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United States Patent: Pipkorn Et Al. Sep. 30, 2003

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,626,970 B2

Pipkorn et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 30, 2003

(54) WIRE FILTER CAGE 4,141,128 A 2/1979 Wonderling

4,158,554 A 6/1979 Bundy et al.
(75) Inventors: Howard Pipkorn, Ham Lake, MN 4,220.459 A 9/1980 Hammond et al.
(US); Kal Ugargol, Minneapolis, MN 4.264,345 A 4/1981 Miller
(US) 4,290,790 A 9/1981. Okubo
4.293,111 A 10/1981 Henri
(73) Assignee: Air Cure, Inc., Minneapolis, MN (US) 4,322.231 A 3/1982 Hilzendeger et al.
4,323,376 A 4/1982 Rosenquest
4,324,571 A 4/1982 Johnson, Jr.
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 4,336,035 A 6/1982 Evenstad et al.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 4,435,197 A 3/1984 Nijhawan et al.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 4.948,504 A 8/1990 Kierdorf et al.
5,061,303 A 10/1991 Williams et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 10/037,319 5,173,098. A 12/1992 Pipkorn
5,290,441 A 3/1994 Griffen et al.
(22) Filed: Dec. 31, 2001 5,308,369 A 5/1994 Morton et al.
5,730,766 A 3/1998 Clements
(65) Prior Publication Data 5,928,395 A 7/1999 Glen et al.
US 2002/0104297 A1 Aug. 8, 2002
5,951,726 A 9/1999 Allingham et al.
Related U.S. Application Data
(60) Provisional application No. 60/295,333, filed on Jun. 1, Royal Wire Products, Inc., Cages and Venturis for Dust
2001, and provisional application No. 60/258,674, filed on Collectors, 6 pages.
Dec. 29, 2000. Air Cure Incorporated, RF Dust Filter, 8 pages.
(51) Int. Cl. ................................................ B01D 46/02 Primary Examiner Duane Smith
(52) U.S. Cl. .......................... 55/379; 55/341.1; 55/377; ASSistant Examiner Minh-Chau T. Pham
55/378; 55/492; 55/496; 55/507; 55/509; (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Patterson, Thuente, Skaar &
210/232; 210/323.2; 210/346; 210/486 Christensen, P.A.
(58) Field of Search ................................ 55/341.1, 379, (57) ABSTRACT
55/378, 492, 496, 508, 502, 507, 509, 521,
377, 302,380, 501; 210/232, 323.2, 346, An improved filter Support Structure for Supporting filter
486, 497.01 media. The Support Structure includes two Sections remov
ably coupled together with an improved coupling assembly.
(56) References Cited The first Section has a croSS Section presenting a first width
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Spaced apart from a Second width, the Second width being
less than the first width. The coupling assembly includes an
3,131,044 A 4/1964 Springer element carried by the Second Section, and presents an
3.295,687 A 1/1967 Schmerler engagement width that is greater than the Second width and
3,360,910 A 1/1968 Soltis less than or equal to the first width Such that the element may
3,385,034. A 5/1968 Farr be shiftably received within the first section at the first
3,550,359 A 12/1970 Fisher et al.
3,680.285 A 8/1972 Wellan et al. width, and can be removably engaged at the Second width.
3,747,307 A 7/1973 Peshina et al.
3.884,659 A 5/1975 Ray 16 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
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US 6,626,970 B2
1 2
WIRE FILTER CAGE any exposed wire ends or other Sharp. Fabric filter bags are
relatively vulnerable. If they are Snagged on exposed wire
CROSS-REFERENCES TO RELATED ends they may be torn thereby causing particulate leaks and
APPLICATIONS requiring replacement of the bags Sooner than would other
This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent wise be necessary.
Application 60/258,674, filed Dec. 29, 2000 and U.S. Pro It is also desirable that wire filter cage Sections be
visional Patent Application 60/295,333, filed Jun. 1, 2001, assembled without the need for fine motor dexterity. Work
both applications incorporated herein in their entirety by erS replacing filter bags and handling wire filter cages wear
reference. heavy protective clothing including heavy gloves to protect
them. Thus, it would be beneficial if wire filter cage sections
FIELD OF THE INVENTION could be assembled and disassembled without the need for
fine manipulation.
The present invention relates to an air filtration System U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,173,098 and 3,747,307 are example of
suitable for use within the ventilation system of a building. wire filter cage assemblies having eXposed ends that may
More particularly, the invention relates to improved filter 15
tear filter bags. Other prior art approaches also may expose
cages used for Supporting elongated filtration bags or Socks wire ends, which may cause damage to fabric filter bags.
within Such a filtration System. The approach to connecting wire filter cage Sections
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,173,098, issued to Pipkorn,
reveals a connection technique utilizing two sheet metal
Air filtration Systems utilized in large ventilation Systems sleeves and two wire clips. This approach provides a Secure
often employ banks of elongated filtration bags or Socks interconnection that is relatively easy to assemble and
Supported by wire filter cage assemblies. The filtration bags disassemble, however it utilizes two sheet metal Sleeves
are positioned over the filter cages and remove particulates which add expense and two wire clips which require rela
from the air circulated through the bag. The wire filter cages 25 tively fine manipulation to connect. In addition, the presence
Support the bags and prevent the bags from collapsing as air of the two sheet metal sleeves reduces the Surface area
is drawn through the bags. Filter media exclude particulates available for filtration by inhibiting air flow.
from passing through the bag along with the air, and the It would be desirable to have a multi-section wire filter
particulates accumulate on the outside of the bags as air is cage that can be easily assembled and disassembled without
drawn through the bag and filter cage combination. the need for tools, and that minimized potential damage to
Wire filter cages Supporting filtration bags are commonly fabric filter bags from exposed wire ends. Further it is
used in large-scale filter assemblies. A large-scale filter desirable that the wire filter cage that could be easily
assembly Structure includes a large enclosure. The large manipulated by gloved hands.
enclosure is divided by a horizontal partition plate that
Separates an upper clean air compartment from a lower dirty 35
air compartment. The partition plate is formed with a large
number of openings arranged in a pattern. Each Such open The present invention in large measure Solves the above
ing Supports a wire filter cage and its associated fabric filter indicated problems by providing a new structure and tech
bag. Thus, the air flow passes from the lower dirty air nique for connecting wire filter cage Sections. The present
compartment through the Suspended filter bags and wire invention includes formed wire guides to create a Snap latch
filter cages through the openings in the partition plate and 40 joint. The wire guides protrude from the interior of a first
into the upper clean air compartment. wire filter cage Section. The wire guides are inserted into the
Filter bags are periodically cleaned by Shaking or by open end of a Second wire filter cage Section to join the
creating a backflow of air from the inside of the filter bags Sections. When the two Sections are assembled together on
outward. After an extended period of use it becomes nec a common axis, the resistance to bending of the wire guides
essary to remove the filter cages and filter bags from the
45 presses the ends of the wire guides against the annular rings
partition plate in order to replace the filter bags. If a of the Second wire filter cage, thus aligning the two cages
one-piece filter cage is employed it is necessary that the axially and holding the two cages Snugly together.
upper clean air compartment have Sufficient overhead height The present invention reduces the Overall costs of assem
for the entire length of the filter cage to be accommodated. 50
bling wire filter cage joints by elimination of Sheet metal
Wire filter cages can be as long as 26 feet. Thus, it is sleeves. Better welds may be achieved and there is no need
preferred, with lengthy filter cages, that the filter cages be for arc welding of the joints. The ability to use resistance
partitioned into two or more Sections to allow for a shorter welding equipment to assemble the joints eliminates the
overhead height in the clean air compartment. This shorter need for buffing of welding flash thereby reducing cost. The
overhead height can result in large cost Savings in material 55
wire guides do not need adjustment of the spread of these
and construction of large filter assemblies. assemblies prior to assembling wire filter cage Sections. The
Fine dust can form an explosive mixture with air. Dust use of wire guides also eliminates the need for any additional
collectors are thus vented to prevent an accumulation of fine latching or any retaining assembly in the joint.
dust. Larger collector Volume requires a greater vent area. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
reduction in overhead height and consequently Volume in 60
the upper compartment leads to a lower venting cost and FIG. 1 is a cutaway perspective View of a large-scale filter
asSociated operating cost. assembly that can utilize a plurality of wire filter cages in
A variety of techniques have been used to connect mul accordance with the present invention;
tiple Sections of wire filter cages. Wire filter cage Section FIG. 2 is a partial perspective view illustrating the fas
connections should be Secure and easily assembled and 65 tening of a filter element within a filter assembly;
disassembled, preferably without tools. In addition, it is FIG. 3 is a partial, Side Sectional view taken along line AA
desirable that the inner connections be made without leaving of FIG. 2;
US 6,626,970 B2
3 4
FIG. 4 is a partial perspective view illustrating an alter and air intake duct 17. Air filtration unit 11 is utilized, for
native fastening of a filter element within a filter assembly; instance, in power or nuclear plants, coal dumping facilities,
FIG. 5 is a perspective view of two sections of a wire filter grain handling facilities and buildings where refining opera
cage in accordance with the present invention; tions may take place. Typical ventilation Systems used in
these environments may range in height from fifty to one
FIG. 6 is a plan view of one embodiment of a wire guide hundred feet. An access ladder 18, Surrounded by safety
in accordance with the present invention; cage 20, leads up to catwalk 22, providing access to plenum
FIG. 7 is an elevational view of the wire guide depicted enclosure 12 through acceSS door 24. Filtered exhaust duct
in FIG. 6; 16 and air intake duct 17 may be attached to and integral
FIG. 8 is a plan view of an alternate embodiment of a wire 1O with plenum enclosure 12. Air filtration assembly 15 is
guide in accordance with the present invention; positioned within plenum enclosure 12. Plenum enclosure
FIG. 9 is an elevational view of the wire guide depicted 12 is positioned on base frame 14.
in FIG. 8: Base 14 may include frame 30, legs 32, and braces 34.
Base 14 may vary in size and proportion, depending on the
FIG. 10 is a plan view of another embodiment of a wire Size of the plenum enclosure 12 to be Supported on base 14.
guide in accordance with the present invention; 15
Base 14 can be made of a variety of high Strength, durable
FIG. 11 is a detail view of the wire guide depicted in FIG. materials. Such as structural steel. Those of skill in the art will
10 and depicting grip angle and grip range; recognize that a variety of materials may be employed
FIG. 12 is a partial elevational view of a wire filter cage without departing from the Scope of the present invention.
including two wire guides; Plenum enclosure 12 may be a large, generally cylindrical
FIG. 13 is a sectional view of a wire filter cage including Structure, ranging from twenty-five to fifty feet in height.
two wire guides, Plenum cover or roof 36 is positioned over plenum enclo
FIG. 14 is a plan view of an alternate serpent head sure 12. Dust collection funnel 38 tapers downwardly
embodiment in accordance with the present invention; toward dust discharge mouth 40. The funnel 38 is positioned
underneath plenum enclosure 12, residing within the Space
FIG. 15 is a plan view of an alternate arrowhead embodi below base frame 30 and between legs 32 and braces 34.
ment of the present invention; The air filtration assembly 15 is contained mainly within
FIG. 16 is an elevational view of the arrowhead embodi plenum chamber 42. Air filtration assembly 15 comprises an
ment depicted in FIG. 15; air preSSure pump 44, pressurization nozzle input duct 46,
FIG. 17 is a plan view depicting alternate angular embodi nozzle arm 48, and numerous filter elements 50 having air
ments of the arrowhead embodiment of the invention; permeable hanging filter media bags or SockS 52 Surround
FIG. 18 is a plan view of another embodiment of the wire ing filter cages 54. In a typical large capacity air handling
guide adapted for use with circular filter cages; System, often employing multiple air filtration units 11, as
FIG. 19 is a partial plan view of two circular filter cage many as twenty thousand filter bags 52 and twenty thousand
sections joined with the wire guide embodiment of FIG. 18; 35 wire filter cages 54 may be utilized. Air pressure pump 44
FIG. 20 is a sectional view taken along section line BB of is connected to nozzle duct 46. Nozzle arm 48 is positioned
FIG. 19; beneath nozzle duct 46, and has Suction nozzles 56 opening
in a downwardly direction, directed toward bag mouths 58
FIG. 21 is a sectional view taken along section line CC of of filter elements 50.
FIG. 19; 40 Filter media bags or SockS 52 are attached to bag mouths
FIG. 22 is an alternate embodiment of the wire guide 58. Bag mouths 58 are positioned below bag nozzles 56. Bag
depicted in FIG. 10; mouths 58 rest on and are Supported by bag hanger deck 62.
FIG. 23 is a sectional view of a wire filter cage assembly Filter media bags 52 are positioned over and Supported by
utilizing an alternate embodiment of a wire guide; wire filter cages 54. Unfiltered air enters air filtration unit 11
FIG. 24 is a sectional view of a wire filter cage assembly 45 through intake duct 17 So as to be processed through air
utilizing an alternate embodiment of a wire guide; filtration assembly 15. Filtered air is expelled from air
FIG. 25 is a sectional view of a wire filter cage assembly filtration unit 11 through filtered exhaust duct 16.
utilizing two alternate embodiments of the wire guide; Referring now to FIGS. 2 and 3, filter element 55 is shown
ready for fastening to hangar deck 62. Bag mouth 58 and
FIG. 26 is a perspective view of a wire filter cage 50 filter bag 52 may be held in position against bag hanger deck
assembly utilizing the embodiment of the wire guide 62 by O-rings 78, 78a which are positioned inside over-deck
depicted in FIG. 24; bead 80 and under-deck bead 82 of bag 52. O-rings 78, 78a
FIG. 27 is a perspective view of the wire guide depicted Snap into place So as to restrain filter bag 58 and provide a
in FIG. 24; tight Seal, So that no particulate or filtered matter enters
FIG. 28 is a perspective view of a wire filter cage 55 plenum chamber 42. Bag mouth 60 is securely fastened to
assembly utilizing the embodiment of the wire guide bag hanger deck 62 through mounting hole 79 using washer
depicted in FIG. 24; and 81 and bolt 83.
FIG. 29 is a perspective view of a wire filter cage Referring now to FIG. 4, another embodiment of bag
assembly utilizing the embodiment of the wire guide mouth 58' is illustrated. In FIG. 4, bag mouth 58' is posi
depicted in FIG. 24. 60 tioned on filter cage 54 such that longitudinal wires 84
terminate below the surface of mouth rim 77. Bag mouth 58
is positioned on bag hanger deck 62, and is simply pressed
INVENTION into place and engages with bag hanger deck 62 by friction.
Referring to FIG. 1, a plurality of filter elements are No bolt is utilized to hold bag mouth 58' to bag hanger deck
depicted as installed in an air filtration unit 11. The air 65 62.
filtration unit 11 broadly includes plenum enclosure 12, base Thus a ventilation system 11 includes a plurality of filter
frame 14, air filtration assembly 15, filtered exhaust duct 16, elements 50. Each filter element includes a filter cage 54 and
US 6,626,970 B2
S 6
a filter bag 52. As will be appreciated, the filtration unit 11 rily alignment and a low retention force. It displayS rela
depicted in FIG. 1 can accommodate conventional filter tively low weak side axial stability.
units, filter units in accordance with the present invention, or FIGS. 8 and 9 depict another embodiment of wire guide
a combination of conventional filter units and units in 146. Rabbit ear wire guide 146 generally includes parallel
accordance with the present invention. leg Segment 148, diverging leg Segment 150 and rounded
Referring to FIG. 5, an improved wire filter cage 120 in end 152. Referring to FIG. 9, rabbit ear wire guide 146 may
accordance with the present invention includes a first Section further include offset 154.
122 and a Second Section 124. First Section 122 presents a In operation, rabbit ear wire guide 146 is engaged and
male end 126 and Second Section 124 presents a female end disengaged in a similar manner to hairpin wire guide 138.
128. Each section 122, 124 includes a plurality of circular or Rabbit ear wire guide 146 provides a somewhat greater
oval form wires 130 connected by a plurality of generally frictional retentive force than hairpin wire guide 138 due to
parallel longitudinal wires 132. First section 122 may further the diverging nature of diverging leg Segments 150.
include a large junction form wire 134 at the end thereof. Referring to FIG. 10, the embodiment of wire guide 136
First Section 122 includes two guides 136 presenting male is depicted in greater detail. Keyhole wire guide 136
end 126 adapted to be received into female end 128 of 15
includes generally parallel legs 137 and circular end 139.
second section 124. Wire guides 136 can be made out of wire The arc of circular end 139 extends to greater than about one
or another Suitable material having Sufficient elastic memory hundred eighty degrees and less than about 300 degrees.
to return to a relaxed State after deformation. Circular end 139 forms a retaining head.
Each wire guide 136 includes a pair of generally parallel FIG. 11 shows further detail of wire guide 136. Wire guide
legs 137, and a circular end 139. As can be seen in FIG. 5, 136 presents a grip angle 162 and a grip range 164. Grip
the wire guides 136 are positioned at opposed ends of the range 164 extends from closed joint ideal location 166 to
generally race track in croSS-Section wire filter cage Section acceptable joint location 168. Wire guide 136 may also be
122. modified into another embodiment 136' as depicted in FIG.
Wire guides 136, form wires 130 and longitudinal wires 25 22 by removing a portion of the wire at the end of circular
132 are preferably joined by resistance welding though other end 160.
joining methods may be employed. Whatever joining Again referring to FIG. 5, female end 128 of second
method is employed, it is desirable that the finished product Section 124 comprises a generally race track shaped wire
be Smoothly finished to prevent Snagging or damage to filter 130 having opposed parallel sides 159, and opposed gener
bags 52. ally circular ends 160. The diameter of the retaining head
Generally, a wire filter cage 120 will be formed of metal 139 is sized Such that it can be received between the two
wires. However, it is specifically contemplated that the parallel sides 137 of wire 130 of female end 128 of section
invention disclosed here may be used with any type of filter 124, but can be Snapably retained within its respective form
cage or filter Support. Examples include but are not limited wires 130 of female end 128. AS can also be seen FIG. 5, the
to filter cages made from plastics, composites and perforated 35 wire guides 136 are positioned in first section 122 such that
sheet materials. the retaining heads 139 are received within the form wires
Referring to FIG. 5, in operation, wire filter cages 120 are 130 of female end 128 of second section 124, when the two
assembled from a first section 122 and a second section 124 Sections are joined together. Because the retaining heads 139
by aligning the first Section 122 and the Second Section 124 are of a larger diameter than the distance between the Sides
coaxially and pressing the two Sections together. In the 40 of form wire 130 of female end 128 of the Second section
assembly process, as depicted in FIGS. 5 and 13, wire guides 124 at their initial contact point, the retaining heads 139 are
136 engage form wires 130 to secure the joint. In this urged inwardly as the two Sections are pushed together,
embodiment of the invention wire guides 136 engage form where the distance between the wires 159 is greater, and then
wires 130 primarily by friction and outward biasing force. received through the female end 128. Once received through
A worker disassembling a wire filter cage 120 generally 45 the female end 128, the retaining heads 139 snap outwardly
works from above the wire filter cages 120. The worker lifts behind form wire 130, thus engageably retaining the first
a wire filter cage 120 to expose the entire length of first Section 122 with the second section 124.
Section 122 and Secures Second Section 124 to prevent it Note that a cross sectional view of any wire filter cage 120
from falling. The worker then grasps first Section 122 and has at least a first width and a Second width. Even a circular
pulls parallel to the longitudinal axis thereof, in order to 50 croSS Section has a greatest chord which is the diameter and
overcome the retaining force created by wire guides 136. a plurality of lesser chords all of which are leSS in linear
Once the retaining force is overcome, first Section 122 and dimension than the greatest chord. The guides of the present
Second Section 124 Separate. Second Section 124 is then invention all have significant memory, Such that, when urged
lifted from its position below the worker. If a wire filter cage out of their rest position they are biased to return to the rest
120 employs more than two Sections, the disassembly pro 55 position. When the wire guides 136, for instance, of first
ceSS is repeated for each Succeeding pair of Sections. Section 122 are inserted into Second Section 124, form wires
Referring to FIGS. 6 and 7, an alternative embodiment of 130 of second section 124 urge the wire guides 136 towards
wire guide 138 is depicted. Hairpin wire guide 138 is each other. Once the semicircular head 139 is received past
preferably formed of a Single piece of Stiff resilient wire and the form wire proximate the female end 128 of section 124,
has two generally parallel legs 140 and a Semicircular end 60 the guides 136 are urged back to their rest position and
142. Semicircular end 142 is of the same diameter as the Snapably couple the first and Second Sections together. The
separation of legs 140. Referring to FIG. 7, hairpin wire other embodiments act in a similar manner.
guide 138 may further include offset 144. Forming will FIG. 14 depicts another embodiment of wire guide 136 as
generally be accomplished by bending but may also be employed in the present invention. Serpent head wire guide
accomplished by other techniques. 65 170 includes serpent shaped head 172 and generally parallel
Hairpin wire guide 138 provides ease of assembly and legs 173. Serpent shaped head 172 presents a widening taper
disassembly but is limited to applications requiring prima 174 followed by a narrowing taper 175.
US 6,626,970 B2
7 8
In operation, Serpent head wire guide 170 is operated in Referring to FIGS. 23 and 24, it is notable that in
a manner Similar to the foregoing embodiments. The Serpent embodiments of the wire guide including curve 200, the
head wire guide 170 displays ease of insertion because of retention force of the wire guide is enhanced because the
widening taper 174 and a retention force Similar to keyhole force vector created by the Spring action is directed more
wire guide 156 because of narrowing taper 175. The serpent nearly normal to form wires 130 than wire guides without
head wire guide 170, however, requires more complex curve 200. As depicted in FIG. 25, it is noted that wire guide
tooling to manufacture. can be formed in other ways to acquire the desired angle of
As depicted in FIG. 15 arrowhead wire guide 176 gen contact between wire guide and form wires 130. These are
erally includes arrowhead shaped head 178 and generally Specifically contemplated to be embodiments of the present
parallel legs 179. Arrowhead wire guide 176 presents shal invention.
low widening taper 180 and steep narrowing taper 181
Arrowhead wire guide 176 may also include offset 182 as The multi-sectional nature of the filter cage 120 hereof,
depicted in FIG. 12. Referring to FIG. 17, Arrowhead wire and in particular the ease and reliability with which the
guide 176 may be constructed with a variety of arrowhead Sections can be Snapped together and pulled apart, facilitate
angles 184. A variety of angles 184 similarly may also be the conservation of Space within filter housings. Because the
15 length of the Sections is less than the length of the whole, the
applied to serpent head wire guide 170.
In operation, arrowhead wire guide 176 is operated in a upper, clean portion of filter housings can be reduced in
manner Similar to the foregoing embodiments. The arrow height.
head wire guide 176 displays ease of insertion and a reten The present invention may be embodied in other specific
tion greater than keyhole wire guide 156 because of shallow forms without departing from the Spirit of the essential
widening taper 180 and steep narrowing taper 181. The attributes thereof; therefore, the illustrated embodiments
arrowhead wire guide, however, requires more complex should be considered in all respects as illustrative and not
tooling to manufacture. restrictive, reference being made to the appended claims
Referring to FIGS. 18 through 21, another embodiment of rather than to the foregoing description to indicate the Scope
the wire guide 186 is depicted. This embodiment of the wire of the invention.
guide 186 is particularly well adapted for use with wire filter What is claimed is:
cages 192 of circular cross section. Those skilled in the art 1. A filter element comprising:
will recognize that the cage may take many different arcuate a Support Structure including a first Section and a Second
or polygonal cross-sections without departing from the Section;
scope of the present invention. FIGS. 19, 20 and 21 depict the first Section having a croSS Section, Said croSS Section
wire guide 186 as utilized with wire filter cages 192 of presenting a first width and a Second width spaced apart
circular croSS Section. from said first width, the second width being less than
Referring to FIG. 24, an alternative embodiment of wire the first width and presenting a path of travel therebe
guide 186' is depicted. Guide wire 186' is similar to guide tWeen,
186, but includes additional curvatures. In this embodiment 35 the Second Section including a guide member having
the head or end of the wire guide 186' includes curve 200 opposed elements, the opposed elements being Sepa
such that the wire guide 186" contacts form wire 130 in an rated by an engagement width, the engagement width
approximately radial orientation. Wire guide 186' further being greater than the Second width and less than or
includes engagement portion 194, arcuate portion 196 and equal to the first width Such that the guide member may
curve 200. 40 be shiftably received within said first section at said
Curve 200 may be applied to any of the previously first width, the guide member being biased to shift
described hairpin wire guide 138, rabbit ear wire guide 146, along Said path of travel from Said first width to Said
keyhole wire guide 156, serpent head wire guide 170, Second width thereby removably engaging Said first
arrowhead wire guide 176 or circular cage wire guide 186. Section with Said Second Section; and
FIG. 24 depicts curve 200 as applied to circular cage wire 45 a filter medium bag carried by the Support Structure.
guide 186". Referring to FIG. 25 curve 200 may be replaced 2. The filter element as claimed in claim 1, Said guide
with bend 202 or double bend 204. Other configurations will member opposed elements adapted for shiftable receipt
be readily appreciated by those skilled in the art and the within Said first Section, by a force urging Said first Section
illustrated embodiments should not be considered to be and Said Second Section together in generally end to end
limiting. FIGS. 26, 27, 28 and 29 further depict curve 200 as 50 orientation to present a filter assembly longitudinal axis, the
applied to circular cage wire guide 186'. direction of Said force being generally along Said longitu
It is noted that resistance to bending of the wire guides is dinal axis, and Said first Section and Said Second Section
a major factor in joint retention force. Grip angle is a Smaller being releasably, Snapably held together in Said generally
factor. Regardless of the shape of the wire guide employed, end to end orientation by the engagement of Said guide
when assembled the wire guide grips a form wire 130 of 55 member with said first section.
female end 128 of second section 124. The retention force of 3. The filter element as claimed in claim 2, Said guide
wire guides is a function of the Spring constant of the wire, member opposed elements being adapted for shiftable
the preset width Separating the two wire guides in a joint and release from Said first Section, by a force pulling Said first
the outside dimension of the retention head of the wire Section and Said Second Section apart, the direction of Said
guide. The Spring constant depends upon the diameter and 60 force being generally along Said longitudinal axis, Said force
metallurgical qualities of the wire employed. overcoming Said Snapable engagement of Said guide mem
Referring to FIG. 11, grip range 164 extends from closed ber.
joint ideal location 166 to acceptable joint location 168. Grip 4. The filter element as claimed in claim 1, said first
angle 162 provides a force tending to hold the connection Section and Said Second Section each comprising a wire cage
between first Section 122 and Second Section together even 65 having longitudinal members and circumferential members,
if the wire guide is not engaged with form wire 130 to the Said circumferential members comprising a terminal circum
closed joint ideal location 166. ferential member at an end of each said first Section and Said
US 6,626,970 B2
Second Section and a nonterminal circumferential member and Said Second Section together in generally end to end
Spaced inwardly from Said terminal circumferential member. orientation to present a filter assembly longitudinal axis, the
5. The filter element as claimed in claim 4, said guide direction of Said force being generally along Said longitu
member opposed elements Snapably engaging Said circum dinal axis, and Said first Section and Said Second Section
ferential member when Said guide members are received being releasably, Snapably held together in Said generally
within Said circumferential members. end to end orientation by the engagement of Said guide
6. The filter element as claimed in claim 1, in which said member with said first section.
guide member opposed elements are permanently attached 11. The filter element as claimed in claim 10, said guide
to Said Second Section. member opposed elements being adapted for shiftable
7. The filter element as claimed in claim 4, in which the release from Said first Section, by a force pulling Said first
shape of Said circumferential members is Selected from a Section and Said Second Section apart, the direction of Said
group consisting of circular, oval, elliptical and polygonal. force being generally along Said longitudinal axis, Said force
overcoming Said Snapable engagement of Said guide mem
8. The filter element as claimed in claim 1, the guide ber.
member opposed elements having a shape Selected from a 12. The filter element as claimed in claim 9, said first
group consisting of rabbit ear shaped, keyhole shaped, 15
Section and Said Second Section each comprising a wire cage
Serpent head shaped, arrowhead shaped, hairpin shaped and having longitudinal members and circumferential members,
loop shaped. Said circumferential members comprising a terminal circum
9. A Support Structure for a filter membrane, the Support ferential member at an end of each said first Section and Said
Structure comprising: Second Section and a nonterminal circumferential member
a first Section having a croSS Section Said croSS Section Spaced inwardly from Said terminal circumferential member.
presenting a first width and a Second width spaced apart 13. The filter element as claimed in claim 12, said guide
from said first width, the second width being less than member opposed elements Snapably engaging Said circum
the first width and presenting a path of travel therebe ferential member when said guide members are received
tween; and within Said circumferential members.
a Second Section including a guide member having 14. The filter element as claimed in claim 9, in which the
opposed elements, the opposed elements being Sepa shape of Said circumferential members is Selected from a
rated by an engagement width, the engagement width group consisting of circular, oval, elliptical and polygonal.
being greater than the Second width and less than or 15. The filter element as claimed in claim 9, the guide
equal to the first width Such that the guide member may member opposed elements having a shape Selected from a
be shiftably received within said first section at said group consisting of rabbit ear shaped, keyhole shaped,
first width, the guide member being biased to shift Serpent head shaped, arrowhead shaped, hairpin shaped and
along Said path of travel from Said first width to Said loop shaped.
Second width thereby removably engaging said first 16. The filter element as claimed in claim 9, in which said
Section with Said Second Section.
guide member opposed elements are permanently attached
10. The filter element as claimed in claim 9, said guide to Said Second Section.
member opposed elements adapted for shiftable receipt
within Said first Section, by a force urging Said first Section

PATENT NO. : 6,626,970 B2 Page 1 of 1

DATED : September 30, 2003
INVENTOR(S) : Howard Pipkorn et al.

It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:

Column 2.
Line 14, delete “example” and insert -- examples --.
Line 33, delete the Second occurrence of “that'.
Column 6,
Line 34, after “Seen' insert -- in --.
Column 7,
Line 11, after “ 181” insert a period.
Line 65, after “Second Section' insert -- 124--.
Column 8,
Line 5, delete "guide' and insert -- guides --.

Signed and Sealed this

Ninth Day of March, 2004

Acting Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

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