Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) : Prof. Biswajit Mahanty
Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) : Prof. Biswajit Mahanty
Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) : Prof. Biswajit Mahanty
• Critical chain project management (CCPM) is a new way of looking at
project management.
• It is based on the Theory of Constraints (TOC) proposed by Eliyahu M.
Goldratt, which is based on the interaction of statistical fluctuation
and dependent events.
• Tasks in a project do not consume exactly the same time as was
originally estimated.
• Although project managers are keen to make up the losses in one task
with the gains in another, it never happens.
Delays Accumulate Not Gains
• As execution of a task is dependent on the completion of preceding
tasks, the delays accumulate but the gains do not materialize!
• Why? – think of a train which can never leave early from a station but
it has to make up when it is late.
70% Syndrome
• Many projects start well under control up to about 70% of their
completion. Thereafter, the project starts failing the targets.
• Completed tasks need reworking – resources are in short supply –
continuing tasks get late and late.
• Project managers are busy keeping things together and are asking for
resources that are not forthcoming. They are also looking for enormous
personal involvement of the team members.
Focus on the Wrong Place
• The project success is usually measured in earned value. It may lead
people to complete less important tasks with more earned value
earlier at the expense of critical work.
• When more importance is given to task completion, completion of non-
critical tasks may be treated at the same level as that of task on the
critical chain.
• Employing bad multitasking leads people to do too many “in process
tasks” that could have been left for later.
Critical Path and Critical Chain
• If there are no contention for resource, critical chain is the same
as critical path.
Critical Path and Critical Chain
Safety Safety End
Why Projects Get Delayed?
• Task Dependence: Tasks are dependent on one another – while
delays are passed on from one task to other, seldom the benefits of
early completion is passed on.
• Parkinson’s law: Work fills up the available time; Since there are no
rewards for early finish, extra efforts are not made to complete an
activity early
Why Projects Get Delayed?
• Self-protection: An early finish calls for less allotted time later! People
tend to add safety buffers in every task for self protection.
• Dropped baton: Early finish may not lead to the next activity early start
if people are not ready to start. Required signals are not sent
Conventional Method and CCPM
Features Conventional Project Critical Chain Project
Management Management
Estimate Type Uses worst-case estimates Uses average-case estimates
Basic CCPM Philosophy
5. Size and place feeding buffers on all paths that feed the critical chain
6. Schedule activities to start as late as possible, protected by buffers
7. Provide resources with activity durations and estimated start times,
not milestones
8. Deliver roadrunner performance eliminating multi-tasking and student
9. Use buffer management to control the schedule
• Identify the system’s constraint (the resource or policy that prevents
the organization from obtaining the goal)
• Decide how to exploit the system’s constraint (get the most capacity
out of the constrained process)
• Subordinate everything else to the above decision (align the whole
system or organization to support the decision made above)
• Elevate the system’s constraint (make other major changes needed
to break the constraint)
• If in the previous steps a constraint has been broken, go back to step
1. Don't let inertia become the constraint.
• Buffers result as part of the focusing steps EXPLOIT and SUBORDINATE.
• Buffers are placed before the governing constraint, thus ensuring that the
constraint is never starved.
• Buffers are also placed behind the constraint to prevent downstream failure to
block the constraint's output.
• Buffers protect the constraint from variations in the rest of the system and should
allow for normal variation of processing time and the occasional upset (Murphy)
before and behind the constraint.
• Buffers are not queues before every work centre – Buffer management is crucial to
• With only one constraint in the system, all other parts of the system must have
sufficient capacity to keep up with the work at the constraint and to catch up if
time was lost.
• Buffer management may include a visual system in three colours: Green (OK),
Yellow (Caution) and Red (Action required).
Buffer management: Fever Chart
• Application in Manufacturing Operations. It follows the Pull System rather than the
Push System.
• The drum is the physical constraint of the plant - the work center or machine or
operation limiting the plant’s ability. Rest of the plant should follow the beat of
the drum.
• The buffer protects the drum, so that it always has work flowing to it. Buffers have
time as their unit of measure.
• The rope is the work release mechanism for the plant. Orders are released to the
shop floor at one "buffer time" before they are due.
Buffer Concepts in CCPM
50% confidence
35 m
confidence 90% confidence
Buffer Concepts in CCPM
• CCPM shifts the safety associated with the critical chain activities to
the end of the critical chain in the form of a project buffer
Project Buffer
• CCPM shifts the safety associated with the critical chain activities to
the end of the critical chain in the form of a project buffer
• When all safety buffers are removed from individual tasks and added
as project buffer –duration of the project is substantially cut
• When all safety buffers are pooled together, not only the project can
have a better safety protection but also it can be completed in a less
time! (think of an insurance analogy)
Project Buffer
Conventional Project Schedule Task buffers are hidden
within individual tasks
Job 1
Job 2
Job 3
Job 4
CCPM Schedule
Project Buffer,
Feeding Buffer
• Critical Chain computes the project buffer for the baseline
schedule that does not yet contain the feeding buffers.
• During execution, the schedule contains feeding buffers placed
whenever a non-critical chain activity joins the critical chain.
Feeding Buffer
Project Buffer
Date 1 Date 2
Feeding Buffer
If Slack remains,
then schedule as
late as possible
Resource Buffer
• Resource buffers are placed whenever a resource has a job on the
critical chain, and the previous critical chain activity is done by a
different resource
• Resource buffers make sure that resources will be available when
needed and critical chain tasks can start on time or early.
• Resource buffers take the form of an advance warning - a wake-up call
for every new instance of a resource on the critical chain.
Resource Buffer
Critical Chain
Alert Wkr A
Alert Wkr B
• Reschedule should not be frequent – to be used only when project
buffer is in real trouble
• Buffers in critical chain should cope with serious delays. However,
buffer consumption implies resource contention and resolve of
resource conflicts to repair the schedule
• Uncertain events, activity delays, new activity additions, unavailability
of resources, late deliveries —may dramatically change the
composition of the critical sequences
• A critical sequence may shift just as a bottleneck may shift.
• This may cause one or more other sequences to become as long as or
longer than the critical chain that was identified when the project was
• Critical Chain methodology argues that the baseline schedule and the
associated critical chain should not change during project execution,
except for major disruptions.
Project Management & TOC
1. Identify the Constraint
• It is the Critical Chain that acts as project constraint - It defines
its success or failure
2. Exploit the Constraint
• Squeeze the critical chain – press for timely implementation of
all tasks onit
Project Management & TOC
4. Elevate the constraint
• The critical chain is now to be protected with the help of the project
buffer, feeding buffers and the resource buffers.
5. If a new constraint has been uncovered in the preceding steps, repeat
the process. Do not let inertia become the constraint
• When a new chain becomes the constraint, previous steps are to be
repeated for it
• Inertia should not be a constraint
Organizational Changes
• Create appropriate attitude in people – no “Student Syndrome”!
• Apply “relay race method” – start a task immediately, complete it in
the fastest possible way by taking up nothing else
• Expect to finish the tasks early. As in a baton race – people be informed
about an early finish so that they are prepared to grab the baton and
• No multitasking – a person should not use his energy in multiple tasks
at the same time
CCPM Project Tracking
• Following need be collected for each task:
• Actual Start Date
• Days Remaining
• Actual End Date
• The impact of the task completion on the project and on the feeding
buffers is to be computed
• Time may be consumed from an appropriate buffer for a late or
expected to be late task and detailed documentation as to why it was
required should be made
CCPM Project Tracking
• When a task is early and completes ahead of estimate, appropriate
buffer should be replenished
• The trends of buffer utilization should be monitored and the project
health may be assessed with the help of a fever chart
• Focus should be on the following:
• Starting tasks on time
• Completing tasks aggressively
• Maintaining quality
• Project buffer consumed
CCPM Project Tracking
It’s OK for a But not TOO
task to be late
Benefits of CCPM
• Protection against Murphy’s Law
• Taking advantage of early finishes
• Team protection of the buffer
• Opportunity for team to focus
• Visibility to aggressive, possible, and realistic schedule
• Better visibility to when project is in trouble
• Strong response to buffer changes and its monitoring
Challenges Ahead
• Multi-tasking goes against the key goal of requiring focus to complete
tasks as quickly as possible
• Works best in an environment where “everyone is doing it”
• Cultural changes are required as it involves process innovation rather
than product innovation
• Tools availability – appropriate software may be made use of
• Moving target for a completion date
What Had to Change?
• The project and management team should understand the
methodology appropriately
• Estimation should be done aggressively by removing safety from
individual tasks
• The management should not hold the staff accountable for making
aggressive estimates without safety
• Multitasking should be minimized to the extent possible
• Consumption of Buffers of all types should be tracked aggressively
Further Reading
• Goldratt, Eliyahu M., Critical Chain, North River, Great Barrington, MA,
CCPM Case Study
Reasons for delay
Improper risk
Weather Management
Unrealistic condition Design
Improper Changes
Delay in Planning
getting Insufficient Improper
approvals Resource Supply and Controlling
Logistic of Execution
• Equipment
failure PERT/CPM
• Hard soil
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 Buffer
Probability of
= 2 hr = 1 hr completion
Project control by CCPM
Fever Chart
Materials procurement
Resource mobilization
Fast-Track Projects
Grouping of bottlenecks
1. Delay causing issue
2. Inserting new task
3. Delaying the start of activities
4. Delaying the completion of activities
5. Inspection related cyclic task
Effects of bottlenecks
Sl No Bottleneck Delay causing Insertion of new Delaying the Delaying completion Cyclic task
issue task start of activities of activity
1 Design errors
5 Skill gap
8 Workforce behavior
10 Change orders
11 Shortage of manpower
Major activities
1. Construction, erection and automation
of Thickener 1 (TH 1)
Estimated project schedule
Estimated finishing day from
project start
Without safety With safety
duration duration
A 94 120
B 112 138
C 143 176
D 194 246
E 219 274
F 227 286
G 228 288
H 231 292
I 240 300
J 253 319
K 265 330
L 287 356
Red colored milestones have only civil works as predecessors
Bottlenecks for sensitivity analysis
• Disruption during excavation of foundation Resource name Availability
Disruption without task insertion Excavator 1
Disruption with task insertion Crane 1
• Disruption due to delay in supply Concrete pump 2
• Disruption during erection activities
Civil crew 2
• Disruption due to equipment failure
Mechanical crew 1
• Disruption due to inspection related rework
Electrical crew 1
Effect of equipment failure
Estimated finishing time
Milestone Without
Effect of
equipment failure
A 94 102
B 112 113
C 143 144
D 194 215
E 219 228
F 227 247
G 228 249
H 231 251
I 240 277
J 253 287
K 265 271
L 287 297
Red colored milestones have only civil works as predecessors 56
Equipment failure Supply delay Task insertion
Combined effect of bottlenecks
Estimated finishing time
Buffer sizing techniques
1. Cut and Paste Method (CP): Buffer Size= ½ * DL,
Where, ∆𝑇𝑖 = 𝐷𝑝𝑖 − 𝐷𝑚𝑖 , Difference between pessimistic and meanduration of activity i.
Where, Kd= Network density, given by the ratio of number of precedence relations to the number of
activities in the network.
Where, Kt= Network resource tightness, given by the ratio of resource use to the resource availability.
Buffer sizes
Buffer No Chain length Cut and Paste RSEM APD APRT
Cut and paste
1 94 47 20 12 20
method gives very
2 194 97 27 16 28
large buffer sizes
3 227 114 28 16 28
compared to
4 253 127 29 17 29
5 240 120 29 16 28
6 231 116 29 16 28
7 228 114 29 16 28
8 112 56 13 10 17
9 218 109 23 15 25
10 143 72 14 11 18
11 265 133 24 15 26
PB 287 144 24 15 27
Project completion density
Scheduled completion
• Without safety factor 287
• With safety factors 356 days
Mean 297
Mode 297
Median 297
Project buffer consumption
Mean 9.639
Mode 10
Medi 10
Buffer consumption statistics
Buffer Minimum Maximum Mean Median Mode
1 -1 12 4.784 5 5
2 1 26 16.015 20 21 The negative sign indicated
the activities are finishing
3 2 29 18.333 20 21
earlier then estimated
4 14 58 36.37 38 40
5 8 64 37.248 38 39
6 -9 63 19.414 21 25
7 3 30 19.794 22 23
8 -7 2 -1.901 -1 -1
9 -40 17 -18.544 -25 -29
10 -15 21 5.715 7 10
11 -25 9 -15.396 -21 -22
PB -6 25 9.639 10 10
Buffer allocation
Student Syndrome
Day 14
(If I finish early, I may get
another task)
Scheduling with PERT/CPM
• Pessimistic time (90% probability) is
used for scheduling.
• Resource availability constraint is not
• Scheduled completion time 161 days
Scheduling with CCPM
Peak units
Resource Available
r1 2 2
r2 2 2
r3 4 2
r4 2 2
r5 3 2
r6 3 3
r7 2 2 • The mean duration (50% probability)
• Identified Critical
r8 4 2 calculated from the three point estimation
r9 3 2 is used for scheduling.
r10 3 2 A-B-J-K-D-Q-E-F-G-H-I
• Considers resource availability constraints.
• Feeding Chains:
• Critical Chain is the longest chain of
• S-C feeding at D,
activities considering both precedence and
• L-T-U feeding at E, resource dependency.
• R-O-P feeding at H • Other chains are called feeding chains that
feed into the critical chain. 71
Estimated buffer sizes
Chain Chain Length Cut and Paste RSEM APD APRT
Allowed Buffer
Critical Chain (PB) 142 -- 71 16 15 11
Chain 1 (FB 1) 28 7 14 6 3 4
Chain 2 (FB 2) 48 8 24 10 7 6
Chain 3 (FB 3) 48 5 24 10 9 6
Scheduled Completion
-- -- 213 158 157 153
Time (days)
** To prevent slack in the critical chain. Any additional Buffer consumed will be borrowed from the Project Buffer
Scheduled completion time
Minimum value 133 days
First quartile 139.5 days
Median value 146 days
Third quartile 152.5 days
Maximum value 159 days
Modal value 148 days
Buffer consumption
PB FB 1 FB 2
FB 3
Chain Cut and
Chain Allowed RSEM APD APRT Median Mode
Length Paste
Chain 1 (FB 1) 28 7 14 6 3 4 3.5 2
Chain 2 (FB 2) 48 8 24 10 7 6 1.5 3
Chain 3 (FB 3) 48 5 24 10 9 6 2 1
Critical Chain
142 -- 71 16 15 11 3.5 5
Completion -- -- 213 158 157 153 146 148
Time (days) 74
Evaluation of the buffering techniques
Chain Cut and
Chain Allowed RSEM APD APRT
Length Paste
Critical Chain
142 -- 71 16 15 11
Chain 1
28 7 14 6 3 4
(FB 1)
Chain 2
48 8 24 10 7 6
(FB 2)
Chain 3
48 5 24 10 9 6
(FB 3)
Completion -- -- 213 158 157 153
Time (days)