The potential is enormous for wall-climbing robots which can
work in extremely hazardous environments, however, with the 2. Wall-climbing robot with one suction cup
limits of many factors, the application is rather limited. Our together with its application
work is to broaden the practical application by making
specialized robots. In this paper, we introduce wall-climbing 2.1 Mechanism and control of the robot
robots of two different absorption schemes we exploited: one
with single suction cup and the other with permanent magnetic Because of its simple structure, high moving speed, the
crawlers. The former adopts an omnidirectional vehicle and wall-climbing robot with single suction cup has been
can perform remote-control inspection of nuclear storage tanks, applied in many areas, Fig. 1 shows the structure diagram
moreover, it is further developed for cleaning of high-rise of the robot. It mainly consists of four parts: driving
buildings of both ceramic tile and glass surfaces. The latter mechanism, vacuum pump, discharge regulating valve,
consists of two types of robot, one is for maintenance sucking and sealing mechanism. When the air amount
automation of storage tanks in petrochemical enterprises which absorbed in from the gap between the sealing and the
can do operations of sand-blasting, spray-painting and surface is equal to that of air drawn from the cup by the
inspection; and the other is expected for monitoring boiler vacuum pump, the negative pressure in the suction cup
water wall tubing. will be built and thus keep the robot sucking on the wall
Keywords: wall-climbing robot, magnetic crawler, reliably. The sucking and sealing mechanism has a big
remote control influence on the time how long the robot can form the
negative pressure expected and the extent how much the
robot can adopt surfaces of concave and coivex maybe.
1. Introduction Based on many tests, we developed a simple but effective
method-air cushion/ regulating spring collaboration [SI.
With the development of science and technology, there
are increasing demands for better working conditions and
higher living quality. The cleaning of high-rise driving mhaniSm
buildings, the inspection and maintenance of storage
tanks in nuclear power plants and petrochemical
enterprises etc.- all these practical problems have an
immediate need of automation. Unique of its special
characteristics, wall-climbing robot has provoked high
attention world widely ever since it was born in 1960’s.
By now, a number of wall climbing robots have been
exploited and some are in present use [1][2][4][5][11].
The control system consists of three parts: the control 2.2 Application of the robot
of negative pressure, omnidirectional vehicle and attitude
close loop system. To maintain a certain negative 1. Inspection of nuclear storage tanks
pressure in the suction cup is critical, here principle of
PWM ( Pulse-Width-Modulation ) is used and a negative Storage tanks in nuclear engineering need to be inspected
pressure sensor is taken to form close loop control, see at intervals for fear of leakage. As the working
Fig.2. Fig.3 shows the response curve of negative conditions are most dangerous, wall-climbing robot is
pressure[7]. recommended. Besides the robot, the whole remote-
control-inspect system includes carrier loader,
manipulator, safety system, remote control board and
flaw detector. First, the carrier loader transports the robot
to destination and then the manipulator is responsible for
fetching the robot on and off the tanks. To simplify the
Negative pressure sensor structure, the manipulator is designed of folding and
articulating type, see Fig. 4, with four necessary
degrees of freedom and its final performer takes a
bifurcation form[l3]. Fig.5 shows the robot operating on
Fig.2 Negative pressure close loop control system
a tank.
slave computer on the carrier loader. By means of optical
cable, the master host can make serial communication
with the slave computer, and the operator can thus
control real-time the whole processing of inspection by
visual system, keyboard and control levers in the remote
control board. The diagram of the control system is
shown in Fig.6[3].
2. Cleaning walls
To simplify the structure of the robot, two wheels Fig.5Robot inspecting on a tank
mechanism is adopted in place of the omnidirectional
vehicle, which improves the flexibility of the robot and
its maximum velocity also increases to 12m/min. As of respectively, and one strict support for holding the
suction absorption, the payload is limited, the hoist can robot[lO].
on one hand, protect the robot in danger and on the other
hand, share the weight of water hoses and control cables In controlling the robot, wireless remote' control is
to enable the robot work high above the ground. adopted. The control system consists of three parts:
Cleaning brushes are designed according to the work master circuit, also control box, including data
surface. For ceramic tile surface, a rolling bristle brush is transmitheceive circuit, keyboard and LCD, and two
specially designed and on it there fix hoses to provide slavery circuits, one on the robot, controlling the
cleaning agent and water when needed. For surface of movement and cleaning operation of the robot, and the
glass, however, a type of drawing strickle is chosen. To other on the hoist carrying out the liftldrop of the cable,
convenient the operation, a carrier loader is made, with see Fig.7.
two rollers for putting hoses and cables in order
Carrier Loader
Photo- IPhoto-I
t? lectric electric Visual system
VA ,
Trans- STD
4 ) - Flaw detector
ata Compilation Optical ~
.' I Robot
\. /' ' +
\ /'
Master Computer System '' RS232C
........................... .................................................................................
3.1 Wall-climbing robot for spray painting and
TransmitReceiver Keyboard sand blasting
t Unite
This is a project in which we, Robot Research Institute,
collaborate with a petrochemical enterprise, aiming at
maintenance automation of a great many oil tanks with
the diameter of 10-20 meters and 15-25 meters high.
. - DCMntnrs_li These tanks are sand blasted for antirust, spray painted
for anticorrosion at intervals with the aid of scaffolds,
Unite both dangerous and inefficient.
adopted, with standard ingredient: Nd,5Fe77BsSince the
magnet is fragile and easy to cause pockmark and craze,
sealing-in is necessary. With vulcanized rubber on its
surface, the friction coefficient between the sticking unit
and the surface increases and the movement of the robot
is steadier. However, the absorption force decreases
meanwhile and so, the thickness of the rubber must be
0 With permanent magnetic absorption, though the robot
is safer and more reliable, it also has a problem: to get
the robot on/off tanks is most difficult. Here, a special
carrier with a leading declivity has been made to solve
the problem easily.
0 The robot as a carrier, can take accessories for several
( 1 ) The complete range of equipment for sand blasting
includes air pump, sand storage tanks, rubber pipes of
high pressure etc. The air pressure is about 0.6-0.8Mpa,
a serious test of the anti-topple and load-bearing capacity Fig. 10 Robot painting on spot
of the robot. To begin work, first mount the rack
3.2 Wall-climbing robot for maintenance of
specially designed on the top of the robot; then fix the
boiler water wall tubing
pipe connecting the storage tank on the rack, the angel of
inclination between the pipe and the wall is 15" 75' ;
The fireside of boiler tubing in a fossil-fueled boiler is,
and then press the control button on the control box to
at best, an extremely harsh environment. Fireside
start the air pump and meanwhile, move the robot up and
corrosion accompanied with ash, slag-bonding and so
down to run the operation.
on, has been always forming a hidden danger for the
safe operation of calandric boilers, so it must be cleaned
(2) For different work load, two types of mechanism for
and monitored regularly. The typical approach is to
painting are designed. One is pendulous device, see Fig.9,
vacuum-blast the fireside surface to remove ash, for
the other is that two guns stand side by side. Before
hard slag-bonding, however, can only be removed using
operation, the distance between the guns and the wall
special tools such as scraper or steel brush. Considering
together with the relative distance between the two guns
most water wall tubing are of 60-100 meters high,
should be adjusted and fixed. Then during the work
much operation has to be taken with the aid of cranes
process, the guns will stay motionless. With the robot
and scaffolds.
moving in constant velocity, both the quality and
efficiency of painting can be assured. Fig.10 shows the
In 1997, we developed a wall-climbing 'robot with
robot painting on spot.
magnetic crawlers for cleaning and inspection of water
wall tubing, Fig. 1 1 is the prototype[9].
(3) The robot can also take a pachometer for lacquer coat
Its characteristic follows:
thickness measurement of tanks[6].
0 The entrance of boilers is limited ( with diameter
0 In controlling the robot, an inclinometer sensor is
about 400mm ), which requests the robot to be compact;
adopted to form the attitude close loop system. Also, for
and performing operations of cleaning and removing
standard tanks, the operation can be automatically
slag-bonding also requests the robot to bear a
achieved by setting values including the operation
payload no less than 30kg, so the robot is designed of
velocity, the height, radium of the tank etc.
crawler type, with the whole dimensions: 350 X 600 X
By now, the robot has been tested many times on spot.
0 To raise absorption force, the magnetic sticking
Most quality indexes are satisfactory, among them, the
units are designed of circle, approximately tallying with
precision for inspection is less than 3%, the velocity of
the contours of tubes. The payload of the robot exceeds
blasting and painting is 1.4-2.3m2/min. It is expected to
save work force by about 60%, and cut down expenses 0 Ash and slag-bonding will not only decrease
by 30%.
121 1
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