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WO 2013/023662 Al: International Bureau

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(19) World Intellectual Property

International Bureau
(10) International Publication Number
(43) International Publication Date WO 2013/023662 Al
2 1 February 2013 (21.02.2013) P O PCT

(51) International Patent Classification: KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
G02F 1/35 (2006.01) ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
(21) International Application Number: SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM,
PCT/DK20 12/050291 TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM,
(22) International Filing Date: ZW.
10 August 2012 (10.08.2012)
(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
(25) Filing Language: English kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
(26) Publication Language: English UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
(30) Priority Data: TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
DK PA 201 1 70454 17 August 201 1 (17.08.201 1) DK EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): MARTIN TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW,
PROFESSIONAL A S [DK/DK]; Olof Palmes Alle 18, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
DK-8200 Aarhus N (DK).
Declarations under Rule 4.17 :
(72) Inventor; and
— as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted a
(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): J0RGENSEN, Dennis
patent (Rule 4.1 7(H))
[DK/DK]; Moesbakken 61, DK-8410 R0nde (DK).
— as to the applicant's entitlement to claim the priority of the
(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every earlier application (Rule 4.1 7(in))
kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, Published:
BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, — with international search report (Art. 21(3))





Fig. 1

© (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to an illumination device comprising: at least one pumping light source emitting pump -
ing light of at least a first wavelength; a converting material adapted to convert at least a part of the pumping light into converted
o light of at least a second first wavelength and to emit the converted light; and where the second wavelength is different from the first
wavelength;null the converting material is further arranged at an cooling arrangement comprising at least one flow channel wherein a
o cooling fluid can flow, the flow channel and the cooling fluid are transparent to the pumping light and at least a part of the pumping
light illuminating the converting material passes through the flow channel and the cooling fluid. The present invention relates also to
a method creating illumination using such illumination device.

Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to an illumination device comprising a pumping light
source adapted to illuminate a converting material with pumping light, where the
converting material is adapted to convert the pumping light into converted light
having wavelengths which are different from the wavelengths of the pumping light.

Background of the Invention

Light fixtures creating various effects are getting more and more used in the
entertainment industry in order to create various light effects and mood lighting in
connection with concerts, live shows, TV shows, sport events or as a part of an
architectural installation. Typically entertainment light fixtures creates a light beam
having a beam width and a divergence and can for instance be wash/flood fixtures
creating a relatively wide light beam with a uniform light distribution or it can be
profile fixtures adapted to project image onto a target surface.

Light emitting diodes (LED) are, due to their relatively low energy consumption or
high efficiency, long lifetime, and capability of electronic dimming, becoming more
and more used in connection with lighting applications. LEDs are used in lighting
applications for general illumination such as wash/flood lights illuminating a wide
area or for generating wide light beams e.g. for the entertainment industry and/or
architectural installations. For instance like in products like MAC101 ™ , MAC301 ™
MAC401 ™ , Stagebar2™, Easypix™, Extube™, Tripix™, Exterior 400™ series
provided by the applicant, Martin Professional a/s. Further LEDs are also being
integrated into projecting systems where an image is created and projected
towards a target surface, for instance like in the product MAC 350 Entour™
provided by the applicant, Martin Professional a/s.

Illumination devices where pumping light from a number of pumping light sources
are converted into light having other wavelengths are starting to be used more and
more. Typically the pumping lights are converted by a converting material which is
illuminated with pumping light form a number of pumping light sources. Generally
the this technique is known as luminescence where the converting material is
excited by photons from the pumping light and thereafter stepwise decay while
emitting photons having other wavelengths. The converting material can be any
material cable of being excited by electromagnetic radiation in the optical region
including IR light, visible light and UV light. The light converting material can for
instance be phosphor materials as known in the prior art and for instance as
described in "Phosphor Handbook", second edition; edited by William M . Yen,
Shigeo Shionoya, Hajime Yamamoto; CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group 2007;
ISBN: 0-8493-3564-7. The converting material can also be quantum dots.

It is known to use LEDs as pumping light sources and provide phosphor based
LEDs where a layer of phosphor have been arranged above the LED die. The LED
functions as pumping light source and the layer of phosphor acts as a converting
material converting the light form the LED into other wavelengths. Light converting
material is temperature dependent and its' properties depend on the temperature.
For instance the efficiency of the converting material can decrease with increasing
temperature and the optical properties of converted light changes also with the
temperature. As a consequence the converting material need to be kept at low and
constant temperature in order to provide an efficient and stable light source based
on converting material. However it has turned out that this is difficult where the
converting material are arranged above the LED die, as the LED die heats up
converting material whereby the efficiency of the converting material decreases
and/or the optical properties of the converted light may also change resulting in
change in color temperature (in case of white light), color drift, change in color
rendering etc. Both the efficacy and change in optical properties of the converted
light is not accepted in entertainment lighting where efficient and stable light are

Attempts to overcome the above issues have been tried by arranging the color
converting material remote form the pumping light source. However sufficient
cooling and stability of the temperature of the converting material have not yet
been achieved, as the shift from short to longer wavelength yields a loss which is
converted into heat in the converting material.

US 7,070,300 discloses an illumination device uses a wavelength converting

element, such as a phosphor layer, that is physically separated from a light source,
such as one or more light emitting diodes, a Xenon lamp or a Mercury lamp. The
wavelength converting element is optically separated from the light source, so that
the converted light emitted by the wavelength converting element is prevented
from being incident on the light source. Accordingly, the temperature limitations of
the wavelength converting element are removed, thereby permitting the light
source to be driven with an increased current to produce a higher radiance.
Moreover, by optically separating the wavelength converting element from the light
source, the conversion and recycling efficiency of the device is improved, which
also increases radiance.

US2008/01 92458 discloses a lighting system for generating an illumination

product comprises an excitation source, blue/UV LED, operable to generate
excitation radiation and a remotely located phosphor, photo luminescent material.
Excitation radiation is guided from the excitation source to the phosphor by a
waveguiding medium, the waveguiding medium being configured such that the
distance the radiation travels from the excitation source to the phosphor layer is at
least one centimeter in length. The UV/blue excitation source provides excitation
radiation to the phosphor(s), causing the phosphor(s) to photo luminesce, and it
may also provide a component of the final illumination product.

WO091 15976A discloses an illumination system, with a light source emitting light
of at least a first wavelength, and a luminescent element which is irradiated with
the light emitted by the light source and which emits light of at least a second
wavelength which is different from the first wavelength, wherein the luminescent
element is comprised of a plurality of sub-elements which are each in heat-
conducting contact with a heat sink. Each sub-element is surrounded by a heat-
conducting material, e.g. a metal such as copper, gold, diamond, graphite, or
ceramic that is heat-conducting and opaque or optically transparent.
W01 0049875 discloses wavelength converter and a laser lighting device
comprising such a wavelength converter. The wavelength converter converts laser
light of a first wavelength to second light having a different wavelength by means
of a wavelength converting material, wherein the surface of the wavelength
converting material where the laser light enters the wavelength converting material
is in good thermal contact with a transparent material. The transparent material on
the other hand is in good thermal contact with a heat sink which has a window to
let the laser light pass before the laser light enters the wavelength converting
material. The wavelength converter is especially suited for remote laser lighting
and particularly the high power densities of lasers and the related local heating of
the wavelength converter.

US201 0/295438 discloses a semiconductor light source, where the semiconductor

light source having a primary radiation source which, when the semiconductor light
source is operated, emits electromagnetic primary radiation in a first wavelength
range, and having a luminescence conversion module into which primary radiation
emitted by the primary radiation source is fed. The luminescence conversion
module contains a luminescence conversion element which, by means of a
luminescent material, absorbs primary radiation from the first wavelength range
and emits electromagnetic secondary radiation in a second wavelength range. The
luminescence conversion element is arranged on a heat sink at a distance from
the primary radiation source. It has a reflector surface which reflects back into the
luminescence conversion element primary radiation which passes through the
luminescence conversion element and is not absorbed thereby and/or reflects
secondary radiation in the direction of a light coupling-out surface of the
luminescence conversion element.

WO2008/01 8002 discloses an illumination device including a light source, such as

one or more light emitting diodes in an array, that produces light having a first
wavelength range. A separated wavelength converting element is mounted to
receive the light emitted by the light source. The wavelength converting element is
physically separated from the light source along the beam path. The wavelength
converting element converts the light having a first wavelength range into light
having a second wavelength range. In one embodiment, a color separation
element is directly coupled to the wavelength converting element. The color
separation element is also physically separated from the light source. In another
embodiment, the wavelength converting element is held by a heat sink by the

WO201 0/052640 relates to an illumination device, comprising: at least one LED

having an emission maximum in a first wavelength range; at least one LED having
an emission maximum in a second wavelength range; and a wavelength
converting material arranged to receive light of at least said first light wavelength
range and having an emission maximum in a third wavelength range which is
between said first wavelength range and said second wavelength range. The
illumination device according to the invention may provide white light of acceptable
overall color rendering while producing particularly high saturation of selected

WO201 1/1 11223 discloses a lighting device comprising a solid state light emitter
and a fan, the fan blowing fluid toward the emitter. A lighting device comprising a
solid state light emitter and a baffle, the solid state light emitter being movable. A
lighting device comprising a solid state light emitter, a substrate and a diaphragm,
the diaphragm defining a chamber having a valve and being movable. A lighting
device comprising a housing and a solid state light emitter within the housing, the
solid state light emitter being movable. Also, methods of cooling a lighting device

Description of the Invention

The object of the present invention is to reduce and/or solve the above described
limitations related to prior art. This is achieved by an illumination device and
method as described in the independent claims. The dependent claims describe
possible embodiments of the present invention. The advantages and benefits of
the present invention are described in the detailed description of the invention.
Description of the Drawing
Fig. 1 illustrates an embodiment of an illumination device according to the present

fig. 2 illustrates a structural diagram of the illumination device of in fig. 1 integrated

into a liquid cooling system;

fig. 3a-3c illustrate another embodiment of an illumination device according to the

present invention;

fig. 4a-4c illustrate another embodiment of an illumination device according to the

present invention;

fig. 5 illustrates another embodiment of an illumination device according to the

present invention;

fig. 6 illustrates another embodiment of an illumination device according to the

present invention;

fig. 7 illustrates another embodiment of an illumination device according to the

present invention;

fig. 8a and 8b illustrate another embodiment of an illumination device according to

the present invention;

fig. 9 illustrates another embodiment of an illumination device according to the

present invention.

Detailed Description of the Invention

The present invention is described in view of an illumination device comprising a
number of LEDs that generate the pumping light. However the person skilled in the
art realizes that any kind of light source such as discharge lamps, OLEDs, plasma
sources, halogen sources, fluorescent light sources, lasers etc. can be used to
generate the pumping light. Further it is to be understood that the illustrated
embodiments only serve as illustrating examples illustrating the principles of the
present invention and that the skilled person will be able to provide several
embodiments within the scope of the claims. In the illustrated embodiments the
illustrated light beams and optical means do only serve as to illustrate the
principles of the invention rather than illustrating exact and precise light beams
and optical means.

Fig. 1 illustrates a simplified cross-sectional view of an illumination device

according of the present invention. The illumination device 10 1 comprises a
pumping light source 103 emitting pumping light 105 (illustrated as solid lines) of at
least a first wavelength. A converting material 107 adapted to convert at least a
part of the pumping light 105 into converted light 109 (illustrated as dotted lines) of
at least a second wavelength and to emit the converted light 109. The second
wavelength is different from the first wavelength and the converted light can thus
have a different color than the pumping light. In the illustrated embodied the
pumping light source is a LED 103 mounted on a printed circuits board (PCB) 111
as known in the art of LEDs. The converting material is arranged on a cooling
arrangement 113 comprising at least one flow channel 115 wherein a cooling fluid
(not shown) can flow as illustrated by flow arrows 117 . The flow channel 115 and
the cooling fluid are transparent to the pumping light 103 and the pumping light
passes through the flow channel and the cooling fluid before illuminating the
converting material 107. The converting material 107 converts the pumping light
and emits the converted light into a different directions as illustrated by the fact
that the lines illustrating the converted light points in different directions. Typically
the converting material will emit the converted light in a spherical pattern. However
it is noted some of the pumping light may not be converted into other wavelength

by the converting material as illustrated by 105' and due to scattering within the
converting material or because the converting material decay directly back to the
ground state instead of stepwise decaying.

The transparent flow channel 115 and transparent cooling fluid makes it possible
to provide efficient cooling of the converting material as heat generate by the
converting material during light conversion can dissipate to the cooling fluid and
very effectively be removed. The transparent flow channel can cover the entire
surface of the converting material whereby heat can be removed from the entire
mounting surface of the converting material. Further the transparent flow channel
makes it possible to illuminate the entire mounting surface of the converting
material whereby more light can be converted. The transparent flow channel acts
as a thermal insulator between the pumping light source and the converting
material and prevents heat from dissipating from the pumping light source to the
converting material 107 and visa versa. Heat form the pumping light source that
eventually would dissipate into the cooling fluid will not dissipate to the converting
material as the cooling fluid will flow through the cooling channel and removed
from the light source and converting material.

The terms transparent flow channel 115 and transparent cooling fluid means that
at least 50% of the pumping light will be able to pass through the flow channel 115
and the cooing fluid and hit the converting material 107. The skilled person will
realize that the more light that pass through flow channel and the cooling fluid the
more efficiency the illumination device become. In many practical situations at
least 80% of the pumping will pass through the transparent flow channel and
transparent cooling fluid. However it is also possible to provide solutions however
where at least 90% of the pumping light will pass through the transparent flow
channel and transparent cooling fluid. High transmission of pumping light through
the transparent flow channel and the transparent cooling fluid results in a high
pump efficiency. The transmission of pumping light can be increased by applying
anti-reflective coating on the flow channel windows, where the pumping light hits
the flow channel. Reflection losses at the flow channel can also be reduced by
providing index-matching material between flow channel windows and cooling fluid,
hence avoiding AR-coating on the side of the windows in contact with cooling fluid.
Also the reflection losses between the pumping source and air and between air
and flow channel window can be avoided if an index matching material is inserted
between pumping source and flow cannel window, which can also improve cooling
of the pump source 103 as heat from the pump source can be conduction into the
flow channel and removed by the cooling fluid. The flow channel windows can be
made of a material with both high heat conductivity and transmission such as
sapphire substrate.

Typically the pumping light sources emits blue or UV light which is down converted
into light having longer wavelengths, which typically are within the visible spectra.
The converting material can be any material cable of converting light of a first
wavelength into light of a second wavelength. The converting material can for
instance be phosphor materials for instance any of those described in: "Phosphor
Handbook", second edition; edited by William M . Yen, Shigeo Shionoya, Hajime
Yamamoto; CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group 2007; ISBN: 0-8493-3564-7.
However it is noted that new converting material are continuously being developed
and that these also can be used in the illustrated illumination device. In fact it may
be possible to develop new kinds of converting material as more heat now can be
removed from the converting material. The invention can also be used with
converting materials converting the pump light into shorter wavelengths. Further
the light converting material can be any composition comprising quantum dots
which is capable of converting the pumping light into converted light comprising at
least one wavelength different from the pumping light.

The cooling fluid can be any fluid transparent to the pumping light and capable of
absorbing heat and which can flow in the flow channel. The cooling fluid needs to
be transparent to the pumping light and is chosen based on the spectral
components of the pumping light and may be both gasses (e.g. air, hydrogen,
inert gasses ect.) and liquids (water, oils, Freos, etc.).

In the case where pumping light source emits pumping light within the near UV,

violet and blue regions of the optical spectra (200nm-475nm) the cooling fluid can
comprise water, as water has a high transmission coefficient at these wavelengths
and is further a good heat conductor. The water may be mixed with other
components like corrosion inhibitors and antifreeze. Antifreeze, a solution of a
suitable organic chemical (most often ethylene glycol, diethylene, glycol, or
propylene glycol) in water, is used when the water-based coolant has to withstand
temperatures below 0 °C, or when its boiling point has to be raised. Hereby it can
be avoided that the liquid system can be destroyed due to low temperatures which
for instance may occur during transportation and/or sorting of the illumination

The flow channel can be constructed as a hollow channel where inside the cooling
fluid can flow. The flow channel can be made by any material which is transparent
to the pumping light source for instance transparent ceramic materials or
transparent polymers. Advantageously the flow channel material may also be a
good thermal conductor and can for instance be a sapphire substrate which is both
transparent to optical light and also have relatively high thermal conductive
properties. The choice of material depends on the choice of pumping light source
as at least a part of the pumping light must be transmitted through the flow

Fig. 2 illustrates a structural diagram of the illumination device 10 1 in fig. 1

integrated into a liquid cooling system 200. The liquid cooling system 200
comprises a number of tubes 202 connecting the flow channel 115 to a heat
exchanger 204 and a pump 206. In this embodiment the cooling fluid is a cooling
liquid and the pump 206 is adapted to pump the cooling liquid through the tubes
202, flow channel 115 and the heat exchanger 204 as illustrated by flow arrows
117 . The heat exchanger is adapted to remove heat from the cooling liquid flowing
through the heat exchanger as known in that art of liquid cooling. The cooling
liquid will thus circulate in the liquid cooling system through the tubes 202 and be
feed into the flow channel 115 where it takes up heat generated by the converting
material 107. The heated cooling liquid then flow to the heat exchanger where the
heat is removed from the cooling liquid and the cooled cooling liquid is then feed
back into the flow channel 115 . The cooling system may comprise an expansion
chamber 208 which allow the cooling liquid to expand and thereby prevent leakage
of the cooling system. In the illustrated embodiment the expansion chamber is
illustrated as a separate unit, however the expansion chamber may be provided by
embodying the tubes 202 as flexible tubes which can expand for instance flexible
Alternatively the cooling fluid may also be a cooling gas which is blown through the
flow channel by a blower (not shown) and where the cooling gas obtain heat
generated by the converting material 107. For instance the illumination device 10 1
may be embodied in housing where the blowing means is adapted to ventilate the
flow channel with cold cooling air which is taken in from outside the housing and
then exhaust the heated cooling gas into the surroundings.

Fig. 3a-3c illustrates another embodiment of an illumination device 301 according

of the present invention, where fig. 3a is a top view, fig. 3b is a cross sectional
view through line A-A in fig. 3a and 3c is a cross sectional view through line B-B in
fig. 3a.

Like the illumination device 10 1 illustrated in fig. 1 this illumination device 301
comprises a pumping light source 103 arranged on PCB 111, a converting
material 107 adapted to convert at least a part of the pumping light 105 (in solid
lines) into converted light 109 (illustrated as dotted lines) of at least a second
wavelength and to emit the converted light 109. The converting material is also
arranged on a cooling arrangement 3 1 3 comprising a flow channel 115 where
though a cooling fluid can flow as illustrated by flow arrows 117 . A dichroic filter
3 19 has been arranged between the cooling arrangement 3 1 3 and the light
converting material 107. The dichroic filter 3 1 9 is adapted to reflect converted light
109 and passing pump light 105 and as a consequence backward emitted
converted light (like 109") will be reflected forwardly. The efficiency of the
illumination device is hereby improved. A light collector 321 have further been
arranged to collect the converted light 109 and transform the collected light into a
light beam. The light collector can be formed as any optical means capable of
collecting the emitted converted light 109 and transforming the light into a light
beam having a predefined beam width and divergence. In the illustrated
embodiment the light collector 321 is embodied as a TIR lens having a central part
surrounded by peripheral part. The central part collects a central part of the
converted light 109 emitted by the converting material 107 and the peripheral part
collects and reflects a peripheral part of the converted light emitted by the
converting material. However it is to be understood that at other kinds of optical
light collectors also can be used.

In this embodiment and as illustrated in fig. 3a the cooling arrangement 3 1 3 is

formed as a hollow dish with an inlet 323 and an outlet 325 at opposite sides of the
hollow disc. The flow channel 115 is formed between the upper and lower surfaces
of the hollow dish and the cooling fluid is let into the flow channel 115 through the
inlet 323 and let out through the outlet 325. A number of additional edged pumping
light sources 303 on PCBs 3 1 1 are further arranged at the outer edge of the
hollow disc and adapted to emit pumping light 305 into the hollow disc. As
illustrated in fig. 3c a part of the pumping light 305 from the edge pumping light
sources 303 will be transmitted through cooling arrangement and to the converting
material 107 via a number of reflections. The transparent flow channel and cooling
fluid act as a wave guide wherein the pumping light 305 is transmitted via a
number of reflections. In this embodiment the reflection are based on total internal
reflection due the difference in refractive index of the transparent flow channel and
the surrounding air. The pumping light will be coupled out of the transparent
cooling arrangement when it hit the upper surface at the center where the dichroic
filter and converting material are arranged as the refractive index of the dichroic
filter, converting material and transparent cooling arrangement are of the same
magnitude resulting in the fact that the pumping light 305 do not experience total
internal reflection. It is noted that there will be a deflection when the pumping light
passes the surface between the cooling fluid and the transparent cooling
arrangement, however this deflection is relatively small if the refractive index of the
cooling fluid and the transparent are of the same magnitude, which typical would
be the case when cooling liquids are used. However it is noted that the transparent
cooling arrangement also can be provided with a reflective coating at the areas
where there are no color converting material as an alternative to or in addition to
the internal reflection.

This embodiment makes it possible to illuminate the converting material with

pumping light form many light sources and at the same time keeping the
temperature of the converting material stable and low as the cooling fluid removed
the heat from the converting material as described above. The illumination device
can further be very compact as the transparent cooling arrangement acts as both
heat sink and waveguide.

Alternatively the wall of the transparent cooling channel, where on the converting
material is arranged, can be also used as wave guides if the refractive index of the
wall has a higher refractive index than the cooling fluid. This is the typical case
when the cooling fluid is a cooling gas. In this case the edge pumping light sources
303 will be adapted to emit pumping light into the wall where on the converting
material is arranged and the pumping light will be transmitted through the wall to
the converting material via a number of reflections.

Fig. 4a-c illustrate another embodiment of an illumination device 401 according of

the present invention, where fig. 4a is a top view, fig. 4b is a cross sectional view
through line C-C in fig. 4a and fig. 4c is a cross sectional view through line D-D in
fig. 4a.

Like the illumination device illustrated in fig 3a-3c the transparent cooling
arrangement is formed as a hollow disc wherein the cooling fluid can flow,
however the inlet 423 and outlet 425 have been arranged at the bottom side of the
hollow disc and at opposite sides of the center of the hollow disc. The cooling fluid
will still flow through the transparent flow channel and remove heat generated by
the light converting material 107. In this embodiment the light collector is
embodied as a dichroic reflector 4 1 7 reflecting the converted light 109 and passing
pump light. Light collectors 427 have also been provided at the edge pump
sources 303 at the edge of the in order to control the divergence of the pump light
305 entering the cooling arrangement through the edges. Hereby more of the light
emitted from the edge light sources can be transmitted to the converting martial as
the outer light rays from the edged pump light sources 303 can be directed into the
wave guide such they experience total internal reflection.

Further it can be seen that further pumping light sources 403 have been arranged
above and below the cooling arrangement 4 1 3 . The pump light source below the
cooling arrangement will emit light to the converting material 107 through the
transparent flow channel 4 1 5 and the transparent cooling fluid. The pump light
sources 427 arranged above the cooling arrangement 4 1 3 will illuminate the
converting material through the dichroitic reflector 4 1 7 . Light collectors 427 are
also provide above the pump light sources and light collectors 427 makes it
possible to collect more light from the pump light sources and control the pump
light. It is noted that the light collectors 427 does not need to be identical and that
they can be designed differently in order to optimize how the pump light from the
different pump light sources hits the converting material. Further it is noted that the
pump light sources 103, 303, 403 can be both identical and/or different. It is also
possible to adapt the shape of the flow channel window where through the
pumping light enters the flow channel and thereby use the flow channel window as
optical means focusing the pump light at the converting material. For instance the
flow channel window can be formed as an optical lens adapted to concentrate the
pump light onto the converting material.

The additional pump light sources can be provided around the light converting
material in a spherical pattern both above and below the cooling arrangement 4 1 3
it thus possible to provide many pumping light sources where by more light can be

converted. The cooling arrangement ensures that the converting material can be
keep at a low and stable temperature.

Fig. 5 illustrates another embodiment of the illumination device 501 according of

the present invention. In this embodiment the illumination device comprises a
number of pumping light source 503 emitting pumping light 505 (in solid lines) of a
first wavelength, a converting material 507 adapted to convert at least a part of the
pumping light 505 into converted light 509 (in dotted lines) of at least a second
wavelength to emit the converted light. In this embodiment the converting material
507 is positioned at the focal point of an elliptic or parabolic dichroic reflector 5 1 7
embodied as a light collector and adapted to reflect converted light and to transmit
pumping light. The pump light sources are positioned outside the dichroic reflector
and adapted to illuminate the light converting material through the dichroic
reflector 5 1 7 . The transparent flow channel is formed as a u-shaped transparent
channel 5 1 5 where the converting material is positioned at the bottom part of the
U-shaped flow channel and in thermal connection with the U-shaped flow channel.
The cooling fluid is adapted to enter the U-shaped flow channel at one leg and
leave the U-shaped flow channel through the other leg as illustrated by flow arrows
5 1 7 . In this embodiment the flow channel is transparent to both the pump light and
the converted light. The pump light will thus pass through the flow channel and
cooling fluid before illuminating the converting material and a part of the converted
light will be emitted through the flow channel and cooling fluid. The dichroic
reflector can be designed to collect the converted light and transform the collected
light into a light beam having a predefined divergence and beam width. The shape
of the dichroic reflector 5 1 7 can be designed according to this for instance in order
to create a wide and uniform light beam which can be used in a wash light or in
order to concentrate the light at an imaging forming object crating an optical image,
which can be projected to a target surface be a projecting system, as known in the
art in projecting systems.

Fig. 9 illustrates a simplified cross-sectional view of an illumination device similar

to the one illustrated in fig. 1. However in this embodiment a number pumping light
sources 903 emitting pumping light (illustrated as solid lines) are arranged on a
PCB 9 1 1. Light collectors 927 collimating the pumping light 905 from the pump
light sources have been arranged above each pumping light source 903. The
bottom side 9 1 5 of the transparent flow channel 115 have been shaped as an
optical lens adapted to focus the collimate pumping light 905 onto the converting
material 107 where it is converted into converted light 109 (illustrated as dotted
lines) of at least a second wavelength and to emit the converted light 109. The
second wavelength is different from the first wavelength and the converted light
can thus have a different color than the pumping light. Further the top side of the
flow channel have been embodied as a dichroic filter which is transparent to the
pump light and reflecting converted light 109, as a consequence backward
remitted converted light (like 109") is thus reflected forward by the top surface of
the flow channel. Some of the pumping light may not be converted into other
wavelength by the converting material as illustrated by 905' and due to scattering
within the converting material or because the converting material decay directly
back to the ground state instead of stepwise decaying.

Fig. 6 illustrates a simplified cross-sectional view of another embodiment of an

illumination device 601 according of the present invention. The illumination device
is similar to the illumination device illustrated in fig 1, however there are some
differences which will be described below. In this embodiment the pumping light
source 103 has been arranged just below the flow channel 115 and is in thermal
contact with the flow channel 115 . As a consequence some of the heat generated
by the pump light source 103 will be removed by the cooling fluid flowing in the
flow channel 115 . The cooling arrangement will thus remove heat from that the
converting material 107 and the pump light source 103 can be kept a stable and
low temperature. The heat form the pump light source will not dissipate to the
converting material as it is removed by the cooling fluid.

Further a second transparent flow channel 6 1 5 have been provided above the light
collecting material 107 and a second cooling fluid flows in the second flow channel
6 15 as illustrated by flow arrows 6 1 7 . The second flow channel 6 1 5 and second
cooling fluid is transparent to the converted light. As a consequence the converted
light 109 can be emitted through the second flow channel 6 1 5 and second cooling
fluid. In this embodiment the converting material 607 is sandwiched between the
first 115 and second 6 1 5 flow channel and heat generated by the converting
material 107 can dissipate through both the first flow channel 115 and the second
flow channel and be removed by the first and second cooling fluid respectively.
The converting material can as a consequence be cooled further and thus kept at
a low and stable temperature. In the illustrated embodiment the first and second
cooling fluid can flows in opposite directions whereby the temperature can be keep
stable across the converting material. However it is also possible the let the first
and second cooling fluid flow in the same direction or at directions angled in
relation to each other.

The first flow channel and second flow channel can be provided of the same
material however in this case the material need to be transparent to both the pump
light and the converted light as both types of light need to pass through the
material. Similar the first and second cooling fluid can be identical and be
transparent to both the pump light and the converted light. However the first flow
channel and second flow channel can also be embodied in different materials as
long as the first flow channel is transparent to pump light and the second first flow
channel is transparent to the converted light. Similar the first and second cooling
fluid may be different. It is further possible to provide dichroic filters at the bottom
of the converting material which is adapted to transmit pump light and reflect
converted light whereby back emitted converted light can be reflected forwardly. A
dichroic filter adapted to reflect pump light and transmit converted light can further
be positioned above the converting material and as a consequence pump light
passing through the converting material will be back reflected into the converting
material where it can be converted in to converted light.

Fig. 7 illustrates a simplified cross-sectional view of another embodiment of an

illumination device 701 according of the present invention. The illumination device
is similar to the illumination device illustrated in fig. 6 ; however there are some
differences which will be described below. In this embodiment the illumination
device comprises a third flow channel 7 1 5 which is in thermal contact with at least
one pump light source 103 and heat generated by the pump light source 103 can
be removed by a cooling fluid flowing in the third flow channel 7 1 5 . In this
embodiment the third flow channel need not the be transparent since no light need
to pass through third cooling channel and the third cooling channel can thus be
constructed as known in the art of fluid cooling light sources. However
embodiments where the third flow channel and third cooling fluid need to be
transparent to light may also be provided. For instance in embodiments where
further pumping light sources emit pump light to the converting material through
the third flow channel. This makes it possible to provide additional pumping light
sources (not shown) below the illustrated pump light source 103 and at the same
time efficiently cooling the pump light source 103.

It is to be understood that the pump light sources can be cooled using traditional

heat sinks with cooling fins and eventual active cooling or fluid cooling.
The multiple number of flow channels illustrated in fig. 6 and 7 may be integrated
into a liquid cooling system similar to the one illustrated in fig. 2 . For instance by
providing separate cooling systems where each flow channel is connected to a
number of tubes connecting each flow channel to a heat exchanger and a pump,
which is adapted to pump cooling fluid from the flow channel to the heat
exchanger. However the flow channels may also be integrated into the same
cooling system where the flow channels are coupled in series or in parallel.

Fig. 8a and 8b illustrate another embodiment of an illumination device 801

according of the present invention, where fig. 8a is a top view and fig. 8b is a cross
sectional view through line E-E in fig. 8a. Like the illumination devices illustrated in
the previous figures this illumination device 801 comprises a number of pumping
light source 803 arranged on PCBs 8 1 1 and converting materials 807a-d adapted
to convert at least a part of the pumping light 805 (in solid lines) into converted
light 809a-d (in dotted, dashed, dotted-dashed, or dotted-dotted-dashed lines)
having different wavelengths than the pumping light. The converting materials
807a-d are arranged on a cooling arrangement 8 1 3 formed as a hollow cuboid and
the converting material is arranged at a top side of the hollow cuboid. The hollow
cuboid comprise a number of inlets 823 and a number of outlets 825 at opposite
sides at the cuboid and a flow channel 8 1 5 is formed between the top and bottom
surfaces of the hollow cuboid. As a consequence cooling fluid can be let into the
flow channel 8 1 5 through the inlets 823 and let out through the outlets 825.

A part of the pumping light sources 803 are arranged below the hollow cuboid and
adapted to illuminate the converting materials 807 through the bottom surface,
flow channel, cooling fluid and top surface. Another part of the pumping light
sources 803' are arranged to emit light into the sides of the hollow cubic and the
emitted light will be transmitted through the hollow cuboid to the converting
material via a number of reflections as described above in connection with fig. 3a-
The converting material 807a-d comprises different types of converting material
arranged in an array. The different types of converting material are adapted to
convert the pumping light hitting the converting material into converted light having
different wavelengths. In the illustrated embodiment the converting material
• a first converting material 807a adapted to convert the pumping light of at
least a first wavelength into first converted light 809a (dotted line) of at
least a second wavelength different form the first wavelength;
• a second converting material 807b adapted to convert the pumping light of
at least a first wavelength into second converted light 809b (dashed line) of
at least a third wavelength different form the first wavelength and the
second wavelength;
• a third converting material 807c adapted to convert the pumping light of at
least a first wavelength into third converted light 809c (dotted-dashed line)
of at least a fourth wavelength different form the first wavelength, the
second wavelength and the third wavelength;
• a fourth converting material 807d adapted to convert the pumping light of
at least a first wavelength into fourth converted light 809d (dotted-dotted-
dashed line) of at least a fifth wavelength different form the first
wavelength, the second wavelength, the third wavelength and the fourth

It is to be understood the any number of different converting material can be used

and that the different converting material can be combined in any pattern for
instance in order to create different visual effects or signs.

The illumination device illustrated in fig. 8a and fig. 8b can for instance be used as
light sources in a mechanical color mixing system as described in the pending
patent application titled "MECHANICAL COLOR MIXING DEVICE" having
application number DK PA 201 1 70293 and filed 10th of June 201 1 in Denmark by
the applicant Martin Professional a s or the pending patent application titled
"MECHANICAL COLOR MIXING DEVICE" having application number
PCT/DK201 2/0501 98 and filed 8th of June 201 2 in Denmark by the applicant
Martin Professional a/s. Both applications are incorporate herein by reference.

The mechanical color mixing illumination device according to the patent

applications tilted "MECHANICAL COLOR MIXING DEVICE" comprises:
• a number of light sources generating light; and
• a number of light collecting means adapted to collect the generated light
and to convert the collected light into a number light beams propagating
along an optical axis;
wherein the light sources are arranged in a first group of light sources and in a
second group of light sources, where the first and second group of light sources
emit light having different spectral distribution; and wherein the number of light
sources and the light collecting means are displaceable in relation to each other
and can be positioned in a number of mixing positions, where in the number of
mixing positions the light collecting means are adapted to collect at least a part of
said light emitted by said first group of light sources and at least a part of said light
emitted by said second group of light sources and to convert said collected light
into number of mixed light beams.

The illumination device illustrated in fig. 8a and 8b can be integrated into the color
mixing illumination device according by letting the different converting materials
807a-d act as the different groups of light sources and adapting the number of
collecting means to collect converted light from different converting material 807a-
1. An illumination device comprising:
• at least one pumping light source emitting pumping light of at least a first
• a converting material adapted to convert at least a part of said pumping
light into converted light of at least a second first wavelength and to emit
said converted light; and where said second wavelength is different from
said first wavelength;
characterized in that said converting material is arranged at an cooling
arrangement comprising at least one flow channel wherein a cooling fluid can flow,
said flow channel and said cooling fluid are transparent to said pumping light and
at least a part of said pumping light illuminating said converting material passes
through said flow channel and said cooling fluid.

2 . A n illumination device according to claim 1 characterized in that at least a part

of said flow channel is adapted to transmit at least a part of said pumping light to
said converting material through a number of reflections.

3 . A n illumination device according to claims 1-2 characterized in that in said

illumination device comprises light collecting means adapted to collect said

converted light and to transform said converted light into a light beam.

4 . An illumination device according to claims 1-3 characterized in that at least

one of said pumping light sources are in thermal contact with said flow channel.

5 . A n illumination device according to claims 1-4 characterized in that said flow

channel is integrated into a cooling system comprising:

• a heat exchanger adapted to remove heat from cooling fluid flowing through
said heat exchanger;
• a number of tubes connecting said flow channel to a heat exchanger; and
• a pump adapted to pump said cooling fluid through said flow channel, said
tubes and said heat exchanger.
6 . A n illumination device according to claims 1-5 characterized in that said

cooling arrangement comprises a second flow channel wherein a second cooling

fluid can flow, said second flow channel and said second cooling fluid are
transparent to said converted light, said converting material being in thermal
contact with said second flow channel and at part of said converted light emitted
by said converting material passes through said second flow channel and said
second cooling fluid.

7 . A n illumination device according to claims 1-6 characterized in that said

cooling arrangement comprises a third flow channel wherein a third cooling fluid
can flow and at least on of said pumping light sources are in thermal contact with
said third flow channel.

8 . A n illumination device according to claims 1-7 characterized in that in at least

said first cooling fluid, said second cooling fluid and/or said third cooling fluid is a
cooling liquid.

9 . A n illumination device according to claim 9 characterized in that said cooling

liquid comprises water.

10. A n illumination device according to claim 1-9 characterized in that said

pumping light is blue and/or UV light where said first spectra distribution comprises
95% light with a wavelength below 475nm.

11. A method of creating illumination using an illumination device, said illumination

device comprises:
• at least one pumping light source emitting pumping light of at least a first
· a converting material adapted to convert at least a part of said pumping
light into converted light of at least a second wavelength and to emit said
converted light; and where said second wavelength is different from said
first wavelength;
said method comprises the step of:
• arranging said converting material an cooling arrangement, where said
cooling arrangement comprising at least one flow channel wherein a cooling
fluid can flow, said flow channel and said cooling fluid are transparent to
said pumping light;
• transmitting at least a part of said pumping light through said flow channel
and said cooling fluid and to said converting material.

12 . A method according to claim 11 characterized in that said step of transmitting

said at least a part of said pumping light through said cooling arrangement
comprises the step of reflecting said pumping light inside said cooling arrangement.

13 . A method according to claims 11- 1 2 characterized in further comprising the

step of arranging at least one of said pumping light sources in thermal contact with
said flow channel and removing heat from said light source by forcing said cooling
fluid through said flow channel.

14. A method according to claims 11- 1 3 characterized in comprising the step of

removing heat from said converting material by forcing said cooling fluid through
said flow channel.

15 . A method according to claim 14 characterized in that said step of removing

heat from said flow channel comprises the steps of:
• forcing said cooling fluid from said flow channel through a number of tubes
and to a heat exchanger, said heat exchanger is adapted to remove heat
from said cooling fluid; and thereafter
• forcing said cooling fluid from said heat exchanger and through a number
of tubes and said flow channel.
INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No.

PCT/ D 2 12/0502 1
IPC (2006.01) G02F 1/35
According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name o f data base and, where practicable, search terms used)


Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, o f the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

X WO 2007/040627 A l (LUMINUS DEVICES INC [US]) 20070412 1- 15

See (a) from p . 1, 1. 7 to p . 2, . 30; (b) from p . 10, . 16 to p . 1 1, . 4; (c) from p . 16, 1. 1
to p . 17. . 2; (d) Fig. 3D/156 ead together with p . 20, lines 14 - 20; and, finally, (e) Fig.
6 and from p. 23, . 29 to p . 24, . 18.

ΓΊ Further documents are listed in the continuation o f Box C. See patent family annex.
* Special categories of cited documents: T" later document published after the international filing
date or priority date and not in conflict with the
A" document defining the general state of the art which is not application but cited to understand the principle or theory
considered to be of particular relevance underlying the invention

"E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the "X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention
international filing date cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to
involve an inventive step when the document is taken
"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or alone
which is cited to establish the publication date of another
citation or other special reason (as specified) "Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention
cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when
"O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or the document is combined with one or more other such
other means documents, such combination being obvious to a person
skilled in the art
P document published prior to the international filing date
but later than the priority date claimed document member of the same patent family
Date of the actual completion o f the international search Date of mailing o f the international search report

15/1 1/2012 16/ /2 0 2

Name and mailing address of the ISA Authorized officer

Nordic Patent Institute
Helgeshoj Alle l Thorkild Sorensen
D - 2630 Taastrup, Denmark. Telephone No. +45 43 50 85 44
Facsimile No. + 45 43 50 80 08

Form PCT/ISA/2 second sheet J l 2009)

INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No
Information on patent family members
PCT/DK20 12 0502 1

Patent document cited in search report / Publication date Patent family members) / Publication date

WO 2007/040627 A l (LUMINUS DEVICES INC [US]) EP1938380 A 1 20080702

2007041 2 C 10 13468 18 A 200901 4
CN10134681 8B B 20101 006
US71 6354 B 20070327
WO2007040627 A 8 20070802

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