United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,080,720 B2
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,080,720 B2
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,080,720 B2
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U.S. Patent Jul. 14, 2015 Sheet 4 of 6 US 9,080,720 B2
U.S. Patent Jul. 14, 2015 Sheet 5 of 6 US 9,080,720 B2
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US 9,080,720 B2
1. 2
PANATILT TRACKING MOUNT target acquisition and tracking for cameras and antennas,
stabilization, image mosaicing, and autonomous remote Sur
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED veillance. These pan-tilts maintain a large ratio of motor size
APPLICATIONS to armature weight, and the primary drive mechanism is a
worm drive. The mechanical system in the Kahn patents is
This application claims the benefit of priority to U.S. Pro particularly well Suited to Smaller payloads (e.g., less than 10
visional Application No. 60/791,677, filed Apr. 12, 2006, all pounds). The simple mechanism provides features required
of which is incorporated herein by reference. for many advanced applications that include extremely high
accuracy, low parts count, rugged reliability, high duty-cycle,
dynamic rigidity, fine resolution and high accuracy. These
The present invention relates generally to tracking systems devices have been manufactured and sold commercially by
and more particularly to pan-tilt tracking mount Systems. Directed Perception, Inc., Burlingame, Calif.
Motorized pan-tilt mounts for heavy payloads have
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 15 achieved widespread use in the fields of surveillance and
security. These pan-tilt mounts typically achieve medium to
Highly accurate and fast computer-controlled pan-tilt large payload capacity with relatively small motors by the use
mounts have been used in the field of tracking for decades of large mechanical speed reductions, which makes them
(e.g., for missile tracking, U.S. Pat. No. 3,559,937, target slow for tracking applications. For those few pan-tilts in this
tracking, weapon/gun mount). Tracking mounts provide for field that provide high payload and high speed, the best posi
precise and fast computer control of pan and tilt position, tional accuracy and dynamic rigidity obtained in the field is
speed and acceleration. These tracking mounts have been typically only about 0.25 degree, and high duty-cycles are not
intrinsically complex and costly since they typically carry generally feasible. Precision is not typically inherent in prior
large payloads (e.g., greater than 20 pounds), and they posi art designs. Many of these devices employ drive mechanisms
tion with great accuracy (e.g., 0.01 degrees) and speed (e.g., 25 that have poor dynamic rigidity and which can lose fine
over 300° second). position over time, including belt drives, cable and pulley
Recent advances in the fields of image processing, com drives, and spur gear trains with Substantial gear backlash.
puter vision and robot vision have shown that active control of These mechanisms typically lose performance over wide
sensor pan-tilt position can facilitate and simplify computer temperature ranges that can be seen in outdoor applications,
computations that Support a wider range of activity than a 30 and some of them cannot perform continuous rotations (a
passive sensor. Advances in low cost and powerful digital requirement for many advanced applications). Some security
signal processors (DSP), accurate and miniature solid state system pan-tilts use worm drives for their heavy payload
cameras, sensor processing algorithms, and robotics have devices, but they do not provide: precise gear meshing, axis
made sensor-based control of pan-tilt position applicable to a preloading that is required for high mechanical and dynamic
wide range of uses. Growth in these applications has been 35 rigidity, metal gear lubrication bath for heavy payloads and
impeded due to lack of a suitable low cost pan-tilt mount. high duty cycles, fast movement, computer controls required
Motorized pan-tilt mounts have achieved widespread use to Support advanced applications, or high motor to armature
in the fields of surveillance and security (e.g., U.S. Pat. Nos. ratios.
4,673,268 and 4,937,675). Often used outdoors or under In military and other specialized pan-tilt fields, there are
harsh conditions, these mounts are often weatherized. These 40 pan-tilt tracking mounts that can move heavy payloads with
pan-tilt tracking mounts typically achieve medium to large high speed, accuracy and dynamic rigidity. To meet these
payload capacity with Small motors by the use of large requirements, designs frequently are gimbaled (using upright
mechanical speed reductions. Thus, they are generally too Support yokes) in order to mount the heavy payload closer to
slow for most tracking applications. Though pulse-width the confluence of the pan and tilt axes, which reduce the
modulation (PWM) and constant-current motor drivers 45 generated torques. These gimbal designs are larger than the
achieve better motor performance (e.g., better acceleration, compact realization described by Kahn and others, and the
higher Switching rate, better dynamic torque), and advances yoke limits the payload dimensions that can be mounted
in single chip high power microelectronics have made within the yoke. In addition, special attention must be paid to
(PWM) constant current devices economically competitive, maintaining torsional rigidity on yoke designs, which can
many prior art security motor drivers used simpler Voltage 50 increase overall system weight and complexity. In order to
drivers due to their simplicity and historically lower cost. achieve high dynamic rigidity on these larger systems, more
Precision is not typically inherent in conventional designs complicated bearing and preload mechanisms are frequently
since their mechanical speed reductions are frequently Sub employed. These systems can be more complicated and
ject to backlash (e.g., as from spur gear trains), slippage (e.g., expensive than those employed in the commercial and indus
as from belt drives), and other mechanical effects. Medium 55 trial sectors.
sized payloads include advanced sensors including thermal Direct drive mechanisms have been applied to pan-tilt
and visible cameras with high Zoom factor lenses, spotlights, mounts, but compared to geared systems they use larger
lasers, antenna, and other sensors and output devices. In addi motors and higher current levels, large motor currents can
tion, human and very simple automated pan-tilt controls in require larger and more expensive continuous rotation slip
the prior art (e.g., joystick operation, or fixed scanning and 60 rings, very high resolution feedback encoders are required to
position presets) are not generally amenable to integrated obtain high positioning resolution with the resulting high cost
computer control of mount position in response to changes in and increased complexity of control and electronics, Small
sensor input position movements and holding can be less reliable and
A miniature pan-tilt tracking mount was disclosed by Kahn steady than a geared system (e.g., a large pitch angle worm),
in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,463,432 and 5,802,412. These patents 65 and large direct drive motors with hollow shafts are unusual
disclose an advanced positioning device and controls Suitable and expensive so placement of slip rings and internal wiring
for real-time host computer control for applications including can be problematic.
US 9,080,720 B2
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Accordingly, what is needed is a system and method that A system and method in accordance with the present inven
addresses the above-identified issues. The present invention tion includes a motorized, rotational-tilt axis mounted upon a
addresses Such a need. motorized, rotational-pan axis. For each axis, the motors and
worm gear set mount into a single mechanically precise hous
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ing to provide for precise motor and gear mesh symmetry. The
housing provides for precision location of gear and shaft
A pan-tilt tracking mount is disclosed. The pan-tilt tracking components, which provide low-backlash gear meshing and
mount includes at least one housing, wherein interior dimen reliable gear operation. During assembly, the precision hous
sions of the at least one housing are precisely defined. The ing allows for direct measurements of relative shaft and gear
pan-tilt tracking mount further includes a first assembly 10
positions that allow precise and direct shaft and gear position
located within the at least one housing based upon at least one adjustments. Conventional pan-tilt tracking mount Systems
of the precisely defined interior dimensions. The first assem have difficulty properly locating gear and shaft elements, they
bly includes a first shaft and a first worm gear set, wherein the can require costly adjust and test cycles, and their lack of
first worm gear set allows tilt rotation of the first assembly, establishedgear and shaft geometry can preclude precise gear
and the pan-tilt tracking mount further includes a second 15
assembly located within the at least one housing based upon geometry assembly which can degrade gear life and preci
at least one of the precisely defined interior dimensions. The In an embodiment, each axis, a worm gear fixed to the
second assembly includes a second shaft and a second worm
gear set, wherein the second worm gear set allows pan rota motor shaft bi-directionally rotates a worm wheel mounted
tion of the second assembly. upon the orthogonal load axis shaft. In the embodiment, each
The pan-tilt tracking mount may include a set of precisely axis shaft is hollow in order to allow for internal wiring of
designed features within the interior housing of the pan-tilt pan-tilt controls and base-to-payload pass-through electrical
tracking mount. connections. A payload mounting hub is fixed to the tilt axis
shaft to provide for attachment of the payload to the pan-tilt
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 25 device and for the exchange of electrical signals between the
pan-tilt device and the mounted payload. The panaxis shaft is
FIGS. 1 and 2 are perspective views of a pan-tilt tracking fixed to a sealed base pedestal that can be bolted to a mounting
mount, according to an embodiment. Surface. The base also houses the input/output connectors,
FIG.3 is a front cutaway perspective of the pan-tilt tracking optional panaxis slip ring(s), and additional application elec
mount, according to an embodiment. 30
FIG. 4 is a top cutaway perspective of the panaxis, accord Each load axis shaft is fixed to its housing with bearings to
ing to an embodiment. maintain precise axial alignment and high payload capacity.
FIG. 5 is a top level view of a rolling twist cap, according A worm wheel is precisely fixed to each load axis shaft and is
to an embodiment.
FIG. 6 shows a block schematic of pan-tilt tracking mount 35 driven by a worm gear fixed to a worm gear shaft. Each
controller components and connections, according to an motorized worm gear shaft is mounted to bearings that are
embodiment. embedded into bearing housings. These bearing housings are
provided with a simple bearing positionadjustment means for
DETAILED DESCRIPTION ensuring high quality worm gear set mating, very low gear
40 backlash, very high system stiffness, and good gearset wear
The present invention relates generally to tracking systems patterns. High axial thrusts are typically inherent when mov
and more particularly to pan-tilt tracking mount Systems. The ing heavy payloads, so a simple mechanical adjustment is
following description is presented to enable one of ordinary provided to obtain the required high axial preload between
skill in the art to make and use the invention and it is provided each bearing set and its mounted shaft. Each worm gear set
in the context of a patent application and its requirements. 45 can be housed in a sealed oil chamber with fluid lubricant to
Various modifications to the preferred embodiments and the decrease gear friction, provide gear cooling, and to transport
generic principles and features described herein will be gear debris away from the gear mesh. The seal oil chamber
readily apparent to those skilled in the art. Thus, the present can prevent gear damage caused by heavy payloads and high
invention is not intended to be limited to the embodiments duty cycles that can create high local gear pressures and spot
shown, but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with 50 heating (e.g., pitting and spalling). After initial assembly, the
the principles and features described herein. gear set can be run-in to obtain Smoother and more precise
A method and system of the present invention may include gear mesh and centerline reduction in order to increase sys
a heavy duty pan-tilt tracking mount designed for larger pay tem accuracy and reduce backlash. Debris generated from the
loads (e.g., greater than 10 pounds) that provides capabilities run-in can be flushed from the sealed oil chamber, and the oil
not available in prior art in terms of its positional accuracy 55 chamber can be easily refilled with fresh lubricant.
(e.g., 0.01 degrees), high dynamic rigidity, Sturdy construc A method and system in accordance with the present inven
tion for increased reliability, ability to perform under continu tion includes motor drive electronics and microcontroller
ous duty-cycle, precise control of speed and acceleration, execution of host computer commands to effect precise con
ease of precise assembly, Suitability for internal wiring and trol of pan-tilt mount speed, acceleration, position, and con
sealing against environmental contaminants, flexibility in 60 figuration. In an embodiment, upon reset the microcontroller
selection of slip ring assemblies for continuous axis rotation precisely moves the mount to a repeatable and known “home’
and alternative wiring methods, flexibility of payload mount position using electrical sensor feedback from the mount
ing arrangements, ease of integration of payload electronics, (e.g., limit Switch, encoder feedback). In an alternative
gravity independent pan-tilt mounting (e.g., it can be embodiment, an absolute feedback sensor (e.g., precision
mounted upside down), integrated microprocessor control 65 resolver) on the driven axis can be used to determine axis
and interface, and low parts count and Suitability for low-cost position without the requirement to move through a calibra
manufacture in high Volume. tion process. Precise motor rotation relative to the home posi
US 9,080,720 B2
5 6
tion is maintained by the microcontroller (e.g., by step count nisms (not shown) rotates the pan housing 106 and tilt hous
for open-loop stepper control, or, encoder feedback for closed ing 110 together, which results in the panning rotation of the
loop control). payload and its payload brackets 114, payload hub 130 and
A method and system in accordance with the present inven payload connector 132 and its housing 131.
tion shares advantages described by Kahn U.S. Pat. No. In an embodiment, the pan housing includes a slipring, and
5,463,432 which include high relative torque for its size then the pan axis PA can be continuous. Otherwise, the pan
owing to the large ratio of motor size to armature weight, housing is limited in its range of motion by internal electron
precise control of pan-tilt position, speed and acceleration, ics and/or mechanical stops to prevent against damage to
the use of worm gears to provide compact high gear reduction internal cables and external payload cables. Rotation of the
ratios with minimal backlash (owing to their sliding action) 10 tilt axis rotation angle (TA) by the internal tilt gear and motor
and inherent locking features owing to their pitch angles, and mechanisms rotates the tilt shaft (not shown) which is fixed to
precise integrated control electronics. Yet, the pan-tilt dis the payload hub 130, payload connector housing 131, pay
closed in Kahn is not able to handle heavy payloads. As load connector 132, and the payload bracket(s) 114.
payload weight increases, gear pitch and bearing sizes must In the embodiment, electrical signals are transferred to the
also increase, which makes it harder to preserve device accu 15 payload connector 132 by high flex cables, and the tilt axis
racy. High gear torques created by heavy payloads may not be must then be limited in its range of motion by internal elec
Suitable for grease lubrication as disclosed in Kahn. tronics and/or mechanical stops to prevent damage to internal
Improvements over U.S. Pat. No. 5,463,432 have been tilt cables and external payload cables.
made to accommodate the demands of larger payloads which In an alternative embodiment, the tilt housing can incorpo
includes: independently adjustable bearing Support for each rate an additional tilt axis slip ring to provide continuous tilt
worm gear end shaft to allow fine gear mesh positioning/ axis rotation. Access to the tilt axis wiring can be accessed via
adjustment and to absorb higher impacts resulting from larger a tilt housing cover 120 which seals against contaminants.
payloads, additional preload mechanisms for bearings to Pan-tilt control electronics are housed in the pan housing 106,
obtain stiff preload and to absorb impact loads without sig and access is provided via a pan housing cover 118 which is
nificant effect on device accuracy or gear reliability, provision 25 sealed against contaminants. Tilt worm shaft bearing adjust
for immersing the gearset in an oil bath to handle high gear ments are accessed via the tilt bearing cover 134, and pan
mesh forces and reliably provide for continuous duty cycles, worm shaft bearing adjustments are accessed via the pan
the addition of hollow load axis shafts that allow for internal bearing cover 135.
wiring and continuous axis rotation using slip rings, the fixing To describe the features of the Pan-tilt tracking mount in
of the pan housing to the tilt housing so that tilting payloads 30 accordance with a method and system of the present inven
do not strike the lower pan housing, and the addition of a tion, refer now to the following description in conjunction
general pedestal mount that provides for easy modification of with the accompanying FIGURES.
the slip ring(s) used to allow for continuous pan rotation and FIG. 3 is a cutaway, front perspective view of the pan-tilt
the embedding of other electronics, sensors, connectors, and tracking mount 100. FIG. 4 is a cutaway, top perspective view
alternative mechanical attachments to the pan-tilt base. The 35 of the pan-tilt tracking mount 100. The following will
method and system of the present invention provides the describe the features of the mount thereof and their interac
requisite improvements over Kahn that is required for heavy tivity.
payloads while offering many of the same advantages dis Base Mount 102 and Pedestal Housing 104
closed by Kahn. As shown in FIGS. 3 and 4, the base mount 102 is fixed to
An advantage over the prior art is provided by the ability of 40 a mounting Surface, so that the base mount 102 is stationary
a system and method of the present invention to move heavy relative to the mounting surface. The base mount 102 in turn
payloads while maintaining high system stiffness and low is fixed to a pedestal housing 104. For an embodiment,
system backlash, within a simple mechanism that has a low attached to the pedestal housing 104 is one or more base
parts count and which can be readily assembled with preci electrical connectors 116a, 116b for providing electrical
sion without the need for complex or expensive tooling or 45 interface between the outside and the device. Alternative
measurement equipment. embodiments can allow non-electrical signals to pass over
FIGS. 1 and 2 are perspective views of a pan-tilt tracking alternative connectors (e.g., via fiber optics). The electrical
mount in accordance with the present invention. The pan-tilt connectors 116a, 116b in turn connect to an input PCB 204.
tracking mount 100 comprises a base mount 102, pedestal For example, the circuitry on the input PCB 204 may include
housing 104, a pan housing 106, a tilt housing 110, and a pan 50 input power capacitors and in-line fuses. The PC board 204
and tilt motor housing 108. The base mount 102 is fixed to a also provides flexibility for input electrical wiring, and pro
mounting Surface using a plurality of bolts 136. As shown, the vides a mechanical attachment to a slip ring 206 within the
base mount 102 is fixed to the pedestal housing 104, having pedestal housing 104. For embodiments, a Suitable slip ring
two base connectors 116a and 116b, and the pedestal housing 206 is an Electrotech H18+4, which has 14 two-amp circuits
104 is fixed to the pan axis shaft. The tilt housing 110 is fixed 55 and four six-amp circuits. For an embodiment, the function of
to the pan housing 106. A payload hub 130 is fixed to the tilt the slip ring 206 is to allow continuous rotation on the panaxis
axis, whereupon rotation of the tilt shaft causes an equivalent without need for electrical wires. Alternative embodiments
rotation of the payload hub 130. Electrical connections from can replace the slip ring 206 with flexible circuits to reduce
the base connectors and internal pan-tilt electronics are con component cost and change signal pass through characteris
nected to a payload connector housing 131 which includes a 60 tics, and in this case, electrical and/or mechanical means for
payload connector 132. One or more payload brackets 114 restricting pan range of motion are required to prevent dam
can be fixed to the payloadhub 130 using a plurality of screws age to the flexible circuits.
133 that thread into the payload hub 130. The design of the pedestal housing 104 may be enlarged so
As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, the base mount 102, pedestal that the pedestal housing stays the same or the base mount 102
housing 104, and base connectors 116 are stationary relative 65 may be enlarged or modified to facilitate larger-sized slip
to the fixed mounting Surface. Rotation of the pan axis rota rings and or additional electronics and base connectors within
tion angle (PA) by the internal pan gear and motor mecha the base. As shown in FIG. 3, the pan shaft 210 extends down
US 9,080,720 B2
7 8
into the pedestal housing 104. A key (not shown) is pressed interrupts an optical beam, and the absolute axis position is
between the pedestal housing 104 and a slot in the pan shaft set using the limits defined by the edges of the vane 334 when
210. A washer 212 is inserted over the pan shaft 210. Also, a the interruption of the optical beam changes state. The pan-tilt
precision shaft lock nut 211 is tightly threaded down upon the firmware inputs limit sensor state to calibrate the pan axis
pan shaft to fix and/or fasten the pan shaft 210 to the pedestal very precisely, Such that the absolute position of the pan
housing 104. housing 106 relative to the base mount 102 may be estab
In an embodiment, the pan shaft 210, along with other lished with high repeatability and accuracy. In alternative
components within the panhousing such as the worm gear set embodiments, the vane 334 and limit subsystem can be
are highly engineered parts. That is, the pan shaft, worm replaced with alternative position sensors (e.g., an absolute
wheel, and worm gear have precisely-defined dimensions. In 10
encoder or resolver).
an embodiment, AGMA 10 worm gearsets are employed. The Electrical contacts from the slip ring 206 route up the
use of precision worm gear sets, combined with the precise hollow pan axis shaft 210, and these electrical connections
locating afforded by the pan and tilt housings, allow for
precise gear mesh geometry in order to reduce backlash and terminate onto the pan PCB 316, which provides electrical
improve overall positioning accuracy and dynamic rigidity. 15 connections required to interface with other electronics
Furthermore, a grease seal 220 seals two bearing compo within the device and connections to the payload connector
nents 222 224 which form tapered roller bearings. The two 132. The pan PCB 316 incorporates the limit sensor 318 and
bearing components include a tapered-roller bearing cone its related electronics and connections to the pan-tilt control
222 and a tapered-rollerbearing cup 224. For an embodiment, electronics.
the tapered roller bearing cup 224 is flanged. Tapered roller Within the panhousing 106, the pan-tilt control electronics
bearings provide a very high payload capacity, and their coni 308 reside within a cavity 309 in the pan housing 106. The
cal geometry accurately locates the bearing axis when pre pan-tilt control electronics 308 precisely control the pan-tilt
loaded, thus reducing worm wheel runout. Alternative motors, receive input from internal position and temperature
embodiments can use other bearing types, keeping in mind sensors, communicate with external interfaces to receive and
the need to maintain good concentricity of worm gears in 25 send real-time control commands and responses, and regulate
order to avoid inaccuracies introduced by worm wheel eccen power. In the present embodiment, an embedded micropro
tricity. cessor executes an embedded real-time firmware program to
All of the components and parts above the pedestal are effect control over all pan-tilt functions.
inserted into the pan housing 106 Such as the grease seal, FIG. 4 shows a top cutaway perspective of the pan axis to
which interfaces the pan housing 106 and the pedestal hous 30 show the worm gear and motor drive system. The pan shaft
ing 104. 210 is fixed to a pan worm wheel 332. The pan worm wheel
For the embodiment shown in FIG.3, the pedestal housing 332 is engaged and meshed with the pan worm gear 333. In an
104, pan shaft 210, grease seal 220, and tapered-rollerbearing embodiment, the pan worm gear 333 is machined integral to
cone 222 are stationary relative to the mounting Surface. the pan worm gear shaft 355. The pan worm gear 333 is fixed
Suitable tapered-roller bearings for this embodiment are both 35 to the pan motor 418 shaft, such that pan motor shaft 412
Timken 15100 and 15250B series bearings. rotation rotates the pan worm 333 which causes the pan worm
Pan Housing 106 wheel 332 to rotate accordingly.
Above the bottom roller bearings 222 224, an oil seal 302 The pan worm gear shaft 355 is supported by a motor side
is shown. The outer circumference of the oil seal 302 is fixed bearing 401 and front bearing 402. Each of these bearings 401
and pressed in against the panhousing 106. The inner circum 40 402 are housed in bearing holders that provide for cross axial
ference of the oil seal 302 contacts a journal on the pan shaft position adjustment in two dimensions, and axial thrust
210. In one embodiment, the oil seal 302 utilizes a Viton, adjustment for bearing preload to provide a very stifflinkage
spring-loaded seal. For an embodiment, the spring-loaded that can provide accurate gear positioning that can withstand
seal may ensure that, if the seal wears, it maintains its seal. high impacts and high dynamics that are inherent in larger
Alternative seal types (e.g., Teflon) may be required to oper 45 payloads.
ate at extreme temperatures (e.g., -40°C.). The motor side bearing 401 is pressed into a motor bearing
Next, moving along the pan shaft in FIG. 3, the pan worm block 410. The motor bearing block 410 is attached into a
wheel 332 is shown. In the present embodiment, the phos recess in the pan housing 106 using four screws and washers
phor-bronze pan worm wheel332 is heat shrunk onto the pan 412. The recess location and shape in the pan housing 106 is
shaft 210 by the gear manufacturer, such that the worm wheel 50 known with high accuracy to allow for simpler and precise
332 remains fixed to the pan shaft 210 and is positioned in a assembly of the worm gear mesh and its geometry. The
precise location. The pan worm wheel332 is meshed with the through holes in the motor bearing block 410 are larger than
pan worm gear 333. Continuing up the linkage, an oil seal the screw diameters 412 in order to allow for two dimensions
304, bearing set 322, 324, grease seal 220, washer 212, and of adjustment of the bearing block 410 location relative to the
precision shaft lock nut 211 are shown. Tightening of the shaft 55 pan housing 106 recess. The motor side bearing 401 is
lock nut 211 preloads the pan axis linkage to fix the axial immersed in the gear mesh oil bath, so sealing of the bearing
position of the pan worm 332 and shaft 210, and this provides block 410 is required. The motor bearing block 410 com
a very stifflinkage that can provide accurate gear positioning presses an O-ring 414 static seal against the pan motor hous
that can withstand high impacts and high dynamics that are ing 106. The pan worm shaft 333 exits the housing for attach
inherent in larger payloads. 60 ment to the pan motor. A shaft seal 413 is pressed into the
A pan axis feedback mechanism is used to precisely sense motor bearing block 410, in which the outer circumference of
the absolute rotational position of the pan housing 106 rela the shaft seal 413 is fixed and sealed to the bearing block 410.
tive to the pan shaft 210 that is fixed to the base mount 102. In and the pan gear shaft 355 dynamically rotates against the
an embodiment, a pan vane 334 is fixed to the top pan shaft inner shaft seal 413 lip. In a particular embodiment, a spring
lock nut 211. The vane defines the limits and range of motion 65 loaded Viton shaft seal may be used. Alternative seal types
for the pan axis. A precision non-contact optical sensor 318 (e.g., Teflon) may be required to operate at extreme tempera
(e.g., Omron EE-SX493) precisely detects when the vane 334 tures (e.g., -40°C.).
US 9,080,720 B2
The front bearing 402 is housed within a threaded bearing rotation of the payload hub 130. One or more payload brack
cup 403. The bearing cup 403 is threaded into a front bearing ets (114) or other payloads can be fixed to the payloadhub 130
block 404. The bearing block 404 is attached into a recess in using a plurality of screws 133 that thread into the payload
the pan housing 406 using four screws and washers 405. The hub 130. Electrical connections from the base connectors and
recess 400 location and shape in the pan housing 106 is internal pan-tilt electronics are connected to a payload con
known with high accuracy to allow for simpler and precise nector 132 which is fixed to a payload connector housing 131,
assembly of the worm gear mesh and its geometry. The which is fixed to the payload hub 130. In an alternative
through holes in the bearing block 404 are larger than the embodiment, the payload connector housing 131 and payload
screw diameters 405 in order to allow for two dimensions of connector 132 are replaced by a special hub attached to a
adjustment of the bearing block 404 location relative to the 10 payload, and electrical signals can be routed internal to the
pan housing recess 400. Axial preload of the front bearing 402 payload with no externally accessible connections.
is achieved by rotating the bearing cup 403 into the front Worm Rear Set Assembly and Alignment
bearing block 404. The front bearing 403 is immersed in the Now that the basic gear mechanism is assembled, the align
gear mesh oil bath, so sealing of the bearing holders is ment technique is critical to establish that the worm gears
required. Sealing is provided by a bearing cup O-ring seal 406 15 have coincident centerlines and are properly meshed. For
that is compressed between the cup 403 and housing 404, and each axis, a system and method in accordance with the
a bearing block 404 O-ring seal 406 is compressed between present invention mounts the gearset, bearingS/mounts, and
the bearing block 404 and the pan motor housing 106. the motor into a single precision housing.
In an alternative embodiment, for Smaller payloads and The single precision housing per axis in the present inven
reduced torque and impact loads, the front bearing can be tion serves two important functions. First, it positively locates
omitted Such that the work gear is cantilevered (e.g. as in U.S. the mechanical elements into a known and precise geometry.
Pat. No. 5,463,432). Access to the oil bath for filling and It is well known in the art that good worm gear performance
flushing is provided via two access ports and sealing screws requires precise mounting geometry. Failure to establish good
408. The front bearing assembly has a pan bearing cover 135 gear geometry results in gear eccentricities and other prob
which has an O-ring seal to restrict ingress of environmental 25 lems that cause a binding on one gear side and significant
contaminants. backlash at the opposing gear side, excessive wear and heat
The pan motor 412 (e.g., Oriental Motor PV267-02AA) ing, loss of torque, and other problems. Secondly, a single
mounts to the motorbearing block 410 using four screws and precision housing per axis provides a unified reference for
washers 414. The screw 414 diameters are smaller than the assembly. Mechanical linkage stack up dimensions can vary
motor 412 mount through holes in order to allow the motor 30 quite significantly. For example, AGMA 10 worm gear sets
shaft to align itself with the pan worm shaft 333. In a particu are sensitive to variations in gear mesh separation as Small as
lar embodiment, the pan motor 412 shaft is attached to the pan 0.0005", whereas bearing/washer/locknut/shaft heights after
worm shaft 333 using a compression nut 415 (e.g., Shaftloc) preload tensioning can vary more than 0.020". As the
to provide simple attachment and removal of the motor while mechanical elements are assembled into the housing, their
providing good axial alignment. A motor housing 108 seals 35 position relative to the housing can be measured, and offsets
the motors and internal components against ingress of exter from nominal positions can be used to simply and accurately
nal contaminants. adjust the opposing gear element nominal positions.
The gear mesh oil bath provides good operating character In the assembly, the driven axis shaft and its fixed worm
istics, but it can increase the unit size, parts count, assembly wheel are first assembled into the housing (e.g., in FIG.3, pan
time, and cost. For applications in which pan-tilt loading and 40 shaft 210 and its fixed worm wheel332 areassembled into the
duty-cycle requirements allow, alternative embodiments can pan housing 106 before the pan worm gear 333 is assembled).
replace the gear mesh oil bath with alternative lubrication The rotational axis of the driven axis shaft is determined by
means (e.g., grease, gear coatings). This can allow the omis the housing bore locations, with variability of gear position
sion of dynamic oil seals 413 302304 providing a reduction restricted to the single dimension of displacement along the
in cost, assembly time and complexity, and a reduction output 45 aX1S.
losses attributed to seal friction. In a preferred embodiment, the housing bore for the driver
Tilt Housing 110 shaft axis shaft bearings is machined from a single side to
The tilt housing 110 is fixed to the panhousing 106. The tilt obtain higher tolerances for the alignment hence more accu
axis drive mechanism is similar to the pan housing drive rate shaft position can be obtained using standard machine
mechanism. In FIG. 3, a tilt shaft 350 is fixed to a tilt worm 50 practices. After installation of the axis shaft (e.g., 210 in FIG.
wheel 351. The tilt worm gear 352 is meshed with the tilt 3), the assembly technician uses common tools of the art (e.g.,
worm wheel 351 to effect rotation of the tilt axis TA. The tilt a depth gauge) to precisely measure the axial position of the
worm gear 352 is fixed to a tilt worm gear shaft 352 which is shaft in the housing, and this variance from nominal axial
fixed to the tilt motor. Bi-directional rotation of the tilt motor position can be used to simply and precisely determine the
then rotates the tilt worm wheel to effect tilting movements. 55 offsets from nominal required when assembling the worm
As with the pan axis, a tilt shaft position sensor 353 is used to gear shaft bearings to the housing. In the present embodi
precisely calibrate the tiltshaft 350 position relative to the tilt ment, the assembly technician measures the axial endshaft
housing. A tilt PCB 331 connects to the tilt position sensor position relative to the housing, and this value is used to
353 and other signals from the pan-tilt controller 308, the base calculate the axial offset of the worm gear required to main
connector(s) 116, and the payload electrical connections. Sig 60 tain proper gear mesh position. This measurement allows the
nals between the pan-tilt controller 308 and base connector(s) assembly technician to select shims from a chart or by opera
116 are routed to the payload via the hollow tilt shaft 350. In tion of a computer program, and these shims are used to offset
an alternative embodiment, the tilt shaft 350 can be extended the position of the worm gear shaft bearing blocks (in FIG. 4,
through the tilt housing cover 120 to obtain a dual side tilt blocks 404 and 410) axially in the direction of the actual
drive. 65 mating worm wheel position. In this way, very accurate gear
A payload hub 130 is fixed to the hollow tilt shaft 350, mating can be quickly obtained by an assembly technician
whereupon rotation of the tilt shaft 350 causes an equivalent without requiring them to have a detailed understanding of
US 9,080,720 B2
11 12
the internal mechanical design, complex assembly equip though the shaft terminating to the payload connector 132 or
ment, or extensive adjust and test requirements. other Suitable payload connection means. The outermost cir
Upon assembly completion, the axis worm gear set is run in cular part of the rolling loop configuration is constructed
for an extended duration, for example forty-eight hours, in using a bottom bracket 538, main bracket 539, and right
order to ensure good matching of the worm gear set. If the 5 bracket 540 (e.g., using laser cut /2" acetal plastic). These
run-in has increased the meshbacklash, the assembly techni brackets 538,539, 540 are attached by a plurality of screws
cian adjusts the worm gear shaft bearing blocks to reduce gear 541 that connect to the standoffs used to secure the tilt PCB
center distance and remove the backlash. Ifrequired, the gear 331. The through holes in the brackets 538,540 are loose fit in
oil bath can be flushed of break-in particulates and refilled order to allow clamping action of the flex cables 534,535,536
with clean lubricant. 10 between the bracket segments, thereby functioning as cable
As the pan-tilt device experiences wear in service, the strain reliefs. The loop lengths 534, 535,536 are sufficiently
backlash adjustment means in the present inventionallows for long to allow an orderly rolling action of the flex circuits as
adjustment of gear mesh interference to reduce induced back the central hub twist cap 537 is rotated by the tilt shaft 350,
lash. In alternative embodiments, changes of the worm gear and loop lengths are such as to maintain separation between
mesh centerline distance can be effected by the user in the 15 separate loop cables to reduce crosstalk between said cables.
field using the easily accessible front bearing block, and block In an alternative embodiment, said flex circuits can be
adjustments can be effected by a screw, cam, shim or other replaced with the wires emanating from the top of the pan slip
means to effect Small changes in bearing block position rela ring 206, or from other circuit materials and sources.
tive to the housing. In an embodiment, a machined spring The number of circuits and flex loops may be increased
(e.g., Heli-Cal PFS250) or similar in function can be added within the hub 537 by increasing the depth of the hub 537 and
between the worm gear and a Support bearing to offer shaft the depth of the outer flex brackets 538539 540. As such, the
deflection preload on the worm gear mesh. A machined spring rolling loop design provides for simple and inexpensive
or similar feature can be machined into the worm gear shaft to means to increase the gauge and number of electrical connec
obtain more precise alignment, stronger attachment, lower tions.
parts count and cost, and more compact realization. 25 In an alternative embodiment, the twist capsule can be
Dynamic Electrical and Data Connections replaced with a slipring. In one embodiment, a pancake slip
Connections from the base connector(s) 116 to the pan ring that has a reduced axial profile can be used. Said pancake
housing 106 must be maintained across the rotational pan slipring can be constructed from a series of PCB with circular
axis. A slip ring can be used to transfer electrical and other traces, wherein the dynamic electrical contacts are made with
signals across a continuous rotational axis. The embodiment 30 an opposing PCB with matching circular traces, and in which
illustrated in FIG.3 employs a pan slip ring 206. In the present the contact between the traces from adjacent ring channels
embodiment, the tilt axis rotational electrical circuits utilize forms an electrical dynamic contact. In an embodiment, one
moving wires since the tilt axis does not usually require set of traces can be constructed from a flexible PCB material
continuous rotation, rotating wires can have lower noise lev with an elastic or foam backing in order to maintain good
els and increased reliability, higher circuits counts can be 35 electrical contact with the opposing PCB. Additionally, one
achieved at lower cost, a more compact realization can be or both circular electrical traces can be constructed from a low
achieved, and the cost for implementation can be lower than friction material Such as electrically conductive polymer
for commercially available slip rings. The present embodi (e.g., as used in Some precision potentiometers). In an addi
ment encloses the rotating wires into a rolling loop configu tional embodiment, one or more electrically resistive traces
ration that provides for structured movement for dynamically 40 can be placed on one or more circular rings, so that upon
moving wires. Alternative embodiments can employ slip rotation against the opposing ring there occurs a change in
rings (e.g., axial or pancake rings) on the tilt axis, and con resistance Such that the position of the rotational axis may be
versely, the pan axis can replace a slip ring with dynamically determined with Some precision (e.g., a potentiometer laid
rotating wires. down on the trace).
FIG.5 shows atop view of an embodiment of a rolling twist 45 Furthermore, the degree of rotation for the rolling twist cap
capsule for the tilt axis on a pan-tilt mount. Signals from the 537 can be designed for at least a rotation of +/-270° while
base connectors 116 and the pan-tilt controller PCB 308 are ensuring that the flex loops maintain the proper geometry
routed to the tilt PCB 331 via a flat flex connector 530. The within the hub 537.
signals from the base and controller 530 are routed on the tilt Electronics and Pan-Tilt Controller
PCB 331 to the pass-through connector, the controller signal 50 FIG. 6 shows a block schematic of the major functional
connector, and the payload power connector. The payload pan-tilt mount controller 650 components and connections. A
pass-through signals are carried through a flat flexible cable pan motor driver 651 energizes the pan motor 620 and a tilt
534 (e.g., 0.5 mm with nine circuits) that inserts into the motor driver 652 energizes the tilt motor 619. A microcon
pass-through connector 531. Similarly, the pan-tilt controller troller 653 executing a firmware program 654 controls motor
signals are carried through a flat flexible cable 535 (e.g., 0.5 55 drivers 651 652, processes pan 659 and tilt position sensor
mm with nine circuits) that inserts into the controller signal 660 input, host computer 655 command execution and feed
connector 532. The payload power and shield signals are back, and communications with a controller network 656.
carried through a heavier gauge flexible ribbon cable 536 Input power conditioning 658 filters the input from a DC
(e.g., 3M series 3319 cable) that terminates to the payload source 657 and suppliespan motor powerV, tilt motor power
power connector 533 and can carry at least 6 amps continu 60 V, and logic power V.
ous. Alternative embodiments can allocate circuits differently In the current embodiment, which uses stepping motors as
and select different flexible circuit components. described earlier, a single chip power IC (A3977SED) is used
The movement of the flexible cables 534, 535, and 536 are for each axis driver 651652. These compact drivers incorpo
guided into a rolling loop configuration within a circular rate a dual full bridge driver, pulse-width modulation (PWM),
pattern, said cables terminating into a central rotating hub 65 current sensing for constant current driving, digital control
twist cap 537 that guides said cables into the hollow central providing four level current control, Voltage reference control
portion of the rotating tilt shaft 350, and those cables pass of current, internal parasitic diodes and crossover protection,
US 9,080,720 B2
13 14
high current and Voltage capacity, microStepping, and ther The program 654 performs interrupt-driven control of
mal protection shutdown. PWM is the preferred motor driv motor drivers 651, 652 to precisely control pan 620 and tilt
ing technique since it provides for Superior motor and driver 619 motor acceleration, deceleration, velocity, and current
performance, efficient control of current consumption, and it levels. As described earlier, the current embodiment uses
can accept a wide range of input Voltages (e.g., 8-30 VDC) stepping motors. Each motor has an associated Software rou
that provides for flexible DC power source 657 selection tine that is activated by an interrupt generated by the micro
which allows simpler and more economical installation. controller 653 parallel timing circuitry, and this routine con
Motor current level can be controlled by host computer 655 trols its associated motor driver 651, 652 to affect motor
commands that allow user programs to increase motor power winding polarity and current, updates motor state variables,
or to conserve mount power consumption (e.g., as in battery 10 and schedules the time at which the next interrupt should
operated applications). An alternative embodiment can use again activate the routine. These motor routines run at a
DC servomotors in place of stepping motors. In this case, the higher priority than the main program which processes host
microcontroller 653 can implement servocontrol in its firm commands and queries in order to achieve precise motor
ware program 654 using a single A3977SED power driver speed control that is independent of host communications
chip above-described with the addition of motor shaft posi 15 traffic. Linear acceleration was used since it has low compu
tion encoder input 659, 660. Alternatively, simpler firmware tational requirements (a precomputed table may be indexed to
654 and improved motor performance may be achieved at determine step time intervals). Preferred embodiments can
higher cost by the use of highly integrated DC servomotor use more computationally intensive acceleration methods
control chips as replacement PWM drivers 651 652 (e.g., that may provide better dynamic performance (e.g., S-curve
Performance Motion Devices motion processor MC2400). acceleration).
In the present embodiment, an MC68HC11-based micro In an embodiment, slow speeds use the highest microstep
controller was used. The firmware program 654 digitally ping resolution (e.g., /8" step for the A3977SED motor
controls the motor drivers 651 652, performs mount initial driver). As motor rotational speed increases, the firmware
ization and homing, processes host computer 655 commands program 654 automatically determines when lower resolu
and feedback via an RS-232 port, and capability is provided 25 tion step modes (e.g., full step, half step and quarter step) may
for command and feedback via an RS-485 multi-drop con be used to decrease microcontroller interrupt rates, improve
troller network 656. When input DC power 657 is applied, the motor Smoothness at higher speeds using the step mode best
program 654 performs a system reset by initializing internal for that speed, and achieve higher rotational rates afforded by
data structures, Verifying mount defaults stored in its lower resolution step angles. The current embodiment, and
EEPROM, commanding the motors to move until the limit 30 alternative embodiments described earlier, may use alterna
positions are identified, and moving the mount to its home tive motor controls as are customary and applied.
position. The program 654 processes commands from and After the electronics are installed and power up tested, the
returns status to the host computer 655 or controller network overall device covers are installed to protect the device inter
656 for mount position, speed, acceleration, upper allowable nals from ingress of contaminants. In an embodiment in
speed limit, starting motor Velocity, unit reset, positional 35 FIGS. 1-5, the pan and tilt housings form the main device
resolution, position limits, and mount parameter defaults read housing that is exposed to the environment, and covers are
from non-volatile memory upon power up. In addition, com added to close and seal openings in the housings which
mands and queries are provided to allow the control of motor include the tilt housing cover 120, pan housing cover 118,
power mode when in-transit and stationary. These modes motor cover 108, and front bearing block covers 134 135. In
include high power mode (energized windings at rated cur 40 an alternative embodiment, the pan and tilt housings are
rent), regular power mode (at rated motor power levels), low mechanical housings, but an additional external sealing shell
power mode (windings use 33% of the current used in regular cover is installed, in which the external shell cover includes
power mode), and when stationary a motor power offmode is seals against all externally accessible output axes to prevent
provided. Executed position and speed commands override against ingress of environmental contaminants.
previous position and speed commands that may not have yet 45 The following are some exemplary parameters showing
completed (i.e., on-the-fly position and speed changes are pan-tilt performance and materials for the current D300
provided), and an await completion command is provided to embodiment.
allow executing position and speed commands to complete Maximum payload: 35 pounds over the top. 70 pounds over
before new commands are processed. In addition, two com the side
mand execution modes are provided. In immediate mode, 50 Maximum velocity: over 50°/second
position and speed commands are executed immediately. In Resolution: 0.0257 in half step mode, 0.0064° in /8" step
slaved mode, position and speed are executed upon an await resolution
completion command in order to allow simultaneous com Tilt range: greater than 100°
mencement of pan and tilt axis command execution. Pan range: continuous with pan slip ring
In interactive command mode, pan-tilt mount commands 55 Mount dimensions: 5.3" (width)x11.6" (height)x8.5"
are specified by ASCII strings that are well suited for inter (depth)
active user control from a terminal. Alternatively, a binary Panand tilt motor, Oriental Motor, PV267-02AA 1.8:300
command mode is provided to provide a more compact com oZ/in, hybrid 2-phase stepping motor Worm gear reduction:
mand format that a program executing on the host computer 35:1
can use to achieve significant improvements in host/control 60 Motor driver: Allegro Microsystems, A3977SED
ler communications bandwidth. For example, binary mode Dual full H-bridge, PWM constant current bipolar drive
commands typically use less than one third the number of Input Voltage: 9-30 VDC unregulated
bytes required by the interactive ASCII mode, so a tripling of Power Consumption:
bandwidth can be obtained (e.g., binary mode on a 9600 baud High-power mode: 49.2 W continuous peak
RS-232 link can achieve command transferrates that an inter 65 Regular-power mode: 34.2 W continuous peak
active ASCII mode would require over 28.8 K baud to Low-power mode: 18.2 W continuous peak
achieve). Holding power off mode: less than 1.6 W
US 9,080,720 B2
15 16
The following are some exemplary host computer 655 attached to corresponding third and fourth recesses in
commands executed by the firmware program 654 to control second opposing sides of the housing:
pan-tilt mount operation. <axis is the character “T” for the a pan motor mounted external to the one of the second
tilt axis or the character “P” for the pan axis. opposing sides of the housing, the pan motor having a
Pan-tilt mount axis commands: pan motor shaft received by a first end of the second
General form: <axis.<command <value <delim worm shaft;
-><status.> apan shaft coupled to the second worm wheel, the pan shaft
Go to position: <axis-P<position><delimide <status supported by pan shaft bearings directly received by the
Go to offset position: <axis-O<relative position><delim housing; and
-> <status.> 10
a base receiving the pan shaft such that rotation of the pan
Set desired speed: <axis-S-positions/sec (delim shaft by the second worm wheel rotates the housing with
-><status.> respect to the base, wherein each bearing Support com
Set acceleration: <axis->A-positions/sec2><delimid-sta prises an adjustment mechanism configured to adjust a
tus.> location of the bearing Support within a corresponding
Set speed bounds: <axis-><upper slowers.<positions/ 15
sec (delim--> <status recess to provide independent cross axial position
Move power mode: adjustment in two dimensions of one end of the first or
<axis->M<hi powers.<reg powers (<low powerd<de second worm shaft, wherein the adjustment mechanism
lim-e-status.> comprises a plurality of screws threaded into the housing
Hold (stationery) power mode: in the corresponding recess and a corresponding plural
<axis->H<reg powers slow power-power off><delim ity of through holes in each bearing wherein diameters
-><status.> of the plurality of through holes are larger than corre
Queries: sponding diameters of threaded shafts of the plurality of
General form: <axis-><command-delim e <query Screws to allow two dimensions of adjustment of each
anSWer 25 bearing Support location relative to the corresponding
Axis Control Commands become queries when the recess in the housing to provide for finely adjusting
<value argument is omitted. positions of the first and second worm shafts within the
Resolution: <axis-R-delims) <arc seconds per posi device.
tion> 2. The device of claim 1, wherein the housing comprises a
Position bounds: <axis.<min (max><delim 30
first housing rigidly coupled to a second housing.
-> <boundary position>
Unit Commands: 3. The device of claim 2, wherein the first assembly is
Command menu: 2<delims) <menu> located within the first housing and the second assembly is
Await completion: A<delimide <status located within the second housing.
Reset unit: R-delim--><status.> 35 4. The device of claim 1, including a first seal chamber
Immediate mode: I<delims) <status located within the housing and a second seal chamber located
Slaved mode: S<delim>><statusd within the housing.
Defaults used at power up (saved in EEPROM): 5. The device of claim 4, wherein:
D<save current settings (restore prior settings <restore the first worm wheel is within the first seal chamber and the
factory settings-Kdelim--><status.> 40 second worm wheel is within the second seal chamber;
Although the present invention has been described in and
accordance with the embodiments shown, one of ordinary a payload is coupled to the tilt shaft through a payloadhub
skill in the art will readily recognize that there could be or a payload bracket, wherein the payload comprises a
variations to the embodiments and those variations would be thermal or visible camera, a spotlight, a laser, an
within the spirit and scope of the present invention. Accord 45 antenna, a sensor, an output device, or weighs more than
ingly, many modifications may be made by one of ordinary ten pounds.
skill in the art without departing from the spirit and scope of 6. The device of claim 5, wherein the first and second seal
the appended claims. chambers include a first and second oil bath therein, and
What is claimed is: wherein at least one bearing coupled to the first or second
1. A device comprising: 50 worm shaft is immersed in the first or second oil bath.
a housing: 7. The device of claim 1, wherein the first worm wheel is
a first assembly including a first worm shaft and a first isolated from the second worm wheel.
worm wheel, wherein the first worm shaft is coupled to 8. The device of claim 1, wherein one of the first and second
the housing through bearings and first and second inde adjustable bearing Supports includes a first hub having exte
pendently adjustable bearing Supports attached to corre 55 rior threads such that the first hub is configured to be screwed
sponding first and second recesses in first opposing sides into a corresponding bearing Support to axially preload the
of the housing: bearings coupled to the first worm shaft.
a tilt motor mounted external to one of the first opposing 9. The device of claim 1 wherein the tiltshaft is a hollow tilt
sides of the housing, the tilt motor having a tilt motor shaft.
shaft received by a first end of the first worm shaft; 60 10. The device of claim 1, wherein one of the third and
a tilt shaft coupled to the first worm wheel, the tilt shaft fourth adjustable bearing Supports includes a second hub
supported by tilt shaft bearings directly received by the having exterior threads Such that the second hub can is con
housing: figured to be screwed into its a corresponding bearing Support
a second assembly including a second worm shaft and a to axially preload the bearings coupled to the second worm
second worm wheel, wherein the second worm shaft is 65 shaft.
coupled to the housing through bearings and third and 11. The device of claim 1, wherein the pan shaft is a hollow
fourth independently adjustable bearing Supports pan shaft.
US 9,080,720 B2
17 18
12. The device of claim 1 including a slip ring located in the ment mechanism comprises a plurality of screws
base, the slip ring includes a set of electrical wires configured threaded into the housing in the corresponding recess
to extend through the second assembly. and a corresponding plurality of through holes in each
13. The device of claim 1, wherein the first opposing sides bearing support, wherein diameters of the plurality of
of the housing are the same as the second opposing sides of 5 through holes are larger than corresponding diameters of
the housing. threaded shafts of the plurality of screws to allow two
14. A method of using the device of claim 1, comprising: dimensions of adjustment of each bearing support loca
controlling the tilt motor or the pan motor according to a tion relative to the corresponding recess in the housing to
motor power mode or a command execution mode to 10 provide for finely adjusting positions of the first and
initialize, home, or move the device according to a pro Second worm shafts within the pan/tilt tracking mount
Vided position, speed, acceleration, upper allowable System.
speed limit, starting motor velocity, unit reset, positional 16. The pan/tilt tracking mount system of claim 15, which
resolution, position limits, or one or more parameter the slip ring a slip ring located at the base of the pedestal, wherein
defaults. includes a first set of electrical wires configured
15. A pan/tilt tracking mount system, comprising: 15 to extend through the hollow pan shaft.
a housing: 17. The pan/tilt tracking mount system of claim 15,
a tilt assembly, located within the housing, comprising a tilt and wherein the pan shaft bearings comprise a first set of bearings,
worm shaft, a tilt worm wheel, and a hollow tilt shaft the first set of bearings are coupled to a first set
fitted within a core of the tilt worm wheel, the tilt worm of hubs having exterior threads such that the hub can be
shaft having opposing ends coupled to the housing screwed 18.
to axially preload the first set of bearings.
The pan/tilt tracking mount system of claim 17,
through bearings and first and second independently wherein the pan shaft bearings further comprise a second set
adjustable bearing supports attached to corresponding ofbearings, wherein the second set of bearings are coupled to
first and second recesses in first opposing sides of the
housing, the hollow tilt shaft supported by tilt shaft isa second set of hubs having exterior threads such that the hub
configured to be screwed to axially preload the second set
bearings directly received by the housing: 25
of bearings.
a tilt motor mounted external to one of the first opposing 19. The pan/tilt tracking mount system of claim 15, further
sides of the housing, the tilt motor having a tilt motor comprising a payload hub coupled to the hollow tilt shaft.
shaft received by an end of the tilt worm shaft; 20. The pan/tilt tracking mount system of claim 19,
a first seal chamber containing the tilt worm wheel, and a 30 wherein when the hollow tilt shaft rotates, the payload hub
first oil bath within the first seal chamber wherein the
first oil bath lubricates the tilt worm wheel or one of the also rotates at an equivalent degree of the tilt shaft.
bearings coupled to the tilt worm shaft; 21. The pan/tilt tracking mount system of claim 19,
a pan assembly, located within housing, comprising a pan wherein:
worm shaft, a pan worm wheel, and a hollow pan shaft 35 aa payload payload
bracket is coupled to the payload hub; and
is coupled to the payload bracket, wherein the
fitted within a core of the pan worm wheel, the pan worm payload comprises a thermal or visible camera, a spot
shaft having opposing ends coupled to the housing
through bearings and third and fourth independently light, a laser, an antenna, a sensor, an output device, or
adjustable bearing supports attached to corresponding weighs more than ten pounds.
first and second recesses in second opposing sides of the comprising22. The pan/tilt tracking mount system of claim 15, further
housing, the hollow pan shaft supported by pan shaft 40 the a grease seal at an interface between the base and
bearings directly received by the housing: housing.
a pan motor mounted external to one of the second oppos comprising 23. The pan-tilt tracking mount system of claim 22, further
ing sides of the housing, the pan motor having a pan grease seal. a tapered rolling bearing enclosed within the
motor shaft received by the first end of the pan worm 45 24. The pan-tilt tracking mount system of claim 15, further
a second seal chamber containing the pan worm wheel, and comprising 25. The
an oil seal disposed against the housing.
pan-tilt tracking mount system of claim 24,
a second oil bath within the second seal chamber
wherein the second oil bath lubricates the second worm wherein the oil seal includes a spring-loaded seal.
wheel or one of the bearings coupled to the pan worm wherein 26. The pan-tilt tracking mount system of claim 15,
shaft; 50 the first opposing sides of the housing are the same as
a pedestal coupled to the hollow pan shaft such that rotation the second opposing sides of the housing.
of the hollow pan shaft by the pan worm wheel rotates claim 27. A method of using the pan-tilt tracking mount system of
the housing with respect to the pedestal; and 15, comprising: controlling the tilt motor or the pan
a base coupled to the pedestal, the base mounting the pan motor according to a motor power mode or a command execu
tilt tracking mount system to a surface, wherein each 55 tion mode to initialize, home, or move the pan-tilt tracking
bearing support comprises an adjustment mechanism mount system according to a provided position, speed, accel
configured to adjust a location of the bearing support eration, upper allowable speed limit, starting motor velocity,
within a corresponding recess to provide independent unit reset, positional resolution, position limits, or one or
cross axial position adjustment in two dimensions of one more parameter defaults.
end of the first or second worm shaft, wherein the adjust