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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7.255,776 B2

Shoshany et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 14, 2007
(54) PAPER PRODUCT AND METHOD 2,142,666 A * 1/1939 Bucy ....................... 101 (416.1
THEREFOR USING MIOLTEN WAX 2,227,516 A 1/1941 Soanes ....................... 524, 396
SUSPENSION 2,233,965 A 3/1941 Strovink ........................ 137/7
2,536,018 A * 1/1951 Schoenholz et al. ........ 428,203
75 3,529,516 A * 9/1970 Pullen et al. ................. 493/59
(75) Inventors: s SE ity) 5,106,415 A * 4/1992 Davidian .......... ... 106/14-26
y, 5,286,559 A * 2/1994 Kaneko et al. .......... 428/32.68
6,406,786 B1* 6/2002 Stofko ........................ 428,327
(73) Assignee: tV1V latrial Technologies Ltd, Tel 6,908,677 B2 * 6/2005 Shoshany et al. ........... 428,403
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Wax Types & Their Properties, Michelman, Inc. on-line 2003
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. lists Apr. 5, R t from th Internet
www.performanceadditives.com/waxtypes.htm>. <URL:http://
US Environmental Protection Agency, "Potassium Silicate; Exemp
(21) Appl. No.: 11/153,494 tion from the Requirement of a Tolerance' <http://www.epa.gov/
fedrgstr/EPA-PEST/2006/June/Day-14/p8939.htm>, supplied by
(22) Filed: Jun. 16, 2005 applicant.
O O FRDoc. E6-8939 Filed Jun. 13, 2006, Federal Register: Jun. 14,
(65) Prior Publication Data 2006 (vol. 71, No. 114) Rules and Regulations p. 34267-34272).
Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Part 180, EPA-HQ
US 2005/023OO74 A1 Oct. 20, 2005 OPP-2006-0299; FRL-8069-6), supplied by applicant.*
Related U.S. Application Data * cited by examiner
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/453.591, Primary Examiner Steven P. Griffin
filed on Jun. 4, 2003, now abandoned. Assistant Examiner Dennis R. Cordray
(51) Int. Cl (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Dekel Patent Ltd.; David
D2 IIH 7/60 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl. ...................... 162/172; 162/158; 162/183: (57) ABSTRACT
(58) Field of Classification Search ................ 162/172, A method including improving a property of a paper product
162/158, 183: 106/271 precursor by adding a molten wax Suspension to paper
See application file for complete search history. product precursor, the molten wax suspension including a
(56) References Cited Suspension of liquid wax particles in a liquid solvent, the
liquid wax particles being at a temperature higher than the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS melting point of the wax. The molten wax Suspension may
be added to the paper product precursor in a production line
1,618,867 A 2, 1927 Ellis ........................... 510,211 prior to making a finished paper product. A finished paper
1,762.930 A * 6, 1930 Manson ...................... 162,172 product may be made from the paper product precursor.
1863,867 A * 6/1932 Maze ...... ... 162,172
1998,758 A * 4/1935 Holt et al. ...... ... 162/10
2,127,668 A 8, 1938 Adams et al. ................ 208.21 11 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet




U.S. Patent Aug. 14, 2007 US 7.255,776 B2


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US 7.255,776 B2
1. 2
PAPER PRODUCT AND METHOD pitch/stickiness control. In addition, talc is an excellent filler
THEREFOR USING MOLTEN WAX for purposes of improving machine drainage, sheet Smooth
SUSPENSION ness and printability.
U.S. Pat. No. 1,792,382 to Lodge et al. teaches that
CROSS REFERENCE TO OTHER "waxes and fats generally, and paraffin specifically, materi
APPLICATIONS ally improve the water resistance of paper and paper prod
ucts when incorporated into the sheet of paper either by the
This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent process commonly known as engine sizing in which process
application Ser. No. 10/453.591, filed Jun. 4, 2003 now a solution, emulsion or finely divided dispersed Suspension
abandoned, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein, 10 of wax or waxes alone or in combination with rosin and/or
and claims priority therefrom. other ingredients, is added to the paper pulp in the beaters'.
The wax Suspension in Lodge et al. is a Suspension of Solid
FIELD OF THE INVENTION wax particles in a solvent.
European Patent EP0026091 describes a hydrophobic
The present invention relates generally to paper products, 15 filler for papermaking, particularly in the production of
and particularly to imparting properties to paper products, partly to fully sized paper or carton stock. The hydrophobic
Such as with the addition of a molten-wax suspension into filler is used in conjunction with a wax-based emulsion.
the production line of the paper product. U.S. Pat. No. 6,565,646 to Lasmarias et al. describes a talc
additive for use as a filler in making paper products which
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION is useful in preventing dusting or Tinting of paper. The talc
is milled to have a particle size of less than 10 micrometers
Many different kinds of additives are used in the manu and a cationic charge to the Surface of the talc particles. For
facture of paper products. For example, in techniques for example, a cationic charge can be added to the particle by
coating paper, cardboard or the like, coating compositions mixing talc particles with water to create a slurry and,
may be used that contain one or several inorganic fillers, one 25 adding a cationic compound to the slurry. In preferred
or several binders and various additives. The goal of coating embodiments, the cationic compound is selected from cat
is to improve certain physical and optical characteristics of ionic wet-end starch, cationic wax-based emulsion, poly
paper, such as but not limited to, gloss, brightness, opacity, dadmacs and carboxymethylcellulose.
capability for ink printing, Smoothness and other properties
of great commercial importance. 30 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
A composition for coating paper is generally formed from
a filler which may comprise one or several pigments, one or The present invention seeks to provide an improved paper
several polymer binders and various additives Such as, product and process therefor, by adding a molten wax
especially, a lubricant such as calcium Stearate, a wax Suspension into the paper product at Some point of the
emulsion, or a fatty acid ester, and possibly antifoaming 35 manufacturing process.
agents, and the like, as is known in the art. It is important to define clearly the difference between
In another example, the paper manufacturing industry wax solution, wax emulsion, Solid-wax Suspension and
generally uses cellulose, mechanical wood pulp, or fillers, liquid-wax Suspension:
Such as kaolin or chalk and rosin sizes, as the principal A wax solution is a homogenous liquid of miscible
components for paper and carton Stock. Papers often need 40 materials in which wax is dissolved in a main solvent, i.e.,
“sizing”, i.e. hydrophobing. This is necessary in order to the wax is in its molecular or ion form. There is no way
give writing paper proper ink resistance, to avoid “feather immiscible materials will form a solution (wax and water,
ing'. Similarly, printing stock should give a clear print with for example, can never form a solution since wax cannot
the best possible reproduction of contrast and with the dissolve in water).
minimum demand for printing ink. Also, for semi-manufac 45 A “wax blend’ is a solution of two or more waxes
tured products, such as base-paper for coating purposes, a dissolved one in the other. The present invention covers
limited degree of sizing is required to limit the degree of using one wax as well as wax blends and mixtures.
penetration of size-press preparatory solutions or Surface A wax emulsion is a stable dispersion of immiscible
coatings; full sizing is not desirable in this case because, materials. Wax emulsions of above-micron-size particles
apart from economic considerations, it would lead to a 50 require emulsifiers to maintain stability. The emulsifiers
repulsion or separation of the Surface treating material. prevent the wax particles from adhering to or merging with
There is therefore a distinction between full and partial themselves.
sizing, e.g. half, quarter or one-eighth sizing. A wax Suspension is a buoyant dispersion of immiscible
The strength properties of paper and paper products materials. Suspensions do not contain emulsifiers, and
include, but are not limited to, burst, tear, tensile, fiber 55 require agitation to maintain homogenous particles disper
bonding, crush strength, chemical resistance (e.g., to water, Sion. In other words, the stability of a wax Suspension
salt, oil) and the like. For example, in the paper-making depends on and is achieved by agitation of the particles,
process, cellulosic fibers may be softened with water before whereas the stability of a wax emulsion is attained by the use
being processed into paper. Fillers such as clay, titanium of an emulsifier.
dioxide, talc, and calcium carbonate, are added to the 60 A solid wax Suspension is a buoyant dispersion of Solid
papermaking process to improve paper properties Such as wax particles in a solvent. A liquid wax Suspension is a
opacity, brightness, and printability. Each filler is unique due Suspension of liquid wax particles in a liquid solvent.
to differences in physical-chemical and morphological prop A molten wax Suspension is a liquid wax suspension,
erties. One example of a substance which will reduce linting wherein the liquid particles are maintained at temperatures
or dusting is clay. Titanium dioxide is an excellent filler for 65 higher than the melting point of the wax. A molten wax
opacity purposes due to is high refractive index and Small Suspension is different from a solid Suspension or emulsion.
particle size. Due to its hydrophobicity, talc is an excellent Maintaining a liquid-liquid Suspension in general, and a
US 7.255,776 B2
3 4
molten-wax Suspension in particular, necessitates special stability, softening, rub resistance, preventing dusting or
mixing considerations. Such as to counter the tendency for linting, glossiness, brightness, opacity, capability for ink
liquid droplets to merge together or to avoid phase inversion. printing, Smoothness, dimensional stability, thickness con
(Phase inversion is a known phenomenon where two immis trol, density control, mechanical strength control, and paper
cible liquids invert under agitation from one dispersed in the preservation. "Preservation' encompasses any treatment
other to the other dispersed in the first. For example, wax in with a preservative which reduces the rate of deterioration of
water emulsions are broadly used in the paper industry. the paper, compared to the rate of deterioration of an
Water in wax emulsions are broadly used in the cosmetics analogous paper lacking the preservative.
industry.) In one embodiment of the present invention, the paper
Each of the above is a different form having different 10 product is made by adding a molten-wax Suspension to the
qualities and behavior. Employing a liquid or molten wax paper product. The term “adding encompasses mixing,
Suspension in place of a wax solution, wax emulsion or solid coating, dissolving, pouring, or any other action to make the
wax Suspension is not obvious. Unlike a wax emulsion, a Suspension part of the finished paper product.
liquid or molten wax Suspension is Substantially free of The Suspension may be added to any paper or engineered
emulsifiers and therefore cannot be stored. (Molten wax 15 paper product. The term "paper encompasses, but is not
Suspensions with minute amounts of emulsifiers are also in limited to, paper, Virgin pulp paper, recycled paper, recycled
the scope of the present invention. “Minute amounts are facing paper, paperboard, cardboard, corrugated sheet, car
amounts of emulsifiers that may be present in the molten ton, tissue paper, tracing paper and the like.
Suspension but which do not cause emulsification.) Wax The Suspension may be added to the paper in a variety of
Suspensions must be prepared and maintained properly and manners. For example, the Suspension may be added to a
intensively agitated adjacent to the paper production line. slurry comprising the paper product, or may be added to a
Lacking an "emulsifier coating, Suspended liquid wax liquid feed stream that is fed to the paper product slurry. The
droplets will rapidly separate from the water and merge to a Suspension may be added as a wetting agent during the
continuous wax phase without sufficient agitation. On the production or as a final stage of production of the paper
other hand, excess shear may cause “phase inversion'. 25
product. As another example, the Suspension may be added
The following explanation may help in understanding as a Surface treatment to make the finished paper product.
behavior of wax suspensions, but it is noted that the inven The Suspension may be applied as a single additive, in
tion is not limited or dependent upon the correctness or combination with other additives, or as a carrier for other
incorrectness of the explanation. Unlike a wax emulsion, the additives.
inherent substantial lack of emulsifiers in the molten-wax 30
Suspension creates wax droplets that are significantly more There is thus provided in accordance with an embodiment
“sticky” than emulsifier coated wax emulsion particles. of the present invention a method comprising adding a
Once introduced to the paper fibers medium, Suspension molten-wax Suspension to a paper product precursor. The
droplets will instantaneously adhere to any other solid in the Suspension may be added to the paper product precursor in
paper fiber medium, while emulsion particles stay emulsi 35
a production line prior to making a finished paper product.
fied until locked in place by the paper fibers. Accordingly, The Suspension may be manufactured at a site where the
although the molten wax droplets of the Suspension may paper product precursor is produced. A finished paper prod
contain the same wax as a wax emulsion, nevertheless the uct may be made from the paper product precursor.
molten wax Suspension has different properties than the wax In accordance with an embodiment of the present inven
emulsion. This difference might alter the rheological behav 40 tion excess heat of producing the paper product precursor is
ior of the paper fibers as well. used as part of manufacturing the Suspension.
Adding a molten-wax Suspension instead of an emulsion Further in accordance with an embodiment of the present
to the paper product may provide several advantages. Emul invention the method comprises storing the wax or wax
sions have to be stored at the site where the paper product blend in a first storage container, storing a liquid in a second
is produced, and have a limited shelf life. The manufacture 45 storage container, and forming the Suspension by dispersing
of emulsions uses a lot of energy and is relatively costly. In wax or wax blend in the liquid in a mixing device at a
contrast, the raw materials for making the Suspension are temperature higher than the melt point of said wax/wax
much cheaper and are much more stable. The molten wax blend. The suspension may be added directly from the
Suspension may be manufactured at the site where the paper mixing device to the paper product precursor. Alternatively,
product is produced. The excess heat of the paper production 50 the Suspension may be fed from the mixing device to an
process may be used as part of the manufacturing process of auxiliary mixing device, and the Suspension is added from
the Suspension. The heat source may be the excess heat of the auxiliary mixing device to the paper product precursor.
the production line in general, or the excess steam of the In accordance with an embodiment of the present inven
drying process in particular. Making the Suspension at the tion the method comprises producing and adding the Sus
site where the paper product is produced, and introducing 55 pension to the paper product precursor in a production line,
the Suspension on-line to the paper product, may provide wherein the production line consumption is used to control
significant savings in energy, storage, manpower, etc. the rate of Suspension production.
Due to its online production, the Suspension is not sen Further in accordance with an embodiment of the present
sitive to storage and/or storage conditions, such as but not invention the molten-wax Suspension enhances at least one
limited to, excessive mechanical shear, pumping, exces 60 of the following properties: sizing, hydrophobicity, water
sively low or high ambient temperature, storage agitation, repellency, water absorption control, scuff resistance, lubric
crust formation, particles agglomeration, and the like. ity, anti-blocking capability, release capability, friction con
The molten-wax suspension may be used to impart a wide trol, shear stability, softening, rub resistance, preventing
variety of characteristics to the paper product, such as but dusting or linting, glossiness, brightness, opacity, capability
not limited to, sizing, hydrophobicity, water repellency, 65 for ink printing, Smoothness, dimensional stability, thickness
water absorption control, scuff resistance, lubricity, anti control, density control, mechanical strength control, and
blocking capability, release capability, friction control, shear paper preservation.
US 7.255,776 B2
5 6
There is also provided in accordance with an embodiment mixing device 26, and the time duration of mixing. Dispers
of the present invention an article comprising a finished ing aids (not shown) may be added to the Suspension in
paper product made by adding a molten-wax Suspension to storage container 26.
a paper product precursor. Suspension 27 may be added directly, if desired, from
batch mixing device 26 to a paper product precursor 42 on
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS a production line for making a final paper product 44. The
paper product precursor 42 may comprise, without limita
The present invention will be understood and appreciated tion, a slurry, cellulose fiber mass, pulp mass, and the like.
more fully from the following detailed description taken in The term "paper product precursor encompasses any form
conjunction with the drawing in which: 10 of the paper product ready for adding thereto molten-wax
FIG. 1 is a simplified block diagram of a method and suspension 27 prior to the final manufactured form of the
system for making a paper product, in accordance with an paper product 44. The final paper product 44 may include,
embodiment of the present invention. without limitation, Smooth sheets, cardboard, corrugated
sheets, or other any other product form.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS 15 Suspension 27 may alternatively flow from batch mixing
device 26 to a mixer 41, where suspension 27 is further
Reference is now made to FIG. 1, which illustrates a mixed with other additives to make a fiber-suspension 40.
method and system for making a paper product, in accor Mixer 41 may comprise any suitable dispersing mixer, Such
dance with an embodiment of the present invention. as but not limited to, a beater, propeller, stirrer, or dissolver
A wax or wax-blend 10 may be stored in a storage moving at any suitable rate to form or maintain fiber
container 12. In accordance with one embodiment of the suspension 40. A control process feeder 50, such as but not
present invention, wax 10 may comprise, but is not limited limited to, Valve, pump, etc. may control the flow of Sus
to, organic wax (soft paraffin wax, macro-crystalline paraffin pension 27 to mixer 41.
wax, micro-crystalline paraffin wax, montan wax etc), plant As another alternative, suspension 27 may first flow from
wax (candelilla wax, carnauba wax, Soy wax, etc), animal 25 batch mixing device 26 to an auxiliary mixing device 46 via
wax (beeswax etc), synthetic wax (polyethylene wax, tubing 48. A control batch feeder valve 50 may control the
polypropylene wax, etc) maleated hydrocarbons and others, flow of material from batch mixing device 26 to auxiliary
or any mixture (blend) thereof. mixing device 46. Auxiliary mixing device 46 may also
Wax 10 may be in the form of liquid, particles, flakes, comprise a mixer 52, which may be any suitable dispersing
pellets and other shapes, of any size. Storage container 12 30 mixer, Such as but not limited to, a propeller, stirrer, or
may comprise a mixer 14. Dispersing aids (not shown) may dissolver moving at any Suitable rate to form or maintain
be added to wax 10 in storage container 12. Mixer 14 may suspension 27. A control unit 54 may be provided that
be used to reduce wax 10 to particles of any desired size. controls operation of auxiliary mixing device 46, Such as but
Provision may be made for controlling the temperature of not limited to, the weight or volume of the substances being
the contents of storage container 12, Such as, but not limited 35 mixed, the pressure or temperature of auxiliary mixing
to, to a temperature higher than the melting point of the wax device 46, and the time duration of mixing. A control process
or wax blend. In a molten liquid state, mixer 14 may be used feeder 56, such as but not limited to valve, pump, etc. may
to blend a minimum of two waxes to form a wax-blend. control the flow of suspension 27, via tubing 58, to mixer 41.
Though not mandatory, it is preferable for wax 10 in The production line and control process feeders 50 and 56
container 12 to be in liquid molten state. 40 may operate in a closed control loop, wherein the consump
Another storage container 16 may be provided for storing tion rate of the paper precursor production line automatically
therein a liquid 18, such as but not limited to, water, which controls the production and feeding of Suspension 27 to
will be used to disperse therein wax 10 to form a suspension. mixer 41.
Storage container 16 may also comprise a mixer 20. Dis In general, the molten-wax Suspension comprising wax 10
persing aids (not shown) may be added to liquid 18 in 45 may be added by itself to the paper product precursor 42, or
container 16. Provision may be made for controlling the other substances may be added to the suspension before its
temperature of the contents of storage container 16, Such as, addition into the paper product precursor 42, or Suspension
but not limited to, to a temperature higher than the melting 27 may be added to other components before adding to the
point of the wax or wax blend. Furthermore, in the case of paper product precursor 42.
a solid wax in container 12, the temperature of liquid 18 may 50 It is noted that any of the mixing devices (e.g., “batch' or
be controlled such that the latent heat of liquid 18 is enough “auxiliary) may comprise provision for mixing discrete
to heat and melt wax 10 resulting in a liquid-liquid phase in batches or continuous mixing of Substances. It is further
container 26 below. noted that the devices and equipment used in the above
The contents, or any portion thereof, of storage containers described process are exemplary only, and the present inven
12 and 16 may be fed via tubing 22 and 24, respectively, to 55 tion is not limited to these devices or equipment.
a batch mixing device 26, where wax 10 is dispersed in The addition of molten suspension 27 or 40 may enhance
liquid 18 to form a molten-wax suspension 27. Controls 28 properties of the final paper product 44. Examples of prop
and 30, respectively, may control the flow of material from erties that may be enhanced by wax 10 in molten suspension
storage containers 12 and 16 to batch mixing device 26. 27 or 40 include, but are not limited to, sizing, hydropho
Batch mixing device 26 may comprise a mixer 32, which 60 bicity, water repellency, water absorption control, scuff
may be any suitable dispersing mixer, Such as but not limited resistance, lubricity, anti-blocking capability, release capa
to, a propeller, a stirrer, ultra-torrex, colloid-mill, or dis bility, friction control, shear stability, softening, rub resis
Solver moving at any Suitable rate to form or maintain tance, preventing dusting or linting, glossiness, brightness,
suspension 27. A control unit 34 may be provided that opacity, capability for ink printing, Smoothness, dimensional
controls operation of batch mixing device 26, Such as but not 65 stability, thickness control, density control, mechanical
limited to, the weight or volume of the substances being strength control, and paper preservation and any combina
mixed, droplet size, the pressure or temperature of batch tion thereof.
US 7.255,776 B2
7 8
It will be appreciated by persons skilled in the art that the 6. The method according to claim 1, further comprising
present invention is not limited by what has been particu storing said wax in a first storage container, storing a liquid
larly shown and described hereinabove. Rather the scope of in a second storage container, and forming said molten wax
the present invention includes both combinations and Sub Suspension by dispersing said wax in said liquid in a mixing
combinations of the features described hereinabove as well device at a temperature higher than the melting point of said
as modifications and variations thereof which would occur Wax.
to a person of skill in the art upon reading the foregoing 7. The method according to claim 6, wherein said molten
description and which are not in the prior art. wax Suspension is added directly from said mixing device to
What is claimed is: said slurry.
1. A method comprising: 10 8. The method according to claim 6, wherein said molten
improving a property of a paper product precursor by wax Suspension is fed from said mixing device to an
adding and mixing a molten wax suspension into a auxiliary mixing device, and said molten wax Suspension is
slurry comprising said paper product precursor, said added from said auxiliary mixing device to said slurry.
molten wax Suspension comprising a suspension of 9. The method according to claim 6, further comprising
liquid wax particles lacking an emulsifier coating in a 15 controlling flow of said molten wax Suspension to said
liquid solvent, the liquid wax particles being at a slurry.
temperature higher than the melting point of said wax, 10. The method according to claim 1, further comprising
wherein said molten wax suspension is added to said forming a finished paper product from said paper product
slurry in a production line prior to making a finished precursor.
paper product. 11. The method according to claim 1, wherein said
2. The method according to claim 1, wherein said molten molten-wax Suspension enhances at least one of the follow
wax suspension is manufactured at a site where the paper ing properties: sizing, hydrophobicity, water repellency,
product precursor is produced. water absorption control, scuff resistance, lubricity, anti
3. The method according to claim 1, wherein said wax blocking capability, release capability, friction control, shear
comprises at least one of organic wax, plant wax, animal 25 stability, softening, rub resistance, preventing dusting or
wax, and synthetic wax. linting, glossiness, brightness, opacity, capability for ink
4. The method according to claim 1, wherein said wax printing, Smoothness, dimensional stability, thickness con
comprises a blend of at least two waxes. trol, density control, mechanical strength control, and paper
5. The method according to claim 1, wherein excess heat preservation.
of producing said paper product precursor is used as part of 30
manufacturing said Suspension.

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