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USOO8844261 B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,844,261 B2

Pero (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 30, 2014
(54) VARIABLE AREA FAN NOZZLE THRUST (56) References Cited
(75) Inventor: Edward B. Pero, Somers, CT (US) 3483.702 A 12, 1969 Ward
3,612,401. A * 10/1971 Ellis et al. ................ 239,265.29
(73) Assignee: United Technologies Corporation, 3,739,582 A * 6/1973 Maison ........................ 60,226.2
Hartford, CT (US) 3,764,096 A * 10/1973 Wright ...................... 244/110 B
3,779,010 A 12/1973 Chamay et al.
- 3,815,357 A * 6/1974 Brennan ...................... 60,226.2
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 4,922,713 A 5/1990 Barbarinet al.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,706,649 A 1/1998 Robinson et al.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 334 days. 6,439,504 B1 8, 2002 Ahrendt
2004.0068978 A1 4/2004 Lair et al.
2005/0O86927 A1 4/2005 Lair et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 13/370,704 2008/0010969 A1 1/2008 Hauer et al.
(22) Filed: Feb. 10, 2012 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(65) Prior Publication Data FR 2146109 7, 1971
US 2012/O137655A1 Jun. 7, 2012
Search Report and Written Opinion mailed on Sep. 20, 2007 for
PCT/US 2006/0399.57.
Related U.S. Application Data International Preliminary Report on Patentability dated Feb. 2, 2009.
(62) Division of application No. 12/306,329, filed as * cited by examiner
application No. PCT/US2006/0399.57 on Oct. 12,
2006, now Pat. No. 8,151,551. Primary Examiner — Phutthiwat Wongwian
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Carlson, Gaskey & Olds,
(51) Int. Cl. P.C.
B63H II/00 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT
FO2K L/70 (2006.01) A nozzle for use in a gas turbine engine includes nozzle doors
(52) U.S. Cl. coupled with a fan nacelle wherein the nozzle doors move in
CPC ........................................ F02K L/70 (2013.01) unison between a plurality of positions to influence a bypass
USPC .... ... 60/204; 60/226.2: 60/226.3 airflow through a fan bypass passage. A linkage connects the
(58) Field of Classification Search nozzle doors and an actuator. A louver section coupled with
CPC ......................................................... F02K 1/70 the linkage moves in unison with the nozzle doors between a
USPC ..................... 60,226.1 2263,262.770, 204 plurality of louver positions to direct a portion of the bypass
239,26537, 244/ 10 B airflow in a selected direction.
See application file for complete search history. 10 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets


N 28 40

U.S. Patent US 8,844,261 B2

U.S. Patent Sep. 30, 2014 Sheet 2 of 4 US 8,844,261 B2
U.S. Patent Sep. 30, 2014 Sheet 3 of 4 US 8,844,261 B2
U.S. Patent Sep. 30, 2014 Sheet 4 of 4 US 8,844,261 B2
US 8,844,261 B2
1. 2
VARABLE AREA FAN NOZZLE THRUST FIG. 1 illustrates selected portions of an example gas tur
REVERSER bine engine system having a nozzle that integrates functions
of a variable fan nozzle and a thrust reverser.
REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS FIG. 2 is a schematic view of example nozzle doors and
linkage of the nozzle shown in FIG. 1, in a stowed position.
This is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/306329 FIG.3 is a schematic view of the example nozzle doors and
filed on Dec. 23, 2008 now U.S. Pat. No. 8,151,551, which is linkage of the nozzle shown in FIG. 1, in an intermediate
a National Phase of PCT Application No. PCT/US2006/ position.
0399.57 filed on Oct. 12, 2006. 10
FIG. 4 is a perspective view of the nozzle doors in the
intermediate position.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION FIG.5 is a schematic view of the example nozzle doors and
linkage of the nozzle shown in FIG. 1, in a thrust reverse
This invention relates to gas turbine engines and, more position.
particularly, to a gas turbine engine having a variable fan 15 FIG. 6 is a perspective view of the example nozzle doors
nozzle integrated with a thrust reverser of the gas turbine and linkage in the thrust reverse position.
engine. FIG. 7 is a schematic view of another embodiment of the
Gas turbine engines are widely known and used for power nozzle doors and linkage, in a thrust reverse position.
generation and vehicle (e.g., aircraft) propulsion. A typical
gas turbine engine includes a compression section, a combus DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
tion section, and a turbine section that utilize a primary air EMBODIMENT
flow into the engine to generate power or propel the vehicle.
The gas turbine engine is typically mounted within a housing, FIG. 1 illustrates a schematic view of selected portions of
Such as a nacelle. A bypass airflow flows through a passage an example gas turbine engine 10 Suspended from an engine
between the housing and the engine and exits from the engine 25 pylon 12 of an aircraft, as is typical of an aircraft designed for
at an outlet. SubSonic operation. The gas turbine engine 10 is circumfer
Presently, conventional thrust reversers are used to gener entially disposed about an engine centerline, or axial center
ate a reverse thrust force to slow forward movement of a line axis A. The gas turbine engine 10 includes a fan 14, a low
vehicle. Such as an aircraft. One type of conventional thrust pressure compressor 16a, a high pressure compressor 16b, a
reverser utilizes a moveable door stowed near the rear of the 30 combustion section 18, a low pressure turbine 20a, and a high
nacelle. After touch-down of the aircraft for landing, the door pressure turbine 20b. As is well known in the art, air com
moves into the bypass airflow passage to deflect the bypass pressed in the compressors 16a, 16b is mixed with fuel that is
airflow radially outwards into cascades, or vents, that direct burned in the combustion section 18 and expanded in the
the discharge airflow in a forward direction to slow the air turbines 20a and 20b. The turbines 20a and 20b are coupled
craft. Although effective, this and other conventional thrust 35 for rotation with, respectively, rotors 22a and 22b (e.g.,
reversers serve only for thrust reversal and, when in the spools) to rotationally drive the compressors 16a, 16b and the
Stowed position for non-landing conditions, do not provide fan 14 in response to the expansion. In this example, the rotor
additional functionality. The limited functionality and the 22a also drives the fan 14 through a gear train 24.
weight that a conventional thrust reverser adds to the engine In the example shown, the gas turbine engine 10 is a high
contribute to engine inefficiency. Therefore, in order to 40 bypass geared turbofan arrangement. In one example, the
improve engine efficiency, there is a need for a system having bypass ratio is greater than 10:1, and the fan 14 diameter is
a thrust reverser that is integrated with at least one other substantially larger than the diameter of the low pressure
engine system for additional functionality outside of landing. compressor 16a. The low pressure turbine 20a has a pressure
ratio that is greater than 5:1, in one example. The gear train 24
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 45 can be any known Suitable gear system, such as a planetary
gear system with orbiting planetgears, planetary system with
An example nozzle for use in a gas turbine engine includes non-orbiting planet gears, or other type of gear system. In the
nozzle doors coupled with a fan nacelle wherein the nozzle disclosed example, the gear train 24 has a constant gear ratio.
doors move in unison between a plurality of positions to Given this description, one of ordinary skill in the art will
influence a bypass airflow through a fan bypass passage. A 50 recognize that the above parameters are only exemplary and
linkage connects the nozzle doors and an actuator. A louver that other parameters may be used to meet the particular needs
section coupled with the linkage moves in unison with the of an implementation.
nozzle doors between a plurality of louver positions to direct An outer housing, nacelle 28, (also commonly referred to
a portion of the bypass airflow in a selected direction. as a fan nacelle) extends circumferentially about the fan 14. A
In one example, the plurality of positions of the nozzle 55 generally annular fan bypass passage 30 extends between the
doors include a stowed position that corresponds to an aircraft nacelle 28 and an inner housing, inner cowl 34, which gen
cruise condition, an intermediate position that corresponds to erally surrounds the compressors 16a, 16b and turbines 20a,
an aircraft take-off condition, and a thrust reverse position 20b.
that corresponds to an aircraft landing condition. In operation, the fan 14 draws air into the gas turbine
60 engine 10 as a core flow, C, and into the bypass passage 30 as
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS a bypass air flow, D. In one example, approximately 80 per
cent of the airflow entering the nacelle 28 becomes bypass
The various features and advantages of this invention will airflow D. A rear exhaust 36 discharges the bypass air flow D
become apparent to those skilled in the art from the following from the gas turbine engine 10. The core flow C is discharged
detailed description of the currently preferred embodiment. 65 from a passage between the inner cowl 34 and a tail cone 38.
The drawings that accompany the detailed description can be A significant amount of thrust may be provided by the bypass
briefly described as follows. airflow D due to the high bypass ratio.
US 8,844,261 B2
3 4
The example gas turbine engine 10 shown FIG. 1 also In the illustrated example, the nozzle doors 54a and 54b are
includes a nozzle 40 (shown schematically) associated with in a stowed position. In the stowed position, the nozzle 40
the bypass passage 30. In this example, the nozzle 40 is defines a cross-sectional area, AR, which corresponds to the
forward of a trailing edge of the nacelle 28, however, in other cross-sectional area of the annular bypass passage 30 adja
examples, the nozzle 40 is located farther forward or at the cent the nozzle 40. As will now be described, the controller 44
trailing edge of the nacelle 28. In this example, the nozzle 40 selectively commands the actuator 42 to move the nozzle
is coupled with the nacelle 28. doors 54a and 54b in unison to an intermediate position or a
The nozzle 40 includes actuators 42 for movement between thrust reverse position to influence the bypass airflow D in a
a plurality of positions to influence the bypass airflow D, such desired manner, depending onflight conditions (e.g., take-off.
as to manipulate an air pressure of the bypass air flow D. A 10 landing, and cruise).
controller 44 commands the actuators 42 to selectively move FIG. 3 schematically illustrates the nozzle doors 54a and
the nozzle 40 among the plurality of positions to manipulate 54b in an example intermediate position. In one example, the
the bypass air flow D in a desired manner. The controller 44 controller 44 commands the actuator 42, in response to take
off, to move the nozzle doors 54a and 54b to the intermediate
may be dedicated to controlling the actuators 42 and nozzle 15 position. Take-offmay be indicated using known parameters,
40, integrated into an existing engine controller within the gas Such as rotor 22a or 22b speed, weight on a landing gear of an
turbine engine 10, or be incorporated with other known air aircraft, aircraft speed, etc.
craft or engine controls. For example, selective movement of To move the nozzle doors 54a and 54b, the actuator 42
the nozzle 40 permits the controller 44 to vary the amount and retracts the actuator rod 78, which in turn moves the second
direction of thrust provided, enhance conditions for aircraft link 68. Movement of the second link 68 causes the first link
control, enhance conditions for operation of the fan 14, or 62 to pivot about the pivot connection 58c such that the
enhance conditions for operation of other components asso sections 64a and 64b slide along the respective slots 66a and
ciated with the bypass passage 30, depending on input param 66b. The movement of the sections 64a and 64b within the
eters into the controller 44. slots 66a and 66b causes the nozzle doors 54a and 54b to pivot
In one example, the gas turbine engine 10 is designed to 25 about respective pivot connections 54a and 54b in the direc
operate within a desired performance envelope under certain tions indicated at P and P. The first nozzle door 54 pivots in
predetermined conditions, such as cruise. For example, it is forward direction P and the second nozzle door 54b pivots in
desirable to operate the fan 14 under a desired pressure ratio aft direction P.
range (i.e., the ratio of air pressure forward of the fan 14 to air In the intermediate position, the first nozzle door 54a
pressure aft of the fan 14) to avoid fan flutter. To maintain this 30 extends radially outwards from the nacelle 28, and the second
range, the nozzle 40 is used to influence the bypass airflow D nozzle door 54b extends radially inwards from the nacelle 28
to control the air pressure aft of the fan 14 and thereby control into the bypass passage 30. This opens up an auxiliary pas
the pressure ratio. For cruise, the nozzle 40 is closed and the sage 80 for discharge of a portion of the bypassairflow D from
pressure ratio is controlled by the rear exhaust 36. In some the bypass passage 30 in an aft direction X. Discharging the
examples, the nozzle varies a cross-sectional area associated 35 portion of the bypass airflow D in the aft directionX provides
with the bypass passage 30 by approximately 20% to increase the benefit of maintaining at least a portion of the thrust
the bypass airflow D for take-off. Thus, the nozzle 40 enables generated by the bypass airflow D.
the performance envelope to be maintained over a variety of The auxiliary passage 80 also provides additional cross
different flight conditions. sectional area AR that influences the bypass airflow D. For
FIG. 2 illustrates selected portions of an example nozzle 40 40 example, a relatively smaller overall cross-sectional area (AR
having a first nozzle door 54a and a second nozzle door 54b. plus AR) would restrict the bypass airflow D and produce a
The first nozzle door 54a is located radially outwards of the pressure build-up (i.e., an increase in air pressure) within the
second nozzle door 54b relative to the centerline axis A. bypass passage 30. A relatively larger cross-sectional area
In this example, the nacelle 28 supports a frame 56 that in permits more bypass airflow D and reduces the pressure
turn supports the nozzle doors 54a and 54b. The first nozzle 45 build-up (i.e., a decrease in air pressure). Thus, depending on
door 54a is pivotally connected to the frame 56 at a first pivot the input parameters into the controller 44, the controller 44
connection 58a and the second nozzle door 54b is pivotally commands the actuator 42 to move the nozzle doors 54a and
connected to the frame 56 and a second pivot connection 58b. 54b to a desired intermediate position to control the bypass
Known types of pivot connections are used in this example. airflow D in a desired manner.
A linkage 60 connects the nozzle doors 54a and 54b with 50 In the illustrated example, movement of the first link 62
the actuator 42. In the illustrated example, the linkage 60 also causes the louver rod 72 to move the louvers 74. In the
includes a first link 62 having opposed sections 64a and 64b illustrated position, the louvers 74 direct a portion of the
that are slidingly received within respective slots 66a and 66b bypass airflow D conveyed through the passage 80 that dis
using a known type of sliding connection, Such as with a charges aft of the first nozzle door 54a in an aft direction X.
friction member, bushing, guide member, or other connec 55 Directing the flow in the aft directionX provides the benefit
tion. In this example, the section 64a extends in a lengthwise of maintaining at least a portion of the thrust generated by the
direction along axis L and the section 64b extends in a bypass airflow D.
lengthwise direction along axis L., which is transverse to L. Referring to the example shown in FIG.4, pairs of nozzle
A second link 68 is pivotally connected at one end with the doors 54a and 54b (not shown) are spaced about the circum
first link 62 and at the other end with a trunnion pivot 70 to the 60 ference of the nacelle 28 to influence the bypass airflow Das
actuator 42. described above. In this example, each pair of nozzle doors
The first link 62 is pivotally connected to the frame 56 at 54a and 54b includes a corresponding actuator 42 that com
pivot connection 58c and connected to a louver rod 72. The municates with the controller 44. Thus, the controller 44 can
louver rod 72 is coupled to louvers 74 that are each moveable move all of the pairs of nozzle doors 54a and 54b in unison.
about corresponding pivots 76 Such that movement of the first 65 Given this description, one of ordinary skill in the art will
link 62 moves the louver rod 72 to thereby move the louvers recognize alternative arrangements of the nozzle doors 54 and
74 about the pivots 76. 54b to meet their particular needs.
US 8,844,261 B2
5 6
FIGS. 5 and 6 schematically illustrate the nozzle doors 54a manner and thrust reversal for slowing forward movement of
and 54b in an example thrust reverse position for slowing an aircraft. Although a preferred embodiment of this inven
forward movement of an aircraft. In one example, in response tion has been disclosed, a worker of ordinary skill in this art
to a landing condition, the controller 44 commands the actua would recognize that certain modifications would come
tor 42 to move the nozzle doors 54a and 54busing the linkage 5 within
the scope of this invention. For that reason, the follow
claims should be studied to determine the true scope and
60 to the thrust reverse position illustrated. The landing con
dition may be indicated from a landing gear of an aircraft, a content I claim:
of this invention.
sensor that detects a weight on the landing gear, aircraft 1. A method of controlling a gas turbine engine system
altitude, or other known indicator.
To move to the thrust reverse position, the actuator further 10 disposed about a centerline axis and having a fan bypass
retracts the actuator rod 78, which in turn further moves the passage
for conveying a bypass airflow, comprising the steps
second link 68 and causes the first link 62 to move the nozzle
doors 54a and 54b about the respective pivot connections 54a moving a first nozzle door, a second nozzle door that is
and 54b. In the thrust reverse position, the second nozzle door located radially inwards of the first nozzle door relative
54b extends farther into the bypass passage 30 to deflect a 15 to the centerline axis, and a louver section in unison
significant portion of the bypass airflow D through passage between a plurality of positions to influence the bypass
82. The first nozzle door 54a further deflects the bypass airflow through the fan bypass passage;
airflow Dina forward direction, Z, to provide a thrust revers moving each of the nozzle doors about a pivot point; and
ing force. moving the first nozzle door in an aft direction about its
The louver rod 72 moves in unison with the nozzle doors 20 pivot point in unison with moving the second nozzle
54a and 54b to pivot the louvers 74. In the illustrated position, door in a forward direction about its pivot point.
the louvers 74 direct a portion of the bypass airflow D that 2. The method as recited in claim 1, including moving the
discharges aft of the first nozzle door 54a in a forward direc first nozzle door and the second nozzle door to change a
tion Z. In this position, the louvers 74 provide the benefit of cross-sectional area associated with the fan bypass passage.
achieving additional thrust reversing force from the portion of 25 first3. nozzle
The method as recited in claim 1, including moving the
the bypass airflow D that discharges aft of the first nozzle door deflects the door and the second nozzle door to a position that
bypass airflow in a forward direction to produce a
As can be appreciated from the illustrations, as the first link thrust
reversing force.
The method as recited in claim 1, including moving a
62 moves, the second link 68 pivots about the trunnion pivot
70. This provides the benefit of allowing the second link 68 a 30 linkage to move the first nozzle door and the second nozzle in
degree of freedom to move with the first link 62 in an arcuate unison with the louver section connected to the linkage.
5. The method as recited in claim 4 wherein the louver
path about pivot connection 58c. section includes a plurality of louvers that are each moveable
Upon completion of landing, the controller 44 commands about corresponding pivots, each of the plurality of louvers
the actuator 42 to extend the actuator rod 78 to move the
includes an end that is connected with a link rod that connects
linkage 60 and the nozzle doors 54a and 54b in an opposite 35 to the linkage, including moving the linkage to move the link
manner from that described above to the intermediate posi rod to move the plurality of louvers about the pivots.
tion or stowed position, depending on input parameters into
the controller 44. 6. The nozzle as recited in claim 4, wherein the linkage
FIG. 7 illustrates a modified example nozzle 40' wherein includes a link having a first linear section that extends in a
the nozzle doors 54a' and 54b' and slots 66a' and 66b' are 40 first lengthwise direction and a second linear section that
different from the example shown in FIGS. 2, 3, and 5. In his extends in a second lengthwise direction that is transverse to
example, the slot 66a' is not as long as the slot 66a of the the7.first lengthwise direction.
The method as recited in claim 1, wherein the first nozzle
previous example, and the slot 66b' is non-linear. Thus, as the
actuator 42 moves the linkage 60, the section 64a moves door and the second nozzle door are pivotally connected to a
along the slot 66a' and the section 64b of the first link 62 45 frame supported by a nacelle.
8. The method as recited in claim 7, wherein an actuator is
moves along the non-linear slot 66b'. The non-linear slot 66b' disposed downstream of a portion of the frame.
permits the first link 62 to rotate through a larger range of
motion than in the previous example, which in turn permits the9.louver The method as recited in claim 1, including employing
the outer nozzle door 54a' to open wider than in the previous 50 direction insection to direct the bypass airflow in a forward
one of a plurality of louver positions and employ
example to direct the bypass airflow D in the forward direc
ing the louver section to direct the bypass airflow in an aft
tion Z. In this example, the opening the outer nozzle door direction
54a wider additionally allows the louvers 74 of the previous in another of the plurality of louver positions.
example to be eliminated. 10. The method as recited in claim 1, wherein the first
The disclosed example nozzles 40, 40' thereby integrates noZZle door includes a linear slot and the second nozzle door
the functions of varying the cross-sectional area of the bypass 55 includes a non-linear slot.
passage 30 to influence the bypass airflow D in a desired ck ck sk k ck

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