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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,381,250 B2

Hasinovic et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 3, 2008

(54) INTERIOR PROTECTANT/CLEANER 5,925,341 A * 7/1999 Cervantes et al. ....... 424/78.03

COMPOSITION 6,013,323 A * 1/2000 Klayder et al. ............. 427,384
6,206,956 B1* 3/2001 Muntz et al. .................. 106.3
(75) Inventors: Hida Hasinovic, Lexington, KY (US); 855.
4- 4
R. 3. MA al - - - - - "25.
rump et al. .....
Tara Weinmann, Lexington, KY (US) 6,342,556 B1* 1/2002 Batdorf et al. .............. 524/432
(73) Assignee: Ashland Licensing and Intellectual 28, E. 1939: Este et al. ... - - - 2.
Property, LLC (ALP), Lexington, KY 6,607,717 B1 * 8/2003 Johnson et al. .......... 424/70. 12
(US) 6,685,765 B1* 2/2004 Ghodoussi ................... 106/10
6,933,268 B2 * 8/2005 White ........................ 510/405
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2002/0160224 A1 10/2002 Barger et al.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2003/0220221 A1 11/2003 McDonald et al.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 2004/01802.13 A1 9, 2004 Harris et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 11/640,440 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
WO WO O2/O74448 A2 9, 2002
(22) Filed: Dec. 15, 2006 WO WO 2004,106422 A1 12/2004
WO WO 2005/081602 A1 7/2005
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2007/O163463 A1 Jul. 19, 2007
Technical Brochure entitled "Innovation Within Umicore Zinc
Related U.S. Application Data E.A.
CC. Umicore
showing NME's
microphotographs tly
of Zinc oxide nano published
(60) Provisional application No. 60/750,609, filed on Dec.
15, 2005. * cited by examiner
(51) Int. Cl Primary Examiner—Anthony J Green
we (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Carrithers Law Office
C09G I/08 (2006.01) PLLC: David W. Carrithers
CD9G. I./02 (2006.01) s
C09G I/2 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT
C09K 3/00 (2006.01)
C09K 3/18 (2006.01) The present invention provides a liquid protectant compo
C09D 83/00 (2006.01) sition composed of a cationic microemulsion of a natural
C09D 9/00 (2006.01) wax (carnauba wax) nanometer sized particles and Zinc
(52) U.S. Cl. .............. 106/10: 106/2: 106/3; 106/18.29: oxide nanometer sized particles in combination with a
106/271; 106/272; 252/8.57; 252/380,510/244; quaternary siloxane compound. The protectant composition
510/275; 516/77 of the present invention cleans, protects preserves and
(58) Field of Classification Search .................... 106/2, enhances the appearances of leather or vinyl Surfaces used
106/3, 10, 18.29, 271, 272; 252/8.57, 380; for covering items in the home or in vehicles. The product
510/244, 275; 516/77 is easy to apply to both Smooth and textured surfaces and has
See application file for complete search history. a transparent appearance. The product dries quickly and
(56) References Cited does not leave an oily residue. Utilization of nano technol
ogy to select components having nano sized particles pro
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS vides a uniform deposition of the product leaving a thin film
having exceptional protection properties. Unlike conven
5,217,758. A * 6/1993 Greenleaf et al. .......... 427,387 tional protectants, the invention of the instant composition
5,326,387 A * 7/1994 Faber et al. ................... 106.3 dries quickly and leaves no oily residue behind.
5,462,587 A * 10/1995 Greenleaf et al. ............. 106.2
5,520,843 A * 5/1996 Wright .............. ... 510,244
5,782.962 A * 7/1998 Burke et al. ................... 106.2 30 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Jun. 3, 2008 Sheet 1 of 8 US 7,381,250 B2
U.S. Patent Jun. 3, 2008 Sheet 2 of 8 US 7,381,250 B2

FIG. 3

FIG. 4
U.S. Patent Jun. 3, 2008 Sheet 3 of 8 US 7,381,250 B2
U.S. Patent Jun. 3, 2008 Sheet 4 of 8 US 7,381,250 B2

FIG. 7
U.S. Patent Jun. 3, 2008 Sheet S of 8 US 7,381,250 B2

FIG 3 FG.9


Leather or Viny Leather or Vinyl

. . . Surface . . . . . . . Surface
U.S. Patent Jun. 3, 2008 Sheet 6 of 8 US 7,381,250 B2

in 5.1 ku 2.23 E4 2838 y 25

U.S. Patent Jun. 3, 2008 Sheet 7 of 8 US 7,381,250 B2

OO in WD87n

U.S. Patent Jun. 3, 2008 Sheet 8 of 8 US 7,381,250 B2

FIG 12
US 7,381,250 B2
1. 2
INTERIOR PROTECTANTACLEANER functional silicone fluid, and an organopolysiloxane fluid to
COMPOSITION protect rubber, vinyl, and leather surfaces.
This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
Application Ser. No. 60/750,609 filed on Dec. 15, 2005
which is incorporated by reference herein. A better understanding of the present invention will be
had upon reference to the following description in conjunc
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION tion with the accompanying drawings in which like numer
als refer to like parts throughout the several views and
1. Technical Field 10 wherein:
The present invention provides a liquid protectant com FIG. 1 shows a sample comparison from dust adherence
position composed of nanometer sized carnauba wax par test (panel set A), with the composition of the instant
ticles and Zinc oxide nanometer sized particles in combina invention of Example 1 on the left, control in the center, and
tion with a silicone quat for cleaning, protecting and Brand X competitor product on the right;
enhancing the appearance of leather and vinyl on interior 15 FIG. 2 shows a sample comparison from dust adherence
Surfaces. test (panel set B), with the composition of the instant
2. Description of the Prior Art invention of Example 1 on the left, control in the center, and
Brand X competitor product on the right;
Automotive and household products such as upholstery FIG. 3 shows a sample comparison from dust adherence
for automobiles, boats, planes, trucks, and other vehicles, in test (panel set B), with the control on top, composition of the
addition to household items such as furniture are comprised instant invention of Example 1 in the center, and Brand X
in large part of vinyl or leather materials. Exposure of these competitor product on the bottom;
materials to heat and light, especially in extreme environ FIG. 4 shows a sample comparison from dust adherence
mental conditions such as the interior of an automobile can test (panel set C), with the composition of the instant
degrade and damage the material over time resulting in 25 invention of Example 1 on the left and Brand X competitor
discoloration, cracking and fading of the material. product on the right;
Protectant products have been developed to coat the FIG. 5 shows a sample comparison from dust adherence
Surface of these materials to minimize the degradation of the test (panel set C), with the control on top, composition of the
material due to environmental factors and provide a durable instant invention of Example 1 in the center, and Brand X
and shiny appearance. Problems occur when the products are 30 competitor product on the bottom;
sprayed onto a surface to be protected Such as the vinyl FIG. 6 shows a sample comparison from dust adherence
surface of a car door or dash and over spray results in a test (panel set D), with the composition of the instant
residue on the interior of the glass. Alternatively, the product invention of Example 1 on the left and Brand X competitor
may be composed of a gel typically does not spray as easily product on the right;
in cold weather and may leave too thick of a coating on the 35 FIG. 7 shows a sample comparison from dust adherence
Surface resulting in a slippery or greasy Surface. test (panel set D), with the control on top, composition of the
Compositions for protecting rubber, plastic, vinyl, and the instant invention of Example 1 in the center, and Brand X
like are known in the prior art. For instance, U.S. Pat. No. competitor product on the bottom;
5,782.962 by Burke et al. teaches a coating composition FIG. 8 is a drawing depicting conventional spray wax
containing a fluorine containing polymer, micronized wax, 40 particles coating a Surface;
hydrocarbon solvent, organosilicone compound, Surfactant FIG. 9 is a drawing depicting the nanometer sized par
and water. U.S. Pat. No. 6,013,323 by Klayder et al. teaches ticles of the instant invention penetrating into Small crevices
a silicone gel wax for metal surfaces. U.S. Pat. No. 6,685, and cracks providing a smooth coating on a Surface;
765 by Ghodoussi teaches a composition containing a wax, FIG. 10 shows a scanning electron microscope micropho
ultraviolet protectant, and Surfactant containing an anionic 45 tograph of a regular Zinc oxide particle;
and cationic surfactant. U.S. Pat. No. 6,342.556 by Batdorf FIG. 11 is a scanning electron microscope microphoto
et al. utilizes Submicronized Zinc oxide together with an graph of a Zinc oxide nanometer sized particle at a magni
acrylic latex composition and Viscosity control agent to fication of 25,000;
maximize UV protection. U.S. Pat. No. 6,494,767 by Fisher FIG. 12 shows that the homogeneous particle size distri
teaches a composition containing micronized wax, organic 50 bution of the nanometer sized particle and its fine primary
solvent, emulsifier, silicone liquid in water. U.S. Pat. Nos. particle size result in good transparency.
5,217,758 and 5,462.587 by Greenleaf et al. teaches the use
of a polysiloxane, diluent, and micronized wax composition. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
U.S. Pat. No. 6,221,433 teaches a organopolysiloxane based
composition for elastomeric applications. U.S. Pat. No. 55 The present protectant composition utilizes nano technol
6.227.200 by LeGrow teaches a alkylaryl polysiloxane ogy in a liquid wax. Unlike conventional protectants that use
copolymer composition for protecting vinyl and rubber large particles of wax to provide a coating over irregular
surfaces. U.S. Pat. No. 6,933,268 by White teaches the use Surfaces, the present invention uses nano particles of wax
of a composition containing a cleaning agent, silicone, and UV protection agent to penetrate surfaces and fill Small
thickener, neutralizing agent, ultraviolet agent, and water. 60 cracks, crevices and irregularities with nanoparticles size
U.S. Pat. No. 5,520,843 by Wright teaches the use of a water wax for optimal cleaning, conditioning, and UV protection.
based emulsion of acrylic copolymer containing poly The present invention provides a liquid protectant com
ethoxylated alkylphenol and ammonium hydroxide. U.S. position composed of nanometer sized carnauba wax par
Pat. No. 6,206,956 by Muntz et al. teaches a organopolysi ticles and Zinc oxide nanometer sized particles in combina
loxane emulsion based composition for protecting elasto 65 tion with a silicone quat. The protectant composition of the
meric surfaces. U.S. Pat. No. 5,326,387 by Faber et al. present invention cleans, protects preserves and enhances
teaches the use of a volatile silicone fluid, an amino the appearances of leather or vinyl Surfaces used for cover
US 7,381,250 B2
3 4
ing items in the home or in vehicles. The product is easy to It is another object of the present invention to utilize a
apply to both Smooth and textured surfaces and has a natural wax having a cationic charged micro emulsion as a
transparent appearance. The product dries quickly and does delivery system.
not leave an oily residue. Utilization of nano technology to It is an object of the present invention to provide a
select components having nano sized particles provides a protectant composition for use on interior vinyl, leather, or
uniform deposition of the product leaving a thin film having other synthetic surfaces of vehicles and on other items
exceptional protection properties. Unlike conventional pro utilizing covered with vinyl or leather.
tectants, the invention of the instant composition dries Molecular level waxing protectant composition of the
quickly and leaves no oily residue behind. present invention facilitates ionic exchanges. Positively
One preferred embodiment utilizes a composition con
10 charged dirt particles become entrained into the aqueous
taining nanometer Zinc oxide particles, glycerin, a cationic phase of mixture. Dirt is ionically repelled from the surface
microemulsion of carnauba wax particles, glycerin, a silox while the wax within the mixture attaches to the uncharged
ane quat, and water. A fragrance or colorant may be added now clean Surface. The cationic waxed Surface then presents
as an optional ingredient. More particularly, an example of a polar coating. The charged waxed surface actually resists
a preferred embodiment utilizes the following ingredients
15 dirt by providing a barrier to the positively charged dirt
based on the weight of the total composition: water in an particles. The polar coating stays on the waxed surface of an
amount of about 75 percent deionized water, zinc oxide indefinite period. As long as the polar coating remains dirt
having a particle size of about 60 nanometers in an amount is repelled.
of about 0.02 percent by weight, a silicone quat in an amount Other feature and advantages of the invention will be
of about 5 percent by weight, glycerin in an amount of about apparent from the following description of the preferred
10 percent by weight, and a micro emulsion of a cationic embodiments thereof, and from the claims.
carnauba wax in an amount of about 10 percent by weight.
The composition may as an option also contain about 0.05 DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
percent by weight of a fragrance A preferred embodiment of EMBODIMENT
the protectant composition comprises water in an amount
from 50-90 percent by weight based on the total weight of According to the present invention, there are provided
the composition; Zinc oxide having a particle size of about compositions for cleaning, preserving, protecting synthetic
60 nanometers in an amount of from 0.001 to 1.0 percent by plastic, vinyl and leather products. The protectant compo
weight based on the total weight of the composition; a 30 sition is easy to apply to both Smooth and textured Surfaces
silicone quat in an amount of 0.1 to 35 percent by weight of and has a transparent appearance. The product dries quickly
the total composition; and a microemulsion of a cationic and does not leave an oily residue. Utilization of nano
carnauba wax in an amount of about 8 percent by weight of technology to select components having nano sized particles
the total composition. provides a uniform deposition of the product leaving a thin
More specifically a preferred embodiment of the pro 35
film having exceptional protection properties. Unlike con
tectant composition consist essentially of water in an amount ventional protectants, the invention of the instant composi
from 50-90 percent by weight based on the total weight of tion dries quickly and leaves no oily residue behind. More
the composition; Zinc oxide having a particle size of about over, the formulation has a transparent appearance. It can be
60 nanometers in an amount of from 0.001 to 1.0 percent by applied to Smooth and textured Surfaces with ease and resists
weight based on the total weight of the composition; a 40
running and dripping.
silicone quat in an amount of 0.1 to 35 percent by weight of The wax product can comprise a synthetic wax instead of
the total composition; and a microemulsion of a cationic or in addition to, the natural waxes; however, the preferred
carnauba wax in an amount of about 8 percent by weight of embodiment utilizes both synthetic and natural waxes and
the total composition. more particularly a wax having a cationic charge whereby
It is an object of the present invention to provide a 45 the wax provides a surface-active substance in which the
protectant composition which deposits rapidly on a vinyl or active constituent is the positive ion.
leather substrate while providing excellent satin and lustrous The preferred wax component is carnauba wax, more
shine and protection. particularly a cationic microemulsion of carnauba wax. It is
It is an object of the present invention to provide a contemplated that alternate plant waxes such as candelilla,
protectant composition providing a satin finish while pro 50 orange-peel, montan, and/or japan wax could be utilized in
viding a quick drying time and antistatic properties. the present invention as alternate wax components, prefer
It is an object of the present invention to provide a ably in a cationic microemulsion form. It is contemplated
protectant composition utilizing a Zinc oxide composition that synthetic waxes such as polyethylene wax, polypropy
having a majority of the particles being nanometer sized lene wax, polyamide wax, and combinations thereof can also
55 be utilized in the instant invention.
particles of an average particles size of 60 nanometers to
provide UV protection. The instant invention preferably utilizes at least one
It is an object of the present invention to utilize nanopar natural wax such as carnauba wax. The wax is provided as
a microemulsion, typically a cationic emulsion consisting of
ticles of wax and UV protectants in order to increase the cold about 12-15 percent by weight solid wax particles having a
and hot temperatures ranges in which the product can be 60 particle size of from about 10 to 50 nanometers. For
applied to the Surface Substrate. example, a cationic carnauba polish, Such as a micro emul
It is an object of the present invention to provide a sion (15% emulsion) or a (12% emulsion) can be utilized in
protectant composition which dries quickly and leaves no the present composition. The water based emulsion contains
oily residue behind. ethylene glycol as co-emulsifier at about 20% by weight and
It is an object of the present invention to provide a 65 an aliphatic amine derivatives as emulsifier, available from
protectant composition wherein upon application the prod Tomah Products, Inc. under the tradename of EMULSION
uct has a transparent appearance. C-340.
US 7,381,250 B2
5 6
Of course the wax could be obtained dry and dispersed C., and a density (a 25° C. of from 0.950 to 0.970 g/ml. It
within the blend of components separately from the emul- is a quaternary blend containing 70 percent Solids of a long
sion providing the same functional qualities; however, it is silicone chain based—silicone quat having 70 percent active
more convenient to obtain the wax in the form of an quaternary particles in solvents comprising at least in part
emulsion from commercial vendors. The wax emulsion 2-propanol, 1-butoxy. It has a pH of 8.5 and dynamic
consisting of about 12% wax is added to the wax compo- viscosity of 250 mPA's at 25° C. as measured on a Brook
sition blend in an effective amount to form a thin film on a field viscometer. The particle size of the silicone quat are
wetted surface upon buffing, ranging from 0.1 to 20.0 provided by the Supplier in solution of 80% solids.
percent by weight, and more preferably in a range of from The molecule appears as follows:

R fy o
O fy R

~~~~~ Sr-r

5.0 to 15.0 percent by weight, and more preferably in a range Another preferred silicon quat is available from the Dow
of from between 8.0 to 12.0 percent by weight based on the Corning Corporation and comprises nanometer size silicone
total weight of the composition. One preferred embodiment quat particles in a microemulsion Such as sold under the
uses 10 percent by Weight of a 12% carnauba emulsion. The 25 tradename of DOW CORNING 5-7113 which is a silicone
percent by weight is based on the amount of (12% wax quat microemulsion comprising a 25% non-ionic emulsion
emulsion in the total composition) rather than the percent of of a cationized amino-functional silicone polymer. More
the active ingredient (pure wax). For instance, use of a 15% -
of cationic carnauba (p )
wax microemulsion in amount of 20.0O particularly,
-0 the silicon quat in one preferred embodiment is
weight percentresults in about 3% by weight of the carnauba 30 silicone quaternium-16 and undeceth-11 and butyloctanol
wax as an active ingredient based on the weight of the total and undeceth-5. The microemulsion contains 25 percent by
composition. weight of silicone in a non-ionic emulsification in which
The cationic emulsifier and its positive charge is attracted water is a suitable diluent. In accordance with the MSDS
to the negatively charged car Surface which becomes slightly sheet incorporated herein by reference, the silicon quat
hydrophobic attracting the waxes and oils to the Surface 35 compound also contains about 60 percent water and from 14
resulting in a sheeting action due to the quaternary cationic to 40 percent of methylamino siloxane with glycidyl trim
surfactant. The resulting wax formulation formulated with a ethylammonium chloride, from 7 to 13 percent of alkyl
cationic micro emulsion results in a higher buffing resistance polyethylene glycol, and from 3.0 to 7.0 percent 2-butyloc
and higher durability. tanol. The microemulsion contains silicon quat particles
Silicone Quat below about 280 nanometers and more preferably less than
Because of their positive charge, quaternary ammonium 200 nanometers, wherein particles sizes below 20 nanom
functional silicones, ('silicon quats'), are useful in treating eters appear as water clear and are transparent.
materials and Surfaces that are primarily negatively charged, It is contemplated that other silicon quaternary com
such as in many textile and personal care applications. The as pounds can be selected as Suitable silicon quats used in the
quaternary ammonium functionality makes possible certain present invention such as those disclosed in U.S. Pat. No.
ionic interactions that are the basis of many useful proper- 5,925.341 by Cervantes et al. issued on the 20 of Jul. of
ties. These include increased hydrophilic character, ability to 1999, U.S. Pat. No. 6,607,717 by Johnson et al. which issued
act as a thickener, and improved ability to aid in the on the 19 of Aug. of 2003, and U.S. Pat. No. 6,461,537
deposition of other materials such as coatings and condi- so which issued on the 8 of Oct. of 2002 all of which are
tioning agents. incorporated herein by reference.
The silicone quat gives gloss enhancement while provid The amount of silicone quat in at least one preferred
ing a quick drying time and antistatic properties to the spray embodiment
wax formulation. Furthermore, it provides excellent luster, tive amount of of
the present invention is present in an effec
up to 1 percent by weight of the total
Superior beading and sheeting action, it is soluble in oil and 55 composition. However,
water, is compatible with cationic microemulsions and is the invention utilizes anthe more preferred embodiments of
effective amount of silicon quat up
synergistic with the cationic wax microemulsion of the
present invention. It has antistatic effects, Substantive Sur- to about 50 percent by weight of the total weigh of the
faces, a low viscosity of from 150 to 500 at 25 C, and is composition. Preferred embodiments typically use an effec
stable at acidic pH. Unlike conventional silicon products, 60 tive amount ranging from 0.1 to 35 percent by weight, and
silicone quat molecules actually unfold to provide a leveling
condition and smoother surface for adherence of the wax
more preferably in a range of from to 10 to 25 percent by
weight, and more preferably in a range of from between 2.0
particles. to 15 percent by weight, and more preferably between 3.0 to
A preferred embodiment of the present invention utilizes 10 percent by weight based on the total weight of the
a silicone quat such as is sold under the tradename of TEGO 65 composition. One preferred embodiment silicone quat in an
POLISHADDITIVE Q70, available from Degussa having a amount of about 5.0 percent by weight based on the total
pH range of from 7 to 9, viscosity from 150-500 cps (a 25° weight of the final composition.
US 7,381,250 B2
7 8
UV Protection (Zinc Oxide) weight, and more preferably in a range of from to 0.005 to
A preferred embodiment of the present invention utilizes 0.6 percent by weight, and more preferably in a range of
a nano-sized Zinc oxide power which offers exceptional and from between 0.01 to 0.4 percent by weight, and more
along lasting broad spectrum UV-B/UV-A protection. It is preferably between 0.05 to 0.2 percent by weight based on
highly effective to protect transparent plastics and plastic the total weight of the composition. One preferred embodi
films from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Its homogeneous ment as set forth in Example 1, uses nanoparticles of Zinc
Small particles and narrow particle size distribution provides oxide in an amount of about 0.1 percent by weight based on
for excellent transparency. It is non-migratory and has the total weight of the paste wax composition.
antibacterial properties. The mean particle diameter of the Glycerin
Zinc oxide is less than 280 nanometers, preferably less than 10
At least one preferred embodiments of the present inven
200 nanometers, and typically about 35 nanometers. One tion utilize glycerine, 99.5% min USP vegetable grade in an
source of the nanometer sized zinc oxide, (ZANO 20) is effective amount up to 20 percent by weight. A glycerine is
Umicore Zinc Chemicals in Belguim as depicted in the a humectant which is hygroscopic provides a stabilizing
microphotographs shown in FIGS. 10-12. An alternate action to keep the moisture content within a desired range
embodiment utilizes Zinc oxide having an average particle 15
and minimize humidity fluctuations. It aids in dispersion and
size of 60 nanometers (calculated via SSA measurement) clarity of the wax. A preferred humectant contains alcohol
sold under the trade name of NANOGARD by Nanophase groups and is a glycol compound selected from the group
Technologies Corporation, in Romeoville, ill. including ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, propylene gly
A conventional Zinc oxide can be used in the instant
formulation to provide UV protection to the instant compo col, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, propyl alcohol, isopropyl
sition; however, a preferred embodiment of the present alcohol, glycerol, and combinations thereof. More prefer
invention utilizes a micro fine transparent nanometer sized ably the humectant is added in an effective amount in a range
Zinc oxide powder which offers exceptional and along of from between 1 to 18.0 percent by weight, more prefer
lasting broad spectrum UV-B/UV-A protection. It is highly ably in a range of from 3.0 to 15.0 percent by weight, more
effective to protect transparent plastics and plastic films 25
preferably in a range of from between 6.0 to 12.0 percent by
from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Its homogeneous Small weight based on the total weight of the composition. One
particles and narrow particle size distribution provides for preferred embodiment of the present invention includes
excellent transparency. It is non-migratory and has antibac about 10 percent by weight of glycerin based on the total
terial properties. weight of the composition.
Regular commercially available Zinc oxides have specific 30 Fragrance
Surface areas below 10 m2/gr, (typically 4-6 m/gr), resulting Although not required, an effective amount of one or more
in high primary particle sizes which results in white particle fragrances, such as vanilla, bubble gum, orange, fruity
in appearance. The mean particle diameter of the Zinc oxide bouquet and the like may be added to the instant invention
is about 35 nanometers and the majority of the particles to impart a desirable scent to the product. Preferably the
range from about 20 to 35 nanometers. One source of the 35 fragrance is present in an amount of up to 2 percent by
nanometer sized zinc oxide, (ZANO 20) is Umicore Zinc weight, and more preferably of from between 0.001 to 1.0
Chemicals in Belgium. The preferred embodiment utilizes percent by weight, and more preferably of from between
Zinc oxide particles having a specific Surface area of mini 0.01 to 0.5 percent by weight. One preferred embodiment
mum 20 m2/gr, resulting in very fine loosely aggregated contains about 0.4 percent by weight of fruity bouquet based
particles having a primary particle size below 60 nanometer 40 on the total weight percent of the composition.
providing a narrow particle size distribution allowing the A protectant composition may further comprise a preser
Zinc oxide to be used in transparent applications. Additional vative Such as BIOBAN BP PLUS in an amount of about 0.1
Zinc oxide products available from Umicore Zinc Chemicals percent by weight of the total composition.
suitable for use in the present invention is sold under the Dyes, and/or colorants may also be added to the wax
tradename of ZANO LS and has a specific surface are of 45 composition in an effective amount of less than 0.1 percent
20-30 m2/grand a primary particle size (calculated) of about by weight based on the total weight of the composition.
35-55 nanometers; and ZANO HS which has a specific As an option the present protectant composition utilizes a
Surface are of 30-40 m/gr and a primary particle size fragrance such as that sold under the tradename of COOL
(calculated) of about 25-35 nanometers. The homogeneous WAVE FRAGRANCE available from Aryleessence, Inc. in
particle size distribution of the nanometer sized particle and 50 Marietta, Ga.
its fine primary particle size result in good transparency. The
nanometer sized zinc oxide particles are broad spectrum UV EXAMPLES
absorbers (UV-A and UV-B) which is not the case for micro
fine TiO2 and organic UV absorbers. It also has anti The following examples provide formulations in accor
bacterial properties and is mildew resistant. 55 dance with the present invention and provide examples of
An alternate embodiment utilizes Zinc oxide having an the range of ingredient percentages by weight providing an
average particle size of 60 nanometers (calculated via SSA effective amount of the particular ingredients deemed nec
measurement) sold under the tradename of NANOGARD by essary to obtain a high gloss finish in a single application.
Nanophase Technologies Corporation, in Romeoville, Illi Preparation of the wax compositions set forth in the
nois. Although it is sold as a white powder, the nanometer 60 following examples involved mixing the ingredients as
sized particles in low concentrations utilized in the preferred follows wherein each ingredient is mixed well before adding
embodiments of the instant invention appear transparent. the next ingredient. Add Zinc oxide to the water and mix,
The zinc oxide in at least one preferred embodiment of the adding and mixing the silicone quat, adding and mixing the
present invention is present in an effective amount of up to glycerin, adding and mixing the micro emulsion of wax, and
1.0 percent by weight of the total composition. The more 65 optionally adding and mixing the fragrance.
preferred embodiments of the invention utilizes an effective The product is applied by 1) spraying the protectant
amount of glycerin ranging from 0.001 to 1.0 percent by composition onto the leather, vinyl, or other synthetic Sur
US 7,381,250 B2
9 10
face; 2) rubbing gently with a soft, clean cloth; and 3) Results
buffing lightly until dry with a clean cloth. The data are presented in Tables 1-4. The composition
Preferred formulas for the wax composition of the present according to the present invention as set forth in Example 1
invention is set forth in following examples: was Superior to a leading competitor(Brand X) on all panel
sets. Average dust adherence over the 4 panel sets (5 panels
Example 1 per set) are Summarized below.

10 Control Example
Commercial Percent by Set (mg) 1 (mg) X (mg)
Constituent Name Weight
A. 22.4 38.8 80.1
Cationic carnauba wax TOMAHC-340 1O.O B 56.0 30.9 1849
micro emulsion (15% solids emulsion) C 18.6 22.7 132.O
Glycerin 1O.O D 28.1 35.8 1852
Silicon Quat (Tego Polish Additive Q-70) S.O Avg 31.3 32.1 145.6
Zinc Oxide (average particle size 60 O.O2
Water Soft or Deionized 74.93
Fragrance O.OS Pictures of the panels after the test are set forth as FIGS. 1-7.
Friction Test (for Stickiness)
6. Wipe test panels (3"x12") with KIMWIPES. Measure
Example 2 COF of each panel with hand-held friction tester (in two
directions). Record as background COF.
7. Apply test products to /3 of panels, with the remaining
25 used for control. The control panels should be cleaned with
interior cleaner, while the test products should be applied per
Commercial Percent by the package directions.
Constituent Name Weight
8. Record friction of treated panels and control with
Cationic carnauba wax TOMAHC-340 1O.O hand-held friction tester. Contacting balls on friction tester
micro emulsion (15% solids emulsion) 30 should be cleaned with acetone before test. Take 3 measure
Glycerin 1O.O
Silicon Quat (Tego Polish Additive Q-70) S.O ments of each panel, and average. The mean of each panel
Zinc Oxide (average particle size O.O2 shall be the official measurement value.
60 nanometers)
Water Soft or Deionized 74.83 Results
Fragrance O.OS
Data are presented in Tables 5 and 6 in the Appendix.
Preservative Bioban BP PLUS O.1 There was no discernible difference in friction after treat
ment between the NanoProtectant and Armour All. This is
not a viable test for this product.
Example 3 9. UV Stability Test
40 Dust Adherence Test Data
The number dm is the mass of the dust that stuck to the
treated panel. The Average is the average of the 5 panels for
Commercial Percent by each treatment. So, in Data Set A, the untreated panels
Constituent Name Weight (Control) had an average of 22.4 mg to Stick to them, the
Cationic carnauba wax TOMAHC-340 1O.O
45 composition of Example 1 treated panels had 38.8 mg, and
micro emulsion (15% solids emulsion) the Brand X panels had 80.1 mg dust to stick.
Glycerin 1O.O Table 1. Dust Adherence Test Data Set A
Silicon Quat (Tego Polish Additive Q-70) S.O
Zinc Oxide (average particle O.O2
size 60 nanometers) TABLE 1.
Water Soft or Deionized 74.83 50
Fragrance O.OS Dust Adherence Test Data Set A
Preservative Bioban BP PLUS O.1
Data Set A m; (g) mf (g) dm (g) Average
Control 1 43.OO60 43.0278 O.0218
55 2 57.0844 ST.O989 O.O145
Tests 3 56.2787 56.2999 O.O212
4 53.5932 O.O286
5 55.7059 55.7317 O.O2S8 O.O224
Dust Adherence Test Example 1 1 47.1353 47.1771 O.O418
Followed test procedure Test Method for Dust Adherence 2 57.5095 57.5589 O.0494
(Mar. 22, 2005) with following modifications: 60
1. Use 3"x6" vinyl/interior panels (initially 5 each for test 5 S8.9239 58.95O2 O.O.263 O.O388
products and control). Brand x 1 52.2478 52.3003 0.0525
2. Do not wash surface before use of test products. 2
3. Follow directions on test product panels. 4 55.6899 SS-8081 O. 1182
4. The control shall be untreated panels cleaned with 65 5 45.3740 45.4709 O.0969 O.O8O1
interior cleaner.
5. Do not place panels into oven.
US 7,381,250 B2
11 12
Table 2. Dust Adherence Test Data Set B
TABLE 3-continued
Dust Adherence Test Data Set C
Dust Adherence Test Data Set B 5
Data Set C m; (g) mf (g) dm (g) Average
Data Set B m; (g) mr (g) dim (g) Average 4 13.0848 13.1068 O.O220
Control 1 9.2227 9.2448 O.O221 5 9.91.33 9.9461 O.O328 O.O227
2 10.1974 10.2261 O.O287 Brand x 1 11.2972 114318 O.1346
3 10.0230 10.1544 (0.1314 2 11.9994 12.0934 O.O940
4 1.O.O2S4 10.0955 O.O701 10 3 14.3935 14.5416 O.1481
S 10.2721 10.2998 0.0277 O.OS60 R. E. S. oilso
Example 1 1 12.0081 12.0399 O.O318
2 7.9419 7.9698 O.O279
3 10.5733 10.6.064 O.O331
4 10.5289 10.SS73 0.0284 15 Table 4 DuSt Adherence Test Data Set D
5 11.6OO2 11.633S O.O333 O.O388
Brand x 1 9.8297 1O.O168 O.1871 TABLE 4
2 8.8939 9.0657 O.1718
3 9.9618 10.1459 O.1841 Dust Adherence Test Data Set D
4 10.6130 10.8O39 O.1909
5 9,8125 10.0029 0.1904 0.0801 Data Set D m; (g) mf (g) dm (g) Average
Control 1 9.7763 9.8090 O.O327
2 11.7224 1174.04 O.O18O
Table 3 Dust Adherence Test Data Set C 3 10.7241 10.7604 O.O363
4 10.8315 10.862S O.O310
TABLE 3 5 11.1094 11.1321 O.O227 O.O281
25 Example 1 1 11.1434 11.1729 O.O295
Dust Adherence Test Data Set C 2 11.6.185 11.6560 O.O375
o 3 10.3449 10.3771 O.O322
4 11.2991 11.3415 O.O424
Data Set C m; (g) mr (g) dim (g) Average S 11.0696 11.1070 O.O374 O.O358
Control 1 8.5348 8.5429 O.OO81 Brand x 1 115214 11.7154 O.1940
2 9.7721 9.7888 O.O167 30 2 113482 11.5719 O.2237
3 9.94.86 9.974O O.O2S4 3 10.86OS 11.0674 0.2069
4 10.71 OS 10.7323 O.O218 4 11.OO71 11.2216 O.2145
5 9.8339 9.8548 O.O209 O.O186 5 10.1860 10.2729 O.O869 O.1852
Example 1 1 10.8412 10.851.3 O.O101
2 8.9154 8.9532 O.O378
3 8.9338 8.9446 O.O108 Table 5 Initial friction measurements on dashboard pan


Initial friction measurements on dashboard panels.

Example 1 Brand x Control

Panel Direction 1 Direction 2 Direction 1 Direction 2 Direction 1 Direction 2

A. 19 21 2O 21 21 21
2O 24 21 19 22 21
22 18 22 19 22 21
average 20.33333 21 21 19666.67 21.66667 21
COF O.140O37 O.144628 O.144.628 O.13S445 O.1492.19 O.1446281
B 37 36 35 32 27 26
37 37 37 35 30 25
37 38 37 33 29 28
average 37 37 36.33333 33.33333 28.66667 26.3333333
COF O.254.821 O.254.821 O.2SO23 O.229568 O.197429 O.18135904
C 17 18 19 2O 17 18
18 15 21 21 19 18
19 16 2O 2O 2O 19
average 18 16.33333 2O 20.33333 18.66667 18.3333333
COF O.123967 O. 112489 0.137741 O.140O37 O.128558 O.12626263
D 30 28 30 30 27 26
32 30 31 31 29 28
31 32 33 29 29 27
average 31 30 31.33333 30 28.33333 27
COF O.213499 O-206612 O.215794 O.2O6612 O.1951.33 O.18595.041
US 7,381,250 B2
13 14
Table 6 Friction measurements on dashboard panels after

Friction measurements on dashboard panels after treatment.
After Application
Example l Brand x Control
Panel Direction 1 Direction 2 Direction 1 Direction 2 Direction 1 Direction 2
A. 13 17 6 3 23 19
15 15 3 2 21 19
16 15 5 1 23 18
average 14.666.67 15.66,667 4.66667 2 22.33333 186666667
COF O.10101 O.107897 O. 10101 O.082645 O.153811 O.12855831
B 21 25 5 7 27 29
23 22 7 7 28 27
23 21 6 6 28 28
average 22.33333 22.666.67 6 6.66667 27.66667 28
COF O.153811 O.156107 O. 1101.93 O. 114784 O.190542 O.1928.3747
C 13 12 6 5 2O 21
13 14 6 6 19 19
13 13 6 6 21 18
average 13 13 6 S. 66667 2O 19.3333333
COF O.O89532 O.O89532 O. 1101.93 O.107897 O.137741 O.13314968
D 11 12 5 5 27 28
12 11 6 5 28 28
12 12 4 5 27 28
average 11.66667 11.66667 5 5 27.33333 28
COF O.O80349 O.O80349 O. 103306 O.103.306 O.188246 O.1928.3747

Modifications 30 2. The protectant composition of claim 1, further com

prising a fragrance in an amount of about 0.05 percent by
Specific compositions, methods, or embodiments dis weight of the total composition.
cussed are intended to be only illustrative of the invention 3. The protectant composition of claim 1, further com
disclosed by this specification. Variation on these composi prising a preservative in an amount of about 0.1 percent by
35 weight of the total composition.
tions, methods, or embodiments are readily apparent to a
person of skill in the art based upon the teachings of this 4. The protectant composition of claim 1, wherein said
specification and are therefore intended to be included as microemulsion of a cationic carnauba wax comprises about
part of the inventions disclosed herein. 8 percent by weight based on the total weight of the
Reference to documents made in the specification is composition.
intended to result in such patents or literature cited are 5. The protectant composition of claim 1, further com
expressly incorporated herein by reference, including any prising a humectant containing an alcohol group in an
patents or other literature references cited within such docu amount of up to 20 percent by weight based on the total
ments as if fully set forth in this specification. weight of the composition.
The foregoing detailed description is given primarily for 45
6. The protectant composition of claim 5, wherein said
clearness of understanding and no unnecessary limitations humectant comprises a glycol selected from the group
are to be understood therefrom, for modification will consisting of an ethylene glycol, a diethylene glycol, a
become obvious to those skilled in the art upon reading this propylene glycol, a methyl alcohol, an ethyl alcohol, a
disclosure and may be made upon departing from the spirit propyl alcohol, an isopropyl alcohol, a glycerol, and com
of the invention and scope of the appended claims. Accord 50
binations thereof.
ingly, this invention is not intended to be limited by the 7. A protectant composition, consisting essentially of
specific exemplifications presented hereinabove. Rather, water in an amount from 50-90 percent by weight based
what is intended to be covered is within the spirit and scope on a total weight of the composition;
of the appended claims. Zinc oxide having a mean particle diameter of less than
280 nanometers in an amount of from 0.001 to 1.0
We claim: percent by weight based on the total weight of the
1. A protectant composition, comprising: composition;
water in an amount from 50-90 percent by weight based a silicone quat in an amount of 0.1 to 35 percent by weight
on a total weight of the composition; based on the total weight of the composition;
Zinc oxide having an average particle size of about 60 60 and a wax having a particle size in a range of from about
nanometers in an amount of from 0.001 to 1.0 percent 10 to 50 nanometers in an amount of from 0.1 to 20
by weight based on the total weight of the composition; percent by weight based on the total weight of the
a silicone quat in an amount of 0.1 to 35 percent by weight composition.
based on the total weight of the composition; 8. The protectant composition of claim 7, said wax
and a microemulsion of a cationic carnauba wax in an 65 comprising a microemulsion.
amount of about 0.1 to 20.0 percent by weight based on 9. The protectant composition of claim 7, said wax
the total weight of the composition. comprising a cationic wax.
US 7,381,250 B2
15 16
10. The protectant composition of claim 7, wherein said 22. The protectant composition of claim 7, wherein said
wax comprises a natural wax selected from the group Zinc oxide comprises particles having an mean particle size
consisting of a carnauba wax, a candelilla wax, an orange of from 35 to 200 nanometers.
peel wax, a montan wax, a japan wax, and combinations 23. The protectant composition of claim, 7 wherein said
thereof. Zinc oxide comprises an amount of from 0.01 to 0.4 percent
11. The protectant composition of claim 7, wherein said by weight based on the total weight of the composition.
wax comprises a synthetic wax selected from the group 24. A protectant composition, comprising:
consisting of a polyethylene wax, a polypropylene wax, a water in an amount from 50-90 percent by weight based
polyamide wax, and combinations thereof. on a total weight of the composition;
12. The protectant composition of claim 7, further com 10
a Zinc oxide having a mean particle diameter in a range of
prising a humectant containing an alcohol group in an from 20 to 200 nanometers in an amount of from 0.001
amount of up to 20 percent by weight based on the total to 1.0 percent by weight based on the total weight of the
weight of the composition. composition;
13. The protectant composition of claim 12, wherein said
humectant comprises a glycol selected from the group 15 a silicone quat in an amount of 0.1 to 35 percent by weight
consisting of an ethylene glycol, a diethylene glycol, a based on the total weight of the composition;
propylene glycol, a methyl alcohol, an ethyl alcohol, a a microemulsion of cationic wax in an amount of from 0.1
propyl alcohol, an isopropyl alcohol, a glycerol, and com to 20 percent by weight based on the total weight of the
binations thereof. composition; and
14. The protectant composition of claim 12, wherein said a humectant containing at least one alcohol group in an
humectant is present in an amount of from between 3.0 to amount of up to 20 percent by weight based on the total
15.0 percent by weight based on the total weight of the weight of the composition.
composition. 25. The protectant composition of claim 24, wherein said
15. The protectant composition of claim 8, wherein said wax comprises a natural wax selected from the group
microemulsion comprises 12-15 percent by weight Solid 25 consisting of a carnauba wax, a candelilla wax, an orange
wax particles having a particle size of from about 10 to 50 peel wax, a montan wax, a japan wax, and combinations
nanometers. thereof.
16. The protectant composition of claim 7, wherein said 26. The protectant composition of claim 24, wherein said
wax is a cationic microemulsion selected from the group wax comprises a synthetic wax selected from the group
consisting of 10 percent by weight of wax particles, 12 30 consisting of a polyethylene wax, a polypropylene wax, a
percent by weight wax particles, 15 percent by weight wax polyamide wax, and combinations thereof.
particles, and combinations thereof. 27. The protectant composition of claim 24, wherein said
17. The protectant composition of claim 7, wherein said humectant comprises a glycol selected from the group
silicone quat comprises about 60 percent water and from 14 consisting of an ethylene glycol, a diethylene glycol, a
to 40 percent of methylamino siloxane with glycidyl trim 35
propylene glycol, a methyl alcohol, an ethyl alcohol, a
ethylammonium chloride, from 7 to 13 percent of alkyl propyl alcohol, an isopropyl alcohol, a glycerol, and com
polyethylene glycol, and from 3.0 to 7.0 percent 2-butyloc binations thereof.
18. The protectant composition of claim 7, wherein said 28. The protectant composition of claim 24, wherein said
silicone quat comprises particles of less than 280 nanom 40 humectant is present in an amount of from between 3.0 to
eters. 15.0 percent by weight based on the total weight of the
19. The protectant composition of claim 7, wherein said composition.
silicone quat comprises an amount of from 2.0 to 15.0 29. The protectant composition of claim 24, wherein said
percent by weight based on the total weight of the compo microemulsion comprises 12-15 percent by weight solid
sition. 45 wax particles having a particle size of from about 10 to 50
20. The protectant composition of claim 7, wherein said
Zinc oxide comprises particles having a mean particle size of 30. The protectant composition of claim 24, wherein said
from 20 to 200 nanometers. Zinc oxide having an mean particle size of from 35 to 200
21. The protectant composition of claim 7, wherein said nanometerS.
Zinc oxide comprises particles having an mean particle size 50
of from 20 to 60 nanometers.

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