Credit Management SAP
Credit Management SAP
Credit Management SAP
Credit management is the management of credit facility granted to customers as credit exposure
allowed. Credit facility is just like telling our customers that they need not pay immediately, they can
pay at a future point of time after receiving the goods or services. But, this payment at a future point of
time involves risk. So, according to the risk foreseen, the amount and time of credit (Credit Exposure)
granted changes. For some customers, the risk perceived may be high such that we may demand
payment in advance.
This credit management comes partially under preview of Sales and Distribution (SD) and partially of
Account Receivables (AR).
Key challenge: Reducing credit risk without hampering the supply chain.
Dealing with Bad Debt: Before getting involved, ask yourself:
Automatically alert the credit representative of a customer’s critical credit situation as soon as order
processing starts and he may be able to check a customer’s credit situation quickly and reliably, and,
in line with the appropriate credit policy, to decide whether the customer should be granted credit.
Credit Check
Every customer is having a certain credit limit, which is measured and maintained by Finance
people. Credit check is done for each and every order/SD documents generated.
Credit check is performed at the following stages of Sales order cycle, Credit check settings present
in each SD document is responsible for interacting with FI module.
Figure 1:Stages of Credit Check
Configuration Setting
Define Risk Category
SPRO > Financial Accounting > Account Receivable and Accounts Payable > Credit Management > Credit
Control Account > Define Risk Categories
Blank – If the field is left blank, the SD documents are ignored and only open receivables
and open special G/L items are used for calculating credit exposure.
000012 – When a new order is created, the open order value is added to the credit
exposure. When the order is delivered, the open order value is subtracted and the open
delivery value added to the exposure. On billing the delivery, open delivery value is
subtracted and the open billing value is added to the exposure. When billing posts to
accounting, the open billing value is subtracted and the open A/R value added to the
exposure. The exposure is finally reduced when the cash is applied against open A/R.
000015 – Calculates exposure without considering open sales order value. When the
order is delivered, the open delivery value is added to exposure. On billing the delivery,
open delivery value is subtracted and the open billing value is added to the exposure.
When billing posts to accounting, the open billing value is subtracted and the open A/R
value added to the exposure. The exposure is finally reduced when the cash is applied
against open A/R.
00018 – This is relevant for non-delivery-relevant orders only. When a new order is
created, the open delivery value is added to the credit exposure. When the order is billed,
the open delivery value is subtracted and the open billing added to the exposure. When
billing posts to accounting, the open billing value is subtracted and the open A/R value
added to the exposure. The exposure is finally reduced when the cash is applied against
open A/R.
Multiple company codes are clubbed under the same credit control area. So, if the customer
transacts with company codes which are under the same credit control area, the limit is set
for all the company codes combined together.
If the currencies of these company codes are different from that of the credit control area, the
receivables are converted to the credit control area currency to check with the credit limit set.
Centralized credit management has benefits such as easier analysis of credit policy and modifications
required, the focus is shifted to other important areas such as bad debt reductions and improved
customer relations as there is only a central credit team that needs to be consulted irrespective of the
geography etc.
System may respond with a warning message in the sales order [OR]
Warning message and a delivery block [OR]
Error message, which will cause the document not to be saved.
Overview Screen
It gives an overview of credit settings of the customer.
Customer‘s credit limit, credit exposure, percentage of credit limit used and horizon (as
applicable in dynamic credit check) are presented as status
Payment history along with the average number of days taken for payment is shown
Payment data contains details such as authorized cash discount and unauthorized cash
discount that was available for cleared items, the outstanding receivables in sales days
Dunning data consists of dunning area for the customer, when he was last dunned and the
dunning level reached during the last dunning run
Control contains the credit risk category of the customer, date of the last check on customer
credit limit, if the customer is blocked for credit management business transactions, the credit
representative group responsible for the customer, the payment history classification, the
financial standing of the customer and date when the credit check of the customer was
carried out last.
Figure 14: Overview Screen
Central Data Screen
It gives an overview of central credit limit settings of the customer.
The maximum permitted credit limit as a total of limits across all credit control areas to which
the customer is assigned
The maximum permitted individual credit limit that a customer can have under any one credit
control area
The currency in which the two maximum limits are specified. This is because we can enter the
central data in any currency of choice, independently of the currencies of the control areas
The currently exhausted credit limit as a total (percentage) across all credit control areas to
which the customer is assigned (should be less than or equal to max limit)
The currently assigned largest credit limit across all credit control areas to which the customer
is assigned (should be less than or equal to max limit)
Date on which the most recent general information about the customer was obtained
Figure 15: Central Data Screen
Status Screen
Shows the customer’s actual individual details according to particular credit control area
The credit limit for the credit control area, credit account if the limit is to be specified for a
group of customers, the percentage of credit exposure, horizon date to be taken into
consideration, the receivables, special G\L transactions and the order value not yet
transferred to FI used for the credit exposure calculation as well as the amount of secured
receivables is shown under credit limit data
The credit risk category, credit representative group, customer credit group and customer
group used mainly for sorting or reporting, the reference data for customer credit review, if the
customer is blocked for credit management business transactions, the last and next internal
review date for the customer credit limit as applicable to the particular credit control area are
shown under Internal data
The date of last external review, the credit information number as applicable to external
agency, the classification of payment history of the customer as well as the financial standing
is shown under external data
Figure 16: Status Screen
Credit Check at work in Sales Order creation
When sales order is created (SD), system verifies the credit limit used by the customer by
communicating with values set in FD32 (FI)
Figure 17: Credit Check
Release Sales Documents from Credit Block
Block will be released if the Agent discussed with Customer and / or payment is received from
Customer. VKM1, VKM3 and VKM5 are key T codes used to release Sales and Delivery documents
from Credit Block. For the document selected, the following options are available: