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United States Patent: ( ) Notice: Subject To Any Disclaimer, The Term of This Is: A SE A. Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,296,835 B2

BlackWell et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 20, 2007

(54) ROBOTIC HAND AND ARM APPARATUS 4,094,016 A 6/1978 Eroyan

4,246,661 A 1/1981 Pinson
(75) Inventors: Trevor Blackwell, Los Altos, CA (US); 4,332,038 A 6, 1982 Freeland
Scott Wiley, Los Altos, CA (US) 4,351,553 A 9, 1982 Rovetta et al.
4.575,297 A 3/1986 Richter
4,643,473 A * 2/1987 Douglas ..................... 294,111
(73) Assignee: Arbois. Inc., Mountain View, CA 4,685,929 A 8, 1987 Monestier
4,740,126 A 4, 1988 Richter
(*) Notice: patent
any disclaimer, the term of this
or adjusted under 35
is: A
4,834,443 A
A. et al.
Crowder et al.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 101 days. 4,955,918 A 9/1990 Lee
4,980,626 A 12/1990 Hess et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 11/202,843 4,982,611 A 1/1991 Lorenz et al.
5,200,679 A * 4/1993 Graham ................. 318.568.16
(22) Filed: Aug. 11, 2005 5,280,981. A 1/1994 Schulz
5,378,033. A 1/1995 Guo et al.
(65) Prior Publication Data 5,647,723 A 7, 1997 Rush
5,967,580 A 10, 1999 Rosheim
US 2007/0035143 A1 Feb. 15, 2007 6,658,962 B1 12/2003 Rosheim
6,913,627 B2 * 7/2005 Matsuda ...................... 623,64
(51) Int. Cl.
B25, 5/10 (2006.01) * cited by examiner
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 294/111; 299; E. Primary Examiner Dean J Kramer
(58) Field of Classification Search ................ 294/106, SREO S.C. Testal Property Law
294/111,907: 901/33, 34, 36, 39, 46; 623/61, p s s
623/62, 64
See application file for complete search history. (57) ABSTRACT
(56) References Cited A robotic hand and arm where the fingers are driven by
rotational motors with drums, and pulled with cables using
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS rolling friction. The hand extends into a robotic arm through
984, 179 A 2/1911 Aydt a wrist wherein the wrist is controlled by pneumatic cylin
1,225,415 A 5, 1917 Cronemiller ders. Each finger preferably is provided with four manufac
1,285,617 A 1 1/1918 Caron tured parts and a single pulley. The thumb is provided with
2,598,593. A 5, 1952 Parker three pulleys for independent distal movement. Cables
2,669,727 A 2, 1954 Opuszenski wraps around or over pulleys, eliminating tight bends. A
2,696,010 A 12, 1954 Robinson ..................... 623.26 glove is provided about the robotic hand which provides a
2,706,296 A
2,847,678 A
1955 Opuszenski
Fletcher et al. compressive,s liquid resistant membrane.
2,859,450 A 11, 1958 Becker
3,521.303 A 7, 1970 Yakobson et al. 19 Claims, 21 Drawing Sheets

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FIG 11
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FIG. 31
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FIG. 32

FIG. 33
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FIG. 34
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FIG. 35
US 7,296,835 B2
1. 2

BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION An embodiment of the present invention is a robotic arm

and in particular a robotic hand using no sliding friction
1. Field of Invention except through a cable housing, but instead operates with
The present invention relates generally to a robotic or rolling friction using cables. The preferred embodiment of
artificial arm and more particularly a robotic hand and the present invention provides for the robotic hand wherein
fingers, lightweight and dexterous, having human like the drum drive, cable housings, rolling friction, one pulley,
manipulation. ligament distal phalange, are designed to work together.
2. Background Art One object of the present invention is to provide for a low
cost and easily assemble robotic hand, for instance the
Robotic arms, hands and fingers have been in use and preferred embodiment provides for only four manufactured
disclosed by others with the usual mechanics using metal, parts for each finger of the robot hand. In the preferred
bearings, cables, and pulleys. The use of robotic hands in 15
embodiment, each finger employs one pulley, three pins,
various applications is apparent today. The need for robotic eight bearings and seven cables.
arms and hands has been prevalent in areas such as pros Another object of the present invention is to provide for
thetics, space exploration or other work environments where a cable housing that is compressible allowing for compli
a human hand is not possible or desired. In many work ance at the finger tips and the cable housing prevents the
environments, or for the sheer realism, human like manipu fingers from moving as the wrist moves
lation is needed for conducting tasks which require preci Yet another object of the present invention is to provide
Sion, for instance in grasping objects with the necessary for removable fingers for servicing and providing bearings
strength and at the same having Sufficient control and on the outside of the knuckle that allow the cables to pass
dexterity. through the center of the finger.
Most robotic hands have a plurality of digits, the little, 25 In addition, the preferred embodiment has no screw
ring, middle, index and thumb. Each finger is segmented into thread and no fasteners. An entire finger can be Snapped
phalanges, where the tip is the distal phalange, followed by together in the preferred embodiment of the present inven
the middle (or medial) phalange, the proximal phalange and tion.
then the metacarpal at the knuckle. In constructing robotic Another object of the invention provides for limited parts
30 and easy assemble; fingers for instance, only use one pulley;
hands with the detail, functionality and realism of human
hands, the assembly can be highly complex and difficult to cables wrap around the pulleys eliminating the need for
maintain. Servicing in turn is both difficult and often. In additional pulleys or tight bends; the thumb may use three
addition, certain assemblies result in a bulky design and also pulleys for additional capabilities such as independent distal
become too costly in both parts, manufacturing and as 35
mentioned servicing. Another object of the present invention allows for the use
Many robot hands have been disclosed as driven with of larger and stronger cables for greater grip strength of the
pneumatics or electric motors. Other robot hands similar to
Such mechanisms are being developed by Such entities as Yet another object of the present invention allows for a
Utah/MIT. Stanford/JPL, Okada, Barrett, Bologna Univer 40 greater life of the cables in that the rolling friction allows for
sity, DLR German Aerospace Center, LMS, DIST Genova, gentle bends of the cables and requires no tools to repair.
Robonaut NASA, Tokyo and Karlsruhe University, Another object is to provide for the use of a cable
Ultralight research center of Karlsruhe, Gifu University ligament between the distal and middle phalange, instead of
Japan. Others have incorporated tactile capacitive sensing, a rod connection. The ligament bends through two different
such as Pressure Profile Systems Inc. onto robot hands. 45 radii, which gives a bending ratio that is different between
However, none of these attempts have addressed or solved the middle and distal phalange.
the issues of providing a robot hand and arm of a compact, The present invention can be made entirely non metallic
inexpensive, light weight product having Sufficient power with Kevlar cables (or its equivalent), Torlon bearings (or its
and necessary control. equivalent), and carbon pins.
50 In addition, the palm section of the present invention is
Prior attempts discussed above have the disadvantages shaped for holding tools in three positions.
and problems associated with fingers being too complex and
difficult to build. In addition, power and dexterity is insuf Another object of the present invention provides for the
ficient and cost for manufacturing Such devices is much too robotic hand to be driven by a glove over a human hand, or
high. Forearms have been designed but are too bulky and 55
a hand held device that an operator can select specific
large to work on a robot. Simplicity in the mechanism for the
movement in the fingers of the robot hand is missing. In Furthermore, an object of the present invention provides
addition, the use of sliding friction leads to cable going slack for sensitivity in touch through the use of capacitive sensors
and other associated problems such as jerky motions. for measuring fingertip pressure, allowing for feedback to
Therefore, there is a need for a solution to such problems 60 human driven manipulation.
such that a robot arm is both efficient and easier to manu In another object of the present invention, the robotic
facture, having Sufficient power and dexterity in movement hand is realistic in movement and provides various human
in various directions and at the same time provide for like range of motions, for example, providing for an arc
realistic and humanly realistic movement. It is accordingly position of the hand and other grasping positions.
a principal object of the invention to provide for robot hand 65 These and other embodiments of the present invention are
with the power, speed, dexterity, control and feedback of a further made apparent, in the remainder of the present
human hand at a minimal cost. document, to those of ordinary skill in the art.
US 7,296,835 B2
3 4
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 19 is a top view of the thumb assembly in a
constricted position at the metacarpal phalange, according to
In order to more fully describe embodiments of the an embodiment of the present invention.
present invention, reference is made to the accompanying FIG. 20 is a cross-sectional side view of FIG. 19, illus
drawings. These drawings are not to be considered limita trating how the cable mechanism pulls the proximal pha
tions in the scope of the invention, but are merely illustra lange of the thumb down and up, according to an embodi
tive. ment of the present invention.
FIG. 1 is a view of a robotic arm and hand assembly with FIG. 21 is a top view of a robotic left hand grasping an
fingers and thumb fully extended according to an embodi object according to an embodiment of the present invention.
ment of the present invention. 10 FIG. 22 is a side view of FIG. 21 grasping an object
FIG. 2 is an exploded view of a finger assembly, showing according to an embodiment of the present invention.
placement of bearings and shafts, according to an embodi FIG. 23 is a side view of a robotic left hand grasping an
ment of the present invention. object according to another embodiment of the present
FIG. 3 is a view of an assembled finger detached from the invention.
palm section, according to an embodiment of the present 15 FIG. 24 is a bottom view of FIG. 23 grasping the object,
invention. according to another embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 4 is a view of FIG. 3 illustrating the cable holes FIG. 25 is an inverted side view of FIG. 24 grasping the
located in the palm section, according to an embodiment of object, according to another embodiment of the present
the present invention. invention.
FIG. 5 is a top view of the finger phalange assembly in a FIG. 26 is a bottom view of FIG. 25, according to another
constricted position, according to an embodiment of the embodiment of the present invention.
present invention. FIG. 27 is a front view of a robotic hand with all fingers
FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional side view of FIG. 5, illustrating constricted downward at the metacarpal phalange, according
how the cable mechanism pulls the distal and middle pha to an embodiment of the present invention.
lange up, and pulls the middle phalange down, according to 25 FIG. 28 is a bottom view of a robotic left hand and arm
an embodiment of the present invention. with arm assembly exposed, according to an embodiment of
FIG. 7 is a top view of the finger phalange assembly in a the present invention.
FIG. 29 is a side view of the robotic hand and arm of FIG.
constricted position, according to an embodiment of the 28, illustrating the upward and downward movement of the
present invention. 30 hand, according to an embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional side view of FIG. 7, illustrating FIG. 30 is a view of the robotic hand and arm of FIG. 28
how the cable ligament pulls the distal phalange down, with the arm assembly enclosed, illustrating a clockwise
according to an embodiment of the present invention. sideways movement of the hand, according to an embodi
FIG. 9 is a top view of the finger assembly with the finger ment of the present invention.
pointed completely down at the metacarpal phalange, 35 FIG. 31 is a view of the robotic hand and arm of FIG. 30,
according to an embodiment of the present invention. illustrating a counterclockwise sideways movement of the
FIG. 10 is a cross-sectional side view of FIG. 9, illustrat hand, according to an embodiment of the present invention.
ing how the cable mechanism pulls the proximal phalange FIG. 32 is a side view of the robotic hand and arm
down and up, according to an embodiment of the present assembly of FIG. 30 with palm side down, illustrating an
FIG. 11 is a top view of a finger assembly showing the
40 upward clockwise movement of the hand, according to an
sideways motion at the metacarpal in relation to the move embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 33 is a side view of the robotic hand and arm
ment of the drum, according to an embodiment of the assembly of FIG. 32, illustrating a downward counterclock
present invention. wise movement of the hand, according to an embodiment of
FIG. 12 is a side view of a thumb assembly extended over 45 the present invention.
a hard object, according to an embodiment of the present FIG. 34 is a rear perspective side view of a robotic hand
and arm connected to a torso according to an embodiment of
FIG. 13 is a side view of a thumb assembly with the distal the present invention.
phalange constricted to come in contact with the hard object, FIG. 35 is a front perspective view of a robotic hand and
according to an embodiment of the present invention. 50 arm connected to a torso according to an embodiment of the
FIG. 14 is an exploded view of a thumb assembly, present invention.
showing placement of bearings and shafts, according to an
embodiment of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF SPECIFIC
FIG. 15 is a top view of the thumb assembly with the EMBODIMENTS
distal phalange in a constricted position, according to an 55
embodiment of the present invention. The description above and below and the drawings of the
FIG. 16 is a cross-sectional side view of FIG. 15, illus present document focus on one or more currently preferred
trating how the cable mechanism pulls the distal phalange of embodiments of the present invention and also describe
the thumb down and up, according to an embodiment of the Some exemplary optional features and/or alternative
present invention. 60 embodiments. The description and drawings are for the
FIG. 17 is a top view of the thumb assembly with the purpose of illustration and not limitation. Those of ordinary
distal and middle phalanges in a constricted position, skill in the art would recognize variations, modifications,
according to an embodiment of the present invention. and alternatives. Such variations, modifications, and alter
FIG. 18 is a cross-sectional side view of FIG. 17, illus natives are also within the scope of the present invention.
trating how the cable mechanism pulls the middle phalange 65 Section titles are terse and are for convenience only.
of the thumb down and up, according to an embodiment of As illustrated in FIG. 1, there is a robotic hand 1 having
the present invention. a plurality of articulated digits or fingers. In the preferred
US 7,296,835 B2
5 6
embodiment there are five digits, an index finger 4, a middle and truncated shafts 32 snap into palm 15, allowing for ease
finger 6, ring finger 8, a little finger 10 and a thumb 12. Each in removal of any digit when necessary for servicing or
finger and thumb further comprises a plurality of phalanges. adjustments and allows for a plurality of cables to pass
The index finger 4 comprises a metacarpal phalange 30, through the palm 15 into each digit. Therefore, each finger
connected to a proximal phalange 40, connected to a middle or digit is conveniently removable.
phalange 50, connected to a distal phalange 60. The little An embodiment of the finger 4 assembly is shown in FIG.
finger 10 comprises the same set of phalanges, a metacarpal 3 and FIG. 4, where the finger phalanges are shown
35, proximal 45, middle 55 and distal 65. The thumb 12 also assembled and in the bent position but disconnected from
comprises the same set of phalanges, a metacarpal 110. palm section 15. FIG. 3 illustrates the assemble finger 4
proximal 115, middle 120 and distal 125. The preferred 10 where each of the metacarpal 30, proximal phalange 40,
embodiment further comprises a palm 15 integrally con middle phalange 50, and distal phalange 60 are connected as
nected to each of the plurality of digits wherein each digit is an integral finger 4. Palm section 15 is shown to illustrate the
removable from the palm section 15. In the preferred inner structure of the palm section 15 for connection with
embodiment, the palm section 15 is one piece. A system of truncated shafts 32 of metacarpal 30. FIG. 4, further illus
air cylinders 18 (i.e. pneumatic cylinders), drums 20, and 15 trates palm section 15 and the connection to truncated shafts
rotational motors 22 (for instance servo motors), located in 32 of metacarpal 30, and defines openings for the respective
the robotic arm 2, controls the hand 1 movement. A plurality cables to move through.
of cables per each digit are run through respective com FIG. 5 shows a top view of a digit such as index finger 4,
pressible cable housings 25 and connected throughout the illustrated in a bent or constricted position at the middle
digits over at least a single pulley per digit and provides knuckle 52 according to an embodiment of the present
movement to the various phalanges of each digit. The cables invention. FIG. 6 illustrates the cross-sectional side view of
do not slide across any surface except the cable housing. In finger 4 along the positional line taken on FIG. 5. As
particular, since the cables roll along the Surface of the joints discussed in FIG. 2, each phalange pivots about its respec
in the digits and/or over the pulley, friction in the digits is tive shaft and knuckle. The plurality of shafts 70 are
minimized. The cables only slide across a liner, preferably a 25 preferably comprised of steel but may be comprised of any
Teflon liner, in the cable housing 25. The cable housings 25 similar or suitable material. A plurality of cables is provided
which run across the wrist 27 joint allow a constant length throughout each digit, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 2. As illustrated in FIG.
of cable and a compliant springy action at the fingertips. The 6, cables 91, 92 are provided for movement of the middle
cable length does not vary as the drums 20 rotate, keeping phalange 50 and distal phalange 60. In essence, cables 91.92
a constant tension on the cable. The compressible cable 30 are a single continuous cable, in which cable 91 extends
housing 25 allows the wrist 27 to move without affecting the from distal phalange 60 around drum 20 located in arm2 and
position of the digits. The wrist 27 is pivotally connected to wraps around pulley 80 as cable 92, to extend to the middle
the palm 15 through a plurality of wrist bearings. The two phalange 50, around the underside of the diameter of middle
pivot axes of the wrist 27 are in the same plane. knuckle 52. For purposes of clarity cables 91, 92, are
As shown in FIG. 2 a single digit, the index digit 4 of a 35 described as separate cables moving the phalanges in dif
robotic hand of FIG. 1, is illustrated in an exploded diagram ferent directions. Cables 91, 92, powered by the rotational
according to an embodiment of the present invention. The motor 22, moved by drum 20 and routed through proximal
metacarpal phalange 30 of the finger is integrally connected knuckle 42 over pulley 80, controls movement of the distal
to the palm 15 as shown in FIG. 1. The index digit 4 and middle phalanges of the finger using rolling friction for
comprises a plurality of phalanges which are the segments 40 control. The cables do not slide across any surface except the
between the joints/knuckles which further comprise a plu cable housing 25. Pulley 80 may comprise of a plastic or
rality of bearings and a plurality of shafts or pins, to hold the metal or other suitable material. In a preferred embodiment,
digit together. In the preferred embodiment, the digit 4 fingers 4, 6, 8, and 10 each comprise seven cables; and
comprises a metacarpal 30; a proximal phalange 40 con thumb 12 comprise eight cables. Having seven cables per
nected to the metacarpal 30 via a shaft 70; a middle (or 45 finger and eight cables for the thumb, allows for sixteen
medial) phalange 50 connected to the proximal phalange 40 degrees of freedom in the hand.
via shaft 70; and a distal phalange 60 connected to the FIG. 6 illustrates how cable 91 is pulled around drum 20,
middle phalange 50 via a shaft 70. Each shaft is held and about the topside of the pulley 80 and about the topside
together on each phalange by way of providing bearings 75. of the diameter of middle knuckle 52. When engaged, cable
77 around each shaft 70. Each phalange pivots about the 50 91 pulls the middle phalange 50 and distal phalange 60 in the
shaft 70, assisted by bearings 75, 77. As shown in FIG. 2, upward direction (as shown by the dotted image) through
distal phalange 60 is connected to middle phalange 50 by rolling friction. Cable 92 is wrapped around pulley 80,
bearings 75 provided at each end of a shaft 70 through an crossing on the underside of pulley 80, and extending around
aperture of a distal knuckle 62 integral of distal phalange 60 the diameter of middle knuckle 52; a reversal of the pull
that is formed to engage middle phalange 50. Middle pha 55 causes middle phalange 50 to move in the downward
lange 50 is connected to proximal phalange 40 by bearings direction. At both points of contact with the pulley and
75 provided at each end of a shaft 70 through an aperture of middle knuckle 52, cable 92 moves middle phalange 50 with
a middle knuckle 52 integral of middle phalange 50 that is rolling friction. Cable 92 pulls middle phalange 50 in the
formed to engage proximal phalange 40. Proximal phalange downward direction, by wrapping about pulley 80, which
40 is connected to metacarpal 30 by bearings 77 at each end 60 prevents rubbing on the metacarpal 30 when moved in the
of a shaft 70 through an aperture of a proximal knuckle 42 down position. Cables 91, 92 and all of the plurality of
integral of proximal phalange 40 that is formed to engage cables used throughout the hand 1 wrapped around or about
metacarpal 30. Between bearings 77, pulley 80 is provided a pulley Such that no sliding friction occurs, and the move
in proximal knuckle 42. The metacarpal 30 comprises side ment uses rolling friction.
bearings 79 and truncated shafts 32 for engaging with palm 65 FIG. 7 shows a top view of a digit such as index finger 4,
section 15, such that the side bearings 79 snap upon the illustrated in a bent or constricted position at the middle
corresponding prong of the palm 15. The side bearings 79 knuckle 52, according to an embodiment of the present
US 7,296,835 B2
7 8
invention. FIG. 8 illustrates the cross-sectional side view of As described, the capacitive pressure sensors or capacitor
finger 4 along the positional line taken on FIG. 7. FIG. 8 plates 100 on the finger tips such as distal phalange 125,
demonstrates the location of cable 93 extending from the provide a non-linear Voltage such that when a finger contacts
proximal phalange 40, over the diameter of middle knuckle an object 108, there is a sensitive range for delicate work and
52 and underneath the diameter of distal knuckle 62. Cable a coarse range for gripping large objects. As shown in FIG.
93 is the ligament cable, which when engaged, pulls distal 13, distal phalange 125 makes contact with a hard object
phalange 60 in a downward direction using rolling friction. 108. In the preferred embodiment, this is accomplished
When cable 92 as shown in FIG. 6, pulls down the middle through the use of a specific thickness of closed cell foam in
phalange 50, cable 93 pulls distal phalange 60 downward as the glove and carefully designed bumps on the finger tips.
a function of the diameters of the middle knuckle 52 and the 10 The bumps allow for gripping on the glove and controlling
distal knuckle 62. The ligament bends through two different the capacitive sensor response. A grounded metal foil lined
radii, which gives a bending ratio that is different between glove being one side of the capacitive sensor, and the other
the middle phalange 50 and the distal phalange 60. For side being metal painted phalanges with attached wires,
instance, the middle phalange 50 may bend 90 degrees and makes the assembly more robust than individual sensors. As
the distal phalange 60 will only bend 60 degrees similar to 15 shown in FIGS. 12, 13, the attached capacitor's electrical
a real finger. In the preferred embodiment, the cables have wire 104 or wires, run through wire routing guides inside the
a large bend radii of no Smaller than approximately half the finger assembly and is connected to the capacitor plate 100.
diameter of the finger. Such a large bend radii allows the use As discussed, in the preferred embodiment, there is only
of larger and stronger cables for greater grip strength. In one pulley 80 per digit 4, 6, 8, 10. The pulley and cable
addition, there is no backward bends of the cables which combination gives a torque multiplication at the metacarpal
ensures for greater life of the cables. 30 joint increasing the grip strength of the hand 1. A cable
According to an embodiment of the present invention, (such as cable 91) that runs from the distal phalange 60 to
FIG. 9 shows a top view of a digit such as an index finger the middle phalange 50 reduces the need for two extra cables
4, illustrated in a bent or constricted position at the proximal per digit.
knuckle 42. FIG. 10 illustrates the cross-sectional side view 25 As shown in FIG. 14, a single digit, the thumb 12 of a
of finger 4 along the positional line taken on FIG. 9. The robotic hand 1, is illustrated in an exploded diagram accord
finger 4 is shown bent down at the proximal knuckle ing to an embodiment of the present invention. The metac
between the metacarpal 30 and proximal 40 phalanges. arpal phalange 110 of the thumb is removably connected to
Drum 20 and rotational motor 22 drive cables 94, 95 that the palm 15 of FIG. 1. The thumb 12 comprises a plurality
pass through the palm 15 and rotate finger 4 downward at the 30 of phalanges and in the preferred embodiment includes a
proximal knuckle 42. Cable 94 is wrapped about the top side metacarpal 110; a proximal phalange 115 connected to the
of the diameter of the proximal knuckle 42, and using rolling metacarpal 110 via a shaft 70; a middle (or medial) phalange
friction to control proximal phalange 40 pulls proximal 120 connected to the proximal phalange 115 via shaft 70;
phalange 40 in the upward direction. Cable 95 is wrapped and a distal phalange 125 connected to the middle phalange
about the underside of the diameter of the proximal knuckle 35 120 via a shaft 70. Each shaft is held together on each
42, and using rolling friction to control proximal phalange phalanges by way of providing bearings 75, 77 around each
40 pulls proximal phalange 40 in the downward direction. shaft 70. Each phalange pivots about the shaft 70, assisted by
As shown in FIG. 11 cable 96 is connected to one side of bearings 75 and 77. As shown in FIG. 14, distal phalange
metacarpal phalange 30 offinger 4, wrapped about drum 20, 125 is connected to middle phalange 120 by bearings 75
and extended to the opposing side of metacarpal phalange 40 provided at each end of a shaft 70 through an aperture of a
30, as cable 97. Through the rotation of drum 10 by distal knuckle 127 integral of distal phalange 125 that is
rotational motor 22 a range of sideways movement for the formed to engage middle phalange 120. Middle phalange
entire finger assembly 4 is achieved by the push or pull 120 is connected to proximal phalange 115 by bearings 75
cables 96 and 97. As cable 96 is pulled in a clockwise provided at each end of a shaft 70 through an aperture of a
direction, finger 4 moves accordingly. As cable 97 is pulled 45 middle knuckle 122 integral of middle phalange 120 that is
in a counter clockwise direction, finger 4 moves accordingly. formed to engage proximal phalange 115. Proximal pha
FIG. 12 and FIG. 13 show the distal phalange 125 of the lange 115 is connected to metacarpal 110 by bearings 77 at
thumb 12 assembly comprising a plurality of capacitive each end of a shaft 70 through an aperture of a proximal
plate pressure sensors 100 and a spongy insulative pad 102 knuckle 117 integral of proximal phalange 115 that is
coming into contact with a hard object 108 shown in dotted 50 formed to engage metacarpal 110. Pulley 130 and pulley 135
outline, according to an embodiment of the present inven are provided in proximal knuckle 117 between bearings 77.
tion. FIG. 12 illustrates the capacitor plates 100 located on Pulley 140 is provided in middle knuckle 122 between
the distal phalange 125 but can be applied anywhere on the bearings 75. The metacarpal 110 comprises side bearings 79
digit for measuring pressure. In FIG. 12, the pressure sensors and truncated shafts 32 for engaging with the palm 15. Such
100 measure the capacitance between a painted metallic 55 that the side bearings 79 snap upon the corresponding prong
surface on the phalange 125 and a metallic foil lined outer of the palm 15. The side bearings 79 and truncated shafts 32,
layer on the phalange. In another embodiment of the present snap into palm 15, allowing for ease in removal of the thumb
invention, the pressure sensors 100 measure the capacity 12 when necessary for servicing or making adjustments.
between a painted metallic Surface on the phalanges and a Therefore, the thumb 12 is conveniently removable. In the
metallic foil lined glove (not shown). An embodiment of the 60 preferred embodiment, there is provide three pulleys in the
present invention further comprises a plurality of coaxial thumb 12. As shown, a series of pulleys 130, 135 and 140
cables which prevent cross talk and having a Voltage that is are located inside proximal knuckle 117 of proximal pha
non-linear due to a set of bumps or friction material (not lange 115 and inside middle knuckle 122 of middle phalange
shown) located on the outside of the phalanges and the 120. Pulleys 130 and 135 reside side by side in proximal
compressive nature of the closed cell foam in the glove. The 65 phalange 115 and pulley 140 resides in middle knuckle 122.
frictional material also reduces slippage between the finger A plurality of cables wrap around or about these pulleys,
and the glove. utilizing rolling friction as opposed to sliding friction.
US 7,296,835 B2
9 10
FIG. 15 shows the top view of thumb 12, illustrated in a little finger 10, ring finger 8, middle finger 6, index finger 4,
bent or constricted position at the distal knuckle 127 accord and thumb 12. The preferred embodiment further comprises
ing to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 16 a palm 15 of one piece, integrally connected to each of the
shows the cross-sectional side view of thumb 12 along the plurality of digits wherein each digit is removable from the
positional line taken on FIG. 15 and shows part of the cable palm 15. FIG.22 shows the side view of the hand 1 in FIG.
mechanism for movement of the thumb 12 according to an 23. The hand 1 illustrates the human like grasping capabili
embodiment of the present invention. The thumb functions ties made possible by the finger assemblies connected to
very closely to the movement of other digits on the hand. palm 15 for gripping a variety of objects of different shapes
Cable 151 is set in motion by drum 20 and rotational motor and sizes.
22 and runs from the distal phalange 125 along the top of 10 This embodiment can be viewed utilizing a different grip
pulleys 140 and 130 located at middle knuckle 122 and arrangement as shown in the bottom view of the robotic
proximal knuckle 117 respectively. As cable 151 is engaged, hand 1 of FIG. 23. Again, a left hand 1 is shown grasping a
distal phalange 125 is moved in the upward direction. Cable cylindrical object 160, in a tighter fashion than in FIG. 21.
152 runs from the underside of the diameter of proximal The bottom view of FIG. 23 is shown in FIG. 24 with the
knuckle 117, wraps around pulley 140 by crossing at the 15 objects 160 left side facing up. FIG. 25 is an inverted side
underside of pulley 140 and wraps around pulley 130, view of FIG. 24, and slightly rotated, showing the arrange
crossing at the underside of pulley 130 to drum 20. As cable ment of the fingers in a grasping position. The bottom view
152 is engaged, the movement of distal phalange 125 is of FIG. 25 is illustrated in FIG. 26 which further shows the
controlled in the downward direction. closeness of the palm 15 and digits around the object 160 for
FIG. 17 shows the top view of thumb 12, illustrated in a gripping capability.
bent or constricted position at the middle knuckle 122 As shown in FIG. 27, each digit can be bent about the
according to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. proximal knuckle 117 at the metacarpal phalange 110 con
18 shows the cross-sectional side view of thumb 12 along nected to the palm 15 according to an embodiment of the
the positional line taken on FIG. 17 and shows part of the present invention. The arrangement of the digits further
cable mechanism for movement of the thumb 12 according 25 illustrates the realistic nature of the hand 1, even in a
to an embodiment of the present invention. Cable 153 is set constricted position.
in motion by drum 20 via rotational motor 22 and runs from As illustrated in FIG. 28 the hand 1 assembly connects to
the middle phalange 120 along the top of the diameter of the forearm 2 assembly, which comprises a plurality of
middle knuckle 122 and along the topside of pulley 135 drums 20 and a plurality of rotational motors 22 housed in
located at the proximal knuckle 117. As cable 153 is 30 the forearm assembly. Also housed within the forearm
engaged, middle phalange 120 is moved in the upward assembly are the air cylinders with linear encoders 18. The
direction. Cable 154 runs from the underside of the diameter air cylinders 18 control movement of the wrist 27 and the
of middle knuckle 122, wraps around pulley 135 by crossing linear encoders indicate the position of the wrist. The cable
at the underside of pulley 135 toward drum 20. As cable 154 housing 25 runs the respective cables to the individual digits
is engaged, the movement of middle phalange 120 is con 35 in the hand 1. A plurality of cables per each digit in the hand
trolled in the downward direction. are run through the compressible cable housing 25 and
FIG. 19 shows the top view of thumb 12, illustrated in a connected throughout the digits over a plurality of pulleys,
bent or constricted position at the proximal knuckle 117 connected to various parts of each digit. The cables do not
according to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. slide across any Surface except the cable housing 25, but
20 shows the cross-sectional side view of thumb 12 along 40 rather roll across/over the surfaces from the radii of the
the positional line taken on FIG. 20 shows part of the cable knuckles and/or pulley(s), thereby minimizing friction in the
mechanism for movement of the thumb 12 according to an digits. The cable housings 25 across the wrist 27 joint allow
embodiment of the present invention. Cable 155 is set in a constant length of cable and a compliant springy action at
motion by drum 20 and rotational motor 22 and runs from the fingertips. In addition, the cable housing 25 allows the
proximal phalange 115 along the top of the diameter of 45 wrist 27 to independently move from the position of the
proximal knuckle 117 toward drum 20. As cable 155 is digits. The compressible cable housing prevents the digits
engaged proximal phalange 115 is pulled in the upward from moving as the wrist 27 moves. The cables are driven
direction. Cable 156 runs from the underside of the diameter with the drums 20 and the cable length does not vary as the
of proximal knuckle 117 toward drum 20. As cable 156 is drums 20 rotate, providing for constant tension on the
engaged, the movement of proximal phalange 115 is con 50 cables.
trolled in the downward direction. FIG. 29 shows the cross-sectional side view of arm 2 and
In the preferred embodiment of thumb 12, there are eight hand 1 along the positional line taken on FIG. 28. As
cables controlling the movement of thumb 12 through the illustrated, the cable housing 25 is housed through the wrist
use of three pulleys. Six cables have been discussed in the 27 and through the digits. Air cylinders 18 run from the palm
above figures for thumb 12. Two cables in the thumb 12 55 15 of hand 1 through arm 2. As air cylinders 18 are engaged,
which are not shown, similar to cable 96 and 97 in FIG. 11, the wrist 27 pivots and moves hand 1 in the upward and
control sideways movement of the thumb 12 by controlling downward directions. The wrist 27 pivots on two axis
movement of the metacarpal 110. In addition, a preferred residing on the same plane. FIG. 30 and FIG. 31 illustrate
embodiment comprises four drum drives 20 engaged with how the movement of the side air cylinders 18 rotates the
the eight cables. As in the fingers, the cables of the thumb 12 60 hand assembly clockwise and counterclockwise respectively
do not slide across any Surface except the cable housing, and at the wrist 27 area. In FIG. 32 and FIG. 33, the movement
uses rolling friction. of hand 1 is shown at the wrist 27 with palm 15 facing
As illustrated in FIG. 21, a top view is shown of a robotic downward. FIG. 32 illustrates how the push of the air
hand 1 grasping an object, in this case a cylindrical object cylinder with linear encoder 18 moves the hand 1 in the
160 shown in dotted outline. In this embodiment, a left hand 65 upward direction and FIG. 33 shows how the constricting of
1 is shown comprising a plurality of articulated digits or air cylinder with linear encoder 18 allows the hand 1 to
fingers. In the preferred embodiment there are five digits, the rotate downwards at the wrist 27.
US 7,296,835 B2
11 12
FIG. 34 illustrates the relationship between the hand 1 and specific forms. Those of ordinary skill in the art would be
arm 2 assemblies with a torso 210 assembly according to an able to practice such other embodiments without undue
embodiment of the present invention. A circuit board for experimentation. The scope of the present invention, for the
fingertip sensors 200 is housed within the top of the hand 1. purpose of the present patent document, is not limited
Forearm 2 is shown with the forearm cover 170 partially merely to the specific example embodiments of the forego
removed. A circuit board for rotational motors 195 and a ing description, but rather is indicated by the appended
plurality of cooling fans 190 are housed within the forearm claims. All changes that come within the meaning and range
2. Rotary encoders 175 are located at the shoulder and elbow of equivalents within the claims are intended to be consid
areas which measure the position of a joint. The valves for ered as being embraced within the spirit and scope of the
air cylinders 205 are located on the back of torso 210. A 10 claims.
plurality of air cylinders 180 and a plurality of compact air
cylinders 185 (designed to take up less linear space) control What is claimed is:
shoulder and arm movements. 1. A robotic apparatus having a mechanical hand for
FIG. 35 shows a front perspective view of FIG. 34, manipulating objects comprising:
illustrating the inner side of forearm 2, through the arm and 15 a plurality of articulated and removable digits, each digit
torso 210. As shown, forearm cover 170 is removed to reveal having a plurality of phalanges; wherein a plurality of
the inner assembly of forearm 2 including the air cylinder 18 shafts are provided, one shaft between each phalange,
which controls hand 1 and wrist 27 movement. A plurality connecting each phalange;
of cameras 165 are provided throughout the hand 1 and arm a single pulley residing in each digit;
2 and may be positioned at various points on the invention. a set of cables within each digit, at least Some cables of
The embodiments of the present inventions exhibit a each set of cables engaged about its respective pulley
simplified structure to other attempts in providing for a and shafts;
lightweight, controlled, dexterous, efficient, easy to manu a cable housing provided about the cables and wherein
facture, and powerful robot hands and arms. The embodi each set of cables within each digit comprises at least
ments of the present invention incorporate the use of rolling 25 seven cables including a ligament cable; and
friction in joints of the fingers, allowing a cable to roll across a power Supply providing movement to the robotic appa
the joint instead of slide across, thus diminishing friction. ratus;
Since the cables wrap around the pulleys instead of over, the wherein the mechanical hand moves by the power Supply
need for additional pulleys or tights bends is eliminated. The engaging a pull upon or push upon one or more cables,
preferred embodiment incorporates maintaining a constant 30 exerting a force upon a pulley and/or one or more phalanges
cable length to prevent the cable from going slack. Each of allowing for the mechanical hand to manipulate with dex
the fingers within a hand is removable and comprises terity, control and strength.
truncated shafts 32 molded or pressed into the metacarpal 2. The robotic apparatus of claim 1, wherein each digit
phalanges to retain the side bearings 79 for ease of main comprises a distal phalange, a middle phalange joined to the
tenance. Such structural connection allows room for the 35 distal phalange, a proximal phalange joined to the middle
cables to enter a palm section of the hand without a shaft phalange; a metacarpal phalange joined to the proximal
obstructing the way. The fingers and each phalange are phalange; and a palm section joined to each metacarpal
preferably manufactured from a molding process or other phalange of each digit.
equivalent process used in the industry. The material used 3. The robotic apparatus of claim 2, further comprising a
can be plastics, metals or polymers such as acrylonitrile 40
plurality of bearings attached at the joining of each phalange
butadiene styrene (ABS) or other similar materials. and the metacarpal phalange to the palm section.
In the present embodiment, the bearings are also retained, 4. A robotic apparatus according to claim 1, further
but since the force on the bearings is always in the same comprising a robotic arm wherein the power Supply resides,
direction, the bearings are able to Snap into the palm section the arm connected to the mechanical hand; and a wrist
and the cable tension keeps the fingers in place. When the 45
element pivotally connecting the mechanical hand to the
cable tension is eased, or the cables removed, the finger is robotic arm.
removed for maintenance or replacement. Such structure 5. A robotic apparatus having a mechanical hand for
allows the fingers to be built or repaired separately and then manipulating objects comprising:
installed on the palm. In addition, after loosening one end of a plurality of articulated and removable digits, each digit
each cable, no screw threads or fasteners are required and 50
having a plurality of phalanges; wherein a plurality of
repair can be accomplished without the use of tools. The shafts are provided, one shaft between each phalange,
cable housing was carefully selected to provide the correct connecting each phalange;
amount of spring force without collapsing under the force of a single pulley residing in each digit;
the cable. The compliance of the housing allows the fingers
to pick up delicate objects withoutbreaking them. The cable 55 a set of cables within each digit, at least Some cables of
housing is made from an extension spring and a compression each set of cables engaged about its respective pulley
spring (or equivalent compliant materials) in series with a and shafts;
PTFE (Teflon) liner to minimize friction on the cables. a power Supply providing movement to the robotic appa
Other embodiments of the present invention include the ratus; wherein the power Supply has one or more
use of remotely driven mechanisms. Prosthetics can be 60 rotational motors, and further comprising: a plurality of
incorporated to use the hand and arm embodiments of the drums connected to the cables and rotated by the one or
present invention and which can further be extended to other more motors for pushing or pulling on the cables; and
robotic extremities. a wrist pivotally connected to the mechanical hand
Throughout the description and drawings, example through a plurality of wrist bearings and controlled by
embodiments are given with reference to specific configu 65 a plurality of pneumatic cylinders with encoders;
rations. It will be appreciated by those of ordinary skill in the wherein the mechanical hand moves by the power Supply
art that the present invention can be embodied in other engaging a pull upon or push upon one or more cables,
US 7,296,835 B2
13 14
exerting a force upon a pulley and/or one or more phalanges a plurality of articulated and removable digits, each digit
allowing for the mechanical hand to manipulate with dex having a plurality of phalanges including a distal pha
terity, control and strength. lange, a middle phalange joined to the distal phalange,
6. A robotic apparatus having a mechanical hand for a proximal phalange joined to the middle phalange; a
manipulating objects comprising: 5 metacarpal phalange joined to the proximal phalange,
a plurality of articulated and removable digits, each digit each metacarpal phalange having a plurality of trun
having a plurality of phalanges comprising a distal cated shafts extending from an interior of each metac
phalange, a middle phalange joined to the distal pha arpal phalange; and a palm section joined through the
lange, a proximal phalange joined to the middle pha truncated shafts to each metacarpal phalange of each
lange; a metacarpal phalange joined to the proximal 10 digit,
phalange; and a palm section joined to each metacarpal wherein a plurality of shafts are provided, one shaft between
phalange of each digit; wherein a plurality of shafts are each phalange, connecting each phalange;
provided, one shaft between each phalange, connecting a wrist element pivotally connecting the mechanical hand
each phalange; to the arm, controlled by a plurality of pneumatic
a single pulley residing in each digit: 15 cylinders;
a set of cables within each digit, at least Some cables of a single pulley residing in each digit;
each set of cables engaged about its respective pulley a set of cables within each digit, at least Some of each set
and shafts, wherein at least one of the cables is allowed of cables engaged about its respective pulley;
to bend through two different radii, providing a bending a compressible cable housing provided about the cables
ratio that is different between the middle phalange and running through the wrist element;
distal phalange; and a plurality of drums connected to the cables wherein the
a power Supply providing movement to the robotic appa mechanical hand moves by rotating the drums which
ratus; pull upon or push upon one or more cables attached to
wherein the mechanical hand moves by the power Supply the drums, exerting a force upon a pulley and/or one or
engaging a pull upon or push upon one or more cables, 25 more phalanges; and
exerting a force upon a pulley and/or one or more phalanges a power Supply of one or more rotational motors provid
allowing for the mechanical hand to manipulate with dex ing movement to the robotic apparatus; wherein the
terity, control and strength. mechanical hand manipulates with dexterity, control
7. The robotic apparatus of claim 6, wherein the middle and strength.
phalange may bend about 90 degrees and the distal phalange 30 12. The robotic apparatus of claim 11, wherein the drums,
may bend about 60 degrees. one or more rotational motors and the pneumatic cylinders
8. A robotic apparatus having a mechanical hand for are housed within the arm wherein engaging the pneumatic
manipulating objects comprising: cylinders provides a plurality of rotational movements for
a plurality of articulated and removable digits, each digit the hand through the wrist element.
having a plurality of phalanges comprising a distal 13. The robotic apparatus of claim 11, further comprising
phalange, a middle phalange joined to the distal pha a thumb digit having two or more pulleys wherein at least
lange, a proximal phalange joined to the middle pha one pulley is located in between the distal phalange and
lange; a metacarpal phalange joined to the proximal middle phalange and one pulley is located between the
phalange; and a palm section joined to each metacarpal proximal phalange and metacarpal phalange.
phalange of each digit, including a thumb digit, the 14. The robotic apparatus of claim 13, wherein the thumb
thumb digit comprising two or more pulleys wherein at digit further comprises a third pulley located next to the
least one pulley is located in between the middle second pulley between the proximal phalange and metacar
phalange and proximal phalange and a second pulley is pal phalange.
located between the proximal phalange and metacarpal 15. The robotic apparatus of claim 11, further comprising
phalange; wherein a plurality of shafts are provided, a plurality of capacitive pressure sensors for measuring
one shaft between each phalange, connecting each pressure on Surfaces of the digits.
phalange; 16. The robotic apparatus of claim 15, further comprising
a single pulley residing in each digit: an outer layer around the robotic hand, the outer layer
comprising a compressive, liquid resistant membrane.
a set of cables within each digit, at least Some cables of 50 17. The robotic apparatus of claim 16, wherein the pha
each set of cables engaged about its respective pulley langes comprise a metallic Surface, and the outer layer
and shafts; and comprises a metallic foil lining such that the pressure
a power Supply providing movement to the robotic appa sensors measure the capacitance between the metallic Sur
ratus; face on the phalanges and the metallic foil lining of the outer
wherein the mechanical hand moves by the power Supply 55 layer.
engaging a pull upon or push upon one or more cables, 18. The robotic apparatus of claim 15, wherein the pres
exerting a force upon a pulley and/or one or more phalanges Sure sensors provide a non-linear Voltage and the robotic
allowing for the mechanical hand to manipulate with dex hand further comprises a plurality of friction surfaces of the
terity, control and strength. phalanges.
9. The robotic apparatus of claim 8, wherein the thumb 60 19. A robotic apparatus having a mechanical hand for
digit further comprises a third pulley located next to the manipulating objects comprising.
second pulley between the proximal phalange and metacar a plurality of articulated and removable digits including a
pal phalange. thumb digit, each digit having a plurality of phalanges
10. The robotic apparatus of claim 9, wherein the thumb comprising a distal, middle, proximal and metacarpal
digit further comprises eight separate cables. 65 phalange; wherein between each phalange is provided
11. A robotic apparatus having a mechanical hand and arm a knuckle integral of each phalange including a distal,
for manipulating objects comprising. middle and proximal knuckle about which the phalange
US 7,296,835 B2
15 16
pivots; wherein a plurality of shafts are provided, one a compressible cable housing provided about the cables;
shaft between each phalange through each knuckle, and a plurality of drums connected to the cable housing and
a plurality of bearings are provided about each shaft at cables; and
each knuckle, the shafts and bearings connecting each a power Supply of one or more rotational motors provid
phalange; 5 ing movement to the robotic apparatus;
a palm section attachable to each digit through a plurality wherein the mechanical hand moves by rotating the drums
of truncated shafts and bearings on an interior of each which pull upon or push upon one or more cables
metacarpal phalange; attached to the drums, exerting a force upon a pulley
a single pulley residing in each digit except for the thumb and/or one or more phalanges allowing for the
digit comprising three pulleys; 10 mechanical hand to manipulate with dexterity, control
a set of cables within each digit, wherein particular cables and strength.
in each of the set of cables engaged about its respective
pulley and knuckles encompassing the shafts;

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