(12) United States Patent (10 ) Patent No.: US 10 ,301,573 B2
Shoshany et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 28 , 2019 (54 ) CANDLE WITH WATER IN WAX 3 ,266 ,272 A * 3 ,660 , 128 A * 8/ 1966 Fredericks .................... 431/ 126 5 /1972 Sheldahl ......... 106 /271 (75 ) Inventors: Haggai Shoshany , Kfar Tavor (IL ); 3 ,677, 808 A * 7 /1972 Sheridan ... 106 /660 4 ,622, 118 A * 11/1986 Chimenti et al. ............. 204 / 562 Amnon Shoshani, Caesarea ( IL ) 6 , 066 ,186 A * 5 /2000 Matsumoto ................. ... 44 /301 6 ,864,349 B2 * 3/ 2005 Pavlin et al. ................ 528 /310 ( 73 ) Assignee : Smartech Ltd ., Caesarea Industrial 2006 /0100696 A1 * 5 /2006 Atanasoska et al. ........ 623 / 1 .44 Park ( IL ) 2009 /0300969 A1 * 12 /2009 Martin ..... 44 / 301 2014 /0199646 A1* 7 /2014 Beadles .................. C11C 5 /002 ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis 431 / 288 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS U . S . C . 154( b ) by 1260 days. (21) Appl. No.: 12/424, 633 CN DE 1238147 837916 12 / 1999 5 / 1952 EP 1518917 3 /2005 (22) Filed : Apr. 16 , 2009 58063798 4 / 1983
(65 ) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS
US 2009/0263756 A1 Oct. 22 , 2009 W Liu , et al. Formation and stability of paraffin oil- in -water Related U .S . Application Data nano -emulsions prepared by the emulsion inversion point method , (60 ) Provisional application No.61/045,329, filed on Apr. Jul. 26 , 2006 , Journal of Colloid and Interface Science , 303 (2006 ).* 16 , 2008 . PCT/GB2007000132: Martin , Water-In - Oil Emulsions, Methods, and Uses of Emulsiifying Agents, Jan . 18 , 2007. * (51) Int. Ci. * cited by examiner F23D 3/ 16 ( 2006 .01) C11C 5 /00 ( 2006 .01) (52) CPC U .S . CI............... C11C 5/ 002 (2013 .01); C11C 5/ 008 Primary Examiner — Avinash A Savani (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm - Dekel Patent Ltd .; David (2013 .01) Klein (58 ) Field of Classification Search USPC ...... .......... 431/288 , 289; 44 /275 , 280 , 311 (57) ABSTRACT See application file for complete search history. (56) References Cited A method for producing a candle shaped from a wax , wherein a dispersion of water droplets is purposely added U .S . PATENT DOCUMENTS within the wax . 2 ,892,732 A * 6 / 1959 Rockland 106 /277 3 , 000 ,753 A 9 / 1961 Rockland 18 Claims, No Drawings US 10 ,301,573 B2 CANDLE WITH WATER IN WAX In addition , the present invention enables candle users to reduce their wax consumption thus contributing to the global CROSS -REFERENCE TO RELATED effort to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. APPLICATIONS There is thus provided in accordance with an embodiment 5 of the present invention a method for saving on wax used in This application claims priority under 35 USC $ 119 to producing a candle, including producing a candle from a U . S . Provisional Patent Application 61/045 , 329 , filed Apr. wax, wherein a dispersion of water droplets is purposely 16 , 2008 , incorporated herein by reference. added within the wax (e . g ., to replace candle wax by mass ). In accordance with an embodiment of the present inven FIELD OF THE INVENTION 10 tion a reference candle is defined as a candle produced from the wax without addition of water droplets , and wherein the The present invention relates generally to wax candle candle produced with the water droplets and the reference manufacture, and particularly to a method formanufacturing candle burn at approximately equal burn rates , burn rate candles from wax dispersed with water. being defined as total mass loss of candle divided by burn 15 time. (“ Approximately equal” is preferably within a range of BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION + 40 % ,preferably + 30 % , more preferably - 20 % ,more pref erably + 10 % , more preferably 5 % .) In accordance with an embodiment of the present inven As is well known in the art , wax, especially paraffin wax , tion a reference candle is defined as a candle produced from is the main constituent in most candles . From ancient times, wax has been melted and poured into 20 the wax without addition of water droplets , and wherein grade points are allotted to the reference and water - contain molds where it cools and hardens to a desired solid candle ing candles as a function of burn rate, flame size , sputtering, form . During the 20th century , extrusion and /or press mold flickering, excess smoke , wick clogging , and wick drown ing of solid wax particles below their melt temperature have ing, and wherein the grade points of the candle produced become additional major production methods for making 25 with the water droplets differ from the grade points of the candles. reference candle in a range of 0 - 40 % (or alternatively 0 - 20 % From the start of the 21st century , due to steep rises in or 0 - 10 % ). crude oil prices, the cost of paraffin wax has soared . Prices of all waxes and wax -like products , such as fossil, synthetic DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS plant and animal waxes, have also soared . There is thus a 30 need in the candle industry to significantly decrease raw It was surprisingly found that one can deliberately add a material costs . dispersion of small or minutely divided water droplets One obvious way of decreasing raw material costs is to within the wax and form a candle with consumer - acceptable reduce the size of the candle. However, there is a relation properties , that is, properties that are not noticeable different ship between parameters, such as but not limited to , the size 35 from prior art candles that have no water content. of flame, the type and size of wick , the rate the wax burns, Without limitation , the minutely divided droplets can be and candle weight which determine the length of time the of a droplet size smaller than 500 microns, preferably candle burns. Accordingly, reducing the size of the candle smaller than 100 microns , preferably smaller than 50 forces the manufacturer to take steps, such as adjusting the microns, preferably smaller than 25 microns, preferably properties of the wick and /or flame, in order to maintain the 40 smaller than 10 microns, preferably smaller than 5 microns, same length of time that the candle burns . In addition , the and preferably smaller than 1 micron , all of which provide candle manufacturer must take into account various satisfactory results . The water added to the wax can be in the demands of the consumer, such as but not limited to , size , form of , without limitation , water in wax suspension , emul weight, burn time, flame properties, etc . There are no easy sion , dispersion , etc . The added water still allows forming a or obvious solutions to the problems faced by the candle 45 candle with consumer- acceptable properties , such as accept manufacturer to reduce costs without compromising candle ably low levels of sputtering and /or flickering (or possibly properties. even no noticeable sputtering and /or flickering ), and enables A known problem in the prior art is keeping water from manufacturers to maintain desirable candle characteristics , being mixed with the wax in the candle manufacture , such such as appearance , volume, weight, flame size and burn as water that can get trapped in the vicinity of the wick . It 50 time, etc ., while using less wax . is well known in the prior art that water in the candle wax It was found that up to 50 % water can be incorporated is undesired and can result in phenomena , such as flame within the wax ; however, best results were achieved using flickering or sputtering, wick clogging , smoking or others. 0 . 1 - 25 % water (other embodiments use 0 . 1 to 20 % or 30 % ). Other advantages for incorporation of water in the wax SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 55 were noticed . Water dispersed in wax (as a suspension , emulsion , dispersion among others ) may enable manufac The present invention seeks to provide a novelmethod for turers to use higher oil content waxes ( slack waxes, scale manufacturing candles from wax dispersed with water drop - waxes and/ or blends thereof), thus further reducing raw lets, as is described more in detail hereinbelow . In direct material costs. Water dispersed in wax enables manufactur contradistinction to the accepted norms of the prior art, in 60 ers to add water soluble additives in the manufacturing the present invention water droplets are deliberately added process instead of wax soluble additives . The term “ adding” to the wax raw material without compromising the quality of encompasses mixing , coating, dissolving , pouring , or any the candle . Without being limited to any theory of how the other action to make the additive part of the finished candle invention works , it is believed that the invention succeeds in product. maintaining candle quality because the water is added as 65 Wax herein encompasses tallow and /or wax of fossil droplets (small drops ). The small drops blend sufficiently origin , such as but not limited to , paraffin wax ,montan wax , well with the wax so as to maintain candle quality. etc ., or of plant origin , such as but not limited to , soy wax, US 10 ,301,573 B2 etc., or of animal origin , such as but not limited to , bee wax , means that the water-containing candle burns less wax since fat wax , etc ., or synthetic wax , such as but not limited to , its mass comprises water that has replaced wax . fisher tropsch wax , polyethylene wax , polypropylene wax , Generally a grade of 6 or higher is acceptable by the sterine wax , stearic wax , etc . or any other wax - likematerial consumers of the candle industry . Without derogating from the aforesaid , wax herein may 5 encompass , without limitation , soft wax , slack wax , scale Example 1 wax , partially refined wax , fully refined wax , oxidized wax , bleached wax , unbleached wax , macrocrystalline wax , Tap water was added to molten paraffin wax ( congealing microcrystalline wax and others. point 58° C .) using a batch high shear mixer ( Ystral equip Wax blend herein may encompass any combination of at 10 ment ) The water containing wax was poured into tea -lights least two types of waxes , or any combination of wax and and cooled to room temperatures within about 10 minutes. other constituents such as but not limited to , oil, etc . Grade results are shown in Table 1 . The term dispersion is used in the specification and claims TABLE 1 to encompass suspension , emulsion and dispersion, among other types ofmixtures. 15 Mixing time " Solution ” herein is defined as a homogenous liquid of Candle Number Mixer RPM [seconds] % water Candle grade miscible materials in which wax is dissolved in a solvent. 300 reference The wax is in its molecular or ion form . It is noted that the 301 24000 60 10 weight or volume ratio of the solvent may be 0 . 1 - 99 . 9 % of the solution . It is also noted that a solution may be formed 20 at an elevated temperature in which the wax is in liquid form Table 1 shows that candles of equivalent performance can and then used as a solid at room temperature . be achieved in water -containing candles under these terms. “ Emulsion ” herein is defined as a stable dispersion of Example 2 immiscible materials . It is noted that some water in wax emulsionsmay require emulsifiers to maintain stability . The 25 Tap water and alcoholic additive was mixed forming a emulsifiers prevent the water particles from adhering to or solution . The alcohol containing solution was mixed with merging with themselves. It is noted that an emulsion may molten paraffin wax (congealing point 55° C .) using a batch be formed at an elevated temperature in which wax is in high sheer mixer ( Ystral Equipment) at various solution liquid form and then used as a solid at room temperature . loads. The mixing was operated for 45 seconds within a 600 “ Suspension ” herein is defined as a buoyant dispersion of 30 ml candle jar. The mixing was stopped after 45 seconds, a immiscible materials . It is noted that water in wax suspen - wick was inserted , and the candle jar cooled below the wax ' s sions may require constant agitation during the manufactur freezing temperature within 20 minutes . ing process and during storage in order to prevent improper Grade results of the candles are shown in Table 2 : inclusion such as but not limited to merging, immersion , floatage, of the water in the wax . It is noted that a water - 35 TABLE 2 in -wax suspension may be formed at an elevated tempera % alcohol ture in which wax is in liquid form and then used as a solid Candle Mixing time in the % Candle at room temperature . Number Mixer RPM [seconds] water water grade It was surprisingly found that water dispersed in the wax 498 24000 452 10 8 may reduce the wick drowning phenomenon , wherein the 40 499 200451 10 wick leans or falls to drown in the pool of molten wax 500 reference 0 8 resulting in premature extinguishing of the candle flame. The invention enables the wax candle manufacturer to manufacture candles at lower costs , using less wax , and still Table 2 shows that water containing candles achieved maintain quality and standards expected by the consumer 45 equivalent performance to regular candles and that candles and industry . For example , tea light candles made according with an alcoholic additive improves candle 's performance to the invention will contain less wax than prior art tea light compared to under these terms. candles , yet will exhibit qualities expected and accepted by Example 3 the consumer, such as but not limited to , appearance , vol ume, weight, burn time, and flame size . As another example , 50 candles that are sold by weight ( colored or non - colored , Tap water and wax were mixed using a batch ultrasonic scented or non -scented , etc . ) and which are made according horn (COLE PALMER Equipment). The ultrasonic horn was to the invention will contain less wax than their prior art operated at 100 % amplitude for 45 seconds creating sus counterparts, yet will exhibit qualities expected and pensions . The suspensions were cooled below the wax congealing point within 30 seconds. The cold suspension accepted by the consumer, such as but not limited to , 55 and reference candle material were pressed into tea -light appearance , volume, weight, burn time, and flame size . The invention may be better understood by the following candles . non limiting examples : Grade results of the candles are shown in Table 3 : Grading of candles performance was done comparatively TABLE 3 with reference candles of the same wax composition and 60 similar shape and weight. Maximum grade is 10 . Grade Ultrasonic Mixing Wax points are lowered if there is someadverse effect as regards amplitude time congealing % Candle burn rate , sputtering, flickering, flame size , excess smoke , Candle Number [% ] [seconds] point [° C.] water grade wick clogging, wick drowning, and more . Burn rate is 334 1004555209 calculated as the total mass loss of a candle divided by burn 65 351 reference 5509 time. Therefore , when a water - containing candle and a reference candle without water burn at the same rate it US 10 ,301,573 B2 Table 3 shows that ultrasonic mixing produces equivalent Table 6 it shows that fatty acid derivative emulsifier may performance candles at water content of 20 % under these improve candle performance under these terms. terms. Example 7 Example 4 Tap water and wax were mixed using a continuous high De- ionized water and wax were mixed using a continuous sheer homogenizer (ROSS rotor -stator equipment). The flow and ultrasonic device (Hielscher Equipment). The made suspensions, and the reference were poured into ultrasonic device was operated at 100 % amplitude with a tea -light candles, which cooled below their congealing point booster. The suspensions and reference were poured into 10 within about 10 minutes . tea -light candles , which cooled below their congealing point Grade results of the candles are shown in Table 7 : within about 10 minutes . Grade results of the candles are shown in Table 4 : TABLE 7 TABLE 4 15 Wax congealing point Candle Number [°C.] % water Candle grade Ultrasonic Wax congealing Candle 1325 reference 58 Candle Number amplitude [ % ] point [° C . ] % water grade 1332 539 100 + booster 58 15 578 reference 100 + booster 58 09 - 20 Table 7 shows that rotor - stator equipment enables the production of equivalent candles under these terms. Table 4 shows that Ultrasonic mixer can continuously It will be appreciated by persons skilled in the art that the produce water containing waxes of equivalent quality under present invention is not limited by what has been particu these terms. larly shown and described hereinabove . Rather the scope of 25 the present invention includes both combinations and sub Example 5 combinations of the features described hereinabove as well as modifications and variations thereof which would occur Emulsifiers of the type GMS (Glycerin monostearate ) to a person of skill in the art upon reading the foregoing were added to molten paraffin waxes using a batch stirrer description and which are not in the prior art . (Ika Equipment) forming a solution . The emulsifier -contain - 30 ing waxes were mixed with distilled water using a batch What is claimed is : ultrasonic device (Hielscher equipment) at 45 seconds mix 1. A method for saving on wax used in producing and ing time. The water-wax emulsions and reference were burning a candle , comprising : poured to tea -lights which cooled below their congealing producing a candle from a wax , wherein a dispersion of point within about 10 minutes . water droplets is purposely added within the wax as a Grade results of the candles are shown in Table 5 : replacement ofwax by mass thereby saving on the wax TABLE 5 used in producing the candle , wherein a reference candle is defined as a candle produced from the wax Wax congealing Emulsifier Candle without addition of water droplets as a replacement of Candle Number point [ ° C . ) Tuisiner content [ % ] % water grade 40 wax by mass , and wherein the candle produced with the 1101 reference 56 0 water droplets and the reference candle burn at approxi 1111 56 0.5 10 mately equal burn rates, burn rate being defined as total 1105 56 1.0 10 mass loss of candle divided by burn time, and the candle produced with the water droplets burns less wax Table 5 shows thatGMS emulsifier has positive influence to 45 than the reference candle by an amount equal to said on candle performance under these terms. water droplets . 2 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein the disper Example 6 sion of water droplets is purposely added within the candle wax to replace candle wax by mass . Emulsifiers of fatty acids derivatives type were added to 50 3 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein a reference molten paraffin waxes using a batch stirrer ( Ika Equipment) candle is defined as a candle produced from the wax without forming a solution . The emulsifier - containing waxes were addition of water droplets , and wherein grade points are mixed with tap water using a batch ultrasonic device (Hiel- allotted to the reference and water- containing candles as a scher Equipment) for 45 seconds mixing time, forming an function of burn rate , flame size, sputtering, flickering , emulsion . The water in wax emulsion and the reference were 55 excess smoke , wick clogging, and wick drowning, and poured into tea-lights which cooled below their congealing wherein the grade points of the candle produced with the point within about 10 minutes . water droplets differ from the grade points of the reference Grade results of the candles are shown in Table 6 : candle in a range of 0 - 40 % . TABLE 6 4 . The method according to claim 1, wherein a reference 60 candle is defined as a candle produced from the wax without Wax congealing Wax emulsifier Candle addition of water droplets , and wherein grade points are Candle Number point [°C.] content [% ] % water grade allotted to the reference and water- containing candles as a 1234 0 .5 10 function of burn rate , flame size , sputtering, flickering , 1237 5610108 excess smoke , wick clogging, and wick drowning , and 1240 reference 56 0 .0 10 ? 65 wherein the grade points of the candle produced with the water droplets differ from the grade points of the reference candle in a range of 0 -20 % . US 10 ,301,573 B2 5 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein a reference 11 . The method according to claim 1, wherein said water candle is defined as a candle produced from the wax without droplets are smaller than 5 microns. addition of water droplets, and wherein grade points are 12 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein said water allotted to the reference and water -containing candles as a function of burn rate , flame size , sputtering, flickering, 55 droplets are smaller than 1 micron . 13 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein said water excess smoke, wick clogging , and wick drowning , and droplets are added to the wax as a water-in -wax suspension . wherein the grade points of the candle produced with the water droplets differ from the grade points of the reference 14 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein said water candle in a range of 0 - 10 % . droplets are added to the wax as a water- in -wax emulsion . 6 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein said water 15 . The method according to claim 1, wherein said water droplets are smaller than 500 microns. droplets are added to the wax as a water-in -wax dispersion . 7 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein said water 16 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein said candle droplets are smaller than 100 microns. comprises 0 . 1 - 50 % water . 8 . The method according to claim 1, wherein said water 17 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein said candle droplets are smaller than 50 microns. 15 comprises 0 . 1 - 30 % water. 9. The method according to claim 1, wherein said water 15 18 . The method according to claim 1, wherein said candle droplets are smaller than 25 microns. 10 . The method according to claim 1 , wherein said water comprises 0 .1 -20 % water. droplets are smaller than 10 microns.