Laws of The Telestial Kingdom
Laws of The Telestial Kingdom
Laws of The Telestial Kingdom
Please Read: Book of Enoch Chapter 61
Please Read: Sacred Book of Adam
which will lead you back to Bible and Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants etc.
Talmage; "In the telestial world there are innumerable degrees comparable to the varying
light of the stars. Yet all who receive of any one of these orders of glory are at last saved,
and upon them Satan will finally have no claim” (James E. Talmage, The Articles of Faith,
1 The Telestial Kingdom an extension of earth life with the veil simply being lifted minus
satan and his demons. They will now always know what they did forever that God’s live
and that there are still consequences for their actions. (Specifically that Jesus is the Christ
and is the literal Son of God Elohim).
2 Every person will be supplied with a home. This is covered further below...
4 In the beginning there will be no drugs, alcohol or substance. However people have free
agency and companies will again (be built) try to manipulate the minds of the people.
5 Food will be craved even with a resurrected body, however no death will come to
anyone which is an eternal law. Both food and water will not be needed to survive ever
again. Food and drink must be earned not given. If ye become closer to the Lord, ye will
lose temptations and cravings of the body. This is the Law.
Individual farming will be huge and will grow bigger and faster than earth life. Toilets are
not needed. Even with full knowledge of consequences they will continue to sin but there
will always be consequences of both good and evil. But the devil shall have no power over
them as he is now and forever in outer darkness.
6 God’s army will police the world (Transformer type characters that I will cover below).
However, men and women can become police. Hospitals are not needed. This truth will
surpass all understanding when it is witnessed by Man in this kingdom. There will be other
temptations that the earthly mind cannot comprehend and will be discussed at a later time.
7 Companies will be built again with same benefits and problems as before. People will
vote on what they want for minimum wage. There will be a sheet where each person will
fill out to decide who runs their world and what stores they want. I will bring all of this to
their world however they must build after that.
8 Thunder and Lightning will be more severe and they will feel and know when I’m
9 All music will be allowed and pleasures in life that exist on earth except ability to perform
sexually. However in the degree above in the same kingdom (Telestial) they can have
sexual acts but cannot can never be married. In the higher laws of the Highest degree of
the Telestial Kingdom one can eventually be married (But not recognized Celestially) . He
or She must prove their forgiveness and forsake their past. This could be eons and eons
of time depending on your choices for this ordinance for those whom desire it.
10 Someone’s color of skin will be taught the truth about how they came to be including
The Mark of Cain and the Curse of Ham.
Everyone will know the truth of how they became. People will judge and remember what
their neighbor or government official did to them while they lived on earth and either forget
or continue in their ways. Free agency is again the Law of this world and this is eternal.
11 Schools of all kinds will be available. No one will ever stop learning.
12 Church will be every Sunday for one hour and wards will begin services. The
punishment for not going will be dealing with me through the Holy Ghost and those
consequences of Fire by Light as a reminder to go even though they have free agency. I
will establish a First Presidency, 12 Apostles churches and temples. There will be freedom
of religion but everyone will know the truth and never forget. Man in this kingdom will look
for ways out. There is none.
This is not possible and death cometh to no one.
This life will far surpass earth life. Although a degree of glory, this is of the stars and is not
a Celestial or even a Terrestrial life. Those who become part of this world will have deal
with the angels of Christ during the 1000 year millennium. A pain which one cannot bareth
but have no choice. Do NOT seek this kingdom as it's of the filthy on earth from the
beginning of man to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.
These were adulterers on earth, sorcerers, sign seekers, liars, etc, people who denied
Christ. It would be wise if ye readeth the Sacred Book of Adam to understand how
your choices will affect which kingdom you become.
13 There will be money and financial gain. The currency will say “IN GOD WE KNOW” (As
they now know God Lives and are beyond “trust”) (I show the money below).
14 There will still be liars to say everything was a dream and aliens are coming. The
vicious cycle just like earth will begin from where it left off. People will actually try to
convince others that earth life was one big dream and not real. Deception will again arise.
Free agency will be just that. But people will never forget the truth.
15 All scriptures from earth will be supplied to every home. They will never forget. New
scriptures will be written. There will be apostles of this earth that will get to use their power
along with me and never forget that Elohim will always be in charge along with his beloved
Son Jesus Christ. My goal will be to find 12 Apostles to develop the new church on this
earth but with same ordinances and principals found on earth life of Jesus Christ, but in
the meantime will bring 12 from the Celestial Kingdom whom I choose to lead the people
in righteousness.
16 There will be entire entertainment awards including ESPN (if that’s what they choose)
to Oscars to movie stars etc. This world will be whatever their hearts desires. The world as
you know now will have the same laws that have governed them minus satan and his
demons. If one cannot handle this kingdom and wants out, they will be cast out to the last
degree of the Telestial Kingdom to live in that torment. Your choices will again become
17 Eve and my fun will come again from what we see (the people, tv) except I’m now your
God. But you will never pray to me for I am not Elohim or Jesus Christ. I'm Adam who
became Michael the Archangel who you will witness in the year 2041. This is not the 2nd
coming but it is the last moments on earth.
But my God is God the Father and Jesus Christ. I will receive council from them as they
see fit obviously which is daily, hourly, minute by minute. My eternal life is dedicated to
God the Father and Jesus Christ.
18 There will be second coming on this earth too. Elohim and Jesus Christ will now allow
me to come on their great and dreadful day where they can be punished according to their
WORKS. No people will not die but they will feel still the wrath of God (me) as Jesus
Christ will not even visit, nor will Elohim (God the Father) this world that I must be with for
all eternity. Only the Holy Ghost will be with you along with me Adam and my bride Eve.
19 People will be free to choose and do as they will with consequences. There will be
prisons. There will be a government chosen by the people. You will remember how filthy
government became with the people you chose. You get to again make those you choose
become the leaders of this world. I warn you now, do not make the same mistakes and
learn from the people who blinded you in the first place. Choose God over Man.
This is the only way for true peace. You can become better than you ever thought but you
must work at it daily.
20 NFL, NBA, MLB etc will be brought back. Rules will again be made. Again all voted by
the people not me. This world is yours to do what you want with it much like earth.
21 News will be available again and all free agency will return. Telestial is earth life
without satan.
22 Telestial people will again choose against Gods and go to dark side trying to still
believe they can overcome Elohim, Jesus Christ, The Holy Ghost and Me. By their works
they will be punished. However they can progress to higher kingdoms within the Telestial
23 I will place many things from their old life on earth made available to them immediately
including vehicles to motorcycles to walmart’s ect...and homes.
24 No one will pay for their home to start with. Each will be given a home and size based
on how they treated others and how much they cared about God.
They can obtain bigger and other homes by working for them. Cars will also be provided.
The poor on earth will become the rich and vise versa depending on your true self and
how you treated others and the Savior. Like a hard-drive or cloud in the sky that knows all
God knows more as do I too. Justice will be done. And you will be grateful depending on
your choices now and then.
25 Athletic ability, spirituality, mental abilities will be brought from Earth life. Whatever on
earth you obtained will be brought here but with the ability to progress physically mentally
and spiritually can happen quickly depending on your hearts desire and faithfulness. It’s
conceivable for a righteous white/black man (or Woman) in this kingdom that never had
the skills on earth, to obtain better skills than say a Lebron James or Michael Jordan. This
is the Law.
26 People can still try to kill. However “Kill” needs to be defined in this kingdom. It could
be very similar to groundhogs day where death is real but they continue to comeback and
live. The pain of death will feel the same as earth spiritually but not physically. A spirtual
death far outweighs a physical death. Discover this now or you will face that time which no
man can bareth.
There will be serious punishment for anyone who “kills” anyone else for gain. For what
goes up in a kingdom can go down. This is God’s law. Everyone is given an equal chance
in the first Telestial Kingdom but there are below just as above. This is the great catch 22
or the double edge sword. This is the LAW.
27 Everyone will be reminded of what they did on earth and how bad they were. This will
never end in their progression and they will always realize they blew it on earth. Their
actions could keep them humble as they always strive to prove themselves (hopefully).
They will can still be envious and jealous. Feelings from earth will never be forgotten but
can be overcome. They must be diligent and start over or return to their normal selves and
will be punished as such. Everything is up to you as it always has been. This again is
God's Law.
28 Fruit will grow on trees everywhere. Vegetables will also be everywhere and farming
can/will be very big. It will surpass all understanding how good it tastes and how good it
smells. Nothing on earth can compete. A banana in the Telestial Kingdom far surpasses
the banana on earth life that you witness now.
Everyone will learn the trade and livestock will be a very popular way to eat and live.
Water will be abundant in the beginning but could become less depending on people’s
actions. This kingdom will be more quickly upon individuals meaning if you’re living the
gospel your trees will prosper, if not, yours will not and everyone will see your filthy ways.
29 There will be snow sometimes as well as usual sunshine with mountains and deserts.
There will still be 24 hours in a day. Your prayers will be answered faster in this Telestial
life depending on your actions as you live within the community. Be faithful and you will
prosper. The man whom is low on the totem pole in earth life will not be in the Telestial
Kingdom. For everything will be based on your trust in God. This is the Law. If you mock
God or are doing everything just for gain and not for a real spirituality, you will gain nothing
like the current sign seekers on earth life now which are FILTHY.
31 There will be a government that is founded on God the Father and Jesus Christ’s
central teachings including what I personally add with the help of my First Presidency,
Apostles and Special Council as listed below. There will also be a devil amongst you. I
know him now. He will be punished like the torment you faced during the Millennium and
will deal with me for eternity. For it would have been better he never been born.
32 There will be animals everywhere that can communicate with each person
telepathically. There will be dinosaurs as well. There will be other animals never seen
before and created through me with the help of God the Father and Jesus Christ. I can
create nothing without God the Father or Jesus Christ. This is my law. They do give me
the freedom to run this kingdom for all eternity but without them above me I am NOTHING
and you are nothing without me, for I am Adam of the Old Testament whom lived 930
years and was the firstborn with Eve. Amen.
33 There will be no families unless they progress to a higher degree within the Telestial
Kingdom. There are many mansions with The Telestial Kingdom. Being sealed in the
Temple, The House of the Lord was mocked by you. This punishment of single life is now
yours. This is the law.
34 All sin is removed but there still is passion for life and there is strong feelings of love
and sex. There will be strong feelings of remorse and sorrow for the mistakes they/you
made on earth. They will never forget that. You will bring everything you are to this life
from earth. The same desires, however one can overcome with a broken heart and
contrite spirit along with enduring through the pain for however long it takes. This life is
eternal. It's forever. This is the law.
35 There are hunger pains each day as well as thirst. However, there are no reasons for
the bathroom. That will be removed from every house. Drinks will be allowed and water. If
they choose drugs and alcohol, people will and companies will provide individuals with
bars on corners again but people will never forget the truth and know it this time. If they
choose evil or good still? There will be consequences. Water will be in abundance in every
city of this earth. Weather will be better than earth and everything will grow bigger. Insects
will all be safe and no one will care if they are around. Snakes will also be around just as
on earth and they cannot die. Everything is eternal in the Telestial Kingdom.
36 All travel will be done by Sunshine. Each vehicle will be solar powered but with far
greater lengths to travel along with Godly Priesthood powers that one can posses but
must earned not given. You must again be baptized as in the Sacred Book of Adam and
receive the gift of the Holy Ghost to start your new life. Do not tempt God as He nor I will
be tempted. We KNOW everything you will ever do.
37 There will be beautiful beaches and mountains all over this world more beautiful than
any on earth today.
38 There will be my palace for people to visit from afar and wonder about my wife Eve and
I. Some may get the chance to meet me when made available unto them. We will live in
every continent that will exist in this earth which also hath a dome above you. We will visit
our people and animals daily.
39 People will have a chance to progress or digress inside this Kingdom. The lowest
degree which is below the first level of the Telestial Kingdom is a kingdom which is a
prison of physical, spiritual and mental woe.
40 There will be stores where people can take what they need without paying in the
beginning. However it will be rationed. The 10 commandments will apply and those that
break them will deal with me and my Apostles who were chosen before they were born.
41 There will be TV. All TV, Movies that have ever been made will be available. Free
agency with everything at one's fingertips. A mark will be left on everyone from earth if
they chose the number of the beast. It can be removed but one must be obedient. This is
their mark to their world and everyone will see it.
42 There will be sleep. People will still need to recharge physically but have more energy
than ever before and no need for junk food although they will have cravings. There will
never be fat people or cancer but in a lesser telestial kingdom they may see those things
without death similar to Cain on the earth now as found in the book of Genesis which is
literal not a metaphor. Progression is back and forth, up and down for eternity unlike the
Celestial Kingdom. The Celestial is only up for those who obtain it.
43 People will learn to respect themselves, each other and GOD and Jesus Christ The
Holy Ghost and Me IN THAT ORDER. If not, the life they lead will be much like that of
earth. You will get what you deserve. Karma is God's law, for what goes around comes
44 People will feel spiritual pain but scratches and burns will be forgotten and removed
forever as well as broken bones. Spiritual pain will become the norm for this world. This is
the law.
45 Animals will be given the same agency. They will be able to make decisions and their
actions will also be accountable by me.
46 Housing will bought and loans will be given to everyone after their first home. From
Single Units with cooking supplied to large mansions. Units/Homes can be occupied by
multiple people however no couples will ever be recognized in this eternal kingdom.
Everything their heart desires can be brought back but with consequences. Everything is
again up to the individual including the entire LGBTQ community. They will be told this but
they again will experiment to find out just how far they can go (again) and disobey as they
have free agency. There will be consequences for both good and bad behavior which are
eternal laws of God and I now control.
47 People will dream of past present and future events. They will never forget their past -
Good or bad. They will dream about God and the life they could have had had they been
faithful to the teachings of the Savior. They will realize how bad they were and never
forget. If they try suicide, nothing will happen as this has been removed which will also
become their individual torture.
48 Every movie will back and they will have quicker access than ever before. Everything
will be on demand. From G to XXX rated. They will again choose the life they want. The
irony will again be that sex is not possible but with all the same desires before they
arrived. Physical intimacy will be possible but the orgasm will not. Procreation is done
away with. However, one can progress to the higher law while still in the Telestial
Kingdom but must be earned by obedience.
49 There will be fighting and arguing like before. In many ways this kingdom will be just
like the Millennium but with filthy people from earth.
50 There will be Sunday school and Temples at the top of mountains with same
ordinances that we use today and anything else that God the Father and the Savior see fit
or deemed worthy for me to add.
51 Everyone will need a temple recommend same as here to enter the Temples (House of
The Lord). But it must be earned. The same as here on Earth.
52 Every nation will speak fluent English regardless of dispensation they came from or
area of the world. However every nation that was brought here will continue to speak their
native languages. Anything they learned will be continued here. People will learn from
every culture now because everyone speaks English. The Adamic language will be
available now to all people to learn if they so choose.
53 Everyone will now know that God’s Live and that Jesus is the Christ. However they will
do as they please.
54 There will be nightlife and bad parts of their world just like everywhere else. They will
feel cold and misery even in the Telestial world. The veil is removed from them forever
which is the difference. Double Edge Sword/Catch 22 will be fully understood.
55 Natural foods on trees will be everywhere and an endless supply but will need to be
watered daily just like now. They will taste better than ever. However they will need to
water their plants and things in some ways could look worse if neighbors do not take care
of their lawn.
56 People will still wear clothes and stores will make them available. Stores again will be
made available. Loans will be again given and must be paid back just like in the last
America - Zion.
57 Everyone will know they earned where they are by their actions.
58 People will feel sensations for cold and will still need a jacket. Homes will be supplied
with my power but again payments must be made via their electronic payment. There will
be voted people in office with everyone making a decision on whom they want to run the
government. People who wish to run for office will again run and everything will be very
similar to earth life with exceptions.
59 Real science will be taught. New powers will be released over time. People could learn
to fly without a plane. Theories will be a thing of the past and mocked. People will never
live down from others how science lied and well as government. People will mock those
that lied and were all caught on earth. Everything will go just like earth.
60 There will be no power of procreation but the desire to do so will never leave. The
punishment for denying the Savior, Jesus Christ in this Kingdom will not be tolerated
unlike earthlife now. This is my law. There will be consequences either way.
61 People will continue to make movies and do all of the things as hobbies we do now.
However they will be more mindful of their neighbors and give more than they receive as
this is a natural law. But some will still choose against the righteous teachings and be
removed from this Kingdom to the lesser kingdoms of the Telestial Kingdom. They will
have names too. I will begin to give them now as of April 6, 2019 --- People will finally
know and understand that Jesus Christ was born on April 6th and was crucified on that
same day 33 years later.
62 There (will) be a chosen one on this earth as well just as I with an ability to leave this
Kingdom with his spouse and move on to a higher kingdom. He can receive the highest
ability and return with everything like me. He will however never be able to leave the
Highest degree of the Telestial Kingdom at this point in my revelation.
63 Those who still don’t want to follow directions and continue to be a nuisance -- THERE
WILL BE CONSEQUENCES BY ME (They will suffer spiritually, mentally and physically in
and out of their homes)
64 There will be no ailments so therefore there will be no excuses for poor health.
65 The purge could become a reality once per year in a lesser Kingdom of the Telestial
World. However no one will ever see death but will feel spiritual death which is an Eternal
Law of God in this kingdom.
66 There will be 4 corners of this kingdom which will have dragons, dinosaurs, as well as
a disney type land that is incomprehensible. Disneylands on steroids the 100 times the
size of disneyworld today. Inside Disney there will be a dedicated site to God the Father
(Elohim) and Jesus Christ and Adam. This is my law.
67 People will never die but will feel pain from the spirit depending on how they act.
68 Every School now teaches the real Priesthood to each person’s benefit. Give them
hope and dreams through God and allow them powers in this Kingdom. A school like
Harry Potter but only for the righteous within this Kingdom.
69 There will be a Transformer Type characters that watches over everyone. They will be
like in the movie. He will be commanded by me. His army will keep the peace and rules
but will cause havoc when needed. I will expand on him when given more thought. Every
city will contain this army. They will rule over everyone. The fear of God will be with
anyone that tries to harm them. The Transformers will always be kind unless I give them
direction otherwise. They will obey me as their God. The real Angels of the world will also
help in all of this decision making. I can have anyone from my choosing to help me in this
great fight against this people including Noah who is The Angel Gabriel.
70 My army will be called God’s army. It will be a transformer type. The world will respect
unlike anything you’ve ever seen. He will talk to the righteous of this world but none other.
He will sound like the movie and his name will be Maximus. I will give Maximus power
over these. He will remove anyone out of this world and into a temporary prison for a
lesser Telestial world if needs be. What goes up can come down inside this kingdom. This
is the law
71 Place buildings amongst them in every kindred tongue people and nation of this
kingdom that they may begin to start secret combinations if they so choose. Allow the
spirit of the Holy Ghost over them to decide which direction they wish to choose. They can
either progress or digress as it is their choice and there will be consequences either way.
72 Each person the day they arrive will receive a telestial money chip. It will have an
amount of whatever their worth is at this point. Each day they will be given money that is
earned as I see fit. The chip is made of stone.
73 This is Maximus:
74 Maximus can travel at speeds of 180 MPH. He can transform into anything he so
desire chooses and will never disobey me. He has full respect of me and loves me. He
prays to God the Father and Jesus Christ just as we do he knows God the Father is the
King over me and Jesus is the Christ who is greater than I. He loves this and so do I and
gives all glory to God the Father Elohim and Jesus Christ followed by me.
75 Maximus tells me the daily problems and needs of his army and of my people in the
Telestial Kingdom. He is my servant and reports daily (even though I know everything they
will still report to me). He loves his job so much he cries. He has a huge heart. He is
armed with a multitude of weapons: a photon rifle, a chaingun, retractable
forearm-mounted pulse blasters and machine guns, shoulder-mounted smokestack blast
cannons, and an energy sword. Regardless of Maximus past, he is a great leader with no
doubts about himself or decision making.
76 He is 22 feet tall. He lived in the time of the Old Testament. Jesus Christ knew him. He
was one of the giants known as a watcher. His new armor is different than his old
testament body. Even he was resurrected but in this new form.
77 Maximus loves children. He loves animals. His heart is as big as mine after all, he was
given our spirit.
78 The people are intimidated by him. His army also surrounds our Telestial earthly
palace Eve and I. And everyone knows this. People can drive by and see the palace that’s
on the beach and it’s massive. They also see all of the transform type characters
protecting it. It’s massive and intimidating. Hard to fathom. Surpasses all understanding to
79 They have a sense of humor and are funny and talk to each other. They are filled with
balance and are spotless with no power to create or understanding of that (at this point).
80 Most of the entertainment industry will be in this kingdom. They will continue to
entertain the worlds above them. This will make them happy and content for eternity. This
will never end. Double edge sword.
81 People’s biggest fears are here including bigfoot, bad dreams, satan etc. But satan is
bound forever. Anyone can overcome anything in this kingdom if they choose God over
their selfishness.
82 All vehicles from our current world are available in this world. A car collectors dream.
83 All planes are available and ones that no one have ever witnessed on earth.
84 Man will have to worry about being attacked by machines from other worlds or atleast
fear that. Terminator movie will become their reality. They will pray for safety and need to
rely on God.
85 Man will fall into their traps like on earth. The cycle begins again for some.
86 Man will continue to develop machines to try to defeat me. They will still believe than
can overcome God because of their new knowledge of how things work. I do know how
God became but this secret will not be revealed unto anyone until they are proven and
can handle the truth.
87 My thought was to have them wake up after 1000 years of suffering and in the home
where they were last on telestial kingdom. Almost like a dream but a reality that they all
88 This is the great irony: The very machines they invented? Will now rule over them for
eternity unless they turn their life to God and get to the next progression of the Telestial
Kingdom which is above this one. The “internet” will be turned back on for everyone. They
will get all their info from it of both good and bad.
89 More law I will write but they will come in due time. Please check back every so often
to read and re-read the laws of the Telestial Kingdom.
My 12 Apostles as well as First Presidency are as such as they will be in the Celestial
Kingdom but as I need help they will be with me and lead the people with me
(Adam/Michael). Most of these Brethren mentioned are part of the 144,000 as in The Book
of Revelation
First Presidency:
1. Joseph Smith
2. Spencer W. Kimball
3. Henry B. Eyring
12 Apostles:
1. President John W. Hardy
2. Curtis Salisbury
3. Keith Reilly
4. Paul Hansen
5. John Beifus
6. Russ Reilly
7. Trevor Reilly
8. John The Revelator
9. Noah
10. Moses
11. Isaiah
12. Nephi
Special Council will come with whom are voted in the Pre-Existence -- And made
known to me, in this dispensation.
*Enoch, Seth, Melchizedek, Job, Thomas S. Monson, Sean Salisbury, James (Brother of
Jesus Christ), Peter, Mark Bellini, Robbie Bosco, Lavell Edwards, Bruce R. McConkey,
Hugh Nibley, Norm Chow, Brigham Young, Daniel, Ezekiel, Malachi, Richard Salisbury,
Kevin Salisbury, Ty Detmer, Apostle Paul, Sean Elder, Keith Simons, Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob, Joseph, Alma, Alma the Younger, Jay Mann, Kory Kelly, Fred Whittingham, Kyle
Whittingham, Tom Young, Michael Young, Steve Young, Billy Barty, Thurl Bailey, Gordon
Jump, Donny Osmond, Neil A. Maxwell, James E. Talmage, Ezra Taft Benson, Chuck
Nielson, Jeff Wynn, John the Baptist, Wayne Reilly, Elijah, Lazarus of Bethany, Matthew,
Mark, Luke will all be part of my Special Council as will others when I announce them
through Revelation from our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Sacred Book of Adam:
The Laws of the Telestial Kingdom by Adam whom is Michael the Archangel:
Laws of the Telestial Kingdom, Wikidot: