United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,252,264 B2: Nattinger (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 7, 2007
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,252,264 B2: Nattinger (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 7, 2007
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,252,264 B2: Nattinger (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 7, 2007
U.S. Patent Aug. 7, 2007 Sheet 2 of 6 US 7.252,264 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 7, 2007 Sheet 3 of 6 US 7.252,264 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 7, 2007 Sheet 4 of 6 US 7.252,264 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 7, 2007 Sheet 5 of 6 US 7,252.264 B2
FIG 8 86
U.S. Patent Aug. 7, 2007 Sheet 6 of 6 US 7,252.264 B2
US 7,252,264 B2
1. 2
APPLICATIONS FIG. 1 shows a side outline of a flying sailboat in an
5 example layout that may comprise a fuselage 20 with a cabin
This application claims the benefit of U.S. provisional 22, avionics 24, and an engine 26. Two or more aerodynamic
application 60/646,870, filed Jan. 25, 2005. water hulls 28 may be mounted below the fuselage 20 on
pylons 30 in a stable configuration for watercraft. These
FIELD OF THE INVENTION hulls 28 may include cargo bays 32, fuel bays 34, water
10 storage bays 36 and the like. Amphibious landing gear 38
This invention relates generally to hybrid aircraft/water may be mounted on the hulls 28, and may be retractable. A
craft, and especially to hybrid aircraft/sailcraft in which the vertical stabilizer 40 may be mounted on the back end of
aircraft wings pivot for use as watercraft sails. each hull 28, and may comprise an air rudder 42. A water
rudder 44 may be mounted near the back end of each hull 28,
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 15 and may be retractable. A retractable centerboard (not
shown) may be provided in each hull 28 for sailing.
Aircraft that use water for runways and taxiways are well FIG. 2 is a top view showing a wing center section 46
known. Some of these are originally designed as “flying fixed to the fuselage 20, forming a left stub wing/deck 48
boats' in which the fuselage is also a water hull. Some of and a right stub wing/deck 50. Left and right wings 52, 54
these have retractable wheeled landing gear. Other aircraft are attached to the distal ends of the respective stub wing/
have been designed or retrofitted with two pontoons for decks 48, 50 on first left and right pivotal joints 56, 58 that
water operation. Air/water craft normally use the air pro allow each wing 52, 54 to rotate about a longitudinal pivot
pulsion engine for propulsion on water, and the air rudder for axis from a generally horizontal position for flight to a
steering on water. generally vertical position as shown in FIGS. 4 and 5 for
Some air/water craft have been designed for operation as 25 Sailing. Herein a "longitudinal axis' is an axis that is
sailcraft, using a wing as a sail. For example U.S. Pat. No. generally parallel to the length of the fuselage. Movement of
5,181,674 (Apgar) shows an air/water craft with wings that the wings between horizontal and vertical positions may be
pivot individually or in unison about an axis parallel to the accomplished by mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic
longitudinal axis of the fuselage. A wing can be rotated to a mechanisms in various embodiments, with one such
generally vertical orientation to act as a sail. This craft has 30 embodiment described more fully below. FIG. 2 shows a
twin pontoons that pivot about a vertical axis to set a course horizontal stabilizer 60 spanning between two vertical sta
for the sailcraft while orienting the sail wing as needed for bilizers 40. An elevator 62 may be mounted on the horizon
propulsion in a given wind direction. tal stabilizer 60. Canard airfoils 64 may be provided forward
of the wings for enhanced flight stability and control as
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 35 known in aeronautics.
Each wing 52, 54 is connected to the respective first
The invention is explained in following description in pivotal joint 56, 58 by a respective second left and right
view of the drawings that show: pivotal joint 66, 68, allowing the wing to rotate about a
FIG. 1 is a side outline of a flying sailboat with an second pivot axis that is generally perpendicular to the
example layout in a flight configuration. 40 longitudinal pivot axis. This provides trim control of the
FIG. 2 is a top view of FIG. 1. craft during sailing. The second pivotal joints 66, 68 are
FIG. 3 is a front view of FIG. 1. controllable to trim the wings 52,54 to an appropriate angle
FIG. 4 is a side view in a sailing configuration with at least to the wind 90 for sailing in a given direction. Either the left
one wing raised. wing 52, the right wing 54, or both wings 52, 54, may be
FIG. 5 is a front view in a sailing configuration with both 45 raised to a vertical position for sailing, depending on wind
wings raised. conditions and desired sailing characteristics. Various trim
FIG. 6 is a top view, when the wing is horizontal, of a first configurations are shown in FIGS. 9-12.
pivotal joint for pivoting the wing about a horizontal axis, The airfoil cross sections of the wings 52, 54 may be
and an attached second pivotal joint for pivoting the wing symmetrical about the airfoil chord, the chord being a
about a wing spar on an axis perpendicular to the horizontal 50 Straight line between the leading and trailing edge of the
aX1S. wing in the airfoil section. This allows the wing to operate
FIG. 7 is a front schematic view of the left and right first symmetrically as a sail. The wing center section 46 need not
pivotal joints and controlling cables when the wings are have the same airfoil shape as the left and right wings 52,54.
horizontal. Thus, the stub wing/decks 48,50 may comprise asymmetric
FIG. 8 is a view of FIG. 7 when wings are vertical.
55 airfoils, while the left and right wings 52, 54 may comprise
symmetric airfoils.
FIG. 9 Schematic top view of flying sailboat in sailing FIG. 6 shows first and second pivotal joints 56, 66 as seen
mode on a port tack (wind coming from left) with both in a top view when the wing is horizontal. The first pivotal
wings vertical. joint 56 may comprise a first pivot axle 70 attached to the
FIG. 10 Schematic top view of flying sailboat in sailing 60 distal end of the stub wing/deck 48, and a plate 72 rotatably
mode on a starboard tack (wind coming from right) with mounted on the first pivot axle 70. The plate 72 may
both wings vertical. comprise first and second lever arms 74, 76 extending on
FIG. 11 Schematic top view of flying sailboat in sailing generally radially opposite sides of the pivot axle 70. The
mode on a port tack with the windward wing vertical and the second pivotal joint 66 may comprise a spar 78 in the root
leeward wing horizontal. 65 80 of the wing 52, the spar 78 rotatably mounted in the first
FIG. 12 Schematic top view of flying sailboat in sailing lever arm 74, thereby defining the second pivot axis. The
mode running with the wind. spar 78 may be an extension of the main wing spar in a wing
US 7,252,264 B2
3 4
constructed with Such a spar. A control mechanism for the during flight of the vehicle to a generally vertical wing
second pivotal joint 66 may comprise a reversible motor 82 position for providing wind-driven propulsion during
mounted on the first lever arm 74 and engaging the spar 78 sailing of the vehicle:
with bevel gears 79. Other means for controlled orientation each wing connected to the first pivotal joint by a second
of the wing 52 about the second pivot axis may be envi pivotal joint allowing the wing to rotate about a second
Sioned in other embodiments, such as other mechanical pivot axis that is generally perpendicular to the first
mechanisms or a hydraulic or pneumatic mechanism. pivot axis for trim control of the wing during sailing;
FIGS. 7 and 8 show a control mechanism for the first and
pivotal joint 56 comprising a cable 84 attached 86 to the a flotation hull attached to the fuselage;
second lever arm 76 and to a winch mechanism 88 for 10 wherein the first pivotal joint comprises a first pivot axle
pivoting the second lever arm 76 to a controlled position attached to the fuselage and a plate rotatably mounted
about the first pivot axis. This pivots the wing in a generally on the first pivot axle, the plate comprising first and
vertical plane. Cable tension is needed in two directions for second lever arms extending in two directions from the
this control—one for raising the wing 52, and one for pivot axle, the second pivotal joint attached to the first
lowering it. These tensions may operate in coordinated 15 lever arm, and the wing attached to the second pivotal
complementary opposition. For example, this can be done joint.
with an effectively continuous loop of cable 84 comprising 2. A vehicle as in claim 1, further comprising a first
first and second ends wound in opposite directions on control mechanism for raising and lowering its respective
respective first and second spools on a single winch power wing between the generally horizontal and generally vertical
shaft. An intermediate point on the cable loop is fixed 86 to positions and a second control mechanism for turning the
the second lever arm 76. Each spool may be independently respective wing about the second pivot axis.
rotationally adjustable on a power shaft to apply a tension 3. A vehicle as in claim 2, wherein the first control
preload on both ends of the cable. Alternately, two separate mechanism comprises a bidirectional cable loop attached to
cables and/or two separate winches may be used to provide the second lever arm and operationally attached to a winch
the two tension directions. 25 mechanism for pivoting the second lever arm and the
A latch (not shown) may operate to lock the second lever respective wing to a controlled position about the first pivot
arm 76 in the horizontal position, so that cantilever stress of axle.
the wing 52, 54 during flight is not opposed by the control 4. A vehicle as in claim 3 wherein the second pivotal joint
cables 84 alone. A second latch (not shown) may operate to comprises a main spar of the respective wing rotatably
lock the first lever arm 74 against left and right outriggers 30 mounted in the first lever arm along the second pivot axis,
49, 51 of the stub wing/deck 48, 50 in the horizontal and the second control mechanism comprises a reversible
position. If both latches are provided, the respective first motor mounted on the first lever arm and engaging the main
pivot axle 70 is relieved of wing cantilever stress, and the spar for controlled rotational positioning of the main spar
leverage of the wing over the first pivotal joint 56, 58 is about the second pivot axis.
halved. 35 5. A vehicle as in claim 4, wherein the first and second
Although other configurations of fuselage, engine, wings, lever arms extend on generally opposite sides of the first
flotation, Stability, and control Surface elements are possible, pivot axle, and further comprising:
the example configuration as shown has advantages. The a wing center section attached to the fuselage between the
stub wing/decks 48, 50 can serve as platforms for fishing, two wings, the wing center section comprising left and
Swimming, etc. when the wings are vertical. With the wings 40 right stub wings, each wing attached to a distal end of
vertical, they are out of the way for docking, which can be the respective stub wing by means of the respective first
accomplished by positioning a dock between the hulls to pivotal joint;
allow for loading of compartments and tanks in the fuselage the flotation hull comprising a left flotation hull and a
and both water hulls 28 simultaneously. The twin water hull right flotation hull, each of the left and right flotation
28 configuration has rigidity, because the water hulls 28 are 45 hull attached below the distal end of the respective stub
connected at the back by the horizontal stabilizer 60. A wing on a generally vertical pylon; and
rear-mounted engine reduces spraying of water on the cock a retractable water rudder on each of the left and right
pit during powered water operations of taxiing, take-offs, flotation hull.
and landings. 6. A vehicle as in claim 5, wherein each wing comprises
While various embodiments of the present invention have 50 an airfoil that is substantially symmetrical about its chord.
been shown and described herein, it will be obvious that 7. A vehicle as in claim 6, further comprising a vertical
Such embodiments are provided by way of example only. stabilizer on each flotation hull, an air rudder on each
Numerous variations, changes and Substitutions may be vertical stabilizer, a horizontal stabilizer spanning between
made without departing from the invention herein. Accord the two vertical stabilizers, and an elevator on the horizontal
55 stabilizer.
ingly, it is intended that the invention be limited only by the 8. A vehicle as in claim 7, further comprising left and right
spirit and scope of the appended claims.
canard airfoils extending from the fuselage forward of the
The invention claimed is: wing center section.
9. A vehicle as in claim 8, further comprising amphibious
1. A vehicle adapted for airborne flight and waterborne 60 wheeled landing gear on each flotation hull.
sailing, the vehicle comprising: 10. A vehicle adapted for airborne flight and waterborne
a fuselage comprising a roll axis; sailing, the vehicle comprising:
a left wing and a right wing: a fuselage;
each wing connected to the fuselage by a respective first a left wing and a right wing:
pivotal joint allowing the wing to rotate about a first 65 a wing center section attached to the fuselage between the
pivot axis generally parallel to the roll axis from a two wings, the wing center section comprising left and
generally horizontal wing position for providing lift right stub wings, each wing connected to a distal end of
US 7,252,264 B2
5 6
the respective stub wing by a first pivotal joint, allow control mechanism comprising a reversible motor
ing the wing to rotate about a longitudinal axis from a mounted on the first lever arm and engaging the spar for
generally horizontal wing position for providing lift controlled rotational positioning of the respective wing
during flight of the vehicle to a generally vertical wing about the second pivot axis; and
position for providing propulsion during sailing of the 5 left and right flotation hulls, each flotation hull attached
vehicle: below the distal end of the respective stub wing on a
the first pivotal joint comprising a first pivot axle attached generally vertical pylon.
to the stub wing, a plate rotatably mounted on the first 11. A vehicle as in claim 10, wherein each wing comprises
pivot axle, the plate comprising first and second lever an airfoil that is substantially symmetrical about its chord.
arms extending on generally radially opposite sides of 10 12. A vehicle as in claim 10, further comprising a vertical
the pivot axle; stabilizer on each flotation hull, an air rudder on each
each wing connected to the respective first pivotal joint by vertical stabilizer, a horizontal stabilizer spanning between
a second pivotal joint, allowing the wing to rotate about the two vertical stabilizers, an elevator on the horizontal
a second pivot axis that is generally perpendicular to stabilizer, and a retractable water rudder on each flotation
the first pivot axis for trim control of the vehicle during 15
a first control mechanism comprising a cable attached to 13. A vehicle as in claim 10, further comprising left and
the second lever arm and to a winch mechanism for right canard airfoils extending from the fuselage forward of
pivoting the second lever arm and its respective wing to the wing center section.
a controlled position about the first pivot axle; 14. A vehicle as in claim 11, further comprising amphibi
the second pivotal joint comprising a spar extending from ous wheeled landing gear on each flotation hull.
the root of the respective wing rotatably mounted in the
first lever arm along the second pivot axis; a second