poles have been changed from a conventional cylindrical 100 of FIG. 1A. In the SRM 100, magnetic fluxes must
shape to U-shaped pole pairs. This configuration allows for a traverse 180 degree through both the stator 110 and the rotor
shorter magnetic flux path, which in particular embodiments 140 for example, through stator pole 120G, rotor pole
may improve the efficiency, torque, and power density of the 150G, rotor pole 150H, stator pole 120H, and inner rotor 140,
machine. 55 itself. Such long flux paths can lead to the creation of unde
To take full advantage of the isolated rotor/stator structures sirably eddies, which dissipate energy as heat. Additionally,
of this invention, sensorless SRM and BLDC control methods due to the high flux density, the magneto motive force (MMF)
may be utilized, according to particular embodiments. drop will be very high, particularly if the stator 110 and rotor
The switched reluctance motor (SRM) has salient poles 140 back iron are thin.
both on both the stator and rotor. It has concentrated windings 60 As an example of MMF drop, FIG. 3 shows in a chart 105
on the stator and no winding on the rotor. This structure is the effect of MMF drop in the torque production of a one
inexpensive and rugged, which helps SRMs to operate with phase, one horsepower machine. In FIG.3 output torque 170
high efficiency over a wide speed range. Further, its converter is plotted against rotor angle 160. Line 180 show torque
is fault tolerant. SRMs can operate very well in harsh envi without the effect of saturation in the rotor 140 and stator 110
ronments, so they can be integrated with mechanical 65 back iron and line 190 shows torque with the effect of satu
machines (e.g., compressors, expanders, engines, and ration in rotor 140 and stator 110 back iron. As can be seen,
pumps). However, due to the Switching nature of their opera the MMF drop in torque production can be more than 6%.
US 7,663,283 B2
5 6
Accordingly, teachings of some embodiments reduce the loads on the rotor are balanced. Additionally, extra radius is
length of the flux path. Further details of such embodiments afforded by the blade 350, thus increasing generated torque.
will be described in greater detail below. The following is a first order analysis of the electromag
FIG. 4 shows a dot representation for a switched reluctance netic interaction between a single blade 350/pole 320 set,
motor (SRM) 200, according to an embodiment of the inven- 5 according to an embodiment of the invention. The schematic
tion. The SRM 200 of FIG.4 may operate in a similar manner of FIGS. 5A and 5B is a blade 350/pole 320 set where r,
to the SRM described with reference to FIG. 1B. However, defines the outer boundary of the outer compressor rotor 340,
whereas the SRM 100 of FIG. 1B fire two coils associated r is the radius at the blade tips, Ar is the radial length of the
with two stator pole 120 at a time, the SRM of FIG.4 fires four blade 350, C. is the angular dimension of the blade 350, B is the
coils associated with four stator poles 220 at a time. The 10 angular dimension of the coil 330, 0 is the angular engage
increased firing of Such coils/stator poles 220 increases the ment of the rotor blade 350 within the coil 330, A(0) is the
torque. area available for flux linkage, g is the gap dimension on each
The SRM 200 of FIG. 4 has a rotor with eight rotor poles side of the blade 350, W., is the width of the blade 350, andw
250 and a stator with twelve stator poles 220. The active is the width of the core.
magnetized sets of stator poles 220 are denoted by arrowed 15 The magnetic flux through the magnetic circuit created is:
lines 225 and the attractive forces through the flux linkages
(e.g., between a rotor pole 250 and stator pole 220) are shown
by the shorter lines 235 through a counterclockwise progres (i) =
Ni Eq. 1A
sion of 40° of rotor rotation. At 45°, the configuration would R + R.
appear identical to the 0° configuration. As can be seen with 20
reference to these various rotor angles, as soon as a alignment
between four stator poles 220 and four rotor poles 250 occur, where N is the number of turns in the coil 330, i is the current
four different stator poles 220 are fired to attract the rotor through the coil 330, and R. and Rare the reluctances of the
poles 250 to the four different stator poles 220. core and the air gap, respectively. The reluctances are
The switched reluctance motor 200 in FIG. 4 has four-fold 25
symmetry. That is, at any one time, four stator poles 220 (the
sets denoted by arrowed lines 225) are energized, which as
referenced above, is twice as many as a conventional Switched le Eq. 2A
reluctance motor (e.g., SRM100 of FIG. 1). Because twice as R =
At Ac
many stator poles 220 are energized, the torque is doubled. 30
In particular embodiments, adding more symmetry will 2g
R =
further increase torque. For example, six-fold symmetry to Ag
would increase the torque by three times compared to a con
ventional Switched reluctance motor. In particular embodi
ments, increased symmetry may be achieved by making the 35 where 1 is the flux length of the core material, u is the per
rotor as blade-like projections that rotate within a U-shaped meability of the core material, A is the cross sectional area of
stator, for example, as described below with reference to the the core, g is the air gap thickness, L is the permeability of
embodiments of FIGS. 5A and 5B. In other embodiments, free space (in the air gap), and A is the area of the gap over
increased symmetry may be achieved in other manners as which flux linkage occurs. Two gaps, one on either side of the
described in more details below. 40 blade 350, have been accounted for in the reluctance expres
FIGS.5A and 5B illustratearotor/stator configuration 300, Sion. The magnetic reluctance, R, is analogous to electrical
according to an embodiment of the invention. For purposes of resistance. Because the permeability of the core material is far
illustration, the embodiment of the rotor/stator configuration greater than that of air, the reluctance of the air gap dominates
300 of FIGS. 5A and 5B will be described as a Switched in Eq. 1A, so substituting the expression for R, into Eq. 1A
reluctance motor (SRM). However, as briefly referenced 45 g1Ves
above, in particular embodiments, the rotor/stator configura
tion 300 may be utilized as other types of motors. And, in
other embodiments, the rotor/stator configuration 300 may be Nito Ag Eq. 3A
utilized in other types of electric machines Such as generators.
In the rotor/state configuration 300 of FIGS.5A and 5B, a 50
blade-like rotor pole or blade 350, affixed to a rotating body
340, is shown passing through a U-shaped electromagnet core Because the air gap has been assumed to dominate the total
or U-shaped stator pole 320. In this configuration, the flux reluctance, the inductance, L, can be expressed as
path is relatively short, compared to conventional SRMs. For
example, the magnetic flux produced by a coil 330 fired on the 55
U-shaped pole 320 would pass through one leg 322 of the L A Ng5 N' u. A Eq. 4A
U-shaped stator pole 320 through the blade 350 and to the - - - - - - 2,
other leg 324 of the U-shaped stator pole 320 in a circular-like
path. In particular embodiments, this short path in addition
to diminishing the long path deficiencies described above- 60 where wNep is the flux linkage.
enables increased symmetry because the path does not The stored energy in the field is given by
traverse the center of the rotating body 340 and has little
effect, if any, on other flux paths. Additionally, in particular
embodiments, the short path enables use of the center of the 1A2 Eq. 5A
rotating body 340 for other purposes. Further details of such 65 Wild = s.
embodiments will be described below. Furthermore, radial
loads are applied to the rotor with this embodiment and axial
US 7,663,283 B2
7 8
An expression for L(0) is required in Eq. 5A. Underpresent Ultimately, the torque produced from facting at a radius r*
assumptions, the only reason for the inductance to vary with is needed for an individual blade 350/pole 320 set. This result
rotor angle is that the flux linkage area over the air gap. A ing torque is
changes with rotation. From FIGS.5A and 5B, the following
relationship between 0 and A can be written as N°u Ar Eq. 14A
A(re)-2Ar(re) Eq. 6A Trid = 2g * 2.

because the air gap dimensions change by Sweeping the radial

span Ar-r-r, over the arc length re), where r=/2(r-r). 10
SRM Torque Generation
The key result of the above analysis is the following equa
tion for the torque generated by a single blade 350/pole 320
2 : Ed. TA
set interaction as depicted in FIGS.5A and 5B;
L(r: 0) = Nu Ar(r 0. C
g 15
N°u Ar (1)
Trid =
and Eq. 5A will be modified to

1 A2 Eq. 8A
In Eq. 1, T, is the torque generated by the magnetic field, N
is the total number of windingencirclements around the stator
Wild = 3L, a pole core, L is the permeability of free space, Arr-r, (radial
dimension of the rotor blade), r*-r-Ar/2(radius to the blade
25 center), i is the coil current, and g is the air gap dimension.
Substituting Eq. 7A into Eq. 8A gives In particular embodiments, a rotor/stator configuration
(e.g., the rotor/stator configuration 300 of FIGS.5A and 5B)
can be integrated with other features such as a gerotor com
Wii = - - -
- = - - -.
Ag Eq. 9A pressor and other embodiments described in the following
fid 2 Nu Ar(r: 6) 2N2 u. Ar(r: 6) 30 United States Patents and Patent Application Publications,
the entirety of which are hereby incorporated by reference:
Publication No. 2003/0228237; Publication No. 2003/
0215345; Publication No. 2003/0106301; U.S. Pat. Nos.
From conservation of energy, dW, can be expressed as 6,336,317; and 6,530,211.
dWO, r*0)=idfd(re) Eq. 10A 35 The following assumptions may be made with the applica
tion of Eq. 1 to design an integral compressor/SRM:
The total derivative of dW, with respect to the independent 1) laminated Sofcomag (2.3 Tesla saturation limit) is used
variables W. and r*0 is to carry magnetic flux
2) magnetic flux is limited to 2.0 Tesla, below saturation
40 3) four poles are magnetized at any given time
0 Wind oW Eq. 1 1A 4) fringe effects in the laminates are ignored
dWu = (a, rs9 = a -di + aridr 8). As an example, an industrial compressor requires roughly 2.6
MW. Operating at 3,600 rpm, the torque required is 6,896
N-m. Appropriate selection and sizing of the rotor to process
Observation of Eq. 10A and 11A indicates that 45
the specified capacity yields r-14 in (0.3556 m). A reason
able gap dimension given thermal expansion and bearing play
is g0.080 in (0.00203 m). With assumption 2, the maximum
0 Wind Eq. 12A ampere-turn product may be calculated Such that a 2 Tesla
frid = - 6(r: 0)
flux density is not exceeded. Also from the above analysis,
a (r. 92N24. Arr; 9)
2gb (2)


Substituting L(r. 6)i from Eq. 4A into Eq. 12A, the follow The maximum product of Ni can be calculated as 6,468 A.
Because r=r-Ar/2, Ar is selected along with the number of
ing dependence off, on coil current, i, is obtained: blade/pole arrays stacked in the axial direction to satisfy the
60 torque requirement. Recalling that four blade/pole sets are
active at a given instant in time and letting m be the number of
stacked arrays, the total torque is
T-4Tam (3)
Eq. 13A
65 For Ar-4.5 in (0.127 m), r*=16.5 in (0.4191 m). Letting m=3,
T can be calculated as 7.323 N-m. The resulting power
output at 3,600 rpm is 2.76 MW.
US 7,663,283 B2
9 10
Design Case Implementation integration of the outer assembly 400, the inner assembly 430,
FIGS. 6-10 illustrate a rotor/stator configuration 450, and the stator/compressor case 440 of FIGS. 6-8 as well as
according to an embodiment of the invention. The rotor/stator end plates 462 providing bearing Support and gas inlet/outlet
configuration 450 of FIGS. 6-10 is used with a compressor. porting through openings 464. FIG. 10 shows the composite
However, as briefly referenced above, in particular embodi assembly 460 without the cutaway.
ments, the rotor/stator configuration 450 may be utilized as In certain embodiments, during operation, the rotor may
other types of motors and other types of electric machines expand due to centrifugal and thermal effects. To prevent
such as generators. The rotor/stator configuration 450 of
FIGS. 6-10 includes three stacked arrays of twelve stator contact between the rotor poles and stator poles, a large air
poles 444 and eight rotor blades 412. The rotor/stator con 10 gap is typically used. Equation 1 above described with refer
figuration 450 for the compressor in FIGS. 6-10 may operate ence to FIGS. 5A and 5B shows that the torque is strongly
in a similar manner to the rotor/stator configuration 300 affected by the air gap. A smaller gap results in more torque.
described above with reference to FIGS 5A and 5B. FIG. 6 Accordingly, there are advantages to reducing the gap as
shows an outer rotor assembly 400 of the rotor/stator configu Small as possible. Teachings of some embodiments recognize
ration 450, according to an embodiment of the invention. The 15 configurations for maintaining Small gap during thermal and
outer rotor assembly 400 in FIG. 6 includes a bearing cap 402, centrifugal expansion of a rotor.
a bearing sleeve 404, a port plate 406, inlet/outlet ports 408, FIG. 11 shows a side view of how a rotor 540 changes
two rotor segments 410A/410 B with rotor blades 412 shape when it expands due to centrifugal and thermal effects.
mounted, a seal plate 414 to separate the dry compression The rotor 540 has an axis of rotation 503. The Solid line 505
region from the lubricated gear cavity, a representation of the represents the rotor 540 prior to expansion and the dotted line
outer gear 416 (internal gear), an end plate 418 with blades 507 represents the rotor 540 after expansion. Dots 510A,
412 mounted, an outer rear bearing 420, and another bearing 512A, and 514A represent points on the rotor 540 at the
cap 422. In this embodiment, the outer compressor rotor cold/stopped position and dots 510C, 512C, and 514C repre
serves as the rotor for the SRM.
In this embodiment, there are eight outer rotor lobes 411 25 sent the same points on the rotor 540 at the hot/spinning
with eight blades 412 in each radial array 413 of rotor poles. position. The left edge or thermal datum 530 does not change
In particular embodiments, such symmetry may be necessary because it is held in place whereas the right edge is free to
to minimize centrifugal stress/deformation. In this configu expand. The trajectories 510B, 512B, and 514B of dots is
ration, ferromagnetic materials utilized for the operation of purely radial at the thermal datum 530 and becomes more
the rotor/stator configuration 450 may only be placed in the 30 axial at distances farther from the thermal datum 530.
blades 412 of the radial array 413. FIG. 12 shows a rotor/stator configuration 600, according
FIG.7 shows an inner rotor assembly 430 of the rotor/stator to an embodiment of the invention. The rotor/stator configu
configuration 450, according to an embodiment of the inven ration 600 includes a rotor 640 that rotates about an axis 603.
tion. The inner rotor assembly 430 of FIG. 7 includes an inner The rotor 640 includes rotor poles 650 that interact with stator
shaft 432, a stack of three (seven lobed) inner rotors 434A/ 35
poles 620, for example, upon firing of coils 630. The rotor/
434B/434C, a spur gear 436, and an inner rear bearing 438. stator configuration 600 of FIG. 12 may operate in a similar
Details of operation of the inner rotor assembly 430 with manner to the rotor/stator configuration 300 of FIGS.5A and
respect to the outer rotor assembly 400, according to certain 5B, except for an interface 645 between the rotor pole 650 and
embodiments of the invention, as well as with other configu the stator pole 620. In the rotor/stator configuration 600 of
ration variations are described in further detail in one ore 40
more of the following United States Patents and/or Patent FIG. 12, an angle of interface 645 between the rotor pole 650
Application Publications, which as referenced above are and stator pole 620 is the same as the trajectory of a dot on the
incorporated by reference: Publication No. 2003/0228237; surface of the rotor 540 shown in FIG. 11. By matching these
Publication No. 2003/0215345; Publication No. 2003/ angles, the surface of the rotor pole 650 and the surface of the
01.06301; U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,336,317; and 6,530,211. 45 stator pole 620 slide past each other without changing an air
FIG. 8 shows a stator/compressor case 440 of the rotor/ gap 647, even as the rotor 640 spins and heats up. This design
stator configuration 450, according to an embodiment of the allows for very small air gaps to be maintained even at a wide
invention. The stator/compressor case 440 of FIG. 8 in this variety of rotor temperatures. In particular embodiments, the
embodiment includes three stacks 442A, 442B, 442C of housing that holds the stator pole 620 may be assumed to be
twelve stator poles 444, spaced at equal angles. Although the 50 maintained at a constant temperature. Various differentangles
stator poles 444 could be mounted to the case 440 in many of interface 645 may be provided in a single configuration for
ways, an external coil embodiment is shown in FIG.8. There a rotor pole 650/stator pole 620 pair, dependant upon the
are two coils 446A, 446B per stator pole 444, which are trajectory of the dot on the surface of the rotor 640.
mounted in sets of three into a nonferromagnetic base plate FIGS. 13A and 13B show a rotor/stator configuration
448, forming a bolt-in pole cartridge 450. In particular 55
700A, 700B, according to another embodiment of the inven
embodiments, the coils 446A, 446B may be copper coils. In tion. The rotor/stator configurations 700A, 700B include
other embodiments, the coils 446A, 446B may be made of rotors 740 that rotate about an axis 703. The rotor/stator
other materials. In particular embodiments, the number of configurations 700A, 700B of FIGS. 13A and 13B may oper
coils 446 on a given stator pole 444 can be increased above
two, thereby reducing the Voltage that must be Supplied to 60 ate in a similar manner to the rotor/stator configuration 300 of
each coil. During operation of particular embodiments, all FIGS. 5A and 5B, including rotor poles 750, stator poles
poles in four cartridges 450 (90° apart) may be magnetized 720A, 720B, and coils 730A, 730B. The rotor/stator configu
simultaneously. The magnetization occurs sequentially caus ration 700A of FIG. 13A show three U-shaped stators 720A,
ing the outer rotor assembly 400 of FIG. 6 to rotate. operating as independent units. The rotor/stator configuration
FIG.9 shows a cutaway view of a composite assembly 460 65 700B of and FIG. 13B shows a single E-shaped stators 710B
of a rotor/stator configuration 450, according to an embodi operating like three integrated U-shaped stators 720A. This
ment of the invention. The composite assembly 460 shows an E-shaped stator 720B allows for higher torque density.
US 7,663,283 B2
11 12
Although an E-shaped stator 720B is shown in FIG. 13B, The output torque of an SRM is the summation of torque of all
other shapes may be used in other embodiments in integrating phases:
stator poles into a single unit.
FIG. 14 shows a rotor/stator configuration 800, according
to another embodiment of the invention. In a similar manner
to that described above with other embodiments, the rotor/
stator configuration 800 of FIG. 14 may be utilized with
various types of electric machines, including motors and gen
erators. The rotor/stator configuration 800 of FIG. 14 may 10 If the Saturation effect is neglected, the instantaneous torque
operate in a similar manner to the rotor/stator configuration can be given as:
300 of FIGS. 5A and 5B, including rotor poles 850 and
U-shaped stator poles 820. However, the stator poles 820 have
been axially rotated ninety degrees such that the rotor poles T-2 (7)
850 do not transverse between a gap of the U-shape stator 15 2 d.
poles 820. Similar to FIGS. 5A and 5B, the flux path is
relatively short. For example, the magnetic flux produced by From Equation 7, it can be seen that to produce positive
a coil fired on the U-shaped pole 820 would pass through one torque (motoring torque) in SRM, the phase has to be excited
leg 822 of the pole 820 through the rotor pole 850 through a when the phase bulk inductance increases, which is the time
periphery of the rotor through another rotor pole 850 and to that the rotor moves towards the stator pole. Then it should be
the other leg 824 of the pole 820 in a circular-like path. unexcited when it is in aligned position. This cycle can be
The rotor/stator configuration 800 of FIG. 14 is shown with shown as a loop influx linkage (2) phase current (i) plane,
three phases A, B, and C and two pairs of stator poles 820 per which is called energy conversion loop as shown in FIG. 16.
each phase. In this embodiment, stator poles 820 are 25
The area inside the loop (S) is equal to the converted energy in
U-shaped iron cores with coils that are inserted into a non one stroke. So the average power (P) and the average
ferromagnetic yoke 890. In other embodiments the stator torque of the machine (T) can be calculated as follows:
poles 820 may be made of materials other than iron and may
have other configurations. The stator poles 820 in particular
embodiments may be electrically and magnetically isolated NN,N.Sc.) (8)
from each other. The rotor 840 in the embodiment of FIG. 14
30 -
may operate like a rotor of a conventional SRM; however, Tave =
unlike a conventional SRM, the pitches of the rotor pole 850
and stator pole 820 are the same.
The magnetic reluctance of each phase changes with posi 35
tion of the rotor 840. As shown in FIG. 15, when a rotor pole where, N, N N () are the number of stator pole pairs per
850 is not aligned with two stator poles 820, the phase induc phase, number of rotor poles, number of Stator phases, and
tance is at a minimum and this position may be called an rotor speed, respectively.
unaligned position. When the rotor pole 850 is aligned with By changing the number of phases, stator pole pitch, and
the stator pole 820, the magnetic inductance is at a maximum 40 stator phase-to-phase distance angle, different types of short
and this position may be called an aligned position. Interme flux-path SRMs can be designed.
diate between the aligned position and unaligned position is FIG. 17 shows a rotor/stator configuration 900, according
an intermediate position. SRM torque is developed by the to another embodiment of the invention. The rotor/stator con
tendency of the magnetic circuit to find the minimum reluc figuration 900 of FIG. 17 is a two-phase model, which oper
tance (maximum inductance) configuration. 45 ates in a similar manner to the model described with reference
The configuration of FIG. 14 is such that whenever the to FIG. 14. The configuration 900 of FIG. 17 includes rotor
rotor 840 is aligned with one phase, the other two phases are 940; rotor poles 950; stator poles 920; legs 922,924; and yoke
half-way aligned, so the rotor 840 can move in either direction 990.
depending which phase will be excited next. FIG. 18 shows a rotor/stator configuration 1000, according
For a phase coil with current i linking flux, the co-energy 50 to another embodiment of the invention. In a similar manner
W" can be found from the definite integral: to that described above with other embodiments, the rotor/
stator configuration 1000 of FIG. 18 may be utilized with
various types of electric machines, including motors and gen
(4) erators. The rotor/stator configuration 1000 of FIG. 18 may
W = I di
55 operate in a similar manner to rotor/stator configuration 1000
of FIG. 14, including U-shaped stator poles 1020, rotor poles
1050, a non-ferromagnetic yoke 1080, and phases A, B, and
The torque produced by one phase coil at any rotor position is C. However, in the rotor/stator configuration 1000 of FIG. 18.
given by: the rotor poles 1050 are placed radially outward from the
60 stator poles 1020. Accordingly, the rotor 1040 rotates about
the stator poles 1020. Similar to FIG. 14, the flux path is
relatively short. For example, the magnetic flux produced by
a coil fired on the U-shaped pole 1020 would pass through one
(5) leg 1022 of the stator pole 1020 through the rotor pole 1050
T A.
39 i=constant 65 and to the other leg 1024 of the stator pole 820 in a circular
like path. As one example application of the rotor/stator con
figuration 1000 according to a particular embodiment, the
US 7,663,283 B2
13 14
rotor/stator configuration 1000 may be a motor in the hub of Further, the modular structure of certain embodiments may
hybrid or electric (fuel cell) vehicles, and others. In this offer a survivable performance in the event of failure in one or
embodiment, the wheel is the associated with the rotor 1040, more phases.
rotating about the stators 1020. This rotor/stator configuration
1000 may additionally be applied to permanent magnet Optimization of the Magnetic Forces
motors, for example, as shown in FIG. 19. FIGS. 22-25 illustrate an optimization of magnetic forces,
FIG. 19 shows a rotor configuration 1100, according to according to embodiments of the invention. The electromag
another embodiment of the invention. The rotor/stator con netic force on the Surface of a rotor has two components, one
figuration 1100 of FIG. 14 may operate in a similar manner to that is perpendicular to the direction of motion and one that is
rotor/stator configuration 1100 of FIG. 14, including 10
tangent to the direction of motion. These components of the
U-shaped stator poles 1120, a non-ferromagnetic yoke 1190, force may be referred to as normal and tangential components
and phases A, B, and C, except that a rotor 1140 contains of the force and can be computed from magnetic field quan
alternating permanent magnet poles 1152, 1154. tities according to the following equations:
FIG. 20 shows a rotor/stator configuration 1200, according 15
to another embodiment of the invention. In a similar manner
to that described above with other embodiments, the rotor/ 1
B -B
stator configuration 1200 of FIG. 20 may be utilized with f, = (B-B)
various types of electric machines, including motors and gen 1
erators. The rotor/stator configuration 1200 of FIG. 20 inte f = B,B,
grates several concepts described with reference to other
embodiments, including blades 1250A, 1250B from FIGS.
5A and 5B; E-shaped stator poles 1220A, 1220B from FIG. For an optimal operation, the tangential component of the
13B; stator poles 1220B radially inward of rotor poles 1250B force needs to be optimized while the normal component of
from FIGS. 6-10; and stator poles 1220A radially outward of 25 the force has to be kept at a minimal level or possibly elimi
rotor poles 1250B from FIG. 18. The stator poles 1220A are nated. This, however, is not the case in conventional electro
rigidly mounted both on the inside and outside of a drum mechanical converters. To the contrary, the normal force
1285, which allows torque to be applied from both the inside forms the dominant product of the electromechanical energy
and outside thereby increasing the total torque and power conversion process. The main reason for this can be explained
density. In particular embodiments, the rotor poles 1250A, 30 by the continuity theorem given below. As the flux lines enter
1250B may be made of a ferromagnetic material, such as iron, from air into a ferromagnetic material with high relative per
which is a component of a Switched reluctance motor. In other meability the tangential and normal components of the flux
embodiments, the rotor poles 1250A, 1250B could be perma density will vary according to the following equations:
nent magnets with the poles parallel to the axis of rotation,
which would be a component of a permanent magnet motor. 35
FIGS. 21A and 21B show a rotor/stator configuration Bnair = Bn, iron
1300, according to another embodiment of the invention. In a 1
similar manner to that described above with other embodi Blair Ririon Biron
ments, the rotor/stator configuration 1200 of FIGS. 21A and
21B may be utilized with various types of electric machines, 40
including motors and generators. The rotor/stator configura
tion 1300 of FIGS. 21A and 21 B may operate in a similar The above equations suggest that the flux lines in the airgap
manner to the rotor/stator configuration 1300 of FIGS. 5A will enter the iron almost perpendicularly and then immedi
and 5B, including rotor poles 1350 and U-shaped stator poles ately change direction once enter the iron. This in turn Sug
1320. However, the rotor poles 1350 and U-shaped stator 45 gests that in a SRM and on the surface of the rotor we only
poles 1320 have been rotated ninety degrees such that rotor have radial forces.
poles 1350 rotate between a leg 1322 of the stator pole 1320 FIG. 22 illustrates the formation of flux lines in a SRM
that is radially inward of the rotor pole 1350 and a leg 1324 of drive. The flux density, B, is shown in Teslas (T). The radial
the stator pole 1320 that is radially outward of the rotor pole forces acting on the right side of the rotor (also referred to as
1350. In the embodiment of the rotor/stator configuration 50 fringing flux indicated by arrow 1400) create radial forces
1300 of FIGS. 21A and 21B, it can be seen that the axial and (relative to the rotor surface) that create positive propelling
radial fluxes co-exist. force for the rotor. This is the area that needs attention. The
In this embodiment and other embodiments, there may be more fluxes are pushed to this corner, the better machine
no need for a magnetic back-iron in the stator. Further, in this operates. This explains why SRM operates more efficient
embodiment and other embodiments, the rotor may not carry 55 under Saturated condition. This is because due to saturation,
any magnetic source. Yet further, in particular embodiments, the effective airgap of the machine has increased and more
the back iron of the rotor may not need to be made of ferro flux lines are choosing the fringing path.
magnetic material, thereby creating flexibility design of the To enhance the migration of flux lines towards the fringing
interface to the mechanical load. area, one embodiment of the invention uses a composite rotor
In this embodiment and other embodiments, configuration 60 Surface. In the composite rotor Surface, the top most part of
may offer higher levels of power density, a betterparticipation the of the rotor is formed by a material that goes to saturation
of stator and the rotor in force generation process and lower easier and at a lower flux density, thereby reinforcing the
iron losses, thereby offering a good solution for high fre fringing at an earlier stage of the electromechanical energy
quency applications. In various embodiments described conversion process. In particular embodiments, the shape of
herein, the number of stator and rotor poles can be selected to 65 the flux barrier or the shape of the composite can be optimized
tailora desired torque versus speed characteristics. In particu to take full advantage of the magnetic configuration. In
lar embodiments, cooling of the stator may be very easy. another embodiment, flux barriers can be introduced in the
US 7,663,283 B2
15 16
rotor to discriminate against radial fluxes entering the rotor 5. The electric machine of claim 1, wherein the at least one
normally and push more flux lines towards the fringing area. rotor pole comprises at least two permanent magnets aligned,
FIGS. 23, 24 and 25 illustrate these embodiments. with respect to each other, parallel to the rotational axis of the
FIGS. 23 and 24 show the placement of easily saturated rOtOr.
materials or flux barriers 1590A, 1590B, 1590C, and 1590D 5 6. The electric machine of claim 1, wherein the at least one
under the surface of rotors 1550A, 1550B, and stators 1520A, rotor pole and the at least one stator pole are configured Such
1520B. Example materials for easily saturated materials or that a magnetic flux induced on the at least one rotor pole
flux barriers 1590 include, but are not limited to M-45. flows from the first leg through the at least one rotor pole to
Example ferromagnetic materials for the rotors 1550 and the second leg upon rotation of the at least one rotor pole
stators 1520 include, but are not limited HyperCo-50. The 10 between the first leg and the second leg.
shape, configuration, and placement of the easily Saturated 7. The electric machine of claim 6, wherein the at least one
materials or flux barriers may change based on the particular stator pole and the at least one rotor pole are configured Such
configurations of the rotors and Stators. that the magnetic flux does not traverse an interior of the rotor.
FIG.25 shows a chart 1600 of B-H curve for various alloys. 8. The electric machine of claim 7, wherein an interior of
The chart 1600 of FIG.25 charts magnetic flux density 1675, 15 the rotor is a compressor.
B, against magnetic field 1685, H, for alloys 1605, 1615, and 9. The electric machine of claim 7, wherein an interior of
1625. the rotor is an expander.
The short-flux-path configurations described with refer 10. The electric machine of claim 6, further comprising:
ence to several embodiments herein may be implemented for at least one coil disposed on the at least one stator pole, the
any SRM application, by changing the number of Stator and at least one coil operable to induce the magnetic flux.
rotor poles and sizes. Similar configuration may be utilized 11. The electric machine of claim 10, further comprising:
for axial-field and linear motors. a casing separating an interior portion of the electrical
Several embodiments described herein may additionally machine from an exterior portion of the electrical
be used for permanent magnet AC machines where the rotor machine, wherein the at least one coil is disposed on an
contains alternating permanent magnet poles. Both of these 25 exterior of the casing.
families of machines, SRM and BLDC, may be used as both 12. The electric machine of claim 6, further comprising:
motors and generators. a second coil disposed on second leg, the first and second
Additionally, the embodiments described above may be coils operable to induce the magnetic flux.
turned inside out and used as an interior stator SRM or BLDC 13. The electric machine of claim 1, wherein
machine, with the rotor on the outside. These in turn can be 30 the stator has a plurality of stator poles, each of the plurality
used both for motoring or generating or both. of stator poles including a first leg and a second leg,
Numerous other changes, Substitutions, variations, alter the rotor has a plurality of rotor poles, and
ations, and modifications may be ascertained to one skilled in each of the plurality of rotor poles rotate between each of
the art and it is intended that the present invention encompass the first legs and the second legs of the plurality of stator
35 poles.
all such changes, Substitutions, variations, alterations, and 14. The electric machine of claim 13, wherein
modifications as falling within the scope of the appended wherein the plurality of stator poles and the plurality of
rotor poles are configured Such that a magnetic flux
What is claimed is:
induced on each of the plurality of stator poles does not
40 traverse an interior of the rotor.
1. An electric machine, comprising: 15. The electric machine of claim 14, wherein an interior of
a stator having at least one stator pole, the at least one stator the rotor is a compressor.
pole including a first leg and a second leg; 16. The electric machine of claim 14, wherein an interior of
a rotor having at least one rotor pole, wherein the rotor is an expander.
the rotor rotates relative to the stator, and 45 17. The electric machine of claim 13, further comprising:
the at least one rotor pole is configured to rotate between at least one coil disposed on each of the plurality of Stator
the first leg and the second leg of the at least one stator poles, the at least one coil operable to selectively induce
pole; a magnetic flux.
a first coil disposed on the first leg such that most, if not all, 18. The electric machine of claim 17, further comprising:
of the first coil disposed on the first leg is spaced apart 50 a casing separating an interior portion of the electrical
from a rotational axis of the rotor by a distance greater machine from an exterior portion of the electrical
than or equal to a maximum radius of rotation of the at machine, wherein the at least one coil on each of the
least one rotor pole; and plurality of stator poles is disposed on an exterior of the
wherein the at least one rotor pole and the at least one stator casing.
pole are configured such that a magnetic flux induced on 55 19. The electric machine of claim 18, wherein
the at least one rotor pole flows in a direction substan each of the plurality of stator poles is disposed in a car
tially parallel to a rotational axis of the rotor. tridge removably coupleable to the casing.
2. The electric machine of claim 1, wherein the at least one 20. The electric machine of claim 13, wherein each of the
stator pole is U-shaped. plurality of stator poles is electrically and magnetically iso
3. The electric machine of claim 1, wherein the at least one
60 lated from the rest of the plurality of stator poles.
rotor pole is a ferromagnetic blade. 21. The electric machine of claim 20, wherein each of the
plurality of rotor poles is a ferromagnetic blade.
4. The electric machine of claim 1, wherein the electric 22. The electric machine of claim 1, wherein
machine is selected from the group consisting of the at least one stator pole is more than four stator poles,
a Switched reluctance motor, 65 the at least one rotor pole is more than four rotor poles, and
a motor other than a Switched reluctance motor, and the more than four stator poles and the more than four rotor
a generator. poles are configured Such that two sets of the more than
US 7,663,283 B2
17 18
four stator poles may be electrically fired at the same 36. The electric machine of claim 35, wherein
time to attract two sets of the more than four rotor poles. each of the more than four stator poles is disposed in a
23. An electric machine, comprising: cartridge removably coupleable to the casing.
a stator having more than four stator poles, each stator pole 37. The electric machine of claim 23, wherein each of the
comprising a coil; and 5 more than four stator pole is electrically and magnetically
a rotor having more than four rotor poles, wherein isolated from the rest of the more than four stator pole.
the rotor rotates relative to the stator such that each of the 38. The electric machine of claim 23, wherein the more
rotor poles traverses a radius of rotation disposed than four rotor poles each comprise at least two permanent
radially inward from most, if not all, of each coil of magnets aligned, with respect to each other, parallel to the
each of the stator poles; and 10 rotational axis of the rotor.
the more than four stator poles and the more than four 39. An electric machine, comprising:
rotor poles are configured Such that two sets of the a stator having at least one stator pole;
more than four stator poles may be electrically fired at a rotor having at least one rotor pole, wherein
the same time to attract two sets of the more than four
the rotor rotates relative to the stator; and
rotor pole; and 15
the rotor pole comprises at least three flux barriers, each
wherein the more than four rotor poles and the more than flux barrier spaced apart from each other flux barrier,
four stator poles are configured such that a magnetic flux the at least three flux barriers configured to:
induced on at least one of the more than four rotor poles discriminate against radial fluxes entering the rotor
flows in a direction substantially parallel to a rotational normally; and
axis of the rotor.
24. The electric machine of claim 23, wherein push more flux lines toward a fringing area of the
each set of the two sets of the more than four stator poles are 40. The electric machine of claim 39, further comprising a
one hundred and eighty degrees part. coil disposed on the at least one stator pole Such that most, if
25. The electric machine of claim 23, wherein not all, of the coil disposed on the at least one stator pole is
the more than four stator poles is more than six stator poles, 25
spaced apart from a rotational axis of the rotor by a distance
the more than four rotor poles is more than six rotor poles, greater than or equal to a maximum radius of rotation of the at
the more than six stator poles and the more than six rotor least one rotor pole; and
poles are configured such that three sets of the more than wherein the at least one rotor pole and the at least one stator
six stator poles may be fired at the same time to attract 30 pole are configured such that a magnetic flux induced on
three sets of the more than six rotor poles. the at least one rotor pole flows in a direction substan
26. The electric machine of claim 23, wherein the more tially parallel to a rotational axis of the rotor.
than four stator poles are U-shaped. 41. The electric machine of claim 39, wherein at least a
27. The electric machine of claim 23, wherein the more portion of the at least one rotor pole is a ferromagnetic blade.
than four rotor poles are ferromagnetic blades. 35 42. The electric machine of claim 39, wherein the electric
28. The electric machine of claim 23, wherein the electric machine is selected from the group consisting of
machine is a motor. a Switched reluctance motor,
29. The electric machine of claim 28, wherein the electric a motor other than a Switched reluctance motor; and
machine is a Switched reluctance motor. a generator.
30. The electric machine of claim 23, wherein 40 43. The electric machine of claim 39, wherein at least one
each of the more than four stator poles include a first leg of the at least three flux barriers is an air channel.
and a second leg, 44. The electric machine of claim 39, wherein at least one
each of the more than four rotor poles rotate between each of the at least three flux barriers is an M-45 segment.
of the first legs and the second legs of the more than four 45. The electric machine of claim 39, wherein the at least
stator poles. 45
one stator pole, the at least a first rotor pole and the at least a
31. The electric machine of claim 23, wherein second rotor pole are configured such that a magnetic flux
the more than four stator poles and the more than four rotor does not traverse an interior of the rotor.
poles are configured Such that a magnetic flux induced 46. The electric machine of claim 45, wherein an interior of
on each of the more than four stator pole does not the rotor is a compressor.
traverse an interior of the rotor. 50
32. The electric machine of claim31, whereinan interior of 47. The electric machine of claim 45, wherein an interior of
the rotor is a compressor. the rotor is an expander.
33. The electric machine of claim31, whereinan interior of 48. The electric machine of claim 45, further comprising:
the rotor is an expander. at least one coil disposed on the at least one stator pole, the
34. The electric machine of claim 23, wherein each coil is 55 at least one coil operable to induce the magnetic flux.
operable to selectively induce a magnetic flux. 49. The electric machine of claim 48, further comprising:
35. The electric machine of claim 34, further comprising: a casing separating an interior portion of the electrical
a casing separating an interior portion of the electrical machine from an exterior portion of the electrical
machine from an exterior portion of the electrical machine, wherein the at least one coil is disposed on an
machine, wherein the at least one coil on each of the 60 exterior of the casing.
more than four stator poles is disposed on an exterior of
the casing.

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