Hans-Leo Ross (Auth.) - Functional Safety For Road Vehicles - New Challenges and Solutions For E-Mobility and Automated Driving-Springer International Publishing (2016)
Hans-Leo Ross (Auth.) - Functional Safety For Road Vehicles - New Challenges and Solutions For E-Mobility and Automated Driving-Springer International Publishing (2016)
Hans-Leo Ross (Auth.) - Functional Safety For Road Vehicles - New Challenges and Solutions For E-Mobility and Automated Driving-Springer International Publishing (2016)
Safety for
Road Vehicles
New Challenges and Solutions for
E-mobility and Automated Driving
Functional Safety for Road Vehicles
Hans-Leo Ross
Hans-Leo Ross
Translation from the German language edition: Funktionale Sicherheit im Automobil: ISO 26262,
Systemengineering auf Basis eines Sicherheitslebenszyklus und bewährten Managementsystemen by
Hans-Leo Ross, © Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG. All Rights Reserved.
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
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The German automobile industry took notice of the topic as IEC 61508 got pub-
lished as DIN EN 61508 (VDE 0803) “Functional safety-related electric/electronic/
programmable electronic systems” in 2001. Official correspondence between the
VDA and the VDTÜVs led to the foundation of AK16 in FAKRA (Facharbeitskreis
Automobil—German expert group from vehicle manufacturers and equipment
suppliers), a group I became part of when I joined Continental Teves in 2004. In the
same year, the first structures for the later ISO 26262 were designed and contact
was established to further automobile standardization committees in other countries.
Especially with France, concrete parameters for the standard were developed. The
first meeting of the standardization group of ISO/TC22/SC03/WG16 took place
from October 31 to November 2, 2015 in Berlin. The biggest delegate groups were
from France and Germany besides representatives from other countries such as
Japan, the USA, Sweden, Great Britain et cetera. Up to this point, ISO 26262 was
still called ‘FAKRA-Norm’ (FAKRA-Standard). SafeTronic 2005 (Safety Event
from Hanser-Verlag) already addressed the first ideas for future automobile stan-
dards and the presentations held included ‘Best Practices’ and methods. Until today,
SafeTronic supported the development of ISO 26262, which got published as
“International Standard” in November 2011. This book tries to compile all the
background information that has been collected over the years. Moreover, it aims to
give a better understanding of safety architecture as a basis for the development of
safety-related products.
The following book is the result of over 20 years of professional experience in the
field of functional safety. When I started my career after graduating as an engineer
in 1992, plant engineering and construction was highly influenced by catastrophic
events such as ‘Bhopal’ and ‘Seveso’. The first set of rules and regulation which led
later to IEC 61508 and ISO 26262 that addressed the issue of functional safety was
the VDI/VDE guideline 2180 “Sicherung von Anlagen der Verfahrenstechnik;
Safeguarding of industrial process plants by means of process control engineering”
from 1966. However, it only covered the mere process of how to establish a safe
environment in such facilities. In 1984 the differentiation between operational
safety and safety equipment as well as monitoring and safeguarding equipment
were added to the guideline. Thereafter, DIN VDE 31000—“General guide for
designing of technical equipment to satisfy safety requirements” got published,
which elaborated on the correlation between risk, safety and danger and introduced
tolerable risk. At this time machinery standards, which prohibited the use of
micro-controller for safety applications, were still common. However, an estab-
lished market for safety-related control systems already existed. Different rules and
standards defined the base of requirements for examinations, certifications and
design of such systems. Those requirements were scaled in requirement classes
(AK 1-8) according to DIN V 19250, independently from application or technology
and explained a qualitative risk assessment procedure with the help of a risk graph.
In 1990 DIN V VDE 0801 “Principles for computers in safety-related systems”
was released and in its revision of 1994 terms such as ‘well-proven design prin-
ciples’ and the usage of ‘consideration item’ were added. By then, ‘redundancy’
was the only known answer to the various risk and requirement classes. However,
various measuring principles were already used in measurement and control system
engineering in order to detect hazardous situations early.
The technical rules for steam or the regulations for pressure vessels already
required the redundant measurement of steam and temperature due to safety issues.
Even the German Water Ecology Act mentioned the filling quantity limit from
tanks according to regulations as well as the independent overfill safety device as a
viii Preface
safety measure. A lot of those safety principals emerged from the safety standards
of plant operators and even served as a foundation for official permits or releases.
Even before in the early sixties DGAC (Direction General de L´Aviation Civil in
France), CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) in Great Britain or FAA (Federal Aviation
Administration) in USA and the military and space industry defined regulations
about “Functional Safety”, but those were not in the focus of the development of
standards like IEC 61508 and ISO 26262. Due to today’s discussion about ‘au-
tonomous’ or ‘automated’ driving, those standards become more and more in the
focus of the automotive industry. Especially topics such as safety-in-use,
fail-operational, security, operational safety are becoming important for future
revisions of ISO 26262.
In 1998, at the time I started my job as a sales manager of safety-related control
systems, discussions over the early drafts of IEC 61508 took place, especially in
countries such as England, the Netherlands and Norway. The scalable redundancy
was a known concept so the discussion focused on the distinction between
redundancy for safety and availability. Micro-controllers were coupled according to
the lockstep principle and could change the program sequence or control logistics
during runtime of a plant. Programming software was available, which allowed
configuring the safety logic within a defined runtime environment.
The publication of IEC 61508 introduced a lifecycle approach for safety sys-
tems. Additionally, it formulated a process approach for product development and
the relations to quality management systems were formulated.
During my graduate studies at the Faculty of Business and Economy at the
University of Basel, I was able to hear a lecture of Prof. Dr. Walter Masing, who
had a huge impact on quality management systems in Germany. The introduction of
implemented diagnostics for the safety of functions and the electric carrier systems
of these functions, respectively, broadened the view of safety architecture. In 1998,
I introduced the first passive electronic system in Birmingham, which until SIL 4
was certified according to IEC 61508. I witnessed when the first certificate for a
single-channel control system got signed after SafeTronic in 1999, which took
place in the facilities of TÜV-Süd. This system was completely developed
according to IEC 61508.
During VDMA-events (Verein Deutscher Machinen und Anlagenbauer; German
machinery and plant engineering association) I reported on my experiences with
IEC 61508 regarding plant engineering and its influence on the development of
safety-related control systems. In these days, the machinery engineering industry
was still heavily influenced by relay technology. Nobody wanted to believe that
software-based safety technology would change the industry so drastically and in
such a short time by providing new solutions and change existing systems. In 2001
I became the head of product management; the main task was to find new appli-
cations for new safety systems. Another main topic was ‘safe network technology’,
which was so far based on serial link data busses. The challenge was to realize
distributed and decentralized safety systems based on dynamic, or situation-, or
condition-dependent safety algorithm. The only possible solution turned out to be
‘Ethernet’. It was important to make the existing computer or data technology for
Preface ix
Hans-Leo Ross
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Definitions and Translations from the ISO 26262 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Error Terms of the ISO 26262 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2 Why Functional Safety in Road Vehicles?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 7
2.1 Risk, Safety and Functional Safety in Automobiles . . . . . ...... 7
2.2 Quality Management System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 13
2.2.1 Quality Management Systems from the Viewpoint
of ISO 26262 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 Advanced Quality Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4 Process Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4.1 V-Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4.2 Waterfall Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.4.3 Spiral Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.5 Automotive and Safety Lifecycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.5.1 Safety Lifecycles for the Development
of Automotive Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.5.2 Safety-Lifecycles According to ISO 26262 . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.5.3 Security-Versus Safety Lifecycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3 System Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.1 Historic and Philosophic Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.2 Reliability Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.2.1 Foundation/Basis of Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2.2 Reliability and Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.3 Architecture Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.3.1 Stakeholder of Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.3.2 Views of Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.3.3 Horizontal Level of Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.4 Requirements and Architecture Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
xiv Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Chapter 1
ISO 26262 [1] changes vehicle development in a way, nobody would have expected
10 years ago, when functional safety became a relevant topic in the automobile
industry. During the early 21st century the first German (VDA) working group
already started dealing with functional safety and when the first international
working groups got founded in 2005 everybody was looking for a lean standard for
product safety. In the following 10 years before the final publication of the ISO
26262, those working groups compiled 10 parts with about 1000 requirements.
Even though a lot of pertinent knowledge, methodologies and approaches have
been discussed throughout the years, only a fracture of it has been incorporated in
ISO 26262. Some information has only been added as footnotes, some disappeared
completely until the final release of the standard.
In order to translate ISO 26262 there are currently various standardization
projects in progress in different countries worldwide. The aim is to translate ISO
26262, provide further guidelines and develop additional methodologies for func-
tional safety based on ISO 26262.
ISO 26262 is not intended to serve as a guideline it simply provides require-
ments for activities and methods, which should be taken into account in the
respective functional safety activities. There is no description included as to how
the requirements are supposed to be met. The underlying assumption is that such a
state-of-the-art safety standard is considered to be a current up-to-date knowhow
and will only be valid within a certain period of time. Recommendations on which
designs are considered to be safe or which methodologies are adequate for certain
activities are only valid and satisfactory until new or better methods are found.
Also, safety design and methodology should be continuously improved and never
limited to safety standards. There is an enormous need for guidelines and this book
aims to provide further insights and background information on the respective topic
but it does not offer guidelines on the correct application of ISO 26262. It focuses
on methods and methodologies but none of those mentioned could fulfill the
requirements of ISO 26262. Standards can only be fulfilled in the context of
developing a real product in a given environment.
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 1
H.-L. Ross, Functional Safety for Road Vehicles,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-33361-8_1
2 1 Introduction
Requirements, hints and notes in ISO 26262 are often described in a very
complex way. The choice of words is a compromise experts who developed those
safety standards had to agree upon. This is why all translations in this book may
already be seen as interpretations, which could be interpreted or translated in other
ways in the light of a different context. The strong recommendation to all readers is
to reference to the text of ISO 26262 when trying to interpret and apply those
standards in the field.
ISO 26262 was only written in English. Even the usually common translation to
French was not implemented due to the different use and interpretation of certain
terms. This is why ISO 26262 is one of the only standards for which the original
English text is also used in France. Asian countries are the only countries that have
published a translation in their native language, a necessary requirement consid-
ering that the average developer in Japan would face difficulties in reading,
understanding and interpreting the English language. After Japanese, Korean and
Chinese translations followed afterwards during last years. For example, there is
only one word in Japanese for verification, analysis, investigation and validation,
thus the English text could have caused too many interpretation issues. Japanese
translators assured that the content would not be falsified.
Finding the right and accurate words proved to be difficult even for the trans-
lation to the German language. Terms such as verification, analysis and validation
were used in accordance with ISO 26262. However, some terms from the ISO
26262 glossary, highlighted in the blue boxes found throughout the book are
citations from ISO 26262, but all explanations before or after are interpretations
from the understanding of the author. Free interpretations, opinions or even rec-
ommendations of the author are written in the standard font chosen throughout the
book; direct quotes are written in italics.
Throughout this book, the terminology “assessment of functional safety” is used
to refer to the activity involved in “Functional Safety Assessment” as described in
ISO 26262. In considering this concept of “assessment,” it should be noted that
“examination” is the basis for assessment and results in “judgment” of a property of
the vehicle system or element.
ISO2626, Part 1, Clause 1.4:
1.4 (Assessment)
Examination of a property of a vehicle system (1.69) or element (1.32)
Note: A certain degree of independence (1.61) of a certain party or parties
who perform an assessment should be ensured for each assessment.
1.1 Definitions and Translations from the ISO 26262 3
The English word ‘assessment’ is translated as the German word used for
‘judgment’ and examination is seen as the basis for an assessment. The term
“Assessment of Functional Safety” is used regarding the activity “Functional Safety
Assessment” described in ISO 26262.
ISO2626, Part 1, Clause 1.6:
For ‘Automotive Safety Integrity Level’, this book only uses the abbreviation
ISO 26262 already provides a description of the elements of a vehicle system in
part 10. An ‘element’ could be a system, a subsystem (logical or technical element
and thus also a functional group), a component, a hardware device or a SW unit.
Part 1 of ISO 26262 is described under 1.69 Vehicle System (item) as follows:
ISO2626, Part 1, Clause 1.69:
The word ‘item’ in English is often considered as ‘vehicle system’ in the context
of this book, if it refers to the concrete word ‘item’ as used in ISO 26262 the word
“ITEM” is used.
Historically, the German term for “Betrachtungseinheit” could be translated as
“unit or item under consideration”. The English word ‘item’ and its definition as a
system better applies to the idea of a vehicle system. Whenever this is relevant in
the text, the term ‘item’ is added in brackets. The term ‘array of systems’ will be
questioned in Chap. 4 of this book. A systematic hierarchical structured systems
and associated subsystems are required in the technical parts from ISO 26262.
4 1 Introduction
3 2
HW Module
SW Unit
Figure 3 (here Fig. 1.1) from part 10 can be described as follows according to
this definition:
ISO2626, Part 10, Fig. 3:
1. A system (1.129) or more systems, which realize one (or more) function(s)
on the vehicle level for which ISO 26262 can be used.
2. A system may implement one or more functions, but also one function can
be implemented in several systems.
3. A vehicle system is comprised of one or more systems, where one system
is composed of at least one sensor, a processing unit and an actuator. ISO
26262 draws the conclusion that a system should have at least three
elements but it could be possible for example that an actuator is integrated
in the processing unit.
4. A system can be divided into any subsystems but according to ISO 26262
the systems have to be hierarchically structured. In regards to systems,
which together should realize functions with a higher ASIL, a clear
hierarchical structure of systems has to be defined due to multiple fault
5. A system (or subsystem) is comprised of one or more components.
6. Components consist of (electrical) hardware components (hardware parts)
or of SW units.
Terms such as module, SW-files et cetera are not defined in ISO 26262.
In regards to embedded semiconductors the term ‘Sub-Parts’ is used. Sub-Parts
are logical functional elements, which implement specific functions and safety
mechanisms within an integrated semiconductor.
1.2 Error Terms of the ISO 26262 5
1:36 (error)
discrepancy between a computed, observed or measured value or condition,
and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or condition
NOTE 1 An error can arise as a result of unforeseen operating conditions or
due to a fault (1.42) within the system (1.129), subsystem or component
(1.15) being considered.
NOTE 2 A fault can manifest itself as an error within the considered element
(1.32) and the error can cause a failure (1.39) ultimately.
1:39 (failure)
termination of the ability of an element (1.32), to perform a function as
NOTE Incorrect specification is a source of failure.
1:42 (fault)
abnormal condition that can cause an element (1.32) or an item (1.69) to fail
NOTE 1 Permanent, intermittent and transient faults (1.134) (especially
soft-errors) are considered.
NOTE 2 An intermittent fault occurs time and time again—and disappears.
These faults can happen when a component (1.15) is on the verge of breaking
down or, for example, due to a glitch in a switch. Some systematic faults
(1.131) (e.g. timing marginalities) could lead to intermittent faults.
The following assumptions were made due to different usages of the terms
“Fault”, “failure” and “error” in their context:
• Fault: Deviation, anomaly, defect, defect, non-conformity
• Error: mistake, fault or error
• Failure: Failure or malfunction.
The relationships of these three terms and also their model of error propagation
are described in Sect. 4.4.2. Here only needs to be noted that the term “error” in
German more generally and is thus used in this book primarily as a collective term
for all three terms. If error purely regarded as “error”, this is explained in the
In the safety analysis the following aspects can be distinguished:
• Single point fault (or single failure) and
• Multiple-point faults.
6 1 Introduction
1. [ISO 26262]. ISO 26262 (2011): Road vehicles – Functional safety. International Organization
for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
Chapter 2
Why Functional Safety in Road Vehicles?
It took a while until functional safety started to play a significant role in the
automotive industry in comparison to other industries. Customers, producers and
dealers networks demanded more functionality and complexity of the products and
market. One of the major reasons was that mechanical engineers primarily domi-
nated the entire automobile engineering industry. The same industry developed the
safety mechanism in the related field, without relying on electronics or even soft-
ware. Therefore, these safety mechanisms were first and foremost based on a robust
design as well as hydraulic or pneumatic safety mechanisms. With the increased
amount of automation and electrification of essential vehicle functions and the
desire to make these systems applicable for higher speeds and dynamics, electri-
fication was the only way to go. Also the earlier concepts steer-by-wire and
brake-by-wire, right up until today’s autonomous or highly automated driving
systems, make the usage of software based safety mechanisms unavoidable. If you
look at one of today’s common mid-range cars such as the ‘Volkswagen Golf’, you
will find about 40 control units, which are still mainly networked by a CAN-Bus. It
is “State-of-Science and Technology” that no complex vehicle systems could be
realized without a systems approach. One of the main challenges of ISO 26262 [1]
was that various methods, methodology, principles, best practices had been
established but there was no consistent system development approach.
The main task in the development of ISO 26262 was to agree upon one basic
understanding of system engineering. Therefore, it is not a surprise that the word
‘system engineering’ appears quite often in the introduction.
In general, risk is described as a possible event with a negative impact. The Greek
origin of the word risk had been also used for hazard or danger. In regards to
product safety it is referred to as the cross product of probability of occurrence and
hazard/danger. There are different opinions on the term and definition of risk in the
economic literature. Definitions vary from ‘danger of a variance of error’ to the
mathematical definition ‘risk = probability × severity’.
The general definition is as follows: The probability of damage or loss as
consequence of a distinct behavior or events; this refers to hazardous/dangerous
situations in which unfavorable consequences may occur but do not necessarily
have to.
On the one hand, risk can be traced back etymologically to ‘riza’ (Greek = root,
basis); see also ‘risc’ (Arabic = destiny). On the other hand, risk can be referred to
‘ris(i)co’ (Italian); “The cliff, which has to be circumnavigated”. ‘Safety’ derives
from Latin and could be translated as ‘free from worry’ (se cura = without worry).
Today, the topic of safety is viewed in various different contexts for example, in
regards to economic safety, environmental safety, admittance and access security
but also in terms of work safety, plant and machinery safety and vehicle safety. The
term safety varies significantly from just only functional safety.
In relation to technical systems or products, safety is described as the freedom of
unacceptable risks. ‘Damage’ is generally seen as harm or impairment of people as
well as the environment.
There are various distinctions of hazard:
• Chemical reactions of substances, materials etc. lead to fire, explosions, injuries,
health impairments, poisoning, environmental damage etc.
• Toxic substances lead to poisoning (also carbon monoxide), injuries (conse-
quence of for example degassing of batteries, error reactions of the driver or
mistakes of the auto repair shop staff), other damages etc.
• High currents and especially high voltages lead to damages (in particular per-
sonal protection).
• Radiations (nuclear, but also radiations like alpha particle semiconductor).
• Thermic (damages due to overheating, singe, fire, smoke etc.).
• Kinetics (deformation, movement, accelerated mass can lead to injuries).
The potential reasons for hazard cannot be easily defined, since chemical reac-
tions can also lead to poisoning and overheating, to fire and thus also to smoke
intoxication. Similar correlations appear in high currents or excessive voltages.
High voltages lead to burns when touching but can also cause fires. Overvoltage is
often seen as a non-functional risk or hazard. This is why most of the standards
encounter such hazards with design constraints. A contact safety device or touch
guard on a safety plug connector is a typical example. This leads us to the following
point of view and distinction of functional safety.
Functional safety is generally described as the correct technical reaction of a
technical system in a defined environment, with a given defined stimulation as an
input of the technical system. ISO 26262 defines functional safety as absence of
unreasonable risk due to hazards caused by malfunctioning behavior of E/E systems.
Also, the error or failure reactions of mechanic or hydraulic safety components are
2.1 Risk, Safety and Functional Safety in Automobiles 9
Safety Mechanism in
Implemented Implemented - Electronics and
Safety Mechanisms Features - Software
Fig. 2.2 Risk reduction according to IEC 61508 (Source IEC 61508-1:2011)
Fig. 2.3 Risk- and safety integrity according to IED 61508 (Source IEC 61508-1:2011)
ISO 26262 defines the relation of risk, danger and safety integrity differently.
The term safety integrity is not directly used in ISO 26262. In particular the term
EUC (Equipment under Control) is not used at all. EUC could be explained as
“device or system, which should be controlled by means of functional safety
measures”. Under certain limiting conditions ISO 26262 admits to develop a
desired vehicle function that is safety-related on its own. In this case, the system
does not receive safety through EUC itself. Technically, according to IEC 61508,
EUC and the safety functions have to cause an error at the same time in order to
create a hazardous situation. If for example a hydraulic braking system was the
2.1 Risk, Safety and Functional Safety in Automobiles 11
For this analytical approach a risk (R) can be described as a function (F),
with the frequency of occurrence (f) of a hazardous event, the ability of the
avoidance of specific harm or damage through timely reactions of the per-
sons involved (controllability: C), and the potential severity (S) of the
resulting harm or damage:
R ¼ Fðf ; C; SÞ
f ¼EC
Fig. 2.4 Distinction of hazards, based on correctly functioning systems (Reference unpublished
research project [7])
2.2 Quality Management System 13
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. oec. h. c. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Walter Masing, is also called the father
of quality management systems, at least in Germany. His standard reference
“Masing Handbook Quality Management” had a substantial influence on the
standardization and interpretation of quality management systems.
A lot of methods and principles of management systems are explained already in
ISO 9000. However, in 2005, statistics and trial methods became less relevant as
the process approach became more and more important.
In the automotive industry an addition to ISO 9001 exists, called ISO TS 16949
[3]. It describes additions especially to the product development and production,
which developed into standards in this industry. Today, in order for a distributor to
be able to supply automotive manufacturers, the certification of ISO TS 16949 is an
essential basic. Manufacturers from Asia still refer to different standards, based on
historical reasons. Especially in Japan, quality requirements focus more on the
ideals of the six-sigma-philosophy (for example DFSS, Design for Six Sigma). In
particular the static analysis and trial methods mentioned in Masing’s book, in
DSFF as well as in functional safety are often based on comparable principles.
ISO TS 16949 asks in the following chapters for essential basics for functional
safety according to ISO 26262:
ISO TS 16949, Engineering specifications
The organization shall have a process to assure the timely review, distribution
and implementation of all customer engineering standards/specifications and
changes based on customer-required schedule. Timely review should be as soon as
possible, and shall not exceed two working weeks.
The organization shall maintain a record of the date on which each change is
implemented in production. Implementation shall include updated documents.
NOTE A change in these standards/specifications requires an updated record of
customer production part approval when these specifications are referenced on the
design record or if they affect documents of production part approval process, such
as control plan, FMEAs, etc.
Here, the norm refers to document and change management, application of
necessary norms and standards, methods, output/work results and the regulation of
responsibility (clearance), which is mentioned in ISO 26262 as QM-methods.
ISO TS 16949, Quality management system performance
These reviews shall include all requirements of the quality management system
and its performance trends as an essential part of the continual improvement
Part of the management review shall be the monitoring of quality objectives, and
the regular reporting and evaluation of the cost of poor quality (see 8.4.1 and
14 2 Why Functional Safety in Road Vehicles?
This chapter defines the way safety requirements were handled previously in the
automobile industry. In particular “special characteristics” are still used for a
safety-related design parameter of mechanic parts. The paragraph also defines the
basics for the production of safety related components.
ISO TS 16949, Product design output—Supplemental
The product design output shall be expressed in terms that can be verified and
validated against product design input requirements. The product design output
shall include
• Design FMEA, reliability results,
• product special characteristics and specifications,
• product error-proofing, as appropriate,
• product definition including drawings or mathematically based data,
• product design reviews results, and
• diagnostic guidelines where applicable.
This is a list of the output of product development, which had to be extended in
ISO 26262 for the relevant safety related work-products and components. This
output would for example be part of the safety case in a safety related product
ISO TS 16949, Manufacturing process design output
The manufacturing process design output shall be expressed in terms that can be
verified against manufacturing process design input requirements and validated.
The manufacturing process design output shall include
• specifications and drawings,
• manufacturing process flow chart/layout,
• manufacturing process FMEAs,
• control plan (see,
• work instructions,
• process approval acceptance criteria,
• data for quality, reliability, maintainability and measurability,
• results of error-proofing activities, as appropriate, and
• methods of rapid detection and feedback of product/manufacturing process
This list adds to the necessary output/work-products during production. ISO
26262 rarely mentions any further requirements since this area is well regulated by
quality management systems.
ISO TS 16949, Control plan
The organization shall
2.2 Quality Management System 17
• develop control plans (see annex A) at the system, subsystem, component and/or
material level for the product supplied, including those for processes producing
bulk materials as well as parts, and
• have a control plan for pre-launch and production that takes into account the
design FMEA and manufacturing process FMEA outputs. The control plan
• list the controls used for the manufacturing process control,
• include methods for monitoring of control exercised over special characteristics
(see defined by both the customer and the organization,
• include the customer-required information, if any, and
• initiate the specified reaction plan (see when the process becomes
unstable or not statistically capable. Control plans shall be reviewed and
updated when any change occurs affecting product, manufacturing process,
measurement, logistics, supply sources or FMEA (see 7.1.4).
NOTE Customer approval may be required after review or update of the control
ISO TS16949 describes the requirements of production control regarding the
precedent development and required analyses, for example FMEAs, in detail.
Analyses for product development are required—even if these products can be
developed according to quality management systems but without any safety
ISO TS 16949 can be interpreted differently for the individual cases of application.
This is why automobile manufacturers have since defined standards in order to
guarantee quality in product development. Later, the American manufacturers such
as Ford, GM or Chrysler met at AIAG to define joint requirements for quality
management. In Germany, similar standards and requirements were developed
under the umbrella of VDA. The aim was to define processes for the development
as well as planned advanced product quality improvement measures, APQP (ad-
vanced product quality planning according to AIAG).
VDA and AIAG published a series of documents, which are considered to be the
foundation for VDA- or AIAG members. Those various volumes of these documents
are often mandatorily referenced in the contract documents for supplier.
2.3 Advanced Quality Planning 19
Fig. 2.5 Advanced product quality planning (Reference APQP AIAG [9] 4th Edition)
Unfortunately, these documents are not highly consistent. For example, both orga-
nizations describe different FMEA methods (or several FMEA methods), which are
considered to be a basis of ISO 26262. In addition, these organizations also devel-
oped milestones or maturity level concepts, which were primarily used for the
synchronization of automotive manufacturers and supplier (Fig. 2.5).
AIAG defined APQP with 5 “milestones”:
• The first phase “Concept, initiation, approval” is a mere planning phase
• In the second phase, before the program approval, the planning as well as the
product and process development should have a certain maturity. The feasibility
of the product is then verified as part of the program approval.
• The third phase focuses on the development of the first prototypes, the verifi-
cation (often prototype tests) and the product and production process validation.
At this point, the product design should be almost finalized.
• In the fourth phase the first series-development (close-to-series-production,
pilot) products are produced. Those products should already be produced with
the series-production tools.
• The product launch initiates the series production. This requires the develop-
ment of supply chains and the production needs to be able to guarantee a
sufficient quantity and quality.
After the product launch an assessment of the product development and
appropriate corrective actions are expected. All activities are continuously
20 2 Why Functional Safety in Road Vehicles?
Procedure or process models have a long history. The following list shows the
origin of such products, especially software-intensive products.
1. First attempt to develop clearly understandable programs (1968)
Dijkstra suggests “structured programming” (Avoidance of GOTO-instructions).
2. Development of software engineering principles (1968–1974)
Theoretical basics (principles) are developed that represent the foundation of
structured development of programs: structured programming, step-by-step
refining, secrecy concepts, program modularization, software lifecycles, entity
relationship model, and software ergonomics
3. Development of phase-specific software engineering methods (1972–1975)
Implementation of software engineering concepts in draft methods: HIPO,
Jackson, Constantine method, first version of small talk
2.4 Process Models 21
2.4.1 V-Models
The following figure shows the development of process models and process
improvement models such as CMM or SPICE. ISO 9001 and ISO 12207 can be
seen as a basis for these models. ISO 12207 is mentioned in the bibliography of ISO
26262. However, the relation between ISO 12207 and ISO 26262 is not explained.
Surprisingly, for a long time the principles of the process approach for product
development have not been strongly developed in Asia. ISO 12207 is the foundation
of process assessment models (PAM) based on CMM or SPICE. The practice of
22 2 Why Functional Safety in Road Vehicles?
Fig. 2.6 History of procedure models based on V-models based (Source Flecsim)
relating those process assessment models with the safeguarding of software features
was developed later.
The crucial question is ‘does such a generic process actually represent more than
what the SPICE-definitions describes?’ Here the V-model is mentioned as a ref-
erence model. So if requirements of the development activities are described, is it
useful to structure them according to such a reference model? (Fig. 2.6).
The V-model XT, in its version 1.2, describes the V only for the development of
individual products (Fig. 2.7).
change plan
submission offer contract
change plan
project offer project project project
approved submitted contracted defined acceptance
specified delivery
NOTE 2: Replace ability can include attributes of both install ability and
adaptability. The concept has been introduced as a sub characteristic of its own
because of its importance.
NOTE 3: Replace ability will reduce lock-in risk: so that other software
products can be used in place of the present
The term is not used in ISO 26262, but does not mean any contradiction
Those ideas and terms are illustrated in ISO 26262 in a different or similar
context. For example coexistence of software of different criticality (different ASIL)
doesn’t see a risk if functions are similar but if these functions can influence each
other negatively. Furthermore, it is important to mention that ISO 26262 uses and
defines the terms validate, verify, analyze, audit, assessment and review in context
of functional safety for road vehicles differently. These examples also show that
requirements, terms or definitions within ISO 26262, depending from which
activity or context they are used, can lead to different interpretations or meanings.
Furthermore, there are two basis process models, which need to be considered in
order to observe the valid variance of processes in the development according to
ISO 26262.
The waterfall model is a process model often found in the development of tools
(Fig. 2.8).
This model has no specific source of origin. This is why there are so many
different descriptions and interpretations as to how this model can be applied. The
waterfall in general describes a higher level of abstraction than most V-models.
Furthermore, to better picture the process one can imagine that the waterfall
model transforms into a V-cycle for the design and implementation phase.
Compared to waterfall models, V-based process models describe vaster parts of
lifecycles. All other process models describe the initialization phase as a linear
starting point that defines the interests (stakeholders, see chapter “Stakeholders of
an architecture”) or sources of requirements (compare to SPICE: “Requirement
Elicitation”) for a system.
The introduction and application right up until the product definition or the
contract document and the requirement specification are often described as a linear
path in process models. Iterations are not further evaluated in later phases. In
addition, iterations of the planning and defining activities between the customer and
the service provider are not necessarily included in the development activities.
This shows that most of the process models are derived from the IT world.
A derivation of the waterfall model for the automobile industry would certainly
resemble parts of the safety lifecycle of ISO 26262 or the various APQP standards.
prototype built
experiments / tests
A sample
prototype accepted?
B sample
C sample
change and / or improve
D sample
process / product
design verification
verification / validation
Fig. 2.9 Spiral model for a prototype- or sample-cycle approach as basis for many automotive
maturity models
32 2 Why Functional Safety in Road Vehicles?
Today, traditional sample names such as A-, B-, C- and D-sample are only
referenced in certain company standards (e.g. in Daimler’s). In the APQP standards
from AIAG or VDA all samples refer back to the initial sample. The sample groups
for different customers are mostly aligned with the requirements of the vehicle
Phases of the Spiral: Prototypes
The dream of every process developer is that specification actually represents the
beginning of product development. In reality, it is more an idea, which has to be
built up for series production. For classic mechanics it is a trial sample that has to be
complemented with essential functions or electrified for new systems. Therefore,
there is often only one specification, which is defined on a higher level of
abstraction in the first iterations.
Previously, in the early stage of automobile engineering, the A-sample could be
made out of wood since the main focus at the beginning was the production
potential of the inside of the vehicle. Today, in modern systems, the first step can
already focus on the entire outer interface, so that the CAN-communication can
already be adjusted to the target vehicle in the first sample delivery.
Construction of Prototypes
Since samples have to be delivered to the customers, they have to be produced in
the first place. Certainly, this requires a lot of manual work in the first iterations. In
the following iterations the degree of automation increases continuously. Then, the
D-Sample—often comparable to the first sample/initial sample—has to be produced
in the series production facility.
Moving forward, the sample has to be tested according to the given require-
ments. The sample will be tested in the first iterations First under laboratory con-
ditions, and then later based on with the customer requirements, and in further
stages often already in the vehicle environment in order to explore the dynamic
behavior as well as the interaction of all components.
All parties involved in the process hope to be able to figure out all necessary
requirements in the first shot and that the sample returns with a positive test result.
In the real world, the prototype is an essential input factor for the requirement
analysis. Besides simulation, this method has also been adopted in ISO 26262.
Changes, Modifications or Enhancements
Here the specifications are now changed and the new specifications introduce a
new development cycle.
With DRBFM (Design Review Based on Failure Mode) Toyota was very early
to develop a stable method, which introduces new iterations. Whether a specifi-
cation is complete or still error-prone is difficult to examine (freely adapted from
Popper: verification is positive until I can find a counterproof). Change
2.4 Process Models 33
IEC 61508 was probably the first standard that described a safety lifecycle. The
vastly simultaneously developed ISO/IEC 12207 also described a software lifecycle.
It was discovered in the mid 90s that the requirements of a product could influence
its design over the entire usage period. Unfortunately, it was also known that certain
mistakes in all phases could lead to danger and people could get injured while
dealing with certain products. ISO/IEC 12207 shows that there is a demand for the
monitoring of specific error patterns of products throughout all phases of the product
lifecycle. Those error patterns present further challenges for the design of a product.
The APQP standards also consider early development phases. The terms of the
System-FMEA as well as later design or concept-FMEA are included in the norms.
Product maintenance and the management of replacement parts have been con-
sidered by the APQP norms for quite a while. Also the idea of document archiving
throughout the lifecycle has been addressed by the norms at a very early stage. The
demand arose from the topic of product liability.
In IEC 61508 the lifecycle was used to define phases from the product idea up to
the end of the product life, in which individual safety activities can be implemented.
This lifecycle already represented the foundation to fully describe the actual
requirements of a product.
Safety considerations of a product idea are already of particular importance and
not only because of safety related reasons but also and most importantly economic
aspects. History has shown that bad ideas sometimes can turn out to be successful.
Unfortunately, bad ideas have often been pursued only because of the fear of failure
and the potential hazards occurred when the possibility to prevent them no longer
existed. A production stop can often cost a company more than the compensation
of damages that the product might cause when used. This covers one main aspect of
product liability, which has previously been addressed by the legislatures of the
19th century. For example, §823 of German civil law requests to avoid hazards
of products as far as science and engineering will allow it. Also, the retailer or
distributor of goods is liable for damages occurred.
34 2 Why Functional Safety in Road Vehicles?
Let’s get back to the product and safety lifecycle. A function can cause a hazard
even if it operates as intended. This is mainly referred to as safety-in-use. As
mentioned in earlier chapter (safety, risk etc.) this is not addressed in ISO 26262.
However, the hope is to find something throughout the course of product devel-
opment that can manage the risk. Otherwise, the respective functions are limited as
much as possible in order to eliminate risk.
ISO 26262 can only help to control hazards based on a malfunction of the
product. Experienced engineers might be able to find safety mechanisms for dan-
gerous functions. If those mechanisms are not found the product has no chance to
establish itself on the market. It can be a real challenge to sufficiently declare such
defects/faults/errors as unlikely for complex products that are produced in high
quantities. Formally, the quantification of those systematic errors are not required
by ISO 26262. The characteristics of such complex products, their potential errors
as well as the potential variance of their usage are hard to determine. The product
might still be able to enter the market but once the first hazard arises the only option
is to withdraw it from sales and recall the entire vehicle. It has previously occurred
that some manufacturers have had to buy back vehicles. This is why one of the first
steps in order to get to the field of application of ISO 2626 is to prove the safety of
use/usage safety of the product. In order to avoid potential liability issues, it is
useful to clearly document all safety issues to prevent safety-in-use being ques-
tioned after certain changes are made during the following development. Generally,
the nature of an engineer is not to scrap an idea after the first failure but to adapt and
modify it accordingly.
In order to take a brief look at the end of the product lifecycle, let’s discuss
certain aspects of the product lifecycle itself. In regard to hazards, the public
discussion on mobile phones would be a good example.
Of course, a lot of qualitative electrical waste is produced due to the fast and
short lifecycles of electronic products. This wouldn’t be questionable from a safety
perspective if the components themselves were not so expensive and were not
environmentally damaging materials, such as lead. This is why the government
implemented clear procedure rules. Now it may be far-fetched to say that the toxic
electrolytes in capacitors may also eventually cause environmental damage or that
the burst of an electrolyte capacitor is a malfunction of an E/E element.
But the question here is whether or not ISO 26262 is helpful in this regard. In
fact, there is a potential for hazards that have to be considered in the production and
development of products, to prevent issues with product liability. In cases such as
these, it is important to consider the possible end of a sub product. In general, cars
are used beyond their actual warranty. Cars that are over 25 years old can possibly
become classic/vintage cars and more popular than a car with the latest engineering
technology. Luckily, cars made 25 years ago used far fewer electronics. However,
this will now change from year to year. It is particularly important to consider the
maintenance of the car, particularly those components and systems that are subject
to wear and tear.
Opel once advertised with a lifelong warranty, meaning 15 years and
160,000 km (99,419.3908 miles)—a campaign that was quickly abolished. We also
2.5 Automotive and Safety Lifecycles 35
learned that NASA bought Intel’s 8086 microcontrollers via eBay in order to be
able to maintain old systems. It is increasingly difficult nowadays to maintain
program parts written in FORTRAN. Such dated systems are practically impossible
to re-lay with systems such as WINDOWS and other advancing computer systems.
Going forward, we will see that a prognosis for an electrical component beyond the
failure mode of more than 10 years is extremely difficult. Nowadays, in the field of
utility, vehicles lifespans of over 20 years are projected. Intermittent errors have
already been detected in an 8086 but it is highly questionable whether actual
measures in the integration have been undertaken.
To assure maintenance according to safety aspects will become a real challenge
for the automobile industry.
The safety-lifecycle of ISO 26262 summarizes the most important safety activities
in the conceptual phase, the series production and the series production release.
A central management task is the planning, coordination and proof of these
activities throughout all phases of the lifecycle. Volumes 3, 4 and 7 describe the
activities of the conceptual phase, the series production and those according to SOP
thoroughly (Fig. 2.10).
This safety-lifecycle directly refers to the respective chapter in ISO 26262. The
management of functional safety according to part 2 of the norm includes all further
activities from part 3 (Concept Phase) to part 7, Chap. 6 (Operation, service
(maintenance and repair), and decommissioning)
The safety-lifecycle is divided into 3 phases:
• Concept
• Product development
• After production release/approval
Hazard analysis
3-7 and risk assessment
Functional safety
3-8 concept
4 Product development:
Product development
system level
Functional safety
4- 10 assessment
4- 11 for production
7-5 Production
release for
In the case of a
After the
modification, back to
Operation, service the appropriate
7-6 and lifecycle phase
Fig. 2.10 Safety-lifecycle according to ISO 26262 (Source ISO 26262, part 2)
2.5 Automotive and Safety Lifecycles 37
Please note that the technical safety concept is associated with the product
development. Next to the 3 parts of product development of systems, EE-hardware
and software, and the chapters about production development and plant engineering
(part 7) are described. Those are activities that are considered besides the devel-
opment V-cycles. Furthermore, some activities are mentioned that are not directly
addressed by the norm but often necessary for the product development.
External Measures
These are measures that are not influenced by the observation unit, which are
described in the system definitions. External risk reduction includes for example the
behavior of road users or characteristics of the road itself. This is also described in
the system definitions. External risk reduction is seen as profitable within the scope
of the hazard and risk analysis. The proof of efficiency of external risk reduction is
not included in this norm.
Controllability, the underlying concept of the hazard and risk analysis, should be
proven within the phase of product development. If it does not relate to the distinct
controllability of individuals exposed to hazard, then it is covered in part 3 of ISO
26262. This part overlaps with the content of safety-in-use, since the question
whether functions are defined in a way that they are not dangerous when func-
tioning properly is also relevant.
Association to measures of other technologies
These are technologies that are not covered in the scope of this norm, for example,
mechanics and hydraulics. They are addressed when associated to safety functions.
Also, the proof of efficiency or effectiveness and even the application of these
measures are not part of this norm.
In the scope of the functional safety management the norm requires certain
activities for the safety-lifecycle:
• Sufficient information has to be documented to the E/E-system for each phase of
the safety-lifecycle, this is necessary for the effective fulfillment of the following
phases and verification activities.
• Management of functional safety has a duty to ensure the execution and doc-
umentation of phases and activities of the entire lifecycle and to provide a
corporate culture that promotes functional safety.
From the point of view of functional safety it is not about the fulfillment of the
requirements that are derived from any process models. The safety-lifecycle has to
be derived correctly and sufficiently. It is important for project planning and the
planning of safety activities that the safety concepts are implemented in a way that
sufficiently ensures safety goals.
38 2 Why Functional Safety in Road Vehicles?
1. [ISO 26262]. ISO 26262 (2011): Road vehicles – Functional safety. International Organization
for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
3. [ISO TS 16949]. ISO/TS 16949 (2009): Systems. Particular Requirements for Application of
ISO 9001:2008 for Series- or Spare parts Production in Automobile industry; VDA, 3rd English
edition 2009.
References 39
4. [VDA FMEA] VDA (2008), Volume 4 Chapter, Product and Process FMEA,
QMC, Berlin 20
5. [ISO/IEC 25000]: ISO/IEC 25001:2007, Software engineering—Software product
Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Planning and management 25
6. [waterfall model]: Figure 2.8: Waterfall Model (Source: Wikipedia) 30
7. [unpublished research project], for further information available
8. [V-model XT 1.2], V-Modell® XT, Version, IABG, 2008
9. [APQP AIAG], APQP AIAG 4th Edition, Automotive Industry Action Group,
APQP, 2006
Chapter 3
System Engineering
A skeptical mind state is nothing new to human nature. Dating as far back as
Socrates people were often cynical about things they saw and heard, leading to
some scholars conclusions at times being questioned.
When did questioning technical coherences start?—In Greece 600 before Christ?
Did it start in Egypt and the inhabitants of Mesopotamia just didn’t document it?—
It remains undecided. However, since written documents have existed, people have
tried to describe certain phenomena and draw their conclusions from it. Ionic
philosophers, as for example Pythagoras, did this in a very mathematical way. He
certainly did not imagine that his formula would one day be used to energize an
engine in order to bring blind power and active power in relationship.
It is said that in the school of Elea, Parmenides taught that you can observe
things but you cannot draw arbitrary conclusions from it. He questioned whether
the observed allows for conclusions to be drawn even before Socrates. Up until
today, 2600 years later, we struggle with the question whether the reason for a
negative test result is a wrong test hypothesis or the test wasn’t appropriate in order
to make a qualified statement if requirements were implemented correctly and
sufficiently. Democritus tried to define the term ‘atom’ as the smallest element or
building block of everything that exists but Nils Bohr discovered that there were
even smaller elements than atoms.
Albert Einstein was not the only one who showed that there are various forms of
interactions and that we need different models in order to describe the observed.
Aristotle knew: “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.” Not only the
elements and their characteristics determine how the elements react to each other, it
is also important what environment the elements interact. Today we know that the
stability of a screw and a dowel is different in a plasterboard wall than a brick wall.
The stability also depends on the design of the walls. Despite observing and
drawing conclusions, Aristotle also raised the topic of induction. The fact that the
entire mathematical induction is now described as a deductive method shows that
words are subject to change throughout the years. This isn’t the only example where
mankind had to re-learn something from scratch that had already been discovered
thousands of years ago. In the beginning of the 13th century, Roger Bacon
described methods for an electric engine while studying magnetism. The idea of a
“continuously moving wheel” leads to the realization that a “perpetuum mobile”
does not exist. Werner von Siemens apparently did not know the work of Roger
In more recent times, Karl Raimund Popper described our dilemma nowadays
saying that it is not possible to verify something—only to falsify specific charac-
teristics. Here the example of the swan is often mentioned: Mankind always
believed that only white swans exist until the discovery of black swans in Australia.
How do we deal with that? The word ‘verifying’ comes from the two Latin words
“veritas” (truth) and “facere” (to do). They say “In vino veritas”—“In wine (there)
is truth”, but what truth, one can only try to guess the next day after consuming too
much of it. Apparently, different people use the word verifying in different ways.
Popper left numerous clues for falsification. According to him, if a result is neg-
ative, we are unable to question the entire statement or hypothesis. However, he
encourages us to use this test result to derive new insights, which give clues as to
what needs to be changed in order to make the test result positive. Even if all test
results are positive, we still haven’t fulfilled all requirements yet. The lesson we
learn here is that we should analyze negative test results in order to find ways to
improve the product. This leads us to the conception that the basic principle of
proof of safety in today’s safety standards can be seen as follows:
If all devisable mistakes/errors/faults of a system are brought under control, the system is
regarded to be safe.
3.1 Historic and Philosophic Background 43
all technical systems. Basically, this law says that: “The chain is as strong as its
weakest link”. Also safety related functions or safety mechanisms can only work as
well as the individual parts of which they consist of. This is why the partition and
structuration of mechanisms of action is the essential task of a failure or safety
analysis. It is important to analyze the identification of the demand of additional
mechanisms and the intensity with which they influence the system. This analysis
shows the appropriate measures to make the system more reliable, less susceptible to
maintenance and reach a higher level of safety and availability in order to strengthen
the chain in its weakest parts. Destructive tests, in which a stimulus is implemented or
injected in the product, exist and they change the analysis of the product as well as the
purpose of the analysis. However, the analysis itself does not change the product, only
the measures, which are added or develop a new behavior or changes in characteristics
through a modification (for example in the context of a process of change) in the
product, are the aim of an analysis.
Until about 1930 the activities in the field of reliability were mainly limited to
mechanical systems. The focus of the efforts for electrical systems was to ensure
electric energy sources, which means to raise the availability of such. Parallel
electrical gearshifts from transformers and transfer units, meaning the insertion of
redundancies, were a substantial progress in the electrical reliability.
New concepts also developed in the field of aeronautics/aviation that considered
reliability engineering. For example, observing the failure mode of various aero
structures through the determination and evaluation of statistical data. Especially
the insertion of redundancies helped to maintain functionality. Also, technical
availability and the possible measures to increase it were developed systematically.
The largely qualitative signal chain analysis became then also quantifiable through
statistic considerations developed by the team of mathematician Erich Peruschka.
He defined the following principles:
R1, R2, … Rn are survival probabilities of the individual chain links.
Since all links of are required for a chain to function and the survival probability
of each individual link is independent of each other, the survival probability of the
entire chain as the product of its individual probabilities is calculated according to
the rules of the probability theory as follows:
Total survival probability of the chain: Rg = R1 R2 … Rn
Consequently, the reliability of individual components of a system exceeds
considerably the reliability of the total system. A new and predominantly techni-
cally oriented discipline: The reliability engineering. This discipline addresses the
measurement, prediction, maintenance and optimization of the reliability of tech-
nical systems. Reliability engineering boomed in the ‘50s in the United States
through the growing complexity of electronic systems, particularly in the military.
The analysis of failures and their cause as well as the reparation of defect com-
ponents became increasingly time, money and resource consuming. Hence why the
US Defense Department founded the Advisory Group on Reliability of Electronic
Equipment (AGREE) in 1952.
Researches showed that the maintenance costs for electric systems were twice as
high as the procurement costs. This led to the insight, which reliability engineering
3.2 Reliability Engineering 45
MTTF ¼ 1=R
A continuous demand in action would lead to a different value for the failure rate
because the time span for the effect in action is considerably bigger. The lesson here
is that not even the failure rate represents a distinctive and definite value for a
The type of operation and the operational environment have to be taken into
account for the determination of values. Whether the repair time is added into the
models depends heavily on the operating conditions. The automobile industry
usually uses the expected lifespan, which can sometimes be extremely challenging.
A cable harness in a car is usually listed as 6000 Fit, which means it is always the
weakest link of the chain. We often tend to search for the potential for optimization
of a chain at this place. In a quantitative observation of functions, this high error rate
for the weak link would dominate all other errors in a signal chain so that the
quantification would not show the desired effects at this point. A lot of effort is put
into the improvement of cable routing and connections. Very frequently errors arise
in the cable harness due to heterogeneous usage, the fitting style in vehicles or
improper maintenance. This is why such connections are often only shown as mere
formal with a FIT in the observation of safety applications. This is frequently
recommended by most of the manuals for reliability. In reality there is no constant
error rate throughout the entire lifespan because a continuous and steady effect of an
action hardly exists. A conservative design can often prevent components being
used beyond their elastic limits. A statistically spread aging behavior is no longer
reasonable if these limits are often exceeded. No material has a constant aging curve
and also a material diversification, depending on the effect of actions this leads to
differences in the aging behavior.
3.2 Reliability Engineering 47
This fact led to the definition of the bathtub curve, which is often used as a
reference model in statistics. It facilitates the observation and its extent and suffi-
ciently offsets variances especially for electric components (Fig. 3.1).
The bathtub curve shows three areas over time. The early failure phase describes
the time frame in which the failure behavior is not sufficiently developed through
unknown influences, environment parameters, correct materials and bias points.
This should be investigated for the development of components within the context
of the design verification so that phase 2, the usage phase, can be entered at the
beginning of series production. The usage phase should be designed in a way that
the failure rate only starts after the expiration of the statistical life expectation of the
components. In reality the failure rate is placed below the bathtub curve, as far as
necessary so that an age induced increase can be seen and a sufficient robustness
level ensures that the statistical life expectation is achieved. ISO 26262 does not
mention any requirements, for example in order to prevent early failure behavior.
So called ‘Pi-factors’ are used in order to try to standardize and adjust or correct
environmental conditions. Typically, Pi-factors orientate themselves at the
Arrhenius equation.
k ¼ A e RT
However, particularly for electric components proven handbook data are used as
reference, since the bathtub curve and the material dependency in such formulas
48 3 System Engineering
A EXPðEa1 ZÞ þ ð1 AÞ EXPðEa2 ZÞ
pT ¼
A EXPðEa1 Zref Þ þ ð1 AÞ EXPðEa2 Zref Þ
If A = 1 and Ea2 = 0 the above mentioned relation can be referred back to the
basic model for failure mechanisms (e.g. for resistors, capacitors, inductance)
described in Sect. 3.3.
pU ¼ EXP C1 UC2 UC2 ref
n h oder io
pU ¼ EXP C3 ðU=Urat ÞC2 ðUref =Urat ÞC2
the interaction of materials involved. This can depend on dirt, humidity or other
chemical substances. A significant example is that the comparison of a strength that
hydraulically influences a component is often considered to be a soft impulse
because the hydraulic liquid itself absorbs shock and the build-up of pressure in
hydraulic is often softer. If the strength is of mere mechanic nature, maybe even
based on an electromotive strength, the impulse for the components can be con-
siderably harder. This can have a crucial influence on the firmness requirements up
to the lifetime reliability. There are different connecting starting points for func-
tional safety, where these two topics overlap, for example all external or outside
intersections and the component intersections.
The definition of a vehicle system (ITEM definition, ISO 26262, part 3, chap-
ter 5) already specifies external measures, environmental conditions, behavior with
external vehicle systems, operating conditions, dynamic behavior etc. This means
that essential influential factors of reliability and safety have to already be con-
sidered for the goals for functionality and the technical intersections of the vehicle.
Such parameters should be inputs for the hazard and risk analysis. In this regard, we
will find different results in the observation of potential malfunctions, which can
lead to danger, especially for the parameters S (degree of severity) and C
(Controllability through the driver (or other people involved)). An example would
be the predetermined breaking point of the transmission, which should prevent a
blockade of wheels. Blocking transmission could lead to a blockage of the entire
powertrain. Of course, such a break-off must not happen for an appropriate load and
has to be guaranteed throughout the entire usage period and lifespan. The switching
time of modern transmissions become shorter and shorter in order to minimize
energy losses and to achieve better speedup results. Because of that gears are shifted
harder, which means that the impulse and the energy used is much higher. As a
result, the predetermined breaking point of the transmission can no longer be
interpreted over the lifespan and we are forced to introduce E/E-measures against
the blockade of the power train.
This measure can quickly lead to a high ASIL because rear axles are responsible
for stabilized driving of the vehicle.
The aim of system development is mainly to describe the design in a neutral
way, so that the reliability first and foremost becomes relevant in the design of the
components. Software design often discusses reliability but ISO 26262 does not
formulate concrete requirements for systematic methods in order to determine the
reliability of software. However, for mechanic components the same statements
apply as those formulated for the vehicle system and its integration into the vehicle.
For the electronic we often find very tight intersections, particularly because the
evaluation of the hardware architectural metrics (ISO 26262, part 5, chapter 8) as
well as the evaluation of safety goal violations due to random hardware failures
(ISO 26262, part 5, chapter 9) are based on the failure probability of electric
components or occurrence probability of random hardware errors. Section
covers such quantitative safety analyses in detail. Often, chapter 7 part 5 of ISO
26262 is overlooked, which covers the correct dimensioning and verification of
3.2 Reliability Engineering 51
Architecture is often seen as the spine of each product. ISO 26262, part 1, chap-
ter 1.3 describes architecture as the representation of a vehicle system, of functions,
systems or elements, which are identifiable through components, their distinctions,
intersections and allocation to electric hardware and software. The functional con-
cept (ISO 26262, part 1, chapter 1.50) is mentioned as the basis for the definition of
vehicle systems. According to the glossary the functional concept is compiled from
specifications of intended functions and their interactions in order to achieve the
desired behavior. Therefore, it is evident that architecture needs to fulfill two
requirements. It provides the product structure and its intersections as well as the
foundation for the description of the technical behavior. Each component or element
and their intersections ask for certain requirements. The intended behavior as well as
the behavior in case of a failure has to be specified. This forces us to plan and define
all levels of abstraction, perspectives, intersections as well as their desired technical
behavior in advance. Originally, the term safety architecture is defined as a further
term of architecture in ISO 26262. However, no clear distinction from product
architecture could be agreed upon. Particularly the intersections and interfaces of the
product must be defined consistently for the safety relevant parts as well as all other
parts of the product. Furthermore, some argue that in this matter architecture is
actually referred to as safety architecture. However, this term would not comply with
the functional concept idea since it would give the impression that all parts and
characteristics that are important for the realization of a safety related product are
automatically safety relevant themselves. Generally this needs to be avoided. Safety
52 3 System Engineering
Intend functions
- Requirements (+ parameter)
- beabsichtiges behavior
- Architecture assumptions
- Design limitations
- Accruals (interfaces)
Safety Mechanisms
Intended features (QM) - Safety requirements (ASIL)
Sufficient independence
- Requirements (QM) Absence of reaction
Logical elements
Logical elements
Technical elements
Technical elements
Fig. 3.3 Example for requirement management; Separation of intended functions (QM) and
safety mechanisms (ASIL)
mechanisms and safety relevant functions should be easy and clearly defined even if
the functions and their interactions become extremely complex.
Figure 3.3 shows how such a structure can be planned but also how require-
ments from the definition of the vehicle system strongly influence all elements of
the architecture. If for example the intended function is a non-safety relevant
function (QM) and implemented in the same technical element (e.g. microcon-
troller) each characteristic of the microcontroller can also influence safety relevant
functions. This is why older safety norms mention that all functions in a micro-
controller need to be implemented in accordance to the highest safety integrity level
(in this case ASIL). This was possible to be achieved for systems with only one
safety goal through separate microcontrollers. However, it was extremely difficult
for systems with multiple safety goals, various levels of safety integrity or ASILs
and different safety conditions. This is why it is important to analyze the entire
product architecture and the respective integration environment as a whole. ISO
26262 also includes and allows the possibility that one vehicle system can consist
out of several systems. If in this case the intersections of the individual systems are
not well matched and aligned they will have to be adjusted in the integration
process. Otherwise, there will be no systematic alignment of intersections.
Therefore, if they are not planned beforehand, architecture and the various systems
will define their own intersections. It would be sheer coincidence if they would
match the respective systems or the intersections of the vehicle, into which each
system has to be integrated.
In regards to the vehicle, an electric system includes the physical identification
of sensors and the actuator providing the vehicle reaction. ISO 26262 considers this
as a function or functionality of an electrical system. The same applies for the
software—it can be described as a component of a microcontroller or alternatively,
3.3 Architecture Development 53
What is the purpose and aim of architecture and what people, groups or (in order to
stick to process descriptions) what role does architecture need to have? What is the
difference between a stakeholder of a system or a product? Generally speaking we
should say ‘stakeholder of the product’ but in this case we limit it to architecture.
Figure 3.4 shows the driving forces of architecture, meaning that all these
aspects can influence the requirements for a product. Here it is important to identify
the driving forces of a product development and in a negative sense, the risks for a
product, at a very early stage—especially when considering the cost factor.
However, almost all driving forces can have analogical influences and risks for
various developments.
Development requires money for the development resources, tools, laboratory
equipment, production goods etc. Even big and popular inventors in the automobile
industry such as Benz, Diesel, Otto etc. were familiar with this issue. Money is the
reason why we define certain characteristics very strictly and search for cheap and
Functionality Compatibility
Qualification Cost
Resources Ethic
Behavior of User
Capacity Safety
Fault Tolerance
Availability Maintenance
Production Resilience Fish trap Markets
simple solutions and why some development processes are discontinued. It forces
us to create highly sensitive cost-benefit calculations before we start to the product
development process. Nowadays even single characteristics are analyzed by their
value and we examine which characteristics are a basic need for which target group
and which only an excitement factor. We could now look at examples for the
driving forces but this would probably only lead us to the following conclusion:
Depending on the market and the requirements of the driving architecture forces
there will be product characteristics and features which represent a basic need for
the acceptance of the product and others which cause so much excitement that they
lead the product to success in many different ways. In reverse, each need that is not
fulfilled can imply a risk.
This is why the architecture of product development is never developed solely
based on safety requirements but also on other driving forces.
This means that the elements, from which a system is composed, are not defined
only according to mere safety related aspects.
Of course, as already mentioned, money is an important factor. However, the
availability of materials (e.g. rare earth material) production capacities, know-how,
experience, transportation routes, supply chains etc. will also play an important role
in how elements are defined and what position they will have within a system.
ISO 26262 only covers mere electric and electronic elements as well as software
elements. However, a capacitor and a resistor alone will not be able to discover a
low pass function. The elements of other technologies mentioned in the norm also
play an important role. At least for the analysis of failure dependencies (Analysis of
Dependent Failure or the better known aspect, the Common Cause Analysis) we see
that connectors/plugs, printed circuit boards and housing can have a great influence
on safety. Housing still represents a challenge for the project management in the
automobile industry. In addition to the fact that they have to be ordered at the
beginning of the project development process because it belongs to the so-called
long-leading components (components which need to be ordered early in a
development project, any change lead to an extraordinary extension of the devel-
opment time) and thus defines the installation room for the control devices, but also
because the arrangement of printed circuit boards and plugs need to then be defined
prior. —What does this have to do with safety?
The metric of ISO 26262 only mentions random HW-faults. Some people say
that the conductor paths, joints, cables and plugs can also have random HW-faults.
However, we will see that this is not the main issue. Mostly it is the systematic
failures, meaning the potential design errors that are most challenging. Plugs and
conductor paths need to have a certain diameter in order to carry specific currents.
The distances are also very important. Particularly for voltages beyond 60 volts; we
will need to consider completely new safety aspects. ISO 26262 does not require
de-rating (conservative construction, meaning operational characteristic are con-
siderably below the nominal values of the components) as IEC 61508 does (70 %)
but the characteristics need to be robustly dimensioned throughout the entire life
time. This eventually determines the plug distances, pin size, conductor path dis-
tances, thickness etc. through the interpretation of safety mechanisms. In some
3.3 Architecture Development 55
cases this can cause a shortage of space in the housing. In reality this also leads us
to the next issue—there is no current without dissipating heat (except from
superconductivity). Each electric component creates heat, which has to be directed
outside. The thermos conductivity of the housing plays an important role here.
Overheating is a major cause for fire in control units. This is explicitly mentioned in
ISO 26262 since this could be a failure function of the electronic.
The topic of heat plays another major role in a other typical long-leading
component, the microcontroller. The higher we clock a microcontroller the hotter it
gets. The amount of operations per time unit also influences the heating. This means
a microcontroller that runs at its limits gets extremely warm. If we are able to
redirect the heat we can push these limits but if other components are aligned too
closely, we risk a heat buildup.
This shows that there are many factors that can influence the characteristics of a
product. Besides the complexity of the dependencies from the example mentioned
above, we see that other factors can also be extremely influential. Housing or a
microcontroller does not get exchanged without a substantial reason during the
development of a product.
Therefore, we have a great dependency on project management and architecture.
The book “Engineering a Safer World” by Nancy Leweson mentions a sug-
gestion that describes the structure for various views of architecture and the allo-
cation of requirements. All coherences are described with the term “Intent
Specification” (Fig. 3.5).
The central statement is based on the idea that the product structure, the orga-
nizational structure that the product should create as well as the management
structure need to be well matched. In order for the respective organizational units to
Fig. 3.5 Multi-dimensional structure of specification (Source Figure 10.1, Nancy G. Leweson [3]
Engineering a Safer World)
56 3 System Engineering
work with each other it is necessary that this structure also representative of the
foundation for the specification.
Therefore, product architecture becomes the most important element for the
foundation of the product structure.
As a consequence, the first step of project planning is to create a project structure
tree, which considers the following aspects:
• Product, organization and project interfaces need to be well-matched. The more
interfaces there are for the three interface dimensions, the more complex the
product development.
• Product, organization and project interfaces need to be defined and controlled
through a hierarchical arrangement. Each interface needs to be defined and
managed in an higher hierarchical level.
• The product structure and the horizontal and vertical interfaces create the basis
for the specification of the elements of the architecture and their behavior or the
dependencies among them.
The cube structure of Nancy G. Leveson is no longer discussed in this book.
Only the product technical viewpoint is further considered. The organizational
structure or the viewpoint of customers or suppliers—those are considered in the
product planning, project planning and determination of organizational interfaces.
However, these aspects form the basis for the planning of safety activities in the
project safety plan as a derivation of the safety lifecycle (compare to ISO 26262,
part 2, chapter 6.4.3, “Planning and coordination of the safety activities”).
Since there are different stakeholders of architecture there also need to be different
abstractions of the description for each individual stakeholder. Ideally, we could
abstract certain information from the total description model according to the profile
of stakeholders. In order to completely implement this we would need to have a
standardized version of stakeholders and their often varying interests and besides
that also a basis data model, which would be able to conceptually include the entire
world and its coherences.
Nobody has time to wait for this to happen. Even such genius data management
and information systems such as Google, Wikipedia etc. would be stretched to their
Anybody who has ever tried to build a house knows a construction drawing. The
aim of this construction drawing is of course to show the later owner how the house
will look once it is finished. Often, particularly for houses that are built by a
building contractor, there are also construction specifications, but the average
person is unable to read this without the help of an attorney.
3.3 Architecture Development 57
The construction drawing often shows a front, back and various side views and
vertical sections in order to see the arrangement of the different stories as well as
horizontal sections to see the arrangement of doors, for example. However, the
drawing always shows us the same house. Our expectation is that the different
views are consistent and that we can see the entrance door in the front view on the
same place in the house as we would expect to see it from the horizontal view.
Nevertheless, different stakeholders of architectural company need to be iden-
tified and all of them of course only want to see the view of the architecture that
interests them. Therefore, if we send the carpenter the plan for the inside doors he
will be interested in knowing the height of the floor fill but not the allocation of
door lintels and how much iron was used for which ultimate load. Actually, here we
would need to consider the perspective of the finance controller and the project
manager since the resources used already determine the safety sufficiency.
Towards the end of the ‘60s, Phillipe Kruchten described his four views, which
lead to the following (here compared to UML) 4 + 1 views:
• The logical view describes the functionality of a system for the end user. Logical
elements are used in order to show different dependencies of elements. Class
diagrams, communication diagrams and sequence diagrams can be used as
• The development view or implementation view describes the system from the
viewpoint of the developer. Component diagrams or package diagrams can be
used as UML-diagrams.
• The process view (behavior or functional view) describes the dynamic aspect of
systems as well as the behavior of elements at their intersections to each other
and in a defined environment. Relations could be any kind of communication
(technical but also man-machine communication etc.) time behavior as well as
allocation and structure aspects such as parallelism, distribution, integration,
performance and scalability. Activity, sequence or timing diagrams can be used
as UML-diagrams.
• The physical view or the deployment view describes the system from the point
of view of the deployment or rather the manager of deployment. It should
include the allocation of components, modules or electric components and
elements that have to be obtained and deployed for the communication among
each other (as for example cables, bus, plugs…). Distribution diagrams can be
used as UML-diagrams
• The scenario view describes the planned cases of application, possible config-
urations and behavior versions. This can be the basis for the planned behavior of
elements among each other. The architecture verification later forms the foun-
dation for integration tests. Use-Case diagrams can be used as UML-diagrams.
In the context of the funding project “Safe”, views and perspectives for the
automobile industry were derived from definitions of the project SPES2020 (see
Fig. 3.6).
58 3 System Engineering
Workshop, System System function Components in hydraulics
maintenance behavior blocks (Other technologies)
Technical Safety
HW function blocks Cable routing, Concept
HW-Features HW components
Components layout etc.
SW Features SW functional SW Components Distribution
blocks into partitions
maintenance HW Safety
profile of the
Support the Requirements Support of Architecture and Design Support of the Safety
When describing the behavior of a vehicle there are dependencies that can be
broken down all the way into the individual lines of a software code, the resistor or
joints of components on the printed circuit board. If those dependencies are not
recognized we have to ask what other elements are needed.
Consequently, in vehicle and aircraft engineering we speak about the airplane
level, the system level and the components level. If this were a developed
requirement for the structure the development of vehicle functions would most
definitely be a lot easier. Officially, these levels are not mentioned in ISO 26262 but
the norm helps to better understand when would be a good time to take such levels
in considerations (Fig. 3.7).
Here we can see that the environment for a vehicle and an airplane has an
essential influence on the development of a system. The degrees of variance for the
vehicle alone are a lot less for the steering system than for an airplane. However,
even for a vehicle the degrees of variance are very different. A motorcycle will fall
easily while a car won’t, unless we refer to an elk test. This comparison shows that
certain events have a design related probability of occurrence. On the system level,
which shows the interaction of the components, also mechanic, electronic and
software components are applied but based on different requirements and envi-
ronmental parameters they will lead to extremely different system designs.
If we consider the components level we will find a similar situation for electric
hardware and software. In this case the differences will mainly show in the
Architectural patterns show that the functions in airplanes, approach automobile
architecture more and more frequently. So far comparing systems and voter (for
example a 2 of 3 selective system) were mainly deployed on the system level and
System level
Component level
implied by for example, three independent components (also called device redun-
dancy) which then implement safety functions through an independent majority
voter system or passive logic elements like relays, diodes, switches etc.
For approximately 20 years the automobile industry knows the EGAS-concept.
(E-GAS or E-Throttle) It implements redundant software levels, which then pri-
oritize safety functions as needed, send signals through enabled pathways to a safe
state or an intelligent watchdog switches-off the entire computer. In regard to
aircraft manufacturing we refer to a command-monitoring-system. The common-
ality of these concepts is that the target functionality should function independently
from the monitoring function. The design aim of such a monitoring function is to
realize it in a way that in case of its failure no harm occurs through the product.
Such principles of redundancies have developed over time and are described in ISO
26262 as ASIL-decomposition. Here these comparisons or voting can be deployed
as completely independent or sufficiently freedom from interference software
functions. In order to achieve such independencies and/or absence of interference
from system or hardware measures are still necessary but the aim is to avoid
components or control device redundancies. Semiconductor manufacturers that
provide respective built-in-self-test (BIST), diagnosis, memory partitioning or
redundancies (diverse I/O-periphery or multiple-core-devices) on a basis chip,
support this development. The comparison with the aircraft industry shows no clear
boundary and on what parameters do we need to allocate the horizontal cuts within
the architecture.
Regarding system integration ISO 26262 mentions three (horizontal) integration
levels. In part 4, chapter 8 the following targets are determined:
ISO 26262, Part 4, Clause 8.1.1:
8.1.1 The integration and testing phase comprises three phases and two
primary goals as described below: The first phase is the integration of the
hardware and software of each element that the item comprises. The second
phase is the integration of the elements that comprise an item to form a
complete system. The third phase is the integration of the item with other
systems within a vehicle and with the vehicle itself.
Component level
Fig. 3.8 Multiple system level between component and vehicle level
Since the interface to these levels of course have an influence on the architecture
and the necessary requirements for these levels, these levels also need to be con-
sidered in the system requirements development. This means the architecture needs
to be planned accordingly so that these horizontal interfaces already exist.
Figure 3.8 shows these three levels embedded between the component level and the
vehicle level.
System level 1 orientates itself on the interface of an item (vehicle system). In
this case many decisions and definitions are already made that can have an essential
influence on the later component deployment. All requirement covered in ISO
26262 part 3, chapter 4 “Item Definition” can be important for the components.
According to the Ford-FMEA-handbook [5] there are four kinds of interfaces.
Here they are shown and described with examples (Fig. 3.9).
The following factors can be seen:
Physical interface
• geometric data, which describes the space in the vehicle in which the compo-
nents need to be integrated
• environmental conditions such as vibrations, temperature, dirt
• physical values or limitations such as force, torque, turn rate, positioning angle,
transmission ratio, and their tolerances
• electric values such as voltages, currents, EMC, data interfaces
• kind or type of data (physical, electrical etc.)
• data formats, data contents, signal level
• data intersection, bus or communication systems (CAN, Flexray, Ethernet)
• Network or bus topology (star, ring, node, gateway)
62 3 System Engineering
Logical element
logical element external
P E logical element
P E internal I M
logical element (s)
internal internal I M
logical element P E logical element
internal internal internal internal
logical element logical element logical element logical element
P E P: physically E: Energy
external I: Information M: Material
logical element
I M external
logical element
Fig. 3.9 Multi-dimensional boundary and interface analysis (Source Derived from
Energy interfaces
• type/kind of energy, such as electric, kinetic energy or pressure or vacuum
• energy transfer such as voltage levels, short circuit currents, safety deployment
• energy amounts such as capacity of batteries or capacitors
• kind of energy provision such as via cable, induction or
Material transfer (interface)
• fuel delivery, lubricants etc.
• material compatibility such as hard/soft materials, type of oil, chemical com-
patibility (salt, sulfur with iron etc.)
• mass shifting, loading conditions
These interfaces can also show time dependencies. It is important to lead the
information to the brakes that the vehicle should stop but it also has to be ensured
that the actuator is provided with sufficient energy. For the hydraulic brakes this is
mainly ensured by the brake pressure. For example electric power supply can, at a
specific load, no longer provide sufficient energy or the fuse trips at a certain
At system level 2 descriptions of the intersections can vary, also the time
requirements often become more detailed and thus mostly shorter. An example in
steering shows this hierarchical cascading. A steering system is able to tolerate an
error at a certain pulse width and energy for about 20 ms. If the impulse lasts longer
the driver won’t be able to control the vehicle any longer and might drive into the
oncoming traffic. This means the safety tolerance for such a system is approxi-
mately 20 ms. If we break this down to the control unit this time can be reduced to
below 5 ms. So from connector pin to connector pin, the control unit needs to
3.3 Architecture Development 63
initiate a safety related correct reaction within below 5 ms. In order to ensure the
same even at system level 3 for the hardware-software interface a microcontroller
needs to initiate a software function below a millisecond, which can present an
adequate reaction at the pin of the microcontroller.
On system level 2 these interfaces can be described as follows:
Physical Interfaces
• geometric data in the housing such as the attachment of plugs, printed circuit
• environmental conditions such as vibration, temperature, dirt (this data can vary
since sensors, control units or actuators can be implemented in different places
or be protected by the housing of pollution or humidity, reduce vibrations,
dissipating heat)
• physical values or limitations such as force, torque, turn-rate, transmission ratio
and their tolerances (these values can again be broken down or allocated to
different elements of the system)
• electric values such as voltages, currents, EMC, data interfaces (see above—
physical values)
Information interfaces
• type of information (information here often more specified)
• data formats, data contents, signal level (itemization of information)
• data intersection, bus or communication systems (CAN, Flexray, Ethernet), now
the physical specification of the communication interfaces is required so that
internal and external communication partners can communicate with each other
• Network or bus topology (Star, Ring, Node, Gateway), here these elements are
specified in detail
Energy interface/intersection
• type of energy, such as electric, kinetic energy or pressure or vacuum
• energy transfer such as voltage levels, short circuit currents, safety design
characteristics deployment
• energy amounts such as capacity of batteries, capacitors etc.
• type of energy provision such as via cable or induction
These interfaces are now broken down into the individual external and internal
components and detailed as needed.
Material transfer (interfaces)
• fuel delivery, lubricants
• material compatibility such as hard/soft materials, transmission or hydraulic type
of oil, chemical compatibility (salt, sulfur with iron etc.)
• mass shifting, loading conditions
These interfaces are now as well broken down into the individual external and
internal components and detailed as needed
64 3 System Engineering
Often, in system level 3, new information appears which derive from the speci-
fication of the microcontroller. But again, also here, all four interface-categories are
either more or less relevant. Material transfer will be less relevant for the micro-
controller and more important for the material interfaces. Here we can find con-
tacting issues because of wrong materials up to drift or sporadically effects due to
Components Level
To define mere mechanic components in various abstraction levels could be in some
cases reasonable but generally, complex mechanic components are already
described on system level. Also the interfaces can be allocated to any given system
interface. A sheer hydraulic steering will therefore more likely be integrated in
system level 1 and parts such as printed circuit boards, plugs etc. probably in the
components level.
In the case of software it often occurs that multiple software components exist,
which are then integrated into the entire embedded software in a microcontroller.
Formally seen, multiple functional groups that are integrated into a microcontroller
can be integrated as system elements. However, because the hardware-software
interface imposes a lot of requirements on the software that need to be imple-
mented, the interface is becoming increasingly complex (Fig. 3.10).
Time analyses for such integrations can only be analyzed through alternative
views since the runtime environment, time-management or partitioning,
clock-frequency etc. of the computer need to be considered for each software
Component level
Architecture level
element. Here we have the so-called ‘software architecture level’, which forms the
level between the software design and the software component. Just like in SPICE
the term software unit is seen as the smallest entity of software. Therefore,
instructions are no longer considered to be an entity. In the C-programming lan-
guage, which is often used in the automobile industry, the C-file would represent
such a level of abstraction for a software unit. Furthermore, in the software
development two different levels are differentiated the basis software and the
application software. Interfaces that provide a defined data structure during runtime,
a so-called runtime environment (RTE), as we understood from AutoSar, show a
separation between basic and application software.
However, in the electronic field we still mainly start with mechanics. First of all
we have the housing, plugs, connectors, printed circuit boards, air ventilators and
cooling devices. These already specify some parameters and design restrictions for
the deployment. Since the housing also has to be ordered at an early stage of the
project development, the entire electronic deployment will depend on it. Formally
this is considered to be the abstraction level of the electronic architecture. Therefore
those design dependencies should be known but not specified as an independent
abstraction level. However, these mechanical components can be reasonable sep-
arations for various electronic components: several electronic components on dif-
ferent printed circuit boards, separation of control and power electronics, different
voltage levels or also technical separations of safety-relevant electronic and
non-safety-relevant electronic.
For software however we reasonably separate, if varying software components
are integrated in different microcontrollers. For electronics we also often need to
find other ways to separate components, functional groups and components. This is
why in electronics there are three abstraction levels known as components level,
functional group level and components level. Semiconductors such as microcon-
trollers, ASICs, FPGAs or other hybrids are often integrated as functional groups
even if they count as components (Fig. 3.11).
Component level
Components Level
The architecture should also display the structure of requirements. With the help of
the horizontal abstraction levels described the upper and lower interfaces are pre-
determined for the details, which the architecture should illustrate. By determining
the logical and technical elements, further interfaces within the horizontal
abstraction level are displayed. In a system, logical and technical elements are
defined, which have the task of carrying or also implementing the required func-
tions. The logical or technical elements have to be clearly specified so that a correct
behavior can be expected for safety relevant systems (Fig. 3.12).
The following characteristic or features should be seen as requirements:
• The environment, in which the element should be embedded, has to be specified
in a way that all influential factors, which can influence the behavior of the
input output
inner relation
3.4 Requirements and Architecture Development 67
element, are defined. What factors need to be considered are the result of an
interface analysis (in terms of a boundary analysis).
• The permitted ways of use, modes of operation (as for example initialization,
monitoring, on-demand, stand-by, regular operation) or configurations (e.g. only
for analog data processing, calls with certain parameters (e.g. for software
components), clocked or triggered processes or functions) have to be specified
as well as the kind of way how information are allocated to the element.
• The input information should be specified so that it can be determined where
they are generated in which format they are transmitted and in what range the
information is valid.
• The output information should be specified in a way that it is defined where they
are to be addressed, in which format they have to be provided and in what range
the information is valid.
• The internal relations should define all input and output conditions in the
specified environmental conditions under the permitted mode of operation or
configuration. If memory effects in the elements can change the internal rela-
tions, they also have to be defined through the specification. Memory effects
within the elements leads to changes in the input and output relations, which
have to be defined.
Besides the functional characteristics the following characteristics will have an
influence on the electric, electronic and mechanic hardware elements:
• Geometric, form, volume, mass, structure, surface, labeling, color etc.
• Material properties (material compatibility, chemical reactivity)
• Behavior and reaction towards physical influences such as temperature, elec-
tricity, voltages, stress behavior (vibration, EMC, certain behaviors referring
physical stress)
• Aging effects (statistical aging behavior (Weibull-binominal-, chi-distribution))
• Maintenance requirements, logistic
• Time aspects
But also technical software elements have technical characteristics such as
• Size of the compiled code
• Branches, memory consumption, quantity (number of instructions, variables,
addresses, jumps, calls, interrupts)
• Realized program flow, task allocation, scheduler strategy, etc.
Commercial, ideational or emotional aspects are not further regarded here since
they should not consider to be related to safety. How these technical values are to be
defined and specified is generally also the result of an analysis.
We can assume that a technical element has specific characteristics; otherwise it
couldn’t fulfill the intended characteristic or function. Therefore, it is only logical
that if those characteristics are no longer given or consistent, functional limits arise
(Fig. 3.13).
68 3 System Engineering
may can
shall be able
Fig. 3.13 Requirement template (Source Based on Chris Rupp [4], Requirement Engineering and
system is generally not assigned to the driver but should be directed to the tech-
nician. This means for a system developer timing diagrams, spreadsheets, sequence
diagrams etc. should be significant information. To specify these requirements one
more time in natural language is inefficient and unnecessary. The clear description
of technical behavior is often also easier to explain with models. Basically, the
picture of the Mona Lisa is nothing else but a model, which completes the
requirements. The system design chapter of part 4, chapter 7 requires a system
design specification for systems and for the software in part 6, chapter 8, a software
design specification but no requirements specifications.
ISO 26262, Part 8, chapter 6.2.1–6.2.4:
The following Fig. 3.15 is an excerpt of the safety lifecycle and shows how
activities, requirements and work results leave the conception phase and enter the
development phase.
ISO 26262, Part 8, Chapter 6: Safety requirements shall be allocated to an item or an element
The following Fig. 3.16 clarifies the requirements for requirements and the way
engineers (requirement engineering) should manage them.
There are now requirements in the common safety or development standards that
also characteristics of design elements need to be specified as requirements.
However, in all architecture chapters requirements play an important and central
3.5 Requirements and Design Specification 71
role. But if a software unit and an electronic component do not need to be com-
pletely specified with requirements, how can we assure everything will be com-
plete? The target is to find a level that defines all behavior sufficiently and unique.
This level needs to be planned and clearly described in a requirement and archi-
tecture strategy (requirement and architecture strategies are also work-products
addressed within the base practices from SPICE).
Technical products or parts of it such as their characteristics, limitations, con-
straints, range of use, area of application, behavior etc. should always be specified
with a reasonable mix of requirements, architecture and design requirements.
Products are never described by their errors or risks. Nevertheless, it can be nec-
essary to document them for the end-user (package information, manuals etc.).
Functional Architecture and Verification
A function is generally seen a mathematical/arithmetic expression or
fðxÞ :¼ ay + bx
This is a typical mathematic function. For systemic functions there are the
following illustrations for the following functions: (Fig. 3.17).
All 3 illustrations represent the same relation; however, there are only different
ways to present the information that function 1 is composed of 3 partial functions.
Function 1 represents the sequential chain of 3 partial functions. These sheer
functional perspectives allow no identification of interfaces of the system or ele-
ment boundary. Only a simple and limited description of the behavior of technical
72 3 System Engineering
as tree
as a line graph
Function 1
Function 1
Function 1.3
Function 1.2
Function 1.1
Fig. 3.17 Function decomposition as mathematical or Boolean function, tree or line diagram
E1 F1 F2
E2 E4
3.5 Requirements and Design Specification 73
F2 E3
E2 E4
74 3 System Engineering
1. [DIN EN 61709]. Electric components - Reliability - Reference conditions for failure rates and
stress models for conversion (IEC 61709:2011); German version EN 61709:2011
2. [SN 29500]. 1999, Siemens Standard SN 29500: Ausfallraten Bauelemente
3. [Nancy G. Leweson]. N.G. Leveson, Engineering A Safer World: Systems Thinking Applied to
Safety, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2011.
4. [Chris Rupp]. Chris Rupp & Die SOPHISTen: Requirements-Engineering und -Management:
Professionelle, iterative Anforderungsanalyse für die Praxis. 5. Auflage. Hanser, 2009
5. [Ford-FMEA]. Ford-FMEA-Handbook, Ford Motor Company, 2008
6. [ISO 26262]. Road vehicles – Functional safety. International Organization for Standardization,
Geneva, Switzerland.
Chapter 4
System Engineering for Development
of Requirements and Architecture
The ascending branch of the V-model has not always been intensively and
systematically implemented in the development process of vehicle components.
Crucial indicators for the automobile industry are methods such as statistical design
of experiments (DoE) or an intensive validation. The descending area of the
V-model has often been neglected. Writing specifications is not strength of auto-
mobile manufacturers.
As we have previously seen in the architectural views and abstraction levels of
architecture, horizontal and vertical interfaces and also other differing views are
structuring criteria. This applies particularly to the development of requirements. If
we determine functional, technical and logical elements we also need to describe
and specify them. If such elements are combined in order to function together as
desired and create an intended function, they have to show compatible interfaces
that are specified sufficiently. ISO 26262 [1] covers the “specification of interfaces”
but does not clearly illustrate the respective requirements. However, the correlation
between the work results such as requirement specifications in part 10, are shown
based on information flows. In this case only the general abstraction levels system
and components are covered and also the differing views on how a system can be
described are not covered.
Figures 4.1 and 4.2 are published in DIS (Draft International Standard, previous
version of the norm) of ISO 26262 part 10 (Figs. 7 and 8). Figure 4.1 was designed
for the electronic hardware. It shows the horizontal and vertical interactions and
information flows. In the requirements and design phase the direction of the arrow
for the vertical axis points from top to bottom. In the integration and test phase it is
the other way round. This illustration does not include any iteration in the safety
lifecycle, which can become necessary because of model phases, change require-
ments or verification or validation measures.
For the software development one more level is illustrated (Fig. 4.2). It shows an
architecture level and a level, which is assigned to the software unit or the design of
the software unit.
3-7 3-5 System
Safety Item safety
goals definition validation
5-6 5-7
HW safety Hardware
requirements design integration
Fig. 4.1 Data flow in system and hardware product development (Source ISO DIS 26262)
3- 7 3-5 System
Safety Item safety
goals definition validation
6- 6 SW safety 6-7 6- 10
requirements Software Software
at architectural architectural integration
level design test
6-8 6-9
SW safety
Software unit Software unit
design test
at unit level
Fig. 4.2 Data flow in system and software product development (Source ISO DIS 26262)
In the final version the arrows and the keys are changed according to Fig. 4.3.
The essential input for the definition of the vehicle system (ITEM) is the functional
concept. Since ISO 26262 does not cover the hazards, which result from a correct
functioning system, the functional concept itself is required to completely describe
the free from danger of intended function and its structure. This won’t be possible
at an early stage of the product development. Therefore, we are forced to see all
activities as continuous iterations for which the obtained insights have to be proven
4 System Engineering for Development … 77
3-7 3-5
Safety Item
goals definition
3-8, 4 -6 3-8 3-8 4-8
System Functional Preliminary Vehicle
safety safety architectural integration
requirements requirements assumptions testing
Technical 4-6 4-8
safety Technical System
concept safety integration
requirements testing
Software 6-6 SW safety 6-7 6-10 6-11
3-8 safety requirements Software Software Software
External requirements at architectural architectural integration safety
measures level design testing verification
and other
6-8 6-9
SW safety
Software unit Software unit
design testing
at unit level
Fig. 4.3 Data flow in system and software product development (Source ISO 26262, Part 10)
based on the present output and results again and again. For the horizontal
abstraction level such as the vehicle level, system level, components level, structure
in silicon or other complex components or elements a similar, a deductive devel-
opment process should be chosen in order to develop detail structures and the
respective requirements. All levels contain logical, technical and/or functional
elements, which interact with each other. Functions develop through an—according
to specifications—correct interaction of elements. Those functions can often then
are inductively verified, meaning back up the descending V-model branch. If in the
process of the verification, safety requirements, which are already verified in the
upper level, are confirmed and proven to be fulfilled, the verification serves as a
sufficient argument for functional safety. This means, that on any given level the
same principles of safety engineering can be applied and a higher consistency of
development work can be achieved. The fact that on each level the sufficient control
of errors is essential for functional safety does not mean that all errors in each level
need to be controlled separately.
Since ASIL C, ISO 26262 also requires the control of multiple-point failures.
For complex systems with various independent safety goals a systematic failure
control can no longer be implemented. Therefore, safety goals which require two
safety mechanisms need to be implemented in different horizontal levels. Through
the implementation of barriers single point faults become multiple-point failures.
Therefore, a single point fault in a sub system is often only a multiple-point failure
in the overall context if failure propagation could be avoided to a higher level above
the sub system. If multiple system elements fail at the same time, multiple-point
failures occur. Also in this context the classification of failure is not required. It
depends on the system definitions, particularly on the selection of system elements.
The selection is usually made in a way that the biggest system elements possible are
78 4 System Engineering for Development …
selected (since the complexity of the total system can be described with the lowest
Furthermore, each system element should show as low as possible error modes
(ideally in a degraded safe state). It is a challenge to define system components in a
way that they show a low amount of possible error modes. However, the acceptable
system degradations have to be clearly specified. This fact will be used in a higher
ASIL as the basis for architecture development. Without barriers, which limit the
number of possible error modes, such a system is no longer analyzable and the
variance and the possible error propagations will no longer be controllable.
A function analysis should start with function decomposition where we can see how
a function is broken down from a higher abstraction level into a lower one.
Figure 4.4 shows that three functions are illustrated on one system element. Level 2
shows that the functions are composed of different sub functions and also of more
than just one entrance or exit. Function 1 could be a normal brake function with two
activations (foot- and handbrakes) as well as two actuators (front wheel and
rear-wheel brake), function 2 could be a brake activation through a sensor (for
example the radar of ACC) and function 3 would be a parking brake, which is
accessed by the same operational unit (foot- and handbrakes). According to that the
sub functions in the blue circle would be jointly used by different functions.
Therefore, the foot- and handbrakes (see Figs. 4.5 and 4.6) as well as the front
wheel and rear-wheel brake are only deployed once. If now also the foot pedal
affects the parking brake, we can see that the function for both actuator have to
generate different signals, or the function logic behind it has to interpret those
signals differently.
Requirement Requirement
Function environment
Input Requirement
function14 function34
function12 function32
function16 function26
function21 function26
Requirement Requirement
Function environments
Input Requirement
function14 function34
function12 function32
function16 function26
function13 function15
function12 function14
function23 function26
Requirement Requirement
Function environments
Input Requirement
function14 function34
function12 function32
function16 function26
function13 function15
function12 function14
function23 function26
Fig. 4.6 Function decomposition and merging of functions on common functional elements
The common element now has to fulfill all requirements of all functions that are
allocated to this element. This can be the maximum requirements as well as
conflicting requirements. In case of the latter, two exists have to be implemented
that can be activated according to the respective requirement. Those further exists
differentiate themselves in the necessary details, so that the respective requirements
can be implemented correctly.
Such decomposition and the consolidation in the system integration (allocation
of multiple functions to one element and the development of new common func-
tions) will have to be necessary in all system levels since only limited resources can
be provided in the systems. Here we speak of a top down analysis, which later
80 4 System Engineering for Development …
Officially in ISO 26262 this method is called hazard analysis and risk assessment,
because ASIL, which have to be assigned to safety goals, should be a measure of the
necessary activities that need to be taken in order to achieve the required risk
reduction. Current risk is only marginally assessed and the aim is to examine possible
situation and potential malfunctions of a vehicle system or the ITEM that can lead to a
hazard. It is obviously possible to imply from the hazard and possible malfunction to
the risk, but a risk assessment itself is not necessary for the application of the method.
Risk conditions in ISO DIS 26262 (see Fig. 4.7) were described similarly. This
model is not complete, since parked cars can also burn down, for example, because
1 Start driving 3
functioning Correctly
Properly functioning
vehicle not in use End of the ride vehicle in use
vehicle vehicle in use.
Not in use.
Reduced Control
Reduced manageability
Fig. 4.7 Risk conditions as basis for the hazard and risk analysis (Source ISO DIS 26262)
4.2 Hazard and Risk Analysis 81
ISO 26262 provides alternative approaches to enter the hazard and risk analysis:
• start with the product idea and intended functions and see the ITEM or vehicle
system as a complete new development—or
• start with an impact analysis based on a previously developed product.
82 4 System Engineering for Development …
A systematic distinction for the vehicle system (item), which also has to be
examined in the context of a system boundary analysis, is necessary for both
approaches. Generally, this is required beforehand as part of the definition of the
considered vehicle system. However, if the vehicle system is already partially
existent, the technical characteristics and their behavior need to be balanced with
the new vehicle system characteristics and their behavior and the new functional
structure should be defined. In real life there aren’t really any new vehicle systems
in the automotive industry. Even functions such as ACC, brake assistant or park
assistant and new automated functions are enhancements or just electrifications or
remote-control systems of existing vehicle systems.
If now a new function (see Fig. 4.8 the green ellipse “internal logical element”)
is based on an existing system, the analysis of the existing system could be a
challenge, due to missing specifications and unknown considered architecture it
becomes quite complex.
A function that can influence a brake system and steering under certain cir-
cumstances has to examine the impact of the function on these two systems in each
driving situation and in each operating situation because eventually the steering or
the brake could act as an actuator for the new function. Based on that fact new
potential malfunctions can occur, which should be examined by hazard and risk
analysis? The previously implemented safety mechanisms of the system must not
be restricted, override or invalidated by the new functions. This is why clear and
complete information of the previously implemented safety mechanisms and their
operating principle is necessary.
Safety goals are defined on vehicle level for the considered system or ITEM.
However, various vehicle systems could influence the direction or movement of the
P E P: physically E: Energy
external I: Information M: Material
logical element
I M external
logical element
Fig. 4.9 Function levels for the definition of safety goals and the grey zone
Frequency Duration
Definition Definition
1. Fault is almost present
Hazardous 1. Operation state is almost present
2. Situation occurs overlap 2. Fault occurs
Fig. 4.11 Frequency and Permanent relation between failure functions, operating conditions and
driving situations
Driving situation, operating conditions and potential malfunctions do not have only
functional relations, also timing means an issue. ISO 26262 mentions two basic
relations related to time (see example Fig. 4.11):
• Frequency mode: A malfunction occurs and then the vehicle gets into a dan-
gerous driving situation
• Duration mode: The malfunction occurs when the vehicle is in a relevant
operating condition or dangerous driving situation
4.2 Hazard and Risk Analysis 85
E4 Probability of
hazardous situation
-E = probability.
Risk area (Situation x risk)
E1 Abwendbarkeit of dangerous events
- C =Controllability
- Measures of other technology
- External measures
- Driver warning, if regulated by law
ASIL A Requirements of ISO 26262:
Tolerable risk
- Organization
State of the art - Qualification
- technically
ASIL D - Implemented Safety mechanisms
- Safe design
Fig. 4.12 Area of risk and tolerable risk (Source Various different publications)
86 4 System Engineering for Development …
The maximum risk is classified via the extent of damages, the severity of potential
harm (S = severity)). The probability of occurrence [E = Exposure (regarding
dangerous operational situations)] and controllability (C = Controllability by driver,
or estimation of the probability that the person at risk is able to remove themselves,
or to be removed by others from the hazardous situation) reduce the risk. The gap
towards the tolerable risk needs to be covered with the respective safety measures. If
safety mechanisms based on electric and/or electronic systems (E/E) are imple-
mented for such measures, these are assigned with an ASIL. A reduction of the
ASILs for EE-functions could also be achieved with measures of other technologies
(e.g. a hydraulic safety mechanism).
Classes of severity (S = Severity):
A risk assessment for safety relevant functions focuses on possible injuries to
people. In order to be able to compare the ultimate risks the description of the
damages need to have a certain categorization. This is why we classify the severity
into three different categories:
S1 > light and moderate injuries
S2 > severe/serious injuries possibly life-threatening, survival is likely
S3 > life-threatening injuries (survival uncertain) or deadly injuries
In this case it doesn’t matter whether those injuries occur to the driver, any of the
passengers or other traffic participants such as bicyclists, pedestrians or passengers
of other vehicles.
If the analyses of the potential damages clearly reveal that only material damage
and no personal damage occurred it wouldn’t be classified as safety relevant function.
It would be classified as severity class S0 and no further risk assessment is needed.
ISO 26262 those not define further requirements for such a function, such com-
mercial risks must be controlled by means of other measures or standards (Fig. 4.13).
Class S0 S1 S2 S3
Description No injuries light and moderate injuries Severe injuries, possibly life- Life-threatening injuries (survival
threatening, survival probable uncertain) or fatal injuries
Reference for single injuries AIS 0 and less than 10% probability of more than 10% probability of more than 10% probability of more than 10% probability of
(from AIS scale) AIS 1-6 AIS 1-6 (and not S2 or S3) AIS 3-6 (and not S3) AIS 5-6
Damage that cannot be classified
Informative examples - Bumps with roadside infrastructure
-Pushing over roadside post, fence,
- Light collision
- Light grazing damage
- Damage entering/exiting parking
- Leaving the road without collision or
Side impact with a narrow very low speed low speed medium speed
stationary object, e.g. crashing
into a tree (impact to passenger
Side collision with a passenger very low speed low speed medium speed
car (e.g. intrudes upon
passenger compartment) with
Rear/front collision with another very low speed low speed medium speed
passenger car
Other collisions Collision with minimal vehicle
overlap (10-20%)
Front collision (e.g., rear-ending without passenger with passenger compartment
another vehicle, semi-truck, compartment deformation deformation
Pedestrian/bicycle accident while turning (city intersection (e.g., 2-lane road)
and streets)
Fig. 4.13 Example from ISO 26262, part 3, appendix B, classification of the severity factor
(Source ISO 26262)
4.2 Hazard and Risk Analysis 87
A typical example for the duration: A car drives by night between 1 and 10 % of
its lifetime on an unlit street (Fig. 4.14).
A typical example for frequency: The average driver overtakes at least once a
Until today there are a lot of other publications for these categories. In order to
follow the current state of the art a continuous research is required. In the course of
the years a lot of evaluation and assessment will converge but also the driving
behavior may change.
The probability of exposure (E) is a factor used for the ASIL ascertainment. Just
like the factor controllability those two factors reduce the severity impact (S). This
only applies for functions, which are part of the observed vehicle system (ITEM).
The first analysis is necessary in order to identify possible malfunctions of the
vehicle system related to the intended function. In order to do this the a functional
concept based on new functions and the existing functions need to be structured or
an hierarchical architecture need to be developed as part of the “ITEM Definition”,
which is inherent precondition for correct Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment.
88 4 System Engineering for Development …
Temporal Exposure
E1 E2 E3 E4
Very low
Description Low probability Medium probability High probability
Duration (% of average operating time)
Not specified <1% 1%-10% >10%
Mountain pass One-way street
Road layout with unsecured Highway
steep slope (city street)
Country road
intersection Secondary Road
entrance ramp Country Road
exit ramp
Snow and
ice on road Wet road
Road surface
Slippery leaves
on road
Lost cargo or obstacle
in lane of travel In car wash In tunnel
Nearby (highway)
elements Nearing end of
congestion Traffic Congestion
Vehicle on
Vehicle during jump start Trailer a hill
attached (hill hold)
Roof rack
stationary In repair garage (on roller rig) attached
Vehicle being
In repair
or repair)
On hoist
Driving downhill with engine off Driving in
(from parking Heavy traffic (stop and go) Accelerating
(mountain pass) spot)
Driving in
(city street) Decelerating
Executing a turn
E1 E2 E3 E4
Description Very low probability Low probability Medium probability High probability
Frequency of Situation
In tunnel
Traffic Congestion
Stopped, requiring
engine restart Vehicle being
Trailer attached
(at railway crossing)
Vehicle on
stationary state
Vehicle being towed Roof rack attached
a hill (hill hold)
Using indicators
Manoeuvring vehicle
into parking position
Driving in reverse
According to ISO 26262 safety goals are a result of hazard and risk analysis and
seen as safety requirements of the highest level. ISO 26262 indicates that a single
safety goal can refer to different dangers and several safety goals could refer to a
single danger. It is reasonable to describe safety goals as follows: “Avoid mal-
functions (optional enhancement: in “hazardous situations”, or—in “operating
conditions”); the potential danger, harm or hazardous event is not mentioned. This
is not always the best terminology particularly for non-functional risks, which
results from insufficient robustness or robust design or inadequate design of elec-
trical components. For example fire due to high electric current is not referable to a
malfunction but to an inadequate or insufficient robust design. Fire in a vehicle is
undoubting a dangerous situation. In many industry sectors voltage levels higher
than 60 V are seen relevant for touch protection. In today’s electro mobility risks
deriving from over-voltage get more and more an ASIL assigned, so that functional
safety mechanism are considered to protect over-voltage risk. In these cases for
example potential causes the non-functional hazard like higher voltage, or heat are
considered as malfunctions, which have to be controlled through respective safety
When the driving lights fail it is not necessary to name the potential danger for
the formulation of the safety goal. However, it is important to differentiate if, for
example, only one or both front lights fail. A malfunction, such as unintended
braking of the vehicle wouldn’t be considered for a light control system since such
a system couldn’t credibly cause such a malfunction. In the context of hazard and
risk analysis the possible reaction of the driver to the failure of the light would
eventually be analyzed. In this case it could be a conceivable scenario that the
driver in a certain situation, out of panic, uses the brakes excessively. However, we
would not try to infer a safety mechanism for the light control system from this
4.2 Hazard and Risk Analysis 91
Torque pulses,
Safety Power ...
-F corridor +F
negative effect Derived from
"Less than .." Safety Objective 1
Design limitation,
Limits the Fahrerbeherrschbarkeit ....
Fig. 4.15 Safety corridor of two opposing safety goals, which are derived from different
characteristics of malfunctions
92 4 System Engineering for Development …
by the driver was a mayor safety mechanism to compensate the design requirement
by means of implementation of safety mechanisms.
Although ISO 26262 does not address “Functional Performance”, ISO 262626
requires to control the intended performance in a way that possible malfunction
could be sufficiently controlled by adequate safety mechanism. If those could not be
safeguarded a reduction of performance is the only safe solution.
Safety concepts are first and foremost the planning basis for the safety measures,
which are the safety mechanisms to be implemented within the safety-related
product and the activities to be done additionally to the normal development
activities. Basically, it is a hypothesis that the implemented safety concept suffi-
ciently safeguards safety goals. There are multiple foundations for safety concepts.
Generally, the question is: Which target needs to be achieved with a safety concept.
IEC 61508, 1998, in their first edition considered the achievement of a safe
de-energized state in their safety goal. Formal, respective safety goals were only
mentioned for the varying applications. In the beginning, in machinery engineering,
only the safest de-energized state had been considered. In the oil and gas industry
two typical concepts developed: TMR (Triple Modular Redundant) based on a
voting (decision by majority 2 of 3) and the redundant systems based on com-
parison. The redundant systems were often configured to improve availability rather
than maximal safety. The abrupt and uncontrolled shutting down of a refinery is
indeed a more dangerous condition than a faulty state of a single process valve. In
this context concepts existed from early on that use a high availability in basic
electronics (often a programmable logic controller) in order to react safe and keep
the system under control in any critical situation. The EGAS (E-Throttle from
German VDA) concept has already been developed years ago, a basic concept for
motor vehicles, which was able to control simple clear safety goals (not only the
self-acceleration for which it was actually designed). Autosar primarily focused on
making the application software compatible for different systems. The topic func-
tional safety was only systematically considered after the publication of ISO 26262.
Within the first versions of Autosar, the safety mechanisms are mainly reduced to
the control of sequences, diagnostic handling and some principles for separation or
structuring as part of the architecture.
The VDA safety concept (EGAS) which over the years has also been exported to
the US and Japan, used to be the basic safety concept in the automotive industry
before the publication of ISO 26262. The EGAS principle was used for varying
applications. Even electric steering systems are safeguarded through a safety con-
cept, which has been derived from EGAS. This concept here only briefly mentioned
since there are a variety of different implementations for mere motor control sys-
tems. The EGAS concept is based on three levels, whereas level one carries the
main function (for example the engine control), level two the functions control or
94 4 System Engineering for Development …
monitoring level and level three the independent switch off level for level two as
well as for hardware failure control.
Since this concept is based on a single microcontroller with single cores, an
intelligent watchdog had been added to level three, which represents an indepen-
dent shut-down path through a specific question-answer game. In the first patent it
was an additional microcontroller which could even perform a limited function in
case of failure of the main microcontroller. All official publication did only describe
the only safety goal of prevention of self-acceleration. There was just one safety
goal within a safety tolerance time interval far higher than the time constraints or
performance limits of the microcontroller. The unintentional turning off of the
combustion engine as a high-available safety goal had never been formulated as
such. However, in engine management systems certain mechanisms are imple-
mented, which should prevent unintended switch-off of the motor (Fig. 4.16).
Which general targets could be formulated for a safety concept. ISO 26262
clearly defined that the functional and technical safety concept should be defined
derived from the ITEM Definition, a system on vehicle level and the resulting safety
goals from the Hazard and Risk Analysis.
Even if the product consists of a pure software package the development should
never start only with the functional and the performance customer requirements.
The requirements that derived from the boundary, of the software, for example the
system design, the considered software architecture, programming guidelines and
the necessary integration strategy will majorly influence the software design. Also
other standards like the V-Modell XT for example describes a sequential devel-
opment phase before entering the V-model, themselves.
ISO 26262 also doesn’t mention how a safety concept for a sensor can be
developed. If that doesn’t work, how could be have safety related programmable
control systems (e.g. PLC, programmable logic controller) been developed? For a
sensor it is often very easy: it is all about capturing the measured information and
provides it correct, unaltered, directly at the product interface. In this case the
detected and communicated error is seen as a safe state. The challenge is often to
correctly measure the intended physical effect and converting it in an electrical
equivalent. If even the measuring principle is not adequate to measure the intended
physical information, even the entire system could become questionable. A pressure
sensor, which tectorial membrane does no longer move upon pressure because the
Safety Timing
8.1 Objectives
8.1.1 The objective of the functional safety concept is to derive the functional
safety requirements, from the safety goals, and to allocate them to the pre-
liminary architectural elements of the item, or to external measures.
8.2. General
8.2.1 To comply with the safety goals, the functional safety concept contains
safety measures, including the safety mechanisms, to be implemented in the
item’s architectural elements and specified in the functional safety
8.2.2. The functional safety concept addresses:
• fault detection and failure mitigation;
• transitioning to a safe state;
• fault tolerance mechanisms, where a fault does not lead directly to the
violation of the safety goal(s) and which maintains the item in a safe state
(with or without degradation);
• fault detection and driver warning in order to reduce the risk exposure
time to an acceptable interval (e.g. engine malfunction indicator lamp,
ABS fault warning lamp); and
• arbitration logic to select the most appropriate control request from
multiple requests generated simultaneously by different functions.
For this section, ISO 26262 assumes that the vehicle architecture is already
existent, since the safety requirements of the functional safety concept have to be
implemented in the existing entire vehicle architecture. The functional safety
concept used to have the basic intent to describe the necessary safety requirements,
4.3 Safety Concepts 97
vehicle, two safety goals would be sufficient for the vehicle level. In this case we do
not assume a functional safeguarding of the thermal dangers or even fire hazard.
However, there may be safety concepts that also protect the overheating of an
engine or the ignition of inflammable fuel with the means of functional safety. Also,
the realized safety mechanisms themselves can violate the given safety goals.
Those are the safeguarding of a mechatronic system (compare to EUC
(Equipment under Control) of IEC 61508) such as a combustion engine (including
for example carburetor, compressor, and turbocharger) or a fuel supply system.
Considering an engine management system together with the powertrain, also a
correct torque can turn out to be dangerous combined with the wrong turn rate or
the motor. Therefore we can see that it is a question of the definition of the vehicle
system and how the safety goals and the thereof derived safety requirements are
divided and allocated to the elements. The knowledge that the engine torque and
engine turn rate are not independent helps to plan the safety mechanisms and
activity measures and test them in context of the verification on their effectiveness.
The processes described in this chapter should not act as a model for a functional
safety concept but rather as support for considering the right aspects for the design.
Therefore we consider the following four safety goals:
• SG1: Avoid a dangerous unintended increase of the engine torque for a longer
time period than t1 (ASIL C, the limit represents an array of curves, which are
dependent on speed)
• SG2: Avoid a dangerous unintended decrease of the engine torque for a longer
time period than t2 (ASIL C, the limit is a value dependent on the vehicle, which
leads to a blockade of the drive axle)
• SG3: Avoid a dangerous unintended increase of the engine speed for a longer
time period than t3 (ASIL B, the limit is a value, which leads to a
self-acceleration that is not controllable by the driver)
• SG4: Avoid a dangerous unintended decrease of the engine speed for a longer
time period than t4 (ASIL A, the limit is a value, which leads to a failing of the
propulsion engine that is not controllable by the driver)
The limits described are variable parameter. There are for sure a lot of vehicles
for which a failure of the engine management will never exceed those limits. This is
why engine management systems have so far not always considered those safety
goals. Also, in this context the aim isn’t to define the functional safety concept for
an engine management system but to consider requirements and aspects, which can
practically cause challenges. The function definition or the functional concepts were
derived from the definition of the vehicle system, including the correct performance
results for the engine torque and engine revolution. Those are the foundation for the
construction of the powertrain. Regarding this, we often see adjustments and
variations for those results since for the realization there are always new design
limits to consider.
Furthermore, the values always depend on the operation environment, driving
situation etc. A hot engine could behave completely different than a cold engine in
4.3 Safety Concepts 99
certain area. For some vehicles it was already discovered that an engine accelerates
better at nominal operating temperature. Those are examples for safety relevant
design limitations. The system can only function correctly within certain limits.
Outside these limits, safety mechanisms can sometimes be completely ineffective or
not operate in a timely manner.
Nowadays, high pressure is used for modern turbochargers. This pressure can
sometimes increase sharply. Pressure gradients can go beyond the design limits in
the short term (i.e. pulsation). An implemented pressure regulator could possibly be
too slow to effectively limit the gradient. The functional concept raises the fol-
lowing functional requirement: Based on the accelerator pedal position and con-
sidering the current engine torque and its number of revolutions (turn rate) the
throttle position and the injection pressure have to be identified in a way that the
vehicle decelerate or accelerates as desired. The accelerator pedal movement rep-
resents the driver’s intention.
The norm indicates that the structure should be hierarchically divided. For the four
safety goals this means that the architecture of the functional concepts and safety
mechanisms needs to be supplemented and transferred to a hierarchical structure.
The following figures shows how to plan a functional safety concept including
the break-down of the requirements of the intended functions and from all safety
mechanisms, so that the intended function doesn’t need to be allocated to any safety
requirements (Fig. 4.17).
The architecture of the intended function could be extended by the needed safety
mechanisms and the related functional safety requirements, as required by ISO
26262. Every logical and every technical element, for which a safety requirement
has been assigned, also won’t be independent with its other functions. Therefore, the
Intend functions
- Requirements (+ parameter)
- intended behavior
- Architecture assumptions
- Design limitations
- Accruals (interfaces)
- environments
Safety Goal (ASIL)
Sufficient Functional
Intended functions independence /
Safety Mechanisms
Absence of
interferance Concept
Requirements (QM) Requirements (ASIL)
Technical elements Technical elements Safety
Fig. 4.17 Structuration of a safety concept, including the division of functions with different
ASIL and functions without allocated safety requirements (QM)
100 4 System Engineering for Development …
functional and technical dependencies have to be analyzed separately for each ele-
ment with regards to all safety requirements or any safety goal. This leads imme-
diately to a high heterogenic dependency so that the effort to analyze such a system
grows beyond measure and evidence of safety can no longer be provided. Therefore,
the task for our engine management system is to describe the intended function and
hierarchically allocate the foundation for these functions as functional architecture.
Basically, the intended function will be similar for a combustion engine and an
electric motor. It is a matter of accelerating the vehicle or slowing it down according
to the requirements that the driver sets with the acceleration pedal. Other func-
tionalities of a motor management such as a torque increase, in order to compensate
sudden torque surges of the air conditioning compressor, or the traction control
support, to better accelerate in turns or pull off on gravel are disregarded in this case.
Nevertheless we need to consider the transmission, since the driver sets further
requirements for the vehicle through the gear selection, as to which number of
revolutions (rotational speed) and torque needs to be implemented. In the following
example we assume that the transmission can digitally provide the chosen gear and
we read in the acceleration pedal position as analog signal. Therefore, our system
consists of the following functional groups (logical elements from Fig. 4.18):
• Logic processing
• Driver’s requests detection (G, provides an analog equivalent of the accelerator
pedal position)
• Motion sensor (S, provides impulses as equivalent of the vehicle speed)
• Engine speed sensor (R, provides as sinus/cosinus the engine revolution at the
crank shaft)
• Transmission ration (TR, digitally provides the gear ratio)
• Safe pressure regulator (P, valve including pressure read back)
• Throttle valve engine (T, including current read back)
S Read back
Logic processing
P dP
Fig. 4.18 Block diagram engine management system including the driver request
4.3 Safety Concepts 101
The block diagram in Fig. 4.18 already shows technical information, how logical
elements can be implemented and which signals and signal types need to be
exchanged between the logical elements. These assumptions should also be already
documented, since in the interpretation it is already excluded or suggested that
interdependencies don’t exists or won’t be considered at a later point in time. Thus
the pressure regulator for a modern combustion engine is for sure not a simple
magnetic valve, which works spring-loaded (it is probably determined through the
set timing and injected with constant pressure).
We also assume that the engine fulfills a function through the throttle valve and
the injection pressure, without paying attention to the camshaft or the valve
injection times and that we read back a respective equivalent through the engine
torque sensor.
The correct throttle valve position results from the following function:
T ¼ fðG; S; R; TRÞ
Vehicle acceleration
Throttle Engine speed (Engine stalling)
Accelerator pedal position (IS)
position (generate) (Steering control)
Fig. 4.19 Example for functional analysis, and possible error modes for any sub-function
in the functional safety concept at this point. Allocations on same technical elements
in lower levels or at the realization can through an insufficiently robust design lead to
a probability increase and those failures have to be considered in the safety analysis
once again. If this horizontal process chain can be continuously analyzed and
safeguarded until its function on the actuator, error propagation upwards to the safety
goal could be avoided. This leads to an important rule for the analysis of error
propagation: only errors that intendent affects the actuator (in some safety standards
also called “final element”) have the potential to violate safety goal (Fig. 4.19).
The red arrows indicate that all parameter of functions could be incorrectly
higher or lower. If the parameter drifts over time or oscillate or are sporadically
wrong this could be considered in a more detailed analysis, after the first design
steps and detailing of the functional behavior.
The question is, how to get to the ASIL for the corresponding partial functions
and therefore over the allocation to the ASIL of the derived safety requirements?
ISO 26262 defines an iteration loop in this context so the functional safety
concept will be improved as long as necessary to achieve a positive verification.
Verifications are like a “repeat until loop”, unless the result is sufficient; it is typical
process iteration. The verification criterion are correctness, consistency and com-
pleteness and sufficient traceability have been achieved through the vehicle system
definition, the safety goals, the derived functional safety requirements and their
allocation to elements of the architecture. This causes us to develop a hypothesis as
functional safety concept, which should ensure that the safeguarding of all relevant
safety goals. This hypothesis is based on assumptions and experiences or also on a
certain systematic. It is not possible to determine the correctness in a certain hor-
izontal abstraction level independent from the upper level. Since the safety goals
represent the safety requirements on the highest vehicle level and functional safety
requirements should be derived from those, breaking down the logical architecture
is an effective method in order to get good results.
The functional concept may be based on the block diagram. All signals are read
in with ASIL B and use the dependencies of the system function groups (logical
elements) for plausibility checks to implement the decomposition or safety mech-
anisms. To control the throttle valve and the pressure injection we use current read
4.3 Safety Concepts 103
back paths. It would also be possible to turn this into an ASIL decomposition,
because it could be seen as a redundant implementation of a functional safety
requirement. However, this would lead to further requirements, which would make
the analysis far too complex. Through the current read back paths it is possible to
reach a DCSPF of 99 % of all possible failures in the function blocks, for the
opening of the throttle valve as well as the pressure injection. Whether the intended
torques and accelerations in the realization can actually reach this diagnostic cov-
erage is questionable for a mere functional consideration of the quality of the
diagnostic coverage. This is also valid for the latent fault metrics (LFM). Since we
have ASIL C as highest safety goal, the architecture metrics could be achievable
through the current read back. The logic processing would also have to be reach a
(Diagnostic Coverage for Single point faults) DCSPF of 97 % and a (Diagnostic
Coverage for Multiple-point faults) DCMPF of 80 % regarding random hardware
failures. This is absolutely achievable with a single core (microcontroller with only
one processor core) if the safety mechanisms can be implemented redundantly
under consideration of sufficient independence of these redundancies. Theoretically,
now also all input signals and output signal circles as well as processing units can
be analyzed and all error modes with a DC of 97 % could be controlled. Besides the
architecture metrics, PMHF (Probabilistic Metric for random Hardware Failure)
could be reached if for the basic fit rates microcontroller and components are used,
which values for a conservative (as for example operating temperature below 85 °C
and low junction temperature) design are derived from the usual handbook data.
However, the aim is to develop safety architecture with various options for the
The reliability block diagram (Fig. 4.20) shows that we can also read back the
number of engine revolutions, which as a physical quantity that could in case of an
error possibly violate 2 different safety goals. With this measure we are able to
directly compare the set point and the actual value for a safety system. Since the
number of engine revolution depends on the injection pressure and the throttle
valve, certain failures are certainly also detected for the incorrect torque status (an
overly high torque leads to a steeper increase in the number of revolutions as
expected). The conclusion would be, depending on the interpretation of the derived
functions, that with the help of the functional architecture (logical elements) each
safety goal would be safeguarded on the acceleration pedal through convincing
information, with the exception of the correct reading of the driver’s intention. The
question is whether the driver is able to control possible arising unexpected
& &
Translation (IS)
Fig. 4.22 ASIL allocation in the functional safety concept (red arrows indicate possible
4.3 Safety Concepts 105
Requirement phases Architecture phases Analysis phases Design phases Verification Phase Integration phases
Function goals
3-5 Architecture Interface
Requirements Design 3-8.4.4 4-9
Vehicle assumptions analysis /H&RA
3-7 assumptions, Validation System
Safety Goals limitations criteria Safety
The basic requirement says that the system design should be derived from the
functional safety concept, whereby the architecture should still play a central role.
In effect, this causes the various functions of the functional safety concept and their
requirements to be again allocated to common elements. This is often the case for
Of course for the realization of a control system (compare to Fig. 4.24) we
would need parts such as housing, a plug connector, a power supply (external
periphery like the battery etc.) as well as internal components such as a printed
circuit board (PCB), internal power supply and voltage distribution (internal
periphery). Now we need to decide how we consider the control unit.
Do we consider a control unit including the housing and the cables or do we assort
this at the first allocation? Furthermore it would be useful to consider the intended
function separately from a separate software component for the intended functions
and software for safety corridor monitoring. Even if we need 2 independent software
elements, we have to trace the separation down into all software elements down to the
software unit. This is the only way to get two independent software elements. The
challenge is to identify commonly used resources and find a solution, which avoids
the mutual influence of both software elements or makes their coexistence also in
case of errors controllable. The example considers the following technical elements:
• Acceleration pedal sensor (P und W) consisted of two measuring devices. Once
device measures the pressure on the acceleration pedal and the second device
measures the acceleration pedal angle. The pressure will be transferred as a
4.3 Safety Concepts 107
external peripherals
n Control
Corridor monitoring
Function Internal
‹ SA Periphery
P dP
Fig. 4.24 Allocation of the ASIL attributes of the safety requirements to technical elements
16 bit digital data word. The redundant information should provide an ASIL C
on the pins of the microcontroller within 10 ms.
• The speed (V) is provided as a 16 bit data word (based on impulses, converted
through an external system) including the bus protection through a defined bus
communication. Data should be provided at the bus interface every 10 ms.
• The number of engine revolutions (D) is transferred as a sinus and cosinus
signal. This is an equivalent of the number of engine revolutions.
• The Transmission ratio (TR) is provided as a 16 bit data word (by an external
system) including the bus communication protection through a defined bus
communication. Current data should be provided at the bus interface every
10 ms.
• The throttle valve (T) consists of a magnetic coil and current read back.
A measuring shunt of the throttle valve at the control unit should cause a
measurable change in current at the control unit input pin for the current within
50 ms.
• The injection pressure (P) is initiated at the injection valve through the voltage
pulse. Within 20 ms a voltage pulse at the control unit pin should fully open the
valve or close it through a decline of the impulse of longer than 10 ms the valve
should close. The opening can be controlled through different pulse break times.
The pressure is transferred as constant current as analog signal.
• The controller block consists of internal and external peripheral elements as well
as the necessary sensor and actuator adoptions and a microcontroller, which
sufficiently independently provides two partitions for QM and one for ASIL C.
The P2P (Pin to Pin) reaction time should be less than 50 ms.
All shown and listed parameters and variables including the redundancies and
current read back function will be considered as separate technical elements and
characteristics and would have to be specified with all interfaces.
108 4 System Engineering for Development …
A1 To A1 To
SZ Error <= to high
to low
E1 E1 F1 F2
E3 E2 E4
E2 E4
Functional and technical requirements are not different by its nature, the allo-
cation within the architecture characterize them as such. Figure 4.25 shows that if
the logical and technical perspectives are separated, the common usage of element 3
(E3) becomes transparent. We can describe functional correlations from technical as
well as logical elements and we can also functionally describe the internal corre-
lations or a technical element. This is why it is important to determine a specific
description level for the technical system architecture and specify the implemented
element and their interfaces. As a result the safety requirements are derived from the
functional safety concept to the elements and the interfaces of the technical
architecture, whereas the system interfaces do not necessarily have to be described
by technical elements.
In the first process iterations of the development the technical elements are not
necessarily considered. Therefore, the system elements will be described as logical
elements and later more and more detailed to the technical elements, by considering
the technical interfaces. It might be strange that an architecture specification
actually does not start with technical information. This is why it will be a mere
design decision whether an element will be part of function group F1 or F2 or
considered as separate element. Therefore, architecture decision will depend on
project-, product- and application-related constraints. If the components, from
which the system is compiled, are developed by multiple different, cross-functional
or external development teams, the interfaces should be defined according to the
development teams, which are involved in the creation of the system. If product-,
organizational- or project-specific interfaces are harmonized, the development will
become very complex and have to be coordinated with additional effort addition-
ally. Ultimately, this means that the technical safety requirements often refer to
logical elements. In the system design the allocation to a technical elements or
component only happens in further process iterations.
The interfaces become multi-dimensional; a functional, logical or technical view
to an interface will provide different information about the interface. Until now, we
only had to consider functional interfaces. Now, the interfaces of technical elements
(see Fig. 4.26) overlap and raise new challenges or cannot implement the required
characteristic by themselves but possibly together with other elements.
4.3 Safety Concepts 109
Component 1
E4 Component 2
A sensor requires, among other things, housing, a power supply and wiring. In
order to read in the signal a control unit is required, which can detect the wired
signal and electrically process it so that it can be read by a microcontroller. The
method to derive the technical level from the functional description and specify it
according to its technical requirements is not new. The literature provides this
analysis for example under the name “FAST” (Functional Analysis System
Technique) or also as publication of VDIs (VDI, Association of German Engineers;
i.e. VDI 2803 “Functional Analysis”). Those heterogenic interfaces can no longer
be understood with such simple examples. Therefore, it is important to broadly
reduce and decouple those dependencies. In the first iterations of the architecture
analysis we will only be able to limit it to the functional dependencies. This is why
the component will only be described with logical elements in the specifications for
the components supplier. The responsibility of the technical specification will be
passed on to the component supplier. This is a common interface between customer
and supplier. The customer provides a “functional” requirement specification, and
the supplier confirms it by his performance specification (How the supplier intents
to fulfil the customer requirements).
Basically, across all industries the so-called “IPO” principle is used for all
software based systems (Fig. 4.27).
“IPO” stands for Input, Processing and Output.
Since the sensor signals and actuator control are usually implemented in
extremely different ways, a signal adjustment is necessary. This signal adjustment
normally happens in the basic software (BSW). The interface between basic
software and the application software (ASW) is often called a “real time envi-
ronment (RTE)”; during runtime, this interface provides the signals, data or
information channels for processing of the required software functions. In appli-
cations with a different ASILs there could be a need separate RTE for each ASIL. If
the hardware software interface (HSI) is included in the basic software, it is possible
to reduce the amount of interfaces within the software. However, in this case we
would already receive two software components: The basic software and the
application software (the processing of software functions which provide the user
stake). Especially for the components with different ASILs the software compo-
nents should be planned accordingly. It would be recommended that the different
software components are integrated as system elements.
110 4 System Engineering for Development …
S2 A2 C2 A2
Component level I P O
S1 A1 C1 A1
S2 A2 C2 A2
ISO 26262 does not require a safety concept even inside a component. But in order
to assure a consistent development along the v-model it would be recommended.
The microcontroller safety concept provides clear limitations for the implementa-
tion of different applications. Depending on the application, different safety con-
cepts will be considered. The following aspects should therefore be already
analyzed related to the characteristics of the microcontroller.
• one or multiple safety goals applicable
• event dependent safety mechanism, which are also variable based on driving
situation, tolerances and systems or operating modes
• only one safety time fault tolerance interval, many time constraints, or
time-critical performance requirements
• are safety- and non-safety relevant functions considered to be implemented
• are there performance requirements to be implemented as non-safety relevant
• is software architecture provided or are there only complexity of the partial
network descriptions available (the function, which needs to be realized)
• should be legacy code or software code from foreign source be integrated
• amount of necessary partitions in order to be able to realize components with
different ASIL and/or ASIL decompositions
In this context we often find a lot of indications and requirements from the
definition of the vehicle system and the partial networks descriptions, which need to
be realized that can exclude certain microcontroller safety concepts or at least make
them appear ineffective.
4.3 Safety Concepts 111
The “IPO” principle could be also used for the software architecture in the
microcontroller. “IPO” stands for input, processing and output. Based on this
concept we now look at some basic principles for computer based safety concepts
and the following fundamental questions for the microcontroller:
• How could input data provided safety conform for the application software?
• How could the functions process correct according to given safety requirements?
• How could an actuator correct controlled according to given safety requirements?
• How could the interfaces between input, processing and output be correctly
safeguarded according to given safety requirements?
If we approach this according to processes, we will wonder which infrastructure
is required for a safe data processing. This means that we have to create an envi-
ronment, which enables us to discuss the four questions above. The environment
means the architecture, design and adequate configuration of the microcontroller.
Figure 4.28 of the simplified microcontroller shows the essential functional ele-
ments in a microcontroller.
The interaction as well as the functions of each element can of course be very
different. However, we already have two essential groups for the safety applica-
tions. Those are functional groups, which are essential in order to put the computer
into operation or initialize it. These functional groups often contribute only indi-
rectly to the implementation of the main function. This is why they will often only
be able to harm the safety function indirectly.
At the main function the signal chain from and to the pins (e.g. via port registers)
as well as the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) are involved. Different buffer or
memory sections, such as the cache, are used differently in order to save data
provisionally and also for the entire computing time. Generally, the program is filed
in a permanent memory storage or electrically chargeable storage (flash) and then
program stack-
counter pointer
Internal Bus
Interrupt Watchdog
Unit Trigger Controller Controller Controller ADC Port Port
Quartz Timer
Counter MUX
provided for the different functions in the dynamic storages or RAM (Random
Access Memory) during computation. All register memory is used in order to
reserve space for data or provide certain standardized information (status flags in
flag register etc.). Counters, quartz, trigger, interrupt unit, multiplexer etc. are used
depending on the programming style, compiler settings etc. in order to prepare data
or control or monitor the program sequence. If those functional elements are used
differently, they can also cause different failures. The more elements are used, the
more error causes and data are buffered, the higher the risk that the data is falsified
or processed at the wrong moment in time. Often an area approach is considered
(area of total memory divided by average of used memory) for the quantification of
memory errors. Even though the memory takes up large area of the silicon, the
failure influence of the respective memory depends first and foremost on how often
data is read in or out of the memory and in which form the correct functioning of
the function is actually dependent on the data. That means errors by writing and
reading of data are not depending on memory size, they are systematic errors which
could not be quantified. This is why we are largely forced to control the program
sequence and the data paths. The attempt to protect each individual function could
lead to a positive result. However it won’t necessarily be safer than a safeguarding
of the entire computing function.
To safeguard each individual functional element of the computer would lead to
many additional interfaces to be controlled. The number of interfaces of functional
elements and considering that one functional element could, depending on the
configuration, realize different functions lead to an increased number of functional
variants. Since also each function shows different error modes, we will need a huge
amount of safety mechanisms. Basically, this analysis will be useful, if the
microcontroller manufacturer uses it and suggests appropriate safety mechanisms or
safe configurations. Nowadays all big microcontroller manufacturers in the auto-
motive market have such computers, for which the safety mechanisms are already
built-in (e.g. built-in self-test) into the silicon. The manufacturer supplies respective
software packages and a manual that explains how the microcontroller should be
configured for the different safety applications and the respective ASIL. The
question is, is this really necessary? For an ASIL D application with multiple safety
goals, for which the details of the function are not yet known, it is always easier to
start with a “safe” computer as a basis than to develop a computer safety concept
yourself. Also some will argue to use two independent computers for ASIL D. But
is this possible if an ASIL D safety function has to be discovered in a short safety
time interval with big amount of vehicle functions and heterogeneous component
tolerances in closed loop control? Such control functions on two asymmetric
independent computers will be difficult to synchronize. In this case there are dif-
ferent data sets for the controller for each driving situation, each measurement and
each possible position of the actuators. This data has to be synchronically processed
in both computers in a certain time interval. This is why we will continue to see so
called lockstep core architectures for chassis control systems more often. Lockstep
computing means, for which two controllers cores processing the same software
code and their result will be compared. Until ASIL C the VDA safety concept
4.3 Safety Concepts 113
program stack-
counter pointer
Internal Bus
Interrupt Watchdog
Unit Trigger Controller Controller Controller ADC Port Port
Quartz Timer
Counter MUX
In the context of ISO 26262 we start with the general abstraction level (higher
abstraction level), which often describes a system at the vehicle level. The
deductive safety analysis now has the task to verify, based on a safety concept and
the determined safety goals, a hypothesis, which identifies characteristics (posi-
tively seen) or malfunctions (or their causes) that can negatively influence the safety
goals or higher level safety requirements. Furthermore, appropriate measures are
required that could prevent, mitigate, avoid or reduce these influences. The
inductive safety analysis is based on characteristics or their potential fault causes. In
this context it is investigated whether these potential failures could violate safety
goals at the described correlations or ways of propagations in the system.
Violations of Objectives
failure effect: failure effect (top-failure, consequence, risk, threat, harm etc.)
Consequence of a product failure
Measures - prevention
- avoidance, control
Function - detection,
failure mode: - mitigation (of causes for failure)
Product failure - malfunction / failure,
- reduction (of the probability of failure effects)
error mode
Work-out and Analyze and Analyze fault mode per Identify necessary Reduce risk with
structure the relevant decompose function function (FTA inside of avoidance or detection further measures
elements Allocate function to system element) measures Quantify modified
Define hierarchy structure elements Analyze cause and Agree measures to stage
(level of abstraction) Analyze functional effect based on assure correct design
Define interfaces dependability functional and technical Define measure with
dependability effectiveness in field.
Connect single failure Quantify measures
effects to the failure net
undesired states or events, like a failure of an engine. The aim of the fault tree
analysis is to determine the minimal amount of events, which can cause such a top
event and therefore to detect specific weaknesses and also unintended states in the
The historical background of the fault tree analysis comes from the military
sector. At the beginning of the 1960s this technology was first used by the U.S. Air
Force and then spread to other areas of the aerospace as well as the nuclear energy
Efforts are made to illustrate and analysis more and more comprehensive and
complex systems as fault trees. Fault trees are based on Boolean logic, which can be
investigated on minimal cutsets with various algorithms with different targets.
Special forms of the cutset-analysis are Quine-McCluskey for the minimization of
the Boolean logic, the MOCUS algorithm, and the algorithm of Rauzy on binary
decision diagrams, the algorithm of Madre and Coudert with Meta products, and the
search strategy CAMP DEUSTO. Those algorithms are based on the different data
structures and procedures for the determination of minimal cuts.
The Boolean algebra and graphic fault trees generally build the foundation for
such analyses. The fault tree analysis is seen in ISO 26262 as deductive analysis,
whereas this cannot be said for the higher analyses of the cut-sets. These analyses
are also not necessary for the requirement or architecture development at the
descending branch of the V-model; they would more support the analyses of ISO
26262, part 5, Chap. 9. This is the ascending branch of the electronic V model
considers already a first realization of the product. The here required analysis and
the related metric like (PMHF, Probabilistic metric of random hardware failure)
targets to identify error propagations based on failure rates for random hardware
faults and their potential to violate given safety goals.
118 4 System Engineering for Development …
Fs1 Ff1 Fs2 Ff1 Fs1 Ff2 A-value: resulting from calculation,
However, taking into account
allowable transitions from
various driving situations
Fu1 Fu2
Fig. 4.32 Combination of Event Tree Analysis (ETA) and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
functionality) is inferred from the detailed description of the analyzed object as well
as the possible failure functions or failure behavior and measurements from a
structured questioning of the target function.
Similar questions (see Fig. 4.33), just like those for HAZOP, are also considered
in the fault tree analysis in order to find causes of known failure.
SAE had founded a working group and published a standard concerning
detailing of the HA&RA according ISO 26262. Considerations for ISO 26262,
ASIL Hazard Classification, SAE J2980 [5] Prop Draft F2011ff. In this standard the
key or guide words from other industry HAZOP had been derived to automotive
applications (Fig. 4.34).
This standards provides further very important background information, which
help to perform Hazard and Risk Analysis for automotive applications.
Safety analysis is the term with which ISO 26262 describes methods such as FMEA
and FTA. Neither in this book nor in ISO 26262, was the intention never to define
these methods anew. ISO 26262 mentions in part 9, Chap. 8 the different methods
and lists general requirements in the context of ISO 26262 for these methods. In the
individual development of items, system or components the safety analyses are
invoked in the respective context, based on the specific requirements for this
120 4 System Engineering for Development …
In part 9 there is only one indication for the differentiation of the deductive and
inductive safety analysis. The inductive safety analysis is described as “bottom-up”
approach. It is considered that known causes of failure and their unknown failure
effect are examined. ISO 26262 mentions Failure-Mode-and-Effect-Analysis
4.4 System Analyses 121
Requirement phases Architecture phases Analysis phases Design phases Verification Phase Integration phases
Function goals
3-5 Architecture Interface
Requirements Design 3-8.4.4 4-9
Vehicle assumption analysis / H&RA
assumptions, Validation System
3-7 System s
limitations criteria Safety
Safety Goals Definition
5-6 5-10
5 5-8 5-7 / 8/9 5-7.4.1 / 2
EE Hardware EE HW
EE Hardware EE hardware EE Hardware EE HW 5-7.4.4
Safety Integration-
Safety concept architecture Safety analysis design Verification
requirements tests
Requirement phases Architecture phases Analysis phases Design phases Verification Phase Integration phases
Function goals
3-5 Architecture Interface
Requirements Design 3-8.4.4 4-9
Vehicle assumptions analysis / H&RA
assumptions, Validation System
3-7 System
limitations criteria Safety
Safety Goals Definition
6-6 6-9 / 10
6 6-7 6-7
Software Safety Software
Software Safety Software Software
requirements integration +
concept architecture architecture
6-8.4.2 / 3/4
6-8 6-8
Unit software 6-9
Software Verification
requirements Software
unit testing
The note 2 refers already to the problem with random hardware faults and
systematic failures. The cause of an error in a system is never only related to
random hardware faults, the cause for a random hardware fault is often already a
systematic fault such as wrong selection of the part, wrong estimation of envi-
ronmental impacts, production errors etc. That means all quantitative methods rely
on systematic analysis, where the quantification could only consider as an indica-
tion or as a metric for comparison or balancing of the architecture or design. In
other standards those approaches are considered also as semi-quantitative analysis.
Furthermore, the question is if these methods are only the kind of representation of
the result of the analysis rather than the indication for the analysis itself.
The way how the methods are applied based more on the context of the process
how parts 4 (system) and 5 (electronic hardware) of ISO 26262 considers the
application of the methods. The descriptions in the previous figures (Figs. 4.35 and
4.36) show the information flow for a system and the electronic hardware as well as
for a system and the software. In this context we can see how ISO 26262 invokes
the safety analysis and where the results will be applied. This illustration is not
showing a complete information flow; a complete illustration can only be shown in
regards to a specific product development and its realizations. Depending on the
maturity level, for example in a B- or C-sample cycle of the development, very
different iterations of the information flow have to be considered mainly because of
modifications and changes of the product.
Basically, the inductive and deductive safety analyses are invoked in the
architecture related chapters of ISO 26262, in which the inductive analysis is often
demanded for all ASIL requirements and the deductive analysis only for ASIL C
and D safety requirements.
In the system development, deductive and inductive safety analyses are invoked
in order to investigate the demand for safety measures to avoid systematic errors or
faults. Furthermore, there are requirements to use quantitative metrics from part 5 as
criteria for safety measures, which are effective during the vehicle operation, which
mainly means implemented safety mechanism to control systematic errors or faults.
These safety mechanisms and their efficiency could only measures by using the
reference to metrics for random hardware failure. Therefore, for ASIL D each a
124 4 System Engineering for Development …
deductive and inductive safety analysis needs to be performed and one of these
safety analyses has to be at least quantified in order to assess the system architecture
(architectural metrics) and to investigate the probability of the violation of the given
safety goals (PMHF, Probabilistic Metric for random Hardware Failure) or the
second method based on limitations of failure classes (see ISO 26262, Part 5 clause
9.4.3 (Evaluation of each cause of safety goal violation).
In the electronic hardware development the inductive and deductive analyses
invoked in part 5, Chap. 7.4.3, safety analyses. The norm requires in this context
especially the qualitative analysis of the cause-effect relationship. Further, the error
causes and effectiveness of the safety mechanisms have to be proven for the
avoidance of single- and multiple-point faults. In addition to that the correct design
of the electric components or their sufficient robustness is required in the following
Chap. 7.4.4 as part of the verification of hardware design. In this context there is
also a back reference mentioned to the previous Chap. 7.4.3, since this is generally
supported through a Design-FMEA in the automobile industry. This means that
traditionally we choose a classical risk based approach, whereas ISO 26262 addi-
tionally requires a complete verification with regards to all relevant electronic
In other words, if there isn’t a sufficient independency between parts or function
groups within hardware components, which aren’t a part of the realization for the
considered function group or considered element of the safety relevant functions,
have to be considered for the design verification as well. It seems to be a similar
analysis as later required as “Analyses of Dependent Failure”, but the requirement
is relevant for all ASIL.
Software architecture analysis
ISO 26262, Part 6, Clause 7.1:
7.1 Objectives
7.1.1 The first objective of this sub-phase is to develop a software architec-
tural design that realizes the software safety requirements
7.1.2 The second objective of this sub-phase is to verify the software archi-
tectural design
7.2 General
7.2.1 The software architectural design represents all software components
and their interactions in a hierarchical structure. Static aspects, such as
interfaces and data paths between all software components, as well as
dynamic aspects, such as process sequences and timing behaviour are
NOTE The software architectural design is not necessarily limited to one
microcontroller or ECU, and is related to the technical safety concept and
system design. The software architecture for each microcontroller is also
addressed by this chapter.
4.4 System Analyses 125
The Tables 4 and 5 of the chapter provide following recommendations for safety
mechanism, which are classified for different ASIL.
ISO 26262, Part 6, clause 7:
7.4.15 This subclause applies to ASIL (A), (B), C and D, in accordance with
4.3: to specify the necessary software safety mechanisms at the software
architectural level, based on the results of the safety analysis in accordance
with 7.4.13, mechanisms for error handling as listed in Table 5 shall be
NOTE 1 When not directly required by technical safety requirements allo-
cated to software, the use of software safety mechanisms is reviewed at the
system level to analyse the potential impact on the system behaviour.
NOTE 2 The analysis at software architectural level of possible hazards due
to hardware is described in ISO 26262 5.
126 4 System Engineering for Development …
ISO 26262 considers an error propagation, which is defined through the three terms
“Fault, Error, Failure”.
In a FMEA (compare Fig. 4.37) fault can be assigned to the cause of failure, an
error to a failure type and failure to failure effect. If we distinguish the causative
level, failure level and failure effect level also as different horizontal abstraction
levels, we easily fulfill the requirements of ISO 26262, part 9, Chap. 8. In this part
it is required that the safety analyses are oriented at the architecture, just like the
4.4 System Analyses 127
-potential malfunction / errors Measures - in order to avoid,
(failure mode) - to detect
- to reduce
- to control
error cause (faults)
(failure cause)
the error or its cause
The figure shows the correlations with the FMEA, whereas the term of the
function is already considered differently. The failure effect in the FMEA is often
seen outside of the scope, for example for a system the impact for the vehicle.
In doing so, the system itself realizes with its components functions, which then
in combination or through the interaction with other systems or components in the
vehicle performs the vehicle functions. A brake system is always dependent on the
wheels of a vehicle; without a correct functioning of the wheels a brake cannot
function correctly. This is why the functions according VDA FMEA are allocated
to each error class (also type of failure). This means there is one function for each
error class. Generally, the failure level is seen as the level in which a product
(system, component, and element or object to be analyzed) is specified. Therefore,
it is also possible in this context to test against the requirements, which have to be
founded through the implemented functions.
The diagram in Fig. 4.38 shows that the probability of the error propagation
strongly depends on the design of the signals, distances, dimensioning and envi-
ronmental influence factors. Whether corrosion leads to failure dependability on the
various influencing factors and the fact that high currents could also clean contacts,
consequently it could prevent corrosion at contacts, but man should not rely on it
always. Corrosion can also lead to extensive contact resistance and thus to a
temperature increase or even to a fire in the control unit. Whether low current,
which operates the windshield wipers, can actually control a throttle valve or maybe
prevent its closing is questionable but generally such effects cannot be excluded, if
not EMC requirements is fulfilled for all elements within a vehicle. The example
(see Fig. 4.38) also shows that depending on the position of the observer, the
respective levels of the failure classes can be described differently. As a reference
point we can always use the specification, since in context of its verification the aim
is to show that the own specification is correct, meaning all observed, measurable or
calculable requirements are implemented correctly at the product boundary level.
Through negative tests (for example injection of faults) correct behavior can be
tested in a failure situation or a stress test can test the design limitations or its
128 4 System Engineering for Development …
Failure of the vehicle, Car takes acceleration to not Throttle is driven intermittently
vehicle failure always. or with insufficient signal level Random
HW error
Fig. 4.38 Examples of an error propagation through multiple levels (Source Inspired by ISO
26262, part 10)
robustness. This means if mathematical proof can be provided that the signal to
noise ratio for the windshield wiper control meets the EMC requirements and
therefore no unauthorized interference occurs in the neighbor signals or electric
devices. The examples in the error propagation in Fig. 4.38 won’t be seen as real
cases since the calculations are based on wring assumptions.
The cause of failure has a strong influence on the failure characteristic and it is
often not easy to recognize the reason. However, if it is possible to limit the cause,
further possible measures can be found, which make it possible to control the
failure. These analyses refer more to the classical Design-FMEA, which questions
whether the characteristics of the analyzed object meets the non-functional
requirements e.g., quality. This method is used to answer questions in the
mechanical sector such as: “Is a M6 screw suitable to safeguard the construction?”
or in the electronics sector whether a 100 ohm resistor is the right choice.
FMEA is primarily used to find the right and necessary (risk based approach)
tests for the design verification.
The classical Design-FMEA focuses more on problem oriented correlations
(compare Fig. 4.39) than architecture analysis and different horizontal layer of
Often, it is based on the Japanese method “5 Why”, which says that the cause of
the failure needs to be detected after asking “why” at least five times. If we assume a
defect, then this defect doesn’t necessarily need to have a negative impact on safety.
However, such a defect could of course, depending on the perspective of the user,
lead to a limitation in the applicability. Small noises can cause a car buyer to
withdraw from the purchase. Furthermore, permanent failure can lead to a different
error pattern than sporadically occurring errors or drifts, which can cause a critical
failure behavior through a certain transient. The nature of the cause of failure can go
4.4 System Analyses 129
Error Cause
Nature Initial phase
human error Within outside Development Production Use phase
Failure Effect
Failure Cause
Avoid fault, errors (Fault)
(by design)
Fig. 4.41 Dependability and security models (Source Deep Medhi [3])
reduced. Avoiding or reducing the failure probability happens through the suffi-
ciently robust design and the avoidance or reduction of error propagation through
the architecture. For the error propagation we distinguish between the error prop-
agation on one level into the higher abstraction levels, for example from the
components through the system to the safety or security goal or the error propa-
gation within a horizontal level (Figs. 4.41 and 4.42). The error propagation
principles is not only applicable to typical dependability issues like safety and
reliability it could also applied for security by using the approach as shown in
Fig. 4.42.
The error propagation within a horizontal level can affect the following relations:
• from one element to another element (for example between transmitter and
• from one input to another output (if an input of a transistor is wrong also relating
outputs could be wrong, even in case of correct processing),
• through incorrect data entry of configuration data or operation modes incorrect
output values can occur despite correct processing.
4.4 System Analyses 131
CE, - No
- Wrong
Input Output
- No CO
- Wrong - No
- Wrong
internal relationship
CIR - No
- Wrong
Input Output
Input Output CI
- No CO
- No CO - No
CI - Wrong
- Wrong - No
- Wrong
- Wrong
internal relationship
internal relationship
CIR - No
CIR - No
- Wrong
- Wrong
Considering the horizontal levels and different perspectives we can also speak of an
error propagation in the horizontal levels (see Fig. 4.42) and of an error propagation
132 4 System Engineering for Development …
upwards to the safety goal. Through the inheritance of requirements and the hori-
zontal structure, natural systematic failures are also propagated downwards (for
example from the system to the component). This is primarily accompanied by a
functional analysis and leads in context of the failure analysis relatively quick to an
infinite complexity. Overheating and the consequences in a microcontroller are not
possible to forecast, it is just a probabilistic distribution. In many safety standards
the horizontal propagation of errors are related to safety integrity measures, which
are also considered as safety barriers.
The possible error propagation in the horizontal level can also only be limited
conditionally, since each systematic failure at the specification can for example be a
potential source of error. In order to achieve something like more
error-safeguarding appropriate barriers are needed in the horizontal levels, which
can prevent further error propagation. IEC 61508 proposed in its first edition not to
mix safety-related and non-safety-related software or software of different integrity
levels in one microcontroller.
Other safety standards require that even separate control units are used, since
especially the environmental conditions can also influence the electronic functions
and with separate control units it can be assumed that the functions in different
control units are not dangerously influenced by environmental influences at the
same time in the same way. It is mainly if fail-operational or fault-tolerant functions
are to be considered, but also extensive heat or EMC could lead by common mode
effects to unexpected behavior even if safety mechanisms are correctly
ISO 26262 allows different ASIL for software in one microcontroller, and also
having legacy software, software which have not been developed according a
safety-standard or software from foreign sources in a sufficient separated environ-
ment. But except, to perform an adequate “Analysis of dependent failure” the
standards provide no guidance. How to design fault-tolerant or even fail-operational
architectures and designs and how to deal with such horizontal barriers are not
considered in ISO 26262.
Therefore, the question is how to make sure, for example, that the software in a
microcontroller does not get negatively influenced by the surrounding hardware or
the functions, which need to be added in later design phases? In order to reach
sufficient safety all the way to the highest safety integrity levels, it is common
practice nowadays to integrate redundant controller-core in lockstep mode. Even if
the redundant electronic components are used also in power supplies, overall on
printed circuit boards and in common wiring harnesses, this independency can be
reasoned through a sufficiently robust design. However, if we are looking at a
highly available safety requirement, the requirement for an independent energy
supply, which ensures that in the case of malfunctions can still be implemented, is
inevitable. Through the analysis of dependent failure (especially the common cause
and common mode analysis) it is possible to point out on the hardware side that the
chosen components are sufficiently robust in the specified environment so that the
hardware has no negative influence on the redundantly implemented safety func-
tions. This means that all single faults, which through the environment can
4.4 System Analyses 133
negatively influence the correct function, are designed so fault-tolerant that this
influence can be ruled out. If it is possible to rule out certain failure through a
sufficiently robust design of the system to the requirements, which arise for the
environment and the design limitations, only the error propagation will be relevant
through the functions within the horizontal level. (Example: A sensor delivers the
wrong value at the input and therefore the microcontroller calculates correctly an
incorrect value at the output).
For functional recursions, such as for example close-loop-control, this analysis
can already lead to a random complexity.
A close-loop-controller could be considered by standard functional elements (see
Fig. 4.43). The control feedback could be influenced by any of the elements of the
entire close-loop-controller. The correct function of the controller cannot be mon-
itored by a comparison of the input and output conditions. Errors at and between the
input and output, at the permitted configurations as well as the defined environment,
can lead to errors in the reference variable, the control deviation, the manipulated
variable, the disturbance variables, the control variable and the feedback and
consequently to failure of the close-loop-controller (Fig. 4.44).
Return feedback
Fig. 4.44 Failure possibilities in a typical control system with return feedback e.g. close loop
134 4 System Engineering for Development …
Open valve
Open valve
I Fs
Read back current NC
P dP
For a safe close-loop-controller there are more than just one requirement or more
than one permitted operation mode, input condition, possible erroneous environ-
mental influence factor, in many cases it is an array of modes and possible
parameter. Safeguarding by a monitoring or by functional redundancy lead to the
same complexity or heterogeneous implementation, than the close-loop-control
itself. If the monitoring or the functional redundancy based on the same principles
the same systematic errors lead to dependent failure and consequently the
systematic-errors could not be controlled and consequently not avoided.
At the current read back of a valve current (see Fig. 4.45) stuck-at effects can
already lead to higher complexity in the analysis. If the current to the valve is seen
digitally, we will see whether the current, which is provided, is sufficient in order to
open the valve. In this case we need to look at the physical environment of the valve
and the corresponding spring force, which plays a role as counterforce for the
electric design of the coil. Typical ageing effects, such as decreasing spring force,
pressure or temperature dependent influences or sluggishness through the build-up
of dirt can be compensated through sufficient tolerance limits. However, valve
controls are often realized in a way that after the high current to move the valve a
reduced current level are switched, that is sufficient to keep the valve open, but
normally is insufficient to overcome the inertial torque for opening the valve. This
has benefits for the energy or heat design of the valve and the control electronic and
faster opening times can be possibly achieved. This could be relevant if the valves
should open very fast, but also if the valve has to operate against a back-pressure,
which lead to a high inertial force for the valve. The challenge is that there is no
current fixed threshold for the set point, current temperature, aging effects or dirt at
all involved parts could change the driving current for safe opening of the valve.
The opening impulse has to be so high and so long that the valve opens safely.
4.4 System Analyses 135
Often we can see at the current or voltage profile (through the induction effect at the
moving of the valve piston through the magnetic field of the coils) whether the
valve opened. Then we can switch to the smaller holding current. However, the
activation current can also be so high that currents are induced, which are too high
and thus cable shielding, EMC safety measurements or other signal carrying ele-
ments are negatively influenced. If the valve for example closes undetected through
vibrations the holding current still indicates an open valve, that the valve had been
closed due to unexpected intensive vibration could not be detected. Furthermore,
the question is whether a read back of the current can happen so quickly that the
resolution of the input filter at an ADC of a microcontroller even permits such
controlling strategy. With an analysis at an upper level of abstraction the entire
failure analysis cannot be performed, since all these detail dependencies have to
first be transparent in realization; all parts and their tolerances and the real aging
effects in the real environment could be considered. If higher current-read-back or
voltage monitoring provides a unique criterion could only conferment if the design
verification is completed.
If such close-loop-controller or monitoring are implemented in a microcon-
troller, all internal failure of the microcontroller could lead to similar error impacts.
Especially the memory effects, which can lead to a signal bouncing or to be stuck-at
in certain conditions, are only analyzable at a very detailed level.
An alternative would be that these possible failures within the horizontal level
are already intercepted in the level above so that in the case of failure, error
propagations upwards to the safety goal could be avoided.
This can lead to a higher fault tolerance design, since entire error chains (errors
in signal chains), which are implemented by means of higher level monitoring,
could minor signal drifts or other short-time effects could compensated in the lower
level signal chain itself (drifts too high in the coil could due to higher current
compensated by inverse heat effects etc.). The higher level safety mechanism
monitors only the resulting effect and only if the control-loop could not compensate
itself, the monitoring should degrade the system.
Self-compensating control-loops in the lower (implementation) level provides
stabile control conditions, so that higher level monitoring only detects a critical
error degradation that could lead to violation of safety goals. In case of a
well-design control loop it means only if the self-compensation mechanism fails
itself. The specification for such monitoring further depends on the safety goals and
the possible error modes, which can occur in the lower levels.
Error propagation in the verticals is often seen from the lower level in an upper
level. However, systematic errors, for example from the determination of the safety
goals, the differentiation of safety requirements to the components and electronic
components or software units, are also errors, which can spread vertically.
Specification errors are systematic errors, if a higher level safety requirement is
wrong and a lower level safety requirement derives from a wrong higher level
safety requirement, also vertical error propagation have to be considered. Without a
verification of requirements through all level of abstraction down to the realization
and sometimes down to production, errors could remain undetected until the
136 4 System Engineering for Development …
integration tests in the descending branch of the v-cycle. If the integration tests
systematically derives from the requirements in the descending branch of the
V-cycle, than only intensive validations could detect the systematic errors.
differentiation between the error or fault classification after single faults, multiple
faults and safe faults. Single faults will be easily identifiable in the Design-FMEA
because in this case error propagations could be identified into higher abstraction
levels up to the safety goal. If a fault mode has the potential to propagate direct to a
failure which could violate a safety goal, we call it a ‘single-point fault’. If a safety
mechanism for this single-point fault exists, depending on the coverage of the fault
mode the uncontrolled average called a ‘residual fault’. If the fault leads to a safe
failure or if a safe state could be achieved for a fault, without the potential to violate
a safety goal, the fault can be identified as “safe fault”. If there are no functional
dependencies to safety relevant functions for a fault or an effect, which leads to the
violation of a safety goals even in combination with other possible errors, such
faults can be classified as non-safety relevant faults, unless the analysis of the
dependent faults indicates again certain influences. For the multiple faults the norm
points out further classifications such as the perception of the driver, those could
also be technically detectable or latent, which means they could only violate safety
goals if other malfunctions are present. A generic failure combination for
multi-point-faults is already given. If a fault occurs in the function, even if it is a
single fault, which could violate a safety goal and at the same time an implemented
safety mechanism which has the task to control the fault could also have mal-
functions, we have to consider already such failure combination, already as
multiple-point-faults. Multiple-point-faults, which occur through the way of the
realization, are often only identifiable by tests or simulations. Therefore, it is true
that a fault tree analysis as a deductive analysis is a way to illustrate multiple-faults
in their dependencies but in the context of a mere top down analysis failure
combinations can only be derived by analysis functional dependencies also in case
of faults or errors. Due to the rapid increasing number of possible failure combi-
nations, only simulation could give answers to the possible or relevant failure
combinations which lead to multiple-point-failure. Especially dependencies from
systematic failure among themselves or systematic failure in combination with
random hardware failure can only be derived through simulation and experience or
by logical dependencies. Failure simulations, prototype tests with fault-injections
and so on are possible “measures during the development” in the context of
For the Product-FMEA according to the VDA-standard only different type of
measures are distinguished, such as measure during development or during cus-
tomer operation. Typical Design-FMEAs and specially the term System-FMEAs
are not directly addressed. Due to the scope the Product-FMEA could be applied on
vehicle, system, component, and in case of e.g. semi-conductors on sub-component
(or part) level. How the structure and how the scope of an FMEA could be tailored
based mainly on the complexity and on the product boundary (Fig. 4.46).
In the classical table based Form-Sheet-FMEA, it could be recognized, that we
not performing a pure inductive or bottom-up analysis. We basic principle is to
evaluate on a given function certain failure and in the following steps to identify
failure causes and failure effects.
138 4 System Engineering for Development …
Fig. 4.46 Classical FMEA method (Source VDA FMEA 1996 [4])
Fig. 4.47 FMEA for multiple system levels for control of multiple-point faults. (Translated
Source: Marcus Abele [2], Modeling and assessment of highly reliable energy and vehicle electric
system architecture for safety relevant consumers in vehicles, 2008)
System level
Component level
F1 F2 F3 F4
Implementation level
Function Group
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
B1 B4
B2 B6
B3 B5
R2 B5
T2 B6
up down
E1 En
1oo2 1oo1 +
Therefore we have the possibility to use the block diagrams for the functional
dependency analysis. The dependencies through the technical realization are again
to be considered by deductive analysis.
The analysis of the failure types is very essential (error or failure modes, possible
error behavior of characteristics of elements etc.). ISO 26262 mentions indications in
the correlating appendices of parts 5 (attachment D) and 6 (attachment D) for the
safety mechanisms, which need to be implemented. For a deductive analysis we can
only determine the possible failure modes from the function, the characteristics of the
function (parameter) as well as their relation to the environment. Error modes like no
function, an incorrect function; a function too low or too high or drifts can be evaluated
in the context of their Diagnostic Coverage for electronic parts (DC). Furthermore,
sporadic (intermittent or transient) failure, oscillations or other dynamic failure are
derived from the specified intended functions and their characteristics. How and in
what way these errors propagate, depends on environmental conditions. Thus, in a
144 4 System Engineering for Development …
cold environment a failure can have a different impact than in a hot environment, for
example when electric components are used at their specification limits. Therefore, a
robust design is required in ISO 26262 or in other safety norms a so-called ‘derating’
(distance to the maximum or nominal design of electric components).
At least during the verification of the technical safety concept the result of the
inductive and deductive analysis need to be merged. Which technical failures
propagate further upwards to the safety goals in what way, how likely, and with
which intensity, is then shown in the overall safety assessment, when all verifica-
tion, integration and validation results are available.
However, the deductive analysis does not start at the point at which ISO 26262
first required it but already in the requirement analysis. Each Chap. 6 of the parts 4,
5 and 6 requires a verification of the requirements. Additionally, part 8 of Chap. 6
requires that the safety requirements are specified in natural language and in formal
or semi-formal notations. Whereas according to the glossary of ISO 26262 the
formal notation is a syntactically and semantically complete notation and the
semi-formal notation is only a syntactically complete notation.
Semantic typically deals with the relations between signs and their meaning and
the correlated statement; syntax defines the rules. Similar to a language, we can
build sentences with the amount of provided symbols (words). The rules for the
building of valid sentences from these symbols (=“grammar rules”) define the rules
for the syntax. If for example we allocate a value to a variable or we use an
inductive loop we need to respect the “grammar rules”.
A wrong syntax leads to error messages for example during compiling of soft-
ware. The meaning of valid sentences of a programming language is called semantic.
It is all about the question what sign sequences cause in a computer: “2 + 4=7” is in
the language of math syntactically correct but semantically incorrect. As a result the
semi-formal method could provide despite the correct description wrong content
results. At the first glance it is not clear why the formal notation isn’t the preferred
method. If a formal method is called upon a wrong context, it will provide wrong
results for the wrong context also semantically and syntactically complete.
Therefore, ISO 26262 mentions the semi-formal notation only as a possibility next to
the natural language to formulate requirements. The sufficient completeness and
correctness is determined by verification according to ISO 26262.
If we use the semi-formal notation to describe requirements, it is useful to also
use this for the same basis of the model description. Because ISO 26262 requires a
verification after each step, systematic failure could be avoided and the consistency
of the work steps and therefore also the work results would be supported. Since the
model is also used as test reference according to ISO 26262, the model matures
alongside the development process, if the product model continuously validated
versus the increasing maturity of the development samples or prototypes. A model
is often based on logical elements or function groups. They describe the structure,
functional correlations of the elements or their technical behavior accordingly.
Therefore, the architecture, the safety analysis and the model should widely have a
common basis or refereeing to the safety relevant characteristics at least, they
should be consistent.
4.4 System Analyses 145
There are two chapters in ISO 26262, Part 5, which cover the topic quantified safety
analyses. The main referenced based on reliability analysis and failure rates for
electrical parts, which addresses only random hardware faults. Therefore, the
interpretation of the bathtub curve, the sufficient trust, or confidence in the used data
and the significance of the determined results are always a question of how the
analyses have been performed with which aim. Both metrics of ISO 26262 have
different objectives. Part 5, Chap. 8 describes the following objective:
ISO 26262, Part 5, clause 8:
8.1 Objectives
8.1.1 The objective of this clause is to evaluate the hardware architecture of
the item against the requirements for fault handling as represented by the
hardware architectural metrics.
8.2 General
8.2.1 This clause describes two hardware architectural metrics for the
evaluation of the effectiveness of the architecture of the item to cope with
random hardware failures.
8.2.2 These metrics and associated target values apply to the whole hardware
of the item and are complementary to the evaluation of safety goal violations
due to random hardware failures described in Clause 9.
8.2.3 The random hardware failures addressed by these metrics are limited to
some of the item’s safety-related electrical and electronic hardware parts,
namely those that can significantly contribute to the violation or the
achievement of the safety goal, and to the single-point, residual and latent
faults of those parts. For electromechanical hardware parts, only the elec-
trical failure modes and failure rates are considered.
146 4 System Engineering for Development …
which is again a whole vehicle system. Here is the focus not on the archi-
tecture of the system; the focus is more on a rational of the residual risk
related to each safety goal.
The general requirement that derive from the objective addresses mainly the 2
possible methods to fulfil the requirements from clause 9.
Also these two methods are based on random hardware failure; they are defined
in the Annex C of Part 5.
ISO 26262, part 5, appendix C:
ISO 26262 presents in part 5, appendix C, Figs. C.2 and C.3, these correlations as
pie chart (see Fig. 4.56) as well as mathematical formulas. The metrics are mentioned
first in part 4 of ISO 26262 in Chap. 6 under the heading ‘Avoidance of Latent
Failure’ (part 4, 6.4.4). In this context the requirement demands the quan-
titative budgets for the top failure metrics. This demand is widely repeated in the
requirement The requirement describes in such detail that for both
metrics in part 5, Chap. 8 (Architecture Metrics) and part 9 (Top Failure Metrics),
target values for the failure rates and diagnosis coverage should be specified.
Chapter 7, part 4 addresses the system design, the technical safety concept and
their verification, which should be derived from the functional and technical safety
requirements. Therefore, in requirement the inductive (for all ASILs) and
deductive (for the higher ASILs) safety analysis is required. In this context of
product development on system level it is primarily a matter of the analysis of
systematic failure. In one indication (note 1) it says that a quantitative analysis can
support the results.
Consequently, no quantification is required in part 4, in order to analyze the
system design. Only the planning of the targets for the metrics is required.
Especially if we have to consider that “dependent failure” could be seriously impact
148 4 System Engineering for Development …
Fig. 4.56 Pie charts (Baumkuchen-Diagram) for the failure classification (Source ISO 26262,
Annex C)
the correct functioning of the system, and leading to failure which could violate
safety goals. In this context we detect for functional failures based on common
causes or failure cascades that the essential resulting weaknesses in the design and
in the realization. The challenge is to structure the failure analysis also in a way that
the different dependencies of the components and the system environment can be
considered or excluded; we have to define constraints and criterion for “sufficient
independence” or “sufficient freedom from interference”. In this case we will have
no option but to actively define and specify separations mechanisms for the system
architecture. This applies not only for the software, for example for the planning of
a partitioning; there are also plenty of dependencies in the hardware, which cannot
be considered in their full impact. For electronic hardware geometric distances,
insolation etc. for parts, wiring, and harness and layout rules for the printed circuit
board could be considered as solutions.
IEC 61508 published several models for the quantification of the dependency
factor (Beta factor). However, it could not be included in ISO 26262, since it
questioned the general validity of such quantification. The question is how to safely
ensure a sufficient partitioning of the dependency especially of the functions and the
signal line for the hardware, how could possible impacts be quantified? For the
quantification according to ISO 26262 the single faults and the credible and
4.4 System Analyses 149
where kx is the sum of kx of the safety-related hardware
safety related HW elements
elements of the item to be considered for the metrics (Elements whose failures
do not have the potential to contribute significantly to the violation of the
safety goal are excluded from the calculations).
150 4 System Engineering for Development …
The failure rate assigned to residual faults can be determined using the
diagnostic coverage of safety mechanisms that avoid single-point faults of the
hardware element. The following equation gives a conservative estimation of
the failure rate associated with the residual faults:
where safetyrelated HW elements kx is the sum of kx of the safety-related hard-
ware elements of the item to be considered for the metrics (Elements whose
failures will not have the potential to contribute significantly to the violation
of the safety goal are excluded from the calculations).
4.4 System Analyses 151
The failure rate assigned to latent faults can be determined using the diag-
nostic coverage of safety mechanisms that avoid latent faults of the hardware
element. The following equation gives a conservative estimation of the failure
rate associated with latent faults:
NOTE 2 For this purpose, Annex D can be used as a starting point for
diagnostic coverage (DC) with the claimed DC supported by a proper
NOTE 3 If the above estimations are considered too conservative, then a
detailed analysis of the failure modes of the hardware element can classify
each failure mode into one of the fault classes (single-point faults, residual
faults, latent, detected or perceived multiple-point faults or safe faults) with
respect to the specified safety goal and determine the failure rates apportioned
to the failure modes. Annex B describes a flow diagram that can be used to
make the fault classification.
These architecture metrics are based on reliability data of elements and bring
them in relation to the implemented control mechanism, which are the implemented
safety mechanism. Random hardware failures of the electronic components are used
as a basis for the data.
In general the architectural metrics could be considered as a process metric. The
following activities are necessary to fulfill the metric requirements:
• Identification of all elements or electrical parts involved in the safety-related
function (identification of non safety-relevant elements also called don’t care
elements or parts in other standards).
• Identification of the safety-related signal chain (Safety-related information or
data flow e.g. to the microcontroller (Logic Solver) and the actuator and vis
• Identification of elements or parts which are relevant for the functions related to
the specific safety goals.
• Identification within the boundary analyzed before all “safe” elements or parts,
that mean, elements that could fail however, could not violate safety goals even
in combination at least in second order (Multiple-Point-Faults).
152 4 System Engineering for Development …
• For all residual elements or parts, which have somehow the potential to violate
given safety goals, it should be identified, if their fault-modes could propagate
direct to a safety goal violation, than these fault-modes have to be considered as
single-point faults, if only indirect or by order higher than 2 they are
multiple-point fault.
• Identification of already implemented redundancies or monitoring, which could
be considered as a safety mechanism.
• Identification or evaluation of all required safety mechanism and their effec-
tiveness by using tables in Part 5, Annex D or by other methods like
Monte-Carlo-Simulations etc.
• Optimizations, unless the targets for the metrics are fulfilled.
• Specification of all implemented (or to be implemented) safety mechanism
based on the analysis.
• Development of a test concept to show sufficient effectiveness of all safety
Through the quantification the failure probabilities and the effectiveness of each
safety mechanisms become comparable and an assessable. It is not clearly stated in
ISO 26262 at which level the lower limits for the assessment need to be set or the
process chains should run. An element is referenced for the metrics, which means it
is not general necessary to trace down on electrical part level. Since ASIL B is in
brackets, a higher element level could be considered, such as functional blocks and
the main arguments for the metrics derived from the architecture and safety
mechanism like current read-back from the actuator etc. The basis data can be used
from known table out of data manuals like reliability hand-books etc., field data or
by expert judgment. However, in Chap. 8 we do not find a reference to part 5,
appendix F, since the precise quantification would not be expedient in this case.
The focus for the data evaluation for the architectural metrics is defined as
occur is for the single-point fault metric for which compliance can be
achieved by considering the failure rates for failures of wires/fuses/
connectors, while disregarding the failure rates of hardware parts with
significantly lower failure rates). The prescription of appropriate metric
target values for each kind of hardware helps to avoid this side effect.
NOTE 2 The transient faults are considered when shown to be relevant due,
for instance, to the technology used. They can be addressed either by spec-
ifying and verifying a dedicated target “single-point fault metric” value to
them (as explained in NOTE 1) or by a qualitative rationale based on the
verification of the effectiveness of the internal safety mechanisms imple-
mented to cover these transient faults.
NOTE 3 If the target is not met, the rationale for how the safety goal is
achieved will be assessed as given in 4.1.
NOTE 4 Some or all of the applicable safety goals can be considered together
for the determination of the single-point fault metric; but in this case the
metric’s target to be considered is that of the safety goal with the highest
Note 1 provides the target for the data on consistency rather than precision of the
quantified data.
The most important result of a quantified analysis is more the average and related
fault-modes which is “undetected” rather than looking at the result of the metric
calculation and the result themselves. Therefore, a distribution of the failure modes
of the electronic components in detail is not even that important. This is why it
makes no sense to really use other failure distributions for the architecture metrics
than those Alexandre Birolini published in his book. For a failure average of an
electronic component of less than 10 % an assessor will possibly become skeptical
and could check, which influence a higher value could have on the result. Of
course, for example short-circuit-proof capacitors exist, but in this case we could
also bring credible arguments. The effectiveness of the safety mechanism based on
analogies to tables in part 5, appendix D. Diagnosis coverage (DC) significant less
than 90 % will not be questions at all, because if there is any safety mechanism at
least half of the fault-mode (50 %) could be always covered. But if a safety
mechanism could cover within the entire specification space all the fault-modes
with 99 % or even more, could not be easily shown. It is useful to verify the
effectiveness of all diagnoses (DCs) by appropriate fault-injection tests.
The target value for the architecture assessment could also be derived from a
comparable design. However, it is questionable, if all information are available
from the comparable design, and if the relevant environment and all the relevant
functions, and technical impacts are really the same. Even the additional overhead
154 4 System Engineering for Development …
needed to prove that these 2 designs and architectures are really the same or
sufficient equivalent, could mean an enormous effort.
ISO 26262 only recommends the architecture metrics for ASIL B and requires
the latent failure metric only for ASIL D functions. If the quantitative approach
from IEC 61508, often called FMEDA(forms mainly in MS-Excel and based on
part-count method with the fault-distribution as described by Alexandre Birolini,
see also ISO 26262, Part 5, Annex E), is recommended or a more deductive
approach should be applied could depend on the application. A deductive approach
could provide also insights related to systematic faults and non-functional failure,
by a pure part-could approach, this could be questioned.
Normatively are only the fulfillment of requirements and the normative results of
the metrics required. In order to support a verification of the electronic design an
inductive quantitative analysis, which considers the error propagation to the safety
goal would be recommended, but would it be the target of the architectural metrics
or more for the metrics required in Part 5, clause 9 of ISO 262626? The causes of
failure can be determined deductively at the electronic components in a functional
electronic group; such groups could be considered as electronic elements. Through
the qualitative failure propagation of the relevant failures to the highest malfunc-
tions (malfunctions that could violate safety goals), quantifications could be
assessed and classified through a calculations or a Monte-Carlo simulation.
Consequently, it would not be considered a pure inductive or deductive analysis. It
could be a deductive analysis from functional error modes of electronic or func-
tional groups up to safety goals, and for the critical elements an inductive analysis
related to all faults modes of relevant hardware parts. This has the advantage that in
the consideration also the functional electronic groups are tested according to their
sufficient robust design for example accompanied by a Design-FMEA and therefore
the stress factors (e.g. pi factors) for the failure rates are could be tested as part of
the design verification process, so that the requirements from part 5, Chap. 7 are
widely fulfilled. Without a sufficiently robust design, which is required in Chap. 7,
safety architecture also isn’t sufficiently robust itself. Furthermore, there are
advantages to see that the tables in appendix D and the suggestions for the quan-
tifications of the diagnosis coverage also cover systematic errors in the electronic
components and their environment.
If a resistor is safe-guarded against open circuits, the printed circuit board, the
junctions and the solder joint of the resistor are also safeguarded against possible
open circuits. Especially safety mechanisms, which work at higher levels, for
example on system level, could control also systematic faults in entire signal chains
(e.g. from sensor to the software interface in a microcontroller. Safety mechanism
on higher system level could lead also to higher availability and/or better failure
tolerance. Such an implemented safety mechanism could only react to on critical
failure behavior of electronic components any non-critical error could be tolerated
or the threshold of the diagnosis could be adjusted exactly to the critical level.
If an ASIL A (ASIL A(D)) function is part of an ASIL-Decomposition of
ASIL D function, the signal chain also for the implementation in ASIL A have to be
quantified. If all possible failures of an ASIL B function have a safety mechanism
4.4 System Analyses 155
with diagnosis coverages higher than 90 %, it can also be argued that through the
percentage of safe failure the target goals of more than 90 % can also be achieved
without a quantification of the detailed fault modes of the hardware parts. Often also
the architecture metrics are used as an abort criterion, since part 4 requires con-
sidering corresponding safety mechanisms for all possible systematic failures. In
case of using current or voltage read-back for safety-relevant actuator functions and
functional redundancy for sensing of safety-relevant effects, to prevent systematic
failure, also the random hardware faults are sufficiently covered at least by a SPFM
of better than 90 %, which is sufficient for ASIL B.
If safety mechanisms against all possible systematic failures would be imple-
mented at the system level, all random failures in the E/E hardware are also cov-
ered. By adequate verifications and integration according ISO 26262 any further
design error in the components could be identified.
Main analysis for the architectural metrics is to make the safety relevant signal
chains transparent and add adequate safety mechanism in case of weaknesses.
Inspired by Robert Lusser, the signal chains are a chain of elements and the weakest
parts should be enforced by means of safety mechanism. A typical safety mecha-
nism consist of a part that can detect, malfunctions such as fault, errors or failure
and a part that could control the malfunctions. It should be able to degrade the
system to a safe state or switch to dissimilar redundant functions, which are
identified as error free during runtime. Therefore, the entire signal chains and its
elements (chain links) need to be identified. The quantification after Erich
Pieruschka is primarily used to make the strengths of the chain links comparable.
What is important: The safety relevant function is first subject of the analysis. The
correct functioning of the safety relevant function has to be assured. If this is
provided by adequate measures such as implemented safety mechanism and control
measures, this forms architecture to safety architecture.
The quality of the detection and the level of control of fault or error modes are
quantified as diagnosis coverage (DC). With help of this quantification the entire
safety architecture could be quantified so that the degree of safety, effectiveness
related to safety becomes comparable, measurable and assessable.
The identified weak chain links of the safety architecture are then the essential
input for top failure metrics. The weak links now need to be assessed based on the
realized design, which should be task of the following metric.
ISO 26262 describes two alternative methods to assess the influence of failures in
the design or realization in relation to the safety goals. The first method considers a
quantitative evaluation of the probability that random hardware faults violate a
specific safety goal. Alternatively it is assumed that in a safe design and its correct
realization, about one hundred single-point or residual faults could be identified,
156 4 System Engineering for Development …
which have the potential to violate a specific safety goal. This is why per
single-point, residual or possible failure combination 1 % of the target values is
determined for each single or remaining fault in the safety-relevant system. This is
an interesting approach for a component development, for which the system inte-
gration is unknown. It generally leads to very conservative analyses. If the cutsets at
the higher system levels are analyzed in more detail, the errors propagate with far
less probability to the safety goal. However, the method could be an interesting
approach, since the metric requires also a very reliable system. This method banks
on the fact that the occurrence of faults can be avoided or its probability drastically
The top failure metrics officially called PMHF (Probabilistic Metric for random
Hardware Failures) in ISO 26262. It represents a comparable metric such as PFH
(Probabilistic Failure per Hour) of IEC 61508. The top failure metrics of ISO 26262
focuses on failure probabilities, with which a safety goal could be violated, whereas
PFH according to IEC 61508 is all about the probability of a danger through the
system. Both target values of the metrics are specified in failure per hour (failure in
time, FIT = 10E−9 h). Also in this case we assume an exponential distribution of
the basis failure rate. The key difference between PFH and PMHF is that the PMHF
is per safety goal and PFH for a safety-related system. The PFH considers mainly
the probability that the system reaches in case of failure a de-energized safe state.
According to ISO 26262 there are three different alternatives for the quantitative
ISO 26262, Part 5, Clause This requirement applies to ASIL (B), C, and D of the safety goal.
Quantitative target values for the maximum probability of the violation of
each safety goal due to random hardware failures as required in ISO 26262-
4:—, shall be defined using one of the sources (a), (b) or (c) of
reference target values as outlined below.
NOTE 1 These quantitative target values derived from sources (a), (b), or
(c) do not have any absolute significance and are only useful to compare a
new design with existing ones. They are intended to make available design
guidance as de-scribed in 9.1 and to make available evidence that the design
complies with the safety goals.
a) Derived from Table 6, or
b) Derived from field data from similar well-trusted design principles, or
c) Derived from quantitative analysis techniques applied to similar well-
trusted design principles using failure rates in accordance with 8.4.3.
NOTE 2 Two similar designs have similar functionalities and similar safety
goals with the same assigned ASIL.
4.4 System Analyses 157
Since ISO 26262 is still new in the automotive industry, it will currently be
difficult to get the derivation of the target value from field data or statistical cal-
culation methods. ASIL C and D systems haven’t been around and unchanged for
long with the same operating conditions. It would be very ambitious to come up
with any statistical hypothesis to the quantification without such a field experience.
This is why in practice often only the Table 6 is considered (Fig. 4.57).
Since this metric follows in the standard one clause later than the architecture
metrics, the focus is more on the realized design and not on the architecture. This is
why it is questionable whether the same values for the random hardware failures as
for the architecture metrics can be used. If the EE hardware of an ITEM really has
100 minimal cutsets or one hundred single-point or residual faults, controlled single
faults (remaining fault percentage) or credible error combinations with an order
higher than 2, it will be very hard work for the design to prove it. The identification
of all safety-relevant first-order cutsets at least is formally given by the architecture
metrics and the analysis of the dependent failures. Quantification is often difficult,
since the realization for example relies for all environmental impact on the
robustness of the design, rather than on random hardware faults. Systematic errors
in semiconductors, electromagnetic immunity (EMI) or their electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) heat dependent errors could also lead to violation of safety
goals, but the quantification and their relation to random hardware errors are not
quantifiable, since the relation depends on to many factors. In many cases only
sufficient robustness, conservative design and expert judgement e.g. by analogies to
similar cases could provide safety arguments. Complementary statistical stress tests
lead only to results, if the number of influencing stresses is limited.
The second alternative method considers being very conservative, but it does not
support to identify impacts of systematic errors on the error propagation. Therefor
the method could not provide further safety arguments. Some of the safety-relevant
failure could be identified by the Analysis of Dependent Failure, but the analysis
and the metric don´t any systematic approach about the probability of error prop-
agation and possible or probable potential to violate safety goals. System with
multiple safety goals, for which the error propagation to the safety goal is already
very heterogeneous, due to overlapping of failure modes between safety goals such
structure lead even to more combinations so that only qualitative arguments could
be provided.
Fig. 4.57 Target values for top failure metrics (Source ISO 26262 part 5, Table 6)
158 4 System Engineering for Development …
The minimal cutsets for systems are not only on E-hardware level, they are more
on system level. The probability of the error propagation on system level is rather
determined by the systematic error influences than the quantitative probability of
the occurrence of random hardware failure. This analysis is often also called sen-
sitivity analysis or importance analysis (Fussell-Vesely importance, Birnbaum
importance etc.). Through the analysis and definition of the relative influence of
individual basis events at the default probability of a top event, quantification is also
possible. Whether the result of such an analysis of the importance is actually
represented in the form of a tree or more clearly arranged in form of spreadsheets,
should result from the concrete analysis. In this analysis we don’t determine the
position in the hierarchy, which should already be considered through the archi-
tecture metrics. Furthermore, in Chap. 9 we no longer discuss whether we analyze
inductively or deductively. At this point the focus lies on the assessment of the cuts
in the system. Caution should be exercised in this context for the failure combi-
nations of systematic and random hardware failure. Especially design related failure
such as signal cross talking; EMC or heat influences essentially change the
importance and therefore the probability to propagate to safety goals. These
influences are often very difficult to quantify. For an analysis of dependent failure
ISO 26262 doesn’t explicitly require such an analysis for the lower ASIL as well as
for the cutsets where no functional redundancies occur.
The architecture metrics are primarily used to assess the architecture. Top failure
metrics rely on the realized design—the final product. Therefore, there are essential
more in depth requirements for the accuracy of the failure rates. Their influence
factors and the relation of the results are often based on different data sources.
ISO 26262, suggests in part 5, appendix F the following recalculation for the
different data sources for the top failure rate and causes of failure:
ISO 26262, Part 5, Annex F:
Therefore, in the calculations, different failure rates sources can be used for
different hardware parts of the item. Let Ta, Tb, and Tc be the three possible
sources for the definition of the target values for the PMHF and Fa, Fb, and
Fc be the three possible sources for the estimation of a hardware part failure
rate. Let pFi!Fj be the scaling factor between sources Fi and Fj. This factor
can be used to scale a hardware part failure rate based on Fi to a failure rate
based on Fj.
kk:Fj is the failure rate for a hardware part using Fj as the source for the failure
rate; and
kk:Fi is the failure rate for the same hardware part using Fj as the source for
the failure rate.
4.4 System Analyses 159
In this case, knowing the corresponding scaling factor enables the scaling of a
similar hardware part failure rate based on Fi to a failure rate based on Fj:
The following chart provides an overview and the relation of the different Pi
ISO 26262, Part 5, Annex F:
Table F.1 shows the possible combinations of target values and failure rates
NOTE 1 The targets of Table 6 are based on calculations using handbook
data and under the assumption that handbook data are very pessimistic.
NOTE 2 If the source of data for the target and for the hardware part failure
rate are similar, then no scaling is necessary.
Table 1 Possible combinations of sources of target values and failure rates to produce
consistent failure rates for use in calculations
Data source for Target Value
Table 6 Field data Quantitative a b analysis c
Data source for Std. kk;Fa (1) kk;Fb ¼ pFa!Fb kk;Fa (2)
failure rates of Database
hardware parts 8.4.3 a
Statistics kk;Fa ¼ pFb!Fa kk;Fb kk;Fb (2)
8.4.3 b
Expert kk;Fa ¼ pFc!Fa kk;Fc kk;Fb ¼ pFc!Fb kk;Fc (2)
8.4.3 c
(1) For some types of hardware parts, different handbooks can give different estimates of the failure rate
of the same type of hardware part. Therefore the scaling factor can be used to scale the failure rates of a
hardware part using different handbooks
(2) To have a consistent approach, failure rates have the same origin as the failure rates used in the
calculation of the target value
The table considers target values on vehicle level also in relation with data for
hardware parts. Getting target value for a new function from field data would be
very questionable and as all ready discussed of comparable systems and their
quantification are really available is also very doubtful. Therefor it seems to be very
probable to use the data from Table 6. ISO 26262 provides 2 examples for the
160 4 System Engineering for Development …
khandbook is the calculated failure rates from a data handbook,
kwarranty is the calculated failure rates from warranty data and
pFb!Fa is the resulting scaling factor.
If in a new design, we use the handbook data to determine the failure rates
except for one hardware part (hardware part 1) for which we have only
warranty data, then we can determine the handbook scaled data for this
hardware part, k1;handbook ¼ pFb!Fa k1;warranty .
k1;handbook is the failure rate of the hardware part 1 using handbook data and
k1;warranty is the failure rate of the hardware part 1 using warranty data.
For instance, if k1;warranty ¼ 9 109 =h, then k1;handbook can be calculated
as 9 109 10 ¼ 9 108 =h.
Using this k1;handbook , a consistent evaluation of the violation of the safety
goal due to random hardware failures can be done.
4.4 System Analyses 161
For practical use, these examples propose for the top failure value data from
Table 6 and data from field observation could be scaled by a factor 10 with data from
handbooks. Especially for the real stress which effected the hardware parts from field
observation is not anymore traceable, as a consequence the factor 10 seems to be
sufficient conservative estimation for the data in relation to handbook data which
give guidelines how to deal with stress factors for heat, voltage, current etc.
All metrics are based on an item, which are at least a vehicle system and the
respective safety goals. How a single sensor or another components could be
quantified, which could be also integrated in many different ways, is not really
considered in ISO 26262. The question arises, what are the target values and what
are the typical stress figures for base failure rate? For the architecture metrics a
single channel system based on ASIL D components a DCSPF of 99 % has to be
achieved. Whether this value can be achieved only with measures within the
component limits or also with external measures is a difficult question.
Measures or implemented safety mechanisms cost money, resources and
development time, which are always difficult to be aware of, if it is not planned
ahead of the development of an entire system. It is even more difficult if such
components are run in ASIL decomposition. In this case there may be three parties
involved, which have to come to an agreement for the failure control, the redundant
parts and most likely a common element such as voter, comparator or similar.
Two diverse sensors and a separate electronic control unit would be an
often-realized ASIL decomposition. However, it is not all about distributing the
measures to the elements involved, but it is necessary to figure out, which measures
or safety mechanism are even necessary against which failures. In order to do so,
we would need the failure analysis of both sensor signal chains and details of the
possible failure effects at the interfaces of the elements. If the safety mechanisms
should be implemented in the electronic control unit, the specification of the failure
effects of the redundant sensor signal chain builds the foundation of those safety
mechanisms. The main safety effect based on the fact that it is unlikely that a certain
failure effect occurs simultaneously in the redundantly implemented signal chain. If
the errors in the signal chain do not occur at the same time a comparator could
detect unequal information as an output of the signal chain. To quantify and specify
such failure effects and a deterministic prognosis for example in which operating or
driving situation they occur could be challenging. Without detailed behavior of the
failure effects it cannot be evaluated whether the failure can be safely and reliably
detected by the comparator. The advantage of such an approach is that the com-
parator can be set in a way that it actually only switches off when the occurring
failure would otherwise propagate to a safety goal.
162 4 System Engineering for Development …
λ MFxx . DCxx)
SPFM: = f (λ
E1 E2 E3 =
S2 MF15
MF12 MF14 MF16
MF11 MF13
E4 E5
Fig. 4.58 Errors in redundant signal chains for a sensor inside and outside of the boundary
If an ASIL decomposition (see Fig. 4. 58) would consist of these two sensor
chains (S1 and S2) as well as the electronic control unit (ECU), all errors (MFxx,
malfunction) would need to be sufficiently controlled according to ASIL.
The architecture metrics (single-point fault metrics (SPFM) and latent failure
metric (LFM)) would result from the safety architecture and would be a mathe-
matical function of the failure rates (MFxx) and the implemented safety mecha-
nisms (DCxx).
The top failure metric (PMHF) has to be budgeted and distributed in different
ways. In this context a budget of 1 Fit per sensor is often given per safety
requirement at the sensor interface. The 1 Fit results from 10 % of the overall
proportion of an item in case of ASIL D, which is budgeted for the sensor. Often, it
is also indicated that there cannot be any single faults, which are more than 1 % of
the target values for the overall target value of the item. This would be 1 % for an
ASIL D safety goal of 10 Fit, thus 0,1 Fit. The source of these target values results
from the second alternative metrics in Chap. 9 of part 5 of ISO 26262. This can lead
to low target valued for redundancies and therefore to a very conservative quan-
tification. However, since it often occurs that within the specified application space
not all comparators are set on 99 % detection or certain failure conditions can’t
even be covered, the fit rates are still conservative even for such applications. The
quantitative analysis of ASIL-decomposition can only be performed by a system
integrator, since the effectiveness of the safety mechanisms and the error propa-
gation to the safety goal can only be analyzed and made transparent by a top view
from a higher architectural level, which at least consists of the redundant signal
chains and the comparator.
4.4 System Analyses 163
ISO 26262 defines common cause, common mode and cascading as dependent
failure. Dependent failure are defined as follow:
ISO 26262, Part 1, Clause 1.22:
PAB is the probability of the simultaneous occurrence of failure A and
failure B;
PA is the probability of the occurrence of failure A;
PB is the probability of the occurrence of failure B
NOTE 2 Dependent failures include common cause failures (1.14) and cas-
cading failures (1.13).
Common Cause
Dependent Failure
1.14 common cause failure (CCF) failure (1.39) of two or more elements
(1.32) of an item (1.69) resulting from a single specific event or root cause
NOTE Common cause failures are dependent failures (1.22) that are not
cascading failures (1.13) (see Fig. 3).
A common cause failure (CCF) causes a failure in two or more elements that can
be traced back to a cause or to a single event. A special form is the common mode
failure (CMF). This failure is often traced back to the same elements, which cause
the same failure behavior for a single event in both redundancy paths. This could
also be the case of two different elements that for example drift in the same failure
direction in case of overheating. Therefore, the redundancy would be neither
reactionless nor sufficiently independent for i.e. decomposition (Fig. 5.61).
According to ISO 26262, part 9, Chap. 7, the target of the analysis of dependent
failure (ADF) is to identify individual events or causes, which could lead to failure,
override safety mechanism or undesired safety relevant behavior-. Following the
requirements for analysis of dependent failure described in ISO 26262 would
4.4 System Analyses 165
Fig. 4.61 Illustration of a common cause failure (Source ISO 26262, part 1)
7.1.1 The analysis of dependent failures aims to identify the single events or
single causes that could bypass or invalidate a required independence or
freedom from interference between given elements and violate a safety
requirement or a safety goal.
This addresses elements in general and does not somehow restrict as in the list
directly related to the analysis of dependent failure. It could be that it asks for the
definition of internal and external interfaces of safety relevant elements in order to
avoid adverse safety relevant effects on other safety relevant elements. However,
without an analysis, this requirement cannot be met. This requirement can be found
in part 4, which addresses the system development. However, there is no limitation
for which elements this requirement should be applied. Positively seen, this
requirement refers to previous example with the capacitor and transistor, since
electronic components are also elements according to ISO 26262. On the other
hand, this would mean that all electronic components, even the smallest software
units, would need to be checked for troublesome, harming influences of other
elements. The intended function and their safety mechanism need dependencies in
case of failure of the intended function, but if the safety mechanism negatively
affects the intended function, the safety mechanism weakens the system. But this is
again a matter of design and realization, therefore a general question, why is the
analysis of dependent failure only required for ASIL C and ASIL D functions or
4.4 System Analyses 167
ISO 26262 defines the following requirements, to provide some indication, how
to identify dependent failure:
ISO 26262, Part 9, Clause 7.44:
ISO 26262 recommends in this context the query based on check lists, since
experience widely only indicates to such failures and their effects. ISO 26262 also
refers to IEC 61508, but these lists cannot be fully considered since those lists could
also not be seen as complete. A more severe issue is that such list based on
experiences. In case of different environmental conditions the different impacts
could not be evaluated and there is no requirement, what are the assumptions for
their validity.
Also ISO 26262 defines some concerns about the ability to void dependent
ISO 26262, Part 9, Clause 7.4.7:
Requirement Requirement
Function environments
Input Requirement
function14 function34
function12 function32
function16 function26
function13 function15
function12 function14
function23 function26
Fig. 4.62 Dependency in the lower abstraction levels by allocating derived functions on common
Furthermore, the dependencies are often relying on operating temperature and other
environmental noise factors, so that just a factor becomes easily a huge array of
Identification of common resources and especially dependencies due to noise
factors such as temperature or other stresses are only determine by tests based on
the final realized product. The following figure (see Fig. 4. 62) shows that if in the
lower levels, in particular for the realization, common functions, resources, energy
sources or physically close realization elements are used, no indications will be
found to that in the higher levels of the architecture. The needed information, do not
derive from the functions in higher level, so that deductive analysis approaches
would fail. This also applies for the software, which is processed in the same task,
by the same logical processing unit or core, as well as for two electronic compo-
nents, which could lead to the same failure behavior due to noises such as heat. For
example if the reference signal increases in the same way like the measured signal
due to heat, the comparison remains “true”. Therefore, such simple comparisons
will not be a useful measure in this case. For most realizations it can be excluded
that information on two different electronic components is incorrectly changed at
the same time, so that both they provide the same incorrect value. Consequently the
probability of error propagation does not based on random hardware failure, it
based more on the fact that the common case effects in the same direction at the
same time-interval. By reducing the time-interval, the probability could be lowered
(Figs. 4.63 and 4.64).
170 4 System Engineering for Development …
error-free product leads to hazardous events.
Fig. 4.63 Event tree for positive and negative effects
Single 2oo4d architecture similar to architecture from IEC 61508, Part 6 (Ed.2011)
S sensing element
S 2004d
actuating element
Double independent implemented 1oo2d architecture similar to architecture from IEC 61508, Part 6 (Ed.2011)
In the development of the functional concept according to ISO 26262 at the defi-
nition of the vehicle system (ITEM) the first analyses (see Fig. 4.65 analysis
phases) are already required, since they help to describe a risk-free intended
function. But the Item definition is the only work-product without verification.
This means that we are looking for a method for the analysis of functional and
operational safety. The normal operation condition for the standard road vehicles
and also the basic functions are well established. Also the road traffic regulations
and the considered coexistence of people with vehicles are world-wide established.
They are in small details different, but mayor cornerstones are harmonized such as
the “Vienna Convention” which defines for example, that the driver is responsible
to control his vehicle. Due to today’s discussion about “automated driving” or
4.4 System Analyses 171
Requirement phases Architecture phases Analysis phases Design phases Verification Phase Integration phases
Function goals
3-5 Architecture Interface
Requirements Design 3-8.4.4 4-9
Vehicle assumptions analysis /
assumptions, Validation System
3-7 System ETA, H&RA
limitations criteria Safety
Safety Goals Definition
5-6 5-10
5 5-8 5-7 / 8/9 5-7.4.1 / 2
EE Hardware EE HW
EE Hardware EE hardware EE Hardware EE HW 5-7.4.4
Safety Integration-
Safety architecture Safety design Verification
requirements tests
concept analysis
Fig. 4.65 Phases of safety analyses in the safety-lifecycle for product development on system and
hardware level
even “autonomous driving” also other main emphases have to be considered. ISO
26262 had excluded functional performance but how could a safety case argue to
safely brake a driving car within the defined limits? The following topics have to be
– Functional inadequacy
– Safety-in-use
Consequently fail-operational systems need to be considered.
Safety-in-use considers that the intended function since it operates or behaves
correct doesn’t lead to any harm. The classical failure analyses cannot be consid-
ered for this analysis. Therefore, we rely on the positive analyses. In this case,
particularly the behaviors of the intended functions, within its typical environment
have to be analyzed as a positive approach. Generally, in this context we would see
the classical event tree analysis (ETA). Based on deductively determined mal-
functions and, in opposite to the general Hazard&Risk Analysis according to ISO
26262, effects of intended functions, within relevant critical driving situations.
As a consequence we need a detailed analysis also of the intended functions
similar to the malfunctions as part of the Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment.
Different to the malfunctions which are assessed by the parameter S, E and C, the
critical characteristics of the intended function need to be iteratively modified
unless they could be considered as sufficient risk-free or safe. In case of a verifi-
cation of the Item Definition, the safe intended function could be analyzed and
confirmed. If the intended function itself is safety related like “Steering” and
“braking”, legal requirements like ECE R13 (or FMVSS 135) or R79 (or FMVSS
203, 204) give binding requirements for their homologation. Especially in ECE R13
requirements for the entire brake system (it is the ITEM) and its degree of
172 4 System Engineering for Development …
and D recommended for ASIL B) thus supports the verification of the technical
safety requirements (requirement of ISO 26262, part 4-6.4.6) regarding systematical
failure and their allocation on technical elements, which build the basis for the
system design. The following aspects can be evaluated:
• Are the technical safety mechanisms completely derived from the functional
safety mechanisms?
• Have all possible malfunctions of the technical elements and malfunctions from
the effect of the technical elements among each other been considered?
• Have all functional dependencies regarding functions, malfunctions and failure
behavior as well as technical dependencies (for example common resources,
energy, technical elements, which need to support multiple functions) been
• Are all safety mechanisms completely described by technical elements?
(Complete description of safety mechanisms regarding a horizontal abstraction
level including all technical interfaces)
• Are the technical elements regarding inputs, outputs, the relationship between
input and output, environmental conditions, permissible environmental condi-
tions, variants and configurations completely described?
• Is the error propagation through the failure simulations (failure injections)
• Are the validation criteria described suitable to show the fulfillment of the safety
If all questions are sufficiently and completely answered, the system design can
be seen as completely and sufficiently specified. As a result, the system would need
to be capable of sufficiently implementing the necessary safety mechanisms. The
technical safety analysis (requirement of ISO 26262, part 4-7.4.3) should be con-
sidered as inductive analysis based on the characteristics of the technical elements
in their integration environment (vehicle environment). As a recommendation, all
requirements for the logical, functional and technical elements would need to be
analyzed deductively. For this case the positive analysis would be completely
sufficient. The aim of the deductive analysis is to identify the necessary charac-
teristics but not to verify their values (or parameters). The “special characteristics”
are also determined in the FMEA methods (because also these methods are not seen
as sheer inductive analysis by FMEA) according to VDA or AIAG. ISO 26262 also
addresses the “safety related special characteristics” for production related safety
activities or safety requirements of the mechanical (or other technologies) elements.
To develop a plug-connector for an ASIL B signal according to an ASIL, will not
be sufficient information for a developer. The characteristic would need to be
clearly stated as safety characteristics and sufficiently failure tolerant, reliably and
robustly designed. Generally, in the automotive FMEA standards the “special
characteristics” or other product or process characteristics are identified in the lower
level of the Design-FMEA. Process characteristics are characteristics that need to be
safeguarded though the production processed. Product characteristics are
174 4 System Engineering for Development …
characteristics that are secured through constructions but need to be checked in the
production. These product or process characteristics are handed over to the
Process-FMEA (and thus to the production control plan). As a result, it can be made
sure that the required characteristic is covered against constructive failures and
production failures or sufficiently robustly designed.
For the deductive analysis only potential failures should be considered that are
identified through those (important) characteristics, which they can negatively
influence for the realization or implementation of safety relevant functions. This
also applies for the functional limitations, which result from the functional design
and design limitations through a higher abstraction level or the integration envi-
ronment. Constraints which also have to be broken down from the Item Definition
down to even the structure of semiconductors could be formulated similar to
requirements. The verification of technical characteristics and their error propaga-
tion can only be performed through an inductive analysis. Verifications of con-
straints are more difficult to be verified, since only know negative impact could be
assumed. This means that in the deductive analysis characteristics and constraints
are questioned, which are necessary in order to implement the function in the
investigated system (the considered logical and technical elements in their required
functional behavior) as intended. These characteristics thus have the character of a
requirement. For the inductive analysis we start with all technical elements and thus
the characteristics, which are necessary in order for the system to carry the function,
are confirmed. The other characteristics and those that result from the behavior of
technical elements among each other must no influence further characteristics in a
way that they are unable to discover the required function.
In the positive analysis all characteristics, which are important for the realization
of the function (or the safety mechanism) its dependency to other functions and its
derivation through multiple horizontal levels can be determined.
The negative perspective, simply converted according to DeMorgan’s law, leads
to highly complex, logical correlations. The 3 positively illustrated sub functions
together build the main function. However, at the negation the failure of a partial
function can lead to the failure of the main function, as well as all combinations of
possible failures and failure behavior. For the planning of the degradation concepts,
only the failure of the function needs to be considered, since the degradation cannot
only evacuate individual failure. This is especially important, if we speak about
highly available safety systems. In this context the aim is to retain the function in a
reduced extent. However, the error propagation can’t even be assessed without the
technical realization. Vibrations and oscillations can only arise, if they are evoked
by, for example, inductivities and capacities and if there is sufficient energy to
significantly disrupt such a system. The same applies to drifts of signals: drifts
upwards need energy. If this energy isn’t available it also can’t lead to a drift of
signals. Energy can be derived for a signal through the realization (e.g.
cross-talking), which can even lead to drifts into the negative, which maybe hasn’t
even been considered. ISO 26262 does not address which method for analysis or
verifications has to be applied but other industries see an accompanying deductive
analysis during development of requirements as the most target oriented approach.
4.4 System Analyses 175
Tree-view typical
representation in
fault-tree analysis
Mathematical view of decomposed functions
Function 1 (C1, C2, ...)
Cx = Characteristic the Function
C (F1) = C (F1.1) v C (F2.2) v C (F3.1)
Function 1.2
Function 1.1
Function 1.3
Tree view
Failure from
Logical line diagram
Function 1
Malfunction (C1, C2 ...)
Error C1.1
Failure C1 Error C1.2
Error C1.3
Error 1.1
Error 1.3
Failure from
Error 1.2
Function 1
Error C2.1
Failure C2 Error C2.2
Error C1.3
Safety and Reliability follows similar principles for the failure analysis. Especially
dependent failure and their analysis did show that the typical sequences of fault,
error, failure or failure cause, failure mode and failure effect are not always
applicable. Similar challenges are affecting security analysis. Measures to control
the different security threads like Integrity, Confidentiality and Availability show
different relations to their possible effects and effectiveness.
Deep Medhi provided a key-note where he presents a common “Dependability
and security model”
The possible threats (mainly security) had been defined on a level of faults, so
that further propagations lead to errors, failure and accidents. Unauthorized access
to data and also unavailability had to be considered also as an accident in this case.
Safety is defined as “Attributes” as well as also availability, confidentiality,
integrity, performance, reliability, survivability, and maintenance. Similar consid-
erations are in railway standards with “RAMS”-Approach (Reliability, Availability,
Maintainability, Safety) and shows also similar ideas like (Fig. 4.28. Basic principle
of FMEA) the chapter about error propagation principles. Possible measures, called
means, are also similar to possible measures in an FMEA (see also Fig. 4.41):
– Fault/Intrusion prevention
– Fault/Intrusion tolerance
– Fault/Intrusion removal
– Fault/Intrusion forcasting
This shows that similar analysis approaches for safety and security could be
applied, but that there no one2one-relation to be expected.
Security analyses are as similar to safety analysis as reliability analysis. By
considering the such well-tried analysis principles, all kind of threats, critical
impacts or any other unwanted event to systems or products could be examined.
During the development of the product ISO 26262 asks frequently for verifications.
Most likely always, if a development activity relies on the input of a former
development step. In the descending branch of the V-model verifications are always
required at interfaces of horizontal abstractions.
In this context, the verification is seen as the completion of a higher level activity
and the lower level activities usually begins with a requirement analysis. ISO 26262
considers also tests especially in the lower horizontal abstraction levels, particularly
during component design as verifications. However, methodical, the method for the
correct derivation from a higher level would need to be a validation. What is
important though is that this verification regarding correctness, completeness and
178 4 System Engineering for Development …
consistency is based on the same consistent verification method. Most likely allo-
cations are done before the verification, which means that requirements are allocated
to the underlying levels elements. In this case the relationship between those two
levels needs to be analyzed. The verification does not initiate process iteration only if
the results of verifications are flawlessly positive. Depending on how deviations are
assessed during a verification and what measures are initiated for the repetition of the
verification, we need to go back to the corresponding previously activity. These
could be the requirements, architecture, design or also the test case specifications
within a horizontal level as well as a jump back into another horizontal level (for
example from a component into a system, or even on vehicle level, so that safety
goals could be affected by changes). The first activity during verification of
requirements should be a requirement analysis. Therefore the question is: Are the
requirements of the lower level derived from the requirements of the upper level or
from constraints, architecture or design of the higher level? As already described in
the introduction of Chap. 4, ISO 26262, part 10 (Figs. 7 and 8, see also Chap. 4,
Figs. 4.1 and 4.2) renounced the maturity level description (system design V1.0
etc.). The figure originally wanted to portray the information that through the dif-
ferent levels, the design always includes more and more detailed information and
especially the relevant design characteristics become more and more plausible
during any iteration. However, those should be tested or verified before they are
passed on to a further user of this information. This shows that there are different
ways to develop work results. Basically, we distinguish between a requirement
specification and a design specification. However, there are different manifestations
and definitions as to how both specification types can be structured. At this point, the
requirement specifications should provide the general conditions, which are neces-
sary as foundation for the design. The design specification describes the imple-
mented characteristics, which can be measured by the product. A requirement
specification defines “How it should be” and the design specification defines the
“how it is designed”. We now also reach the performance limits of a process models.
Does the verification really only happen during the development of the
requirements? Is the development of requirements completed before the realization?
Obviously not! When the result is validated and all requirements are correctly
implemented at the product, there are always new aspects that can occur in the
usage phase, which haven’t been sufficiently considered.
Also in this case, constant iteration loops occur and because of today’s short
innovation cycle, products are often only mature after years of their usage and each
change also becomes a risk for other characteristics. This of course is not acceptable
when it comes to the safety characteristics of a product. It is true that an inexpe-
rienced development team often doesn’t know the influence factors, but an expe-
rienced team can also make incorrect assumption. Unfortunately, there are certain
amounts of risk even in the approach itself. If requirements are systematically
developed and properly derived according processes, the known influence factors
will also be incorporated. If experienced people perform these analyses, some
aspects will also be included in the analysis, which go beyond the requirements and
the experience of the designer. At the verification certain levels of experience can
4.5 Verification During Development 179
also be incorporated through the test planer. Also through the individual analysis or
verification methods systematically complementary influence factors are consid-
ered. However, it is hard to say or maybe even impossible to assume that all
influence factors will be considered or even all application scenarios and relevant
conditions. If we now have a test case for each requirement (according to the
process model derived e.g. from SPICE), which shows that the requirement is
implemented correctly, there will certainly be doubts regarding the significance of
the tests. How many tests are necessary, will depend on a variety of factors, and
even on the diligence, with which the requirement analysis has been performed at
the beginning of the processing of the abstraction level. Requirement and design
specifications should formally be stored in a way that there is actually only one
parameter in the requirement but through the further derivation of the design
information essentially more parameters are developed. Otherwise, the lower levels
cannot be sufficiently supplied with information. The most concise example occurs
at the hardware software interface. The design of the microcontroller provides the
essential software requirements, not the requirements from the upper levels.
Therefore, ISO 26262 requires the verification of all SW requirements but it is not
possible to directly derive them from the system requirements, which are allocated
to the software. All basic structures of the microcontroller have to be included in the
requirements of the hardware software interface (HSI), which is often unable to
fulfill the relevant system requirements for the software components. However, this
is a very concise example, but definitely not an unusual exception.
Besides the safety analyses and tests, more and more verifications are necessary
for the determinations of the safety maturity for the product under development. At
each organizational interfaces and all horizontal interfaces as well as the in between
elements, all characteristics should be verified at the end of the development. In
general verification could show the fulfillment of requirements, from a methodol-
ogy point of view you only get answer if the targets or goals are fulfilled could be
only shown by validation. The activity to validate the correctness of requirements,
by evaluating higher level requirements or constraints to their correct derivation to
lower level requirements called ISO 26262 “verification”.
From a Marketing point of view, products are means that can satisfy a need of a
customer and thus generate a benefit. This benefit can be materialistic or unmate-
rialistic, but also functional or non-functional. The core of the product will for
example be a technical benefit and additional benefits are perceived by the cus-
tomers themselves (this could be for example quality characteristics—how beau-
tiful, impressive etc.). Furthermore, the user of a technical system will also face
burdens, for example, a product needs energy or dissipates heat in order to fulfill its
purpose. Therefore, it is impossible to only look hierarchically from the top to the
bottom. We now have to deal with the characteristics of components, with which
180 4 System Engineering for Development …
we want to compose the system, and check, which characteristics and requirements
comply with the functional concept and the further stakeholder requirements as well
as the technical safety concept and which additional characteristics create a positive
benefit (especially regarding the performance requirements) and which are an
unintended negative burden.
Basically, there is always a certain discussion regarding the border between
architecture and design. There are advantages and disadvantages for one or the
other opinion, but it is more difficult for the product development if this isn’t
defined at all. This is why the following principles and analogies are used.
Architecture determines the structure and therefore the interfaces of the con-
sidered elements. Elements can be functional, logical or technical elements, which
behavior among each other results in the desired functionality. A system is a limited
amount of functional, logical or technical elements, which realize desired functions
or functionalities through their interactions. A system should be also limited
through the horizontal abstraction level where characteristics and also the technical
behavior are specified. The characteristics and the described technical behavior can
be specified in natural language as well as through semi-formal and formal nota-
tions. A model is therefore mostly a description of specifiable characteristics and
behavior of elements under consideration of architecture. Design is also an illus-
tration of technical characteristics of different perspectives. The following analogy
is developed from these specifications for the horizontal level:
• System design is therefore the illustration of technical characteristics and
components, from which the system is composed. The system design specifi-
cation describes the characteristics, which result from the interfaces of com-
ponents. The components can also be made of functional, logical or technical
elements and have characteristics that result from the interfaces of these ele-
ments. These elements need to be specified as well.
This would in general be done within the component specification. Technical
components consist of mechanical, electrical or software elements, whereas the
combination and the selection, which elements belong to which component, rep-
resent a design decision. A component is therefore a subsystem of the system,
which forms the differentiated characteristics from the interaction with other
• Mechanical design is therefore the illustration of technical characteristic of
mechanical elements (components), of which a mechanical system is comprised.
The mechanic design specifications describe characteristics, which result from
the interaction of mechanical elements. The mechanical elements can consist of
logical or technical elements and have characteristics, which result from the
interaction of these elements. These mechanical elements need to be specified as
well. This would in general be done within the component specification.
Mechanical components consist of mechanical elements, whereas the combi-
nation and the selection, which elements belong to the component, represent a
design decision (Fig. 4.68).
4.6 Product Development at System Level 181
Requirement phases Architecture phases Analysis phases Design phases Verification Phase Integration phases
5-6 5-10
5 5-8 5-7 / 8/9 5-7.4.1 / 2
EE Hardware EE HW
EE Hardware EE hardware EE Hardware EE HW 5-7.4.4
Safety Safety Analysis Integration-
Safety architecture design Verification
requirements tests
Fig. 4.68 Information flow in the system and EE hardware development derived from technical
safety concept (TSC)
Requirement phases Architecture phases Analysis phases Design phases Verification Phase Integration phases
6-9 / 10
6 6-6 6-7 6-7
Software Safety Software Safety Software Software
architectural integration +
concept requirements architecture
analysis Tests
Fig. 4.69 Information flow in the system and software development derived from technical safety
concept (TSC)
182 4 System Engineering for Development …
inherited. In combination with hydraulic there will also only be one function given
at the system level, if there is a certain hydraulic inlet pressure at a valve. If this
isn’t the case, the hydraulic might not fulfill a possible safety relevant function after
the control of the valve. The iterations cannot even be made transparent in the
illustration of the information flow. The sensor will be seen as logical element in the
first iteration and further partial elements (power supply, holder, housing, wiring,
and also the counterpart at the control unit, which reads in the sensor information)
will be successively complemented until a design decision has been made. Then it
has to be tested, whether the technical element actually meets all requirements,
which should be confirmed by the tests as part of the verification.
The inductive safety analysis will show whether further characteristics can lead
to failures, which can influence or violate certain safety requirements or safety
goals. Besides the functional behavior, interfaces will be enriched with technical
information (geometry, material characteristics, temperature characteristics, stress
behavior (robustness)). Consequently, a logical element will successively turn into a
technical element in the course of a design phase. The design characteristics doc-
umented in the illustrations (layouts, figures, sketches etc.), parts lists and design
specifications will be further confirmed with each verification and iteration until a
clear element remains, which is sufficient for the application. From the process
point of view the V-model will be turned upside down in the last design phases. The
design decisions in the lower levels need to be verified and analyzed one more time,
so that the tests can be performed based on secured and correct specifications for the
integration in the upper horizontal levels. Since in the design we often specify a
conservative assumption for the application, small changes will not have a massive
influence on the upper design specifications. Generally, it is important to allow for
sufficiently robust interfaces in an early design phase so that in the case of changes
the dependency and the influence on other elements can be limited. This is also
important when different variants are planned for the products. In this case, inter-
faces need to be planned for the variable elements, which can decouple the
dependencies and influences to the other elements.
A1 To
Error <= to high
to low
E1 F1 F2
E2 E4
characteristics incorrectly too high or too low
Technical performance intensive, more
or less, less than defined.
Fig. 4.70 Derivation of requirements for functions and deductive failure analysis
In mechanics, there are Newton’s laws; in electronic we rely on Ohm’s law until we
have to use Maxwell’s equation for high frequencies as a different description basis.
As a result, parallel to the derivation of the requirements for a system element to
a logical element, a deductive analysis is performed, which tests how the system
element changes its characteristics and behavior to its environment, if the defined
characteristics are not fulfilled (compare Fig. 4.70). In the second step these logical
elements are mapped on technical elements and thus design decisions are made.
Those design decision and its possible faults will now be questioned and tested
through the inductive analysis (from known characteristics of the design elements
to possible error propagations etc.), if the influences or effects, which are deter-
mined through the analysis, are confirmed as sufficient robust (or any other quality
target) or changes lead to design iterations unless no unwanted effects and the
required assurance of characteristics could be accepted. Since now technical ele-
ments (which can be broken) are considered, the individual characteristics and the
behavior can now be assessed through analyses, simulations, calculations and tests
(which are the typical measures of a Design-FMEA).
If we now transfer logical elements to technical elements (compare Fig. 4.71),
we realize that without finding a 1 to 1 allocation the number of interfaces could rise
All technical interfaces
• between environment and technical elements
• between technical elements and functional interfaces
• between environment and logical elements
• between logical elements
• between technical elements
• between logical and technical elements
All those interfaces need to be considered, since all characteristics and their
possible failures at these interfaces and all expected behaviors of the elements
among each other can lead to failures, inconstancies or deviations towards the
4.7 Product Development at Component Level 185
A1 To
Component 1
Component 2
Technical Interfaces
E1 - Environment and technical elements
- between technical elements
E3 Functional Interfaces
E2 E4 - Environment and logical elements
- between logic elements
- between technical elements
- between logical and technical elements
Fig. 4.71 Vertical functional decomposition and technical interfaces and their potential
overlying requirements for the system element. The tolerance that possible failures
or deviations don’t lead to a harm of the overlying requirements can be considered
as safety robustness.
Drawings, circuit board layouts, parts lists, data sheets and design specifications
describe the expected view at the realized product. In the context of product design,
characteristics of the product should be documented as part of design specifications.
The structure of the architecture for the product determines the intersections for
such considerations and lead to the structure of the design specification. For the
product liability it is important to also indicate risks of the handling or usage of
products in the product description, which is another aspect of safety than func-
tional safety.
The automobile industry uses the Design-FMEA to analyze the design and the
determining of risk of the design faults. The Design-FMEA is a risk-based
approach, which analyzes the design of the components mainly to evaluate mea-
sures during development. The same approach could be also considered on system
level, these in some standards are called a Design-FMEA on system level.
The metrics, such as the risk priority index, indicate whether the design is
assured by sufficient measures. System-FMEAs (seen as methodology) analyze
mainly the architecture and consequently primarily the interfaces. This is why the
Design-FMEA often goes to deeper level of abstraction.
Ford´s FMEA handbook also requires a Design-FMEA on system level, in order
to ensure that the components interfaces are designed correctly. Aircraft standards
require similar approaches; also the Product-FMEA according to the VDA standard
could provide a similar interpretation. Managing of failure interfaces can often be
challenging, since often multiple suppliers need to be coordinated under the
directions of OEM. ISO 26262 requires incorporating the coordination as safety
activity in the development interface agreement (DIA).
The Design-FMEA is used to identify product and process characteristics, which
need to be communicated at the interface to the plant. They are called “special
186 4 System Engineering for Development …
ISO 26262 does not explicitly address mechanics. Most of the sheer mechanical
products were clearly defined through drawings, thus specifications cannot be found
for all mechanical products. The data archives in SAP are referenced to the design
drawings and further documentation such as specifications are attached to these
drawings. Mass production products such as caliper for brakes have a product data
sheet and these are considered as sufficient complete for integration. A list of
“Special Characteristics” is also referenced to these drawings. However, in corre-
lation with electronics, we cannot completely neglect mechanics.
Plugs, housings and circuit boards are mechanical elements. It is intensively
discussed where the border between the electric and mechanical element lies in a
valve or engine; for the coil and windings we can see the tendency to call them
electric components. For a mechatronic system we will not have a choice but to
consider a system development approach, since the interfaces of a lot of different
technical elements will need to be coordinated. For a mere hydraulic or pneumatic
system the correct interaction or the technical behavior of the elements plays a
major role. A function cannot be defined through the characteristics of the elements
alone. The required characteristics of the function will only be effectively achieved,
if the elements are optimized with their characteristics according to their require-
ment. Mechanical elements can fail, just as well as electronic elements, because of
random hardware and systematic failures. However, it is not recommended to
4.7 Product Development at Component Level 187
consider these random hardware failures referring to the metrics of ISO 26262. It is
true that pure mechanical systems can be electronically monitored but the known
databases are still too different in order to come to correct mechatronic functions or
comparable failure rates.
A classical brake booster can be planned as logical element in a brake system. It
is also possible to break down possible requirements to valves, springs or other
logical elements according to the specified integration environment, without con-
sidering these elements as technical elements. A spring in a mechanical model can
be described purely through the spring constant and statements can be made on the
sufficient spring typical parameter. However, if we have to make statements con-
cerning the use, aging behavior, stress or elasticity of the spring, we would need to
consider the spring as a technical element. It could be questioned, if it is necessary
to have specifications in natural language and data sheets for the entire components
or partial elements, in order to ensure the safe function, such as ISO 26262 requires
for electronic elements and components. The influences of a spring to a brake
booster need of course geometrical consistency of the data for correct functioning,
but the influence to elements of other technical elements especially to software
could be only described on a functional way.
Especially for hydraulic and pneumatic functions there are standardized
descriptions or specifications, which provide significantly more and more precise
information than a requirement in natural language. Nevertheless, the mechanical
components will be analyzed regarding systematical failure in order to question the
sufficient design (for example by means of a Design-FMEA) and also to analyze the
interfaces and their correct behavior in the customer’s environment in the context of
for example of a System-FMEA. Of course, the derivation of the requirements and
design decisions can be supported with deductive analyses. Particularly the selec-
tion of suitable partial components can be supported with a deductive analysis.
Generally, functional correlations will be easier to analyze and illustrate than
software intense components. The details are easier to observe by experiments (e.g.
DoE, Design of Experiments) or other test methodologies, and automotive industry
is very experienced in the verification of mechanical components.
It is not necessarily the traditional way to use a system development approach for
the development of electronic components. In this context, the digital bus cable is
seen as electronic connection and the power supply cables and their plugs etc. as
electric connections. Since the discussion, whether something is electric or elec-
tronic, does not cause any changes in the requirements or benefit the safety, we
generally use the term “electronics” as umbrella term. This should not be mistaken
with the distinction of electric safety and functional safety, since also failures of
electronic components can lead to hazards, which are associated with electric
safety. This applies especially for power electronics in the voltage range of over
188 4 System Engineering for Development …
external peripherals
n Control
W SA Corridor monitoring SA
T Function Internal
SA Periphery
P dP
Connector, housing, fuses, circuit board
Microcontrollers SA
Intended DA
SA Voltage
Fig. 4.72 Element based break-down of system elements and allocated requirements to electronic
external peripherals
n Control
W SA Corridor monitoring SA
Function Internal
‹ SA Periphery
P Quantification of
NC E/E element
P dP
Connector, housing, fuses, circuit board E / E total 100 Fit
Control λRF <= 10E-09 / h
λMPF <= X 10E-7 / h
SA Voltage
supply R64
R63 C61 I61
Fig. 4.73 Element based break-down of system elements and allocated requirements to electronic
hardware down to realization on E/E part level
190 4 System Engineering for Development …
SA Microcontrollers SA R61
Intended DA
Function R62 T61
SA Voltage
supply R64
R63 C61 I61
Fig. 4.74 Defining of E/E hardware functional groups derived from system decomposition
4.7 Product Development at Component Level 191
x.2 The current in the valve coil needs to be read back in microcontroller through
the driver stage as analog value.
What is the benefit of or which improvement for safety do we get in this example
by further breaking down the requirement in natural language? For the design, some
calculations would ensure that adequate capacitors, resistors and transistors could
be chosen. However, those components would be correctly chosen simply by the
derivation of the requirements. In principle, “trial and error” determines an useful
combination, which enables us to power-optimized get to a suitable realization
according to the life span requirements.
We could get requirements, architecture (i.e. behavior, structure), constraints,
analysis results (failure descriptions, failure assessment (severity-rating in FMEA))
and design (drawings, geometry guidelines) from the system development (see
Fig. 4.75). According to the example the requirements, which are now allocated to
the EE components, will be mapped to the system architecture. This means that the
system architecture already provides the structure for the requirements, which now
need to be broken down within the electronics components. This can already imply
the first iteration but through an accompanied safety analysis it would be ensured
that the malfunctions and their structures are consistently maintained. Based on the
architecture analysis we can already make solidified statements whether the
architecture derivations are consistent, complete and so also transparent. With this
result we can now verify the requirements, meaning, we can test, whether there are
sufficient requirements for all inputs of elements (information and configuration
inputs), for all outputs and for all permissible input–output relations. The next step
is to derive the design from the system. At this point requirements, architecture and
analysis results should be available. At this point it is especially important that
confirmed information, assumptions and unconfirmed or non-secured information
are communicated to the designer so that they can assess their design-decision or
what options are possible for variants. Besides these horizontal information,
designer also receive information from the system (design limitations, geometry),
which indicate limits, within which design decisions need to be made. With the
derived design decisions we can now move on to the verification. In this context, all
horizontal information is questioned, whereas especially the results of the analyses
should be confirmed, for example through test. The following verification methods
could be considered:
Positive tests (requirement based tests): Since through the analysis the com-
pleteness of the requirement specification referring the derived structure can already
be confirmed, in the verification we can now test the correct implementation of the
Request Phase Architecture phase Analysis phase Design Phase Verification Phase Integration phase
5-6 5-10
5 5-8 5-7 / 8/9 5-7.4.1 / 2
EE Hardware EE HW
EE Hardware EE hardware EE Hardware EE HW 5-7.4.4
Safety integration
Safety Concept architecture Safety Analysis Design Verification
Requirements tests
Fig. 4.75 Information flow and phases of activities in product development on hardware level
192 4 System Engineering for Development …
requirement in the design. Since all relevant parameter, which result from the
technical elements and the permissible interactions, are known in the design
specification, we can now also confirm the correct implementation under consid-
eration of the design guidelines. The Design-FMEA is recommended in almost all
quality standards for the design verification. In this context we question the design
characteristics in their combination with and against their environment. In the
automobile industry we refer to this as design verification (fulfillment of require-
ments) or design validation (fulfillment of requirements derived from upper levels
(also customer or higher level requirements)). Validation is also often seen, that the
question should be answered, if the requirement are correct. Fulfill the requirements
their higher level demands, they are somehow correct. Often only the abbreviation
“DV” is used for both Design Verification and Design Validation.
In addition to that there is also “PV” (product verification, product valida-
tion), which should confirm that the lifespan requirements are met also for the
tolerances of the production of supplied components. Design-FMEA formally
questioned which error sequences occur if a characteristic is deviate from the
specified range. How such faults propagate into the upper levels up-to a possible
violation of safety goals can be assessed from the analyses and the architectures of
the higher levels.
Negative tests (failure injections, limit tests, tolerance chain tests, stress tests
(including EMC)) mainly show the robustness of components. The failure injection
shows the correct function of the safety mechanisms, the correct assumption of the
error propagation, the sufficient robustness, the behavior at inadmissible configu-
rations and the compliance of functional and technical limitations.
This allocation to negative and positive tests should be seen as absolute, espe-
cially EMC specialists will also test the adherence to permitted values for a correct
design and tolerance chains will also be positively assessed through given budgets.
If a test is planed with the actually used technical elements or whether a calculation
will be performed based on models, is a decision of the verification planning (test
planning). If the verification is logically reasoned through models or calculations,
expensive test setups can be avoided. In this case often a combination is chosen,
since without tests it cannot be shown that the models or the calculations actually
match the requirements for the realization. Tests to confirm the correctness of
models general could be finding in literature as “model validation”.
For software development a V-model approach (see Fig. 4.76) is very common. But
do we really simply break down requirements or aren’t in this case also other
considerations necessary, which result from the interaction of environmental con-
ditions and the system in which context the software is used?
4.7 Product Development at Component Level 193
Requirement phases Architecture phases Analysis phases Design phases Verification Phase Integration phases
6-9 / 10
6 6-6 6-7 6-7
Software Safety Software Software Software
integration +
concept Safetyrequirem architecture architecture
ents analysis
Fig. 4.76 Information flow and phases of activities in product development on software level and
scope for software safety concept (SSC)
Tools such as the compiler, test tools, editors and the chosen programming
language (including limitations for its use) will be framework conditions, which
also influence the software development process.
The requirements for the software components are not directly derived from the
functional derivations of the safety requirements, allocated from the system, but
primarily from the software architecture draft, which result from all requirements
and constraints, not only functional requirements.
Functional limitations and design limitations need to be derived from the
environmental conditions and the design decisions of the upper abstraction levels.
All these non-functional requirements mostly come from the draft architecture
rather than the derivations of the requirements, which then need to be analyzed and
verified referring to the requirements. This is why, in contrast to ISO 26262, the
requirement and architecture development will in this context also be considered as
software safety concept (see Fig. 4.76). For the software and microcontrollers, the
following questions will be even more sensible: What is the difference between
functional elements and technical elements? Do we describe ALU (arithmetic
logical unit) of the microcontroller as functional or technical element? Probably
almost all elements of the microcontroller are described as logical elements and we
only need to discuss the degree of details of the elements and which characteristics
actually need to be specified and described. This also applies for all elements and
the software itself, since these elements are only describable through their func-
tional behavior. If we consider a software unit as realized, we then consider it as a
technical unit. It is true that ISO 26262 provides the hardware design specifications
and method guidelines (from external sources) as further supportive information for
the specification of software safety requirements (ISO 26262, part 6, Chap. 6.3.2)
but only in ISO 26262, part 6, Chap. 7.4.5, in the software architecture design, we
then find indications, which need to be considered for the static and dynamic
aspects of the architecture. However, in this context there will be no sequential
process, since we would need an architecture draft in order to even be able to derive
software safety requirements. Also referring to the illustration of ISO 26262, part 4,
figure B1 we can see the many influence factors, which only derive from the HSI
(hardware–software interface) (Fig. 4.77).
194 4 System Engineering for Development …
Fig. 4.77 Normative influence to the hardware software interface (HSI) (Source ISO 26262, part 4)
This means that besides the computer influences, coding guidelines, tools also
the architecture decisions from the basic software are added, which need to be
considered for the development of software safety requirements.
The challenge for the SW architecture analysis is to standardize the influence of
the microcontroller to the SW architecture.
A standardized environment needs to be created for the application software,
which cannot be influenced by technical impacts of the microcontroller. If we try to
analyze all actually possible error influences of the microcontroller on the software
with the SW architecture analysis, we will mainly need to test each characteristic of
the microcontroller. This has a direct influence when we change a microcontroller
but maybe also if the manufacturer of the microcontroller changes production
technique or uses different materials. If the use of the software is intended for
different computers, the development aim for the basic software should be to create
a unique environment for the application software so that the user software cannot
be safety-critically changed (Fig. 4.78).
However, this means that we will need very detailed information on the
microcontroller, since we want to increase the performance through new computer
architecture. Therefore, ‘no influence’ cannot be a development aim, but the safety
mechanisms used in the application software need to be continuously effective even
for the changed environment.
4.7 Product Development at Component Level 195
User Integrity
Information Information
Basically there are the following errors, which can effect from the controller to
the application software:
• Information could be false. Additionally, information is generated by mistake.
• Information could not be available in time (‘stuck at’, based on SW functions
such as scheduling/program flow and on failures in the hardware of the
All other possible failure impacts by the microcontroller to the application
software need to already be controlled by the basic software. However, it is a
question of preferred software architecture, where the error types are safeguarded. It
would be possible that the errors are controlled in the basic software. Especially
data correction, control mechanism or implemented safety mechanism versus sys-
tematic errors from the peripheral, sensors and also from the microcontroller itself
effectively implemented in the basic software would simplify the application
software and related safety mechanism, If possibly the application software needs
only safety mechanism against their own systematic faults or safety mechanism
which are implemented in software but control the systematic failure on system
level could simplify the needed architecture and related dataflow tremendously.
Since safety goals are often also subjects to change, the safety mechanisms against
systematic failures on system level should be implemented in an independent area.
In order to comply with the Autosar standard, the all data for the RTE
(Real-time-environment) need as qualifier at the virtual function bus for any signal a
safety qualifier or a diagnostic key. Typical to the Autosar the hardware (HAL) and
microcontroller (MCAL) abstraction layer could be considered. An additional
system- or sensor abstraction layer could be introduced, so that the application
software already gets physical data according to the functional system design, so
that the input data and the functions in the application become traceable and more
196 4 System Engineering for Development …
User Integrity
Information Information
Fig. 4.80 SW-architecture based on Autosar principles with 3 (multi)-layer safety architecture
L2 L1
User Integrity
Information Information
Real Time Environment
Fig. 4.81 SW-architecture: example: data flow at the hardware–software-interface (HSI) and
interface via RTE
198 4 System Engineering for Development …
(such as for EGAS already at the system level) corresponding redundant function
monitoring and diagnoses are introduced, that control systematic failure could
derive from independence constraints on system level. If it is useful in the indi-
vidual case, especially for the availability of the system or such architecture could
lead to higher fault tolerance, depends on other factors.
Generally, there are even further sources of risk within software’s, which cannot
be covered by this approach. Routines can be called within software’s, which
operate outside of the covered hardware areas and can cause runtime errors and data
falsification. Consequently the degree of independence is difficult to determine.
The operating functions may be up to the core codes of the processing unit, or
resulting compiler settings or functions have to be specified sufficient independent
as part of coding guidelines. If for example, a cache is not sufficiently controlled, it
shouldn’t be used for the safety relevant functions. In case of adequate safety
mechanism in the basic software, in microcontroller specific software segments or
even in the hardware, such implementations could reduce the effort for the appli-
cation software. The coverage tests, which are required in the software design level
in ISO 26262, wouldn’t prevent or reveal such potential risks. We could only test
known failure scenarios by integration tests and adequate fault injections.
This is why we would need to continue to implement function monitoring
(compare Fig. 4.81) for the higher ASIL also through the safety relevant software
functions. In this case there are multiple approaches, for which the function mon-
itoring is actually effective. The function monitoring can safeguard the following
three functional groups:
• the software functions of the application software
• the application software and the basic software
• the entire embedded software and the data interfaces to the microcontroller
It will be difficult to use mixed architecture in a distributed development, since at
this point it comes to an explosion of interfaces for the function development and
the failure analysis.
If the interfaces are determined in a way that the entire hardware is safely
controlled below the RTE and the application data and their integrity identification
is provided at the RTE for the application software, a distinct interface occurs.
If the basic software and eventually also the hardware integrity measures are
safeguarded by function monitoring, the system can become more fault tolerant, but
the safety analysis becomes highly complex. To really illustrate a double failure
control to an ASIL D function will be extremely difficult, maybe even impossible to
the enormous number of error combinations. If there are multiple safety goals,
which require a failure reaction in different directions (a value too high or too low
violates different safety goals), planning degradation will no longer be possible.
Since switching-off will only be possible in the case of faults, the benefit of fault
tolerances will limit the reliability of the system. Balancing of safety, availability,
reliability with performance could become a huge challenge for a software architect.
The designer of the software could most likely only limit or avoid the worst-cases.
References 199
1. ISO 26262 (2011): Road vehicles – Functional safety. International Organization for
Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
2. Marcus Abele, Modeling and assessment of highly reliable energy and vehicle electric system
architecture for safety relevant consumers in vehicles, 2008.
3. Deep Medhi. Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on the Design of Reliable
Communication Networks (DRCN 2009), Washington, DC, October 2009.
4. VDA (1996), Volume 4 FMEA, Frankfurt.
5. SAE J2980, Considerations for ISO 26262, ASIL Hazard Classification, Prop Draft F: 2011ff.
Chapter 5
System Engineering in the Product
verification of the design, ISO 26262 requires that the product or the component,
among other things, be completely and consistently specified. This can be achieved
through requirements, architecture (block diagrams, behavior diagrams, models
etc.) or design documents (design specifications, parts lists, drawings etc.).
5.1.2 Mechanics
within the complete specified environment. This means that the thread can be seen
as relevant for the bolt and the nut but other characteristics will be also important.
The lack of a certain tool such as a matching wrench for the screw can be relevant
in regards to safety.
However, if the tightening torque for the screw is identified as an important
characteristic, the choice of tools or the monitoring of the work with the tool may
become a safety activity. The production (for example the development of the link
through screwing in the screw) needs to be monitored primarily to show that the
requirements are developable (often for the first prototypes) and also correctly
implemented. “Special characteristics” are often determined for safety relevant
characteristics of the top products. Those are often tested in the serial production for
each individual product and the test results are filed in data archives.
Traditionally we will find four sample phases in the classical development of the
automobile industry. The following aims are considered for mechanical parts for
these samples:
• A-sample: shows the geometry (form), fit and function fulfillment
• B-sample: ensures the functionality and endurance on the test bench and for the
• C-sample: ensure the functionality, endurance, compatibility and integration
ability in the target application (engine, vehicle)
• D-sample: (initial sample) released sample for serial production
Generally development processes are also described in phases, which are ori-
ented on historical sample phases.
The A-sample (concept phase) is often already considered in very early phases of
the development and shall be provided along with the offer of the supplier.
The B-sample (design phase) is often the sample with which the design is
verified and validated (DV). This means that all characteristics should already be
secured. As a result, all requirements should be verified and available and the
architecture and the design also need to be analyzed and verified. Production
concepts should be detailed enough, that Process-FMEAs and safety-related
activities during production can be identified. All safety features or safety mecha-
nisms and related characteristics shall be correctly implemented, tested and verified.
The C-sample (industrialization phase) should be able to be implemented and
compatible in the target environment, for example, tolerances of supplier parts or
accepted tolerances of product parts. Resulting tolerance or tolerance-chains from
the production of assembled parts should be secured within specified limits.
Therefore, it is often required that the C-samples are already produced on series
development machines or at least by using tools for series production.
For new products, the production machines and related tooling need not be
aligned according to the target production process. If not, the machine interfaces
and the entire production chain could not be qualified. The production process
interfaces lead to further no acceptable product tolerances. The necessary
machinery and process capability could not be shown.
204 5 System Engineering in the Product Development
5.1.3 Electronics
Basically, the electronics is developed much in the same way as mechanics, based
on design documents and also produced within different sample iterations, which
makes the description of the sample phases comparable. As already described for
mechanics, a lot of design parameters for electronics depend on mechanical parts
such as the printed circuit board, plugs or housing. This means that theses toler-
ances or tolerable discrepancies are the basis for the design of the electronics.
Especially for geometric characteristics there are a lot of characteristics to be
The housing has to be constructed in a way that it fits in the vehicle, provides
protection against humidity and dirt ensures that cables can be fixed, fulfills the
EMC requirements and allows the arising heat dissipates. It is now possible for the
development of the electronics to illustrate a specific separation to mechanics. This
is why testing the samples and serial parts will be one of the essential safety
5.1.4 Software
in the architecture and that for example the C-file represents the smallest unit for the
code generator or compiler. The binary code could after linking transferred (fla-
shed) into the (flash) memory for (of) the microcontroller. Random failures can
occur in this process so that the implemented code does not correspond to the
source code.
There are many requirements for safe compilers, but the entire logistics of
sw-code linking and any configuration required for compiler, flashing etc. could
lead to undetectable systematic errors. Furthermore, for model based software
development, a binary code is often already generated through a code generator in a
software module, which consists of several SW units. At this point the question
arises how SW units interact and whether the intersections between the SW units
may be negatively influenced through the computer environment (Fig. 5.1).
Not only the code-generation or the compiling and flash processes could lead to
systematic errors but also the integration of libraries (headers, static and dynamic
libraries) could be a source or cause of systematic errors.
The tools that support these activities are not always qualified to sufficiently
prevent possible errors. The realization for a tool qualification was the main
motivation for part 8, Chap. 12 “SW-Tool Qualification” of ISO 26262. Later it had
been identified that almost all tools could affect the safety of software-based
products. The main idea of a V-model process could also support those tool
influences during the software development. If we go all the way down to the SW
units and completely test those corresponding SW units through the coverage test, a
negative tool influence can be excluded.
In case of a systematic integration processes negative tool influences can be
identified during integration or at least during the verification of the integration.
With this approach even negative hidden systematic hardware impacts, e.g. from
functional units of the microcontroller, can be identified. Through analyzing pos-
itive and negative results from integration tests, it is even possible to trace the cause
of errors to tool influences or other systematic errors, which can only be controlled
by implemented mechanisms.
libraries Dynamic
Libraries Libraries
Header Header
Source Files
Compile Run /
Loading Microcontroller
Object files
0101 1011
1011 1101
Left Program
In practice, there are some gaps on the hardware level because of, for example,
incorrect handling of tools or insufficient test possibilities.
For ASIL C and D software, ISO 26262, part 6, Table 4 requires additionally
implemented plausibility checks and control flow monitoring; in case of ASIL D
also diversity (ASIL D) in software as well as data and control flow analyses are
required (see part 6, Table 6). Especially Table 4 requires implemented safety
mechanism (e.g. redundancy), which should assure compensation of such sys-
tematic errors during software development. Even if safety mechanisms show
sufficient effectiveness on the software architecture and design level, they should be
verified after the realization and implementation.
Implemented code could influenced by systematic faults not only during design
and compilation, it could be affected by any activity related to the logistic or
handling of the embedded software.
and processing of the data (yaw rate needs 200 ms to the processor and the
steering angle could be provided each 10 ms, so that the driver already changed
the driving direction).
– Communication systems should provide data. Without a safe time-stamp, which
considers the individual age of the data, or in case of a sequence and event
recording or detection, the first event could not be determined.
– Data interfaces such as a virtual function bus should be continuously up-dated,
in case of differing age of data in a common runtime-environment; the data
cannot be used for further safety-relevant actions or commands etc.
Some of the functions listed are not always typical safety-related functions. Also,
in case of a precise control or just for data or event-synchronizations,
time-constraints must be considered. Especially in embedded systems several
time-constraints could be required in different contexts within a single
micro-controller and multi-tasking principles must be applied. In case of multi-core
applications, such requirements are relevant at least in order to manage common
resources, such as peripheral elements, packaging, power-supply etc.
Real-time is not always an aspect of short time intervals; sometimes such an interval
allows seconds or even minutes. For example, switching-on the vehicle light during
the start of vehicle will be a matter of seconds. The driver should realize when the
light switches on, and the correct functioning light should be available before
starting or driving. Even in a case of switching it on during driving, a delayed
reaction for a few seconds would not lead to a safety-relevant impact because in
most areas of the world it does not get dark that quickly in the evening. The acts of
switching-off and switching-on lights are safety-related, but the time from the
demand to the illumination requires only about 1 s. An exception could be
‘high-beam’; it should be changed to driving light within less than 1 s, to avoid
glaring of on-coming-traffic.
Very often we can find the following definition of real time systems:
“A system is considered to be a real-time-system, if the correctness of an
operation depends not only on the logical correctness; it addresses also the time in
which it is performed.”
Vehicle real time systems in the context of functional safety could be classified
by the consequence of missing a deadline:
• Hard—missing a deadline is a total system failure. In case of a safety-related
real time system, missing a deadline leads to a violation of a safety goal.
Electronic steering and brake systems of vehicles could be considered within
this category.
208 5 System Engineering in the Product Development
Fig. 5.2 Hard versus soft real time systems in the context of average execution time and
worst-case execution time related to a given deadline
5.2 Functional Safety and Timing Constraints 209
Hard real-time
reaction time
Soft real-time
What principles are safer, more accurate or higher available based on the
application, amount if data, size and complexity of communication systems etc.,
both principles should be analyzed by means of a scenario analysis, including
relevant safety analysis.
Fig. 5.4 Scheduling diagram for mixed criticality based on multi-tasking solutions
5.2 Functional Safety and Timing Constraints 213
with context switch between the tasks with different ASIL. Depending on the
complexity of the application function and the ability of the microcontroller and
operating system, such context switches lead enormous time exposure for the time.
There are interrupt routines which run in an order of magnitude of nanoseconds, but
the lowest time for the context switch is in an order of microseconds. That leads to
very limited time slots for the application tasks.
In today’s multicore solution, the microcontrollers offer an assignment of the
safety function to one core and using the second core for the lower ASIL appli-
cation function. Since even here the lockstep solution offers no measures versus
systematic faults or errors, a sufficient independent monitoring layer is needed also
on the safety core (Fig. 5.5).
By using multi-cores impacts due to dependent faults or errors are a challenge,
since the kind of microcontroller, the compiler and the operating system could
decide on which common resources are used within the microcontroller (core
functions uses different resources). Changing of microcontroller, operating system
and/or the compiler (or just settings) are nearly impossible and if necessary highly
safety critical.
In order to avoid interferences between the data exchange of peripheral elements
and with common memory resources a dual- port-RAM or message passing prin-
ciples could be used, which would be monitored by the higher level ASIL core.
Such a RAM-interface would be handled like a communication interface. Any other
external peripheral elements shall be controlled by the higher level ASIL core.
214 5 System Engineering in the Product Development
such software-based voting does not provide a solution against entire controller
impacts such as lightning flashes which immediately kills the system. But what
level of hardware redundancy is necessary for a system, is a matter of the system
analysis of the entire item (the vehicle system within its road traffic environment),
rather than a question of the software or microcontroller architecture.
Chapter 6
System Integration
Integration starts with the smallest elements and ends with the validation of the
development targets. Electronic hardware could be considered to be ready after the
placing of the components or parts on the printed circuit board and assembly of
mechanical hardware such as connectors, housing, cooling devices, and harness etc.
Software integration also starts with the smallest units according to the make files
and liking until the entire embedded software could be integrated and flashed into
the microcontroller. After the hardware-software-integration the further compo-
nents, sub-system or system elements will be integrated according to the hierar-
chical structure as they had been specified in the descending branch of the V-cycle,
so that the acceding branch of the V-cycle matches in the horizontal layer of
abstraction. After their realization or the integration in lower level of abstraction,
the individual technical elements should fit with their interfaces. If the interfaces
don’t fit, the specification of the interfaces or other systematic error leads to these
mismatches. The error have to be corrected according to the change management
process, so that in a further integration step the interfaces become consistent. Since,
the different activities in the realization and integration of underlying layers of the
product or of components may not be adequately safeguarded, a lot of safety
characteristics cannot be really verified and approved until the integration of the
elements. In theory we should not get any new information at this point, since any
characteristics and performance data, which are required from the interaction of the
elements, have already been subject to the safety analysis and verification in the
different horizontal levels. Since the elements have already been tested in the
different sample phases, the changes, which are not considered in the previous
sample phases, are usually the biggest risk. According to ISO 26262 [1] there are at
least the following three system integration levels for a complete software based
• Vehicle integration
• Components integration (System integration)
• Integration of software into hardware
The entire embedded software usually will also not be integrated in a single step
approach. A multistep integration strategy would be usually considered. The fol-
lowing software elements (groups of elements, components) need to be considered
for the integration:
• low level driver (MCAL, microcontroller abstraction layer)
• operating system
• scheduler (program sequence, controlling, monitoring, data flow monitoring)
• run time environment
• application software
• software components with different ASIL
• degradation matrix
• hardware or system abstraction layer
• communication interface, busses
• error memory
• diagnosis or event memory
• safety mechanism to control systematic faults in system, hardware and software
How and in what order these elements should be integrated rather depends
mostly on organizational interfaces or availability of the elements than the technical
aspects. Integration should be accompanied by continues verifications and adequate
tests to confirm the fulfilment of the given requirements for the relevant horizontal
level of abstraction.
5 General
5.2.1 The necessary activities during the development of a system are given
in Fig. 2. After the initiation of product development and the
specification of the technical safety requirements, the system design
6.1 Verifications and Tests 219
Figure from ISO 26262: Reference phase model for the development of a safety-related item
(Source: ISO 26262, Part 4, Fig. 2)
220 6 System Integration
Figure from ISO 26262: Example of a product development at the system level (Source: ISO
26262, Part 4, Fig. 3)
The Fig. 3 shows, that integrations are depending on the defined horizontal
layer, but also within a horizontal layer elements like different software components
should be integrated in a multistep approach. Method like continuous integration
need at least a higher degree of planning activities and tooling to control the
integration steps becomes essential.
The most common verification method is testing. Test methods have different
aims and are hence grouped differently. Consequently there are tests, which support
the development of requirements. The tests during the development of requirements
derive mainly from analysis (like FMEAs) or other verifications.
ISO 26262, Part 4, Clause 7: This requirement applies to ASILs (A), (B), (C), and (D), in
accordance with 4.3: In order to avoid failures resulting from high
complexity, the architectural design shall exhibit the following
properties by use of the principles in Table 2:
a) modularity; and
b) adequate level of granularity; and
c) simplicity
6.1 Verifications and Tests 221
Figure from ISO 26262: Table 2—Properties of modular system design (Source: ISO 26262, Part 4,
Table 2) The system design shall be verified for compliance and complete-
ness with regard to the technical safety concept using the
verification methods listed in Table 3
Figure: ISO 26262, Part 4, Table 3—System design verification
Methods A B C D
1a System design inspectiona + ++ ++ ++
1b System design walkthrougha ++ + o o
2a Simulation b + + ++ ++
2b System prototyping and vehicle tests b + + ++ ++
3 System design analyses c see Table 1
a Methods 1a and 1b serve as check of complete and correct implementation of the technical safety requirements.
b Methods 2a and 2b can be used advantageously as a fault injection technique.
c For conducting safety analyses, see ISO 26262-9: —, Clause 8 (Safety analyses).
Figure from ISO 26262: Table 3—System design verification (Source: ISO 26262, Part 4,
Table 3)
222 6 System Integration
The note refers to part 2, here verifications are a mayor input for the
“Confirmation Reviews” which is important input for the confirmation of the
functional safety of the entire “ITEM”.
The tables require many activities which are already required by quality stan-
dards like APQP, SPICE etc. consequently ISO 26262 expects the activities to be
done, but not necessarily with the stringency of the context of a safety standard like
ISO 26262. Especially
Similarly to the system we can find “Methods for the verification of software
architecture design” in part 6, Table 6 in which requirements are stated similar to
part 4 and additionally the control and data flow analyses. Table 3 (hardware
verification) in part 5 shows the analogue requirements for the electronic hardware.
This example shows that the analogy, which confirms, that ISO 26262 also during
component development like software and hardware development considers a
system development process.
In the Chap. 7 we will see that the entire verification needs to be planned so that
under these requirements we can see a certain multiplications in the norm.
There are a lot of tables for the integration tests, which should support the test
planning phase in the context of the integration into the respective horizontal levels.
The following tables are mentioned in part 4:
• Table 4—Methods for the test case development for integration tests
• Table 5—Correct implementation of technical safety requirement at the
hardware-software level
• Table 6—Correct functional performance, accuracy and time behavior of safety
mechanisms at the hardware-software level
• Table 7—Consistent and correct implementation of internal and external
intersections at the hardware-software level
• Table 8—Efficiency of the diagnostic coverage of safety mechanisms at the
hardware-software level
• Table 9—Level of robustness at the hardware-software level
Tables 10–14 show the methods for the requirements at the system level and
Tables 15–19 at the vehicle level. Referring to the respective horizontal levels, the
requirements and methods are supported by examples and references and differ
from one another in detail.
For part 5 ‘Hardware’ (Tables 10–12) and part 6 ‘Software’ (Tables 9–16) there
are also comparable tables. These also refer to the special features for the software
and hardware development besides the adjustment of the respective horizontal
levels. For their software a data and control flow analysis (for ASIL C and D
required) is recommended in the tables. These analyses are not necessarily methods
6.1 Verifications and Tests 223
referring to the typical verification aims (complete, correct and consistent) they are
rather comparable to the parallel to the architecture development required safety
Generally the methods in the tables can be grouped as follows:
• Methods for test case development
• Methods for tests to confirm correct implementation of the respective
• Methods for tests of the performance, tolerances and timing behavior
• Methods for tests of the internal and external interfaces
• Methods for tests of the effectiveness of quality measures (e.g. assurance of
design characteristics) and error control mechanism (e.g. safety mechanism)
• Methods for the robustness tests
• Methods for element specific analyses and tests
Tests are often distinguished between elements (components-, modules-, units,
etc.) or integration tests. Most of the methods even the name give relevant
Typical element tests do questioning the input and output relation, the behavior
in different environmental conditions or in case of different configurations.
Integration tests are always related to the interaction of the elements to be
integrated in their specified environment and operating or application condition.
The verification will be iteratively called in the development cycle of ISO 26262
and change only in the level of abstraction in its scope, but the basic activities and
the principles of methods remain similar. ISO 26262 describe the process iterations
and the application in the different level of abstraction as follow:
ISO 26262, Part 8, Clause 9:
9.2 General
9.2.1 Verification is applicable to the following phases of the safety lifecycle
– the concept phase, here verification ensures that the concept is correct,
complete and consistent with respect to the boundary conditions of the
item, and that the defined boundary conditions themselves are correct,
complete and consistent, so that the concept can be realised.
– the product development phase, here verification is conducted in different
– in the design phases, verification is the evaluation of the work products,
such as requirement specification, architectural design, models, or soft-
ware code, thus ensuring that they comply with previously established
requirements for correctness, completeness and consistency. Evaluation
can be performed by review, simulation or analysis techniques. The
evaluation is planned, specified, executed and documented in a systematic
224 6 System Integration
NOTE 1 Design phases are ISO 26262–4, Clause 7 (System design), ISO
26262–5, Clause 7 (Hardware design), ISO 26262–6, Clause 7
(Software architectural design) and ISO 26262–6, Clause 8
(Software unit design and implementation)
A systematic integration can only lead to success if already verified elements are
integrated. Since this cannot always be the case, the integration will always happen
iteratively when the verification results are available. Therefore, the recursion
strategy for the tests should not only be referred to the components or element tests
but the integration needs to be at least planned in the next higher level (Figure 6.1).
Requirement phases Architecture phases Analysis phases Design phases Verification Phase Integration phases
Function goals
3-5 Architecture Interface
Requirements Design 3-8.4.4 4-9
Vehicle assumptions analysis / H&RA
assumptions, Validation System
3-7 System
limitations criteria Safety
Safety Goals Definition
6-6 6-9 / 10
6 6-7 6-7
Software Safety Software
Software Safety Software Software
requirements integration +
concept architecture architecture
6-8.4.2 / 3/4
6-8 6-8
Unit software 6-9
Software Verification
requirements Software
unit testing
Any verification shall be planned. ISO 26262 requires at least verifications after any
phase of the development cycle. The information flow in the figure above shows
how it fits into a typical hierarchical design.
ISO 26262, Part 8, Clause 9:
d) the degree of maturity of the technologies used, or the risks associated with
the use of these technologies.
226 6 System Integration
a) a unique identification,
b) the reference to the version of the associated work product to be verified,
c) the preconditions and configurations,
NOTE 1 If a complete verification of the possible configurations of a work
product (e.g. variants of a system) is not feasible, a reasonable
subset is selected (e.g. minimum or maximum functionality
configurations of a system)
e) the input data, their time sequence and their values, and
f) the expected behaviour which includes output data, acceptable ranges of
output values, time behaviour and tolerance behaviour
NOTE 3 When specifying the expected behaviour, it might be necessary to
specify the initial output data in order to detect changes
NOTE 4 To avoid the redundant specification and storage of preconditions,
configurations and environmental conditions used for various test
cases, the use of an unambiguous reference to such data is
The requirements show, that basis for most test activities based on verifications.
About reviewing and check-lists no further details are mentioned. Even about
simulation scenarios no further requirements are defined. At least for verifications
based on simulations similar requirements as for testing should be considered. The
6.1 Verifications and Tests 227
intent of ISO 26262 is not to become another test standard, but during the devel-
opment of test scenario and test cases a lot of methodology could be considered
from other standards.
Also ISO 26262 sees 3 methods of grouping, but it is more considered that these
groups should be applied within the same level of abstraction and depending on
organizational interfaces. ISO 26262 defines the following requirements:
ISO 26262, Part 8, Clause 9: For testing, test cases shall be grouped according to the test
methods to be applied. For each test method, in addition to the test
cases, the following shall be specified:
All verifications have to be performed as planned but also with a dedicated result
and during the execution of tests a target oriented approach is defined. After ver-
ification a certain evaluation (which is more or less a verification of the verification)
is also required. ISO 26262 defines the following requirements:
ISO 26262, Part 8, Clause 9:
All tool settings and also the verification environment have to be recorded as part
of the verification measures. These requirements are not only valid for testing,
especially if simulations are applied for verifications, the records of this information
are very important to trace the result.
Even more important is the trace for the requirement (g), the level of compliance.
This requirement is a hidden requirement for the confirmation review in Part 2 of
ISO 26262. Questioned could even be, if the assessment about the degree of
compliant is not more a topic for a “Functional Safety Assessment”. The last
requirement (h) leads to the result and the consequences of the entire verification
activity. The decision must be taken if by the defined change management process
iteration should be considered or if the result is sufficient to accept it, which is at the
end also a typical assessment topic.
These requirements from ISO 26262 address planning, execution and assessment
of the verification. It facilitates the verification if these requirements are already
considered for the entire process of verification and testing as the mayor method for
the process step of verification. If ISO 26262 is already considered as a process,
verifications are very often required, especially in case of distributed development
and in case of many system levels. Questioned could be, if by defining a separate
verification process, the efforts could be reduced and synergies found.
Safety analyses are principally only special methods for the verification. Especially
the different FMEA methods support the verification of systems, components or any
other element type.
A System-FMEA primarily supports the verification of the architecture, func-
tions and indirect also requirements and their allocations on functions as well as
logical or technical elements. A Design-FMEA questions the correct design or also
the realization of elements. In this case we often start with design drafts and in the
later iterations the developments will be integrated more and more and the element
characteristics maturity increases with any iteration. Therefore, the Design-FMEA
primarily supports the design verification and is completed usually by a design
review (especially the so-called Toyota FMEA, DRBFM—Design Review Based
on Failure Modes focuses on design reviews by experts). A Process-FMEA gen-
erally analyzes the production process. However, technically it would be possible to
analyze any random process with this method. We can find indications for that in
Chap. 7 of this book (Process analysis for functional safety).
Each FMEA standard includes the additional requirement that the result of an
FMEA needs to be checked again in regards to the target of the analysis. A final
review of the FMEA is formally part of each FMEA method.
The following verifications can be supported by safety analyses:
6.1 Verifications and Tests 229
– no function or
– incorrect function
Based on the fact on a basic level completeness of an analysis could be argued.
In the more in-depth analyses we can analysis whether the following malfunctions
functions have been considered for the completeness argument:
• no function
• unexpected function (crosstalk of other systems)
• systematically falsified function or information (i.e. signal drift)
• sporadically or unexpected incorrect function or information
• module or element has not been implemented, addressed or considered
• continuously operation as specified for functions or elements such as interrup-
tion free operation, no oscillation, intermediate errors, random or sporadic faults
• incorrect time behavior
Those are also typical questions for deductive methods such as HAZOP or the
fault tree analysis (FTA). The malfunctions (or error modes) also show in the tables
of ISO 26262, part 5, Appendix D, which represent the foundation for the diag-
nostic coverage. Which of those error modes are relevant depends on the require-
ments and their context which are imposed on the functions. This is why at this
in-depth level not only the architecture is analyzed but also the design and the
realization. Therefore, such analyses are often on lower component level and per-
formed by means of a Design-FMEA and define the basis for the design verification
and validation (DV).
Completeness of the considered single-point faults
This is the classical domain of the FMEA. At this point all possible malfunctions
of a respective level are evaluated whether they can propagate to a given safety goal
or if they are a possible cause of a failure effect, that violates safety goals. Here a
classical FMEA could claim completeness related to the considered scope of
Complete consideration of dual-point-faults
Multiple-point faults always build high permutations referring to its influence
factors. This is why even for simple systems the multiple-point failure analysis is
considerable a challenge. However, if safety mechanisms design as safety-barriers,
which should prevent fault propagation and their penetration through barriers, the
analysis of the individual barriers become single-point fault analysis. Consequently
the entire safety concept has to be designed based on multi-level safety barriers. So
that a fault in a safety-related system could be systematically hindered propagating
in horizontal and vertical direction. Consequently for ASIL C and D systems at
least dual-barrier safety architecture becomes compulsory. Any possible fault need
to break at least 2 safety-barriers in a safety-related system before they have the
potential to violate considered safety goals. Consequently, it is more an architec-
tural design approach to develop adequate safety architecture with such
232 6 System Integration
System specification / Architecture define requirements, architecture, behaviour requirements, implementation concept allocating security mechanisms on
and internal interfaces product architecture
analysis inductive / deductive effectiveness analysis Analysis - error behaviour of all
functions and mechanisms
System - Design define system, parameters, requirements for derivation and allocation of security Verify the coexistence capability of
components mechanisms both set of measures
Verification of components requirements verify feasibility, completeness, correctness, verify feasibility, completeness, analyse consistency of both sets of
consistency of standards for component correctness, consistency of requirements requirements.
for components
Component specification / Architecture define requirements, architecture, behaviour requirements, implementation concept allocating of security mechanisms
and internal interfaces to component architecture
Analysis of component inductive / deductive effectiveness analysis analysis - error behaviour of all
functions and mechanisms
Components - Design component design, parameters, requirements derivation and allocation of security verify the coexistence capability of
for components mechanisms both set of measures
Verification of the components prior to verify feasibility, completeness, correctness, verify feasibility, completeness, analyse consistency of both sets of
implementation / deployment / realisation consistency of requirements before correctness, consistency of requirements requirements.
implementation for implementation
implementation / deployment / realisation implement as specified implement as specified verify the specification-compliant
Integration / Test tests according to specification tests according to specification tests of ability of coexistence and
effectiveness of both sets of
The objective of part 4, chapter 8, ‘Integration and Test’ have previously been
discussed in the planning of the architecture. 3 Integration phases are considered in
ISO 26262.
ISO 26262, Part 4, Clause 8:
8.1 Objectives
8.1.1 The integration and testing phase comprises three phases and two
primary goals as described below: The first phase is the integration of
the hardware and software of each element that the item comprises.
The second phase is the integration of the elements that comprise an
item to form a complete system. The third phase is the integration of
the item with other systems within a vehicle and with the vehicle itself
8.1.2 The first objective of the integration process is to test compliance with
each safety requirement in accordance with its specification and ASIL
8.1.3 The second objective is to verify that the “System design” covering the
safety requirements (see Clause 7 (System design)) are correctly
implemented by the entire item
234 6 System Integration
The different levels of the integration are used for the verification of the interfaces
of the relevant elements. The typical verification criteria for the interfaces build the
foundation for the applied methodology. The objective of such tests are whether the
interfaces have been developed completely, consistently, correct and if sufficiently
transparence is given for the safety case.
In real systems or products systems do not consist just of 1 software and 1
hardware component. Elements of other technology are mixed with electronic, such
as connectors, printed-circuit-board, harness etc. Also inside the microcontroller the
6.1 Verifications and Tests 235
course other standards or norms have been used instead. If a component has been
developed according to a different safety standard, we can generally assume that
there is an certain level of safety documentation. However, whether the failure
propagation of this component in a vehicle system is the same as in an airplane or in
a stationary power plant and whether the time behavior is sufficient in combination
with other safety mechanisms, can become challenging questions. Especially the
required multiple-point failure control for ASIL C and higher becomes challenging.
Since hardware components are physically describable, ISO 26262 also allows such
a qualification for new components. ISO 26262 elements are not made of a specific
substance or material. Any basic element need somehow qualified in order to be
suitable for a safety-related application. Arguments for their trustful functions and
adequate evidence need to be provided.
It is not the aim of the automobile industry to one day develop resistors
according to ISO 26262. However, this is not the case for software elements; in this
case the norm suggests that this type of qualification should not be used for new
developments. Doesn’t the software often behave different in a different micro-
controller? Are core operations for the different code instructions so unique? Could
compiler settings from one controller to another controller lead to the same safe
functioning? Even Autosar could not assure a sufficient safe and consistent envi-
ronment for a safety-related application software.
Proven elements, proven in use (PIU)
This is one of the most difficult topics of safety engineering. First of all, a lot of
experienced developers say that there have not been any previous safety risks by
using proven elements in vehicles. Why is a system now no longer “safe” only
because such a norm has been published? The risk has already been described
before with qualified elements; we do not know whether the case of application, the
integration environment and the error propagation happening at the interfaces are
actually that identical. According to ISO 26262, PIU is a “Black-Box-Approach”,
meaning we do not know the entire inner structure and behavior of the elements or
the candidate to be reused. Safety should be assessed purely according to the
characteristics of the outer boundary. The norm does not support this since it
requires that the performance and the frequencies of errors need to be quantified
based on field experiences. This quantification however should be based on a
comparable case of application in a comparable environment. Since microcon-
trollers especially change constantly, this signifies an enormous challenge for
software elements.
general validity is required and man could say: “Validation is the proof that targets
are reached reproducibly”.
ISO 26262 sees safety validation on vehicle level, but safety validation is not
considered as a single activity. Safety validation should accompanied the whole
safety process until the end of the development phase.
ISO 26262, Part 3, Clause 8:
The note gives clear hind that the safety manager has to plan further intermediate
validation activities during planning the activities (Part 4, Clause for pro-
duct development on system level. Of course a similar validation steps meaningful
during component development, but those are not explicitly required by the stan-
dard. Those intermediate validations are typical characteristics of today’s agile
development approaches, but they also are inherent part of a spiral process or
automotive typical APQP activities.
However, in contrast to verification, validation still has kind of a blurry character
since targets are often not as precisely formulated as requirements, which are
generally verified according to ISO 26262. In the automobile industry we can often
find the following definition: “The customer requirements are validated, but the
requirements for example in the product and technical specifications are often
verified.” Whereby the product specification is seen as the formulated wish of the
customer and can once again be validated.
The following aspects are associated with the term validation:
• Latin: validus; strong, effective, healthy
• Validity: weight of a statement, investigation, theory or premise
• Validation is a method of communication with dementia patients
• Validation: Proof that a process, a system and/or the production of a active
substance reproducibly fulfills the requirements in practical use
• Validation for a semiconductor says that it can be produced according to the
• Validation: external proof of large-scale projects and theirs sustainability reports
• Validation in computer science is the proof that a system meets the requirements
in practice
• Validator: A method or program, which should confirm the verification with
respect to a standard
• Validation or testing of the validity of statistical values or their plausibility
• Method validation proves that an analytical method is suitable for its purpose
238 6 System Integration
9.1 Objectives
9.11 The first objective is to provide evidence of compliance with the safety
goals and that the functional safety concepts are appropriate for the
functional safety of the item
9.1.2 The second objective is to provide evidence that the safety goals are
correct, complete and fully achieved at the vehicle level
Two objectives are defined for safety validation; the first is the evidence that the
safety goals are considered adequately in the context of the functional safety
concept and the defined item. The second objective asks for the evidence that the
safety goals themselves are correct and achieved on vehicle level. The hope of any
safety validation is, to proof that the vehicle is safe as such, but ISO 26262 could
provide support on the evidence of functional safety for E/E-Systems. The
safety-live-cycle in ISO 26262, part 2 shows, that external measures and also
measures of other technology have to be considered during safety validation. In
“9.2 General” the relation to other activities are detailed.
ISO 26262, Part 4, Clause 9.2:
9.2 General
9.2.1 The purpose of the preceding verification activities (e.g. design
verification, safety analyses, hardware, software, and item integration
and testing) is to provide evidence that the results of each particular
activity comply with the specified requirements
9.2.2 The validation of the integrated item in representative vehicle(s) aims
to provide evidence of appropriateness for the intended use and aims
to confirm the adequacy of the safety measures for a class or set of
vehicles. Safety validation does cover assurance, that the safety goals
are sufficient and have been achieved, based on examination and tests
6.2 Safety Validation 239
The clause 9.2 defines more specifically how ISO 26262 sees the relation to
verification and integration measures.
For example, examining whether a goal has been achieved, this includes the
validation of the safety goals in ISO 26262. A test a for example, if the SW fits into
the microcontroller would be a verification after integration. Methodically you
checked but against the requirements of the higher level through the intermediate
step, whether they were consistent, correct and completely achieved. A second step
would be whether the goal of a safe integration of hardware and software has been
Thus it is also in the second interpretation, the request itself is really what is
required, according to ISO 26262 in deriving the functional safety concept for
technical safety concept through to the component requirements. Here ISO 26262
calls the activity also verification of requirements.
The mayor goals for validation based on underlying verifications such as:
– The goals are achieved
– The demands were the right
– The requirements were implemented correctly and adequately.
If this leads to a consistency and completeness of reasoning, creating a sufficient
transparency should be no problem. If the activities and the methods used exten-
sively documented, so that an auditor could confirm the adequateness of the
activities and an assessor should be able to confirm the achievement of functional
This means that all verifications are receipt confirmations that all relevant
requirements and specifications are correctly implemented for a certain system on
vehicle level for a specific vehicle or vehicle class. The safety validation should
provide the final argument for functional safety on vehicle level.
At the vehicle level (compare information flow with figures in previous chapters)
a model would be highly useful since all assumptions can already be validated at
the model in the design phase.
In the initial phase of the development it is very clear that models are used in
order to better understand requirements or dynamic behavior can be described in the
first process iterations. On the descending branch of the V-model, models are often
abstractions of the corresponding product before its realization with which it can be
proven whether the products can be integrated sufficiently in the ascending branch
of the V-model. These models focus on describing the development in a way that
the behavior corresponds with the product developed in an abstracted environment.
Besides the failure analysis these models are often used as a basis for test benches
(e.g. HIL, Hardware in the Loop), in order to develop automated tests. The real-
ization model is often not derived from the requirement model but developed
independently. The benefit is that the tester does not need to be involved in the
requirement development and thus unbiased testing can be ensured. However,
speaking on the verification or the validation of the models or their consistency, we
can see that the significance of such models is limited. Furthermore, the verification
of the requirements will be difficult referring to the correct implementation for
inconsistent models. The benefits of such independently developed and validated
models are the insights at the consistency check. At this point of course the
respective systematic failure will be apparent. A parallel development and maturing
of the model and the systematic verification or validation of the model against
requirements as well as the previously developed and determined characteristics of
the final product would be advisable. This of course can only apply for reduced
abstractions. A complete modeling of electronic or even of the microcontroller used
is possible nowadays but still very complex (Fig. 6.2 and 6.3).
The model has to achieve the intended target maturity until the development of
individual components. This means that the model should comply with the relevant
requirements by 100 %, which means complete. The integration of the components,
which are planned according to the model and which correctness can be argued
with the help of models, reaches its complete maturity with the finale validation.
These requirements however can only apply if no change in the requirements is
allowed during the development. However, based on the architecture, influences of
changes can be explained. The model is going to support the influence analysis,
especially for the technical behavior and the dynamic effects.
Requirement phases Architecture phases Analysis phases Design phases Verification Phase Integration phases
Function goals
3-5 Architecture Interface
Requirements Design 3-8.4.4 4-9
Vehicle assumptions analysis / H&RA
3-7 assumptions, Validation System
Safety Goals limitations criteria Safety
Requirement phases Architecture phases Analysis phases Design phases Verification Phase Integration phases
Function goals
3-5 Architecture Interface
Requirements Design 3-8.4.4 4-9
Vehicle assumptions analysis / H&RA
assumptions, Validation System
3-7 System
limitations criteria Safety
Safety Goals Definition
5-6 5-10
5 5-8 5-7 / 8/9 5-7.4.1 / 2
EE Hardware EE HW
EE Hardware EE hardware EE Hardware EE HW 5-7.4.4
Safety Integration-
Safety concept architecture Safety design Verification
requirements tests
Vehicle model: Such a model can show the behavior of a vehicle in the context of
driving situations. It can also illustrate the vehicle reaction based on possible
malfunctions of systems on vehicle level, which needs to be integrated. Such
models support the analysis and verification of the item including considerations of
boundary condition, limitations as well as the requirement analysis for the intended
functions. Especially if the intended function itself becomes safety-related, the
necessary analysis to verify them within its intended range of use and environment
could be performed, before any function is integrated in a vehicle. Such a model
can support the hazard and risk analysis and also provide essential information for
their verification. For the model it doesn’t matter if the effect of malfunctions or
mere functional effects are verified. This model could provide arguments for
completeness for the verification of the functional safety concept. The derivation of
functional safety requirements from the safety goals against the safety architecture
at this horizontal vehicle level and thus the allocation can be verified. On a func-
tional level it is possible to simulate how certain functional safety mechanisms react
on possible malfunctions of the system within the vehicle environment. Through
respective timely simulations it is also possible to show the intensity of malfunc-
tions during different failure tolerance time intervals, so that the failure tolerance
time intervals can be analyzed and defined. These models can generally also sup-
port and provide arguments for the integration of the vehicle system and its veri-
fication and validation.
System models on vehicle level: This model would illustrate the behavior of the
considered system on vehicle level but cannot uniquely show the behavior and the
effects of the vehicle system or the vehicle reaction in the traffic environment. This
is why the model would be suitable to verify the relevant malfunctions of the hazard
242 6 System Integration
and risk analysis. It would not be capable of verifying or even validating the safety
goals. The vehicle system limits can be analyzed and verified, so that the vehicle
system model provides an important verifiable input for the hazard and risk
A system model on vehicle level could also support the integration of the item
and the verification.
For the safety validation this model could only be used limitedly since the
correctness of the safety goals could be questioned in the context that they cover all
relevant malfunctions. With today’s modeling tools system models can be trans-
ferred very well into a vehicle model.
System model: The focuses of a system model are the interfaces to the com-
ponents. A system model can describe the different horizontal levels, this is why the
levels at which the models is abstracted, should be defined clearly (Fig. 6.4).
The system model can describe the vehicle interfaces and the aspects described
under the vehicle system models would be valid. The components interfaces could
be defined the same way so that the behavior of the components and their functions
or functionalities can be described, analyzed, or verified. Furthermore, a model of
the microcontroller could be used in order to describe, analyze or verify the
hardware–software-interface and the behavior of the software within the micro-
controller (environment). Nowadays even in the silicon models are widely used to
describe the functionalities of semiconductors and validate those against the dif-
ferent realized samples. This means that a system approach is used in order to
display the inner behavior of the silicon. ADL (architecture description languages)
are widely used for that purpose.
Specifications, analyses and their verification and validation (validation as test
against customer requirements) can be reasoned on the model level. For the failure
System Level 1
Vehicle interface
System Level 2
Component Interface
System Level 3
Hardware-Software Interface
Component level
analysis of the model the same approach can be used as for the other hardware
systems. The level of the desired functionality and its failures should be seen as the
error type level. The causative level should be the level at which the measurable or
observable anomalies of developed samples and typical systematic failures are
describable. In this context it is primarily important that the model and the
development mature continuously so that the model can also be respectively vali-
dated with each characteristic relevant for the product to be developed. Principally
according to ISO 26262 the model validation is also a verification but in this case
we will do without this for the semiconductor industry untypical term. A good
model is sufficiently valid (suitable) and reproducible as a reference for the tech-
nical description in order to reason the analyses and verifications of the model.
Basically all models in safety technology are “System models”. The entire ISO
26262 is based on a structure in which software and hardware components are also
described through a systemic approach. Therefore, a combination of system ele-
ments is chosen that facilitates the implementation of the intended functionality.
Electronic Models: Electronic modeling is a fairly old discipline. Up until today
SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) is used as a foun-
dation. SPICE (PSPICE is the PC version of SPICE) was developed in 1973
originally at the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) department
of the University of California in Berkeley. A comparable and even older algorithm
is CANCER (Computer Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits Excluding Radiation).
These algorithms were continuously improved and are even used nowadays as a
basis for the description of electronic including semiconductors. Known
system-modeling tools have integrated the SPICE algorithms. The term SPICE has
nothing to do with the process assessment method, at which for examples
Automotive-SPICE is based on today. It is only an example that electricians and
software specialist do not have a systematic communication. Such SPICE algo-
rithms can basically be embedded in each system environment so that the system
and software intersection can also be described. SPICE algorithms can simulate the
temperature, voltage and electricity behavior as well as mechanical influences on
the behavior of electric components to each other. The models become especially
significant since there are corresponding model libraries for all electric components,
which also show the behavior of components in their integration environment.
Therefore, even antenna effects can be simulated through EMC malfunctions or
drifts on transistors, which they themselves are not measurable with oscilloscopes.
For EMC in our day’s Maxwell equations are integrated in the tools. Furthermore,
also heat behavior and its propagation within components and controlling units can
be simulated. Especially for the analysis of dependent failure such a simulation can
provide useful results. Since the error propagation can be simulated based on
different effects, it is possible to detect failure cascades. In this case there is the
possibility to reduce the causes of failure cascades or the propagation of failure
cascades with adequate measures. By applying Kolmogorov-Smirnov or applying
of algorithm based on those test method tests all kind of dependability could be
simulated and analyzed. This means that the basic principles of system engineering
including the error propagation are also applicable for these electronic models at the
244 6 System Integration
The foundation for models actually goes back to the questions of Parmenides
(Greek philosopher), who pointed out 2500 years ago that not everything can be
explained the way how it is observed. The moment influence parameters are
included or left out, the observed behavior can change. Therefore, it can be shown
that the form of abstraction of the model can be an essential basis for the signifi-
cance referring to the development or the reality of the model (Fig. 6.5).
The P-diagram was previously discussed in the above-illustrated form in the
1950s. The diagram is based on the idea of energy transfer. The input value is seen
as the 100 % ideal function. If 100 % of the input value could be transferred to
100 % of the output value, it would be an ideal system.
This does not exist in reality. The principle of thermodynamic says that a 100 %
transformation is not possible; there is no such thing as a “Perpetuum mobile”. This
means we check which influences from the environment at the closed system cause
which discrepancies at the output. Through this 100 % rule the reference to the
requirements (has the model behavior been specified 100 %) as well as the
development (is the observable behavior of the development 100 % explainable in
the model) can be reasoned, so that it is possible to make statements referring to the
level of abstraction and the model maturity. This was for example described in the
Ford-FMEA handbook including the evaluation of interferences (robustness
matrix). This P-diagram is used as basis for all meta-models, which can also
describe the failure behavior of systems. This means that all descriptions and also
behavior models show such a structure or a comparable one. Through the 100 %
comparison we can reason completeness, so that an essential aim of the verification
can be met. Those parameters of the P-diagram however need to consistently go
through the entire model. If the model did not result from comparable (consistent)
met models, consistency and completeness statements cannot be derived from the
error conditions
6.3 Model Based Development 245
model. Since both verification aims are the basis for safety technical correctness,
also a safety technical correctness cannot be derived from the model without a
consistent meta-model. All parameters of the product referring to requirements,
design characteristics, architecture and the development itself, including all mea-
sures for the product as well as secondary the verification and validation, need to
relate to the P-diagram and be technically consistently saved and archived.
Otherwise change-management, configuration management and module manage-
ment or baselining is only partially possible for safety technical systems. If each
product, no matter at which horizontal abstraction level, is described through such
P-diagrams, also the systematic approach is consistent in each horizontal level so
that the system engineering principles can also be applied on software and hardware
Since classic deductive and inductive analyses procedures such as FMEA or fault
tree analyses (FTA) can only limitedly reflect the requirements or the development,
model based safety analyses are important methods for the fulfillment of ISO 26262
Of course it is only possible to analyze automatically, which has been automated
or implemented into the model. Just like the idea of P-diagrams show, analyses and
verifications are only as good as their foundations, which are available for the
analysis or verification. The benefit of model-based analyses is that the processes
could be automated and results can be supplied automated to further analyses and
becomes repeatable.
An essential benefit of the model-based analysis is that with today’s computers it
is also possible to formalize illustrate the dynamic behavior as well as its safety
technically analyzes. Especially the behavior in the case of failure or errors as well
as in the transition from a static condition to different other states, which happens in
different driving, systems or operation modes, needs to be considered. Failure
behavior at such transitions of system conditions often lead to dangerous effects
today’s highly dynamic systems, which for example can no longer be controlled by
the driver. Even effects, which at the transitions of system modes in the individual
driving situations can cause danger, cannot be completely and systematically
described or analyzed with the classic analysis methods. For a valid model we can
configure the condition transitions with different parameters and model automated
through a whole modeling range at each horizontal abstraction level (i.e. in the
microcontroller, at the components level or at dedicated system levels). The
observations of the output conditions and variations such as the failure reaction, as
described in the P-diagram, allow systematic evaluations.
Therefore, failure combinations and even combinations of dynamic and static
failures can be displayed. Thus for example a parameter principle of different drifts
246 6 System Integration
6.4 Approvals/Releases
Releases are already addressed in ISO 9000 and therefore also in ISO TS 16949.
From ISO 9001:2008, Chap. 7.3.3 “Development Results”:
The development results need to have a form, which is suitable for the verifi-
cation against the development inputs and be approved before the release.
Also the term “Product approval” is used in different ways. This means that
certain activities such as products need a release. ISO 9001 does not specify how
such a release should take place. It is again the task of the respective management
system to define the way in which such a release should be managed and what the
subject of the particular release is.
Documented releases require from the decision making people that they are
aware of the correctness and appropriateness of the relevant activities and the
achieved characteristics and that they confirm that those have been fulfilled. This
requires that the commissioned people have the sufficient competence for dedicated
release. Negligently or grossly negligent performed releases can lead to damages or
danger, which can cause the legislator or the insurance to get involved and become
active. What legal consequences such decisions can have for the company or even
for an individual person should not be discussed here. We should only bring
attention to the further regulations and laws; especially, if we speak of releases of a
clearly characterized safety activity or a safety relevant product.
6.4 Approvals/Releases 247
In many APQP standards the product is released before the process. This is based
on the assumption that when the product meets the requirements and targets, the
process cannot have been completely wrong. If the process is released first, it is
probably a production process release, which is then the prerequisite for a pro-
duction of the product in line with the market requirements. Furthermore, it is
assumed that if the process went well, the product will also prove to be of a certain
quality. This in particular can lead to tremendous misconceptions.
This is why VDA suggests a process, product and project release (Fig. 6.6).
This figure shows that the respective maturity level dependency for multilevel
supply chains.
Here we can see the work results and milestones for supply chains and the
projects and products, which support this supply chain.
This milestone or maturity concept and its process protection are primarily used
for the early detection of project risks, whereas safety issues of the product are one
of such (Fig. 6.7).
The figure shows typical risk in the various phases and gives examples to
minimize the risk for the product.
Fig. 6.6 Supplier Management—Specifiying the critical path source: VDA publication “maturity
level assurance for new parts”, 2nd edition, 2009
248 6 System Integration
Fig. 6.7 VDA maturity model [3], maturity-hedge for new parts (Source VDA maturity for new
According to all APQP or PPAP standards, the release for series production is also
given to suppliers, through the vehicle manufacturer or the person responsible in the
superimposing hierarchy of the supply chain. However, in all standards the vehicle
manufacturer reserved the right to prove the correctness of the production and the
product even for sub-suppliers of suppliers.
ISO 26262 define requirements for product release in part 4.
ISO 26262, Part 4, Clause 11:
Particularly the last requirement stating that such a release needs to be signed by
people is very common in the automobile industry. However, a product liability
lawyer would not unreservedly recommend signing such a release.
One of the mayor processes for the acceptance of the product by OEMs and higher
Tiers is the PPAP)
PPAP is a process defined in various APQP standards but also derived by nearly
any vehicle manufacturer or higher Tier.
This process defines how the acceptance from on higher organization in the
supply chain should be handled, so that at the end of the process a “release for
series production” could be agreed (Fig. 6.8).
There are 5 PPAP Levels which mainly lays down, what the customer expects
when from his supplier. The supplier have to provide a warranty letter the PSW
(product submission warrant), which is a declaration, that the delivered sample
fulfils all agreed requirements, including safety requirements of course (Fig. 6.9).
Depending on the PPAP level the following work-products are expected
(Fig. 6.10).
Fig. 6.10 Work-products as required by PPAP level (Source AIAG 4th. Edition)
6.4 Approvals/Releases 251
1. [ISO 26262]. ISO 26262 (2011): Road vehicles—Functional safety. International Organization
for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
2. [PPAP AIAG]. PPAP Production Part Approval Process AIAG 4th Edition, Automotive
Industry Action Group, PPAP, 2006
3. [VDA maturity model]. Supplier Management—Specifiying the critical path, VDA publication
“maturity level assurance for new parts”, 2nd edition, 2009
Chapter 7
Confirmation of Functional Safety
6 Safety management during the concept phase and the product development
6.1 Objectives
6.1.1 The first objective of this clause is to define the safety management roles
and responsibilities, regarding the concept phase and the development
phases in the safety lifecycle (see Figs. 1 and 2).
6.1.2 The second objective of this clause is to define the requirements for the
safety management during the concept phase and the development phases,
including the planning and coordination of the safety activities, the pro-
gression of the safety lifecycle, the creation of the safety case, and the exe-
cution of the confirmation measures.
The safety-lifecycle has been discussed detailed in the previous chapter of this
book. For the second objective some further views based on the system engineering
ideas have to be more detailed evaluated more detailed.
ISO 26262 provides three measures, which are necessary for the confirmation of
functional safety for a product or an item
6.2 General
6.2.1 Safety management includes the responsibility to ensure that the con-
firmation measures are performed. Depending on the applicable ASIL, some
confirmation measures require independence regarding resources, manage-
ment and release authority (see 6.4.7).
6.2.2 Confirmation measures include confirmation reviews, functional safety
audits and functional safety assessments:
– the confirmation reviews are intended to check the compliance of selected
work products (see Table 1) to the corresponding requirements of ISO
– a functional safety audit evaluates the implementation of the processes
required for the functional safety activities;
– a functional safety assessment evaluates the functional safety achieved by
the item.
ISO 26262 uses the term “evaluate” in connection with the functional safety
audit and assessment and “check” for the confirmation reviews. The assessment
character for the functional safety audits could come from checking whether the
safety activities have been implemented as planned on the basis of the functional
safety concept.
The standard requires principally one Functional Safety Assessment, if func-
tional safety has been achieved for an entire item on vehicle level in accordance
with the given safety goals. Partial assessing of elements (systems, which do not
build an item on vehicle level, components or electronic components, e.g. micro-
controller) could also be performed within their system boundaries with regards to
functional safety. However, the appropriateness or complete fulfillment of safety
goals cannot be assessed for a specific vehicle.
Especially in distributed developments partial assessments are necessary,
because the integrator on vehicle level is not able all necessary aspects of functional
safety for complex products, such as software based multifunctional automotive
Therefor ISO 26262 recommends a development accompanying Functional
Safety Assessment and only the final evaluation of the product after integration,
safety validation and other confirmation measures called a Functional Safety
7 Confirmation of Functional Safety 255
Fig. 7.1 Table 1: confirmation activities and their level of independency (Source ISO 26262, part 2,
Table 1)
The three confirmation measures are further specified in Table 2 (Fig. 7.2).
ISO 26262 provides in Table 2 the mayor corner points of the 3 confirmation
measures. In a footnote it indicates that the review and audit report can be included
in the assessment report.
The tables (Fig. 7.1) also give an indication what level or degree of indepen-
dence is required for what confirmation measure. The concern is, that people from
7 Confirmation of Functional Safety 257
their direct superior or other people in the hierarchy could be influenced to neglect
important safety activities, or others violating an adequate result according to given
safety requirements.
Generally, it will never be possible to describe, which safety activities are
suitable for which risks; in any case it was not the aim of ISO 26262 to provide
standardized concrete safety measures for certain failure scenarios. This is why it
will also not be possible to say, which confirmation measures are necessary, ade-
quate or suitable for which safety activities. The confirmation measures need to be
planned based on the safety concept.
“Confirmation Review” is only mentioned in the tables of part 2. Apart from these
tables there are no requirements for this kind of confirmation measure. But the
objective of Confirmation Reviews is to build the bridge between other verifications
as required or become necessary due to given requirements from the standard. The
tables show that the key task should ensure the consistency and compliance of the
norm according to ISO 26262 as well as that it is also a matter of standard com-
pliance and work results and its documentation in defined work-products. However,
most of the results also have to undergo verification according to ISO 26262, part 8,
clause 9, which should show the consistency, correctness and completeness of
essential work results. Essential however would be consistency checks of all work
results, just like it is required later for the Safety Case. The tables label the con-
firmation reviews for the important work results:
• Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
• Project safety plan
• Vehicle system integration and test plans
• Validation plan
• Safety analyses
• Tool qualification
• Argumentation of “Proven-in-Use” (PIU)
• Completeness of the safety proof
Why the definition of the item, the functional safety concept, the component
integration and their tests, the safety validation and the qualifications of hardware
and software components do not undergo a confirmation review is unclear.
However, some of these work results need to be verified.
Since the Confirmation Reviews are placed between the verifications and the
Assessment of Functional Safety, it would be advisable to combine these activities as
well as possible. The necessary independency has already been achieved for the
verifications through a different person, all content, which requires specific qualified
personnel, should be included through verifications. The insufficient independencies
258 7 Confirmation of Functional Safety
Aspect Review for confirmation Audit of Functional Safety Assessment Functional safety
The evaluation Work result Implementation of the Defined vehicle system, ISO
processes that are required for 26262-3: 2011, Chapter 5
functional safety.
Result Review Report (a) Audit report (a) in accordance Assessment Report ISO, Part 2,
with ISO, Part 2, 6.4.8 6.4.9
Responsibility of the person Evaluating the conformity of the Assessment carried out Evaluate the achieved
performs the action results to the relevant required Processes functional safety. Creating a
requirements of ISO 26262 recommendation for
acceptance, conditional
acceptance or rejection in
accordance with ISO, part 2-
Time during the safety lifecycle After the completion of the During implementation of the Progressive during
relevant Safety activities .. required processes. development or in a block.
Completion Before the Completion Before the
production release. production release.
Scope and level of detail According to the Safety plan Carrying out the processes The work results in accordance
according to the defined with the Safety plan, the
activities, as referenced or required processes performed
specified in the safety plan. and the reviews of the Safety
measures taken, which can be
evaluated during the
development of the vehicle
(A) This Reports in Assessment Report functional safety are introduced.
Fig. 7.2 Table 2: confirmation measures and their characterization (Source inspired by ISO
26262, part 2, Table 2)
System Architecture Integration
System Design
requirements, says that the output needs to be reproducibly generated based on the
defined input. Since any verification needs to also determine the consistency,
completeness and correctness, process failures can be detected through this test for
the requirement, architecture and design development. If those process failures have
not been considered for the verification planning, the statement that the process of
260 7 Confirmation of Functional Safety
ISO 26262 is safe itself is untenable. Originally these aspects used to be described in
the functional safety reviews. Unfortunately, after renaming it to ‘confirmation
reviews’ in the later final forms, a lot of these aspects were lost. Since systematic
failures, which are caused by process errors, tool impact errors or also human errors,
can lead to inconsistencies, they should be detectable in well-planned verifications.
Since the idea of the development processes derive from the production processes,
we can also find good examples for the process verification. In production engi-
neering such process verification is called a locking concept. It shows that even for
an incorrect input, the production process is capable of detecting such failures
through production monitoring. Also in this case the product is not changed through
the verification. The change happens, for example, through follow-up treatment or
because defective parts are sorted out. Technically, we can say that verifications and
analyses (as special forms of verifications) are the essential initiators of change
processes. The newly treated part however needs to once again go through the
verification before it can be further processed. Production engineering says that the
earlier an inconsistency is detected the cheaper is the follow-up treatment. This
measure can also be very well applied for the development processes. ISO 26262
includes a chapter in part 8, which covers the tool qualification. However, as of late
not many tools exist, which are appropriately qualified or if qualified used this
method. Verifications should be planned accordingly.
If activities, which are supported by the tools, can emphasize safety relevant
product influences verifications should lead to inconsistencies. Simply consider-
ing’s, principals and many methods are based on process verifications even
Process- and System-FMEAs are very similar. Considering a System-FMEA in a
way that systematic failure can influence the function of a product, measures have
to be taken against it. Possible malfunction (which are mainly systematic errors) in
the Process-FMEA are controlled by measures during the production process,
which is mainly the aim of a Control Plan. Analogical to that, the System-FMEA
evaluates systematic errors during development process and determines adequate
implemented safety mechanism.
If in fact, each possible systematic failure that can influence the failure behavior
or important characteristics of the product and needs to be compensated with safety
measures such as implemented safety mechanism. ISO 26262 did not distinguish
between verifications of work-products and the process. The first verification,
which should be strongly recommended, is the test of the intended functions, which
are the basis for the item, the system on vehicle level. This verification indicates
whether the functions can lead to hazards even if they functioning correctly. In this
context we speak about the safety-of-use. Consequently, the Item Definition should
be verified. If it turns out to be incorrect undetected inconsistency in the hazard and
risk analysis should be expected.
It is important, that the planning of the analyses and verifications considers this
and also effectively plans appropriate process locking similar to the production
process also for the development process. This is especially evident for the planning
of dissimilar or divers functions for example for an ASIL decomposition. If one
algorithm is developed in Australia and one in Scandinavia it does not indicate
7.1 Confirmation Reviews 261
whether the same systematic failures have been produced. However, if clearly
different development targets are planned as process instructions, which cover the
same safety goal, systematic failures can be detected by the safety technical
inconsistencies. In this context for example one algorithm could be calculated with
real numbers and the other with integer values or one function could be integrated
through multiplication and the other addition like a Laplace transformation. There is
also the possibility that in the product development, asymmetric conceptions can be
planned for the test concepts, which then lead to the desired inconsistencies. Also,
through failure injections or sample tests through multiple series, process failure
tolerances can be tested for products, just like with the process capabilities for the
production systems. Such dissimilar approaches need to be planned in a way that
the system could only work, if the system is safe, any potential error would lead to a
detected inconsistency which could be detected by an implemented safety mech-
anism. Of course such principles could be also implemented by fail-operational
systems, but it requires an implementation of fully redundant signal chains and in
case of inconsistencies a degraded function has to be still able to perform the
safety-related intended function of the ITEM.
In this context the relation to CMMi appraisal and SPICE Assessment are often
discussed, whereby the target of functional safety is not a matter of determining
process improvement potential. The appropriateness of safety activities for their
environment is seen as confirmation review, according to part 2, Table 2 (see
Fig. 7.2). Whether the safety activities are appropriate related to given safety goals,
is subject of the Assessment of Functional Safety. This also means that in order to
tailor the safety lifecycle to the stipulated safety concept no SPICE assessor is
needed but rather a safety expert. This does not mean that certain safety aspects
cannot, should not or may not, be reasoned through the process. But the target of
Functional Safety Audit is an evaluation of activities in line with the standard and
adequate to realize the Functional Safety Concept. The degree of compliance to a
given v-model is not important for functional safety. This is more often the case for
the adjustment of activities because of certain tools or for streamlined processes for
the application or development of variants of a useful approach. However, in order
to do so a safety process (also defined in safety manuals, safety configuration
handbooks or process manuals) should be accordingly planned in the concept
phase. In order to plan such a process or the sequence of necessary safety activities,
a safety specialist who often called a safety manager is required.
The safety process needs to be developed based on the item, the safety goals and
the safety concept, since otherwise is it not possible to retrieve the necessary
work-products for the safety case out of different activities. A project safety plan
does not only describe the objectives of activities but also of the individual methods
to be applied and intermediate targets such as the product or safety maturity in
262 7 Confirmation of Functional Safety
relation to the final product. For example, a fault tree analysis can be used for the
identification of cut-sets, for the development of safety architecture or the identi-
fication of dependent failure. Even for the same product, fault trees analysis
(FTA) can look very different, depending on which objectives and requirements of
ISO 26262 should be met. This type of process analysis is based on a lot of
individual activities, which have been derived from ISO/IEC12207 and became
later process or process assessment models for SPICE or CMMi. The strategy or the
objectives of planning of safety activities is to develop a sequence of activities that
lead to a safety case based in a functional safety concept and given safety goals.
Surprisingly the standard does not require the product itself as an input for the
activity, which does not mean that the Functional Safety Assessment could be
simply reduced to a document check. A couple of further requirements, which result
from the verification and validation activities and their requirements, disagree. Also
the required assessment plan in Chap. 5.5.5, which results from the single
requirement that the Assessment of Function Safety needs to be planned at the
beginning of system development, indicates that the entire product development
process needs to be assessed so that proven evidence for the Functional Safety
Assessment could be provided.
Furthermore, the Safety Case is an essential input for the assessment and thus the
safety validation is also already considered as an essential input for the assessment.
ISO 26262, Part 4, clause 10.4:
Basically, those two requirements say that the entire safety lifecycle needs to be
considered for the Functional Safety Assessment. This explicitly includes that the
correct planning of safety activities (tailoring of safety lifecycles) influences the
assessment. Furthermore, a direct assessment of function safety is only recom-
mended for ASIL B and required for ASIL C and D. This is only the view of the
norm and also only based on the requirements, which the standard general requires
for Functional Safety Assessments. Since the safety validation and the necessary
verifications need to be conducted for all ASIL in any case, it is only advisable to
find a useful solution within the relevant organization. An assessment of safety
relevant products however still needs to be performed because of product liability
reasons. But the assessment needs to be not in line with the standard. Which
adjustments are necessary in the individual case can only be determined by the
respective organization.
The target of the safety case is to provide arguments for the safety of the item, or the
system on vehicle level. According to ISO 26262 the given requirements from the
standard address only the functional safety of the EE-system. Other technology or
264 7 Confirmation of Functional Safety
Requirement phases Architecture phases Analysis phases Design phases Verification Phase Integration phases
Function goals
3-5 Interface
Requirements Architecture Design 3-8.4.4 4-9
Vehicle analysis / H&RA
assumptions, Validation System
3-7 System assumptio
limitations criteria Safety
Safety Goals Definition ns Validation
6-6 6-9 / 10
6 6-7 6-7
Software Safety Software
Software Safety Software Software
requirements integration +
concept architecture architecture
6-8.4.2 / 3/4
6-8 6-8
Unit software 6-9
Software Verification
requirements Software
unit testing
Fig. 7.4 Safety Case as argument for the “Confirmation of Functional” Safety based on the
validated Safety Goals and verified work-products as planned based on the Safety Concept
external measures are also addressed, but impacts from outside of the boundary or
malfunctions affected by external systems or even realized in other technology are
not direct addressed. Especially touch protection (electrical safety), chemical or
toxically effects due substances are not addressed. Especially for people protection
as required in the machinery directives, no information could be found in ISO
26262. This means that safety case according ISO 26262 is only a matter of safety
technical correct functions and their deterministic behavior in case of failure
(Fig. 7.4).
ISO 26262 requires mainly the compiled work-products derived from the safety
activities during concept and development phase as planned based of the safety
goals and the defined safety concept. Those should provide sufficient evidence for
the functional safety of the item.
The safety case based on the safety argumentation of the following aspects:
• Are the scope and work-products of the individual safety activities consistent?
• Were the failure and safety analyses sufficiently and correctly performed?
• Were relevant adequate safety measures implemented for the imaginable
• Verification of all relevant work results
• Validation of safety goals (are they correct, sufficient and fully achieved)
• Assessment of all activities and work-products included in the safety case
The chapter for the Safety Case has been intentionally placed at the end of this
book since the reproducible evidence of functional safety for an Item represents the
aim of ISO 26262. Safety Validation and Functional Safety Assessment provide
mayor arguments for the Safety Case although the entire Safety Case is object of the
Functional Safety Assessment. The safety concepts of today’s vehicle systems are
7.4 Safety Case 265
1. [ISO 26262]. ISO 26262 (2011): Road vehicles – Functional safety. International Organization
for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
Advance Product Quality Planning (APQP), EGAS, 93, 198
18, 31, 33 Electrical and/or Electronic system (E/E
Analysis of dependent failure (ADF), 132, 158, system), 86
164, 166, 176, 190 Electrical safety, 264
Anti Blocking System (ABS), 96 Electronic Stability Control (ESC), 92
Arbitration, 96 Embedded software, 212
ASIL decomposition, 103, 110, 161, 190 Equipment under Control, 98
Assessment, 2, 254, 256, 258, 262–264 Error, 77, 92, 95, 102, 112, 114, 117, 121, 124,
Automotive Safety Integrity Level 126, 130, 133, 135, 137, 142, 155, 161,
(ASIL), 3, 4 177, 182, 192, 198
Automotive Safety-Lifecycle, 33 Ethernet, 209, 210
Automotive SPICE®, 24 Event Tree Analysis (ETA), 118, 121, 171
Autosar, 93, 195 Exposure, 81, 87
External measures, 96, 161
Cascading failure, 142, 164, 166 F
Confirmation measures, 254, 256, 258, 262 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA),
Confirmation Review(s), 254, 255, 257, 260, 115, 118, 124, 127, 136, 138, 175
261 Failure rate(s), 49, 117, 122, 145, 151, 158,
Context switch, 213 176, 187
Controllability, 81, 85, 91 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), 116, 121, 139
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
D (FMVSS) 135, 92, 171
Dangerous situation, 81, 85, 90 Freedom from interference, 148, 165
Degradation, 78, 96, 135, 174, 196 Frequency mode, 84
Degree of Independence, 256 Functional hierarchy, 83, 90
Dependent failures, 157, 165, 168 Functional Safety, 8, 11, 15, 17, 18, 30, 37
Design-FMEA (D-FMEA), 97, 115, 128, 136, Functional Safety Assessment, 254, 255, 258,
137, 154, 173, 184, 185, 192 262, 263
Destabilization, 85 Functional Safety Audits, 261
Detected fault, 96, 116 Function analysis, 78
Development interface agreement (DIA), 185 Function Decomposition, 78
Diagnostic coverage, 103, 143, 150
Driving situation, 82, 83, 92, 95, 110, 112, 118, H
161, 171, 172 Hardware architectural metrics, 122, 152
Duration mode, 84 Harm, 8, 11
Independent failures, 77, 129 Random hardware failure, 103, 121, 123, 129,
Inheritance, 132 151, 157, 167–169, 176, 187
Injuries, 85 Real-time, 206, 208, 209, 211, 214
Integration, 217, 218, 220, 222, 223, 233, 234, Real-time embedded system, 211
236, 240, 243 Release for Production, 248
Intended functionality, 76, 81, 92, 99, 105, Reliability, 43–45, 49, 50
140, 143, 166, 171, 196 Reliability Block Diagram (RBD), 103, 115,
Item, 76, 81, 82, 87, 91, 96, 146 118, 123, 139, 142, 172
Residual fault, 137, 149, 151, 157
L Risk, 7–9, 12, 15, 30, 34
Latent fault, 103, 146, 150, 176
Latent-fault metric (LFM), 146, 150 S
Safe fault, 137, 149, 151
M Safe state, 78, 94, 96, 137, 155, 156, 190
Malfunction, 80, 81, 83, 84, 87, 90, 95, 101, Safety, 8, 9, 12, 16, 26, 33, 34, 36, 37
115, 132, 136, 172, 173, 176, 191 Safety Case, 253, 257, 258, 261–264
Malfunctional behaviour, 121 Safety corridor, 106
Management of functional safety, 35–37 Safety culture, 14, 15, 17, 35
Model-based development, 239 Safety-engineering, 43, 46, 49
Multiple-point failure, 77 Safety goal, 77, 81, 82, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 98,
Multiple-point fault, 103, 141, 151, 152 99, 102, 104, 115, 130, 135, 138, 144, 146,
148, 151, 154, 157, 161, 176, 195
N Safety-in-Use, 171, 172
Non-preemptive, 211 Safety-lifecycle, 35–37
Safety mechanism, 77, 80, 82, 90, 92, 93, 103,
O 114, 126, 137, 145, 151, 152, 154, 161,
Operating conditions, 83, 90, 116, 131, 157 166, 173, 182, 195, 198
Operating environment, 87, 98 Safety of the intended Functionality, 99, 140,
Operating system (OS), 211, 213 166, 171
Operation mode, 130, 134, 139 Safety-related special characteristic, 188
Safety validation, 218, 236, 238, 242
P Scheduler, 214
P-Diagram, 244, 245 Security, 25, 38, 177
Perceived fault, 147, 151 Severity, 85, 86, 116
Perspective of an architecture, 51, 58 Severity of harm, 85
Plausibilisation, 95 Single-point failure, 138
Preemptive, 211 Single-point fault, 137, 141, 146, 150, 176, 190
Preliminary architectural assumptions, 106 Single-point fault metric (SPFM), 146, 149,
Probabilistic Metric for random Hardware 152, 162
Failures (PMHF), 156, 162, 176 Spiral Model, 31
Probability of occurrence, 85, 86, 129 System, 49, 50, 52, 53, 57, 59, 60, 62, 66, 68,
Process-FMEA (P-FMEA), 136, 176 71
Process Verification, 260 Systematic failure, 77, 123, 132, 137, 144, 147,
Product-FMEA, 136, 137, 185 155, 175, 186, 195
Index 269
Technical safety concept (TSC), 94, 97, 106, Verification, 217, 218, 220, 222–229, 232, 234,
124, 144, 146, 147, 172, 180 239, 240, 242, 245, 248
Threat, 177 Vertical view, 57
Tolerable risk, 86 View of architecture, 56
Touch protection, 90, 188 V-Model, 22, 23, 31
Traffic participants, 86
Transient fault, 152 W
Waterfall-model, 30